WESTillfelSI , DEMOOEAT, :CHAELOTTE, C. . Concluded from First Page': . utationof the people, as law-abiding and honest, and of the courts of law as impartial in tho ad ministration of justice. The thought which caused me to write that portion of my letter quoted by you, and wliich is e till my opjmon, s, that in the condition of things afpresent exist- ing, the result of war, and not of the free action of the DeoDle. the action of the civil courts and gracd juries, however honest, would not prevent the recurrence of frequent acts of violence, par ticularly towards Freedmen, during the time in tervening between the complete restoration of civil law. Military law is, I thick, a necessity in tho transition state in which the States lately I hostile to the Government now arc. I think ! you are in error in the opinion to La inferred j lrom that portion or your letter 10 wnxen you c-nr "That aa ?n nil nrnhahilitv thpOnmmisi oners ! ,6ay, "lnatasm an proDauiuiyinevJoinmissioners ; of Freedmen hear only the complaining party. Such action by the officers of the Freedmen's bureau would be in violation of their instruc tions. I have myself cautioned the Assistant Commissioners of the necessity of getting at the truth in all cases. There has been no complaint made of the action of the officers of that Depart ment, and I think that their conduct has been j discreet. I'ermit me, in conclusion, to say, I think there j can Le no real conflict between the civil and mili-: tary authorities in the State. This question of j difference between us, has come up whilst I have i been temporarily in command of the Department, : and my action iit the matter is founded on what i conceive to be the rights of the case. I have i none but feelings of kindness towards the civil efficers and people of the State of Suitli Carolina, j I am, sir, very resp'ly, your obed't serv't, " I TIIOS. II. RUGER, Rrcv't. Maj Geii'l Commd'g. j 1 1 i "State of North Carolina, Executive Dep't, ) : Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 18ih, 18G5 Jj To And reto Johnson, Presidentof thr.TT. States, j . Sir: I am directed by His Excellency, Gov. j Holden, to transmit to you the accompanying j .-correspondence between himself and Hrev. Maj. j (Jen'i Ruger, commanding the Department of j JNorth Carolina. The Governor begs you to give the subject matter a careful examination, and if you concur with him in opinion, to cause the administration of justice in North Carolina to be turned over ex clusively to the civil authorities ot thc'State. I have the honor to bo, sir, your ob't seiVt. TOD R. CALDWELL,. Aid to Gov. 11 olden. Waft Street -Frauds and Forgeries. In commercial circles yesterday everything was unsettled by the exciting news in Wall street. The reports of bank robberies, forgeries, failures, if., followed each other in quick succession, and each evinced great excitement, which seemed to prow more and more intense as the extent ot the disasters became more generally known, business was nearly up?cf, everybody beinq; on the lookout for a gold panic and large fluctuations in prices of l;M and merchandise. Prices of nearly every kind of merchandise foreign and domestic were nearly nominal. jVcw YorJc Herald of the IGth. Elaine Democratic Convention The Presi dent and State Sovereignty. The Maine Dem- rifr:itlf Sf;tP Pnnnpntinn mrf In J 'rvrt 1 a n rl nn tn 15th. Thce were' present five hundred and scvcnty-four'delcgates. Mr. E. 1 Pillsoury, the temporary chairman, in his address said that an attempt is being made to destroy State sov ereignty, which the Democratic party must frustrate He also said that but fur President Johnson its destruction would have been ac complished at all hazards. The latter expres sion was received with great applause. The resolutions adopted were in consonance with the spirit of these remarks. Mr. Jefferson vpton Tories. A strong argu ment in President Johnson's favor may bo drawn from Mr. Jefferson's reply to a lady who appealed to him in behalf of her son, who was a Virginia Tory during the Revolution. lie wrote to her as follows : "I suppose him to have taken sides with the Uritish before our declaration of independence; and if this was the case, I respoct the candor of j the measure, though 1 do not bis wisdom. A j right to tike the side which every man's con- science approves in a civil contest is too precious ! n right and too favorable to tho preservation of j liberty, not to be protected by its well informed friends. Randall's Life of '. Jefferson,, vol. 1, j page 400. - Wkaltiiy Girl Probably the iichcst wo- ! man in the United States is Miss Hester Robin son, a young and beautiful girl, lately of New Bedford, but now a resident of Now York city, ller father died recently, leaving her one mil lion outright aud the income during her life of I about four millions more. Her aunt, Miss S A Howland, of New Redford, who deceased about ! the 1st of July, also left her a million; but, at ! the same time, bequeathed large sums to various ! other persons who were not her bWl relations; among tho rest, giving to her physician a huu- ' dred and fiftythousand dollars. " Miss Robinson is dissatUGed with the will, and has employed j tivo of the most eminent counsel in Massachu- setts to endeavpr to have it ?et aside, though on ! what grounds the public is not yet informed. Miss Hester is very hard to satisfy if she is j not content with what she already has j BOUGHTON WHEAT. Farmers desiring this n heat for seed will apply at once, or leave the money and racks with Messrs. Crawford and Laurens, where a s;imrI tan be seen. Price 4 per bushel. . JOHN WASHINGTON'. Salisbury, Aug. 21, IS 65. The person' who passed through this place to wards Charlotte on Sunday the 23d of July, with a black Carpet Bag under his head marked on the bottom in white paint "H. II Helper, .2d X. Y.. Cav alry will do me a favor b sending it by express to me here. " IF. II. HELPER, A Valuable Worlc. NORTH CAROLINA G-eologioal Survey. BA PttOFESSpB EMMONS. Two Volumes -Cloth. With -over 4C0 Maps and Illustrations. Pbice, 2. TKio fymnf wnrV ia nfttr frr tVia. rlfct t m a nffA.Aj to tho public. .Ifisth standard authority in all rnatter relating tcrthe mineral and agricultural re sources of the State, and Is really A WORK OF INESTIMABLE VALUE . to all persons buying or selling real property of any kind in North Carolina sheriep, farms, swamp lands, water ..power, coal, copper, lead, iron and gold .Minesquarries, lumber-land:, etc, etc. Liberal deductions made to the Trade. Address WM. B. SMITH A CO., -Field ad Firysid Publihing House, Aug 21, 186.5 3t .Raleigh, N. C. J SMILES ABE BUT MASKS. The world deetna us happy because of the smiles, Worn in the presence of gay, pressingjhrongs, Forgetful bow roses flush funeral piles, IInw sorrow, lite iov. has seasons for Boners. j j As the sunlight will fringe the darkest of clouds, i With its lining of gold effulgently bright, So hearts that seem happy in life s careless crowds, .Make only the music of sorrow and night. We gaze on the sea, sometimes placid and mild As the face of the darliqg we gave our pjghr, Hut the currents beneath the still surface.are'wil Vith fury, and tempest, and- darkness and bli-ht. The flowers look gay and their fragrant breath Awakens no dread of the presence of harm; Rut their beauteous petals distil for us death, And poison tho soul they seem but to charm. So all smiles are not joys, but often conceal Ambition and pride the world maj not sec: And t bo hope of my life will never unseal, Unless in the splendors of loving with thee. THE 'ft (Published every Tuesday5(o) BY V I L L I A 31 J. YATES, AND PKOPBIETOK. $ 4 PER ANNUM, in advance. o Transient advertisements must be paid for in tdvance. Obituary notices arc charged advertise iug rnAcs. Advertisements not marked on the manuscript fjra specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. $1 per square of 10 lines or less will be charged far each insertion, uules the advertisement is in serted 2 months or more. GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. i William W. Ilolden, of Wake county, Provisional j Governor. ; Jos S Cannon of Perquimans, and Tod R Caldwell j of Burke, Aids v. ith the rank of Colonel. Lewis 'Tl anes of Davidson, Private Secretary. It 0 Badger of Wake, and W II Bagley of Pasquo tank. Assistant Secretaries. S M Parish and J D Pullen ot Wake. Clerk3. Thco X Ilnmsay of Wake, clerk and messenger. Jonathan Worth of Randolph, Treasurer. Donald W Rain of Wake, chief clerk to Treasurer. C tl Thomas of Carteret, Secretary of State. GOVERNMENT OF THE TJ. STATES. President Andrew Johnson, cf Tennessee. Secretary of State W. II. Seward, of New York. . Secretary 'of War Pennsylvania. -Kdwin M. Stanton, of Postmaster General William Dennison, of of Ohio. Secretary of tho Navy -Gideon Welles, Connecticut. Secretary of the Iuterior James Harlan of Iowa. Secretary of tho Treasury Hugh McCullough, of Illinois. Attorney General James Speed, of Ken tucky. President of tho Senate Lafayette S. Foster, of Connecticut. Speaker of the House Schuyler Cidfax.. of Indiana. SLI'KEME COURT. Salmon C. Chase, Ohio, Chief Justice. 1. James M. Wayne, Georgia. 2. Samuel Nelson, New York. 3. Robert C. Grier, Pennsylvania. 4. Nathan Clifford, Maine. 5. Noah H. Swayne. Ohio. 6. Daniel Davis, Illinois. 7. Samuel Miller. Iowa. 8. Samuel F. Field, California. LIEUTEXANT GENERALS. Wingfield Scott, Virginia. Ulysses S. Grant, of Ohio. Adjutant General, Lorenzo Thomas, Dela ware. Judgo Advocate General, Joseph Holt, D. C. Quartermaster General, Montgomery C Meigs, f I1 ennsyvania. North Carolina CHANGE OF fSailroad. TIME. On ;!,'.! after Sur.d.iy, August 13th, lSio will run until further orders as follows : .MAIL TRAIN Going Wkst. Trains I..-ave Raleigh at 7.40 P. M, ' Greensboro 2.17 A. M " Salisbury .6 45 " Arrive nt Charlotte 10.10 ". Going East. Leave Charlotte at 3.00 V. JI Salisbury G 23 " Greensboro 10.15 " Arrive at Raleigh 4 SO A. M. ACCOMODATION' TRAIN Going West. Lea e Raleigh at G.00 12.50 :. 00 8.20 A. P. M. M. " Greensboro Salisbury Arrive at Charlotte Going Lf-ave Charlotte at S.-au-bury -'' Greensboro ? Arrive M Raleigh East. 5.23 COO 1 05 7 30 A. M. P. M. .Mail Iraiu conuects East and Wobt with tho Ra leigh and Gaston Train for Petersburg and the North, and with the U. S. Military Railroad for Goldsboro, N'bwbem, Morehead Citv' and Wilming ton. The Freight Train .leaves Raleigh at if A.M., Charlotte at 6 A. M., stopping at Comnanv Shops over uight. The Mail Train only will run on Sunday. Passengers are notified to procure Tickets before entering the Trains, as additional fare will be col lected. E. WILKES, Aug 14, ;865. tf Eng. & Supt. tio Soaps and Perfumery for sale at the, corner Drugstore. V. F. SOREY & CO. COUNCIL OP THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Annual Meeting of the Protestant Episcopal Chuichiu the Diocese of North Carolina, appointed to be held on the 2d Wednesday in June Inst ht I which was postponed, will be held on the SECOND p.VTi , i.J" otAyER. in Christ Church, RALEIGH. The punctual attendance by the Clergy and Laity is earnestly requested, as busines of im portance willrobably come before the Council THOS. ATKINSON, , Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina. Charlotte, August 7, J8C5. JSt'shnp Atkinson's Appointments. Thursday, August 24th, . MorgaBton, Sunday, 7tn, Salisburv. Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday,- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, fiurlny, 29th, Hillsboro, 31st, Chapel Hill, 3d, Warrenton, 5lh, Headcrson, 6th, Williamsbxsro, 8th, Oxford, IOiJj, ,Lonisburg. Sept. (( J. E. STENHOUSB, ALLAN. MACAULAY, I At onr Old Stand, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS j AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Purchase and . sell Cotton and all other Produce. Business entrusted to us shall command onrusual. prompt personal attention. STENHOUSE Si MACAULAY. y' Charlotte, Aug 14, 1865 NEW BOOK STORE, TO BE OPENED ' I3f A FEW DAYS IX CHARLOTTE, N. C. School Books, such as Webster's Spellers, Web ster'B Dictionaries, Davie's series of Arithmetics and Algebras, Bullion's seric3 of Classics, Mitchell's Geography, Cornell's series of Geographies, Me rc ufFev's Readers, kc &c. j .' Oca Own" series of North Carolina School j Books, such as Spellers, Readers, Arithmetics and i Grammars. ! .Miscellaneous Eooica, comprising the most re- , cent and popular publications. Stationery, all kinds and best quality, -such as i paper, copy-books, Arnold's ink, slates, &c. Sheet Music, embracing best Instruction Books j for instrumental and vocal music, popular' Ballads I and Operas. Schools sending large orders will be supplies: at Send in vour orders to C. W. DOWNING & CO., Sin Charlotte, N. C. liberal discount. Aug 14, 18G5. CORNER DRUG STORE. The subscribers hare purchaied from Dr. E. Nye Hutchison the Drug Store on the corner of Trade aud Tryon Streets, for the purpose of conducting a wholesale and retail business, under the name of VY.F- SOREY & CO. They will keep on hand a large stock of Pure and Fresh Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Snuff, DyeStutTs, Glass Fancy articles, Patent Medicines, &c. kc. They hope by a strict personal attention to business to merit the patronage of the' communify. Particular and special attention paid to Prescrip tions. Physicians furnished at low rates, and lib eral terms offered to the Trade. W. F. SOREY, Aug 1-1.-185. JAS. T. JOHNSTON. The undersigned returns his sincere thanks for the generous patronage bestowed upon him by the public, and having sold his establishment to VV. F. Sorsy & Co., begs for them a continuance of -the favors kindly awarded to him. He still retains his desk in the office of W. F. Sorcy & Co,., and will be pleased to see his old friends. Aug 14,1865 E. NYE HUTCHISON. Tanners' Oil, A superior article, for sale at the Corner Drug Store. Aug-14. W. F. SOREY St CO. ILiir and Tooth Brushes, Extracts, Shaving Soap. Lead Pencils, Paper, Lc. &c., for sale at the corner Drugstore. W. F. SOREY & CO. August 14, 1S65 DAVIDSON COLLEGE. The exercises of the College and of ihe Prepara- j tory Department connected with it, will be resumed on the 28th of September. As a measure necessary to the support of trie In stitution in the existing derangement of its finances, the 3oard of Trustees have suspended for twelve months the privilege of using Scholarships in the payment of tuition. Tuition 20 for the Session of five months, and Board $10 per month payable in advance in specie or its equivalent in currency or provisions. It is desirable that Students should bring with them such books they may require; also such ar ticles of furniture for their rooms as they m:y be able to transport. For other particulars address the subscriber, to the care (for the present) of Br E Nye Hutchison, Charlotte. - J. L. KIRKPATRICK, Aug 14, 1S65. ft President. PardGGi aujti Amnesty. .Persons desiring to petition the President of the United States for Pardon and Amnesty, will please call at Y. F. DAVIDSON'S Oftice over the store of Koopmann & Phelps. Aug 14, 18C5 -it For Sale, At Dr. Scan's Drugstore, a few Bottles of Dr. Rowand's TONIC BITTERS. Aug 14, 1865. A TEACHER. A Southern Lady, experienced and successful a3 a Teacher, desires a situation in a family or with a School, either in town or country. Apply to Rev. G. M. Everhart, Charlotte, N. C, , August 1, 1805 3t SOUTHERN BOOKS. Sterling, ' Campbell & Albright, PUBLISHERS, And Dealers in Docks, GREENSBORO, IT. C, Continue to publish "Oar Own" Series of School Books, consisting of Primers, Spelling Book, Read ers, Arithmetics anil English Grammars ; also Bing ham's Latin Grammar and Caisar. We offer our Books to Teachers and Booksellers on as moderate tcrms-as are offered by publishers in any pa"t of the' United States. For specimen copies or lists of prices, addiess as above. August 14, 18G.r .. 3m . The SoutEicrii Epress GojaoLcixy Offer unsurpassed facilities for tho shipment (from AUGUSTA and points SOUTH) of Cotton, Cotton Goods, and heavr freights, for Savannah, New York, and all points NORTH nnd WEST, ! Through Receipts given on which Insurance can 1 be effected at lowest rates. Internal Revenue Tax will be paid or Bonds given by this Company, in accordance with regulations of the United Stated Treasury Department. 4"or paiticulars ;uid rates, inquire of Southern Express Company. " Thi? Company is now prepared to forward . GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY PARCELS, AND FREIGHTS, To Petersburg, Va, Danville, Va. Greensboro, N C, Raleigh, N C, Goldsboio, N C, Lynchburg, Va, Bristol, Tenn. Salisbury, N C, Weldon, N C, Wilmington, NC, AND TO WAT STATIONS ON THE Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, South-Side Rail road. Petersburg Railroad, North Carolina Railroad, Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, Wilmington and Wel don Railroad, aud Western N. C. Railroad: LETTERS, MONEY PACKAGES, AND SMALL PARCELS, To Columbia. S C, Augusta, Ga, Macon. Ga, Mobile, Ala, Selma, Ala, Charleston, S C, Savannah, Ga, Columbus, Ga, Montgomery, Ala, Jackson, Miss, .cw Urleans, I. a, AND TO ViY STATIONS O.V THE Charlotte S.,C. Railroad, South Carolina Rail road, Georgia Railroad, Macon and Western Rail road, Atlanta and West Point Railroad, Southwest ern Railroad, Southern Railroad, and Alabama and Mississlj-pi Railioad AH Goods shipped by the Adams and .Harndea Express Companies, and marked to the care of the Southern Express Company, will be promcjlj for warded to destination. "Freights shipped by steamship to. our c'will Ije forwarued by Express without charge fteom mission or dray age. If orders are left at our Office, goods will be cal led for and forwarded bv first Express. SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. Ch.irlotte, Ag-J4. :P65. lqi : For Sale. "r?-.i'. ' The subscriber offers for sale his Plantation in Gaston county, N. C, on the waters of Taylor's Creek, containing 520 Acres.-' About one-half is cleared, and mostly under cultivation the presenj year. From 35 to 40 acres is fine bottom land. The buildings are plain hot comfortable. Gold has been found in two places on the land, and, judging from surface specimens, the indications ares sufficiently encouraging to warrant the expense of thorough ex plorations. . There is now a fine crop of corn, peas, &c, grow ing npoff this land, and it is offered for sale mainly from the fact that -the owner resid3 in a different county, and bis.former slaves are nowfree. .It i situated upon the line of the Wil., Char. & Ruther ford Railroad, and abont 14 miles from the flourish- in Town of Charlotte, thus making it a convenient and valuable investment. A portion of the land (decompesed granite) would belinely adapted to the culture ot the grape ana otner nuit. Persons wishing to examine the land will call up on Mr Rufus Fisher, the present tenant, who will point out the boun'daries : and for further informa tion as to terms, will address me at Brevard Station, Gaston county, X. C, cure of A. U. Rutledge. C L. HUNTER. August 1, 18C5 3t From my stable. in Charlotte, on Tuesday night the 8th inst, a small black MULE, bow-backed,, blind in the left eye, 7 years old, and h'as a little bunch of white hair iu his mane. A liberal reward will be paid for the recovery of the Mule. Aug 14, 18U5 . 3t M, MUNZLER. j., , i - 5 Cents Reward. Billy Lee, a colored indentured apprentice to me, atred about 16 3'ears, runaway lrom mv premises in July. 1865. Twill eive five cents reward and no thanks to the person returning him to me. Aug 14, 18C5 3tpd JAS. R. ROBINSON. Western IV. . Railroad. Statesyille, N. C, July 28th, 1865 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ; of the Western North-Carolina Railroad Company will .be held in the towo of Newton, on Thursday the 31st day of August. All Stockholders, unless belonging to the "excep ted classes," who take the amnesty oath required by the President of the United States, can vote and take part in the meeting. R. F. SIMONTON, Aug. I. 18C5. lm Sec'y and Treas'r. BETHUJSE'S TAILOR SHOP, Up Stairs in the Carson building, next to the N. V. Bank. Particular attention given to cutting children's clothing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Produce taken in exchange for all work. A. BETHUXE. Julv 24, 1865 Tenants Wauled. One hundred White laborers, as tenants, are wanted on my Plantation in Chester District, S. C, for the year 186(3". Men with families are preferred. None need apply for admission to the premises only those accustomed to industry and are willing to prove assiduous in business. The Plantation is well watered, lying on the Catawba River at Landsford, fertile and the locality is healthy. With the proper exercise of zeal, discretion, and economy, the voca tion will prove lucrative to those who may en'gage in it. The inducement held out is great," especially so to those who may be without employment, and they should seize the opportunity at once to avail themselves of the means necessary to render thera comfortable in life. Applications for employment will be entertuiued chronologically; terms will be liberal, sufficiently so to justify the enlistment of those who do not hold in dustry in disrepute, and can be known by applying to me in perron on the premises, or by letter afrRock Hill, S. Ceto the care of C J Pride. CHURCHILL B. JONES. flSg0 Also, I want 25 or 30 white laborers for my Plantation in Lancastes tyiirict, on the same condi tions as above. , On both of the Plantations ar-c One Mills. Applications will be entertained at Mr Jones' 1 or through the chafiuci prescribed above. JAS. R. M ASSET. August 7, 18G5 2t HEW STORE and NEW GOODS. 3Z Door from Springs' corner, Tryon Street. The subscriber has just opened a large assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and Family Supplies generally, which he will sell low for cash, at wholesale or retail. - BAGGING and ROPE just received and for sale. J. M. SANDERS. August 7, 1865 if - TAKi NOTICE. Owing to the fact that I cannot get Tan Bark, I will have to decline tanning any more Hides on shares, and the public will plfase note the fact and not send me any more Hides to tan, as I positively will not receive thera. , I will pay the highest market price, either ia cash or leather, for good Oak Bark. . Aug 7, 1865 ' 2tpd P. M. BROWN. MEDICAL CARD, J. G. M. RAMSEY, M. D, (heretofore of Meck lenburg, near Knoxvillc, Tenn.,) offers his Profes sional services to the public. He may be found for the present at the Office of Dr. J.'McKnitt Hender son, seven miles from Charlotte. Difficult cases and those of long standing shall receive his special attention. Aug 7, 1865. 8t DR. J. 'ill. STRONG, Having resumed the practice of Medicine, tenders his Professional services to the citizens of Steel Creek. - AsgnSt 7, 1S65. II. T. KELSON, ir P a n i i -. iuanuiaciurcr oi uoddiiis anu snoots. Augusta, Ga. Als, Commission Dealer in every vajietv of Sup- plies for COTTON and WOOL FACTORIES, which ill be furnished at New York Prices and cost of transportation. Cloth and Yarn will be taken in exchange or sold on commission. Eigjf Wood Turning, in every variety, promptly executed. - All Dobbins and Spools warranted to be made of thoroughly seasoned timber, uniform in size, and per fectly finished. Manufacturers will .please send samples of the Kinds wantea by express the name of the Factory c K a n 1 1 ! n m nrl'iH t-y r nar.li r. - i , vu iaiu u.n-auize iu uviiui mis- takes. - Orders solicited and promptlv executed. August 7, 18G5 3m" A REW GALLERY. The "Gem Photograph," Fereotype, Ambrotype, and all kinds of Collodcon PICTURES, in "card de visit," lockets, pins, rings, cases, &c , made in the best style of the Art, at prices ranging from One Dollar upwards, by JNO. S. I5ROADA WAY, a na tive of North Carolina. His Pictures need no recommendation. They are admired by all. Satisfaction guarantied, or no charge. Cail at his Rooms over the Charlotte Bank, imme diately, as his stay is positively limited to a few day August I,-1865 'NOTICE. I hereby forewarn all persons from tradin for a Note given by me to D. M. Lee for S60, as Ido not inlead to pay said Note without an appeal to law. W. A. SMITH. July 24, 1865. - 3t cor: and wheat. 1 want to purchase Corn and Wheat at the Steain Plouriiig Mill in this place,, for which the market price will be paid. - JOHN WILKES. ' Charlotte, May 15, S ADDLE S V II JL R IV C S (S ' -. AND' At my old stand I "will be pleased to see ray former customers, and all others who may want anything in my line of basinses. - Particular attention paid to Repairing. Sole and Upper Leather constantly on hand. S. M. HOWELL. July 24, 1865. FOR SALE, KEGS NAILS, assorted, 6,000 lbs. Iron, well assorted, 600 lbs. Black Pepper, 600 lbs. Copperas, 1000 lbs. Rice, 5000 yards Kerseys, 400 lbs. Crushed Sugar, TAYLOR & DUNCAN, At the old'stand of A. A. N. M. Taylor. Aug 1, 18C5 2m DR. JOSEPH ORAI1A1TI Offers his professional services to the citizens of Charlotte aud its vicinity. July 24, 18G5. Loose Cotton and Rags. We will pay the highest market price for loose Cotton and liuen and cotton Rags. KOOPMANN & PHELPS. August I, 1865 tf CHARLOTTE ACADEMY. The next Session of this Institution tfill com mence August the 7th and close December 22d. The Course of Instruction ia full and thorough, suited to prepare young men for College or for business. Terms, payable half in advance; For tuition in common English Branches, $20 00 " " " Classics and higher English, 30 00 Pupils entering after the first week will join classes already formed. No deduction after entering, except in cases of protracted sickness. Tl. II. GRIFFITH, A. M. A. BUR WELL, A. B. July 17, 1865. 8t Charlotte FEMALE INSTITUTE. The next Session will begin ou the 1st of Septem ber, and close on the 22d of December, 1865. TERMS, payalleuslricilyt half in advance: Board S60 ; Tuition 20; Music on Piano or Guitar $25; Singing Lessons (single) $25; Singing Lessons in classes S10 ; French and Latin, each, 10; Use of Piano $5. . ' Boarders will furnish their own towels, tabe napkins and ring, one pair of sheets, two pillow or bolster cases, one counterpane, a cup and saucer, a dri.nking cup, and one dozen candles. Washing a separate charge at the Laundress' prices. Provisions will be received at market prices in payment for Board. For Circular address KKV. 11. BUKWbLb, July 10, 1865. 2m. Charlotte, N. C. Liiicofnton FEMALE SEMINARY, LINCOLNTON, N. C. The Fall Session, beginning July 31, will con tinue 20 weeks. Rates per Session Tuition, $10 to $15; Piano Lessons, $20; Board, exclusive of lights, $80 in currency, or $ou in iamuy supplies . at prices oi 1860. Address REV. S. LANDER, A. M., Principal. August 7, 1865. 2m. Concord Female College, STATES VILLE, N. O. The exercises ef this Institution will be resumed on the first Monday of September. The price of Board will be $15 per mo'nth. The price of tuition will be at'the rate of Thirty Dollars per Session of twenty weeks. Extra charges will be made for Music, French and Drawing. Each boarder will furnish her own lights and towels, and also a pair of sheets and pillosv-cascs. Address J. M. M. CALDWELL, July 24, 1S65. Gt Statesvillo, N. C ACADEMY FOR . BOYS .CHARLOTTE, N. C. The duties of my School will be resumed on Mon day, the 4th of September next, in the Town Hall. Terms per Session of 13 Weeks Engli&h branches, Sublanguages and Higher English, $20 payable one nalf"in advance, the rest before the close of the Session. For particulars apply to G. B.VUDER, A. M. July 24, 18G5. 6tpd . Roberts9 Female SenisnarVt SHELBY, N. C. Principal, REV. E. A. CRAWLEY, D. D., (late one ef the Principals in the Limestone Springs High School, S. C.j) to be assisted by able Teachers in all Departments. Fall Session, Sept. 1st to Dec. 22d. Terms, payable in Specie or its equivalent in provisions or currency. Board, . " $32 00 Higher Branches, 16 00 Lower " $8 to 12 00 Tuilion- Latin, French, or other modern Language, Painting, Music, Use of instrument, Incidental expenses, . 10 00 12'00 12 00 16 00 2 00 2 00 Board one quarter in advance. Pupils will bring bedding, towels, a cup and spoon, plate, and knife and fork. Applications requested to be made to the Princi pal, Rev. E. A. Crawley, Shelby, N. C. August 7, 1865 lm " . JOfllV A. KAY, ARCHITECT AND CIVIL ENGINEER. Professional business attended to in North and South Carolina. Office, COLUMBIA, S. C. All necessary plans, specifications, detailed esti mates, and contracts, drawn up for public or private edifices, machinery drawings for mill works, and all matters of construction. Personal supervision given to all work during progress. July -24, 1865. lmpd JLAID AIVD CkAIIrl AGENCY. WM. F. DAVIDSON & CO. are prepared to at- tend to the collection of all kinds of Clni man era in at 1 1. . n . j i .. . me iravernnieni ana innin,iiiiu onri a r a ,r.. i sioned to buy all kinds of Real Estate. Persons having claims against the Government. i or Lands to dispose of (particularly mineral land?), I will please call on this Agency. " Mr Davidson can be fonnd at Charlotte. The j other partners reside in New York, and Waihingtou City. 6 . j July 3, 18C5. tf j J3. UIcINNIS, j UU3I3IISSION -MEUCHANT & WHOLE i - SALE GUOCEIt, ; (At bis old stand,) No. 16, North W'ater Street, Wilmington, IV. C. All Produce consigned to my address, either for f ale or shipment, shall have persona' attention. Liberal cash advances made on afterihe receipt of Bill Lading. July 10, 1865 3ra consignments Strayed -or Stolen From the premises of Mrs Catharine Hutchison, in ? burbs of Cbar6e, on the Zd of July, a Bay MARS 7 or 8 venra oTrl k...i, ' ..i.l bair off of the r t u fv ci, a She a nuirk Ktpnn '"K ""ut ana uoius a Uigii hpad. A fair reward will be paid for her recoverv. Anv iaformn-inn : ..... v i r J. Y. HRYCE, - Commission , Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Will pay the highest market CASH price for Cotton, 4c, in gold or currency. July 17, 1865. tf Chas. W. tfiosaou, . Jamm B. Blossom, Josuti B. Blossom. BLOSSOM 15 i: OTHERS, (Successors to Benj. Blossom 1 Sod,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton, Naval Stoiies, Grain, Tobacco, Cotton Yarns, Sheetings, &o , JV?. 159 Front Street, . NEW YORK. Consignm?nt ia ns are cbTtred by fire and Jtfa rine Insurance as aeon as freight d. from ct 11 De pots oa All Kailr;uJ in Kcrlh and South Carolina, and from all Southern shipping port?, through to New York, whether advice cf fbipment la resetted or not. S-Josepri R. Bloisoin t Co., YTiliaington X. C, will pay taxes, Ac , on produce when desired; and forward to us free of forwarding coninifssir.j?, Arogigh that port. If preferred, it can be forward ed in bond, or shippers can arrange taxes them., selves, through Wilmington or any other port.. - A. M. McPhecterf, Kaleigh, N. C, will forward through Raleigh, free of ccnmi.sirn, and pay freight to any port, on consignments to U9., References : The Bank of N. C, and other Banks tttWilraington, Newbern, Washington, Tarboro, Fay etteville, Raleigh, Salisbury and Charlotte, N. C. fKiJLiberal advances made On consignments on receipt of Bill of Lading. July W, 1865. lypfl. HUGHES & DILL, Commission & Shipping Merchants. NEWBERN, N. C. Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores and Tobac co will "receive our prompt attention. We have a.weekly line of Steamers from Newborn and Morehead City," which sail from Newbern every Friday and from Morehead City every Saturday at 4 P. M T. J. HUGHES, KEWBKBST. C. W. DILL. VOQinEAD CITV. August 1, 1865 tf J. N. -ROBSON Has resumed tho Commission Business At hi3 old etand, 62 EAST BAY, CII AllLES TON, S. O. Particular attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, Corn, kc; and, from his Jong experience, he feels confident of giving satisfaction. August 1, 18C5 3ra RECEIVED AND AT TUn BPwICK Several Barrels of Molasses ; FOR SALE STOKE, Floor by tht Sack: Tobacco by retail ; Very fine Boots for gentlemen, aud every kind of shoe work done to order. JNO. F. BUTT, July 24, 1865. Tryon Street. Southern Express Company. The Southern Express Company has opened com munication with all Northern "and Western States, and is now prepared to forward Freight, Money aud valuable Packages safely and promptly. Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams' Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams' and Harnden's Express Companies. Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all pofrita South and North having no mail facilities. T. D. GILLESPIE, Agent. Charlotte, June 19, 1865 tf ROBT. P. DAVIDSON. JAS. W. BURROWS. COTTOIV, COTTON. The undersigned wish to buy Oue Thousand bal?i of Cotton, for Thich the highest market price will be paid in Gold.or-Grccnbncks. Apply in our absence, to Wm. E..StItt, at the Johnston building, four doors above Kerr's Hotel. DAVIDSON & BURROWS. Charlotte, June 12, 186..' 3in Dr. J. El. AVayt, DENTIST, Has resumed practice, and will be glad to lee olJ customers, and others ut his Ofiicc, next door to Chas. Overman, Esq., in the building: formerly oc cupied by Wra! A. Uw,rns, deceased. June 10, ISCj. tf NOTICE. I respectfully tender niy professional services in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, to - the citi- tens of Charlotte and the surrouuding country. Office over the Charlotte Bank. ROBERT GIBBON, M I). May 20, 1865. - tf Merchant Tailoring. Ths sub-cribers will continue to carry on ih Merchant Tailoring business as her tofore, at the store formerly occupied by Th is Trotter. Jeweler. Prices will be regulated according to t'c time on the cash system. Country produce will be taken in payment for Cutting or work done; We Lope cur friends will not ask for credit, as we expect to do up work in the best style for CASH . or its equiva lent iu something to eat or wear. JAS., A. CALDWELL k CO. P. S Persons indebted to us will pleue call and settle by cash or note, as early as possible. June 20, 1865. tf J. A. C. k Co. SWEPSON, JUKDEKniLL & CO., GENERAL Commission Merchant, For the sale of Tobacco, Raw Cotton, Cottoft Ym, Cloths, and Naval Stores, 70 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. Robt.'R. Swepsox, New York City. Saml. G. MtRPHY, New York City. Cyhi s P. MKSDt.viiALL, Pres't Farmers' R i tik t Greensboro, N. G. Daxl. Worth, Companv Sliojis, N. C. Geo. W. Swepsox, Haw Ilivcr P. O., N. C. July 3, 1865. 0"m JT. T. BUTLER, Wratclim.iker &, Jeweler, CHAIU.OTTE, N. C, Respectfully iufuims, the citizens ofCLarlotte and surrounding country that he has opened a shop in the store occupied by C. M. Query, uext to Spring.- corner, where he will give prompt attention to re pairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ic. Watch-glasses and msterinlj in gtncr.il at whole sale and retail. . May 22, 18G5. ,r JOHN VOGEL, PRACTICAL UILUit, Respectfully Informs the citizens of CJiarlcttc and surrounding country, tha he is prepared to manu facture gentle nen's Clothing In the lategt ptvle and at short notice. His best exertion will be given to render satisfaction to thoso who patronize him. ShQp opposite- Kerr Hotel, next door to Itronn k Stitt'a store. January J, 18C5. SIKES- & GRAV, Wratelimakcls niul Jewelers. CHARLOTTE, N. a, Have re-opened their Shop at their old n.nnd, oppo site Kerr'f Hotel, whcr they are predated to do all kind of work iu their line with proiuntnes unrt rf!- v aicne3 apu i;iocks repaired at j-hort notice. A share of patronage is solicited. We w arrant fnti factiou. Work warranted twelre months if well Q9'J- SiKJS i CRAY. Jun 2 ', Ic'Ji. em ten ai tne democrat OCke. J Au2ni i, is63 ::t

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