CZZAHX.OTTE: TUKSDAY, AIMUL i9, 18128. I'he editor informs his patrons, ti>at this is the last mimbcT the Journul, wliich will be jdsiied at this p.ace. The estubliihment will he removed to Salisbury, and the paper be pviblishtd there hereafter, under the title of the Yadkin and Catawba Juurnuland will be .iflorded to subscribers at $3 per aiuiuni, or $2 if advance. Ill deciding- upon a removal, we have not ac ted hastily. I'cr several months past, we have leceivod stronj,'' and persevering solicitations from friends in dlHerent counties, to niuke this change in the location of our Press; and it is on ly after mature reflection and careful consulta tion, that we have consented to it. In taking thiiistep, therefore, we have been Influtnccd, (as been ])reviously remarked on anotlier occ asion) as wl II by the opinions of our friends in a number of counties, as t y the cftnvictiyns ot tur ovm judgment. Hut to guard against misupprehi-nsioti or misrepresentation of our , motives, we det m it advisable to state, that tiiey an- two fold,—personal and political ; in other vords, the hopt and e.Kpertation of promoting our personal interest, a .d of extending the po litical iiiHueiice of the Journal, are our govern- iiij; mo.ives. Charlotte, as a ,.osition for the the irLio ! Ii I.-> on!/ u. few weeks since, that the Hcpoiter cf the National Intclligccfr was assaulted and be.-.ten by LvJ' Grttn, in one of the Committee Kooms of the Senate; and when the Keportcr sppeuled to that body against this gross outrage within their own walls, they declined tnking any cognizance of it! The editors of the Telt grapli, emboldened bj this impunity, doubtless con-ider themselvts >s privileged characters, jdocid beyond the roach of the laws; and in inntation ofliis worthy associ ito, has now ci»nuniti..d an out- rage still more atrocious, by asb,Aulliiig the Private, oi the President, ut,He pas sing from the llall of Ikprcser.tatives to tiie Chamber of the Snnati, to convc} a message from the President to that body ! learn fion Washington, saj^s tiic Tlpgis- I'n m the Richmond (Va.) Compiler. Manufactures.—The V'i> ;itiiai s btRin ti) tiihcover, tlut it is thrir interest to niiike in part their own clothing, ;is well ;»>» il'.eir bread. If they have inoir laI)our than is neccssary to feed themsrives, why ‘'bould tliey not a’sio clothe themselves ? n they c^tuujt manufdClure ariirle of clothing--, why sin uld they not many |>:uTs of ii } Why not at least clothe tlioir laborers, and proceid gradually to trannfactuie some of the niaieriul parts 'jt ilu ir owI) elolhiiiji> ? \V e understand, that arrangements are nii'kirifj to eilalilish some new faclnri* s ,‘'‘‘‘"'’a a short lime ev of tie L’2(l, that Mr. John A denis, so;? of i ''ii'ce, that a c(>tton factory was about to the I’res'dent, was violently assaiiltt-d u ft-v.’I be built on the Manchi'bier side of th* , Cpil I, l.y i , h.-r. This «l,ni.e is in a ,r«„ of a, - ofH.* or the Kditors (i{ the I clciiriinii wlitKt lu 'i* i ihedischargeofhis,h.iiesasPriMlt, Sccrc,:.rv. ‘7"’‘\ ' n.anulacturer has ‘ ali'ea(.y bt()t>i5l)t his liiriiily—and thepr(i- pi ietor o( the siie is about erecting tht- nccessary hiiiUinii'c. ^ V* e utiderstatid ah-o, that Mr. (!unninjj- liain’s Lrj-i* iMatitifanui ilotir mills on llic line ot the Juincs lli\( r (':inal, ait- i^a>s’tiir.e, the matrimonial bands \>ith j and improve his fr.&rah. Miss Barrett 'viiich I should soon have been bound by ; was bniuj>ht up in the afrernoon, and we tiC/'eilidlous coquet.” understand ftom the evidente adduced, the magistrate (AJdeinian Valentine) intends to send her lo the Penitentiary for 5 months. From t!ie following Mi, .\ will Ik- seen, that the President has laici the matlLr before {;ongnss, and that aConm.ittec has been ap pointed to investigate it ; To the .Senate and IIi.ufp „/ lirprescniutivts of the rniicd- >'• iiitfs .■ WARHINCTOA, inil n>RIl., 1 In conformity with tb.‘ iir. ( ticts of .il n.y pred cessors, I have, during my ‘:er\jce ii‘ the cflici' ot President, tr.Mi'in tUl io tin.- two Houses of Congress, frotu tiire lo time, i)v the s iMie privalr Sient;ry, surii niv s^ > proper disch .rge of I, y coi stitnt!nii:il'’tlii*y ap. puljli. .ilioii of a paper, labours under the per-! '» toreiiu re. On hatunlav, In 1 , ft • , , I charged with the dclivtrv of a nM.ssi.«c to,u.vaiita-^c of being in a border roun-|,.,,ch House. Having i.resentcl uJld. f , and cons -(piently all support soutli ol it is j «:>• intended for the ili use of ift prt --. ntati\» s r.Iiu -nt ( 'II, cut ofi'j while the centml po-, of Salis!)UV) gives it ad\ant:.ges over any , (itlicr I-! cv in the W( stern pan of tin State;* '■'.'iK->u‘;u)n, thvn fore, is a ration d one, that | ) p ipcrs (.m he better Mijjported tliere,than t'i.\ (an while one is pulihslud in this place, ' ar..l tin 'ther in Saii.sbury. PuMic opinion, and, ui- 111 .y add, the public interest, call for,'i ap'PS in the upper section of the State, V. ii'cli, on a very moderate estimate, can afford u ii.ost a.kcjuate support; it is not only desira ble, t!u I'cforc, but alisohitily essential, that they shonlil j» emial advant gi si'i point of position. We have thus briefly exnla.ned the rtiisoi’.s which have Influenced us in this n'.atter. ’i'lut tliey V' ill be ap])"oved of by all, it were, j £, unreasonable to e'jjcct ; but, \o a l.'.rgi' portion of i!.c c "did anil reflecting, wc nia\ hop'' they will pr"ve satisfactory. iibout to be tonv« rted into a coiti-n fac- tot). 'l lu* jjropi ol tlie mills ulre;i!\ muie tu to lay in t!u tieri ssai y inachl^ry aiid v.'oikmfti — 1(1, iti pai t( I I .-.iiip with anoihei genth- i!'t:n oj i is uboiit W) c ominenct'tin I>ti‘.ines5 on a s.ile !)iisis atid or) a ie.~|)fc- t.!l)le scale. 'I'liev will slat i ‘2000 spi?i- dlcs, |)(iv\eratid hatui looms, ir. — It is ixpictcd, tliai :he) will H-st cotdiin I iieii,stives t()((jttuii Kibiie’s; !)e('inniii(r eriHK llie otii. r nus.s.g ,1 ^'">•'1 '» »b. issanlt. ! in tlie II. lur.iio, \ '’"■'•I*' ‘ j prolial.l) the tuarsei dries'in tin pr« scuee'’of a nu niiu'r ol',li'''t instaiitt.— I nia\ tnd belong In [oi wl’iUt he was assng witliin 'Ik api-o', I'reii. their Hall to the Chanili. r of tin Se nati toi- tlx' purjjose >f (ieliv t rin>; the otii. r r.u s.s .g he Was w a\ l iid oul by H p r-oii. III tin- ml rpoM(|, and scpir.itid the j 1 loiiies f(M ooi iai)uicis, ,ind a vaiirl\ I 1 I, , ' tMiii a I es ; ium we inini4 inai i.icis OI mis Kind aUMh;s\.eeum'Ve to "‘"I” .^‘*nevaliy commutiicat- Mi i-. b. h) gi, to n- whether it i I'‘^ ‘ ^" i' >o is, id, as well for the ciedit of our skilful 1» /lllift r .1 e •jiideistjiK!. that C.iDi. I 'tir/l. 1.1 i I /I 111I* iM> i c I tir t'rt r t i t 1 / .1 •* I'd tl\A» the Douse , 1 pan il munic w sdo. ^ ^. .1 . of a nature n (juiri g frnni t!u in any aiiimacb i *' •Jlideistjiu!, that C^pt. i'ord, «.f vi rsifin ; and .1 so, wlutluTanj tuTiliLM-law s or t I'ounlv, lias inad'- avci) [)K>(i«is- n gu'ations an iil c. ssary, to i seinritv in | In r;ini: t» ui-on a sniuij sc.i.'e in the til. oflilcial in‘erronrs b. tween ti.e I’re/ufent I spinfillig of oiton yarn«. II tiu C.ii)iloi Ksel,. Ill till'de .hje rat ions ot (,'on-i , • Kr.,>s,ponthssnl.iect, il. „ neither . xpected r"' f "> >' t‘ nor desirc'l liy in. , that an_\ r“ ‘ is .sen! to luin on t'di From the Ne#.York Statesman. Surgery.—A novel and important sur gical operatian was performed, with ( oniplete success, by !>r. S. Pomeroy While, of Hudson, in this state, on the 22dof Octobcr last. A Mr. Vanvalken- burph, tailor, aged sixty, was aiP.icted wiih a tumour, as large as a child’s head, accumulated in ten months upon his h ft hip, proceeditig, it was at leiijjth founil by instrumenial examination, from ai> aneurismal sac of five inches dejith. 'I’o remove this it was agreed to take up and lie ghifeal vr iulcrtnit ihur arler>, an operation never beiore attended wiih success in this country, and sildoMt in r.urope. liepeated hentorrhnges, weak ness atid danger, indtiied ;he patient to conseiit to the expeiimcnt, 'I'he ariery was accordingly taken up below the Uis ase, the lij'umre passed utiler (with the Philade!|»liia iieedli } one inch below the b'ftiicalion, rtmoved down ab(»ut live in ches (wiih Dr. A. E. IJosai k’s knot ap- plicatoi'j and tied lit inly, and t!ielncis«d puits nniieii in tlie Usual manner i'ii. brst di ess'ng was on ihe eiglnb day; at ihe eiidoff.iur weeks the iigalure camc auav ; and in ten da\s more the lumoui tiaii (,Ma(IUally subsuUd, and the patieni was so far recovered as lo walk about his t.eighborbood. The young sui geoli was .issi«.ted b\ his father in the operatioi , atid by other physicians in pievitjus con sultation. Tlu' (It tails of the bold and lo'tunaie expennieni are given in tin .American Jouitialof the Medical Scien- ; and we ihitdi tliatfucts of this kind iias c()ii- l’a lorv — d enterprising praciitMMit rs, as lor the comisiori benetii of the public. A FUM'l) IN n.ercbaiit COT! ON'. all attainable objects is the ejection O. General Jackson.” In his letter 10 his constituents in 1822,’ he said, “The election of General Jack son lo the Presidency is rot to be dread ed, as it can in no event possibly occur ; the people of the United States have not yet become so Corrupted as lo choose a man of military talents, to govern the national councils.” In 1822, he iho’ight his people must beconte jMeatlv “ corru/>/erf” before they would choose GeneraUuCKson. He now thinks the eleriion of the (iencral the most desirable of all earthly things.- What is the inference r V\ hen this malignat, but deceitful be ing, was placed in the Senate of Uh Uni*- ted States, in 1825, he anticpaied h» should br kept tin re for the remainoer of his life, and thinking that he should have no further occasion for the good will of the people of his district, whom he despises as he does the whide An»eri- ;an populutioe., he f t out his trui senii- ments, atid said they weri “a poor se , a very poor set compaied with the En glish.” But behold the change ! He v\ as expelled from the Senate by ihe L« g- isfuture of hi« L ate, and b» ing thim* a i)ark ')r, thf people of the district, ho siv-'i ihey aie“ ibe best, the most j;en- tKjus, and noble consiituents that muti ever had. ” *^hi/c(/Iltau'on Fores/.—At 300 feet l)t low llic sand hank ol which fl;i Isl and ol Slu‘|)|)y is composeH,'t])crf! is a prostrate antedihivian forest !—nntl when dipgiiig fi t wi ll for the garrison it was/»»tiri(l i.eeessat v fven to blast the» fossil tinihti. 'riif liiitish Mu'iciim, the Canferhtirv Museum, and Frci.eU. Insiitutirn at Paris have hot*n rnriclied with fossils and fiiiifs from this sjjot. Muidslon Joitr. I>e attached to tin. pnv.ite rela'.ion In w iiicli i:.v i—i'*'' udi cotton pl incipalh that Secretary '-•t .'.ulb to n.e. i oiistiliitf s the pn fils j1 his establisii- JOM-N UUINCV ADAMS. Mr Hoi'rin m moved thnt it Lc referred to the co/nn.itti . on the .1 ..diciary. I Mr. Metniflie olijv Cted to this motion ; and, J obHerxin.u that the subject oi the message, was , If I r.i , , ' of an im’ior'ant character and reciuire.l to In ro the patrnnsandfnendsof the Journal, V . ,,, tr?i>der our sinri re tliaf.hs for the support whi( ii they havi- i :;ti nde lo it ; and we respectfully .iolicit its 01 lUinuaiiee. The friends oi‘the Ad- n inislrution, it is ho e , will he fully si nsible of tlie inij)c'rtaiice, in this mimieiitous crisis of tiic e(iiiisrj, ot su.»'a.ning those papers, (few in nnnih. r in this St:it.-,) which have dared to j fite’ii thi' current setting so strong’y in favor! of the el' \ation of’ a successful soldier, and a resprctfiil in.inner, moved that it he referred to a Select Conimittee. 'I he question iieing taken oti Mr. HofTmsn’s iiiOt;on. it wasnigatived without adivision. 'I'iie solution fdc a Select (;oininittee v.'astheii gre^ d to, and iC vvas ordered tu consist of seven members. 'i he House then adioiirncd. T Suite jUank. — Wm. II. Ilaywocd, (I. C-aidiier of the Principal liatik at mere soldier, to the i'risidetr y : which advo-; kuiei gli, has rr‘i;:^nt'd that ofl'ice, am! rate the salutary doctrine, that for the first civ-1 Charles Dcwt y, Cashier of tl»e Tay- il office inthf country, > niinent civil rpialifica- 'yteville Hranch, li.*;, been appointed tu f.ons . nd virtues she Id he sought for; uhicli 'acanry. I3rnjumin A. P.arbam, d» pr. cate the pn Cl (lent, as fraught with di’.n-' ^ ' ^i' n r, arid o I inons of tile f te of the republic, of'i , ‘ , *’■ /'** , ''V'!*' * •’ . , bill (,ri ,in. d : when Duncan .Mi'Uae, Lsci. rev. arding mere mihtaiy St I viee>, (great as •*. •• , . . loitTieily t^a'jbief, received the appoiiit inent. The rcmmenfcment of the Medical College may he) unaccompanied hy any claims o:'i;uu! ificalions of a civil character, with the oifice of Chief of tin Hei)uhlic,—an office M hi.h peculiarly recpiires high civil talents and ^ >f S. (.' roli ia took pi ci on the «th in^t. 1 lie h)ii'.; . xrierience. Hejirees wt re conferr. d upon Ijr.duate-s, o‘ ‘ whcm three Mire from this State, \:/ • .Mcx'r C. V ilson, of .Mei kleiihui|; ; Saui.,i I Ii ii. .son, ot C harlotti, and V« m. U. Lane, oi ,\iont- goinery. SicvcTtnde—We have been peitnii- tce!, (s^iVsihe New York Ci.iZi Ue) to m. kc liie following of a left i IV: in Hio-tJe Jam iro, daitd the ol J.iiiuury, from wliii li i; v\>ll be >ljstr\(tl tliai the traftit in iiuinan 11. sh is CLti ni: Ol , on an cxteijsive and most iiihuiiian s( ale : •• Sioal! fast vessels have f.H.nd, for s-ine iiiontbs past, a ready s.d. here. Ai least a duzt'n of th» in aie mm liiting out for M('X,iin!M(|u‘., \>hi( b a short tune sime wtie uoriii 1450 reii, are fiow selling at iHvO. 'l lieir slavi' trade t'Xpiies in 1830, so (hat the\ are deti riwiiu d lo iiiipicne the tune.— Nearly ten titnasayul have an i\t •! fi .ni tht coast in the i.-st six nioirvhs. besides var>i numbers thrown r.\ci bo-.wd ' 'I'luy ure a hearlless set of vilL.ins. ” !)rui;;.;!'t io o'lr ofTu e t w o'i of Cot ton, oi.e ol VI hcl. i-> of a very supeiot ijuali- lyiti point of c-'lo:. Sc in the state ol our inarke', a lot icjual to it would iMmmund If'.j lo 1 I cents |>er lb ; t(ie oilier sample IS vet)- rnitcii siainiii, and would not ronit;iar.d o\er 3 iirits [>er lb : both samples were ti.keii IVotn ihe same bale, 'i’he cmis and the sides of the hale were riuide up wiih ;he j)i iiiu-Inolosing the in- , I. riur, ;mu1 on it!g to accident only, the :ity' are ot a superior deJ.criptiu!, to ibos. ! r i,,.;,. was discovered. We understand Irom tlie I.dories. . i he (’oi ion u as r er ei ved fion. Camden, olid that steps will he taken to find out Dzxsir, In ihisroui t},«n the 21st instant, .iftcr long illm sn, Mr. John Jhv, an old and respec- I tills ( ily yesterday I table citizen, alxnit 70 y ears of ago. inent. lie semis to market, eiilier the \arns or ihi* c!o;h wliieh rie^lias woven !)v CGiv.iv.on liand looms in liie i.eigbb'ii - ^.o(-d. Most of liis hands aie sau; to be lilj k buys. \\ t* are ph ased to liurii. from a \» ry ' oinpeieni judi^t. t!ial' th v.'irnsanci stiif1\ which he b.iS s,m to t!ii> At his residence, near M.dism, Morgau county, Ca.on 1 hursday morninjd, 3( iiist. Mr. Ihwi>, a native of Irelund, t.ut for many years a leglily nsptttahle citizen of N Caroli na, and of (icor^ia for the 8 years. If cor- rcitiiissof i.tiKoure with ntinkind, hi ik vo- lence, charit ble feelings to a most (^ieI1^iva. ih^ree, iigdhir VMth a mind liighly in proved, are ji.issports to public istecni, then was hd fully entitled to it. Snell of our subscribers, as may wish to with- rr:iv t eir snhseri))tions, can do so t)y giving Us IK ice ; I ut they w ill, in the first place, as a matter of course, pay up all arrearages. “ One of the Caharrus Jackson Committee,” inlh ':isi Carolinian, has published a column ami a hn t of “ observations,” in reply to some rill arks (fours on the ^^n.enr, vten(, tekel vp as a.loi)ted hv the J.icksoii Caharrus (’o:n:i tlee, in their address to tlu pubiie. liut as 'li-, ‘‘remarks are yet unfi islud,” we shall M. .' Uiitd he has siid all he lias to say ; and sli"i\ I I •• (ifTer any thing reiiuirin.u a n p!y i'rom VIS, w ■ iii.ij then hriefly review his “ observa- fit s. ” Gtorjsia.— An aibiiinistration ticket is form- in t' is st:«le. 'I hi ri are :ilreals two .lack- S'M, iickits, one support. ! hy the Clark, the otliir h\ tlie Trouj) parlv the latter ticket, if sii- i-. ,-fii', it is suppo'ed v\ill vote for .lack- , :i' I'n .sident, hut not for Calhoun, as Vice- PrL-.idt, nt. t'.h rtions w ere held in Mass.'-.chusetfs and Coiiiie.ti. ul, on till first Monday in April, fur fiovi rnor ; nil n emhers of the Legislature. In C.i: nertiout, tlu' .lacKson jjarty did not deem itw.irth thiir while to make an efibrt. a..d Ci('\. Tondinsiut was re-elccted viiliiout ojijio- si'irin ; hut in Mas^achujetts they started an op- pos'tioii to (io\ I ineoln, who, ootwiths'.ii .’iiirlion Soi’ff. — '1 t)c City Hotel v.r:s sold at auclion u sterdav at 12 o’e!o» k. i-.t the .Merciianis’ ICxchange, in settle ili. estate oj’ .iiie i-.f Iht; proprietor^-, lor tin ‘ Uii! on21,00l>(M!oliurs, to Mr. J. J As- t(;r. i lot and bu;ldiiigot the i,„ I’.iv el U* ’i'l.e i'! e was also SHUck oil al 21, doiluis, to M'. '\a'es. J . .he IiTL,'c.:rn/jh. I hf age we live in iseeitain'y :.n tige ri inar- kahk il.;- (luro\i iy and iii,;,i-. vi iiieiit, in all tl'.e ('.ej'..:Mieiits of huii.aii Li.owiidgi- ami \ u- Hi .n . Ml. ; nil lit —a v( IV V on.ler w.irkii i^ agi-. It i.^ ,i):-i'..iiy signah-ved i'V iiiai.y ili -i o\e, ie^ and 1 n. jii ■ \ ■ II,. nt n, w h:e II w e eaiinot hf re e- niiiucr- aie. it ( !i;.d time t.i du .-'o. And iiiaiij more v\ lii (h)ii111,i ss !)e I'll. di 'ere the (eutury is out. J’.v I ,1 th. most 11(1 aMe that hei ii made- — omnc.s. rein', Lc,- \v- take it for granted tliat tlu r ai' r k m u s the n si — is the dis'oviiv tit Ci)//na HI d f/. (iiorgia lavs f laun to tin; lioi'ur of l.avini-- I,r.,light thi-. sV- en I to liiihl ; and ajr. .lolin l.ia. is llic h.ipj y n.orl ij v\ ho briiii. s this honor to Cu-or^ia. He !iat'' liis domicil, we km w not pr.cisR-ly in what c( Ml ■ \, hut th:.t he sfijouri.t til bomev\htre in (.. .'I i;ia i> St,'it. (I 10 c. ri:'.iii. M . I!, !i!-till (!isi overy oi K"opowdt-r, grav it.i- tion ami the t II s('(>(u w as at . ii'ei tal, so a!-,o «as tiie disc.r. ei-y ot eoiu.n .seed whiskev. ■| I.e Stati 111. i.t i^ tli.,t Mr. C,i y, i ar. h '.. ly tiir. w his oitoii >i 11.1 .'tin! fdrii t( oi th.-r, and corn heing si ar. e, M Uie ol ilie entton si-. d tbind its\':iy (uv:(l> n iil'if ijito the hr. w tr\. ill wMS su! pris. li at the ni.iosual (piant;!* ,( whi-.i'-; y whull V\:is tilt' lesult; — .ilid Wi'll tnowiig, wi siippos.-, tl.ii a(((ir.!iiig to tlie tnii- ]iluh)Sophy, tlu cause ii.\:>*t .,lwavs he ad- .'jnat to the if!.et,and heiii\nig that tiie corn used in this par icidar cas was not aih-- fjiia e to th. v.hiskey prodnred, he intiri-i fl that he- . (>'toii St. I iiaist ii:i’, i hail a share- in the a- j;- ;e . 'I h inking thus, his ik \t trial was with h.dl'am! h;.it'. 'I lii eoxt sti j) wasio try (-ot- ton s. . .1 alone. Th s produced a liipinr, whe- tlu-i il iiecdhd red ruin, hlue ruin, white ru in, 'u- hl.ick i-.iin, w. eaii’t tell, tor it is i.ot kho>. n x'lieth. r it he ciirist..iii-d \. t or not-~ w h i h i- s.vMi to he lu.t (jiiite so . ntrng. ouh .i:> i i- th. r “ l!o>ton rartii iilar,” “ knoi:i. km i ,” cin . kh hurl,” .r tiii.t II ad» trom pot:it».( i,ii? ci p. taiiily ijos*-. i-hiin; all the jn-op* iti» m ahsohiti h essenlial lor llic pui j.rjsi s i.t loil.tu atmn. (jioi 'ia Journul.' -iriHT:, Ai'Mii, In.— On I'l iday las' a \.nii;' r.nihiiiun, eighteen \ .mi s of age. I. Il hist’lends III lJ(,sion, i.tKinij awa\ willihiin riKJliey lo ihe iiMioiitit o' STuw. On investigatiiig ihc ailaii- it was Ois lovereil tbalhe had ;,bsi (.nded in ( (>n> paiiV with a eeh-bi iti-d ( vpiian who is ktiovvnas Miss Juir/'-/!, but whose re.d name is CintiH. Ii appealed also tha ! his ^jirl I Kid a u (1 ihe piai t (d a Ai illvv;od. ..t 1 ‘(dneed ilie uni'oriunaie vo>jn_g n.un 11 Kill hi'' p..renlal roof, by In i lasi in.n ion of i;.a!if:er and huiirl[til djji.lwn. 'i hev and jjuniili ihc packer of it. ('hurlesion Courier. NFW M.HANv, (11. i iioi s,} Marc h 29. We havi- leatncel froni Cien. Clark, vv ho has recently visited Nashville, and I icd a |,etsonul interview -with him, that riHIF. subsetiher h.s lor sale, on a. credit of X tvielve months, l iliv Bitlts ul W M. CAItSON April 28, 1828.- lu>. to the r scdulion of ii iptny of tlu* senate ol ihi . state, touebirig the prt t»-cti>n of donu’siit manufaciures at.d iiiiernal ini- provi i-ju nlb. JrST liKCKIVKl), (.. II. J.,rlis..ii hud ii aiismil,i-il i.ii aiis« it i /if sale, ut my Elldtiislmmt Sorth qf in rtf'f 11II f i f ki I fkl II (11.r.f ^ the Umrt IIonr,e. another sifpplij of > V>'’ f*-' ‘ 1/ W V ^ I 1 A.SD /; I TTEIl CIU'K'h'r.ItS; I have also received, a supply of well assorted rnrftu caui^ils, togi ther with Sweet (Irnpcs, Raisins, lil'tliOM.s, L(.;il Sii^ira;, H .i! Iri-h Wliiskry, (,V»(iri‘'li, Smoked Hei’iimvs, Pick led Irish lieriifit^s, iSiv. d’f, I have ako l-rouKht up from Charleston, a few* Hampers of llflsn 1*)-| A l'OKS, which I pur chased on hoard thelK nry Dawson, direct from u. hast—I will bell a few to persons wishing to plant and renew the rseed. * ’ni April L>, 18C8.—2t Tiie ppo[,l-' (d L..( kporf, N. Y. are ..bout es!aldt.)b. n>f a lavern uilliout n /)'//•, in order to uecomihodate Ihe new !'ie oi ^labhat h-keepin»r stag*s.” Ih,t (''■/he !s i(j iH- furnished instead of spji- ..ous iujuoi s. A ('afiiniiiinn. an anitrtal never before h* (d III the L'. States, was shot lat( - .V in I’i tins\Kaiii;>. It teseioblesa .Mink, I' 30 im bes long—liie iuranci hair wluti . s'-now. Giddstiiiih give.s an ac( (»un ol ‘■•'it.e l. vv (.in liie coast id’ Afiica, but iioi beloi t 111 ai d III ill .-\ n,eriea. 'I’he Calamiii- go ami a Mink w. i e rit;htiu!L5 wiien seen, atiil both slioi al one time. fhfd! Sdlv—'Mk vvlude amount jt th* l.iti- seini-ai nual ‘r.ile at .M .i.’-!.ei• Hull, b) llie N'( Vv-EM^;lal-d So( letv for 'be promo lion if M..nufai--tiies and '!';(.hanic .^ils, wai. JO o‘. IM.NNS)*, I.V \.\i.\ It if wf-11 hiioMU that I!ai-ri»!,iir,-7 is the hot bed ot .laeksoiiistn in I’l nil'\ i\.mia. It was here that thM. neral noMiiiiati d fta’ the I'risni. nr\, abe.u! ihe same linn, he Was nom- inat.-d at l.ri-f-iishur;.'-, i'\ Cou!tv.'r and oIIm r.-.. .\lliie List I'l'i-sld-, nliid . ie. Iioi), mil II Mr Notice. By v irtue rf a di (-ree from the Court of E- (jiiity ;.1 hiM N(.V. •leriii. I di.dl 'I al the Court-lloii^e ill Charlotte, on Mi.mhiv of ouv* next Supe; i..r (durtin M .y, l'ii!)ll.-'.\uclior* In.- lots, situated in the tow-i, ,,i ( Iiarlot*(;, out the j\orth sioi of'Fryon ‘.tr . t, ;.'iu' Luo'-. n Ti the town pka |,y .vi/u. ;i3 and ."A and ... , ha. k lot-,, form* ,-|y heloi'.giiH'- to Fr. w a;.(l ino.tgaged lo ’A :n. Item !ii]j •fonas lark, lo •■•(•.ire t|,, III th.- N( ■, pay n.ent of a . iiu- i.isi I i-.-su.., niiAi . ii-( iiui), Ml l!“!:n. I III th.- Ni wiet oii. k. Said hVi f^r n'- ing !ii,d uiiiv.rsal v.j's the vol.! in hivor of I Iv r>old hy a d> ■ n.i. .-.rd bo>r-h‘'hv ',ud \V lie ..ner:d, am! m; IVw wire- the- I'riends of i lierry lilli, \vl.-/ },-i. ' ■ '.-,1 to ‘rom^! , ■i'> '' Ir. .\(i:iiiis, tli;it, ai'.r oiisid. r:dil- e■;e: tliin ‘ (jiidiiid-is; , ,; . _ ,j V t vv n 'iMii- irici.tlN, hlit f !>• M ^ N \ o'l7 s vv( r* f that ll:t-v l»i: f . 'ri ’i •' cv'-Mt • ^ rneivid tu arlv a'lil. votes. In tin-citv (.! I'ms-|.M i - s Saplilia (. ah'or I. t toil, Uurrifnv (in y J/urtfurd ('nhrrrifiu?! re(-.-iv. il .ihout 'JjU voti s, as a .hu.ksoii can.lulate, while t.ov. l.incoln received nearly t'jre.. thousand. jrr hidiher Sign !—C»ur read' rs will learn with ast.nushmeiit, that the pnvat. Seerit: ry ot the Pr( sident, wdiilc actually engagi d in I isoflicial dutii-s, has bfen violently ass.iulted, within tin '.i'dlis of Ihf Capitol, by Hnsell .larvis, one of the '^di-ors of the '/Vh^rajih ! 'I h's is another sj)c- f’men of v, l.'at wt may e xpccUuuU’.r the rtijja re tiartd iv this >itv ami VM'ie seen ! ev« Mingiti ihe lliirdlier (,i'th( '\.ik Mr. N'hatiK 1 .Mai shiti, of M.iit t , has { I'l-.eal-. e, a*ul ibis tuoiiiing il was dis- III Ml in (finsc (|M-o(,e o! i (c.ei \ ing ov t 11 u: ( s Iroin a youi.g j;i-ntieinuti, wl u, she ^„cl • lason'o l;eii vr, jossessi c! moie (d' 'Ik- on*:lfii/i.!’ n(i:i./.il.'' liesays,*‘a t vv we. k siiict, Uikio*v!i to me, she tf(iivetlari I O' r front a young man, who hud a liltl( n 'li e c(t,sh I could (-onun.ind. and ot' m\ atrival, 1 f.uind thathi, oi re/,vA had sii[ plai led me in h( t nj/ci Horn; '. 1 w arn all > oung me t* ;iga:nst b. ,ng caui;i. i in such ull . VII ne t ; congi a ulaitng n v- v.'lf, bow'Tt r, on ihus tscaping, wfh h’- i!c n;2r'’fiOcUiyn, and th^i lo>s a icvY liyd (a!;en up their r ;u!;lisbineHl 111 Chur' ei( d tnat sidt fi>. f- ill a sti-*'e!. i'he ( IS liaviog pursued ih( IP : :irnvi d juit in time lo be (>o late, l(.r h. jiariit-s haci a very lew »niiiuies • vioiis It • I to ii'iibark fri the sM aiiiln.-al for PhiLcb ipbia : li.iy jio- tiicoi.iU lv wetii to the slijj and weie iui- 'iina'e ( iiouj;;!) to n-eet with theobj( rts if ibe se.iii h. 'I'he \oiing man \va:. ' rought to tiie police ami ommilt» (l to li itwi-tl, uniil bis IViimls in Hosifi a-> jii oj)p(jiiuiiitv ol sbipjjins; him uii i\o/a^t; Ul;cty to V.-an uiU:.!r.iu [,' piill. .! fur (>n ’•'i-i..-:,- Ui^t, („t thi; ri.uidi «h(tiiMi,; the ii iei.d.-, u'.M;. i!:,i,i-. *..|- !i d (.lit li'/iti,(d i.;>J L'tii !i/-J,i I I ' >, l.tii.-’ an il.i r. as.- (.1 hu .d'^d i.iul I'\ Jl.iii’the I iH(i-.isaiy e .\e j-'.iotis I ecu iiM-d u> !.r.out . iir I \\li(le l./rce, our ti-. k I w(,ul.l Iiave l-'-n ' il, - 'I iii^, Iriui vc.r,;(,t i.-ju-■(! lurr , I W .• had m>l the' lliei.-.t .list.lilt liiia t!l it ;.i.-, (' 1-. I j tions on in:r ]-urt e(.uld Ijiiiigus so niar a -.1-1 lory. In lutui' k no to>i, tile H II' ;.( rur iiy, n; MiarUittc lii aiK I nnl•- i.-, ..;,id , diirni i h i‘u4 ij -1 '1' h H v:v A.^V A^ I torv. Ill Ultui'-, Ji(,.,e\ci, VM sli dl hit;,-!'' rf iOdxt*-. 1 .• k nov, our own ^!!'(-i.j; ■ h, and, h\ iJi i:, . i*,"-,• ill \) cof '• --lion.... ni:.> ^0.1. -inrin a’;,o;.- I\v.:-.dd.-i-Milt th-o. - , ' ]• h H.irkin’. tir>,« iguiin a,i:iui:M.u (ver.;;.i. Mi-3K-i^i^ri I no lin-ii.t hut onr op(M)iii-: ^s will -..-. n i il,,- ir.i,,. , f If ■ ' hlaek, hy iiu.,.„i, u.c I.,:,I -J; -I ■ •;.f'? „'’"'"'i-'"" i,r( at V u.lory. \t c havenoj;i;al t.i'iM ;ha'. tin y'l do so, wiide, at ‘ii tinw, V e have M en erii.i-jdi to conviu' . u-> that they lc. ! I h.igr;iK-d al Hie result, as th. v, with .m'l t eiL.t.d. i,.. , ( al, niated on ul least two, it nut thice; lo ( I,., agaii.-l i.s. Ilcryiiiunr Inld. Jtd,n -fill ed in the ‘(VS.- " :rA.In bis letter publish- I -ist ! lii nrr.ond 1',' (|ui; ej, h* ’’ ' ' Wi lu'^i uL hcmr ui '■ lust , ujul liiiti oil, tlu- tinu', a l^>ijiHUbout of ! juMt-u (.\i- ( otfou •■"d dyed of a puiph (-olouri-paiita. loons ot the same; —w aisteout ot tl.i .s.ui e . h I). 'Hit i!y( d It ,.s l^p.c!L•dthathev^i'Itake the ’■" •d l.-a.hngfr(,ni Oxiord, v Iidlshoro, (,i t.oro i.nd S.dishury, to S..ut'h-Carolina aim (.co-. gii III I ir.soit 11 I i> V It, V !,( v;s (; rr,. J .1 n.e montl.s since, Iron, this nei^;hhorhood' to the S' ulht i-n (('Mil tr\ . .\frica h:.^ a.->,oi., \]j .1 -li^dit Man 111. I ill speaking, espi nuiU wiit.irf' -'JAKSIiALX ■ ^nl 4, j-Vl V,