ki RECIPES FOH T"EjER '.iU FRUITS. Pr s in BBASor. Take fine, rich i .. r.,.t warn trine near.- : I . : lZ, I, : ,,,, with ,1J to r . a . . . .. . . ..,.... n Am UB' en; pw mw-m c iii . v tfc ... i::.til th v will ield t the prcs- fcur of vnur fags tiien p t thtiu into cold J 1 water; pare them with tlie gfaafttCst care. to that not ft hi:-'!o defect ti.ay remain; make a BTrup f three-q aartcrs of a pound of white sugar for ear!) pound of fruit, and a cup of water t. each pound -1 .-Jgar; .'. hen the .-vruj i- ckiBT U& bot&ag hot. put in Ike pears and boll them gi ntly until they are tloM tlurftagk a:. i clear, and the syrup is rioh ; HOW take then with a skimmer into glass jars; !"il the syrwp thick, then mix with it a frill of whits brandy to each pint, pour it oret ih- fruit, and when cold, put Pl r and . cl e-fittUig co -r over. Bottle i'ut it. Cherries, strawber- ilC- sllced i tue-aj pie-1, pi .!.!..-, spneots. goose berries, Sec., may be prrsei red in the following manner, I be used the same a (remit fruit : Gather the ftui; before it is very ripe: nut it in widu noathed bottles made for the purpose; fiQ them as full as they will hold, and cork them t. ..: ; seal tue corks; j put some ha ui a large saucepan ; set in i the bottles, with bay between them to pre- j vent Ibvix to c'.-.U:,; ; then fill the saucepan with water to the necks of the bottle.--, and so: it o.-r the fire until th- water is nearly boiliiig ; then takeitof; let it stand nnti' tha bottles ure cold; tin :; koep t!.. m in eool place nnti wanted, when the fruit will be found equal to sb. To Pkeskkve Aiij:s. Pare and cre, nadenl them ia halves or quarters; take us n. any pounds of the in-.-t brown sugar, put a t :u Op of water t each munjL W hen il is ',i roivtd, t it on r the fire : and when boiling hot, p it hi the fruit, and let it boi gently ButU it i clear, and ll e syrup thick ; take the fruit with a ekiuimer on to flat dhuW, :-j.:i-.d it to COol, :.!: i then put it 111 jiots r jota, and j our the jelly over. l.--inons !!! .1 tender in water, and sliced thin, may h. ' . hVd with the apples. TOMATO iREi EUVnS. Take e'low vari,"ty us soon as ripe, peel ; then ! -i . ;i nound - of tomatoes add n viii noands of white Bug .r, and let them stand over nLiht. TaLe the tuoMtoes out of tin- ragar, and boil the syrup, removing ; the -1. im. I'ut :'! th tomatoes, and boil eeutlv llVti i n r tw minutes; remove t! i fruit thickeus. BfH and InmI ui.'il t! mp i On ci f.put the fruit : tto ;nrs j i and ui th- ipovr il. and add a few tAu-i-- f. mnn to paoh iar. nud vou will have ! ometLLur lo please the la: V f lhe most i fastidious. To K; v Dam; atone javs, or wide net Uh m up to t! Cold U .iter : set it Pat them in small rrn uth glass h dihs, and ir necks in a kettle of over the fire to hecoje j :!vi it off and let She hot- J boiling Lot, then i; ties remain till the wttier is (rout ; Ine next I day fill the bottle with cold water, ami ocal j sret no more that day, took, us he exprcss thcu). These snay be used the same as fresh j ed it, a buster. " After he had walked fruit. Given gaged may be done in this j out to the stable who should meet him but his way. To PltESERTB Fill IT BO AS TO KEEP ; wfi.i, ix v rjOT Cumate. The fruit to in New Orleans, but you find us all temper as ripe, i it not over ripe ; picked with care; i ate here, and for the sake of my sons I don't the. best lump sugar us d ; and a'l io be boil- ! let them know that 1 have any brandy about ed rather longer than i usually done In this j country. Pour into jar-, a. id when tu:te j cool, tie over with bladder. j BAKED S-r;: APPUSS. Wash well tho j apples; place them in a pan : pour in a tea- j capfalaf water and one o:' r-tigar ; hake thein : slawry till done. Eat then) with cream and j thejtuce which cooks from them. EFiCAECALT COIN. As your pasta POa will be giviug out in August and Si ptember, it would he well to put a few acres in Indian, corn .-own broad cast, iu crd. r that you may have prove.:d r to soil your .-to. -k upon. An acre will grow food nough for tea bead of stock. In tho preparation of the ground, manure liberally, plough deep, and harrow and roll t'.ll vou get a perfectly fin tilth ; then sow on each eere ii bushel of corn, barrow and cro.-s-barrow thai in. and then roll. WEr LANDS. It any of yoot fields arc wet make ar taBgemcntfl to have them thoroughly drain ed, and take my word for it, that the ex pense the draining may cost you, will he returned with compotrad interest in a few 3'cars. Your soU OWCC relieved of exceasof water, their texture will become greatly improved, their earli;ies will be increased fully three, week, and to that extent vou may he aide t work them curlier in the f-pring ; their productive quality will be in creased at leaSt one-third: they will pro duce crop- of better quili'y, and withal the health of your place will he meliorated- TO DE5TLOV COCIIOACHES. Mr. Tcwk-u aaabary, of Kniaghaza, England. r to the Manx Sum sajst -I for- i , , . ra-y, ciean, and certain method in a letter ward an ca-y, clean, and certain method for i rmlieatiii'' lhest- inserts from;,,.. bouses. A few years ago my house was ;v j -.u -Jji . . m ,. , , mtcj.ed vs.rh cocki -,clies ('or clocks, n x tht-v an Called here.) and I was reoom- tr. -naed to try Cucumber pcoliagi a a rem edy. 1 accordingly immediately before bed time, str wed the floor of the I.ouso most Infested rvith the Vermin with the green jovi rut dot very tlau from the cucumber, aud sat np half an Lour litter than usual to : k s . ... ot. Before the expiration of . thai l&e Le n wucsc the peel lay was romnletely cov,-r-d arith cockroaches, so math ?t. tbat the feetsMe could not be scon. w vorao'.mily were they engaged iu sucking ti.o poifmous BMiLttuxo iross it. ! adopted the BSBaS plan the following t." '.t, but luj vi.Mtorb wi re no? bo DlNBonms -I nhouiii think net morn tt.axi a louith oi the previous night. 0 the thud nijht I did not discover but anxious to ascertain whether the r. t : 1 OTiC li hum was quite clear ot tnem, i csumiueu Ike pd after I bad laid it down about hall an hour and perceived tbat it was covered wiih myriads of minute cockroaches about the size of a flea. I therefore allowed the peel to lie till morning, ml from that mo ment I have not seen a cockroach in the bouse. It is a verv old building ; and I am certain that the above remedy only requires to be persevered in for three or four nigLt: I . . . rc ...... t.i v itmti lereiv enuicate me ptwi. vi.oui U should bo firtS cucumber prel every i flight." The green leaves of tho Ja nestown (or attmpm) wee .....l f will reed, ttreved over the tioor, at night, will poison and kiil roaches by thou- nands Another iufallibla way to destroy cock roaches and beetles is to strew the roots of l.b.i-lc li,.l,.o.,i. i m tin- floor at iiirht. Next ; BSOruing they v. ill be found in va.-t quanti- J I ties .lead fir dvinff, for they never fail to j I Ml tin TUli-OlinllS t) hint when they can fret ut it. Uluck 1, el. bore can Lo had at any hero shop, and care should be taken while it is used, a- it is deadly poison. West- cm Agricidluiist. A HEART THAT 13 TRUE. O'i ! piTe n; a h art that tme, Tiiat will c'.iiij.' through the changes of years, And solace when sorrows pursue, And comfort in sadness and tears. The Bpring-thae of life i soon o'er, And irMndsbips are Be tin? and fewj Aaudst bop s that may brighten or lower, Oh, give me a heart that is true. Oh, the dawn of to-morrow may bo A joy amid gardens of bloom, But evening and daikness and woe, May mei t and embrace at the tomb; A shadow awry lall on th- tlow. r, A hli-,r'ut where our proudest hopes grew; Oh. then in that desolate hour, Oh, give me a h art that is true. The pageant of wealth is a wei d That never bath root in the heart. And bcanty alone kaili indeed. Nor rragranee nor joy to impart; But love amid sunshine snd tears, Will bloom with perennial hue, Oh, give me the fuitht'ul in years, Oh, give me a at art thai is iiie. A TeMPEKAXCK JOKE. Joe Harris was a whole souled, merry fellow, and very fond Ml.aa A fij.r tivtni, io Ka ( Irli'inw tr t many years, hfl came to the conclusion d Uie rouiul i visiting an old unele away up in Hassachu seald and j Betts, whom he had not seen for many years. Sow there i a diflerence between Pfew Or- leans ami .Massachusetts in regard to I US j tof ardent spirits, and when Joe arrived j there, lie found all the people run mad a- hout temperance, he felt bad, thinking with pourin T '1 ::t down,1 was one e tiie lu st ways to make tune pass, and bean to i teel indeed that he was m a pick!.. But) on the morninsr after his arrival, the old ma I and sons being gone out to work, his aunt C.t:ue to Vini fxo ; "Joo, -vou have been living in the South, and no douht are in the habit of taking something to drink about eleven o'clock. Now I keep some for 'medical purposes, hat let no one know it as my huaband wants to be a good example." Joe promised, ami thinking that ne would uncle. 'Well, Joe," said lie "I expect that you nre. accustomed to drinkins somethinir hut I just keep a li Will you take some a little for my rheumatism. ' Joe signified his readiness, and took an- 1 other big horn. Then continuing his walk ho come to where the boys were mauling 1 rails. After conversing awhile, one of his j cousins said: "Joe, I expect you would i like to have a dram, and as the folks are down on liquor, we have smo out here to : help us on with the work." Out came the ! bottle, and down they pat, and as he says, j j by tho time that he went to dinner, ho was j BS tight as lie could he. iYotiee. 4 IMPLICATION will be made at the Next County Court for this county, to establish an election precinct at Morrow s 1 urn-Out, iu this county. June 84, 1856 hare NOTICE. 4 PETITION wi.i be pnwented to the next I. -pislature of North Carolina ashing for ! n Maeaumeat or amendments to the Act con t fening corporate powgm on las town at Char lotte. July 8, 1356. tf PUfJMLIC HOTH B im Il i. Ut-I-V'il. that all the Notes and Aceounts of ir:itt At . IIImiii, Sm all, Dstnlfl vV Co., and .4IIImm A DBlrl, are trans ferred to tie' andersigaed, for the benefil of the creditors of said Finns respectively, and tha ! they are in lbs hands of ,T. R, DaMBL for immc- d.ate collection c'Lon-r. r indnlren eanno be given, m the debts mtut ( paid JOHN ALLISON Dec 2". l?-r.. tf .? k. DANIEL f ' or. iax t...-: loi !-.., re TMTI T , T m , . . now in mv hands, and I held lb qn ready for inn. ction. , I t ma st all persona to inform of any taxahlcs whieh mav not be list. d. UrAU pen ns thai have not paid th. ir truer for lrC4' ilt iUr,I'J CvT Yr C t.iivll-n, .u eriffi Inrilft "Kit rl K - 33"0"tjLOO LL, persons iassbtcsl la' a an warned t A .. . : ,- . . , , . . io v iii, nniiit'fii .t. u ..r i .-oj to ( - j r - J , itv J III HU1 I in. ir ..u s till, Accounts 111 tlit; hall., s ot SB t rtict r tor colhi turn. Muny ot the alaSBM are ol ion staioiiii, and in. body can coiepl .in, n" a sewassaM is not now maile,ibi,t it i lorceL B. J. LONEKGAN. November 6. 1&55, lo it Notice. ALL persffhs indebted to th firm of IR WIN, HL'UGIXS it Co., wt! fndJ.K. Irwin or T. U. Uillespie always ready and nappj to seu.e. nrtuuiiuam Aotes not ret tied bv January tourt will be louml in the j nanus ol an omcer ior conecn n. J. F. 1 i; W IN. T. D. G1LLKSPIF. Oct. 23. 13-tl ROBERT P. WAtKI, A 1 1 i ne) ill, (OfSce in Springs' brick buildin?, 4 doors south of the Charlotte Bank.) Charlotte, N. C. We wonder if our young ladies who wear white veils and bonnets are aware that they are making freckles for their beauty. White is cooler in the sun than black, owing the principle of radiation : but while the white bonnet, veil, dress, or hat, diminishes, to the heat of the nun by reflection it generally in creases its light, and it is this that plays the mL - chief with the fair kin and pretty faces So. vounjr ladies be ware. If you have beau ty we scarcely need tell you, not to despot it. It is more than enchantment, and it is an orermsvtch for philosophy It solicits in-tructive admiration, and triumph without an effort. THE PROPOSAL. "Wilt thou be mim- ?" the lover asked, As beading on his knees : Her hand witiiin his own he clasped, "Be mine! Ou! won't you, please ?" The maiden blushed and turned her head, Her feelings tt suppress; As with a (altering oic- she said, " iron't br nothing iht!" Fmma. JF-X TXT SUMMER GOODS AT NO. 4, GRANITE ROW. " A enuie reSh assortment of tashionsble m Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Con ; sisti n' of Jiareges, Tissu. s, Muslins, Ginghauis, ' Lawns. Bare.' d Cwnes, and large assortment of Fast eoh.r. d Prints from r,.J to I2j eente. Also Jaeonetts, Cambrics, Swiss Muslins, Linen, Bleached and Brown Domestics. A large assort ment of Pantaloon StullV. Also, handsome Vest- I iue;, &c, A c. Neat Styles of Mantillas from $J to $12 &0, ! new ltounets and Ribbons, A large stock of lhis and Shoes coarse and I fine. Gents Cloth Gaiters, $1 7a, Also, Congress i Gait -r. and Opera Ties, A good assortment ot uiotning, (ouerec io,; Rata. C:ns. Shirts. Cravats. Ties. Jewehv; Ve. Juat received 5 boxes Glass-Ware, whicb 1 : on r verv low Also, on hand, and just receiving 50,000 L igars, assorted Brands. Cash buyers would do well to give me a call, as 1 am a young b.-ginner, and must and will I SL'il UKWIi . i. .1 F. W. A1IRF.NS, Nest to T. Trotter &. Sou. Mav r,. is5n if At llis Siiup'e Word A N n Y i IT, si mple as it is. ou hear a grea t ry made over i LOTlilNO! You taki 4 rv noli i over l Mil ,: A ion take up lhe pdp;rsaa almost the first word yo see is LO'l'III( ! 1 ou stro 1 over ine r.iy, ami you will A little her , a little there, Anl no assortment anywhere j until you get to t Ijljl.ta'H AC ttl.'Si Where every one runs to get C3r-croc3L Clotliing ! And why do they run there 1 isunply be. cause they can get Clo, hi i.g be ter n.aue, more V s .ionable, ami at less prices than at any House in North Carolina. We make a busi ness of it manufacture our own Goods, and every article sold by us is WARRANTED, oi money returned. And we are bound To keep The Largest and mo jt Fashion able Stock of Clothing in the State. I We have a lull stock of Chi.drens', Youths' ' and Hoys' CLOTHIN at low prices. Also G,TS' FU,iNS3!iiNG GOODS, HAGS, UMBRELLAS, CASES, ; Porlt-lSonUs, S't n and A'ockct HAIR, TOOTH, AND NAIL BRUSHES, Ac all of which will be freely shown and prices given, at ti.e Kmporium of Fashion, By FULLINGS &, CO. Charlotte, N- C, Nov. 23, 1854. Wait TFojc THE WAGON! Why is it Jenkins it Taylor sell Stoves so cheap? Because they buy them f om the Manufacturers. JENKINS & TAYLOR WOULD respe tfully announce to the inhabi tants of i harlotte ami vicinitv, that th y have removed rom their Old Stand, o ne door West of Elms & Sprat s Grocery Store, where they have now on exhibition, just re ceived from the North, one ot the most EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENTS OF Ever offered in North Carolina, among which will be found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Stove I Which h.s gai..ed such a anions reputation ii th Southern I'oSntry for the last ei;hte'. n months. This Stove ie warrant superior to any Cooking Stove now in use. It is simp e in its arrangements, consumes less In -I, and does more work in a given time, than auv other Stovi now in ue. We will put one besid any other Stove ot the same size in the United S ates. and if it does not do more w ork in any uiven time, vvt wi.l fori" it the price of the Stove, and cp t selling and go ur death for the be ter one. All Kinds of Parlour and Box STOVBs. W have, and constantly keep an extensive and varied stock of Tin, ttnd $htt Iron, Japan anl Britannia Ware, Brm.s Ke'lUs. Cast Iron Bed steads, Hat Raks, Crad'es 8rc n oi ui :i m ui up sol ii n ..esaie ana ne- tail, cheaper t!:f;ti has ever been before oi- , tered in this vicinity. j We would re urn our thanks to our friends and us omers for tne v ry hhera. patroiidge j li r ...t: t. , ... , ' . n in ey nave oes'owea upo us, ami t,,ey may resi aaau Pti, ma we snail endeavor, by close at eiiTion to i u-incs, lo.erri.'r witti . rleter- imnation to n eas. tn merit a rAntir...,.,. . . ' ' t Oar Motto IS "Quick Sales and i Small lroit." Ladies ai.d Uentlmti ar particularly in- j vit 1 to -a I and examine our Stock.. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK j Attended to with dispatch. N B. We will tel. you why we h ad o -,r ,,vemsem r-T '- ait for the Waoom," it i - is because we have tnree wagons const:. tly travel ii-- th ouh the cou tiy with Stoves. CA I orders srjj be fai.htully and prompt, ly attended to 1 i.ailoite, ept. 25, '5o-.f Cash Paid For Hides. THE high st prices 3i be paid for Hides S. M HOW ELL. 3 door Sonili of the Mansion tlotc Charlotte, OcU 30, 156 6tn iy It is said that Tom Moore, one night . A Smart Buy. The Burlington (Miss.) while stopping at an inn in Scotland, was ( Standard tells the following: "The I&ev. continually troubled by the landlady with i Mr. CL, a clergyman of neighboring town, the request that he should write her epitaph. j being recently absent from home on btlfei Accordingly at night he gave impromptu as ' ness. his little son, a youth of four years, follows : ' Good Susan Blake, in royal state, Arrived at last at heaven's gate." and stopped, promising to finish in the morn- ing. The good Lady was in transport at this inscription, and treated Mr. Moore with everv possible attention, in trie morning In the he was about leaving, when the lady remind- led him he had not finished the epitaph ; 'That is so," said he, and immediately ad ded "But Peter met her with a club, And knocked her back to ILlzebub." It is said that Mr. Moore's horses were under motion just as he had finished the last line. CHARLOTTE HOTEL, BY .F. B. KERK, Proprietor. i r Ml EVERY accommodation afforded sssg rlie putious of tie- CHARLOTTE JJljS.HO'lEL. ilotej is kept the Stage Office for Bland Baxter's daily line of Stages from Charlotte via Liucolnton. Shelby and Rutheifordtou to Athe ville. N. C. Also, for the line of Tri-weekly Stages from Charlotte via Monroe. N. C. and Lancaster, S C, to Samden, S. C. I'atrons of the Charlotte Hotel conveyed to and from the depots free of charge. J. B. KERR. Jan. 8, .a5f, "m MECKLExNBURG HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, IV. C. "WOULD respectfully incite the at tention of the l.uhhc to my House ml wtiicb is situated o uoois nortli- ast ot ie o o no tel, which is now open for regular and transient boarders. Particular attention paid to feeding horses ut either ot my stabh s. All kinds of dro vers will find ample accommodation at my House. Having sand lots, shed stables and plenty ot wa ter. Aiso, ail kinds of smithing done, horst'shoe ing, hnggv or carriage repairing, or new ones oUt auu ouc lo 01 Ut r as oa oe 1,1-1. 1.. Ill I (Ill III" ' I ' . t ailfl 1 C'l7 I ui (lie ua( inii; "' i .,11 ui. inij; iu lut- xj I of livery conveyance, can be had from a saddle horse up to a coach and lour, at the shortest no i tice. Any one cabin"; on us in either biauch oi our business, no pains will be spnred to give sat lactam. b. tl. Kr.A, Jrroprjetor, F, M. REA, Agent. Mav 20, 185G tf WJiLTfil HQBSfi. Jlorxaiitoii, . . HIS new Hotel is now ojx'ued foi nsL the reception of regular and tran- : ; SHM ioarders and the travelling puhiic.,ti,,,,t Every needful arrangement has been made to promote the comfort of those who may stop with im-. My rooms are kirv, well ventilated and better furnished than any Hotel in North Carolina. Jt is my intention to make this a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. My Stables are large and well-supplied with provender, and I am prepared at a moment's no tice to supply my customers with Horses and conveyances to any part of the surrounding coun try. ' C. S. BROWN, Proprietor. June 21, 1S56 3m S igrTiie Stage Office for the Tii-Weekly Line of i "caches to Salisbury and Asheviile, is kept at the Walton House. CARROLL JiiM HOUSE. Chester, S V. THIS lar and splendid three-story build ing, ou the east side of Chester Depot, is now open for the accommodation of persons tra velling by the cars or otherwise. The Proprietor is well aware that nothing short of a mell-kepl Hon; will induce a cus tom to this, so recently gotten up ; and although very solicitous of patronage, he refrains from those thonsand-and-one promises which have been made only to be broken by many of his illustrious predecessors. He confidently hopes that he will be sustained, and upon trial give such satisfaction and accommodation as wiM send him on his way rejoicing. J. L. CARROLL. Chester, S' C, Feb. 26, leuti. tf &AX&-X.LU9 BO IF KIi, CHESTEli, S. c. By J. R. NICHOLSON. MTU U subscriber respectfully informs bis Iriends and the public generally, 'hat his house, knortn as the "R.ul iJ.iiid Hotel," opposite the besttr Depot, i. 'il) open tor the reception of regular and transient boarders und the travelling public; und that he is making every exertion to de serve and secure a continuance of the kind and liberal patronage which has hither', fore lie flatten himself tbat every needed arrangement has been made to promote the comfort of all who stop with him : lii' rooms are airy and vvt ll-lumislied, his ser vants are attentive ami obedient, and his table constantly i-npplied with the best ot the season, so that bis riends will not want aisy attention necessary tO make their sojourn pleasant, and agreeable. His Stables are furnished wilh good hostlers and an abundance of provender, ami be is prepared at u moment's notice t. supply bis customers with priv-ilc Conveyances ot i very sort, to any part of the surrounding con li t r v. lie oesires to return his acknowledgments lo the public tor past favors, and solicits for the future an equally liberal share ol patron, a ge. Auj- 20, 1854. CHARLOTTE IBZ ARBT nTT8 r 1HE subscribers having formed th'.'mselves Js. into a company, respectfully tender their services to ihe p -ople of Charlotte and the coun try gt nerally in thatr line of business. They are pr -pared to tarnish Monum jnts,Giavet tones, Man tle Piecs, Furniture Marble, Table Slabs, Mai ble Steps, to any pattern cut from Marble, according to the most approved taste and styles, and upon the most accommodating ternat ever off red in tht Southern country. They will keep constantly on hand the b' sr description of Ejrvptian, Italian and Amercan Marble I A.l orders, tor any article, addressed to the sub- .. .i vni uuuu, auu ill j,.,b. u sua iorwarueu wun me utmost car e and despatch. Th'' yard ifl sifnatfd on the nnrfh.woo r-mr ... ".. - 7 w.un ot tne t harlotte Depot Yard. WM. TIDDY &. SONS Jan. 8. lSfi. lv : NEW .HAKBaM-I ITAItif.j. CharlOttS. rHl HE subscribers h established a Marble a r- it ... - . 3 ..... 1 ., . - - ,ili liiM sri : u -'iu., - sinur ..T .nA vwui-umw, ana respeermny mp-r iCeir sen-ices . j .t.i I. ii?.- aesire any iiung- in tne.r i ne ot business. They will keep on hand the best and ''-dsom-st kinds of Foreign and An erican Mar bie' b" Pr"Pari-d at a!1 t' to furnish -loillijsneit t, Gl'aVC StOlieS, Mantel Pieces, Furniture Marble, Table Slabs, Marble Step, Sfc. To any nartem. aerordinir to the most ,mri - 1 o - I f"' . siyit-s, and upon terras as low as at any Mar ble es- juth. All ord rs for Maible work, addressed to the subscribers, will meet with prompt attention. anrl will be packed with care and forwarded with dis- patch. The public's patronage is respectfully so- Feb. 19, isij?' & McCoV- i m T PR ITCH AR OS Drug Store, yOU will . grailon Oamphme 90 cents, rash. April 8rfa5 calmly folded hi hands and asked the Messina- usuallVtooiiHced'rViWfitherrat-the morning meal. St' noon, being W&ed to ! pronounce the blessing, he replied with a grave face, 'No, I don't like the looks of thein taters.' " m A Fast Man. The Louisville (Ky.) Courier says the wife of the well known j drayman in Covington, died one day last week. The next day the bereaved man married a new wife, and took her with him to the dead wife's funeral. A Homestead lor $10! $310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots, IN the Gold Region of Virginia, (Culpeper Co.) to be divided amongst i uyUO subscribers, on the 17th of September, lt&ti, for the benetit of Port Royal Female Academy. Subscriptions ONLY TKM uollaKs EACH ; one half down, the rest on the delivery of the Deed. Every sub scriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, lang- hur in value from 1U to $io,U00. These Farms , and Lots are sold so cheap to induce si ttlements, a sufficient number b. ing reservi d, the increase in the value of which will compensate for the ap parent low price now asked. The most ample security win fie given for the faithful performance of contracts and promises. Sy More agents are wanted to obtain subscri bers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Some Agents write that they are mak ing JUO per month. Advertising will be done for3 every Agent where possible. For full parti culars, Subscriptions, Agencies, .Vc, apply to K. BALDER, Port Royal, Caroline county, Va. J u ly 1, 1&.0 iSJEi" Something that was never offered before ! The best Plantation in Meck lenburg County. Also, the beal Gin-House in N. Carolina. TWy HE Plantation contains 500 Acres, in the Providence Settle mi nt, lying on tbe wa ters of Flat Branch, 14 miles south of Charlotte- Persons w i.-hi on to purchase, would do well lo call andsee for t he tn selves. Il this tiact be not sutii ceut, OlllEIl Hi ACTS ot equally go. d lai.d, near at bano, can be pin chas. d upon 'air lei ins. I then- be ihose "ho wish io pui chase a small tract, ihey can also be accuuiinud led in the same neighboifao. d. Also loi .-ale, a Plantation with 340 Acre, with a good SAW M 1 LL and a GOl.D MINE, ymy on ine waters ol .vine isiv.hcn, 8 miles from Charlotte, well timb. ud. lossesioll to i e given on the 25th day ol December next. JOIINT S. POUTER. Providence, May 20, 18o6 6m ! Importer, Wholesale and Retail BE A LK It IX AMEBIC AN AND IMPORTED CSr-xiixs &3 nifles i ROWLING and Fishing Tackle, . Table and Pocket Cutlery, Walking Canes, BjIis and Port Monies, P.-rcussian Caps, Gun-Powder, Patent Shot and Balls, Fiasks, Punches and Belts, Bird Bags, Nipples and Wrenches, ashing Rods and Ticklers, Dog Chains and Collars, Gun-Maker's Materials, &c. &c. Volcanic Kepcating Fire Arms rjRlFLES, I AKBICS & I'OL, loading from G t 24 bails, and ?au be discharged with greater rapidity and certainty than any other Pistol or Rifh;. Thirty charges can he loaded and discharged in fifty seconds. No cap, no priming, no recoil, no lateral dis charge. The ball is a patent loaded ball, on the Mime principle, and is perfectly water-proof, and goes always SURE and safe. Also, Sharp's Celebrated hide, Throwing a oall with p rfect accuracy eight hun died yards. Also, Revolvers and Five Shooters, at Manufacturer's prices, to the trade. . SU HKKLA.lir, No. 132, MainStreet, opposite Eagle Square, Itictimond, fa A DIPLOMA, of the Frsi Class, was awarded hy the Virginia Mechanics' Institute, for the pro mot. on ol (he Mechanic Arts, to Samuel So the -laud, ol Rchm iud, or a case o! Guns, Pistols, and Kifies, e.h bind at the Lxh biiion ol aiticles of American Manufacture, b Id iu ihe city of llicli tnoud, on the llilh dav of November, 1 8f4. J. A. BtXVIN, Pres't. J. W. Lew ellen, Sec'y May t. 156.--im EAGLE FOUNDRY, R 1 it UO O. VI KIAI V. Cary Street, between Pearl loth Streets, M ANUFACTUli KS Locomotive itine, Ten- dei i a i i - l o.i d Can, AND nil d escriptions ot R.nlro..d Manhi. ne.ry. Stali inary Engines ol any required power ; also, portable Fngine, wit h a diCided iiitproveiiient over any others- heretofore made, (from 4 to 40 liornt power,) on wheels, und o well adapted to farming purposes, getting lamber, &.C., whh improel Circu'ar portable Siw Mill.-, attached, ol Nt, 2d, and 3d chiss. Mining Ma- hinery, Grirt & Saw Mill liaehi- cbinery, Forfcings nud Tob.icco Factory Fix I ,i...o ..I 1-t.iA . ..1.. -... I I I Castings mude to order. P. RAHM. Richmond. Mar-h 1H, 1856. 6m iotice. R AN AWAY from the Subscriber about fwo Years ago, a negro bov named formerly belonging to John H. Grier, of Meck lenburg county, North C'arona, and sold to McLintick of New Orleans, and recently sold to the subscribe r. Said boy is about 38 or 40 years old, of copper color, about 5 feet 10 inches high, auick spok jn. Any person lodging said negro in jail, or delivering him to me so I can get him, I will pay snch person One II mill r.-l l.. S. P. SUTTEN. Pineville, Meckl'g Co., N. C Ap'l 15 im. Stop the Rnnawav ! AN AWAY from the subscriber, residing in 1 MM Chesterfield District, South Carolina on 1 ounuav, I III' ll OI J 11 1 V. a 1. C- ero bov bv tbe name of SANDY MOCK. Said negro is 'ib'iut 20 or 21 years of aje, five lett six or eight inches high, bout a quirter umlattn. rather thick lips, nnd I believe has a sm:ill ben.- on his upper lip lum very em. ill rs tur a nero bov. is vrrv ii iv. ii;is i n ir in r ..... ......K.. . j . .. - ui, ana ban generally wnan it aSajted and tied with a airin-.- oeillliuun wnr U.ij's, 1 a ive rsaaon to believe that Sandy has been conv. veij wii v by surne person; and I will five 25 Dollara ICi ward for his deli very In me, ,,T for his delivery in s flat I recover him. My residence is a idiort di--taiii e south of M. Broe, N. C. and alo n bh..r' dl.-t.i nee Weft Ol O'i- sterfield Collrt-Mouse S Carolina. JijflN P. GATHINGS.' July b. 186 3i 0"The Southern Christian Advocate, of "'""'SU)"i Wl" ple.ise cony one month, and forward aeeMOOt to Mr.C, Lane's Crtek P. O.. niOT- co'jniy, N. C. " Boots and Shoe. and for sale bv Juno 24, 1656 lw it Wben a Tennessee girl is slyly kissed she frowns and says: "Put that article right back, sir, where you stole it from." We would like to kiss Tennessee girls slyly all the time. "Pat, you have dated your letter a week ahead. It is not so late in the month by one week you spalpeen." Troth, boy indade an its jist mesilf what is wanting swate Kathleen to get it in ad vance of the mail. .19 A K.Clb IN CONSEQUENCE of having lost by the lire which occurred in this place, on the morning of the w7th of May last, vaiious Nous and claims against numerous persons in this and adjoining counties which notes and claims, be im the property oi E. C. STEELE, A. Betu lxe & Co., and others, which were placed in my hands tor collection: All persons, therefore, against whom any of such claims are still standing un settled, are hereby duly notified, that unless they appear immediately and close up the same, by note or cash, I shall be compelled to file, forth with, Bills in Equity, thereby subjecting such persons to additional and unnecessary costs. V S. W. DAVIS. Charlotte, June 10, ISoo. tf And a valuable Town Lot, with a fine Brick Dwelling, TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE. BY virtue of a deed of trust to mp executed by William L. McRce, dee'd, during his hits time, I shall, On Monday of the August Court for Burke County, being the 18th day of the month, At the doi.roi ilia Cou.t-Houac in M irtfiinto.i, eXwofeS to public sale, lo the highest bidder, A valuable Lot in lhe town of iflorgranton, One square went ol the C'oui l-H iuee, fronting on Main and College stre t., where Dr. Alc liee resided containing four or more aerts, on winch tin i e is A very fine Brick Duelling,; E I House, III Nearly comph ted, with four large rooms be- low .-tails and tour above, wilh a nice passage, above and below; and which cost about th ee ih lUsalid dollars. Adjoining the main build. ing ii a fine one-story brick bnihfilig with two rooms and piazza in front wilh ail the ne c-ssary out hoii.-es and siaales, in good repair. Immediately on the corner ot main strict is a hue one-story brick building, rmi' h-caat and covered" with tin, wilh a large and convenient store-room well fitted up. and two other con enieiit rooms att.ehc: ai d a yard tastefully d -dratcd wilh evergreens a. id flowers, and a fine garden. The situ .tion of this property being Central and convenient, any person desirous of pu -chasinir a beautiful, ben I thy , and desif a Me re sidence, would do well to attend the sale. The Western rail-road will be litre iu less thio three years, and property will no d. ubt double iu value. Should 'his opportunity to secure a summer or a permanent rtsidence, unsurpass ed by any in ibis or any other town in North Carolina, be lost, there is improbability of ac quiring within tbe corporate limits n( the to,vn a residence so desirihie. Terms ia-h. E. J. ERW1N, Trustee. July 8, 1856 t. TTerrocs lor Sale. ISHALf., as Kx cutorif the will and tea anient ..f Dr. Win. L. McRe. d.c'd, on the siiinc d v and at the same place of tin sale of'ihe above properly, expose to public sale to the highest bidder, Eleven likely and valuable Ne groes, Consi-ting of men, women, nnd children. -Tern.c inudo known on the day of s le. E. J. LRU IN, ExVr Julv 8, 1 8.6. 9 Wilmington, Charlotte, &Kuth erordton Rail Road. PUIS II ant to an order oi the Boar of Di- rectors of. the Wilmington, Char otte and i tit her ford ton Rail boad Company, looks are aain open tor subscriptions to the apital Stock of said I oad. at lhe Itock Island Stoie, and th- offices ot Wm. Johnson, C. ). 1'ox- and S. W. Davis. Al who feel mtereste in the honor and prosperity of the old N rth Sta e, are solicited to come forward and aid in this great work, th o ly real public enterprise that has ever sprung upon our people. LHAi.LES . FiX, S. u . DAVH, WM. JOHNSTON, JNO. A. YOUNU, JOHN v ALK F.R, LLKOY SP INGS, B. U. DAVIDS N, Comrpissioners. Oct, 1855.. 23. 13-tf RALEIGH & GASTON RAIL-ROAD. Raleigh if Gaston R. R. Ofilcc, Raleigh, Feb. 8, I8oo. AS THE NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD is now completed to Charlotte, no tice is hereby given, that Ooods and Produce Brought down that Road, intended for transpor tation over the Raleigh &, Gaston Rail-Road, wil! be received by this Company at the North-Carolina Rail-Road D pot in Raleigh (owned jointly by the two Companies) and will be transported thence without delay or extra charge ; and good? designed for the Western Merchants and other: along that Road, will likewise be delivered at the same point. All dues for freight must be paid at Petersburg or Portsmouth, except on way freight, which must be paid in advance or on delivery of the goods. A F.very effort will be made by the Officers and gents of t i 0 ) mpany to give satisfaction in he transportation of Goods and Produce. Owners and shippers of Goods are requested to have them distinctly marked, so that their desti nation may be known. R. A. HAMILTON, President. Feb. 19. tf Office of Charlotte and S. Car- ) olina Railroad Company, June 26, 1856. ) .jjoanr&ieMPi TARIFF OF TiiKdUiiH FKKIGHT Between Charleston and Charlotte. CI i am. ArlicifS. First Class, Measurement, per c. ft Hogheads, Molasses, Barn Is, do Do. Fish Half barrels do Do. Flour, '.. Sacks do. zOU lbs Do. do. 100 lbs. Do. Salt, Blacksmiths' Bel- lows, all siz. s, J Buckets, per dozen, Corn, per bushel, Wheat, do. Coffee, per 100 lbs Candles, do. Cheese, do. Rule. $0 16 . 7 00 . 2 00 - 2 00 . 1 25 70 bo 40 80 - 2 50 50 16 16 60 70 70 On and after the 1st of July, 1856, the above SltlS Y ht wiU Hn e Through Articles enumerated. All others will be charged at the present Local Rates. n i Lm T- j SUMNER, Jnly 1 o, '06 tf General Super.ntendent. gl IRCULAR SAWS from 12 to 60 inches, for ism. nan. . a ! ISf 1T1 r,. . ... or STOWESVILLE. GASTOM COUNTY. N, c HAVING opned a House foi the aaLi , their goods in Charlotu-, desiie to ,n 0f tem.on ol Merchants to their House ti goods are known, and a call from buyer,. lr tully solicited. They also keep a good of Groceries, and will endeavor to in, rit n Pp J age. JASPEE STOAp011" E. B. ST0WE Charlotte, N. C, April 1, ItCb. tf W; . BRA1LSFURD -o.-fi .t1imio i:ki ii v v i AND Atil N f F(ii BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA PACKF CHARLESTON, & r' LIBERAL advances mad- on coiisjuuu ,' to my addies foi such. tctl ' Sept. 11, 155. C. J01LNS0N, FORWARDING and COM MISSION SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARp a , .1fLA," ' Aug. 1 , lc55. JOIlVw. iJlMUKaT"' FACTOR, Geueial 4 omiiiis ion Merchaiii AND ' Receiving 6l Forwarding Agent l Mi.i ItLVS TVJw , ft. C. CSTlilCT ATTENTION will 5 b. given to the sale of Cot ton, Com, Wheat, Flour, and other produce consigned to m. . for sab;. Also, to the receiving and forwarding of Goods. Will make lib ml ml vaucea on Produce shipped to ine, to he sold brn, or to be shipp. d to any of the Northern, Southern! or Foreign Ports. Charleston, S. C, Feb. 19, IgGfl. if G. P. ANDERSON. D. KlIVXoi na. AmnmuMTM & Reynolds G.ROCERS AM) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rVorfbila, Virginia. Fay active attention to lhe sale of Flour aud other kinds of Produce, avoiding tu.neCLfSkn charges and rendering prompt returns. May -20, 1806--y PROFESSOR WOOKS ll luts worhes lttrsa rPlIAT all the bald :;nd grsy enn be rrtlor.d JL perfectly to or ginal growth, to l8r aj locks are concei in d, doen uul odini! ut a dm Li; It. fides it will nine ew ry pos-ihle i s ie oi ibaaa a whether develop, d as d,u dn 0, i chh n, or In iht shape of cutaneoii" eiupnoi.B ev n statd-l.ittii ai.d in -io poss.ble case will it In, I of cmiiii;, at if by mncir, nei.voi;a or ler headschr, Stats' iibi d twice a wi k by the roiujg, ie Ini'y, n . , preserve the Solar, and keep lhe bsH fron lal.irj, to any imaginable aye. Pend ni d j dee Lopaiirport, la., June I83& Messrs. O. J. W(,cD A ( o.: CaWlJ Vours ot the I3ih mine d ly to Lai d Fhiclosi d, please lii.d ihniyeihl del n f, it bn; the nm.uiiit I. H Hstr RestoiMNVC i Iibvc pukf II all. ll yon chnnsc. Vou nmy mi (I lit d.izen boules Hail Resnnativi ; I ihn k i csS rll it. li has Worked m.iscles in ihis plsee, I hJ-ii mnn s.x SI b ., ihnt was bald, it lutlud new hair out ah oei h;s bend. Ymi .s, ii.sp.tih.iiy, M. ii. (;i:mi i;v. ('. ft. R. O.Tice, Vindnl;ii,Junt 1, lil PaoFESS' K CM D Dh,AR SI If: ! lake pleasure in hi nrinrr vrli at. iy icMimoiiy to die exelhne ol y4il J inn ! l.nnnve. Tbces inonibs my "ban vt u t gray. It is now a daik brown, ( he oi leintd eA ) anin iih n .i jilnssy ' he onl nppl ca'ion 1 I m mnile lo it, bus tn to rhe Man Ut itinaiive ptean4 bv you, auu winch, from the ri sub in my own can, I car. inosi cordially ipcnmmei d lootht is, Respcclluliv, Jfi hub. CDVVARD W0LC0TT. , Vtnc tnies, la., Jure l), )S3. TROF. O. J. Wool); s you ,,re .o,.t M I ........ . . M awsiw ni U T"W It I I l.liy pt ('f ' u : linn UeJSOraiive, 1 will "eiaie. loi hi.n. imi it ' may concern, thru 1 have ns d it. in d km n ,iih- e s io ue ii i lint 1 have, b-i fevrtal yisra, bn iu the batnt of i irthet Hair Kcstuiam-,!' ihsi 1 (1 d yours vanity superior t.i any mtwi I know ll emir, ly eh ai n (be he; d H dwattA and with m e montl 's piopi r im-, will n n i HI perMin hi t. ihe urnfetfisl youthlul mw ui exiiite, giMig ii a hiahhy. soli andgloawi IfffW auce; ard all ihis, wnhont d Sanloiing die MrA that apply h, or ihedus on which n d i px I w-uild, iberetore, n c BMnewd its i m ta i-vet) fs desirous o hnuiy a fiiie color nt d i xn tr to ltW R spcctlully, yours, WILSON KING St. Louis, June 1", if' y FROl-. WOOD: As you m. abut m tiH nnd vend your recently d.seoveii d Han Iti r.oii'.1' nnd 0 you icqiicni my opimon ol it, I will 0 h it my hnir wm., a lew niomhs ntv, m ry and ahtr using two bo'ile .. yoi i Hstr wff 9 rcsam a MS uiiyu it ci lot; md ,'tcen!-p-Micmtioa, nil dudtitT has dsspfsod h'ninry head, and I have b rn tri utni d vvub 0 iiM(i -ble nchiiie of ihe scalp. I am saiinti'd. 'h' w who use it, will uoi tegtei ll, as it Sv 'fct lf,r' once io4 having been ii-.-r inly mlid- 1 a Jl ,T' d, iht refoie, n u enansM i a na ' !' "'": desnons of having a beauiilnl h ad ! I am, sir, yours, etc. L. L. STtARL PROFFSSOR WOOD " Dear Sir. My hai-- had, for sevral "'. b"D beenming ptenminiely K'y, ocenntl ii:i d 1 haishmas which rendeted the c "-' ' nr: ' r,:i3n of oil necensaiy in dosing it. When I Cl' -d iisintr your Han Rtstoiuitvr, sbmil lw'l,,l ago, ii w;is m ihai eonditKuij ai d hnvnm fiiiii ' us use nil wiih n the last three t(Yr, H I "f '""5 to us naiutal ce-lor. ai d assiu-.rd n bistre fireatly to be pretened to ihoa pndir'd 'I the a.ipbcaiion of oils or nnv nhtl p,"',,"t!l have ever us d. I regard it as nn n.d article for every 1 dy's toibi, wbe-hrr lube v6 Hrir Roatorative, or for ihe simple pinpf of""" Uag or heauii'ynnf ihe liair. You h"c rrn'tf" io reier to me all who enter, a n sny dei--'1 " performing all tint is da n d ior b. MRS. C. SYMONDS. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 10,1851. 1 U Third ' Watertoien. Mas , May , PROF O.J W()0): Allow n.e tof " ivr o.j.wiHJU: Allow me m" ' SB and iiiaipc poweis o your Hair Bm'"1 j month since, b mg ecc tlmttty r,V. msed. and soon commei cidto an-. IS virtuei Three purchn? (Itirl It tn,.n ka.iai, ..fll I mm vaaf.ritl0 lock to their native sokte. a. d the ha,,,i,tB heiore dy aid harfh si d falln g off I yfS soli and bs7, and n ceaxid lalbn; 'hedt'"' diappeaxd. ai d ibe scafn I. .si all ihe d " . itcliin. a annoying Iwdore, and now, I ul look, but feel yountr "eain. Kesjiect fully, yours, etc. CHARLES WIJIT.VEY- WSold at 114 Maikei street, Pi Lot f M f . ;' ri. 316 Rromlway, New d by fr' J Charlotte, N.r, and hy Dniguisu everylr'fpB All kinds ol famdy paieni m dicinra ff f. the best possible terms, st Profeiwor Wood lishmem, 114 Maiket streei, St. Louis. July 8, l-56 3m Ras: Wanted. HUGGINS h HARTY, at their Store the corner of Main and Trade iW will buy cotton Rags, and jive the W market price. Chsxlotts, March 4, 1836 ly t uy was at. raui Uke a horae cause he loved Timothy. J. & E. B. STOVVlT Manufaoturora '