ha rr ai , -c m0 A Family Paper, devoted to State Intelligence, the News of the World, Political Information, Southern Rights, Agriculture, Literature, and Miscellany. RV WILLIAM J. YATES, ? EDITOR ash rnopHir.TOR. y CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. ! $2 PER ANNUM In Advance. CZ. A. TAT3fr ASSISTANT KIITK. " ( VOLUME 5. 350-ow Series Nl'MliKK 20. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1856. UWsaW """W .. . 11 . v.XnV Bill THE r. published every Tuesday Containing the latest Sews, n full and accu rate Import -f the Markets, ceo. r. if Mid in advance,. If paM V I f 1 1 1 1 1 mouth 2 )f paid after the expiration of th' j-car, 3 00 ; Aiiv 1" i'ii sending us live neir sul ffritM r-. nccoiupanied by tin- advance sub acription ($10) trill receive a sixth copy -jra ti fuf one J ar. I BSubscribers and others who may wish t send iiimik y t' can Jo so by mail, at our risk- ADVERTISING. One annua ol M bawl at less, lor J inoniIi3, ?1 (mi M 41 (M) M .. M H " 10 00 Pcataaaaaal Bad baataaai Caids, not cx- ccedur.; Btl lines, per aitaaill. 5 06 One s iiare, 16 lines, or 1 ss, that insertion, $1 00 K.irli wirarcqstat insertion, i5 " Transient ad vertisenae uta must be aaid for in ad ranee. '. Fmt annonnc inn Candidates for office. in advance. IV Advertisements not marked an the auiiinscrit for specific time, aril be in. nefted until forbid, and charged accordingly WILLIAM J. YATES. ' At the i:i Democrat Office. Warrants. Mania ire fiirrrawm. Tin Receipts. Subpoenas, Jury Tickets, Administrators' Bond and Letters, C uardian Honda, Indentures, Deed for conveying Land nr nses, Proaecution Bonds, just printed, lil n j,k - of all kimls printed to order at short notice. NOTICE. I shall b absent froai Charlotte during the Winter, for the phtjmkw of aii.nding tbc Mi tlical ; Lectures and HaapUala in N w k'wrk and lhila- j dolphin. M Notes and aerounta previous ti ihe year .S."t; are in Uw BjUMU "i in. A. 'veiis. Em., lor Ctileclin. RORK1CT UIBIH N. M. I). Cbarlatte, Oct, 80, )-""'. 16-uH Tf COXSEQUEXCE of kavbn lost by the jX. brr vrbirh "euvn d in tats place, on tar immune f the 7 1 ! s of May !ar. varioua No s t-l !: IBM agaiiuii UHJiieromi persons :n this and adjoining etHmtki nrbieh notes and ebuaw, be- I ing tie prapertr -! E. ('. STECLC, A. BETH-1 t Nil A . and vthcrrt, wbirii arereplaceil in ary kandn Rn wdlVetion: All petionatthen;fontairaiuat ulniin any nf saeh ekdttu an still standing nn- tl.-il. an: ben by duly n-t iti d. Hi ! ss they ; apprai hnaaedkttriy and ebwr i:p i!:- senn, by : Bote or edi, I shall be enmpelkd to iih, torb-! wah, BOK in liiiiTiv. tbereby subji-cting such I pi!iii to additional and nnnecei - c.ts. S. VV. DAVIS, j Charlotte, Jnne B, i-.h".. tf The Charlotte Hut tea Fire Isttsitra i3-f i'c;L:::i:!isv, M I'lNTES i.i take risk a Ions bv Ly Fire on II-.- s, (Zoods, 1 ' SMi.il rates. OiHce in Brawlrv,i ii'e, nil. atawa. M. B. Ti lAlit, I' . s. P. Al.KXANDKlC, Vce Piesideat J. . M Nti, ) J. H. H ill I K, J. H. t A KM t J. Xt.-riKive t'oanai'tte. U OVEU M A N, A. C. 8TKKI.E, J J. II. WIL N. enf. F.. NYK III H II1SON. Secretary. Julv . Is..-. tl fSi9M if 'tt IW" ? tWW HUTS' A At u Tailoring Kstab liKhmrnt. JAMES BSIAXT mfiwuM bi fri.nhi and tonai r patrons, thai be lias n "j!. n. d hix TAIL OKI Nil ESTABLISHMENT in Spring's new Building, here be will be happy to any .:ie n wtiny any tiung dUme in bw In,.-. AU ivork a arrant.. Oct. SWtb, I V.fi. 17 tf Barjaitast ! Ifarrraiiist 2 : CHINA DEPOT. 11. 1: IMPOKTEUS Of CHINA, GLASS & EARTHENWARE. AUo. : great rariety of Tea frays, Lamps, Tablf Curl ' v. Britannia and mock Tin Ware, V 1 and Willow War.-, and VemseAcepiMg- 1r tides zrena aily. NI.W In 11 nt to niMMI Ui Ml. UAXK, cOLl BI V ! C. Li?' Packing warranted. new. 1 1, i-.rfi. 10-1 m Vayl, 71. !., DENTIST, -I oh 11 Henry SURGEON a 1 of ' Baltimor, Collem J mtal Sura, n. ) "J Having Uaati d p,-rman,ntlv, tenders his , iaaiioaiil servie. to the cUhtens of vaonone, . r., ;uii vicinity. Dr. W.iyt pr.jares and inserts artificial nalal a and obturators, and attends to the eorrvction of congenital and accidental deformiti- ,j '. teeth and jaws. Be is also prepared to artitieial teeth, after the most approved UM-thods Ortice on Try en Street, in Carson's new building, up stairs. Nov. L-th 2l tf. Notice. The f opailm 1 ship of Glen & MeKey was dtHelTed on the 2d of July but, J. G. McCoy . i . "ling wnwaau J Bb Glen's interest in tlii- -'laroie xara and N.,:. :,n,j Accounts. Uasttl must be made with J. 0. McCov nHaiittc, October 7. jj.-f All con- W :u IimI. gBUSHELS ol d:...l Peaches, I'Tm m.T , led nd unpealed.for which the HIGHEST CASH price irfij be paid by Dec 9. 1(56 if T X PiDnAm T. M. FARBOAV. 'lT I'Divrrn - . , i V" rr 101 Bw at the Oilice BOOTS AND SHOES. Vl 3D Charlotte, N. C. CATALOG l t: OF GOODS AND PRICES: Heavy double sol iJroans, domestic manu facture, all numbers overC, at $1 50 " oak sole iirogans, northen man ufacture, a good .irticle, 1 GO " nailed sole Br. garis, lor miners and Kailroad, good, 1 0 " uouble sole, roun i s am Brogans. 1 40 ' single sole riveted U.ogans, a good article, i single sole riveted Brogans, a shade lighter, 1 single sole not riveted, Brogans, a shade i.ghter, 1 " Heavy .-.ngle soie Brogans, infe rior stock, l Mens' ki Brogans, a good article, No 1, (Webster) 1 " " " No 2, Y.F.D, 1 M H "3, 1 35 25 15 00 50 o r -) 25 lined and bound i:i Brogars 1 25 1 5o " " " calf 1 75 2 OU u , " Oxford calf, 1 75 2 00 Gents' ealfCoagresa Gaiters, peg, 2 25 to 2 75 ClOta I'at. tip " 2 50 to 3 00 line calf sewed bhoes 2 50 to 'J 50 it Pat. " Oxfir "and plain, 3 00 to 3 50 Mens' fine kip sewed, ('Planters) 1 75 to 2 00 Oents' line patent leather Gaiter 4 00 to 5 00 D. S. Quilted Boots, and stitched, ejrir.i. 0 00 4 tl (i (( i..iit..,i ,,:,, .i o ca ' ISo. 1, 7 00 heavy calf, I). S. sewed. Planters' Boots, very cheap, 8 00 f calf, 1). S. liea and cork Boots 5 00 t i fine cair, cork sole, and made with copper nails, 7 00 fine calf, pp. " " 5 01) ! heavy 1. S. calf, plain bottom, 4 00 f " kip, " 4 00 i ( " " and heavy welts 2 50 to 3 CO J Haagariaa, common, 2 00 ! Ditchers and Miners' Boots, 2 50 to 1 00 BOYS' DEFAKTM ENT. Bo s' line oi uress (Jailers, Pat. tip and foxed 5;- d.j to 2 50 " t all Shoes I 25 to 1 50 (i iC K.p l!r.)grt!:s, ood 1 25 " " " ; goo, I, No. 2, 1 00 to 1 12 " heavy Brogans, U.S., good article 125 M ' 14 from medium to poor 75 10 00 S8 25 85 G2 reutXs ealf and kin Brosant 75 to 8 " extra heavy and good 1 Od to 1 thick - " 75 to " " light and common 50 to L DIES' DEPART1M ENT. L ul.i 9 One longress (Jailers, double solm and loy d, tm w inter, Willi he. Is, I brMHCuugress Uaitera, lain soiCs, with 00 nuis J 00 line " " " aodtoat i.is 00 to 2 aO " Sua " M 2 00 to 3 50 " fine French kid, side laced Gaiters, 2 50 " Qua side laced, i hick and thin aofea, s:ik, l .".(I to 2 00 " fmc to common ' " 1 25 to 1 50 " fine .."jat Bootes, best article, Bannel h::t d. lor winter, 1 75 " fine goatBootea, besi art tele, twilled bind 1 50 M line goal Bootes, No. -2, twilled lmcl 125 " li.ie Morocco ai.d kid Boots 1 50 to 1 75 " fine pateui leather and fancy toji, 1 jr to 1 r(i " fine leather Bootes, very rail lme 1 00 " li... kip ;u.l calf, a very good shoe 1 25 " Rue Dutch Boot, all kip, 150 " fine Congress enameled and kid Gaiters 150 M fine pan i.t leather and enamel 1 12 to 125 M .- ea Shoes and t a ir rs, all grades, prices varying from 75 to 125 Cbiidrcns Sbtes , 25 to fcS I OVER-SHOES ANB RUBBERS. Gents Buffalo over-shoes, for winter $2 CO j sleigh cut Rubbers c over shoes, 1 00 c Robber Sandals, one & two straps 1 00 j Ladies' Buffalo Over-shoes 2 .70 j " lotfa Over-shoes 1 50 " Rabbet Boots I (kj ; Buskins and Over-shoes 75 rsandais 75 Misses' Over-Shoes 0 c. to 75 DOMESTIC MAM FACT! RE. J Sh. p made Boots and Shoes constantly on 1 baad and made to order at short aetice, from J the best imported stock. : Gents' fine pp. Boots, warranted $.c 00 1) sole brad bottoms, Dutch edge 8 50 m t . Dutch edge, footed on old legs, to order o ('0 Pp. Footi d on old le-s, to order 5 00 Cents' line calf Shoes, to order :i 00, 3 50 heavy kip sewed Shoes 1 75, 2 00 Ladies' flue rail Shoes and Boots 1 75, 2 00 41 heavy kip " ) 50 Hj Goods of tuir own manufacture are all aarraated not to rip. Prices by this Catalogue are for cash only as the "imils ronl.l iio I... cnl.l .. t iI.a mmm Iamb figure mentioned than lor cash. I he above comprises but a small portion of our stock, as it i impossible to enumerate every article in an advertisement, so that it tnav be understood without seeing the goods. Cash prices of Bills per rmnnimgjiioU 3 inch Bands ?i 90 1 8 inch Bands $ f.O 3 44 44 24 S ' 44 64 4" .1 .1 28 y" 4 44 lis ll 44 44 3 2 91 " 73 5" 44 - 4 3C 10 44 44 7ii 5 44 44 40 lOj 44 44 t-l . G 44 44 44 11 M 44 SO 1 Of, ' 44 18 I II I 44 4 4 '.1 1 7 44 4 52 12 44 41 ye j 7i 44 " 56 LEATHER BELTING. The public may depend on getting the best article that can behad.thev will run straight, bold their width, and run fiat to the pulley, j These bands are made ofrthc best oak tanned , leather, and the solid pari only need These , lA.til. mm imt tn.mllirr i-itli li- :i f e r-11 r Oo 1 1 , .'.,t ..ii"...' i Um im I VLII1V111, ..II1V.I1 111,0 UK HI IV I o w s damp places, without anv ct'cci upon eccci iiuua no- . jflr joints. The best of copper rivets used. An assortment generally on band, and all kinds made to order. Also, MACHINE BELT CLASP, for connecting Bulls or Bands together, to run on M aebinery. This Olasp i-, made of plates of metal fluted MlIt on the inside, mailing teeth sharp enough to press into the Belt and hold it. without Catting intoand impairing its strength, as is the case with making holes to lace through, or otherwise. Ii is, when applied to the Belt, confined together by means of screws, (made for the purpose,) sons to hoid on to every particle of the Belt thereby retaining its whole strength. An assortment always on hand. Also, Superior LACE LEATHER on hand, and COPPER RIVETS, with Burrs. Solon nd Fpper Leather of every description consta tly on hand, at low prices. Cash paid lor Green or Dry Hides, or taneuin excnanjrc lor Boots ." in ucinn lor cools ano BBOCp, 81 Cash prices. BOON K Al CO. Ifew Store. J. & E. B7STOWE HAVING removed to Ibeir Kew Store on M tin-str t, below Yonng St Williams' Hotel, and om ite Boone &. Co. 'fl new Shoe Sioie, where kbey now have on sale a large stock OF S R i K ind sueb otherarticleaasareusuallv kept in such Houses, ineludias their Domestic and COTTON YARN. Now in Store :'M) Sacks Salt. 4o Bbls. New Orleans Molassi . S Ilhds. beat Portorieo d. 5fahds. West India do. 5khds. Cuba. 5 hhds. of goad Brown Sugar. 40 bbls. Extra do. 1" bb's.Cr-ibad do. 106 bam good Coffee. Eng lish dairy and common Cheese. Bapging, Rani and T'viiif, Adamantine and T;tllow Candles, Norih Carolina and Western Whiskey. All at the Lowest Prices. I We i. specifolly solicit a call fron buyeu J. & E. 15. STOWE. I) c 0, 1956 tf VZIO V t S EHTC K AC A V 1 vJ Milt So xi It of Chat 1 0 lie. 1 be ex. I ClSeS ot I lie liueentll SeSStOD Will 0)ell on the l-'irt Jjunduy ol Jauary, 1857. Term per Session of '21 weeks : Lalin, Greek and Mathematics, J2 50 English Grammar, Geography, Ac, G 00 Students will be charged from the day of en li nee to the end ol the session, without deuac I tons for lost nnii E. C. KUYKENDAL. 2:!-4t-pd D. eember 9, 1S5U. NEAV GOODS. E are receiving onr usual Supply of Fall and Winter COODS which shall be sold an as i he cheapest. BBEM & STEELE. Oct. Tib, 1856 EMBROIDERIES. Jaconet & Cambric Edgings & Insert in gs, m '4 rlonncings, 4i " ; Collars, M " " Sleeves. Real Lace Sets, black and white. BREM & STEELE. Oct. 7. 1856. BOLTING CLOTHS. BREM & STEELE. 1865- Oct. HARD WARE ALL KINDS. Ob BBEM & fcTEEL t)ct. 7th l;-5n. LADIES DRESS 3ILES. r3ribll". Largest and most varied Stock ever S olleied rn this market. BREM & STEELE. Oet. 7, 1S1G. D'LAlNS, CASHMERES, -L'-L n.AlLlo &c. BBEM &. STEELE. Oct. 7, 1836. LADIES CLOAKS. AVERY LARGE STOCK, very cheap and elegant. BREM .V STEELE-Oct-7, 1856. 14-if. FAESJIS FOR SALE T II E ahscriber ofb rs or sale two farms lying on the Waters of Clear Creek, in Mecklenburg county the first known as The Alexander tract, containing 300 Acres. Well improved, with a good and commod.ons dwelling house, and all the 01 t-h his. s necessary for a tarin,ic good repair. 1 here is also -A. good Store-House on the rasausns. 1 This property lies to" miles from Charlotte, at the (-'ioss Ko.ids, on the main road to Con : cord. The farm is is all respects in good con -1 dition, and contains a quantity of fine bottom ! land. The other Tract, Adjoins the above, and contains ditto AC'iStE. This is also a well improved (arm, with good buildings, has excellent Timber on it, a good meadow, and a lirst-rate cotton Gin. There is also on this place a go od osti aisil Copix-i Tiinc, Both of the above farms are desirable estates, and will be sold on r. asonable terms. Apply on the premises. J. M. W. fLOW. July 29, 1856. tl iat Iotice. 1VRLIC MOTICE is hereby gl- veil, that all the Notes and Accounts ot Slratt Allison, Sprnrtt, Iaitiel Jk. Co., and AlllSOM & Danit'l, are trans fened to the undersigned, tor the benefit of the creditors of said Finns respectively, and that they are in the bands of ,T. R. Uaxikl for imme diate collection. 9 Longer indulgence cannot be iriven, as the debts Aatst l wmid JOHN ALLISON Dee. 25, 1855. tf J. K. DANIEL J"otice. A Valuable HOUSE and LOT or Sale. 1 'IIP subset I her oilers tor sale Ins lar: e and well-tmpraved IIocse aad Lot. aitnated in the soot hern mm - . . nnrnnn oi I if iowii. uiuiuini: -i-v uui now nvMid bv B. F. Davidson aim 11. .Martin, i . . . . T known as ihe Spratt property. Mr. John R. Daniel is fully authorized Umiak4 sale in my absence. Persons in want of a desirable sit nation i" town, would do well to call and ex amine this property. The House and all out buildings are new and in Brst-rate order. Possession given immediately. Terms made to suit the purchaser. JOHN ALLISON. August PJ, 1S5G tf m O INToticOn A Valuable HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE OR RUNT. T' HE subscribers orlVr their well im- yr-k proved Lots in the town of Clinr- lottc, for sale or rent, situaie in taw eastern portion of the town, known as the Penman property, conta intag 4 lots. The un improved lots are very desirable building Lots Apply to John R. Daniel. ALLISON & DANIEL. Aug. 10, lc5C tl COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Charlotte submit the following report of ' their procecdin for the year ending the 1st day of December. A. P., 18543, to-wit: The following assessment was made for 9 i Tetai JC-,'- "amen . in i Un eacu iuu value ot real estate, & 0 50 i " " of Stock in trade, White male Poll (over 21 and under 45 years) Black Poll over 12 and under 50 years, Free black Poll Grocer and retailer of spir ituous Liquors, Company of circus riders, Equestrian performers, and all others subject to pay a State Tax, Concert per week. Company of Ethiopian Scr cnadcrs, and all others subject to State tax, to pay per week Vender of spirituous Liq uors by the quart, to pay per annum Itinerant merchant, pedlar, or hawker of goods, wares and merchandize not of the growth or manufac ture of this State, (except Hooks) $100 worth of interest, Surgeon 1 )entist, practicing Physician, Lawyer, and all other persons (except ministers of the Gospel) whose practice, salary or fees, or all of them to gether, shall yield an an nual income of $500, shall pay a tax of s-'i for the first 85(10. and s'2 for eve ry additional $500 until such income shall exceed 1.500, and then $) for every additional ' 500 above that amount. 30 2 00 2 00 2 00 50 00 20 00 5 00 5 00 25 00 25 00 2 00 redlar of or patent soaD, tlniLrs tor killing crow.- chinches 1 ' j and oilier vermin, and remedies for headache, toothache or corns, and of all patent medicines, razors and razor strops, 00 50 00 00 00 " Carriage, valued at 8 50 100 1 " " " 200 0 300 3 400 and upwards a Tax of 4 00 On each Gold watch 1 (Ml Silver GO Piano Forte 2 00 $100 value of Gold and Sil ver Plate 1 00 Dog 1 00 Hitch 2 00 " Public dray 10 00 44 44 2 Horse Omnibus 10 00 44 44 4 " 44 1 5 00 44 Livery Stable 10 00 14 Stud horse standing in town 15 00 " Tavern Billiard Table 5 00 25 00 The objects so taxed in the year 1856 amounted to the following, to wit : 595,200 Dollars value of Real Estate, $2.970 00 255 White Polls 510 354 Black " 708 347,134 Dollars value of Mer chandize 1,041 40 ! 20,088 Dollars interest received 539 70 136 ' paid on Salaries 130 5 Drays 50 24 Buggies, valued at 4:75 each, 12 32 " 44 100 " 32 10 Carriages 20 4 44 12 1 " 4 130 Gold Watches 139 47 Silver " 23 50 20 Forte Pianos 58 1,450 Dollars value of Gold and Silver Plate 14 50 81 Dogs 81 9 Retailers of Spiritous Li quors by the small 450 0 Retailers of Spiritous Li enors by the uuart 150 1 1 Stallion 15 Liv ry Stable 5 o 2 l!.rse Omnibuses 20 2 Taverns 10 1 Billiard Table 25 $7,032 16 To amount received from Circus Companies $40 IH) Do. from Side Shows 5 (M) " Concerts 5 UU 44 Unlisted white Polls the 'd Monday in Jan'y. L-jtJ, " 72 00 Amount due Com'rs for 1856, To ain't of arrearages duo for 1853, $ 166 40 Do. I -54, 047 75 4 1.-55, 1,567 5 Notes due Com'rs, 4!7 0 122 00 $ 7,154 10 2,879 00 Total am't due Commissioners, $10,033 76 Of the above there has been collected for the venr 1H50 by the Tax Collector. $6,598 8 1 For 1853, arrearages, 0!f fill 4- 1854, " 262 35 44 1855, " 905 43 Notes collected due feo Commissioners, 375 15 8.2 II 3-1 Total am't remaining uncollected, 1.822 42 J. B. KERR, Town Clerk. Treasurer's Report. The Treasurer of the Town of Charlotte submits the following as his report for the year ending the 1st day of Dccemb r, A. D-, 1650, to wit : To cash received from my prede cessor in i ttice 1st Feb., li-50. To cash reci ived from Tax Col lector us per Coin. Report, $ I 42 55 84211 .14 Total, $$,353 80 Out of the above amount there has been paid to various persons, as per orders drawn on the town Treasurer bv the Clerk, of the Commissioners as follows : To cash paid Sa.nl McNinch on bond for rock work on streets in 1851 1653 22 4 Fisher & Hcntish for Fluid for lamps in 1854 88 39 " W A Lucas for mono bor rowed in 1854-'55 1138 4G 44 F. Scarr &. Co for Flu'd for lamps in 1855 89 65 H M Pritchard do. 1854-55, 244 90 44 Wm F Davidson, service as latendaut in 1855 " James Parks for making Town Map in ls55 4 Wm F Strange lor damage done his lot by opening street in 1856 44 Dr Danl Asbury for damage done his lot for opening street 102 14 20 G2 50 00 J 7? 00 " Adam Alexander as per Com missioners order in 1 85 1, 139 06 4 Taylor &. Allison for work on Orave Yard in 1856 44 Springs & McLeod for cloth ing and provisions for the poor in 1 856 CS 2: 20 53 44 Leroy Springs the interest on $500 Bond 30 00 44 Rent for Guard House 50 00 R B Morrow, Town Guard 330 00 44 L A Blackwelder do. 330 00 44 Joshua Trotter for work done on street in 1804-'55 " Nancy McQuay damage done her lot by opening street in 1854 00 i o 0) ' Saml A Harris for work done on streets 103 50 14 Thos McKcnzie for work done in Grave Yard in 1856 100 00 '4 Allen Cruse for dray age 26 25 44 M F Nesbit for work on street 19 50 C M Erwin for Piank Road to Depot in 1854-'55 31 59 44 J G Nesbh, Town Guard in 1 855; a balance 44 W F Davidson, Intcndant, balance due for 1854 44 H Severs rent for Guard Room in 1 855 44 James Piim a balance as Town Guard in 1855 44 II M Pritchard tor Fluid " 44 T J Bolton for advertising in 1855-'56 44 Sainl McNinch as j,cr order to B Morrow in 1854 10 00 126 9G 30 00 74 55 77 18 14 75 43 40 44 F Scarr Sc Co. for fluid in '55, 51 60 44 Thompson Robison (ir build- inr culverts in 18-"i6 106 10 R P Waring for advertising 19 00 " Huggms & Harly lor tools a;id blankets " R M Jamison, Blacksmith ac count lor 1855 "56 L A Blackwelder for town guard, extra, for 1855 " Jas G Wilkinson for dam ages dune let by digging down r-trect in 1854 44 Trotter &, Son for Commis sioners' Seal 44 Thos T McCord town guard in 1 855, a balance 9 03 13 52 12 50 25 00 11 00 41 GG " Sainl McNinch, order to R. Collins in 1651, 65 40 " order to J Irwin, 65 40 " " " " to Spratt, Daniel & Co. in 1854 17 75 " J W Gray, town guard tor 1855, a balance, 83 02 J P Smith for work on Bridge 5 00 " ThoGoogh for Lumber, 1855, 9 00 ' Jenkins &. Taylor for Stove got in 1854 44 D Alexander for work done on Bridge in 1855 " S J Perry lor work done on street Pumps in lfc56 " Huggins & Harly for powder used time of fire in 1856 " J II Neel lor work done on street, in 1854 " Elias & Cohen for damaging Buckets at lire " Dr J M Davidson for work on street in 1 854 ' J B F IJ.iv.ne tor Leather in 1854-'55 41 Thos Googh for Lumber, a balance in 1855 " Saml McNinch, order to B F Edwards in 1854 Hill &. Horah 44 Henry Gundry for work on Pumps in 1855-'56 44 Edward Lonergan, Sr, for building culvert in 1854, 44 Wm Tiddy, sr., for rock to build culvert in 1856 " R F Davidson for work on street in 1855 44 Margaret Lowrie for boyJs work on street in 1851 ' J M Sanders for making 2 map frames and varnish ing town maps 14 S T vV ris ton n a .;jam street lamps m ISl an fl '55 " Isaac Reid tor forking on street in 1851 44 J Nichols as extra guard in 1856 ' W E Turner for making cart wheel " George Pelt for work on pump 4 George &Whisnant for work on pump in 185 5 J W .Moody for painting G chairs 44 J VV McCoy for cutting 4 corner rocks for the grave yard 44 Dr J M Davidson for work on street in 155 14 19 6 25 7 50 43 75 ry f- r i 8 12 4 13 7 74 4 09 5 50 4 25 50 00 30 75 5 00 10 69 10 30 8 00 52 55" 6 00 1 0 2 00 2 C3 12 00 2 40 12 50 9 00 2 40 2 00 7 70 6 00 1 00 12 37 6 15 50 6 00 5 00 2 25 3 00 1 00 75 A Gowe for 6 chairs Sandy Eagle extra guard R Shaw for repairing horse harness in 1855 and '56 M G Allison extra .Sunday guard V E Turner extra guard at the fire W F Ahrens for boy's work on street H M Pntchard for lamp fluid J L Brown receipt in 1855 W A Bridges 6 day's extra Sunday guard A J Willi ;ms extra guard at fire J P Smith for plank for bridge J C Abnrnathy for d raying in 1855 and '56 Taylor ii. Jenkins for dog badges J M Mason for dog stamp John Love receipt Spratt, Daniel & Co Store account W F Phifer for boy's work on street 1 00 1 00 2 r2 Cash p id Win Tiddj . r h olding cul wcr I S in 1 - i 1 44 GJ 14 05 1 00 12 00 53 35 E C Gier receipt for jail fees m 1855 Andrew Hipp for cleaning . ut ditch Taylor v Allis n 'or work on strc. t in 1851 Sa.;i"l A Harris accooat Am moneys paid out .or sun dries in 1S54 T -McKmzi.' a b .lance for wo. k in grave yard G W Caldwell lor work of boy 's on st i eet S A Harris or work of boy Horraceon the streets S A Harris account foi sun dries 50 00 51 00 61 CO 6 5S HGumlr. f..r wor!; on pump 21 50 R B Morrow town guard a balance for 1855 5 00 R B Morrow town guard a balance for 1855 22 00 LA Blackwelder town guard a balance for 1S55 30 00 J B Kerr account lor haul i ii r a balance tor 1856 44 00 Commissions of 5 per cent allowed the ta x collector on amount ef$8,2ll 31 410 Salary to the town Consta ble for 185G 275 00 Salary to the town Tieas urer 100 00 SaUrv to the town Cb rk 100 00 Blind Dick for rinetas bell 12 00 To' 3 I By cash to balance in hands of Treasurer $7,552 97 800 92 Total (8,353 80 All ol which is respectfully submitted. S. T. KERR, Town Treasurer. Dec. 23, 1856. 25-2t JoIice. X-ajrLd. for Sale WII L sell inv Lands containing about S5)0 4CIX-N, 1 mile and 3-4 South-east of D vidson Colleee. There is a comfortable dwellinCi a ... (j.111 House and appurtenances, wnh other n. ci s sary buildings thereon. The land is well adapt d 10 the culture of cotton and grain, w. il water, ed, a branch of Rocky River running through tin entire breadth, on which is some 50 Acres SUPE RIOR BOTTOM, w. II drained, and in cultiva tion. Also, a fine .9 tic !k. 6 years old, medium size. Six shares in the (!. A S. Plank Road. One scholarship at 'Davidson College. Will be sold with the above lands 15 Acres of Land, the property of A. M. A .). R. Gillespie, on which is a steam Saw Mill of the capacity of 20 horse newer. in successful operation, to which is annexed a pair of Corn Rocks, capable of grinding 150 bushels of corn in ten hours. The machinery is good, only used about 14 months, b. ing built by S. W. Stubbs A Son, Lineonton, N. C. A rare chance is now offered in Lands and Mills, and. those wishing desirable property would do well to look early Possession given when de sired. Terms accommodating. A. MONROE GILLESPIE. Elysian Grove, Meck'g. Dec. 9, 1856. 3w Slate ol aortli Carolina, LINCOLN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, April Session, 1850. J. W" Lowe, Adm'r, and others, vs. Rufus Ballard and others. Petition to sell Real Estate for assets ha the hands of the Administrator. It appearing from the affidavit of Petitioner, J. W.Lowe, that Rufus Ballard, David Ballard, Presh y Cox and wife Epsey, the defendants in this proceeding, are non-residents of this Slate, and beyond the ordinary process of this Coint. It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Western Democrat toi six weeks, notify ing the said defendants that they be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to b. held for the county el Lincoln at the taun t I louse iii Lincoluton, on the 2d Monday in dan nary, 157, then and there to plead, answer or demur to Plaintiff's petition, or Judgment, pro con fesso, will be taken against them, and a de cree made expaito according to the merits sf Plaintiff's petition. In testimony whereof, I have this, 4th Dee., 1856, signed my nam.-and affixed the seal of said County- J. A. HCSS, Clerk, By W. R. CLARK. D. C. 23-6t FAMILY GROCERIES. SUGARS Loaf, Crushed, Ground, Porto Rico and B. C. COFFEE Mocha, old Java, Lagnira and Rio, of various finalities, old and new crop. TEA Uun Powder and Imperial, a choice article. MOLASSES New Orleans, Cuba and Cien- fugos. CHEESE Gosln-n and Pine Apple. CHOCOLATE No. 1 and La Vanille, the latter a superior article. SARDINES Half and Quarter Boxes. RAISLN's Whole, Flail and Quarter Boxes. SICILY ALMONDS, Filberts, Currants, Citron, Mace, Nutmegs, Macarina and Verma cilla. CANDLES Star and other Brands, in whole, half and i lb boxes. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR -Wholeand iuar-t.-r Bbls. CANDIES Assorted and Fancy. CRACK ERS Batter and Soda PICKLED SALMON, Mackerel, Tonga a and Lobster. Smoked Tangoes and Codfish. ALSO A good Stock of of the Washington, O. R. Salbana, Don Pedro ami other Brands, All of which will be sold low for CASH, by '1 HOMAS M. FARROW. Dec. 9, 1"5G. .;-.f NOTICE. OOjLD mine FOB SALE. I WILL sell on the Hhh day of March nxi, an tie nreraiaea of the Mm.-. it bcinsr in Gaston cunty, N C, on the west m le of Cataw ba River and South Fork ths welFknown I with sixty acres of Lam.-, rqareer J'-, attached, j with two go.d springs: tie moStoftbe land is ; wood-land. It will ! s.)d !! a xreibl of sis months with interest from dale, the pfrtehasMr i giving bond and security. Any pt'CBOn Wtahfrtg j to nrsrebaic win do well to vail oa Wm: F. j Davidson. Z. A. ri r, ihton Htrngoani 1 v. rind J. C. Aydiotte, ci Wm. R. M -Lean at hta tioM Mine above m BtMHK U. WM. B. MrLEAN. E'r. D: e. IBSt. THE SHADOW ON THE PILLOW. At tae Edinburgh Crimean Banqoet, tin4 following song, by Mr James llalbtntine. founded on un incident related by Sir John M Neill, wee snag lb. rue helpless from the. field of fight. Hewn deep with wounds and senrs, I prisved "Heaven come and help the rlgnt And end the cruel wars.'' I swooned I dreumt an angel band IJorc me o'or ocean billow; I woke, and lo! tin angel hand Was smoothing down my pillow. Was smoothing down my pillow. "IViyf death and life, thro' day and night, My wounds unconscious kept me, Of all, except those eyes so bright That kindly watched itad wept me. And over me, in yon far land. Had waved the weeping willow, Had it not been the angel hand That smoothed the soldier's pillow, That smoothed the soldier's pillow. O, earth but once heard such a tale, So heavenly and so human, As that of Florence Nightingale, The angel type in woman. What marvel thut a soldier tell ! A poor but grateful fellow, He kissed her shadow as it fell At midnight on his pillow, At midnight on his pillow 1 TO HIRE, ON the first of January next, at the public square in Charlotte, l!S or 20 lYcgroest belonging to Mary A. W illiamson, one of the minor heirs ot John Williamson, deceased. J. M. HUTCHISON, Guardian. Dec. 16, 1856 3t HtXBi STOCK. and State I5ools lor Sale. WILL be odered for sale to the highest bid der, on a credit of six months, on Tuesday the 15th day of January next, at the Couit Mouse 111 the town of V adesborougli, 191 Sliaros of the Capital Stock of the Bank of Wadesbo rough, of the Capital Stock oi tat Hank of Chailotte. Also, r ive State Bonds o. One Thousand Dol lars each, the property of the late Mrs. Ann P. Leak, dee'd. W. R. LEAK, 1 -J. A. LEAK. T x0cu,o' Dec. 16, 1850 3t Take Notice. persons indebted to the old firm of R . All KOOPMANN A CO., either bv Note or Account, will save cost by settling on or before January Court, as longer indulgence cannot be given. Dec. -.'!, I eon. !-:jt The E2ank or Charlotte, IV. . Dm DECEMBER, 1856, fBM 1 1 E Bo. ml of Directors have this day decltu 1 CO a dividend ol 1 per cent on the Capital Stock of tike Bank. The same will be paid to ibo Smckhold'TMon and aftortbs 1st Monday in Jan uary next. W. A. LUCAS. Cashier. Dec JG, I8S6 8w rlR. WATT, BetttM, having occasion to go to Virginia oa professional business, Cdl be absent until the it,t of Jantiar , 1-57. Notice. AS administrator of R. H. Young, decejuoil, f will sell in the Town of Charlotte 011 the. 1st of January next, IS or 13 LIKELY NE GROES, most of whom are bovs lrom III to years of age. A credit of ft months will be given. N. B. All indebted to the estate will pieaea pay up. . ALL ACE, Adm r. U c mber 16, I096 -w Negroes to Hire. N Tuesday, 36th of Deft dene.- of th- subscribes inb.-r, nt the resi will be hi nil out for the year l'-Vr, all the Negroes belonging to ih i minor faeirs of Dr. J. M. Harris, dee'd. J. M. STRONG, (.uardian. December l(i, 1-5U ;w .olice. T WILL offer my plantation tot sab- on ths 2d JjL day of January next, two miles west of Dal las, lying near the waters of Little Long Creek, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY Fl I '.' Ai RES more or leas, w ith about fu Acres of cleared land in a good state of cultivation. Terms made known on day of , -ale. Dec. lo 'tt-jd E. A. JENKINS. Chni'luKc C osiinion Si lioolw. WE, the "Common School Committees" for the two districts in the lowuol Charlotte, inform the citizews that we have unitedly em-ployeo- Mr. E. C Elms lor the ensuing y-ar, and that a School under his supci int n.lance will be opened at the Common School -house in this plate on Monday the 5th of January, 1857. E. II. ANDREW, R. M. JAMISON, A. C.tAV, C. E. OVEKM AN, GRAHAM, J. R1GLER. Dec. 16, 1S50 5w .Yet; roe to Hire. ON the first day of January npxt, the Ne groes belong:iiij to Ihe minor beiis of the late Hr. M. W. AlexaoiW, will be publicU biied in Chailotte .or one year. H. LaF. ALEXANDER. Dec. 10, IS-'o-at To Teachers of Public Schools. ALL persons who desire to act as Teachers in the It. strict S; hoof, of Meckienburg coun ty, ilniiug the 1st and 2l quarters of the )er 18o7, are requested to attend at the oilice of the Mutual rir ln.nr rice t'ompany o.i the 10th Uay (Saturday) of January, iS57, or the purpose of being exa nined an4 receiving cer tili.-at1. .1. P. ROSS, Sup. Com. Schools. E. N V K HUTCHISON, ( M. D. JOHNSTON, J( Dec h 1850 I w 'mil. of Ex. Nat. x. tISCULAB SAWS (Torn W u. fir :,!, s Co sale ai BREM A STEELE t. i ol tUu "Western IVmnum " i Charlotte. Oct. 7, 185C. 3m ,A(assiMiM