I I, 33 T I O Vr Ar Wsc-! Democrat. WE WILL MEET AGAIN. Jjf,, l,unatrhf Inscribed to the Friends fr-jm ultom I'm Metered. Though distance hangs her dreary veil Hetweeu your present home and mine, Wreathes many a cheering tale Of hours which in the future shine; ( f coming days, when not as now, Long miles our homes will sever; 'Bmmd the same altar we will how, 44 And live and love together.' Oft memory lingers near to you. And fancy paints pa.-t pleasures hright; While absent QMS, I ' fond and true, Says ''Forget me not," hy day and night. When lonely twilight steals o'er earth. And with her mantle veils the ski s; When gatkvr'd n-und the family hearth. Your ardent prayers to Huav'n arise; Then, laved one. then rememher me. And a-k of G-d in huinhle prayer, That we may soon each other see In our old home so fain, d and dear. Adieu, for days uui months so weary. Thru la CuUrga Hall- I'll bid adi. u. And swiftly o'er the mountains dreary, I'll hie to loved ones ever true. And when I'm done with College duties, Mt gladly will I cease to roam, A stranger t the gay world's beauties, Content, will I remain at home. Then hate thou merry month of May ! Wh. n flower so sweetly bloom, I'd have thee linger not a day, For then I an going home. Then, too. I'll shed the parting tear, (Loved friends in every place we find) For Teachers noble, classmates dear, I, sorrowing, then must leave behind. Oh ! sad. sad and unhappy thought, That fii. nds who love must sever; I'.ut in Gild's sacred word we're taught: We'll meet in Heaven forever. Then shall we qmrJF the cup of joy, Filled from the crystal stieam ; I'. ace shall be ours without ttlloy, Eternal and serene. J. J. I). II. ('. F. College. August, lf-o7. GRASSHOPPERS. Our country, says the Ohio Farmer, has n great number of native species, familiarly known as grasshopper, and the damage which they commit yearly is considerable. La-t Spring, the inhabitants of Minnesota Territory suffered greatly by tbe ravages of Immense numb rs of these insects. They destroyed, in many places, all hope of a crop of any kind; for unfortunately. all the members of this family of destroyers appear to be indifferent as to the kind of 1 1 food which they devour. We have known them to eat up a man's shirt in a short time, in this Western Reserve: and providing it is living, green, vegetable matter, wheat, oats, or the produce of the garden or orchard all share alike. In the other hemisphere, laws have been passed and enforced compelling the people to destroy locusts in the egg, larva- and per fect winged states. Sueh a law is in force in China, similar ones in portions of India and Africa, and atone time the Bashaw of Tri poli raised an army of 4IM) men to fight the locusts, and ordered all to be hanged who would not do battle against these small enemies. The Territory of Utah has suffered al- 1 most every season from the locusts, one of the species of which, according to EI aide- Ma, in 4 'Pt anbury's Expeditions to the Great Salt Lake," is very nearly related to L. Migratoia. Whether it is this or an other species that has proved so injurious to the Corps of Minnesota, we are not aware. All the Locnstidrr deposit their eggs in masses, in a small cavity near the surface of the ground, so that those acquainted with the localities where such eggs are deposited Can easly collect a large number. This is done in France, where the government gives a considerable reward for the eggs, by weight, and also for the grown insects. The latter are caught generally with long drag nets, formed of a piece of common cotton cloth, ten or twelve feet long, with the lower edge held close to the ground, the upper held back slanting, forming a bng. When the insect jumps, it falls into the bag, and its efforts to escape, either by j imping forward or upward, are rendered abortive. Two men are required to handle th's net, one at each end, and it has to be passed over the ground rapidly. When a sufficient number of the insects are caught, they are put in a canvass bag. and the pro cess repeated until the field is cleared. The bags containing "the locusts are then plunged for a minute or two in boiling water which immi diatel v kills, and partially cooks the insects. They may then be fed to hogs or chickens, ns they are very nutritious; in many countries nyn eat them. They were accounted by the Levittcal law as ch an, the Jews and other nations in the vicinity of J odea considering them delicious. In Africa dogs eat them, and so do many of the inhabitants. Their taste is said to re semble that of prawns. We believe, if these insects should increase to any great extent, that our State governments should take action on the subject, either by offer ing rewards, as in France, for the eggs and insects, or by some other available means to reduce the numbers of these pests. At the present time it would be difficult to say what amount of damage is done yearly in Ohio alone by these insects, but amounts to a very large sum 1 his, very farm knows by his own bitter experience. M 40 M 9f John Hancock was not originally elected as a delegate to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, The illness of James Howdoia't wife compelled Bowdoin to remain at home, and Hancock was elected as his sulstitute. To this trifling circum stance Hancock is indebted for the proud distinction he ban gained of having his name eniolled where all the world may read it foremost on the roll of independence. What are you writing such a big hand for, Pat?" "Why you see that my grandmother is dafe, and I'm writing a loud letther to her." The man who always leaves church before the service is over, in speaking of an 'ancient" single lady, said she was "fearfully and wonderfully maid." A gentleman who recently put up at a log tavern in Wisconsin, was awakened by a voung man, who commenced a serenade thus : 4-Oh, Sally Rice, I've called you twice, And yet you lie and snore! I pray you wake, And see your .lake, Ar.d oje to him the door, or winder, I don't care much which, for It makes but little difference To either you or I Kg pig, little pig, li.jot hog, or die!" Wh t we Eat. The Rochester Demo crat chronicles th arrest of a butcher in that eitv for blowing meat. "And what is blowing meat.'" inquires a friend at our I elbow. It i thus described : "The process consists in inserting a hollow lube, such as a quill or pipe-stem, in a quarter of veal or Iamb, and then, with the breath of the operator, inflating the ! fatty nart of the meat to the greatest possible extent. It will at once be seen that while this process may ail to me attractiveness of the appearance of the meat, it can scarcely improve its flavor or quality Fancy a man whose breath is a compound of the fumes of tobacco and whisky, with the addition, perhaps, of partially decayed teeth, filling a nice quarter of lamb with uc!i a villainous stencil, and who would knowingly buy or eat the meat afterwards?" FASHIOX! Fashion!! Fashion!!! Well, Who Care About Fashion? mi Mm bobi, AS A MATTER OF COURSE. Well, Wlicrc do You pet the Fashion? Why, at FULLINGS & CO.'S EMPORIUM OK FtsniON, As Hundreds can testify who have been there the past week and fitted themselves out in j PASSHOHABSlS WGW ' , othef ; thp Stat(1 ow fcj, reader if you want to I gee the neatest, prettiest, cheapest, most fashionable and largest Stock of 2?lC3t33. lXXC y,m evcr saw can at FULLINGS Sc CO'S EMpORIUM QF FASHION, . . A. . Tr , ; next door to the Mansion House, Charlotte, ; N (. wbere om. qo wjj satisfy you that j j is the place for good and fashionable "ds at low prices. e could go on and tell von about the different styles of Goods on hand, but our Stock is so large, with such a variety of styles that wo will just say to you all, come and take a look and satisfy yourselves as our goods will be free ly shown and prices given. We know it has been a subject of great astonishment to a great many how it was that wo were ena bled to sell such Fashionable GOODS at such Very Low Prices. Well, it is simply because we import our own Goods, manufacture them ourselves and sell them to our customers at the same prices that other dealers pay for them in ' 1)1 .:i ji.,i.:.. .... v..... -l- Un .,, 1 1 1 1 lilU, I I llll .'I a, v- a 1 ' 1 ! , QIIU IIUU R give them an article better made and to give satisfaction or money returned. We return you our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us, and if selling good and fashionable Goods at very low prices will insure a continuance of the same it shall be done at the EMPORIUM OF FASHION bv FULLINGS 6l CO., Try on Street. May 10, 1857. tf ITrTb. CHERAS Having located at MONROE, tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of the Town and surrounding country, and respectfully soli cits th. ir patronage. fT Office at J. Pickett's. April 2. 43-3m JggT For the Cheapest stock of Clothing you ever saw go to the Emporium of Fasb ionof FULLINGS & CO. IVew and Elegant m Attention Housekeepers! THE subscriber informs all persons desiring to purchase new and elegant wmamms that he has lately purchased a large supply, su perior to anything that has ever been offered in this market before. He has on hand Mahogany Sofas and Tete-a-Tetes. Mahog any and Walnut Hurt aits, tcith or with out marble tops. Wardrobes, Pier and Sofa Tablet, Secretaries and Book Cases. Book stands, Music Stands, Quartette and Whatnots, Mahogany and Walnut Rocking Chairs. Cane-bottom and Bark Hocking Chairs, Ojfice Cliairs, Parlor Chairs and Nurse Chairs. Cottage BEDSTEADS and many other artieles in his line, all of which he will :.tf..,-.l , Sk .v... . terms. He intends to keep a constant supply of Fur niture on hand so that persons can be suited at any time. Also, a Supply of Fisk's Metallic Burial Cases on hand. All kinds of Furniture made to order and on the shortest notice. All Repairing attended to. J. M. SANDERS. Charlotte, August 4, 1857. tf 3T For the Largest stock of Clothing VOU ever saw o-n to the Emnorinm nf Pack. IW 1 ... v. . CWil ion of FULLINGS & CO. Cigar, Tobacco, AND FRUIT ST ORE. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he has just received a splendid assortment of SPANISH CIGARS of the choicest brands. Also, a fine article of CHEWING TOBACCO, FRUITS L CONFECTIONERIES JAS- D. PALMER, Opposite Boone & Co.'s Shoe Store, Charlotte, April 7, 1H57. 40-tf Milk ! MILK!!! THS MlMmlwt iiitVirms tlie citizens of Char lotte that he has made arrangements for supply ing families with Milk every morning. Those desiring it will please give him notice, and he will deliver tbe Milk at their dwellings. He would inform those who might prefer to purchase their Milk from him instead of being troubled with keeping a cow, that he is willing to buv their cows and pay the cash mark t price for them. W. A. COOK. Charlotte. July 14, 1857. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of WILLIAMS, GILLESPIE & CO., was dissolved by mutual consent on the first dav of July, 157. The Notes and Ac counts for 1856 mast be paid forthwith. The Accounts for 157 can run as usual and will be settled at the end of the year by L. S. Williams who will continue to carry on the business the old stand. The late firm return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and their successor hopes, by manifesting a spirit of accommodation, to merit a continuation of the line. WILLIAMS, GILLESPIE & CO. Charlotte, Aug. 4, 18W if ALL persons having claims against the late firm of WILLIAMS, GILLESPIE & CO., will present them to the undersigned for settlement. L. S. WILLIAMS. August 4, 1857 Special Copartnership IN THE SADDLE & HARNESS BUSINESS. E. H. ANDREWS & CO. have entered into the above business, and appointed It. SHAW a special Agent to carry it on in all its Various Branches. First door below Granite Row, on Tryon Street. Charlotte, July 28. 1857. 67-tf BATHING SALOON. JOHN CASWELL returns his thanks to the citizens of Charlotte for the liberal patronage be stowed on his Bathing Saloon, and would respect ful ly remind those who have not time to resort to the Springs for health, that by availing themselves of the opportunity of taking warm and cold Baths, they may derive the same benefit they would by traveling abroad at much greater ex pense. Those who have visited the Saloon ex press satisfaction at the facilities offered and the prompt attention they receive. Gentlemen are invited to continue to pat ronize this health-promoting establishment, as every exertion will be made to give satisfaction. n? Saloon in the rear of Eulliugs & Co's Clothing Store July 28, 1857 2m-pd Mecklenburg County RAILROAD SUBSCRIPTION At July Term, 1857, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, held for the County of Meck lenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, a majority of the Justices being present, it was determined and proposed by them that the Coun ty of Mecklenburg shall subscribe for Twelve Hundred Shares of the Capital Stock of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Kutherford Railroad Company; Six Hundred Shares thereof to be applied to the Eastern Division, and the remain der to the Western Division of said Road; pro vided that a majority of the qualified voters of the County slialf have tirst expressed an opinion favoring the same. And to ascertain the sense of the pvople, it is ordered that the Sheriff of this County shall, on the FIRST THURSDAY OF OCTOIJER NEXT, open and keep open the polls fur holding an election in relation to said subscription, agreeably to the Acts rrgulating the elections for members of the General Assem bly; and on that day all the qualified voters for members of the House of Commons in this Coun ty, favoring said subscription, may vote "YEA," and all opposing the subscription, may vote " NO ; " auu the result of said election shall be faithfully made known to the next Term of this Court, to be made a matter of record. It is further ordered, that the Sheriff shall ad vertise this order for sixty days in at least four public places in this County prior to said day of election. It is a condition of this order that when said subscription shall be made, the funds raised thereby shall be expended within the county of Mecklenburg; and that, if the vote is in favor of the subscription, the Company must receive the Bonds of the County in payment of said sub scription at par value, which Bonds shall run not exceeding twenty years, and bearing interest at 7 per cent. W. K. REID, Clerk. August 11, 1857. 6y--2m Dissolution. THE firm of JENKINS & TAYLOR is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make im mediate payment to A. A. N. M. TAYLOR or his Agent, who alone is authorized to settle the same. We acknowledge our thanks to our friends and customers for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon us. J. Z. JENKINS, A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. Mav 30th, 1857. Notice. THE undersigned having purchased the entire interest of J. Z. Jenkins in the firm of Jeukins & Taylor, will continue the business at the old stand, one door west of T. M. Farrow, on Trade street, where he will be pleased to see his old friends and customers. A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. June 0,1 8,v 49-tf State of North Carolina, UNION COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1857. James R Winchester, Adm'r ) of Kachael Winchester, dee d, I P. tition Yt vs. or Set- Hosea James Winchester, et al.J tlement. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendants, Hosea J. Winchester, Leah R. Winchester, W i.liam V. Winchester, Joseph A. inch, ster, Rufus U. Winchester, John Potter Winchester, Eliza C. Winches ter, Perlma inchester, Nancy Winchester, D. B.onson Winchester, W.lliam Winchester, John Winchester, Allen Winchester, Jane J. Winchester, kachael H. Winchester, Rebec ca, wife of Harry Fisher, Jane Steagall, John Steagall, Ann, wife of Holden Horget, John Winche.-ter, Joseph W inchester, Jason Win chester, and Noah Winchester, are not in. habitants of this State, but reside beyond the limits of the same ; it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in trie Western Democrat, notifying the said Defendants to be and appeal at the next Uourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said count y, at the Court House in Monroe, on the first Mon.iay of October next then and there to plead, answer or demur otherwise judgment pro coi.fesso will be' taken against them, anc the prayer of the petitioner heard exparte as to them. Witness, J. M. Stewart, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Monroe, the 1st Monday of July, 1857. Ctj" J. M. STEWART, Clerk. Be John Henry Wayt, M. D.. SURGEON DENTIST, (Graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery,) Having located permanently, tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of Charlotte, N. C-, and vicinity. Dr. Wayt prepares and inserts artificial palates and obturators, and attends to the correction of congenital and accidental deformities of tbe teeth and jaws. He is also prepared to insert artificial teeth, after the most approved methods. 11?" Ladies waited on at their residences if on Tryon Street, in Carson's new building, up stairs. Nov. 18th. 20 tf. The Charlotte Iflutual Fire Insurance Company, inVTTVf'FS to take risks acainst loss by y Eire on Houses, Goods, Produce, &c, at usual rates. Office nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel. President M. B. TAYLOR. Vice President C. OVERMAN. Sec'y & Treas'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. II. B. TAYLOR, C. OVERMAN, J. A. YOUNG, WM. JOHNSTON, J. H. CARSON, S. T. WRISTON, F. SCARR. April 28, 1857. tf Temple of Fashion IS NOW OPEN. Something Entirely New. GENTLEMEN, one and all, young and old, wlio wish to wear Good, Fine Clothes, go to J. W. COLE'S NEW CLOTHING EMPORIUM, First Door above iverr's Hotel, formerly occupied by Lowrie's Book Store, where you can get the best lits and the finest clothes for the least money than anywhere else in the State. The goods are all made up to order expressly for this market. Everything is gotten up in the very latest and neatest styles, and the making of every piece is "Warranted to last, or otherwise made good. Let all go and look at his well selected stock of Ready made Clothing, and be sure to examine his prices; he will put you up a suit so low that you will be compelled to wear fine clothes. Gentlemen wishing any particular suits, by leaving their measures, can have them in 12 days, warranted to suit or no sulcg. He intends to sell very low and conduct a strictly Cash Business. The purchaser will certainly find the Cash System at least 20 per cent, in his favor. His motto is "quick sales and small profits," for CASH ONLY. Yes, if you w ant the worth of your money come to me. J. V. COLE, Ag t. Charlotte, April 28, 1857. 6m NEW STOCK. KOOPMAM & PHELPS Have just received a large and splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Consisting of Ready-made Clothing ANj Which they offer for sale at surprising low pi ices. Amongst their assortment may be found LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Muslins, Lawns, Bonnets, Trimmings, &c. ALSO, Materials for gentlemens' summer clothing. HATS AND CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Together with a great variety of Ready made Cloth ng for sjring and summer wear. An extensive stock of all kinds of G3 m GS 0 9 which they vill sell at cost, with freight added. We intend to sell our Goods at sueh prices as trill induce jurchasers to trade with us. Give us a call and we know we can suit you in qual ity and price. Call and get BARGAINS FW Highest market prices paid for Produce of all kinds. KOOFMANN & PHELPS. Charlotte, N. C, April 20, 1857. NEW CARRIAGE SHOP THE SUBSCRIBER inform- the public that he has opened a Carriage Etab- Ji$hllieitt in Charlotte, next door East of the Jail, nearly opposite Trotter's old stand, where he intends manufacturing CaiTiages, Bug gies, &c, in the best and most approved style. He respectfully requests a share of patronage as he flatters himself that he can give entire satisfac tion to those who may give him a trial. The best workmen and materials will be employed in his Shop All work WARRANTED. JS3T Repairing; done at short no tice and in a durable manner. G. H. WEARN. Charlotte, June 2, 1857. Jy. RATES OF FREIGHTS BETWEEN Clmrlvfctou stud Mew York. By the Palmetto line of Steamers. H YATT, ST0GAEK & LLOYD, AND General Commission merchants, Adger's North Wharf, CHtnE.E& TOJT, 8. c. M'HK undersigned, Factors and Commission X Merchants, offer to receive, forward, and ship merchandise and produceat thefollowing rates. The prices here named are those which are generally charged by all the line of sail vessels, hut having no control over any other Line than the one we have an interest in, we cannot say that the prices here named can be considered permanent, except by our Line. By that they are permanent. The "Palmetto Line" has ten fine first class Brigs and Schooners, constantly running, and will car ry freights as follows: Wheat, 6 cents per bushel. Flour, in barrels, 20 cents. in sacks, 10 cents. The drayage, wharfage, insurance, and for warding commission, per bushel, for wheat, ------ cts. Flour, per barrel, - 16 cts. Flour, per sack, - - - - 13 cts. Freight on all cases, boxes, &,e., Irom New York to Charleston, per cubic foot. . .... 4 ctg We measure every thing, to prevent over charges. Every thing shipped by ,ae "Pal metto Line" of vssels (Dollner & Potter, New York agents, and Holmes Sc. Stowry, of Charleston) and consigned to us, shall be freighted for the above .rices. Produce and Merchandise consigned to us will have the best attention. WYATT, STOCK R & LLOYD. August 12, 1856 NO HUMBUG! THE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders for SUPERIOR WATER BUCKETS. He manufactures North Carolina material, em ploys North Carolina capital and labor, and be solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. A TRIAL IS WHAT HE WANTS. A supply of these can always be found in Charlotte at Brem fe Steele's. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Messrs Worth & Utley, of Fayetteville, N. C, are Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. Fayetteville, March 3d, 1857. y Life Insurance THE undersigned has been appointed Agent for the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company for Charlotte and vicinity. Persons wishing to insure their own lives or lives of their slaves will please call on THOS. W. DEWEY, Agent. Jan. 13,1857. y The TAX LISTS for 1856 are now in my hands ready for inspection. I request all persons to inform me of any Taxables which have not been listed. Come now and pay your Taxes. N. B. Delinquents for 1854-'55! do you ever intend to pay your taxes ? if you do, now is a favorable time; if you do not, come, and I will take pleasure in handing over your receipts, as they are accumulat ing on my hands. E. C GRIER, Sh'ff. March 30, 1857. '39-tf A Rare Chance To get Bargains at Flint Rock, Catawba county, N. C. The undersigned, not having sufficient water-power to drive all their machinery profitably, are determined to sell the ar ticles named below, and therefore offer them at the very low prices annexed: A complete sett, of Carding Machines, $400. Power Loom $40, and Cotton Gin $40. Apply to T. & M. M. MOSER. Flint Rock, N C, April 7. 6m-pd Threshing Machines. THE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a lot of WHEAT THRESHERS, which are superior to any other Machine used in this country, especially adapted to attach to Cin Gear. and Machines Warranted to please. Leroy Springs, Esq., Col. Thos. I. Grier and many others in this county will attest their ex cellency. J. E. B. STOWE, Charlotte, N. C. March 24, 1857. 38-tf House & Lot for Sale. THE subscriber otters his Dwelling House, known as the "Crystal Pal ace," for sale. The house is pleasantly situated on the corner of Z3B ii Church and Eighth streets, opposite the residence of Mr George Cross. On the premises are all the necessary out-buildings, in good repair. For further information apply to the undersigned or to J. P. Smith. Terms moderate. J. R. DANIEL. February 17, 1857 Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, REFERS TO TIIE EDITOR OF THIS PAPER. Wilmington, Feb. 13, 1857. 12m-pd AND STOVE DEPOT. A. A. IV. 1W. TAILOR WOULD RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that he continues to carry on business three doors west of the Western Democrat Print ing Office, opposite Scarr & Co.'s Drug Store, where may be found one of the largest and most extensive assortment of ever offered in North Carolina, among which will be found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Stove, which has gained such a famous reputatien in the Southern Country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any Cooking Stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a given time, than any other Stove now in use. He will put one beside any other Stove of the same size in the United States, and if it does not do more work in any given time, he will forfeit the price of the Stove, and quit selling and go for the better one. All Kinds of Parlour and Box STOVES. He has, and constantly keeps an extensive and varied stock of TIN AND SHEET IRON, JAPAN AND BRITANNIA WARE, BRASS KETTLES, CAST IRON BEDSTEADS. HAT RACKS, CRADLES, Sfc, all of which will be sold Wholesale and Retail, cheaper than has ever been before offered in this vicinity. He would return thanks to his friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon him, and they may rest assured, that he will endeavor, by close attention to busi ness, together with a determination to please, try to merit a continuance of the same. HIS MOTTO IS uick Sales and Small Profits.' Ladies and gentlemen are particularly invited to call and examine 1ns btock. All Kinds of Job Work attended to with dispatch. V" All orders ill bcfaithfully and promptly attended to. Charlotte, June 16, 1857. tf At the 'Western Democrat Office Warrants, Marriage Licenses, Tax Receipts, Subpoenas, Jury Tickets, Administrators' Bonds and Letters, Guardian Bonds. Indentures. Deeds for conveying Lands or houses, Prosecution Bonds, Ca Sa Bonds, Attachments, Delivery Bonds. Fi Fas, co-inty and superior court. Constables' Bail Bonds, county and supe rior court Writs, Commissions to take Depositions. Witness Tickets. Ejectments, Capias Bonds. Scire Facias, Sheriffs Deeds. V Blanks of all kinds printed to order at short notice. W. W. Q( I VV :S 2 ii II A it 3 3 MINT STREET, Cliarlottc, o. S. W. DAVIS, Attorney Ac Counsellor at Law, CHARLOTTE, AT. C. Jan. h 1856. tf Notice. HAVING returned to Charlotte, I am again at thedisposal of those who may require my servi ces in the practice of Medieine and Surgery, ces m m v ROBERT GIBBON, M. D. tu iA 1857. 31-tf X cru. -ryj 3 DOORS SOUTH OP THE MANSION HOUSE, Charlotte S. III. HOWELL HAVING made more extensive preparations for the Manufacture of SADDLES and HARNESS, He would respectfully inform the citizens of North Carolina, that he is weawed furnish SADDLES AMD HARNESS of a superior quality, of his own manufacture, at the . Very Lowest Possible Prices. G5IG3!nMiKTr Waxitins Saddles By leaving their orders, can be furnished as low as thev can procure the same at the North. April 15, 1850-tf S. M. HOWELL. Notice. HAVING obtained Letters of Administration upon the estate of W. P. Trotter, deceased, I o-ive notice t all persons indebted to the late firm of T. Trotter &. Son, by note or book account for the last four or five years, to come forward and pay the same without delay, and thereby save cost, as the concern must be set tied up. THOS. TROTTER, Adm'r and Surviving Partner. Feb. 3d, 1857. 31-tf The Watch and Jewelry business will in the future be conducted by the subscriber, who will spare no pains or expense to give general satis faction. Watch repairing done in a superior man ner, and at the shortest notice. THOS. TROTTER. NOTICE. The subscriber desires to keep the pub lic informed of the fact that he keeps at OUR HOUSE," Opposite the Court House, something for the inner man, which, if taken in moderate quantities, will make those who imbibe feel decidedly better, it not a little more so. He feels for his fellow men, and therefore entertains the earnest desire that they will feel for him, and patronize his saloon with their peaceful presence, always remember inr that his terine are cash and no ques tions asked. May be found among other things Hot Whiskey Tuncli for cold weather, Cold " " for warm weather, Brandy Toddy, Gin, and Rum, and other things that will make good teelings come. A "choice lot of SPANISH t:lGARS of every quality and price. J. DULS. N- B. LIQUORS of all kinds and qualities will be sold bv the Gallon or Barrel at the low est market price, FOR CASH. J. D Charlotte, March t4, 1857 tf Wilmington, N. . MOW & fflalOSSB GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Usual advances made on consignments. September 2, 1856 ly Froi: DeGrallt ORIGINAL ELECTRIC OIL. This great discovery is now creating a great sensation among the Medical Faculties of Europe and this country. It will cure the following (not everything): WARU ANTED TO Cure Fever and Ague in one day; Cure Chills in five minutes, Cure Croup in one night; Cure Deafness in to to four days; Cure burns and Scalds in ten minutes; Cure Sprains, Wounds and Bruises in from one to three days; Cure inflamation in one day; Cure Neuralgia and Tooth Ache in ten minutes; Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess, in ten day; Cure Bruises, Wounds, and Tetter, in one to three days; Cure Ear Acbe and Stiff Neck in one day: Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Salt Rheum, in three to six days; Cures Quinzy, Palpitation. Pleurisy, in one to ten (Lye; Cures Asthma, Pal.-y, Gout, Erysipelas, in five to twenty days; Cures Frosted Feet. Chilblains, Stiffjoints; Chronic RtuumatUm, Sore Throat, Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to walk, by a few botth s. This Oil (DeGrath's) is mild and pleasnt, and is a great Family Medieine lor childien teething, &.c. Ladies should all use it. It always leaves you better than it nnds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. AFFLICTED THIRTEEN YEARS, AND CURED IN ONE WEEK. Read letter from Rev. Ja. Temple. Philadelphia, June 9th. 1856. Prof. DeGrath: 1 have been afflicted for thirteen years wiih Neuralgia and other painful complaints, and I have been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance for many years past. Last week 1 got a bottle of your "Eletric Oil." The first night I slept soundly and well, and to-day 1 am like a new man. .My wife could not believe her ovoa Vmif KiprJii. f 1.1 j : j - " uas uunc in one week what the physicians of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years, REV. JAMES TEMPLE. 310 South street. deafness"cured. New Haven, May 19th, 1856. Prof. DeGkath: My brother has been deaf three years. After trying many things, he used your Oil a few times, and it cured him entirely. CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. Caution There are numerous imitations springing up on '.ne reputation that my arti. cle has acquired. The public must beware. They are worthless. OCT For sale in Charlotte by Dr. II. M. PRITCHARD, Druggist, sole Agent, and by Druggists and country merchants gen erally in the United States. July 13. 2in. nilJJM;ui AND DRESS-MAKING. HIS. VH1AUJI Respectfully informs the Ladies of Charlotte and vicinity, that she hag returned, and offers her services to her old customers and friends. RESIDENCE OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE- Charlotte, June 30, 1857. C-jflj Harness CHARLOTTE THE subscribers having formed A into a company, respectfully fi? services to the people of Charlotte LS?1 try generally in their line of buHine S prepared to turnish Monuments,GravM, "7 ft tie Pieces, Fnmiture Marble, Table Si v- Steps, to any pattern cut from Marble 'Mtt to the most aunroverl tna j ctord;k the most accommodating terms evr nr UK Southern country They will keen 'W on nana me Desi aescnption of Errvnt;. , ""T i Amercan Marble. 1 3 ptitB. Ittlj and All orders, for nnv mmtimMm senbers, will meet with prompt attention be packed and forwarded with the ,'n1iil and despatch. ""nott The yard is situated on the north of the Charlotte Depot Yard. west coroer J...S. .857-1, WM- T'DDY 80S! J. K. KERRProprietor EVERY accommodation afTordeH .k of the CHARLOTE HOTEL At this Hotel is kept the Stage Office f u, & Baxter's daily line of stages froui ChiT 4 Lincolnton, Shelby and Kutherfordm , . Yi ville, N. C. 00 ,0U, Also, for the line of Tri-we klv St. Charlotte via Monroe. N. C. and lJ 3? froi to Camden, S. C. --M C Patrons of the. Charlotte Hotel con rnmlt from the depots free of charge. Uliij Oct 1, 1856. J- B KIB FARMS FOR saw T! HE subscriber off rs for ..u ... '. Ivine on the waters of Mm. 1 . i-L I enbn ru count v tli i . 10 -j mi i Known i, The Alexander tract, containing 300 Acres 6 Well improved, with a good and commodious dwelling house, and all the out-house's necessary for a farm, in good repair. There is ilu A erood Store-Hnua w awwv ON THE PREMISES. This property lies )ti miles from Charlotte at the C ross Ro.ids, on the main road to ('on cord. The farm is in all respects in goodf0r. dition, and contains a quantity of fine bottom land. The other Tract, Adjoins the above, and containt 600 ACRES. Tl. Ic l . oIqa Q woll I m nrrtif a1 U. . i i i i ' e t .1 i DUUUllIgs, lias rxcejiem j lmDer On it, a good meadow, and a first-rate , cotton Gin. There is also on this place a good fiiold and Conner lEm, Both of the above farms are desirable estates and will be sold on r. asonable terms. Apply on the premises. J. M. W. FLOW. July 29, 1856 tf W. K". BRAILSFORD, COMMISSI ON MERCIIAIVT AND AGENT FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA PACKKTS CHARLESTON, & LIBERAL advances made on consignment! ;' produce to my address for such. Sept. 11, 1855. 71y. - "Wiring ttonug at I'nto, o. S Spring' Huildinff. (4 DOORS SOUTH OF THE CHARLOTTE KAXK.) WILL in future devote his timr fTcllivfljIi the duties of his profession. Jan. 6, 1857. 27-tf Cash Paid for llide. rlHE highest prices will be paid for HitVstf JL S. M. HOWELL. 3 doors Subtil of the Mansion HoUl Charlotte, Oct. 30, 1855 C. JOHNSON, FORWARDING and COMMISSlOy SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, So. Cs. Oct. 2G, 1855. Very respectfully, D. N. MURPHY. Office of Charlotte and S.Car- j olina Railroad Company. Ji nk 20, 1856.) TARIFF OF Til It Old' II FREIGHT Between Charleston and Charlotte. Class. First Class, Hogsheads, Barrels , Do. Half barrels Do. Sacks Do. Do. Blacksmiths Articles. Ba" Measurement, per e. ft. ,lj Molasses, 'n do... i m It 1 4 Fish, do Flour do. '() His. do. 100 lbs 4! Salt, . J Bel- 2 M N l 16 till lows, all sizes, Buckets, per dozei Corn, per bushel, Wheat, do. Coffee, per 100 lbs Candles, do. ' Cheese, do. On and after the 1st of July, l"5o, tl t Kates of Freight will be charged iijmiii lj Through Articles enumerate d. All others will charged at the present Local Rates. T. J. SI MNER. July 15, '57 General tapta JOHN W. CHAMBERS? FACTOR, General Commission Merchant AND . Receiving 6c Forwarding Agent CMiJt MILES TOJT, 8. C. (CSTRICT ATTENTION will ijgf be given to the sale of Cot ton, Corn, Wheat, Hour, and other produce consigned to me. tor sale. Also, to the receiving , , .... . i.i i-.ro, varices on Produce shipped to me, to be 'u. Will make am - or to be shipped to any of the Northern, Soutuff' or oreign Forts. Charleston, 8. C, Feb. 19, "56. tf Town Taxes. I now have the Tax Lists for 18f7 ready for tlement. Persons liable to pay tax wnl P call on the undersigned and settle forthwith is hoped that this notice will be sufficient, money mutt be collected. . 8. A. HARRIS, Tax Collector Charlotte, June 16, 1857 tf t3T For the Neatest stock of CWjJ you ever saw go to the Emporium of F"' ton of FULLINGS & CO. W For the Prettiest stock of clf?"0 you ever saw go to the Emporium of r ion of FULLINGS & 0. p