WESTERN . DEMOCRAT, GHABLOTTE, -N. C. J,EAPBY LEAP THE HOSES FALL. Leaf by leaf the roses fall, Drop by drop the springs run dry ; One by one, beyond recall, Suninier beauties fade and die, Rut the roses bloom asain, - And the springs will gush anew, In the pleasant April rain, And the summer's sun and dew. So in hours of deepest gloom, When the sprgsn gladness fail, And the roses in the blooui, . Droop. like maidens wan and pale We shall find some hope that lies Like a silent gem apart, Hidden far froui careless eyes, In the garden of the heart. Some sweet hope 'to gladness wed, That will spring afresh and new; When griefs winter sh;.ii have fled, Giving place to rain and dew Some 6weet hope that treat Ifs of spring, Through the weary, weary time, Rudding for its blossoming In the spirits' gluriuus clime. When James Gordon Bennett, the Editor and Proprietor of the N Y. Herald, was ayoung man, he wandered about Jloston seeking employment- for two' days, penniless and without food, and was then relieved only by finding a shilling on the Commons. The. Texas State Convention has closed its session and sent five members to convey the re sults of their deliberations to Washington. iAOTICi:. 1 request all those indebted to rue as Guardian of dhe heirs of Rev. A. L. Walts, deceased, to pay one half of what they owe nie, as one uf t he heirs will soon be 21 years of nge, and I ouyht and wish to settle with him. 1 will conclude that those w ho do .riot pay soon intend to take the benefit of the Stay Law, and in such cases I must briny suit. J. 11. .McDUWELL, Guardian. April 9, 1SG6. 3tpd White Oak staves Wanted. Proposals will be received by Kie until the 1st of ;May, for furnishing the follow ing Bill of White Oak .Staves, to-wit : Fifty Thousand Hogshead Staves, 3 feet 6 inches long, 3 iuches wide, inch thick on the thin edge. One Uundred Thousand Run el Staves, 2 feet 8 -inches long, 3 inches wide, inch ihiclf on thin .edge. Twenty Thousand Pieces for Heading, say 2S, 30, 32 inches long (due proportion of each) 5 inches wide. All c!ear of sap and worn: hole3". To be deliver ed at Depot of 0 k S O Railroad. State price and quantity. A. II. MARTIN, Charlotte, X. C, box 134. April 9, 18C6 4t Special IVotice. DR. PRITCHARD &. CO., Take occasion to inform the puli'.ic and their friends . that they are constantly receiving, selling, and bar .terinp First Class Famiry Groceries, And buying all manner of currt ut Produce, NEXT DOOIt TO HIS Ol.D STAND, Opposite the Court House. JS Don't be mistaken in the place. tSl All Goods offered for sale will be sold as CHEAP, if not cheaper, than the same quality of ariiclts can be had in this market. We most re'spectfi.'y assure all families who may favor us with their patronage, that their confidence will not be betrayed. 11 supplies will be found as represented in every instance, or the motiey refund ed. II. M. PRITCHARD, W. S. BRYAN. March 2G, 18GC tf KOTJCB2. Notice is hereby given that application will be cnade for re-issue of Certificates of Stock of the W., ,C"k R. Railroad Company, Western division the originals having been lost for Certificates No. 22 and 70, assigned by M S Merrill to I S Guion and Jasper Stowe ; for Certificate No. 27ti to John F. Hoke, and for Certificate No. 4G to R A Brevard. JOHN F. HOKE, Attorney. April 2, 1866 4t Cotton Seed, For sale best article at II. B. WILLIAMS'. March 12th. Corn Ileal, II. B. ,150 Bushels for March 12lh ; ale, by WILLIAMS. Inst licrrivcfl at -W-- Boycl c3 C?3'S CHEAP CASH STORE, A superior article of Java and Rio C :!ee, Tea, Su gar, English Dairy Cheese, Flour, Rue, Niiils, Axes, Soda Crackers, Raisins, French and American Can dy; Sperm, Adamantine and Oriental Caudles: Soda, Copperas, Ginger, Pepper, Spic-e, SniiU and Tobac co, Starch, Vinegar, Pickles, Mustard, Yeast Pow ders, cotton Yaru, a large assortment of Buckets, Tubs and Brooms, Powder and Shot, &c &c. Eight cases Brogan SIiOE.5, at wholesale and retail. All orders and commission business shall ,have our immediate atteution. Remember, we buy for cash aud cannot be under Bold. Call one call all. Look for the sign of " W. BOYD .fc CO, April 2, 18G6 lin Springs' Building. Grecjisboro' Mutual Insurance. Co. Capital 500,000. One of the safest and most reliable Companies in .the countiv. Insurances t-lIVcied on as reasonable terms as any company. Feb 12, 18 G6 C. W. DOWNING, Agent, Charlotte, N C At Wholesale and Retail. Country Merchauts acd Teachers will find it 'greatly to their interest to esui.iiiie our stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. We are now able to sell on advantageous terms to the trade. R. N. TIDDY k CO., , New Book Store. March. 5, 1866 3m c. H. ROBINSON. c. u. LB. ROBINSON ii. BOBINSOJJ. & CO., tConi mission & Forwarding Merchants, ' VIL31IAGTO.,AS. C, " Prompt attention given to orders and xnents. . ' Jan 29, 1666 . tf consign- NOTICE. In consequence of frequent depredations on my premises, I hereby forewarn all persons against hunting or fishing on my Lands, as the law will be enforced, without respect of persons, against all 'who violate this notice. ' " 1" - - A. B. DAVIDSON. -'SjFeb. 12, 1866. 3m? 500 Pairs COTIOiVCARDS, Selling off b-'ow New York cost $9 per dozen or 175 cents per single pair at KOOPMANN April ?. 1866 tf k PHELPS' CHARLOTTE ' Steam Ucfined Candy Manufactory, Wholesale and Ketuil. The subscriber is now manufacturing all sorts of CANDIE, CAKES, BREAD, &c. &c. ; Plain and Ornamental Cakes, for Weddings and Parties, always on hand or" made to order. Jgy Merchants and dealers in Candies will find it to fheir interest to purchase from me, as I will give satisfaction both in price and quality. Orders from a distance attended to at tbort notice. J. G. C. LEISER, One door south of the Mansion House, Tryon street, Charlotte, N.C. March 12," 1SCG y NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. The attention of Shippers is called to the great advantage now offered in shipping over the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. Having purchased recently a large number of Cars and Engines, we are now fully prepared to move freight with dispatch to all points on the Road. To parties shipping to Northern Ports, we take oleasurc in saying, arrangements have been made with the New York and Wilmington, and Bal timore and W.ilniicgton Lines of Steamers to have freight passed over our Road.very promptly, giving it preference over freight received other than by Railroad.. Shippers can consign their freight either to the Agents of the Steamers or to the General Freight Agent Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and thus save commission for forwarding, nd all other charges, except drayage. G L DUDLEY, Gen! Frg't Agt, W & W R R. II M BARRY, Agent Steamers to New York. WORTH & DANIEL, Agents Steamers to New York ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, Agents Steamers to Baltimore. At Goldsboro inquire of A. J. GALLOWAY, Agent of Wil & We i Railroad. P. S. Bills of Lading will be givon through if desired April 2, 1866 3m James lifter Insurance Company, HOWARDSVILLE, VA. CHARTERED CAPITAL, 1,500,000. C. W. DOWNING, Agent, Charlotte, X. C This old, tried, and solvent company deals liber ally, pays promp'ly, aud asks patronage. See below, to which many others similar could be added: "Richmond, Va., Feb. 15, 18GG. "In the month of December, 18G5, we had Cotton burned which was insured in the James River Com pany, and its part of loss, amounting to one thous and seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty three cents, was paid promptly a3 soon as proof, &c, was forwarded, and over two months before it was due under the policy. Such prompt ness merits patronage. A. i. stokes & Lo." April 2, 18G6 y FOIt SAfjE, A first rate IRON SAFE, weighing 1280 pounds. Applv at this OHice. March 12. 1SGG. tf. Stutc or 1. Carolina, Mecklenburg County. In Equity To Spring Term, 18C6. Violet W. Alexander vs. M. B. Taylor and others. This is an Attachment to subject the interest of the defendant, M B Taylor, in the partnership effects of the firm of J. M. Sanders & Co., his Stock in the Charlotte & S C Railroad Cp, and hi3 interest in the Town Lots 'constituting the Steam Tannery, to the payment of the plaintiffs debt ; and it appearing to the Master, on the affidavit of the plaintiff, that the defendant, M B Taylor, is not a resident of North Carolina, it is therefore ordered by me that publica tion be made in the Western Democrat, a newspaper published rn the town of Charlotte, for six weeks, notifying said defendant to-be and appear at the next Court, of Equity to be held for said county of i Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in February, A D 18G6, and then and there to plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff's said Bill, otherwise judg ment pro co.nfesso will be entered against said Tay lor, and the Court's usual proceedings taken thereon. Witness, A C Williamson, Clerk and Master of said Court, at Charlotte, March 31, 1866 ll-6t A. C. WILLIAMSON, C. & M. E. Just Received, Some fine SHOT GUNS, which I .will sell low for ash. II. B. WILLIAMS. March 2C, 18G6. J list SSeceivetJ, A large stock of well selected SHOES. Call and see them before buying. BARRINGER, WOLFE & March 26, 186G CO. SAVE COST ! A number of claims in favor of COCHRANE & SAMPLE have been placed in our hands for collec tion. Persons indebted would do well to call and settle before the claims are pMt in suit. DOWD & JOHNSTON, "March 2G, 18C6 . tf Attorneys at L?w. LOOK OUT ! LOOK OUT I fflcttlM, LEDWELL & SIZE. I, At the Neic, Store ojiposite Dr. Fox's Residence. T. F. McGINN, T1IOS. LEDWELL and WM. E. SIZER, having entered into a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on a General Confectionery and Family Grocery in the town of Charlotte, would respectfully ask a share of public patronage. We are thankful for the patronage and favor thus far extended to us, and hope by industry, frugality and attention to business to merit still more from the citizens of Charlotte and the surrounding country. We design keeping constantly on hand a general assortment of Family Groceries, and also Confec tioneries of all kinds. The old customers, friends and acquaintances of Mr. Thos. F. McGinn will find him as ready and as willing to serve them in his new place of business as heretofore. -March 10, 18GG. 3m BLOSSOl I R T II E 15 S , (Successors to Benj. Blossom & .Son ) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton, Naval Stokes, Grain, Tobacco, Yarns, Sheetings, &c, Ko. 159 Front Street. ' Chas. W. Blossom, "I James B. Blossom, v IVeVF ITorl" Isaiah B. Blossom, I fejyLiberal advances made on receipt of Bill of Lading. consignments on Refekexces : The Bank of N. C., and other Banks atWilmington, Newbern, Washington, Tarbc ro Fay etteville, Raleigh, Salisbury, Charlotte and Wades boro, N. 0. A. M'McPhecters, Raleigh, N. C , will forward to us. through that place, (free of forwarding com mi'sicnj paying railroad freight, to anv shipr jno port. " Joseph' R. Blo;som & Co., Wil Brown & Co, Washington ; S T Jones & Co New ' bern? N. C; Henry Ghiselin, Norfolk, Va.; wifl or" ward Produce to us, free of forwarding commii'on f except on navel store and grain, by steamer or I filing vessel, as shippers may direct; and; wh ! dpsii-p.i will , . . . . i .. ... rv ,tticSj tt,t .t lue snipping ports. - Consigaments to ns are covered by fire and Ma" Tine Insurance as soon as freighted, from all places op all Railroads and Rivers in North and'mh Carolina, Georgia and FlortdaV nd from all sV-th-ern Sh,Pp,ng Ports through to New York, wither advice of shipment is received or not r July 17. 1865. , lypd. -- " .JYorth Carolina Kailroatl. CHANGE1' OF TIME. . On and after Sunday, January 7th, 1866, Trains will run as follows : GOING WEST. Mail Train. Freight Train. 4 15AM Lea-ve Goldsboro 5 10 ' Raleigh 9 00 Hillsboro 11 48 " Greensboro ,3 10 " Salisbury 7 00 Arrive at Charlotte 9 50 P M it (i A M 9 00- " 12 4 9 1 25 40 15 00 P M iC - A M GOING EAST. Mail Train. 3 .00 P M Freight Train. 4 30 A M Leave Charlotte 41 Salisbury " Greensboro Hillsboro " . Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro 6 05 10 00 1 20 4 30 7 45 8 40 12 50 5 00 8 45 P S A M 12 40 A M Mail Train connects at Raleigh w ith Raleigh & Gaston Railroad trains foT the North. At Golds boro with A. & N. C. and the Wilmington & Weldon Railroads: At Greensboro with the Piedmont Rail . road; and will run daily. Freight Train has a Passenger Car attached for the accommodation of passengers, and runs daily, Sunday excepted. E. WILKES, January 15, I860 Eng. and Sup't. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Co., Superintendent s Uffice, RALEIGH, N. C, Feb, 15, 1866 CHANGE OF TIME. On and after Monday, February 19, 186G, Trains will run as follows : PASSENGER TRAIN, Leave Raleigh r - - 4.30 A. M. Arrive at Weldon, - - 11.00 " Leave Weldon, -. 1.30 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh, ... 8.30 " FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leave Raleigh on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 A. M., and arrive at-Weldoc 4 P. M. . FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leave Weldon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days at 5 A. M., and arrive at Raleigh 4 P. M. By this change in the Passenger Train, connec tions are made with the Seaboard & Roanoke Rail road, as well as by the upper route via Richmond Way passengers can" be accommodated by the Freight and Accommodation Trains, if they think proper to do so. This train leaves Raleigh from the Raleigh & Gaston Depot, in the. Northern part of the city. ALBERT JOHNSON, - General Superintendent. March 5, 186G. tf Wilmington &c Weldon Railroad. Office Chief L.ngineek and brPKiiiXTEKDEXT. ' Wilmington, March 22, 18CG. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after the 25th inst., trains will run over this road as follows : MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily at - - 9 30 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at - 3 4G A. M. Arrive at Weldon at 9 45 A- M. Leave Weldon daily at - - I 30 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at - - - 7 12 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at - 1 45 A. M. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS, Leave Wilmington daily except Sunday's at 6 A. M. Arrive at Golds'boro' at - - 130 P.M. Arrive at Weldon at - 8 45 P.M. Leave Weldon daily, except Sundays, at 6 A. M. Arrive at" Goldsboro at - - - 12 47 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at - - 8 45 P iVi. ' The Mail Trains make close connections through to New York and Charleston by inland and Bay routes; also wi;h Raleigh and Gaston trains. Trains leave Goldsboro at 4 A M. and 5 P. M. going West, and 8 15 A. M. going East. Trains from ihe West arrive at Goldsboro at Li 40 A. M. and 7 45 A. M. from the East at' 9 45 P. M. All dry goods and light groceries. will be carried by these daily Freight trains, and close connections will be made with trains on theN. C. Railroad, daily txcept'Sundays. Goods by Steamers will be sent forward the day after they are received into the Warehouse. No extra charge by this train, whih we hope our patrons, old as well as new, will notice. We do not underbid our neighbors, but work as low as any, and will deliver as promptly as the best, and claims for loss or damage will 'be adjusted.at once, if presented according to our rules. S. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. March 2G, 1 8G6 lm NEW LINE, OF STEAMSHIPS BETWEEN NEW YORK and WILMINGTON, SAILING WEEKLY, And composed of the following first-clas3 Steamers: CHAS. W. LORD (new) Capt. Geo. W.'Ward. CUMBERLAND, Capt. "J. A'. Johnston. The attention of Shippers is specially called to this Line. An arrangement has been perfected by which Goods shipped by this line will be delivered at Goldsboro the next day after delivery frori the Steamers at Wilmington. A Train leaves Wilmington daily, carrying freight and making connections with daily Freight Trains on the N. C. Railroad. WORTH & DANIEL, Agents at Wilmington, N. C. Agents in New York C Goodspeed, 4G West street, C II Pierson, 77 South stree t. March 28 1866 tit Steam between Philadelphia and Wilmington, N. C. PI1ILADELPI1IAAND SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP MAIL COMPANY. The elegant aud fast Steamship E. C. KNIGHT, Capt. Denby, will sail fro,w Philadelphia for Wil mington on Thursday, March 29th, -and will sail from Wilmington, N. C, on her return trip, on Thursday, April 5th, 1866. It is intended by the above Company to make a regular weekly liu to this Port if sufficient-Inducement is offered. The Wilm & Weldon Railroad Company are now runuing a daily Freight Train to Goldsboro, connect ing there with daily Trains on the N C Railroad, and shippers can rely on promptness and dispatch. Rates will be as low as possible. WORTH k DANIEL, Agents at Wilmington, N C. WM. J. TAYLOR & CO, Agents at Philadelphia. Wilmington, March 28, 18C6 l-4t J. 1l. BRI'CE fc CO., General Commission Merchants, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to the sellino- of all kind3 of Produce. Cotton and Tobacco, gig?- Highest ca.h price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance prompt!-,- attend ed to. . J. Y. BRYCE. ' W. II. BRYCE. March 5, I860. To Bake rs and Con fee I loners. AJITIOMA. , A large quantity of Ammonia can be bought low by the Jar at SCARP.'S DRUG STORE. February 5, 18G6 Manufacturer of SADDLES & HARNESS Near t Post Office, Oil ARLOTTE, N. (). jeST" Hides bought and sold. March 5, 18GG . " Cmpd . SEE McLE0D & STEELE, Who are now receiving and opening a handsome and well'selected Stock of , - Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, GROCERIES and CROCKERY, which they will sell at wholesale or retail, low for Cash or Barter, in the Store lately occupied by J. M. SANDERS & CO, 3d door North of the Springs corner, and 5 doors South of the Charlotte Hotel, on Tryon Street. - A share of public patronage is most respectfully solicited. E. A. McLEOD, Nov 13, 18G5 tf M. D. STEELE. J. DEl'.OSSET, W. E. DEROSSET, GRAHAM DATES. DEROSSET & CO., (Formerly DeRosset & Brown.') Established 1839. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. C North Water Street, (up stairs,) Wilmington, PV. C. Will give personal attention to the purchase and sale of produce of every description, and to receiv ing and forwarding good3. March 5, 1866. 3m E F. Coo's Super-Phosphate of Liine, OR HONK MANURE. WARRANTED GENUINE. Being made of the best material and in the most approved manner, it is recommended to the public as superior to any other in the market. All Who have used it speak of it in the highest terms of praise, and those engaged in its manufacture will continue their best endeavors to advance the high reputation which it has acquired. We guarantee the Phosphate to be well manufac tured, aud uecommend it in preference to any other artificial manure in the market. We consider it nearly equal to the best Peruvian Guano, although furnished' at-half the prie-e. Messrs 11 II Allen k Co, the well known manufac turers of agricultural implements, say of it: "We take pleasure in stating that we have sold E F Coe's Super-Phosphate of Lime for fouryears. It has given universal satisfaction to our customers. We most cheerfully endorse it as an article worthy of the confidence of the public, and the purchaser may rely upon securing an article honestly and care fully manufactured. "We would state that, after careful examination, we believe this Phosphate has been improved each year since its introduction in this market, and that it will continue to maintain it3 present high stand- inrr. "Very respectfully, "R. II. ALLEN & CO., "No. 191 Water street, New York." E. Fkaxk Coe, Esq., Annexed please find result of my analysis of sam ple of your Super-Phosphate of Lime left with me. This being such a superior article in every respect, I cannot refrain from congratulating you upon such manufacture, which undoubtedly .will meet with great success. Wishing you every success, I am, Respectfully yours, Baltimore, Ang.,3, 1P64. G. A Of Free Phosphoric Acid Hyd. containing of Anhydrous Phos phoric Acid, Of Bi-Phosphate of Lime, containing of Anhydrous Phos phoric Acid, Of Neutral Phosphate of Lime, containing of Anhydrous Phos phoric Acid, Of Sulphate of Lime hydrated, containing of Sulphuric Acid (Soz.) Of Alkaline Salts as Sulphates, Of Organic Combustible Matter, capable of producing Ammonia, Of Animal Coal and Sand, Phosphoric Acid soluble in Water, Phosphoric Acid insoluble in Water, Ammonia, LEIBIG. 10.28 7.45 6 0 3.70 8.35 4.3G 45.38 21.20 1.11 2.358 5.00 3.76 11.15 4.36 3.76 axufactcred ey ENOCH COE, Hunter's Point L. I. ESS? The undersigned have been appointed Agents for the State of North Carolina, and will supply this superior fertilizer at manufacturers' prices. Put up in barrels of about 300 pounds weight. 700 Barrels now in Store, and for sale by O. G. PARSLEY & CO. Jan 8, I860 6m Wilmington, N C O. G: PARt.LEY, O. G. PARSLEY, JR. JOHN Jl'DtiE, 1IEXRY SAVAGE. O. G PARSLEY 6t CO., Importers & Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, M.-C, Solicit Consignments for Sale or Shipment of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Domestics, Naval Stores, and other country produce. Keep always in Store for sale at lowest market prices : Gunny Bagging, Bale Rope, Gunny Bags, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Mess-Pork, Bacon, Sides and Shoul ders, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Mackerel, Pickled Herring, Smoked Herring, Cod Fish, Paints, Linseed Oil, Kerosene and LubricatiVig Oil, in bar rels and 5 gallon cases, Tanner's Oil, Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Gin in barrels and cases, Sack Salt, Roc-kla.d Lime, Irish Potatoes, Window Glass, Nails, Shot, and a general stock of heavy goods. BT"Sule Ajents for Coe's Super-Phosphate of Lime. gsSJ Agents for Dupont's Powder 31 ills. Jan 8, 1866 6m ' The Southern E3i2ip27sje Company Offer unsurpassed facilities for the shipment (from AUGUSTA and points SOUTH) of Cotton, Cotton Goods, and heavy freights, for Savannah, New York, and all points NORTH and WEST, Through Receipts given on which Insurance can be effected at lowest rates. Internal Revenue Tax wfjj be paid or Bonds given by this Company; in accordance with regulations of the United States Treasury Department. For particulars and rates, inquire of Southern Express Company. This Company is now prepared to forward GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY PARCELS, -AND FREIGHTS, To Petersburg, Va, Danille, Va. Greensboro, N C, Raleigh, N C, Gol.dsboro, N C, Lynchburg, Va, -Bristol, Tenn, Salisbury, N C, Weldon, N C, Wilmington, N C, AND TO WAY STATIONS ON THE .Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, South-Side Rail road, Petersburg Railroad, North Carolina Railroad, Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, Wilmington and Wel don Raih-oad, and Western N. 0. Railroad. LETTERS, MONEY PACKAGES, AND SMALL PARCELS, Columbia, S C, Charleston, S C, To Augusta, Ga, Savannah, Ga, Macon, Ga, Mobile, Ala, Selma, Ala, New Orleans, La, Columbus, Ga, Montgomery, Ala, Jackson, Miss, AND TO WAY STATIONS OX THE Charlotte k S. C Railroad, South Carolina Rail road, Georgia Railroad, Macon and Western Rail road. Atlanta and West Point Railroad. Southwest- ern Railroad. Southern Railroad, and Alabama and 1 Mississippi Railroad " ' j All Goods shipped ty the Adams and Ilarnden Express Companies; and marked to the, care of the ! Southern Express Company, will be promptly for ! warded to destination. Freights shipped by steamship to our care will be forwarded by Express without charge for com mission or .drayage. If orders are left at oar Office, goods will be cal led for and forwarded by first Express. SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. Charlotte, A"g-14, 1865. . , CALL AND M. IX L. Moody's . : S T ORE, ' . Opposite the Presbyterian Church, Is now open for business, and he will be pleased to have his old customers, with as many new ones as choose, to call on him before purchasing else where, as he thinks he can make it their interest to do so. He has on hand - Bacoo, Lard," Sugar, Coffee, Tea, . Pepper, Shoes, Boots, Iron, icco, Snuff, . Span-Yarn, :hes, Domestic, Kerseys, er, Cheese, Candles, Tobacco, Matches, Sutter, Soda, and a great many Soap, other things usually kept in a FAIILV GROCERY. The above articles will be sold for Cash or Coun try Produce. Call and see for yourselves. M. D. L. MOODY. Sept 11, 1865. tf JOHN VOGEL, -PRACTICAL TAILOR, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronixe him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown & Stitt's store. ' January 1, 1866. JAS. L. HATHAWAY dc UTLEY, Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS, , 171 Pearl Street, NE W YORK. Consignments of Cotton and all other Southern Products solicited. , JAS. I,. HATHAWAY. WM. R. UTLEY. Nov 27, 1865 6m C. B. DIBBLE. B. O. WORT1I. GEO. M. DEWEY. DIBBLE, WORTH & CO., Commission Merchants, 113 MAIDEN LANE, JTEW YOIlIt. Prompt personal attention given to sale of Cotton, Naval Stores, and country Produce generally. January 29, 1806. 3mpd BaOCMHBS.-' jr. iti. sandeks & co., (At the Stand formerly occupied by Elias $ 4johen as a Grocery Store, 2d door from Democrat Office,) AVE just received a large and well-selected slock of choice . . consisting principally of Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Liverpool Salt, Bagging and Rope, Mackerel in kits, barrels and half-barrels, Cheese, Ginger, fc-'pice, candies, Raisins, Pickles, Sauces, Pepper, A fine article of white-wine Vinegar, Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery, GLASS-WARE, Iron, Nails, and everything generally found in a large Grocery Store. ALSO, a fine stock of 3MCeciiolxa.vX Liciixors, PORTE It, ALE, &c. Having bought their stock in the Northern mar kets for cash, they are prepared to sell on moderate terms for cash at wholesale and retail. The at tention of country merchants is respectfully invited to this stock of Groceries. J. M. SANDERS, M. B. TAYLOR, J. J. BLACKWOOD. Charlotte, Oct. 2, 1865. WIIOIESALE DHUGISTS, PATENT MEDICINES, PEKFUMEIIY &c. Orders with remittances promptly executed at lowest market 'prices by Ilarral, Rfsley & Tompkins, No. 141 Chambers Street, NEW YORK, Proprietors of Risley's Exr. Buchu, which is sold for les3 prices and is double the size and strength of any other. December 4, 1865 Cm E. A. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, If O. Office in the Court House, right hand door up stairs. .Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 2!,-1865. THE BEST, MOST EXPEDITIOUS AND Most Comf orta"tole EOTJTB From Charlotte to the Northern Cities VIA NORTH CAROLINA. RAILROAD, RALEfGH & GASTON RAILROAD, PETERSBURG & WELDON RAILROAD, AND THEIR VARIOUS CONNECTIONS. Passengers by this line wilt leave CHARLOTTE at 3 o'clock p. in., arrive at Raleigh at-4 30 a. m. Leave RALEIGH at 5 o'clock a. m., arrive at Gas ton 12 a. m. Leave GASTON at 1 p. m., arrive at Petersburg 6.30 p. m , and leave that night for Rich mond and the North, or stay in Petersburg, get a good night's rest and take the cars for City Point, connecting with the James Rive Steamer for Northern points. Passengers for Western or Southern points will leave Petersburg at 5.3.0 o'clock a,, m., arrive at Gastob 11 a. m. Leave Gaston at 1 1 a.m., arrive at Raleigh at 7 p. m. . Leave Raleigh at T.40 p. m. and G a. m. Passengers are respectfully requested to getTick ets before entering the cars. Eng. and Supt. N. C. R A. JOHNSON, Supt. Raleigh k Gaston R - R. M. DDNLOP, : R. B. Supt. Petersburg k Weldon R. R. August 23, 1865 tf - ' " ' ' . ft, S - 2 . fi.S g. Hi 5 o .If t) u S 5 I S H 1 & - bo 2 fe 1 -1- Jfr S. fc. OS , " JEXPKESS COMPAIIJES. . - The SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY hare mc-ved tljeir office in RICHMOND under the SpoU wood Hotel, Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. - The Southern Express Company art now prepared to forward, at Reduced Ratet, Currency, Coin, Valuables, and Freight, ' To all accessible points in the Sooth. All goods shipped from the North by the Adama or Harnden Express Companies will be transferred to the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY to com. plete transportation. Goods shipped from tK North by steamihip and marked to the care of Soathern Express Com pany will be promptly forwarded to destination free of charge For commissions and drayage. ArranfPmenTs ham hpn tund with 1 1 s Ta ne(ll Raifroad Company, and we now receive freight for all Way .Stations on that road at the same rates as were formerly charged by the Danville Railroad Ex press. - Goods called for WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE and promptly forwarded. SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD. Notice. To give facilities to the paWU on (Le line of this road for the transportation of small packages by Express, an arrangement has been mad with the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY by which their wagons in Richmond and Danville will call for ajid receive all Express Freight intended for this Road, on notice being given at their office, and their wagons will deliver all Express Freight arriv ing by this Road FREE OF ANY EXTRA CHARGE FOR RECEIPT OR DELIVERY, and the ratt-i of Express Freight will he the same as charged by thia Company. , TnOMAS DODAMEAD, Dec 18, 18S5 ' ' tf Superintendent. Charlotte, Dec. 18, 1865. All freight forwarded with 'promptness and dis patch, it being carried on Passenger and Mail train and not on slow freight trains. Ratee as low as bj any company. T. D. GILLESPIE, Agt. Ir. W. W. Gnilher Has removed his Office to Springs' Row, No. 2, (with Rock Island Manufacturing Co.,) where he may be found when not professionally engaged. February 5, 1866 W. GOODMAN, of Mississippi, A. P. MERRILL, Jr., of New York, General Commission' Merchants, 36 New Street, NEW YORK. We have made an arrangement by which Mr D tf COURTS, late Public Treasurer of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business sent us from that State. He is not associated now with the firm of Bennett, Van Pelt & Co, New York. We hope his friends will patronize us. Dec 25, 1865 tf At the Old Established IHlUti STORE Of F. SCARR, may be found -everything in tX$ Drug line, of genuine quality. February 26, 1866. C. W. Downing, NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in the Carson'building, up stairs, under the Times printing office. j7T. BUTIiCIS, Watchmaker & Jeweler,' CHARLOTTE, N. C, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country that he has opened a shop in the store occupied by C. M. Query, next to Spring' corner,. where he will give prompt attention to r pairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. Watch-glasses and materials in general at whole sale and retail. May 22,' 18G5. tf Merchant Tailoring-. The subscribers will continue to carry on the Merchant Tailoiing business as heretofore, at the store formerly occupied by Thos Trotter, Jeweler. Prices will be regulated accoojling to. the times on the cash system. "Countrj' produce will be taken in payment for Gutting or work done. We hope our friends will not ask for credit, as we expect to do up work in the best. style for CASH or its equiva. lent in something to eat or wear. JAS. A. CALDWELL k CO. P. S. Persons indebted to us will please call ant settle by cash or note, as early as possible. ' June 26, 1865. . tf J. A. C. k Co. For Sale, A superior toned CHURCH BELL, with iron frame an J yoke. Inquire at this Office. November 27, 1 805 tf High Shoals IRON MANUFACTURING CO., Gaston County, N. C. This Company having gone into operation, solicit the patronage of dealers and the public. They are new prepared to execute all orders in the, best ftyle, from the superior Iron on their property. The fol lowing articles are enumerated, viz. : Rolled Iron round all sizes'. Square Wagon and axles Flat bar " for plates " and widths Tire Band " " Hoop Nails of all sizes. Tacks " " Brads " " " Castings heavy and light. Hollow-ware of every kind and description. Stoves, Plough-shares, Mould-boards. Gearing of every size light and heavy. Horse-shoe Iron and nails. The Company will shortly be prepared to produce Railroad Iron, and to re-roll the material with ex.. pedition. All orders promptly executed. Application to me made in person, or by letter, at the works or at Charlotte. Address FRED. D. STUART, High Shoals, Feb. 12, I86t. tf Sup't. LEWIS 8. WILLIAMS. WM. O. JiOBLE. . BOBT. U. OATCS WILLIAMS, NOBLE & 0ATES, General Commhsion Merchants, No. Pearl Street, NEW YORK. Special attention given to the sale ofCotton, To bacco, Naval Stores, Yarn and Domestics. References. Davis, Rhodes & Co., New. York, a v Ktnk-ea & Co. Richmond, Va. John Lyon, Petersburg, Va. W T Sutherland,. Danville, Va. John T Davis, Lynchburg, Va. John Wilkes, Prest. let Na. Bank, ChaHotte.NC C Dewey, Cashier State Bank, Hftjeigb, N. C. -Hug.'tes k Dill, Newbern, N. C, G W William3 & Co, Cbaileston, S. C. R JI Johnston, Prest Jix. Banl$, Columbia, S.Q, Phiuizy & Clayton, Augusta, Ga. John Ross k Hon, Macon, Ga. F M Gilmer, Montgomery, Ala. Hamilton, Young & Rush, JIoble, Ala. Charles Baskerville, Columbus, Miss. G W Williams k Co, Fayetteville, N. C. September 11, 1865 J ' New. Goods. The subscribers have opened a Store te 2d door from the Court House, at the stand formerly occu pied by S. Frankenthall, where tbey intend keepiog for wholesale and retail a large stock of Dry Oodl, Ready-mde Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ac. A fine assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods will ar rive in a few days. , ,, , i . : A share of patronage is respectfully solicited, as they feel confident of being able to give satisfaction in price and quality. k jjoeSSLER. August 21, 1865 -