MARRIAGE ON SMALL MEANS. BY A SWELL OF SLENPEB INCOME. The London Times and other Iiritish Journal have fur some time heen much cnajred in discus sing the question: u Can a man marry on Three Hundred Pounds a Year V Punch takes up the question in this way: To marry a rirl on three hundred a year, Would involve self-denial extremely severe, When if ten times that income a fellow enjoyed, On pleasure and wants it might all be employed. I must put down my brougham if I am to wed, And establish a cradle, of course, in instead. I must give up my club and my sporting pursuits, And resort to cheap tailors and wear fewer boots. A wife, whom a fellow has got to support, Is the dearest of things a fellow can sport j And still dearerarechildren I speak in the sense Of a man of the world in respect of expense. 0 yes ! I'm aware the cigars I consume Are so much per annum that flies off in fume, And I know the sum which in smoke I expend, Would suffice to procure tops-and-bottoms no end. My cab-hire would buy lots ofsmall boots & shoes, But the latter investment I beg to refuse, And I'd rather devote all I could from my store To buy my own boots, which I mentioned before. Of course, if a man gives up all that makes life Worth living, why then he may marry a wife Whose face is a fortune while all he has got Will just serv e to boil horrid object! the pot. 1 wish you may get it I wish you ma' sec Myself in a chair with a child on each knee, And a number of others about me at play, In a cottage with nowhere to put them away. I'll follow my pleasures, 111 stick to my club, And while I'm enjoying my ghiss and my grub, With content I'll regard want of conjugal bliss, Exclaim ing, "That isn't so jolly as this." A HINT FOR THE LADIES. An exchange paper has a bit of advice to young ladies, setting forth how they may know whether a young gallant is really "courting" them, or only paying them polite attentions. The confounding the one with the other has been the source of very much trouble both before and since the cm of Pickwick and Mrs Bard well. A young man admires a very pretty girl and must manifest it. He can't help doing so for the life of him. The young lady has a tender heart, reaching out like tendrills for something to cling to. She sees the admiration , is flattered ; begins to love; expects some tender avowal ; and perhaps gets so far as to decide that she will choose a "white silk under the gause, etc." at the very mo ment that the gallant she half loves is popping the question to another damsel ten miles off. Now the difficulty lies in not understanding the difference between "polite attention" and the ten der manifestations of love. Admiring a beautiful woman and wishing to make a wife of her are not always the same thing, and therefore the damsel should be on the alert to discover to which class the attentions paid her by handsome and fashiona ble young men belong. First, then, if a young man greets you in loud, free and hearty tones ; if he knows precisely where to put his hands ; ptarcs you straight in the eyes, with his mouth open ; if he tells you who made his coat; if he eats heartily in your presence j if he fails to talk very kindly to your mother; if, in short, he sneezes when you are singing, criticises your curls, and fails to be foolish every hour, then don't fall in love with him for the world. He only admires you let him say what he may to the con trary. On the other hand, if he is merry with every body else, and quiet with you ; if he be anxious to see that your tea is sufficiently sweetened, and your dear person wrapped up when you go out into the cold; if he talks very low, and never looks yon steadily in the eye ; if his cheeks are red and nose only blushes, it is enough. If he romps with your pister, sighs like a pair of old bellows, looks solemn when you arc addressed by another gentleman, and in fact is the most still, awkward, stupid yet envi ous of all your friends, you may go ahead, and make the poor fellow too happy for his skin to hold hi in. Young ladies ! keep your hearts in a ease of good leather, or some other tough substance, until the right one is found without a doubt, after which you can go on and love, court and be married, and be happy without the least bit of trouble. We consider this advice so sensible, that al though it is open to the charge of btnntness, we have no hesitation in pressing it upon the attention of our lady readers. 1 a- WoitDS TO THE UnWISB J OR, THE DONKEY'S Pictionauy. Advice ; (Jenerally consist, even where the giver is sincere, in recommending some body else to imitate himself. One man tells another what he would do if he were in that other's place, instead of telling him what would be best tor him, differently constituted, to do in his own. Advice is very commonly mere dictation ; the expression of a desire to control other people's inclinations and regulate their conduct. In review ing our past career, we, in almost every instance, repent of having taken the advice we took, and re joice for not having taken that which we rejected. Medical advice is of dubious value, and advice gratis is not worth what it is offered for. Little dependence can be placed on any advice but that of a rcpeetable solicitor. Banter: Is the polite and playful expression of contempt. It is the con versation of gentlemen who dispise one another. Nobody dares to banter a judge on the bench, or anybody that he fears. The objects of banter are usually those on whom it can, or gentlemen think that it can, be practiced with impunity. Banter tries a philosopher, as a reasonable conversation bores a fool. To rid yourself of the plague of banter you must retort it, but in the retaliation of banter care should be taken to return insult for insult in an elegant and pleasant manner. Punvh. Poor Soil. An inquisitive Yankee was stand ing at a tavern door, in the lower part of Jersey, vatehing a funeral go by. At the head of it was a large manure cart, moving along very slowly, and making no effort to turn out of the procession. The Yankee was astonished at this want of atten tion on the part of the driver of said cart, and turning to a Philadelphia!!, who was standing by, he remarked : "I guess the folks aint very perlite about here ; tu hum, whore I live, they always turn out for a funeral." "Oh, that's pnrt of the precession," remarked the Philadelphia;:, irravely. "Du tell? You don't say so! I. cow?" ex claimed the astonished Yankee. -Why. you see, it is a very poor sandy soil about here, and nothing comes an thev nlaiit. "unless the manure it well, so when they bury a fellow, they throw a whole cartload in the grave, to maJbe him rise at judgment day ! The Yankee mizzled. A BUSSIAN BABY. In the life of a Russian peasant there is a period anterior to all tunics, mantles, and even sheep skins, during which they lead a kind of mummy life, only, unlike the Egyptian, it is the first in stead of die last stage of their existence ; for the youngest children are always swaddled and rolled up tight in bandages, so that they may be convient ly put away without risk of getting themselves into mMehiafmr danirer. On enteriiiir one of" their houses, an enthusiastic traveler thinks he has come upon some pagan tribe, having their idols . w a a 1. 1 and rcnat s, with the heads well carved out, ana the rest of the IkhJv left in block. He looks curi ously at one laid up on the shelf, another hung to the wall on a peg, a third slung over one of the main beams of the roof, and rocked by the mother, who has the cord looped over her foot. "Why that is a child !" cries the traveler with a feeling similar to that experienced on treading upon a toad which was supposed to be a stone. "Why, what else should it be V answers the mother. Having learned so much ir so short a time, the inquisitive traveler wishes to inform himself about the habits of the creature ; but his curiosity being somewhat dampened by the extreme dirt of the little figure, he enquires of the parent when it is washed. "Washed?" shrieks the horrified mother, "wash ed! what, wash a child ! You wov lid kill it." Dis couraged alike from personal investigation of the subject, and from inquiry, he turns to the elder children. When freed from its bandages, the child's education begins at once, and is wholly of a practical character. He or she, for it is the same with both sexes makes the first struggles in life by floundering in the sand or mud in front of the house, clad in a course, ragged shirt, and no thing else. Being taught by stern experience to shun, if possible, the Charybdis of mud, he falls upon Seylla, in the shape of a lean, long-legged pig, which is always prowling about on the chance of something to eat. Looking upon an occasional tumble as one of the natural evils of life, and therefore bearing no malice against heavy and sometimes inconvenient companions, he begins to imitate the pertinacious diligence with which that animal takes everything into his month, rejecting only what is absolutely impossible. Having so far finished his education as to distinguish between the evil and the good, in matters of the palate at least, he is promoted to the privilege of the family meals of black bread and "stchi," or cabbage soup, and to the dignity of an old sheep skin. A city belle is like a steamboat she has always a swell after her. T. S3. ESESlvTI & CO. Have just opened an extensive stock of Black French Lace Veils, both round and square corners. Black Thread Lace VEILS, " Chan till j " '; Vallencines Luces, assorted. Also, Point A'quelle, Applique, Honiton. Vallencines, and Medallion Lace Setts, Collars and Flandkerchiefs. French and Scotch Embroidered Cuffs, Collars, Setts and Handkerchiefs. March 30, 1858. 2-tf Ladies' Gloves and Hosiery in endless varietv, at T. II. BREM k CO. SELLING OFF AT COST! THE LADIES arc respectfully informed that, as Trustee of Leroy Springs, I am offering, at cost, a large and well-selected .Stock of very superior Laces, Silks, Crapes, Ac., &c, Indeed, almost every description of valuable merchan dise in the Ladies" Department. (Jive us a call at the New Brick Store below Williams' corner. Mr Caldwell and Mr McLeod will take pleasure in waiting on you. W. R. MYERS, March 9, 1858. Trustee. Tan Bark Wanted. "fl b CORDS OF TAN BARK WANTED. J FlF " for which the Cash will be paid. March 30, tf BOONE k CO. Fulton & Price. CI TEAM PRINTERS, C5 WILMINGTON, N. C, ISSUE THE DAILY JOFRNAL SIX TIMES A WEEK at SJ, and WILMINGTON JOURNAL every Friday morning, at S'2 30 per year, invariably in advance, and papers discontinued w hen the time paid for expires. THE DAILY JOURNAL contains a daily report of the markets in Wilmington, together with the latest Com mercial and other intelligence throughout the country, received up to the hour of going to press. THE WEEKLY PAPER contains all the principal news of the week, and all the important editorial mat ter of the several daily issues, together with a weekly report of the markets of this town, carefully collected and written out in full by our own reporter. The circulation of the Weekly paper is now quite large, and constantly on the increase. The Daily Jour nal has also a very respectable circulation, especially among business men. These papers afford facilities for advertising surpassed by no others in this section. March 30, 1858. ot-pd. Rare anil Valuable PROPERTY FOR SALE. INTENDING to remove to my Farm in the vicinity, I offer the very Dksiuadle Rksidkxce where I now live at private sale. This property lays between Tryon and College streets, immediately in front of the depot, and contains Foci Lots, (about two acres.) The terms made accommodating to the purchaser. If not Bold at private sale before the Tuesday of May Superior Court next. I will sell it at public sale on the premises at 2 o'clock, P. M. Also at the same time, if not sold before, I will sell FIFTY-FOUR VALUABLE LOTS in the town of Charlotte. Some of them are beautiful loca tions for private residences. Persona wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, and examine the property. DANIEL ASBIRY. Charlotte. March .10. 1858. 2-7t Electric Oil The Friend of Man. This innocent, soothing and gently stimulating medi cine was discovered by Prof. Charles DcGrath while traveling in South America recently brought out bv urgent solicitations and has cured more cases of Rheu matism. Deafness. Gout. Neuralgia. Lumbago, Sciatica, Spinal and Bronckita complaints, Tic Doloreux, Head ache, Cramp, Croup. Piles, Felons. Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Swelled Glands, Erysipelas, Sore Nipples. Swelled Unas;. Salt Rheum, Canker in the mouth and stomach, Palpitation. Eruptions. Quinsy. Sore Throat, Palsy, Pleurisy, Ulcers. Lock-jaw, Heart-bum, Tooth and Earache, Nervousness. Costiveness. Burns, Stif Joints. Scrofula, Sore gums of teething infants, &c, .ban ail and every other medicine. fitay" It will be seen that this remedy does not claim to can- everything, but only a certain class of complaints. This Oil acts on the system with electricity, is a purely vegetable preparation, not the slightest danger in applying it outwardly or inwardly, and at once gives a permanent cure, in most cases from ten to twenty minutes. The best physiologists in Europe have dis" covercd that all Organic Derangement in the Animal System is the effect of an obstruction in the Physico Electro Fluid in the organ diseased, and a skillful ap plication of this Oil puts in immediate motion the nerve rhiid. and the cure is at onre accoiupl shed. No bleeilin?. no vomiting, purging or blistering is resorted to. It stimulates to action the absorbents and secre tions, drives prims of all kinds from the body, and re duces swellings in an incredibly short time, as all who have used Prof. Chas. DeGrath'a u Electric Oil " can testify. Certificates are out of the question they are lying in pile? at the Office Prof. DcGrath will not "pub lish them. Hundreds of the people are sent by recom mendation for this great remedy ; aud if the afflicted want to be cured let them learn wiiat to use. B7, An accidental discovery has demonstrated it to be an infallible Hair Restorative. 30 South Eighth street, Philadelphia. Polo Agent in Charlotte B. M. PRITCHARD. March 13, li?3$. WESTERN DEMOCRAT, CHARLOTTE, SHORT NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to the Firms of LOWRIE & ENNISS, and P. J. LOWRIE, by Book Account, must come forward and settle before the 15th of April, or they will find the papers in the hands of an officer: and some that owe me Notes will find themselves in the same situation if they do not take the hint. March 23, 1858. l-5t P. J. LOWRIE. HAYING PURCHASED A. C. STEELE'S INTER EST in the Stock of Goods ot Brem k Steele, and associated with me J. A. SADLER, Jr. and T. LAFAY ETTE ALEXANDER, the business will hereafter be conducted under the firm of T. H. BREM ft CO. We call the attention of the public to our Stock, as we have reduced the price on a great many Good. T. H. BREM. Jan. 1, 1858. 00-tf M. r7 Graduate of the Baltimore m o HAYING located permanently, tenders his profes sional services to the citizens of Charlotte, N. C, and vicinity. Dll. VVAYT prepares and inserts artificial Pal ates and Obturators, and attends to the correction of congenital and accidental deformities of the Teeth and Jaws, lie is also prepared to insert Artificial Teeth after the most approved methods. fife,)'" Ladies waited on at their residences if required. Office on Tryon Street, in Carson's new building, up stairs. March 30, 1858. HfiV ililfOE J. M. SANDERS, CABINET MAKER, CHARLOTTE, N. C, keeps V constantly on hand a large assortment of furniture of his own and Northern manufacture. Also, FISK'S METALIC BURIAL CASES. Dec. 2t, 185T. S'J-ly $200 REWARD. ANAWAY from my Railroad Shatitecs, in Liberty County, Ga., about the first of August,, my negro man EPHRAIM. He is black and of medium size, 23 or 24 years old, was raised by Mr Shipp of Lin coln county, and sold to me by W. P. Byaum of the same county, in February, 1856. I think said boy is lying about Charlotte, or W. P. Bynnm's of Lincoln county, or Win. Shipp's of Gaston county, &s the boy has relations at all those points. I will pay TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for bis apprehension sad deliv ery in Charlotte Jail so that I can get him. Sept. 15, 1857. 74-tf D. W. ORR. i Ki sra: sale. 38 Valuable Negroes for Sale. ON TUESDAY, the 20th day of APRIL next, we, as Trustees of George Hosteller, E. S. Barrett and Jacob A. Ramsonr, will oiler at public sale at the Court House in Lincolnton, N. C, 38 VALUABLE NEGROES, one an excellent Tin-Smith. The said lot of Negroes are composed of young and likely men and women, boys and girls. The boys' and girls are very likely. One-half or more of said Negros will be sold for CASH; the others on a credit of two mouths the pur chaser giving good bond and security. C. C. HENDERSON, Trustee of E. S- Barrett and G. Hosteller. L. E. THOMPSON, Trustee of J. A. Ramsour. At the SAME TIME and place, I will offer for sale a valuable HOUSE and LOT in Lincolnton. The same is a corner lot and an excellent stand for business ; is but a few yards from the Court House, and is occupied by J. A. Ramsour. L. E. THOMPSON, Trustee. 8gf The creditors of George Mosteller, E. S. Bar rett, of the firms of Barrrtt, Ramsour k Co., Barrett k Ramsour, and of Jacob A. Ramsour, are hereby notified to present their claims to us The creditors of Mostel and Barrett to C. C. Henderson the others to L. E. Thompson. C. C. HENDERSON, Trustee. L. E. THOMPSON, Trustee. March 0. 1858. tt!-7t. LEATHER ! LEATHER!! LEATHER! ! ! Hemlock Sole Leather 25 cents. Good Damaged Sole Leather 20 " Best White Oak 35 " Fair " 30 " HARNESS and Upper Leather, French and Ameri can Calf Skins, Kip Skins. Lining and Bindiug Skins, Deer Skins for lacing Belts and plantation use. BOONE & CO. February 0, 1 858. tf Fayelleville MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $235,167. THIS COMPANY has been in operation five years, and has paid its losses, amounting to 17.805, with out any assessment. Insurance averaging its members about i per cent. only. Policies issued to 1st March, 1858, 2,C60. Amount now insured, $1,484,258. Amount of Premium Notes on hand, $231,000 Cash Premiums received, $30,980 85. Geo. McNeill, S. T. Hawlky, W.N. Tili.ixghast, H. L. Mvrovkk, I). A. Ray, A. A. McKethax, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, S. W. Tillixuiiast, J. H. Cook, Hkxrv Lilly, A. W. Stkkl, T. S. Li ttkuloh, N. A. Stkomax, J. G. Siikphkrd, Wa. McLai-ri.v, Jas. Kyle, F. Brown, of Wilm. GEO. McNEILL, Pkksidkxt. I). A. RAY. Vtcm Pkesiokxt. C. A. McMILLAN. Secuktauy. John Collins and 0. C. McCiu mmex, Traveling Agents. The Company invite applications. March 1;. 1858. 3m The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur. ance Company, CONTINUES to take risks against loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Produce. &c, at usual rates. Of fice nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel. President M. B. TAYLOR. Vice President C. OVERMAN. Secy & Trcasr E. NYE HUTCHISON. M. B. TAYLOR, C. OVERMAN, J. A. YOUNG, WM. JOHNSTON, J. II. CARSON. S. T. WRISTON, F. SCABS. April 28, J85T. tf LIXCOLIV JIACHIXE WOltKS. Lincolnton, N. C. TEAM ENGINES: Gold-mining Machinery; Mill Gearine and Shaftinsr: Mill Sninillcs OnWr.,, L-n - Circular. Sash, ami Muley Saw Mills : Brass '"ami Iron Castings of every discription: Horse Powers and Thresh ers; Sugar Mills; Cutting Boxe; Tobacco Screws; Pumps: Hydraulic Rams; Wood-planing Machines: Tenon Ma chines: Scroll Saws; Sash. Moulding. Mortising and Borimr machines: Machinists' Tools: En;nn Planets; Gear Cutters: Upright Drills, kc. ; Hub. and Felloe machines; Saw Gammers; Saw Arbours: I Tongue and Grooving machines: Bark mills, and other j Tanning machinery. S&1 Qttems any 7 nu1 math to order gB Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly, and all Work wai.Iaxtei. The subscriber having bought the above works of S. W. Stubbs, now offers his services in making any kind of machinery that may be called for; and wilfalso attend to putt?, g in operation. Steam Engines, Steam Saw mills. Mh.;&g machinery, kc. Address E. W. STUBBS, March 30, 1553. Cm LiucoUitou, N. C. If. M. PRITCHARD, M. D., Druggist & Chemist, (irwin's corner,) CHARLOTTE, X. C, SJ Keeps constantly on hand a large stock of Drugs, Chemicals, A:c, lor wuoieseae and retail. March 30, 1858. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, WISTAR'S BAL sam, and Lozenges, Rover's Syrup Tar, Hive Syrup, Syrup Squills, Syrup Ipecac and all kinds of Pectoral and Cough medicines. For sale by H. M. PRITCHARD, lril 1. Irwin's Corner. XCFF. SCOTCH, MACKABOY AND ENGLISH, FiJentiemen s Snuffs, just received, 000 lbs. in blad ders and jars. Sold low for cash by H. M. PRITCHARD, April 1. Irwin's Corner. 1 Mh BBLS. PURE BURNING FLUID. NOW IN JL HP Store at April I. PRITCHARD S, Irwin's Corner. OA AAA SEGARS just received and for sale ?U,UUU at St 2 oer hundred, bv 11. 31. riilH ilAKU, Irwin's Corner. Nov. 17. PURE FRENCH BRANDY, Holland Gin, Whiskey, Sherry and Port Wines, London Ale and Porter, for medical use. Sold by Xov. 17. H. M. PRITCHARD. CSTARCH, Black Pepper, Ginger, Baking and Wash ing Soda, Cream Tartar, Nutmegs, Mace, Cinnamon, Cloves, and Flavoring Extracts of all kinds. For sale at Wholesale and Retail, by H. M. PRITCHARD. Nov. 17. Irwin's Corner. 1 A Ann LBS- uprRE snow-white le JU?UUU in Oil and Assorted Kegs, jusi AD" just re ceived at PRITCHARD S, Fob. o. Irw in's Corner. JUST RECEIVED, the largest and best selected Stock of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES ever offered in this market: consisting of French, English, German, and American Sorts, and for sale at PRITCHARD'S Fancy, Chemical and Drug Store, February 9. Irwin's Corner. K. AA GALLONS PURE LINSEED OIL, JUST t) IF HP to hand t PRITCHARD'S February 9. Irwin's Corner. S APONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LEY. War K7 ranted to make soap without lime, and with little trouble. The best and cheapest article in use. Price 25 and 50 cents a can. Sold by April 1. II. M. PRITCHARD. CHARLOTTE, March 15th, 1858. fM HE undersigned will attend at the Insurance Of- JL lice, on Tuesday of April Court, for the purpose of examining any persons that may wish to obtain certifi cates of qualifications as School Teachers, for any part of Mecklenburg countv. "JOHN P. ROSS, ) E. NYE HUTCHISON, Com. H. D. JOHNSTON, J March 15, 1858. 7t Belts! Belts!! Belts!!! FROM the best Belting Company, at Manufacturer's prices: CASH PRICES: 2 inch 12J cts. per foot. 2.1 " 15" " " 3 " 17 " " 4 22 " " 5 " 27 " " Q a 32 " " 7 ' 38 " " 10 " (JO " " 1 2 " ...72 " " 12 " 4 ply, 92 " " 8 Seamless Belts manufactured to order at short notice. Conducting Hose of all sizes, for water or steam pres sure, ordered direct from the Manufacturers. ALSO, Packing of all description, at 55 Cents per pound. BOONE & CO. February 9, 1858. tf State of N. Carolina, Mecklenburg co, Superior Court of Laic, Fall Term, 1857. Martha Barney vs. E. L. Barney Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that E. L. Burney, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabi tant of this State: it is therefore ordered that publica tion be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said defendant to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Law, to be held in and for the county of Mecklenburg at the Court house in Charlotte, on the lltli Monday after the 4th Monday in February, 1858, then and there to show cause, if any he has, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Witness, J. B. Kerr, Clerk of our Superior court of Law, ot office in Charlotte, the 11th Monday after the 4th Monday in August, and in the 82d year of Ameri can Independence, A. D., 1857. J. B. KERR, March 10. Pr's fee $0 Clerk. RE NOW RECEIVING a large and fresh supply ot which will be sold exclusively for CASH: 1000 Sacks Salt. 100 Bags of Coffee. 10 Rags old Governm't Java Coffee. 10 Bags best Laguira " 25 Barrels of Coffee Sugar. 10 Bbls Crushed 5 Bbls Powdered " 10 Hhds. good Brown " 50 Bbls. New Orleans Molasses. 10 Hhds. West India " 50 Boxes Cheese. 5 Bbls. extra Buckwheat Flour, And a variety of other articles too tedious to mention. Dec. 8. 1857. tf TIN-WARE & STOVE A. A. M. ffl. 'i'l'2'L0'R WOl LD respectfully announce to the public that he continues to carry on business at the store on the corner formerly occupied by Hoggins & Harty, where he keeps constantly on hand the largest assort ment of STOVES ever offered in North Carolina ; among which will be found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Stove, which has gained such a famous reputation in the Southern country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any Cooking Stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a given time than any other Stove in use. He will put one beside any other Stove of the same size in the United States, and if it does not do more work in any given time, he will for feit the price of the Stove, and quit selling and go for the better one. He has all kinds cf Parlor and Box Stoves: and keeps constantly an extensive and varied Stock of Ttn, Sheet-Iron, Japan, ana1 Britannia Ware, Brass Kettles, Cast Lou Bedstcadt, Bat Hurl s, Cradles, Lc, all of which will he sold, Wholesale and Retail, cheap er than has ever been before offered in this vicinitv. He Mould return his thanks to his friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage they have bestow ed upon him. and they nay rest assured that he will endeavor, by close attention to business, together with a determination to please, try to merit a continuance of the same. His motto i. "ones: sales and small profits." Ladies and Gentlemen are particularly invited to call and examine his Stock. All kinds of JOB WORK attended to with dis patch: and all ORDERS will be faithfully and prcmptlv attended to. "Tga Charlotte. June lu. 1857. tf ,4 1ST. C grringaiidSummer Goods, i . : Van "VrL" Goods have been sold cheap m order to realize the a h KOOPJIAtf & PHELPS haye taken advantage of this state of things and pur chased their Goods at low price! i for Cash All in Ml ant of good as well as cheap Goods will find their Stock, not on W the cheapest, but as good as any in this coun try Their stock consists of the following: Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ladies' Dress Goods, Bonnets. Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps of every description. Ready-made Clothing, Hardware, GROCERIES, 6lc. All of which will be sold cheaper for Cash tbau they can be obtained at any other Store in the country. The highest market price paid for all kinds of coun try Produce. Call one and all aud examine our stock before purchasing hcre. & Xsreh, 1858. tf I'OXFKCTIONERY ASS ABIHY SAO 1 1. J. D. PALMER, ONE DOOR ABOVE THE BANK OF CHARLOTTE. RESPECTFTLLY informs the public that he has on hand a splendid assortment of Confectionaries, West India Fruits, Havana Cigars, Fine Chewing and smoking Tobacco, Snuff. Also, a variety of Musical Instruments. YAN KEE NOTIONS, TOYS, WILLOW- WAKE, &C He is constantly receiving the above goods and many other articles too tedious to enumerate. ("Having secured the services cf a first rate Baker the subscriber will be prepared, at short notice, to fur nish Wedding, Pic-Nic and private parties with SUPERIOR CAKES. Persons wishing anything ip my line would do well to give me a call, as I am determined to keen a crood Stock and sell cheap for CASH. 1 J. D. PALMER. December 22, 1857 88-tf Keep Your Pianos in Tune. rwIIE citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country Ja are again reminded that the subscriber is at all times prepared to repair and tune Pianoj and Melode ons in the best possible manner. He would not say that an old instrument can be made to sound as well as a new one with all the modern improvements attached but he is prepared to say that an old instrument which will justify repairs at all, can be made to emit as good and as sweet a tone as the same instrument did when new. lie also intends keeping constantly on hand, NEW PIANOS, from tne most celebrated Manufacturers in the United States, which will be sold at manufacturer's prices, with freight added. OLD PIANOS received in part pay for new ones, according to their value. He also intends keeping constantly on hand, second hand instruments, to sell or to rent. Any person having old instruments, and are desirous of selling them, may do well to have them repaired and kept exposed to sale in this market. ficg Repair Shop and Wareroom at the Musical Hall, up Stairs over China Hall. ASA GEORGE. Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 20, 1858. ly KERR, Proprietor. VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the patrons of the Charlotte Hotel. ggl$3. At this Hotel is kept the line of Tri-weekly Siages from Charlotte via Monroe, N. C, and Lancaster S. C, to Camden, S. C. Patrons of the Charlotte Hotel conveyed to and from the Depots free of charge. OcL 1, 1856. J. B. KERR. S. 1YL HOWELL, Saddle and Harness laEaTJLfaa.O'tXl.rOr, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THREE DOORS SOUTH of the MANSION HOUSE. B?3L Impairing promptly and neatly done. Jan. 1. 185S. y DR. J. UI. HAPPOLDT, of Salisbury, N. C, OFFERS his professional services in the different branches of his Profession, not to the citizens of Salisbury and the contiguous country only, but would respectfully notify the citizens of Mecklenburg and Ca barrus counties, and more especially those in whose families he had practiced for nearly twenty years whilst a resident of Mecklenburg county and the town of Charlotte, and with many of them, maintained for years the endearing relation of Family Physician, that his services can be as easily obtaine'd (by the facilities of Railroad travel) now, and in many instances more so, than when he lived among them. Applications made by mail, or at the "Veranda House," Salisbury, N. C, will meet with prompt atten tion. Salisbury, Dec. 15, 1857. tf. m&WxMwm mm ivmni. fMHIE American Sportsman, containing hints to M. Sportsmen, notes on shooting, and the habits of the Game Birds and Wild Fowl of America, by Lewis. The Golden Legacy; a Story of Life's Phases. Rills from the Fountain of Life, or Sermons to Chil dren, by Rev. R. Newton, D. I). The Daisy Chain, or Aspirations: a Family Chronicle. Sboepac Recollections: a Way-Side Glimpse of Amer ican Life, by Waltak M.w:ch. Kathic Brande; a Fireside History of a Quiet Life by Holme Lee. ' J Household Mysteries, by Lizzie Pitt. El Gringo, or New Mexico and her People. Paul Fane, by N. P. Wilms. Vev, or the War of the Peasants ami the Conscript two interesting Romances bound in one Volume. The Napoleon Dynasty, or the History of the Bona parte Family; an entirely new work, by the Berkley Men, with twenty-two authentic Portraits. r u o P- J- LOWRIE. March 31, 1857. 3o-tf Tailoring Establishment. DL. RKA respectfully informs . the public that he is now pre pared to execute substantially and with neatness, any work in his iine with which he may be favored. He is in possession of the LATEST FASHIONS, and feels confident that it only requires a trial to convince gentlemen that he has the will and ability to please. Give him a call. 77-tf Oct. 7. 1857. IVotioe. LL PERS-ONS INDEBTED to the undersigned, as TrtstW ot J. W. ROSS, n-iil w " .bate payment to J. M. Springs, us it Is important that said Trust should be closed. y. r. MYERS Jan. 5, 1858. 90-tf Trugt' mr jr. o. jk, For sale AT THE CHARLOTTE THE SUBSCRIBERS having f0rrood selves into a eoinnanw MttuT! he, er their services to the people ofCbarl ott the country generally in their line of bn, They are prepared to furnish Movr!!"0'5 Gravestonks, Mantel Pbcii, .-,. T'. SMarhle, Table Slabs, Mauble Stkk ,'lt:it Ii i: . . . ' an. pattern, cut uccoiuiii mc aawvt approved taste StVlCS, III1U ujnjn uh- wwi m-vvniluvmnQy tCW .1. . - . V O . 1 . fl.1 ft. offered in the JSoutliern country. J hey will ij0f 'rl .-t.,ilv .i k.nH the best descrintion affiMii. rH and American Marble. All orders for any article addressed to the subSfr will meet with prompt attention, and will fcTT and forwarded with the utmost care ami diiijmtrf The Yard is situated on the north-west e)rner 0fti Railroad Depot Yard. Mbt WM. TIDDY 4 SON'S. January, 1858. ly t: rHE undersigned as Agent will receive anrlir.,; for INSURANCE in the NORTH CAROUXAto TUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. This Company is the oldest in the State, nnd been iu successful operation for several years. !J rates are moderate, and all losses promptly niljnste, Persons wishing to insure their own lives ortheiVM of their Slaves, in this Company, will call ut the Oft!! of the Agent, at the Bank of the State. SLAVES Insured tor T O-TIIIRDS of their VALUE. THOS. W. DEWKY, Agent ly.pd January 12, 1838, To Rent, The OFFICE recently occupied by Drs. P. C. t j W. Caldwell, on Tryon street, a few doors tnuii of the Mansion House. Apply to March 2, 1858 J. M. IIFTVUISOV !8-tf G. AV. PAGANS, ORNAMENTAL and CRYSTAL PAINTER, OX GLASS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. , OIONS painted with neatness and dispatch at a xtn Olow price. tt-'A,. For particulars inquire at tki Western Democrat Office. H. B. WILLIAMS & CO, DEALKRS IN Wholesale and Kelail, ARE now receiving a large Stock, and will hive weekly additions as their sales may require. TWj will sell to the Wholesale Srade at a small coNHUhsst TERMS : CASH or Country Pro.nct We occupy the well known stand recently occupy by T. M. Farrow, 3 doors from the western cornti, Trade street. J8rj"ALL orders will have prompt attention, aod goods put as low as if the purchaser were present. H. B. WILLIAMS CO. Charlotte, Jan. 2G, 1858 93-tf Sand's Sarsaparilla, SC ROFI LA, ElUTTIOX, Ul.t'KKS, R II K I'M ATISM, LM Api'ktite, BaoxcurriS) Cunoxic Diskasks, 4c. The oldest and best preparation in use, ami which hu been thoroughly tested, and which continues to nwt with public favor long after a host of imitations hitt been tried and forgotten. This article is approrrd Ml recommended by Physicians, and is extensively used ii their practice as one of the most aids iu the treatment of this class of diseases, within their reach. Thrfol. lowing certificate is selected from among many othtn Please inquire of the Agent named below for an Alim nac gratis for 1858, which gives many details of iiiUrni and great value: " Tiil'th isSthaxokr tiiax Fi jtion." The attention of the reader is called to the followisj cure, effected by the use of Sand's Sarsaparilla: This is to certify that I have a colored w oman win has been atlicted for the last live years with ikrofnli and all the remedies I used had no effect iu arrestinf the progress of the complaint; on the contrary, she roc stantly grew worse; till the disease had eaten aw ay tk cartilage of her nose, made its appearance on viiriou parts of her body, and finally commenced its raTafdi the roof of her mouth. In this dreadful situation, with the pro peel of dull staring her in the face, I stated her case to Dr. Dim way, in Newbern, N. C, by whom I was ah ied to iik Sand's Sarsaparilla; and to my surprise aud that of u' neighbors, to whom her case was known, ftf Mssjftl and a half bottles she was restored to perfect besitli the space of three weeks, and was able to w ork in t weeks from the time she commenced taking it. In witness of the truth of this statement, I have litre unto affixed my name, this 1 9th day of Sept.. 1807. JOSEPH McCOTTER, J. I'. Mouth ofNeuse River, Craven county, X. C. BgT" Prepared and sold by A. B. k I). Sanif, le gists, New York. The Agent in Charlotte is F. SCABS & ('(., Xo V Traile street. Price Si per bottle, or C bottles for $5. Feb. M, 1858. 8m. THE LIVER , iwnio it a j oh: ?J PKKI'AHKD HV PB. SANKORH, 03 Compounded entirely from (.IMS, TS ONK OF THK BUT HCKIt ATf VK AND LITM ? A. DICIXKS now before the public, that ci CMMNw, J B eier, roililer, nnd more effectual than miv other roedirine Vnown. . ' g 1' not only Cttlhartir, but a Lirrr remedy, actinic Bta n ,k . eS Liver to eject il morbid matter, then on the nlomacfi and IxiwH' (C fca to carry off that matter, thua accompliahimc two purrKwen effect ally, without any of the painful feeling experienced in the w tiona of moat OathnrUn. It ntretift;then the jaleni at the aw 5 time that it purges it ; and when taken dailr in moderale doei will atrangthen aod build it up with MM rapidity. The Liver is one of the ; principal regulHtiira of lb human body ; and when it tut prforma ila tuuciii " the powers of the ayatem are fully devrluped. The tUmf" on the healthy action f JJ MBf-H l if fekl Al if I ifilil g Licer for the proper perlorm- Momar.h i at fault, the bowel. are nt fault and thu S b . ,.ti. . . : a .. . raufaii, m luiireqiiriu-e j 01 one organ lite . at ""vine; oeaxed to do its dutv. for the WacsMM if that - Kan, one of the proprietors has made it his study, i" m eO practice of more than twenty i C years, to find aoine rrniHlf j i wherewith to Counteract the 2 many derangement u a!"1 1 r2 It b) gm To prove that this remedy la Wm at last foutid, onr person troe 2 iV "h 1v' Com- A plaint, in any ol its fortss, has but to try a bottle, aud W .omiclion is cerlsin. " ineso wums remove all r morbid or bad matter iro the system, supplying in their place a healihv tin -of bilt, 1 invitfuratinv tin. ..,...,. i. . kw F- " ' .Ml. sfi lurlfytiiB the blood' M jriviug tone nd heaiih 1'itaf Whole machinery, removing L 'the cause : the diaes (3 effecting a radical cure. j MS baa. . Billon attack are cured, and. wind Is 3 CB better, pry vented, by PT the occasional lU ' Cr, Liver lnvlg-orator. One W after eating is snf- flcient to relieve the stotaw tm 'V prot 'he food from rising and sum ii g. S Onlyonedoae taken before I a retiring, preienia rVIh- r mare. ' A 1 Only one dose taken at P"J night, liiulj the boweU , gently, and cures Co- PV5 flvenc. V One dose taken after each M meal will cure IypHd fj -Onc dose or two tea- : i Mooiifula will aliui. ' Wck II. miai h OC s-a Oue bottle taken for fe- w- 'male ohst rue lion rem., veil W saa 0"e, r ,,,e disease, and "a nsaksa a rrfeci care. Q Only one "lose immediately , rel.eves Chitllr, whila en P- of,e" repeated is PCS, M sure cure lr i bolcra Ilorlci. and a onvesUHM . l...l. , i, . am Ktjr Oidy one bo; tie is I inee. led to throw out of it' J .ysiein llie eiiecta or sjactn fjr-i.i.e bottle taken for lowneas or unnatural color effects of ' FB fMum .fn-r a 1,1,1 .i, L.,, . fj, Oi,e bottle taken for ! T Jaundlee Mjsm es all sal ,-. I . t r . t. - . v. : .. uai ISM a slMrtC3 time l.efore aling gne ' K". ...e ai, an.! nu.k.-s r I.mhI durest well. line Uoae oTten reeaied i MM rtlM li its worst tor. , is. curea Chronic Ular- while fs u 111 in C r . . fa-- """r" iti'i v atmosi 10 ine nrsi ... Zi ,"e or two do trt at -, Q , UM ks canaed b) WBM " 1 l.;ldren : there I. no surer I 'r.r ..r lu r ituit'is almost to the first d.s .0 ft Or the world, as it nan fnil,. , " J- A few bottles cures I PJ Orotwy, by excitin 3 absorbents. WTw ' ' He take pleasure in recom j mending this medicine as a X preventive for fever and Aaraus. Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a 1111-i Ion Tvim-. H nprrsiea I wltliortainty. and thousands votulcifut virtu. r willhiE tu tertifj U . All who uc It arc Klv!ntz their itiiaiilmon K teal I moii y u I .' fn v 01 . O Mix Water In the mouth with Ihc Invl 2 5 gorator, and atvallow Imfh tejrrllur. THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR c S A SCIKIfTIriC MKDICAL M9VOVKUY, and bJ ajs 4 cures, almost too great t., I.lieve O rajrai 1 aaaa tn th ji,i v.p.7 and seldom more I''0 or bottle ia required to cure, at v kind of Liver I. g rroai the worst Jmmittrt m tyt-pria le a roawaoa giassif. "J aw all wf which are the o! a IJlsM-nus-sl Llvrr. run-r. D'ii.lsr rrR a.iTTi.r. 8ANFORD A Cm., Frotirietnrs. Mi Hroadway, New York. 3 Wholeaale Agents 1 naaES A Psag, New York ; T. W. llyo-rr A Sons. 1'l.ils.le' g r hia; M. S. Bcaa e . Ita-ion ; H. H. Hit A Co.. l urt .' Juhs I. I'ark. Cincinnati : Oavlokd A IlsKr.aii. tTevaW; B FABHUTrscg A Oavis. Chicago ; ). J. Wood A C . ft. I-""": rA eS OaoRGE II. K K V9EK, l'ittsburgh ; S. 8. U4SCB, BaltiO!ore. Aa . OT. retailed by all Druggists. Sold ubo ny March 2, 1858. y F. SHARK & CO-