33TIC TRUE HEARTS. BY JEAN L. BRL'LE. Give me true hearts, give me fond eyes Where true affection's sparkle lies. Where truth shines like the moonlit skies, Alive with burning stars ; Give ine a heart with honest beat. Where love's glad waves rejoicing meet, And kindly thoughts like angels greet, A heart no envy mars ; That throws its glean across the face, With cheerful and seraphic grace, That lightens up the darkest place. And smoothes life's rugged jars. Give me true hearts, that, like the sun, Enliven all they shine upon. And lips, from which soft phrases run Like summer's warbling streams. Look up sad heart see! earth how fair, Though round tin-- coils that make Despair Behold ! God has thee in his care. Then nurse joy's happy beam! The blossoms burst their skacklcs now, And dance like elfiaa om emch bough. The birds sing in day a golden glow. Then hope, heart hope and dream. RULES OF ETIQUETTE. WQm GENTI.KMKN AT PAUT1E8. Act very hrazingly. Stare round amazingly, Bow very puppi.h-Iy First fei the lady who Sent round the cards to you, Then you may condescend Three or four words to spend, Ou some aototietji Who gilds the society, Or irltwper quite kiHingly To some belle who willingly Passes time llirtingly, Laughingly oh, certainly ! Whispering till ringlets fall Over your neck and al ; Until distressingly Thrilljng, caressingly, Oil in a waltz you g- Spinning half crazy, oh ! This is propriety Out in society. "Pat and thk Kkow Nothings." One afternoon, hist September, daring the time of the great political excitement, as I was wending my way homeward along the wharf, my attention was called to a new steam process for loading and discharging the freights from the holds of vessels. Whilst admiring the beautiful machinery then iu operation, with its innumerable wheels spinning and buzzing around, performing the labor of some twenty men, my eyes fell upon a rather distressed looking on of Erin, from whom I heard the following soliloquy: "Ah!'' he exclaimed, "you whirly-gig vou; it is yourself that takes the bread out of twenty of me honest countrymen's mouths inny day you work; but be jabers there is one consolation after all; you caiit vote the Know Nothing ticket!" m Medical Fees. It seems to have been thought something unprecedented that Dubois should have received one thousand seven huudred pounds for his attendance on the Empress of the French during her confinement, as mentioned some time ago. Yet, on turning over the pages of Wadd, more remarkable instances of large fees will be found. Dimsdale, for his inoculation of the Empress of Russia and her son, was made a lhiron of the Empire, with a present of twelve thousand pounds, and a pension of hvo huudred pounds per annum. Or. "Willis, for his successful attendance on George the Third, was rewarded by one thousand five hundred pounds per annum, for twenty yean, and six hundred and fifty JKwnds per annum to his son for life. The other physicians had thirty guineas each visit to Windsor, and ten guineas each visit to Kew. In 1737 the physicians who attended Queen Caroline had five hundred guineas, and the surgeons three hundred guineas each. What a Kewbpapbk ioes rxnt Noth ing. The following article should bo road and pondered well by every man who takes a newspaper without paying for it : The result of my observation enables mo to state, as a fact that the publishers of news papers are more poorly paid than any class of men iu the United States, who invest an equal amount of labor, capital and thought. They are expected to do more service for loss pay, to stand moro sponging and "dead heading," to puff and defend more people without feo or hope of reward, than any other class. They credit wider and longer, get oftener cheated; suffer moro pecuniary loss; are oftener the victims of misplaced confidence, than auy other calling in the community. JVople pay a printer's bill more reluctantly than any other. It goes harder with them to expend a dollar on a valuable newspaper, than ten on the needless gewgaw ; yet every body avails himself of the use of the editor's pen and the printers' ink. How many professional and political rep utations and fortunes have been made and sustained by the friendly, though unrequit ed, pen of the editor ? How many embryo towns and cities have been brought into notice, and puffed into posterity by the press ? How many rail roads, now in successful operation, would have foundered but for the assistance of the lever that moves the world ; " in short, what branch of industry or activity has not been promoted, stimulated and defeuded by the press 1 And who has tendered it more thau a mis erable pittance for its mighty sen ices ? The bazaars of fashion and the haunts of appetite aud dissipation, are thronged with an eager crowd, bearing gold in their palms, and the commodities there needed are sold at enormous profits, though intrinsically worthless, and paid for with scrupulous punctuality ; while the counting room of the newspaper is the seat of jewing, cheapening, trade, orders and pennies. It is made a point of honor to liquidate a grog bill, but not of dishonor to repudiate a printer's bill. VACCINATION. Dr. Simon, 1'hysician to the Board of Health, Birmingham, Eng., in a late report in favor of vaccination goes fully into the history of its adoption in vorious countries, aud, among other results, gives the following summary: In Sweden, the death from small-pox, before vaccination was introduced, averaged 2,0.30 annually to each million of the pojmlation; now the deaths from the same cause are only 1 5 per million annually. In Westphalia the decrease has been from 2,G13 to 114; in Bohemia, Moravia, and Austrian Silesia, from 4000 to 200. From such information as exists it seems probable that the small-pox death-rate of London within the bills of mortality during the eighteenth century ranged from 3000 to 5000. For the years 1811-53 the average deaths from unall-pox were only 304; in 1854, only 149; and in 1S55, only 132. It is the same in the army and navy, aud Dr. Balfour, in an important paper appended to I r. Simon's report, shows that the mortality from the small-pox in the navy is not a third, and in the army not a fourth, of the London rates. The experience of the Royal Military Asylum shows that in 48 years, only four deaths from small-pox have occurred among 5774 boys, and these were of non-vaccinated boys. The answers tc questions upon these points from 359 of the most eminent physicians and surgeons in the United Kingdom go to support all that is enforced by Dr. Simon in his report A remarkably ugly man, as con ceited as silly, said to a lato Philadelphia wag who had wit enough for everything but making money, 'Why Smith, how thin you arc! You'll never pay the debt of nature, Fin afraid, you will dry up and blow away., Well, you will pay the debt at all events; for vou ow e nature so little. Prof. DefU-ath's ORIGINAL ELECTRIC OIL. This great discovery is now creating a great senation among the Medical Faculties of Europe uHd this country. It will cure the following (not everything): WARRANTED TO Cure Fever una Ague in one auy; Cure Chills in five minutes, Cure Croup in one night; Cure Deafness in two to four days; Cure burns and Scalds iu ten minutes; Cure Sprains, Wounds and Bruises in from one to three days; Cure inllamaiion in one day; Cure Neuralgia and Tooth Ache in ten minutes; Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess, in ten days; Cure Bruises, Wounds, and Tetter, in one to three days; Cure Ear Ache and Stiff Neck in one day: Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Salt Rheum, in three to six days; Cures Quinzy, Palpitation. Pleurisy, in one to ten days; Cures Av.hma, PaLy, Gout, Erysipelas, in five to twenty days; Cures Frosted Feet, Chilblains, SiifTjoints; Chronic Rheumatism, Sore Throat, Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to walk, by a few bottles. This Oil (DeGrath's) is mild and pleasnt, and is a great Family Medicine lor childien teething, &,c. Ladies should all use it It always leaves you better than it finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. AFFLICTED THIRTEEN YEARS, AND CURED IN ONE WEEK. Read letter fiom Rev. Jas. Temple. Philadelphia, June 9th. 185G. Pi jf. DeGrath: I have been afflicted for thirteen years wi;h Neurulgia and other painful complaints, and I have been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many years past. Last week 1 got a bottle of your ' Eletric Oil." The first night I slept soundly and well, and to-day 1 am like a new man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Electric Oil has done in one week what the physicians of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years, REV. JAMES TEMPLE. 310 South street. DEAFNESS CURED. New Haven, May 19th, 1856. Prof. DeGrath: My brother has been deaf three years. Alter trying many things, he used your Oil a few times, and it cured him enti,ely. CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. Caution There are numerous imitations springing up on the reputation that my arti. cle has acquired. The public must beware. They are worthless. Or For sale in Charlotte bv Dr. H. M. PRITCIIARD, Druggist, sole" Agent, and by Druggists and country merchants gen erally in the United States. July 13. 2m. NORTH CAROLINA Institution tor I lie Deaf & Dumb, and the Blind, Raleigh, N. 0. Sessioh of 1857 '53- Board of Directors. WILLIAM II. McK SE, M. I).. President. A. M. Lewis, Q. Busbeb, D. G. Fowzjb. S. If. Young, JjfO. C. l'.U.MF.R, Y. W. Yaws, Officers of the Institution. VM. I). COOKE, A. If., Principal. J. A. WADDELL, M. D., Vice-Principal. Teachers in the I). Sf D. Department. Gko. E. Ketcham, I Chas. It. Grow. Teachers in the Blind Department. JT. A. UAbDEIX,M.I. MRS. S.C. WADUELL, MISS M. E. COOKE. Mrs. L. E. Grow, .Matron. Mrs. E. Little, Housekeeper. S. Little. Steward THE uext session of this Institution will com ence on the first Monday of September. Anv intelligent and healthy white resident of the State, between the Mges of 8 and 90, whether Deaf and Dumb or Bind, may, if the means of education are wanting, be admitted to the school free of charge. Thelm fnr ulnu mmj be learned from the Principal. Such pupils as are capable of de cided improvement, are not only instructed iu the ordinary brauches of a commou education, hut receive such accomplishments as may best tit them lot success in life. Music, drawing, needle-work, bend work, and suitable handicraft arts will form a considerable part of the course through which they pass. Careful attention will be paid to their religious, moral and physical im provement, aud every effort will be made, not mlv Ut render theui comfortable, but to promote their bjgbent welfare. Pupils should by ai meant enter early in September. For any Infor ination in regard to the lustration, address WM. D. COOKE, Principal, T , . Kaleigh, N. C. July 7, 1857. 4t 3T For the Largest stock of Clothing you ever saw go to the Emporium of Fash ion of FULLINGS & CO. it the Western Democrat Office. Warrants, Marriage Liccnsos, Tax Receipts, Subpoenas, Jury Tickets, Administrators' Bonds and Letters, Guardian Bonds, Indentures, Deeds for conveying Lauds or houses, Prosecution Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Attachments, 1 elivery Bonds. Fi Fas, county and superior court. Constables' Bail Bonds, county and supe rior court Writs, Commissions to take Depositions. Witness Tickets. Ejectments, Capias Bonds. isr" Blanks of all kinds printed to order at short notice. DIARRIIEA ! DIAUHHEA ! ! A safe an ! effectual remedy this class of summer complaints, is Dr. Wortkington's Cholera Mixture, Loan and favorably known iu various sections of this State. For sale bv SCARR & CO., April 14. Sole Agents for Charlotte. Soap Potash. Just received a fresh barrel of Potash, at SCARR dc CO'S April 14th. Charlotte Drug Store. FASIUQX! Fashion!! Fashion!!! Well, Who Cares About Fashion? WHY, KE1Y bqby, AS A MATTER OF COURSE. Will, Where do You get the Fashion? Why, at FULLINGS & CO.'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, As Hundreds can testify who have been there the past week and fitted themselves out in a vkmmwmm mm at less prices than at any other house in the State. Now kind reader if you want to see the neatest, prettiest, cheapest, most fashionable and largest Stock of OlOtlLlXLg you ever saw call at FULLINGS & CO'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, next door to the Mansion House, Charlotte, X. CM where one look will satisfy you that it is the place for good and fashionable Goods at low prices. We could go on and tell you about the different styles of Goods on hand, but our Stock is so large, with such a variety of styles that we will just say to you all, come and take a look and satisfy yourselves as our goods will be free ly shown and prices given. We know it has been a subject of great astonishment to a great many how it was that wo were ena bled to sell such Fashionable GOODS at such Very Iow Prices, Well, it is simply because we import our own Goods, manufacture them ourselves and sell them to our customers at the same prices that other dealers pay for them in Philadelphia or New York, and then we give them an article better made and W.HK.ilKrTBI to give satisfaction or money returned. WTe return you our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us, and if selling good and fashionable Goods at very low prices will insure a continuance of the same it shall be done at the MP UK IU Al OF FASHION bv FULLINGS &, CO., Thy on Street. May 19, 1857. tf Dissolution. THE firm of JENKINS & TAYLOR is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Aii persons indebted to said firm are requested to make im mediate payment to A. A. N. M. TAYLOR or his Agent, who alone is authorized to .settle the same. We acknowledge oar thanks to our friends and customers for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon us. J. Z. JENKINS, A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. May 30th, 1657. Notice. THE undersigned having purchased the entire interest of J. Z. Jenkins in the firm of Jenkins & Taylor, will continue the business at the old stand, one door west of T. M. Farrow, on Trade street, where he will be pleased to see his old friends and customers. A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. June 0, 1857. 4'J-tf AND STOVE DEPOT. A. A. I. Iff. TAYLOR WOULD RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that he continues to cany on business three doors west of the Western Democrat Print ing Office, opposite Scan & Co.'s Drug Store, when- may be found one of the largest and most extensive assortment of S3 ever offered iu North Carolina, among which will be found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Stove, which has gained such a famous reputation in the Southern Country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any Cooking Stove now iu use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a given time, than any other Stove now in use. He will put one beside any other Stove of the same size in the United States, and if it does not do more work in any given time, lie will forfeit the price of the Stove, and piit Belling and go for the better one. All Kinds of Parlour and Box STOVES. He has, and constantly keeps an extensive and raiied stock of TIN AND SHEET IRON, J A PA X A ND BR I TA XXI A WARE, BRASS KE TTLES, CAST IRON BEDSTEADS. HA T RACKS, CRADLES, Cc, all of which will be sold Wholesale and Retail, cheaper thau has ever been before offered in this vicinity. He would retain thanks to his friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon him, and they may rest assured, that he will endeavor, by close attention to busi ness, together with a determination to please, try to merit a continuance of the sam. HIS MOTTO IS 'Quick Sales and Small Profits.' Ladies and gentlemen are particukalv invited to call and examine his Stock All Kinds of JOB WORK attended to with dispatch. iy All orders .vill be faithfully aud promptly attended to. Charlotte. June 10. l7. tf EXECUTORS' NOTICE. AH persons indebted to the Estate of A. IIOYL, dee'd, whose Notes are over due, must make payment by the 1st of September next. - All Notes due from the citizens of Gaston county, N. C, and York District, S. C, ore in the hands of Thomas Grief, to whom payment must be made. All other Notes are in the hands of W. P. By num. Those having claims against the Estate, will please file a written statement of the same, by 1st of Septe mber, with one of the undersigned. W. P. BYNUMi , . THOMAS GKIER, May 10, 1857 4G-3m AMBROTYPE LUEflE&SI a The public is respt ctfully informed that J. M. LANCASTER'S Ambrotype Gallery, . opposite 3. T. & S. M. Fdair's Grocery Store, in Springs; new brick building, is now open, where a tine colored Ambrotype can be procured at from 75 cents to Ladies and gentlemen are requested to call and examine his Specimens, and have a Lik. ness taken of themselves or children. Call early, as such an opportunity- is seldom offered. J. M. LANCASTER. Charlotte, May 12, 1857. 3 NEW STOCK. KOOPMANN & PHELPS Have just received a large and splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Consisting of Ready-made Clothing A XD Which they oiler for sale at surprising low pi ices. Amfngst their assortment may be fcMnd LADIES' DRESS GOODS, " Haslins, Lawns, Bonnets, Trimmings, &c. ALSO, Materials for o-entlemens' summer clothing. UATO ATVTTk rVTei LlH XXIX. X KJ XX.Tt XJ wili J Boots and Shoes, Together with a great variety of Ready made Clothing for spring and summer wear. An extensive stock of all kinds of S3 LF2 0 g yj rj which they will sell at cost, with freight added. We intend to sell our Goods at such prices as will induce purchasers to trade with us. Give us a call and we know we can suit you iu qual ity and price. Call and get BARGAINS W Highest market prices paid for Produce of all kinds. KOOPMANN & PHELPS. Charlotte, X. C, April 20, 1857. Town Taxes. I now have the Tax Lists for 1857 ready for set tlement. Persons liable to pay tax will please call on the undersigned and settle forthwith. It is hoped that this notice will be sufficient, as the money must be collected. S. A. HARRIS, Tax Collector. Charlotte, June 16, 1857 tf NEW CARRIAGE SHOP THE SUBSCRIBER informs the public that he has opened a Carriage stal- lisIlll&Cllt in Charlotte, next door East of the Jail, nearly opposite Trotter's old stand, where he intt nds manufacturing Carriages, Bug gies, &c, in the best and most approved style, lie respectfully requests a shaie of patronage as he flatters himself that he can give entire satisfac tion to those who may give him a trial. The best workmen and materials will be employed in his Shop All work WARRANTED. JLIF Repast'lBlS' done at short no tice and in a durable manner. G. H. WEARN. Charlotte, June 2, 157. ly. W. W. CIHTN'S MINT STREET, Cliarlotte, INT. O- RATES OF FREIGHTS BETWEEN Charleston :iibI New York, By the Palmetto line of Steamers. WYATT, ST0GNER & LLOYD, FA.O TORS AND General Comuiiion 31c reliant, Adger's North Wharf, IHE undersigned, Factors and Commission Merchants, offer to receive, forward, and ship merchandise and produce at the fol lowing rates. The prices here named are those which are generally charged by all the line of sail vessels, hut having no control over any other Line than the one we have an interest in, we cannot say that the prices here named can be considered permanent, except by our Line. By that they are permanent. The "Palmetto Line" has ten fine first class Brigs and Schooners, constantly running, and will car ry freights as follows: Wheat, 6 cents per bushel. Flour, in barrels, 20 cents. " in sacks, 10 cents. The drayage, whartage, insurance, and for warding commission, per bushel, for wheat, is ------ 4$ cts. Flour, per barrel, - 16 cts. Floor, per sack, - - - - 13 cts. Freight on all cases, boxes, &,c, lrom New York to Charleston, per cubic foot, ----- 4 cts. We measure every thing, to prevent over charges. Every thing shipped by the "Pal metto Line-"' of vessels (Dollner & Potter, New York agents, and Holmes & Stowry, of Charleston) and consigned to us, shall be freighted for the above prices. Produce and Merchandise consigned to us will have the best attention. WYATT, STOGNER &. LLOYD. . August 12, 18f6 LOOK OUT For Arthur's celebrated Patent Air Tight Self-Sealing Cans, r preserving Fresh Fruits, Toma toes, A c., used du ring the last two years with entire success, by thou sands of Families, Hotels and Hoard ing Honse k-epers. Tiie above Cans are on hand and forsale, tog ther wi'h a full assorment of TIN WARE and STOVES, HTWO POORS En.st of Springs' Corner, Charlotte, Jgm (J., by a T. WR1STON. June . W7 47-3iu The TAX LISTS for 1856 are now in my hands ready for inspection. I request all persons to inform me of any Taxables which have not been listed. Come now and pay your Taxes. N. B. Delinquents for 1854-'55! do you ever intend to pay your taxes ? if you do, now is a favorable time; if you do not, come, and I will take pleasure in handing over your receipts, as they are accumulat ing on my hands. E. C. GRIER, Sh'ff. March 30, 1S57. 39-tf JOHN W. CHAMBERS, FACTOR, General Commission Merchant, AND Receiving &. Forwarding Agent CIMIl L.JES TOJT, S. C. STRICT ATTENTION will be given to the sale of Cot ton, Corn, Wheat, Flour, and other produce consigued to mi. for sale. Also, to the receiving and forwarding of Goods. "Will make liberal ad vances on Produce shipped to me, to be sold here, or to be shipped to any of the Northern, Southern, or Foreign Ports. Charleston, S. C, Feb. 19, "6. tf A Rare Chance To get Bargains at Flint Rock, Catawba county, N. C. The undersigned, not having sufficient water-power to drive all their machinery profitably, are determined to sell the ar ticles named below, and therefore offer them at the very low prices annexed: A complete sett of Carding Machines. $400. Power Loom $40, and Cotton Gin $40. Apply to T. & M. M. MOSER. Flint Rock, N C, April 7. Gm-pd Threshing Machines. THE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a lot of their 1 WHEAT THRESHERS, which are superior to any other Machine used in this country, especially adapted to attach to Gin Gear. ra.xoEJ low, and Machines Warranted to please. Leroy Springs, Esq., Col. Thos. I. Grier and many others in this county will attest their ex cellency. J. E. B. STOWE, Charlotte, N. C. March 24, 1857. &8-tf Mouse & Eot lor Sale. THE subscriber offers his Dwelling House, known as the ' Crystal Pal ace," for sale. The house is pleasantly situated on the corner of Church and Eighth streets, opposite the residence of Mr George Cross. Ou the premises are all the necessary out-buildings, in good repair. For further information apply to the undersigned or to J. P. Smith. Terms moderate. J. R. DANIEL. February 17, 1857 "to farmers. Latest and most Important News. Tl'-e undersigned would respectfully inform the Fanning public and all others interested, that they have opened a Shop in Salisbury simi lar to the one they had in Greensborough and Mocksville, for the manufacture of WHEAT FANS. These Wheat Fans, wherever they have been introduced, have speedily obtained the naputa tion of being unrivaled in their mode of con struction and operation, performing their work in the most rapid and perfect manner, separating all kinds of tilth from the grain to an extent of perfection that can only be rivaled or equaled by the smut machine itself. Good workmen only will be employed in their construction, and the utmost pains taken to pro cure aud prepare the best material. In short, no effort will be spared on our part to give the most entire satisfaction. OUR WORK WARRANTED. Thus by diligence and industry we hope to merit the confidence and patronage of the public. rvr Alt orders will be promptly attend-lL-S cd to. Those desiring a good Machine would consult their interest by giving us atrial before purchas ing elsewhere. As there are other companies en gaged in the manufacture of Wheat Fans, pur chasers preferring ours, should take care to se cure those which are marked with the name of our firm. - H. B DOWLER &. CO " Early orders would be gratefully received, as the de mand about harvest aud for some time after, is usually greater than we cau supply with the de sired dispatch. Messrs. Blair, Alexander & Co., in Charlotte, are Agents for selling our Machines. H. B. DOWLER & CO. Salisbury, May 5th, 1 857. 3m-pd Life Insurance. THE undersigned has been appointed Agent for the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company for Charlotte and vicinity. Persons wishing to insure then own lives or lives of their slaves will please call on THOS. W. DEWEY, Agent. Jan. 13, 1857. y Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, REFERS TO THE EDITOR OK THIS TAPER. Wilmington, Feb. 13, 1857. 12m-pd WOTICE. The subscriber desires to keep tho pub lic informed of the fact that ho keeps ut " OUR HOUSE," Opposite the Court House, something for the inner man, which, if taken in moderate quantities, will make those who imbihe feel decidedly better, if not a little more so. He feels for his fellow men, and therefore entertains the earnest desire that they will feel for him, and patronize his saloon with their peaceful jiresence, always remember ing that his terms are cash and no ques tions asked. May be found among other things Hot Whiskey Punch for cold weather, Cold " " for warm weather, Brandy Toddy, Gin, and Rum, and other things that will make good feelings come. A choice lot of SPANISH 4 !IGARS of every quality and price. J. DULS. N- B. LIQUORS of all kinds and qualities will be sold by the Gallon or liurrel at th-r low est market price, FOR CASH. J. D" Charlotte, March 24, 1857 tf The Charlotte mutual Fire Insurance Company, CONTINUES to take risks against loss by Fire on Houses, Goods, Produce, &c, at usual rates. Office nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel. President M. B. TAYLOR. Vice President C. OVERMAN. Sec y & Treas'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. M. B. TAYLOR, C. OVERMAN, J. A. YOUNG, WM. JOHNSTON, J. H. CARSON, S. T. VVRISTON, F. SCARR. April 28, 1657. tf W n A VIS. WW mr -m. 7 Attorney t Counsellor at Law, Jan. 1, 1856. tf 3 DOORS SOUTH OF THE MANSION HOUSE, Charlotte. S. M. HOWE L Li HAVING made more extensive preparations for the Manufacture of SADDLES and HARNESS, He would respectfully inform the citizens of North Carolina, that he is now p repaid to tur furnish SAIl-ES AMD HARWtSS of a superior quality, of his own manufacture, at the . Very Lowest Possible Prices. 77 n.tin s Saddles By leaving their orders, can be furnished as low as thev can procure the same at the North. April 15, 1856 tf S. M. HOWELL. Notice. HAVING obtained Letters of Administration upon the estate of W. P. Trotter, deceased, I give notice to all persons indebted to the late firm of T. Trotter & Soil, by note or book account for the last four or five years, to come forward and pay the same without delay, and thereby save cost, as the concern must be set tied up. THOS. TROTTER, Adm'r and Surviving Partner. Feb. 3d, 1857. 31-tf The Watch and Jewelry business will in the future be conducted by the subscriber, who will spare no pains or expense to give general satis faction. Watch repairing done in a superior man ner, and at the shortest notice. THOS. TROTTER. Notice. HAVING returned to Charlotte, I am again at the disposal of those who may require my servi ces in the practice of Medicine aud Surgery. ROBERT GIBBON, M. D. Feb. 3d, 1857. 31-tf Furniture, Fitrjiiture ! T KEEP on hand at my CABI-9 I NET ESTABLISHMENT, two ! doors below the Post Olfice, Char j lotte, a general assortment of Furn ; iture, which I sell on the most rea sonable terms, and make to order ! anything in my line. I also keep on hand Fisk's MetaSBic Stiria 1 Cases, I And make at the shortest notice Mahogany and other Coffins. Give me a call. J. M. SANDERS. Charlotte, Sept 9, 1856 tf REMOVAL. The subscriber informs his friends and the nublic eenerallv. that he has removed his Tin Shop I to the house 1 door West of Br em & Steele's store, formerl occupied by A. ilethune & Co. as a Tai'or shop, where he intends to keep a general assortment of Tin Ware and Stoves, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as any other shop in this place. To accommodate his friends from the coun try, he proposes to take all kinds of PRO DUCE in exchange for TIN WARE or STOVES He returns his thanl:s to the public for their liberal patronage, arid he hopes by attention to business to still merit their custom. CCF" All orders for F o"fc worK will be punctually attended to, and at the shortest notice. R. W. MOORE, Charlotte, Fcb'y 10, 1857 6m di&ossiy k mvmi, Wilmington, N. C. Mora k MMmm, New-lTorls., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Usual advances made on consignments September 2, 185G ly Notice. We, the undersigned, have this day bought tne entire brock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, 6zc, belonging to J. & E. Lonertran, two doors bt low the Mansion House, at which place we will keep the best brands of the various Liquors, Cigars, and other articles usually kept in ourliue. wnere gentlemen can be accommodated at all times, Sundays excepted. The business of th concern will be conducted strictly on the Cash System, as we have a great horror of old notes and accounts. DAVID ORR &; CO. P. S. We have also two excellent Rooms over our Store to rent, either as bed rooms or Offices. DAVID ORR & CO. June 13, 1857. 50- JUST RECEIVED ! ! Fresh Provisions. SMOKED HERRING, Yellow Goshen Cheese, Mackerel, Noe. 1 and 2, Salmon, Nos. 1 and 2, Pickle Tripe, &c, &c, For sale low by J. D. PALMER. Charlotte, June 29. 1 S57 w.4t Change of Location. LI OUR FRIENDS and the public generally are respectfully informed that we have n moved our mmi OF GOODS from Granite Row to the well known "SPRINGS' CORNER," formerly occupied by Messrs. Springs & McLeod, where we will be happy to wait upon all who may favor us with a call. Our Stock and Assortment is unusually large, and in order to reduce the same we will sell all descrip tions of SUMMER GOODS At Greatb) REDUCED PRICES. HENDERSON & AHRENS. We would be pleas.-d to see the former custom ers of Messrs. Springs & McLeod, and assure them that we will do our utmost to make it their interest to buy of us. Our stock and assortment is inferior to none, and our prices are as low as any. All we ask is r. call. HENDERSON & AHRENS. We will offer at and under COST a Lame Lot of fa School At Miscellaneous Books, Note Paper and Fancy Articles, Bonnets, Brest Trimmings, IlPRememb. r Sj.iings' Corner. , DEBfcON & AHRENS. Juue 2d, Itsn 4 z:lm CHARLOTTE THE subscribers having formed thoni into a company, respectfully tendw .i? services to the people of Charlotte aiHl ti " try generally in their line of business -pi 0,I,, prepared to furnish Monuments,GraveStonare tie Piece, Furniture Marble, Table Slahs M ,D Steps, to any pattern cut from Marble accm v to the most approved taste and stylos, and p the most accommodating terms ever offere 1 U'H11 Southern country. They will keep ? on hand the best description of Ermtian t. , v and Amercan Marble. hJl au,ltW All orders, for any article, addressed to the scribers, will meet with prompt attention, and be packed and forwarded with the utni.u, 1 an(f despatch. "S The yard is situated on the north-west rr. of the Charlotte Depot Yard. Coniot VM. TIDDY & S0K& Jan. 8, 1857. ly 11Y "4 J. B. KERR, Proprietor. EVERY accommodation afforded the n. of the CHARLOTE HOTEL. P s At this Hotel is kept the Stage Office for Hi, i & Baxter's daily line of stages from Charlotte E Lincolnton, Shelby and Rutherfordton to .kU ville, N. C. Asht Also, for the line of Tri-weekly Stages from Charlotte via Monroe. N. C. and Lancaster n to Camden, S. C. Patrons of the Charlotte Hotel conveyed tojmd from the depots free of charge. J. B. KERB Oct 1, 1850. ' NO HUMBUG ! THE subscriber is now prepared to fill jj orders for SUPERIOR WATER BUCKETS, He manufactures North Carolina material, em ploys North Carolina capital and labor, and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By sriviuc him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. A TRIAL IS WHAT HE WANTs! G. H. MAKEPEACE. Messrs "Worth & Utley, of Eaycttevil, , N. C, are Agents for the sale of the abote Backets. Fayetteville, March 3d, 1857. y FAltMS FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale two hi n lying on the waters of Clear Cnek, in Mecklenburg county the first known a The Alexander tract, containing r rf-v Mk ctuu iicres. Well improved, with a good and commodious dwelling house, and all the oi.thousts necessarv for a farm, in good repair. There is also A good Store-House ON THE PREMISES. This property lies 16 miles from Charlotte, at the Cross Koads, on the main road to Con cord. The farm is in all resntcts in ennd. I EJ VMM- dition, and contains a quantity of fine bottom land. The other Tract, Adjoins the above, and contains 600 ACRES. This i.s also a well improved (arm, with pood buildings, has excellent I imber on it, a good meadow, and a first-rate cotton uin. there is also on this place a go.d (jioid and Coimcr ftlm. Both of the above farms are desirable estates, and will be sold on r asonable terms. Apply on the premises. J. M. W. FLOW. July 29, 1856 tf W. II BRAILSFOBD, 0IVU1ISSI01 iTIEEtCEIANT AND AGENT FOK BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA PACKETS. CHARLESTON, S. C. LIBERAL advances made on consignments cf produce to my address lor such. Sept. 11, 1B55. 71y. 3FS- 3F. Waring itmt at fato, IVo. 5 Spring' I2ui!tn?, (4 doors south or run cbaslottr baxk.) WILL in future devote his time exclushrelrto ..II . .- . ... me amies ot lus proicssion. Jan. 0,1657. 27-if R. Iff. iatti;rso, m. ., Monroe, 3Si - C HAVING permanently located himsi ).' in lli place, respectfully offers hii pruC hhuB1 services to the public. 3T Office at the Village Hotel. Cash Paid for Slides. THE highest prices will be paid for Hides bj S. M. HOWELL. 3 doors Sov.th of the Mansion Hotel Charlotte, Oct. 30, 18;5 OOBKSOJf, FORWARD J XG and COMMISSION SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, So. C: Oct. 26, 1855. Very respectfully, D. N. ML'RTHY. Office of Charlotte and S. Car olina Railroad Company. Ji-ne 2G, 1856. TARIFF OF TJU&Otlill FREIGHT Between CJiarleston and Charlotte. Clusts. Articles. Half Measurement, per c. ft. P Molasses, 7 First Class, Horrsheads. Barrels, do. Do. Fish, do Flour do. 0(1 lbs do. 10U lbs Salt, Bel- ) Half barrels """"" I Do. Sacks Do. Do. 2 50 60 16 6f Blacksmiths' lows, all sizes, s Buckets, ner dozen. Corn, per bushel, Wheat, do. Coffee, per 100 lbs. Candies, do. Cheese, do On and after the tat of Julv. 1h.",;. th' abo Rates of Freight will be charged upon ') 'rj Through Articles enumerated. All others nm " charged at the present Local Kates. 1. J. BUimaTe July 15, '56- y-pd General Superintend"1 ilia- - j . Special attention paid to selling T"f to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. Aug.yu, liohly