THE NOK" -SLAVEHOLDERS OP THE SOUTH. In his address entitled " The Doom of Slavery in the Union," lion. John Townsend, of South Carolina, n?es this language: Accompanied as that measure is to be by redu cing the two races to an equality ox in other words, in elevating the slave to an equality with the white man it will be to the non-slaveholder, equally with the largest slaveholder, the oblitera tion of caste and the deprivation of important privileges. The color of the white man is now, in the South, a title of nobility in hid relations as to the negro; and although Cuffy or Sauibo may be immensely his superior in wealth, may have his thousands deposited in bank, as some of them lave, and may be the owner of many slaves, as some of them are, yet the poorest non-slaveholder, being a white man, is his superior in the eye of the law; may serve and command in the militia; may sit upon juries, to decide upon the rights of the wealthiest in the land; may give his testimony in court, and may cast his vote equally with the largest slaveholder, in the choice of his rulers. In no country in the world does the poor white man, whether slaveholder or non-slaveholler, occupy so enviable a position as in the slavcholding States of the South. Ills color here admits him to social and civil privileges which the white man enjoys nowhere else. In countries where nepro slavery toes not exist (as in the Northern States and in Europe,) the most menial and degrading employ ments in society are filled by the white poor, who arc hourly seen drudging in them. Porrrty, then, in those countries, becomes the badge of iiileriorty, and wealth of distinction. Hence the arrogant airs which wealth there puts on, in its intercourse with the poor uian. But in the Southern slave holding States, where these menial and degrading offices are turned over to be performed exclusively by the negro slave, the status and color of the black race become the badge of inferiority, and the poorest nonelavcholder may rejoice with the richest of his brethren of the white race, in the distinction of his color. The poorest non-slave-liolder, too, except as I have before said, be he de based by his vices or his crimes, thinks and feels, -and acts as if he was and always intended to be, -superior to the negro. He may be poor, it is true; but there is no point upon which he is so justly proud and sensitive as his privilege of caste; and there is nothing he would resent with nmre fierce indignation than the attempt of the abolitionists to emancipate the slaves and elevate the negroes to an equality with himself and his family. The -abolitionists have sent their emissaries among that class of our citizens, trying to debauch their minds by persuading them that they have no interest in preventing the abolition of slavery. But they can not deceive any, except the most ignorant and worthless. The intelligent among them are too well aware of the degrading consequences of abo lition upon themselves and their families (such as I have described them,) to be entrapped by their arts. They know that at the North and in Eu rope, where no slavery exists, where poverty is the mark of inferiority, where the negroes have been put on an equality with the whites, and ' money makes the man," although theman maybe a negro they know, I say, that there the white man is seen waiting upon the negro; there he is seen vbeying the negro as his ostler, his coachman, his servant, and his boot-black. Knowing, then, these things, and that the abolition of slavery, and the reign of negro equality here, may degrade the white man in the same way as it has done in those countries, there is no non-slaveholder in the South, with the spirit of the white race in his bosom, who would not spurn with contempt the scheme of" Yankee cunning and malice. Not Thkre. -It is said that Wm. B. Astor, 'when called on to make good his liberal promise of millions to Lincoln's Government to carry on the war, incontinently backed down. a A Lasso Duel. A couple of Arizonians, one a native-born Mexican, and the other a boatman from the Mississippi, who had lived in Arizona about a year, fought a duel on horseback some time ago, each armed with a lasso. The Ameri can, who it was thought, would stand no chance in euch a novel encounter, except the chance of be ing strangled, lassoed his foe at the first throw of Ms noose, and dragged him over the plain at the full speed of his horse, until he was mangled and bruised almost to a jelly. Gen. Samuel F. Cary. This corrupt, lying hypocrite, who travelled through the South a few years since as a temperance lecturer, and was en tertained everywhere with the most unbounded hos pitality and kindness, and no where more so than by the people of Asheville, lately figured in a Black Republican coercion meeting in Cincinnati, where the vile old ingratc breathed out -'threaten-ings and slaughter" against the people whose hospitality he had enjoyed, and whose money he -had fobbed. Asheville AVic. JRsyWashington is a doomed city, no matter -which party succeed in the impending conflict. It will never again be a national capital. It will mever again be the capital of eithei a Northern or :a Southern Confederacy. For the first it would 'be too far south. For the second it would be too far north. It would be too much exposed in either case to be permanently occupied as a scat of Leg islation, or as a place of deposit for public records. Without trade, without even a good climate not situated in a fertile country, when it ceases to be the scat of the Fedenl Government, it must cease to be at all. The capitol which never has been finished, never will be. Its gilded and frescoed halls are already occupied by Goths and Vandals, if indeed it be not a libel upon those noble Scandinavian races to compare them with the hordes that rally at the call of Abraham Lin coln and Wm. H. Seward. Gen. Twiggs, late of the U. S. Army, has ad dressed a letter to ex-President Buchanan, in which he says : "Your usurped right to dismiss me from the army might be acquiesced in ; but you had no right to brand me as a traitor. This was personal, and I shall treat it as such, not through the papers, but in person. I shall, most assuredly, pay a visit to Lancaster for the sole purpose of a personal in terview with you. So, sir, prepare yourself. I am well assured that public opinion will sanction -an j course L may take with you. Imprisonment of Southern Citizens. The Richmond Dispatch remarks very properly, that if Southern men of Baltimore are to be arrested by Federal troops, it is time that the South should begin to. retaliate. Already Rodgers and Wrijt the Navy Yard incendiaries, and Gen. Harney, "the bloody tyrant of Missouri, have been in our hands -and have been treated with a humanity which they did not deserve. Hereafter prisoners like these must be held as hostages for the conduct of our heartless enemy. Suicide. Wm. A. Lenoir of Caldwell County, -committed suicide by shooting himself in the head oo the 15th inst He was subject to fits of mel-sncholy.. THE BLOCKADE ON WHISKY. We sec by the Cincinnati papers, that whisky is selling in that market at 1U cents per gallon, and the sales arc very slow even at this ruinous figure. When it is recollected that Cincinnati whisky is the meanest to be found on any portion of God's fobtstool, and that a half-pint per day will destroy the life of any man, no matter how robust he is, in the brief space of three months, we have cause to congratulate the Southern Con federacy, that old Abe has enforced the blockade on the Western waters. The war in which we are now engaged may be protracted through three, four, five, six or seven years. Let us place it at the lowest figure, and the Southern Confederacy saves by this blockade to fight its battles, thousands of valuable lives, which would otherwise fall victims to the deadly article distilled in and around Cincinnati. On the other hand, the Porkopoli tans will not allow the article to "pile." Added to a life-long fondness for whisky, will be the cheap rates and great abundance, facilities which must greatly hasten its consumption, and thus destroy the Buckeyes and the Hoosiers by the tens of thousands. The sword and gunpowder will not prove half so fatal as this fire-water; and thus we shall see our enemies disappear like frost before the sun. Trying this view of the case, have we not abundant cause to thank old Abe for his blockade; and can we not, out of seeming evil, educe much good ? Domesticities. If the tender leaves of the whortleberry bush be gathered and dried, a tea of moat delightful flavor can .be made from them, equal in every respect to the beverage produced by the veritable Chinese green tea. Sassafras can be obtained at all times and in any quantity around our city, and the tea made from this is relished by many persons. Coffee made from rye is not over bad to take. If it has any fault, it is too stimulating. Owing to the great demand for flags the price of bunting in New York, has gone up from seventy five cents to eight dollars, and book muslin usually worth not more than ten cents now brings a dollar per yard. CIIAIil.OTTK DKUG STORE. B. NYE HUTCHISON 6a CO. RETAIL DEAJ.EII.S IN Foreign and Domestic Trngs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Oils, Paints, Var- "s nishes, Window Glass, Puttv Pre g- Sniffs, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Pure Liquors, Canton Teas, Field and Garden Seeds, Ac. fit?" Having closed our Books, we intend hereafter to sell for cash. May 7, 1SG1. DR. JOSEPH GRAHAM OfiVrs his Professional Services to the citizens of Charlotte and the surrounding country. Office adjoining the residence of Mr Win. Johnston. February 12, 1801. jr. NOTICE. T'c TAX LIST, for the year I860, is now in my hands, ready for inspection. All persons are requested to inform me of any taxables which may not be listed. All TAX PAYERS arc requested to prepare themselves to meet their TAXES promptly. W. W. GRIER, Sheriff. April Ifi, 1861. tf GROCERIES. JUST RECEIVED, Sacks Salt, 100 Sacks Coffee, Rio, Laguirc and Java; 50 Hhds. Molasses, Cuba aud Muscovada; 50 Bbls. N. O. Molasses; 30 Hhds. Sugar, Assorted ; 7" Bbls. A. B. and C. Sugar; 100 Bbls., half-barrels and kits Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; 100 Kegs Powder, rifle and blasting; Shot, Lead, Rice, Tea?, and a general assortment of ('roceries, for sale for CASH. ELIAS & COHEN. April"30, 1861. KOOPMANN & PHELPS have received a handsome assortment of SPRING GOODS, consisting in part of DRESS GOODS, BONNETS, &c, To which they invite particular attention. April 23, 1SG1. Cash System Adopted. On and after this date, my stock of Boots, Shoes, kc, will be sold cheap for CASH exclusively. Persons owing last year's accounts, will save costs by calling and settling the same immediately. April 30. 181 3t WM. TRELOAR. ifS jrfejTMfc LBS. BACON, 20.000 Bushels 9&jr iWWW CORN, for which CASH will be paid by ELIAS k COHEN. February !, 1861 tf TERMS, CASH! We respectfully inform our friends and customers that owing to the stringency of monetary affairs, we will be compelled to sell for Cash, and for Cash only, during the year 1861. Having large stock on hand, we will reduce the prices to suit the times. Those indebted to us will oblige us by making immediate settlement. ELIAS k COHEN. January 8, 1861. Wil., Charlotte &. Ruth. Railroad WESTERN DIVISION. On and after Monday the 15th instant, the Passenger and Mail Train will be run on this Road daily (Sunday excepted) as follows : GOING WEST. Lkate. 7 00 A. M. 7 43 Arrive. Charlotte, Tuckasegee, Brevard, Sharon, Lincoluton, GOING EAST. 7 43 8 10 8 37 9 00 A. M. 15 40 it u Leave. 1 : 00 A. M 11 23 11 50 " 12 17 P. XI. Arrive. Lincolnton, Sharon, Brevard, Tuckasegee, Charlotte, 1 1 20 A. M. 11 45 " 12 15 P. M. 1 00 - By order, V. A. McBEE, Acting Master ot Transportation. Lincoluton, April 4, 161 From and after this day (1st of January, 18C1,) we will be pleased to sell our old friends and customers, and the rest of mankind, foe - cash, and cash only, any article in our line of business that we may have oo hand. Any person sending or coming for Goods after this date, without money, will please excuse us if, in stead of filling their order, we furnish them with a copy of this advertisement, as ware determined not to tell a single article on credit" 8l And those indebted to as are requested to call and pay, as we want the money. OATES 4 WILLIAMS. Jaauarr 1, . 1861 tf "WESTEBN , DEMOOEAT,),OHAEIfOTg,; CONVENTION DELEGATES. Anton Dr. A. Myers and J. A. Leak. Alamance Judge Ruffin, Giles Mebane. Alexander A C tewart. - i Ashe J D Forbes.- Bladen T D McDowell. Brunswick Thomas D Meares. Bertie S B Sprnill. James Bond. Beaufort W J Ellison. E J Morrow. Buncombe N W-Woodfin. Burke i C McDowell. Cabarrus C Pbifer. Caldwell E W Jones. Camden D D Ferebee. Castcell Hon B Brown, John A Graves. Catawba Rev P C Henkle. Carteret C R Thomas. Chatham L J Merritt, John Manning, Jas II Headen. Cherokee A T Davidson. Chowan R H Dillard. CleavelandDr W J T Miller, Dr J W Tracy. . Columbus Richard Wooten. Craven Geo Green. J D Whitford. Cumberland lion Warren Winslow, David McNeill. Currituck H M Shaw. Davidson B C Donthit, B A Kittrell. Duplin V J Houston, J T Rhodes. Davie Robert Spronse. Edgecombe and Wilson Hon Geo Howard, W S Battle. Forsyth Thos J Wilson, Rufus L Patterson. Franklin W P Williams. Granville T L Hargrove, A W Venable, S S Royster. Gaston Dr S X Johnston. Greene W A Darden, jr. Guilford Won J A Gilmer, Ralph Gorrell, R P Dick. Gates A J Walton. Halifax R n Smith, L W Batchelor. Hertford Hon Kenneth Rayner. HtdeE L Mann. Harnett A S McNeill. Haywood Wm Hicks. Henderson W M Shipp. Iredell Anderson Mitchell. T A Allison. Johnston C B Sanders, W A Smith. Jackson W II Thomas. Jones Wm Foy. Jjenoir John C Washington. IAncoln Wm. Lander. Macon C D Smith Madison J A McDowell. ' Martin Asa Bigg3. McDowell J 11 Greenlee. Mecklenburg Hon J W Osborue, Wm Johnston. Moore Dr II Turner. Montgomery S H Christian. Xash A II Arrington. New Hanover R II Cowan, W S Ashe. Northampton D A Batncs, J M Moody. Onsloic Dr G W Ward. Orange Hon W A Graham, Capt John Berry. Pasquotank Dr R K Speed. I'erquimans Joseph S Cannon. J'rrson John W Cunningham. JiU F B Satterth waite, B Grimes. Randolph Wm J Long, Alfred G Foster. Richmond Walter F Leak. Robeson J P Fuller, J C Sutherland. Rockingham Edward T Hrodnax, Hon David S Reid. Rowan Hon Burton Crnige, II C Jonfs, sr. Rutherford and Polk J H Carson, M Durham. Sampson Dr Thos Bunting, Robt A Moseley. Stanly E Heme. Stokes John Hill. Surry T V Hamlin. Tyrrell Eli Sprnill. Union Hugh M Houston. Wake Hon Geo E Badger, W W Holden. K Battle. Warren Hon W N Edwardi, F A Thornton. WTayne Geo V Strong, E A Thompson. Washington W S Pettigrew. Watauga J W Counsel. Wilkes Peter Eller, Jas Calloway. Yadkin R F Armfield. Yancey M P Penland. New Family Grocery Store ! I I. A. FASCI1AL.L. &(0 Wholesale and Retail dealers in Family Groceries, choice old Wines, (highly improved by age.") Also, Havana Segars, Tobacco, Wooden and Wil low Ware, &c. Having established ourselves in Charlottee, and in consideration of the harduess of the times, we desire and intend to sell to the entire satisfaction of purcha sers. All orders accompanied with the cash will be promptly attended to. Store on Tryon Street, one door above Palmer s V a- riett Store. March 26, 1861. $30 REWARD. RUNAWAY, from the Subscriber, living near White Plains, Chcsiet field Disirici, S.C., about 10th of August last my negro lei low, lien, lie is zi years ot nue, ot a yellowish complexion, almost black, lias no beard, weighs abrut 160 pounds, about 6 feet 1 inch high. He walks with a firm step and carries himself erect. If is likely that Ben will en deavor to make his way to a free State. Any person who will arrest (he said negro aud lodge him in any pale jail so that I can get him or delivei him to me at my residence shall receive the above reward. I will also give 9100 reward lor proof sufficient to convict any white person or persons ot harboring the said boy or trying to effect his escape. WM. M. BLAKENEY. Febuary 19, 18GI. tl. NOTICE. The undersigned hereby give notice that we forbid all persons from trespassing on our lands and waters by hunting with dogs and gnus and fishing with seines or tackle of an sort: iiud that all persons so trespassing will be dealt wilu according to law. E R HARRIS, WM B SLOAN, PETER COX, . JOHN A BRUMBY, C A BARRINGER, P A BARRINGER, D A BARRINGER, April 10, 1861 3t-pd ,W M STINSON. The Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills do not cure all diseases, but they are tcar ranted to cure Lur.oreah, or Whites that dreadful scourge to female health, happiness and usefulness. They are not patented and are no humbug, but are prepared by a North Carolina physician of high standing and of long experience in the treatment of female diseases. All that is uecessary to convince you of their efficacy is a fair trial. For particulars, see wrappers. Price $1 per box. .For sale at the DRUG STORES. Jan. 15, 1861 yr Rope! Rope!! 5,000 pounds of Manilla. Juto and Cotton Rope, from inch to 3 inches, at TAYLOR'S Hardware Store, Opposite the Mansion House. WILLIAM TIDDY, SALISBURY, N. C, WM. & R.D TIDDY, Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C., MANUFACTURERS OP JIOtfUMENTS, HEADSTONES, &c, &c. JtaJ-Orders at either Yard respectfully solicited, and will meet with prompt attention. Feb 2, 1861 . tf Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy Has effected cures of Rheumatism that were considered hopeless, certificates to prove which can be exhibited. The suffering are invited to give the medicine a trial. Orders addressed to the undersigned at Charlotte wil receive prompt attention. W. W. QUINN. April 10, 1860. Price $1 50 per bottle. AT TAYLOR'S you can find the largest assortment of Cutlery. Guns and Pistols, of all the celebrated makes. GLASS, of all sizes and qualities both French and American. Also, Putty by the keg or pound. WOODEN WARE Brooms, &c, of all kinds TAN BARK. 100,000 CORDS Tan Bark wanted, for which a liberal price will be paid. M. B. TAYLOR, Charlotte, March 22, 1859 jf - f. scarr, (Late Scarr y Co.) r r; - Chemist & IDxnaggist Charlotte, IV. C, RESPECTFULLY invites attention to bis complete stock .of DRUGS, CHEMICALS and MEDI CINES, selected with great care and without regard to price; purity and quality being especially regarucu. To Physicians. New Chemicals and Drugs just received. Ilypophos phites of Soda - and Potass, Tilden's Fluid Extracts, Churchill's Syrup of the Hypophosphites, Ammon Ferric Alum, Perchlorate of Iron (solid,) &c. - - Country Merchants Will find at this establisment" a full . assortment of articles in the Drug line at Charleston Prices. Babbit's Pure Potash, in tin3. Concentrated Lye, , Soap Potash, in barrels. Vinegar, Nutmegs, -.Allspice, Cloves, . Mace, Ginger, Pepper, - ' Cinnamon, &c. Train Oil. Tanners' " Sweet " O I Linseed Sperm Lard Oil, A full supply of Paints. White Lead, Ked Lead, Paris Green, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Prussian lilue, . Raw and Burnt Umber, q p.Eq- Terra deSienna, &c, Elegant Preparations lor the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine. Savage's Ursiha, Bazin's Ox Marrow, tc, At SCARR'S Drug Establishment. Jan'y 1, 18U ROBERT C. RASKIN. RAX KIN ALFKKD MARTIX. & MARTIIV, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jggjf Consignments of Produce will meet with prompt personal attention. March 19, 18GI y MECKLENBUKG JIOUSK. This hotel, situated near the centre of the town of Charlotte, and convenient to llm business portion of the town, has been leased by the subscriber, and refitted and put in good order aud condition, aud I am now ready to accommodate all who may call upon me. All that I ask of the public is to try me, and if Jhey are not pleased, I will then know that the fault lies with me. My table will be provided with the best that the country can afford having secured the best of cooks and servants, I am satisfied that I can please the taste of the most fastidious. Being provided with good and comfortable stables and careful and attentive ostlers, I am prepared to pro vide for man's best friend, the Horse. Feb 19, 1801 3m " MATIIIAS I1ARKEY. PULIilAH & CO., Auctioneer Tor Sale of Negroes, Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin Street, RICHMOND, VA. ALBERT C. PCLLIAM, BOBT. P. PL'LLIAM, OAX'l K. WEISIGER. Daily sales public and private. We pledge our strictest attention to the business entrusted to us, and will answer all communications promptly. Porter al ways at each Depot. May 22, 1860 y Carriage Materials. He would call special attention to his stock of the above goods, consisting of Springs, Axles, Hubs, Bows, Spokes, Shafts, Curtain frames, Knobs, Bands, Lining Nails, Damask, Satinet, Cloths, Laces, Fringes, Enamel ed and Patent Leather, Enamelled Cloth, Oil Carpet, Paints ot si 1 1 kinds, dry and in oil; Varnish, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Tyre and oval Iron, Bolts, and everything in the way of Carriage Trimmings, at prices that cau nt fail to please, at the Hardware Depot of A. A. N. M. TAYLOR, Opposite the Mansion House. Roofing, Guttering and Job Work, Of all kinds, promptly atteuded-to at TAYLORS Hardware Store, Opposite the Mansion House- The Great Clothing Emporium Fiillings, Springs & Co., DEALERS IX ALL' KIXDS OF Ready-made Clothing, Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c, &c. FULLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Would call the especial attention of their friends and patrons to their New Slock of Clothing, now opening. The think they can oiler greater in ducements to buers than they have ever done, their goods being bought at reduced r.-.tcs and at such prices as they feel confident no house in the State cau com pete with. They are offering very nice Cassimere Suits at from $12 to $25. All manner ot CASSI.MKRE PANTS, Cassimere, Silk, Matalasse and. Velret VESTS, OVER COATS of all grades and styles. The above Goods cannot be surpassed in style and make, having been manufactured under the constant supervision of one of the .firm., FULLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Sept. 23, 1SC0. MERCHANT TAILORING. FULLINGS, SPRINGS k CO. have also added to their Ready-made Clothing Stock, a Merchant Tailoring De partment, to which they call the especial attention of their many frieuds and customers. They intend makiug this department second to none in the State, either iu style and quality of Goods, or in the manufacture of Garments. At all times will be found a good 'stock of Dlack and colored Cloths, English, French and American Cassi meres, and a variety of Vesting?. Also, an assortment of Rock Island Cassimeres. - They feel confident of their ability to undersell any other house in the State, from the advantages they have in getting their jroods. - Their goods are bought by the quantity, by one of m .. uu rcMues in me Aortnero markets, w hich gives him the opportunity of taking advantage of the prices of goods, thereby saving at least Twenty-five per cent to the consumer. JBSTDinieg 8aved are Dollars made!-a So try us. 11. J e . . k mi vurra irora a msiance solicited. Cutting done oa Sept 25, I860. FULLINGS, SPRINGS k CO. Agricultural Implements, at the Sign of the Golden Pad-Lock, ; A large supply of the above, consisting of ThomDson'a celebrated Ploughs; also, Corn-ShelIersTstraw-Cutte Shovels; Spades; Hay and manure Forks; besTcaBt.tVef inrr SKaa... r and Badding Knives, kcum. kc.' ' ' g COcilRAKE & SAMPLE, w .. uruooirg Hoes, Weeding Hoes J ain3.V hS CW", gou Chains. urs, nnttes, tjeure fc&ears. Prim .isr... p. ' u a hps leave to Inform his friends and pared to give - . Private Lessons on the Piano,- JStr&ZSl ; -d repaiug instruments, at shortest ntHEE MSs7o5mSSJo BSOKS will be procured atH.7oI engaged in the Piano business for more than Ienea I offer mv assistance most particularly to all those who may de'sire to purchase Pianos or. to exchange old Pianos for new ones. , - i&SwftSlffja omc or DV,Jsn', Fn,i..r. H.11 ill rji prompt ..le. ..on. . . Ul AO. V. a - " ' Jan 8, ISGl tf Charlotte -N C. JOHN VOGELv Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country that he : is prepared tofflauufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr Hotel, next door to Rrown & Stitt's store. Jan. 1, 18U1. tt PEA MEAL We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place Pea Meal for feeding cows and stock. Also, we have on hand at all times, ' Family, Extra, Superfine and coarse Flour. We warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Grits can ahvavs be had at the mill. "j. WILKES & CO. Jan'v 1, 1861, - ' . WIIKAT! The subscriber is prepared to purchase the new crop ot Wheat at tue nigiiest market price, rarmers will find it to their advantage to call at the CHAR LOTTE STEAM MILLS before selling. Jan'y 1, 1861 tf JNO. WILKES. BY J. B. KERK, Proprietor. EVERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the patrons of the Charlotte Hotel. At this Hotel i kcut the line of Daily Stages trom Charlotte to Aslicville. Oct. 1, 1859. j. r: KERR. MARTIIV, TAiMVARIXL. fc CO., (Successors to N. M. Martin, Ri o. & Co ,) , - Grocers nnd Commission Merc hunts, PETER SB una, I "4- WALTER K. ill ART 1 2V & CO? (Successors to N. M. Martin, Son & Co.,) Commission Merchants,, RICHMOND, VA. R. A. Martin, formerly of Granville county, N. C. Uoht. Tansahill, formerly of Edgecombe county. X C." Walter K. Martin of Richmond, Va. N. M. Martin do. It. H. Ctnningham, Jr. do. REFER TO C. F. Fisher, Esq, Pres't N C Railroad; Dr W.J Hawkins, Pres't Palcigh & Gaston Railroad; RR Bridges, Pres't Branch Bank at Tarboro, N C; Hon W N Edwards, Warren county; James M Bullock, Esq, Granville county; C F Fisher, cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg, Va.; K P Battle, Esq, Raleigh. Consignments of cotton, tobacco, wheat and corn re spectfully solicited, and which will have faithful per sonal attention. A srood supply of Groceries always on hand aud for sale on reasonable terms. Orders fo" goods promptly filled. Both concerns will adhere strictly to selling produce on commission. Neither concern will buy on commission, speculation or other wise the articles named above, as their business in pro duce is confined exclusively to selling. We respectfully call the attention of operatives and planters to Petersburg as one of the best cotton markets in the South. The demand i. good both from manu facturers here and for direct shipment from City Point to Europe. , Efforts are now being mode to sbip potton direct from Charlotte to this point, for $3 per bale. January 22, 1801. pd The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, CONTINUES to take risks against loss by fire, on Houses, Goods, Produce, &c, at usual rates. 'President A. C". STEELE, ' ' Vice J'rcsident C. OVERMAN, " -Attorney JOS. H. WILSON, - Sec'y $ Teas'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. : DIRECTORS: A. C. JNO. M. B. STEELE, . S. T. WlilSTON, L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, TAYLOR, F. SCARR. CIIAS. OVERMAN. Executive Committee -S. T. Wriston, F. Scarr, Jno. L. Brown, April 10, 1800 LIVER INVlGORATOn, NEVER DKliltaTATiiS. T T l com pon ii l ! t ii 1 1 r-1 y f. a m C u in , nl aud apiirovcil by ail lli.ttj UB rtll .IIMI.-MI1-1I a.lllti;iU .M f IK 1111 kllOWll have uttt it. xml is now re. Bone 10 wiiii couimcucu mi m i& recoinmeiiiioi . . Ej It h:i cured tlmn:'n.fs; ?t who had t'iveii ii) all hivji s J uinolicitefl certiUc.tKti iu m i j". The dose must head lined' C al: the diseases tor which it within the 1nt two rears !l relief, us the nuinerc-as. pnwrsxtoiishow. to the temperament of the individual UMtini; it. and us act icntly on the lloweln. ed iu such quantities us to Let the dictates ot your judgment rui-!e you "n Hie ue or the L.IVEII I -will care Liver C'om tacks, ' Dyspepsia, VICiOU ATOR, and K plaint, Hlilons At- ( liroiiic IIrrlocn, pi tints, ly;utf -stomacli, Ilnliiiunl I.-, t'liulvra, C'holc Infantum, , Klii In -K-uialc V-nUn-si-rcsxluHyas an Oitllna- Inc. It will cure I C1C ihrmsands cm testify.) In wo or tlir e Tea en at conuueueemeut of giving their testtlmtmy 8nmmtr Com- ry. Dropsy, Soar Cosureties, Cliol- xaAIorliu, Vholeru lencc, jHUiidlcr, cs, and ma; be used" sue ry Family Mtdi II 13 A DACHE, (as1 twenty minutes, If pooufal ore tuk attack. initsf&Tor. I Ail . V. ..oa 1 1 a. . MIX WAT Kit IN THE MOUTH WITH THE ISVIGOIIATOR, AM SWALLOW BOTH TOGETIIElt. ' - Price One Dollar per Bottle. ALSO. SANFOEB'S - ' MIL. Y CATHARTIC PILLS, Pure Vegetable K tracts, and put up In UL.AMS CASES- Air 'light, and will iicep i .11...... The Pnnitlv Pa t hart I c PILL fa a pen- which lhe propne'or has limit Krenty years.' demit nd from those who and the satwfaciioo whieb use, has Ind uced me u jjlaee Ihet different Catliartlci act I o els. THARTIC PII.L tie bat active Cathartic Dse4 in his practice more The constantly increasing hurt long iumkI the P 1 1.1 j " all express in regard to their then within the reach of all. The Profession well knot On different portions of the lae FAMILY CA bs, with due reference to beea compounded from a lahle Extract, which act alimentary sanal, aaj are es where a Cathartic is rangcmeiiU of the , Paln' In the Cplveiifi, Pal ii the whal , body, frequently, if neglected, er. Lone of Appr satlon of Cold over im, Headache, or . all I n fl a m m atory Children or Adn'ts. JPnrl tier of the Blood Oesh is heir, too nnmeroos w hi M mis well etai.iubed fact, Tariety of the purest Vee slike on sverv part or the Ood and ante In all . needed, such as Stomaeh. leut M BaeK i axd Lolnn, nnd Sorcntts over iron sudden eUi. which E3 lite, a Creeping -eii-tlieldy Resf!e; H -weight In the head, m DUraMa, Worms is C Rheumatism, a jrrsat -3 ami many disease to wbira 1 j to mention la this advertise- ":"- aoe. i to 3. I HI .3. diitoci rr. ti ii TT TT tiTlwssitt ..The Liver Invltf uat t mvd family Ca thartic PI I la an retailed by HnieirMtts jeu jraliy, and oiil wholesale by the Trade in all the large kiu ns. 8.T.V,gA5FOKI),M.U., Manufacturer and Proprietor, ' 335 Broad wa . New Y orW.T P. BCARR & CO., aji4 NYE .Chariot ' HUTCniSON & CO " '..April 19, i860. NEW .GOot The largest stock -of;FALL AND WItp ' in the town, is now on hand at the ponni. ionable house of f -"- mj Koopmann i& Phe I The jjubliCj and especially the Ladicg spectfully itivited to call and examihe oorsff'T know they cannot fail to be pleased, boUi"Q and price. We Are now opening daily, as we receir the first Houses , in the Northern cities th C splendid Goods in part: K e fsii Merinos, Delaines, PopIint en, ; . LADIES -TRAVELING G00 H French, English & American Printa, aar' j Qualities and prices to suit all tastes audpUrf Splendid CLO1KS and SJtj I which particular attention is invited. Bonn ey'a and Flats, Kmbroide'riw, Triu,n1jC9tt4' V Gloves, &c. ' Our' Staple and Domestic DW Sw full and complete, and for it we defy compet WE will NOT Bli luDEn$th We have-a splendid assortment of CAUlf. Family and Negro lllankets. Our READY-MADE CLOTlllxn - M this season nrpawes, in finish and sunerio heretofore splendid stock in that line; nnd tl'J' thing is, we will fell at shorter profits lbau Vfr BOOTS Ji in! SHOES Our ,tork tk-partuient is "very complete, arid fcc-h ctctl ft 'A uenliciiien, -iiiiuivii iiiiu crrunis V luivn null orrMtniS With preutf A large nnd cheap stock of rw' at lor prices. -(0'li2.S!Sl!3ig-& F; HARDWARE, &c. toil or csuense 1:1 order to Suit and ulnae '" ini:t-relr assure them that with tln se r;.. . . ' iiiino hp "trill" .wil ftn t.'i ina rn t'iroln i " ns entirely io fttu KOOP.MA.NN -4 P1jS If all who call. on us. Jan. 1, 18tfl. v - i ' GROCERY STOKE.' " The subscriber Informs the public that at his near the Jail, he keeps on hand a good cupply 0 ' GROCERIES AND PROVISION Swell as Sugar." Coffee,' Molasses, ileal, Bacon ens, Cutter, Egg?, Potatoes. c. '. ' Those patronizing him will - be R.'oomniod.ittd quantity, quality and price. Give hirii a cull. .' - M. S. 07HEJJ Oct. 30, 18C0. . - tf. 1 . C-3 .. . f Dealer in tlV-- . India Fruits, Jfiritina Stf Snuff, Tobacco, Willow-Ware, Toy,' All KiikIn of Fancy Coods And manufacturer of Candies and Co: fectionories. One door above the Bank of Charlotte. "J April 10, 18G0. A KHV LAW ROOK. CAMWELL'S PRACTICE AT LiW' Just published, a treatise upon the I'll ACTR -LAW in North C .'art linu, by Kuwaru C'astwi., author of the N. C. "Justice, etc. CONTENTS: ; Of legislative ;twerin general; legislative poitiv North Oaroliua; legislative powers of justices of : peace; county boundaries deed, etc.: county rw and charges: court bouses, prisons, etc.; county trtu -jury trials; fairs and public sales; general a.-sut' inspections, public landings, etc;; poor houses c hospitals; registeis and clerks; rivers ami clocks: gt ferries and bridges- weights and measure; idiom lunatic?; retailers: Nciise river; public roailsHndci ways; public landing aud inspect it. as; mi!l lers; ordinaries aud constable.-; palrob; w ardens of poor; prison bounds;' ronds ferries and bridges; pull exemptions; executive jwer in general; hkS power in North t'nrolina; extent ive power of thff: chief justice and clerk; attorneys at law; nltoiuHf ernl; reporter and marshal, clerks and .olicitor; cow for paupers; guardians county attorney; anctios"" county coitrt clerks; coijjiit rs" hnimiiary coniniifin" committees of finance; county ti n?ef ; couuty Irca-t special court-, commissioner's of fairs; inpefor?: perintendenfs f schools; commissioners of uavipla wardens of the pool -. rcgi.-ters, colllulisionr ofri'' and creeks: .sheriffs; constables; rangers; standard'" ers; retailers administrators ; chairman of "I court; commissioners of deed and coiivryniicf; W missioners of low lands; entry takers and" fur"' suierintehdents of ck'Ctionsj'gnardinns nnd rer inspectors; commissioners of fntornnl improt partitioiij patrol commit u ei ; processioncrs; tMlir and boards of valuation: overseer.-of roads sod P'J commissioners of wrecksj-tobacco jiiekers nndcof The APPENDIX contains forms of Peed.? ii-lr-ve'yances, as follows : Agreements, assignment. bills of sale, bills of exchange aud Liding. bond-, cellaneous boud, - contract, -deeds, marrwge -" ments, .mortgage, copartjicii-hip anicles, nuttf,' leases, &c, kc.s This book contains 550 pages, is gotten up rior sty le and bound in law calf. Price, jingltf! $5.00. , , ' EUWAllD CAKTWELL, MECKLEXBUIta IKON WORM Charlotte, IV. C. ALEXANDER & McDOUGAL- The undersigned beg leave to-Mnforni Ike c'lil' Charlotte and vicinity and the public general--they have opened the above- Establishment at ib'1 Trade Street, adjoining the track of the Nortb H ' Ilail Road and ipoitc John, Wilkes' tiuuw Jh"-i arc prepared to furnish all kinds of t - at short notice and on resorfab!c terms. Steam Engines from 8 to 80 Hor .. . 1 Power.,', - Their SUOP contains tool. selected withprw' and is provided with nil the improvements to do their work in a first rate manner. Castings, in-Iron or Jlrnss, made to order. . JIOUSK-SIIOKINO and DLACKSMITUS kinds. REPAIR INI in their line 'Mended to Agents for Dr. K. A). Elliott r for Winter 'tf Mulay" Saw Mill, which has the advaiitne, many others, of iloing at least twice asiaoili' i r. i .i. ' ..i . .. m:ii : ntf-1' and doing it better, than anv other Mill in use be run by Steam, Water or lloie Power. The ' may be seen at the Shop at' any' time. . IIKNKV- A1HA1.MT.I" MALCOLM McDOfOALl s, Copper, Ac,, bought fw . N. B. Old Iron,. Brass in trade. January 1, 1861. tf. WAGON WOKir and BLACKSMITH I have opened a shop on College street, in ,ht!: Mr Iiaby's ttable, where l am prepared o io .jjf of Wood-Work" and Blacksmithing such as tjans ana vt agons ami repairing me rauici ' t pairing, horse-shoeing, &c. My work fhall executed, on the most accommodating terms. B effort made to gi-e satisfaction.' Give me . r' Jan 8, 1861 3m-Vd '.- 'J: U: M0? - . ... - . . . ., - imcs. We call the attention of onr oldnnd liigblv viiu ! toniers. and buyers generally, to the tact 1 pating their tastes and wants,- tve have neiilj"'