Hi t j ii . in pi 4 v i H if ! . r - , i i s t V- i i: !1 M M ft V r" 'A J w 1 ' v t i 1 fi. MADAM SCANDAL. A long time go, in the western part of Eng land, there lived an aged couple, whose time had passed away since earljr youth, in the every round of farm life, and who were never known to have the least ill-feeling toward each other siuce the time when good old parson Ileriot had united them in the holv bond of wedlock twenty-five years be fore. So well wa3 the fact of their conjugal happiness known, that they were spoken of far and near as the happiest pair in England. Now the Devil (excuse the abrupt mention of his name,) had been trying for twenty years to create what is called a ''fuss in the family," between these old companions. But much to his mortification, be bad not been able to induce the old gentleman to grumble about breakfast being too late, or the old woman to give a single curtain lecture. After repeated efforts the devil became discour aged, and had he not been a person of great deter mination, he would doubtless have given up the work in despair. One day, as he walked along in a very surly mood, after another attempt to get the old lady to quarrel about the pigs getting into the yard, he met an old woman, a near neighbor of the aged couple. As Mr Devil and the neighbor were very particular friendai, they must needs stop on the way and chat a little. 'Gotd morning, sir," said she "and pray what on ctrth makes you look so bad thismorning; isn't the controversy between the churches doing good service: "Yes." "Isn't Deacon W. making plenty of bad whis key?" "Yes." "Well, what is the matter, my highly honored master?" "Every thing is going on well enough," replied the devil, "but, and lie looked as sour as a mon key on a crab-apple tree, "old Blueford and his wife orer here are injuring the cause terribly by their bad example, and after trying for years to get them to do right, I must say I consider them hopeless." The hag stood a moment in deep thought. "Are you sure you have tried every way?" "Every way I can think of." "Are you certain?'' "Yes." "Well," replied the, "if you will promise to make me a present of a new pair of shoes, in case I succeed, 1 will make the attempt myself, and see if I can't raise a quarrel between them." To this reasonable request the devil gladly as sented. The old hag went her way to old Blue ford's houpe, and found Mrs. Blueford busily enga ged in getting things ready for her husband's com fort on his return from work. After the usual compliments had passed, the following dialogue took place: "Well, friend B., you and Mr B. have lived a long time together." "Five-and-twenty years, come November.' re plied Mrs. B " "And all this time you have never had a quarrel." "Not one' "I am truly glad to hear it," continued the hag; "I consider it my duty to warn you, though this is the case, you must not expect it to be always. Have you not observed that of late Mr B. has grown peevish and sullen at times?" "A very little so," observed Mrs Blueford. "I knew it," continued the hag, "and let warn you to be on your guard." me and the Mrs. B. did think she had better do so, asked advice as to how she should case. "Have you not noticed," said the hag, "that your husband has a bunch of long harsh hair growing on a mole under his chin on the side of his throat?" "Yes." "These are the cause of the trouble, and as long as they remain you had better look out. Now, as a friend, I would advise you to cut them off the first time you get a chance, and thus eud the trou ble." Soon after this the hag started for home, and made it convenient to meet Mr B. on his way. Much the same talk in relation to his domestic happiness passed between him and the old wo man. "But, friend Blueford," said she, "I think it my duty as a christian, to warn you to be on your guard, for I tell you, your wife intends your ruin." Old Mr B. was very much astonished, j-et he could not wholly discredit her words. When he Teached home he threw himself on a bed in per plexity, and feigned himself to sleep studied the matter over in his mind. His wife, thinking this a good opportunity for cutting off the obnox ious hair, took her husband's razor and crept soft ly to his side. Now the old lady was very much frightened at holdinr a razor so close to her hus band's neck, and her hand was not so steady as it once was; so, between the two, she went to work very awkwardly, and pulled the hairs instead of cutting them off. Mr B. opened his eyes and there stood his wife with a razor at his throat. After what had been told him, and seeing this, he could fiot doubt but that she intended to murder him. He sprang from the led in horror, and no exj l.ina tion or cutreaty could convince him to the contra ry; so from that time there was j:iw, jaw, quarrel and wrangling all the time. With delight the. devil heard of the faithful emissary, and sent her word if she would meet him at the end of the lane, at a certain time, he would pay her the shoes. At the appointed time she repaired to the spot, and found the devil at the place. He put the shoes on the end.of a pole, and standing on the opposite side of the fence, handed them over to her. She was muoh pleased with them, they were exactly the article. "Uut there is one thing, Mr Devil, that I would like to have exnlaincd: that is. whv did vou hand I them to me on a stick?" j "Vrv paaw tn PTnI:iin " rprdiod he Anv nnA i j i r j who bus the cunning and meanness to do as vou have done, don't get nearer than iwcnij ieei oi i j me. .so saving he fled in terror. After a while the old woman died, and when she applied for admittance to the lower regions, the devil would not let her in, for fear she iui:ht dethrone him, as the was so much his superior. JSo the old woman is jet condemned to wander over the world, and creating quarrels and strife in peaceful families and neighborhoods. . Would you know her name? , It is Jiadam Scandal. When she died the joung Scandals were left orphans, but the devil, in consideration of the past services done by the mother, adopted them, and so you sec he is father to that respectable class called scandal mongers. Reader, don't you know some of the family? The accounts due JOHN II ARTY'S Estate have been placed in my hands for collection, bj T. H. BRF.M, Adm'r. ' All persons indebted by account, will please call at China Hall and 6etile before the first of April next after that time they will be given to an officer for collection. JAMES HARTY, Aget. March 5. 1861. 8t. ABOUT THE SLEEP OP CHILDREN. One of the first rhyming couplets learned by most of us, was: "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." This sound? plausible, and if the - whole couplet were followed, it would be well enough; but the practice , is: go to bed late and get up early. An abun- dance of sound sleep is very important to the pby eical and mental health of.childreu. While under the age of six years, 11 hours of sound sleep should be taken by them every nigh:; from six to twelve years of aire, 10 hours are needed, and from 12 to j the full growth of the body, not less than 9 hours of sleep are absolutely necessary. After that pe riod 8 hours may answer, thoujrh 9 are better. A Kure receipt for securiu" restless sleep and the "kicking off" of bed covers, is to allow chil dren, or grown up people even, to eat hearty sup pers. A liirht diet ot bread and milk, say a cup full not a great bowl full is all that a child needs, and all it should have after dinner. Give them this at 5 o'clock P. M., and accustom them to eo to bed invariblv at G to GJ o'clock. Summer and Winter, and they will sleep Koundly durin alJ the everiinjand through the night. After the age of three, it is better not to accustom children to sleep during the day. Then, by making it an invariable rule for them to go to bed at 6 or 6 J r M.. thev will ouickly drop to sleep. Were there no considerations of health, the convenience of hav ing children "out of the way" during the evening would be a sufficient inducement to this plan Dangerous Counterfeit. The Columbia Guardian says: "We were shown a very danger ous counterfeit, in the shape of a 320 bill on the Peoples' Bank of Charleston. The plate is a fac simile of the genuine bill, but rather lighter, giv ing the bill a grayish appearance. The signatures H. I'. Loper Cashier, and D. L. McKay President, arc badly executed. This bill was lettered A, No. 928, and dated January 4, 1859. As this is the first of this denomination on the Bank, our friends should be watchful in receiving any of that de nomination. We further learn that 810 bills on the Mechan ics' Bank of Augusta are in circulation. COCHRANE & SAMPLE DEALERS IN Hardware, Guns, Cutlery, &c., &c, at the Sin of the GOLDEN PAD-LOCK, WOULD respectfully invite the public to call and examine their Stock before purchasing: elsewhere. ErA Orders solicited and promptly attended to. Cull and see us. COCHRANE k SAMPLE. July 3, 18G0. Carriage Materials. at the Sin of the Golden I'ad-Lock. A large Stock of the above, consisting of Springs, Axles, Oval Iron, Hubs, Bows, Rims, Buggy Poles, Huggy Sliafts. Spokes, Patent and Enamelled Leather, Enam elled Cloth. Oil Carpet, Carriage Holts, Brass and Sil ver Bands, Silver Moulding, Laces, Tassels, Turned Sticks, Saddle and Lining Nails, kc. kc COCHRANE & SAMPLE. jSTotice. I would respectfully inform rny friends that from this date my Books will be closed, and Goods sold only for CASH during the present excitement. Jan 8, 1861 F. SCARR. TEEMS, OSEE! We respectfully inform our friends and customers that owing to the stringency of monetary affairs, we will be compelled to sell for Cash, and for Cash only, during the year 18C. Having a large stock on hand, we will reduce the prices to suit the times. B!3i Those indebted to us will oblige us by making immediate settlement. ELI AS & COHEN. January 8, 18tl. WANTED, Every boly t know that J. TROTTER is at his Old Stand, opposite the Jail, and is prepared to repair, re paiut and re-trim Buggies aud Carriages in the best manner. He can put on Buggies the neatest and best Tops of any workman in the county. Some new work will also be made. He respectfully infrinns the public that he can make a Buggy that will ride si man into office (or at least car ry him about while seeking the public stalls) or any where else. Richard the Third ottered his Kingdom for a horse, but if he had known Trotter he would also have wanted a IJuggy, such as he, Joshua Trotter, can make or repair. So give him a call. Jan 1, 1801. 3m J. TROTTER. ISTotioe. From and after this day (1st of January, 1801,) we will be pleased to sell our old friends and customers, and the ret of mankind, for cali, and cash only, any article in our line of business that we may have on hand. Any person sending or coming for Goods after this date, without money, will please excuse us if, in stead of filling their order, we furnish them with a copy of this ad vertisement, as we are determined not to tell a single article on credit. Cg3u And those indebted to us are requested to call and pay, as we want the money. OATES & WILLIAMS. .January 1, 18G1 tf MARTIX, TANXAIIILL fc CO., (Successors to N. M. Martin, Bro. & Co.,) Grocers .Hid Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG, VA. WALTER K. MARTIN & CO, (Successors to N. M. Martin, Son & Co.,) Commission Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. R. A. Martin, formerly of Granville county, N. C. Uobt. Tanxahill. formerly of Edgecombe county. N C. j Walter h. Martin of Richmond, Ya. N. M. Martin do. do. R- H. Ci nmxgham. Jr. REFER TO C. F. Fisher, Esq, rros't N C Railroad Dr W J Hawkins, Pres't Raleigh & Gaston Railroad R R Bridges, Pres't Branch Bank at Tarboro, N C; Hon W N Edwards, Warren county: James M Bullock, Esq. Granville county; C F Fisher, cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Ya.; K P Battle, Esq, Raleigh. v. vj ii i u unrii i ji iwiiwii, numtiu, n urni hiiu curu re spectfully solicited, and which will have faithful per- I .-onai attention, a gooa supply oi groceries always on I hand and for sale on reasonable terms. Orders for j goods promptly filled. Both concerns will adhere j strictly to selling produce on commission. Neither concern will buy on commission, speculation or other wise the articles named above, as their business in pro duce is confined exclusively to selling. We respectfully call the attention of operatives and planters to Petersburg as one of the best cotton markets in the South. The demand is good both from manu facturers here and for direct shipment from City Point to Europe. Efforts are now being mode to sbip cottoa direct from Charlotte to this point, for $3 per bale. January 22, ISG1. 3m-pd PETER H. DAVIS. W. H. HARDER. DAVIS & HARD E E, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, REFER TO Don. D W Courts, Gen. R W Haywood, Raleigh, N. C. Feb 19, 1861 6m-pd. WESTERN DBMOCEAT, OHAELOTTE, IST. C. The Great "Salve" Certificate. Hall's Journal of Health las the following, which "speaks for itself:" - Dear Doctor: I will be one hundred and seventy-five years old next October. For ninety-four years I have been an invalid, unable to move ex cept when stirred with a lever. But a year ago last Thursday I heard of the Granicular Sirup I bought a bottle, smelt of the cork, and found my self a new man. I can now run twelve and a half miles an hour, and throw nineteen double somer sets without stopping. P. S. A little of your Alicumstone Salve appli ed to a wooden leg, reduced a compound fracture iu nineteen minutes, and is now covering the limb with a fresh cuticle of white gum pine bark. To succeed in the world, it is much more necessary to possess the penetration to discover who is a fool, than to discover who is a clever fellow. Carriage Shop. The subscriber has taken charge of the stand former ly occupied by John lla'ty, and hopes by strict atten tion to business, and using every exertion to please, to obtain h share of public patronage. All new work warranted twelve months. Bg, Particular attention paid to Repairing. I have on hand as good a lot of seasoned Lumber as can be started. CHARLES WILSON. Charlotte, Jan 22, 1861 3m WAGON WORK and BLACKSMITIIING. I have opened a shop on College street, in the rear of Mr Raby's stable, where I am prepared to do all kinds of Wood-Work and Blaeksmithing such as making Carts and Wagons and repairing the same, Buggy re pairing, horse-shoeing, &c. My work shall be well executed, on the most accommodating terms, and every effort made to gie satisfaction. Give me a trial. Jan 8, 1861 3m-pd J. H. PROPEST. GROCERY STORE. The subscriber informs the public that at his STORE near the Jail, he keeps on hand a good supply of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Such as Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Meal, Bacon, Chick ens, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, &c. Those patronizing hi will be accommodated as to quantity, quality am ;rice. Give him a call. M. S. OZMENT. Oct. 30, I860. tf. r,AI! FOR SALE. The subscriber being desirious of removing West, offers for sale his PLANTATION, situated ten miles west of Charlotte, on the waters of Paw creek and Ca tawaba River. The tract comprises 330 Acres, most of jt superior land. There is a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses on the premises Terms liberal, Also, will be sold a half interest in a Grist and Saw Mill adjoining the above tract. Apl 3, lo0. tf WM. M. PORTER. MECKLENBURG HOUSE. This hotel, situated near the centre of the town of Charlotte, and convenient to the business portion of the town, has been leased by the subscriber, and refitted and put in good order and condition, and I am now ready to accommodate all who may call upon me. All that I ask of the public is to try me, and if they are not pleased, I will then know that the fault lies with me. Xly table will be provided with the best that the country can atlora Having' secured tue best ot cooks and servants, I am satisfied that I can please the taste of the most fastidious. Being provided with good and comfortable stables and cartful and attentive ostlers, I am prepared to pro vide for man's best friend, the Horse. Feb 19, 1861 3m MATIIIAS IIARKEY. Tools, Tools. Tools, at the Sign of the Golden Pad-Lock, A good supply of Tools, consisting of circular, mill, cross-cut, tenon, hand, ripper, back and compass Saws; bench and moulding Planes ; lathing, shing ling, and broad Hatchets; Hammers; bevel and steel Squares; Drawing Knives; Braces and Bits; Augers; Gimlets; Cliissels; brick and plastering Trowels; Screw Plates; Saw-Sets; Spoke-Shaves; Files; Rasps; Pocket Rules; Guage-Rods; spirit and pocket Levels; Boring Machines, kc. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. At the Sin of the Golden Pad-Lock will be found at all limes a large and well selected Stock of Guns, Pistols, Powder-horns, Powder-flasks, Pow der. Shot, Lead; French and American wiudow-Glasj; Putty; a large stock of English and American Iron: Cast Steel, German steel. Blister steel, Plough steel, Spring steel; Nails of all kinds, hemp and mnnilla Rope; Anchor Brand Bolting Cloths; Mill Screws; Mill Picks; Spike Hammers, Stone Hammers, Double and Single Blocks; also, a large Stock of Cornices, Curtain Bands, Curtaiu Pins, Picture-Cord and Tassels, &c. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Blacksmith's Tools, at the Sign of the Golden I'ad-Lock, A good supply, consisting of Anvils; Bellows; Solid Box Vices; hand and sledge Hammers: Stocks and Dies; Tongs, Buttresses, Rasps, Files, and a good supply of Hore Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, at low prices. COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Rope ! Rope! ! 5,000 pounds of Manilla. Juto and Cotton Rope, from inch to 3 inches, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store, Opposite the Mansion House. BIRDS, RIRDM. All kinds of EUROPEAN BIRDS: also, a beautiful assoi tment of NEW STYLE CAGES. Those wishing n sne Songster, will find it at J. D. PALMER'S Variety Store, One door above the Bank of Charlotte. Nov 20, 1860. WILLIAM TIDDY, SALISBURY, N.C., WM. & -It." TIDDY, Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C, MANUFACTURERS OF COMMENTS, IIEADSTOAES, &c, &c. 5?3?"Order3 at either Yard respectfully solicited, and will meet with prompt attention. . Feb 2, 1861 tf JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Botel, next door to Brown & Stitt's store. Jan. 1, 1861. tf PEA MEAT, "We keep at onr Steam Flouring Mill in this place Pea Meal for feeding cows and stok. Also, we have on hand at all times, Family, Extra, Superfine and coarse Flour. We warrant our family flonr Corn Meal and Grits can always be bad at the mill. J. WILKES 4 CO. Jan'v 1, 1861 F. SCARR, 7 (Late Scarr $ Co.) Olieraist & Diruggist -Charlotte, IV. C, - RESPECTFULLY invites attention to his complete etock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS and MEDI CINES, selected with great care and without regard to price; purity and quality being especially regarded. To Physicians. New Chemicals and Drugs just received. Hypophos phites of Soda and Potass, Tilden's Fluid Extracts, Churchill's Syrup of the Hypophosphites, Ammon Ferric Alum, Perchlorate of Iron (6olid,) &c. Country Merchants Will find at this establisment a .full assortment of articles in the Drug line at Charleston Prices. o Babbit's Pure Potash, in tins. Concentrated Lye, Soap Potash, in barrels. Vinegar, Nutmegs, Allspice, Cloves, Mace, Ginger, . Pepper, o Cinnamon, kc. O I Linseed Sperm Lard Oil, Train Oil. Tanners' " Sweet " A full supply White Lead, of Paints, lied Lead, Paris Green, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Prussian Blue, Raw and Burnt Umber, q c .H q Terra de Sienna, &c., Elegant Preparations ior the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine. Savage's Ursina, Bazin's Ox Marrow, kc, At SCAUR'S Drug Establishment. Jan'y 1, 1861 LOOK HERE! ALL persons who have bought Boots, Shoes &c. from BOONE & CO., and have not paid for them, are requested to call at once and settle their Notes and Accounts. SAMUEL. P. SMITH, Office in the Court House. Attoruey June 5, I860.- tf The World coming to an end. ISAAC LOEWENSTEIN wishes to call the attention of the people trading in Charlotte to the fact fhat he is prepared to sell Dry Goods, clothing, Coots, Shoes, HATS, CAPS, &c, cheaper than any house in the State. In consequence of having bought a large stock at reduced prices, we are determined to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. ISAAC LOEWENSTEIN. October 16, 18C0 tf Auctioneer i'ov Sale of Negroes, Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin Street, RICHMOND, VA. ALBERT C. PCLLIAM, B0BT. P. PL'LLIAM, DAS'L K. WEISIGER. Daily sales public and private. We pledge our strictest attention to the business entrusted to us, and will answer all communications promptly. Porter al ways at each Depot. May 22, 18G0 y I860. 0 03 JAJIES D. PALMER, Dealer in West India Fruits, Havana Scnars, Snuff, Tobacco, Willow-Ware, Toys, All kisids or Fancy Goods, And manufacturer of Candies and Con fectioneries. One door above the Bank of Charlotte. ""(j$3 April 10, 1800. The Great Clothing Emporium Fasllings, Springs & Co., DKALKRS IX ALL KINDS OF Ready-made Clothing, Furnishing- Goods. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c, &c. FIJLLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Would call the especial attention of their friend; and patrons to their New Slock of Clothing, now opening. itieytiiinK tney can oner greater in. ducements to buyers than they have ever done, their goodi being bought at reduced rates and at such prices as tney led connuent no nouse in tne otate can com pete with. They are offering very nice Cassiniere Suits at from $12 to $25. All manner ol CASSI.MKRE PANTS, Cassimere, Silk, Matalasse and Velvet VESTS, OVER COATS of all grades und styles. The above Goods cannot be surpassed in style and make, having been manufactured under the constant supervision of one of the firm. FULLIXGS, SPRINGS & CO. Sept. 25, 1860. fflEimiAffT 'T11L0KIKG. FULLIXGS, SPRINGS & CO. have also added to their Ready-made Clothing Stock, a Merchant Tailoring De partment, to which they call the especial attention of their many friends and customers. They intend making this department second to none in the State, either in style and quality of Goods, or in the manufacture of Garments. At all limes w ill be found a good stock of Black and colored Cloths. English, French and American Cassi meres, and a variety of Vestings. Also, an assortment of Rock Island Cassimeres. They feel confident of their ability to undersell any o'.her house in the State, from the advantages they have in getting their goods. Their goods are bonght by the quantity, by one of the Firm who resie s in the Northern markets, which gives him the opportunity of taking advantage of the prices of goods, thereby saving at least Twenty-five per cent to the consumer. 5Dimes saved are Dollars made'-ga So try us. Orders from a distance solicited. Cutting done on short notice. Sept 23, 18G0. FULLIXGS, SPRINGS & CO. Agricultural Implements, at the Sign of the Golden Pad-Lock, A large snpply of the above, consisting of Thompson's celebrated Plonghs; also, Corn-Shellers; Straw-Cutters-Shovels; Spades; Hay and manure Forks; best cactsteel Axes; Picks, Mattocks, Grubblrg Hoes, Weeding Hoes Trace Chains, Log Chains, Wagon Chains, Garden Hoes. Rakes, Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears, Pronine nd Budding Ktijvee," &c.,' &c. - COCHRANE & SAMPLE. Xew Books. .History of Fhkdebick thb Gbbat, byThos. Carlile. r . r.,.- an A Friendshio. bv L. C. Loomia. Courtship and Matbimoky, with other Sketches, by Robert Morris. . f- r , w. '- r' .r. v .The Mikisteb or Life, by M. L Charlesworth. mi Home Amusements. 1X15 UttlAOliE! V v m The Life asd , Times of the Gbbat Hcgh Milleb, of Scotland, by T. N. Brown. Ansals of the American Polpit, by Dr. Sprague. Lippikcott's Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of the World, , twa Dpaw on Maggie Miller, Mrs M. J. Holmes. ScocRiNe of the White Hobse, or the long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. The Kn. Peppeb, Papers by Jacques Maurice. Dust and Fome, or Three Oceans and Two Conti k T Rnhinsnn Warren. I also have a few copies of Hawks' History of X. C, Vols. I and II. Cantwell's Justice and N. C. Form Book. Jan. 1, IS61. - P. J- LOWRIE. Wil. Charlotte 6l Ruth. Railroad WESTERN DIVISION. Pnecpnirprs will bp accommodated to "and from the head of the Road, daily, Sundays excepted, as follows West Leave Charlotte at 9 A. M. " Tuckaseege station at 9 45 Arrive at Brevard " 10 30 M ( Going East Leave Brevard station at 4 P. M. Tuckaseege " 4 45 " Arrive at Charlotte at 5 30 " Proper flag signals being given at intermediate points, passengers will be taken up. Dec. 10, 1860. WM. HARTY, Agent. jggg-At the Lead of the Road, four-hore post roaches will be found ready to take passengers and baggage to Lincolnton, connecting regularly with the trains. At Lincolnton, four-horse coaches run tri-weekly to New ton, Lenoir, and Abingdon, Va., leaving on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in the morning, and return iu to Lincolnton on the evenings of the same days. C. A. SUTHERLAND & CO., Dec 10, 1860 tf Stage Proprietors WHEAT! The subscriber is prepared to purchase the new crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Farmer? will find it to their advantage to call at the CHAR LOTTE STEAM MILLS before selling. Jan'y 1, 1861 tf JXO. WILKES. BY J. IS. ItEltft, Proprietor. VERY. ACCOMMODATION afforded the patrons of the Charlotte Hotel. At this Hotel is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte to Asheville Oct. I, 1859. J. B. KERR. LOWRIE'S K rr i7 fr LL- Li A K2J U IT A Ll) I receive all the New Pub lications as fast as they come for ward from the Press; and keep constantly on hand a large lot of School, Academy and College :TEX'rTBOOKS, and many useful reference and recreative works. I also keep a very large stock of Stationery, plain and fancy. Having made an arrangement with the Southworth Paper Manufacturing Company, 1 am en abled to sell paper at the same prices by the whole sale for which it can be bought in the Xorthern cities, freight added. P. J LOWRIE. Jun. 1, 1861. Carriage Materials. He would call special attention to his stock of the above goods, consisting of Springs, Axles, Hubs, Bows, Spokes, Shafts, Curtain frames, Knobs, Bands, Lining Xails, Damask, Satinet, Cloths, "Laces, Fringes, Enamel ed and Patent Leather', Enamelled Cloth, Oil Carpet, Paints of all kinds, drj- and in oil; Varnish, Turpentine, Linseed OilTyre and oval Iron, Bolts, and everything in the way of Carriage T riiutniugs, at prices that can nst fail to please, at the Hardware Depot of " A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, Opposite the Mansion House. Roofing, Guttering and Job Work, Of all kinds, promptly attended to at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store, Opposite the Mansion House TAN BARK. 100,000 COllDS Tan Bark wanted, for which a liberal price will be paid. M. B. TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 22, 1859 tf The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, COXTIXITES to take risks against loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Produce, kc, at usual rates.1 President A. C. STEELE, Vice President C. OVERMAN, Attorney JOS. II. WILSON, Scy $ Teas' r E. NYE HUTCHISON. DIRECTORS: A. C. STEELE, S. T. WRISTON, JNO. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, M. B. TAYLOR, F. SCARR, CHAS. OVERMAN. Executive Committee S. T. Wriston, F. Scarr. Jno L. Brown. April 10, 1860. LIVER INVGGQRATOR, NEVE It D K Iil LilT ATKS. IT I rompoamlril ehtlrrlyfi nm f.' a,nnd bus become uu established facl, AM.iinU'l Me liciue, known and approved by all Uiai twtve ttsi'il it. untl is iifiw re al, the diseases for nb:cb it sorted to wiih coulideuce in is recommended. i T. 1 - I .1 1 . iviiliin Uie lost two years ol relief, ns the numerous show. i li.t- teiiipf-nimrnt of thn (;d iu sueii qiuulrtiss as lo ..n.Urment guMe you 'a & V1GOKATOH, aud it who had given tip all ruyesj J unsolicited certificates in myi n 1 be dose must tic adapted f Individual taking it, and us act gently on Uie Bowels. Let the dictates of ymr use of the LIVEK IV willcure Liver Com taiks, Dyspepsia, Summer C o m -ry, Dropsy, Sour Costive tic 88, Cliol raltlarlios, C ho I e r n lence, Jaundice, ea, and may be used site ry Family Medl HEAOACHE, (as i.'ntiits, Uliloiu At C'liroiilc Diarrhoea, . pl.tltit, ly-Mite- Stmnc!i,Ilnlirtnl i , Cholera, Cholc Infaiitum. Plata H'tmtlc Wrakneu cessfully as an Ortllua- I tie. It will cure SI C'lC thousands can testify.) til twenty minutes, If two or thrt-e T ca spoonful are tak attack. A 1 1 who use It art- in its favor. cti at commencement of glvlng their testUmoay MIX WAT Kit l THE MOUTH WITH THE IWIGOKAIOR, AN1 SWAUOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. SANFOSD'S FAS) IX Y CATHARTIC PILLS, Pure Vegetable Extrads, and put up In ULA.SS CASKS, Air Tight, aud will keep in any climate. The Family C- tle but active Cathartic nsei in his practice more The constantly increasing have Ion e used the P 1 1,1, -a 11 express in reeard to their them within the reach of all. 1 he Profession well know on ditferent portions of the lne FA MIL V CA has, with due reference to been compounded from a table Kxtracts, which act alimentary canal, and are es where a Cathartic is rangtmentt of ft, lies. Pains tit the Cootfvenesa, Pain the whole body, frequently, if neglected, ver, Ixv of Appe sntlon of Cold over nes Heattaeh-, or all Inflammatory Children or Adults. Purifier of the Blood nesh is heir, too numerous t a rt I r PIT,!, ta a gen. which the propneior has than frxenty years, demand from those who aud the satisfaction mhicn use. has induced me to plasa that diOercnt CatbarUcs act roels. THARTIC Pit-1. Ibis well established fact, ariety of the purest Veee alike on averr part of the Rood and safe in all eas tKcled. such as IJe Slamseh. K lee pi EacU a. r Loins, auu Sorraeo over from suddB Ut. which end in a long eaorse of Fs tlte,a Creepluar cw thebHly, Restless--weluhl In t he head, Diseases, Werssia ia Khruinatlsfti, a crsat iHl many discuses to a hica to mention in this adrerUss meni. uoe. lto3. ' PRICE THRBE'DIMK. ' The Liver lMvljjirat-r and Family Ca thartic Pills are retailed br rr:iiiirt generally, and aoU wholesale by the Trade to all Ue,lsrg tows. 8. T.W.SANFOIID, M. D "'."' ManuSaevirer and Proprietor, 335 Oroadw. New Yark, ... F. SCARR & CO., and E.NYE. Charlotte Jf. C. "HI HUTCHISON k CO ApriM9, 1860, NEW lne largest stock oi f ALL ANn tpiv 'ITT t in tne town, is now on Hand at the ionable house of - TZ" S -r. xv uuu ma nil x. rhu) The public, and especially :hs Ladies 1 spectfully invited to call aod exumine our "''N know they cannot fail to be pleased, both' and price. . ' ''It We are now opening daily, as we receit.u. the first Houses in the Northern cities th V splendid Goods in part: ' 0t fcll Merinos, Delaines, Ppln n. f LADIES TRAVELING GOOM'f French, English & American Prints, a Qualities and prices to suit all tastes andi, Splendid CiAKHiS mid AliI which particular attention is invited. Bonn ey's and Flats, Embroideries, TiimminJ'VV Glove?. &c. Our Staple aud Domestic bei". full and complete, and for it we defy com.et,,j"X WE will OT Bi: lDERW We have a splendid assortment of CARi-pn t Family and Xegro Blankets. Our i READY-MADE CLOTHING this season surpasses, in finish and sunrinf iiririuiuic . qiicuuiu riui in ill.ll Hue anH il i tliinrr ic li-f will lit cllut-tar .t fc '"6 - v" i" ui mail ever I BOOTS siikI SHOIiS.-Our stnMr ! department is very complete, and (elected for L Gentlemen. Children and Servants with om. at lov prices. A large and cheap stock of thokt tr-i ici m rr r-? in f Lpa Vi LfS US LI Li j HARDWARE, &c, We call the attention of our old and hitrliiv i..., I tomers. and buvers generally, to the fact that .3 paling their tastes and wants, we have neither ib, toil or expense ia order to suit and please tliem,SV sincerely assure them that with these views nd ij tions, we will sell on terms enlirelv to ccoaiJ all who calfon us. KOOPMANN k PHPix Jan. 1, 1861. tf FALL OPENING. I ir New Store! New Gooi' AT - ISAAC LOEWENSTEIN, I Nearly opposite the Court House, ; Where he has an extensive stock of DRY GOi, Clothing Bcols and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a larrrfi variety' nf Dnmpstic . o - j vm j&.xx3. G-roceries Persons will do well to give us a call before purtk ing elsewhere. ISAAC LOEWEXSTEB October 16, 1860 tf JUEiKLEXBUUG IkON WOttEs) Charlotte, IV. C. ALEXANDER 6c McDOUGALL The undersigned beg leave to inform the citizen Charlotte and vicinity and the puhlic genern!lj. they have opened the above Elabiishnient at ihefw Trade Street, adjoining the track of the North Cirgt Rail Road and opposite John Wilkes' Steam are prepared to furnish all kinds of at short notice and on reasonable terms. Steam Engines from 8 to 80 Eon Power. ; Their SHOP contains tools selected with great cr and is provided with all the improvements rfijiiir; to do their work in a first rate manner. I Castings, in Iron or Brass, made to order. f II0RSE-SHOE1XG and BLACKSMITHS wmUe kinds. REPAIRING in th eir line attended to. j Agents for Dr. E. O. Elliott, for Winter'iPw Mulay Saw Mill, which has the advantage, along i . many others, of doing at least twice ns mticb i and doing it better, than any other Mill in use-its be run by Steam, Water or Horse Power. The may be seen at the Shop at anv time. HENRY ALEXANDER. I MALCOLM McDOUGALL ? N. B. Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Ac, bought ortl' in trade. January 1, 1861. tf. NEW RKSTAUKANT. -;Xv. llaviner connected with fmmMh Eaikg and Rtfrmu. Immk ' Saloon, r i4v, ' rn prepared to sci ve mTinr and the public in llie t-uliiirj 1 in the best stvle. Kjiicums tWSfi!: "SmfS Will il.-ae o-ive me a call. slia)l be my constant todf( please tbem. ..as J. I). 1'AL.Mtn, , One door above the Dank of Cbartf January 1, 18l. ' MRS. WINSLOU, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, pf". to the attention of mothers, her '. SOOTHlrtO SYKUP, For Children Teclhin?, j which greatly facilitates the process of teethinf T Boftenifig the gums, reducing nil iuflaniation tUl all pain and spasmodic attion. and id Sure lo itt-tfiilafe the lZow-I Depend upon it, mother, it will give rest to yourw! ' and relief and health to your inauls. We have -put up and sold this article for ' years, and cak say, in cokfidesck akd tkcth, , what we have ne rer breo say of any other KK HAS IT FAILED, STANCE, TO EF- when timely did we know an- mi. lVl!I.OU S SOO'I uedK'ln', IS A used. p instaocf rf satisfaction by any one who ued it. On the coj; all are delighted with its operations, and if. terms of commendation of its magical effects tui f cal virtues We cnvnl !n iViiu m.tur i U'lliT V' ------ -j . ..v - - ... in j a iiii.i i vi ... know," after trn years' experience, and pledge onr if taiion for the fulfiilment of what we here declr- almost every instance where the infant is uflerinf pain and exhaustion, relief will be found iu fif""' twenty minutes after the eyrup is aduiinisiered. Thi? valuable prepnrnt'ion is the prescript!"0 of the most EXPERIENCED and SKlLLt L'L Mr ; in Xew England, and has been used with uever-' success in thousands of cases. It not only relieves the child from puin, bnt in'r ates the stomach and bowelf, corrects acid'HJ gives tone and energy to the whole system. It ritosr 'inorantli. .uCura fliiiDKH 1W TBI RoWELlt wind tolie. and orercotoH rulsions, which, remedied, end in lieve it the best REMEDY IN foii Tee I lii off. if not sp death. and Srf;. THE WO in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea In CbP, whether it arises from teething, or from any other r We would say to every mother who has a child ' , " ing from any of the foregoing complaints Do koT tocb PEEjcoiCEb, nor the prejudices ofother,r between yon and your suilering child, and the that will be' sureyes. absolutely sure to fu use of this medicine, if timely used. Full dircJ for using will accompany each bottle. None ellw unless the , fac-simile of CURTIS ic PEKKI ' York, is on the ontside wrapper. . . - Sold by Druggists throughout the woria. Principal Office, 13 Cedar treet, N. Y. Price only 25 cents fer Bottle, For sale by E. NYE HUTCK.30N F. SCARR. ' March 20, 1860. j CO. f i.

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