!s certuijliy reversed hi the present in stance 0* RuiluM-ty—tor n-hi!c thestrvani I LI.SDAY, AIMMI. 8, 1828. l ilK IMtKblDKNc y. A late IticUmoii.l \\ hi^has a column or so of rcii.iti ks, in rt p!y lo a calculation in the Knqui- rt I, oil the U bii.t ot tl»e next Fresideiitial Klec- tioii wt liuve only room for the conclusion u liicli, ue tliiiik, is us favortlilc to Gen. Juck- poi ’s pro'p' ctb as his friends can, la candor and fiiirniss, claim. “Now, accordinj,'- to our calcu- l;iiioiis,” says The Whig,“ju.it upon well asccr- t^iiud and rccordcd/tic/a, how stands th« m .t- tcT ‘ FOU ADAMS. ^L\v-Kn{jli*iid, htvv-.lcrs«.y, u Vi'Tk, Delaware, Indiana, Illinois, •f.oiiisiana, Missouri, !)liio, jlarjland. FOU JACKSON. 51 New-York, 10 8 Pennsylvania, 2« 26 Virginia, 24 3 North-Carolina, 15 5 South-Carolina, 11 .3 (ieorgia. 9 5 Alabama, 5 3 Mississippi, 3 16 Marylaml, 5 6 Tennessee, 11 126 121 application to others—inviM-ts the oidc '■i thir)}js,rerKlfrinj,> ihe servant superior to lus employer, and is therefore anti-re- puhlican and in violation of the i^overri- 'i>ent. If their hi},^h mifjuirursses ciesiit' lo render the regulation palatable—if it IS ofiensive to their di-nitied stomachs, that a citizen o| this Ih e country shull sil "1 their presence uith h.s hat on his head —let them hrj=r ,n,|| olV their ow„, and we answer lorit ihe order of the Sjuaker vMl be obeyed without K'umhlinJ.^ It is '':^l.vafine state of things, that a'cii.zon v .siiin}- the tjallery of tlie Hepresentati ves ol he people, is t.) be rudely ordered by a doorkeeper to take off his hat, or quu House! \Vho had not rather pay ioiirpmce extra on a pound of tea, than submit to be ordered and ibreatenod bv a /oo/v.w;;rr-ihe servant of servants-tiav 'WMse, to be led to the door and shenii t '.e way out of the House, if he resists «bf n.andate ol power.' Let the House o. Kepresentativeswe.irlheir hals if they insi.iupon it-but-'. h'ast, let the citi- /-♦n be pluccd in this respect, on afooiinir oletiudny. Hemuy have a bald head u: franking'Ifttirs ;mhI packets, du-I'ts Well as a meni'ier (jI Con>>'rvss. \Vc «h.le > t ar, U) tin.- Speaker of the bope sonic sturdy I?cj,ublicuii will resist The Wilier then adds “ Leaving' Kcntnrky ^oul)tfid hc-n, the vote will stand, according- to our calculation, bused upon “ well asi-i-rtuin- ed and reconled facts”—for ,\dams 126—for Jackson 1-3L Kentucky, if this estimate be rl),ht, li the ^anric in her own hands. VVe an not doul)tful how she will decide it. We ina\ give or take five or six votes in York, willieut chaiijfing' the resuU. t s;.y ull is safe. We ari contiilciit of success. The people of the United St.ites will postpone choosing- a xiia-.t( r ill.' fiinti ly—at all events, to Ihc next gtiu nition.” V —resolution, jfi\int^ llie sit n ith ilicir hats on, tlicse satne servants '(•quire iheir superiors—the peonlc— who visit their sittings for curiosity or idification, to pull off their hats in their high and diguiikd presence ! This is a small matter, but petty is evrr more v(x- ^uous and intolerable than graver tyran ny. Just before this rcguJution «asen- orced, the House of Kepre^enlativt• re used lo adopt .Mr. McDuffie’s r. solution i'jr sating uuLovered—from which it ap pears, that the y ,te not willing t(» extend to the peoj)Ie, tt..- indulgence thev claim tor themselves. poM, whilst living he liiiwseir defaces. 0 Nal. IiUelhgmcer. i he remarks of Mr. Sergeant on Pat- ronai'e., \u his admirable spet ch on r«- ireiuhment, though peculiarly just and appropriate, are thnst- lo which fuost ex- reption will be taken, by men in opposi tion ; because they destroy their mosi |)lausible grounds for declaring against the admiiiisiratioii. Men who will view this subject dispassionately, and con sider that theoflkes in the gift of ilie administration aif alr«'adv fiiied, will see that the int rests of hungry ex;i‘r- r? --A'- t;us nL'liy tyranny. WMg. t't ItfprosentaliM's, bus [jnssid both llt.iisi ri ()l 'tingr ss. So we go. Until latter- ]\, n, 11 !>c is ot C(in(;ri. S'. w rc a!!o\v vl tbt- pri- mWi. {i\'fiaiihhi;^ diiri:-y the ses^icMi ef ('cn- Hid t'nr i/nrfii .h lore tlie coniniencc- ini-r.t, ;iiid llnrh/ ihi\s i.ftcr its closc ; but soir.c li vv Mur.s siiH e. -.his pv.vilex'e was extended to *,>'// d.'\s 1)1. tore iiid fii.Lti/ days after the ses- *ioii. Su\s, the Is extciidid to tlie Speak r liufin:^ ihe whole jftar t and the ne\l Btcp will he, \\i [ji-i stinic, to j;i\e the nu in- Lers t!ie latitndt of fraiikinj;- as tlie Speak er posst..sses. T!ie J'lii lnnff privi/c/^r, in our C[;lnion, hliould Ix ahri(i}(ed, not (.rdarg- d : — it i5l:al)lt: to a'lUic—it has neon gnatlj a!)useil, and its i»hnbe«- wdl continue to inci-ease, until tl'.ey will lieconic so enormous as to c(/nipel the people to turn their attention seriously to thin apparently trifling, but in realiiy, very ini|)ort ant privilege. All that some nienibern do now, be}ond giving a simple yea or nay, is a busy iiall in the gait, ofaiiy on.- airin'ued s\ ith ! exercise of franhin^ privihf't, in scatterirg sutii In iLe Hvfuse of Kej;rescntativps, \es- teiiiay, ue hear—for ut the lim.-of ibi.-. being haiitjrti to the i oni[)(jsitf»i s, our l e- porter’a account oi'tht- Proci cdif.gs hud not yet reached our ofiict—.\Ir. iLui- dolpi. entertained ins auditors wiib ;i dis- cnt;rse upon the reports of tiie Debates in Congress. Of w hat passed on the oi - | JritSidke. cosion, we have no doubt lhat our reportci vwll have furnished lor tins day’s paper •1 true and luiihlul account. in instratiun v'ould make vaednties in all the subord mate departmenis and .flices. Dr. Johnson, ui bis Kasselas, thus no tices tins sut)jett of patronage \~-Pilts- bur^h Cluzctte. I have l,.i> ly bt-fn con\inct\l that quiet IS not the daughter of grandeiu-, or ( I' power ; that her presence is- not to be Dn-gbt by wealth, nor enforced bv con quest. It ine\i(!ent that asany man a. is in a wider compass, be must be mor e » x- posed to oppositi(,n from efim:t\,or mis- ciirriage (r-om chance; wlioe\er has niativ lo plf-ase or to govern, must use ti.e min istry of many a.cetits, some ofwl.om uil! I)e wick^-d and some ignorant, by som. I’.e Will dc rnish-d, by others bet!a\rd. !*’ b*' gratifK-s one he ui|l on’end another ; tbosi-that are tuj; favore I wili think (ht ti. selves injured : and, ui me favors can bv lotferreil u(jon hnt U r,', ti;e t-, eater num ber u:iU (lUrutjH ht liiiroi,taitf:U. Discontent wdlnoi ulwa.s be without reason under the mh-m jnsi arid vi^Mlam admiiiistration .f pul,hr -(r,iis. None, however attentive, ca,, alu..ys dtscovei* that meri. wlwrh ir.di!,^ei,c- or fadio. may l-.appeo to oiis, nn-, and tn,ne, hovx- ever power I’ul.alv\ ,i\s r.-->vai(j ii Yi-i he that S*'Ss ii;li’rii,c r|( V above bin-, wil r;i,uial'\ prefer- ti r to |)i-I 'lalii) orta;,iic -. He tlun h. h iijiif !. to (in, w ,l| rju sonie- tliinir wroru, .,r-d tbut w i orig must s.,fi'. r the ( (ui^ccjueiici-s ; ^nd if it \u ie posMl>h ■ bat he sh«;n!d ait alua\s ri;>;,-!\, yet rt ben s'ich iiijiiibi rs a I e to ii'.li-, ,f iii-, ' ' n.-iii t, tht bad inU cn.r-’ue nf, a'afn/ct Ill'll l>ii niiilii'olfnrc and the p.ov/ nomclir/Ka u(i vaiK t-d I i!! '.!'e tiia' On the iSith .Tanuarf, at the puMie westing* in Dtiblin, ot the Irish f!atholic Association, resolutions of thanks wer- p assed for an ad dress transmitted to that Assf)riati.)n hy a r.um ber ofitizensof Augusta in lictr;;ia. Speeth- e» were ni;ide on the (-c asion, by Mr. O'Con ntll, Lord Killeen, Dr. Magee and others. We note the following passage in that of the gcn- tleninn last named. “ Our rehitions with Ameriea arc boroming everyday more interesting, and the |)(dicy of cultivating the frioid.ship of the people of that country more important. Kven in .\nierira, whil-it the le..\ en o) Kngli.sh ir.fluence rcnihin- t'i , strong prfjudici's t xlsicd aijaiiist ourcoun- tryj.,en. These have gradnallv died awav, and we ni w heboUl Irishmen, nod Irish Catholics h)o, eiijoynig lujh ofhees, and j)os>essin^- great iiiniU'iiee in the stit'e; even in t’oe slate ot N. ■Noi k, the most |,ev. er!ul in the Ur.ion, the ii.- fluence of the l.ish o!it:iin(d a majovitv in fa- Vor ot (n n ,|-ickson. 'I'iie election ot the ilhis- tiious inih\idual to tin: I’residentad (,’hair, wiiich IS nov\ almost certain, is f itseli'a matter ot dee]) inttri St and importiuiee to Ireland. I he Srultu-rn stati's are oiianiiniitisly in hisf - Vol. Some ot the Northirn ones, and particu- lar'y N. w-York, wu-e consul, red donbtiid , ho: t|;e iidliit m-e f the liisli in lli.d great state, w 1.0 piHii-t d torth in th> uf oids to vi.tc for the (•em r.i', Ims, I '!nnii, reinii red his return Iiore^ than pri bahle. In i'oin;ress, too, the .iieiidsf'f .Jackson have siii-teei'ed in eieelini,' a new speak- r in op]n/-.iti(,n lo the old one, wl o was sopjiorted l.y the whole jjow ers of the .\dininistr.ition (> neral .luckson, though not • ')i n in h-( l:ii,d, in t!ie son ot trish pur nts, and inhrnts all his t..tl;er’s »(!'. eiion lor Ireltnd all lns.syn path> for her suH. rings, and indigna tion at her wrongs, lie I,as l.een heard to de clare ;it the ever memorahh , and to him glori ous ud.iir of -N'-w-Urleaii.s, the aniniosity he bore to the oppressors ol his p .rent.d country, stm.ulatKl his zeal and goaded him on to great er e.seriions.” 1 in}€S rhtin^c, ntiil nun rhnw^e U'it/i them. Some twtnty years since republicans gloried in tiieir simplu'ity, and in their ontemp: — ue had almost «,aid haired— d all pomp, parade, .show and st)loodour. —J« fU-rso'i used to aide on hurseba. k t(* i"e Capit(d, when President, and fasten his horse to a post will, l.i, uvvn hands. — Hr W..S a I cpt.blic an, ami they ap plauded bispriini ive plainiuss iii-u unos- teti' at loOs s' 111 ;>! ic 11J-. I^iit tiiiu y., ;,nd UK [■) 5(,(i have sadly al- ti I. d since t> ose days. Now, cuuUiddte l->i 'he I'er.sideiK v goes i;h escot l '■()() miles, oil piii i >yse 'o be f; as!n! and ilal lei erl and .snn. j>^.iiUsiy ( iitiTtailied •ii'O fl. iin rt;ons from jih ri ruUing them- sclrex rej.i.hlivu,^ g.. j iou niilcs to su. 11 the pomp and t-ci{tiue of bis aftemlance, and Si'fpiiinoM I i.tmliif/. 11 is w . II kno-.vn to our ! *'’ strains of gratt I'ul , P"l.i.'-al IS, tli.tt \}r. \mos K :d'is t'..-. '‘urs, as though he 1 be pugnacious disposition of Mi. |'I-' Km-.Mu kv Ar^ns. is n.>an eastern d( spot,and they hls'hum- Kandolph K>wards those laborers for ihe 'I.U. who' ’ hi'uns to h:ne km ad..; ;nto hi;, p ht,.;,! optn,. s;tion so l.Hi-re a pi.rtion of , erson;.! bitt. mess 1 iiblic, the llcporters, has been so j-«- j)eatedly maiiifested, that wc ha\; papers and packages over their Districts, to secure a re-election ; thus promoting their private interests, while thej wt re sent to W ash- in^'ton to serve the public. And in this way, they otti n manage to kei-p themselves in ofl'ice, lo th» ( vclusion of mtn qualified to perform th'-duties of it w ith credit to themselv. «, and ble slaves. Verily, the Iimi s bavoehang- • JHhany V/tronic/e. IiioubIu ouisflws to lo.il, upon il as a I l-l> ■J' tli- ii.:,;. ».i.l tii, >,;« r li„., d »'tw. constitutional inbimity, which it wouid i et'.iie i!hi-.-,i.ti. n from the oiuloei ot Mr. K n- be almost as unkind to animadvert upon 'I l>'’•"■;!''gy betu.en tin t .!itoi .ilid t!ie is upon an obliquity of the si^ b t, or a ' ''''I'" lall in the gait, of any on.- arin'ted sv ith ' = liewast.- . . natural ailments! Xu, HS corduci ‘ warm'-i ^ by a Kentuck- - M of a u::':;.; .rr i ome.imes seen in private life—not his ooisoia os fangs into th. bosom u'i . • . , Diableor.e, certainly, and one, tbeie- i b.-n.farr(,r. The parallel, tl.eren.r., he-! :iJi'iucipie, \\c know uol what , “ leior Not dollars, bui endorsed packagf's, scattering tiie poliiical rubbish of ’ the 'i'ehg.;,|.',, under the frank of the Hon. to lb ter some. an aii)i , fore, which it is l:cj:ed the honora!)le I - member Wili not t.;l»c to himseii’, oth*T-!.. Kendull w;.s a nromin''nt w itness, wise tlian a-, an uiiluijjpy res« i)',!)i .tu-e of i«.‘Hin-lant of testimoin, in the , , , ' 1 ' ‘ . 'iieiuf itiK.kj l-e,.isl.,Hire into the conduct of Mr. Cli.v auload, w.ieie he uoes not Wish lo rese. t If tin.t iovestigiti.n, did not terminate into the tiini a prlvi/t^e, v\hich, in many cases, serves no otln r jmt-po'-f, than to continue men in of fice, w ho art tot.tlly umpi dified, —men w ho re ceive ci.iiipensatioii for st rvices w inch tlicv iii- Tcr pi ritM-m, becunse their abilities are not comp, tent to the task which they have asturn- *d. Itther.- wert. no other objection than this to the extension {\n.‘ fran/ii7ii: privilcgf, this alone w. re sufficient ; but i.ther reasons, of great forc« , which an observing mind will rea dily perceive, might be urged against it. A large meeting ( f the eitir.cns of IJanclolph, riiii'ford and Davids.jn counties, fr.e'.L'lv to the A'iinih'stration, vvns held at .^prlngii Kl, (on the CO.dines ot liic three countiis,) on ?!ie '-’’Jd ti’t. The goful cause is sti-cngtiiening in this Stat..'. and w ill continue lo strengthen liiiitt is '!ifTused amo i,.; tlie people. l. t firts be plai'i d before them, and *.l»c AthniiuaHation has nothing to fear. The S fc It V A NT c^ea/fr t'lan the Mvptkr.—'1 he Speaker of the House of Itcjiresenl dives has ficently issiud an oriler, that all visiters in the gallery f the House, shall \.\kv tlnir hufs ,fj'. 1 tills the fo/z.v/z/j/e;// must off with his hat, in tin- presenc.e of his rrprcst iitutivv, \\ l.ile he, as a token of his superior ilignity, av/a vith his un ' j publishing t!ie re.sidue frm such scaiitv ! _ X .. 1 . • I .. , — I l'enLhclall^ t. the country. It is unwise to e\- | it, and ‘.vailing until he gelb home to vent ’ '1 sgnre «.f Mr, clay, it was not because .Mr liis spleen iipoti liis defenc* less latnil). I ":•« 'Ufective in the inclination to .'i- 'i'hus, wliatevL-r irrilu'.es Mr. IlandoiDb |’''-‘t‘'etermmation. If it t-esulted on- tl.e reporters arc sure to pay lor it. If a ' .■ ‘''H*n.i. s of Mr. Clay, pm but pntk him tne repurters arc made | that It di !, ,t was not from lack of activity, oa to suiier lor it. So oinious l i this pro- I the j.art of Mr. Knulail, to load the shrine of petr-ily in the honorable member, arid so 1 slander with troplms. nor from any reluctance weil known lo all the world, that it would ' h'lfreiuler there whatever h« might have be a mere imposition on the patieiicc ofl ‘imoaunts when the stronjj ou. r..,,.,.. ,u ,u„,!c. ..-p,,- I Ills siticlurcson that tfipic. e ba\e | now endeivon d to assassinate nu. qnilc :.. rivc-d at th,- co:>ci-a.io„, | Tlu-r, a,i. ,■ „,.,v .K-.ir,., |,„„„r of c.r (lliolijili tKit (.il- hom It, allfr.coiii I ao lii.i! M.jiif r.asun fortliisMc- what passed jesterday) never ngain to ! tn e m-ratiin.le. vbicii may place it in a less puliiish a line of any tbipg that may bcl*"’ 'A’’''’- 'a* a’loss to assign a rea- n-purtec! of bis sj)eei lies ; but we liav " *‘^''' 1 in t!ie following facts, oar re .o.-i,-, (-yn jinli>-f for Ui.-n.selvi s ; A little ^etole the iat.- iin . stif;-;itioii, l \- the Kentur.k', Le};islaluP-. >!r. K( n.hdlw.;s in W :.s!iii,}.tri;', ti r;i!s ( I f.imibar, and, it is tuir to pn «uti , [ etei mined in-vcr again, during this gen- i el ation ol L'otigress at icast, t(j wi'ite cjm' { .ne ill (b lence of (;ur reporters i.gainsi ■>is unjust imputations. ; As for the llfgister of Del):ifr;, we j were rather surprised to h» ar ihat .Mr. | iL was very severe upon thai no: k : lor, of the speeciies i!»livered by bimseif, •.vhich il contains, the greater part wen j either written out or revised by himsell: and of the pot lion nol revised by himself, he was fnrnishi'd with our ^V e wnderstand, that a free boy of co lor named !ed CarrolU was tried al John ston Superior Couit last \jeek, for an .As sault upon a white female, with an iiiteni to commit a rape. I he ca'-e was clearly 'o ide oui '(I the Jury, who biougbt in a ' rdu.t ol (Suilty. He is senti need to be I'ung on the 2am inst. liegialcr. e learn from a pr ivate letter receiv 'd i" 'liis ci!^ , from Uidimond, that Jf?/- Dutu /iiikrr. l-s(j. J'ulilic 'i i-;isni-ei- of the Si.ite (d \ ir.(inia, commituil suif ith; a '■'vv (lays s;n. e, b> hanging biinsdf. l*e- cytiiary embarrassmeni is assigned as the ■lb. j conli h nti ,1 intercon:-s.-, with the ()oposiii,;ii I nie':il)Li-s III' the Kentin k\ Drle^^jt;.,,!. Sine. { losr.-turu lioine, it ap|,e,irs I,.- h i,e\posid I.,!- I .sd. , ..nd sold, « r'lu/,- for f l.r.lo, }.•;•, en to l.’iiit j by M-, I'. I’. Moot-r, one of the Ke’nluekv I). . h'g'.tion. T.iisehfck w:is rcet iveil by him al- tir the clo.u o| tin- iu\-sh,.,ali,ni iti Ki.ntueky. I Will aer il w;is a i ecuiop.-i-ie ii.rtlie p .rt iie j took in that .ic, \.e fania t pretei,d to (b t -i-. Tliis eirciiinsl.iiiet b:l•^ j;iv. i, -.i ■ purity S(yn(/(‘fl^ the s.iIjscTrM-"- V^>lh of Vl-.n-h li-i, sDi r. I Inn s., bliii'i in tin' li on the a small left eye, had a ^1, W bitf,.c > ami tee., .in I s.itb.ii- iti.d Id ink.-t o’l wlirn b.- fn,- it fV. |t is not kno-.vn w!i. re b-- ros. d. Any infor- :iiat>oii In re sod hoisi- may be lonnd, v. ill be ti:aiikfu!l_\ lect ive.l, andaii ieasn!:;toie . *[>i-n-,es p:‘':'- DA'. li) P.'.klwS. ('linr/iilif, .\pr',I J, 1 ;sC8. —V mjLiatiD, In this county, on 'I oursday, the 3d. inst. by the Rev. S unu?'l William* son, M>-, .Samikl M« Rum, to Miss Ma.** rii.D.v D.wis, daughter (»f Walter Oavi^ 1^02; L1S1’ OF I.F/rPFR^ Uemaining in the Post-Office at Charlotte* N C April 1, 1825. A. Isaac Alexander, Kev. A. Anderson, Pol, Augustus Alexamhr, Asuriah Alexander, Mr. Amerson, Ileltj I,. Alexan-'er. Udev Arrowood. James Asburx. Adebii Alexmder, Charles A. II. Alexander, ilary M. Alexander. It. J. D. Rovd, Stephen Medford, Kobert Bup- row, Adam, .lames A. Krullev, Chas. H. Hooth, .lames (i, r.ann tt, Thomas'Hoyd, David ii, lirandon, .lohn Batten. C. .Tonas Clark, .?ohn CaKle, Jamen Cunningham, .lohn Capps, |lam,lt.)n Clark, Joho Q. Cochran, OaMd Cross, .liones I,, Caldwell, .lacol Clotilz, oop. r St \|c(..un, l{. v. Hob. it IJ. Chapman, I'ruily Crane vv Adaiu !^[>rings. 1). .Tobn Davis, SanuK I S. UufTs, Col. .John H. Diivi.lson, Dr. Dunlai-, Char'es Demison ox* I’hih-mon .Morris, William Dow, AVm. L. Da., vidsoii. K. Kev. K. F.veleth, Cieorge Embcrsoii, Mr. E!*- wani.s, .loseph Kautnian. F. Colbert Flanagan, .lose])!! Flinn. «. Hk hard (.illesple, Michael Call.aher, Mary (•ninth, ’I homus J. Urice, John D. Garrison. M. AVillia’n Ilufchison. U llliam Duntcr, i;hz.\ Molt, (;.or^,'^e M. Ilarri.ss, 4, Dr. Sam llend. r- 8011, .lohn Howell, ?ii;.mucl S Hutchison, .1. hn llutchism, .1. M. II tchison, John lie ring. Da niel llyams, Joseph lla)s, licorge llobney, Hugh Hemlerson, licorge W. llouaton. i.—(’aleb Irwin. .T. John Jones, Dr. Thoma.s !. Johnson, Isaac? M. Jamison, I'eiulleton Jc.nes. K. James Kirk, 2, Fdiza Kirk, Robert Kirkpa^k rick, rhoinas Kennedy. L.—John l.ittle, 3. M. Michael Mcl.eary, James Montgomery, Winn low Me lice, 1!, 'I'liomas Marks, Marg aret Martni, I'reshyterian Minister of Ctiurch in Charlotte, Thos. McClure St Co. Jo.sei)h Mr' C.inins, Win. McCiinnis, Mary Morrikon, lien* ly Mc(.ii,ty, James Monwee, John MeCrca* Her. Malcom McPh.rson, 2, Hugh McDowell, James M. (’orkley, Washington Morrison, |{o!)t. II. .Morris(»n, McCom!) jC Cooper, John I). More, John Mc(iua\, John W. Moore, WilliaOT Mdu.e, jr. Sarah ,M. ilclfec, Hugh Neely. o.-James On, J.,hn If. On-. 1*. J. I'ricc, Dr. \A m. J. p.,Ik, Willlamm N'. I arkd, Nelly I'olk, Jolm I’arLs, ( vrus \ Parks. W illiam Utibinson, David N. Rea, John Kv-- burn, 2, Alex.mder Uobins(m, Carnes li. Uo'b» inso.i, John K'ea. S. William Springs, J.uiics Hpratt, F.lijah Stir- well, ( atheriru- ,\l. S|.ratt, William Sh. V'y, Jas, l{. Sarnjd(-, W illiam Seot, Ai.ridiam Scott, .lames St^on^r, K-.bert .Slo .n, J. .Sinu son, Jas. Scott, Kbzubeth i.. Sample, Uoberl Simon*. Asa Stephens. r. Thomas Trotter, 18, Joseph Thompson, I’.ryant Taylor. i K. V. I'eter I'lrick, David Vane. >V. John W'alker, Josej)h Wilson, 2, Itoht Wat'* son, 2, Ceorge W ilson, Richard |». UOodirig- I r^ncis W ilson, Capt. Henry W ds .n, John W il- son, John W illi.ims, 2, l.\dia Wallace, J.snie* Wilson, fiodfrtv Williamson, John Walser jr Martha Wilson, Thomas H. W illiams, CbeLle^ w ilcox, 2. WM. SMITH, 1\ M. April 8, 1828—.",t79. ftT.WiVi \,l.V\v Tins is truly rev. rsing the order of things, il js said that in the army, the .'■ulditr is not per- *Tnlt«-d to approach his ofjlcr, without dofling bis hat ; but w e iliil not expect that milHari/ Jtruls would ! e introduced into Cengrcssso .w/?. 'I’liL- people wouhl do well to bear in mind 'he «'>ld ad:ige, that “ straws show which way the Viiid blows.” Co!i;,i:lerable (xciteinent is said to pre vail at \\'.ishingion by reascjti of an edict oftbeSpeaktr of ihe Hiiise of Represeti- ^ , niiiie. Tlii.s eirciiiiisl..i,e b:.•^ j;ivu, eunsc fur l\e[)orter’s I',ome insiiiu;»tii)n.s on tI.e su!.ji.cl fji t!, rough draft, w hicli he withhekl from us, | "I M''- K. i.dali’.s conrsr. after having been furnished with it at his | It ,.s I'ru., t’lat no m. n !,avo exhil.it.-;! src-ater own re(juest, and v. e were lefi iht; alter- , inoigi:a.ioii on a.-couMt ot’ th- Hs-iiinx il iirit)er\ native only of suppressing the wlioh, or i ‘'’'’"I'’"'" 'be p.M-t ;} \ir. ;l:.v, th.ki, . . . ' i; \!,.,;i-e ami Ki ini.i'!, ai;.l it w (mid t hei e- ppe.ir, il’nit-n are h .t tiey seem to bi-, Mil.je.-t ( f pobtie.d ' ^ick^■ attempt lo rescue from oldivion sonu ,' ’ . * p , erahtv, the roin;iarisoi| portion ot iJie Ihstorv ol C.ongi-ess. ; in,,., f,^ materials a., remained to us. The lait.-r | se,,-.if;v.- on tb coursc was pursu-f!. \v’e should have j lislitmcf, co-dd not, n, th- supposed that Mr. Randolph wc^uid have j be. n guilty of any .. is kindre been amongst those w lio feel grateful to ! ‘i^in'ing oi wlneb m;ik.-s i the publisliers oi'the Register, for theii ! ■*'d 'be aimain: o! ; ■ “ ' I’"' tl'ls 11 of if. V. :tli i!ie vr.-. ni ,,,, , I I . ' I . liie o|jpo.sition ii.vn^iK.s in x,,) 1 nat volume, we apprehend, is ibe onl\ j porting liieir ;.r. s,.s, and ti.e .:e.d .u.d ,ai;/i one on the pu.ge of which his name is >> di^pL.ved b\ Mi. i:'lul,'! .ei M.m-.'turn iio;ne iikelyto be handed down to posu rit y : ' 'I’ansaetion wliii for, though Mr. R. has been tin' head ol a pal ty, tberetol'ore—and has been sai«l to be so at ibis time—it is very im[)i(dja- tatives. forbidding spectators in the gal- blc, from present appearances, lhat b. leries to wear thi'ir bats. We pre*-umf will ever i'tain any oilier emitiencc, il is a h-gitimate exi rcise of atitborily : ; h(; have any oiiu-i ambiiif)ii, tb.iii thal (jI *'tJt it seems to us notw ilhslanditig. to j an elofjut nt de!)ater. 'I'he Lt gislaii\e smack a liltlt' of t vrannv, in so far that i Hall i > tin-held ol his faiiie ; and ihe R.- Was tinnecessai «. 'I'h'' ihiori/ of our j >;:Kter td' D. lu'tes w ill i)e tiu- tomi- of bis I I'oblest and most I 1' 1 II K'-'"'"'"'’'‘■'■■ntig^ 'i tni'i.::'! ',.v"ire, can nev. r g''vernment is, thal the reupb- are sov-| i)nbiic bis!'/i v — .tye, and his moiiuuieni, .^.ly s.-ltis'T il'"':’!!, and the ll'‘!':-er':ntu'iv’.s r/j’!!)’"'- . ’vo, by it •’rijri.'t'- I’.ita'iM- I o,.l v.-'id ' xit /nt? " eoiii I'Un'Vll ON' thr .'fll Mar. *1 Iv,t, in.tt.-d lo th.- I:id ol M ■ coUiit_\,a le-gi'o Iciifiv.-, w to hira-n I., r-! 't! rom- ki h r.! urg > t,.iys he ol Iredell e.'.ed t(i and dmoss induce iis to t). .leve li,..' -jio-,-. m |k, t:.'k most loinlly ngjii.st tin- e;),-jiipti()ii ot the ) . liHve no in»uri(,oi|,.talde relucti.h'e to tr liu-nis'dv s bow i'ar thal corrcption ma\ lie cai-ru-d into e!let;;. It till- above-niii’ned rhoek was given lo pur- (-ila^' tlu- adiifsioii of Mr. .-Xmos Kend;ill to tin ,l.iid,soii jiariy, we appnheiul that the partv lias o'it:uiii-d Ijiit afr.iii !ja;-i;'yl;i. The man who The ov. in. r is i-i for-Aard, prove |jro;;(.i :'., jjay ami take hi'h a\\..y. .Md;:. bi.D sh nj. ll'II I,‘-e sobi, ori'1'if‘^^day, the 2-]tl of Anril, T T at tiie late dw .-lliiig-hoii.sc « f William l.i-i s, sen. .le--'M.-,e.l, all t:it- p( .i.sii.tb!'* proper- t \ !>elong'tif'; to t!ie . Mate i.f «'1.1 ^'-ecased, will' b r;;iii.iiiis utis(dd, t.) '-.it Itofs, (Cotton, Coin, !tl:i(;ksniilh and halt, i-s’ tool-, i.oiisehohl a'.tl kii'it II iiirni’aie, a oi I!o.jks, and (illi'-r ai-’ii s t-1,o iiuiiK ro is to iii.-nibri. S.If wdl eomiiienri- at 10 oVlock, terms made knoun on ii,e .l .\ ot -ab-. jam: i.i'.r.s, v ,, . , , J |, I'^ * 1(1 April 1, 1!-2H. N n. All p. rsons iirb-btrd to the estate of III. L">,s, (b..MS. il, e'.du-r Ijy not(-, book ;if ■ '•oiint, or (;lh.-rwise, are r* .piested to n.ak(- se'- ibment ; aiiil all ha\inp I'luims againsl the C'- t.»te to i)re.->tnl them a;, the Lw .biects. .M.VK I.I I..S, ^ ,,, , M. s '.,T.-.l 1, Stage l.ine, from l.in- « «(.. I'V wuy of .Mor-ait. i:*li>i8ft*cy^toii and Ple-isant (.ard.'i>,^ Ashyille, Warm Springs, to Ne-.vport, •j'j.nnes* see, is now in hill opuratioii. The carriages a-u’’ hors. 9 are Inferior lo no others, on any idie • am' very exerlinn w ill he made to accommodat'- [)assenger.-:, r.nd n-nder travelling agreeable. Stage;, from SalisI.ury ; from ravetteville, Cho raw, and Camden vi.i Charlotte .’from (jolumbia, v ia \orkvllb , m».et the above 'ine at I.incoln- ton ; and passrn;;ers from the eastern part o? North-Carohna, for .Va-Jiville, 'I'en. v.'ill find this route '.0 r,i!e-i nearer than :my olber, andi the accommoil ilioin;, i;i ever? re«pcct, as go-)d.« I’assengers ean also Iriv . a p.issage from N\:w' [jorl. Ten. to lAxing',(;ii K>. ApHi r, ii8o v. Tu Tin: crn;F:\s ob' MECKLti.y. HV!i(} COTNTy, YOU are hereby informed, that th« Toja I.istf» lor the prt s^i.t year havc'comr lo hajid, anil are j.he-.l p. ti,- hamls of an ofhce for . ollec- tion. i h.j; e V, ill bo appoinin'.Mits i.iade imme diately, t. r I a h Cajitaiii’s romjjany throughout the county, lor them to attemi and |,ay th. ii I KX for the present year; and fair notice i, also given totho.c who have not pa .1 tin ir tax fos* the prereediiin yi ars, 18J4. 1«2.5 and 1828, that d they .lo ii.it make immediate payment, iu> longer indulgence can be gi\ en. Yours, iSci Joii;.' si.o vN, Shpr Jvf Mttkkubur^ Count/, A'.id -t, 1H28-.1180. N^xICJC. ^ I have left all my p..pers with U. I, Dinkins 1 hos( wlif. are indebte.lto me, wdl call anil M ttU- With him liy the Sii[>e.'jor Courl, a:. I iK 111. V .lo not, they will find them m the haiui« ' t .11 oIh.'er. T. (.KKKX. NA niL. \pril 2, 1828.—"i79. BL,'/.\AS' n/ctrri/ (le.scri/itiuri fat SdU.i't this 0»VC'.^