CL It li e stern flcmocntt. S3 per annum IN ADVANCE.- 3 IF" IF" X O E! ON Til E TjfgST SIDE OF TRADE STREET CHARACTER 13 AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY OF THE ONE IS TnE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER. mmum a. ymes, charlotte, n. c, Tuesday, December 7, 1858. E NT H VOLUMENUMBER 33S. If THE (Published every Tues . ,3) BY VM. J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. EdWIN A. Yates, Associate Editor. zLL...- If Mid in advance lt within B months '1 after tne txpmuuH ui tin- yvmr v., iii-i'-ni :c:i'ii:i:' u- me new iKiiiied hi i he advance eu ascription lpaVj will '. mxtk cop :rl:vtia lor one J v.-;ir. ri!i r Bud other WM may wi-h to an do so by m.iLi, at our risk. send eurj Ilatcs of .Irti'trtishtg: One square of M line-: or less, for 3 months, S I CO oo (UI 00 " 12 " 1' One :-":,n'- or less, first iasertion i; " Ium-b subsequent uucnm, fr,v- Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance . For announcing Candidates for Office, $5 In advance. I- f Advertisements not marked on the manuscript f,.r a Me. die time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. S. 1 SMITH, AlUraiey and Cojsnel!or at Law wh AV ALWAYS BE FOUND AT THE OFFICE JMof Wm. Johnston, Fsu- t-,) Prompt attention p.ivea to Collections, writing of Deeds, Conveyance, &c. Jaauarv t6. Its58. ly W. A. OWENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C TILL practice in the Courts of this and the adjoin ing I mnties. OFFICII xkauly orrosiTi: tbk PWt Wrttt January 19, 1858. II. La F. A LEX AS I) E It, Attorney at Law, Charlotte, A". C. Oifice over China Hall. Augu-t 1 1, ls.'iH. y P. SAUKS, Areasteet a:al Builder, Will furni-h fesn, Finns and Irwlug9 for Public Building, Private Residencea and Villas. Particular attenti.m will be paid to building Flouring Mills. Corn Mills, Ac. Orrree in 3d storv of Alexander's Building, front room, over I 'hina Hall. Charlotte. Oct. IsT-S. 25. FOX & WHITE, Medicine and Sargerv. tlFKICE 1 1 1 ."" C. J. FOX, M. D. April !, 1858. a in hprings Building. W. K. 3-tf WHITE. M. P. NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the subscriber will make im mediate settlement, or their Notes ami Accounts will be placed in other hands ft-r collection. C. J. FOX. April :i, W58. 3-tf Good Family Flour. fW'ILL keep a supplv of m t.e-t Flour at the Store of H. B. WILLIAMS & CO., where those desirous can obtain it at any time. FOR CASII. J. i;. STEWART. Charlotte, June 15, 1S58. ti S XI O 33 1ST 23 B 52 00 2 So 'J oo subscribers. 1 R 0 G A N S THE BEST, T Ii C II E JP E S T . AT BOONE'S, OPPOSITK THB BANK OF CI1ARI.OTTK 0,Uib,r r.. Hr.rt. II' Belts! Belts!! Belts!!! KOM the hpst Ficltin Corrrpany, at Manufacturer' e prices: C Atoll rKMJttO: 2 inch.... 121 Cts. per foot. ...i: ...r 4 5 C T 10 12 12 .22 .27 .U2 .:;8 .CO 4 ply 02 " " fic. Seamless Belts manufactured to order at short notice. Coiid"ctirfT Hose of nil sizes, for water or steam' ordered direct from the Manufacturers. ALSO, Packing of AH de.-criptiou. at o' Cent per pound. J. B. F. BOONS. June 1. 1858. tf Dissolution. Th Firm of YOUNG & WILLIAMS is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The accounts of the Firm will be seuled by II. I. WiUiaia;. W. A. YOUNG, II. B. WILLIAMS. Charlotte. Aug. IS. 1858. 23-tf MANSION HOUSE, UNDER NEW AUSPICES This commodious and magnificent establishment has recently COSM under the personal supervision of the subscriber, who respectfully announces to his friends and the traveling public especially, that every effort will be made ou hi part lo please in every particular appertaining to the duties of "mine host." W. W. ELMS. Charlotte, August 24. 185. FURNITURE ESflB i 3 xyrtmixm J. M. SANDERS, CABINET MAKER, CHARLOTTE. N. C, Keep-, constantly on hand a tfrge aasnrtmeal of Furni ture of his own and northern manufacture. Also, FISK'S METALLIC BURIAL CASES. Dec 20. lsr.T y aluable Town Property 'Cif SALE. The subscriber offers for ?;-ie his Dwelling House known as the "Crystal Palace.". The House is plea s iictlv situated on the corner ofCbnrch and Eighth streets opposite the residence of MrGeorg ol Mr ueorge eio?s. uu iu i i r arc the neecssarv rut mi t Id a:!: . i , i : -j .....-. .,. in cij nrr t i - n. c o-snrv ' lit oulIUiUITS laruoureimii. For further Information nddress tin undersigned !ineville or annlr t j J. P. Smith at Charlotl Terms moderate. October 12. 1S5S If JOHN R. DANIEL. PETER KALLETT I. C OLDEN MURRAY, (funeral Commission ilirrcbant, il SjHth street, NEYrYOEK. June ITro y CAROLINA CITY", N. C. The Atlantic raid Jforlh Carolina Railroad being now completed to Bcant'uri Qarbor, I have determined to ocate at ( tlina City the purpose ofdoinj Forvardins: & General Commission Busine and hope bv promptbes and trict attention the Ajrcnt of m incra nntrnnaire a. l sunnon. immii MUBRArS LINE OF FIRST CLASS PACKETS to this and Morchcad city, every effort will be made to make this the cheapest and most expeditions route to v, a- t ink. essela wa! I! be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoinin ig the Railroad W Uar:,i anu inereDj save r art arc and li':liter Particular attention will be eiven to all orders, and to the saV- and shipment ot Pr&nce. WM. B. GRANT. 11 iii;.mr-rts of Produce to D. Coldeu Murray, New York, will he forwarded free of cosnmission. June , 1850 7 , LWIUOSLiTOR! W FRKPAKEn KS I'll SARFORP, 5 fompouadid cmtirclj from GIMIS, IS or OF Till' IIKST FiaOATIVK AND I.IVKR ME I Dil i's"'- now hcibre lh pWMf, tlwt win h firtknriir, SI -.ior ntMer m I rr iT-cuml -I.h.i w "U'er nn-.lit-iVe knuw... U . u. o . Iv -:i,:r. but a UrrT .e...d. co.. S , . , , ! mnrblH mtr, 'lie., m. Ika nnnarS aad l... c,i b. ,,,rr,v orfilwt m. er. tU inllWlHiWI ' ,.i v vilhonl tnvof ihe naiuful Creli' g rxurwi,.l '" ! r.t ;v ,:,;"f ,. c;.,i,..,ir. n n-ga-w g-- 3 imv umi ii : e- - ----- - . .;it rfMMlum an. 1 boHd ll till WHO tltlUM .u .. it ,. vv 1 1 11 ) cO rii 'H i" mMrala utseK, lapni'ty. iinci..l regni ilnis of rht Mvtptaaa U li:c:ions well, l'.;! devvltMU. ' !:e ,.,. i' A 01 ilie benl. !iy .-;ii.n of Oie nDiei'l lis :t.nci 101 . u tie''t!-e m.c at fault, and ihe a ludc ot one oijran the l.lvtri" Kor aba iiae ot thai or lias made it ii!s stialv. in n veals, lo lind MHM lemti'.v mmmy deian Yemenis tu hich at tea. fn'ind.avy perfontron ).;:!llf. i' i f,!3a, loiivii'iion isceilain. tnovhid or btMl maiter f-om l:Hce a healthy rVw of bile, caa-ii'ir liioi! to ii ret well. pi Ina lot e and heal.h ui the the cau of the disease The Lalvrr is on XAC kiuwii D . ty; wad when H M . ttrenia :ci;: m-. ffi U kImmi rtitirt iv le t l., i- tor UK tro,.ei i e. :nin MnRrA tui iH.iif ,iln-1-' N fc -ii'lll Mlfcf. ill MMVMMV bTij i wn? I i" !' I.. Aittjr. pin. mm of Uif MPUMetom pmciii-e of , ll""' !'!"?' , irtravewi.1. u tMNM Uw it ta HaUa I Toiiui c ihm ihUi tmf ' ' lih Llnr t nii- ! I"il o lr lKMe. to 11. r , www, mjipl. i !-. . i . i i . Hi? maiirj. ptmriryi:S the Blood, wli-'lf Mil Vm IT. ienioinp fcinia 14 '"lll, cue. inikMH nllacUs ie Ii- t ii i . -cvci.trI. I'.v Liver luvlijoralor. I lic J'-Sf aflt-i rail: : i 9m umi the r,od from ' Only mie Jom: tnktii beloie mn.-e. only one dofe taken t gci.ily, mid cures Co OM iine taken afte; cieh jinitf lio of two tea Slik Ilt-aclarhe. Onf bottle lake 1 for le CMM ol' the i!ieae. anil Only one ,l'ie iinn.e,liaiel Oiie ilone oaen re,'aleil i Morbus, and a revili a" On'y rue la. 'le griein ll e" rfer't. of nieli boitle tafcM loi lo'.vness or npraluiai O'-'or One AoM take:i a lirit grr 10 Ihe aipe'i:e. and make One d,-e often fcpctMed rhirn in H worst hwina. Uovcl complaints yield line or twodoi cures at Childien: the e ifc no wur, the wolld, as it i,rrr Jul. a A few bullies cures aiisot hent. We lake leasnre in recom preventive for FrVfrnml mm all hVvFlM ol a Bll- 9i cnre.l. nml, wild In 3 the ccR!i'i l UK kI t'' - ficnt tt relieve !tie stoir.ach riii jr ni'tl wu.ii:p. ieii;i:.g. prexauu Klglit- PH p:'iT, lceTi8 I tie lowels r-i ,tiv. i-nt-si-. . n mm j . ,1 wiUnrreDySprMM 22 k i)iu,hul. will h1v.h relieve L mule o'i!r..-1inn removes Ihe CO ie',ic.i t'liolle. while j ; a sure cure lr ( Kolrra ol I lillll i n. m (V llCt-'U'U IO lllll'W cii e rter mm i.-kiie. .latutdlre removes ll sal- r- 1 . 1 Jit tht- NW time I i'ore entinp; gi vl- c zr 9J zr. CO zr. lo-l Jij.-l we.l. liro.ilc lla .vliile Summer nJ l.ial 10 ihe liit dose. tH.-ks i-.iiiMr,l hvWorm. 'I snier. or speedier remedy rt Urop', the iuedlnc thl medirioe as -3 Vriir. CMO Fevrr. 3 Ions T1-. Ii 3 wil'.-ig lo testily ui a w'lh certainty, ani thousam t-T Ml who ne It are sfvln,; tl. Ir mianlmous - as-Mix Witter In tlic motith with tlc Invl 2 Mcmtar, ami swallow 1mi H tojtJirr. C THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR Jt . . C1KKTII.IO UR1HOAI. IHSfOVKKV. "i I? w . ... ... i,. I, , .mesas 11 nv orkintr cure ulni.wt ton 'o 5 .1, ,". ""VJZITZ i,- h-t kind of Wver tVn., . n . ,1, a.rii-i '-f.r.i. nil ' all of which Hrc .he o' m lJi-srncvl Mur. TKICI am D.M.L..B B.-TTI.r. SAXFOR1) & I'.i.. rrcrrieiori. Mi ndway, New ot. WHaleaale Agrents: o . V.,rk : T V. Dvctt So.tS. Th .i".et aKBI". Vl". u H.-r.l'n Hotlrane m "SI : VI llr-i.-,. A- n I.OSTOI1 . ii- Oarloaa kHMMM Cleveland- Johs D. PiKt. t'iiic'nnK'i : K.hst,ck Iv.rhso; o J. a. --- , U L T. v. u Hl1IS'l!K-. AlAX)AJLX Tf? ooHfiofSMsair stosi J. D. PALMER, One Door nhoce the Jinitk of Charlotte, 1 J i i , i . : 'ii 1 1 v I iit'iirm s tlif lillll lie that he has 8t received 9 pfS, a splendid assortment of Cod- a -.""t", .' t feetieneries. West India Fruits, I SEGAES of various hnuails, cbewinjr & .tv siiiokiii"' looacco. m:i.ii. IV. lr- ALSO, KJ'Z:r a variety of MasicaJ Instru- ments, Yankee Notions, &c. A FINS LOT Or WILLOW WARE. He i- constantly receiving fresh supplies of the above Goods and aiaDT othci articles not enumerated. CANDY MANUFACTORY. Springfield ye Nov. 2:;. is.-.r. old for sale cheap. J. L. MOULI! LAD. SCARE & CO., Druggists fc c:heinit, No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, INVITE the attention ot I'hysicinns, Planters, Merchants, &c, to their NEW ind complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMI CALS, kc. The extensive patronage tncy have received from the Physicians of Char lotte and its vicinity is the Lest guarantee of the PURITY. OF THr. Lint US sold oy them. October 12, 1853. For the Toilet. New and elegant stock, consisting of English, French and American 11 AIR BttUSIIES, Toolh Brushes in great variety ; Tuck, Puff and side Combs in Tortoise shell, Buffalo horn and India Rubber. FU EN l H and EKQL1SH SOAPS. Vinerican. French and English Pomades, Rennine Lubiu s EXTRACTS, 23 varieties. lo colomc, verbena, geranium and other Perfumeries jst r..( -iv,d at SCAUR & CO'S 12, 1858 Img Store. Choice Family Teas. Silver Lea FIvson. Ooolorip. Breakfast, N Plos Cltra. Imperial, Gunpowder and other varieties at October. IS.'kS SCARR A CO'S Dni'' Store Preston &. Merrill's YEAST POWDERS, The onlv reliable Yeast Powder sold. ' SCARB S: CO S Dbug Stork October. 18."8 ! Also, 1 Superior Vinegar. A vow snerior article ol ranuiy ineti.n Nutmeg! A fresh letob cloves, mace, ginger, cinnamon, auspice, vc . . S supply at s, 1858 SSUAKK fc UU S nr,!fr stro Tol)AOOO. BOXES of J. (. King's TOBACCO just received and for Sale by M. W. ROBISOX k CO. 1858. 1 l-tf 3 Julv All Right Again! I have commenced Butchering Beef again, and am ready and wish to buy Beeves, .Mutton and Fork, on the hoof. I solicit, and hope to merit, the patronage of the town. W. A. COOK, i ir.-,s. 2.1-tf luttai uutcner. - time. Those who di.repned this notice eaun4 )uy com nlain after twelve months indulgence. It is important that the bu liness mid be settled. A. C. STEELE. October 18.r)8. zia HENDKHSON & AHRENS ami have now in store a full fcssortriient Are receiving -ma le CLOTHINGr, BOOTS & SHOES. r. AT J READY Hats, Caps, llai ilwaro eroekerv. Clears, lancv uikmis v 'Offered for 'ash at unusual low prices. Which wil Ah exan tion of o ir stock is respcctlully -olicited. ; SHAWLS, CLOAKS A-D N.ANTILLAS. Black and colored cloth, silk and cashmere Cloaks and Mantillas i'roni 1 ."u to $12 50. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Moroeco Boots, first rate article, at 99 cents : ilf kin and Other kinds ol Miocs: conjrres ... . rr CM rii I tc Also, a good stock ot nrogana at iw ro c t lot hiii?, Socks. Drawer Slilrls, CravalK, toiiais, I'ndcrshirts, a ffood assortment. Ten dozen Gentlemen bordered cambric llanaarrcnicis ai d silk Handkerchiefs, a larg 10 cents. Ah linen an ! CeBts1 Sbawls, Rag.iins, f cniforls. &c. Fine Watches and Jewelry, Pocket Knives. Perfeme- rics and Fancy Articlt s. Eiubroiiierie & While Goods. Jackoaet and Swiss Kdgig and InsertiiifiS, collars, ! sleeves, La. cs. Flouncing, Marseilles, corded aud a va ' rictj of Hoop Skirts from 7." cts to $5 a. I SEGARS. Still on hand the favorite old brand I (LaF.stulta) at $3 per h..x of KMT; also Havana segars I of choice qualities. sjgv-Call at HEXDERSOS AHItBNS at Springs ' comer and satisfy yourself that their prices arc, it not the lowest, among tlie lowest. tf October 12, 183 New Firrar BE4 A. ALEXVDFiR. 1 .a - m rglHE undersign eU Having ionncu E enartnershin lur the purpu SC of carrving on the Tailoring I5u:ucss, at the old stand of D. L. Ilea, give notice to their old friends and the public general lv, that ikey are prepared to put up ork of the iatcst Uj-iiioii, in the most suhstantial niaiiin r and at short notice. Thev hope their w-.ll-kr.owa skill, and to please. will meet v. i fi lavor anu puvromiyi. P. L UFA, (Wi. The cim-rrib' r is now manufaeturinr an excellent from this ritaeo to i eddo. but the countlV is SO ,.,i,.c. dum ki'n fl-io tbon bo-o irrlv at , article of Caud, . b ee from poisonous eolonntr. unlike r d i,t.d the roads so Lad the fust part of the txQ pre ,-roof tho keeper of the fire-proof cheeks s"si:intmi oasis 101 t ne ereun supe.str uctu.o the New York steam refined caudv. (all and sec and . ;.c . ,., t. . ; ,.,, ,i;j,:mr , ulc. U'V 1 , . .... L .. cannot vet . aftord to demolish, why not take a t .,vt Mpi. ui.ii iiici i.ui ociwi v 1 a,Taiiist cacu one tnai which hg iukcs, uh- bjmcjj- . , x. .. , , - ,. try it. J- I. 1 r , , . .i... i ,.e i . , , . .v in the direction ot freedom, ami abolish the v, ...,, f, tf me aisiance. r.very nigm u' mj: icu ui uut v.. , makes bis -sa c, each Bnop DOT returns to tne T . . . . . Novembei .. I8..S tf fw. i ' had been r.renared I i. . i.: 11 i ... of Mt. ! 1 Laws ' U ' t,,c operation ol these ""'t1" ,,... ...... , nni-liruui ins u lit oi ii,ii imuiuB, ,niu n,.,,i . . . . i I, .. m . I, ,rr n.r.T t r , l-.iw, nCtor uu eavlv break- i , . 1 . A i-x.v: i, ! nical regulations, lcit us as a legacy from the lJjVil UULb r vi , '-'i' y" r"" y. me saiennan arouunm w ub coimujci iUC u- , - which render so maiiv other leffUb i . . C.,.f ,..,,l v,),l I von nmnno' at r . m. .:.i.. .: I. :.. UtroUs ages, Wllicn rtuutr SO in.iiiy oinn i isio Ml I IT? mm To all whom it may concern. !p"ptj' n,fe,!? a ww it i ii i . iiri dTKWITc to perforin before him ami help him pass it, One All rrrson Indebted to BRfcM & TEELE, PV Atldersov of J:lpan-his feats KSS?J.aWia m:;:".?. . . i T . .1 i ... tk insurance Ollice until that , them. 1 wish lt distinctly understood therefore 1 .11 o'uiiii - 3 eft'orls f Tc MS, THE AMERICAN CONSUL AT YEDBO. The jwmkrt of Jopan. ; T. TT1 , JJ f t. ,T 77. i v Lieut. Haborshavv, of the T inted Mates ;Vu , i.- niiLiu-a suutj ui iuu.i..-unp .n!.. v.. . delphia Ledger from Japan. In his last he gives an interesting account of the hist interview or .Mr Harris, United States Consul at Simoda, with the Emperor of Japan at Yeddo, the imperial eapitol. He snvs ! The manner in which Mr IT. and his secretary ' went to Yeddo is interesting. The Emperor sent hi in :i hodv duara of 120 men. raid hau eomioi table ,.,! houses nut alonir the road for him to pass the nights in. He also sent him a large sedan chair, reified by 12 bearers, and so roomy that he put a mattress into it and reclined at lull length when he was tired of sitting. It is only about 70 miles Yeddo, thev were lodged in the most commodious : quarters, treated witti tne greatest respect aim ai A . A. - . 1 ..A. tention, and granted interviews with the Empe- i ror. The reader is of course aware that every one, who has heretofore approached the Emperor, has been required to do so upon his fcnees. Has custom they were determined to adhere to in the present ease; but, somehow or other, it had never before been so difficult to "bell the cat." "Who was to speak to Mr 11 about it?" that was the question: Finally a Japanese uougias sieppea ior ward and offered to brace his huge shoulder to the task. This gentleman was not the most determin ed man in Japan; but then he was upon the most intimate terms of both social and political intere coursc with "the American Legation." lie there fore called upon 31 r II. and commenced the attack by begging that he would not be offended at what 1 A - lie was going to say. 'Certainly not !" pays that gentleman. But he ii- n i . : . : .. .1 lias an illKllllg 01 Wliai is coming, aim a iooiv vi sudden and unusual gravity causes Donjrlas to tremble. Instead, therefore of broaching the sub ject he begs ouce more that '-his Excellency will not be offended at something which he, Doug las, has been ordered to say;" and then coughs, and looks behind him. "Certainly not!" and an increase of gravity in the Consular face. Corresponding increase of nervousness on the part of Douglas. Grand tab leau, in which the American eagle is supposed to dominate. Final desperation of Douglas, and out bursting of the secret. 31 r Harris listened quietly and kindly to all he had to say, and then replied with his usual judg ment and firmness of manner. He told him that he was anxious to do everything that was consis tent with self respect to do honor to the Kmpcror, but that this thin": was out of the question, and had better not be referred to again. "Were Nipon to send a Minister to my country," he said, 'die i, i ,,,,.,-,. ...v. ,.,. Pnxiiilffnt in ;mv manner he saw fit. He miirht kneel mid knock his head :. the floor, or he might bow to h:m and shake hands. 1 here we allow every one pcrtcet liberty; and it is but right, theretore, that 1 be allowed the same here." "Very well ! Very well !" replied Douglas, half apologetic-ally. And thur;. was settled this question unr torr !" remarked Mr H. Mr Harris speaks most interestingly of the feats of the jugglers, and of the theatres of Yeddo, as well as of the extensive stores. He says that the Prinee of Cinano, (Cinano no-Kami) to whose par ticular care it seems the Emperor confided his com fort and amusement, fancying that ho was having a dull time in the immense house that had been ap that I am only repeatinu" tchat Mr Harris tofd as, am! tfhat ne consrtptentfy believe. Hero are some of his feats: No. I. He took an ordinary boy's top spun it in his hand, and then placed it usual, the sword was danger brou bt ously sharp. No. - was aLo perf ormett witn tne top. in; spun it in the air, and then . . j r fhrfw tnt end ot tlv Mvinir l:iek toward it with such accuracy t ... that it was caught up and wound itself already for a second cast. Bv the time it had done this nau uaucima it bad reached his hand and was ready for another - - in. o ?, was still nerformcd with the top. There was an nprrght pole, npon the top of which was perched a little house with a very large front door. The top was spun, made to ciiuib the pole, km ek open the said front door, and dfeappear. As well as I remeniuor, the hand end of the string was fastened near the door, so that this was almost a repetition d' the seH-.r'.icTnur feat. But feat NO 4 was something even more aston ishing than tfH'this. He took two paper butter flies, armed himself with the u-ual paper fan, threw them into the air, and fanning gently, kept them living about him as if thev had been alive. "He Call make them alight whenever you wish ! Try him:"' remarked the kami (prinec; through the interpreter. yT J requested that one might alight upon each ear of the jggler. No sooner expressed than complied with.' (jk'Btte undulations of the fan waved them slowly to the required points, and there left them comfortably seated. Now, whether this command over pieces of paper was obtained f-implv by current of air, or by the power of a concealed magnet, Mr II could no; tell or as certain. Or.e thing, hi wevcv, was curtain the potrer tros tlwrr. Let us turn from jugglers to theatres. It seems that there are only lour of the latter in Yeddo, and th'if t i tut" ! mil "nlmrmarTh of each other. Hence, l lull a V. y M v ,-w.. 'M. t . . t oite tnu ii ti - .a . it a Japanese, on uie cuge m -m 7 ..... 1 7a. u t .L-o v. f. Mit exer- IHOlUVUrW me". W ""V '"'.' ' ; ..: 1 e. 1. .,1,1,. en T sav that he must rise iieiuiu ijv:in. j.iv .'j - j walk for no one but the princes in Japan a. e al- lowed to ride JiMini ,,IJ1 ' " either in a chair or on horseback, as they choose, ' ... " r V I hi I UlllVI. HIV in'li tv'li.. n' ...., , . T 1 t " J'. JTi ,.4. ....... 1 the air. eauti it it on , , ., iirctni in i in: Mi.iii in nio in ' "v (BtiH fining) upon the edge ol a sword i.ear t ic , u to h Ua,s anJ cleoni narv hilt. Then he dropped the sword point a h tie and t are the top moved slowly toward it. Arrived at he ; capidity speculating in i k'.U UvmH m turn :m-l the ton abr . 1 r " x VI I I Wi I ll'" 1 1 1 I i nun i ynv,.v - i i -. , a . ,. back. As In the latter ease, the hcrsc is led by a groom on each side, and is never allowed to go out of a walk WWfeptejSnp by these theatres, Mr II. expressed ; awish to attend a porh. nuance, but his prn.eely conuueror was very nraca hmkmui uim tiat nnnc but the common people ever went to Slirn pi.,,.,, If the nobilitv wanted to see anv- k;n ot the sort." thev made (he actors come to flrn a ..e , ,.P VJ.ln Air H n. pcrved that we would be surprised at their size, at their contents, and at (heir great number of salesmen, eaen ot wuoni nau nis nozen or more phop boys standing behind him to execute his or- i r 1 !! 1 ders. "I. pen c, eying tL.e nnmenso bnild: g you theretore, let the reform take the di sco no goods at all,' he said. -1 hey are ail stored ( J of eMlarpea freodon., instead of fresh re nt fire proof bu.ld.ngs in the rear A he a cus-; - common tempta- tonier enters ami asiv.s mi u.m'h..u, ....vo- , t.OUi;es :n J;uan." REGULATION OF THE PRICE OF BREAD IN PARIS. In nothing is that spirit of minute supervision i so characteristic of the French government, more remarkable than its regulations with regard to the price of bread in the metropolis. However incompatible this may be with that freedom of movement which is claimed for the trade of bread, in common with all other departments of com merce, the French regulations must be admitted to be effectual for their purpose. We copy the fol lowing from one of our exchanges. Every bag of wheat, flour, or meal that comes to the city must be brought to the Halle an Hie, or drain Hall. This is an immense area, inclosed with a circular wall, and covered by a huge dome, so that it presents a vast, unbroken hall, of grand and beautiful proportions, lighted from the top. - , 11 ! 11 t- .1 If (' ll prions stalls, witn desks lor tne oinces oi tne clerks and employees. On the floor of this hall are piled up, cobhouse fashion, in huge piles, ten to twenty-five feet high, the bags of grain, present ing to the visitor a striking panorama of solid plenty. The city of Paris is surrounded by a wall, not for defence, as it is comparatively slight, but sim ply for police, revenue, and other municipal pur poses, one of which is the regulation of the bread market. Barriers, that is gates, with police at tendants and revenue officers, form the only en trances to the city, except the River Seine, which has also its guards. Every bushel of wheat or other grain brought to the city for sale, must be registered and stored at the grain hall, under heavy penalties This regulation is rigidly en forced, which is easy to do at the barriers with so bulky an article; especially as the bags must be of uniform size. From this register of the daily supply, the gov ernment of the city know at any hour just how many pounds or pecks of grain of any kind there arc in i aris. rrom accuiau Buiusuva imjuncu to be furnished, they know how much flour or meal is baked daily at each bakery, and how much bread of all kind is consumed. They are there fore able to fix the weight and prices of loaves, each size and shape of which has its appropriate name, according to the ratio between the supply and demand, allowing ; fair and just profit to pro ducers, traders, bakers; no more, no less. This price, thus fairly graduated, at short intervals, is fully proclaimed to the public, the dealers, the bakers, and the police. The police is authorized to drop in, at any time, into any bakery, or breadshop, wherever bread is exnosed for sale, and Weigh the loaves. There is also a special inspecting officer appointed for this express purpose. His visits are not stated, mat thev mav have things got ready for exhibition in stead of inspection, according to the English and Araorinnn fashion of doillfT Pticll thin GTS. If tllC inspector finds weight deficient, or the price of a : nays: "I here is no established standard ot pro r.f n-i('fnn Liirh for the frade. all tho. ' priety about this matter. HI were a lady, I ciuuui -....v. v,. .., " r" . ' and distrib- establish- protected the means T." . x- c- I a rvi'lTl'MVVT Hern -TVc sec i iv..a..v.t ...v.'- ii . - , , that an effort was recently made o ous .-.v.i-iiiiiiiiv.- . J . . -- I... ii, 1 1 d i 1 . i r ..... ,.n,.rl hit r,n ,n,l he free State party to lorni a constitution, ami f t . i: , 1,- r,,i,. n Piwwml y for admission immediately undei a J reegoil "V l" apply Constitution. P,,r r.nrr.ose n Convention was - - i i - . . twenty delegates ,t.i ....... il..,r. i , ' t xvu, a 9tlnmTrt ai uoth,u. raiinn T'i u mi' i i ui. i i ir inn i i n vni i -ivn .mvu -' O U Ml' I "M . 11 111 V IU ... mi- w . . , were rirescnt ds the ' ,1 .l: ...,.l Tl.t r,,. V nn i " "' vT' , , " i. ' " . ' i -' " i. r :ii i, ti. .utr, ..,r,-r ,.nr.iitinn chv vvt then take nosit on an, on it Ill lib I'J 'illll,l'i I-"" ..... . r r I 1 . , . r.l. tho vovoreorns ot the conteUeraC v. in inc mean lough of political Ives to their own time, the oeople haviusr had cnotu j t , -w "i. a ww.:il InltntA thnmcAl . L.,i a ,,, .Wrlnrtonrir of the resources of illlUU - ilil'i , i- v.w..-j-...-. Tantlrtfir t ,r.,r.!t r:i t. trv to the aSSUllltition of IHC JVI..., I ' j A State sovereignty. LOTTERIES. Sergeant Bermey has just return ed from a Southern tour, where he has been mak ing arrangements to break up the lottery busirtcsp. He has visited the governors and authorities in states where the institutions exist, who, without exception, have pledged a hearty co-operation in putting an end to the system There are now twenty lotteries in the f'nited States, fifteen of which are in the State of Maryland, and expire by their charter in April next. X. Y. Event wj Post. ... L 4v KDItTNG a -tn T; 75 ousas Gazette, of January 13, lhoO, the lollowmg which shows that twenty-eight years ago the difficulties of an editor of a newspaper were the same as they are now, and the same as will always j exist: The truth is, an editor cannot step without w w w r i i a. i i- j-k r. v . vi kcuotj inc , , , r rn enmoru i iv i . m i lain v,ito,3 ui ' , . , r,ininns fearmss v and franklv. he is arrogant and mm n . iM. . nresnmntious. H he states tacts without comments, , r , . . Ti'-l he dares not to express his gentimeoLs. lt he - refuses to advocate the claims ol j an individual to office, he is accused of hostility. LEGISLATION AND THE CURRENCY. j0rn:i of Commerce in reviewing the dis- c(Miol8 odil of a meeting of the i.Wends of a sound currency" in Now York, re- i marks i We have had far too much legislative tinkering of the currency already, and we have little faith in : the benefit of arbitrary enactments. The law of trade will better regtdate thive matters if we leave I the subject entirely to them, and not interpose so many legal interruptions. If we are to have special i legislative privileges on one side, we create a ne cessity for special restraints on the other; but free trade, like the truth, needs less carelul watching. i...i.: ...i t 1 1 oil n IU K'lUVfs nun r. iiij, iu.i i iimiuc i jhv WO step odious tyran- bar- tive restrictions neecssarv. We forbid the legitimate loaning of money at over seven per cent, and then create, by Invr a class of institutions which are enabled to declare eight and ten per cent, dividends by the very practices we are now exhausting our wisdom to prevent. We increase the competition in banking without increasing capital, by refusing the same profit to money employed in more natural chan nels; and alter stimulating this strife by every con ceivable legislative artifice, until the lever thus created leads to all sorts of wild excesses, we set to work, ou the hoinoepathic principle, to cool off the excitement and restrain the madness by a fur ther exhibition of the same process, lt would ho refreshing, at once, to see a step taken in the op posite direction. ' THE DANCING. "Look ! look!" said a half" dozen lady voices on o pretty night, as we sat leaning against the outside of the bail-room. We did look alas ! for our poor modesty, we ought not to have done so. "If my children were among them, I'd whip them well for it. Yes, if they were full grown, I'd givo them the hickory." So said the wife of one of our princes, as she turned away in utter disgust. Doctor, let me describe a little it the public may look, certainly it may read, though it run. A group of the splendid ones is on the floor, and lovingly mated. The gents encircle their part ners waists with one arm. J he ladies and gen tlemen stand closely face to face. The gents are very erect, and lean a little hack. The ladica lean a little forward. (Music.) Now, all wheel and whirle, circle and curl. Feet and hecln of gents go rip-rap, rip-rap-rip. Ladies' feet go tipity-tip, tipity-tip-tip. Then, all go rippity, clippity, tippity, bippity, skippity, hoppity, ju in pi ty, huinpity, thump. Ladies fly off by centrifugal momentum. (J cuts pull ladies hard und closo. They reel, swing, slide, sling, look tender, look silly, look dizzy. Feet fly, lly, hoops fly, dresses fly, all fly. It looks tuggity, huggity, pul lity, stieezity, pressity, rabbity, rip. Tho men look like a cross between steelyards and "limber jacks," beetles and jointed Xes. The maidens tuck down their chins very low, or raise them ex ceedingly high. Some smile, some grin, somo giggle, some frown, some pout, some sneer, and all sweat freely. Hie ladies' faces are brought against those of the men, or into their bosoms; breast against breast, nose against nose, and toes against toes. Now, they go again, making a sound like (leorgey-porgcy, dercy-peery, ridey-pidey, coachey poachey. "This dance is not mneh, but the extra aro glorious." If men were women, there would bo no such dancing. Hut they arc only men, and so the thing goes on by toe 2mm of it. When a boy, we used to visit these Dutch dances, and trip the whirling beer barrels, as they passed our feet, and then run for dear life. We still feel the instinct of tripping in our toes. A secular writer I i. L' . i . i , i T I mioiti oojeet- 10 inese uances; our, ueing a man, l ! do not. e certainly ought to be satisfied, it j they are. Mi-mcAi. ApViC& Charles Lamb, though not holding a physician's credentials, has given a bet ter bit ol medical advice on the liver complaint I .i . . l . i . i . i . i V ; " lo, u wn w" ' u OI SiUllill UJUaS Ull tliai DUOJCCl. 11' .11 lillll. , j ou are too appreuensn c ot your complaint. , d l u-w- "JWC ,n w V " gr,orant l'JC world was before Ualeu, of the en- --- . . . i tire construction ot the animal man; not to be con l ill LUIIMl UCtllJIl UI III." ,1111111. ti 11, .III, Hill. Ill I u Ulll- ' tiCWjUS a madrilT; to hold kidneys to be an ngr.c- . able fiction; to account the circulation of the blood an idle whim of Harvey's: to acknowledge no me . 7 . dianism not visible. For, once fix the soi't of your disorder, and your fancies flux into u like a take eTm ,a"d, aV"1 tampenng with the hard terms ol art. in tne naru utuis oi an. mtanH arc It is the miud aud not the limbs that 'ii-illi; 1101 ue;l taints by long Kitting. J hinlt ol tlio patience 01 the tailors; think how long the Lord Chancellor sits; think of the brooding hen. .a I . Fashionable Society. Somebody truly says, that "riociety" in a nuisance in a "fashionable" fenhc. It in nothing more nor less than a stiff series of absurd and cold formalities. It has no heart, any more than the llock of Gibraltar ha. The password of it is "Money" if you've got it, or make the world think you have, "go in." Brush up your beaver never mind about your character and "go in !" Learn the set speeches of polite MMtP, dress "in good tate, pretend to grt .espt for a sectarian creed, and keep up a hjyoble ouUide show, aud you ahall bafvly pass w;tj xXii pepteel elect. Society is "fearfully and wonderfully made I" Marriages axd Births in England. The number of births in England the last year, of liv- ing children, watt 657363. and the number of . i .i. 'iti . i i no nntnrior n rnurri iiriiw i'i ueui ' - n j i t ... t n . i:ii . i ' r i in . i i vi i.iui i in vo a.a -,f. 0f tll v.:-!,,. t f.41 u.,.ra i,OVH ;jq . 169,397. Ut the birttis tcre uoyn, uti) ..ia 01 gin The number of children born out of wedlock was 421,051, or f$i per cent of the whole. The greatest proportion of births was in the quarter between April and July. exiled bv ail DrUMrUia. -WJ aho !-p JAS ALEXANDER. 4 r. SCARR ft CO 'March 1. 1S"'J5. Nov.

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