VOL. IV.] g CHABLOTTE, X C. TJESVAT, JimiL 8, 1828. [NO. 177 PUIJI.ISIIEI) WEKKI.Y Bv LEIMUEI. // Three Dollars a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the riiscrction of the editor, until all arrtarag'es are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid und cliargod accordingly. coxFicTios.mr, FuriT Htiire, t^c. subscriber inforn)s the citizens of Char- I. iottc and its vicinity, thnt slie li;is rented the liouii' hitely o cupitd by IVIr. 'I'liomas A. Nrrmt iit, a*, a iii-nry, and that she has just opt’i.ed an nsbCii tii.. nt of Dandies, of every l, s r.piion, .Aiii.('h's, F'gs, I’runcs, Haisns, Vcul l:-rli y, K'ico, f^n oktd tl« rrings, Oysters, t’nirki rs, I'ickled Kis!i, and IMiiladclphia Beer; with a bUpplv of anl >ng:ir, Stc. H veil LL COHEN. Jaiiuury ?1, lS^‘-38—3nit79 ( hrtsUuniiI'.~Chi\A\i\.vi\\y contains a profess ed revelation (t I'le will ot (iod, exhibits obvi. ous and simple t\ 'lence of the nature of virtue and vice, furnlslx.-; the strongest possible mo- tives for virtuous conduct, often reforms vicious men, pr('mj)ts to extensive philanthropy, im parts principles that support men under the trials of life, assures us of eternal existence be. yond the grave, and if it is not an eternal por tion of felicity, it is not its own fault. Gregory. Spavtsfi Maxim.—Perfect equality exists only among the dead. i)iss()LU'H()\. flUFF. coparlin rsliip hcret tore existing bc- t w 'I'lI>A.> 'I'HO I rKI' & (’() uitsdis- «, \'.il on thi Ijlh instant, by mutual coii'^ent. J’l i'uU bted to \\ ill please call ai\d set tle lieir respective aicoui ts, without dela\, as vt wish to close the concern as soon aa resi:j|e. (::.„r'otte, .Tan. 22d, 1S28-67. i iu\ JJE'l II GitLHS. SPEECH OF Mli KAKILEri. Extract from Mr. U.irtlett’s Speech in the House of Uepreseutatives. In answi r lo the intfrestinj^ view of our tinancial prosperity presented by the netuleman fVem Pennsyi\atiia,(Mr. Ser- geani,) who addressed the Iloube on Sa- turiliiy, i[»e f»entlemati from Viigiuia has s lid tiiai this ari(i iormer .Adniinistraiions have fiot accounted for all the means which atue intotlieir haticls—ihutfive millions a ytar, are accounted (or—t!iat if, in w. Ive years, they have paid seventy & JSUmOFS fur Sale, , '*' “’ons of public debt, they had three l^Y Virtue of a Deed ot Trust, exvcnte.' M ^ ed tniU.ons of revrwuc. ^Vhe^ceth. Jj William Scott, to sernrt a certuin debt! ^enilemao obtains hts 3 hundred nulliohs therein tnentioned, 1 will sell, at public vendtie ' -tppear. iiui suppose that the on 1'ucsday, the i?9th of April n xt, on the pre-j true sum, he surely Can be al no loss to mises, that valuable tract of !.am., known in , find, in ihe i--leresl ol’the public debt, the name of the Brick llonse tract, lyinK onl occasion for an application of the reui the south branch «jf Mdl-Crei k, two miles w( st ! . n- i . i , of Tnckasecge Ford, joining th lards of Cap-. j •'‘^ce.pts anu the. Caldwell, John He.ay, James Smith andotl.eis,, of the expenses ul Ciovenipcnt. containiiig 570 aeri s! j ai u i-efluctic>n of the prnuip. I. Umi Ft w tracts of equal size, in this section of, t;ike the j^entleman’s own ptisitiuti, at;(l country, aflord a greater proj)ort.on of g(.od ; |uj a eininetitiy i«bov( every olhec Adtniii- h.nd. A p:.r..eu!ur description is tUm..- un-| , ^ jj nec«ssar\, astl'ose Wishing to purthas( will, (f , ... » • course, exun.re ter th*n,.elvis. 1 A(U>Mnis! r., TJJOTTKn & III N riN(i n,‘N, IVtilrh Makers iind Jcu'ellers. OF till' late fivn! of i iiomas Thorrhii Co. letve re- nuni-d flieir e? t:iblif;!imeiit to the bnili irig t.p]) site Mr.Jtio. 1 Sloan’s m w house, about 50 irds iiorlii ot llic Ct.url- IJoiise, where they are pre- I pared to carry on the above I bnsiiics.s, in all its various hr;»iiclie.-», lu. iit atness and despatch. 'I lu y have a liandsome as.'^ortni. ».t of gold aiul silver Patent Levers, andgooil [)iuln Watches; Cen- tlenien’s ,.nd Ladies’ gul'i Chains, Seals and Ke\s; Pe H, Filagree ami P;.ste Ear Kings, Breast Flos and Finger WingN of handsome patterns; .‘'ilvcr I :il)l( am! I e;i Spoon.«, ann and convenient ^lurt lloiM, and all other out varlou.s other articles in their iine, which they j l)>iililinjvs necessurv tor the comfortable resi- wlll sell low lor C^sii. ^o exu-tlor.s w ill he • ^ I'.niily ; together with a W ell of spared, on thei' pan. to gl>e ceinpate sati.st.i.^ - - - ■ tion to those witu n^l^ favor tlu iw with tlair 'Fhc Gild }imc on this tract is coi 'idin d qual to an_\ in the {;(.!d reglop, S; ' r .is it has bt ( n txaniihC'', its n.iiierHlogit i. 'li.iii'ts are sop* nor ti> tho.se of the ncl i: i ^ >*erklen'' nrg, ;i oiiixlii.g in va't tp i,’ » ! • s ( t pvi-ites, wliieli scicntitic mintrs pri ii' wi i ■. ’!:e true i^old ore. At the same timi and plr.re. 1 li m il two likely n gro won t n, and oi e or ;»•, *. cl iinen. 'I'erni?, oin-tlnrd rasli ; appn \ i c -1 noii. w ill be taken for the retr.uii n .. tw( -;| n'^ SIUNFY .' H ' K' !>. Lincoln County, ^^urch 14. I'.S- YALUAliJ tTtoA; \ Y ivit s.:i.L. KlNtj desirous to remove from this . ountry, I ofl'er fur Fule ni\ HOUSl^ am! LOTS in the iji it.iity seven millions of I’eiii, V, i;l) ,iti inrojiu' of two huiidieci nri! (>.venty-'igh' iitillions of revenue; ^ i" ‘.iie in ihtee years, has •i. (l'.!',iri\-ti'ue tiujlions ol' piincipal ! i! itil* res’, r’.'iiti I’ui seventy two MX'. hii(, ,i! cl Ir.is al'.o expended tvn iv.’ ii.iiiiMii I'lii- pi-ru ;'!ieiit works It vM!, ( tia- 111 crelarv , ill hiS hiSt ali i e baiisl'artoi y tn (^ 'i^;r hiji diiiiii).’ 1 i;e I liree V Cars i" tj'H siion, l)''st(li-.s tlic“se pjjti.eJUs ira'le n accouiu . (d till (U t)t, cMul ull oilier po} lilt tils to ; n ( r 1 ! Ik aniiuai«, xjcnsi-s o!' (io\ ernrnent, j lyi'};e 'Uins liuN( bt I ti L.p|died lo objects I w I .ir riif a i !i. !\.c:er tieitlier u ii.jiorary oi Janii'al.” i i'e suni thus eXj'jctrJt d (or I perntutu'Dt intprovt inctits. is s'a'.ed to I be twelve ni Ilions. The Seerei.ii y adds, a nation, that after providing loi th« Mr. liartletf. A much simpkT pro cess, and one which hj'.s the advantage of beinp; accurate, is,to take the estim ates of expenditures for the year as ap pear by the Secretary’s report, which, instead of thirteen inilliors, gives us the precise sum of Ss,590,380 -14. ] In 1801, the expenditures of the Cov- ernment were l«,oCl,fl46 5C—the re ceipts oftlie same year were S12,31C,- 53095. In 1808, t he expend uures ol Gov- ernmcnt were 5S 16,704,580 20—the re ceipts of the same year wei’e Rl7,100,- 6619.1. In the first of which years llu aniouiii of w hat tlie s'entleman ternjs the ( urrent expenses of Cioveriiincnt, was a fraction over six millions five hundre(* ihouband iloliars, instead of the sum o? three or ft)ur millions by him supj>ose(. What w as the rondition of this ruunti . 'lu-n, and « hat is it th'a ? C an the hab ilinients of .lu cradle b» futed to the sizi and proportions of maniioti ? .At tnat perit>d referred tt>, tiiis House coiis.Si* i‘ ;>fo?ie hundred and ie». ty member '-—'io.*. wf two hundred aiil iliirteen l i e Seiiui tiien con-isted I f ihiriy-'wo ti'i-tr.‘>ers- fiow of for^y e iglit. llu x. us's o! ;hese two braiich> h was l >eii i64,5'J6 dol l.iis—il is now 47l,8i»() dt)liars. For ai .Xmi'V, in IH02. we iuul 2.400 men, ai eo^t «>l 844.00y didlars ; we have tiow G.OOO iiien, at a eost ol 2,050,317 ilollai s. W t: l,ud then, instead of a Njvv. six il^ I frigaies, seven sloops of war, and som» j jguiiboats—with nine Captains, thirty-six I ! Lu utenants, atid one humlred and fifty ' Midshipmen, at a cost ol §900,000—w* In 1823, #82,0(^ In 1826, fl87,500 1824, 189,.500 1827, 81,009 1825, 213,000 40,000 Panam!|| 1828, 49.0UQ patronage'. ClUillotte ..Inal 7ep.H-lJ bl>e, elevcr. ess to know^ :sloops ot war, besides ’‘schooners and sntaller vessels—with tiiii i)-tljrer Captains, two hundred and I vvenry nine Lieutenants, and three hun dred ami t'inei)-»wo Midshipnien, at a eost of 3,286.649 dollars. Wiiat was then our leni;ory coni|)ared willi the ptesent, and v. hat the condilitm of it f l iie wh>>Ie tegioh Northwest ol tin Oiiii' sent a Singh' Dele;.^ate—who is novv- in t' Senate, siipjioried by eighteen Hepresen- of \vlKr.- I M \ rrsullr 5uppol7oii\'sV.ovi^rI'i.' '“'''''■r;, “‘i;'■■ Snialcl-s (.on. Il',- s il j^ood tlw house, larg^c . i • i - ■ » ^aiiic *1 t*i*ritui'V. I tu* uiiii of our Ciox- ■ ‘ in nrocet*(J in this ijiunntT in the pjvnit nt , ituuui). nuaMii muu v ofuspublicdebt,Sc inaddilional.lisi.urse- inetits so Considerable, for w hich eqni va-! ^ ^ lenis remain, that, for the most pan, are approach the Rw ky .v.^untains ; a.,d of permanent value to the nation, cannot 1 liotn ugiiiia [ ii Jan. 29, 1828 —66. THii JlKiH ! ni I) HOUSE 'Fhe lot is in good repair, I all the fences having been made new within a I few months ]iast. The situation is one of the I most desirable in the village, cither as regards huilth, a stand for busini&s, or good neighbor- hot)d. I will also sell a tract of land adjoining the [town. The land is of good quality, wtll tim- ' bered, atid w hat is cleared, under a good fence. n ^ . - , . U\.iVvi, auvi %>iitvisicivnicu,iiiutvi a^v'v/^idiw* ^ 'Fhe price will be made to suit the times. Ap- v.dua!. e Horse frem Mr. ' , subscriber. Stockton, I wi.l sUiiH. him/-' GREEN KENDRICK. ; Charlotte, March 12th, l«28.-74tf. ha - - hi , on ^’U.n'-r Creek, flv l ivir fi'st v..;rking »la\s in I-K b w k. to lie It I to mares at tin re-[ t!ii(.(il ]i:-.ce of tl.'.-c dollars the single visit, j paid at the tlnu of srr\ice ; five dollars'he st a-^ son. p.y.ihle llie 15t!i of Drtol'er i'.e\t , umlten h.ie t's to insure a inari' with fo;'l. 'I'he S' ason ^OTICK. TllEnottd JACK, formerly the property of jMr. Hnndly. be nuarc'. d as wh\”r ’ U,u7'nroH,cnms !im-aii. ■. plain uu in itsiinaiKial condition.” I standard at tfie inouih ol \'iigiiiia ieii' to pi ' the Or. g Ml. Thut purl of the gentleman’s calctila-j Sjncc that jicriod, our domain lias »‘ve- ticiiS which was it.tendi rl to show that j I'y h re been exlendid b\ txiinguisb burdens bun.e by the Peoj)le of this conn-1'nent ol Indian ti'lc. Oui coutaiy has try aie {jreaterthan have been estimated, b'-en carrie'd triumpliaiuiy tt.rui,;.;!i wa . dot's not pretend to conncct with that' M iHioii'-, in claims growing jut wf it, result any cetnure of those v.ho tiuw . have In en paid, wlul* a miliujn and a administer thr CTtjVernment. 1ju», I am I'.iM in a year has b(cn disti ilnKed lo ‘he not willing that the I’eople be ituliued Jo uni'iant ol the Pa'; lot .Ainiyol the Ke-- believe they are sufFering evils I’roin any olniion. T he soiuiersot the Arm\, w it.; causes that do not exist. Ifl tU;deistood tin ir increased pay, ai.tl present peileii A ]m)pen\ oT Mr. iinmiiy. of (rentleiiiati’s purpose, it Was to prove ci ^iiii z.ilinn, itw ib be lound, cosi us ionMw*^ miVs^eid^ a great amount of tax to the (i„vei n- less per man, than at tiu tune referie.i .. 1 . i,,.i. * n ...>,i ... ,1 non, two miles ncTtii oM iiar oite, i fi'st of AiiLHist (are '.vl'il be t.ken In pn vent "'“•er the management of James Murpliex, sen. ' ment, to be paid by the People ; and nil , lo, v. liile t:ie permanent lot tresses upon a' ci len'ts tir escapes but 1 will in.t b! liable Jack is in fine order, ainl w ill be let to mares at the liberty of assuming what premises/>ut coa'l3 and 11 outters, i;ive securily to foreltli r. * dollars the season ; teti dollars lo insure; we choose, any desired result i.s »-asily towns and terliloiy. I houga in .1 \M S was put bv (ien. Hampton’s Old Fwig. and two dollars thi smgle visit. I ne ' ubtained. He assumes, as Ihe amtjunl I 'var, our gallani Nuvy cfitiiinatids respect, IS gut by (ien. Hampton’s Old Fwig. A lir.'tliei' desi nption is ('.(eiiicd nseb ss, a* it “is hope ! that all who wisii tobrieil liiii' .tnd valiia' le colts, w ill ca'.l ■\ihI indgi- for them- Selvts. J.WtLS DLNKINS. I’ebniury 2fi, ISJS.-SlSO. \{)VSG Aiuiiii:, ./?,v O'/o Sir of JiuanokCy >> _ IV’II.I. st.ind the insuing f.▼ » season, ;it tl'.e stort of tin-*on & i'layfcV, at Heaiy’.s * ‘'’''1' "I'bin 18 miles oi I.in- coliitoi), and ol Cln.rlofte; and will he let to M. rt s nt t!,c' \er\ nioileratt price ef j'R the h.ts now co'i ni( need, aiul will end the last i.f Jnlv. i bis J.ick IS consideretl as suie as any titli’er, as all the mares, w ith viry few exci.p- tions, pul to him last year, are w itli foal. W M. IMVII)SON. March 15lh, 182S.-74tf. Slate oT Nortli-CarormH, MKCKLEXIU-liG COT’>TV. Svperinr lovrt oj Ldir. Fnil Trnn.\2':7. ' (lovernment by the Slates; w'hile the of revenue twenty-ine millions—ti.e true I and secures lavor—\et,in peace, ive (eel receij'ls of the y«’ar being tw eiily-t wo ' iis exper.ses, and lorgei its protection, millions. He adds live millions as ihe , It is too (dien spoken (d as an (Xpendilurc percentage of the merchant,of which IdoMur the seaboard, ant! lor the merchaiii. not understand the process of converting ^ I'ruc, ii islhe shield to our citizen and into a (lovernment tax. I'o this thiriy j bis p!'u[)eriy in the remf/lest sea. biii this millions, twenty millions arc added fur ■ benefit r; enjo\ed c(|na'ly by llie lai nu r I he tar.es assessed for the support id beyond the Alleghany, as the ciiizen ol Jane Main t'i. Andrew Main.—Petition te.r Di- fai t is, that if all th-J Sl.i't s assessed tiie I ^..me as \'irginia and New York, the wh.jh- sum would be but twe.ve mi.11cm,s. the sati-faet';on of the court, f the . State ;- -lt is is Onieretl l>> tiie eoi>r>, that pub- I’l appi ariiig to that tilt liel'eiulaiit is not a rtsident i •i.'-on, f.) the : ;ngle ie.ij', anil ?!5 the insiir-1 |,i ni uK 6 weeks in tin C i'awba .loiir- ance, the nioiie) fv>r in^i.raiiei will I. e claimed forth- (htceduit to appear ai oiiriiLXt Sii •IS soon as tliernarc is disi ovt red to be with i i,.,\^^to i.e held lor ,'ltckh u So !ar Irom this, many of the Slates i aHii. no IT,Die than from I'oi iy to six'/ lliua- ihe port w hence the aijuadron sails. ’1 lie jjrotcction j;iven to our commerce is a ledtjclion from the raU; of insurarice, a!v av'- in eitVct paid by tl.c j^rower of the ptoducl, or the consumer of the impon Liid (luring one period of our (iovern- sand dollars anmiai!, for the SLi]ip''rt ol ' meiit, an c.xi einliiure of 800,000 in ioai, ortho property cliangi d SIR js .1 liraviiilul (ni’j, 7 \ea;T- old novt «prlng, Up'.v.ini-. of 1C) liaiu'.s lii^h, of grrsd jiowt r, - Tit'll aod \ii;‘ol‘; and, in puln. of blood, is info- flor to no horse in the St.ntlie'ii Statt s, as will hr een by tin'ibllou In^ c ertllieate f i oin Judge Calm ron and Mr. Hi. iiiie'ian, ot Orai.gt , w hich liill\ establislii's his pedigee . “ W'f ecrtlly. tloit I be iiay Stud horse YoitU'^ sold in Angii -t last to Mr Allreil M. }>u'’'in. of l.incli'ii loniiM, ua-> r.ilsi d (.y u->; tl'.iit III' wa-. got 1,\ On! Sir .Kichie, his dam b^ Ea;;'.!', his gran ilaiii b\ tlu' iinpor'.t'd horse liniid, hisgrrat, great d.im, h) Mark Antlion). ille vva.-i si\ \e.iis old last spllll^^ Jitunari/2J, 1H2H. DIM AN CAMF.KOV. 7 riuiM VS J). iu;nm.iia::.’’s The season w ill con.niencc on the 1-t ?larel:, ami end on tin 1st of AngnsI ; good pust(;ra;.'e will he fiirnised t>T;.t!s, and ^^raln i? • ’h( market pnee, If re(inired ; carf will bi la-1 ken I prevei ! acelilents or escapi s, but ho li- , ribllit', tor either. Ai.FUEl) M. F.UH I'ON. Fi hrnarv IJ, i;;:H.- 5t77. burg coiint_\, at tin oiirt llonsf in C .arloite. on 7tb Monilay aft*, r tl.;'4*li in NCircb, 182H, and answer, pli'ad or deinnr t - neiitloner’s pe tition; otherwise it will be he-ard ex parte, and decreed ae«. ordinglv. JAS M, lie rCllfSUN, c. s. c. T.. 6t81—per. adv. #2 5(;. I i»V .Vvv\\\-i'v\viA\i\a, MKC KI.KMU K(. COl'N fV. Cinirf af I Fill! T,,m. 1.'.,,'.' 5 .tohii Weeks, I !' ajipear'.n; Gi ('i:.VTS UEW.llU). \N A^' ' Vfrotn the snl)s''riber. i, Wiillain l!-yd, an Indeiiti d :i: ..•ruitn e. An; pi r‘on tle.'t u 11 - h\( r tin- :-aid apprt ntii e to ii.i at n ' • house, si. ill recei\e the I'ovi •'twaro. .!A(.'OIl LI'.AK. I/‘4)cn!n Ci’i'it':,-, .Miivch 16. lc«> —r;‘"rc. (ioNerMuent, making a gios,s sum of boui -iie miliioni ituiead of twenty mil lions. \\ • slifMihl, d course, c*me to vt-r. (hil itnt Ksniis. 'I'iiat g'M.thoian, assnm-itg as the amonni iianl. iif y mil lions i'l diillai'', while w • iiiid ;io pi'ooi’d •a still' O'er t w t iil\-tfii'i'" irillii’ns. Aiioiiier arg’Jiiii nt to thei c!'ur^,e of e\'I'avaratil i :;pendi:urr, is at-| t'lnj.i'd to I'.e r.umb'd itjiori a :omi)ari-j ■ or. ot I Ills etui the .\(.!initiis!i alim of Mr I .1. iiers(jt). I I hanli llie geiilieriian loi t;al-' Adm’r. jr. 'I'lio; ti. Folk, L.v’r. |mg ut to '.his coinpari- ot' Il pt o-.is andi.tlurs, i t h j i i he t coiioii. leul pM tu i pies ol' Jiil'ir tothe s.'tisf ction of the Cnirt, son kv ere not So suet essi o il v retluced lo pr je i ;ce e ven by liirnseil', as tl’,v‘\ li:ivi I.f'. 11 during Ihe l.tsi three \iars. i rotn 1 in I e or loo r miiiiwns, in J» f.erson’s An- I) ini^t ratU'n. Sii) s t lit }.'( n h ii:ii. 'Mii t \ j endilu’ es have inc re.issed, i,i om -loui ;ii id J c«ntur\, lo tweiii y-iive iiiillions. [.Mr. !ives rose lo t xplain. I!e said ill cohsicioi'd thiee or I'n'j:' tn.lhons as ordinai y curtent expi ti'-es ol Jeiier- '( n’s .Adininistralion ; and the «jrditiar\ | curi ent t xpenses ol ihe presctil ihii let n millions. !i’i reu'iing lb( Navy, s;ved lo the country Sh.600,000 in a sin;;le year, in the reduc tion ol premiums'.1'i.isui-ance upon out tonnairc. \li\aiithr l!i I iiison, N'ney l!o in I’oiir'-'Oii ;i' it I htiinpsoii Kohii son tl,:.t l.iei a'u Sat.h r ai.ii M r_\ his v\ ife ; I lio- 1,1 :ni son an i to beeea bis w f'e , NiOs> s \i- 1 p. t.i ■! .I.iiie I-'.' w i » . • 'shorin lU’Oii'.son, .l.nu' „t I :j01i, J.i u'Il iu!;o s ill Itiis suit, li\.- ’ e\(nul tl li- nnts I I this st.tr: Orilired, that piii,hr..tion t.e in h' si:;Witk-> in ti ( ('atawi>it .Imirnal, that they ;.ppi ur ;.i the m \i oni-1 ol l.qn.t;, lu Lw lii ld for bi.iil conntV, -it the • oiift-ilouse in Chirlottc, on tlie 7th Moii i.'\ alur ih- 4‘i> '^nidav t .'1 h. ai.d p'l- 'd lo tin- hdl of (oi'.pl.'ii t ; Jiihn Wieks, .\dm i.ist:-alor w;tli ’lie wi'l '111- xei'. of Janus l'i .nson, oih- ii'-,. lie ii|f gini ;n pro cui.lissi; will he enii red jiains' thrill. 1). |{. ni'M AP, CUrk. Aj/iil 1, 1 pr. aov, 'i'he ,xpens‘’s of foreif);n intercourse ha\e!>cen a iheme»f givat ompIaini,atHl I otM' upon which the gentleniaii has also itisli'.i-'ted a cot^i|)urison. 1 will not only attend to his co!n[)arisor;,. hut extend i! ijaektoih.e origin ofibt; (iov.rnment. Let ns. howe\ei, take witii us the !a( t. tlia‘ V.e l.ave now more missions upon the r.--;ti!'.eril ol’ South America, than v.-e hnvei:[)on l!ie coritineni ol I'nio])'". Hy !he reduction of the g.fi d-ol tin luission , .it Clhili to a CiKUge, flosernmerit has I been » iia!)led to senil a (.lharge to I) n- |fna'l,, where v/e huve ci.iinis in coiilro- I versy. I '1 frentlennn st..ted, that tiif^ expenFe of 1 fere:/n ii.ti.reoni'-e in ihe thiee last years el j M'-. Monrof’s Adii.inistratioii, an.onnt. d to ! 2SO,0(iJ dollars, and the s-oiie expei.se in the 1 thr c lli -t \ euis it thi- jiri-senl, ini.ou’ I to H 00./dollirs; ir.aking tli'j present exeeed the rrner bv 267,0-'0 iloll.nrs. The f. lla( y or er- lo be i ,.,,p „f htateniein, is in inijmt:nj'; lo ,^h• I .\daiiis oil.- )ear of the e\p- iisi s ineurn d and Mr. liarlletl said he did not know hov pioVidetl for belore he came to the oiliee. 1 he le histl.irteen millions, appropriation hn- 182.7, was i. ade in Fe'.rnary, $484,500 *457.500 I.c.ivlng the expense of the last three years, 27,000 dollars less than the three !»st ippropri- .'.tions of the preceding Administration. Jhit, let us look still further back, and first, to Washington’s Administration. I h f.ireigt* intercourse appropriations were thm as fol lows : #1.733 33 In the time of J. \ «■’ *. In 1791, 1792, 78,766 67 In 1797, #17‘\^' 4 2,1 1793, 89,500 01) 1798, S4..ril .2 1791-, 116,403 51 1799, 199..-74 U 1795, 912,(m5 12 18ut.', 18.>.i45.>3 1796, 109.739 64 ’ — $1, V5S,8:7 .7 S79 .vlS'J In Mr. Jefferser,’; ’inie, tb''S- e\p» > re. In 1801, 4*'1.'>9 .-’ .1 7') In »>2,6o .62 1802 4'n, ,'5..> 62 18‘)(>, 1,0 9 18'j;, l.i." 1.96m ;>4 1RJ7. '• 1804. 1 1-9,.'91 62 18 b, 2 -ti more to do ( 1.1 V' ;•! I: I n> u> //(»; tin gtti.l*man m,»dt ..... • .* ''"■'■"'"j'’ j v.hieh, Mr. Adams had i I ,N., . Him- ^uuI he vt.iuKI If II In..., I m,c, , v> r l„. n.„v In , ; V as bv taki!)^; tliif atntni’.u paid •‘-''''•il'd . |,^j, ^ i^|i tj,^; apjiroprialion of this yrar. Ihe j ti e debt il'onilli'i wl.yic aiuyUQl of tx-. of approprialions for fce^'jo ipter- I p'.ridiLurcS- 1 cuuim; tl:'vn svunds thm i7 f'.xchisive of » xpense of Haroary i>i r, O'l -e. ' ' esi talde-« an antlK IKK a;"i s'io-a ', ' e»« • \ l,-.r trom lln' faet nnay !>'• fJie con,, etnci; .. d ssv rtioMs respecting the incr. .ismg .^lr*va- g.mce ami proili^ality of tiie l-Jjivern'i.i. in. .in. I hat .ti in of the t x[>en . of fort igtl int. re'inrsr, emhra' . d under tlu tub ;f con- liiig. lit I xpe-'S s, h,.s hei n ai'.vi rteil t as a soui'Ct'ol j,M'e.ii a' us. . Mere, for answer, let U9 resf.ri to ofVuijI iloeti.nei.ts. There was i \p mietl of this fund — In 1823. >.'.0,5.‘4 .’>7 In li»26, #18 627 07 1824, 20,145 78 18 7, 36,.’48 6;i 1825, 25,474 9.5 1828, noapprop’n dv’tPi J76,2o5 05 ?5 1,875 70 'I'his, wliicb is designated a* tin co.itingen® fund, till after the ch.se of Mr. Jefferson’s ttina w as not tlistingiilsbeil, but eml)raccd in a gene ral sum for Foreign Inte.rctnirse. Fhe amo\int of this fund expentled in the five la-it years of Mr. M dison’s .idministralion. waj* 1^29,1,310 03, making an average of 1^38,668 ft _ year. The amount of this finul expended in the e ght years of Mr. Monroe’s administration, wMs 5^289,316 78, making an aver.ige of )S36,- in 59. Fhe .'.moimt of this fund expended in tho tw'o\(;.rsT) v| of Mr. Ailams' administratlim, w hih- no aj)|n'"prlatioii is i .Vedfbrthe jivesenf year, wp> f5l,875 70, making an averane o^ ^27,137 85 I r tin two years ; a sum less, an- nual'y, ’ban was expeinlcd by iN’r. M.uI.m.ii. J'3I,2.)U, 15 ; less, aniiu.illy '' an the snin e.\- pen eit bv '’r.- >!oiiro«, bs H,7 6 74. .\noth( r viev» of tb s sii' _;i et pre .i-nts result* fqu;i!l\ tnuii pln:it in ta-.or-'t tlie* Aihnn.istra- lion, as tioes cv'erv vi.w ioondeil n;j'»n C.cts, and not •'onj^ • ture ..ml supp. s tion. Take till- approp)i.'li' ii' '•' 1823, 4. and 5, Ifichnhi.g all Mimsti. rs, Clr.ri'i s, Agi nis ol* Cl itiis. y-.-er. lai n s, ( le tin-rut (-\p ’-.si s, in- ttri oiiis*- wrh R .rliary I’owtrs, .md r. I I oP siek ai'tl listi'. ^s (1 “-ean. n, iiul t! «• liiiies . ' For 18 ,), S.198.455 17 i or 1HJ6, 1«24. 26.J,5iOOO It. 7. 2„o,000 1825, 00 1S.;8, do- durtii'g tinex- }i743,955 17 peiided balance, C2,000 $548,500 Which is IrsR.hy gl65.455 17, iham the same items of the three preceding; years. I prefer sur h facts to any com ment, and I present ‘^licb facls as sceiiii to me to need nocommcjit. 'i'he gentle* man’s remark upon our ‘•financial mi?- lenium,” has romethinf]^ mote of justico in It than b« supposed, v/hcn it war. made : for, if there has been any pcriorfl ill our (Government which in trutU he so desitMialed, this i^i that pcnor.?. ,\nd what is iiis answer r.nd hi'j com'« iiieni ? An cx*rac» from tii" letter of Ju« niub to the T.ditor r,i’the Punlir Advert' liser, describin'7 the rJi.'j'rv't:c3, rca# or imaginary, of ]',n{>iand : an cxtrac^■ intere-.ting as a tpccimon oi’ htiC! \vrit~ ing—doubly i:ifc:e;ilin™ as exhibiting^ by contrast, ouro\7n happy condit'on. Uut, says the gen'Ieman, v,c liear complaints —our manuliicturrrscomplain vil'dcprcE- sion. ml dors he j'.roposo to r^’lievA the.n ? And i-s il this i\dminisiralion or its friends that refuse lo lijten to tlieir lotreaties? 'I’I’.e questions lacd iiO answer. Again, we are asked, why aro I here niajorities in both branches of tiio Legislature opposed lo the present riov- ernmen r So far from being the result . fdisconienl in the great body of iha Peo[)!e, il c(.»mes frtmi a fact directly iho reveise. 'I'hey were content anti liappy, and in their repose have h.\ve snrfered diaappointi d political Zr.ah lots lo o!)t...;n the power of misreprCiCn- ling lh( m. from their own confidt nre iit the wistlo.n and justice of the ineasure** • d the (;overnm«-nt, that required not heir ( n.'i is to protect or support thertv A ( oiifidt nee frofti whicii. w lien achaiigei tjf mea'-urei is threatened them, tiu- peo ple will ai t)USf* from llu ir slumbeis. and» like Sampson, burst the botuls w nh whic!» , idiiiral aspit ants attempt lo hii;d them, lint why should there b.' disc.onlent iii un\ (piartei 1 answer, iti il.»; woi'Not* on* who has weil observed hiima’i .1,'iurei .^mong all ranks and degrees ol men, “in all ages, and inal* coun'tir m ly bo seen the ra:»id luotsleps ».f a dark spii'- •*it of envy, trendi ig dost ly, every ••whrTf, np(>n the m..rch of gfea in ss, •S nih-L. voring lo s'JIy what is I'.eau i ilnl, ••and to lir.n'g down whal is ele^ aietl.’* Aijairi^ v., are told we liave

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