TO JSELLIB- BY T. 3I00RB, raOBABLY- " One night as old St. Peter slept, And left the doors of Heaven ajar, Oar little. Nellie out she crept, And came down oo falling star. "Then driDk to Nellie, friends fill up With wine that all our passion stirs, And when we driuk, we'll break the cup, 'Twill never toast a name but hers." "She lit on earth and broke her wings, Wa3 captured by a mortal band, And still she here sojourns and sings The music of her native land Then drink to Nellie, etc. Her little wings will grow again, And then she'll leave ua for the skies; "While we in darkness must remain, And iniss the bright light of her eyes, Then drink to Nellie, etc. When Nellie goes our joys are gone, Earth's brightest scenes will dreary be, -In gayest crowds we'll be alone With nothing but her memory. .Then drink to Nellie, etc. Wp care not what the world may think, We care not what the eages say, To Nellie's eyes we still will driDk, T'ntil this life shall wear away. Then drink to Nellie, etc. To Nellie with our parting breath, Our last toast shall be given, And when our lips are closed in death, Jo -Nellie still wH drink in Heaven." A POSTBOFEB TO' GEN. JOHNSTON. Hail, General, hail! the deuce is to pay, The devil has got in your rear, Just stack up your muskets and listen, I pray, To the newspaper bullets a poppln away And fill in the people with fear. Send forward your flags and your banners of truce, Tell Sherman to hold on a while, Just tell bim to wait, for the devil is loose, In the language of boys, cry "king's excuse," Yoar spurs lay aside and your sabre unloose, .Till Bobby discbarges his bile PUBLIC ACTS , Panned at the Fourth Session of the First Con yress of the Confederate States 1863, 1 864. Obap. I. An Act to amend so much of section 11 of the Tax Law as requires one-tenth of the Sweet l'o- t tatoes produced this year to be paid to the Govern- 1 meat 1 The Congress of the Confederate States of America .1 v TUt nv m l a1. f" OAAl'iAn 11 r f nil It A r. f f l . , . .1 j- i .. .!. JHJ 1UI 114V WUAUJUU UVlCUkO, (.11 .1 .CllJ IM1 111 Government of the Confederate States," approved Apl. 24, 1863, as requires farmers and planters lo pay one tenth of the sweet potatoes produced in the present year to the Confederate Government, be so amended as authoriza the producers of sweet potatoes in the year 1863, to make commutation by payment of the money value of the tithe thereof, instead of payment in kind, at rales to be fixed by the commissioner under the impressment act. . Approved Dec 29, 18C3. . Chap. II. An act authorizing the tax m kind on Bacon to be commuted by collection of Salt Pork as an equivalent. The congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That assistant Quartermasters and other agents eDgaged in the collection of the tax in kind may be authorized under orders and regulations made by the Secretary of War, to demand and receive, iu com mutation for the tax in kind on bacon, an equivalent , therefor in salt pork. Approved December 23, 1&G3. CbapIII An act to prevent the enlistment "or en rollment of substitutes in the military service of the Confederate States. The congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That no person liable to military service bhall hereafter be permitted or allowed to furnish a substitute for such service, nor shall any substitute be received, enlisted or enrolled in the military service of , the Confederate States. Approved December 28, lSei3. Chap. IV. An act to put an end !o the exemption from military service of those who have heretofore furn ished substitutes. Whereas, iu tbe present circumstances of the coun try, it requires the aid of till who are able to bear arms, therefore The congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That no person shall be exempted by reason of his having furnished a substitute: but this act shall not be so construed as lo ailed persons who, though nut liable to render military sen ice, have, neverthe less, furnished substitutes. Approved January 5, 1864. Chap. XI. An act to prevent the procuring, aiding, . und assisting persons to desert from the army of the Confederate States, and for other purposes. Tbe congress of the Confederate States of America df enact, That every person cot subject to the rules . :ud articles of war, who shall procure or entice a sol dier or person enrolled for service in the army of the lyoufedeiate States to destri; ot v.ho shall aid or as tial any deserter from the army, or ai.y person enrolled i'.t service, to evade their proper commanders, or lo prevent tbeir arrest to bo returned to iht service: or who shall knowingly conceal or harbor any such de-.-erter; or shall purchase from auy eoldieror person enrolled for service any portion of his aims, tquip liionU, rations or clothing, or any property b;.iougiug to the Confederate States cr ar.y officer Cii,-soIdier of hc Confederate States, shall, upon conviction before the- District Oourt of the Confederate States, having jurisdiction of tbe offence, be fined not exceeding one thousand dollars, aud bo imprisoucd not exceeding two years." Approved Jan 22, 1664. hap. XIII. -An Act authorizing chaplains, in certain cases, to draw forage for one horse. , The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That chaplains in the army, iu actual service i:i the field, shall be entitled to draw forage for one horse: Provided, The chaplain has a horse in hi3 use. Approved January 22, 1864. . - Chap. XIV.-An Act to authorize the appointment of u agent of the Treasury Department west of the Mississippi. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President shall, by and with the ad vice ana consent ot tno benate, appoint an agent of tb Treasuiy Department, whose duty it shall be lo resid. IU V 1L Kit tl II iu In t- i l l.i tif.u; ..r;..i..; - ..i. f. ..... - v vuwuasv iv vcikie. i " w jikoijoiu ii, itsuiu luntc, aiiii in niscnuriro uuiin, a ouu, iioyi uuie 10 nme, oe assigned n:m oy tne secretary ot tbe T re three thousand dollars per annum m advance. 0.n o rrl C . . int loecreiary or tue ireasurv power to give direction to the said agent to dUchuige any duty or function on the other side of the .Mississ ippi whieh he, the said Secretary, is competent to dis charge: and shall also have the employment of such clerks, asd to prescribe such regulation's for the gov ernment of such agent and clerks as, from lime to time the said Secretary may deem proper: Provided, That such clerks shall receire tho salaries provided law for similar services in the Treasury Department. " tc. That this act shall expire on the dav of the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Con fede rate States and the United Stales of America. Approved January 27, 1G4. Chap. XV. An Act to amend "An Act to provide a mode of authenticating claims for money against the Confederate States not otherwise provided for " un proved August 30, 1801. ' r The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact; That so much of the first section of said act 3 requires the Attorney General '.- report to Congress upon said claims be; and tbe same is hereby, repealed. Approved January 30, 1664. ,LLip. XXI. An act to authorize the President to as sign Judges pf military courU from one court to an other. . The congress of the Confederate States of America di enact, Thai the President le and he is hereby an- thorlzed at any. time to assign judges from, one mili tary court to another, aa in his judgment the service may require. - r Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take ef fect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 3, 1864 ' Chap. XXIX. An act to provide compensation for of- : . - . - i e .1 . . fleers who may heretofore nave penurmu oiou uuiy under orders of their superior officers. . The congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That wheD any officer or private of any le gally constituted military orgauization may have here tofore, by order of his proper superior oflicer, perform ed any staff duty appropriate to such command, he shall be entitled to receive pay lor the time he was so engaged in the discbarge Of 6ucb duties ; Provided, That there was nt then present fit for duty auy. officer duly appointed for the discharge of the same. Approved Feb 11, 1864- Chap. XXX. An Act to amend "Au.Act to establish a volunteer navy,' approved April 18, 1863. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the act entitled -,:An Act to establish a volunteer navy," approved April 18, 18C3, be so amen ded that the Pies,ident be, and he i3 hereby, authoriz ed to issne the commissions and warrants contempla ted by said act, under such regulations as he may pre scribe, to applicants for service in the volunteer navy, when satisfied that said applicants will furnish a suit able vessel for said service, and to receive into the vol unteer navy said vessel and her officers and crew with in or beyond the Confederate States. Sec '. That the President be, and he is hereby, au thorized to appoint assistant paymasters for the volun teer navy, who shall receive, when on duty at sea, fif teen dollars per month. But no person under foriy five years of age. and liable to perform military duty, shall receive s-ue-h appointment. Approved February 11, 1804. ' Chap. XXXI. An Act to authorize the issue of certi ficates for interest on the "fifteen million loan." The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause certificates to be issued", in such form as he shall devise, for the interest which has accrued, or which shall dvcnie, on the reg istered stock issued under authority of the act of Feb ruary the twenty-eighth, eighteen-hundred and sixty oue, entitled "An Act to raise money for the support of the Government, and to provide for the defenve of the Confederate States of America." The said certi ficates shall be prepared and signed b the register of the treasury, in favor of the persons, respectively, in whose names the said stock shall be standing on the books of the treasury, or the order, at the designated periods, and shall be sent by him to the treasurer, as sistant ttreasurer3 and depositaries located at the places where said interest is payable. The said certi ficates shall be countersigned by the treasurer, or de positary, by whom they shall be delivered; and shall be receivable in payment of export duty on cotton, in the same manner as the coupons of the bonds issued ! under said act of February twenty-eight, eighteen hun- dred and sixty-one, now re j Approved February 11,864 ! ( XXAII. An act for the Cap. relief of tax payers in certain cases. The congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That when cotton or other property subject to taxation in money shall have been burned or other wise destroyed by authority of the Government, before the expiration of the time fixed by law for the payment of the tax thereon, the tax payer may apply to the dis trict collector, who shall investigate the fact's and make report thereof to the State collector, who may, if satis fied of such destruction by government authority, re mit the said tax. If the tax in any such case shall have been paid in advance, it shall be refunded by the State collector. The tax payer shall in every such case have the right of appeal to the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 2. That in all cases where the crop out of which the tax in kind is to be paid, has been taken or de stroyed by the enemy, the district collector may remit the tax, iu whole or in part, according to the extent of the loss sustained by the. tax payer : Provided, That the facts in each case shall be reported to the State collector, and their remission shall not be valid until approved by him: And provided further, That in case the loss be sustained prior to assessment, the assessor, on satisfactory proof thereof, . may make deduction thereof in proportion to the loss. Approved February J3, 18C4 Chap. XXXIV. An act to establish certain post routes therein named. The congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That, the following uamed poit routes be and the same are hereby established, namely : From the town of Clarksville, by way of Blue creek and Cleve land, to Dalouega. Also, from Athens, by way of Jug Factory, in Jackson county, and G V Smith's store in Walton county, to Auburn iu Gwinnette county. Al o, from Douglass in Coffee county, to Forest in Clcrivh county. Also, from Dawsonville in Dawson county, by way of Perdy's, Tyra's, Harben's, and X II Goss', to Prinee Edward. Also, from Station Number Nine on the Atlantis atsd Gulf railroad, by way of Central Val ley, Trader's Hill and Howardsviile. to Baldwin. From Station Number Five, Atlantic and Gulf railroad, via Middletown store, Appling county, to Ocmulgee, in Coffee county all the above routes situate in the State of Georgia. Also, the following in the State of North Carolina: From Gibsonville depot on the N C Railroad, to Long's Mills, in the county of Randolph. Also, the following in tbe State of Texas: From Burnet by way of Lcano, to Sansaba. Also, the following in the Sta'e of Mississippi; From Greensboro to StarkvilU? in Oktib beha comity. Also, the following in South Carolina aud North Carolina: From Nichols depot, S. C, via Alltu's. Bridge aud High Hill, iu South Carolina, and Uolmeaville ami Wniie House, to LeesviUe, in North Carolina. Also, the following in the State of Louisi ana: From Alexandria to Niblett's Bluff, on Sabine river. Also, in the Stale of Florida : From Orange Lake, on the St John's, to Sand Point at the head of Iftdian river. Approved Feb 13, 1864 Chap. XXXV. An act to increase the commutation value of Hospital rations. The congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the commutation value of the rations of the sick and wounded, and of all employees in hos pitals, be fixed at such rates, not to exceed two and a half dollars, as the Secretary of War shall designate. Approved Feb 15, 1864 Chap. XL. An act making to officers of the navy of the Confederate States, under certain cir romstances, and to amend an act entitled "An act to "provide for the organization of the navy," approved March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That rlie commissioned and warranted offi cers of the navy of the Confederate States, on duty, are hereby allowed rations, quarters and fuel, or commu tation therefor, as are now or may hereafter be allow-' r.i i , - i4 . . " . rii i . i u Dial i in i i nr hi i i i v ifiun m i rn i j in.. . . --- --- j ....... w , . .lluc as c-f-iii'in In vif-.;iiln, ; ml i;... i captains and vhaplains; to masters and passed mid j shipmen, the same as lieutenants; and to' officers of the . medical, pay, and engineer" corps, to naval contractors j and to boatswain-, gunners, carpenters, and sailm ik ! ers, the s'nmc as the foregoing officers of the line of ( the navy with whom they have assimilated rank. , Sec 2. That ail the navy officers in the foregoing , grades shall have the same privilege of purchasing j commissary and quartermaster's stores, as are now or : may hereafter be, allowed to officers of the army. ' j Approved February 16, 1864. i Ch.ip.XLH. An Act to increase the compenjation of J certain officers of the Treasury. . iivuuuaiiia iui tuc wnr. iuf samo -is The Cougtess of the Confederate States of America do enact, That hereafter the following salaries aud compensation shall be paid to the several officers and clerks hereinafter named, instead of the sums now au thorized by law : The treasurer of the Confederate States, four thousand dollar; the assistant treasurer at Charleston, four thousand dollars. The Secretary .'fll, T.n..-. 1 ' ' , , .. . - . - " - ' ' .7 uiuut ucjiuaiiai tea vi lue treasury iptp classes, the commissions on which shall be linoi- ' i"" iica.ui uiny depositaries ot tne treas as follows; In the first class, not to exceed four ib on- 1 sana aouars: in tne second class, not to exceed thousand five hundred dollars; and in the third class .. i . i , . . - ' tu cjtteu uiicea nuuarea aoiiars a year, accoretiu to tiir character of the duties reauired of tbem. nH -jren- : , umr, iu u.u-auiLiiBis, me same as maior centrals tn rniinp. canal. nvij'tnti. nnn..i i, ,.i.rl cTnnri . . . I . . .j : i .i Usury. With a sahtir of inimtiHulnri'j in. (I .!,. tain il.,, r .,,.. ... r.. ....j: ! . , i. - ., i S ..v-i.i. v..r, u, iau.urgen- ifiep-rjipn, express, railroad. mitntitactiin(r. dry , payable quarterly, : ei;tls mid colonels: to commanders and first li.i.i..., -Li..,.: l... . ... . - , fa ... 3 . . , , , . .uovk. "MiH-i jvihi muck com nmy oi any cieserin- . . .. . . ..xuuii? ouu iiiojuit, IU SeCOtll t r... n in lr lii,.r.i..,-Q t c .-hall have lieu.enants and lieutenants forth vrr th c. . i . ... ...jr-ic ,-tr WESTJfiRlSr. DEtoOCEAT, OHARLQTTft. subject to the other conditions . now imposed by law. Each clerk employed in the efficeof any assistant treas urer or depository, shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars.) - . Sec. 2. That theancrease of salaries allowed to the clerk' and employees of the Treasury Departroeut, at Itichmond, be, and the same is hereby extended, upon the same condition, to tbe clerks and employees of the said Oepartment, ft Columbia, South Carolina. Approved February 16, 1864. . . Chap. XLIV. An act to authorize the President to establish additional military courts. Tbe Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That in addition to tne miiuary court now authorized by law, the President be and he is hereby authorized to appoint a military court to attend any division of cavalry in the field, and also one for each State within a military department, whenever, in his judgment, such courts would promote the public in terest; which courts shall be or'guaized, and have the same powers and duties, and the members thereof ap pointed as provided by law. Approved Feb 16, 1864. Chap. XLV. An Act to allow commissioned officers of the army rations aud the privilege of purchasing clothing from the Quartermaster's Department. The Congress pf the Confederate States of America do enact, That from and after the passage of this act, all conimissi'ined officers of the armies; whilst on duty iu the field, or in the naval service, whilst afloat, of the Confederat.; States, shall be entitled to one ration in kind each, iu quantity and quality, the same as are now allowed by law to privates, aud shall draw and receive the same under such regulations as may be prescribed bvrfhe Secretary of War. Sec. 2- That all commissioned officers of the armies of the Confederate States shall be allowed to purchase clothing and cloth fur clothing, from any quartermas ter, at the price which it cost -the Government, all ex penses included: Piovided, That no quartermaster shall be allowed 10 sell to any officer any clothing or cloth for clothing which it wouid be proper to issue to privates, until all privates entitle,! to receive the same shall have been first supplied: Provided, That the offi cer offering to purchase shall give his -certificate, on honor; that the articles are necessary for his own per sonal comfort and use, and in no ease shall more than one suit per annum be allowed to be so purchase", by any -officer: Provided, That no law or army regulation shall hereafter be construed to allow an' officer to pur chase or draw from subsistence stores, mote than one ration a day, or for less price than the cost thereof, in cluding transportation. Sec. 3. That no officer under the rank of Brigadier GeneraJ shall hereafter be entitled to forage, or com mutation for forage, for more than one horse, except when on service in the field. Approved February 17, 1864 THE NEW TAX BILL. An Act to liy additional taxes for the common de fence and support of the Government. Sec. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That in addition to the tnxps levied by the "act to lay taxes for the common de fencp aud to carry on the Government of the Con federate Stateis,' approved 24th of April,. .1803. there shall Ijo levied, from the passage of this act, on the subjects of taxation hereafter mentioned, and collected from every person, co-partnership, asso ciation or corporation, liable thereto, taxes as fol lows, to-wit: I. Upon the value of property, real, personal and mixed, of every kind and description, not hereinaf ter exempted or ta-xed at a different rato, five per cent : Piovide'd, that from this tax on the value of property, employed in agriculture, shall bo deduct ed the value of the -tax in kind delivered therefrom, as assessed under the law imposing it, and delivered to the Government: Provided, that no credit shall be allowed beyond live per cent. II. On the value of gold and silver wares and plute. jpwels. jewelry and watches, ten per cent. Ill The value of property taxed under this sec tion t-hall be assesse d on the basis of the market valuu of the same, or similar property in the neigh borhood where assessed in the'year IbGO. except iu cases whera land, slaves, cotton or tobacco have been purchased since the 1st day of January, 1662, in which case the said land, slaves, cotton and to bacco so purchased, shall be assessed at .the price actually paid for the same by the owner. Sec 2. On the value of ull shares or intefests held in any bank, banking company or association, canal, navigation, importing, exporting, insurance, manu facturing, telegraph, express, railroad, and dry dock companies, nod all other joint stock" companies of every kind, whether incorporated or not, "five per cent. The value of property taxed under this section shall be assessed upon the basis of the market value of such property in the neighborhood where assessed, in such currency as nmy be in genc-ral use there, in the purchase and sale of such property, at the time of assessment. Sec 3. I. Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gold duft; gold or silver bullion, whether held by the batiks or other corporations or individuals, live per cent.; and upon all moneys held abroad, or upon the amount of all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a tax of five per cent; such tax upon money abroad to be assessed and col lected according to the value thereof at the place where the tax is paid. II. Upon the amount of all solvent credits, and of all bank bills, and all other papers issued as cu reney, exclusive of non-interest benring Confederate treasury notes, and not eruployedin a registered business tho income derived from which is taxed, five per cent. Sec 4. Upon" profits made in trade and business, as follows : ' I. On all profits' made by buying and selling spir it mm s liquors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, mo lasses or syrup,, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay. fodder, raw hid's, leather, horses, mules, boots, shoos, cotton yarns, wool. wooon, cotton or mixed cloths.- hats, wagons, harness, coal, iron, steel or nails, at any time be- twpcn the 1st of J anuary, lt'ln. and the 1st January 1805, ten ,er cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as i.-come under the "act to lay tuxes for the common defence, and carry en tlte Government of -the Confederate States,' approved April 24th, 1803 ii. Un nil profits made by buying aim selling money, gold, silver, foreign exchange, stocks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations of any kind, and any merchandize, property or effects of any kind, not enumerated in the preceding paragraph, between the times named therein, ten per cent., in addition to the tax on. such profits us income, under the act aforesaid. III. On the amount of profits exceeding twenty five per cent., made during either of the years 1803 and 1804. by any bank or banking company, insu- c ent on such excess. See 5. Ttio- following exemptions from taxation under this act shall be allowed, to-wit: I. Property of each head of a faiaily to the value of five hundred dollars; and for tach minor child of the family to the further value of one hundred dol lars; and for each son actually engaged in the army or uavy, or who has died or been killed in the mili tary or naval service, nod who was a member of the family when he entered the service, to the further value of five hundred dollars. IT. Prcerty of the widow of anv officer, soldier. sailor or marine, who may have died or been killed in the military or naval service, or where there U ! no widow,- then of the family, being minor children, to the value of one thousaud dollars, j III- Property of every officer, soldier, sailor or j marine, actually engaged in the military or naval i service, of such as have. been disabled in such ser i vice, to the value of one thousand dollars; provided, that the above exemntioio shall nr nnl , i i-j u-iijr Person, whose property, exclusive of household fur- nitore shall be assessed at a value exceeding one ttiousana uoi tars- IV. That where property has been injured or de- Btmvpd bv thp PllPmV or tha nwnap flta.snf I,. . been temoorarilv dpnrivad of tb n.a nr nonn..,.. thereof, or of the means of cultivating Ihe same, "by reason of the presence or the proximity of the ene my, tbe assessment on snoh property may be re duced, in proportion to the damage sustained by the owner, or the tax- assessed thereon may be re duced in tbe same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evidence subuiittecf to him by the own er or assessor. . Sec 6. That the taxes on property laid for tbe year 1864, shall be assessed as on tbe day of the passage of this act, and be due and collected on the first of June next, or as eoon after as practicable, allowing an extension of ninety days West of the Mississippi river. The additional taxes on incomes or profits for the year 1863. levied by this act.-shall be assessed, and collected forthwith; and the taxes on-incomes or profits for the year 1864, shall be as sessed and collected according to the provisions oY the tax and assessment pets of 1863. Sec 7. So much of the tax act tf the 24th day of April. 1863, as levies a tax on incomes derived from property or effects on the amount or value of which a tax is levied by this act, and also the first section of said act, are suspended for the year 1804. and no estimated rent, hire or interest on property or cred its herein taxed ad valorem,' shall be assessed or taxed as incomes' under the tax act of 1863. . Sec 8. That the tax imposed by this act on 'bonds of the Confederate States heretofore issued, shall in uo case exceed the intesest on the same, and such bonds, when held by or for minors or lunatics, shall be exempt from the tax in all cases where tho interest on the same shall not exceed one thousand dollars. Adopted in February, 1864. THE NEW MILITARY LAW. A Bill to organize forces to serve during the War. Skc 1. That from and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of tle Confederate Stales, be tween the ages of 17 snd 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for the war. Sec 2. That all the'persons aforesaid, between the ages of 18 und 45. now in service, shall be retained during the present war with the United States, in the same regiments, battalions and companies to which they belong at the passage of this act, with the same organization. and officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regu lations for the government of the army : Provided, that companies from one State, organized against their consent, expressed at the time, with regiments or bat talions from another State, shall have the privilege of being transferred to organizations of troops, iu the same arm of the service, from the States in which said companies were raised; and the 'soldiers fiom one State, in companies from another State, shsil be allow ed, if they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, in the same arm of the service. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That at the expiration of six mouths from the first day of April next, a botluty of one hundred dollars in a six per cent. Government bond, which the. Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to issue, shall be paid to every non-commissioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his death previous to the period of such payment, then to the person or per sons who would be entitled by law to receive the ar rearages of his pay; bnt no one shall be entitled to the bounty hereip provided, who shall at any time, dnring the period of six months next after the said first day of April, be absent from his command Without leave. Sec 4.' Be it further enacted, That no persou shall be relieved from the operation of this act by reason of having Ln heretofore discharged from the army, where no disability now exists; nor shall those who have furnished substitutes be any longer exempted by reascm thereof: Provided, that no person, heretofore exempted on account of religious opinions and who has paid the tax levied to relieve hira fiom service shall be required :o render military service under. this act. " Sec 5. Be it further enacted, That all white male residents of the Confederate Slates, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll them selves at such times and places, and under such regu lations, as the President may prescribe, the time al lowed not being less thau thirty days for those east, and sixty days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll himseif, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be 'judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in the same manner as though they were between the age3 of eighteen and forty-live: Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall con stitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, and shall not be required to perform service ol of the State in which they reside. Sec 6. That all persons required by the 5th section of this act to enroll themselves, may within thirty days after the passage thereof, east of the Mississippi river, and withiu sixty days, if west of said river, form them selves into voluntary organizations of companies, bat talions, or regiments, and elect their own officers ; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender their services as volun teers dnring the war to the President; and if such or ganizations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the en idl ing oflicer of their district, which shall be equivalent to enrollment, tbey may be accepted as minute men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volunteer and orgn4iize, shall enroll themselves as before provided ; and" may, by the President, be required to assemble at conven ient places of rendezvous, and be formed or organized into companies, batfalions and regiments, under regu lations to be prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect their company and regimental officers : aud all troops organized under this act for State de fence, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. Sec 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous as required by the authority of the President, without a sufficient excuse, to be judged of by him, shall be liable to be placed in ser vice iu the' field for the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45 years. Sec 8. That hereafter the duties of provost and hos pital guards and clerks, and of clerks, "guards, agents, employees or laborers in the Commisifty and Quarter master's Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and clerks and employees of navy agents, as also in the exe cution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by persons who are within the agoj of eighteen and fortv-five years, and who by the report of a-Board "of army surgeons shall be reported as una ble to perform active service in the field, but capabltt of performing some of the above said duties, specifying which; and when those persons shall have been assign ed to those duties as far as practicable, the President shall assign or detail to their performance sncb bodies of troops or individuals required to be enrolled under the 5th section of this act, as may be needed for the dischatge of such duties : Provided, that persons be tween the ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided, further , that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the President from detailing artizans, mechanics, or persons Of scien tific skill, to perform indispensable duties in the de partments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec V. That any Quartermaster or'Assistant-Quar-termaster. Commissary, or Assistant-Commies iry (oth er than those serving with brigades or regiments in the field,) or officers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy Agents, or Provost .Marshal, or. officer in the conscript service," who shall hereafter employ or retain in bU employment any person in a.iy of their said depart ments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provis ions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court martial or military court, be cashiered ; and it shall be the duty ofany departmeut or district commander, up on proof, by the oath ofany credible person, that any such officer has. violated this provision, immediately to relieve such officer from dutv; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for snch j offence: and any commander as aforesaid failing to perforin the duties enjoined by this section, shall, upon j being duly convicted thereof, be discharged from tbe j service. j IX REGARD TO EXEMPTIOXS. Sec 10. Ce it further enacted. That all laws granting exemption? from military service be, and the same are hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the following : 1. All who shall be held unfit for military service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. i 2. The Vice-President of the Confederate States, the i members auu othcers of Congress and of the several State Legislatures, and such other Confederate and State officers as the President, ort'ae Governor of the respective States, may certify to be necessary for the proper administration of the Confederate or State Governments, ns tjir case may be. v,0. 3. Every mlaUtcr of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his church, and who. at the passage of this act, ehaU be regularly employed in the discharge of bis ministerial duties ; superintendents and-physiciaus of asylums for tbe deaf and dumb and blind and of the insane; one editor for each newspaper being published at the time of this act, and such em ployees as said editor may certify on oath to b indis pensable to . the publication of such newspaper ; the public printer of tbe Confederate and State Govern ments, and .such journeymen printers as the said public printer shall certify, on oath to be indispeosible to per form the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, w ho was doing business as such on the 10th day of October, I8C2,' and has continued said business, without intermission, since that period ; ' all physicians over" the ge or thirty years, who now j are, ind for the last seven years have been, in the ac i tual and regular practice of their profession, but tho ! term physician shall not include dentists; pII presi dents and teachers of colleges, theological seminaries, academies and schools, who have been regularly en gaged as such for two years next before the passage of this act: Provided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are composed of twenty students or more. AH superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses therein as such superintendents shall certify, on oath, to be indispensiblo to the proper and efficient manage ment thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person A3 owner or agriculturalist on each farm or plantation upon whie-h there are now, and were on the 1st day of January last, fifteen -able-bodied field hands, between the ages of sixteen and fifty, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases in which there is no white male adult on the farm or planta tion not liable to nwLitary -service, nor unless the persou claiming1 the exemption was, on the 1st ot January, 18G4, either the. owner and manager or oversee r of said planta tionp but in no case shall mora than one person be ex empted for one farm or plantation J. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of America, in such form and with such security, and in such penalty, as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will deliver to the Gov ernment at some Uailroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 10J pounds f bacon, or, at the election ot the Government, its equivalent in pork, and 100 pounds of nett beef (said beet to be delivered on foot), for each able-bodied slave ou said farm or plantation, withiu the above said ages, whether said slaves are nsedin the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for by the government at the prices fixed hy the Commissioners of th'e State under the impressment act; Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall pro duce sal.sfactory evidence that it ha. been impossible for him, by the. exercise of proper diligi nee. to furnish tha amount of meat thus contracted for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the. Secretary of War shall direct a commit-' tation of the same, to the extent of t wo-thirds tht-reef in giain or other provisions, to be delivered by such persou as aforesaid at equivalent rates. 3. Suc h persou shall further bind himself to sell the marketable surplus of provisions and grain now on hand, and which ho may raise from.year to year while his ex emption continues, to tho government or to tho families of soldiers at prices fixed by the commissioners of tho State under the impressment act; Provided, that any person ex empted as aforesaid, shall be' entitled to a'credit of 2b per cent on any amount of meat which he nisy deliver withiu three months from the passage ef this act : Provided fur ther, that persons coming within the provisions of Ihis ex emption shall not be deprived of the benefit' thereof by reason of having been enrolled since thiJ 1st of Feb. 18G1. 4. In addition to the foregoing exemptions, the Secre tary of War, under the direction of the President, may "exempt or detail such other persons as he may be satisfied ought to be exempted ou account of public necessity, aud to insure the production ef grnin and other provisions for the army and the families of soldiers. He may. also, grant exemptions or details on such terms as he may prescribe, to such overseers, farmers or planters as he nmy be satis fied will be more useful to ttii country iu the pursuits of agriculture than in the military service : Provided, that such exemption shall cense whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ, in good faith, his owu skill, capital and labor exclusively in the produc tion of grain and provisions to be sold to tho government aud families of soldiers at prices not exceeding those fixed at tho tjme for like articles by tho commissioners of the State under the impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent ofany Kailroad company engaged in transportation for the government, and such officers and employees thereof as-the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to he indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that tin: number of persons so exempted by this act on any railroad shall not e,xaeed one person for each mile of said road in actual use for military transportation; and said exempts shall bo reported by name and descrip tion, with the names of any who may have kit the em ployment of said company, or who may cease to be indis pensable. 6. That nothing herein contained construed as repealing the act approved April 14tb, IH(B:, entitled an act to exempt contractors for carrying the mails of the Con federate States, and the drive rs of post coaches and hacks, from military service: Provided, that all the exemptions granted uuder this act shall only continue whilst the per sons exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or occupations. , Section 1 1. That the President he and be . is hereby au thorized to grant details, uuder general rules and regula tions to be issued from the War Department, either of per sons between 45 and 50 years of age, or from the army in tbe field, in all cases where, in bis judgment, justice, equi ty and necessity require such details, and he may revoke such orders of detail whenever he thinks proper: Provided that the power herein granted to the President to inak details and exemption shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies ofany kind to the government by reason of said contract, uuless the head or secretary of the department making such contract shall certify that ' the personal ser vcs of such contractor an; indispensable to the execu tion of said contract: Provided further, that when any sueh contractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to pro ceed with the execution of such contract, bis exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boai d.i of Surgeons for the examination of persons liable to, military service, no member composing tho same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they nv required fo make such examination. Adopted in February, 18(31. CAR IMAGE and WAG0S AY0KK, .nd Blacksmithing. ' The subscriber informs the public that he will con tinue to carry on the business of Repairing Carriages, Buggies, W"agoti3, &c. at the t hop formerly occupied by John Hartyj on College street, in the rear of the Mansion House. He is al-o freparod to do any Blfekmith work that may be required, such as Shoeing Horses, repairing, & c CHARLES WILSON'. January 12, 18C4 tf 1711 l. d, Jl, JULiIjUII, Charlotte, N. C, Can be found at hi3 Office next doer to IIuttLuon's Drug Store, opposite tlw: Democrat Office. . Jan. 12, 18G4. ' . TAKEIV UP And committed to the Jail of -Mecklenburg county, on the 23th of February list, a n-gro woman who says ' her name is LUCV and belongs to xviek Davis of Rich mond. Said negro is about '5 years old, vry black, and rather under medium size. She says that she was persuaded off from Richmond by a iutn who gave his name as Robinson. She was arrestfd on' the cars oh the X. C.'Rrtilrond near Charlotte. N. O. The owner is herqgy notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be dealt with as the law firect3. . R. ft. WHITE, Sheriff. March 15, lbCi , tf STKAYED From.the subscriber, a red abd white moley COW. A liberal reward will be paid for any information concerning hPrP 7 F. W. AH KENS. Charlotte. April ?5. 1601 -p4 Short Almanac for 1864. 1 1 1 S H o a a. 5 .a " ' i 3 4 5 6-7 8 10 11 12 13 U 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 2G 27 28 j "31 12 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 j2 14 15 10 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 "G 28 2U 12 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 n 13 14 15 10 17 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 1 3 4 5 G 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18-19 20 21 22 24 25 20 27 2S 20 . . 1 2 3 4 ft t 8 9 10 11 12 1.1 15 10 17 IK 19 20 22 23 . 24 25 20 27 29 30 81 V 12 3 5 0 7 8 9 10 12 13" 14 15 10 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 27 28 29 30 1 3 4 5 0 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 .25 . 20 27 28 29 - 31 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 10 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 20 28 29 80 31 L 12 4 .5 G 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 lf 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 20 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 0 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 1G 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 20 27 28 30 31 12 8 4 0 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 1G 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 27 28 29 30 12 4 5 G 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 -20 27 2S 29 V,0 t a- JANUAllT - - 2 9 1G 2a SO FEBRUARY - u 20 27 12 h 2 MARCH APRIL - - 2;i 3D 7 14 21 23 4 11 18 MAY JUNK - - JULY U It. 23 So f, l:i 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 20 5. 12 19 20 3 10 17 24 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER.. . NOVEMBER DECEMBER WHEAT t The subscriber is prepared to purrtiuir the nrw crop of Wheat at the highest market prier. Ffcrrotn will find it to their advantage to call at the C11AE LOTTE STEAM MILLS before idling. Jau'y 1, 18C3 . tf JSO. WILKES. 7 PEA MEAL. We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill iu thii plr Pen Meal for feeding cows and etovk. Also, we Ltvt on hand at all time?, Family, Extra, Superfine tod coarse Flour. We warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Grits can always bw hndatflie mill. J. WILKKS & CO. Jan'y 1, 1862 . ,700 IIOXI2S OF TnC SOUTHERN HEPATIC TILLS Have been ordered in one day. Wlicrcvcr known their use continues ' Without pulling, they have gkinel ground by their real value. jpyMorc thtiu five bun dred persons are known to have been cured bv the be Piiis. This excellent family medicine is recommended h the proprietors as good for Disease of the Liver. !!' correspondents say that they oho cure llilliou Uhen tnatism, Pneumonia, Chills and Fevers, Pillions Feun, Piles and Worms. They are a perfectly nafe iiitdiciin'. Peter Vaden, E.q.t of Dititviddie county, Va., niter describing re-narkahle cures in hi family of liillioL Rheumatism and Pleurisy, says: "My Doe tor' bill ha been heretofore from $17j to $200 per year. 1 hav used theij (these pills) for n.y fumily, which consists of eighteen white and colored, and have not culled in a Doctor. This is a great saving. They ci-naiuly ar the best family medicine ever discovered. Rev. John W. Potter, of Greene county, NTth Caro. Jlna, had suffered twelve years from a diceied liver, which the physicians had not been able to cure. II savs: "I commenced taking the Hepatic Pills with ou confidence in them. They acted like a charm on tnr. From that hour 1 have improved. 1 have perrevercj in their use, until now, by God's blessing, I am well and hearty. I bad a negro man who, as I bclie-ve, was baved from death by n dose of these Pills. My Doctor's bill was annually Yorn $100 to $200, but I have Lad nu use for a physician, kiuce." Col. Jthn Wright, of G-ddboio, X. C, (Aug. 14, 1862,) safs: "I have used the Southern Hepatic Pilli in my family here, and also on my plantation in Ala bama, and always with success. I have a valuslh' servant girl who hud becu a longtime under titatm'il for consumption, without reeeivicg any benefit. Al most in her extremity I was induced to trjr t lie Hrpatif Pills. They were given according to directions, iu I she is now well, entirely restored by them. A 'rnilf case occurred among my servants in Alabama. I'"' liver and lung diseases 1 have pcrfiai (a thein."... . . Full directions and other certificates will brfcnnd o th wrapper of each box Price, if 3 00 a box. For $.10 a dozen boxes ill sent bf mail, free to any part of the Confederacy. Still gteater discount to Druggists, or others Luin by the groi8. Not less than a dozen ned be ordered. Retailed generally by the Druggists, and in ("harlot's X. O. by F. SCARR. . The address of the Proprietor is GEORtJE W. DEEMS, WiUon, S. C. Aug 10, ICG3 All ursons indebted to F (.'LUNGS A SPRINGS, by note or account, are hereby notified ,0 u" u''a Wm. W. Grier. ex-sheriff, aud make imnudiaie setilt ment. J. M. SP'IIXGi. Fthrnary 3. 18G3 tf MERCHANT T A 1 1 O KMX (3, The aodenigncd having locnled two doors south of the Mamion Houe, Char lotte, X. C , l prepared to fill all orders in his line of business, such as Military and Citizens' Clothing, Cap, Luce, nut tons, Ac, Ac. A liberal share of the r.ntronnge of tbe public is respectfully soli it-d. ns al" orders entrusted to my nre will b promptly and faithfully filled. I have competent workmen, and can compete with any other establish ment in giving a "good lit' and I warrant my work to give entire satisTaction. Mr. n. XI. ROBINSOX, an eipcrieoctd cutler, Is en gaged in this establishment, and b will be pleased to wait upon bis friends. J. A. O ALT) WELL. June 16, l53. . 7-pd 4

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