i ij/ii uati. Atid w ht n wVs the hub I i! ( An.j'iiCdH P.iii.c Mas a hif,'h« ■ «.f cli'-itm iioii iliiui it is now, wii« \ ( s\iiiz-d naMofi r When tlie p« i- tliiii il,i- AII t‘i u an fl.tg was a fciilVi jjrott c iiti t IV il'Z« (1 or sav:jj;c, ii tvtiy c(jiri»i- « r ihc ? \N jib it ii liul( )oil (lays> o Mr. JclTtrsun, sc cfun itkiitd u>, whin we could not sjiioud a yaul ol' caiivass oulhidc our haibois Hut was iioi bu.'^joct to insult iron* lilt' sn-.alli’st cunotj that rides ujjon tlie waicr ? 1 rt fer not to that pn iod in £i,\ d)sresj)rct to the (libtinguished in dividual who presiiitd ever us. Our country tlun liad not devtloptd its re- &ouri(£.—had no: actiuired its character. 'i'ht nilrman lui ihet says, that the JRiitibh West India colonial trade has bein lost hy the diplomatic hluniicrs ol tin- Adniiiiistration. Ikit whut arc iho lacts ? Durinj^ the adnunibtration vl ^,r. MfJTiroe, this sul)je( f w as unde/- Dt’j^oila'.icn. Our (Joveinment then in sisted (hut they should, in this irarit*. en- joy the san.e privilej^^rs as the British Colonies ol North America. That was the question ai the close of his tern*. S« soon as that point could with decency he surrendfi'fd by his successor, ii was i'IT- up. I'hen the liiiiish (iov« i nnuni insisted on regulaiin.^ the husitiess l>) leriprocul acts ol’li islution, which, in sie;.d ot h* ing secuietj hy tieaty, would J). v» It ft t.ur coinn-ei ce lo the capi ice oi iiiuii st of tlie Parliatnent of" (ii eai Itri- t.iit . ortv«i)ihe h*s? tui nidi aimihilatii.n, h) Dt ciee in Coui!( il. '1 his uiiiiuncia- lit I \s us uC( uTi.p.iiiii d with the hdcliiioi.ai su^;,estion, that, il weslu uld lej^isla'e J'l/i .lUih a jairpiibr, ihiy vtould ntjltvcti J o.fi cut an enc..ura{;t ii.i nt that ihey T 1 I. id n.t 11 us in sue h conipi omibe. C'on- 5ri» >-s d to act in that crisis, and left the Pi« s'.di 111 no al’( rnativt but to (Xi - Cii » foTrnei -xistin^r K,v\s. Jim, sir, suii- stijUiPt ne'.;(.t;htiiin wiiii aiu.tl,er I’ovser h. ^ bi ( UK (I lo that tr;de upon a hrlter iou' uauon lhi.ii any art ol I^.rii,iuuni V oil'(I a. SsM fi( n liub a I ft'uly wi;h ji li! I'uin, s-LUI inj/ reciprocal advaii- l3),i of'iadi vkih III \\ I si India l^>s- *( s.'.n-i. ; iiiid hy ;» tniiiy wuh Sweden, V hii I. appt ai b in tlu ]iu[,eni (-I'this Piorn- VM* have bi t uied u iiad‘ on the mos' a(,\.iMii^euUb to the Island of Si. Jj;.i .r.ou-nii u'i. 'i :rn gives us thr; in- 1*11 cl ii ude to i!,( l!i iijsl: IslaiK.'s. Our tj.,de 10 lijobi ]?.' I ds has i;ever beerilji.! in I lii'lfs (r n«-( essiiy to Lheir. 'I'hi'y Dn.ii still havi- them, and pi.y ll rniseivi s i'lii the iiiOirectness of ll:e tradi, while tl,nr ships arc excluded troin !he ttad- to this 11 uiiU }. ^Mviny us hoth iLc oui- >vuid ai.d horn( fn ij^ht. I shull refi:.i!) Iit^ni following ilic j^en- tl( nuin’s cornn.enis up-n the pow«>r .i thr I'levidfnt’b pa'i oi. as '■p(eiH'^ ir 'he ap(.(iinintfiiis to > lh( «■. and tin di'- bii'111'MIS (^r tilt I iil>ii( 11,01 «y. ll h; ' bi It M iK'tn stall (I, iiiKl. 1 Ijflii vf, uulv. ihi'’ tln'ir IS Uu; (iiic I fill rI in il.c lii \- eiin.tn. u\n vOtiih il . I’li sidt nl iia^ till' jb'i.luti. p-v\i( of api (;iii!nieiit—il'» Jv Itijiian ol t.'i » I fss. And ihe [lay- D I r I ol s'jlii if s I. JudjM s of (. (..urtb, nr d t 1 lit- I..WSOI (, 1 i.-p if^s. or u|on ci ii tl ;u Is t.ikt II I'v f( i r,(U - r lot s, upon the Ji VI 'I I Kis.. cunnot he very pov. ctlul en- Ij.iit s tvl 11 Hut tu e. iivn I«e on tht tabl Mr. Noble (U nieil that he had assisted, or w'as williiif' to axRist, in ur'^dintf to the lUist iht ohslitiients of tlu- honorable gcntleni.-iu frni Vorth-(;i»ro’liia. ,'ii the contrary,.hit viisl.cd to t them aHoat on Ocracock harbor. It the ^reiitlMnan wouM only havt- puticiice, not the pHtimce of .Tob, butai iMich as ihr jci'ntltrnan usujillr had, he belii-vcd tliat tlu; Indiana roud and Vho iinprovt nu-nt at Ocracock harbor, niij^ht be nccoinplisheil. lie v;is hapi y to sfi- ihat llic jii;iicip!t9 of Indiana VM-re {rii.diially spi fi*diii}^ amor j,"- ibc piople of Nnnh ( uroliua, Miul he visljfd •; ' '\v an i)pportiii)lt\ Id sl ow tbi*t the ;.'TacrinitM of liidiana :ind Oliin IoUk- sVbttui tl’ Il urna! provertunf, wits iu>l t.oii- iiited tl) iii.pruvciii-. iiUs madi; in IndKiii-i iiiid Ohio. Jlr. ’l!Mri>un suit! ili.it the pi nt\ n'ln bud not done l.iU. ti.e jubilcc ll’.;it In luid iloii- to tin- (••rrt'i inar lit- b.id im v* r b« liv-M-d diiit uny ir,* nibc r t tl c li."-,c w;it, i.ot willii.j; ti art in scnic ^;>y on tlie s.ut ji ti ot'tlu u-i 11. lie bad tluinglii tb.ilivii, }:eiiti>nuii 'i»nu- bt-i'i- with a di tcrnrinii'.tiii li> d« r (!i- tb.-.i qiu.ht'iiii. 'I bi-n- no in iTibt r, in Ik-Ii'mi', w iic-l lu-r in i'uvt.i- t)f' ti.f tarill, cr opposi-d to it. wlioi'.id not ft cl stroi’n ii'fi rc>>i in tbi n -i;!i (,f ihi- (jiiL-hlioiij anti v l t> V,I /. MiXit.iis fill- ils di i Is'c.ii Ik- itisiiritJ III {T.-I.11( tr :in fr(;in ,N(;itb-Carnlii;^, tb;«t he Was til I in- 'i.!! t \p «‘sinjc a t!t sire to pron ofi- tlic iiiUri-^i' t,f l,i>, .siate. li' In- iievt-ti >ilb till- nlli n an tlu' Ntnlb-Citroiin.t hue bet r. I 'niiciiil. \\lit ii(\ira propositioii, ol H rt-asnn; bli- (I'liiriirl11, slioititi i.t- tiiiidc liir «ny uppi(|iiiaiK'n ii;r inijiro\ t int niH m N'orUi- (,i.r(.lin;i, i.r in bis n.ttivt St.iU-, atijoiiuM^'', ht- woulJ sl.uH l! ill tliv i,riM-i|«hs i>t nbiu wi-rc not siT'lidi.ii'. Ilf sj>li«rK-d that t'lr j;, ntlr- rriHii frt.Hi Ni r;b-(’ai-olii.a must b-4\f ii,it>:ippre- bt-ntlitl bis nn-;ii,iii}^ -. and bf iissurcd iiiiii ol bis M.iifi rt- tbspiisiiit'll to miitf with biin in su()- pori-nj" ni(.aiurtB lor the bt iiifit of koith-(Ja roliiia. Mr. Hrar.i b, in reply, "aid that be u lied u itb uiirpherved tonbilenjc, on tlie binctrilA of tbe S« nutor fn nt Ohio. VIr. \^ i. bhtt r mtid th.nt a j'reat part ef tbr bii- bint-b« lit (!i rj,>Tt sh ongiiutti'd in tlic lloiisr cl Kc-pr-v »enlali\ >.. WLt n b.f whs a n.ei.djt r d that Ilon^e, It did nt'-nr to blin llu‘, as most ct the I iihiness Iit-d t;n ii-, '!i»- n-solotii n ft r tlif >idjf>nr:in ei.‘. .'.litaikl !.iiv»,- im nipiM tl.i ri. V. f bitvt !nd t\pii'i-!irf ot Ibf 1)11(1 i-f- lf( t: of fixii jf too ci%i :y a tl.«y for tht- adjoiim- n:i lit. 'i wo V i -jrs a;;f', I vt o iuj.'idi i d i iPi .. liit b bsd fia.'-'Hll the iltiu I ot !{• prtsit i.UiiiTe**, af ter c;4r-{:\l ari'd laborioi.-* tU i Ht.on, i»rre lost in tlic S( nate 1ui vi;int t tiine, to the f.'reat i d( triinrnt ot tlu- |piiblii- initnsl. 1 Mr. llcii'.on H tiii tl.iil, il, lixin^-tbe drw fr r ' the UTininallni) (.| tin- v- ssiun, w e luid i;o r.jrb' ' to consult ind.iVKiiKil tf (Ji;i dinv w.-is to ! fiinsuit the pubhr. int'-tt «,i. j»rui, as »i-|| as we j f'/uid, to desjjMtt ll tlu jiiiblic bi!t!iK-bU. Ilf j V as uv/ari' lii.ii ni;ii;_\ iinpt rt.iiit bill.s m ro, e\r.! y yea’-, cut oil b\ ilMt unie^ callfcl for by the Com!ijissi5n- * rs under ihe 11th Section of the I’lorida iieaiy, which w;iS read 8c laid on the tahle The inessajje from the I’resident of the United Stales, received yesterday, was lead, transnutting' “ coj)ies of a treaiv I oncluded on *he 1 5tli day of Nov., 1827. •>y Commissioners of tiie United States, iiid the Chiefs and head men of the Creek nation of Indians, which was duly ratifi- 1 d on the 5ih inst.” The message was then laid on the ta- ')Ie. Another message was reccivt d frotn the l're;,icli nt of the Uniteil States, by Mr. J'jhn Adams, j!'. his I'rivatc Secii- rjry, tr:iii>nnitlin{!; u resport of the Sic- ntiiiycf War, “in complianre wi'h a I ( solulio'i of the House of Heprrsentu- tnes, td'theStl inst. tonchinp; llu; fiutriu- tionof ant*\v ('lovei nment by tlu- ('hero- kee fri!)e ol Indians w itliin the Slates ,l North C;udina, (leorj^ia, Tennessee ant,! .\litij-dina, and reijueslii opies of t er lain cor respondetice rtla'iini,' thereto.’' '1 Ur message vas read and Lid on tl t I aide. INTKI.I.KiKNC K. yL,\.rm TnrHsr^T. .maimt ]9tb, 1T28. AlJ.'lit iiN.V 1 .N'l (>) ( ( M.iii vp. Mr IJr.ii," ll II m (It iliai i| i .''i n;.le |jri>cecd toil.' r i)ii>.,,:i n,t.ui t;t ibt iclh w ii.j; n hohitioii clh :• tl M n,t V i-c k (lie id ibt-Stna- tci > r I- j.' U:i k_v, ( N.r Ji,bnson ) J f'u iu'. T tui 11 1. I’KMdini of till- Sdirtle aMi ot 11 e I It iiM' of lit pn St i,t;iti\( adj mil tin rus(,teiivt Houses on tbt bti, Uay cl A pi 11 I .fM N‘r N' blf s;i d tbut tin restilulitii- w s [iie- ni.iore \Vf l.ii 11 iK.li in.poitaii! I ns m ■^8 !e- ic K IS. V't b^f', js (I, I'oi t i.otiiiiij; u r ()(- 3';fi'ik li:>rbi'r, ii .'i.!t!:-( ; rolina. isotbiiijf L:ii I I n d ni t'r tin liniiani rt at!, tn nth-. Jill I II'; lit 11 jy c] »>n it lube v\ere \try im- jiiiK.it .-111 jit s; ;4i,il be I opi tl an.jilc time ■W'.ii d bi h louttl f.ir till ir foiiMijcration. Mr. .Iiib: son, t f K\. w :.s vt i\ ^;ljd, lie Said, tb ’ tin Sfn:itr r ?n rii .Nt.iili-i ..ionna liuii taib-«I tl ( • It. i ii, II ol till ;-it i.aie 1(1 till >ubji I t. lU- had y- bun of tl..- i.p.iuon tl.ai it would j over the disbui si :r.t iits, and th ol bi^blv stuania^ei us Itii tlie jnibbt welf.irt , to ti\ tin- NKVV yollK, M.1UC1I ly 'I’he ilhine, arrived hi liosi'.n fro" Havre, hrifjs tlaies to the iO.n uli. have nn jiapers. I’rivate h-i ers j^ive the political intelligence atul the slate ol the inarkt'is. A letter of r'ebruary 2()ih, ri'ceiveil b\ her states “that the Ciiaiid Siiltan hd*^ issued his proclamalit)n, exjjiessinij bi^ di termination not to acknow led},'-e th irdtrpeiidence ol Cretie. and c;,ll4i on lii subjects, one ar(I nil, tt/dI lend t beir i igl i atid I'fiuiitr y.—'1 1 ei e w .'S lo be a meelinj.. ol the AinlcrfSSudors ai Coi !'u.” 'I’his does not seem to be verv sii^nifi- anf. Indi-ed, aen rdmi;';o the prou co of in.' aj^rei rner.i brnvti'n Kussiaantl Kn- jpurit!. which wepuoliih to-o;;v, u reioi^ni- tion o/ l/ie ijtutpnuieru'c aj Creue is not til bt il • ked of the I'i.r'i—';ui simply r ( on- ciliation. 'I’hi; (mel.s still to be iribu- i.i ies t.f the PoMe, but ).,M)vei iud by their {■v«n ii.atjibi: tit s, and Irec lo ixerciac ihi ir own rtIji;lor. J he new ni:!:iifcsto of tlic Porte Uas rcceivi d at I’ai is. The Jotirnal ilv!> I'ibnt.^ u piirtienl.ir i;.y ft r [ not bein^:; able to publis'i tl e w hide H li.e tlie adjo,;n,n„-nt. ;i xy. or tbin si i.jielsluok p,p,.rof ihc COll-.'rl', OS ihe fuliowinp eX ]w;iSfi.->i'iii cf till nniiil.s 1 ti^e int n iv is, tmy ^ ill butt lln-ii, d ,ti liUm ; iiid wbt-n tbi-de- . is.di) n ;.::e, ii.( \ 'C.aui, ’i in- 0( 111 tiy was piiiiii trlj intirislid m il'e );io- t * • dii^s o! ( i.i (!.s. «t:iij;-ii:s )b, iiii-ni;ir.\ ]Mii|i. (w, tbiii If-tal b^isii.tiiri . » \ !;> :s ;.(u • 'lug- tbe inti ll-Is t I ibe V. i st, w ■.not wt fi'tiil ,i|, ; hi tl b\ hNUij; I ( \* .1 [);•’,('iiar ilk_\ lui ..djoiiri ii t lit, lilt ) n^l^l^, till !i»;b iK*i»r- to H t t'iii'I - li/ll, bi b'st J. I V'UM ai Xit.iiN t»-t : I M ' ur l.ioiiK s‘ .101 n we ItM I tract ‘‘ As i? cvi-;ri,; lii.tt. the pretence of lii'it'y i:i l.'iVi-ur of t!iC (.jI eeks ten(!s to r'-jl'iTr;;,' less i’lleavijn p'Caeivc us than I') Tii.'se all the c.Miiiiies of l^urope aiur A.ia wlicjetlie (-retK.-i are mixed with the Mtjssiiliii...nb, fail into the hands cf tin- infidels, to put the U.-ijahs insensibly ei u'li, and j in the jdacc of the Ouonians nr.d i,l;t Ot- I. iitij.iuin. 1;m In VAi Old not IK.w lix iii)o:i tomans in tbe plate of tlie l^aj.^is : to ii.t Iiav. 1.1 IS i .s V .iiu j;- to met t t arly to j convert pet hrpo our moHines intocl tn ch- .-^lt Ihte, Mini to wi.il. bail : tbat is as Laid as' i , ■ i n . /■ vie eai :vUw.nU.ntMi.-. V wcV. i ti.af.c bells rc.'.ound (lojn ibem. The tpnsii.n XX... b'.it tiMn on the motion | ‘>11-'-^'air.ly and promi,tly to ai- ot Vir. I’lantb lotoiiMdtr tie nsulniion, and , Islau;;sni ^ncilher law nor iei- WHIWIWW strike their flags. One was run ashore and burnt by her crew j the others were boarded next morninj;:, und driven on snore being cut to pieces. 'I'bcre were ulso 15 frigates of 50 and 52 guns, and 450 men each ; 5 of them blew up with lheir crews, three were burnt next mor ning. 'I'herc were six double banked frigates, like 74’s cut down, with from 500 to 550 men—these were almost to tally destrojed. Of the 26 cor vettes, 18 were Turkish. They carried COO men each aud were almost all lost. The re mainder, 11 brigs aud 5 fire ships suffer ed terribly. Oil the 22d of October there remained afloat only ore dt.nble banked frigate, 15 corveettes and brigs jiermitted to wear their colors, and about 22 unarmed brigs and schooners. These complete the whole unmber that have lately sailed for Alexandria with troops. I^ord Coch rane’s opinion is, it is s^id, that a good 'lound di ubbliig is the otdy kind of Logic w hich the Turks can be made to compre hend. Perkins' Sttnm CaniiOn.—At the Lime Kiins (iretnw ich, on Saturday, a number •f s( it iiiiHc gentltmen and engineer of- jii ers witnessid the trial of Pei kins' earn cannon. A target was placed in a gravel pit at a distance of 220 yards from the canritin, and the firitig commenced at one and continued to half past two o’- I lock w iih tnflirig intermission. The '■.;.ils were six-pounds, and were dis.churg- t-d a! about twenty eight to thirty per ii it ute with a |>r» ssure of about 770 |i undb on the square inch. 'Ibis pres- siij-e, Mr. Pei kins slates in only hall \vhatthr engine is capable of; but the point blank range was so short a dis- tjiu e the extent of power was not recjuir- ‘ d —W e ol)si rved the Baron St. Denys, Aith another French ofli'er, and Capt. Jubnson, who exj)tes'ed their decided o- pinion as to tlie ii.erits of the same. Lo^s of Ihtlisli li*iii Llt))(is Li"-t Ol lbi7.)—270 vessels vvieikid ; 595(iiiveri on shore, but 398 111 ihi (1. kni>wii to have brt r ^oi ofi, arui piob.ibly sei VI ral f''l' rs ; 60 sui k ; 35 ahaiidoiiid at se;. ; .11 missii.g no doubi loundeied; 12 ci-ndemiit d as unseawor- ihy ; 5 burnt : 5 run down; 35 liritish ve«-3lswen“ ti.ken hy pii uiiIjuenos Avrean anti C oh n»bia crusiers, 11> of heni tdierw ards re-tak»n, and 11 jj;iven tip ; 41 wete plundeiecJ by ihe Ont-ks ol pioj>eiiy to u ver) ctuisiderable umuuni. 'lUH’MPlI OF AKT. Cirrat Irnprovethent in Pnnting.—It is antioiii.ceii in the 'I inies that tlut paper j is ]'i riled W illi ai in.proved niachn-e, the itivei non of Mi. Charles Apnlegeth, wb’ch strikes tfl'ihe astonishing number j' I favr (t.pies an hour, or sever- I'v ( -pies in a minute. '1 liis s|ued is aloSe thl Wellington was (o U First Lord of the Treasury, he woum apply for the post of Lord High Admi, ^yalsh. The Alexander, Captain Baldwain,ar, rived at Liverpool, in 15 davs from Capes of Delaware. The Salem, Can* Kichardson, arrived at New-York in ihg short j)assage of 22 days from l-ivei pq,? If a letter had been despatched fruni die Capes of Delaware by the Alexander and an answ er had been brought out b* the Salem, the correspondence ndgijj have crossed the Atlantic in the extraor*. dinary short period of 37 days. dccidet: in ibc i.i^ali\t, without a UiMsion. )10r.K OF bH'KKSKNTATlVKS. j S( tunu'y, 'i'.Ui /(7i-1-I. J. S. Bar-! BtiU r ll c \ 1 (1 that Ibe Hnti'e now colisid-; el the tesfdiition tdliltd l^y hiiri some j (ia)S5iii(e, whilh motion being agreed '.I', he then modilied his ri..solutioii lo retd | ai follows ; i.e.. ,, , vercral Sciute (.reeks, aii.tn 1. ihat piOVisiOM onghl. to ; ri.-li Iti alii, tbargttl w lib b;ain^,' t.tmn.uniea- son, nor policv permit the acceptai le rd ' ^'reait i than couki ljr attain- buch proposiiioiib.” !presses in use a dot Tbepr.clamattnncn,oinsnronulMbepnbi:c!'" a^o ; for with that press, a pa- i*f',rr.ts and fiiiu ti^iKiru :i u'Micr.vl ^ Could IK;t have |-iI parati'ii.s v • re ii.;; ,ii j; ter a \i},( roiis n his- en v\oik‘tl nn one Side only, at the rale taiice. Abiint’r!'!. tlion,s.iiul Kiinis wtrt- suitl | ol moic ihitn lour huiidered inipi'cssions to be or) tbc.r 11 :trrii. and would airive jii f-.u-lin iti hour, Ihat is two hundred an hour ropcl.y the ei-.JofMuiTh. | It wi uid be curious to make a ronipu- Anoiiier b tier from (’oiislnntiimple .states Ibat tbc i;rand Seinor Cans, d to be arresteil se-! be made lor t xclutliti; • the agency of tiir I t i r.s w itb the InsciiCt-ni-, and bad caused tl,« lo i know ledge, iiiul tlu ugh this cannot Presideni in the apDoiiitnifiit of the prin-tt^e lioMandji Hast hi. I be , f!one w i! I, an urat v, wV muvfo'm sc I - , ' , r .^ pi.un.t ,K, und that si: n . mba^M , u bo has a!n adv been once t xil i l-' ^'duted bvprinlmg tins (t.i. t.N' v.onslKijioi, ol t.ic bniletl id i.iAsi.i. An order v. a;-isMad for r11 su. ii ets i * instead ol writing uut the coi t.ii.e (>i .' tljiiiunnient at the. t i;m- II I n> • fill lit ot Ibe .■> >i,sHin. He felt solicitt.ii.'j tt. ki t.w i.t w bat iiini the twt> Housts would };e It . iiv Iti adjt iirii ; and lit- was in l.aor ol Cl ln.ii ff tlii-j rtso hln/ii tu the otlu r HoiiM-. .Kii hi.incb ibi.iikt d till gi ntli ii,an limn In- tii.in.. for tlu eX| ri ssnm t I bis w isb to aid tht fco ti- tif N( rtb- .-.lol I a. I bat Mali bad bet n II II'll 111 };ii i-U tl. ipit prialioi.s wtn n.;nie li;i' I lidi.n... lor nil I, ai tl II an\ olbir S'.it-'-, 1 lit f, w for till- ,si iitl.i n. stall I.t- w^s i!.s- ]i'V, d 111 (ii«i r.Liii. I ijii I J llu liitlits tit till 1.111,11. Itseiiiid tu b.n,, Ml. 11. said, tbut It •W . s !,tin- to iie:i I it.nn lln d.._V ot adji.i.roii.t-nt, A'(. b d i ei II III bt : ^'on III ai'i\ ftiiir months. l>e w e il til tl to s:i til wloli'yiar.'’ It not, li t this n S(.bitit;n • I eoi'sitli red.* Nr. i liiriisnii d be b...l ittn bi sithtinj;' ■wbi’lnrtr i.ot lo M.ti b r Ibis rt St b.t.oii, lUit Ibe j;ii:m.ai 1mm iNt Itb-I art.lina b.ni tor- iiisbi ll bim Itb i-L .-I I..^ V li t b I1..1: 111 t KK i! him lo vol. in Ibc III ^;..i,\e. \ i i_v biib, b. k.ixs, )i. s •if. n tbiin tor N ;tl - aioi.i.a. In j.r, n,(,. III lb. prosjn r;t\ t I 1 b:.t ^ u.i , b, vn oiugi. ih f; 1- ibt ^eit ini.ii bin s, j, NSbati\er j)iti| ' Mtn.ii -tl oiiK. b( II'.11.1 ll) ibc Si i.ati rs td >t,i li - aiol.i 1 nil "1 1’ \\;.s ii . n n 1 11 ...>miabk- t.,.01 .'II) |MjtMi.(i %ibuli t\ei- e. iiii tu;m ciUii r ot 111' >. J. n'l n I n, I.t woiii.l toubal v bin ])tiit It. >o .■'';ti nil. iitji/iii.s ii.t.iii.’l States ■.i.tjiilvi be arru.nieJ. 2. Jte.o'i‘L(l, 'I'liijt much fif any exist ing law as tmptiwi'rs the rri'sidtnf to remove at plcasu,. . and without the con currence (.} • hr Si iKitt , Ilu (II incipal ac- cdtitr.iiigi Hiceis of ihe 'J'teasnry, ought to he I't'pt .i!ed. Mr. ri!t tt said ;hat on the introduc- ioititd'the rcstdiitifii., he hail uiuieisn.od ihi ^ren;leri)ijti ftoni V'uj’inia as urpjt.jv ’.'s adr j)iiiii; on ibe ground thal the I’res- idem hat’ll t> 1^1 ('at a d isci eliunai’y power tiie ob ject d the r I s.'jitiiion was to lake uwav ihat power. He hatl um!ersi.,f:l the gentlt man to sjv that the ci.i/iingeiit ex- p'ldi.iiiesof ti.f* (iovernnunt fur the iii' t vear amci’.nted lo sonunhing like '5l. 1 at'd that tiits r> pendittire had iin reas.-d li-i.tn about n ivhu h It btot.'d id ilie .\dn.iniviratioii ol'Mr. It 1'- ol rr.uit.-e, I'ligland ami Kiivsia to tlepai't for rlif Al•cbil)ela^;o. '1 bf ^ro\criiMient will toUr- :.1e ibeni no longi r. Some only of tlu- nioHt r'.;.-,|u ctab]e remain under the imini diate pro- tei t;oii t f the I'oite. to bcji.nlate the all'airs of all, but lieyond this no eXi.'eptii)ii i,, udmitti d,— no \>r( \i:n prtiteetion is iitlmittei!. Oonila;itinoj)le ii.is now only the a))pcarance cf ^ vast carryi, nijtbing- row isdone or tln.iiLrl.t t.l et/mmcrc al idiairi,. All the carg'oes ot j;'r,nii bail bit 11 sei/.t d to I rt;visiuii tbe cajnial (■ tl knous vvbeii tluy will !u- paid lor. l oree bas been used to cxi cule tin- oi’rtr . i j mii;g the sii! it I !.- ol d-e ibri-e ni.'iDns to le v., tbe eapi- t.il. '} III t ia et productti by sncb an t.rdt-r on people, se\eial tifw boni 1 a\e residt d bin- for tbiity \e;.rs, jiiay lu ,ni;:)--;ni d. 'Ibe nninl er i-ftbe bouse.s v^bioli ba'. e bet n permitletl to i f- jHa:n lit re, to fnii- b tbe s( tlleun nt r,f their af- t..irs, tit f s not amount to n.ore tbaii 10 or 12. I'lallcntg ocruunt'i fioni (hi.cre. — W’f learn Ironi the Inti st of our Loudon pa- . - pi I s, tiirr i.ord (’oihi aiie states that he lei;.or. wa ,t ()i his oiijet, t to oppose ! iias left (ireece because he considers tb.e any ie‘..]tmon v>t.u;h make tlic at uunt-1 veas « n'lrely c!e..i-edof Turkish shins t. ! aiui tliat hifi bet V ll es v\’i re iio lon^t'i i tii’etietj. Hi; r« achi ti the Mother Bank sihootur Unitoin, in 2H I from I’iiros. year t.l Mr .1, rVr.o,:, ih.-j Tiie .‘.mailer vessels of the Grci k navv ‘■-I tne o{ Ihe ( ou’-i.i uMI ^ arc cruixing against the pirr.u-s whill- .it t..k.i)j;- li'orn tiie Heilas Ingate ancj the corvettes have a:d^ tovvai-ils ihe | been !,|d „p at Hydra. Those who take p'l >i. t.rbf, there to |,;ia', y, he sa)s are driven toil b\ ne- abiliiy t l our puijlic c-f.icers mori-'i'ii But lie w as debit o!is to loru ct ;.i tiro., into whilh i! egentiiman ficm \'ii i,ir.ia i in his*priv;*iV' seernO lo h.m to have I'ail-n. In j Joys from Parc t Olll, ' 'j!-,t paid 11.1, ill j,H,U 1. I 111. (1 (,i I .‘•Ol ill . i til g I'St 111 m l ill,, I \ tl 1 ll ' lor ib . H t ,.>t tjn.iir.t . It lb,.n ll . w H> c.. S1 111 . rr k'tl, i>.tuiiai I b;.! sni ji et ason tt.r \c- Il SI liitK.ii. II 'ii't s, be ^aw I. 1. I oultl bi ;^lll( t i; 11, fix.i j; . jt III nil.I lit. I .t b V. 1 I kil l un 1 I;usII.I s‘-, .lint wasdaiK in- I , ,111.1 In- i.ivv a lon;^' ‘ill I/I .inporiai.t Wiiitu kad u'.U JULCH t.tkvu up in either he w hfd was 1 .l.crr,':;-; 'f this sum 11.1 L Ml exiiiM'uis! iM.-iu I lemaitied abmn r.'T.o; n fv I ;m ibed;s- eretion td the Pi .-si.ienr. l nli! the vear 1817, a [ita-.ei wi-. vistid ii, the Piesidenl lo transit I- a[ pt t.'pr;..! ion lor speciiic ob jects ft om one a; [.i opi laiiun to aroil'.cr. In 1?;:, ibai j.iiuei of transfe:ing was « I tirt 1 t.iki n aw ay by law. Here ihe Speaker suspended tlie dis- (usiion,the hour appropi iuied to rcsoiu- I ions having expired. Ihe Speaker laid beioiT the IIoii?-e a lettii- from M !t:ii g till IliU^I (d 'att.-.jura 0 vercral Sciute (.reeks, amonj^- w hem w as Ihe j ' if'^creased power given to loan b\ the piess lor tlu* circulation ol be some ing of the It mg out the copies by an aniatiui nsis. To vvriie out the con- l* Ills ol one of its nunibers with a pen vvoulil titupy an amanuensis six days; ihe exit nt tif its cjrt nIai ion is, w» ludiev e, oe'wtt n 8000 and 9000 copics ; taking il heri l:,re ai the lowi r nun her, il would I (luiie 48,000 persons to wrile out, in "M- dav, all 'he i opies of that journal [.uldisl’.id daily. But this is a vt i y de- leclive view (.»f the case : vve have yet no allowance lor the great power of com pression and the vast utility of that pow er, which the art f>l printing alTords. I he paper requisite for an amanuensis lo write out III an extraordinary hand, the contents of that newspaper, would cost wclve limes as much as the paper that is used for printing it, the great bulk of this paper would niakc it very inconven ient to read, and almost impossible to circulate the journal, "i ht importance «if compression ihen is obviou.s, at'd if, for the sake ot it, the amanuensis should tje obliged to compress his writing into the same placc as tlie prituing, sup])Osing this possible, it would taKr at least four tinies as long to perform his task. Jo write out in this way, the Times new !,j)a[)rr wotild, ihereiore, occupy 192,- 000 bci ibes. • From the Boston Courier March 11. The Money Market.—Our inerthantn and traders are again experiencing great difficulty and embarrassment in conse. quence of the scarcity of money. This evil is in a great measure owing to the shipment of large quantities of specie from New-York to Europe. The Boston Banks have, within a week paid Lim, drafts from New-York, and we are now left with a smaller amount on hand than they have had in their vaults for over twenty years. Specie will be shipped from this country so long as exchanf^e remains at the present high prices, ttul the only way to check it will be to bring the price of bills down to nine or ten per cent. ; for at present, specie can be fur nished in London at such rates as will be fully equal to a sixty-days bill at nine and a half per cent. The exports of this country to Europe will not it is said yield, so much this year as they did the last, by at least ten per (cent, more, thus leaving a large balance 'against the country, which must be paid in national slot ks, or iu specie. If this does not furnish a good argument in favor of the American System, we will ask the f^pponents ofit what is to be done, if eaca year is allowed to furnish tis the same account till our National Sock is all ow*. ed in Europe, and our vaults are complc- tely drained of specie ? The Amenran System is the onlv thing that can Sive, this country from serious distress it not ruin. Lcf us manufacture for our- ■belves such articles as are fated to the cli mate and the people and then we sbull not see so much fluctuation in busiiuss, so much depression of our agricubure, nor so much distress among merchants and the manufacturers. After all, however, we do not at tici- pyatetliat so much distress, arising out tif Ihe present Slate of affairs, will befall ihe citizens of Boston as will be experienc ed in New York, where we believe the o- ver trading has been carrted to a much greater extent than any ciher city of the Union. We also learn from those who are supposed to know, that paper to the amount of three millions of di.llars has lately been negotiated in this ci'y anil Philadelphia, on account of liousem in Ncw-\ork, a large jiroporlion of which has been drawn for in spccic. which has been shipped to England to pay for goods sent lo New-York ou aC' c c. u ll t o f foreigners. It will be well for all those who aro opposed to any niore protection of our ovrn manufactures, to consider these things well, and look a li’tle at the pres ent ucd future prospect of the country, before they carry their suicidal war much father. It is to be feared that the late trem bling of the earth which have been felS here, indicate some more terrible catan- trophe in South America. The earth quake which destroyed Cara-ras in 1812, was in like manner .sensible here, and still more in the south, and in the valley ol the Mississippi. 'J'he vibrations seem 10 have been more violent in the tow ns south of us, than iu Baltimore. Ihli. Anunan. fi^'-it), anti a regular government would P’ll an I fl'ertiial btop to it. 'I'lie Egvp- tiaiis had been hastening away from the Morea as last as they could possibly ob- *ain transports. Soon after the battle of -s'avai ino they [;ot all llie vessels thev could, and cmliarked 1 5,000 rnri. for E- u> Only about bOiJO 11 inaiiieil in tht };a!ii«rr,s, anti tlu y were in a most drsti- ttJiC concnioTi, 'I he shores of the .Mo- laiuui-.oic me iiou?-ea rea were ctr.>n. i , i ■ii.ilM- .s,.,Clary,,! S,:.,e ,• ;,„h. .ri' ■ i./t bf 11.lorniatiou called for !)\ ! c* fd'ov.-r-ve-c the Om^ ‘‘ttounts, tht ...•in.-).,.,. '..V,r.ci S7.r>. vwili «,-,o nxu luJh. • J)r. IIovuc's !!i,slory of the Ureek Jlar.-^ Wc announce with great peasure bro- posalsby Dr. Howe to publish a work on the Histoay oi the Clreek VV’ar. Front his intelligence aud education, and above all, his r-esidence in (ireece duing the unprrcenrlentfd struggle she had to un dergo, tin public cannot but await the ( ppeai'iince of his book with great inter est. As far as our knoweilye extends he IS better fitted tl an anyone else, to give an cutlicntir and valuable account of th;'.t f oiliitry, and the events jiicvent us fruiu itidQloiii^ in more remarks to day. Kalional Gazette. A pcor laboring man in the western fCirl t.l NcT,'-lork, whom ihe hand ol poverty has pressed so hard that he . But the press whicb wurks { has iio^ been able, at times, to pel trusti'd ■nd co./',d^'''‘‘‘M‘' " stores, iTcen’tly receiv- liours f I " "”P'-»ssion ,u two, CO authuiii,: intelligence from England i.."‘‘''^ nccessary, the same j fi ..m v. Iiencr he emigrated, that he had Mine it W ' I'ours, in which i bect.i .e hcir turising of 45,000 dollars, / r/., Jv ) ' v.asicady for him whenever he t)in nu7iii)i({ mdJoxir fhousanu icrtbes. \ et called fji i ail the manual o|)erations whicb produce this result are performed by about two d'-zcn hands. Such are the advautaj^es we owe t) mechanical art, that oru; man * ati do in the pri-sent day, what four cen- nines u.lm., would have rtcjuired cue hun- ^rnl thousaud. . _ Loudon paptr. .CIU ft. liti'iri it,,. ...I I t , u tit.wuau Ul v . cri’ —A sailor was observed a lew ttiuii,1,1^5 Lince, working as hard at a dry pump iiandle as if he had been ou board a vh.p with six feet water in the hohl. Alter fruitless attempts to obtain tlio ekiijcni Iu “cool his coppers,” lu j left the puuij) ciclaiming—■“ Damn the cent dissolution of the Jmr-t-r). ^vhcihcrj xV. V.paix r-

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