WESTERN BEMOCEAT, CHARLOTTE, 1ST. C. t$Utn TRIAL OP THE INSURGENTS. WiiAT are your Sentiments No w?-In view Brown, the leader of the abolition conspiracy at ; of the recent Black Republican insurrection at Har- CHARLOTTE, I. C. Tueftday, November 8, 1859. The Cotton Crop. It is stated tht the le- NEWS ITEMS, AC. ceints of Cotton at the shinmn? ports, thus far this FIRE. In Raleigh, on Wednesday moraine last, the Harper's Ferry, was tried at Charlestown, Va., last j per's Ferry, we suppose our good-humored cotetn- j season, are beyond the anticipations of the most store-house and Goods of Jordan Womble, were con- ne was convicted ot 1 reason n conspiring j porary, the Raleigh Register, which lately declar- sanguine, and far greater than the receipts of any j ?umea g ftre- oss aTt or ,,x "saa 11 BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION OP NORTH CAROLINA. week. ! with slaves and others to rebel, and of Murder in ed that between a Democrat and a Black Reoubli the first degree, and was sentenced to be hung on can it tcovld make no choice, has changed its de- the 2d day of December. Brown made a speech termination. We hope it has, for the declaration justifying his conduct. at the time was looked ' whh fc T A;,.:r.: 1 j n .... 1 r ...g.ma -wJC .uuumn, were ; and certainly the Register will not now pretend to appointed by the Court to defend Brown. TM -i l.ij :., ti.:.i ;.tl. l ,,,,,, . . ion in tins r 1 J mm.j .... tlw. ,j discharged the duty until Brown got mad and de- T..un, commencing on W edncsday morning mot the 2d J e - dared that the trial was a irockerv and said he tnu -vooui iju ucirpaic!, innufn -j , ueff present from all portions of the Stale. The former President, Iter. James McDaniel of Fay had no confidence in his counsel. After this, Botts and Green declined to further act in the case. A lawyer from Washington, Chilton, one from Bos ton, Hoyt, and oBe or two from Ohio, then under took Brown's defence. During the trial Brown lay in the Court room on a cot, and by words as sumed a defiant attitude. Charlkstowv. Nov. 3rd. Brown's counsel will carry his ease up to the Court of Appeals, on their bill Ol exceptions Petersburg Express, writing from Jackson, North ampton county, N. C, says: u I regret to have to announce a very sad oc currence which took place in Jackson, between .Mr Jjartholeniew Moore or Raleigh, and John M. rtterili was re-elected President of the Convention. Iter. J. B. Solomon was also re-elected Secretary, and Rev F. II. Ivev appointed assistant Scc'y. Mr McPaniel is a model presiding officer, and his re election from rear to year is a deserved compliment. The Introductory Sermon was preached on Wednes day evening, by Rer. J. S. Walthall. Theme, '-The (Christian Minister's Solicitude for the Erring."' The ui-c oure was characterized by depth of thought, and cogemet ot argument. Sevei i k isiting ministers were present from other States. The objects contemplated to be promoted by the Con vention, are State Missions, Ministerial Education, For eign Missions, Colportage, and a co-opera tiou in Do- m..cii mill fijfii.'iii fixcirin These various subjects have been under consideration. ' Moody, Esq., of Northampton id discussed with ability by the members of th I'on- ifutiou. Much information was elicited with regard to these enterprizes; and plans considered and adopted to advance I hem. Collections have been made, during the meeting, in behalf of the above objects: but we have not beea aide to leuru the amounts contributed. Rer. II. Petty win selected to preach the Intro Jnctorj Sermon at the next Convention; Rer. II. II. Griffith, alternate. Rev. J. B. Solomon to preach the IJharitc Sermon, and Rev T. EI. Owen, alternate. Rev. T. J. Knapp to peach the Valedictory Sermon: Rev. 1!. F. M arable, alternate. On ftaooatn, tlie I'resi; vterian an.t Lutheran pulpit . fb.t h; nl,. At M-., ;., Ua rrre filled by Baptist Ministers. Prof. Wingato and I ncnt ,nembers of the North Carolina Bar. He Rer. .1. 11. Solomon morning and evening at the Pies- was formerly Attorney General of North Carolina, byteriaa church, and Rev. Mr Knapp and Rev. Mr Mai- a,l a member of the Legislature, able at the Lutheran church. At the Baptist church, j Mr Moody is a wealthy fanner, and was for a Rer. T. K. Skinner an.t Rev. James McDaniel officiated. number of years a member of the State Senate, At the Court House, service was held through the day : and i.s now a magistrate in the county. The par lor the colored people. Rev. Mr Sumner of Ala., ; tics had been on the most intimate terms for a preached at the N. C. Military Institute at 4 o'clock. In j long series of years, until recently, and taking into tin- afternoon a Conceit of Prayer lor Missions was consideration their position in Society, this sad held in the Baptist Church. event is to be greatly deplored. The Convention closed its labors on Monday evening The Raleigh Register of Saturday says it has not and adjourned. heard the particulars of the affray, but it thinks the say that there is no choice between a black or Brown republican and a democrat. And we hope the Register sees the necessity of uniting the previous year. Up to the latest dates the number of bales which had gone forward was 508,000, against 450,000 same time last year. insurance. The Synod. The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina met at the Town Hall last evening at 7 1-2 o clock. The opening sermon was preached by I T "ft W T 11 " 1 1 . fWll Tl If Division of California. The question of fT r , iuoueiT' m . , Vu TT A.Li.iwii auu uuuB.ui, oic lire viciu ui '" wwj South, of appealing to the 'opposition' to vote aud ' on the matter. dividing the State of California was recently re ferred to the voters of that portion interested. A large majority was polled in favor of division. It remains for the Legislature to take further action act in good faith with the democratic party It will not do for opposition papers to proclaim that northern Democrats are no better than blacky republicans. Facts and circumstances will not sus tain such talk. The democratic Governor of Pennsylvania, Packer, promptly delivered up the j abolition conspirators who fled to that State for re fuge. It is true, he did nothing more than his duty, but we believe it is a duty which a black re- Seriocs Affray. A correspondent of the j publican or northern ' opposition" Governor would evade or openly refuse to perform. The Railroad Controversy. Some weeks ago a communication appeared in the Greensboro Patriot over the signature of "Plebs," in regard to the North Carolina Railroad and its management, After the adjournment ol Court, Mr Moore was attacking Mr Fisher, and alluding to his contract walking down the street, when Mr Moody accosted on the ycstern N. C. Eoad. We finJ in the last Mill Mllii 1 1 i i 1 1 l Til tiii nncifAil r r enn lmn In tVtn conversation angry words ensued, when Mr Moore Salisbury Banner a card from Mr Fisberstat'm? I indebtedness, present condition and future pros- In roirard to the San Juan difficult v, the London Sun publishes a letter from a correspon dent, threatening that in case of war between the United States and England the Indians would be aroused against the Americans, who are thirsting for their blood. "Let it be known," says the cor respondent, "that the English are no longer friend ly with the Americans, and 100,000 Indians will attack the Americans." Examination of the Atlantic Road. We learn from the Standard that Mr Speaker Clark and Mr Speaker Settle, under resolutions passed by the last Legislature, have appointed Francis Fries, of Forsyth, John Norfleet, of Edgecombe, Jeremiah Pearsall, of Duplin, and Rufus Barrin ger, of Cabarrus, Commissioners " to examine into the management, affairs, receipts, disbursements, i. :,i 3 a. i . : a! n.i :.i "c WUBlucreu tuu cre 1,1 air "B peets of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad bitter, so manifestly malignant and violent" towards i Company." The Commissioners will be allowed him, "besides being very libellous and wholly false : S3 per day and their expenses paid while discharg in its charges," that he took it for granted the an- ; ing their duties. W " m i Mi H CI - thor entertained a personal hostility and was desir- j THE CONTRAST. Mr Moore's arm was dislocated and broken, and he ! ous of offering him an insult ; therefore he (Mr ; The following pertinent remarks we copy from was otherwise injured. His wounds are very pain- j Fisher) demanded the name of the author, intend- the Fayetteville Carolinian : fill aild he is entirely prostrate. Mr Moody for- I n,r tn rlpnl with him ntliprmiw than khmnarh the. "Our inclination to riri trip nonnlp a tnin nn. columns of a newspaper. The name of the author I derstanding of the sentiment of the Northern press r. -ij .i i;. e . ii j ' upon the Harper's Ferry outrage, has led us to the IVilS I III ItlMU'll UV IUC CUllUIB III I R 1 UUIOl. illlU . n , i rr mf 11 ' 7 : consideration of tiie vast dinerer "But my surprise was very great to find it was not, as 1 had expected, a new man in the field, hut only my old adversary- and judge the "chairman" of the Senate committee Mr Jonathan Worth! "lions. Touson with a drawn knife attempted to cut or stab Mr 3Ioody. Mr Moody struck Mr Moore with his walking cane several licks, felling him to the ground in a disabled condition. Mr Moore when he fell cried out, "Help, my arm i.s broken ! " when .Mr Moody desisted, and the parties were separated i Innately escaped injury, the knife entering his difference in the tone of Democratic and Republican journals. Some of the latter approve of the course pursued by old Brown; others consider that the time for such a demonstra tion had not arrived. Some consider the object The next Convention will meet on Wednesday he fore the first Sunday in November, 18G0. The place of meeting was not determined, hut referred to the Execu tive Hoard, and will lie made known hereafter in due lime. j The Session of the Convention in this place has af forded our citizens another of those peculiar seasons f o i;l and intellectual enjoyment, at once pleasant aud instructive. We doubt not that all our citizens reprreted the arrival of the time for the iinal adjournment if the Convention, and of parting with those who have above statement is incorrect. come again" but this time in a mask preferring ; justifiable while the act is condemned, and more against me, after a silence of some months, very grave consjder it an unhappy occurrence and Brown a Imnhm nf ii uprsrvntil naturp liiiilpr an n iimi vni n li a i - - r 1 ' iMiii-tw j . . Vc have examined our democratic exchanges from Maine to Iowa, and without one single excep tion, the whole affair, the motive, act and instru ment are condemned and denounced. We defy under an anonymous name and publication. This being so, of course 1 was j without remedy except through the papers a remedy I am very sorry to fall back upon again. If the "chairman" had referred only to the North Carolina Road, and merely repeated his former state hands, are the false and cowardly prophets and teachers of abolition." i i i.. : ,t .. v. made such a lasting impression for good upon our com- JUS"J o"uy, a.. .o.iuut.uu . ... i .1 i i i r ' truiltier than he, and with his blood upon their iiumitv. A more pious, social, ircntlcmaulv bodv ot f . ... , ,' i men we have never seen convened anywhere; while the debatrs upon the Hoor of the Convention, and the earnest preach in and practical application of the trreat truths . r the Kosuel characterizing the niili.it efforts, the deluded fanatics of their section. evidenced no ordinary amount ot ability and theological i ham is the gentleman who contested and got knowledge. We trust that tin ir short stay in our midst j seat 0f Louis D. Campbell in the House a short has been one of some pleasure to them, as we know the intercourse f our people with ministers, delegates and visitors, has been very pleasant. They carry with them to their respective fields of labor our best wishes. meiu concerning tins, icouiaanora to i ..in pass urn , exaniination to e that one solitary democrat in abundantly vindicated from all these by the verdict of j the nation, from New England to the far est, has the Stockholders of the Road at the last annual meet- j refused to condemn the whole affair, ing in July, and he was sufficiently rebuked: but the j Need we point out the duty of the South; has "chairman1 now turns his attention to the aft airs of ! I.lmdil f:miir.if.i;m 3f Far tarl hnr ;itmv t.hnl ch t is not able to see her duty? Can she longer raise up I 1 I i. 1 ! . ... . a . m . I I' I 1 I I I 111 I II 1 Til I S l ' I I I ' IS I 1 I I ' as soon as 1 can get tune to uo so, maKe a tjriet state- i rr - w""" ment of the plain facts of my connection with the What do our old line whig friends say now to an "Western NC Road,'' and show, by evidence, how much ! opposition party? Of what must it be composed? truth is contained in this last new bill of the "chair- There are but two parties North, the Republicans H,n- and Democrats. Are you willing to form a party So it seems that Mr Jonathan Worth was not composed one-half or two thirds of the black repub satisfied with his report to the Legislature; it did ; licans? Are you willing to allow office-hunters not have the effect he and his friends hoped it and ambitious politicians, with ther irresponsible would have, viz: defeat Mr Fisher and break down journalists, to lead you forever? You have mi . .i ... ,i ii i a. rt ., . , m upuu&vu ucuiuciacy. w uyi jecau9c ir is a e mo- I 11.11 S lit :i ' Iff III IIPI II 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 Illl' 111 lit I.. I 1 rv IIP t in t t k in i "! f i v.nvtr lit V , i-1 t I . f, . i no t hnvnt.iva ... T - " - - - j "v- - ' I li vi - 1 1 1 v. I u ti v i ti i ti i vi ill ivil 1 1 it tne v - a allandig- 3Ir Jonathan Worth must try his hand again. the Mr A'allaudigham, a democratic member of Congress from Ohio, who visited Harper's Ferry just after the late outbreak, has written a letter to i the "Western North Carolina Railroad," and very in- ! .... . . , . , , inriously chanrea me in this connection. 1 shall i a i m i ii iiii 1 1 uajrci , in n na n in sat s. ' John Drown failed to excite a general and most wicked, bloody, desolating servile and civil war only because the slaves and non-slaveholding white men of the vicinity would not rise. lie perishes We really believe, from all we have seen and cracjf. xou can t give any other good reason. Your fathers opposed it, therefore you oppose it. Is it not time for you to act; to cut yourself Wilmington Journal Arov. 3 JB A Fost Office has been established at Rock Mill, Lincoln county, N. C. The schedule of the Express train on the N. C. R. R. going east has been changed. It now leaves Charlotte at 11 o'clock, P. M. Charleston, November 3. Tlon. Charles Macbeth has been re-elected Mayor, by a majority of three hundred over his opponent, Col John E. Carew. The Working of an Elective Judiciarv. The Anti-Renters in the Anti-Rent region round about Albany have thrown over board Judge Ira Harris because, according to law, he decided that lease-holders must pay rent. The beautiful opera tion of an Elective Judiciary the creatures of all sorts of interests, passions, prejudices, and politics is thus again illustrated. New York Express. Mi les Sold. Two hundred and forty mules were sold in Georgetown (Ky.) on Monday. Yearlings ranged from $72 to 998; old ones $120. Accident. A little negro boy belonging to Thos. Little, Esq., near Wadesborough, was killed on the 20th ult., by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of his young master. The hammer of the lock struck a limb, and fell discharging the gun. A Perfect Sockdolager. Mr William Crow, of Union county N. C, sends us two potatoes, which in point of size excel anything we have ever seen in that line. One of them weighs Si lbs., and the other 6. Mr C. challenges South Carolina and the rest of mankind to beat these figures. Lancaster Ledger. Oru Swamp Lands. A company with a capital of 30,000, composed of gentlemen from Beaufort, Craven, Greene, and Cumberland Counties, has been formed within a few weeks, for the purpose of buying up and selling swamp lands in Craven and Beaufort. Still at their Dirty Work. A slave lately escaped from Missouri into Illinois, where he was captured, and being brought before the court at Ottawa, was remanded to slavery. As the Judge finished making the order, a crowd of Abolitionists took forcible possession of the negro, placed him in a carriage, and drove away. Halifax, Nov. 4. The steamship America arrived at this port to-day, bringing advices from Liverpool to the 22d ult. The sales of cotton for the week amounted to 57,000 bales. Prices have an advancing tendency. Some circulars state the advance at Jd. for all clean descrip tions. Washington, Nov. 3. Mrs. Senator Dougla received extreme unction to-day, and it i.s thought that she will not survive through the night. Maryland Election. Baltimore. Nov. 3. Returns indicate that the j Democrats will have a majority in the House. The ! Senate is doubtful. The returns for the city are not yet complete. The Americans will have about 1 7,000 majority, thus securing the State Ticket by a heavy majority. So far there appears to he no change in the Congressional delegation. heard, that the whole '-Railroad controversy" was ; loose tr0lu vour deadly loe, and resolve that here- j On Wednesday, f.n.e ago, and he is the same person who was pro- gpran by the opposition party in this State for aner 'ou W1J'1 ,Work "nd J,abor 10 thc cause ot dc" i cKjnnf !? La inocracy and the nation DEMOCRATIC MeeTINU. We learn that a dem ocratic meeting was held at Monroe, Union county, mi Tuesday last. Delegates were appointed to the State Convention to be held at Raleigh on the 8th of March, and to a District Convention which the meeting recommended be held at Charlotte. lie solutions were passed recommending thc thorough organization of the party aud a cordial support of the nominees of democratic conventions. Our re presentative, Hon. Burton Craige, was endorsed, as well as the administration of Gov. Ellis, who was warmly recommended for re-nomination. D. B. Ilea, Esq, of this place, addressed the meeting. Thc proceedings have not yet come to hand for i publication. We are glad that Union has led off nounced an abolitionist by some southern opposi- 1 tne purpose of making political capital out of it ; tion journals about that time; but he don't talk aD( the grumbling by srhig papers, about the ap-' National Democratic Committee. The like an abolitionist now. . . ". - ,. ' Members of the National Democratic Committee ,i:tiriiir f w ti, ,inii:i r til iiii'i.r.... .c i . t i i . i - . ' are r-Minnsteii tn meet. at. YVillnrH tinted in nuwion ... , the 2d inst., at the residence of Jas. mcaster District, 8. C, by Rer. O. A. Darbv fr .Tnmpc f! f'nnW In Hare Tnlhntt h.ilti j of Mecklenburg county. In this county, at Davidson College, on the 26th ult, .Mr n. A. t ues ot L nion springs, Ala., to iliss .Mary b. the action of Congress in regard to the P. O. i Annronriation Lull linncrtcct. 1 he Observer savs : Mm ' When did the bill, amended by the Sen ite, go back RAISING Corn. We have always heard that , mtVae purpose Indiana was a great State for producing corn; we ' WtW The Fayetteville Observer considers our stnte- ...... ,,1.1 1.,- n miJml .f !, t-,r.. thnt cAlnn : IllCIlt Ol 11 1.1; IHIV ( l ' I 1 ( ' .1 I V "I'll I 1 L Ul l Illl l .-I,,-.,. IUUI CVIlll. farmers merely punched a hole in the ground with tli.. K.i 1 , . . . I 1 ,1 i-L.rtMwl t 1 , i AAMH in n i i t 1 Til c li or) ... ii-"i.,lu,,, U.UJT v " ( , d , , Hid the House keen it with the dirt over it with their heel, and without fur- i out action? These are important points. ther work an abundant crop was produced. We j , II was passed in the Senate on Tuesday, only two 1 . I days before Congress adjourned. 1 he House discus- tliought that a pretty hard story; but if the follow- j ?l.d it, rejected the amendments, and sent back, not a ing is true we are constrained to consider Indiana ! w. but the same bill that the Senate had aaaend t t ' f c'b omitting of course thc Senate s amendments. A a great Sta-C lor corn : J conm,itu.e 0f conference w as appointed, three members Prize AlPardrd. The Indiana State Agricul- ; of each House, who unanimously reported the House bill, Washington, D. C, on the 7th day of December in the work ot organizing the party in this district; j ineontestiblc evidence that on one of these acres let others follow. m , I there grew two hundred and fourteen bushels ! i .i. a-i i . 1 1 ' i ar n c learn tnat a naiiroau meeting was nem j The FouU of(he UarperM Ferry Population. at Hopewell on Saturday last. made by J. Edmonds Brown. E In Raleigh, on the 27th ult, Mr Thomas D. Macon to IffiAfl R I i 'i ) w t ii Pnrlpr next, lor the purpose ot hxmg the time ol holaing I in Hillsboro, on thc 2Gth ult. Dr. Joseph Graham to thc National Convention at Charleston, and the j Miss Bettie Hill, daughter of Thomas B. Hill, Esq. transaction of such other business as may come In Gaston county, on thc ISth ult, Mr Andrew J. before them. ' art'n t0 -'ss a,.v M- Dameron. ' In Wilmington, on the 20th ult, by the Rev. A. Panl THE PATE OP BROWN j Repiton, Mr W. B. Shemwell of Fa'vettevillt, to Miss The New York Journal of Commerce has an in- ! MaTr.ret.fE- jldha,n of Orange county , . . , ..... . . .1 In duilford county, on the olst ult, Mr Thomas h. titnation that, perhaps, the State of Virginia, in Cook to Mrs Emily L. Hall its majesty and power, having vindicated its honor, In Anson county, on the 27th ultimo, Mr Pleasant P. put down the invasion, and brought the desperado Ballard of Montgomery county, to Miss Mary C. Smith. Brown and his associates to justice, will exercise ! In Richmond county, on the 26th ult, Mr Solomon R. its mercy in the pardon of the prisoners. Martha -VortUiim "ghter of Geo. Xor- tural Society have awarded the prize for the best ! substantially. The House forthwith concurred, and e must coniess our surprise at sucn an inti- i n York District, on the 27th ult, Mr James R. Ken- crop of corn to a fanner who produced proof that Psl lhe bill. The Senate passed it through its 1st j ination in a quarter distinguished as conservative j ncdy of Chester, to Miss E. J. Smith. On thc 1st of nro i r ni 1 7 " hnkok ner -icre On the rcalil1- a!so' anfl would have passed it finally, but that i and patriotic. But we are more than ever con- ! Nov., Dr. W. H. Heath to Miss Hattie Smith, ten acres avemgea i ta DU.ncis per acre. j i c Senators Toombsand Benjamin, democrats, peremptorily j . ;nr.prl that the whnlp rrnnfr nf nnthara 1 nnhl h-ip ! In Vork District, on the 26th ultimo, Mr Edward H. ni'sr nve acres ine nrsr uriMii mm was awirum un ' i.:,..j . j . :,.,:,, h . " - - r IHIIirt. ILU HI IV3 ,U ICOUlll. . V JllllC UUIILUUII Ull nil. ; I . J . .... i iola.i . i j .l. i 1 1 , J. j. . r . ... ,..... c..- i been executed as soon as taken. 1 rW UUSiH u to me acie, auu lue siimc ihjiuu nau : msi uav oi ine session was mini 10 me oiii. ucuiui Voting, of this town. The people of that neigh borhood are much interested in the success of the work, and are doing what thev can to promote it. A meeting of the friends of the work w ill be held at the Court House to-day, about noon. IlORRim.K Mi rdkr. James Beatty, residing a short distauce from this place, was found dead - jie fault of tlie Harper s ferry 1 npuiauon. uur reconecuon oi 11 Speeches were Thc Alexandria Sentinel, deprecating the censure j the above, entirely. T 5., and Coneral the peopie uf Harper's Ferry for permit- taied we thiak- ,5-vta ... 1 ml nl.i;;.l,nl ft. ill. ting themselves to be overpowered and kept down so long by so small a band even of bloody-minded desperadoes, says: u The true fault lay in not being organized and ready for such occasions; and in this deficiency Harper's Ferry, though now the illustration, is far f rom being the onlv example. Let this be correct ed. Let volunteer companies, composed of our C'l-!.. f.l! -rSH m II" , A. t fl M It'll Hereafter when 1 iruis6UUW 01 wwrxig, io jin mipra xuicr. Tombs claims the honor of having defeated it. He is an atieuijit hko turn ai narper h rerry is reueweu, fairly entitled to it, and the blame does not rest on the ! let the '"higher law of abolitionism be met by the House, or any member thereof' j '-higher law" of self-preservation, and the ruffians In Hillsborc, suddenly, on the 31st ult, Miss Sallie Our recollection of the matter docs not concur with I Have a snort snrilt and a long rope. M w The statement we made is bus- There ire occasions and times when apparent'. .L, .i8v' a l?. p ft , ? j. lit kuuiut ill c iiiuuv i s n u- tr : Inner inn rpll knnun nea mnfl citirn nn H th oHo K a letter from Senator Clingman rashness is the truest prudence, and when it is wise proprietor of the Eagle Hotel. and sate to tollow impulse rather than reflection. In Union county, on the 2 1st ult, Miss Eliza Chears, We have little doubt that Brown himself and all I daughter of Vachel T. Chears. his confederates at the North were surprised that i ln Chambers county, Ala., Mrs Cecelia Ellis, wife of he was permitted to live ten minutes after his cap- aud that this noble moderation and forbear- ! in his yard on Friday morning last, having been j best men, be revived and kept ready to march at murdered sometime during thc night of Thurs- the second tap o the arum, j.ei rnem oe lostereu , . , ii- ii , i and encouraged by the people. One swh com- day. His skull was broken m several places, and -mm v i j a., ... , J i-i P'iny 1,1 Harper s ferry, lea by a man oj nerve, his face terribly mangled. Forty dollars, which ; K.ulthj ,,.,. taken Brown ami his band before the he was known to have in his possession, eras miss- ' metes could hare gone, abroad. They would have ing. His 'wife was asleep in the house, aud pro-1 afforded the nucleus for a general rally of the peo- fesses to be ignorant of the whole affair, not know- j pl. and ' 1? hour the whole t0Wil would havc ii,, , been in arms, ing even when her husband arose tn k out. .... , Tn, , ' , , , These remarks of the Sentinel are worth the at- I he Loronor summoned a jury and considered , . , i i i , , mi tention eCererr southern community, and we com- thc matter, but no clue could be obtained as to thc W J , perpetrator of the crime, and the verdict was about nublisbed soon after the adjournment of Congress. He says that on the last night of the session the House took up the bill as amended bj the Senate, but instead o rejecting or agreeing to the Senate"s amendments, a majority passed a resolution, in substance, that the Senate had violated the constitution ; which resolution with tlie bill, was returned to the Senate. Mr C. says that for some time the House refused to consider the bill. The Observer is correct in saying that the House did not send back a new bill, but the same bill the Se nate had amended; but we think it is mistaken about the House rejecting the amendments before sending the bill back. That body sent it back with an insulting declaration, that the Senate had violated the Constitu tion. This movement was headed by Mr Grow, an ture ance are misconstrued by abolitiouists into fear, and have given rise to vain expectations of his pardon in the minds of those who sympathise with murderers and pirates, though not with their crimes. It is unnecessary to say that the human inind never entertained a more insane delusion than the expectation of Brown's pardon, and that the only regret is that Seward, Giddings and his other confederates, have not ventured their own necks within reach of the same halter. Richmond Uispatch. Win. H. Kilis, formerly of Iiedell county, N C. In Bayou Rigolette, La., on the linn ult, M:ij. Joshua Huie, aged 50 years. He was a native of Cabarrus county, X. C. Private Residence Tor Sale. Near the Female College, and located in a pleasant and improving portion of .the towD, a convenient and desirable Resi dence is ottered for sale. Persons wishing to purchase will find the terms accommodating. For further par ticulars apply to S. V. DAVIS. November 8, 1R50. abolitionist, md approved of by Gilmer and ance of ! this State, as we havc heretofore asserted. After the ! HORBIBMC MtRDKR IN ANCY. A bloody af bill was returned, the Senate asked for a committee of I fr:,y occurred at Burnsville in the adjoining Coun- conference. Three members of each House were ap pointed. The House branch of this committee refused the substance of the above statement. mend them to all wherever our paper lias any cir- to considcr the old bill but insisted on a netc bill. The culation. Encourage volunteer companies en- Senate branch, anxious to pass the appropriation, ac- ... . i n 1 ... .. A man by the name of Lowe, in New York, is preparing to make a voyage across the Atlantic ocean in a balloon. He calculates that he can reach Liverpool in 30 or 48 hours ! A merchant named Gilbert backs the enterprise with his money. Six persons are to go out in the balloon. courage their formation by the bone aud sinew of the community Typhoid Fever. We learn that this disease cepted a new bill and immediately reported it to the Senate, about forty minutes before the final adjourn ment. There was not enough time to consider the bill ' oiirl livirn if nrnrninns. or even have it read as tlie has prevailed to a considerable extent in this sec- rQlea required Senators Toombs and Benjamin may ty of Yancy, on Friday night last, betwen Big Jim Boone and Gen. A F. Keith, which resulted in tlie death of the latter. The circumstances our informants state were about as follows: Keith entered a room in a hotel about midnight, and having lighted his pipe seated himself on the side of a bed, when Boon entered the room, and after a few angry words B. caught K. by the hair and ; threw him on the floor, and with a large knife inflicted some nine or ten stabs in the throat, breast It W. BECK WITH Has constantly on hand WATCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, &C, Of the best English and American manufacturers. Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Watch crystals put in for 23 cents each. November 8, 1859 y Mules for Sale. T." I 'I'D HIT L-C3 : T 1 I . 1 .... T. l l C3 . . . f. . i I - - """--" uii, ii.ii v.. ....... ... , rutu .Mcir.o n in ue sum :n ine I uniic otiuare in tion during the past month, though not latal in have objected to the passage of the bill because there j buck: either one would have proven fatal. ; Charlotte, TO-DAY, the 3th iust. Nov. 1 W. J. HOKE. ii i , 1 ii i iL M ... . - L.a i . s- r. i e many cases. e do not Know tuai mere nac . Was not time rancteni io examine us proision, om ; ije expired in a few nnniutes alter, and was tound , i been any cases in this Town, but in some parts that they are responsible for its defeat we canndTadiuit, vveltering in his blood. Boon made his escape and . A nhot TnnmKa mar Vion q r i n cl v rlitim. r 1 . j t.. nrnno trt Tpnnpwnp imrtld . ip nruv of Cnion countv is ot the county and the country adjacent u is saw - ra "KLTT ZT . ; IT " -- APPUC8. ra.nuiej OI l moil ummi, is j j j nr. tha that the resnons h tv of the f SlIMI la ffiMi hv the flonnt Court, and the' . ii. mm mm . i .ltn ...,: kmci Lnnt IV A find 111 " " 1 rf J ; itiaiiks mi a ui uuc -fr"-"- i r i .lofeat of the bill rests on the nartv in thc ilouse wtnch (Governor has ouerea eOJ more ior nis appre- ienburg will meet at the Poor House on Saturdav the entitled to our The BOARD OF WAR DENS for thc county of Meck- CHARLOTTE MARKET. November 8, 1859. Corrected weekly by Oates ifc William. Bacon Hams, pei lb, Sides, Hog round, Lard, Flocr Extra in bids do. in bags Superfine " Fina " Grais- 13 14 1U 12iM 13 (v 14 5 25 5 50 3 62 0 00 37 ( 2 50i 0 00 (ii, 0 00 Wheat, White, 1 00 1 05 Molasses Coffee Kio, Laguira, Jamaica, Java Sugars New Orleans, Porto Rico, C. coffee sugar 13) crushed, 14 granulated, 13) 14 12) A 14 15 ($ 1 16 ft 09 18 ft 8 10 ft 11 10 flu IS ft 00 f5 1 red, 95 ft 1 00; Corn, old 80 ft 85 ! Rve, 95 ft 00 Veas, 70 ft 75 j Beans, white, 0 00 ft 00 Oats, Mkal Cotton- Good Middl'g Middling 9) ft 9 Ordinary 0 a 0 HmES Dry, 12 Green, 5 Domestic Gons 4-4 sheeting, 9 h vy Oman's II ft 12) Coppkras Cloth, 18 ft 1CJ Linsey, 30 ft 35 Cotton Yarn No. 5 to 10, 1 00 ft 0 00 Baooivs New Orleans Sugar House, West India, Porto Rico Butter, Beeswax, Chickens, Egos, 10 ft 10) JlzKr 50 ft 00 80 ft 85 00 50 33 BO 10 35 13 00 80 48 OQ M 2S 14 15 ft 12) ft Oi ft 10 15 ft 18 10 ft 12)! 4 ft 5 a B 5A On the hoof. 2i (m 8 By retail, 6 ft Salt, per sack, 1 60 ft 1 78 Potatoes, Irish, bush. 60 ft 00 Sweet, 40 $ 58 CANDLK8 Adamantiue, 25 ft 38 Sperm, 40 ft 08 Tallow candles 20 a 38 Mackerel No. 1 k 2. 1 bblf 11) a $12) in Kits, $3 Si Spirits Rye Whiskey, Its a 0 0 N. C. " 60 a 63 Apple Brandy, 60 a 00 Peach " ' 1 00 a " 88 Gunny, Bale Ropb, Iron Common, Rolled, Note. Grain is sold by weight Corn 56 li s. per bushel. Wheat 60 lbs., Rye GO lbs., Oats 33 lbs., and Peas 60 lbs. REMARKS. We advance our quotations for Cotton this week. Some 300 bales were sold last week at prices ranging from to 10). Market firm. Flour has offered freely sales of ex Ira in bbls. at $5 25 to $5 50; bags $2 62. Wheat has slightly advanced and not much offering we quote $1 to $1 05 for white, and 95 cts to $1 for red as the ruling figures. Corn and Bacon is scarce and in demand, and we think it probable these articles would command some thing more than quotations. CHARLESTON, Nov 4. Cotton 11 to 11). Coh'mbia, Nov. 5. The sales of cotton yesterday amounted to 232 bales extremes 8 io 10 70. YORKVILLE, Nov. 2. There was less animation U the Cottou market the past week. Sales of 250 hales at prices ranging from 9) to 10 25: but we quote 9) to 10 15 as extremes. Flour $2 50 per sack supply light. New Corn 75 cents. Salt $1 90 per sack. Brown Sugar 10 to 12. N. O. Molasses 55, Cuba 40. Lard 12 cts. Enquirer. All persons indebted to the undersigned, Administra tor of John N. Thompson, decd, are notified that their Notes are dup, and the money is wanted. I am called upon daily for money, and in many cases sued. 1 wish to save cost, and do not wish to put others to cost; but request all to lift their Notes without delay. A hiut to the wise is sufficient. THOMAS A. WILSON, Adm'r. Nov. 1, 1859. 3t-pd Equity Sale. I WILL SELL at the late residence of John Brad shaw, dee'd, in Lincoln county, on the 1st and 2ud days of DECEMBER next, 3SO AcrfS good Farming Land, in two parcels. FOUR NEGROES, two of them first rate men, one nged 2-4, the other 45 years, and two old Negroes. ALSO all his Household and Kitchen Furn iture, Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Corn, WTheat, and other articles too numerous to mention. 10 per cent. Cash will be required of Ihov who pur chase the negroes, to be paid down, and the balance on a credit of Six Months with interest. The Land will he sold upon a credit of six months with interest. Of the personal property, all sums under $10 to be Cash. Bias"' Note and approved security will be re quired of the purchaser. WM. J. HOKE, C. i M. &, Nov. 1, 1859. 3t NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrators, with the Will annexed, of Dr. J. S. Porter, dee d, on the 26TH OF NOVEMBER, at the dwelling of the said deceased, we will expose to public sale, on a credit of twelvo months, for note aud approved security, the following property, to-wit: 6 valuable Mules, 1 No. 1 Saddle Nag, 1 Horse, 8 head of Cattle, 30 iiead of Stock Hogs, about 500 bushel i 'urn, a quantity of Fodder and Shucks, Household and Kitchen Furi.iture, and other articles unnecessary to mention. ALSO, at the same time and place, we will offer for sale the valuable tract of Land upon which the late de ceased last lived, containing about 122 acres; another valuable tract, known as his Mill Tract, situated about 4 miles north of Providence Church, one mile from the Providence road, containing 3 or 400 rcres ; also, tw other small tracts, one of 40 and the other 15 acres, sit uated 2 or 3 miles w est of said mill tract. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to make immediate payment nd settle ment, as longer indulgence cannot be given ; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them for payment within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. S. H. ELLIOTT, J. W. MORROW, Adm'rs, with the Will annexed. November 1, 1359. 3t-pd NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the eitatc of JONATHAN BL'RLKYSON.dec'd, are hereby requested tn make payment against the 1st of December next, and thus save eottt. S. H. WALKl'P, Ex'r. October 18, 1859. 5t MECKLENBURG HOTEL. Next tn the 1'ost Office. The subHcribcr informs tlie public that having purchased the building known as Mecklenburg Hotel, he has refurnished it aud is now prepared to accommodate transient and regular Boarders. He has good Stables and efficient Ontlers. Ilorseg will be kept by the mouth or day, or furnished with a single feed, on moderate terms. JOHN DORAN. October 18, 1859 3m the franklin Observer is paper puonsneu in .ua- j ftnd endorsed his factious movement hension. eon county, JN. t .,) a communication irom Jir. j Z. B. Vance and John A. Gilmer being two of the J Foreman stating that there has been a number of number. If Grow and those who acted with him, had Bauekm and Gastox Ro.vd. We learn from the Standard that the annual meeting of the Raleigh and I ' .. .. . r . m . i j .i n i- n'ns lit. lil in Hnlpicrh on Thursday last. Messrs Mordecai, Hiuton, Royster and deaths in the Mountain country from typhoid fe-j been less anxious to embarrass the Administration they The Dr. notices at length what is supposed i wouiu nave inereiy siruL ou. .u - T tliinL- Senate ana seiu u uck iur i-uucuwcuie, iw -Ash rifle Xews. 2Cth inst., for the purpose of electinsr a Steward and Physician for the year 1860. Bidders for those places will please attend at thc hour of 10 o'clock. E. C. WALLIS, ! Nov. 1, 1859. 3t-pd Ch'n Board Wardens. Petri wimv plp-tpd Directors on the part of the Stock- ver . . ... f 1 :. .1 r . 1 t IT Holders, and Messrs Wilder, Jiawsins aim uuur were to be tlie cause OI tnis lever, lie bays a mm , i. ;M. anA them the responsibility pointed for the State. medical gentlemen must look for some other causes jUst!v rests. The receipts of the Road the past year, (as we learn tVDUdd fever in mountain countries than idio j Th"e main point where we differ with our friends of from thc Press,) from all sources, amounted to fr-Of,- Qr niiasuiate Qur ,nedical gentlemen havc S25: the expenses $173,029. Leaving a balance of ,Qnir b searchin e after the causes of typhoidism 5196: out of which the Company h declared a j - re. and have hardly "liwdend of six per cent. I . . - ii r i i j i Maj. G. B. Wilder wa3 re-elected President of the thought to look for it in theone taken into tltc Koad. stomach. to the action of the House in regard Scolding Wives. At the Fall Term of the Court for Anderson District, S. C, Mrs. Nancy Stevenson was put upon her trial charged with being a common scold. The case elicited the best legal ability, and attracted much public interest. The following was the verdict of the Pniirt "On hearing the motion in this cas, it is ordered f- They are ked hh rej and black on the ' " k tKot nn tha -J i whits one has a bell on. There a black one wiai iuc luuiuiuieni. amone the number: the rest are white SHEEP LOT. EIGHTEEN HEAD OF SnEEP STRAYED from my ! to the amendments ana tne time at . . . . an offence tllat portion of ! Mgtrr tiiit. SnitP About this we think we are . , . r v: ' r - " m mwmm. tk mimmnn I9XW rplfirintr IO II11JI Ullt'llLC UL'lIli ord to reter . ' " A liberal re- correct, thoucrh we have not the official recc to, relying mainly on our recollection of the matter. j obsolete in South Carolina." j Nov. 1, 1850. tf J. I STOUT, Town Butcher. $25 REWARD! R ANA WAY from the subscriber, on the 1st inst.. a mulatto boy named SoLOMON. He is near six feet high, about thirty years old, tolerably bright, rath er slim, and weighs about 175 pounds. 1L- has a down look when spoken to. The end of the forennger of bis left hand has been cat off, and a (harp hard knot has grown an the end of it. I think he it lurking about Rocy River, in the lower end of Cabarrus county, whers he was raised. flfifAll persons are forewarned not to harbor or assist him, under the penalty of the law. I will pay the above reward for his delivery to me, or his apprehension and confinement in any jail so I can get him. WILLIAM HAMILTON, Negro Head Depot, Union co., N. C. October 18, 1859. lm MEDICAL BOOKS, fcc. A select Medical Library (second band) for tale, cheap, at the Drug Store of E. NYE HUTCHISON ft CO. Alio, two cases Surgical Instruments. Apply soon. August 2, 1959 a

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