WESTERN DEMOCmvT, jaHaBBOTTEji JSS; f 9- S8H anb junior. Two incipient footmen of the colored race, oue belonging to a living physician, the other to a physician deceased, met at the market house. The one belonging to the living physician said to his confrere: -Your nam great Doctor, wxsn t he.' Why he no cure hisselt;"' "Hush, boy.' retorted the other, ' what you know!" Who gwine to pay him lor curing hisselfi''' One day a person walked coolly into the office of a phvsician and took a seat. "Do you wish advice, siv.'"'suid the physician. "Well, I cau't say I do, sir," said the man, "hut Iain a blacksmith, and I have some notion of leaving my profession and taking up your trade." Hooey is so scarce iu the west, that when two dollars meet, they are such strangers to each other that the owners have to introduce them. A popular writer, speakingof the ocean telegraph, wonders whether the news transmitted thrwwgh the salt-water will he fresh. Why was pharoah's daughter like a broker? Because he got a little prophet from th rashes on the banks. The ReT. Daniel Isaac was a groat WSg and a great .-looker. "Ah! there you are," CI led a lady who rarprised him one day with a pipe in his mouth, "at yoar idol again!" "Yes. madam." replied he coolly, "boning it,"' The following is a postscript to an Irish letter: 'Dear Mike If you don't get this letter at all, write and let me know it, and I'll raise the devil with the port waster." "Sam, why an lawyers like de fahcs ?" "1 don't meddle wid dat subject. Pomp. "Whv, don't yon see nigger, kase dej am so fond of de bate. Just likjs 'km. Mamma (staying with newly niarried daughter J : "My dearest, sweetest, dar ling! what! crying! Why what's the matter ?" Daughter (with many sobs;: "Oh M-m-m-Mam-ma, dear! Here's Ch-Ch-Ch-Cliai-h s so dreadfully unkind. He knows the II ll-li-llor-e Taming tsecret and he w-w-w-won't tell it to me!" 'fitch. XbX-CV;!MITTAL. Some year ago there wasa good deal of excitement among the good people in a certain town iu ' county. Vermont, on the subject of religion, and almost every man in the phu e was more or less awakened to a sense of his sinfulness, and made a public deelarafioii of his in tent'oii to h ad a new life. Among the rest were three of the principal men ofthe village, whom w v.' ill call Mr 31., B. and (I , who being all present at one of the meetings, took part in the proceed ings, to the great joy ofthe faithful, and mneb to the astciitshuaeut of "the rest of mankind" then and there assembled. 31. ruse first, and having made a general confession of his an worthiness, taid in eonelusion, that he had always ttttcuded to be an honest man. but if he had wronged any one he was willing to make all restitution. 1. follow ed, Bpeaking in pretty muefa the same manner, but said that, as to restitution, if u E had wronged any man he was willing to comply with the Dible in junction, and "restore unto htm lour ibid." ti. arose next, and spoke of his sins and wickedness in quite as strong terms as the others had done, but ! coming to the 'restitution' clause, he remarked with a caution characteristic of himself "If there is any man that 1 have defrauded, I shall be ifiost happy to sit down and talk it over with him ! " A Western petti fog er once broke out in the following indignant strain: "Sir, we're enough for ye, the hullofye. .Mi' and my client can't never be intimidated or tyranized over, mark that ! And sir. just so sure as this court decides against us, we'll file a writ of propagander, sir, and wc " Here he was interrupted by the opposite counsel, who wanted to know what he meant by a writ of propagander. M3I can by a writ of propagander, its a its a. wal, I don't just remember the exact word, but its what '11 knock thunder out of your oucdioss courts anyhow." 'In the old North State lives a certain John Long, who draws a long bow when ever he has any thing to tell, and his character for truth and veracity has been below zero for many years. Cap tain Johnson had been so taken in by oue of John's outrageous stories, that he t ,:d to him, in a pet : u If you make me believe one of your lies again in a month, I'll give you fifty dollars '.' "John protended to be quite hurt by the offer, and went off. A few days afterward he was rid ing by the Captain's post-hahte, on horseback, vLeii the Captain called out to him: ,s 'I say '. hello, Johnny '. stop and tell us a lie or two this morning !' "John rode on, but cried out most dolefully : 'No time for telling lies now: brother Jiniinv h is just been killed iu the machine, and I'm going for the old folks." On he went. "Captain Johnson ordered his horse, and rode over to see the dead man and offer his services, but found him alive and well, ginning cotton, and in no danger of the machine. Just then John rode up and demanded the fifty dollars. The Cap tain declared it was a rascally trick, but he would have had to pay the money if John had not let him oC" TnK Tl e.. ok LlFS. From forty to sixty. :; man who has properly regulated himself may be Considered as in the prime of life. His matured strength of constitution renders him almost impervious to the attacks of disease, and experience has given his judgment the soundness of almost infallibility. His mind is resolute. firm, and equal; all his functions are iu the highest order, he assumes tue mastery over business: bunds un a competence to the foundation he has laid in early manhood, and parses through a period of life attended by many gratifications. Having gone a year or two past sixty, he arrive at a critical period in the road of existence, the river of death Hows before him. and he remains at a stand still. But athwart this river is a viaduct called ' The Turn of Life," which, if crossed in safety, leads to the valley ot "old age' round which the river winds and then fiows beyond without boat or causeway to ciTect its passage. The bridge is. however, con structed of fragile materials, and it depends upon how it is trodden, whether it bend or break. Gout, apoplexy, and other bad characters also are iu the vicinity to waylay the traveller, and thrust him from the pas; but let him gird up his loius and provide himself with a fitting staff, he mav trudsre on in safety with perfect composure. To quit metaphor, "The Turn of Life" is a turn cither into a prolonged walk or into the grave. The system and powers having reached their utmost expansion; ! now begin either to close like flowers at sunset, or break down at once. One injudicious stimulant a single fatal excitement, may force it beyond its ' strength whilst a careful supply of props, and the withdrawal of all that tends to fore a plant, will sustain it in beauty and iu vigor until night ha entirely set in. ttoti Cuoi.KRA A Neav Rkwky. -As this dibase is making great ravages amongst the hogs iu many part? of the country, it is very desirable f that a preventive or remedy could be discovered. I have lately heard of a fanner iu the Western District who 'lost several of his hogs with this disease. Nothing he conld do, seemed to have ! any effi ct. At length, as the ca:- seemed desperate, he had recourse to a desperate remedy, lie boiled as much poke root as he could hold in his hand, and i stirred in Indian meal and made a musn, wnicu ne gave to his hogs every day for a while The result was that he lost none after he commenced this treatment. Whether this proved a preventive or not, it is certainly worth a trial. E hope all will make known their experience on this subject. Davidson c., Aog. 1858. J. R. 15- The BoRER. Mr Travis, of Xatick, Mass., states that a mixture of one part salt, two parts fresh slacked lime, and two parts soft soap, applied J to the lower limbs and the body ofthe apjile tree, j after first scraping the tree gently, will prevent the borer from depositing its eggs iu the bark. It j showM be applied about the middle of April, lie States that the success of this remedy is complete. I Thk Cattle Disease. This terrible disease a J raging in some tarts of this county to a fearful j extent. Many ot the cattle nave beeu cureu by the application of the proper remedies, but to a large number of them, from what we ean learn, the disease has proved fatal. Xeurbcm Era. &w 'Where was ', ma," said a little urchin oue day to his mother, as he stood gazing on his drunken and prostrate pa, 'where was I w.ien you married pa? I could have picked out a great deal better man than he is." An incorrigible wag, w ho had lent a minister a horse, which ran away and threw his clerical rider, thought he should have some credit for the aid iu "spreading the gospel." State of North Carolina, Gastoii county. iij fii'ir Court "J Luxe Spniiij Term, 1858. Bernard fcs. Bnrue vs. Joseph Mead. Attachment. It Appearing to the satisfaction ofthe Court that Jo.-. Mend is not a resident of this .State, or so conceals him self tbal the ordinary process of law cannot he served on him, it is therefore ordered by the Court that publi cation be made fo.- six weeks successively in the West er Democrat, for the said Joseph Mead to appear at the next term of 111 is court to he held for the county ofOaston. at the Court IIoue in Pallas, on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in August. tf58, and plead. Answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness, J. O. Lewis. Clerk of our said court at office in Dallas, the Oth Monday after the -tth Monday in Feb ruary, 1838, and in the 83d year of American indepen dence. ' J. It. LEWIS, c. s. C. pr ndv So 24-t State of North Carolina, (aslon county. S'jiri eoi' Court of l.inr Spring Term, 1JC3. Lawrence Myers ami Philip I'ike vs. Joseph Mead. Attachment. It appearing In the satisfaction of the Court that Jos. I M ad is not a resident of this State, or so conceals him self thai the ordinary process of law cannot be served I on him. it is therefore ordered by the Court that publi cation In- made for six weeks successively in the West ern Democrat for the said Joseph Mead to appear at the next term of this court to be held for the county ofGas- : ton. at tin Court House in Dallas, un the t'th Monday j after the 4th Monday in August, anil jlad. answer or demur, or judgment pro coafesse will be taken against him. Witness, J. ft. Lewis, Clerk of our said court at office the 9tli Monday after the 4th Monday iu February, and in the 83d year of American Indetendence, A I) 1858. '4-';t pir adv ; J. (;. LEWIS, C. S. C. LAST AXp VIXAIj iOTlCI Is hereby jilven. that all Notes and Accounts due to the old firm" of DEUCKER & SOMMERS, will be placed in the bauds of an Attorney, if not settled before the 11 of October next, as we are determined to close the old Business. Charlotte. July 27, 1858. C'-Jni All Right Again! I have commenced butchering Beef asrain, and am ready and wish to buy Reeves. Mutton and Pork, on I the hoof. I solicit, and hope to merit, the patronage of j the tow n. W. A. COOK, Aug. 24, 1858. :;-tf Town Butcher. Siaie of . Carolina, Gatoti loiuity, Superior Court of Equity, Fall Tmn. 1S.")8 Jacob Co.tner. et al. vs. Elizabeth Costlier, ct al. O. B. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Janus Elmore and wife Ann. are beyond the jurisdic tion at thia Honorable Court, and reside iu the. Statu of Texas, it h ordered that publl ration be made in the Western Demociat for six weeks, notifying the said James Elmore and wife Ann. to come forward, plead, j answer or demur to the said Bill, or judgment pro con- j fesso will be entered against them. Witness. F. M. A be ma thy, Clerk and Master in Equi- tv, at Ollice. this 2;th dav of August, ls.". " 24-it jr adv C F. M. ARFRNATHV. c. m. b. REMOVAL. 1 Having determined to quit the Dry Goods Business, I have removed from the corner to ihe stand formerly j occupied by Springs & Heath, where I im SIElLiIjXIN-Ga- OUT the balance of my stock of B81 OODS AT COST. L. S. WILLIAMS. August 1838. RONFS of J. O. King s TOBACCO just 9 t V received and for Sale bv M. W. ROIHSOX A: CO. !-tf Julv 2V. ls:.s. SEGAKS! SI-XiAHS!! 3 tlldftl GFNF1NF HAVANA SFGARS .1 WiSFWV jil5.t received, of the choicest brand-:, a superior article to any ever before hroairht to this market. A!s. a good lot of SMOKING CTIEWING TOBACCO, at the Confectionery and Varictv Store of Jnlv 20, 1858 tf .1. I). PALMER. Charlotte Machine Shop, w. s. pi( K.i:i & co., Engineers, and Makers of Hydraulic Presses and Machinery in general, eAVF commenced basiuess in Charlotte, iu the above line, and are prepared to make Nfioaiil Engines 1 any form or construc tion. HYDRAULIC COTTON PRESSES, and every description of MACHINERY. They also beg to inform manufacturers aud farmers generally, thathey have recently added a to their establishment, and are prepared to furnish OASTINOS in IRON. RRASS. or any other metal, at a short notice and at reasonable prices. Particular attentiou will be given to the making and repairing ot c Thrashing- Machines, IL Cotton il!S Mill Wort- Horse Powers, ami Agricultural Machinery. , 7 - - va tinu He also keen workmen tor RI.Afk'SWITUtVi: I1. bing work. Wagon v.ork. and HORSE SHOEING OUR TERMS ARE CASH. "a EsS" Shops on College Street, adjacent to Jonas Radhull'i Steam Plauing MUL June L'l', 18j8. y NOTICE. .rriHE FIRM of FULLIN'CS k 0. was dissolved by i- mutual consent on the 1st day of January List. In retiring from the Firm, allow ine to return ray ginccre thanks to the citizens of North and .South Carolina for the- libei m1 pntronaare bestowed upon us, and to request n continuance of the same for Messrs. SPRINGS k HEATH, who have associated themselves- with E. Fallings under the Finn of f TLLIXCS, .SPRINGS CO., who will conduct the Clothing business on the same tenia and wiih the same advantages as heretofore. The Note? and Aeeounts of Fulling & 06! will tic found in the hands of W. A. Owens, for collection. JOHN TOWNLEV. o mii 13 NEW FLKM of 1TLLINCS. SPHIMJS & CO. j JL i bey; leave to present themselves to the citizens oi North nnd South Carolina: and in io doing, vvoidd earn- ; estly solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage he- ftovcd on the w ell known firm ofFullmgs k Co. We would say w ith much us?Hranec that we have the j LitrjfeW, X'otcst araf Cheapest Stock of Gents' At Boys' Clothing 'fir nffcrrd in thin State! It ra a bold assertion hut nevertheless true: because wc buy the materials ami manufacture our own woods, thereby savin" the manufacturer's profit, whieh is at least i: per cent. Moreover, every article of Clothing passe under theP.pcrvisiou of one of the firm, and i. not well-made it is not received. We can, therefore, warrant the making o ail goods that go from our house. FCL1.IN;S. Sl'RINtJS fe CO. If Mav -1. 1S5R. At any price bat n.-vcrthe! you may l-.-s true. want. -.Anotucr DO d assertion, Coihin'g like beins connected with a manufacturing house. Fl'LLINCS. Mav 4th. If SPRINGS S CO. Whi'e Linin, Whit. Fancy Marseilles, lower than the same kind can be maufactured in the I'niteil States, at FI LLINGS. SPRING t CO. May -4th. tf Boys' Clothing. 1 o parents we at our Clothin: i well made. Mav 4th. would say. you can ana an sssoruneni where w e keel) all kinds, whicli Store Fl'LLJNGS. SI'IHNGS & CO. TRlfKS I TRUIlKfS good assortment of Ladles' and Gents Yalliees. Carpet Bags. ete.. at low prices. Mav 4th Fl'LLINGS, Sl'RINtLS Trunks. & CO. Haglaus e are receiving materials imaginable. by every steamer all kinds of Fullings, Springs S Co. Mav 4t!i tf JOIIA A. BlIRITftKK, Commission Merchant For tlir sale tif r'our, drain, nnd all km "J can nt r if j rod nee, HS East Bay, Ca-h advances mr.d.e on Produce in store. Mr C. A. Xenffer will pe'rsoualtV attend to all sales of Produce. June 2?, 1S.".S 3m-pd HE undersigned as'Agent will receive applications for INSl'RANCL in the NORTH CAROLINA MU- T CAR LIFE IXSCRANCE COMPANY. This Company is the oldest in the State, and hts been iu successful operation for several years. Its rates are moderate, and all losses promptly adjusted. Persons vvfshing to insure their own lives or the lives of their Slaves, in this Company, w ill call at the Office ofthe Agent, at the Bank ofthe Stale. f-Y SLAVES Insured for TWO-THIRDS of their VALL E. THOS. W, DEWEY, Agent. January 12. 1858. lv.pd TIN-WAR K & STOVE DEPOT. i, a. w fiYioa Tcl LD respectfully announce to the public that he continues to carrv -n business at the store on the corner formerly occupied by flugglhs & Ilarty. w here he keeps constantly on hand the largest ns.-"''-'. menl of .TTTrTn exerotlered in North Carolina j among whhfh will he found the celebrated Jioa Witn-h Ct-ohiiifj Stove, which has gained such a famous reputation in the Southern country for the last eighteen months. This Stove he warrants superior to any Cooking Stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a gircii thus than any other Stove in use. He will put one beside any other Stove ofthe same size in the United States, and if i! does not do more v or! ;,i any given time, he will for feit the price ofthe stove, and quit selling and go for the better one. He has all kinds of Parlor and Bo. Stoves: ami keeps constan'lv an extensive and varied Stock of Tin, Sheet-Iron, ,aj an, and Britannin Ware, Brass Ktttlcs, Cast Iron Bedsteads, Hat Rack, Cradle, !., all of which w ill be sold. Wholesale and Retail, cheap er than has ever been before offered in this vicinity. He would return his thanks to his friends and cus tomers tor the very liberal patronage they have bestow ed upon him, and they may rest assured that he will endeavor, by close attention to business, together with a determination to please, try to merit a continuance ofthe same. His motto is. - ch ick Kales and small i'kofits."' Ladies and dentjeuicu are particularly invited to cail am! examine his Stock. f.-jV All kno'.s of JOB WORK attended to with dispatch.- ami all ORDERS will be faithfully and promptly attended to. "35il Charlotte. June 1(!, 185 tf Clove Anodyne Toothache Drops. Those who have felt the painful throbbing and excru- i i-ialing pangs of a raging toothache ghopting through j their j iws and head wiih the most tormenting perse verance, and as is often the case, have received but 1 little sympathy from friends, will no doubt be much j pleased to i now of a remedy that will never fail to ouiet j the unmerciful oliender. and leave the teeth, where they should rem. iin. in the head. The. numerous cures it has accomplished are well at- ! tested, and it hit's only to become generally known to be as highly appreciated by the public as it has long been bv Dentists. Prepared and sold by A. R. & I). SANDS, Wholesale Druggists, No. loo Fultou-st, corner ot William. N V. Roman Eye Balsam, for Inflamed Eye-Lids. The delicate structure of the eyelid renders it pecu- j I:arly liabjcvto dUea.-e. When, from any cause, it be- ! copies affected, the inner membrane rapidly inflames. ! and the eyelid evinces the strongest predisposition to attract to itself humors from all parts ofthe body. I Hundreds of persons of scrofulous habit are disfigured by rawness or redne.-s ofthe eyelids, commonly called sore eyes, anil tortured with apprehension of impaired i vision, who. bv uing this BALSAM, mav obtain almost 1 immediate relief. In all cases, the earlier this remedv is ajipiieii tue better. READ THE POLLOWINO EVIDENCE: New Vork. July l.". l5u. Messrs SANDS tleatlemen I have been troubled for years p ith an iffection of the eyelids, aud have ti ted a number of remedies without experiencing anv deci ded benefit. A few weeks since I obtained some of your Roman Kye-Ralsam. and applied it according to the directions. I had not used it a week before mv eyeiids were entirely free from inflaniation. which had not been the case before for many eiw. o ur ic. G. B. WILLIAMS. Broadway. Price cents ixi- .nr. Prepared nnd sold by A. B. & D. SANDS, Wholesale Druggists. 100 Fult n-street, corner of WiRiaui. N. V. For sale in Charlotte by F. SCB$ & CO. Rheumatism Can certainly be cured by a Prepara tion made in Charlotte, N. C. Ilfi subscriber makes a preparation that will cure the worse case ot Rheumatism know n. Having bees afflicted with the disease for a long time liimselt, and having been cured by this medicine. n4 can snfely ! nnnnn.wTii la tlip oublic. Miiov citizens of Char lotte, ami of Mecklenburg county, can testify to the cthcacy of the preparation; and all he asks of auy ouo is to give it a trial. BPiticK, SI 50 per bottle. pplv to me. or address me at Charlotte, X. C. More Testimony As to tlie value of Quinn's Kheuuiatie Remedy: Cuaulotte, X. C, Aug 10, 1S53. I .Mr W. W. Q'. i.nn, Dear Sir : It is well kuoyn to the i citizens of Charlotte and Mecklenburg county generally, that fof 8 years past I have been afflicted with Kheunia j tism in its wdrst form so badly off that frequently for I months in succession I was unable to move either hand ! or foot. I tried all the remedies 1 could hear of, both North and South; none of them effected anything like a j permanent cure, and many failed to give even teuiporary relief. Hearing of your Rheumatic Atiuihilator, as a last resort I procured' two or three bottles, used it ac cording To direction?, and I am happy to certify that in a remarkably short time it has entirely cured me. efl'ect- ing snch a thorough cure too, that 1 believe there is not j a vcslige of the disease now" left in my system. 1 have , no hesitation in stating that your Rheumatic AnnihlTa : tor is the only sure cure for Rheumatism that ha ever come within iy knowledge, and I believe the only re : liable one ever offered to the public. I'crsons afilicicd ! with the painful disorder ow e a heavy debt of gratitude for your n? c this invatua is you p lde discovery. You are at liberty to ease'. ' EDW'D TERRAS, Assist. Assaver C S. Branch Mint. II. it PKITCIIARI), M, I). i mm mm -t ;gist & Chemist, (iuwin's roHNF.lt,) CIFARLOTTE, X. V., eeps eoiist;uuiy on uanq a lie large stock and retail. March .'!. of Drugs, 'hemic. tor wJ 1858. VERS CIIhiLUV PECTORAL, sam, and Lo.enees, Rojer'p WISTARS BAL Sy rup Tar, Hive and all hinds of 1 Syrup, SVrnh SquHls, Svriip Ipecac I'cctoral and Curigfi medicines. For sale bv 11. M. FBITCilARD, j Aj t il 1 L win's Corner i CUE FRENCH HltANH j Holland Gin, "Whiskey, indoa Ale and Porter, for H. M. PRITCIIARD. Sheriv and Port VI ines, L medical use. Sold by Nov. 17. 30,000 j SEGARS just received nd for sale SI 2o per hundred, by 11. M. PRITCIIARD, Irw in's Corner. Nov. 1' QTARCII. Bktck Pepper. Ginger, Baking and Wash- inc Soda. Cream Tartar, Nutmeus. Mace. Cinnamon. Cloves, and Flavoring Extracts of all kinds. For sale at Wholesale and Retail, by it. M. PRITCIIARD. Nov. 17. Irwin's Corner. URLS. IT RE RCRNING FI.CID. NOW PRITCIIARDS, Irwin's Corner IN tore at Apri I. r Hi 1 1 1-I subscribers inform the citizens of Charlotte JH and icinity that they have established a -Lf?M-Bit YAKD iu town, where they Intend keeping a supply of all kinds of Lumber for buihiin and other purposes. Mr .Jonas Rudisill is their agent in town application mav lie matte to htm or to eiilier ot liie undersigned. Oct ;, Ks:.7. MILLER & PORTER. C. KElLEY & J. L. GARDNER 1 Commission Merchants, ! And Dealers in Dry Goods, (J roc-cries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc., iVcahcs'si, 1T. C $55 Prompt and personal attention given to the sale I of all kinds of Ooi ntiiv PnootfcE. "j3 April 20, 1858. ly-pd sale THE AT T II 10 Anieriean Sportsman, containing hints to Sportsmen, notes on shooting, and the habits of I the Came Rirds and Wild Fow l of America, by Lewis. I Tne Oolden Legacy; a Store of Life's Phases. Rills from the Fountain of Life, or Sermons to Chil dren, by Rev. R. New toti. I). I). The Daisy Chain, or Aspirations: a Family Chronicle. Shoepac Recollections: aWay-SideGliinp.se of Amer ican Life, by Waltab Mahch. Kathie Brando; a Fireside History of a Quiet Life, bv Holme Lee Household Mysteries, bv Lizzie Pitt. El Gringo, or New .Mexico and her People. Paul Fane, by X. P. Willis. Yeva, or the War of the Peasants and the Conscrint: 1 j two interesting Romances bound in one Volume. I 'i he Napoleon Dynasty, or ilie. History of the Buna i parte Family: an entirely new work, by the Berkley i .Men. with twentv-two authentic Portraits. P. J. LOWRIE. March 31. 1857. :;0-tf RAILROAD NO TICE TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. XMW, CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE FOR FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NORTH CAROLINA. Merchants ami others about purebash their Fall and Winter supplies, are requested to uotici that by the completion of the North-Eastern Railroad from Char leston, S. C.j to Cheraw. the advantages of a cheap and expeditious route from the scabbard has been opened to them. All Frei-ht consigned to Ike Agent of ti e North-Kasteni Railroad will be forwarded free of coin- mission. No charge will be made raw: all Goods will be taken care Warehouse until sent for. for storage at Che of in the Comoanv's A schedule Office. of charges will be found at the Post S. S. SOLOMONS. Eng. and Supt. Aujfj 10. 1838. tf W. V. WS3ITFORi, General Comniission Merchant, Kast Friixt Strkht, NEWBERN-, N. C. .Ifiif t Mav th's Line of X. ir York Puh n. received and forwarded. S ( rOodd 1H, 1608. tilll or. j. n. ii.ppor,iT, of Salisbury, nr. C, "VFFERS hi professional services in the different b;arichs of his Profes ion. not to the citizens of ciaUaOurr and the contiguous country only, but would respectfully notify the citizens of Mecklenburg and Ca- harms counties, and more e-peciully those in whose ! families he had practiced for nearly twenty years whilst I a resident of Mecklenburg county and the town of! Charlotte, and with many of them, maintained for years the endearing relation of Family Physician, that his j services can be ns easily obta ined ' by the facilities of ! Railroad travel) now. and in many instances mote so i than when he lived among them. Applications made by mail, or at the Veranda House," Sali-jury. X, C, will meet with promt,: alien- : tion. SaHsLun- "c. !5. If 57. if j Spring and Slimmer Goods, axre7- stocis.. OWING to the late financial pressure in New York, Goods have been sold cheap in order to realize the Cash, and KOOP.TIAUfxlf & PHELPS have taken advantage of this state of things, and pur chased their Coo,!, -it IAw ; for HocTh All in v. .-nit of good ns well tfg cheap Goods will find their Stock, not oidy the cheapest, luit as food as any in this coiui try. 1 heir stock consists of the following: Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Lames' Dress Goods. Bonnets. Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery. Roots nnd Shoos, Hats and Caps of every description. Ready-made Cfothing, Hardware) GROCERIES, 6cc. All of whieh will be sold cheaper for Cash than they can be obtained at any other Store in the country. The highest market price paid for all kinds of coun try Prodnce. Call one nnd all and examine our ptock before purchasing elsewhere. KOOPM ANN & P1IELTS. March, IS." is. igj COLLEGE o AV1NG located permanently, tenders his profes sional services to the citizens of Charlotte, N. C, and vicinity. DR. WAYT prepares anil inserts artificial Pal ates and Obturators, and attends to the correction of congenital and accidental deformities ofthe Teeth and Jaws. He is also prepared to insert Artificial Teeth after the most approved methods. Jgg"- Ladies waited on at their residences if required. Office on Tryon uj) stairs. March 30, 185S. Street, iu Carson's new building. BY jr. If. KEKlt, Proprietor. VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the patrons ofthe Charlotte Hotel. At this Hotel is kept the line of Tri-weeklv Siages from Charlotte via Monroe, N. C, and Lancaster S. C. to Camden. S. C. Patrons of the Charlotte Hotel conveyed to and from the Depots free of charge. Oct. f. 1807. J. B. KERR. S. M. HOWELL, Saddle and Harness CHARLOTTE, N. C, THREF DOORS SOFTH of the MANSION" HOCSE. Eu. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Jan. 1, 1858. y A!; arge Stock of Fancy and Staiile Dry Goods. llounetts and Ribbons. Clothin-. Rtiots ntid Sh'n Ladies' Shoes, a large Stock of Groceries, a Full Supply of Hardware, Fancy Goods: Watches and Jewelry, and lo.ouO other articles not mentioned. Jfcsr Please call at Springs' Corner before buving and be satisfied that it is after all the best nlacc to bnv Goods low. llh.NRFRSO.N a; A1JUEXS. i - N. R. We have also a full Stock of the above Goods at our Store at MORROWS' TURN OUT. To which we would invite the attention ofthe public in that neighborhood. 11 FN DERSuN A AHRFNS. April it, 1858. ;;-tf. A. SYDNEY SJIITBI, Successor to P. T. Villepiirtie, Factor General Commission and For warding Merchant, CHARLESTON, S. C. Particular attention given to measuring Steamers' goods forwarded to my care. Rkfkrs to S. S. Farrar k Pros., .md C. D. Carr. Char leston. S. C; and to J. J. Rlaekwood. Hsip, Fisher k Fur loughs. Rrown. Stitt & Co., Charlott ?. N. C. July 13, 18."8. Hm-pd AKCIIITKCTURIS 1 lie snoscriocr, a practical Architect and Civil En- t gincer, has taken Room No. r. Davidson's building, where he may be found prepared to Draft Ploti- aiTd i make Estimate in all departinents of his profession. ! Particular attention will be paid to Surveying of planta- j ti'.ms nnd Farms for the making of MARS or Ci.'AR'l S of the same, with a drawing of the plantation mansion 1 and its requisites. Every Planter should be possessed ! of one or more of his domain. They can be got up in ' any style, and when framed make a beautiful ornament ! for any Parlor. Plotting and laying out of Crouuds and Lawns for ! Horticultural and Ornamental purposes will be attended to if solicited. fgt Voting men wishing to become acquainted with an.v or all ofthe above branches, will be taught iu the most thorOnprt manner uid on the most liberal terms P. SAURS. rj-tf Charlotte, June 8, 1838. - W. RAEBBil, Architect and Civil Engineer, SALISBURY, X. C, 5JA. fumlsh Designs, Specification."." and Super- v V intemlaiice for Town Houses, Cottages, Villas Stores, and Public Buildings; also, for constructions' belonging to Railroads, such as Bridges of Stone, Wood or Iron, and all Buildings required at Stations. Plans and estimates given for the improvement of Water Powers, and mechanical constructions in general Rkkei!::.ci:s: Hon. J. YV. Ellis; Chas. F. Fisher. Pres N. C. Railroad: Jas. C. Turner. Ch'f. Eng'r West n N C Railroad. Salisbury ; C. P. Mendenhali, Treas.rNic Railroad Co., Greensboro'; K. F. Simonton. Treas'r Wst n N. C. Railroad, Statesville, X. C. Salisbuiy. N. C, June 14, 1858. Cm rmMif suoscriOt-rs would respectfullv inform the public that thev are now dressing Lumber and Frames rYWr l mannfact tiring Sashes- Blinds, V !...: :; ... ' : kqnwc, mt wsn mmm on itcsi 11 111. ,alisburv. N I ,, ;, oiiiirimirr. i. '. es and IRiuds, made of heart-pine and pi.p surpassed by any in the State. 1 neir oasues lar. are not I'ainnLfs. r.aiusters. Brackets, and all kind of or inl menial huiiu woik nnisiieil in the best -tvle : i..i .. ,.1 . . ... ': and furn- bitcii ni buuti uoiice. Mr .il Work Mills is warranted to give satisfaction, distance punctual!- al tended to.Wa done at their Orders from a They are also prepared to take contractu in any part 01 tne atatc, for erecting nnd fitti t -1 i- , , " - '1 4,11 villus 01 Ituildiiiors. for wlio-li t. ....;, .. :u r .'... ing up all kinds of Terms reasonable ""uisneu it desired, MURDOCH, Salisbury, June 14. 1858. DARBV k CO. Cm TAXES. 1 lie I ax Lists for 1857 for inspection. arc now 1:1 my hands ready Those owing Taxes for quested to maJ.e payment. pan year are eamttlly re- 1 a Graduate of the Baltimore v. t COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY. $ 3 9 & ; jjjj a K 0. -April 20. 1858. tf OKIER, Sheriff. (HAJKLOni; THE SC BSrftlBERS having furn)(.,, selves into a company , respectful h er tfleir ticrviec to the people of Charlo'tt the country generally in their line of bathia They ape preparod to furni,l, Hun, (Jkavkstonks, Ma.stkl PiacEB, Fl i x ' Mahrlk, Taiilk Si.Ar.s, Mauhi.e Stkp 1,1 pattern, cut accorUiug to tlie most approve tllsl '; offered in the Southern country. They w ill bL Ul ' stantly on bond the best description of Kgviitiltu i, and American Mai ble. ' ' 'Ull,1a All orders for any article r.ddressed to the ?ubSfri will meet Avith prompt attention, and w iinH, .' '"' and forwarded with the utmost care and digpatoJi' The Yard is situated on tlie north-west corner nt Railroad Depot Yard. 01 ,h AVI Til 11 IV t. Jannary, 1838. j v Good Family Flour. I WILL keep a Supply of mv best Flour at thi ai of H. B. WILLIAMS & CO., wi;m. JJT desirous can obtain it :it any time, l'Oil CASH, Charlotte, June I', 1?. 200 Dozen for sale, On hand lit the Broom Manutactoi v of tlio N . o , rolina Instituttou for the Deaf and Dumb ami tlicj) 200 dozen Brooms, which will be sold at , ,, ' "' CIS. d'S. Spc.imetis ofthe Broom-- mav be seen tilth .. II. Vouug. lisi. Address at KaJehtJi, W. I). COOk'R Jtfn 193 9rt fr, H. B. WILLIAMS & CO. M:.I.!'I!S 1 J Wliolcs.'ilc and Kelnil, A! RE now receiving a lan Stock, and wilt i... weeklv additions as their sales tune remiirr Ti w ill sell to the Wholesale Srnde at a small ceatfcu , TERMS : CASH or Countrv Pro,!,,,, 1 -" "We occupy the well known stand recentlv ucciipif.i by T. M. Farrow, 3 doors from the western Trade street. I'ciruc:, J6fej)-ALL orders will hnve prompt attention i . .... i . . ... . . , i , ... and goous pui as low a;- 11 iuu ju i cua.sci were pre etit ft. R. WILLIAMS I in Charlotte. Jan. 2G, 1858 ;:-( TO THE PUBLIC, J lie snbscriber would respectfully call the Bttention ofthecitizens of Charlotte, and the travelling conimntiitv at large, that he is fully prepared to accommodate hr. sons with conveyances to any part of the inrrouudion country or Western North Carolina. Re ,M stock, good sulivtantial vehicles, and careful ihivtr.- Persons vixiting (liarlotte r-aii be coincvid h)te Ihe country at short notice, bv making their wi.-hes kauftn at my LIVERV STALL FS. in the rear of the MmuIou House. J8fcj)rTernis rea.-onnble." WM. ( RAW I'OKI). Mav II. 185S. u, Lincolnton, N. C. TEAM ENGINFS: Gold-mining Machiairv: UU1 Clearing and Hhafting: Mill Syindlcs; Guilmoii.-i k Circular. Sash, and Muley Saw Mills j Bros and liu Castings of every discription; Horse Powers ami Thic.-li-ers; Sugar Mills; Cutting Boxes; Tobacco Screw; I'mM; Hydraulic Rams: Wood-planing Machines; Tua.ii M. chines; Scroll Saws: .Sash, Moulding. M oil i -int.' mi Boring lnaehinei; Machinist.-,' Tools; Fagim- Utiicn; Planers; Gear Cutters: Cpright Drills, Ac: 8pokc, Ihili, and Felloe machines ; Saw (Jumniers ; Saw Arlktnn; Tongue and Grooving machines : Park mills, and ottu Tanning machinery. I'atti rna of any Vital tnatle to ,' r'v.-ii tif" Retiairing of all kimis ixttended to (ironiptlv, nnd all Wouk wauuanted. The stihseriber having bought the above worfa S. W. Sftibbn. now-offers his servici s in niAktnfflHj kind of inachinery that may be called for: ami wiltalMi Attend to putting in oj.eration. Stetuii BugUies, Si ft Saw mills, Mining machinery! Jtfc. Address E. W. HTPBnS, fim Lincolnton. N. C. March 30, 1858. Tailoring BNtaIliNln:i n j. R. UFA respectfully inibrfa the public (bat he is now nro- )nred to cxei-ufe substantinlly nial irltli neatHcss. any work in his line with h b he may be favored. He is in possession of the LATEST FASHIONS, nnd ftfh confident that it only reyiircs a trial II convince gentlemen thai he hai the will and abilitv to olease. Olvc him ft cH. 77-lf MILLINERY Ami DreitK f?fnkin?. MRS. WIIEALAN respectfully informs ihe Mfc Charlotte and vicinitv. that she lute returned, ud offers her services to her old customers mid fricial.-. Residence one door above the Post Office. June .'in. 1857, State of Norih Cdroliua, fttawfca counly In Eipiiti; SpriiKj Term, 1858, M. Qi C. Ward, et al. vs. John (torch, et tl Petition to sell Ran. I. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Cbartthut tohn Rurch and Wife are non-resident s ofthia State: K is theretorc ordered that publication for six MieveMH ; weeks be made in the Charlotte Democrat. Dutifriftg ; them to be ami appear nt the next term ofthe COttrtof Equity, to be held for the count v e. Catawba, nt thi i Court House in Newton, cm tlie 2th Monday after the Monday iv. August, then aud there Jo plead, aiisvf ! demur, and defend the same, or judgment will he U3u I proconfesso, and the bill heard exnarte. Witness, J. .M. Voder, Clerk aud Master in Equity" said county, at office, the 7fh Mondav after the 4th ! day in February, JH58. and in the 83d vear of A nn-ri-can Independ nee. ;. M. VODER, C U. fc !1-G Pr's fee ..;. J. A. KSTK. THOMAS DeOMW J. A. ESTKS &, CO., Factors and l;iismis?.ioii Jleichants, For the .sale of Cotton, Grain, Flour, fud all UakJ country Produce. iiyy-ur North Atlantic Wiiarvks. Charleston, C. According to the terms ofthe Co-partner-hip- "e will not spKi-r-f.ATiC directlv or indirectlv, in an pr0" duce shippeil to our house. Rrftreuceti () ilijif, S S Farrar. Bros k Co. I.:ni"' :,u Smith k Whilden. Thos J &C H Moise, Charleatoo, S C.: Colli Anderson, E Hone. Columbia: Thou M'''!'ir"' Sr, Samuel McLilly, X R Eaves, A Q Doiiov.oit. I" 'ol F Sc;afe, I'nion : Dr. Ilappoldt, SalisbufyX. t-i j J L Dixon, Knoxville, Tenn. June L 158 v CASH PAID IOK BIBDK. S3. "rVT TTrXVETj) THIIKK noons SOI TH OP TI1K MAN-ION HOl'fc' thk tf pril (i, I f,8. The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company, ONTINFES to take risks M.rHi.ot loss bv fire, on C nyieca, VJIOOUS. 1 r . ' ' 1 1 Houses. Goods. Produce. Ac. at usual rate Uf- i "ce nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel. President M. B. TAVLOR Vice President C. OVERMAN 8ee'y k Treas'r K. NVE IMTCHWW- B. TAVLOR, C. OVERMAN. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, SCARR. S. T. WRIST0N, A. C. STKELK. M. J. F' Oct. 7 ,nf7 Excettka Committee. Jno L Brow n, S T Wiisto") Steele. April 27, 3 35. tf AC a

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