2^^ minulenm of alom. —Tlje foI!o^!ti‘g will ti-ii-f in lUJi aocus 'jiui'd to invcsliLruu j’jCt: ■xii'J j,!iilub -pnical suijj'.t.b : s> call reduce gold lo leavcb so iiiin, iliJ '•"’O ‘luiidica 4Ud taouaaiiil Uiusi be luia Ujiuii lacn uUicr ii^ ijiuuucc iiif tuitk.uss of du inch; ye. u,os‘ icavcb aie i>crtVci or wiUioul nok.- uia one ol uicin luiu upon ai>) sui- la-c, aa HI tJivrsi liic appiaruULC 0, aohd (ioiu. i-‘> are bo iitiii main jy,lucu iiiio a bouk, 15U0 would occupy HU pa|)t r j anu ji, olUVo volume ut an inch inick, woulu lijM- us ua the books ofa well gltivid uidiiiary library ol’ 1600 volumes, VI u ciicii. Still iliinner i;,ai‘ '“‘®’ coaling]; uf gold upon sil- ,"■1 *viit ot vvbal is c;;Ucd gold lacc, and aie not sure ihal such coaling is noi ^1 oiic uloin ihicl;. Plaiinuin and sli- tall ue drawn into a wire iiiucli finer Ui. il buiiian hair. A graiii ol blue vii- Ji ,, or cariuint, will Huge a galiun ul WuiCi so liiai. in t\ci y drop iie ^oior uia) li jjcrcciNtd. A giiUii oi iiiubk. uin u room lui iwihiy years, and will 1._ losi iiUK ul as v\cigni. 1 lie carri- ,j!, tiow sinciib iis loo(i many iniles ofi'. buitiiiig laper oncovcicd lor a single iiibUii., uuiiiit w Jiicii a uoes iioi lose uni tluaisai.ui.i purl ol a giain, would fill viuj i.g“^ ‘‘ *P‘“ ‘ iiiilfs in ciam ell I, so as lo oe iuv i&iblt 111 every pari of ii, i i.c uircad ol iiie bilkwonn is so MUuii itmi many ol‘incm aie uvisied lo- ■ i lu lurm jui tinesl sewing lliread, tii.ii.ol me Sjiulfi- i;i ^iiiaiicr slili, lor iwt, iInumuis i> 'jy g.u, would reach ♦ kjii. Li'!.'-1o;i lu i_v!ii.turj^ii, dr luur liuii- Ci i\i ii .H s. Ill ii‘>- ii«il'. i>l a coiifi'il),-or 111 water in wiiuh crilain vegeiables ha'c In.rti inluseu, ilie initroscopc disci.iv- tM b ui.Hiiai.-uies ul'w hif i'. n..iiiy Uicusand to;,t.nlu-i-do uWl i (]uul hi t'.ulk a grain ul Sj; ,'j : .:IJU Jeinaiiiie v\iili a sin^uLf pi-u- cli. luy lias siipplu-d niiiny ol'ilu-se with 01 .s as cniMj>lix wS iliose ol’ the wluiK' 01 I I* j'.hant ; and ilii n Oouies cm sisl cf tl.i ^ ):ne suOsiante, jr a!(;iiis, as ihat ol Editor, t!jat he iiitcnds to esponse the|vote without pupllc responsibility, be-j . ause ot the Adtninisiration.. cun- come llnriid »nd conscientious when ihe graiulate the friends ot .Mr. Adams, in I vea and iiav book is opened ' iiat quarter thal ihey will now have a public nu'dium for ihe interchange of >.eniiiHent, and through which to stim- ulaie to exertion. The “ Echo” ha>> ar- •st-n like a Phccnix from the ashes of the “ Herald,” which sparkled a few weeks wah Jackson’s deeds, was exhaled, and weni lo—nothing. Jtnl. Jlegisttr 4i/t inst. TWENTJirni CONGUEHS. lVushinp;ton^ April 1. In the Senate, yesterday, the bill for the the encouj agement of Vaccination was. afier son>e discussion, rejected. 'I'hi bill for regulating ihe couiinercial iiiier- tourse of ihe United States with the In lands of Martinique and Guadaloupe, was discussed with some aniniatiun, and una nimously ordered to a third readitig. In the Senate yesterday, mativ bills were passed. The bill to graduate tl.e price of the public Unds, 8cc. was con '.idered. Mr. liarion (.tl( red an amend- inenl to the bill, striking out the whole ■lill after the enacting clause, and in serting the provisions following Thai the j)rice of the public lands be rcduci'd to 75 cenls jier acre, and that (lonatiotis of quarter sections Ix* niatie, on cerlain conditions toactuui seiMcrs cl i 14. i cultiva tors. The bill for the rillif of Jacol) CU'ments was discusscd at ^real Icn^^lh and rejected. HOUSE OF EEFUKSEXrATIVES. Al*l!ll. 1. In I'le Ilou'ocf Rcpiesentalives, afii'r a s'lort [jrelin^inary discussion on tlie Uiii to aulhorii.- tlie bale of lands by the Unt ied States, whic.'i was passed, the House resolved itself into ('ndiniittee of the whole on the stale of the Union, ou the 'I’atiir. when Mr. S[)r:igui‘ tiioved to a iiu lid the second sfciion of tlit' liiil, l>y Journal. CHARLOTTE: TUKSUAV, APUIL 15, 1828. We yesterday published a brief yet comprehensive addiess of many disting uished citizens of New York, recom mending an Administration State Con vention, lo meet at Albany on Tuesday the lOih of June next. 'I'he address is signed by above 200 of the mosi respec table citizens, at tlu, head «>f vvlio:n sianils il'O name, of Marinus Willet, Such a ;ist clearly proves that the Aiministra- tion stands well with those men in the Slate of New Yor k who are above the reach ofihe party slanders and prejud'ces of the day. Tiu voice of this (!onven ti(m will be tlie knell of the Jackson party 111 New Yt)ik. They may use iheir politi cal machinery with all iheir skill and in dustry, l)ut they cannot resist the current of init lligence »A hich sets against them, i'iie activity of the friends of the Admin- i->iratiori will secure that triumph which couid only be snatched from them in a moment of apathy or indolence. Xe» York is tale. Kat. Journal. A clilld cf EdiY.Ond Pr^sswick, ais:ed abooi 4 >ears, vv as drti.vvned at the Hu bert Street wharf, NewYoik,on VVed- ntsfla)^ Tlie child might have been saved but, for tlu* ignorance of a boatman, past whom it lloateil, yet struggling in the water, but viho th'jught he had no right to touch ihe body until after the arri val of the coror.er. At his residence in this coiuUy, on the 6tli inst. Andrew MeNctly, in the Tlst year of his ag^\ Duriiip n long life he g:ive g^ood evi- deuce sincex’e at'achnu nt to the doctrines of the llospel, rhccif;!l obecienre to its pre cepts, und Iflt the world witli the tlevoteJ hope of enjoying' its rewurdu hereai'teiv Ot coiisiiniptioii, at Mount Pleasant, on the evening of die ult. and in the 7~M year of Iier age, Mrs. IJatli H. I’ortt-r, eonsort of the lute Col. James rorlcr, the died as lJic hud liv- f'd it chriitian. S^tato of Kortii-Caroiinii; .ME t K LE N U r. r. ( or NT Y. Cuurt of lUeas ami Qurltr .'it-iioiiSf February Ttrm. 1828. MiHlain Lee Davidson r.*. John B fonuMy. IT appear ing to the satisl. i tn.u of the conrt( that the lcfeiulant is no* a rtsidtnt ci this Slute:—It is Orderel hy the ■ oiir*, tlia» pui»ii- cati(>ii he n.:al» si.\ v» t eks in the Cittawt a Jour nal, that the dctend..nt appear at out next court of jileas and qnmUr Ressioi.s to be t.elil for said C( nnty at the (jonrt.House in Cliiirh-tte, on tlu' 4Mi Monday in May next loanswtr plead I or demur, otherwise jun^ment bydttauit will be entered aijaiiU him. IS VAC ALKXANDKH, c. M. c. April 9, 18J8.—per. adv. i'Z 30 {^/•Committed to the Jail of this County, on the 5th instant, a iiepro man naim d Diihflin, who says he bclonj;s tt) h-iiiuiel Dun lap, ot Lancaster District SoiiMi-i nrol na. I >io owner 18 requested lo . oine ti rvv r , prove pro perty, pi»y charges and tukc l-.in a.vu}. Jt)lU\ SI.?‘AN Sheriff of Mecklcntnirg Cuwity, April 10, 182t>.-78. Aiitliorities are becotning, at ihis mo- nieiil, as phtilifiij as spring l)lossoms. Lci tiu-niosi prejudiced editor, the most { c, iu.i!dell, mip;irted oralor, the mosi conteinptibfe j Angli' lUack, speculator ui)oii human credultiv, ]ier-i Mo.h.’s Him.- peirate apauegvricon (ienei al Jackson I or a shuuier on liie presetu adnunisir..-i ‘j'J’ LIST OF Lb'/l ri.RS, UeniainiKg in the I’ost Office at l,Ir.C( Inton, l-,t iVpr’.l, lii-8 A. William Mii-ams, I.arl'in .Mien, Jacob AI! rijrlit, Lurm.' AhcriKithy, Susaii ^V. Aberiiathv, U. Wil iam Ral. s, rr:.iu;;s lU aty, W iliiani H\ uuin, till) n.« is' in ^ tl i tl •' i!'l mseif. Ill a single ji- ui;d of sue iii sU'kiiig out so much as im|;oses j duU till nioiashi's and hemp. In su|.,port of his molion he spoke at some h ii^lli, !)U> ii fuie he had ( oiu'ludcd the Couiuiilli I jse ui'tl ii ji'fifd pi ij^iess. Mr. 'I'uck I I, ol S 'uih Caroliiiu, moved the coiisid- •Mailonof the lesoiuiiori relative lo ihi t(ijnirninenl of Congress, vvhicli he of fei( (l some dajs -'iiice, aiul the ijucstioi m.. 11. I- tlu'i e ;iie more li v itFg crealu res th.tn of iiuma:. ')» i^igs on tlu’ gluhe. W'liai a s(fi e has tl.> mu roscfipc t>p» ned to tlu (In ii ai !on of I 111- philosophic ii q'iirei ! 1'r. Tuiriii'y. r.ulpl nr. oi u. );> i.eral .iiu • , V'-hen MifiiCH'nt.v lu aled. . .1" mvisilije vjpur or gjs ; tiial i-^, it \iuc (I t'l liu- aciiiorm slate. (neati n aiei i^l iiniv-tTse, to disappear, and • ••St s !id Ix'cliesto brcome as invis- . nil ii*- tmpaliiahle as the air we Lic.iUii-. I'' " have coiiifiiiplaU'd an an- r,i it..ti,.n of ihe world more coo.plete than lois.” Slur. 'h'T. !on, would Ci.iise Ihe whole if | of considiralioii being taken by .Aycsanci N«>es, was rejected, the Ayes being 73. Noes 93. In the House of Reprcsntatives the hil’ for the relief of MI s, IJrown was passet. by a vole ( f 97 to 73. The House then, in Committee of the Union, resumed tin discussion of the Tanfl’. Mr Buchanai concluded his remarks and was followed by Mr. liryan, Mr. Carson, Mr. Stan- berry and Mr. Ingersoll. Mr. Whiget w, nVi'l'c'.inv alwurelov'™ u'^cinck j i»l™«l»c«Utl «mri.dn.rl.l to thr , , . • , . T! arnendinent ot Mr. Siirague, which alter liiiw t'is workmen went on. rin-l . , , • • ■ i ■ i ... . i strikiug out certain items infl-oduced tlu Iln,2 . nr. l ll.ru. ,.MMlsstili,hercprov- a„d „oollf.is, li-arly ac tl iliiii for his I he man an- folding with the second amendment ol- su. “ I thirst for the. spirit.’— fered by Mr. Mallarv.—On motion oi ‘ dro^, yi* inc.in, I suppose s.iys j Mr. Reed the Committee then rose and ti :,i'iiM», “but if the good j reported progress. The amendment of Til a nr ifflihouriug viliaiie lived a ve- rv’ioiK-', wtj.lthy farmer, who, hav- j u a iiun.lit r of hirt*line;s hoeinj.;: in a f. tl ti.irM'C" yon t. timst :ifler the spirit, it s;u :iKo, “ IIjc every one that thirst- fclli.” A youn^ e;entli‘m.in near Manchester hr'. M.g a fine water spaniel, in carder to cv ihit his powers to M)me sjioctators, ti H'vv a stone into a pord; the do;; went ill after it and hroiifcrht up a greea ba^ containing a fine violin and how. An itishmari cried out, “throw anotiier stone ; who knovvs liiit th(? doj; may bring up the fuller himself ! and then We can have a jig on the spot.” In most quarrels there is a fault on both sides. A qnaricl may be com pared to a spark, whicii cannot be pro- iluccd williout a flint, us well as a steel, either of them may hammer on wood forever, no fire will follow. Pickpoeketii and beggars arc tlie best piai tical physiogiiomsit.-^, without hav- Ji'g read a line (d' L.ivater, who it is n(ii lions, mistooli a pli^lu^opher for a hi»;it\vavman. Printing.—It appeiirs hy a dorii- KitMiJ ri‘eenll\ coiniiiUi icMtcd to (’nn- gii ss, that the first bmdi pri'dfii in A- incrioa wati a roll j;ioiis work in Spanish, ]iiih!i‘i|u*d at Mexico in 15-11. Il was eiilith'd “ Doetriaiia Chrisliinia para los liiiiios.” Tiiis w'as about 2:3 yi'ars af ter the rotifpn si of Mexico 1>\ Cories. Tlie fast pi lilting in the Kiiglish (’ol- onies vvas at ('ambrnlge in Massachu- sett:» in KIHH—IS years after tlie land- i'’g of the pilgiin.s at Plytnouth.—'I'he first thing prir.ted was the freeman’s ; the next an almanac ; and next the psalms turned into metre. New Paper.—We have inserted in to day’s R»-gisier, the proposals for pub lishing a new paper, the fn sl number of which IS to .*|ipear this day. It is to he calli i) the Ftxcmun's Echo^" and is t(j hi printed weekly in the town ot W asli- J.gion, IJcaufou County. It w ill be seen •I’orn the well-written I'rcspectus o\ ili'. Mr. Wright was ordered to be printeti. In the House of Representatives, the House resumed the consideration, in Cdiiimiitee of the w hole on the slate of the Union, of, the Tarifl’, when Mr. Sprague concluded jiis remarks in sup port of his propositida to strike oui the clauses of the bill whicdi impose du ties on hemp and molasses. Mr. Buch anan followed, hut after speaking for some time, he gave way for a moiion foi the C'ommittee to rise, which prevaihd. riie House then went into Comnm » of the w hole oil the bill for the rein f i .Mrs. brown, widow of the late (iin. Brow n, on vvl'.ich some discussion t(»ck place ljul the bill w as leport U) ihe House, and was ordered to be engiovsei! ai d .t ;ul a third time to-day, i)y a vote (,l !f. 77. Tlic d'cisis'.ui on tlie m'(oiki iiim n;- inent of Mr, MuUuru vi sii i da\. \ i ovt s. ab far as tlu tl^-( ' - int. id' tin C omiiiiMi . go. s, lha' no'Jiii'j; '^lil lie (ii tie in lnlfii ihe jU'.l ejL[it ciutiuiis .;i (I ar.\.nus tfloiis of ihe m.muUu iiin. r-. Tiu' lull as i' came from ilie ComniiU‘e, Nvith all its injasuct', and all ::ii itit ih.i lem. is to In fo r ed upid. llie true friend*'ol Domestic indiiSiry, if they aie to have an) thiiit;. Noihing like concesNiwn o.- conipr(jnuse will be agrttd to 'ly llie ad vocaies of ' hr Commiltec aiui the.r me.isure ; tiol .i cent will be abated where llie un|i(sl be ai s too heavily ; not a c ent add* (1 w hei t il is iiisuflicieii lor pfolct lion. ihe op- jjosilion have e n t II us a sufTu leiil in sight toetialih u- lojuiige ol llie dial ac- ler of the w ale il-vv ol us which tiuy ui( an louse 10 ciucll tic people. 'Ihey lor- sooth w ill set lltemselves up as the txclu- sive friends of jiro eclion—proiection as dibiinct from piohibilion — as ihe Iriends ofthei>«-or; v luie thi y will denounce those who honesih lo(»ktd to li e true in terests of ihe f.ii iiu r and manulaciurer, as th(‘enemies ol domesiic indusli y and the oppresso.^ of thai part ol socieiy hose means d i njoyment are in ihe irivei'se ratio of ' li«‘ir ustlulness. Iheie IS feeble hope of some slight concession being obiamed in ;he Housi, when the ayes and not sure token on the various (piestions, sii ce it very commonly occurs iliat those who are most hi.id and feck less of public opinion -SA-in.n ihcv cau liun, :viid he be comes, no; v ry lej'i im •.- ; ^ '.ely perhajjs, !>iit practically, an ai'thori/y. ‘ .All tiie tri!)e ofpeiiy slanderers, ins'.i'u i wiih liie new idea, join in liie crv, and •^v.ell the si;;nal ni>te into a stunning c(uiru>. W’lieii we discovt red the fol- liiaingapt ilfusirauon of Uu>i sluu int ni. Ill a la e numbei t)f'.111 Kw xvili. Ki gis (*-r, ii w as not wiih jui a sirong • iVoi i iiiai e, -u J,'))! I SSI (I . n incliiia; ton lo sinile a 1 lu* m w ('1 i;ii• I\ ( (•i;ltii'd on M'. Alex- •>iKlt r hy elevaiiin. him to an 'i Mt ii'il'l I) . “Oni readets will perceive, ('jvs, tlu l i nnfssf (• ediioi,) Irom lie ixtiai's .ikin fioio Mr. Smy''’s Sjieech, that {leiiei al J V ksoii has l:i(i much more ex- pcrienie in civil dLirs than lietuial Washington hud,” H'lhe crudr.Ijg.ii, unheeded opiniiiii r (ieneial Survll', givi* the la\^ to tlu I'ople of 'i innesM , vs e should bt gla»( ■«'i know whtif Ijni^ujgr Can he found lo xpi’ess tin; a-.imiralioi. and re\nenc«; 'iili which ihuse Tenni sseans niusl h..ve ead his inilMai y prcicLiiiiations and hi^ ajiOCalyplU-.d researches. II he lias i;:iin- d such l.-iii Hi j)hb w iih a gr» en bulrush, whul 11 > spear f politics—at leasi that reaches tlie ear ol the uniiiitiaii !• Washington is said to be very dull aiul nniniercsiiiig ; the resul pel hups, of the ronvK lion, within a few wet ks becoming gem i al—that the Presi- dential quesliori is st tlhcl, and Mr. .\d- ams preily lerlciinly to be re-elec ted. We are well content ihat the w urid of politics shall be dull, when the dullness is the cf- feci of such a cause. II Idg. NA l U i{A1.1 /i:d crn zkns VI runs THE oFrusirioN. The “'1 ell-lie-gi apli” is in a violent rage againsi the reporter of the Journal, because he has pointed oul somc_errors in tl.e Congressional wa/Zcr of that'v era- (lous Jai kson pi int, calculated lo impair it-^ |u-,I claims lo public coiidence.” I;, this instance the choler of the combina tion w.isat its lu'iglit : an “outca.',” and “hirt tl w riier,” ai c the epilln'ls aj- p'l! (1 IJ I lie reporii r, because he hapi'.t i,> Ik a iiatui ali/.ed i it izeti, anil has i • fu e! to iiiit lil'j luinself w itl\ 'hi' .*a( k'^'ji p.'ii), I o iiivaria! !v'!i :iiijn I' all ini I'lMi.is. as Hamiolpli lately li(l the li isi,. We hope natiirali/.vd citizens ill heieaf-, ler iccidlci't the lai't at ihe p(/hs. By-tl‘.e h\, was :t nol at the soli(:ilatic,n ol Mr. C.iliiiiun, Ml Outlie k C'o. Mr.^'i’ell 'M-i;r.iph, that this intciiigeiil writei Ai'g, npaiu d to this city to « dit the \\ ashinglon Kepubln an in IfiJ."] : •• H e (hr Frcjjlc.” lii'xiidon. 1 Ulchniew] Ler’.t, John l.ingeriett, .VJ. Kachtd Me.Miue, Daniel Mos»r, l,oiir.() H. McCarver, John Marc'll, 'I'liomus A f.li iM, • AlmJiuin Muiiarv, M-j;y Mar.-.h:i!, IJl 111 .M .Stc IM.i^r.soD, 2 1’n.ni. M'.iliT, '> Kivdr se.s, N. I’fler Newton, I O. Ijelin Onit.s, c. Q- Ilenrv Chne, 2 Michael Qiirell, Samuel Colhn.s, \{. illiam Cinuell, David K’aiiisey, J:icob Cosiur, .laeob U'.id.i-,!. !, I'eti r ( osncr, Richard lioi'lict. I'hdip Craft, .loliii JUiper, 1 John (\)l)h, Miehat l Uhv ne, i tieorge (’b)ilfettcr. J liii liudisil. n. Jiiilalh Ifuiib. (ieslu Dyer, S. I raneis liavis, Micliael S|u ,ij,;'!e, 2 K. F.ii/i ''uniinil. Han'Uel Kj'in, l.i t.rge Siriut, illiam llvlwards. jolin Steles, I'. litcbael SiMiwun, Jaoies Ferguson, ..irlwill .‘>|>ain. John Falls, , \ ter SSuiiitt ey. .loliii Frve, I.eUlUcI Self, iMiilip Frye, t>^orn'e beagle, ■ (i. Mr. Stene. Jolii! (iarrison. T. \\ illiam tiairidon. Catherine ’I’liylor, II. Conrad 'I'lpps, .lohn Iliel, •lames I’av lor, Henry Uarnicn, Nicholas 'Flicker. j Isaac lleriny. V. 1 'I liomas lleu''y. Jacob Vinsooi 1 M.ijor Hull, W. 1 Henry Ho iver. F./.ekel Wilson, Daniel |{. Hoyl, AU-xainU r \N aril, { John 11. Ihirny, Naiiey illiamu, K.. James V ray, 1 .liiw ‘ s Kiiieaid, lsa»e \N'i 11 s, j Drniy K iiibal, .loel W . !ls. i Kulii rl Keer, .lohii Wollister, J' liii Kill};, John W eer. Jacob Ktirmr, Y. Dani( 1 Young. 1). 1M.IMIASDI’, 1*. \l. Taken Tp, 0?J the 2iMi MaiT.li last, :\nd com- iiiitled to the j.iil of Mecklenlntrjj’ C(/u:ify, u 111 gro felh vv, w ho s;>)s lie l)ehvij.fs lo liiram L. Slom, ot In ilell ™ count). -Tlie owner is v(qu*siL-d to , fj come forward, provi pr.ijuTij, ]>ay Ii,' *^cliariies. aiiil t »ke liin awuv. JOHN SLOA.N, .^;,vll .t, t«:.S.—77. JlotCrf. he nolil, on I uesd. y, the 22dof .■\priF, ▼ Y at the late dw eilnig-huusf of Wdliam I.eiH !». n jli cen-.ci!, -II ti.e pirishable pro|)er- ty belon^mijf to llu- c^tat;. ol saiil deceased, which rt'inaiiis unhold. to wit ;—Hogs, (dt'on, (,'orn, Hlacksiiiitli .lud iiatt. rs’ tools, housi i ;,l(l and kitrhon futnitiiiv, n cpiantity ot U«>ai s, md otlu r arlich-9 two iiuinerous to men* o Sile v.ill commence at lU o’elu l, t '.OiS made known (>ii tin- day ot sale. U\M I ^ April 1, lliJ8. N M. All persDiis indi btrd to the estate ot' \Vm. I s, iU e ..sid, eillu r hy note, hook ac- rotiiil, nr otliervMse, are r«.qucstvd to makr si:t- tlciin III ; and ;>!l having- claims ag inst the C3# talc to preaciil tliein as the law dir«.ct». JvNKIIiKS, > M. I.LKS. 5 April 1, 82«.~3i7!3 \A.V\v ^ ^AMUF.I. NF,Wt,AVl>’S .Stagtr l.iin;, from i.m- vCB rolnlon, by way ot’ .Mor,; in- liiiii ! r*!! Inn and I’Icasant Cartlen, Ashville, U arm .Sjirilijfs, to Nevv])orf, TeiineS' Hce, is now in f’uiI operation. Tlie earriajjes nd horses arc inft rior to no otlii rs, on any line ; and eviry i xi rtion will hi made lo atiMnmoilata jiassi ngi rs, and renih r travelling aj>rn j.ble StH^es Iroiii Sulisi.ury ; lioin I a} tlti v die, Che raw, and ( annien via Chailotti ; I'rom (’ohimbia. via Vorkville, meet the above line at Lincoln ton ; and |iasseii};’ers troin the t astern part ol* North-tJarohna, lur Nashvilfo, Ten. Vkill find this route 5U milen nearer than isny otlii-r. and th • aeconniioil.itioaa, in cvi-ry resjicct, a« ^•o-id. Passengers can alao have a paa-.ag;* from New port, 'I’m. to Lexiiiffton Ky. Ajiril 7, l»28.--4ia(J v. 7'U THE CITIZENS OF MECKLEN- BUJxG COUNTF, YOt' arf hereby infornieil, that the Tnjr l.ist'# for the pri Si lit y>!'r h:ivc come li' l am', i J arc plueed in tlie h.inils ol'aii ofTr. i fur enlkc- tinn. I hen* will bf «ppoinin'-eiU-. i’..iule innne- ’b oiiij; iiiy 1 hri)iii',bnut: the county. Cor llii i. to ulti ncl and lay ibeir l ax for tlic prtsciil vi ar ; i.u 1;. r i.oi.ci is jfivi 11 to iho»e who ti..ve i.nt pu d lli*.ir tax fi 9 the pr Cl eding ye..rs, 18.?4, 1826 and IH. 6, ih.it if tli«y lo nor nuke m.inediate p..»iii i t, lU) longer iiidulgcii.'e '..a i he j^uen. S 'ntr-,, ^..c. JOHN Sl,OA\, Sh) Jf of A itkfeiifivrg ( uuufy. April 4, 1H.:K — 4i'«U. JI HT UK( KIVKI), .‘Ind for ndle. ol my Entn/hishi/ient Norlh oJ \ diately, for each C pt ii. Ihc ('ourl^Uov.sc, nnolhcr .-ivppli/ of A\n llljTTKH Cn.lCKEltS; I have also reecived, a supply of well a'lsorled tdgi-tlu r with S\vt.-et Mnl;ig:» r.r.Mpfs, Raisins, Lemons, Su;.:;ar, lfc.ll Irish Whiskey, Codli.sh, Smoked Ik-rrirf^^', Pi( k!t:(i Iri.sli llirririgs. Sir.. iLc. I have also lironi^lit ii|) from (:barlebt()ii, a fevi- n.tiij . ;s of IKISII I'OTA'I ()!■>, \Ui..h!iair- ( !i;isi (I on bi :itd liu Henry l):i\v.w/n, din '•( iVoni I'.ell'ist— I Vlill si-ll;; I'r'A io per.oll-i u plant .iiid renew tlieiv a April I.*, —"’t >VM. in'N'l l.I!. T", Xo; i(M*. UK siih -rtlhf’ . tii.vin;,'' ')cen .nnpoin»c I I’.’;- ISO ri( T^lir, noted .1 \('K, IV niu'vly the ^ property ol Mr. il'indlv, oF N'ir;;inia, will ht.ind at iny nl:uita- _ii^f;»,».,f^fion, Ivio miles nurtli ot Cii.-.rlofte, under the inana;.rement of J.r.ne*, Murphe^, si n. Jack is in fine order, and will be h i to inari at five dollar-, the sca.son , ten dollars to insure- and tw 1) dollars the siii;^le visit. The season ha.s now coinnienr.ed, and will end the List ot’ Jnly. This .Tuck is consukTed as sure us anv othc", :i3 all the inare.s, with very few cxc p- liona, put tu him last y ear. are with foal. VVM. 1U\ ID.SO.V Mircii 15th, lB28.-~r-ilf. 'I'U'.'il^ ')*' Andrew Mc.Nei ]iersoiiH iiuli !iti and make [i;vn t;,e I;.',I v.ill orl 1 e'^U,,if!'t .'ii j , t’lT, a (. (!, j;ive 111/ n e t / .ill i \i) i... L->t.atc, to ei;i;e lorwariLj i Sii V'rederirk l loot!, had adroll habit, ol uiilcli be c(>uld never cili dually break liiniself. W hencver a pel son at his back vvhisptied or suggested any thing to inni. whilst he was spe.iking in puplic, wiliiout a iiiomenrs n dn tion, he almost alwavs itivolun'ai ilv repi ated the sng- ges’ion litcralhn. Sir I'lederiek was once making a long spf cch in the Irish I’ailiaihent lauding the transcend ant meriisof the We;:tford .Magnitrai y, un a molion for t xtcndiiig the tnr-iinal juris diction in that counly, to k'-ep ilown the fiisaO'ected. As he vvas closing amo'-tl tui gill oralion by declaring “* that the said Magisltacy ought to receivc some signal uJtrU of tlie I.orti Lieuteiianl’s favor,” John I'gan, who was raiher mellow, “and silling behind him joculaily whispered, ‘‘and be whipptil at the carl’s tail — ‘i-and he whipped at tl'.e carl’s tail!” l eper.ted Sir I’rcdei ick uiu onsciouily. amidst p' -\'^ c! ir.';cn‘!;;Uabli- laughtci. .ind to tliov" b iv in.^ eHiiiis iij^-'uihst ills s> ill.- O' prfhcnt ti)( ni as the l.i'.; dire(.tH, or tini iiolice v ill h^; plead in bar of llicii' rec(;\ t-rv c. H. Vr. jdii.N ''i. yri i.v. 5 '■ Aniil 10, IS.’'*. —•I'.’;!'. Nofico. rfiHIOSK wlio p:irch;i>ed pnnieitvtt '.ho triMt il sale ot' l!ie lalJaeu!i Jui.i., (h uascd, are bereb\- nr'itiiici! tl at tbeir noU.-. , vv I'le.v due, lilt* ^itlu^tion of till' evt:ite w II nol war- rant i;.e in ^iv,n_iT Ioniser indohci nc' • M. MD.'sTUIt K .lir.ir lirXAU A Y tin; ,Mibsei-il)i.r on tl f.'lltOM tin; ,Mibsei-il)i.r on the lilh inst. Ne gro box S.\ M, belonjjiiig to ti.c estate of \\ m i.ees, i!i i eased, supposed lie wihn'one to IretUll us he V. as raised in that eonnty. SA.M a imall A’ell bulk Fellow, looks vt ry pieasai !, b.iil on a blue siirtout-co.it and lur h -t ,\n\ pi-rson eoiiliniii^^; him :a any j >il or r- iiirninjj iiiin to me so that I jjcl hun aj,^ain '>liull be ica- sfiii ! ly rewarded. ~ - JAMKb B KL'DlblLL. Xovl\\-i'vxvi>\\wa, •M I.CKf.I.Nin; IK, coIINTV Court of F.iiuiiu',' I'kH Ttrm, 18J7. v Jnl.n V.'ceka, Adm'r. vj. 'I ho (j. Polk, i-’.v’i, and other.). ITappeiri.-.g tbat Kirbavd ; . ‘!ic K-i'isf etion {>; tiie Courl, adler ard .M :ry b',,wif.- ; 'I bo- m;.s Hn'/m‘.ori a:i 1 li'eheera hi.4 V. if'j'; .\l('-,i s \i- keii and Jan- bi- ^ife ; Oshon;.-1.ohir.yoi, ,l..ne» Koldnson, .■MLXioider Kobinsorii N.i:k> llonin- sjii, J.iMie Wi.ljii Oi; and i hot:)piun Uobinson, (b-fei.dants in fi, s-o', h-.,- .»\oiid tlu li-- n.iU ot ili.s • t . Hi Itud, iliat public: lior» he r.i'ide si.'i v. eei--. j i:, the Cataw b.i .1 oui naU thal t*i'-;_^appe;ir at ll.e :u":l ’ourt ol r.ipiil}, tc* be held for sai I county, a‘. the t onrt-lloust iu ( h.irlotti;, oil the 7th Mnnd.iv aft«.r tin 4tU Monday ol Mareh, 1HJ8, and pie d tu tiu t dl ot eoni|)l;tiM ol John U ei-ks, ,\dmiiiisl.atoB uulitbc M ill annexed, ot ^iiii s i.o .n.si . . Ii- er\M»i Juilj^n.i III pro coiit ^S(^ vmI! i iiu.reiT agains* them, 1>. Ii. IirM.AI', CM. \pril 1, 18>8-pr. adv. /J 50 ari'iints^. For ni (hf Jo'/rnn' (Ufoe. BL^‘iXKS of ever >; >U^sc !utn fg/ iSala ut thits u

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