THE DYING SOLDIER. A TRUE INCIDENT, By. General Robert B. Vance. A Confederate piisuher of war, at "Camp Chase," Ohio, was lj'w on Lia buuk in a dj'mg state. Ilia brother soldiers kept Yieil at bis side. At length he was quite still., and all thought the struggle over, when he suddenly rallied, opened his ejes and said : "Boya never take the oath the country is safe the Confederacy will triumph," and expired at ohcc:- . " The wintry wind went howling by with drear and piercing breath, As on his couch a soldier lay, the victim of grim death; . For o'er him then the icy band was closing1 hard and fast; His dying sighs commingling sad with evening's . solemn blast. No one wa. there of all he'd known, in better times than teee, To smooth his brow, to kiss his cheek, and giv-e his bosom ease; For far from them the stricken one was failing slow and sure, Nor precious pets, nor tender friends Were there to weep or cure. His home was in the bonny South, the land of tun and flowers, And far away the household band did keep the weary hours; And night and morn they offered up, within his distant home, The prayer that God would bring bim4henco, but ft 111 be did Tiot come. And e'en bis babes would query oft, of their fond mother true, pWhy don't papa come home Again to meet with us and you;" And broken hearts and tears were there to mark the absent one, Who lingers in hid foeman's grasp, life's conflict nearly done. But not with anguish' on his sight this touching vision fell, His God he knew, was kind and just, "lie doeth all things well;" From Him they come, to him they gave; then, with a chastened will, He sank upoa his lowly bed, '.till life itself seemed still. We watched hitu as he calmly lay, and thought the struggle o'er, His martial step and manly voice we'd see and hear no more; Nor in the battle's fierce array would-he for country sutid, Jlin pure, heroic soul had fled into the dreamlc&s land. But, strange to tell, he moved again, and op'd his dying c'o, While on his face a smile was seen, of purpose noble high; "All's right," he said, "rejoct the oath; my native South will win!" And i hen bis -soldier spirit, puss'J away from earth and sin. A strange, wild thrill ran through us all as these brave words were said, And many a stern undaunted eye, the tear of sor row shed; And vows were spoke from mouth to mouth by cv'ry Southland son. "May God to ua do 60 and more if e'er this thing is done." Fort Delaware, Aug. 30th, 1864. . BERR'S FURNACE, - SIX MILES EAST OF LIXCOLNTOX, N. G. My Furnace is now in full operation, and I am pre pared to exchange Iron of all kindi for Bacon, Com, Uats, kc. Casting of all kinds will be furnished for provisions or money. MoIases Mil, Boilers, &c, cast to order on moderate i want to hire for the ensuing year forty or fifty nep:ro men two or three of them must be mechanics. AJdifis me nt Lincolnton, N. C. J. W. DERR. Spring Hill Forge, Dec. 19, 1864 2m WANTED. I wUh to purchase 20,000 pounds PORK for the N C. Rtiilrtuid Company, for which the market price wil? be paid. Apply to W. M. Matthews, Stenhouse & Macaulay, or to me at the Depot. J. S. SCOTT, Charlotte, Dec. 2C, 1864 lm Agent N.C.R.R. OTICE. . We positively forbid all persons white and black, poor and rich from fishing in our Mill Pond. Any one caught violating this notice will certainly be pro secuted. We can no longer bear the depredations that hiivc been committed on our premises. Oct 24, 1864. PARKS &. WALLIS. BY .1. IB KERR, Proprietor. This old established and well- known Hotel is still kept open for the ac commodation of travelers. The table is cupplietl with the best The market and times afford. Sept 20, 1862 tf J. B KKRR. A FEW IMPORTANT FACTS IN REGARD TO The "Southern Hepatic Fills." 1. They are prepared from the best, quality of Medi cines by the discoverer, now an aged Minister of the tlospel. and are safe. 2. They have been known for years and tested by thousand. 3. Five hundred persons are known to have been cured by thciu 4. They :re not recommended by the proprietor for everything, but only for diseases which arise from dis ordered livers. 5. Directions and certificates accompany each box tiiu iteso certificates are trom welt known ana most respectable individuals. C. Correspondents recommend them as good '"or Liv er Disease, Chill and Fevers. Pneumonia, Jaundice, Dvrpepsi, Billious Fevers, Rillious Rheumatism, Worms, Pl-urisy, Bronchitis, ic. 7. Several gentleman state that the use of these pills has been to them an annual saving of ffom $100 to !?200; the'y aro the best plantation medicino ever of fered to the public. 6. Some physicians of tie h'ghest standing ptesciibe them to their patients, and hundreds of boxes have been sold to regular practitioners. i. During the last quarter 2,830 boxes bare been sold to two Druggists, one in South Carolina, and one in North Carolina, and some time ago over 3.T00 boxes V ere ordered by Uru?gista in one town in Virginia, Price $5 box- For SS0 a dozen boxes will be s sent to auy address. $45C per gross. A very count to Druggists and country dealers! currency) to accompany orders liberal dis Cash (new GEORCE W. DIvEMS. CoKloro", X. C. For sale in Charlotte by Dr. Scarr and by Dr. Hutch ison; in Lincolnton by S. P. Sherrill; in Shelby by R. Fronebarger; in Concord by T. RsiJ; and by Druggists generally. September 26, IP64. CARD NOTICE. There is now another lot of. Cotton and Wool Cards Jr(ay for ue) for distribution to Soldiers' Faroilie?, at $10 per pair. Agents will please call for them. H A. DOWD, A. Q. M., X. C. January 1865. 6t Important Notice to Farmers. We now have, amd will keep constantly on band, a large stock of - Cotton Cards, Sugar, Cotton Yarni, Pepper, Domestic, ' Spice, Crtflfeft. Tobacco, ! and all kinds of goods, which we will exchange for all kinds ot country produce. ELIAS k C6HEN. Nov. 14, 1864 ' i Salt, Sugar, Tobacco, ' SunfT, Boiler-Iron, Cotton Yarn, ,Cottod Goods, anJ : beautiful and substantial Cassimerea, at wholesale. L. S. WILLIAMS, i Oct 10, 1864 tf WOOL . CARDING. 1 will be ready la a few days to Card Wool. Owing to the high price paid for cards, I prefer carding at old prices and take Wool, Tallow, &c, for pay. I wish the lady of every family to see that the cncklebnrs are well nicked out. and send one pound or one pint of soft grease for every ten pounds of wool J. STIREWALT, June 27, 18G4 Mill Hill, Cabarrus county BARLEY AND HOPS. Wanted. 1,000 bushels Barley, and a large quantity of IIops, for which the highest cash price will be paid. M. MUXZLER, Lager Beer Brewery, June 27, 1864 6m-pd Charlotte, X. C. Boxes Tor Soldiers. All boxes, for soldiers or prisoners of war from Xorth Carolina, delivered to the following named persons will be promptly forwarded free of charge : Dr D F Summey, Asheville. Dr W A Collett, Morganton. Dr J W Allison, Statesville. . Sprague Brothers, Salisbury.' Dr J L Neagle, Greensboro. Mr A Hagan, Charlotte. Mr Edward Hege, Salem. Capt J X McDowell, Raleigh. Joseph A Worth, Faye Neville. E. Murray & Co., Wilmington. Mr. F. L. Bond, Tarboro. Mr. J. A. J. Askew, Colerain. Mr. F. L. Roberts, Murfreesboro. The Boxes should be well hooped, properly marked, and delivered in time for my Special Messenger who leaves Raleigh on the first day of every month. EDWARD WARREN, Nov. 1, 1864 . Surgeon General of X C. THE NEW, TAX BILL. An Act to lay additional taxes for the common' de fend and support of the Government. Sec. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That iu addition to the taxes levied by the "act to lay taxes for the coinmou de fenco and to carry on the Government of the Con- ' federate States,' approved 24th of April, 18G3, there shall oo levied, from the passage of this act, on the subjects of taxation hereafter mentioned, and collected from every person, co-partnership, asso ciation or corporation, liable thereto, taxes as fol lows, to wit: I. Upon the value of property, real, persoual and mixed, of every kind and description, not hereinaf ter exempted or taxed at a different rate, five per cent : Provided, that from this tax on the value of property, employed in agriculture, shall be deduct ed the value of the tax in kind delivered therefrom, as nsees.-ed under the law imposing it, and delivered to the Government : Provided, that no credit shall be allowed beyond five per cent. II. On the value of gold and silver wares and plate, jewels, jewt-Iry and watches, ten per cent. III. The value of property taxed under this sec tion shall be assessed on the basis of the market vnlue'bf the same, or similar property, jn the neigh borhood where assessed in the year I860, except in cases whers land, slaves, cotton or tobacco have been purchased since the 1st day of January, 18(52, in which case the said land, slaves, cotton and to- ; bacco so purchased, shall be assessed at the price actually paid tor the same by the owner. Sec 2. On the value of all shares or interests held in any bank, banking company or association, canal, navigation, importing, exporting, insurance, manu facturing, telegraph, express, railroad, and dry dock companies, and all other joint stock companies of every kind, whether incorporated or not, five pet cent. The value of property taxed under this section shall be assessed upon the basis of the market value of such property in the neighborhood where assessed, in such currency as may be in general use there, in the purchase and sale of'such property, at the time of assessment. St c 3. I. Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, whether held by the banks' or other corporations or individuals, five per cent.; and upon all moneys held abroad, or upon the amount of all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on forgu countries, a tax of five per cent; such tax upon money abroad to be assessed and col lected according to the value thereof at the place where the tax is paid. II. Upon the aniouut of all solvent credits, and of all bank bills, and all other papers issued as cur rency, exclusive of non-interest bearing Confederate treasury notes, and not employed in a registered busiuess the income derived from which is taxed, five per cent. . See 4. Upon profits made in trade and business, as follows : - I. On all profits made by buying and selling spir ituous liquors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, mo lasses or syrup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay. fodder, raw hides, U-ather, horses, mules, boots, shoos, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cotton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, coal, iron, steel or nails, at auy time be tween the 1st of January, 1SG3, and the 1st January 1865, ten per cent., m' addition to the tax on such profits as income under the "act to lay taxes for the common defence, aud carry on the Government of the Confederate States,'' approved AprffcMth, 1863. II. On all profits made by buying and selling money, gold silver, foreign exchange, stocks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations of any kind, and any merchandize, property or effects of any kind, not enumerated in the preceding paragraph, between the times named therein, ten per cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as income, under the act aforesaid. III. On the amount of profits exceeding twenty five per cent., made, during either of the years 1S(3 and 1SG4. by any bank or banking company, insu rance, canal, navigation, importing and exporting, telegraph, express, railroad, manufacturing, dry dock, or other joint stock company of any descrip tion, whether incorporate or not, twenty-five per cent on such excess. Sec 5. The. following exemptions from taxation under this act shall be allowed, td-wit: I. Property orVach head of a family to the value of five hundred dollars; aud for each minor child of the family to the further value of one hundred dol lars; and for each sou actually engaged in the army or navy, or who has died or been killed in the mili tary or naval service, and who was a member of the family when he entered the service, to the further value of five hundred dollars'. II. Property of the widow of any officer, soldier, sailor or marine, who may have died or been killed :t:., i . , iu i u" ujiiiiuijr ut uttvui service, or wnere mere is no widow, then of the family, being Atjnor children. to the value ot ono thousand dollars. III. Property of every officer, soldier, sailor or marine, actually engaged in the military or naval service, of such as have been disabled iu sueh ser vice, to the value of one thousand dollars; provided, that the above exemptions shall not apply to any pe.rson, whose property, exclusive of household fur niture, shall be assessed at a value exceeding ono thousand dollars. IV. That where property has been injured or de stroyed by the enemy, or. the owner thereof has been temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of h means of cnltirating the same,T)y reason ef th presence or the proximity of the ene my, the assessment on sach property may be re duced, in proportion to the damage sustained by the owner, or the tax assessed thereon may be re duced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evidence subtoitted to him by the Own er or assessor. ' ' . : . Sec 6. That the taxes on property laid for the year 1864, shall be assessed as on the day of the passage of this act, and be due and collected on the first of June next, or as soon after as practicable, allowing an extension of ninety days West of the MississTppi river. The additional taxes on incomes or profits for the year 1863. levied by this act. shall be assessed and colleoted forthwith; and the taxes on incomes or profits for the year 1864, shall be as sessed arid collected according to the provisions of the tax and assessment acts of 1863. Sec 7. So much of the tax act of tl?e 24th day of April, 1863, as levies a tax on incomes derived from property or effects on the amount or value of which a tax is levied by this act, and also the first section of said act, are suspended for the year 1864. and no estimated rent, hire or interest on property or cred its herein taxed ad valorem, shall be assessed or taxed as incomes under the tax act of 1863. Si c 8. That the tax imposed by this act on bonds of the Confederate States heretofore issued, shall in no case exceed the intesest on the same, and such bonds, when hfld by or for minors or lunatics, shall bo exempt from the tax in all cases where the interest on the tame shall not exceed one thousand dollars. Adopted in February, 18G4 THS NEW MILITARY LAW. A Bill to organize forces to serve during the War. , Sec. 1. That from and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, be tween the agea of 17 snd 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for the war. Sec 2. That all the persons aforesaid, between the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the present war with the United States, in the same regiments, battalions and companies to which they belong at the passage of this act, with the same organization and officers, unless regularly trnsferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regu lations for the government of the army : Provided, that companies from one State, organized against their consent, expressed at the.time, with regiments or bat talions from another State, shall have the privilege of being transferred to organizations of troops, in the same arm of the service, from the States in which said companies were raised; and the soldiers'ftom one State, in companies from another State, shall be allow ed, if they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, in the same arm of the service. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That at the expiration of six months from the first day of April next, a bounty, of one hundred dollars in a six per cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to issue, shall be paid to every nun-commissioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the evwnt of his death previous to the period of such payment, then to the person or per sons who would be entitled by law to receive the ar rearages of his pay; bnt no one shall be entitled tqthe bounty herein provided, who shall at any time, during the period of fix months next after the said first day of April, be absent from his command without leave. Sec 4. Be it further enacted, That no person 6hall be relieved from the operation of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the army, where no disability now exists; .nor shall those who have furnished substitutes be any luiger exempted "by reason thereof : Provided, that no person, heretofore exempted on account of religious opinions and who has paid the tax levied to relieve him fiom service shall be required to render uiilita'ry service under this act. Sec 5. Be it further enacted, Thst all white male residents of the Confederate States, between the ges of 17 and 18 and 4 and DO years shall enroll them selves at such times and places, and under such regu lations, as the President may prescribe, the time al lowed not being less than thirty days for tbosVeast, and sixtj days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll himself, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged1 of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in the same manner as though they were between the ages of eighteen and forty-five : Provided,' that the persons mentioned in this section shall con stitute a reserve for Statue defence and detail duty, and shall not be required to perform service out of the State in which they reside. Sec 6. That 11 persons required by the 5th section of this act to enroll themselves, may within thirty days aTter the passage thereof, east of the Mississippi river, and vithinsixty days, if we3t of said river, form them selves into voluntary organizations of companies, bat talions, or regiments, and elect their own officers; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender their services as volun teers during the war to the President; and if such or ganizations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and depojit a cop.t thereof with the emoll ing oflicer of their district, which shall be equivalent to enrollment, they may be accepted as minute men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volunteer and organize, shall enroll themselves a.s before provided ; and may, by the President, be required to assemble at conven ient placet! of rendezvous, and be formed. or organized into companies, battalions and regiments, under regu lations to be prescribed by him; .and shall have the right to eltct their company and regimental officers ? and all troops organized under this act for State de fence, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance n troops now in the field. Sec 7. That ony person who shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous as required by the authority of the President, without a sufficient excuse, to be judged of by him, sball be liable to be placed in ser vice in the field for the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45 yewrs-. Sec 8. That hereafter the duties of provost and hos pital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards, agents, employees or laborers in the Commissary and Quarter master's Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and cferks and employees of navy agents, as also in the exe cution, of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by persons who are within the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported a3 una ble to perform active service in the field, but capable of performing some. of the above said duties, specifying which; and when those persons shall have been assign ed to those duties as far as practicable, the President shall assign or detail to their performance such bodies of troops or individuals required to b enrolled under the 5th section of thia act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties : Provided, that persons be tween the ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided, further, that nothingcontained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the President from detailing artizans, mechanics, or persons off cien tific skill, to perforin indispensable duties in the de partments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec 9. That any Quartermaster or Assistant-Quartermaster, Commissary, or Assistant-Commissary (oth er than those serving with brigades or regiments in the field,) or ofKcers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Xavy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ cr retain in his employment any person i i a.iy of ibe'm said depart ments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provis ions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court martial or military court, be cashiered ; and it shall be the duty of any department or district coftrftiander, up on proof, by the oath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated this provision, immediately to relieve Mich officer from duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence: and an- comiuandei as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this' section, shall, upon being duly convicted thereof, be-discbarged from the service. I.V REftARD TO EXEMPTIONS. Sec 10. Be it farther enacted. That all laws grftntin? exemptions irom military service ne, and tbe same are hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the follewing : ' 1. AH who shall be held unfit for military service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 2. The Vice-President of tbe Confederate States, the members and officers of Congress and of the several State Legislatures, and f:::h other Confederate and State officers as the President, or the Governor of the respective States, may certify to be necessary for the proper administration of the Confederate or 5ute Governments, as tbe case may be. 3. Every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the roles of his charch, and who, at the passage of this act, shall be regularly employed in the discbarge of his ministerial duties; superintendents and physicians of asylums for tire deaf and dumb and blind and of tbe insane: one editor focfach newspaper being published at tbe time of this act, mod such em ployee as said editor may certify on oath to be indis pensable to the publication of such newspaper ; the public printer of the Confederate and State Govern ments, and suoh joarneymen primers as tbe said public printer shall certify, on oatb to be indispensible to per form the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing business as such on the 10th day of October, 1862, sad has continued said business, without intermission, since thai -period ; all phj-sieians over the ageof thirty years, who now are, and for the last seven years have been, in the ac tual and regular praetice of their profession, but the term physician shall not include dentists; all presi dents and teachers of colleges, theological seminaries, academies and schools, who have been regularly en gaged as sach for two years iext before the passage of this act: Provided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only' whose schools are comppsed of . twenty students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses therein as sueh superintendents shall certify, on oath, to be indispensible to the proper and efficient manage ment thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturalist on each farm or plantation upon which there are now, and were on the 1st day of January last, fifteen able-bodied field hands, between the ages of sixteen and .fifty, npon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only he granted in cases in which there is no white male adult on the farm or planta tion not liable to military service, nor unless the person claiming the exemption was, on the 1st of January, 18(54, either the owner and manager or overseer of said planta tion; but in no case shall more than one person be ex empted for one farm or plantation 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of America, insnch form and with such sf curity, and in such penalty, as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will deliver to the Gov ernment at some Kailroad depot, or such other plaee or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War. within 12 months next ensuing. 100 pouuds of bacon, or, at the election ot the Government, its equivalent in pork, and 100 pounds of nett beef (said beef to be delivered on foot), for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whether said slaves are nsed in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall bo paid for by the ftuvernnient at the prices fixed by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act; Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall pro duce satisfactory evidence that it has been impossible for him, by the exercise of proper diligence, to furnish the amount of meat thus contracted for, and leave au adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War shall direct a commu tation of the same, to the extent of two-thirds thereof in grain or other provisions, to be delivered by such person as aforesaid at equivalent rates. 3. Snch person shall further bind himself to sell the marketable surplus of provisions and grain now on hand, and which he may raise from year to year whilo his ex emption continues, to the government or to the families of soldiers at prices fixed by the commissioners of the State under the impressment act: Provided, that auy person ex empted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a credit of 25 per cent on any amount of meat which he may deliver within three months from the passa?e of this act : Provided fur ther, that persons coming within the provisions of this ex emption shall not be deprived of the benefit thereof by reason of having been e nrolled since the 1st of Feb. 1864. 4. In addition to the foregoing exemptions, the Secre tary of War, under the direction of the President, may exempt or detail such other persons as he may -be satisfied ought to be exempted on account of public necessity, and to iusure the production of grain and other provisions for the army and the families ot soldiers. He may, also, grant exemptions or details on such terms as he may prescribe, to such overseers, farmers ot planters as he may be satis fied will be more useful to the country in the pursuits of agriculture than in the military service : Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ, in good. faith, his own skill, capital and labor exclusively in the. produc tion of grain aud provisions to he sold to the government aud fu,miiieS'of soldiers at prices not exceeding those fixed at the time for like articles by the commissioner of the State under the impressment act. - 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any Railroad company engaged in transportation for the government, and such officers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of persons so exempted by this .act on any railroad shall not exeed one person for each mile of said road iu actual use for military transportation; aud said exempts shall be reported by Jiame and descrip tion, with the names of any who may have left the em ployment of said company, or who may cease to be indis pensable. (5. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as repealing the act approved April 14th, I86:, entitled an act to exempt contractors for carrying the mails of the Con federate States, and the drivers of post coaches and hacks, from military servict : Provided, that all th exemptions granted under this act shall only coatinue whilst the per sons exempted are actually engaged iu their respective pursuits or occupations. Section 11. That the Preside nt be and be is hereby au thorized to grant details, under general rules and regula tions to be issued from tbe War Department, either ot per sons between 45 and 50 years of age, or from the army in the field, in all cases where, in his judgment, justice, equi ty and necessity require such details, aud he may revoke such orders of detail whenever he thinks proper: Provided that the power herein granted to the President to make details and exemptions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to the government by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of the department making such contract shall certify that the personal ser vices of such contractor are indispensabl(to the execu tion of said contract: Provided fuither, that when any such contractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to pro ceed with the execution of such contract, his exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards of Srrrgeons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member composing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they ans required to make such examination. Adopted in February, 1864. J DR. J. M. MILLER, Charlotte, N. C, Can be found at his Office nest doer to Hutchison's Drug Store, opposite tbe Democrat Office. Jan. 13, 1864. THE KEY-STONE. A MASONIC MONTHLY MAGAZINE. On tbe first of January, 1865, I shall commence the publication of a Monthly Magazine under the above title, to be devoted to the interest of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. I believe that everr trood Mason will atrree with me in tbo opinion that such a publication will be benefi cial in enlightening our less informed brethren, and in dispensing many a ealnij kind word of cheerfulness to the hearts aud homes of thousands of werthy brothers, their widows and orphans. It will be my earnest pur pose to bring to bear whatever bumble ability I may possess to make it a reliable custodian of sound Ma sonic Law and Teuets, ever adhering closely to the An cient Landmarks of the Craft in all their pristine strength and symaietrical beauty. - . Tremblhig, lest I err, in clothing myself for so re sponsible aa office, I shall engage upon the Ket-Stoxi such skilled editorial talent as shall keep the lights well trimmed aud brightly burning, with the sincere hope that as our work goes forth each month, from the quarries of our labour it may pas an improved inspec tion and be acceptable tt the bead and to the heart of every good Master at whose home or hands it may be received. - TERMS : One copy six months, $6,00 Ten copies six months, . 55,00 Single copies, 1,50 Masons, Lodge, Chaptprs, Councils aud 'Encamp ments will J lease send in their subscriptions at once. Address WM. B. SMITfl, Proprietor, November 21, 1864. Raleigh, N. C. " COPPERAS. TAYLOR k ASBUItY are now prepared to furnii h by the Ion or otherwise, a- fine article of Copperas, superior to any English offered in market. Druggists and Apothecaries supplied with a chemically pare article. Address TAT LOB A ASBUKi , j Msy 5, 1863 Charlotte, V.V, PUBLIC ACTS Passed at the first Session of the 2 J Congress of , . the Confederate States. ' ' AN ACT TO AMEND THB TA& LAWS- The Congress of the Confederate States ot America do enact, That the first, second and third eectioos of the -Act to levy additional taxes for the common de fencend support of the Government," approved 17th February, ltft4, be amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows, to-wil : Section 1. That, in addition to the taxes leried by the "Act to lay taxes' for the common defence and to carry on tbe Government of the Confederate States," approved April twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, there shall be lerid from tbe 17th day of February, 1864, on the subjects of taxation hereinafter mentioned, and collected from every person, copart nership, association or corporation, liable therefor, taxes af follows, to-wit: I. Upon the value of all projrty, real, reroQ' and mixed, of every kind and description, not herein after exempted or taxed at a different rate, 8 per cent Provided, that from the tax on the value f property employed in agriculture shall be deducted the value of the tax in kind derived therefrom during the same year, as asf ssed under the law imposing it, and de livered to the Government, whether delivered during the year or afterwaids, including the bacon, delivera ble after,' and not prior to, the assessment of the tax on property employed in agriculture as aforesaid: and the collection of the tax on such property shall be sus pended after assessment, tinder the order of the Sec retary of the Treasury, until the value of the tithe to be deducted can be ascertained, and when so ascer tained, it shall be the duty of the post quartermaster to certify, and of the district collector to deduct, the value of such tithe, and any balance found dne may be paid in bonds and certificates therefor, authorized by the "Act to reduce tbe currency and to authorize a new issue of notes and bonds," in like manner as other taxes payable during the year: Provided, That no credit shall be allowed beyond five per cent II. On the value of gold and silver ware and plate jewels, jewelry and watches, ten per cent. III. Tbe value of property taxed under this section shall be assessed on the basis of the market Talne of the same, or similar property in the neighborhood where assessed, in the year If 60, except in-cases where lands, slaves; cotton and tobacco have been purchased since the first day of January. 1862, in which case the said land, slaves, " cotton and tobacco so purchased shall be assessed at tbe price actually paid for the same by the owner: Provided, That land purchased by refugees and held and occupied by them for their own use and residence, ha)l be assessed ac cording to its market value in the year 1860. Sec. 2. That section second of. an act entitled "An act to levy additional taxes for the common defence and support of the government," approved lTth Feb ruary, 1864, be, and the same is hereby, repealed; and it is hereby declared, thar all the property and assets of corporations, associations and joiut stock compa nies, of every description, whether incorporated or not, shall be assessed and taxed in tbe same manner, and to the same extent, as tbe property and assets ef indi viduals; the tax on such property and assets to be as sessed against, and paid by, such corporations, asso ciations and joint stock companies: Provided, That no bank or banking. company shall be liable to pay .1 tax upon deposites of money to the credit of, ana sub ject to the checks of, others: Provided further, That the stock, shares or interests, representing property or assets in corporations or joint stock companies, or as sociations, shall not be assessed or taxed:And provi ded further, That all property within the enemy' li'ues be, and the same is hereby, exempted from all taxation so lcrg as it remains in the enemy's lines. Sec. 3. That paragraph one of section three of an act entitled "An act to levy additional taxes for the commbn defenc and support of the government," ap proved 17th February, 1664. be, and the same is, here by amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows: Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gob du6t, gold or silver bullion, moneys held abroad, or bills of exchange, drawn therefor, promissory notes, rights, credits and securities, payable in foreign countries, five per cent to be paid in specie, or Confederate trca sury notes nt their value, as compared wiih specie at the time the tax is payable; the relative value of spe cie and Confederate treasury notes, for the purpose of payment under this net, to be fixed by regulations to be prescribed by the Commissioner of Taxes, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 4. That section sixteen of the "Act to amend an act entitled 'An act to lay taxes for the common de fence and carry on the Government of the Confederate States,'" approved 17th February, 1864, be, ana the same is hereby, amended, so as to read as fellows: I. The income, property and money, other than Confederate treasury notes, of hospitals, asylums, churches, schools, colleges and other charitable iosti tions, shall be exempted from taxation under tbe pro visions of this act, or any other law. The property of companies formed under the act entitled '-An act ta establish a volunteer navy,"ghall be exempt frt m tax ation, except on the income. II. That paragraph 6, sec. 7, of the same act, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto as follows: "If any person shall fail to make due return, as re quired'by said section, of tbe income or profits taxed under any law of Congress, or in case of disagreement with the assessor, to submit the same to referees, as provided by law, or shali fail or refuse to pay ihe Wx thereon, within such time as shall be prescribed by public notice, by the district collector, under the di rection of the Commissioner of Taxes, such person shall be deemed and held to be in default: Provided, such person t hall not be deemed and held to be in de fault, who may fail, or has failed to make payment, or due returns, in consequence of the presence or Inter ference of the enemy,,or the absence or neglect of the. officers charged with the assessment and collection of taxes.?' .' Sec. 5. That this act shall not be so construed as to subject to taxation corn, bacon and'other agricultural products, which1 were produced in the year 1863, and in the possession of the prodcer on tbe 17th of Feb. 1864, and iie e?s iry for tbe support of himself and family during ihe present year, asid from or on which taxes in kind hiirhccn deducted and delivered or paid. Sec 6. Thm Kciin 4, paragraphs I and 2, of the act approved 1 7 1 b February, 1 8J4, entitled "An act to levy additional tuxe? for he common defence and support of the Government,' be so a mended as to levy an addi tional tax of thirty ier cent, upon Ihe amount of all profits made by selling the nrtices mentioned in The said paragraphs, between ihe 17l!) day of February, 1864, and the 1st day of July next, which additional tax shall be collected under said act. Sec. 7. That on a!I treasury notes of the old issue, of tbe denomination of five dollars, not exchanged for new issue prior to the 1st day of January, 186S, and which may remain outstanding un that day, a tax of one hundred per cent, is hereby imposed. Sec. 8. That section seven of an act entitled "An act to levy additional taxes for Ihe common defence and support of Ihe Government," approved 17th February, 1864, be, and ibe same u hereby, repealed, aud the lol lowing inserted in lieu thereof: I. That the first section of the "Act to lay taxes for the common d;fence and to carry on the Government of tbe Confederate States," approved 24th April, 1863, is suspended for the year 1804. II. In all cases where a tax is levid on income de rived from property, real, personal and mixed of every oescriDtion. on the amount or value of which an ad valorem tax is laid, tbe ad celortm tax shall be deduct ed from the income tax: Provided, That in no rase shall less be paid than the ad valorem tax. III. In tbe assessment of income derived from man ufacturing or mining, there shall be deducted from the gross income or profits, the necessary annual repairs, not exceeding teu per cent, on the amount of the in come derived therefrom. And, iu addilioo to tbe de ductions now allowed by law in the amsfmeot of in? comes derived from any source, the following shall be made, namely: The Confederate taxes actually paid by the owner on sales made by him, and the commissions actually paid by the consignor or shipper for selling, and in the production or manufacture of pig metal or other iroa, the cost of fuel. Sec. 3. That all citizens of any one of tbe Confede rate States, temporarily rendingiu another Slate, shall be liable to be assessed and taxed in the State or dis trict in which he may temporarily reside; and it shall be the duty of all such who have not heretofore made return of their taxable property to the district tsstttor where they may temporarily reside, witbio thirty days after the passage of this act. to make snch return; and any one liatle to be assessed and taxed as aforesaid who shall fail or refuse, within the said period of thirty days to make such return, shall be liable to all the pains and pe.ialties imposed by Ibe laws of the Confed erate States in such case. Arrperip June 14, IH Short Almanac for 1865 ' " 2 ? 2 I- i- S. ? 1 JANUAKY --12345 8 0 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 . 22 23 24 25 20 . 29 SO 31 FEBRUARY - I 5' C 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 1C 19 20 21 22 23 v 2G 27 28 MARCH - - -, 12 5 0 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 10 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 s. V SP C 13 20 27 I 14 21 28 4 11 18 o 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 . iiy c 18 20 27 APRIL - 2 3 4 5 G 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 MAY 12 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 10 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 20 28 29 30 31 JUNK ' 12 4 5 C 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 2 3 4 5 6 7 .9 10 11 12 .13 14 16 17 18 19 .20 21 23 24 25 20 27 28 80 31 AUGUST ? 12 3 4 r 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 1G' 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 SO 31 SEPTEMBER . 1 3 4 5 G 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 20 27 28 29 OCTOBER - 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 9 10 11 12 13 15 10 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 20 27 29 30 31 NOVEMBER - 12 3 5 6 7 8 -9 10 12 13 14 15 1G 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 27 28 29 80 DECEMBER - 1 3 4 5 G 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 20 27 28 29 31 o 10 17 24 1 8 15 29 5 12 l!( 20 9 1(1 L.T SO m i 14 21 2S 4 11 IS 25 9 1( 23 80 ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE Of tflesMCtiKcrM OF THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY At Charlotte Office, Daily. ARRIVES. Kailroad 7 00 From Char. iSC A. if. and C P " and 5 00 P. M. N. C. Railroad Wil., C. k if. Rai 7 00 Irond 2 45 DEPARTS. For it X. C Char Railroad k H C. Railroad 7 00 A.M. and 6 20 P.VI 8 00 " and 5 00 ' 7 30 " Wil , C. k R. Railroad It is desired thar all Parcels, Packages or Freight to be forwarded by either of the above Trains, be sent to this Office Oxk IIouk previous to its departure. T. D. GILLKSPIK, Agent. Charlotte, Sept. 7, 1863. tf WHEAT i The subscriber is prepared to pnrctiaie tbe new crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Farmers will find it to their advantage to call at the CHAR LOTTE STEAM MILLS before selling. Jan'y 1, 18G1 tf JXO. WILKES. EXPRESS NOTICE. Orrica South run Exrasis Comfaxy,) Charlotte, Sept. 24, 1803. Iu order to avoid misonderstandiag and to make our charges conform to tbe liability assumed, this Company hereby gives notice that from and aflcrOcto ber 1st, 1863, shippers will be required to place their valuation upon eachpackage before it will be received. Such valuation will be inserted in the Company's receipt, and establish tbe iiibiliiyof tbe Company fr the amount. Tbe act of Ood and Ike public enemy only eacepted. T. D. GILLESPIB, Sept8, 18C3 Agent. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford 3El.aLXXjDE1.0-X. On and after Monday Ihe 25tb ofMay, 18C3, tbe Pas senger Train will ran on thia Road (Western Dili aion) daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : GOIXO WEST: ARRIVE: LEAVE: .7 30 A. if. Charlotte, Tuckstfeege, Brevard, Sharon, Llncolulon, Cherryville. GOING EAST: 8 8 9 10 10 15 15 25 00 45 A. M. 8 20 00 0 30 10 OS .i ii .i ii ii ii ii ARRIVE: LEAVE; 11 30 A. M. Cherrtrille, 15 50 20 53 00 P. M. Lincolnton, 12 25 P. SI. 25 55 25 00 Sharon, 12 Brevard, 1 Tuckaerse, 2 i M t . II II II Charlotte. Fare, aix cents per mile. Soldiers goiag lo aud re turning froru the arruy, half fare. Pattengers are re quired to make the proper change, as the Ticket Agent cannot furaUb change for every oat, A Freight Train leaves Cherryville for Charlotte at 7 o'clock, A M, or. Mondays, and returns same day. For Passenger Trains transporting Freights, 50 per cent to ihe tariff rates of freight will be added. V. A. McBEE, Mailer of Transportation. Lincolpon, May 25. 18C3. J0I1V VOGEL, Practical Tal. I or, re j peci full j iuforms tbe citU seas of Chifttle and surround io coontry, that he is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo thing la the latest style and at short notice, ills best exertions will be given to render satisfac tion tolboje who patronize faim. Shop opposite Kerr'sIIotel, next door to Jirown Still's store. Jan. 1,1805. tf CRAJY, LARD, Arc. On tbe 25th inst , the Medical Purveyor will be pre pared to parchafe Com, Bye. Barley and Lard, for wbicb market prices will b paid ; and eogar, Coffre, Rice, Bait, Cotton Yarn and Cloth will be given in part payment when desired. J. T. JUH.NSU.N.Sorg. sled. I'or. Med. Pnr'.'f Office, Charlotte, Murch 12, 1161.