T H E W E ST E R N D E M O C R A T, - C II A RLO TTE, N, C. &ht WtBltxn Sftmoftat. CHARLOTTE, N. C A PROCLAMATION By m Excellency, Jonathan War tfi. Cover nor of the State of North Carolina. Where, By a law of this State, it is made the duty of the Governor of the State, for the time being, "to set apart a day in every year, and bv proclamation give notice tbereot, as a . rJ J .,V.i: '.ntoylvinff tfl AI- day ot 8oeBn auu puuuv mighty God, for past blessings, and of supplica tion for bis continued kindness and care over OB, s a State and a.s a nation," Now, therefore, I do, by this, my proclama tion, set apart Thursday, the 29th day of No vember,, as such day, and do most respectfully and earneetly recommend that it be observed accordingly by all, the good people cf this State. Given under my hand and attested by the great Seal of the State, at the Executive Office, in the -City of Kaleigh, on the 31st day of Octo ber, A. D., 1S6G, and in the ninety-first year of American Independence. JJy the Governor: JONATHAN W0RT1I. Wjtf II. 13 AG ley, Private Secretary. THE CHOPS OP THE WHOLE COUN TRY. Hon. Tsaac Newton. Commissioner of Agri culture, has prepared his report for the month cf October, from which the following extracts are taken : The returns of local correspondents up to the first day of October verify in all essential par ticulars the statements respecting the crops con tateed in previous monthly exhibits, r The condition of corn has suffered some de terioration from early frosts and excessive rains, but the quantity of the crop is larger than the largest ever previously chronicled in the coun try. A final summary of its amount and quali ty will be given in the next report. In the production of wheat, next to corn our most important cereal, our agriculture has been unfortunate for the past three seasons. The -crops of 1662 and 1863 in the North were good, and exhibited a gratifying increase as compared with the crop of 1850. The year 18G4 wit nessed a slightly-diminished product, followed by a further diminution in 1865, in quantity as well as in quality. Lest misapprehensions of the extent of this decreased supply should pre vail, the returns and estimates of these years .should be viewed in a group : Bushels. In 1859 132,934,782 In 1863 179,404,036 In 1864 160,694,823 In 1865 148,522,829 The estimate for the present year, now nearly complete, will not vary much from 143,000,000 bushel? showing a per centage. of decrease which is fully compensated by the comparative ly superior quality of the grain, as was predict ed in a preceding number. This is ten millions of bushels more than the crop of 1859, and is within .five millions of a product in proportion to the increased population. The diminution ia the South is more appa rent. The estimates point to less than seven teen millions of bushels in the eleven States hitherto unreported a fraction less than five tenths. of the crop of 1859. It is worthy of remark, in connection with the diminution of the three past seasons, that the wheat -crop of England has been likewise .deficient since 1864. The California wheat harvest, of which little mention has been publicly made in connection with the present crop, is excessive. In 1800 the product of this youog State was nearly six millions of bushels. Now it is seriously claimed by leading California agriculturists that the sur plus for export will be double that quantity. It is evident that the entire wheat crop will exceed by several millions, that of 1S59, when Ihe yield was reported at 173,104,924 bushels. Then there were five and a half bushels to each individual; ia 18GG the estimates point to five bushels to each inhabitant. There is no ground, then, for apprehensions of scarcity, and little ex cuse, in the amount of the crop, for starvation prices. The yield of oals is extraordinary, and the quality excellent. The indications point to an increaso from 171.497,072 bushels in 1859, to 271,012,695 in 1866. It is the only crop in the South that maintains an equality with its .Jast census report. Hay is less in qumtity than in the previous year by from one to two-tenths, but ia better iu quality. An analysis of the Southern returns up to Oc tober 1st do not warrant a reduction of the for mer cotton estimate much below one and three fourths millions of bales, though it ia too early for final estimates. Increasing severity of dam ages from insects is reported. The Condemned Fenians Mr Seward has entered into a diplomatic correspondence with the .Biitish Minister, recommending, in the name of the President, tenderness, amnesty and forgiveness in the cases of Father-.VicJIahon and Colonel Lynch, now under sentence of death at Toronto, mainly upon the ground that their of fence was a purely political one, nd partly be cause they are citizens of the United States. "We think it quite likely that the request will be complied with. Canada has nothing to gain by putting these men to death, and she may suffer severely by a course of retaliation on the part ot the Fenians if the sentence is carried out. No charge of bloodshed by their own hands was proved against the prisoners. It was not even shown that they were belligerents, al though arrested in company with armed men. One was there, according to bis own positive Btatement, simply as a newspaper correspondent, anc! the other as a minister of religion, to at tend to the wounded aud dying, and no doubt in this capacity his services would have been tendered alike to the combatants on both sides. The only apparent evidence to connect Fither JVlcMahon with the hostile movement was an expression of his to bring the valises along, as the "poor boys" might need whatever comforts they contained. This was the voice of humanity rather than that of crime. In view-ot these faets, and considering that material witnesses .for the defence would not be permitted to ap pear in Canada, there can hardly be much diffi culty in the Government acting to President Johnson's expressed wishes in this matter. That there is a deep sympathy in this country for the unfortunate man there can be no doubt, not alone among the Fenians, but among all classes. The general opinion seems to be that the Cana dian raid is a past political event, and that everything connected with it should bo forot fen. N. Y. Herald. - A distinguished London physician has been for twenty years living on one meal a day, and en joys the best of health, LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. It is with feeling of profound , regret; that we find our fellow citizens of the South, giving way to a disposition to anticipate disastrous future, The general tone of the press, the views of leading public men, and the daily conversation of our citizens, all evince a leaning toward the dark side of the Question. Hesitancy upon entering into business, uncertainty in regard to futurelocation, a distrust of all enterprises, and an universal lament over expected destruction of all political and personal rights in the South, are among the r 4l. ;.nnc. Tliw it not nj if clirml.-t Ixi sirnjs of the times. This is not as it should be. It is unnecessary foolish, and suicidal. Its efFect upon business is blighting, and all enterprise must fall to the ground under its ill-omened influ ence. No undertaking will flourish unless its projectors have confidence in the future. No farmer will succeed unless he is willing to look ahead. No business man of what ever kind can afford to anticipate misfortune. lie must have confidence in his ultimate good, or his endeavors become nerveless. Upou this, his energy, and success depend. Now what should be the conduct and feeling of imip nannlpt Wft lennw of but on answer. To v i a i ' - v.- i . w - - ' improve the present, and trust the future. Is it not vastly better to work wuile we can and if necessary, prepare for the storm now, than to give up to its influence before it has appeared on the horizon ? We .are ourselves disposed to believo that an over-rulmg Trovidence will so temper the tur bulence and disorder of our affairs as will yet give us a peaceful and happy land. Passion, excite ment, ill-will are short-lived, and reason, gentle ness and fraternity of feeling must come in time. Let us not anticipate to the contrary. Neubern Journal of Commerce. .. - - THE POOR. The weather is now becoming cold, and those who have the means are laying in their supplies of fuel for the winter, if they have not already done so. Such is not, however, the case with a very large proportion of our population, who are not able to commarJ the money during the Summer and the early Fall. This numerous class of our people are forced, by their light purses, to buy in the Winter at often twice the price that our wealthier citizens give in Sum mer, and it is very common that they have to stint themselves in this most necessary article of fuel, and many more than we suspect contract disease from not being able to keep warm in Winter. But bad as is the condition of this latter por tion of our people, it is infinitely better than that of so very many who are not able to buy fuel at all. The number of these very unfortu nate people is very great, and they are especial objects of charity. In the vast majority of in stances they are poor women, or disabled or su perannuated men who have not been able to ob tain enough from their daily hard earnings to buy a little wood in Winter to save them lrom freezing. We call upon you who have been more favor ed by Providence than these poor people, to come to their assistance, and to contribute to their wants. We acknowledge that a man has a legal right to refuse to contribute a cent to his suffering fellow -mortal; but if there is any truth in the Bible, the rich man has no right to withhold assistance which he owes to the poor. Fashionable young lady, how can you attire yourself io silks of such extravagance that one single dreas will cost enough to furnish enough to ten poor families to keep them from freeziog? You may have the legal right to deck yourself off at any cost, but you have not the moral right to do so, while so many are suffering around you. Finally, we appeal to all the community that ore like yourselves above want. Every one of you could spare something to help the poor, if you would curtail some slight expenses, or some little luxuries which you would not miss, -and the abseuce of which would benefit both your souls and your bodies. It is astonishing to see what an aggregate of good may be done by a whole community when they resolutely deter mine, to give a little each, and to do sopersever ingly and continuously. Let our people think of the poor whom W6 shall always have among us, and who from pre sent circumstances have more claim upon us now than they ever had before. Let every man lay by something to give in charity, and he will be laying up here on earth cause of that satisfac tion afforded by a good conscience, and, more than all, he will secure to himself the approba tion of Him who enjoined upon us the bestowal of charity as the peculiar duty of the Christian, and who has declared "that it is more blessed to give than to receive." A $30,000 Jon. The head clerk of a large firm in Charlestown promised an old customer, one day, half a bale of Russian duck to be ou hand precisely atone o'clock, when the man was to leave town with his goods. The firm were out of duck, and the clerk went over to Boston to buy some. Not finding a truckman, be hired a man to take it over in his wheelbarrow. Finish ing other business, on his return to Charlestown, the clerk found the mau not half .way ovei the bridge sitting on his barrow, half dead with the heat. "What was to be done? It was then half-past twelve, and the goods were promised at one. There was not a moment to loose. In spite of the heat, the dust, and his fine light summer clothes, the young man seized the wheelbarrow and pushed on. Pretty soon a rich merchant whom the young man knew very well, riding on horse-back over took him. "What," said he, "Mr Wilder turned truckman !" "Yes," answered the clerk. "The goods are promised at one o'clock, and my man has given out. But you see, I am determined to be as r0od as ray word." "Good, good !" said the gentleman, and started on. Calling at the store where the youn man was employed, he told his employer what he had seen. "And I want you to tell him," said the Gentle man, "that when he goes into business for l.Tmlf j my name is at his service for thirty thousand dol- Reaching the store, which he did in time vou may be sure the value set on his conduct inade amends for the heat, anxiety, and fatigue of work. Attrjjiiiff uis icora. lou see how important it is regarded. It is P , , r one of the host kinds of j capital a business, man can. havp much to any body, a bov must f.irm ut. io o& worm for reliability He must be depended uoon. And you will like to know perhaps that this younr man became one of the most eminent merchants of his day, known far and wide, both in Europe and this country. His name was S. V. S. Wilder and he was the first President of the American Tract Society, which issues papers to the dear children of the land. Child's Paper. STATE NEWS. The Graod Jury of New Hanover Supe- rior Court have presented a memorial, with the request that Judge Merrimon would endorse it favorably, asking the Legislature to-establish a Special Court, with criminal jurisdiction, for Wilmington. His Honor said that he would .endorse it lavoramy wuu pieaouio We need something like this for Charlotte SiioonNa Affair. On kst Saturday morn ing Mr Lueco Mitchell and Mr L D Bencini, met on the corner of Main and Innis streets in front of the Mansion House, and after a few rounds pugniset calcibus, drew their pistols and in the most quiet manner began shooting at each other. By standers interferred after three or four rounds had been fired and the inoffen sive amusement was stopped without damage to either party. They were both arrested and placed under bond to keep the peace. Salis bury Banner. 4 We learn that a citizen of an adjoining county, while coming down the Chesapeake, a few nights since, was approached by a person on the boat, who represented himself as a clergy man's eon from the South, and asked permission to share in his state-room. Permission was granted, and in the course of the night the iro- p0stor made an attempt (be North Carolinian, w to. rob the pockets of who caught him in the act. J he fellow resisted arrest, and in the scuffle had his ear cut off. He was finally se cured. JBSfThe Ashevillo News announces the mar riage, at Quallatown, Jackson county, of Cha-che-will-no-tah and Nelly Sca-chee-tos-kihe, all of the Cherokee nation. Death of Dr. C. F. Dewey. We are deeply pained to learn that Dr C F Dewey, formerly of this city, and eldest son of Charles Dewey, Esq, Cashier of the Bank of North Carolina, died very suddenly in Wilmington. Dr Dowey was an estimable and deservedly popular gentleman, and the announcement of his premature demise will occasion profound regret in a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Hal. Sentinel. B nis Excellency, Gov. Worth, has ap pointed Judge Mitchell to preside at the special Term of Davidson county to be held on the third Monday in December. &" The Wilmington Journal "regrets to learn from Judge Merrimon his intention to re- it sign A Large Cargo. The steamship C. W. Lord cleaied ycterday, for New York, by Messrs. Worth & Daniel, having on board the largest cargo ever carried from this port by any one vessel. Wilmington Journal, 1st Nov. The Beaufort Fish Business. A casual observer would have no just conception of the extent of the salt-fish business now going on between Beaufort, Morchead City, &e., and the interior. We happened to stroll through the freight depot of the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad yesterday afternoon, and were struck with the large amount offish we saw there. , On enquiry, we were informed that corned mullets are being shipped from below by thousands of barrels. We were not prepared to bear this, for the business is of comparatively recent origin. The prices obtained for this fish which, by the way, is the best in the world of its kind must be highly encouraging to the fishermen and all others concerned in the sales, and must tend, also, to the general prosperity of Carteret county. The mullet brings from seven to ten dollars per barrel, according to the point of de livery. We are glad to note these signs of pros perity. Newbem Commercial. BST'Rev. Robert Tate, one of the oldest Pres byterian preachers in North Carolina, died re cently at the residence of his son in New Han over county. He was 94 years of age. SLEDGE-HAMMER PREACHING. The most popular of English preachers is the celebrated Dr Spurgeon celebrated because of the homely and forcible way he has of apprdach iog the understanding of his congregation.- The following passages occurred in one of his recent discourses : "A certain tyrant sent for one of his subjects, and said to him: "What is your employment?" He said: "I am a blacksmith." "Go home and make me a chain of such a length." - He went home; it occupied several months, and he had no wages all the time he was making it. Then he brought it to the monarch, and he said: "Go make it twice as long." Ho brought it up again, and the monarch said: "Go make it longer still." Each time he brought it, there was nothing but the command to make it longer still. And when he brought it up at last the monarch said : "Take it and bind him hand and foot with it, and cast him into a furnace of fire." These are the wages for making the chain. Here is meditation for you to-night, ye servants of the devil. Your master, the de vil, is telling you to make a chain. Some have been fifty years welding the links of the chain, and he says: "Go make it longer." Next Sab bath morning you will open that shop of yoorp, and pull another link; next Subbath morning you will be drunk, and put another link; next Monday you will do a dishonored action; and so you will keep on making fresh links to this chain; and when you have lived twenfy years more the devil will say: "More links on still." And then, at last, it will be: "Take him, and bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the furnace of fire " "For the wages of sin is death." There ia a subject for your meditation. I do not think it will be sweet; but if God makes it profitable, it will do you good. You must have strong medicine som times, when the disease is bad. God apply it to your hearts." An InroRTAST Decision. Three cases were tried in the City of New York on Friday last, before Judge Ingraham of the Supreme Court, against the Bank of the State of South Carolina, located in Charleston, S. C , which are of vital importance to owners of Southern bank bills, many of which have been hitherto supposed to be valueless. The plaintiffs are owners of bank notes issued before and during the war, amount ing to 843,000. The defence set up "that the bills were void, haviog been issued by the bank during the war, and in the support of the re bellion, in violation of public poliey. The uuu"B overruieu me ueience. ami i.. .j i i a l r . - o - . . uu-t savo lUUif- meat for plaintiff on full amount, with interest?" Re Building of Columbia. Above the State House on Main street, two hundred and forty-nine houses were destroyed bv Sherman. Of these, fifty-eight have beeu rebuilt, and are used in business; uot built as they were before, but still in use for trade,, arts, or dwelling. Some of the housesreightor ten, are built in style su perior to the original . build. Besides these, there are twenty-one io process of je-bttilding. ENGLISH LIFE. Better from Bishop Atkinson of N.r Carolina. ---: Dublin, September 30, 18G6.. . Editor CnuRcn Intelligencer : I bad hoped to have written ypu a letter nearly every week, but now more than a month has elapsed, without my sending you a line. The reason has been, that as my acquaintance has extended, my leisure has been abridged. ' I last wrote you, I believe, from Tunbridge Wells. I found that watering place an extremely pleasant one, and very beneficial to my health. The water is the be$t tonic I, ever tried, the fcenery beautiful, and the air extremely pure and salubrious. The merits of the Chalybeate Spring were nrst made known to the public by Dudley, Lord North, a dissolute young nobleman, in the reign of James I, whose shattered constitution was so invigora ted by its use, that instead of the premature death which seemed to await him before he tried this remedy, he was, by virtue of it, en abled to attain extreme old ogev It has ever since been much esteemed, and greatly fre quented by the English. Near it is one of those historical houses of which they are justly proud. It is Pedshurst, the seat of the Sidney family, to whom it has belonged since the time of Edward VI. It was the birth-place of Sir Philip, and of Algernon Sidney, and is adorned with por traits of these, of Queen Elizabeth, and Dudley, Lord Leicester, her favorite, of Dorothea Sidney (Waller's Saccharissa) and of many other per sons the world will never forgets It has also pictures by the old masters, and curious relics, pieces of armor, and the like, of the great men whose names are associated with the place. The building is a fine old mansion of stone, quadrangular in form, enclosing a court, and surrounded by a park, remarkable for the size and beauty of its oaks. While at Tunbridge Wells I received an in vitation from a venerable old clergyman in Nor folk county, td'mcet the Bishop of Brisbane, at his house, and to take some part in a meeting to be held iu his Parish, in furtherance of the in terests of the new Diocese of Brisbane. I ac cepted the invitation, and met the Bishop and some filteen or twenty clergymen of the neigh borhood, many of them accompanied by their wives, at the table of my hospitable friend. We had afterwards a pleasant, lively missionary gathering, in which, as a representative of the American Church, I received a most cordial welcome. The next day I went with the Bishop and our host to Norwich, mainly to visit the Cathedral, bestowing a portion of our time, however, on the Palace and grounds of the Bishop of Norwich, shown us by his sons, the Bishop and the rest of his family being absent, and taking a glance at the Castle and some of the Churches. The Cathedral of Norwich would, in almost any other country, be considered one of its chief architectural glories. The building was com menced as far back as A. D. 1094. The work was carried on for centuries, and the spire was not erected until 1361. I give these facts to illustrate the antiquity of these grand and vene rable monuments of Christian devotion. The architecture is of couise, from its era, Norman. It is 411 feet long,"and 191 wide, while the spire is 315 feet high. It will give an American reader a better idea of its size for him to con sider that if the width of the Transepts were that of the whole building, there would be more than enough room in it for twelve churches 100 feet long, by CO wide, or - for at least twenty, of the average of such as we have in North Caro lina. To stand at the western door of such a Cathedral, and cast your eye to its eastern ex tremity is like looking down an avenue of lofty trees whose branches intertwine far above you in the air. And when one remembers that the light which streams in on you, is gorgeous with the colors of richly painted windows, that thickly planted around you are the monuments of saints and warriors of past ages. here the effigy of a" stern knight reclining in his armour, there the figure of a devout prelate, with his arms crossed on his breast, in the attitude of prayer, and that here they have been lying century after century, while the restless loom ot Time has been weav ing the web of human life around them, one feels that a building may have other than merely material uses, that a sacred building may serve other purposes than to furnish room in which to hear a sermon; that it may be itself a sermon, a solemn and elevating sermon in tone, preaching with power to many successive generations That day I dined with a country gentleman who has a handsome place, near the residence, although not in the. Parish of my kind clerical host, and as I have seen more perhaps of Eng lish country life than Americans generally do, it may be well to give my impressions of it, es pecially as it is very much confined to this coun try. In the South we had " something like it before the war. Whether it will continue under the new order of things is doubtful. At the North, and on the Continent of Europe, men of wealth prefer to congregate in cities, and in the cummer to resort to watering places. Most Englishmen who have estates in the country prefer, on the other hand, to reside on them, and to come up only occasionally to town, unless they are confined to it, by the engagements of political life. Their houses, I observe, are built chiefly in valleys, while ours, if possible, are on hill?, the difference,'! think, being due to the influence of climate. We who sufler frdm'heat wooing the winds, while in this cooler and more e tormy region, they seek rather to shelter them selves from their viulence. Around their houses they have parks of greater or less extent accord ing to the wealth of the proprietor. These are covered with grass of the richest verdure, which s carefully and frequently mown, and on which feed flocks of sheep, and fat happy looking cows, and on the grounds belonging to great houses, herds of deer ore enhancing that aspect of abun dance, and tranquil beauty, which seems to me the characteristic charm of English scenery. ' Of course, there are always fine trees "'(objects much valued by the English) growing singly, Or j in clumps, and if possible, water -in a stream, or j lakelet, and near the house a profusion of beau i tiful flowers, of those kinds, such as Geraniums, which bloom all the summer. I may add in j passirg, that nothing in England has struck me j nnre than the abut.dance and splendor of the j flowers. I see a great advance In that respect since my loriner visit to tnis country. Use peo ple themselves attribute it to the" effect of their frequent Horticultural shows, inspiring ajl classes with a table for this sort of decoration. So it is. from the cottage of the laborer to the palace of ' the Duke,'all eurround themselves with flower?, ' ana even the railway stations are beautified by gay, bright beds of these natural ornaments; I have already said that the grass h to the eyearid I may add, to the foot of the American, somewhat peculiar. Ours is a pale green, theirs is a deep purplish 'green, and its texture is so thick and soft that it yields to the foot like a rich Turkey carpet.- This is due' partly to na ture, and- partly to art. ... They have, one would think, almost daily showers; and the soil gener alj rests on chalk, or limestone, both being conditions very lavoranie to-iBia gTowin.: ioeu they Icep the same lawn not from year to year, but rather from century to century, undisturbed except by the hand of the mower and the pres sure of the roller. One gentleman whom I re cently visited told me that a lawn on which I bad just been walking, had been used for that purpose only, so far as he could learn, from the ! aays or iving oonn. ai ia ume iucu auu culti vation, as well as a weeping sky, and a calca reous soil, which gives to Lngland its peculiarly rich and beautiful turf. - But to return to our English country gentle man. His house is usually of stone, large, often irregularly built, generally old, and the more valued for being so, so that I lately heard one who was a good deal more than a mere country gentleman complain rather bitterly of his grand father, as having foolishly pulled down a house of immemorial antiquity, to build a new one in its stead. The furniture of these houses appear to me quite plain, compared with that of people of corresponding wealth in our own country. But they always have one ornament which they value highly, that is, pictures, portraits of their ancestors, and works of -art executed by eminent painters of their own country, or master-pieces of continental artists, and costing usually very large sums to the purchaser, whether of the present or of a past generation. They keep too more servants than is usual with us, even with the same fortune, and they certainly have the finest and handsomest houses I have ever seen. With homes, then, having so many comforts, and with a country so prosperous, and means of intercommunication so perfect, that a pleasant society is accessible everywhere, it is no wonder that the English delight in a country life. It is a pity that so few of them can enjoy it;, mil lions know nothing of trees, and grass and lux uries, except what they see in the Parks and pquares of London and other great cities. In deed, in this respect, as in many others, clouds seem to me to be gathering over and beginning to darken this land, now so beautiful, so free, so prosperous. The agricultural element is dwind ling in proportion to the general population. London and the other cities are swelling out in every direction, so as to threaten to cover the whole country. Now the population of a great city is, I believe, in every respect, inferior to that of the country. They are. smaller, feebler, have less stern enduring courage, and at the same time are more passionate aud excitable I believe that an English army would not be now as formidable to that of another nation, as it was at Crecy, at Blenheim, or at Waterloo. An urban population is at the same time more unruly than a rural one. ' - The Hyde Park riots last summer indicated pretty plainly the lawless temper of a .London mob, and the timid policy of the ministry, who really gave up for several days, the property of the government into the hands of the populace, augured ill for the future tranquility of the great metropolis. Uut I must now close this long letter Yours truly, Thomas Atkinson. Hie ! to the Countiiy. We. find the fol lowing in an exchange, which we commend to the notice of our colored population : "The colored people of Nashville, Tenn., re cently held a meeting to consider the propriety of going to the country. They were addressed by Judge Lawrence, of the Freedmen's Bureau, who advised them to quit the uncertain employ ment afforded in town, and get homes "in the country. Another meeting is to be held to fur ther the object of this meeting." The colored people of Nashville have thus at length hit upon the wisest and soundest course they could adopt for their future welfare. ! A couple were divorced in Michigan after only twenty-four hours of marriage life. The wife left her husband on the ground that he was bald headed and a Catholic, and would not give her a deed of his farm. The court gave him a divorce. - G Reward - STOLEN, on the night of the 5th of October, a GOLD WATCH, white face, minute band broken. The Watch was made by Jos. Johnston, Liverpool. C P Mungo and F II ungo marked inside and outside. The No., I believe, was 4444 or 7444. W. MUNGO, ' Jefferson P O, Darlington District, 3 a Oct 29, 1866 2tpd Mecklenburg County Bible Society. A meeting of the friends of the Mecklenburg County Bible Society will be held in the Lecture Room of the Methodist Church in Charlotte, on Friday the 23d of November next, at 1 1 o'clock, for i lie purpose of re-organization. Anew Constitu tion will be proposed for adoption, and ether busi ness of. importance to the welfare of the Society transacted. In view of the great destitution now existing in the County, it is hped lhat there will be a full Rltendauce The Pastors of the various congregations in the County are requested to give notice of the time and place of meeting. J. M. HUTCHISON, ) P. SCARR, V Committee. W. C. POWER, ) MERCHANT TAILORING AXD CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, CHARLOTTE, N. C. EfWARI FULLIKftS, (Successor to Fulling3 k Co., Fullings, Springs & Co.,. and Fullings Sc Springs) Respectfully inform the citizens of Charlotte, and surrounding country, that he will continue the 3Ierchant Tailoring and Clothing - BUSINESS, at the old Stand, No. 4, Gr-vite Row, next door be low the Southern Express Office, and directly oppo site the Mansion House. . Persons wishing to buy a good article of Clothincr, ready made or made to measure, will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere, as a practical experience of twenty-five years in all the various branches of the trade, warrants us in saying tliHt we can give entire satisfaction. In our Custom Department, we have on hand a fine assortment of Biolley and Moscow BEAVERS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS, Doeskin and Fancy Casgimere?, Black and Fancy Silk Velvets, Black Silks, Satins and Merino Vest ing, all of which will be made to order in the latest and most approved style, or to suit the a3tes of our customers. ' ' ' Our Stock of HATS are acknowledged fcy good jidges to be the finest ever brought to thi3 market. Come and see. Our FurnisrTng Goods have been bought directly from the lmKiterst exclusively In that line, conse quently can ofFergreat inducements to purchasers. Oar SHIRTS have been manufactured expressly for oar own trade. Orders are alio received for Shirt3 made to measure. EDWARD FULLINGS. N. B. Gold taken at its highest market value. Oct 22, 1860 tf - A. Oppenheimer, Manufacturer and Jobber of Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Furs, Ac, Ac. No. 517 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Ladies' and Misses' Fancy Hats of every description. Oa IP, 1866. ' National Express Company. A meeting of the Stockholders of this Company was held ia Richmond, on Monday and Tuesday last. The proposition to unite the National with the Mer chants' Union Express Co. had - been rejected by the latter. An exhibit of the accounts of the National showed that, owing to the small amount of the stock paid in and the unfortunate man agement of its affairs, the Company- had sunk more than the amount invested, yet . the conclu sion was that a reduction of the capital to 40 per cent of the original stocky and. the full payment of that amount, including what had been paid into the Treasury, would pay its debts and enable the Company to resume business with better pros pects of success. The Company was re-organized by the election of a new Board and the Presidency of the Company was offered .ta , Mr Ferotr of Baltimore. The operations of the Company are to be suspended for the present, to be revived ia a short, time, under the above . .changes .'aud re organization. Raleigh Sentinel.. ti Fair rolice. . AU persons indebted to me, or either of my Old Firms, will please pay me, for I am compelled to have all my old business settled up. T. H. BREM. Oct 22, 1866 - fc 6t TYoticc. - I have for collecftbn,' or arrangement,' a number of claims due L. S. WILLIAMS. Parties concerned would do well to call and see me, otherwise suit may be brought. . RUFUS BARRIKGER, Attorney. Charlotte, Oct 29, 18CS lmpd Administrator's IVpticc..,.. Having qualified t as Administrator of WmKirk, deceased, I hereby notify all persons iadtbted to said deceased to make settlement, and those having claims against him to present stiem within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. - - JOHN KIRK, Adrn'r. Oct 29, 1865 lmpd Groceries and Provisions. Next door to Charlotte Hotel, Sugar?, Coffee, Te Rice and Molasses, for sale by S. F. HOUSTON. flSy Mackerel, Mulletsy Herring, Sardines, Lobsters, Salmond and Oysters for sale bv. . S. F. HOUSTON. SSF Pickles, Pepper, Spices, Soda, Candles and Soap for sale by S". F. HOUSTON. Maccaroni, Cheese, Crackers and Lcra mons for sale by S. F. HOUSTON. JB Bread and Cakes for sale by -! " ".8. F. HOUSTON. JCST" Durham's best Smoking Tobacco for sale by , 8. F. HOUSTON. XSf Powder, Shot and Caps for sala by - 3. F. HOUSTON. r Floor, Mcal,B;9on, Butter, Lard, Eggs, and Potatoes bought and sold by Oct29, lH66 . S. F. HOUSTON. JAMES GOUDOV, Norfolk, Va. WM. A. IIKAItXK, Wilson, H. C. JAMES GORDON & CO., C o in in i s s i o n - iTI c : r c It a n t s, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. r In view of the high tax imposed on Cotton by the United States, say three cents a pound aud twenty cents a bale for weighing, and with the hope, of In ducing the Merchants and Planters to sell their Cotton in-Norfolk and thereby assist in establishing a direct line of steamers to Liverpool, we will sell Cotton fur 1 per cent commission. Our house was established in 1828, consequently our long experience enables us to promise a faithful and prompt discharge of our duties to all produce consigned to our care. Oct 29, 1866 ' 3m Notice to Shippers. Officb Chaklottk & S. C. R. R. Co.,1 Columbia, iS. C, Oct. 21, 18CC. Arrangements have this day been completed for the Transportation of all descriptions of Freights to and from t'harlotte and Charleston at LOW RATES. LIVE STUCK will be forwarded through without TRANS-SHIPMENT. For further information and rates, apply to W. W. Pegram, Agent, Charlotte. E R. DORSEY. General Ticket and Freight Agent. Oct 29, I8C6 lm Charlotte & S C. Railroad. Columbia, S. C, Oct. 23, 18C. -On and after SUNDAY, 28th inst , through Pas senger Tiains will be run over this Road as fol lows . Leave Charlotte, Arrive at Columbia, Leave Columbia, Arrive at Charlotte, Oct 29, 18C6. '." - 4 50 A. M. : 11 50 A. V. 12 15 P. M. 7 15 P. M. JAMES ANDERSON, . Superintend? l. R. J. TIDDY & BROTHER, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL ISOOlLSULLtJIlS STATIOJTEM, Trade Street, Charlotte, X. C. Tiddy & Brother, Booksellers, have constantly on hand, a great variety of ' SCHOOL & MISCELLANEOUS BOOX3, which they sell on accommodating terras. We have on hand a full etock of Bibies, Prajer Books, Presbyterian Psalms and Hymn Books, E. Hymn Books, Baptist Psalmodies and Lutheran Hymn Books. BLANK BOOKS. Aleo, on hand, and constantly receiving 3!ink Books of various sizes for merchants and butiueii men generally. , . A good supply of Cap, Letter, Note, and Bill per constantly on haryl. Also, Legal Cap, which we sell at moderate prices. - . MUSIC. Sheet Music, Piano Forte Iustrnctors, Presbyts rian Psalmodist, (Sharp and Round Note,) Timbrel of Zipn, Southern Harmony, Christian Minstrel, Sacred Harp, and Sabbath School Bell. ILLUSTRATED JUVENELS. XV e have just received' a large lot of beautiful! illustrated Books for our little friends. Call nl see. " SCHOOL BOOKS. A great variety of Primmers, Spellers, Reader, Grammars, Dictionaries, Arithmetics, CeogrophieJ and Botonical Instruction Books for sule, at lo prices by TIDDY k BROTHER. STATIONERY &.C. Copy Books. Slates. Pencils, Pens, and Pen Hold ers, Ink and Ink Stands in great variety, for sale bf TIDDY k IiRO. . . WRAPPING PAPER Of various sizes and qualities fur sale by Oct 20, 1806. u -TIDDY & PRO- Administrator' Notice. Having been qualified as Administrator of Ale ander Springs, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Estate to present them for settlement at once, and those in debted wiU save cost by paying. Tbe Estate mutt M settled; .11. L. WRISTON, Oct 82, '9 4t Adrn'r de bonis W

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