t!'( .. II. rii I Ml > . ii II. » ’ iM ..1 1 i- a nr.-' !'i-' it) f;tr 'Kitf / ,1. I }i ,.l ; t : «,U !. .1*. Ii 11 ir. . I y jii !) ;b-r.'y ' r 111 i vi.i!'.' niit :-i! iV ic ( I l! ‘‘ '‘n ; ’! »tini i;\ \> l. 'l h il « ('U!(l !'l’ I i!' 111 ';>■•■, !: 1 \* I *■' ’ ' ''i. .;1, If l> ; 0 ■;> 'J'ji s st.i'i I ih n t'.ii ir 'i '»> ihr let;;’: c,r Mr. J'.lM '-’a t’ t i' l i'-i.’ir*... to v.lit.T'-) J.t f.MdW '■ i'i ' i!t II I nuiia'ii ! I-tore llu- n.r.MP K (.! T( IV. n “S. Il I'.icv bf 1 CM I ill n r.i i>v ioilouii -fXl.'ncl J'luiii r.'\ (!«U: oi ‘* Mcic: , U'-'j,” vs'i .ltd) ii'-r-fo'-tt-iy Cl! Diy re.i'Ti, j'lclli till' sr‘.'. II'!! (.1 ! ;-5. “ (>; tiPl .1 ■ \l '' l*: . ' I Uiat, U.icii.-M'. t *' VU8 ihul i r wcuid icn-ivt* vote 1)1 Iv.iiiis'uti'.j. Ilf t'.'id him i! i * came in-,-* iho ll .urr. il Mcuid tuf by ' ' sni-il i. vol.', il . i iif oi': aid Ins iru iu!' C('i;U! do I,in. \ i v Uu ir— lluil .'’i'* ^ ‘‘i) «-nu, ii«‘ linj.'d lie sli()';!u noi !\ i-'-.ui iH d iisonr ul il/j c;.!)- I'liuaU", ! incf it i his c jcciiuu, il il co.iU! '.voulii ;■ CO!.'.-a.y :o ihi.- :.piihbi.-d t-pur.on i v;-‘! UK.jv. «. !’ihc ih 't, ;1 m-jti c ' I J il.t u.- t,y u-c.M\it.',Mlu- Loi. .sMiia VI ;cs. h.- st ;u.d ihiiik i: »u- dmy ''j itu’ supnori t'l hii l;ir?ui-. ai d W't li.;-. u'-. ft ii.i'cftn'i-ill sijjijiurt ul ciic l1 llf c.h* r c.'.i « x‘i nrl^ tn inf c.n:rto ui ii>..ii anv '.-.luic- 11 I I 1 1 i i,i; I«J :i'7 vv in i-.i- i i ^'in r >( »■ i r i t, 1 :,s thi'v w t 11 l i lt ti ai t’.i; tin t i ,1 r. \ niilv iiiMl \» iih lii.) iXp^'i ■ ihat ll.i V vs i lilfi f\. I t' ■' > i. I'v ai,s I,'d ( ! ton. ! 1 i • ' • ' In y i oi - tr. b t'- • iM. o:f ui’> tl II 'i"‘ j I-' - ici ' I 1 .-1 *' ‘ I . ,p ll'fii i L' !u . V.: uv l>« . :i i>.i-t t(l. 'i (- ' i'i'd II', iti mIm,; ;. p.fd M.- iiiif.ihcr M j'i'-'.ly - i. j; ;v, II II!' ] ' I l-‘ •' *'* ‘ * b\ ti ('M c' > Lt ()U !i (ii'.N I' ll \ t ■. \'. (U1 i d , It! > I ]• ' tl III t ;!, tl,..:i to I »•■ lilt. V. ii !i,;;. \V>' Fjuiu:. X I: i'\\ Kvriiyi II ss. ,s r.SJ TK. Mr. J. S. Ricv-nson ’Iri) mnvcd at a- iuM.dm«rnt jr...'liiyin.!-'hci.ut) on ci.rpi-t.s II |)UisuuiK-e '-i 'ho iiisiujclioiis and \ ie ws of ihe (’ointuillce. Mr. Sutljc-riaiul muvid to am^-nd the i-nf^ny, A'.. 1 fc.8.i. Jo. i.s i ^ inlrod.u. . duty on ‘ r \ r s V "V 1^- 'vim h was rcjcct. d. ' ”, ^ . 1 ' \ ,r i Mr. " niovrd to ^iiu fid ihc a- 1 citr,! a I... csl.h.i>h:n- |,o.l u ^ j,, a duty on h.. cl Wu.ms C o,.M. t.cut, ,N.;v. ! ,vl.ich ne^auvul. .Ic.i-y, .M,u.h(.a,o.ir,.'. in-j ,.,s^ ^tr.* i.dn.t-nt vv us Ihin UKtrcd to. dia*;:., .vcniur,.;., ^.ISS1SM|.P^ . ;u. jj.,vncs n. vd to nn^end the d- iva.ia--lU-«a i-«.d j.ast.d lu a J,y intrrducif.K ^ ol_ :••"•• !■•««.... » ««:s Hrf t.«. 1 s,gr-,d ! V s. '. f! u: nt^, o. t..c n-■ - ^ ^ 1 |. V-In-,,r .-f : ' t|)('f’>;in I i. vv 1.11 li V i-s 111 j;alivfd. oi . ^i..l •' ‘ " • \Voit n.ovcd .n aiYiemhnt lit iin ■ a duty on .i.tr, ^.h.ch>v;;s m,:u- f i tC U* I M' T'S, 1‘. JM Ci f-it* I lU 1 ( i US* J . * ' ^ O J »;*r"' .,., I ' yw wri»i.t «roi,i«, «r,c«r,i-ti,c n.«- : M . ' i.M, lu- II. ll.i- (■omii.illa-. ..i. a a»M i-'twfr 'lav, lo smi ixl ii/ iliUot!'icn:i: ,. ,,,, I - ; ii • M- 'iid ..ivii'iic.nu'i.t (.i . jr. j. •l U 1 . V.; .,; M,, i .XI..--! ..>11) ...I. !■■ jluisoll, Ui fli i I f! 1(. .)( .'.i d. ' , r ,uw s '-'0 II I i Ti.lf •. !Vm-v I —axc.s iiots,.J. , ‘ ‘ 'r^'. ' r Mr. .So'.:t!i'T!.uui moved io ;iin-iid t!- '* 'v' "I'l '(•' ' ' V ' 'Vir ■ ” MM'i c-1 ''’1^ rolui in?; duty on \\ool from / pnati'ii' ot n "ii> V l«ii' ■.!' I'')' i"- ‘ - ‘ i 11. v.T.i; I. k li.olioti . .iiC H II (•* li ■ it 'I'l;. i ! \ >- I (' Kc. : nv. I y. v. l.ic ii «'t' I .'.'i. j>. .h o! ’..J l.v: on , l:d ‘.V I"' Jil !■ j- Jiu i'y('] (//•’ /.’ i'n /■:.vvi^ti!'FJ'. iMr. i! ,’n ; i- !'. - -i- '! '' ' • ' *''■ ■ ’ 1,: II, ,1, iliu !.I ii’. t’. C (.TJifl.;,'. ■ ! ih -M .; >i. :.i, H I. ! '.’i purl, llio !'i.: y. I t - I .aiii.n : Af 11 C s.-:.,-! ( ly.'ip-.ku. . n.ts to . - , ;ov. c.'it tiui iiiiiiiM, ;i I'u'.y ol ’J) cniis in- M' r.d ol ;i \ .u d, whitdi V\ .-.S Ml'g- a’.i\rd. Mr. Jhtc.-s o!' ^^i^i•r.llri, moved to a- iiicn ' ri:c b'.ii 1-y introui'cinj; a duty on :i :-vd in j «.u' i.l.ot, x^hi'.r lc«d, j^viii., ,;i.d ..11, Sv..’. ' M/. i’r-'f-y in«-iv«'d fo unieiid llic a- (i'M.diiMii\ jy :ulf!inif ur'j!> on hlhurg-.-, ',>1 !i MT.0 i;t 'i ; . ai.,1 I (^nt 1.1 il:( .1 rtfK^itivfd. V', lij-liV tiun tiuit ti.f /tf ■.' I".-. Ill 1. , ■ V .... ..v.v ,, ^ ^ V', lij-iiV tiun lioMd tluit II. (.1. 1!' ol' !Mu; il fT.t . t h,! : rjn n.itlte I i'.t? : nri r»50r' tin- hdi. Iiiit ! '■ ■ 1'““' '! V. .ll.dicw ),!sn.ot!oi. li.v C. iiuir i'uMf.y I. I 1*1 1 ' 1 ‘ l i-Ki. d ilic.t t!-.r Ii.i.ii;n u.;:, on; ui ok!'.;!, ' . Ik 1.■ tie it •■ I..» sf I! t ;iu ilioi . I'Ll ri:. Jun’r. (I I .M. (Hi!- I ( a. ( I ' V' I e» . i i.r r ] ! -i f( ( • ;i ' 1 •>' *' It „ii. lol.* I. ' lil I .,|( , :.i .i i' I...U i; 1 v\ ( I i} v(' Ml ( . n oi.iy ;d tl It ( (■! will ' 1 T\. I, I I ir;c; j ill ■ \ t'j’‘ I I' > I ! I M i \ ( , I \ ! f ft r- 1 ( ,,i ji 1 .•.-Moti:.! I I ■ 'i ,!i 1) ! ■' till ;.l ,1 C . I 11''!'" » I >! r 1 ( 1. 1. 1. ! 1.. r- . (;i l!.i 1 I' V, '_'M ( Ii' I - lit u*- Iii.iii II 111, '.. 1 t h ; I ,, (n !'v.(l 1 t 111 f. , -j W 1 I II k . \ It . t,l It I ; cli. : . - : (I ! It ru tiu- |.rt.i-(;si' j Col) Dll’.in ' ■ : S' c n I. I il li'is - r. ' I'.: \ Il iiiotioj, to M;.i;d " a.-j j/t C’’. ^! I. ii. !i /, I I' N’-.S'-I.i : U‘v ;i". ).'•' I. .11 I i.i lit l)ii! I)\ i^rin;; tiic i: :'!niii'i, t'.c. vliib V..' I 1 J.’:-’. I VC t,. Mr. S I V. ..It ' i^ rt d. )')«. 1 cuiici dr.M nts, •.'111 !\ »\ »1 I' '-llM t -i -i’ I .) lit I; at 1I’d. Mr. Suiin''1 iu? (1 tii;n movrd r.^i u- ini iidiiu’r.t, wliich \v;>s nt td, lit int^;' a duly on silk. Mr. C;*.rM.!;tcifHR then mo\(d an n:rf nd- , rr.oni, tin; [.•u:;^urt (,{‘ •a!ii:1i v.e cuu not . . . n;atrh, uliich v i.‘> iV'd. I . .10 .1 j ^Jr. I'aiT'.av ;ir>\i d an .limrc.nirnt iin* II. 1 i";. -I. i. ■ li'i [,i>« I I ,1 t ;h‘‘ I! US'.-. |,( I ^OI■?> it 'Ji! I li.' i;i --t‘! '(is!iHi "I . . of il;'. Ijri'i.sii . f I itli; JiOV (IS -I, i. •.'uiKiirf; ■•nsn.!! - It llir\ «or1d ! One way It ?-Vot il'** bod\~his liiiilis liackc d mid mar.Klcd in the 'most shockiii.t? n anner, and letover in a lew week', and be sound tl’.e le'-t c his life ; Avhile another finds u death- wound in the bcratch of a pin ! Shtrular Diicclion—On Tuesday e^- eniriK las», a gentleman was Y'’’,'’"' the Circus of one thousand (hdlai^ v; few liours aftcrwaids another g-mtleliian returning lionie,Tnct in the street a man frreatiy intoxicateri, and who, alter a ■ liort converBation, was loiind to have oii 1 is pci son fcSCO or g900. 'I’he latter ^;enilenian, roiiceivinj; lie would be II.a man who, in his conviviality, hatl ^one farther perhajis than he inundeo iitid who, in the condition he was then run the risque'jof losing tiie nionry he had, deu rniined on the benovohnt purpose urc(.nduetinir him to the watch house, anrl depoiited the nioriev wiih the otncer oi'the y,unn] Ka.ly the next mornin-, the f^entlenian ’.vho liad lost the money made applirntion at the ^nard house, and iden'ifir-d the same as his property diid joiiv I^acthi.- waslotl^jptl in avait his trial at the nt;:t Couilol Ses- siui.s Icr this Distiift. We are inlorm- (il the above person isjusl out ol a «;rven > cai s apprpjiuccsbip in the New \oik luu- I'ribon. Char.'cslon Cmncr. ^Hf’sovyi cor\in*. ion I'd!' ti.r purpose of nontinaiin?^ an Liec- itM'.d 'I’uket, Iriendly to the re-elet.;iii.'n tii' Jt liii Oiiw’ry Adams, was belil at ’.he tin III J. ill! SOI, in the stale of Missouri, fO tlu ;:d oi.cl 4 il u!i. Out ol 30 cam- lu s. 20 Ut re ri jirt'si ’.Urd in the Coitveii lion, !,Ot\Mll ili)i the it.i ii liM t.V; ol tIu’ ViCali.M, \U!;h lei.dtrif' it in.jiobsi- !il«- f'.ir st.n.e. di ic^t s to be pittril. Ati t i'v 'oi al uikf t V. asJoiiDtd, tonsist- .t, llr.iiJA?4i:» II. Tv’tEvi.s. I' wnd county. ,lisi.iii(. . 1;k.i\v>, (t si. J.t.uis. (-1 c (.ir;.r.l'^;tux. \ .i I IC uIlpM i I d M M• lij 11 Of s \' ere ®d (iptid, and r>00 copus of tlu- addrts.-^ v\'tre oid«!'Ml tcj be iiti'itii! : 1 I'.e ^l!s• f(1 to the ccnverblor of souls, as loloavp no doubt on ihemirdsof those present of its eminent usefulness. After Bome farther discussion, il was, on motion, Jhaolnd, That it is expedient to form in the city of Kalei{3;h a liianch of the American '1 ract Society. And at fcft adjourned meetinf? the following cnicers were clected lor ihc en'uinp; year : „ , Hon Duncan Cameron, /vesirfcn/. J'. rresiden/s-—Hcv \V m. M’Pheeters, D. 1). Hev. Joseph Caldwell, D. 1), I>ev. Messrs. Josiah Crudup, Wm. iloopi-i-, Hon. Frederick Nash and James Nor wood, I’lev. Messrs. liiddle, Wilson, Newhern, Taisley and llariiner, and Maj. James Owen, and the Jiev .Mr. Meridiili. Sec)(‘!fi)ics- — Kev. 1’. W. Dowd, Co/. responding Stci'clnryn and Mr. Albert W j] liair.s, JitconliPg Secr$iarj/. Trensuer—Wm. Peace, F.scj. Vireclors—'lhom&s Littlejohn and Tho. mas L. Cc.wan, EstjS. Hev. 'Messrs. itherspoon, Jordan, Morrison atui Plummer, John liell, (ieorge Andrews; and '1 bos. Watson, Kscp. Hev. Messrs. Kilpatiick and Roberson, Dr. UcckMith, Dr. Hatidoiph Webb, I. Weiniore and John Dunn, lv(|s. Execulive Jonathan O. I'reeman, Kev. P. NV . Dowd, 1. W et- morr, John Primrose, Wm. R. Himon, Wm. Peace and Lcotitius Polk. U w as on motion 111rther h^esoli'cd, That the E x e c u i i v e C o m m i t - ire address a circular to iht* friends of 0\a Htdeemer throutjhoitl tlie Stale, ac cjii.iiL* tint» them wiih wiiat had been done, di;cl inviting their co-operaiioii. '1 he'meeting' was then closed with prayer by Hcv. Mr. .Dowd, Slur. SIX Mii.iriA Mr.N. We have seen ihe offu l.il U'Tord frnru the War Department, oT the ])roccedi!i.^j of the Court Mariial whitli ii ied. tin iin- CoiiunaU* r>'iiUia-nu n, executed at Mo bile in ISU, and we think, itshowMi.. IW ) Ol 'I’iir}' I uipose cd't • I e It i t \\id III Jl I lloii"o ; and in. oisfii.? ■ ; tdf'k I !;-ce upon llun). 'i’l.pr' cai I'f lit) ».(.ubl, t/i-ni the n..u lit-;.!-d in ll'.e lloud*- ycotti.’.ny. tliat thfi e a di tcrnKiiC'd to ic- si.'i r.!ui put (i..v. h cv.-ry ellijrt 1; llie cl.jrac.c r of the b:l!, .'liid jt lb -' coiir.'C is lobe piiMidl in ti.t lluierriii bi' no (iirilt iilt> i'l ('ilcinii- ifiu either ti.o ehai jeii r. ( i t‘ e i • i . of it'' de.slui}'. !. It will be seer b\ our reporl ol pro- C(f. H ;JL'' tl.a' it '• ( ‘ o iV’tice oM Ke Ij-I ri.ii 1.1.1 li;uc a^j.iii, i’l.d tiblviiued p, V, I I tt.Mi.' tor pt-rsoiis rid [''ij.ci?. 'J I r ( i j(ct I l' Il !■ .♦! pii: . tliM, w s >i..ted t,- 1.., t,.. I..!., tl i ‘ 1 .•! Ni.r.I- ■>!' Cl. tI-.-.. ill (. tu i • .■• ^v- :• -Im ..1 y of a si 11 I' n I el'.M .' ”t I I ' I'' ‘ I 1111 cl!(. I! ol tbc f ; ir i.t mi d ol i. u i_;^n ii.'t ! e. Ill 'I . e I i. -i.;i e t l.iit in ’-v tl '• il (jl.,s; I.; :;ii j j, W . : o| 'If 1 I i IlM' i..!', t . - r. ii.'( '1 II' li S. 1. .1 L : li .!! e, tl I • I \ t l \ i . V 1 - ( I li :i- c\ It ti . \t 1 iM-t .1.1. !m.i ii ( I. I'- 1 , 1 t II ,J 1, |.| IC'i l t I 11 I I!' 11 ‘ ' X. l' i; 1, . L, • ! ‘ I II .or Will..’' K ■ I - I - \. ill II..: 11.! t il 11 ! A ill. 111 - - li .lilt '1 v.m'. ri( i. 1. I I .c!i >.'! 'i! ! ’ , 1., . It \' , i 1 ( ■ I . t t . t. II .1* ‘i t >1 iil- li. \ w'. ;cl • : ' I ‘ • I* I) f , , . ' ‘ ;'r 1..,v I I V. I III! ( 1 I ■ I i . ; I : !! I. . 4.1, IT, I, . I , . : 11. .1. ' .11 '■ 1 ,.\ ti. I . 'I'l.. [ ':'i . • V !.■ I ■ . I I' St II ■, I ; ( (M . . ., ■' i i ^ I ' ' W '■ ti'... . sii. I, t,| t:. . i: .• ■■ lo I. ! c!.t I •. I i ■>. •u '.■•111'' ? ‘‘ I' ■ il -j . ( ; ..1.1 tl. i.'ii a! I . !i ,.r I. ^ft k :.'i e\ '’i I e 1:1 ' I u: it_, w ill. >>, lie! t.iii ('. |\fl Il ' . I IS .!ii h. I Ii!:-'n'r0c'. /t!l t! I .1 j i' . !lo, are r;i- V I (1 I II Hi \ '1 • I .. '.' v\ • V. a 11 VV : JiOUt a]jj/iebciii.i ii I'l u:i.;iei_\; U.c; iftUil. The public spiii’ftl rour.".c iivr*' f-.: !;\ }li- i.i'Ui'-la'iiie ' l‘( t.’.M Iva: i;i, in U!i N' I'a I u il . Li lioii'. t :> i' I a V. on I t t.f i • bouir. c.r tr.e h!'U‘, ;.'.d iY'vili:.;! i'.-. ti.i ai o!' .,b;;ii!)'i'r tf.( '. . if. f t I. . ■ I . i- p*-d!:iuus ii.aiiP'T. r.;. i coo.rnt i'.l d. i 'I . 'a'id■ vai'J.d.'I ■ k > . .■ u .1 ■, pi \ I »ii. n', «. t.i.st I .1 '' '1 i'■ ‘ ' ‘ I.t J. I .■'i>'-' uic'. il i .li i'i-'- P''' j'..--^'d i. 1..'; HI. , « I I ’’ , i' l - l‘ " ’ II, 1,11 t ^ I (.Oik. S. I'ji '' , I • t 'i I ' J,, il , > , i,i,I V Ol k I'c. r at'( tji !■ t i Niai-. K. S..IM I -'«■ cl . >.p iifi-’iiif .\ooii's tl,, iiljtii.'i Kj b a. I'li'id’-I'li‘- 1 1., . I leh is'o ♦ x.iu cd vrii.wly a l,lii ■ n.'»c ol 111' .M•>I'-'. A !i .-S Mil I'll an '. ■ i-'* n ‘‘ ‘ " ti.f t;r rrl o .11 ('^ .loJi, 111 CiULu, cul.«.d v.t re ‘.o ifii.-.. I In .!’ 'a;,’ i ^.'oi.i j KaTT '.ay ;ir>\cd an ..ioer’dnient im- ■ i poslnf; a duty n kni\es,sin\% !l e n. i - lu . lo ,hi pu.t 'j v l.icdMv i . ya'. ived. 05’ Kivint. it Ji. -i-.i.!. I.--, n. uulj ^ ^ f,:tjvfr.M;n m . v. d to -me nd T.t moan to ; i -..m ,1-i' i. .-iv.un, buti ii.ii.duc.ii i;- ••bolt iron,” inio in-r.ly tu tl. '.v. ..u. ti'-.'- h.> i.!..i!:t; in -i.ositi" .. dutv on bar non, c..n......»i.hr ‘'au'all iBrnldcath. Ihesr ..otyi. a -licrt w.,. jt.d V.,... a,I II,M ill tlie l,r .,!a,i.,y s al.-i! ni a lev i-u.id a.i- alik,- cmi.l.icuou, for their wl.if. tk»- »"-» ,'>rl»i'..;rJ. mahh. tl., ir,r,t.llil!.nc. anj their if «! rM ihf hmvki- o„ . ... 2')^' J" • • . , i if’14, and It will aiip-car Irom what lu, lort’', that their term of service expiree on ihi' -i.'th September td’the same year. in- r.ly to tl. r. I! r.i'i v% I II '(i t.. -. f. d i -i ,. r I*. 1. ;n tl ■ I Ilf' .It hill, I. ' • .1 tl. If t-o II, HI.:: o: .. li at t o -• isi i;s- mn s:ii‘c, il.ai till I ..i> n i.lee r'l cii . d it ii.-1 I'.ji. o li.t li.Ii ciii.cii.i'l'.i ' I *' * ifj I ;i lo I | \. >l.ts ill re.‘''.li' it J I. .1.- Hvi'i.t v(.?f I 1' tl't. il '-af.,' ’:i thej . ii.lijti',..n id lilt.’ Llu iuiiice c:i ?-.-i.uufac-» Stf' Tf;, whde he f.S'MMCi’ ‘he ; t t:ii net' in t^.i^ Toi imiMec, dir- l-:s u ieciaiv. e'If' Kra'-.t tbl: l ovver ^ 1.11' * 11.1 t. ''i t' . ' I i r .tii!‘ Oil ' 1 \ V'y 11 (]'i 1; i '. I - 1 ‘- di ;lia* a.., a M. !• ( t'.urn.c'i.s pc'. I., er.u ii- I ‘■fKi ' u !■ r i’lK I ilil roi r.it’.", f'f . i^'l.l I—' L'r.'.in). 1 • hut sj ,'rr‘L'' '■ 'vj' -■(t-.'. . Tlt- .t (•' ii'.id- i , . , . • ,, I .1 wl-iCi’ V. as f.. ,,.i.i\ed. Mr. (,hdf.i. \ moved lliat the Comir.it- \ 1 'vhiJi wa?i al'ierw..rds with- J I •. 1 11 .u I , ’ (1! ..w n. Mr', nurharan moved to strike oui 10 cent> ■■ i,;dlo?i on fureip,n spirit'-, and in- 'cri .i; i::‘!iv-. v'hich v. as curriec) in ihe ; !;.a'*—a\e‘' t'53, iic/c .s 5.?. i Mer. er movtd iiia. the Comm; - I tee 1 i^e ai d Iepori the biil as iuinendti!, ' which was eai 11( d. OniTiCliotiol .Nil. Mall .1^, the bii! and a- ir.et'idna nib \st . e oi ooi t il lo i t pi ii'.. d ; f;;;l a.-o the an.enc'r.-ei.ti rtii.cbMcM ii- jtc'l.d. Tl.i lloii'^e tbr r. adj.'Uiiied. sptci for the Consiitulitn and laws cd thf l.'i d.” (H lb. Tdectoral lickel, tV.c .-ame joui- n.l says “It is . ii'phai’cally a s’rnn;," one. '1 lu y au' rut n id lii.blc ini.ihed ch;;racter, \0)(. ha\t fi if d \ai:c.'i.s ar.d important pubi-c . fTin s. 'i he Infliction is lii.excep- titi|.a(,!t, and the lust that ci idd have b( 11' ii.ade.*’ 'lie ;ic!dtfss which wa^ adopted bv ■>. ( t I \ ent.on is al:-o !*poken t,f ill II I li.^ ' I tl. I,il;1'.»' i'pptobatiiin. li IS Slated that .1 \Niii “tit'' b’t' unwoithy ' of bein;: placi (1 bisidi those rri at SiUte pt I :/lrc n '! c ] n s. I M/ J hti'on I ^ \'il t;ir.u-., anil Mi- (i.'•t t. i.f N'.rlb C ai- i I’ri.ni the Wlnrl'fbit r K’tpuMican. 1 Jus! .I.!,Ill (111 iin'■ ti.e piisu ent h li ! li di n t .t, vl t ie I.t SI" nt i''-' ' >' A law was passtcd by Conj^'ess, in 17i'' resli ictincj the term of m t \ ice of the Mi litia to Hirre mouths. In IH 12 a fiptcial Ij w, limited in il. duiatir.r. to Iwo years, was passed, to laise lOO.CoO men Irom the Militia, who were lo serve not exceedii, six n'.ontlvs. This law expiied cr. i..r 10th .April 1814, and cn t'e IMl'. of.il..'^ saijio month, Congrets beinj^ in t'j?.sii''. a T.tw law v.as passed exu i din^'ll;e tii i.f frrvic e from tfirce lo six months, 11 II lilt o}nnion cj the PrcuiU'nt^ the )-uLlic 11 1 r rt bis 11 (jU in cl i t. It j;peur s, l,0'.v(.v- t r, /Vc;m the docunn J;ts, tlu.i Prc;’. lunt issuid I.Odder', .iiul const (.ueii'dy ti.ey wire bound to serve only Ihnf months. — Gen. Jaik.'-vn h.id no ri^i\t lo fi-.i I,1.1 V(;l' V ;.ic c:.st -. n' to be Hjjc- ■ ^! r- : \ art ^ t.,; i: -lee > |.l I !|. t - I i I n . . t , 1 1 f i.i , monins. — vieii. lyatA.'t./. muj in.> ii^u. i- da\' last l.j!l. .i (iiiin.iti K.inn r I*''**'. tjftain ;h(:m a day i.her tl;i 20'.li St pti ni \iik c* III: >.‘l j.'i'at wtalib and [ [jcr, mjd Ijfini;’entitli d ii a discharf^e 1 ry I M e, r... j ; I I I it i o ;.ri i v t 11 t l i e i ’ y, ” h i . i ^^ he K-j^ally Mihjt c te^l to ihe ru Ici il.r IciM'i.t.it III pus; II not .Ml. Adams -it'tdcs of War. 'I'l.us believini;, il.t^c I'.r v.a'. \ ■ ii.o !., 1*1 1 I.t ;hi> .^■|| 1|.:\'| ; . iir,'. tl LI-J t. ...Ae J'*’ ( >■! ■ 1 t!.e i i' ^ '• So'! 11.nil n; I Cun'), nt U) \ oti I- .Il t.1 t'f. ..i; thf si'bi.C, and vi.--hei', •. - ’11 ts U) wiiii.il the po.-ycr V. n.,1! ii. i iv. b. a.,.(i'll-, d. Tvii li 'I.tCommittft: v.e;e '.I.- ; \i I il I'U : >• itito tiie luinbei i d I u i' o t 11. t i -1 !!. s. 1 he V I luiu jj.i. I f.iib 1 t' ••'1 t 'seraM^' this t’ut) by y-/6//J :ht x^oijt.k M) (lili. Wi' lilt I ' il Ilf ti a b'\v w.tks since the .1' >,th I I a I it i/.i n in ill 11 ltd (1 CuII y. (.N Ml.1.;.Hill tuiiMil h) a ’;.ii.r;i w itli a lu coli, or. the bac k 1 l i;. il 1 11, i lie inthi.’acttd usinf; atowii i;, V l .i 'i ii.i i.eedle ^va^ Stic kill}; ; u c.-I \i!V!i..ilv similar lu'S iiunii) oiiui- r. o 111 tii.s tow n. Mi. I'.nos iv.h» 11 dj.';', wiu, li. 1)1 a small ^^roct iy oii Cliuiiii ;,ti w l.:!e in il.e .c i ol ihrLsiii.^ his 11. nd o( \i n into a j oi k b,.i i (1, st ri.i k t bt iuw I r iiiitu ol'tl !• ii.Kidli li!i};er ai*ainst t!.(' 1 ( lilt fd’a hof.p nail il-ai protruded Hiroiit i. the s‘a\., niakiii}r a sli^tit in ' « > il M IV .1 » - V » fc» • ^ J i • t I % / M 5 • I « I l\. f ^ ^ % 1 1.11 t Ml I ; • I t oi I. .1 1 l.S at su'h hour'> c isp e, Ti om w I-k h iwo.,r tliiet* di"i)^ 1! •.. 1,1 1 c!M I .Mi nt. As to '.i t I I 1 l)itiOii » xiiui (I. '1 Ins hajjpenrd ..i. 1 . I • ,1 ; ' i ' • n('i 111 I . li ir.iv.ht id -'i i Snriii. y nit/i iiini: v'. i t r., ti.e 22d nil. 11' ; .1. o i„\i ibc tes’.H" ii\ ol !-t I k I.ut litilf iK.l let id’ it at the lin.t,, ,v f s I >n (. .1^I 1 I'.is this e tiur j ;.i. t m t lie I on I ' I tie da} he txpi ’- V j,;,;:’.'i .1. .Il ('. r.iniittee v. nld be ’n nci d a vttv paitdiil >» iis^iiioii in ii;t ; make tea.; pi.."-:ic s wluch is . i.-t.d ^.r.d, v.iist, and .tbtu,, iiiidiiij'hi w..> J M :? d with a s*\tit li' of ayne, wIihIi is'ila'icw) ■" I adopled. | a- snee't d'd liv hitrli i ^ i.:v i I WI ... . ! dr.i . 1; Tbfc Coi ' lo .'I ■ ' M'i'' I I! t. '‘ d I’.it' n r 1 n.i'"' M 'lil v» ,u A n U'ii Til-' O I I k t.' I a- snee I the ;.jii. e\t i-dir;; ‘Ir.* bill |t;n .>i(,nd:-\ lie ;.i ii^ . . -;r. , I'-.Mi j tlie p.atiei i i:: ■: tin .^-' .!> i t tl ..let, «;!’ r lip I x'l ■ 11 . t. V. . V u 1;’..f -.t It'll !n I • . ; . .1 J . , i ..'V' li'iJ .. I'jn 1' 1.. i.:lii'i( bt > . ■ i Ls ’vi'-. c: If. ^.iira-:';;. . 'h.lr.'T,- ii.'i ; JI ; ',;on ■ I 11,1' II , I \ sti i/.i- t.at state I'l It I. t. il.e 'vhouldii. I ;,1.\ si( ivii , w 5'.' ..If aj;oi \, *v i. 1. iii.iiioi., t XU ill. i,.n. toe w 11.^I to il t‘ j.l.iiuldi r j. in : l.e „riii sv> ..lb'll’.II 11 1 !i I' Msiia nv..' I’l'uli it II ;;:id vii ph"- luu v\. 11 f ' 11” 'I.', ’ ’« 3u:' ( kl . o w i■ b »I t \ 1 i 11 If t lb I t. iht f ,i Il1, . : il fji.beipu t'd) I l e it ii. ii.inatl.in ! ; ‘ ■ a).'1 ssw !li;ii’', ji-c. ..ili n ovi i aii i hi i ilbrts , 1. 1 JI t ; L.kiii, i-tid on tiie 11th ila\, iC '.it.—I i.i'.i ’I i.c ^rav, liie palunt i'N[niid. On ■.. pij.'itlon j I I.t Si nr!.av pi i tfcni}^, the pi ysieiai ..I'Oalu bt. * t'.isi t ! lit (1 •. tiy slight ti aces olji.gnnf, .»Ill ,N!i'. Spra'.’ue. ! Ii!i! i*-o! (.jiinii n ibai Ins death Was im.. til'-'.’ dl-, ,'.1 .’d l.i-. p: rpobi-j M'.bii ■ ol)H' '.o iliai » ati-e, but to the t n '.etiionwai iJ!'’ rut oi itlr j I t.*.it a'uin I.i'li.e \ Stt m. by !f\(i os.;l tl.r *r. t..: ds im ]Mi. 1/In 11 ti >■. as ,;u Mats lA : ,1 l,i-m^\ i I j.',ii.;.il\ lit.Ill Pi-lift ss /Xiin'’:—dimn> -a.s dit.idcd in t'.,e i.t ;,a-' Ins it suit i,if in Noil.dk, Ins I'.'iil. im h l.itdi.f'er bt'i ii i (i. c!, v\as tt.ii.- I It t !y stab!.silt ii ; „imI le as it^ii- t,I aHiiaiii.t-: I'linstil .iiid i.ii I,'.milt, in-' \t >v iitiiniij,' i l tlif in I idi'iii, on li’s •pituiioi It ill il y in t bf (iji.\mnt id st. a l.lf ssifitr. tihsf I \ iii^; ii,a ht- liud I.’. II It It II! iier in'iiis lil'e. What a ■ iikiii^ (\idi nc' b.iM V. !• lu re of ihi utcert^ij.ty of fioJi’s eMslriice in tilts pi \isi* v\usiit tlif mi uth ol evf iy tme. 'I'l.e oltl j, ( I'tlrti all was si rry ih't ill' initi 11 II t' n.o late .ii d UlliiitliMd t(. go ( own lo ..shii.;;ton, i.i.tl set l iui oi wi'i. Ml t\eiv 1)1'dy tidked. ilis wile ..j pit vfd thi' pn.posal—the carr\u'.l as tMi'u'iid oui—ai'(l thenexi day iht) wert in till pal h.ur td’ the President. They weif pt liuly Kceixed but their months will siaifd. Thiy sal ten ii intdts wiih- .taii utieiinif a tvortl ; when ihe old (ler- ii.uti bioke silt ! ee by saying' lo his juiit- iier (-n iheir liati'e lai ,l;Uiin‘ ) f U (s’..,o I oiTM'. W. ’ve S'en tbr- Pie.'ndi nl. Ih I aii’i tclk Dim h : a’d we nii.sin’i May litie. I’l-t pi I sidei'i instaiitl v replud in ilieoiil )l:;i init man’s lavof itf Duflb, teb- 114; bin. I e was I a] }-v to be able lo en- it i tain him. pill a ii.omi nl iht; visiters l(/oked at eat bother in amazemi-nl ; then by a simuilai.eous impulse unloosened iheii longues, aiitl surb ajahber idDuich ^^uspl!hap^. iifverbeloie beutd it! ihe j.ri Hdeni’s hon-je. The old }jentbman ti. f lared I.t was no lon^e." lor Jacksu:., Mr Atl. m-* tviis his man: he talked Dulch lit Iter than .;iiy bf.tiy he bad everheuid : ,iiid be v\oiild nil his neij;bbo:'.s sc, anti iin'N sh.jii 1 i^ne him iheir voles (or j.iesidtii!. It is suitl that this little ii ( lilt T.t will ^'uin Mr. Auains C>'jO voles in York cuinity. articles of War. 'I'bus believiiif;, il.t ^c iiiiiorlunate ir.dix idnals It It tbeii ju)st>. n a publii: manner on their return lu-n.e to ibeir frimtls.—They were apprt bendt il. hroiif^bi b.ifk, tri('«l lor mutiny untl (it- -1 rlion, and A/.f fi/ //ir/?j sentenced lo sub I't'r deatli by ilioolii i-;—and tiiis cine! iTiaiidate cairi'Ml into i xecution/tyf/r duys^ after ils dtciee.—bat render.^ tbi.si.ui' rntive ir.'ire bearti('tulinp;, is the lact, th.it peace with Great Prituiii bail not only b'-eii ntiide :it Ghent, but had bei n at \N ashin.mi n. In the battle at New Or- f»‘ans, only Hiirlccn Aniet it an Ciii/.en'.> k's!; ■hidr livt s, but altfr pi act; had actu'^ily ’)! cii eonrluiled, r Air.eiican Miiitiit' men were v.nfeclir;’,iy execuicd, with but four days t 1 p;cj'-ai e idr the awful t^baniv'') and wiibout an opporUinity to se»’ f>r ln ur fiom ihcir families 1 lipgistir. J,earned —'I'be learnetl pi^ in his day a lai greater tdjji cl o! admn’ii' ihaii ever was Sir Is.-.ac Xi winn.— We met a pei.son who had li\‘tl 'in door 10 ilie lotl;,;n;.;s of this et udile s" 1 «i'd 111 a house ao siiujic'tl thai he ciaiKl 'cchitnat bis reliearsah. !le t.jb! •i’’ iievir sav/ tb.e let ■ jjcr brat him, 'lat li did not pel lot m i is Irss. n w tdl, he us‘’“ threa'.'’!! to fn!:t ojf his re I iraul Tbf h.'-t wa-. lb:.' j - \v...s j.iuud ol -■...'•'s : .j.’-d I t rba')i. \- n So!oii'.'j;i • I'l.- j iiot .t.iUeivt: llial V«liity u ui n.. Si-1 a paji.ion. ..!i was tin M ('11 lilt ii'oi ii.n i!.e iti'in 1 tda.in:;; to nu/la'i- 'i 1,.. r I ti; n w.s tiso di'tidtd in ilu It ', 1 V r .1 \ « S 6 1, S 1 5(). Ml. .\i'( ' \ tl,. i. movfd ul' i,ti.''frdn)t’' t. Ill pOwl - I u_iisoi. suliptuc, ii.. w l.ich >, Jt'.) 1^^ „ i 'vt^rl- Xarth, I'nial'mn Jiiiin'h of ihe .flnuriinn T/'iul Sonr/ij—:\l a nifetin^- of tho->e - ru,n„„K a ll.atKh ,,r .AsSi.-WdtcrSO,. Inenn if. the n;1 .■Miieiit .11 Iract Society in ihis Slate. | h'Id in ihisrity on the Li'.h nUimo, tnej Irub bc.^jjar who b. ;t'-.r Ke\, Wm, MTneetei", D. 1). was calleil | hastened toc;-?:i If.rVu' to thf liiair -aid tlie Kev. Suphen ! _ il.e pie.seM ol fc:^pl'i,c;.■. eiontisappoii. id Secretary. ^ ^ l.f bad not lo noall a co.:i Afifr piaytr by ibt (.’bairmr.n tlie j | i^i e,ir.y j':ooil icllow, ii.ffiiii}.'- w I •» labh t sst fl by t he .llev. I• b'_! c is a ihilliti;^ fo .'.t SSI s. j ci*'t11 M:ii,t.ii', a^n i'.trj ol the | y(,ii ovf i.ic 'iix’ien. ,\mt'i K ali i rat t S.'cifis, vvith the view yo’ar Ilc'.'.orl” (X.ia’i.r. H: ras ol slating Ihe naUire and object of tbc in-■ j oar IIj.u; !;ve till 1 pay yon.” stuiitu.n, and its j^ii'ui u ’ ili t \ in er.ti.f.li:);,:; j I bf bit ssin^rs of ',t,f Rediemt'i's i.inj> ! A ladv, v.!’,o!aif*v dom. '1 la y itnuii ked noi only on v. b.aib'n an lusntiitv e.f 1 n>ij,d)t hi i'X|'e(tfd fium an. insMti^t; >ti so j t ach. to n Do-,'’ \.iiii.ibir, biiici f (t iiistancf s so nniiit 1 ou', j s.jnpyjf — wiih th'* 1 la Hbitli Its I'Viidic^.t.o'ii h'n^. ’ .' :r. ^ f ,i .(,d of ' A • .,^de. i 1 .. ii .-'.'.I ?u be Ill'a:-. Si ;• V ri^il if, In lyi.'t f. ,;it.t : ili;.': 1 :?i id; i ;)!ifM-.- ' sahl t .n‘ 1 l.irM’f ■ VOII ; bat lUl" '• • ,i ( JK h! Pa “ m -'v • yon.’ ed in Tl'. .s' I a Mo 11 k-.. V, ■in’ 1 C'a'- - I'o -.unci'". a* tl" .

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