—If'csiroia 1)criiity oru a fragrrance of the time, calir.ly sti/k Icrcatii the wnvri. I vthcst iitid ^>\ct tcsl Kind. I’o sucii As ^he \v« iit d* u n, a 1 l.j M > .-n IVK I 1 AN'I. ! niirce I t il. s ill a v.iri l!u j ))!;,. (s, Ci.t.i’iirln) ri !-p. ci'iM 1> liy tJv« r fr:il'3r,t^ ; , •• l.miis.,” !■ V\,|lijti, •• tt's’,)lni • ts ill r« vt a A •>t n t VI1 .(fi 11 :■! > hi: !■*• »*> »onc« : 1 or w In I |Mii Cl ».k} ’k;'U lias mUv. iifiun Ik r “It wills a» tht toad) undrariuts fioni tlu- haiid.'* The \0U' 'I- I' rntVcv (V^smayM— J.i.MSH i(t s. id, t’n) u t iifrj'.d / J'lcr lair l.-iJHl ui.v hr.i-M, tin’ (•';n vin''lit tiv.'' ^ litii l.'i ! i'l n.'vir may ajjtly be comp?rcd thr » !,tle, l)ut un.'orturaia Klizabctli. Ol .-»ii» flnble parentage, vvilhout wcjillii, :.-jful;u ly f'dijoalcd in the bosotn ot her Jatlu'i ’s family, V lini.- nu.iiiit! . i,do\M)ienls, v,it;i the iiiust uovaryiiip; N( rt tilty Ilf dis;>o^iiion---i.hc was tin- :.i:- Uiiowli-fi^cd lavoviiocfll.e jc'wwl okin u liir inlimnlcly, nnd who U-ari.cf! to aj)- a piciTint; ^brick o( ’‘ii|)|ilication ami dt >[air fio!ii l.fi' new, broke uj»on th*; ^llllncss of ibc "('i tif, i'lid rarricd d;tfi"tts to ibo bosotn ol I Littleton. M'hc bf)dy of ibc miirU'red inptain washroiijrbt on tlerkaod j^Uwij;- ( lii.t(i tbc M’H. l.Iisbluod Wfts v\a.sbf‘d fion) tbc cabin floor, and the Vftscl rlubltd, jmk!, in a few hour‘s, every ibini; v\as in leadiness for another himi- I»ref ':ito wti!*' , ulti n nnconi.erted n i'.h, Kir enter j»rizo I On Ibc ''tb lay from this time, tbc IJt.inney fell in wilii Ibe Vacket siiij) ( |( (ipatro. from New-Oilcans, bound to i i.iiM^jl Kiizai.i-lb, >liunr-lv encbaiii-1 New-Voi k. Tbi'^ w^st\ was prcj)arcd we:.!l (' I n'.' iUi't Ur. :;i. ai -'ri.e>e anr.i»'ti\e and 1 eait, ;'H't llii ic- still I!.oil- Inv( 1\ no n-.cre u,re ! The vletlfw cS an srJcnt at- a far^lly rc'ccn'mcnclfd to ldm, tlie |j, iiisihiii u.c idaiitdroci.Miuu!(^,j| j} 'V. linp--(d J.il'. 1'’ 'j’heir at- ' !ach:) i*' t f(.r (.m b olbt.r mulj.d, I'l» n lot 111'd id (. I \ (;':lb ; eeii'•»! to l ;'vv ‘■1 fCMrt|,(_-;i- Thc pni.r f:-st tlim j ^ Snid SI , , , 1 hi'. aiiM'i.f fan.:'.., “I.ord lici;> ne ' how docs tu. , ^ , kllt;«.” ) TH F, lit oiu!cl i lit!' J'niK’: 'I'lu V ". alui' tl; (viiu'.di .r. I uiid S \i _\ f-itfuiii) IrdJi d\ii',L,', Vj'' . V31'. v 'itii. r'li Irc'iii its ■.tcm, lb 1 iw in r'lin■> . But f>'111 ff( Mcr, U> s'li'V. still V.'ful I ’oi ;i> dt :ith, Her bills'll s iothy cliti K ' i (luoi.tl.i d, II. r p’.nuii I tf) tl y l't( :ul.. CM her j-?it) tliC 11's td ; 1. ■ Io\ ed lii^ \ ii iuev i'tid ;n>niir- ■IllS. Sll*'. l.I.t W I'Ut onf, ( f Iii^ Virc''. \N II f'l'th, lif/w I r, oiii r I ('iill(. 'j-f, an il ii.!i:i t i.crun' : ss:st:2r‘ i : a'avirli'. , llu- (. il ciini.-ti ».../I ’>c. I 1 V. I’il \ I 1 'S ni A l il. 'l'b( M‘ I In . 1 VH. U.'> 1 C II l' wit) I.M.UK t' ia>t vuij Uit I, tl.e i . itid ;.i '! tlie hit', ol O: M), \mI1 jiiliiii" Itafiily ;j, /,■ ii; !l>c- f(ill(,u i« >l fU'li an ; -I o i tl.Mt r.'.!)li(' chaiit .Wi It'- v\.jii- t ('! I • i I uu,' I Ui’ >val'''s I 11 IS fd ifii'*', 31 ti e I'liiod reltiH'il tc, n \ atU'itionj li.iii. ed bis I; bis fiiibli a lUr’ie i' tiirii i on \vp;i'*i -'i ii\»r i.erw.ii' ^ alin lioris • :',J bi !;0[)( sa*; tbe I'.if lu i:i' pa^i: :> r iiioirl' liif nia; kits t ui > V. Ill) l lr^lil .ii,d ile^'uliii I'l:'. —!'i 1 1-^ i.( '•) M a1 rr \ ' U.. tjii.M M ’ 1 : iic j:'..n;i! I :di!c, bi 1 n t 1^ M N ' I I'. I’’i (" ' lu , and i: II . ( I ;1 I,! ] :ssi, ! , L lili ' ■ I dt( \V hi'- (i M , :i'i I •■l.d)l,' I' III w. li! j ':i:i I' n >u V( ic- l\. Ilf \v ,!'• a rrc'tfn! an'' ti" w n iiite pM-'ii'. tiiilil it \v;rN i'C n hiii t d ti:.il (ii 'li V-.ivtol !iktl\ Id eiiMr’ !>y tM'- CM roiii-l.i: ( e J-',! z.dj( tb was ;'(jr reiistanre. 'J'he fireof the Ivuinney was returned, killin;*; one of the pirates, aiid vvoundirp: scwral others. A severe at:d bloody ( «nlet,t ensued wliicli con- tiiiiieil niiiil alter t;ur,set. The cj]>tain d the IxVn'pry tinw ordered his boats lew wrjtn be [ireparcii lor bo:rdin". The fir- i;i;' fn ni the ( i lopatia ceascd before !!,(.' b')a!> reaciif l! her. It was, Iiowcv- er, but tbe eahn hich jiit saues the ' I I! e '.vhii l’.\ ind. 'I'lie rrew f 1! e l;!i; 1 u ei (■ iiTinll!!! s trot v, itli s,words, iii.toi' aid il k-'. 'I'lif j/irr'te^: u iti’. tbe tacbment for an unworthy object, sliC had sought in company with iicr hum ble lull fond failier, a relief from li«ra9C an! rnolancboly, in the mild nir of the south, to which she wns now aiMins; the promised advantage ot a sea voyP2;e. Littleton lay Ibat nijjbt in a state of inscnsiliility. The jii.-rninK never dawned uj)on a more miserable beinpf. He raised liimself, and looked ribroad upon the wide waste of waters. No ob ject cither living or dead met his eye. In his icverles, the torments of tbc wicked convulsed his bosom ; the boun dless sky and water seemed to spread eternity before him; the bric;ht sun, ris- inj' majcsticallv from the occati towards lhchii;h Heaveiis, seemed to him em blematical of the u})ward flinht of the purt' spirit of Klizabeth, which, but a few hours before, liad gone as Ids ac cuser lo the regions of immortality. A wavelcss calm oversj)read tbc deep througbout tbe day, and, without the means, or tbe strength to propel his boat, cxliaustcd by fatigue and agoni/ed ^ by tlic goading of his conscicncc, hcl.iy j !I'dui i■» r d;iii"-i I liive n d h;tj pine's. 'I’l e I Liltleti irs life, by .tbi rii- t( I pn>itiiiii rd’;’. tl K'lid, was •■j.iead h‘ 1(U0 » ' » ■ 1 1 I am J^dlNdon, ion^dit to lu sper- .ijMM.n. — Oi'.c (li tiio fiew of tbe ('!eo- i I If'.(■!.ted bis nt the brea^d L'Hm ton, i»u; it /lavlied ; the j;oni;U!l fdtri' hiMci. w'IS i';,,iantly plaiiti'd in 1 I,- brca>t, ui can '!icc(-eih 1; he iielni ai.d a> !u? k’- f.vcrlioard the li)i;r!it ihO):i pri .-'f !''if 1 'o Liitletoi , a i r.ice r'l"''! !! tliO t.itber 7)1 [!i:s (;:.ro in', li l-.Iizaljt'?b. He agaiii ! nivl.'-.ii U';■ I ofll.o ileck wiicj e t!ie ; b'lfl ! .'a- :it . H-.-!. As be appni?'!hed [ it. ti; ^ ts ';f a nisJol wi-re h.'.;;;eil prudent man, in the initation of the ment, withdrew evciy shilling and plac ed it in another firm. Had not Ibis ( ,,, cumstance occurred, It is probabh that Mr.—— would have been saved Irom ruin, ns the banker we allude to w tuld. had he perceived that the principal war being squandered away, liave infoimed the lady or her friends of tiie fact, hut tlic other merchant, lo whom tbe nu-n^y vv2:i confuled, knowing nothing of tti« parties, took no itderest whati ver in what manner it Was lisposed of. Jn the mean time Mr. had been in. duced by some unworthy assdcj^i^.j;^ (one of ^vbom is known, in Lot doi,.) to vi*^it the j)rivate gaming bouse W'pt by a female who calls licrsell a connless; this abode of infamy is frerjueided by numerous sharpers, both J'h.glish and French ; ard here it was that the ruia of the unfortunale Afr, was ell'ect* ed.—Tbe whole amount of the X.:j(),0()0, was lost! Hundreds of individals were acquaitited with tlte fact, the only onr that knew nothing of it was the baplcsv wife ; at d when tbe intelligence was H, ,rravel..ss LaiU until the suoo.eO-1 ron.mun.cale.l, it hurst on her ear hke , r il»v. >vhen heuns discovered hy a I I-o-r ^iy w.i., m de- ;..cr huui.d f..r .\c«-.Orloaus, ,vl,i- ■''■""’g '1' ^ pf l"‘'K'>j,ney, sl.o .'..rrled him.-I'lie.KlIr.s, ■'ill™i and in a and unknown, he was liere 1 country. Such .s the situation ill her youiii:-iiilect I'-,,-.. Imt uiili them' tbe seeds (d'smmvv ar.l ;iHi;i nt (i. Stnngwiih disa[ jitMidnu-. i urd mnr- tifu'd pride, almo'-t (liscai-(i( d * y Us l.iili- er, and parlialiy tii>coi:i.tei'rtiu ei' by s(j- ciety, L. now ]dui.getl dicpcr into sccnes of vice and dissipation. H.'.r- ol nii'id. vs. M cdc'l.U.d to elicit obsi i- Tatioji. It jeruliarly n'laikeii Ijy StPie of ibe sti( li^fv and niore ignobU; f('atuje.'- t.it oui n«ituie. A*- 1 entered his room, lie n s.-d hi'^ ht-atii: g;zed on jiif i.)i ,1 ni,'vt ni, a ‘1 lit o u'loao escaj)- ed I.in., his fi.inio ^^■c^m'd convubed diep enx'tii'^'—bis »-y(s gently i b> debt-, and de-ei tel b> I.'m.isc tuu tiif f!:^or, at.d be giadual-|'v!--bad law-.ed upon him in pM '-pet i- ■1(1 tae coiulitioii in which ty, I:cclanl( s. nt \ i. f* the sr( nus d In^ licit bis room, butcoiihl j cliiiilhooii, '•iii ti e ('‘I'.i.paiiii. ;s (d his 011 .(•, r his imatre b'diind inc. In tlie j disriMutt l.:ib:'. cou’si. f f few di-v.^ 1 saw him again, j tains, d*-' . i deil ,ntl> Iruad'.; turn athird, ftjurth, h'PP'’ I er. Si e was :'ma;:ed and ciddy v. ilii! it) t:i;; i Oi'!!,• Taplain, who fell life tl.e tl" iii'Id ill tbe i)i eoii.ice upon wiiich I I'.;' -- ;’Ovcrpd ’vith blood. At tliis n,:) 1 • had in.ci) rejK lit oi'ce mol l*. '.I'be sti u. , '.I’he j)iratos rnsiu tl to ti.cir ht ;.;s. and of tliC up;.Ira, to the ( xtin- 111 of tbc llan I '. Lilt h tot.. Ibl- a n ouiKivi. (Min pai.iop, sprung She .‘aw i.imi nuj,', the av. !'ul cry of “the ^1 iji is igille v.-as A io-! fne.-’ put. an end to tbe '-uif..’. - ;,;‘)».si..d by Ihf enii.ci .ted f.gnir of I h ut, but their cf gai;t inei'.ts weredis-j '.I he p. a n:'/' , ajpar-itly ;.bi ut tweniy-five sid ved ; and u ilh a pi on. pts of dccis-> lie ere w \ea' cV ail'. H s lat e pi esei.ted a n g- ion ef)ually indicative of funiiuss ()!'|'Vii‘!*n'‘i Xi\ 'a\u d7r.yt I'-. 'U.d i.dicated a deplii soul and pui ily of leelii::, siu- galbeud I h v. cd !)y ve tber pvnnyle ca^t upon ‘.becliaiity cl the worhl. Dis ease, severe and protracted, ensuec!, and, ■dier tbe hi] sc of several months, like tbe piodigal son, beset out in sickness, pel uiy, and distress, for his father’s i,c)U-e. H\ the ail! of private cliarities, i.e was it ab!ed ti- leacb this City, but ilia st.ito.id't(.'o iiiuch exhaustion'to pro- C' (i any farllier. Such are siibf'.aiitially tbc incident.'' in the lileol Litth ton, as related to mt' iipon our last intej vii w. At that ti;ne l.e appeared calm, but wltbo'jt ai.}’ bea- \ ( nly sen nit v ib.al mraks the last n'.o- niet.is ol a virtuous man. ’’I'i/v-ic was a to wiiK'h tne most baneful of jjassions has reduced her. A few charitable persons entered info a .subscription to defray the expenses of the bote!, and supplied her with sunicient money to return to England, where she has ar rived. Her worthless partner has dis* aj)peareI, and it isprobalde has ero this terminated his career by self-destruc tion. #•? Grecian Heroine.—Sophia Con- dnlimo was ti e u iie of an ollicer of nis- lirrtion, w!,r> f'11 during tbe sicnrc of Mis:iolong’ni. the 'I’urks enti'r- v\; I h St! 1:1- i\ I ( 1 jjisfd !'■ i I'mivl him. Hr thi .•^u!)st.q ar,J filth visit. 1 engapf'd liiti’i iri oon-j vei'S'.Uun, v\on iijon I'ls eonl.denoe, j in ot:r Inst int* : v.i'W, itcci .eii uonihim j widi an 3ir of afif ‘■tfli • v. car» i- ^ od to tiiind ( o; v’cl.oii ol i'.s l!u''.ti.pj histi :y 'l lii** ld'\ ! e tl.e ^iil'sl.i: ci , Qr 'y—l! i; !r! uu. cid' i.t-i I cai I.' fc li'i',: cf ; onv no ' 'I W( i yi .. •\ ' 1 b' 1 t; 't . idv ol 1 Ml ; , III 1:' IT. 'i. ■ ;; .u'. ! Ill I } de ( I t i;, .I'ti.; 2 1. v\ ; 11 -.i; li \ li1 . r t! »- nati, lit I • iboiigb u 1 ilfUian, ,iim1 w i n il I \ I ncn's. hf II .'i | ,i c ,M 'f ui.tl 1 I "•> i. ntious i.lM I t .1) (' II' 'I I HI.I I hi |i I re I I Clo-sed tl.f' n-!f..in- Oi io and .M is- vi^i'- atCi'iciii- and Ndclt. z, wbiK-, I g tbi 1.Mi I i;ii of a i:; n- p(isse"':ng that i:i'f'iri,".;i..ji atlt I ds gi iiilis ar.d a!!a!ii- ■ n >Ti', tiiil^ with vuL'.ii' aiid c n^p.tl.y. hi Ne^' Oiierms 1 I '>(•'’1 sun I 111 d( li by sl.ar- si» : I » (.1 bunnin i.i pv:i\ ity to r ! I'! ( " CM 1(1; (.d ni(ii.e\ li.es ill tali' I s, vice riiui vii'tr.e nieniory oc- i-.. to iii.' fatb- ■ ;i bi ac s (,f a t aiileid atla.eh- iy l''.I;;’,ii'et}i. loi i or s i f 1 e- ,i ■ n. I' Il I s-i . I." 'i’f 1 I l.l« M»ii\ ;ii. 11. w ,l^ ..ill N il > a I ' I- cllo |i.|i» ' p',..i... ^ I ;i't *! i.M !■( hail !.;i‘'' I 1.1 i i 't.f. 1! i.- r i..:i11 . V\ ,,S ‘M M 1 , • \ i ,il . >1 t li ill'! j I I I ‘ e I .• 11II : > 1 I ' ‘ I ! I . ■ I ' 'I ( ' 1. I M till' • il I ■ V ( I' t I' i : • I '.N I oll*i ; II li • ll :.f! I 11 ■ I • 1111 I V- I. I II o \ I . o r : i ; II f ei ol I! !.• I III •• a;.d !ti^ It sei \ ed to 11 ri t ise i lie , iroi>f, I I 11' 11 i> I u 1111 11 (■ ' M I, uIm 11 r III pM ;ii ions '•! iiihoelity. iiritioi’ l.e [icraiiie r.cquair.U d, ■I II 1. ai l er of a ; iiaiical V( .s- v\ i t' 1,11 !I in In I’l tl ■ 111.I *ci tl I , :it l\ lliib'ii I I r 'lii (! ; ■' r. !•. •3' .) I I ' I ,'i f . 1 t. . L' tl .■ t.i n or v.i- lun t '■ ill hi'' ir'' '• t e •I:!'! li In 111 til'' id' III' 1 III ei'' t t',e I I II - ;d I I ai.o \ I d 1.1:11 , ii 'A ilh .Ml iiiiir!. I 1 M, 11 , t li I I f 1,:^ f M I .I id 11 (■ .Ml'' H ' ; I .s. I'll .in'iii tl • I', i» n I e's (d c, ,|l.d lilsv j ;| _\ l;lc. a \ I - hid Ihi I .■ Il'- . 1 ,^i,i .ll lll.I'S ; 'I ^ 4' n III f i r. 1.11 \ I d -I, III I r- ; li\ b ■u I. ol It r ll>. Ill’ !te pio- 1 \ I 1,1 In' I 'r'lii ''d bv I j*. !,il. i; h'( !t.( jissioii oi an>l l-i'' >lui it'S xmk* ConniK i.coi., undM tl,* c.ifi i I a .'i.ii!;- ^iii-l.eiM,,iir. Tie pa^i-' f lii;ick- )»t(.ee di'id 'ook vsrtr, i,o-.\ iVPi, (d’l'.'ii ylirown bv’ lo; the [di isore id il.e tnri ;*iui tiiel.iV'if. A'za II phu'fd in the mid>>; ol 1 vjp lu lii“ his« arl \ Hi l.lsLUi'-e U.'.s l,l;i:ililll ‘I |iri)- \ isioi s lira Cl ui'^e ami son '■ adi: il'onal Coll pal ioi to stale with iiitn liie 'I I ll'' ai d (!ai,!'i i s i ! pii ar\'. 'ri:c i'lea ( f eii'X'gii'ii M! such a b.crj'l- j I'h .’I nisc id’ i'lV .1 little ri- |\o'li;” to L.lint'.e, l-i.l lie- -trngjli' I \\ ' I ( iliu r li>: nor'i v i i'f ; llie .slili I 'll..-Ill \ Oil e 11 eoi.sciei CO w soon biish- jii’.ai.d I'Cieaiit loalllheiies oi Vil’- j lilt , C' ln.ti V .'iiid kii • le.d, ere die l.ipse I I w I \v I ' Im' loiiiid il i lii'.idf ' i;ii d III thr n.o-i I, u less niaiai'ii'rs on I'l-:*!' aii aiii.td piiatic.d \ i s>'il iii t!ie ! I .idl'. r .Ml x'.co. '['he (jiialilio". ss- I , ii lu Liillit'ii well' soon disenv ri'd hi:> de^pffiie ih': |is io he pri'ii'-(l\ I 1 ho-1‘ 11 at hiieii idni .aln.iial)!v (or t!ie iciitripr.zi’, in wlnidi li.i v wi'ie enL'"';r- 1,'d, ai.d ill' was ui.ai'im'in^iy eiei’fed ii.ali' to ti'i; c.'^pi.un. The I’.r, 1 \ i s^td wiiiob thi y lell it) \%iih n-,> a '■mail Ivi- '^i isli met t bai;l iiTii called i ii* S; ,rk hoiied to J.iii .dc:,. i)V boi't ing iahf cohirs the ’.essels were laid sido bv '■ i le. and the ci’l t’lir. ot'ihe J- tink invited to tl.e cabin of tin K.,i;:i.i \ I ere r.e wa*J stab bed in the I,tail. Ai the Siine niomcijt, hi'vcssi, 1 WHS l;oarded, and lus uni* -is- ■on pai.ioi int ) his boat, si;d \\as the liist to clear the bu.riiini; \ es^ci. A !i;;ht bn i ;'e hav ing sjiior.g lip s! on alh r sin set, tho C!('W of t !.i- 11( mney, w ho liad in en hit on board, reso'.t e(i npon rniiiiie^ (d] with her and divii;ii,g tl.e .sp(.»il. aliCcfdy ac- (juit’cd, amting t* f'li "e!\es. 'I'liiy lad a^i'oi'lii gly hoi.st'd ail s .il : a'n' b- dur 1ki bo;.ls iiad It f: t'e Ciei nal j she vv.'is iu.il ly two iiiilc' iii.'iai i. L nle- toi'b.nd but a si'-p!(• ir j- i,; i.i>. hoai. bis i'( nM ^'i ioi II oita!i\ \\ III deo v\,-» .'o 1,- iiig ui di r ]'blood, ami in ath inpl- ieg to I'ise, Icr the purpose ef tal^iii}; the hehn, h' lotttred, fell overhoaiii aiio .Slink. 11' tl is time, the lire, whe ther coiiiiiinnn'ali'd by ai-c;d('i t, or by sme j a>s(i geis, for ti.e j urp(,.^e «)f escapiiiji a more hon i!)le death, was be- ginnii'g to show itse"!!'on dick and t.ni- oi'ir the riggieg. An iinncnse column of smoke towered-like a p\ramid in the inooiiligbl (h[)ths of tbe skv, wiiih- fiei'co and brilliant streams ol Iboiie isMi- ed fnun tbe jioil-heles and windows of thes'iij), castii g u iLarlnl glare upon the expanse ofv^atcis around. On (h.’ck, hudilh (I togi tlier. stood aniiiUi the dead and dying ermb.dant.;, the siirviviii'j crew'and passergeis of tbe (’leofatra, iri’iudin'g three or four females, one of wlioni clasped to her bosom witii tbe fend despairing feelinsi m'a mollier’s lo\e. Ml infant child. Above the noise d tlie rrackling llames, now and then coiiid i.e heard the |)ia\eis a'ul agontz- iiiL^ shrieks of this pitiabic jrieup'. “ I ii'Ti i'l) .e h '^i so;! In ^1;_\ the wiji. f,rrw(dl, 'I 1.; n slirifdicd the tiiiiid, and stood btill llic Ijvuc, ■flicii .some leapt (iv( rbn.'iid willi dr( iidfiil yell, .tiiiifipate tlicir gruvc. Mnall p.irU t hil.'f i,eariii, hcUi.ic, ami 1;he '■'■•'"il • wtio sougl.t lo e.scrp'C! i.l'.c I'.rot tl.e en- pol-e with some anxioly, if not jier- tii. bation of his approaidiing diss.'dution —expiessii ‘j; a u i'h to cot'.verso wit!i a jnini'ti r of tlif' gosj)el. I c.dled on the I’ev. Ivlr , wiio visitid him twice 1)1 ft;ie bis ih ill). As J appri'ached tbe hospii.'il "t mt'da) s afterw aidsj I ob?eiv- (d thi hear-' retiirnii g from ‘I’otler's t*'i( hi.'—^-It 1 ad jn.st conimitted to that cit\ iftledead, the wasted bodv of the em)’’ i y fjuitling the arc.imi all ied by her sen r:;d ('.n:-l.u r. 'I'la \- had not proc-v;odt\! !’..r, wi.e tl.e '.■oth er perceived a party of 'Purks conn towards tl.-j::) : hirr'fied at the f ’.o w hieh w?s rlirut to bcfal iicr d'ui;:lilcr, a beautiful girl of l(), she turned to her son, wlio wss a.’-nu'd, and told him to shoot h;s f.isrer, lest sb.e should become I.ilIlH,,!,. lie si, tps among ' hrutaji’y ! Thn I misei ible ' slrai 111 ail lU.Ui.o’.vn tn ive, ' “ .A lid ^ a (' r-uir's : .ir.ic lo dtl.fr • vvulii..v. vli'.u! s, io.il a tli(,u.Siu.».l cr.incs.* iVt.m tlic I.oiulciii Times. (iAMr.l.lNC, lU’lN .\NI) lil.Sl'KlfATlo::. 'I'o our former acconr.t 1 (d the woid'ul (tbfts pjotUiced by gamiilin to add a.•other tale oi woe. (youth iiistantly obeyed the dreadful mandatf, drew a pistol from his ‘j;'rlle, and lodged tbe contents, four large ^Ings. in his sister’s liPad, when she fell lo the ground apparently a lifeless ocrpsc. Thus relievei! irom a chaige which the r'lOtiser could not jireservc, hersclfand son tndeavorcd to fake re we have -'ust as they were, It bears ^ grape sliot struck tbe boy some simibiriiN to a circumstance which !had the mother tool- place abi lit filt( e'n n’ontlis ago. [’'^•'’f'cetled in dragging^ him nfter her, M; , an Khglisb ci untiy | of Tnikisli cavrdry rnme n.ae, l:eh'iii:itig lo a resjit ci.iide ar.dj^'f*' party drawing lorlii ft nigbly count cted family, man ied about routed il at the temple of poor six y(ais since a young lad,y, pos.-rss- who Kiddenly rising up, look ed oi' eoi.sideiable personal atliactions sternlx at the I iirk and excl.'^imed. and X;iO,OUO ; it was a hive match, tbc ^ I'aThanan . do not you see that 1 am genthman not liayinu; jier annum. '' ‘ * ajipf al bad the dt .'i- 'I'iie money bad been b. riueatbed by a ‘'‘db ti.e mother and b. r distaet nlative, and it was settled‘bv "’cre spaied lobe conducted into the will that in the event of her mar- Ibe most ( xtraordimiry p..r^ rias;e, she should not become n.iMn>;-.s j b«; told. Ih'ing of It till five yearsafier the ceh biMion. >1',^ f;*'‘!r( d ransomed by the 'I'l at peno(i now arrived, and tie hus-{‘(«re( k (.onimittee. iliev b.imi and the wife, u hf) hitiuito iiad ' ^ver lo Corfu, and placed uitii ob.'Curil v 1 Si.nil' id the sailers, a\v;:re ibat tliere wa.oii boar! a roti.s,dei able (jinint ity of powiier, bast('iie,il m tjirow tlienisel'ves intvT tbe sea, Wilh such articles (d furni- y..iid a I tnre a.s tlu y deemed most likely lo pre- ' se: ve tlieir live«. Not Lit' distaiii from tidn ocean volca 'Ml. h;y ihe aiimisi. iiiiiTjuiiaireahle hoyt ol I,i!th.'iDii—himscll appi:fen11v indiiVi rent "wi'.in 1.1U'. One o I eadliil ex plosion, one ■'Olid •siiriek was heat'd : ten tli.usan(l 11 . i';ne. ' s ot t bf hii i tiiiirj \ cssel spui kled. I r a r.'i i!u nt l.’.r up in the air, and all was silent, save ijie iiine hiss of the oucncli:!!,. U.-.n cs : tjr when ^ “ A’ ii.tei \ ;tl.‘, there g-iiMicd, A-f (iTi ])tii ,1 d w it!) eoii\iilsi\{• sj)l..s!i, \ s-r.i‘i.i:\ >liiidc, the hulildiii;.'; i\ (M il I- s'mrjr swinniicr in liis :ij-.n,y.” Sovi-ral picccs of Tne \essel |e|| i l,,m Oy t;ie slCiC rf I.illltlotrs hrjat a.tid Hi eni tiexion v\iti> oi.e ht d!• eo>.cred a li\- .,hie in'•, ii'^'ave l.'.mself ! tip'^ crew, fe'v in niiiobers and '^^'’11V 1 ^ ’ ‘‘bniaii. in the las Ithc* otheis. Judge of tlie mother's a^- tonis!in'i(.r.l on (iiidinjr th;:t ht r imagina ry murderf d daiigliK r was amonir the numiier. To he hiief, on perceiving she wa* a fen.:ile, lin* Turks carried ht-r bacl; to AIis-)(dor)gbi, bound Uj) hei' , i... V I...III.. ,'vbich had all the appearai.C'? .e les'diilion of spendn g a le\v vtars j beiosr mcr.al, and her story luu irii,' he eontioe^t, and Nice bad *h(-en ' '’‘'‘'’iMimi'2;. been livii g in couipaiali\e ill a lemote spot near J' , pro ceeded to Lfnidoii to ei.joN let pleasiues of the metiopolis. Their ineonie was not found s'dhcipnt o l.ei'p pa-.’e witli their ( x|)e)i>i >, and iht'ir irinily now coi si-ti'd of lour rliildren ; they came 'otl. OI 11: , . fixed as ttieir residenre. The ,j.iM j ibc interesting (’resulo was n s- climate of Piedmont, it was iluMigh!, Iwhat is mere would benefit the ileclining health ofthc |■’‘''.^■'■'btrlT destinetl tube once more lady. ' jref.lor.'d to ibe ;.nns o! her discon-uLitc T.iey set onf andi ar»'ived n few’j b’’' w((ds ago at }’ai is, where tbey proiios-j from Circt'cr. el remaining oidy a short time, 'f iie ! ——— hiisliaml had seen little of the gaitier. ol | hjiriJ Ju.^/irr.~A Chaj)Iain‘s pi a town Ilh, but he had not bt'en many j to Queen Louisa de \'aiidemont bung d i\'. ti eie bel^ore be became intoxicat- vacant, a man came to beg Scipio Fies- >! uith ti.e dissipations of Tari.^ian .so-1 que's intercKt, and in onler to obt.im I'leiy. H-received a gr»'al number of l patronage, cleliv^ red to him a chatter, h)i. n.ners, and many Kii^rli.,h of:uspic-1 which, be said, a l-jcky chance bail itjiis character. It may be neci;ssary ! tlirown into his hands, here • • After bay mg ere to Mate, that pn-vious to his h a v-j attenti vel v examined it, M. dr Fn-qiie ig Iv -jlaml he had bren injndieioudy ! viw il.al it was an ieconlestible record m loaiu ii> and practices of i-iMatf'. A slujit ili-iante from his native town Ihere I»-!>iile’ in all the bloom d rij.en- tiiiig womanhood, one of ids tally le- jjiale a.s5oeiatis. Aiiiifl the rici.i r iimi- ants of ib.e g.uden, wc s' nieiime^ i'lr.t' a -HI xieyt bi-ib fli>wer, almo>t obscuird by the trn -i: sl.ow^ones witli w • icn il unprepared N r 'ie'.i e.ce, were st'ized atid p'it in cot'.iiiien'.eiil. Tiie more valua ble pin t of tiie ear;;o l,avinc been trans- ft rre'.l to the Ko!i;m y, J.itllelon pio- po.-jt'! that the crew ol tl.eSlork sboiihl !,•• liiniattd, ami sndeied to ptticeed t(i tticir place ol de'liiiation. ilts propo- -iiiou wa> lirnily iejn.led fraiigbt \\ I (L^ i_r, I' 1^, till It liitiire success. lurrauuuuiJ, biit Attiic i^ainfe time pos- J Ihj ^Moik was bcuUied, auU-Ui a ^hort slrii;-;vdc ol‘n t'l' iealion. lie seized ifii !)od_\, anil pit'iN raised it iroiii the \\;,- MT : till* iru)(,n slxntc fiill and htii^lu iiji on t!>e tVcf. It U..S tl.e p;de, en-.icia- ivdi hilt ^till beautiful lace of his onee •idoi'ed b'dv.aiieih. Ho i;../.td intei.M-ly ii[on it, lor an i/r-ia.it, his iim.s rlrop- ped palsied by hi- side ; lie ri eled and fell pi'ustrate in ti,c boat; il.e almost lifek'ss body oi’ the unlortui.ati- iTirl sank gently beneal.i the wsves, and ro&u adviM i! by some over-oflieioiis Iriemls j absolutely decisive .ncainst himself in a to sell ..III tne whole oi ins propci ty i n - ronsidcrable lawsuit th«>n dep-ndK'ii: ll .' funds and tran.ler it to tjie i'’,fncli. | for tviatc of Leuruux. “ I am which wouid produce 5 ii.skad of 4 ; m;r.” said he to the man ,,, - . said tie to the n'.an, “to \\ de lierc nt. 1 h-mo,,oy was ^ It ans,,; iuod t word p, my ;,i tagonist !!,at be i,.i« g 'l'i ' ^’d b^s stilt, ;;iid (iiat I «ni rea Iv 1' p''.' to a banker ie !^•ri.•^, hut the order lo pujcliase \Mis di'ii-i.id, tiio paiiies an- tieipaling ihal I ,e h.r.iU would d- dim-. L'ay .iit*r oa\ ih‘ b ioko:''.s d i!;,‘ piopt ie1_\ ol ■||vfs']||o- I ,. i (I, till ifdatiiaii'd hnsijaml eoi.^ieiK ,i in jijn- e; ast it iile, till at U i 'j i h, on • >■ '• i ■. ;;e- a sharp ten,onsiraiice lion t ^ i-’ti\ hanker, who b luiia,;h in'.-jjo i ..j,,.. 7 i, ai! t!u! cost', :ind diUi'rc' S to wbn li I si-all be combmiud ; with n.v b ite! lie siii^ll n ce. VC i/iat. charter w-hn'b bt. long'' to iiiiji. ami V. iueii you ought to have dil.vi'rcj In Inii). V oii iiave* tl' unld- i'l > • . 0:5 i :nust riow +f;iiik - ; ...t; . ^ ..;c 'IL A.’/, ropcim ‘f-C,