"V j - "" ' ' . ' ..: , .- . M w WMi f ftll : ' Will ' " iiJ' lyij 4 . . : 7 ; . OFFICE ON THE WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, -AND THE GLORY OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY" OF THE OTnER. ......... per annum - . , ,-r'.vk-;.- . r IN ADVANCE j I - ' . -. . II- . . I - - ' - - I-., - - . , CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1864. W. J. Editor and Proprietor. TWELFTH VOLUME-N UIIB Elt 620. THE mm mm mm (QPublished every Tuesday,Q) BY W I L L I A M J YATES, EDITOR AXD PP.OPRIKTOR. $10 IN ADVANCE, -o f? Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. tfif Advertisements not marked on tlie manuscript fjr a specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and char'd accordingly. AN ACT IN" RELATION TO THE MILITIA AND A GUARD ! FUR HUME DEFENCE. j Skc. 1. I5o it enacted by the General Assembly of ! the Suite of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted ' by the authority of the .amc, That the exemptions j from service in the Militia of the State, shall be fjr the j .same causes, unu i ine same e.xicni sum no laruier, i that are prescribed in the acts of Congress of the Con federate States, providing for the enrollment of men for the public defence and irrauling exemptions from t the same, commonly call .; J i he conscription and ex emption acts. .Sec. 2. lie it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Governor to i a;.se to be enrolled as a guard for home defence all white m ile p'-rsons not already enrolled in the service c f the Confederate States, be tween the a -red of eighteen and fifty years, resident in this State, including foreigners not naturalized, vlio have been residents in the State for thirty days beftre such enrolment, excepting persons filling the ollij-s of Governor, Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts of Law and Equity, the members of the General Assembly and the ollicers of the several Departments of the Government of the State, Ministers of the Gospel of the several denominations of the State charged wifli the duties of churches, and such other persons ;iis the Governor, for special reasons, may deem prorjer -ubjects Tf' exemption. S'-e.. :i. l'e it further enacted, That all persons abnive the agi- id' fifty, who may volunteer for service in said u'nard for home defence, and shall be accepted by a 'aptain of a company for the same, shall be deemed -to belong thereto, an; hall be held to service therein, either general! v or fur any' . pec i ll duty or expedition :n the coinui.itiditig ol!'n -i of regime ot or companies, according to the nature of the particular servicefin jiti'Stioli may deteriiiine. S.'C. 4- lie it further enacted, That the Governor shall cause all persons enrolled in pursuance of the two preceding sections of this act to be formed into l onipanies, with liberty to elect the commissioned olli cers of such companies, and thence into battalions or regiments, brigades and divisions according to his dis i retioii, an 1 he shall appoint the field ollicers of such l..uiulious, regimen!, brigades and divisions, and : 'i til issue commissions in due'forui to all the ollicers foresaid. See. 5. Be it further enacted, That members of the Society of Friend-;. commoi.Iy called Quakers, may lie exempted from the provision of this act by paying the sum of one hundred dollars according to an ordinance of the Ciiiivciiiiiiii of ihi State in that behalf, ratified the Uth day of May, Z.' Provided that when a Quaker shall have paid or bad levied of his property the sum of live hundred dollars under the act of Con- gi ess eaiied the conscription law aforesaid, he shall to pav ;hiv sum of money for his ex not qui-' d emption under this act Sec r'. That the said guard for home defence maj' called out for service by the Governor in defence of t he State against invasion and to suppress invasion, either by regiments, battalions, or companies, en muxse, or by drafts or volunteers from the same-, as he, in his discretion may direct; shall be under his command, through the ollicers appointed as herein provided: shall serve only within the limits of tlii; State, and in terms of duty to be prescribed by the Governor, not exceeding three months at one term. They, or so many of them as may be at any one time called into service, maybe organized into infantry, artillery or cavalry as lie may direct, and the infantry and a'rtillcry may be mounted if he shall so determine, the men furnishing their own horses and accoutrements and arms, when approved by the Governor, on such terms as he shall prescribe. Sec- 7. Be it further enacted. That the Governormay furnish to said troops the arms, accoutrements and ammiinition of the State when called as aforesaid into active service, and shall prescribe rules for their return and to prevent the waste, destruction or loss of the tame. Sec. 8. Re it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming within the meaning and pur view of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the comn issions of ollicers of the Militia, called into service by this act, are suspended only during the period of such service. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That this act shall be in force from the date of its ratification. Ratified the 7th day of July, 1803. Amendments to the above Law. AX ACT TO AMEND AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE MILITIA AND A GUARD Foil HOME DEFENCE. Skc 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by tlie authority of the same.That neither the Govern or of this State, nor the officers acting under an act ratitied on the 7th day of July, 18o"3. emitted "An act in relation to the Militia and a (iuard for Home De fence," shall call out for drill or muster the persons enrolled under said act, oftener than once a month in company drill, or oftener than twice a year in battalion drill, which battalion drills shall take the place of the t- Hopany drills for the month in which they are ap pointed, unless when called into actual service to repel invasion- or suppress insurrection, or to execute the l.uvs of the State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor .hall have the power to use Guards of Home De 1. lice for. the purpose of arresting conscripts and de- .-ertcrs; Pror Uc , they shall not he ordered upon this duty beyond the limits of the comities in which they : reside or the counties adjacent thereto. ' j Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That in addition to the j exemptions contained iu the act to which this is an : amendment, there shall be exempt County commission, ers appointed under an act entitled "An act for tlie re lief of wives and families of soldiers iu the army,'" reg ular millers, -blacksmiths who have established shops, necessary operatives in factories and foundries, the .Utorney General, Solicitors of the severaJ circuits and counties, physicians of five years" practice, contractors with tlie State or Confederate government, one editor to each newspaper and the necessary compositors, mail carriers, professors in colleges and teachers in acade mies; Prtvi?cd, that this exemption shall only apply to the drills specified in this bill and not to service when tiie Guard for Home Defence is called into the field. Sec 4. Be it further enacted, That for fai'itr? to at tend the battalion or regimental drill, each field officer sha'd forfeit and pay one hundred dollars: each Captain -and other officers who shall fail to uuuter and drill: f.eir coifipauies at the times appointed, shall forfeit and ; pay for each failure fifty dollars, and if a non-commissioned' officer or private shall fail to attend at any drill, ' he shall forfeit and pav not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars; Provided, that everv absentee shall j he allowed until the next muster to make bis excuse. The fines shall be adjudged by regimental and compa ny courts-martial, find judgments are to bs entered tin ana ine nnes conecrea in tne same mode and in accord aace with the provisions of the Militia Law of North j Carolina, passed at the second extra sessioaofthe General Assembly, 1BG1. ' - ' Sec 5. Be it further enacted, That the Surgeon Gen eral by and with the advice and consent of the Gov : ernor, may appoint surgical boards, not exceeding j three, composed of two physicians each, who shall de dare by their certificates those persons who shall be ' exempt from service nnder the act to which this is an I amendment, on account of mental or physical disabili ty, and they shall receive the pay of their rank and traveling expenses, to be determined by the Adjutant t Genera!. I Sec 6. Be it further enacted, Thatrthe Guard for J Lowe defence, should tbey bo call?., inta srvie day the Governor, shall receive the same pay, rations and ; allowances as soldiers in the Confederate States' ser vice, and shall be subject to the rules and articles of war of the Confederate States. Sec 7. Be it further enacted, That when the pressure of public danger shall not prevent the observance of such a rule, the said Guard for home defence shall not be called into service en masse, but by drafts of a num ber of men from each convenient company, so as to make up the aggregate force required. Sec 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force and take effect from and after its ratification. Read three times and ratified in General Assembly, this the 14th day of December, A. D., 1863. ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE Of Jfiesseiis'ers OF THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY At Charlotte Office, Daily. ARRIVES. From Char. & S C. Railroad 7 30 " N. C. Railroad 6 20 " A.. T. & O. Railroad 9 00 A. M. and 9 P.M " and 9 25 " V " Wil., C. & U. Railroad 3 10 P. M. DEPARTS. For N C. Railroad 6 20 A.M. and 2 00 P.M and 4 30 " Char. & S 0. Railroad 10 Wil., C. & R. Railroad 7 00 30 00 " A., T. k O. Railroad P. M. It is desired that all Parcels, Packages or Freight to be forwarded by either of the above Trains, be sent to this Cilice One IIoi'u previous to its departure. T. D. GILLESPIE, Agent. Charlotte, Sept. 7, 18G3. tf Iv-YrSittSS NOTICE. Office Southeun Expkess Company, 1 Charlotte, Sept. 24, 18t3. In order to avoid misunderstanding and to make our charges conform to the liability assumed, this Company hereby gives notice that from and after Octo ber 1st, litt, shippers will be required to place their valuation upon each package before it will be received. Such valuatiou will be inserted in the Company's receipt, and establish the liability of the Company for the amount. The act of God and the public enemy only excepted. T. D. GILLESPIE, Sept 28, 1S;3 Agent. a-ilorin eut, JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai lor, respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surround ing country, that he is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr'sIIotel, next door to Brown & Stitt's store. Jan. 1 , 1803. tf COPPERAS. TAYLOR & AS BURY are now prepared to furnish by the ton or otherwise, a fine article of Copperas, superior to any English offered in market. Druggists and Apothecaries supplied with a chemically pure article. Address TAYLOR & ASBURY, May 5, 1863 Charlotte, N. C. Wilmington, ) vuniiviiu u liuiuviiviu 3Et AILH. OjSLX- On and after Monday the 25th of May, 1863, the Pas senger Train will run on this Road (Western Divi sion) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : GOING WEST: ARRIVE: LEAVE: 7 30 A. Ji. Charlotte, Tuckasecge, Brevard, Sharon, Lincolnton, Cherry ville. GOING EAST: Cherry ville, Lincolnton, Sharon, Brevard, Tuckaseege, Charlotte. 15 55 25 00 15 A. M. 8 9 9 10 20 00 30 05 .i ( ARRIVE: LEAVE: 11 30 A. M. 15 50 20 53 45 P. M. 12 12 1 2 25 P. M. it 00 Fare, six cents per mile. Soldiers going to and re turning from -the army, half fare. Passengers are re quired to make the proper change, as the Ticket Agent cannot furnish change for every one. A Freight Train leaves Cherryville for Charlotte at 7 o'clock, A M, or. Mondays, and returns same day. For Passenger Trains transporting Freights, 50 per cent to the tariff rates of freight will be added V. A. McBEE, Master of Transportation. Lincolnton. May 25, 1863. BY .T. B. KEKft, Proprietor. 0K 17VEUY ACC0MMOL)ATloN afforded l9ilA JO the patrons of 'he Charlotte Hotel. i?iSI:a At this rio'f i is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte u A.sheville. Oct. 1, 1801. J. B. KERR. AOTiCK. I am prepared to cast machine irons of all kinds, hollow-ware, salt pans, ,fcc. Orders solicited Terms Cash. I will exchange Iron for Bacon, corn, cloth, or pro visions of any kind. J. W. DERR, July 1st, 18G3. y-PL Spring Hill Forge. CARR ET DAVIS. This fine Horse can fie found at my stable in this place, during the present season, on Mondays, Tues days and Wednesdays, and at the stables of W. T. Stitt, iu Providence, on Thursdays, Fridays and Satur days. Terms, sixty dollars insurance. R. RABE. March 1, 1864 pd XOT1CI2. The firm of WILLIAMS, OATE3 k CO., is this day (Jan. 1st, 1864) dissolved by mutual consent. All persons interested will call and close their accounts with cither of the undersigned. , L. S. WILLIAMS, L. W. SANDERS. January 12, 1864 , - BLANK DEEDS, Warrants, Ejectments, &C, for sale at this Office. iff Announcement! The friends of Col. WILLIAM M. GRIER announce him as a candidate to represent Mecklenburg county in the Senate at the ensuing August election. March 28, 1864 te-pd For the Legislature. Believing that the county of Mecklenburg has been well represented in the person of JOHN L. BROWN, who has proven to be a prompt, active and faithful public servant, many of bi3 constituents desire bis re election, and hereby announce him'a candidate for the Houe of f!.rveas the elDtSnlii -August next. Mr Brown is a good business man, and the services of such men are needed now in our legislative halls. March 15, 1S64. pd VOTERS. For the Legislature. The friends of S. C. GRIER announce him a candi date for re-election to the House of Commons from Mecklenburg county. . April 11, 1864 te-pd Announcement. Moxrok, N. C, March 12th, 1864. We take the liberty of announcing Cot. SAMUJEL H. WALKCP, of the 43th N. C. Regiment, as a candi date for the Senate, composed of the counties of Union and Anson. Also THOMAS MARSH, Esq., to repre sent the count- of Union in the Commons in the next General Assembly of North Carolina. : SEVERAL CITIZENS March 15 te-pd of Union County. Announcement. We, as soldiers, respectfully announce Capt. J. E. MOORE as a candidate for Sheriff of Union county at our next regular election in August, and as such will be voted for by Many Soldiers. Feb. 16, 1864 tf Announcement. We,- as soldiers, respectfully announce THOMAS R. M AGILE as a candidate for-the House of Commons for Union county, at our next regular election in Aug. next, and as such will be voted for by ' Many Soldiers in the Army. December 22, 1863 tepd To the Voters of Union County. Fellow Citizens: ' I am a candidate for your suf frages at the next ensuing election for Sheriff in the Count of Union. My connection with the army, how ever, has for some months removed me from that fami liar intercourse with you that would generally be de sirable. But, trusting that I may have a due allow ance for this seeming inconvenience, with a view to repeated expressions of a desire that I shouid become a candidate, I have consented to do so though under vastly different circum.-lauces-Wrom these which sur rounded us four years ago. Many of you have realized the hardships of war and the dangers of battle; but without recalling the past, let us look hopefully to the future, and permit me. m gra-'efnl acknowledgements of the favors I received tit your hands then, with many others previous to that time, to ask your cordial sup port now. If elected,' I Will n.-c what, industry and ability I possess to fulfill the obligations of the office in such a manner as, I hope, may ever be satisfactory to you. On the contrary, if I am not elected, I shall co.iider that you have done me no wrong and that I hvive'no right to criticise because your suffrages are against me. But 1 am fully scn.-ible of the distinction conferred, by being elected to the position for which I am atcandidatc, and shall be as proud to receive your voted as I shall ever be earnest and faithful to prove myself worthy of the responsible trust imposed by the same. And, in conclusion, allow me to hope you will remember your friend, and on the day of election a ticket for the same. W. II. COLLINS, Co. A, 4th N. C. Cavalry, March 28, 1S64 pd Gordon's Brigade. Announcement. YadivI.nville, April 18, 1S64.A I am authorixed to announce Col. W. II. A. SPEER. of the 28th N. C. Troops, a candidate at the election in August next, to represent the people of the counties of Yadkin, Surry, Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga in the Senate of the next Legislature of North Carolina. Respectfully, R. F. Armfield. April 25th. 5t AOTICE. Office of Western Plank Road Company, 1 Lincolnton, N. C, April 11, 1864. To the Stockholders of the Western Plank Road Company: The Confederate Tax on the individual shares in this company will be paid by the President. C. C. HENDERSON, Prest. April 18, 1864 4t West. P. R. Company WAKTJZD, One Hundred Bushels DRIED APPLES, for which the highest market price in the new issue will be paid. Send hy Express to Raleigh at my expense, with bill, to be uaid on delivery of fruit. W. WfllTAKER, Jr., April II. 1804 5t Raleigh, N. C. STRAYED From my Pasture near Wilson Wallace's, about the 1st of Nov. last, a red COW which 1 bought at auc tion, formerly owned by Wm.Tassy Alexander. Also, at the same time and place, a spotted HEIFER, of the brindlc order. She was sold at auction by Mr Morri son of Pioneer Mills. I will pay a liberal reward for their delivery to me or for information so that I can get them. W. A. COOK. Feb 18, 18G4 tf lOTICE. TO CONTRACTORS AND SA IT VERS Office of C. S. Naval Ordnance Works, "1 Crarlotte, N. C, April, 1864. J j Proposals will be revived at this Office during the i presert month, for furnishing the following kinds of j Lumber required at this establishment size of bills regulated to suit contractors viz: I Yellow Pine, Black Walnn, ! Hickory, White Oak, j Poplar, Ash. j H. ASHTON 11 A.MS. vY, j Chief Eng. C. S Navy in charge. ! April 11, 1304 6t ! And committed to the Jail of Mecklenburg county, : on the 20tb of February last, a negro woman who says , her name is LUCY and belongs to Nick Davis of Rich- , ruond. Said negro is about 25 years old, vry black, ! and i-iither under medium size. .She says that sh was per-u. tlt'd off from Richmond by a man who gave Lis name as Rohinson. She was arrested on th'e cars on the N. ( Railroad near Charlotte. N. C. The owner . is hereby notified to come forward prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be dealt with as the law directs. R. M. WHITE, Sheriff. March 15, 18C4 tf ' KESIOROT11 1FVKIYACE. LINCOLN COUNTY, X. C. j THREE MILES EAST OF IRON P. O. The proprietors announce to the public that this j Furnace is in full blast, and will make castings of all kinds to order. Also, Pig Iron is made and offered for j sale. SHIPP & REINHARDT. March 1, 1864 3m-pd. je WtsUtn Uemorrai , CHARLOTTE, N. C. F ' - Our terms are $10 iu the new issue or $15 in the old. We have to pay new issue for the printing paper we buy, and therefore must change the old for new is- snp K'a lr.n.-.AnA C; : -i.i :, iv e iimonths' subscription. . " ij i r - t The Democrat will be discontinued to all subscr ibers at the expiration of the time for which it is paid. Ti'oite who want to continue mustrene.mhefort oj althttz pvrvtivon oj i netr time. For the Western Democrat. A DESERTEB CAUGHT. During the late snow, the following incident occured in this (Cabarrus) county, which shows with; what indomitable spirit the women of our county have entered into our cause for indepen dent : Tlree young ladies Miss M., Mis? L., and Miss S.,-rloving the beauties of nature and wishing to enjoy the invigorating atmosphere, so essential to gou( health, took an evening ride on horseback. Wii'n they happened to pass a house f'ormeily uset as a dwelling, but for several years past used as ii fodder house, espied a man hasten into the hotte. The idea suggested itself to them that the had discovered the hiding place of some de sertr. They set to work with a determination to havii the recreant arrested and sent to the army, whei'e he would be of more &ervice to his country and less trouble and annoyance to the citizens at hone. They accordingly held a council of war and adopted the following plan : Miss M and Miss L. t act as guard, while Miss S. would go for re inforcements. Miss S had been gone but a short titm when the deserter warned the sentinels of the danger they were in, telling them that he woud shoot them if they did not leave. They wen not to be daunted by any threats he made, but their convictions became stronger that they wer not deceived. They did not have to wait long for soon Miss L arrived with the required re infotcement Mr M. and Mr P.? guns in hand. Again a council of war was held, when it was unanimously agreed on to capture him at all haz ards. Accordingly they all marched up to the door and demanded of him to come out and sur render. No reply being made, Mr P. went inside but could see no person, when Mr M. and Mr 1 came to the conclusion that thoy had been hand somely hoaxed. Hut these noble young heroines were not to be put off in thtft, style, but iusisted that they were not deceived nor had he escaped. 1V earnest entreaties the young ladies induced Mr M. jyd JU V..P JfXen.o' some fodder when the sought for deserter was found and brought from his hiding place, a prisoner. Imagine their sur prise when they discovered that the man of con cealment was Mr M n, a neighbor, and dis charged soldier, wiio bears honorable scars re ceived in the battle before liichmoud. Mr M n is a youug man of very amiable disposition, who never lets an opportunity slip where he cat make the best of a good joke. Mr M n was brought up to the front a prisoner by his fair captors, and when last heard from was in coinfortablerjuarters. Cabarrus. .ExcnANOE Notice No. 9. Piichiiiond, May 2 All Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Point, Va., at any time previous fo the 20th April, Ibti-i, are hereby declared to be only exchanged. , KO. OULD, Agent of Exchange. It is stated in late northern papers that Admiral Wilkes has been dismissed from the yan kee service for what cause it is not stated. The 500 ter cent. Penalty. Capt. Mc Gowan, Post Quartermaster at this place, ha3 re ceived the following Circular from the Quarter master General's office, Richmond: "Congress was asked to pass a law making the penalty in default of delivery of tax in kind five times the Assessors' valuation. It was supposed that the law was intended to embrace the crops of '63; but it has been decided that it docs vot, ex cept so far as relates to bacon and tobacco, which are not "ready for market" until after January 'G4; thus bacon and tobacco are subject to the fivefold penalty. Other crops of 'Oo are subject to the 50 per ct. penalty. The fivefold penalty applies to the crops of 'Gi and follow mg." This is all right, and will quiet the just com plaints of the public against the previous decision of the Department, which subjected grain and all other tithes not delivered, to this 500 per cent, penalty. Our readers iw) recollect that we dis cussed the whole question on the 14th inst., con tending for precisely the dcci.-duti now made, which is equivalent to a decision that the amended tax law passed on the 17th Feb'y last is not referred I back to Apn 24, 1803, but is in reahty a new tax iuw, appiicuuie iu lout uuiy any not iu u.i-w Fayrttcvilfe Observer. The Yankees in Mississippi We have seen a letter from a lady in Alississippi to her un cle in this nlace. fsas the Favetteville Observer,) j giving an account of the conduct of the yankces j durinn- their late invasion. She says: "We have suffered bitterly. Air S has been rnhhiul of n.o.-t of his truneitv bv the mise rable wretches. They stole 30UU lbs. bacon, 000. ( lbs lard, all other provisions,, horse, saddle, gun, j clothing, bedclothes, and plundered even my ' daughter's trunks. They broke up farming uten-; pilsburnt up all tho fences, broke my carriage tu j pieces, and just left everything in ruins. 1 he i trwn is a heap of ashes ail the stores, ail puouc buildings, and six private dwellings were burned. : I cannot describe, nor can you imagine, the Hor rors of a yaukce visitation. I pray that you may never know wharl have endured. To be obliged to spt "ilnnr while huimred of impudent soldiers went through everything I had and took whatever suited their fancy. One lady nving near nena- lan was stripped to the waist and whipped with a ; leather strap until she revealed the place where ; she had hidden ier money and jewelry $30,000 j in Fpecie and they got it. The British Ministry were defeated on the 12th j in tbe House of Commons, ou the ATinor Educa-1 ti-jnal question, by eight majority. . j FRO LI' EAST TENNESSEE. . Correspondence of the Western Democrat. Caeter Dei-ot, East Tk'sn., 1 ' - . . - Aprii 23, 1SG4. . Editor Western Democrat : I desire through your paper to give a brief account of the engage ment recently fought at this place. The enemy, about 2,000 strong, consisting of the 3rd Indiana, the 10th Michigan, mounted infantry, and a bat talion with two pieces of artillery, under Brig .Geo Maiison,' U. S. A., attacked this place, on Monday, April 25th. The fight began at 2 o'clock p. m., and with only occasional intervals continued until dark. The resisting force, which consisted of only a portion of Col Thomas' Legion N C Troops, and without artillery, . under Lieut Col J It Love of N. C, met them heroically and repulsed them in a crippled condition. LJnder cover of the night the enemy removed their wounded and dead, and resumed the firing early next morning, but after a short skirmish they retired. A few of our cavalry pursued and on their return reported that the enemy had burned a small bridge, torn up a por tion of the railroad track and were still retreating, evidently uot intending to renew the attack. The loss of the enemy as far as ascertained was 19 killed, 27 ouuded and three captured'. Among their killed was a Major and a Captain. Oar loss was three captured, three very slightly wounded and one seriously wounded. During the engage ment our men displayed a heroism worthy ot vete rans and of the nnble cause in which they are en gaged. This victory though comparatively small is in keeping with the progress of events which makes, our Confederate cause ever plainer to our minds and dearer to our hearts. John M. Lawino, Surgeon Thomas' Legion. m For the Western Democrat. COMPANY B, 23D N. C REGIMENT. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Camp 23i N. C. Kkot., Johnston's Brigade, ) Taylorsville, Va., April 9th, 1804. j Whereas, the officers and men of Company H, 23d N. C. Regiment convened in a meeting in camp at the above specified time and place, for the purpose of adopting some resolutions as a tribute of respect, in remembrance of the officers and men of their company who have been killedin actiun and died of disease since tlie organization of the Company, on the 23d d iy of May, 1NG1, to the present date, April Dth, lb04 The object of the meeting being explained, Lt.-j W. A. Thompson was called to the Chair and Lt. AL-Mv-Hines appointed Secretary. - ----- - Sergt Pinkney Itamsour, Corpl PD Scagle and Private 1) F Rhodes were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of our regret and loss of the following named officers and men who have been killed in action and died of diseaso in the company, to wit: Killed in Action. Capt S A Shuford, Sergt David Carpenter, privates Jacob Quickie, Jacob Reynolds, J A Baker, Elam Sain, Henry Warlick, Jerry Campbell, Alarcus Hayes, Peter Neal, at Seven Pines, Va., Alay 31st, 1SG2 ; Sergt II J Coorf, private Nelson Alarion, at South Mountain, Md., Sept 14th, 18G2; Sergt 31 V Seaglc, Corpl J A Shitle, Corpl WesJy Hudspeth, privates Peter Rcepe, EJi Hoke, J F Iloyle, Marion Seagle, Thos Smith, at Chanccllorsville, Va , May 3d, 18G3 ; Captain G W Hunrer dicd, July 16th, 1803, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, Alay 3, 18G3; Sergt V D Carpenter, Sergt Martin Ramsour, Corpl Marcus Hoke, privates Noah Kestlcr, Geo Seagle, John Seagle, Amos White, Martin Ruda sil, Levi Hauser, at Gettysburg, Pa , July 1, 1803; Corpl M II Henry, at Sharpsburg, Aid , Sept 17, 162; private G B Ilulman, died at Richmond of wounds received at Chancellorsville, Ma' 3d, 18G3 ; Harmon Campbell died July 7th of wounds received at Gettysburg July 1st, 18G3; Eli Helms died in Richmond, July 10th, 1802, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June, 18G2 ; N W Sca gle died in the hands of the enemy, Oct 20, 1802, of wounds received at Seven Pines, Alay 29, 1852; Cameron Cody died in Richmond, June 20, 18G2, of wounds received at Seven Pints, Alay 31, 18G2. Died of Disease Corpl David Finger, died in Richmond, Nov l.SGlf private Alichael Hukc died in Richmond, April 23, 18G2 ; Alarcus Pelt died in Richmond, Oct 18 il ; Luwsoti Shitle, died in Richmond, Oct 10, ;18G1;. G P Campbell died in Richmond, July 10, lb02 ; Charles Seagle died iu Richmond, Feb 10, 1805; Jasper Edmond died in Lynchburg, Oct 1801 ; Wru P Alosteller died in Lynchburg, Aug 19, 18G2; Joshua Holhrooks died in Lynchburg, Jan 10, 1803; Henry Cardell died in Lincoln county, N 0, July 20, 1802; Middle ton S Ramsour died in Yorktown, Va, April 23, 18G2; W II Ilarrell died in camp near Richmond August 10, 18G2; Jesse Cody died in camp near Richmond July 20. 1862: G W PomcM died at G . g . ' y April 20, 1803 Resolved, That we do sympathize and regret with the friends and relatives in the Iush of these brave soldier; we miss them in the bivouac camp, on the wearisome march, in the lonely picket line, and on the battle field, amid the roar of cannon and the rattling of musketry. Resolved, TLat as it is appointed for man once ! to die, we tnereiorc sunmit t rne win or Airnyjn i ty God, who has teen fit fo take from us our cmi ! rades in arms I Ur sol red. That we can sav ihev w rc brave and j .j.j - I ; faithful soldiers and lrpe they have gnn to that . land of peace and rest where there are n more j wars and nothing to t rouble' their peaceful s uls . Resolved, Tbata copy of these proceedings and resolutions be r-ublished in the Charlotte Demo-; crat a Lx. W. A. Thompson, Ch'n. Lt. M. AL Hine, Sec'y. 2f The N. C Christian Advocate says it ha been decided that local preachers men who are jCense(j acC0rding to the rules of their churches, i 0 preaeh only occasiohally-are not liable r m J . to conscription. Two persons of this class who j had been conscripted in Kaleigu were atterward released. It is faid that a majoiity ot the Republican (abolition) members of the northern Congress are opposed to tho re-election of Lincoln. THE CONFEDERATE VICTOBIES IN THE - SOUTHWEST. Demopolis, May 1. A special despatch to th Meridian Clarion from Jack60D, SOth, aays the enemy have ftlleo back from the Big Black, after partially destroying the bridges and burning all. tho sutlers' and traders' shanties and soldiers' huts. Considerable alarm prevails within tho fortifica tions of Vicksburg, apprehensive of an attack from Wirt Adams. A special despatch from Brookha Tcn to tlur came pyenaj tun uj&uuu rtyurTUU trans-Mississippi reports that Juaoks waa -deleatcd a second time, but escaped to the south side of Redeliver, and was falling back on Natchitoches. Gen Price whipped Steele badly, capturing 200 wagons and a large number of prisoners and arms. Marmaduke was also in pursuit of Steele-, who was falling back to Little Rock. Mobile, May 2. Mr Wagner, who is bearer of despatches from Kirby Smith, states the results of the battles ot the 8th and 9th ult on Bed Hirer, as follows : A complete defeat of tbe Yankees ; enemy's loss estimated by Gen Taylor at 8,000 killed, wounded and missing ; but their own ad mission puts the numbers at 15,000. We cap tured 21 pieces of artillery, 10,000 stand of arms, 12,000 mules, 300 wagons and a large quantity of stores. Our loss is officially stated at 2,200. Generals Mouton and Green (Confederates were killed. Three Yankee generals are reported killed. The enemy's force was 32,000; our'a 18,000 to 20,000. Kirby Smith directed operations; Taylor commanded the centre;; Walker and Mouton the wings. On Sunday, tho 17th, the enemy attempt ed to cross lied River,' and were attacked again and whipped worse than before; but no particulars known. Forty steamboats of all classes havo as cended the river,, and were all above Alexandria, with no possibility of escape. Ten or twelve Yan kee boats havo already been blown up or burned to avoid capture. Mr Wagner says the ladies and citizens report that Price deceived the enemy by pretending to fall back in apparent disorder, abandoning every thing. When the Yankees reached his trains, they broke ranks and scattered to plunder, when Prico turned and cut them to pieces, capturing 4,000 prisoners, 500 wagons, all their ammunition, baggage and supplie. It is reported also that Steele evacuated Little Rock, falling back towards the Alishissippi River. This story is corroborated by Yankee accounts on the Alississippi. FURTHER PARTICULARS. Mekiman, Alay 2. Gen Mou,ton had five bul lets through his breast. Ocn Green was killed by a stray shell from a gunboat. Two days after . the battle of the 9th, tho Yankee expedition plan ned by Franklin arrived and expected to make Shrcvcport their base whrefrom to enter Texas through the north-eastern eountics. Banks was elated when he heard that Steele was in possession of Shrcvcport, but was excessively chagrined whea he found that he was not there. A courier from Ranks to Steele wa9 intercepted at Shretcport carrying orders for Steele to fall back as rapidly as posil!e, that Banks had advanced on Shrcvc port, expecting to find 0,000 troops only, but bad met 20,000 wretches. The extent of our victory on lied River cannot be exaggerated. Princo Polignac was promoted on the field. His clothes were riddled with bul lets. He succeeds Alouton, and Wharton succeeds Green. Trans-Alississippi advices state that the Yankees are blowing up their gunboats and transports abovo the rapids on Red River to prevent them from falling into our hands. COMMANDER JAS. W COOKE, C. S. IT. This fearless, efficient and gallant officer, who commanded the iron-clad ram "Albemarle" in tho recent bombardment and capture of Plymouth, en tered the Navy of tbe United States in April 1828, and that of the Confederacy in September 1862. In the former ho saw nearly sixteen year sea gervice and upwards of eight years shore duty, making about twenty-four years of activo official employment. He is, like Major-General Hoke, a son of the old North State heroes both in their respective spheres. Previous to the present war. Lieut. Cooke owned a comfortable estate in Vir ginia, iwhero he married, which was the aocu tiiulutiun of his own energy. Commander Cooko has lost all ho possessed, but tho ceruinty of thin in prospect didnot prevent him following the die fates of his sense of duty, and, so soon as the OU Dominion passed her act of secession, he oflcrcd his services to il.o home of bis adoption, and was appointed by Virginia a Lieutenant in the Navy. He stood at the head of lieutenants in the old service, which he relinquished when hut commiss ion as Commander had been made out in Wash ington City. So H'Xiii as North Carolina withdrew from the corrupt and dismembered IJoiou, Cooke resigned the commission he had received from the State of Virginia and offered bis services to this his native State, which were accepted. Subse quently he wart appointed a Lieutenant in the Na vy. of the Confederacy, the same rank and position held by him in the old Navy, from which be was advanced to his present rank of Commander by seniority of commission, not for gallant and meri torious services, though justly entitled to promo tion for such. Lieut Cooke wajeogsged on duty, in the force operating about Roanoike Island, and in the engagement near Elizabeth City bis com mand was captured by a greatly superior force of the enemy. Before departing for the pphcro of his contem plated pi ration, he required thirteen men, whom he was auxivus o procure. As charactcr'utio of the maf, when in Portsmouth in this ,Sute, he procured the town bell i be rung by the munici pal authority, made a stirring appeal to theaoaciw ble J people, to their Stale pride and patriotism, succeeded iu enlisting the needed thirteen roluo- ' leers and went on his way rejoicing. In tbe en gagement alluded to he was wounded in the arra by a rainnie ball which disabled it, but be. fought' with retolite determination to tbe laat rofusing to haul dvwn his flag and resisting with a cutlats upou the deck of his vessel until overoweied. After a brief captivity he was parolled and subse quently ordered to the river defences in North Carolina and superintended the completion of the iroa-clad ram Albemarle, in command of which revel be was j)lacrJ. BViwinyfi Jvurual. m: r V. 1 '!

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