CILiltLOTTE, .V. C. TVKSD.iV, .IFISIL 29. 1828. [N(>. ISO. PrnLIfiHED WEEKtT ‘ Bt IKMIKLJJIN(.IIAM, ./?/ T/irec Dollars n year, paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unics.s at tlie lIsrretion of the editor, until all arrearages arc paid. Advertisements Mill be inserted at the UBual r;itv s. Ptrt.oiiS sending in advt rtlseiTient.s, are nqiifsted to note on the margin the number of insi i tions, or they w511 be continued until forbid and charged accordingly. DISSOLUTION. fill I K copart luTship h ret fort- existing be- 1 twiiii I luniAS I HO I 'I r.!: v asdis- solved on the l.iM. instant, by mutual cons iit. l\r.soiis nukblfd to us will pUasi call and set tle thfir rcMpiCtivc hccouiiIs, without dela\, as we wish to close the concern as soon possibli-. Ciun-iotte, Jan.'22d, 1828- 67. VAIX A liI.E 'l OVX VKOrEKTY roil SM.L. HjJ- III Kl\(; desirous to remove from this ( oimlrv. Si oOt r for sale my HOUSE and LOTS in tlie Notici*. TIIK subsrribers l.avinj,'- bet n appointeil K\- eutors it the iast will nd ttslanuntoi Andre w VIcNeely, dio jised, give notii e to ;ill pi r-ons indfblid to hib Ki.tate, t(>' forwanl and inake pu}niciit, .ml to those having claims a;^aihst Ins « s(atf to ]irt si nt tluni as the law (•irei'ts, or this notice will be ph'ud in bar of tlicir recovery. i:. II. MOIMMSON, 7 ,, , .MUI.N' r. MeNEKl Y. 5 April 10, IHJK. —4t«5. town of Charlotte, w here I at presi nt reside. ln the pren.isesisa good dwelli- gbotise, huge and convenient Store Ifovse, and all other o(tt I'uildings nece.ssary lor the eomfortabU resi-j ; — tlence of a f n ily ; to}>-ctlier with a ell of N(t{ic(‘. >nosf excel kvi wnUr. '* ho l(.t is in good vi pair, .. i . ^i . * .... »ll the fences having been .nack- n?u v.ithin a T f few months past. The situation is one of ll.e 1 f't ,T most .lesirable in the villaoe. either as rds' ; m-u due: /uiM, a stand lor or good lu ighix-r-, .'\ ^ i-iii' Jne in giving longer II,liilj;( i,ce. 1 will also sell a tract of la^id adjoining th. l town. 'I he land is f gooil ijnalitx, w(ll ti:n-j v; • Ix rtd, and what iscleaiid, niuh r agood fei>Cf. I iNOllCe. 1 he pric(‘ will be ma^le to suit tht tinas. Ap-' ^ ^ ^ persons ii.ui! ted to the Kstiife of Milas 'rr:()'iTKR & m n i inc.ton, jynlcli nMahevs ami Jnreltcrs. / kf the late firm ofl’iinMAS J T *Tt *.T i nt &. (.^o have re- )t i'\.d tiu ir estalilislnnent to ' ^ tlie liull ing 'p]i'Rite Mr.,!no. ^Vi' " * ‘"'S'-'* idxmt .50 ‘iiS (/ Jr\ iHirtb of tlie Court- jV r ■'''-''se, w bTe tbe\ are pre- ■' fy'TV on the above ss, in al! its Various | 'HTr. i. ainess and despatcii. 'I luyi h.i’ a li:iiid.^oine s>^. r’lr.erit i'fgold andsilvcrj r-ili'.u I.( Vers, an.1 good plain Waie>.(s, tiv n- tl.’ K \ . 1>‘” viir wil! »]'■•' til II p.ili'o’ a.L;.'. Mur«e.;te. .Ian, '29, 1^28.—GG. ply () the subscriber, (.;?KF,N KI NDKKJK. ( hHilotfe, Alarch iL^b, 1828.--74tf. LIST ()F.1.1711 I US l{(;r,alning in the I’est-Cfhci at Charlotte, N. C April 1, 18.J. A. I«aa'' \lexander, Kev. A. Ambrson, Col, .\u};ustus A!e>aiider, Asiiriab A'exander, Mr. Anierson, i;. tt_\ I . Alexander, |{;’i v ,\rrowood. A'burx, A(!i i;.i Alexander, c'liarlesA. II.: \\ iHi;un Al^ranis, Akxanucr, .\:„iy M. Aiexaiulcr. ; J.inllin Alb n, J .1. 1>. I'lO’.d, Stejil.t I r'.w . Aflaiii, J .nit > .\. I , 1 \ 1- I I e.\ o 1 1 .l iii.t.-j (i. liai'iiett, '1 11 11' .nd I.'''ns Chains, Neals an.,1, ,, , , , . ll I 1' ! ». 1 l> 1' »« !>'• r. 1 t/Ollli llitttc n. . !’e..rl, Kila,uree and I ;.ste | ’ .jOf I1..II':-Oliil ■'pi :;n>, w Uli li 1 !ii > I’uis and l-'inger U t ' ; Silv I r T il'b ai.ii I'l h ( tber art rlei in tin ir 1 V' !l low for C,vsii. No e (rUoiis v.ill hr d. Ill tbeif part, to giv.. coTiipb.te‘.a*isiar- ’o tliose w ho niav favor thnn wdli tln_ir 8\\ rr.J. NK’VI.AN’D’.H stage l.iae, fmni ^ crdnton, by ;v of .M. rgan- ton and I’leasant iu:den^ Asln itU , \\ ann Springs, to Newport, '1 etmes- s I,'s now in fii'l opi r.i’ion. The carriagts and horsi s are iiif rior to no others, on ‘ii y line ; and c\evy exi rtioii will bi made to ac ( nKi.inUitc pas>( iigers, and n r.di r trav r iling agreeab'c. Sii.e-.trom Salisbury; from l avitteviile, (Jbe- T' u, ami ( aniiit n vi liarlott( ; from (:olnnibia \ia Vort\ilb , tm 11 tbe al)(jve line at Lincoln- toil; .iiiil passengers from tbe e;is*ini part of Nortb-t rol 11:1, 'or Nasb\i!b, Ten. will find this rnutc ju inih s ne.irt r than any other, and till ;ie( imnoiK.tions, in ever_\ respect, as };ood , pii^seng. rs ca'i also have a passage tioin New ■ poll, I I 'I. to Lexington Ky. Api d 7, LS28. —4t80 p. ‘ TU TiiE CITIZliys (jF MEL'KU:y-\ nvKG rou.\T]\ I Yor are hen by inforn.ed, th.-.t the T> j T,'. fur the prcsint \ear Inve c(/nie to banii, and ai'e plai'ed in tbe haiuls (jfan othcer fur c'ollec-' ti' 11. rh( re w ill he appointn ents made imnie- ^ •lia’eK, tort'UeliC ptain’s (-onipanj throii^l’out tl'.e ( onntv, for tin m lo atti m! and pay tin. ir Tax lor the |)r sent} ear; am'fair notiee is also j^iven to ho*e who have not pad tluir fax fir tile ))i eveding ye;irs, 18J4, IH'Jj and 18J6, that it tl.( \ do not nnike imnieuiate p;i\ment, no longi r inilulgeiK e eaii I t gnen. Vi iirs.iS^c. j JtllLV MA).'.X, , Sh' r j! of Mecklenburg ( ounty. . April 4, 18JH — 4:^0. j JJ. ; .l.teoli A Ml l ight, .1. 1>. I'lOvd, Stejil.t n TUdfiird, Hobert Ilnr- Lnriu r Abi 1 naihy, r'.w. Aflam, J.,nit> A. i.’i.i.k}, ( has. II. lUfoti., bu^un \V Abeinaiiiy, .l (i. liai'iii'tt, 'I lion.;i.>> l5oyd, David li, i 1?. i Vi 11 i:,m ](;.! I l'r;nicis lU aty, .fonas Clark, .lobr. Ci.^’le, James, )' ' .Ti hn Capps, Jianiiiten ( l;irl-, .loll Q. t (.eln.m, !■“ Uell, :d Cross, .l. nus I,. Caiuui il, .hao t li 1 |( o:ip( r ti .V.ctiiiip, lUv. j.’i.hiit 11. C lmpniui, I I’rtid) Crane or Adam Spring.s. ! _ 1). , John l)a\is, SamiK 1 S. Diifly, Col .lobn !l. j llavu.soii, I)r. I)uii!a| , t > Dtn i mi or I rliib mon .Mvirils, NNilli.m \\ n.. 1.. ! V idsoii. I K. [ h'( >. r.. rveletb. (Uoige Lnib(_r.iO!i, .Mr. I'd j wari.s, Jo.siph i-,abtm;in. Aiipl, Ml'-.' ' .binii ' . M, 1 1'ni‘i I).i> II I 111-.,. - Mem ' V liii h ; I? 'ir, C llii'ges, I i t . I, Hr . si, W, II I'l l ihin, ( . ISiaki l\, ( . niii., 2 ' ( r nil.-, ill I \ Hell, F. Colbert I'lanagan, ,!n?:cph Flinn. K’u bard (iiilespie, Mielniel (.all her, \;;.i , t.riflitb, I hcn.iis ,1. Criti, Ji I;:. 1;. ti.iiri.'un. II. M illiuTi Iliitcl.isi n, V.'iiliani lUieltr, I'.bi'a liolt, (u oi-.L e M. Icitris'i.-1, Dr. Nun 1 ii.i.i- son. .loliii l’( w I !!, > n m I ^ I!, .b im 11 nt cbi^^•l'. .1. .>!. Ii- i( 1mm I., ,1. bii lie I'ing. IJ,.- 11:1.1 Iham-, .!i.m |;li li;i}s, litorge liohnes, llUj/b 11 ndi rsoii, l.e( rj,i . iiuii.^a)ii. 1 —Caleb Irw .11. .T. .lobn Jone s 'I iH’tnas I. Joli:ison, li^aac M. Januson, r-,. 1,Jit. ton .bmis. U. .lan'iKi: I I.ia Kiri:, H .l ert Kir;; pat- riek', 'l ii'jii 1\ niii d\. L.—Ji-l.u LiU.’.e, J. M. Mil had Ml Lcar\, .K.mesM ntgomery, 'Win.s- low .Mclv’ee, 2, ’Mit'inas Mark?., .M.'ig.iiet iS. Mar'in, I'n. sb_\ ti nan Ministi r ii lni in ( li.irlotte, 'I bos. .Me(;lnre i'; Co Juvepli N'c- tiinnis, 2, m. Ml (, Mmrison, l!eii- ry Metiinty, J:nncs Mi'iiuee, Jol.n MtCrea, liev. Malee.m Mel'ln rson, 2, l.n;;b Mi Dowi 11, .l.unes Mt(,ork]e_\, U asbingion Morrismi, Uobt. ][. Morrison, MeCouib \ (i.opu, Jt.lui I). I\ (nil h, (U ee.'.'-i d, an r queste 1 t», n.alu'itn midiati p. yncnt ; and tlcsi ba\lni, ciairris, lo pri Si 1)1 tin III in tbe 'in i ])rescrit ei t.vlaw, or' tins luitiie Will lie ])' :.d in larof tlnir recov- “>• IMMiJ.ld liCM KH Krt'tur. April 19, 18.8.--2l^iU. IIS1' (W 11 ri'i US, liemaining in thi' I'ost Olhre at Lincolntoii, 1st Alril, 18:8. I. iJicbnie i\ 1 I .ew is, Juliii I ing( rfeit, M. b'.uhel MeMine, Daiiii ! Mos r, 1.11 71 II. NW'Carver, Jibi N'arcli, 'I iiomas ,M( ra, ,\i.r:il.ani M,.viiiey, \'.ai_\ \-,r;-lia!, I'l 111 V. \!( iMii.r!)!)!', 2 !’i i j. \iilii r, Fred' Moms, \. i'l ti r Ni VI Ion, ). ,l( Im Oil , U Mieli.o ’ Q.ji , II, I.’. I )a\ id |.’„H . ' , laeci',- I'l I 1 , I, jliiei.iii.l l;... !.i (, lobi ;;i ,,i , ''■if bai l 1,1 - n-’, iJtlinlin I, '.jiiilatli liiibi). I !\!i. bael S;i. 'ir-le, 2 |t. tz .“'••i.:..i; i'. (.-»;ige .'••fi\ ul, Mi.bii l^tt'c.^, X'.icl ael .Siii.v. Ill', rtw I II Spam, r SnniM n.nel Si 'f, ■ or;',e Si :',j''e, I'r. S.I lie. T. ('atlu i:!! ' 'l';.\lor, ( 1.1 r;-d nil s 1 ay lor, .\ cliulas 'I'lK ki.r, V. .lacob Viii'^on. M . V/ !:;-1 M ilson, .Mexai'iler \N ard, Naney >\i'b:.iiiS, .lanii s \N ra\, ls..;ie I l!h, I W I Ms, i.lelii. W olli.-.ter, 1.1. bn W I. r. ' \ . I>.ini I (Hing. I*. M. I I'eti 1 ( I 1 i'I.ilii- I, I .--.I., ' r. (I. j Jobn I .lo'i'l I t i'liiiip I ! • •. (Ifi I' •; 1). I 1)\IT, lin h . 1 F:;iii, ii I- ilu .ini'-, F. F'l ,^n^'Jl^ G. Non, .t.,lr, (. \\ .iliam (.111 .on, II. John llicl, Meiirv li.irmen, Isiae liermy, ■| l.nnias Ilcu V, M:ijor llnll, Henry 1101 \ i r, D.iuiel l{. Iloyl, .lolin li. Man.v, . K. JilW f .s K lii aid, Drnry K n bal, >0 J'K K. I'^iiF, notid J \CK, fornu rly the pr .jn rt\ (if Mr. lii ndly, of - , . ..'•ginia, w'lil (-t:.nd at nv plant;;- I ii 111. two mills iiurt !i of (harlot te, r the mana^eii i n’ ol .latnes Nluipbe}, sen. .lark is in liiu' on!i r, and w ill be '• l to mau > at ■five dollar., till m ,.nn ; ten (Inllar. to insiire ; an! tw 0 tin single v sit. 'I'be si;isi;n h.ts now ('(in mem ed, :ui(i will einl the bist of’ -bi'.'. Ibis ,Iac^. is i-(jo«i.,b n. d as -ni-e us any of er, as ill t!ie ni;ir s, witli vi,r_\ few e\e. p- tions, put to him hist \iar. are witlii'o.ii. M M. DA\iD'OX. Mareli 15'.b, li-'.8.-7-itf. TIIK niCII liHKI) ilORSE .SAM S. K((i)i rt l\eer, .More, Jcdin MrCJu;i\, John \\ . .Moort, \N ilii;an .I' lin King, Mdwee,jr. S;irah .M. .lacob Ki inier, N.—Hugh Neely. 0.— J.iines (Mr, John H. Orr. I’. J. I’rioe. I'r. Mm. J. Folk, 2, Wilbainm N. I’.irU>i, 2, Nelly Folk, .loiiii I’arKs, Cyins I’arlvS. 1C VN illiam IJobiiison, i):.\id V. I?ea, biirn. J. .\lexamler |{ol)iiih(,.i, C:ii'iies II. UoIj- insi":, Juhii Wea. S. ;\ lllrim Springs, J.i|. s Spratt, I’bj di Si’.l-^ st.iti — it i.s (m!i ri d i v tli mn 1, 11...1 puM. U I'M, ( atbeniie M . Spi'alt. \\ i111;.lli > b. li y , Ja-i l al K.n Ik m:.(ie si \ w i i i- •> M 11n 1 .. I a w 1 .;i .11 iir- U. S:.n.ple, W il'iain Scott, .K'naliaii. Siiiit, ii:,l, t bat t be li. 1 d. ht. ji jn „r .. no. 1 i .laiiieS Stroll)^, Kdii* rt, ,1. Sin.i :."!!, J >s. ] of |,1, ;.s d s. i,i 1, ],, ;,i for F.liz.du tii J.. Sample, KoOei i Smions, said C nnt'. at tbi ( o.ii -lh.i, i in I 1. rl. 111, j on the •!'b Mi'iiil J in 1 . >.t to..ns.\ r j le:..l r demur, o'l,-. iw im- iiutf^tiieni li\ m t.n.ll wiil . I iiii..xd ai;;.i I him. 1^ \ AC AIIaAMU c. JI. c. A’lril I ..-S. — per. aiU . ;• J .i'U I) I.M.IMi MID I, Sliiti* of N ii\ iL-( !i! (jlina, .’mi:('Kli:m b(; ( »m nty. ('oUi t of ril'd,s miil StyHiin/in, I'chriniii/ 'J)nn. IS^fj. iiliiiui I).i\i(b;r,n /i'. John 15. Conally. I 'I’ apl eurins Vi tiie >i.t iM.ietion rd the ei.iiii the delendani i.s not a ii si li i,t (,t Mil j Seott, F.hz.dH I Asa SU pill. I!3. r. Josepli 'I'iionipson, II Wl.Vt; piirfb:'«evl this ■ * Valuable !!or,->e (riiin .Mr. \ S'oekton, I V, ill slaial liim j J V/.w', 'be ciisniiig se;.^’oii al my bla | t! , on Migar t!reik. tin- fo'.;r Hist working 1 d.'.'-^in i:ich u> ck, to b; let ti> niare.-. at tin ri - I dll. vd prir.. of' three d(i|];ir!= tbe single vi i», j p lal at tbe time (d servii e ; fi\ e doll.ips tlie s. ;i- ' '>ii, p'lyabh' the l.itb of Octobcr ne\t ; and ten j 'i(/i' .rs i() insiivi a mare w ilh iii;il. 'I lu- si j '^i" ' iini ’.'ncc the lUt'.i of M:m b and f nd ibe | fii't uf \ngnst. Care will be 1; ken to vi iil | !i lits or escapes, but I will i;ot be I'abb I b)i' 1 ithi r. I J\NT>i was got by (;•!',. lla'Tipton's Ol.I I'wig. ; _A f.ii't!,,-!. f|c:,c-r,[>tion i^ deemed useh .-.s, as i‘ i i'- bope 1 tb.’it all who w isii to breed line and ! ';ibi;i!)|, t(dls, wiil tail and judge* for (:iem-j stlvis. .IAmV.S DlMvlNS. j Febnir.ry 2S, 182.°.. —SlJ'O. I •— *' J lic,.*;cn *'e 'I r.’otter, 18, 15r\ ant 1 avb.r. r. \- I’eti r I. li .cK, I) i\ id \ ane. \\ . John ilki r. ,ln- pb W il.son, ?. l{o!it -.011, liiiO'^. e dsnn, Kieliard j’. (/ini 1 g- 1 r;^IK" 1 Ii.'-'Ir . ( pt. 11 eni y W 1n, ,1 oli 1, \\ il .siili, .li.'.in ^\ 111;.II J, I \d.;i ..!l;n 1 , .1 1:1 ■, W d'-o ', (lOilin } \'ilb 'tn^oi , .Il bn \\ .d1.1 r. ji'. '.i.i'llia W li..on, '1 liom;.M n. Williams, (^'iM.stir \\ ilcu.N, 2. M. SMITH, J> M .\pr;i s, 1R.?^-.'C9. uV #\ov\\\-V'‘AVivWwu, Ml.l,KLF..\M iil. ( tl N I V. f I i’l t l>t' ^ J'ni'i I'cn,, 1 s 'I ill) ■ li. J'elk, r..\‘i. ^l:i((* (tl’ N «u lli-( 5i> oliiiM. ?' K( K l.I> Mi!G V. S'/jji rini (. uih ! (.J Li,ii\ I 1^ J7. .11.1. I'a’.n >■;. .\i.die>v D.di:.— l’;1i‘ion lor 1)|. i-f I'tion ol till- I. 111-, w i|.' lii.I 1 Ir :in;)( :irii!g ti t!i;it ibe deb 1 \ ITl', I '.lie vati'faet'on of the, 1 i.illt IS i.Ot ;; Vi sidel.' o‘. the •.,ii ; eil I } 'hv Coi;rt, ]ui;)- 6 VMiksintlii (’..tawba Jnnr- for till defi' t to ;ijip( : r ;,t olir lit Xt >|||- pcrior (,’onrt of J^aw, to he i,i.ldhii' .'le«.:iiti- ...V .'...-,-,11. . . . Inirg countv, at tbe Court-11. u.s. in C urloVe, J'.ith M ircb. a dark gr;iv I on 7ib Mon!a_\ tbe 4’.b .11 Mavcii, 18. III, I w o years ol.l tb:;. spring. .\n_\ I ind ;in-v. er. pii ad oi'deninr t! pit.t oner'i p-- p-i.i.->on giving infoniiation, sotba' | jition ; - tin rw isi' it will be he;.id i x p;irlt , aiul I can' grt her i.g;dn, will be ban isondy n ward- I li cn id aeconinigly. I tu | .rII-tronlde. iJOl'.N F.i-K'', •' A^' I! C I Cl! e. s-f. i. ^^prtf 1, ~~ ' 4;^I-p'.:i- ' j Im\ till subscri' cr, on ,T.;;n 'vVeck;?, A-.ltn’r. ill .! !r ;ijip( at J’g to the : tit l;iel.;il il >.ldli r ni.'.s UiiMnsMi ..i.d l.'i b ki 11 ;iiid .l .i.e iiis will' ; l{i)!.;n-oi', \K \ainbr HDhiii'on, N ii'v !.’ )*0'i, Ian I S |,'i |.| :,(ii; :.ii.l ’) hunip-'in I’o'.i. dtt'eniian's in tln.s -in’, iiM eu.;,il t!,. ’iiit.s ot this si.i. fn 'iiid. \li;.i jiiihlii-; !.i in 1,1 'IX Wi.ks in ihe ♦ .In'lVmd, ibut tlii _\ ..ppt ,.r .it thi. next t I,; , I ( I I' be hii' s.iid eour.l\, ,il 'die t I ii;t.|!(,iiM in ( iiai lotti, on tiie 7th M-.i)ii.iy alt r tlie .]ib '.’.•i'i.>\ f M ii'i b, I0J8, ;md pie d lo the bdl rjf eompl.iiiit (.1 .bdiii \\iekj, .'.v ininistratoi' W .til tbe W ill aiiiu \i (I. ol .l.illiCs K’O ilisoil, n'!i- ei'v. u jinlgnu iii piu tonb sao wdl hi ei.'eii-d again:-’ tin in. 1>. 1;. ni M.AF, do-!:. .\pril 1, 18.^8 —pr. aiU. 5'i i'oiisliiMc’s \\ J ar culi, ut the JvHi 'i'*l i'oVUlcs ot \\u‘ lVc\^. IIKNF.UAI. JA( KSON. In his letter lo Sfiimel Swartwoui, dl b»' 2od 1 liruary, iS2.5, (iencralJackson thus e xpresses lumseir :— , ‘•The war over, and peace rrstoie*!, I retired lo my farm, to jirlvute life, where hut lor the cjll I f’eo'iveci to the setiute ol the Union, I i.hould Imve coti- enfedly reuiaitn’d.—I have luvtr soui'ht iijl'tce nor pcvver, nor hnve I (n'‘n irUH/ti' tu /lolu' !ini/poet lf)?ifier I},art It ntt/d ht ufitful to mi/ cvituli i/, Tiul r rjsv'f, and J In/at I i.ertr ' I It tiu* reader wiil ceintra't the,* above ef.9.‘,r.'7/V.7(.s’of (ieneral Jae kson, with ‘Jie j piesctiud in the followinj'j ariitle. "e* vvill af once nee the projiriety i;f'hut ! "!e which ptevi tusan intlivI:'.n» tr stll) in{; in hi', own l,n hair. '1 !iis is ii. ibe only insUim'e in which the (M tieral ba.s been prove .) U) have missialei* lb*- I'ai t, in relation to liiinself. 'riiMi he !tus Iso elone il in redation to others, we i'.- >>iance his churj^es mudei aguiiibl Mi. Clay, to Bevcrl). From the Ilarri.sburg Intelligencer. ‘ lU an ae;i i f t e ngress of the 3; March, r81.5, a considerable ri'duciion I I’ tht ai iry v\ as eflrcU'd ; two Major fienerals, \ i’. lit ii. lirown and Ceii. Jacksem were ielained. Cen- .lai.kson teiiied to plantutiot;, to enj' ) 'l;at I'armf^r’.s liCo, of w hit ii we hav e hiarti *io mnrh, with an antiiial incoliu of .su'nj lho,i!.ond dollars,, aii'.ii i; fi eitn the s;^laiy and perejnisitii; of the tjnice he It Id. ’I bis a[;reeable sitnaliot) be was i>t I ntiuetl lo eiijoy tiiitil the s};iit!g of; 1821, wlttn a luiil.ei jedne iioti i f ihear-j 1 \ look |.bte. lie was then a;)|ioiiitee| (I'-einiri-f liuiida, ejvei wbich Im I (• .t -1 a'-.M.'.t sen ( n uionihs. Now, tf> ^ • a'lif etii r* .ders lo li.i in cui iee.'t es-j I .Mi.iie* e.i ill* j. i'll iniie eiisiiiti ; esjcdness, I eel ((oit n.ic.i' 'iiiiplicily ol life ed ihi'i jilnuiJiniiur I’! 'I'eiihis\ri\ we sulijoin Ins, e iiu'ii tor II 1 \>,i 1 }.20, :.s il St aiids *ri •lie l)iil..•, w! itu K. coi.i! anel ih niauelilois 'I tbe iie;;'-ni \ ol I lit Unitfd Siales, ' iVi. ' /VeW .f ‘7l. 1. li.2(l, lo Da ;jf). 1.S20 V \. (; ^ M.ij. (.en.) J2. K 0 (HI Sn sist. ■ ee. l.U'ri 1,1/ F \ti ;i 1 -ti,;l ‘ \v ilii .S ',VC pi'i siiine.) 1,(1 1 Fel-.ig- , j72 /0 Scn'utifs. F y, 2I0 00 ,Si. si-telHe, 2'.). riO ( lo'li i Lr, I'iO l() lit nt I i (Miarters, 'the ige,) -lllu 00 1 neb 2..1 (/') '1 S 1 sp( r';.'iioi| of 11... je-'g.', I VJ -I'J I! (di'ir'}: 1 r aty w it 1. tl. _■ C I. ',.\i I..elaois ; t vi Ibiii^ e-Npens. s fe r Si.dt' and Iniki s s‘v;uii,l, 4-.'.') 8.] lidl at 1 iok. s', 1 j() 77 I’,.y as (iimniis.-.ioner from t'b. Mill S( pt. to tbe Jlst Ol t. ,j7 ii.i\at 8 doll .r.i Jierduv. ■ 2J(i ()0 F.xpi r.s( s lor (le n. J i and suit'.' i.n tl.eir i\ uirii, J51 5U Fay as tfimo.issioi i r 1.1. rc- tnvn, Ilom t!.• ~]si i'. f. to tbi I i.'t 1. No\. ',JU da V f, at 8 i!i)il..;'i pe 1'duV, uO }'8.1 .J 1 -i^ I’or liisse.ven jnntitir. 'liTviri sus (lov- t I nor f'f 1 lorit'.i, h.' t b ii j'^ed / sand d(di(i>n. (>i:c it,ein in ib.e aefonni is a haij.'e o| f./n' Ihi'.rjn ,d and loilii 7iinf e.'ti' ('I' v.i!ii ;, he. for liir ii',.- I 1’ bi-. Liiiiil,' eliiiini;' tbe jieriud.^ I roth ilic-c ..Cl (lilt,Is, il\\:ll be I hat the ( .ener;tl, '.V bib ut bi.nie;: to bi.s I'lrMi,! I b;ir> t (1 111 1 l:il! pa) ol / ... i.intdiul di>l I ;iS '.K.jor l.cneial, :ii li in j M 1 \ K'e I J ;v u I iiuu'.:;iid i.i.;' bn-’: | di I i| .iiiil nii.i eb.llai o p. r yt ,ir, loi l.oai dll.;’- I.jii.seii at l.ts (iv, i. tiMi—(i7 ^ 1 ii'ii.a. s 'in i.eiils, ti)i- l( eilii.;f, ( I'yt b 1 n| .iiidw.i I- (d'bisi,^'. ri nt _,i lie.-, ■’ni.l..) 1 d ] nti bis 1.1 Mi.— ; I (I'.ii.’'.. 8 I I I.' ,"|’ tiis o\A n I I.o'i'.e .iiid .. J I (i(li;.r'- in,- 'jiiinin;^ bis! M'.sh uo..d. ill -iiiiiiiDii to t'.e.e enoi-i ir.niis eli.ii i;es I'ji b(>bl iii'; a '.'iinniissj^^i ! ■ I r I > 1.1 I ( ii.ii ;;i s S’-0'->'') 00, ' lor b 1. jii t'.\ ■> 11'.' I. I) . M I \ ii I s us I I i!S 'I11^,' 11) 11 ,\i- '"i It’rr/cf (ji'ii. _ent, a!l 1 :i( i 1 di ti ill 1 !'.e • !..c \ e ai. i '1 b-' ii.i 1 1 ii;ii . d i!m r,'l T .'^Kipii • ieni r ,d. j;.., , liu'l.,V, . s. Ill pb . i' ; !,e h I living (jf ■.mn 1 : '.w r rU '/. " 0 n ■ n.aiiy 1 Is (..>1 b ’• i’) I'd in 1; alii . 11;;.', 1 . !d n l.C do;- Di.b ol v.'ir.t i i.; I !iii.!:es ill ■uri^ I'm.,.-. i.e is.-, ;•!( ; I il'- ( I .. '.’le • r.ei a! cui - Jr.;;; rc: L;!!bia;.. :. h w ee:i Dell. ;V-V'j ;;i..! ' . I.:' V . '«\’;.s!i!i,rt('n hf,’li ;i|.|i;i!:iti 0 ;r,--ii'r-iii eliU'i' oi ' tiic !{ . \a..l’d!i.r'- profound pcaec t;li\v rrsidine on b’^' own plantatie)n near Nasbville, i' the same cIuusls atrainJ't C/ovcnimei lor sorvices, luel, horses artJ loi.*;it. arc allowe'tl to an offieer of llial in oolual service, ifc tlid i.ol rt‘sl^! his (-oniiuisbion until it beci'iTie iu*e( r^ for a proposed rcductioti in the A; my. W'lion Iwn thoiisnnd of liiP T’er.n;*}'! v.Tiiia Line itvolfcd during t!u l^ \oli! lion at apeiitni of I • ;ii r* ;tiie| expressed tin; tlelern ii.aiioii i la Uirn home iipon the i;iea tl'.Ht tlie IiiIinI iiicnt had e Xjji’n il ; liai! abai.t'ot'.ed il l ir ('amp and llioir olVK'crs, and j)cr!!ii n ( tl pnrt. ul then jonrn%;y ; an ii'ipiirv .war. ore'frrd into the truth ol ihtir nients, and thcir ;'iices pronusril »(*dre‘'S. I pon an in\('s1i!rnlior»,, tl'osr v\ bosr term ol' servire liatl txpirt d .vrie elischarc;('l» •'>'’) t!ic remainde r re- in set viee^Avithoiit |)iM>i'hnu iit. Wlieii two huiulieii of the 'reotK-see .^liiitia dnriiii:; Ihe hite war, at the ratiun of liii'ir b "*;*! iniii ed ."(i 'ice, elaimcd te) he (li^rliarKCil and retmnecl hoiiK? ;they w e‘ie-m lierd (o hi: hroujrlit! hai'k, we'K tried hy a (oi!il Mnitial, and ;Ul s( nti'iire ei 10 j'ee'elv e ;>o ibhn ent, r»ni! six were excculcti i.-v uiderol Ckm)- J.iek'-'oii. \\ 1 . II .T p:iity d tlie CoiitiiKMita? ('i):'”;i ( ss weie ende:iVoiu to « lleet the leniivitl ed (len. NNafihin^'on liotn the'Chit 1 i'iinm.;iiio, hy eliaip,ii^ biin will) it ^v;ll I ol niilit.i.y talent an'' f r* r.ii s in (''iiKhief, Ik r«'Tn;nned at Ihe 1 Ii'.kI of lh( Arn y, fiith!iill_\ xi rfii.;j: I'ly I >iric a I'l! tiilenis 111 | he r;iiise (d I is eon n* liy, wiihiiiil :t niiini'itr at the iiij'.'iy nne! iIIjir'lice i lieicd him. hen IhO coi'ihM'i t I (ii II. .lael-soti in the Se ini- i>ol( Ml w IS miller ii.\esliji;ition iu fbeSenalf of the I’mled Slate', he ro- j.a:ieil lo W asliiii|;ltji eify. attei eh 1 hy his aids, and ileiuiiii eeii m veTai of li;at rai/le b(Hi\, aiiil th r .t.'IKtl |bt''(^ will' pi ( Siiniee' t( e.» pi t S'1 licir d I?aI I o- h it 'c.'i (if ' ji. (illiei.'il ;u'l V. II. i.. w vi.ii y.i''ii, witi'oiu iii> s ' . t.illui , V\ IS ii>\ (>s(, (I hv ^ ' . ‘1 ;i lil'.ilt. I. t llir, V\ llh li' ’;d. ’ >' al a ii' si ■iiHieiili jifri'i'. i i t' tion, hill IlM■l(■!^.Il' evil ' ' i' '1 ; ! 1 1 ■ v e^l•lel^ed tbal lii;ili at - ■'.i t'- o! ■ r- ily e.*nler red u\ on }• i;i (ill J ;iel;s»M , c(;: 11 • I' ' • ' 1 ’ *!- sod eleei.sifli of I Ik- J• I. M. 1 e • 2- :.i- s;.i-i;i, :i‘.-:;! iii'.d f\ ei^i 'IM • ! 'I j.i W‘ I : I Ne>V-()ii iiisu'Wd aT'tl dl - iii e ! i.e eiv il am ! Ill 11 les. At Ibe- eidsf (ij ihe. IJ'M.'iili nary wai, wbei (in. \V ivhiiiiitua hi.s ('onimi''sie>n I 1i Ilf .;*im’s - * (\ni- "[le-is, fl.e l^esjilent of ih.'tt -'S- vmhl\ , ,i('.'n ssed the tolIfiuiii;' i;m- Ui.,iiif lu hiiii ; Vmi b;.\(j e.)ii'.iK tcel the I.' liiili.;ii y e"i ■ sj v i* \\ 1 '■ 'ii iiiid l.'iliuide, / ti I'd ria/fli/ rti'drd 1 uu; I /a-" rii^ltls nf th'il jmirvr tluou^boul all eli'.;is!ci - ;iiid eliaii:!;e;.s. (Ill lb'' .1'.I II. eial ion e>f pe;iee .it XevV- Olh ;'ri', Oeit. .).i.'ksoli Was hia ii:;i.l 1)0- loli; a .li;dii'i:il '•’.•'I l)U |.;il, i lid 111 ( d lor his otili ;i^‘ s iipoii ll I ei \ li auli (ii ilits. rbr:sii)t..\ hat,. [1 h.'ir 1,-eeii ' ppii> sai'i ibal “iberei.s .1 mb' ;n t III cdl'iii i i.| im ti 'v bii.ii Uiken at lis lb ud, lejiis on to fortune.” ai.^l the I .'’.p* ri( nee (d’ • \e ry on' o js s ,i) \ t ovv 'd ell llie:ide '.f his Hails has • bh’u loo s(;on I'«( e^; •.nriiiiiatc tin- iiupes il priiinis- ' 1 or ica b :!.e point to ulk.c'h it seemed i stineri. This hie i.-is lo bv‘ III rapid pro- ! 1 id'i.'ln;>; I ul ion in the case: (jf otie of bi ( and i«i :iies I JI the I’residency. riier(i i ' e In e!i times SInr^‘ the elvTlion of Mr. ■ \(Liii 1 u lien tI.c lidv on which ^ien.Tuck- 'jii V. iishoine sef'me I to be r.arr) inj^- him u ith :i 1 s i')ip^l;,o lowaid-j iIh- i)i_jb of’i. e i'm' \vlii.,Ii he was ; I’li’ f'T tuntetely IV,." our 'i !:■ :,w il'‘ri u’ld eccitcia" it war.!u;t (•>.»’ t“d -i;cl ji'rd tiH-n (.O’’! ; ; '’d • j Hi Ijitur v.divvi, { be; an t> '-. jsi';!- eic 1*. >K'.d raised i I'll:! ! ) lb.'’* cl' ,u;ed ‘l evid^'nt-- I; h' -) > wb- n ’l.t and p.-.- i;-' '• nd c'j! vvbi^-'i j;;-- a p,revioi j l.> th*> d ; I.o , ot' *icvr . • ii..o ■; i f tbo 1 ' nu' aiy Arri'iy, nolibeil Cui err-ss lo.i* ii.-l ■>bt ill! fecei\'c no pav fijr bis sejviee-.;! and iriiine(ri;iiel\ ;it liie . l.isc oi ll.c W ai j JLsiiT,iityl his cornmis'ioii. ! •(•11. .hiekboii drew ihe full piiV d ’ \l;ijor (iet.erai, u> tht last (’idbii. miI af iloh'.I'J a CVJr.mib.'jjuui; IJ Uy.c gi'' r ( d lb! r.ri.i! ( j. ^ > "•'al 171!. 1 . •Muili lu'.d . '. I ! iToi ; 'h«* i i- I lieoii iri o; tlic.'. >jcca‘.:ci). I'!,. v,ri'urt was ‘.pu 'ed tu tiKii^i' il prc;^, i:\;.):i;’(l 10 ilio I ml ‘i pi iiposi d t I !)'■ ir .11 ..! I) Y fn-nidb . N'o nieCiSui '.! \. ;ri '.d'. '.ini.r.eel ryhich cc/U'd ■iv. ukeii lilt '\.i |jalliles .)! \ Ul. I le .t'\ (n-ople, jMm roiis av, they were- l.nuvtn t'> '»iu III la\or i.if I h luTo e>f uia’. e!av. Bui •t passi el wiiii'.iul at!) ofllic ur.ticipa crl esidts I'be t fV.ii'.s in most c."'.''''. weio ' n'ld 10 In- V ,11. —riie huz^ .s of tbf i-iOrtUUiLd av'i'.y