Fr the. Western DemneraL TO LI1TLE "JANE'i," IN HEAVEN. My darling sister, art thou gone ? And must 1 sigh for thy return ? Regrets untold have fill'd my heart Grief, that so soon we're call'd to part. Awnv from earthly cares tbou'st fled : Rest sweetly with the precious dead; Earth's woes no more shall thee molest, Till hy Jehovah's high behest, Joyfully thy Bpotiesa soul .-hall rise And join the anthems of tho skies. Never t- feel what Borrow is, Ever to bask in cloudless hiis. Dear one I'll Meet thee on that .shore, Aud live with God for evermore, Yieiug with Miints Hu name to praise Immortal life, unending day: Shall Uuch us on She throne t gaze. Then. faVe-thee-wi 11, sweet sister (b ar. An angel bright thou reignest now, Again I would not have thee lu re, With gloomy wo to ekud thy brosr. Yes, Jan.y. thine's a happy boaae Thy Saviour, tender, loving, kind; Sorrow to thee can never come : lu Heaven we nought but joy can find. Thy loved-ones shall regret BO more That thou bast left thine earthly home, Since thou on angel-wing soar, And o'er ely.-iau fields Canst roam. Then sister, dear, a brier farewell. Till u e shall wash our garments cl an, We too, our harps of gold shall swell. And praise the Lamb who dost redeem. Pineville, N. C J. J. I). DISCLOSURES OF A LIQUOR DEALER Mr. Delavan, President of the New York State Temperance Society, in bis recent address in the capital at Albany, well mainly on the now prevailing adulteration of liquors : 'Within a few weeks,1 ho said, "it has come to my knowledge, that a person whose conscience revolt, d at hi- employment, in a large honor establishment, has left it for a more iiiiiccnt and creditable business. He . stated that it now only took t. n, some say , Mrs. Babble said to her husband, "I four gallons pure whiskey to make a barrel i shall not take my watch up stairs to-night, of the whiskey of commerce. To these are I dear; so for safety I will ha"g it against added rainwater, eampkene and arsenic, the your photograph likeness over the mantle latter to restore the bead destroyed by the piece. "Ab," gaid Mr B., turning to his - . . I f..: 1 KfA 111-.. MMMMAMfl water. He state, I also, that brandy mate - - - i u l I ...1. 1 ,.f IU IlllllUtl li.' 1 'iii 1 . iiv II un.init i H.n. "1 materials of the most poisonous character, was sold at I per galh-ii, coting only 22 cents! That all kinds of wines were imi tated so closely that the best judges could riot discriminate; costing but a trifle, and sold at prices to suit customers. The higher the standing of the customer, and the more particular as to his wines, tho higher the price to satisfy him as to quality. The most celebrated brands were made use of, and the names of the most celebrated Eu ropean dealers given, as tin- source of sup ply ; and European dealers, be it known, are not much behind, but much in advance of the American trader in their "adultera tions." He quotes an advertisement of a chemist in New York, who- is now "pre pan d to furnish the lbivorings for every kind of li quor." and the best Cognac brandy, etc., etc., is produced. m Bu 881AM Discipline. In .Tune last a conllagration broke out at the hamlet of Bardosk, and consumed l!2 booses, among which wns a house occupied by the Invalids in garrison there. Before this house a sentry was posted, whom, in the hurry and coufusion incident id to the fire, nobody thought of relieving. The private who was here on guard, named Pankov, remained at his (ost though the house was burnt down, and then bis sentry -box ; nnd it wns i not till after his own cloak had cougbt fire j that help came in the shape of a nou-coiii- I missiouid ollieer, who released him. The emperor has promoted the private to be a turn n imia iuued officer presented him with ."l) rubles, and had his name and his firm ness immortalized in the general oulers. "Pmcwl but it's hot:" said Brown, pantingly tis be 'net Jones, a fat neighbor, w ho revels in beat like a salamander, and : i . -m , , , . . i- aiwavs joinesi in mo uog uavs. iut Hrown is another sort of man, and bates warm weather as cats hate hot soap, or Satan holy water. "lent it ilreadfulP said Brown. "Why, I have srone. throach Oct all the processes known to modern cookerv, Vaths the last three hours; I've been steamed, par boiled, boiled, stewed, baked, fried at.d roasted! Isn't it dicodfalf" "Not at all," said Jones "l like it. There's no weather teliot for me, that I ever band or heard of." ' That's lucky," said Brown, sarcastically "for a man of roar character and probable destination, it's ovtreniely Uackyf and rown having made this remark, wiped Ins brow and retired in disgust. II Nit roa anvbouv ro CaicK. Ifathe rnatical problems are intended only for the li arned to solve. Here is one which is open t any one. Who can explain it? .., . an . mmm says "r no, (loea lie lie or docs till h M ii"t? It he lies, be speaks the If he peaks the truth, he lies." Weotl'or tSOQ premium for the solution. Pet. rsbttr't J-Jjj, tss. iT" A stngolar instance of the medical iutluetiee of a sail of rlothea i mentioned by the ariter iti the Qaarterlv Review refru torv patient at .CoJney-bateli was ni the habit of tearing Ids clothes into shreds, j Mr Tvennan, one , f the nsedieal otHeers! j riered hhn t be dres? d in a bran new si.t. lae p..! man a tailor by trade etthet from a prufriiioaol aparcciation of i . . . i . : . i ..... ei- wammnmmm j utn new liaoilimcnts, or ; from being tooched by this tunrk' of j attcalMMi, respect d their integrity, and from that njoaacnl rapidly recovered. R !et!!:r &e Mylnna, he -' .'el dial tie owed ,is care to the jood rdTort nrodnced nnna bis mmd by being mtrus'ed with suit of elotilfel. A ni:o I.;.;.-ea . . " i this new : tri-.V. LUCKY AND AND UNLUCKY DAYS. Even to this enlightened age, people hare their fortunate and unfortunate days, and the educated are by no means exempt from the superstition. Only certain days are deemed lucky for transactingbusiness upon. And the absurdity is carried so far that it is considered very unlucky to pare your nails on Sunday ; and if you do it on Friday, you are sure to come to sorrow. Friday is, par excellence, the !. lack letter day of the -even, and it is astonishing how general is the prejudice against that day. Farmers dislike the day for all their operations: some merchants will not accept bills on Friday ; sailor? will not willingly put to sea on that day; and it is well known that Fri day is rarely, if ever a wedding day, in any bJmi of society. How a bride would shrink with horror from the proposal to be married on a Friday ! Yet, as if to show mankind how redioulous are these kind of prejudices, history can prove Friday has been the most fortunate day in the national calender of the United States of America. A few facts on this subject will be instructive : On Friday, August 21, 1492, Columbus sailed on bis great voyage of discovery. On Friday, October 12, 1492, be made his first discovery. He returned to Spain on Friday, Jan. 4, 1 103. On Friday, June 13, 1494, unknown to himself, he discovered the continent of America, in short, r nday was Columbus lucky day, and. as regards the continent of America, may almost be Said to be a Saint Day, for all its great and most lasting events occurred on Friday. On Friday, March 5, 1 !'.'i, Henry VIII gave John Cabot Ids commission, which led ;' to the discovery of North America. On Friday, November 10, 1020, the May Flower, with the Pilgrims, made the harbor of Providence Town, and laid the foundation of the American Constitution. George Washington was born on Friday, ami, during the war of the devolution, dl tho victories won hy the Americans were ootaincd ou u Friday And to crown this series "f triumphs, for a day held in suc h disesteem in Europe, on Friday, July 4, 1??G, the motion in Con gress was carried, declaring the United Colonies free and independent. o.. ..... .-.. ... uu 1 'iv. I see; you want to set a watch over your husband." Mrs. R, pretended to remove it. but she didn't. rYew aud Elegant iiiQQliiin Attention Housekeepers! Till" subscriber informs all persona desiring to pnrehaae new and elegant lie baa lrlj j.unl. .i.-i-O a tnxjgc HuOlj', su perior to anything that has ever been uttered in ilii-i market before, lb- lias on band Mahogany Sofas nnd Tele-a- 'Fetes, Mahog any and Walnut Bureaus, with or with out marble .. Wardrobes, Pier and Sofa Tablets Secretaries and Book Cane. Book stands, Music Stands, QmarteUs and Wtiatnots, Mahogany and Walnut ttneking Chairs, Cane-hnttom and Hack Hocking ('ittirs. Office Chairx, a,'.r (1airs and Airrse ('.'airs. Cottage BEDSTEADS a a l many other articles in his line, all of which he w ill afhird to pnrchascra ou the most reasonable films. He fanftenda to ke j :t cnr.stnnt supply of Eur ttitnre on hand so thai persona can be suited at any time. Alm, a Supply of B'iskNi llt'taliic ISurial Cases SM hand. All kinds of Furniture made to ord r and on tin shortest notice. Ali II' pairing attended to. J. M. SANDERS. Charlotte, August 4. l-",7. tf A Negro Wcman to Hire I'ntil the end of the m nr. Call soon on P. J. LOWKIE. J. ily C7-tf DISSOLUTION. THE firm of WILLIAMS, GILLESPIE A CO., was dissolved bv nmtnal consent on the first day of July, l-.'.T. The Notes and Ac counts tor 1856 Hi nut !. paid forthwith. The Accounts for 1853 can run as usual and will be settled at the end of the year by L. .S. Williams who w ill continue to carry on the business the old stand. The late firm retain their thanks to the public lor ill.- lib. ml patronage heretofore received, and Own suee. ssor hopes, by manifesting a spirit of MCommuaatioa, to mecii a continuation of the Mae. WILLIAMS, GILLESPIE & CO. Charlotte, Aug. 4, 1853 tf ALL pentonti having claims against the ha . rinn of WILLI A M& GILLESPIE & CO., will J P 111 thwmtothoifideragm dforsettWrnt'Ot. L. fs. WILLIAMS. Amrnsi 4. I85S DIAUkilEA! DIAHRDEA!! A Bafr and . tt'eetual remedy for this class of suiinu. r complaints, ir Dr. tVorthingioS),S Cholera lirture. Long and favocatdy known in variotis sections of tLi. State. pr aah by SCABK & CO.. April 1 1. Sole Afienta for Charlotte. Special Copartnership IX TIT E SADDLE & nARNESS BISINESS. ANDREWS t CO. have entered into above bmuness. and appoint. 1 K. SHAW a l ial in u can' !t " in Various Branches. Eirst Mar brion Gnmile Bear, on Tryon fttr-vt. CI .rlett.-. .Titlv K7. 67-tf Life Insurance. THE und-r.ign.-d baa been anfeini 3 Agent tnt th Neith Carolina Mutual Lif- insurance Company for CharlofJc and tleinity. Persons v to insure tfc- 'r own lives or lives at their slavri wf3 please eel am THOS. W. DE?EY, Agnai Jan. 13, l.'T. y milk! MILE!!! THE subscriber informs th citizens of Char lotte that he Las made arrangements for supply ing families with Milk every morning. Those desiring it will please give him notice, and be will deliver the Milk at their dwellings. He w ould inform those who might prefer to purchase their Milk from him instead of being troubled w ith keeping a cow, that he is willing to buy their cows and pav the cash mark) t price for them. W. A. COOK. Charlotte, July 14, lro7. imiiiNG SALOON- JOHN CASWELL returns bis thanks to the citizens of Charlotte tor the liberal patronage be stowed on bis Bathing Saloon, and would respect fully r.-mind those w ho have not time to resort to the Sprinirs for health, that by availing themselves ot the opportunity ol taking warm anu colu Baths, they may derive the same benefit they would by trav iing abroad at much greater ex pense. Those who have visited the Saloon ex press satisfaction at the facilities olf'-red and the prompt attention they receive. Gentlemen are invited to continue to pat-ronix'- tins health-promoting establishment, as ev. ry exertion will be made to give satisfaction. EP Saloon in the rear of Eullings & Co's Clothing Store- July aJ8, 157 2m-pd NEW STORE" At Morrow's Turn-Out. HENDERSON & AHRENS take pleasure in informing their friends and the public aenerallv, that they have opened a BRANCH OF THEIR STOKE at Morrow's Turn-Out, in Mr Wallace's Store-Room, where we will keep and oti'er at and below Charlotte prices, an ex cellent assortment of Superior Clothing; Shoes; Hats; Hardware; GROCERIES, Bonnets, trimmed and un trimmed , Tobacco and Cigars; A ND FANCY GOODS. All persons in want of goods would do well to call in. as it will save them tin: trouble of coming to Charlotte. HENDERSON &, AHRENS. July 21, lsCw. 66-tf FAS SB SO! Fashion ! ! Fashion ! ! ! Well, Who Cares About Fashion? urn i m'riMrv AS A MATTER OF COURSE. Well, Where do You get. the Fashiem? Why, at riTLLINGS & GOVS EMPORIQI OF FASHION, As Hundreds can testify wdio have been there the past week and fitted themselves out in at less prices than at any other house in the State. Now kind reader if you want to see the neatest, prettiest, cheapest, most fashionable and largest Stock of Clotliing yon ever saw- call at FULLING S & CO'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, next door to the Mansion House, Charlotte, N. C where one look will satisfy you that it is the place for good and fashionable Goods at low prices. We could go on and toll ynn nbont tbo diAPeron stylos of Goods on band, but our Stock is so large, with such a variety of stylos that we will just say to you all, come and take a look nnd satisfy yourselves as our goods will bo free ly shown and prices given. We know it has been a subject of great astonishment to a great many how it was that we were ena bled to sell such Fashionable GOODS at sucb Very Low Price. Well, it is simply because wo import our own Goods, manufacture them ourselves and sell them to our customers tit the same prices that other dealers pay for them in Philadelphia or New York, and then we give them tin article better made and -7S7- -A. H. X. 1ST T JEJ JO to give satisfaction or monej' returned. Wo return you our sincere thanks for the libera patronage bestowed upon us, and if selling good and fashionable Goods at very low prices will insure a continuance of the same it shall be done at the EMPORIUM OT FASHION by FULLINGS & CO., TitvoN Street. May 19, 1857. tf IX.E 4 A well improved PLANTATION of (!7r acres, with good Dwelling House. Kitchen, Gin House and I tarn, situated two miles north-east of Davidson College. TERMS made known on the premises JAS. 8. JJYKR5. July 2.-', 1857. G7-6m Dissolution. THE firm of JENKINS & TAYLOR is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make im mediate payment to A. A. N- M. TAYLOR or his Agent, who alone is authorized to settle the same. Y. acknowledge our thanks toour friends and customers for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon lis. J. Z. JENKINS, A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. Mar 30th, I&57. Wotice. THE undersigned having purchased the entire interest of J. Z. Jenkins in the firm of .Jenkins & Taylor, will continue the business at the old stand, one door west off. M. Farrow, on Trade street, where he will be pleased to see his old friends and cn-tomers. A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. June 0,1; S77. 40-tf Tv7 w rt At (he Weslern Democrat Office. Warrant., Marriage Licenses, Tax Receipts, Subpoenas, Jury Tickets, Administrators' Bonds and Letters, Guardian Bonds, Indentures, Deeds for conveying Lands or houses, Prosecution Bonds, Ca Sa Ponds, Attachments, I Miverv Ponds. Fi Fas, co-tnty and superior court. oaatabW l?uil Bonds, county and .supe rior court Writs, Commissions to take DejKMftioas. Witness Ticket. Ejectments, Carrias Bonds i Blanks of all hnds printed to order at fhort notice. For the Largest stock of CJotLing you ever saw ,r0 u, ti,., Emn.,rium of Fash ion o FlTI.TJVfSH A- iff The Charlotte iHntnal Fire Insurance Company, OXTIXUES to take risks against loss by Fire on Houses, Goods, Produce, &c, at usual rates. Office nearly opposite Kerr s Motel. President If. B. TAYLOR. Vic- President C. OVERMAN". Sec'y &. Treas'r E. NYE IlirTCRTSON. If. B. TAYLOR, C 0VrEKMAN, J. A. YOUNG. WM. JOHNSTON, J. H. CAKSON, S. T. W1USTOX, F. SCARE. April 28, 1857. tf EXECUTORS' IVOT1CE. All persons indebted to tbe Estate of A. HOYL, dee'd, whose Notes are over due, must make payment by tbo 1st of September next. All Notes due from tbe citizens of Gaston county, N. C and York District, S. C, arc in tbo hands of Thomas Grier, to whom payment must be made. AD other Notes arc "in the hands of W. P. By num. Those having claims against tho Estate, will please file a written statement of tbe same, by 1st of September, with one of the undersigned. W. P. BYNUM, I F . THOMAS GRIER, $ May 19, 1857 4G-3m NEW STOCK. KOOPMAB' & PHELPS Have just received a large and splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Consisting of Ready-made Clothing 4A'i Which they oiler for sale at surprising low pi ices. Amongst their assortment may bo found LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Muslins, Lawns, Bonnets, Trimmings, &c. ALSO, Materials for gentlemens' summer clotliing. HATS AND CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Together with a great variety of Ready made Clothing for spring and summer wear. An extensive stock of all kinds of Jg g G3 Q ' n s 9 which they will sell at cost, with freight added. We intend to sell our Goods t such prices as will induce purchasers to trade with us. Give us a call and we know we can suit you in qual ity and price. Call and get BARGAINS. rW Highest market prices paid for Produce of all kinds. KOOPMANN & PHELPS. Charlotte, N. C, April 20, 1857. Town Taxes. I now have the Tax Lists for 1857 ready for set tlement. Persons liable to pay tax wid please call on the undersigned and settle forthwith. It is hoped that this notice will be sufficient, as the money must he collected. S. A. HARRIS, Tax Collector. Charlotte. June 16, le57 tf NEW CARRIAGE SHOP THE SUBSCRIBER informs the public that he has opened a Carriage JLSslatt 1 is llllie lit in Charlotte, next door East of tin-Jail, nearly opposite Trotter's old stand, where lit; intends manufacturing Carriages, Bug gies, Ac, in the hi st and most approved style. He respectfully requests a share of patronage as he flatters himself that lie can give entire satisfac tion to those who may pTe him a trial. The best workmen and materials will be employed in his Shop. All work WARRANTED. W Ilepaai'ilBg done at short no tice and in a durable manner. G. 12. WEARN. Charlotte, June 2. 1857. ly. MINT STREET, Cliarlotto, 3ST O- RATES OF FREIGHTS BETWEEN CIinrlestON :nect TCew York, By the Palmetto line of Steamers. W1ATT, STOGNER & LLOYD, AND General Commission M erchastn, Adger's North Wharf, rpHE undersigned, Factors and Commission A Merchants, offer to receive, forward, and ship merchandise and produce at the following rates. The prices here named are those which are generally charged by all the line of sail vessels, hut having no control over any other Line than the one we have an interest in, we cannot say that the prices here named can be considered permanent, except by our Line. By that they are permanent. The "Palmetto Line" has ten fine first class Brigs and Schooners, constantly running, and will car ry freights as follows: Wheat, fi cents per bushel. Flour, in barrels, 2Q cents. " in sacks, 10 cents. ' The drayage, whartage, insurance, and for warding commission, per bushel, for wheat, is . 4 cts. Flour, per barrel, - 16 cts. Flour, per sack, - - - - 13 cts. Freight on all cases, boxes, Sc., &.C., lrom New York to Charleston, per cubic foot, - 4 cts. We measure every thing, to prevent over charges. Every thing shipped by the "Pal metto Line" of vssels (Dollner & Potter, New York agents, and Holmes & Stowry, of Charleston) and consigned to us, shall be freighted for the above prices. Produce and Merchandise consigned to us will have the best attention. WYATT, STOGNER &. LLOYD. August 12, 18"6 LOOK OUT For Arthur's celebrated Patent Air- Tisrht Self-Scaling Cans, For I) reserving Fresh Fruits, Tomm- j toes, Ac. used du ring the last two j years Wilh entire success, by thou sands of Families, Hotels and Board, ing Honm keepers. The above Cairn ir Jon hand and for sale. together wi'h a full assnrnint of TM WIRE and STOVES, 3 'TWO DOORS Eist of Springs' Comer, Charlotte. N. C . torn a t. wursTos. j June e. 1957 7-3m. NO HUMBUG! THE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders for SUPERIOR WATER BUCKETS. He manufactures North Carolina material, em ploys North Carolina capital and labor, and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. A TRIAL IS WHAT HE WANTS. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Messrs Worth & Utley, of Fayetteville, N. C, are Agents for the sale of the above Duckets. Fayetteville, March 3d, 1857. y Dissolution. The firm of MILLER Sc. ORR was dissolved by mutual consent ou the Cth of July. Those indebted to the late hnn will please make imme diate pavment. H. S. MILLER, Aug. '4, 1857. DAVID ORR. Notice- The TAX LISTS for 1856 are now in my hands ready for inspection. I request all persons to inform me of any Taxables which have not been listed. Come now and pay your Taxes. N. B. Delinquents for 1854-'55! do you ever intend to pay your taxes ? if you do, now is a favorable time; if you do not, come, and I will take pleasure in handing over your receipts, as they are accumulat ing on my hands. E. C. GRIER, Sh'ff. March 30, 1857. 39-tf A Rare Chance To get Bargains at Flint Rock, Catawba county, N. C. The undersigned, not having sufficient water-power to drive all their machinery profitably, are determined to sell the ar ticles named below, and therefore offer them at tho very low prices annexed: A complete sett of Carding Machines, $400. Power Loom $-10, and Cotton Gin $40. Apply to T. & M. M. MOSER. Flint Rock, N C, April 7. Gm-pd Threshing Machines. THE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a lot of their WSSEAT TIIRESHEKS, which are superior to any other Machine used in this country, especially adapted to attach to Gin Gear. PHICE LOW, and Machines Warranted to please. Leroy Springs, Esq., Col. Thos. I. Grier and many others in this county will attest their ex cellency. J. E. B. STOWE, Charlotte, N. C. March '24, 187. 3F-tf Eloeisc & SLoS lor Sale. THE subscriber offers his Dwelling House, known as the '-Crystal Tal ace," for sale. The house is nleasimtlv situated on the; corner of ( ihiireh and Eio-lith streets, opnosite the residence of Mr George Ciross. On the premises are all the necessary out-huihlings, in good repair. For further information apply to the undersigned or to J. P. Smith. Terms moderate. J. R. DANIEL. February 17, 1857 Commission and Forwarding REFERS TO THE EDITOIt OP THIS PATER. Wilmington, Feb. 13, 1857. 12m-pd AND STOVE DEPOT. A. A. I. IW. TAYLOR WOULD RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that he continues to carry on business three doors west of the Western Democrat Print ing Office, opposite Scarr & Co.'s Drug Store, where may be found one of the largest ami most extensive assortment of ever offered in North Carolina, among which will be found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Stove, which has gained such a famous reputatien in the Southern Country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any Cooking Stove non- in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a given time, than any other Stove now in use. He will put one beside any other Stove of the sam: size in the United States, and if it does not do more work in any given time, he will forfeit the price of the Stove, aud quit selling and go fortlie better one. All Kinds of Parlour and Box STOVES. He has, and constantly keeps an extensive and varied stock of TIN AND SHEET IRON, JAPAN AND BRITANNIA WARE, BRASS KE TTLES, CAST IRON BEDSTEADS. HAT RACKS, CRADLES, Sfc., all of which will be sold Wholesale and Retail, cheaper than has ever been before offered in this vicinity. He would return thanks to his friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon him, and they may rest assured, that he will endeavor, by close attention to busi ness, together with a determination to please, try to merit a continuance of the same. HIS MOTTO IS 'Quick Sales and Small Profits.' Ladies and gentlemen are particularly invited to call and examine his Stock. All Kinds of JOB WORK attended to with dispatch. I ?rJ All orders w ill befaithfully and promptly attended to. Charlotte, June 16, 1357. tf AMBR0TVPE LIKIHISS1S. The public is respectfully informed that J. M. LANCASTER'S Ambrotype Gallery, opposite J. T. A- S. M. Blair's Grocery Store, in Springs' new brick building, is now open, where a tine color, d Ambrotype can be procured at from 75 cents to Q9. Ladies and arc requested to call and examine Ids Specimens, and have a Like ness taken of tie mselvi s or children. Call earlv, i.- such an opportunity is seldom ottered n , J- M. LANCASTER. Charlotte, May 12, 1857. :im EDWARD IB. BJRBTTOIV, ( Late EdUor and Proprietor of the Carolina Times.) COLLECTING AGENT, COLUMBIA, s. c. Off his sen public as a Collector and generei business Agent. He will receive ,... ...! ..v.. v...- i : . i-ji wu .! .miu-s oi occaaoH tor ar.r see! l th. at tli :non e usual commissions. Offikse over tbe Carolina Times I'riutino- office Colnrabia, 8. C. 6 ' Keftnvncc will lx; given if required. July 28. , -or lit VIS. Attorney & Counsellor at Law, CHARLOTTE, JT. C. Jan. 1, l8-f Notice. w a VTNO returned to Charlotte, I am again at toZ25 those who may require ?Z withe nractice of Medicine and Surgery, ces in the PracutK0BEET GIBBON, M. D. tt. v. iar,7. 31-tf X CD. 3 DOORS SOUTH OF THE MANSION HOUSE, Charlotte. S. M. HOWELL HAVING made more extensive preparations for the Manufacture of SADDLES and HARNESS, He would respectfully inform the citizens of North Carolina, that he is now p rep ar ed t o tu r furnish SADDLES AMD HARNESS of a superior quality, of his own manufacture, at the Very Lowest Possible Prices. By leaving their orders, can be furnished as low as thev can procure the same at the North. April 15, iear tf s. m. hqwell. Notice. HAVING obtained Letters of Administration npon the estate ot V. P. Trotter, deceased, I give notice to all persons indebted to the late tirm of T. Trotter & Son, by note or book account for the last four or five years, to come toward and pay the same without delay, and thereby save cost, as the concern must be set tied up. THOS. TROTTER, Adm'r and Surviving Fartner. Feb. 3d, 1857. 31-tf The Watch and Jewelry business will in the future be conducted by the subscriber, who will spare no pains or expense to give general satis faction. Watch repairing done in a superior man ner, and at the shortest notice. THOS. TROTTER. NOTICE. The subscriber desires to keep the pub lie informed of the fact that he keeps at "OUR HOUSE," Opposite the Court House, something for the inner man, which, if taken in moderate quantities, will make those who imbibe feel decidedly better, if not a little more so. He feels for his fellow men, and therefore entertains the earnest desire that they will feel for him, and patronize his saloon with their peaceful presence, always remember- ' ing that his terms are cash and no ques- i tions asked. May be found among other i things ifot Whiskey 1'unch lor cold weather, Cold " " for warm weather, 75 randy Toddy, Oin, and Rum, and other things that will make good feelings come. A choice lot of SPANISH :IGARS of every quality aud price. J. DULS. N- B. LIQUORS of all kinds and qualities will be sold bv the Gallon or Barrel at the low est market price, FOR CASH. J. D Charlotte, March 24, 1857 tf DttMHE & MTO, Wilmington, N. . GENERAL COMMISSION M BRCH AST8. Usual advances hade ox consignments. September 2, 185G ly Prof. Ie&ralt' ORIGINAL ELECTRIC OIL. This great discovery is now creating a great sensation among the Medical Faculties of Europe and this country. It will cure the following (not everything): WARRANTED TO Cure Fever and Ague in one day; Cure Chills in live minutes, Cure Croup in one night; Cure Deafness in two to four days; Cure burns and Scalds in ten minutes; Cure Sprains, Wounds and Bruises in from one to three days; Cure intiama; ion in one day; Cure Neuralgia and Tooth Ache in ten minutes; Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess, in ten days; cure Uruises, Wounds, and Tetter, in one to three days; Cure Ear Ache and Stiff Neck in one day: Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Salt Rheum, in three to six days; Cures Quinzy,' Palpitation. Pleurisy, in one to ten dayt; Cures Asthma, PaUy, Uout, Erysipelas, in five to twenty Uays; Cures Frosted Feet. Chilblains, StifFjoints; Chronic llhtmmatiMiri, Sore Throat Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to' walk, by a few bottles. This Oil (DeGrath's) is mild and pleasnt, and is a great Family Medicine lor childien teething, fcc. Ladies should all use it. It always leaves you better than it finds you, and one bottle often cures entirelv. AFFLICTED THIRTEEN YEARS. AND CURED IN ONK WKEK. Read letter from Kev. Jas. Temple. Philadelmiia, June Uth. 1856. Prof. DkGeath: I h?.ve been afflicted for thirteen years with Neuralgia and other H",,U1 -, auu i nave oeen unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many years past. Last week 1 got a bottle of your "Eletric Oil." The first night I slept soundly and well, and to-day 1 am like a new man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Electric Oil has done in one week what the physicians of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years, REV. JAMES TEMPLE. 310 South 6treet. DEAFNESSCURED. n r NeW Alay 19th, 1856. Frof. DeGeath: My brother has been deaf three years. After trying many things, he used your Oil a few times, and it cured him entirely. CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. Caution There are numerous imitations flinging up on ne reputation that my arti cle has acquired The public must beware. Iney are worthless. OCT For sale in Charlotte by Dr IT If PRITCHARD, DruggUt, sole Agent, and by Druggists ami country merchants gen erally in the United States. July 13. 2 in. SADDLE txx3. A Xew Tailoring JEstafo li aliment. : JAMES I5RIANT inforn his friends and form, r natrons, thai he has reooeJ t -kit f k 5" the up-stairs of tne Bnildnig next to the Bank of theSti e Where he wdl Le happy to see all those wanting oneinhisline. All work warrant L-tt CHARLOTTE mr..-fcC.333Lifci-; THE subscribers having formed themM into a company, respectfully t. j,.i ? services to the neonle of Charlotte o l"eur try generally in their line of business. TWvUn j 0 v qq, y ltfr prepared to turnish Monuments,Gravestom , r ate tie Pieces, Furniture Marble, Table Slabs M i?" Steps, to any pattern cut from Marble, accorifc. to the most approved taste and styles, ai the most accommodating terms ever offered mftl! Southern country. They will keep coiwUnft! on hand the best description of Egyptian Iui "y and Amercan Marble. ' aJi" All orders, for any article, addressed to themk scribers, will meet with prompt attention, am n be packed and forwarded with the utmost c and despatch. The yard is situated on the north-west of the Charlotte Depot Yard. torner WM. TIDDY & 80s Jan. 8, 1857. ly UA8 BY J. B. KERR, Proprietor. EVERY accommodation afforded the nit, of the CHARLOTE HOTEL. " At this Hotel is kept the Stage Office for , & Baxter's daily line of stages from Charlotte v Lincolnton, Shelby and Rutherfordtou to i." ville, N. C. Ast,v Also, for the line of Tri-weekly Stages fta Charlotte via Monroe. N. C. and Lancaster k to Camden, S. C. ' L- Patrons of the Charlotte Hotel conveyed to n l from the depots free of charge. Oct I, 1856. K- FARMS FOR SALe! THE subscriber offers for sale two hum. lying on the waters of Clear Creek in Mecklenburg county the first known a ' The Alexander tract, containing Well improved, with a good and commodious dwelling house, and all the out-houses necessary for a farm, ir. good repair. There is also M9 A good Store-House ON THE PREMISES. This property lies 16 miles from Charlotte at the Cross Kouls, on the main road to Con' cord. The farm is in all respects m good con. dition, and contains a quantity of tine bottom land. The other Tract, Adjoins the above, and contains 600 ACRES. This is also a well improved larm, with good minuings, nas excellent iimuer on it, a good meadow, and a first-rate cotton Gin. There is also ou this ' place a good Gold antl Conner JSiiif. Both of the above farms are desirable estates and will be sold on ri asonable terms. Apply on the premises. J. M. W. FLOW. July 29, 1856. tf AV. R. BRAILSFORDr COJOIISSION MJBRCIIANT ANO AGENT FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA PACKETS. CHARLESTON, S. C. LIBERAL advances made on consignments cf produce to my address tor such. Sept. 11, 1855. 71y. Waring UtornnT at Xak Io. 5 Spring-' Huiiding, (4 DOORS SOUTH OF THE CHARLOTTE I1AXK.) WILL in future devote his time exclusively to the dnties of hi.s profession. Jan. (i, 1857. 27-tf Cash Paid Tor ESidcM. piIE highest prices will be paid for HidsliT J- S. M. HOVVLLL. 3 doors of the Mansion HoliI Charlotte, Oct. 30, 1855 C. JOHNSON. FO R WA R T TNG and COMMISSION SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. Oct. 2fi, 1855. Very respectfully, D. N. MURPHY. Office of Charlotte and S. Car olina Railroad Company. JYnk 2U, 185a; TARIFF OF THROUCrH FREIGHT Between Charleson and Charh)ttc. Class. First Class, 1 fogsheads, Barrols, Do. Half barrels Do. Sacks Do. Do. Blacksmiths' Articles. Rate Measurement, per c. ft. $0 16 molasses. do Fish, do Flour, do. 200 lbs do. 100 lbs Salt Bel- ? 7 Oo 2 Ul 2 0 1 70 60 4U W 250 lows. . all sizes. ( Buckets, per dozen, 50 Corn, per bushel, J6 Wheat, do. W Coffee, per 100 lbs 60 Candles, do 70 Cheese, do 70 On and after the 1st of July, 1856, the shore Rates of Freight will he charged upon all tbo Through Articles enumerated. All others w ill b charged at the present Local Rates. T. J. SUMNER, July 15, '57 General SnperateMfcM Town Point, Norfolk, Virginia Special attention paid to selling Tobacco. Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac. tin to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. Aug. 26, 1856 ly JOHN W. CHAMBERS, FACTOR, General Commission Merchant, AND Receiving At Forwarding Agent CBLJML.m&TOJri s. c. CSTRICT ATTENTION will 5 be given to the sale of Cot ton, Com, Wheat, Flour, and other produce consigned to me. ior sate. aio, to the receiving , and forwarding of Goods. Will make liberal afl vance on Produce shipped to me, to be nold b re, or to be shipped to any of the Northern, &BWrt or Foreign Ports. Charleston, 8. C, Feb. 10, W.if Soap Potait. Just received a fresh barrel of Potash, SCARli cc April 1 4th. Chnf lotto Drug 9tm SSaflfaiftttnkk.

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