3 c 23 T I O -A. Xj- MY FIRST AND LAST DECLARA TION, Or nr mA-( yourself a fool by courting or loving a girl who thinks herstlf above you. BY PIIII.O HENDERSON. In a lone sequestered valley, by a singing mountain stream. Where the laurel bloometh gladly, in the summer's Mailing beam. Stood a riao embowered cottage, which the laurel when in bloom. Encircled with its blossoms fair, and filled with rich perfume. In it lived a nailing nuuden, a sweet maiden young and ta:r, With soft blue eyes and cherry lips, and lock of golden hair. And like the trembling aspen was her fair angelic form. Her face a bank of flowers with a golden sun-set warm : Divinely beautiful was she, that sweet flow er of the vale, Baxpaming all that e'er was dreamed or told in fairy tale : And round my heart her beauty threw a deep and magic spell, Like som. old win d enchantress of which hoarv legends tell. Twas nil a dewy evening, in that balmy flowery time, When the chestnut is in its blossom and in bloom the mountain thyme. That Mated 'mid the flowers by the laugh ing, flowing river. The maiden of the mountain fixed my des tiny forever. I told her that 1 loved her, as I ne'er had loved before. That I loved her so devotedly 1 never could love more, That all my earthly prospects, and lay hopes of beaven too, (Of the former I had many, of the Utef but a few) Depended n the answer that her murm'- ring lips should give. To my daring de claration, which I hoped one would forgive. I Baked h r if she loved inr, and .-he calmly answered "No. And laaghing lightly told me, that "she ihoaghl I'd better go.'" "Go where," 1 wildly answered her, "where the d 1 can I go ? "With my hopes ami prospects blighted, I should really like to know." "G where you please ; "then," I re- pli d , "I'll go upon a ;..." "Well, if you do," .-ho .-aid, "I guess you'll ' have to go on trust." 1 left her in ber glory, 'mid the flowers by the stream. To dance with mountain fairies, of their golden gifts to dream. And took my way all lonely, mortified and full of pain, Down to tho dusty level of the undis tinguished plain. Although we parted never more to meet this side the grave, .Still it rar.kJea deeply in my heart, that last insult she gave. And though long years have passed away, I cannot all forget The pretty, smiling, winning, sinniug. heartless, rich coquette. How tiik Dkvil Lost. The following is too good to be lost. It conveys a moral to those who feel disposed to spread it in the new -paper line : A young man who ardently desired wealth, was rasited by his Satanic majesty, who tempted him to promise his soul for eternity, it' lie could be supplied on this earth w ith all the money he could use. The bargain was concluded the devil was to apply the money, and was at last to have the soul, unless the young man could spend more money than the devil could furnish. ears passed avay the man married, was extravagant in his living, built palaces, speculated widely lost and give away fortunes, and yet his coffers were always full. He turned politician, and bribed his way to power and fame, without reducing his4-pil.:"ofgold. He became a "filibuster," and fitted out ships and armies, but his banker honored all Ins drafts. He went to St. Paul to live, and paid the usual rates of interest for ail the money he could borrow, but though the devil made wry faces when he came to pay bills, yet they were all paid. One expedient after another failed the devil counted the time, only two years that he must wait for the soul, and mocked the efforts of the despairing man. One more trial was resolved upon the man started a newspaper! The devil growled at the bill at the end of the first quarter, was savage in six mob t lis, melancholy in nine, and broke, "dead broke," at the end of the year. So the newspaper went down, but the soul wassaved. Minnesota Paper. The SwektI'sks of Adversity. You wear out your 11 clothes. You are not troubled with many visitors. You are exonerated from making calls. Hores do not bore you. Spooners do not haunt your table. Itinerant bands do not play opposito your window. No tradesman irritates you by asking "Is there any other article to-day, sirf Bagging letter-writers leave you alone. Impostors know it is useless to bkvd you. You practice temperance. "i on swallow infinitely less poison than others. You have saved many a debt, many a deception, many a headache. And, lastly, if you have a true friend in the world you are sure in a very short space of time to learn it. Punch, 'oung man, do you believe in a futuro Mate?" ' In course 1 does and what's more, I intend to enter it as soon as Betsey gets her things ready." "Go to. young man, you are incorrigible go to."" 'Z two? If it wasn't for the law against bigamy, lnp me if I wouldn't go a dozen. But who supposed, deacon, that a man of your age would give such advice to a nan just starting into life." 'A VOIinnr .;.' 1-1 , .., j- s lemoiisiratea witn mm .iu-L..m,,, a dissipated spendthrift on h.s conduct. '-Mv love. " nSd be, uj M hke the Prodigal So,,; I hal reform brand-by." -And I will be tike the Prodigal Son, too," she replied, Hut 1 will arise and go to my father:" And accordingly oil" the went. 3 " A Western pajier says : '-The editor of this paper wants to marry somebody. Now don't misunderstand as; we are not adver tising for a wife. We wish to marrv two people nor are we Mormon. From looking over the new statutes, it appears that justices of the peace are allowed two dollars as a fee for solemnizing marriage. We are in want Of money, and wish to marry a couple for two dollars." ' 1 Oil v?. Hydropathy. We have on several occasions invited attention to the ancient practice of anointing with oil, and to the fact that oil makers and oil porters, whose clothing is presumed to be more or less oilv, are often singularly free from contageo'us diseases which sweep off others. An exchange takes up the same subject, and remarks that,' in the East Indies, children are rarely washed with water, but thev are oiled every day. A child's head can be kept much cleaner if oiled, than without it; and many young people with hectic cheeks would probably never know the last days of consumption, if their parents would insist on having their cheeks, back, and limbs anointed with sweet oil two or three times a week. The Hebrew l'hvsician seemed to have considered oi as more ctlieacious than any other remedy. The sick were always anointed with oil, as the most powerful means that was known of checkin g disease. Scientific American. ' . Hoors Left ix the Shade. It is stated "by authority" that a new fashion is about to be introduced by the ladies of Buffalo no less in fact than an immense calash which is to be attached to the waists of the dear creatures, to be raised and lowered at pleasure, like the top of a buggy. What next? MEDICINES. Just reccircd. from the Wan house, Ayers' Cherry Pectoral. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, Gnysott's Sarsaparilla and Yellow Duck, Wistar's Balsam, McLane's Pills, Strong's Pills, Ayers' Pills, fee. Sec. SCARR & CO, September 8. D II UG G IS TS. Pure White Lead. A superior article, warranted pure, at 10 cents, cosh. For sub- by SCARE cc CO. September. 8, lrr7. It I. I E STO.VE, It EVE STOJTJE. Ju.-t received, a large supply at SCARK & CO S Sci-t. 8. Drug Store. For the Bath. SPONGE of various qualities, Turkish Bathing Towels, Flesh Brushes, Hair Gloves and Belts, at SCARR oc CO S, Wliolrsalc and Retail Drug Store. Sept. 8, le"."7. German Sand Crucibles, In sets of tight each, for sale at Sept. d. Scarr C'o.'s Drug Store. Potah ! Potash ! ! For making boap, a fresh barrel opened at St pt. 8. Scarr y Co.'s, Druggists. EXTRACTS Creams, Puddings, &c, of the following 'arieties: Lemon, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Almond, Rose, Orange, Nutmeg, Celery, Banana, &c. at Sept. 8. Scarr Co.'s Drug Store. MACCARONT, Tapioca, Sago, &c for sale at Sept. 8. Scarr y Co.'s, Druggists. Oswego Corn Slarcli. A superior article of diet for Invalids, at Scarr & Co.'s Drug Store. Sept. 1st. CHOCOLATE. Schmitz's Sweet Chocolate, for sale at Sent. 1. Scarr Sf Co 's Drug Store. Robinson's Patent Barley. Strongly ' com mend ed by the Faculty as a nutritious and cooling food for Infants, and is excellent for thickening soup, sold at 2o cents per packet, at Sept 15. Scarr y CVs Drug Store. Effervescing Citrate of Magnesia, an agreeable and refreshing aperient, for sale at Scarr Co's Drug Store. Varnishes, Varnishes, To be sold low for cash: Damar crystal white, Coach body No. 1. do. do No. 2. Furniture No. 1. do Xo. 2. Black leather varnish, Drying Japan. by Sept. 1. Scarr cc Co., Druggists. Prime White Vinegar, White and black Mustard Seed, Mace, cloves, Nutmegs, allspice, Ginger, ev, t-c, Sept. 1. At Scarr & Co.'s, Charlotte. -?7 Cox's refined sparkling Geletine, A very superior and easy mode of making Jellies': Sept. 1. Scarr fc Co., Druggists. NEW STOCK. KOOPMANN & PHELPS Have just received a large and splendid stock of SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS Consisting of Ready-made Clothing AND V hicli they otfer for sale at BBrprishuf low pi ices. Amongst their assortment may be found LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Muslins, Lawns, flannels, Trimmings, &c. ALSO, Materials for gentlemens summer clothing. HATS AND CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Together with a great variety of Ready made Clothing tor spring and summer wear. An extensive stock of all kinds of S J2 'M & g t m which they will sell at cost, wka freight added. We intend to sell ,mr Goods at such prices as wffl induce pnrchaseni to trade with qs. q;v, us a call and we know we can suit you in qual ity and price. Call and get BARGAINS Cy Highest market prices paid for Produce o'all kinds. KOOPMANN & PHELPS. Charlotte, N. C, April 20, 1S57. Cigar, Tobacco, AND FRUIT STORE. TTTV onlwrriher resnectfnll v informs the citi- rKarlntte anil .iiirroiiiid'mn- eonntrv. that he has just received a splenaiu assortment or SPANISH CIGARS of the choicest brands. Also, a fine article of CHEWING TOBACCO, FRUITS CONFECTIONERIES. JAS. I). PALMER, Opposite Boone & Co.'s Shoe Store. Charlotte, April 7,1 1?57. 40-tf - Ulilk ! MILE!!! thr mh.rir.er iiifurms the eitizeus of Char lotte that lie has made arrangements for supply- ; ttamAXUtk with Milk everv moniincr. Those desiring it will please give him notice, and he will deliver UM MHK at tueir uwenmgs. If., wim'.rl inform those who llliffht prefer to purchase their Milk from him instead of being troubled with keeping a cow, tnai ne is umuq m buy their cows aud .ay the cash uiarkt t price for taem. " - ywrr Charlotte, July 14, 1857. DISSOLUTION. t tip fin. at WILLIAMS. GILLESPIE & CO. was dissolved bv mutual consent on the first da v ot July, Jfiw. l ue rtoies auu ac counts "for 1856 sanst be paid forthwith. The Accounts for W7 can run as usual and will be settled at the end of the year by J., te. Williams who will continue to carry on the business ,V... ..1.1 ilini) The Late firm return their thanks to the public f,.,- fti .I natmnniw heretofore received, and their successor hones, by manifesting a spirit of . .. 1 .i Lr .1 . accommodation, to merit a continuation oi me same. WILLIAMS, GILLESPIE A CO. Charlotte, Aug. 4, lco7 tf ALL persons having claims against the 1st firm of WILLIAMS, GILLESPIE & CO., will present them to the undersigned for settlement. L. S. WILLIAMS. August 4, 1857 Special Copartnership IX THE SADDLE & HARNESS BUSINESS. E. H. ANDREWS & CO. have entered into the above busin -ss. and appointed R. SHAW a special Agent to cany it on iu all its Various Branches. First door below Granite bow, ou Tryon Street. Charlotte, July 28. 1857. G7-tf B I THING7 SALOON. JOHN CASWELL returns his thanks to the citizens of Charlotte for the libera! patronage be stowed on his Bathing Saloon, and would respect fully remind those who have not time to resort to the Springs for health, that by availing themselves of the opportunity of takiug warm and cold Baths, they may derive the same benefit they would by traveling abroad at much greater ex pense. Those who hate visited the Saloon ex press satisfaction at the facilities offered and the prompt attention they receive. Gentlemen are invited to continue to pat ronize this health-promoting establishment, as every exertion will be made to give satisfaction. a Saloon in the rear of Fallings & Co's Clothing Store July 548, 1S"7 2m-pd Mecklenburg County RAILROAD SUBSCRIPTION At July Torn, 1857, nftha Caw o"Xl-a Quarter Sessions, held for the County of Meck lenburg, at tin- Court House in Charlotte, a majority of the Justices being present, it was determined and proposed by them that the Coun ty of Mecklenburg shall subscribe for Twelve Hundred Shares of the Capital Stock of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Kntherford Railroad Company; Six Hundred Shares thereof to be applied to the Eastern Division, and the remain der to the Western Division of said Road; pro vided that a majority of the qualified voters of the County shall have first expressed an opinion favoring the same. And to ascertain the sense of the people, it is ordered that the Sheriff of this County shall, on the FIRST THURSDAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, open and keep open the polls for holding an election in relation to said subscription, agreeably to the Acts regulating the elections for members of the General Assem bly; and on that day all the qualified voters for members of the House of Commons in this Coun ty, favoring said subscription, may vote "YEA," and all opposing the subscription, may vote "NO;" ant, the result of said election shall be faithfully Blade known to the at xt Term of this Court, to be made a matter of record. It is further ordered, that the Sheriff shall ad vertise this order for sixty days in at least four public places in this County prior to taid day of election. It is a condition of this order that when said subscription shall be made, the funds raised thereby shall be expended within the county of Mecklenburg; and that, if the vote is in favor of the subscription, the Company must receive the Bonds of the County in payment of said sub scription at par value, which Bonds shall run notexceedi.ig twenty years, and bearing interest at 7 per cent. W. K. BEID, Clerk. August 11, 1857. &J-2m Dissolution. THE firm of JENKINS A TAYLOR is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are 'quested to make im mediate payment to A. A. N. M. TAYLOR or his Agent, who alone is authorized to settle the same. We acknowledge our thanks to our friends and customers lor the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon us. J. Z. JENKINS, A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. May 30th, 1857. Woticc. THE undersigned having purchased the entire interest of J. Z. Jenkins in .he firm of Jenkins & Taylor, will continue the business at the old stand, one door west of T. M. Farrow, on Trade street, where he will be pleased to see his old friends aud customers. A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. JuneO.ls-T 4t)tf State of North Carolina, UNION COUNTY. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, July Term, 18.)7. James R Winchester, Adm'r 1 of Kachael Winchester, deed, '.Petition for Set- Hosea James Winchester, et al.J tlement. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendants, Hosea J. Winchester, Leah R. Winchester, William V. Winchester, Joseph A. Winchester, Rufus V. Winchester, jonn rotter v inchester, Eliza C- Winches ter, Perlina Winchester, Nancy Winchester, D. B.onson Winchester, William Winchester, jonn wincnestcr, Allen Winchester, Jane J. Winchester, Rachael H. Winch, ster, Rebec ca, wif of Hairy Fisher. Jane Steagall, John Steasall, Ann, wife of llolden Horget, John Winchester, Joseph W inchester, Jason Win chester, and Noah Winchester, are not in. habitants of this State, but reside beyond the limits of the same; it is ord. red by the Court that publication be made tor six weeks in t ie Western Democrat, notifying the said Defendants to be anil appeal at the next ' ourt of P.eas and Oua.ter Sessions, to be held lor said county, at the Court House in Monroe, on the first Mori, ay of October next, then and there to plead, answer or demur! otherwise judgment pro toi.fesso will be taken against them, and the prayer of the petitioner heard exparte as to them. Witness, J. M. St. wart, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Monroe, the 1st Monday of Julv, 1S37. Ctf J. M. STEWART, Clerk. SCAUR & CO., DRUGGISTS & CHEMISTS, To. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, Invite the attention of Physi cians, Planters, Merchants, &c, to their new and complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Av. The extensive patronage they have received from the Physicians of Charlotle and its vicinity is the best guar antee of the purity of the Drugs sold by them. Sept. 1st. Quinine, Quinine. A full supply of Powers & Weightman's Quinine, low for cash. - SCARR & CO., Sept. 1st. Charlotle Drug Store. For the Toilet. Just received a choice lot of Perfumery and Articles essential to the Toilet Ivory, buffalo horn, shell and funcy Hair Brushes ; tooth, nail and shaving lirushes; buffalo horn, india rubber and horn Combs; French, English and American Pomades, for the hair ; odor boxes, toilet bottles, Lubin's extracts in great variety ; Glenn's toilet waters ; German, French and Ameri can Colognes ; toilet soaps in great variety; hair dyes, rice powder, meen fun, tooth pastes, &c, at Sept. 1st. Scarr & Co.'s Drug Store. CONGRESS WATER, CONGRESS WATER' A fresh' case just opened at Scarr Sc Co's Drug Store. John Henry Wayt, M. D., SURGEON DENTIST, (Graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery,) ivinp: located permanently, tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of Charlotte, N. C, and vicinity. Dr. Wayt pieparcs and instTts artificial palates and obturator?, and attends to the correction of congenita and accidental deformities ot the teeth aud jaws. He is also prepared to inseit artificial teeth, after the most approved methods. l-W Ladies waited on at their residences if required Office on Tryon Street, in Carson's new building:, up sairs. Nov. leth. 20 tf. The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Company, CONTINUES to take risks agrainst loss by Fire ouHouses, Goods, Produce, &c, at usual rates. Office nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel. Tresident-M. B. TAYLOR. Vice Presdeut C. OVERMAN. Sec'y fc Ireas'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. M. B. TiYLOK, C. OVERMAN, J. A. YOUNG. WM. JOHNSTON, J. H. CARSON, S. T. WRISTON, P. SCARR. April 58,. 1857. tf Temple of Fashion IS NOW OPEN. Sonieliing Entirely New. GENTLEMEN, one and all, young and old, who wish to wear Good, Fine Clothes, goto J. W. COLE'S NEW CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Firsl Door above Kerr Hotel, formerly cenpied by Lowrie's Book Store, where you can get the best fits and tfie finest clothes foi the least money than anywhere else in the Sttc. The goods are all made up to order expnssly for this market. Everything is gotten up in the very latest and neatist styles, nd the nuking of every pk:cc is to last, o! otherwise made good. Let all go and look it liis well selected stock of Ready made Clojhing, jind be pure to examine his prices; he brill put you up a suit so low that you will be cancelled to wear fine clothes. Gentle aen w ishing any particular suits, by leaving lieir measures, can have them in 1 days. warraulcd to suit or no sales. He infrnds to sell very low and conduct a strictly Otsh Business. The purchaser will certainly hid the Cash System at least 20 per cent, in lis favor. His motto is "quick sales and small profits," for CASH ONLY. Yes, if you want the worth of your money come to me. J. V. COLE, Ag't. Charlott;, April 28, 1857. Cm Hew and Elegant iiilOtilla Attention Housekeepers! THE subscriber informs all persons desiring to purchase mv and elegant that he haslately purchased a large snpply, su perior to anything that has ever been offered in this niarkei before. He has on hand Mahogany Sofa and Tete-a- Tetes, Mahog any and Walnut Bureaus, with or with out marble tops. Wardrobes, Pier and Sofa Tables, Secretaries and Book Cases. Book stands. Music Stands, Quartetts an1. Wliatnots, Mahogany and Walnut Rocking Chairs, Cane-bottom and Bact Rocking Chairs, Office Chairs. Parlor Chairs and Nurse Chairs, Cottage 3 EDS TEADS and many other artrles in his line, all of which he will afford to purchasers on the most reasonable terms. He intends to keep a constant supply of Fur niture on hand so that persons can be suited at any time. Also, a Supply of Fisk's metallic Burial Cases on hand. All kinds of Furniture made to order aud on the shortest notice. All Repairing attended to. J. M. SANDERS. Charlott,-, August 4, 1857. tf sT Fur the Largest stock of Clothing you ever saw go to the Emporium of Fash ion of FULLINGS & CO. :ibillii-:kv a.i DRESS-MAKING. mm. WHE8AM Respectfully iutorms the Ladies of Charlotte and vicinity," that she has returned, and offers her services to her old customers aud friends. RESIDENCE OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Charlotte, June 30, 1857. For the Cheapest stock of Clothing vou ever saw go to the Emporium of Fahs ionof FULLING8 & GO. NO HUMBUG! THE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders for SUPERIOR WATER BUCKETS. He manufactures North Carolina material, em ploys North Carolina capital and labor, and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and bv comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. A TRIAL IS WHAT HE WANTS. A supply of these can always be found in Charlotte at Brem & Steele's. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Messrs Worth & Utley, of Fayetteville, N. C, are Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. Fayetteville, March 3d, 1857. y Life Insurance. TTTF! nndersio-ned has been appointed Acrent for the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company for Charlotte and vicinity. Persons wishing to insure tueir own uves oi lives of their slaves will please call on - . -www " 'tT T A A. T1U&. VV . JJn. vv Jti x , Agent. Jan. 13, 1857. y Notice. The TAX LISTS for 185G are now in my hands ready for inspection. I request all persons to inform me ot any laxaoies which have not been listed. Come now and pay your Taxes. N. B. Delinquents for 1854-55! do you ever intend to pay your taxes ? if you do, now is a favorable time; if you do not, come, and I trill take pleasure in handing over your receipts, as they are accumulat ing on my hands. E. C. GRIER, Sh'ff. March 30, 1857. 39-tf A Rare Chance To get Bargains at Flint Rock, Catawba county, N. C. The undersigned, not having sufficient water-power to drive all their machinery profitably, are determined to sell the ar ticles named below, and therefore offer them at tho very low prices annexed: A complete sett of Carding Machines. $400. Power Loom $40, and Cotton Gin $40. Apply to T. & Mi M. MOSER. Flint Rock, N C, April 7. Gm-pd Threshing Machines. THE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a lot of their WHEAT THRESHERS, whieh are superior to any other Machine used in this country, especially adapted to attach to Gin Gear. and Machines Warranted to please. Leroy Springs, Esq., Col. Thos. I. Grier and many others in this county will attest their ex cellency. J. E. B. STOWE, Charlotte, N. C. March 24, 18o7. 38-tf AND STOVE DEPOT. A. A. IV. iff. TAILOR WOULD RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that he continues to carry on business three doors west of the Western Democrat Print- iufT ftRna rippiwit.- Scarr & Co.'s Drug1 Store, where may be found one of the largest and most extensive assortment of ever offered in North Carolina, among which will be found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Stove, which has gained such a famous reputation in the Southern Country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any Cooking Stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a given time, than any other Stove now iu use. Be will put one beside any other Stove of the same size in the United States, and if it does not do more work in any given time, he will forfeit the price of the Stove, and quit selling and go for the better one. All Kinds of Parlour and Box STOVES. He has, and constantly keeps an extensive and varied stock of TIN AND SHEET IRON, JAPAN AND BRITANNIA WARE, BRASS KETTLES, CAST IRON BEDSTEADS. HAT RACKS, CRADLES, Sec., all of which will be sold Wholesale and Retail, cheaper than has ever been before offered in this vicinity. - He would return thanks to his friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestowed upon him, and they may rest assured, that he will endeavor, by close attention to busi ness, together with a determination to please, try to merit a continuance of the same. HIS MOTTO IS 'Quick Sales and Small Profits.' Ladies and gentlemen are particularly invited to call and examine his Stock. All Kinds of Job Work attended to with dispatch. All orders w ill befaithfully and promptly attended to. Charlotte, June 1G, 1857. tf State of North Carolina, UNION COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1857. Stewart, Houston, and "I Covington, vs. Wyatt Austen. Original Attachment It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Delendant, Wyatt Austen, is not an inhabitant of this State, but resides without the limits of the same ; it is ordered by the Court that pcblication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, notify ing said defendant to be and appear at the next Court to be held for the county of Union, at the Court House in Alnnroe, on the first Monday of October next, then and thereto nle.d, answer, or demur, or final judgment will be taken against him. Witness, J. M. Stewart, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 1st Monday of July, 18-7. 6t J. M. STEWART, Clerk State of North Carolina, UNION COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, July Term, 1857. Elisha Mullis i vs. Original Attachment. Wyatt Austen. 3 It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that tl e Defendant is ot an inhabitant of this State, but n sides beyond th limits of the San, e; ll is therefore ordered tha' pub.ica tion be made for six weel.s in the Western Democrat, notifying iaid Def, nd;fnt to be and appear ac the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be h. Id for the county and State aforesaid, at the Court House in Monroe, on the fir.-t Monday of October next, then and there to plead, answer or demur, or judgment final will be taken against him, Witness, James M. Stewart, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Monroe, the 1st Mod day in July, A. D., 1857, and in the 8d year of American Independence. 71-6t J. M. STEWART, C. C. C. S, W. DAVIS, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, CHARLOTTE, JT. C, Jan. 1, 1856rtf 3 DOORS SOUTH P THT3 MANSION HOUSE, m t 'iKirioi ir. s. Itt. HOWELl HAVING mad more extensive preparations for the Manifacture of SADDLES and II AR.ESS. He would respectfully inform the citizens o North Carolina, thit he is now prepared to fur ftimish SIDDIES AMD HARNESS of a superior quality, of his own manufacture, Very Loweit Possible Prices. By leaving the; orders, can be furnished as low as thev can procure the same at the North. April 15, ld56 tf S. M. HOWELL. FASHION! Fashion ! ! Fashion ! ! ! Well, Who Cares About Fashion? why, wmm mm, AS A MATTER OF COURSE. Well, Wkere do You get the Fashion? Why, at FULLINGS & CO.'S EM HUH OI OF FASHION, As Hundifcds can testify who have been there the past week and fitted themselves out in A MMMAMiI WW at less prfcos than at any other house in the State. :Npw kind reader if you want to see the mutest, prettiest, cheapest, most fashionabb and largest Stock of Ciotnins you ever jaw call at FULLINGS & CO'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, next dooito the Mansion House, Charlotte, N. C where one look will satisfy you that it is the place for good and fashionable Goods atlow prices. We could go on and tell you about the different styles of Goods on hand, but our Stock is so large, with such a variety of styles that we will just gay to you all. come and take a look and satisfy yourselves as our goods will be free ly showi and prices given. We know it has becra subject of great astonishment to a great tiany how it was that we were ena bled to all such Fashionable GOODS at such Tery IiOW. Prices. Wall, it is simply because we import our own Goods, manufacture them ourselves and sell them to our customers at the same prices that other dealers pay for them in Philadelphia or New York, and then we give them an article better made and 77" jA. h. h. a 3o- :E3 3D to give satisfaction or money returned. Wo rturn you our sincere thanks for the liberal pttronage bestowed upon us, and if selling god and fashionable Goods at very low prices will insure a continuance of the same it stall be done at the EMPORIUM OF FASHION bv FULLINGS 6c CO., Thyon Street. May U, 1857. tf K. M. MUKCHISOX. A.J. HOWELL. MURCHISON 6l HOWELL, COMlHSSiOH MERCHANTS, JVo. 104 FS ' all Street, JV. I. Feb. JSd, 1857. ly Notice. HAVING obtained Letters of Administration upon the fstate ot W. P. Trotter, deceased, I jive notice to all persons indebted to the late firm of T. Trotter & Son, by note or book account for the last four or five years, to come torward and pay the same without delay, aud thereby save cost, as the concern must be set tied up. THOS. TROTTER, Adm'r and Surviving Partner. Feb. 3d, 1857. 31-tf The Watch and Jewelry business will in the future be conducted by the subscriber, who will spare no pains or expense to give general satis faction. Watch repairing done in a superior man ner, and at the shortest notice. THOS. TROTTER. nOTICE. The subscriber desires to keep the pub lic informed of the fact that ho keeps at " OUR HOUSE," Opposite the Court House, something for the inner man, which, if taken in moderate quantities, will make those who imbibe feel decidedly better, if not a little more so. He feels for his fellow men, and therefore entertains the earnest desire that they will feel for him, and patronize his saloon frith their peaceful presence, always remember ing that his terms are cash aud no ques tions asked. May be found among other things Hot Whiskey Punch for cold weather, Cold " for warm weather, Brandy Toddy, Gin, and Rum, and other things that will make good feelings come. A choice lot of SPANISH CIGARS of every quality and price. J. DULS. N- B. LIQUORS of all kinds and qualities will be sold by the Gallon or Barrel at the low est market price, FOR CASH. J. D" Charlotte, March 24, 1857 tf NEW CARRIAGE SHOP SlXXX-:E2 and THE SUBSCRIBES informs the public that he has opened a Carriage Estab lishment in Charlotte, next door East of the Jail, nearly opposite Trotte; 'g old stand, where he intends manufacturing Carriages, Bug cries, &c, in the l.st and most approved style. He respectfully requests a shaie of patronage as he flatters himself that he can give entire satisfac tion to those who may give him a trial. The best workmen and materials will be employed in his Shop All work WARRANTED. JTST Repairing: done at short no tice and in a durable manner. G. H. WEARN. Charlotte, June 2, 15157, jy CHARLOTTE THE subscribers having fnr 1 into a contnanv. 125 services to ,ne people of C&rJN feT -ue 1 Steps, to any pattern wtfronCZi to the most approved taste and iavT' '2 the most accommodating terms ereVt 2 Southern country. They Wjn l :rffm-( on hand the best description 0f P?P..C0DsUmk and Amercan Marble. e-Phau, 1 All orders for any article, address, t , ' senbers, will meet w th pnuimn.it (lttW and despatch. ue HsnZ" The yard is situated, on the ni of the Charlotte Depot Yard. 0rth-t WM. TIDDV r. Jan. 8, 1857. ly Y & Kflfl J. B. KERR, Proprieto. EVERY accommodation fefomUl a. of the CHARLOTE HoSl' At this Hotel is kept the jta o; , & Baxter's daily line of stage, fn.n Lincolnton, Shelby and RutherWdtn?' ,k ville, N. C. Ut0B t'44, Also, for the line of Tri-weekl fa Charlotte via Monroe. N. C. and I a bi to Camden, S. C. Bsu.r,s C Patrons of the Charlotte Hotel conme.li from the depots free of charge. dlitij Oct 1, 1856. J- B- KKK. FARMS FORsi THE jubscr.ber off. rs for 8a'e lying on the waters of (jler 1, t"" J " " uisi KIlOU'l) a The Alexander tract o.nUi Well improved, with a good and commoa.otia dwelling house, and all the out-hous. s necessary for a farm, in good repair. There is rI A fifOOd Store. ON THE PKCMKCE This property lies Itf miles from Chariot!, at the Cross Ko..ds, on the main roai'tne cord. 15 1,1 al1 aspects 111 jroodfM dtion, and contains a quantity of fine bottom The other Tract, Adjoins the above, and contim 600 ACRES. This is also a well improved larm,with uui.uiugo, nao rAuciirni 1 imoei on it, a good meadow, and a first-rate cotton Gin. There is also on this place a good oll and Conner mtnlr Both of the above farms are dMirafcM Mtt and will be sold on n asonable terms. Apply on the premises. J. M. W. FLOW, July 29, 1856 tf W. R. BKAILSFOIft cojuiission iviERtirm AND AGENT FOR BALTIMOUK AND Plill-ADELI'llIA PACjns CHARLESTON, 6.1 LIBERAL advances made on con.ijfiuueiiu f produce to my address for such Sept. 11, 1B55. 71y. Waring ttonuij at fair, To. .1 Springs' E.mldiii;. WILL in future devote his time eicluiinlj to the duties of his profession. Jan. G, ld57. 27-tf Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, REFERS TO THE EDITOR OF THIS MM Wilmington, Feb. 13, 1857. Htofi C. JOHNSON, FORWARDING eind CQMMiSSJM MERCHANT, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLES10N, fc. fc Very respectfully, D. N. MlBfL'V A Word to the ALL classes of p-wf are well awar Northern portion of United Statrf, com., of all persons BWM Mason and Dium'" I is opposed to 8 aud her institution, are at open w r tpa" her riphtu, still blind to our is- we are encourapini!8 r. -umI.I ilii ir indium against us by our aiding in bnildinp sp'. merchants and manufactures to as upul " excelled by any in Earope. Money ir and they have it, and the greater portioi taiued from the South, and it is done i thi"'': our merchants and men of wealth 2 ' "j! buy of their manufacturers, &c, all artitb they need, consisting ot rriniltur) imp?'1"' '. of all kinds, boots, shoes, leather, and no! h all is the purchase of Ready JIaile CLOTHH which they buy and bring to the SoutuV at an under value defrauding and ffal poor tailor of that encouragement w "it n, citizen of the South he is justly eutitM to. an example, the suhseriber to this article lor by trade, and is every way qUu4W ( on the Tailoring Establishment as WJ P . North, but owing to the suicidal W'VJ chasing this ready made Northern slop w m ,u-iii;iii v auueiiiigiot iu' - ,. j encouragement, no patronage pj " ?' classes buy the Northern sloji work, m7M them more than double in the h npr JW vfn same work done by a home m-chanic . j, I propose to warrant all my work, tbsj ' the person, and wear well, and also tn 4 work as cheap as any other Tailor in H"1 , or North. Give me a trial. Call at wj ' 1 Door East of T. M. FaffO where you will find me at all tim prepared with the latest London and i ions to fit you in the latest styles. Yours, Kespectfullv T vriipurv n 1.111 1 Aug. 2.'., 1857. Town Taxes. I now hare the Tax Lists C 1 v':i"l J0 tlement. Fersons liable to pay tax . call on the undersigned and sett is hoped that this notice will he huftici: money must be collected. rucigf- S. A. HARRIS, Tax Co" Charlotte, June 1G,157 lFor tbe Neatef t ; stock of ClJ you ever saw ao to the Emporium 0 -ion of FULLINGS, . Triot jtsT For the l'rettiest stock you ever saw go to the Emporium 1 UUfll JT me iuifv. t C FULLINGS & ion of

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