- For the Wettern Democrat. TO BBOTHEB BENNIE. The subject of these lines was a sprightly and in teresting child of this county, who died a few weeks r.?o, aged onJy ten years. His ideas pf Heaven were reniarkabk for one of his age. His mind was clear making these sweet allusions up to a few hours of his uoath.J . As fond mother lean'd O'er the dying bed Of her last fond one so dear, His sparkling eye a saintly lustre shed, As though, now, heaven was near. "Mother, oh Mother dear, I'm going home," Said this saintly dying child; "Dear Willie. is there, too; bh, will you come Do, and see us after awhile. "Weep no more, I'm not now afraid to die; Good children to Jesus go; And now why should I be afraid, why, why? This you taught me long ago." With pf-le quivering lips he faintly said : "Say me that little prayer That first nightly on your knees I prayed! Then, oh say you'll meet me there." "Mother, I'm weary, let me sleep awhile:" Then folded across his brea3t His tiny hands, and with angelic smile He gently sank to rest. ' Though far away, sister kissed thee for me, Dear lovely, dying cnild; Oh, that I too had been there to see And share thy sweet angelic smile. Here, cheerlessly, while Lwearily pace The long lone night vigils by Fond memory brings back thy sweet face And dark hazel sparkling eye. When I think that these I'll no niore behold, Upheaves the unbidden sigh, Then something within whispers to my soul: 'It's far better thus to die.' No, dear Brother, we'll weep no more for thee, Though from Mother's boiotn torn; We'll take back the thought, and let you be A cherub in Jesus' own. Bbotiieb. Upper Lines of the Rappahannock, Feb. 1, 'C3. last summer, to whom An elder brother who died he was devotedly attached. rjiht Marauders Again. On Wednesday . last, some sixty of the tories from l aurel, C, came down into this county, on the south side of Chucky ltiver, and robbed Lewis Click of six hundred pounds of bacon and three sacks of flour. They also "plundered the house of John Click, . but we did not learn the extent of their robbery at the latter place. They remained in the vicinity of Click's, in eight of his house, until next day, cooking and eating the provisions that they hd stolen. Thev swear vencreance airaiost every man in that whole section of country, and declare that they are goiti to take anything that they want. But a few nights bince they robbed .the Louse of Lawson White, in this county, taking some three buodred dollars in money, and other valuables. It is certainly time for those having authority, to begin to think that there l soniefhing in the throats of this tory band. The families of Greene county, who live near the mountain, are very much alarmed, for they know not what hour will b'4 their turn to suffer from these out-laws. f.reenville (Tenn.) Banner, lith. THE NEW COnSCRIPTIOIf ACT. An Act to amend an act, entitled, "An Act to pro ride further for the public defence" approved 16th April, 18G2. , v , - The Congress of the Confederate States of Ameri ca do enact. That the President be and he is here by authorized to call out and place in the military service of the Confederate States, for three years, unless the war shall have been sooner ended, all white men who are residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of thirty-five and forty five years, at the time the call or calls may be made, and who are not at such time or times legally exempted from military scrvicp; or such parts thereof, as, in his judgment, may be necessary to the public defence, such call or calls to be made under the provisions and according to the terms of the act to which this is an amendment; and such authority shall exist in the President, during the pre.-st-ut war, as to all persons who are, or may here after become eighteen years of age; and, when once enrolled, all persons between the ages of eighteen and forty-five shall serve their full time; Provided, That if the President, in calling out troops into the service of the Confederate States shall first call for only a part of the persons, between the ages hereinbefore stated, he shall call for those between the age of thirty-five, and any other age less than forty-five; Provided. That nothing herein contained shall be understood as repealing or modifying any part of the act to which this is amendatory, except as herein expressly stated; And provided further. That those called out under this act. and the act to which this is an amendment, shall be first and im mediately ordered to fill to their maximum number the companies, battalions, squadrons and regiments from the respective States at tne nine me act 10 further provide for the public defence, approved Gth April, 1862, was passed; and the surplus, l anv. shall bo assigned to organizations tormed Irorn each State since the passage of that aot. or placed in new organizations, to be officered by the State having such residue, according to the laws thereot, or disposed of as now provided by law; Provided That the President is authorized to suspend the execution of this, or the act to which this is an amendment, in anv locality where he may find it impracticable to execute the same; and that in such localities, and during such suspension, the President is authorized to receive troops into the Confederate service under any of the acts passed by th Confederate Congress prior to the passage of the act to further provide for the public defence approved Kith of April, Yvll Directions for t'nder all conditions. Treating the Hair -When the hair grows foantily, naturally, the following lotion may be u.-ed three or four times a week, in the morning : Eau de Cologne, two ounces; tincture of rantharides, two drachms; oil of rosemary and oil of lavender, of each ten drops. When the hair iu:s become thin from sickness, use the following receipt: Mix equal parts of olive oil and spirits of rosemary, add a few drops of oil of nutmeg, and anoint the head very sparingly before going to bod. . While using either of the two preceding receipts, use the ensuing ones also: Pahua Christi oil, three jounces; oil of lavender, one drachm. Apply every evening. When actual baldness is commencing, use the following pomade : Macerate a drachm of powdered cantharides in an ounce of spirits of wiue. Shake it well during a fortnight, and then filter. Take ten parts of this tincture, and rub it with ninety parts of cold lard. Add a little essence of berganiot, or any other scent. Rub this pomade well into the head, night and morning. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, this application, if continued, will restore the hair. When the hair, after being naturally luxuriant, begins to grow thin, without actually coming out in particles, use the following receipt : Take of extract of yellow Peruvian bark, fifteen grains; extract of rhatany root, eight grains; extract of burdoch root and oil of nutmegs, (fixed,.) of each, two drachms, camphor dissolved with spirits of wine fifteen grains; beef marrow, two ounces; best olive oil, one ounce; citron juice, half a drachm; aromatic essential oil, as much as sufficient to render it fragrant; mix, and make into an ointment. Two drachms of bergamot and a few drops of otto of roses would suflicc. This is to be used morning. The above remedies might put hair on the head, and they might take it off what will enre some will kill others. The Value of the Conscription Act. Tha Secretary of War in his official report to Congress of the Military operations of the Confederate States, for the year 1862, takes occasion to refer to the first conscription act of Congress as having wrotightour Salvation from destruction or infamous thraldom, and says that if it could have been sooner adopted, or more speedily and thoroughly executed, it may well be doubted whether'the first act alone might not ' have been sufficient to' extort from our obdurate toes, in their own capital, or on their own conquered soil, permanent peace and independence. He declares that at the vwiuui'iuui piui ui our laie successiui advances every THE NEW EXEMPTION BILL. A Uu.L to exempt certain persons from military ser vice, and to repeal the act entitled "an act to ex empt certain persons from enrollment for service .in the army of the Confederate States," approved 21st April. 1 BOS. The Congress of the Confederate States of Amer icu tin enact. That all persons who shall be held unfit fur-military service in the field, by reason of bodily infirmity or mental incapacity or imbecility, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, the v ice President of the Confederate States, the officers, judicial and executive, wf the Confeder ate and State Governments, including Postmasters appointed by the President and confirmed bv the Senate, and such clerks in their offices as are allow ed by the Postmaster General, and now employed, and excluding ail other pos ants and clerks; and except such State officers as the several States may have declared, or may here uf'ter declare by law to be liable to militia duty; the members of both Houses of Congress of the Confed erate States, and of the Legislatures of the several States, and their respective officers ; all clerks now in the offices of the Confederate and State Govern ments authorized bylaw, receiving salaries or fees. All volunteer troops heretofore raised by any State since the passage or the act entitled "an act further to provide for the public defence," approved April 16th, 1862, while such troops shall be in ac tive service under State authority; Provided that this exemption shall not apply to any person who was liable to be called into service by virtue of said act of April 1 6th. 1862. "All pilots and persons engaered in the merchant marine service; the president, superintendents, con ductors, treasurer, chief clerk, engiueers, managers, station agents, section masters, two expert track hands to each section of eight miles, and mechanics in the active service and employment of railroad companies, not to embrace laborers, porters and messengers; the president, general superintendent and operators of telegraph companies, the local su perintendent and operators of said companies not to exceed four in number at any locality but that at the seat of government of the Confederate States; the president, superintendents, saptains, engineers, chief clerks and mechanics in the active service and employment of all companies engaged on river and canal navigation, and all captains of boats and en gineers thereon employed. One editor of each newspaper now being publish ed, and such employees as the editor or proprietor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable for con ducting the publication ; the public printer, and those employed to perform the public printing for the Confederate and State Governments; every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules f his sect and in the regular discharge of ministerial duties. All persons who have been and now are meTnbers of the society of Friends, and the association of Dunkards, Xazarenes and Mennoni.-ts, in regular membership in their respective, denominations, pro vided members of the society of Friends, Naza renes, Meunonists and Dunkards shall furnish sub stitutes, or pay a tax of $501) each into the public treasury. All physicians who now are, and for the last five years have been, in actual practice of their profes sion. All shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, wagon makers, millers and their engineers, mill-wrights, skilled and actually employed at their regular vo cation in the said trades, habitually engaged in working for tlie public and whilst so actually em ployed ; provided said persons shall make oath in writing that they are so skilled and actually em ployed at the time as his regular vocation in one of i ho above trades, which affidavit , shall only be prima facia evidence of the facts therein stated. Provided further that the exemptions herein granted to persons by reason of their peculiar me- . i .i . cnamcal or otner occupation or j ... , . , . j v. . .... "-'- uivuuuuuu xji t-iuiuy I1HT1JL IJUl " j wwyau iuC vuuieueracy ; connected wun tne puonc service, shall be subject wave iwii uuw iu mo victorious armies 01 Uens. to tne Lee and Bragg, the lull fruition of our highest hopes would almost have been assured. This is valuable testimony hi favor of the policy of conscription, but we believe it will not be lon before the wholo country will be brought toadm condition that, the products of the labor of such exempts, or of the companies and establish ment with which they are connected shall be, sold and disposed of by the proprietors at price not ex ceeding seventy-five per centum npon the cost of production, or within a maximum to be fixed bv the ed upon oath. of the parties, subject to the same penalties for violation of the provisions herein con tained as are hereinbefore provided in case of other manufacturing and mechanical employments AH presidents and teechers of colleges, acade mies, schools and theological seminaries who have been regularly engaged as such for two jears pre ceding the passage of this act,., ' y All artisans, mechanics' and "employees,' In the establishments of the Government for the manufac ture of arms, ordnance, ordnance stores and other munitions of war, who may be certified by the offi cer in charge thereof as necessary for such estab- lishments ; also, all artisans, mechanics, .and' em ployees in the establishment of such persons as are or may be engaged under contracts w;th the Gov ernment in furnishing arms, ordnande, ordnance stores, and other munitions of war, saddles, harness and army supplies, provided that the chief of the ordnance bureau, or some ordnance omcer author ized by him for the purpose, shall approve of the number of operatives required in such establish ments; all persons employed in the-manufacture of arms, or ordnance of any kind by the several States ; or by contractors to furnish the same to the several State Governments, whom the Governor or Secretary of State thereof may certify to be. ne cessary to the same ; all persons engaged in the construction of ships, gun-boats, engines, sails, or other necessary to the public defence, . and with direction of the Secretary of the Navy ; all super intendents, managers, mechanics, and miners em ployed in the production and manufacture of salt to the extent of 20 bushels a day, -and of lead and iron, and of all persons engaged in "making charcoal for making pig and bar iron, not to embrace laborers, messengers, wagoners, and servants, unless employ ed at works conducted, under the authority ana by the officers or agents of a State, or m works em ployed in the production of iron for the Confederate States. " - One male citizen for every 500 head of cattle, for every 250 head of horses or mules, and one shepherd for every 500 head of sheep of such persons as are engaged exclusively in raising stock, provided there is no white male adult not liable to do military duty engaged with such person in raising stock. To secure the proper police of the country, one person either as agent, owner or overseer, on each plantation on which one white person is required to be kept by the laws or ordinances of any State, and on which there is no white male adult not liable to do military service; and in States having no such law, one person as agent, owner, or overseer, on each plantation of twenty negroes, and on which there is no white male adult not liable to military service: and furthermore.for additional police for every twenty negroes on two or more, plantations within five miles of each other, and each having less than twenty negroes on which there is no white male adult not liable to military duty, one person. beincr the oldest of the owners or overseers on such plantations. - Also, a regiment raised und?r, and by the author ity of the State of Texas for the frontier defence, now in the service of said State, while in such ser vice ; and such other persons as the President shall be satisfied, on account of justice, or equity, or necessity, ought to be exempted, are herby exempt ed from military service in the armies of the Con federate States ; provided, that the exemptions herein above enumerated shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or occupations. Sec. 2. That the act entitled "an act to exempt certain persons from enrollment for service in the armies of the Confederate States," approved the 21st April, is hereby repealed. Tobacco Produce Store, , (SPRINGS' CORNER,) ' CHARLOTTE, ,K. C . We have just opened a large Tobacco and Produce Store at Springs' corner, where we will constantly keep on hand a good assortment or lODacco irum uCB TTinnfacnrers. and countrv Produce of all kinds, r . Produce of all kinds bought or taken in exchange for any article. Tnhacco. Snnff. Secars and Pipes, wholesale aad , I O retail at the Tobacco and Produce Store: - 10,000 lbs. SMOKING TOBACCO of the finest quali ty just received and for sale, B. R. SMITH & CO. January 1, 1863 tf Lincolnton Female Seminary, LINCOLNTON, N. C. A. A. M Lasdkb 'DISSOLUTION The eopartnerjhin heretofore existing under the name ana style of STEVENS, SCIIUTT & McL'EAN, in the general Cabinet business, is this day dissolved by the. withdrawal of I. A. McLean. The business will be continued at the same stand by the undersigned, who respectfully solicit a portion of public patronage. - J. H. STEVENS & CO. February 3, 1863 tf Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford On and after the 10th of November, the Passenger Trains will run on this Road (Western Division) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows: GOING WEST: ARRIVE: 8 9 9 10 11 48 23 54 23 15 A. M". Charlotte, Tuckaseege, 8 51 Brevard, 9 28 Sharon, 9 59 Liticolnton, 10 30 Cherryville. GOING EAST: LEAVE: 8 00 A. M. .1 ti u 14 45 19 50 25 15 sr. i i 44 44 P. M. 4 44 l( ARRIVE: - LEAVE Cherryville, 12 M. P. M. Lincolnten, 12 55 Sharon, 1 24 Brevard, 1 53 Tuckaseege, 2 28 Charlotte. Passengers are required in all case3, without ex ception, to purchase tickets, wherever there are ticket agents, and alio to furnish the right change, as the Company cannot procure change for every one. An omission to do either subiects the nartv to an extra charge of 25 cents, which the conductor is strictly re quired to collect. . ' By order, V. A. McBEE, Acting Master of Transportation. Lincolnton, Oct. 28, 1862 20 10 20 2 00 00 00 5C S. LANDER, A. M., Principal. Miss M. J. Tucker. Mrs. C. Roseman, Miss Hagkn, Mrs. M. J. Langdon, Mrs. L. Assistants. The Spring Session, 1863, will begin on Monday, February 2nd, and close on Friday the 19th of June. CHARGES PER SESSION. Board, including fuel and washing, at $4 00 per week... - - $80 00 Incidental Tax, 1 00 Regular Tuition, including Latin and binging, from...v.. . $10 to French, Music on Piano, or Guitar,. Use of Instrument, Pupils furnish their own candles, towels, and toilet soap. .Terms: Seveuty-five dollars required in advance; the balance at the end of the session. No deduction for absence unless in cases of serious illness. The Town of Lincolnton has long been proverbial for its healthiness. It has daily Railroad communica tion. with Charlotte, from which it is only two hours distant. For the benefit of pupils from sickly sections, our lorisr vacation is in the winter Our building will accommodate aboufc sixty boarding pupils. 'The bearding department is under the imme diate cbarse of the Principal and his wife,' who, with most of the other teachers, habitually eat at the same table, and lodge under the same roof, with the girls. The fact that we nave semi-annual classes enables ns to enforce a hitrher standard of scholarship than is usual in the best institutions conducted on the ordioa ry annual plan. Diplomas of Graduation will be given to those who complete our College Course. Thankful for the liberal patronage given us while at High Point, we appeal with confidence to the public for a continuance of the same in our new and superior location. For additional information address the Principal Nov. 11, 18G2. 4m-pd Pork Wanted. Subsistence Department, CJlturlottc, IV. C Wanted at this Department, TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND D0iind3 of FRESH PORK, suitable for Bacon. E. M. LOVE, Jan 6. 1863. tf Capt. & A. C. S NOTICES. I wish to hire 10 or 15 negro men to chop wood I also want to purchase five or six negro men. J. W. DERR, Dec 30, 1862 Spring Hill Forge. I am prepared to cast machine irons of all kinds, hollow-ware, salt pans, &c. Orders solicited terms cash. j. w. DERRi July 22, 1862 ly-pd, Spring Hill Forge C! c yr 1 . 1 ... . that the measure, thouirh Feemimrlv harsh ' ""..J U17 'ir?ucn regulations as ne may j .u H L i 1 a a. 1 ' . ! presence; ana it is turther provided. ijecegsary, and that upon it depended the salvation or destruction of the Confederacy. The people were at first disposed to look upon it as unnecess- that if 'the proprietors of any such manufacturing establish ments shall be shown, upon evidence, to be submit ted to and judged of by the Secretary of War to arily oppressive, yielding to it only au unwilling ; have violated, or in any manner evaded the true acquiescence, but they will hereafter consider it if the best and wisest measure which it was possible to .adopt under the circumstances. Mcvtywry Advertiser. 1 Irish Potatoes We urge most strenuously u,'uu vuo tcujiic iu pui in au aounaance qi tnis K crop. Cut theia small, and plant any time in March,during the full moon in that month some sa is the best time. By planting in March there is rery little danger from the frost. Any rotting vegetable matter is a good manure for the Irish potatoes the scraping of fence corners, uuder old. Jjgs in the .woods and deeajed leaves wherever they can be found. Be. certain to put on plenty, -and as we before .-said, .cut them small, so as to plant a large space. - . This is - an important crop, especially for this season. ' It comes earlier than any other, - and : - answers very well for corn.--Alcmntain Eagle. 1 inieni una f pint ot thf, far fl, emptions therein granted shall no longer be extend ed to their superintendents and operatives in said establishments, but they and each and every one of them fchall be forthwith enrolled under the provisions of this act, and ordered into the Confederate army, and shall in no event be exempted therefrom by reason of said manufacturing establishments or em ploy nvnts therein. , All superintenden.- of public hospitals, lunatic asylums and the regular physicians, nnrses and at tendants therein, and the teachers emplo3'ed in the institution for the deaf,' dumb and blind ; in each apothecary store, now established and doing busi ness, one apothecary in good standing, who ia & practical apothecary. Superintendents in wool and cotton factories, pa per mills, and superintendents and managers of wool.carding machines, who may be exempted by the Secretary of War, provided the profits of such establishments shall not exceed seventy-five per centum upon the cost of production, to be delerniia- 1 Prospectus of the DAILY STATE JOURNAL; On and after the 1st day of Novrmber, the. State Journal will be published Dailv. Tri-weeklv and Weekly. The Daily State Journal will contain all the news received up to the latest hour before mailing, and will consist of two editions daily. The Morning Edi tion will contain the news by the evening mail3 and all telegraphic news up to. 10 o'clock the previous night, and will be supplied to city subscribers and sent bv the morning mails North and East 1 the Evi-ninv .-1... ' . . , -c reunion win oe primea at a o ciock p. m., and will contain the additional news by telegraph up to 2 o'clock p. m.r and will be sent to subscribers by the trains west ana Dy tne rayettevwie mail. Thuj sub scriher., no matter in what direction they mav live win iiuve tne news up 10 tne aeparture ot the mail. Arrangements have been made to procure telegraphic news from all parts of the Confederacy, expressly for the State Journal. General news by mail will be promptly published. 1 he Market will be fully re ported. Reliable Correspondents will be secured in the Army and elsewhere.. The Legislative Proceed ings will be reported daily by competent Reporters. The State Journal will be essentially a newspaper. Terms: For the Daily 12 months, $6; 6 months $3 50; 3 months. $2; 1 month, $1. For the Tri-Week-ly 12 months, $4: 6 months, $2 50; 3 months, $1 50. ADVERTISING BATES: square, do do do day, days, days, dayi, Ten SO 0; 1 1 50 75 00 25 square, do do do 5 days, $1 50 1 week, I 15 3 weeks, 3 00 1 month, 5 00 lines make a square. Advertisements for the Daily will be inserted in the "Tri-Week'y free f charge. 'This is an inducement which caanot fail to attract the attention of advertisers. The above rates apply only to the daily paper. Ad vertisements will be inserted in the Weekly paper at the usual regular rates, vii: One dollar per square for tterst insertion, and twenty-fiv cents for each sub sequent insertion. , ' .. Address, JOHN SPELMAJf, .Editor apd Proprietor. Oct. 21,182 Raleigh, N. C THE SOUTHERN Hepatic IIP 11 3. This -combination of medicines was first prepared by the proprietor in 1825, when he was pronounced by three eminent physicians in a Southern city as in an advanced stage of Consumption. These pills cured him. He is -now over seventy yiirs of age and in dis charge of active professional duties. Their good ef fects upon others created such a demand for them that he wa compelled to desist from' supplying them gratu itously. They are xot' recommended by the proprietor as good for all diseases, but only such as arises from DISORDERS OF THE LIVER. Many persons have testified to their good effects ia Chills and Fevers, Bil ious Fevor, Yellow Fever, Pneumonia, Dyspepsia, &c, &c. They are an excellent FAMILY MEDICINE. Read the following : . S. D. Wallace, Esq., Treasurer of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road, (Aug. 30, 1862,) says : "It has been said that "Dvspkpsia" i3 our national disease. Ilowever this may be, it caused me long and severe suffering. Providentially a friend furnished me with a few boxes of the "Hepatic Pills," and the use of them has perfected a cure. In my family they bavq been used frequently with eminent success. Among my ac quaintances, many cases originating from diseased liver, have been relieved and cured by them. I regard them as an invaluable medicine, and take pleasure in forwarding this voluntary tribute." Col. John Wrigut, of Goldsboro', N. C, (Aug. 14, 1862,) says: "I have used the 'Southern Hepatic Pills' in my family here and also on my plantation in Ala bama, and always with success. I have a valuable servant girl who had been a long time under treatment for consumption, without receiving any benefit. Al most iu her extremity I was induced to try the 'Hepatic Pills.' They were given according to directions, and she is new well, entirely restored by them. A similar case occurred among my servants in Alabama. For liver and lung diseases I have perfect confidence iu them." Full directiens and other certificates will be found on the wrapper of each box. , The great rise m the price of medicines, compels the proprietor to put these pills at 50 cents a box. As it may soon not be possible to procure all the ingredi ents, it would be well for the afflicted to order them at once. " From the price above stated; a liberal discount will be made to dealers as long as the pills can be furnished. Address GEORGE W. DEEMS, Wilson, N. C For sale in Charlotte, N. C, by F. SCARR, Druggist. Nov. 25, 1862.' 6ra , New Shoe Shop. W. W. QUINJV Respectfully inform the public that they are manufac turing BQOTS and SHOES of all kinds, in the build iig under the Western Democrat Printing office. Their work is put up in the best style by expeiienced work men, and will be sold at less than 75 per cent profit. Orders will receive prompt attention. Terms, cash. Also, Shos Pegs and Lasts for sale. W. W.'QUIXN & CO. Charlotte, Dec 2, 1862. NOTICE. Persons wishing- to settle their Accounts or Notes wit'i Fisher & Buirongh, can have aa opportunity of doing so by calling at the store of A. A. N. M. Taylor. Don't delav, as we are anxious to get our business settled np.v J. C. BURROUGHS. June 3, 1862. tf Hides and Tan Bark. I want to purchase Green and Dry HIDES for the purpose of tanning; also a large quantity of TAN BARK. For -these articles the highest market cash price will be paid. JOHN TRELOAR. Charlotte, Oct. 28, 18C2 6m-pd W.- R RICHARDSON Sc. CO., STOCK 'BROKERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r y'.' Raleigh, J&Y-C.' s .V , - Will give particular attention to sales and pr chases of State and Confederate Bonds, Bank and other Stocks, Collection of Claims, and - any business con nected with the different departments of the State Government. ' Bank Notes of all Southern States bought and sold. Refkbincks O G Parsley, Wilmington ; Wm A Wright, do.; Jno D Williams, Fayetteville; W G Broad foot, do.; J J Blackwood, Charlotte; W K Lane, Wayne county; Jno D Whitforfi, Craven co.; Hon Tbos Ruffin, Alamance co.; Hon W N Edwards, Warren co.; Hon D W Courts, Rockingham co.; H W Guion, Lincoln co. And citizens of Raleigh generally. Jan 20, 1863 , 3m DR. E. ft. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, S. C, Would inform the public generally, and the citizens of Mecklenburg particularly, that he has resumed the Practice of DENTISTRY and may be found at his old stand. He is prepared to set Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite- or on the Cheoplastic process, as patients may desire, and fill Teeth with Gold, Tin, Amalgam or us Arunciai. He is also prepared fo perform any operation belong ing to Dentistry, and need not say that he will be pleas ed to wait upon any of his old friends or new friends you may take that for granted. February a, jeoi The subscriber ia daily receiving supplies of a good article of Sound SALT, which be offers for sale at lowest market rates. Orders accompanied1, with the money will receive prampt attention. A. E. HALL, Sept 23, vobz c5rapa V ilmisgtok. LOST OR MISLAID,. A Certificate for twelve Shares of Stock in the Char lotte and S. C. Railroad, No. 1142, dated Feb. 5, 1857. ( J. B. GASTON. John R. Johnstox, Agent. Castania Grove, Gaston county, Jan. 12, I8C3 3m COTTON SEED WANTED. The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for Cotton Seed, at their Oil Works, five miles south-east of Charlotte, at Isaac N. Alexander's mills. STEPHENS & WHI6NANT. Dec 3, 1861 tf BLANT0N DUNCAN, Columbia, S. C, (Formerly of Kentucky) is prepared to fill orders to any extent in Engraving and Printing BANK NOTES, Bills of Exchange, &c. Engravings upon Steel or Stone. Large supplies of Bank Note and other paper will be kept. August 5, 1862 TAILORING BUSINESS. NEW SHOP. The undersigned has opened a Tailor ing Shop in Springs' Building, Room No. 1, where he is prepared to do all kinds, of work in his line. He respect fully asks a" trial and a share of public patronage. . Military suits furnished to order. Mr R M Robinson, an experienced cutter, will super intend the establishment. J. A. CALDWELL. February 18, 1862 y W00D-1Y0IIK and BLACKSMITHING. The subscriber is prepared to do all kinds of Wood work and BUcksmithinp, such as making and repair ing Wagons and Buggies, Horse-shoeing, kc. His Shop is a: his residence, nearly opposite Mr W F Phiter's dwelling, and he also has a. Blacksmith Shop ou the back-street in the rear of the Mecklenburg House. He solicits a share of public patronage, and feels confident he can give satisfaction both in workmanship and charges. Give him a trial. J. H. PROPEST. January 1, 1863. JOHN A. LANCASTER At SON, Stock Brokers, March 18, 1862. 6m. R. A. LANCASTER. P. J. WRIGHT. WM. & 11, TIDDY, Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C, MANUFACTURERS OF tea MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, Ac, &c. figg-Orders at either Yard respectfully solicited, and will meet with prompt attention. Feb 1, 1863 tf BY J. 15. KERR, Proprietor. EVERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the patrons of be Charlotte Hotel. ' At this Hot, is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte u Asheville. Oct. 1, 1861. J. B. KERR. mitt The Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills do not curt all diseases, but tbey are war ranted to cure Lucoreah, or Whites thatdreadlul scourge to female health, happiness and usefulness. Iney are noC Uented andare'no humbug, but are prepared by a' North Carolina physician of high standing and of ong experience in the treatment of female, diseases. All that is uecessary to convince you of their efficacy is fair trial. For particulars, see wrappers. Price $ per box. f or sale at the uuili biuu&s. Jan. 15, 1861 J -JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, tha he ia prepared to manufacture gentlemen s clo thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render sathfac tion to those who patronize him Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown & Stitt's store. Jan. 1, 18G3. tf THE SOUTn CAROLINIAN, Published Daily and Tri-weeLly. COLUMBIA BANNER, A Weekly Family Paper. COLUMBIA S. 0. This is the Largest Family Paper tn the South, And is offered to the domestic circle for News nnd Political Intelligence. The Tales and Stories which are offered to the readers of the Banner are the efforts of Southern Genius, which it is a pleasure to foster. Original Sketches, Literary and Scientific Essays, and Miscel laneous Selections, regularly make their appearance in its columns. - Subscription Daily, $8; Tri-Weekly, $5; Weekly,' $3 per annum, in advance. Papers stopped when sub Bcriptioa expires. Feb. I, 1862 R. W. GIBBES, Proprietor. . - 1 -1 1 Flour Mill, for Sale. The subscriber, having entered into contract for building the Railroad from Danville to Greensboro, is desirous of devoting his whole time to that work, aud offers his STEAM MILL for sale. The property is sit uated in the towu of Charlotte, on the North Carolina Rail Road, has six run of Mill Stones, and the Flour has a high reputation throughout the Southern Confed eracy. It has also a Barrel Factory, with improved Machine rr and Cooper shops attached, which will be sold with the Mill or separately. JOHN WILKES. Sept. 16, 1862. if ' VESUVIUS FURNACE IRON WORKS. The subscriber informs the public that he is man factorin" Pig Iron at bis Furnace in Lincoln county, fire mHes north of Sharon Station on the Wil., Char. & Rutherford Railroad. He is also prepared to cast Machinery, such as Mill Gearing. Thrashing Machine Irons tc: also Hollow-Ware and Salt Pans. ' . J. M. SMITH. Vesuvius Furnace P. O. July 15," 1862. y-pd J Short Almanac for 1863. JANUARY ' f 4 5 0 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 2 25 20 27 23 29 FEBRUARY - - 1 2 3 4 5 . 8 9 10 11 12 15 1G 17 18 19 " 22 23 24 25 2G MARCH - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 . 15 1G 17 18 19 ' 22 23 24 25 20 ' 29 SO 31 APRIL -.- - i 2 5 0 7-89 12 13 14 15 1G 19 20 21 22 23 2027 28 29 SO MAY .... 3 4.5 G 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 2G 27 23 31 JUNE - - - - 1 2 3 4 .'7 8 9 10,11 14 15 10 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 23 29 30 JULY - - - - 12 5 0 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 1G 19 20 21 22 23 20 27 28 29 SO AUGUST 2 3 4 5 G 9 10 11 12 13 1G 17 18 19 20 ' 23 24 25 2G 27 30, 31 ' SEPTEMBER - 12 3 0 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 1G 17 20 21 22 23 21 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER - - 1 4 5 0 7 8 11 12 13 11 15 IS. 19 20 21 L'J 25' 2G 27 28 29 NOVEMBER - 1 2 3 4 5 ' 8 9 10 11 12 15 1G 17 18 19 22 23- 24 .25 20 29 30 DECEMBER - - 12 3 G 7 3 9 10 13 -14 15 1G 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 SO 31 'I 2 9 10 23 30 G 13 20 27 G 13 20 27 3 10 17 21 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 2G 3 10 IT 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 m 9 1G 23 SO G 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 K i 3 10 17 24 21 7 U 21 23 I 14 21 2i 4 11 h 25 w 9 16 23 SO 6 13 20 27 4 11 1 8 15 5 5 Yl 19 26 3 M i; :'i t 14 21 28 5 12 13 WHEAT ! The subscriber is prepared to purclns t iifw crop of Wheat at ihe hibest market price. FurmMi will find it to their advantage to call si flit CHAR LOTTE STEAM .MILLS before selling Jan'y 1, 18C2 tf JNO. WILKES. Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy lias effected cures of Rheumatism that wcrcconjidwl hopeless, certificates to prove which ran be rxbibitxt The suffering are invited to give the niediune a Orders addressed to the undersigned at Charlotte ii receive prompt attention. W. V. Ql'lNN. April 10, 18C0. Trice $1 50-per bottle. PEA MEAL. We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in tbii place Pea Meal for feeding cows and stock. Alto, e Lc on hand at all times, Fumily, Extrt, Suerdoc m.J coarse Flour. We warrant our family floor. Corn Meal and Grits can always be had at te tr.VA. J. WILKES k CO. Jan'y 1, 1862 Payment of State Roiuily due Hcccaftctl Soldier. Executive Departmeot, North Carolina, 1 .Adjutant Generals OCtce, IUltigh, Oct. 17, l&i General Orders, No. 9j The following regulations are published for the in formation of those persons winning to draw bonntf ' deceased soldiers, in accordance with an onlinatue ff the Convention ratified the 22d day of Ftbrunr, REGULATION'S. 1. The payment of boimtj to the re pmentntirf" tf deceased soldiers is based upon the c ertificate of commanding officer of the company,. ho will t-We time of the enlistment of Ihe soldier, the ltr of M decease in service, the amount of bounty alreadj by the State, and the company and regiment to he belonged.' p 2. The claimant will mnke affidavit before a n?'" trste that he or the is the, next of kin to the (jcra--J. according to the provisions of the foregoing ' rJinDf' of the Convention, ar d that there it hu other xr"a entitled to make claim. The nflidavil of she cli-u must be fufttlint-d by that of one diintereteJ that the facts stated are correct within LJ n kn(l edge, nnd that lie has no inti iet in the c!im. V1 magistrate adminicle ring the omhwill urti!ytotl credibility of the wimees, and the ikrk ot U.f LoW Couit will ctr-ify, under Hal, that Lois aBsutUr'1" and acting magistrate. 3. If the tlainumt or claimants be niicr.ri, s.Wj will be made t. the guardian, upon the yroauamu o the proper Ortifu-Hte under the eaj of the Co tit, f his appointment and the sufficiency of hi hwtJ11' claim to be proved .by him as in other cae 4. A bounty of fitly dollars, dfduttinfr tie Uut'7 that may hiive btt u pievioiuly paid, i due l'r' sons who may have volunteered for three )" 4,r J war, and to ttll persons in u. tired it to or toiiti'-u" ' bervice under the provisions of the ( i ti-tripnof Af By orde,r of Governor Vance. Nov 4. 18;2 Jt - J. G. JJA LTI.X-i'A'li1 ''rB' IS TiM'InrV VIRGINIA PRINTING INK 'ESTABLISHMENT. Corner of Adams and Leigh street?, RlUlMuM. ' C. R. T A Y L O iTTTrtnting Ink Mrof rer, takes pleasure in announcing lo tie r Press that bis Ink Factory is now in surcew' ') ' ' ration in the manufacture every denrriptioo ot I ing Ink, which he is prepared to furnirh ( , able terms. News, ttook and Job Ink.ofevnj icr,r tion alwajs on band. Orders promptly attended to. Addruf C. U. ' j u .... - CantwilPs Practice. State, in Virginia, snb.cribers and others dwifi'' esof the above work, can obtain tbem of v well, Raleigh. i.'f All persons Indebted to me, by note or oiprr- requested to pay ner. i win noiu ncr rr. r . f Price of single copies or tne above a.ov t. - tion will be made to those win buy to se II j , EDWARD UA.m "- Camp near Norfolk, July 30, 1661. - Vs. cf tl' WANTED. . nn Vf9 Wanted for the Confederate Army, 10,000 r" 4 W1U '