i' Til E , W-ST.ERA iftE MK HQiII A Q TE,W S. h1.T i i ! . J 1 ' 4 I, 9- 4 : I i WnO IS MY NEIGHBOR? BY JtOBEBT COFFIN. C ' : Tby neighbor! 7 It is he tthom thou ; Hast power to aid and bless; f AVboae. aching heart and burning brojf Tby soothing hand mayoress. -Thy neighbor ? 'Tis the fainting poor '' Whose ejo with want is dim, ' t Whom hunger sends from door to door Go thou and succor him' I "Z Thy neighbor ? 'Tis that weary man, , Whose years are at their brim, . ent low with sickness, cares and pain Go thou and comfort him I Jhy neighbor ? 'Tis this heart bereft Of every earthly gem ; Widow and orphan, helpless left Go thou and shelter them ! Whene'er thou meet's a human form Less favored than thine own, Bemember, 'tis thy neighbor worm, Thy brother or thy son. Ob, pass nor, pass Bot heedless by ! Perhaps thou canst redeem -The breaking heart from misery- Go, sharo thy lot with him. Notice to Farmer. Farmers .wishing to purchase Agricultural Imple jnents of any kind, Threshing Machines. Fan, Reapers, Mowers, Horse Hakes, Corn Mills, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters and Plows of any kind, can get them from usat the Baltimore retail price, with freight and drayage added. We are Agents of the large Agricultural Implo ,ment Manufacturing Establishment of E. WHIT MAN & SONS, Baltimore. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS k CO. NYE HCTCfllSOX. J. C. ECUHOfOUS. , B. A. fil'UIXGS. Charlotte,' June 17, 1867. 9 PR ESE It VI KG SOLUTION .Will effectually prerent fermentation or decay, and preserve all kinds of Fruits, Vegetables, Jellies, Tomatoes, Cider, Milk, Syrups, Lc , &c . in a per fectly fresh and wholesome condition, without pugar, and without hermetically sealing or air lighting; hence a saving of sugar and from 50 to 75 per cent in the cost of jar?. The soluiion is warranted to contain nothing ir.jurious to health. iFruits preserved by this solution, are equal to any '"canned" fruits, while the use of the solution ad mits of keeping the fruits, kc , in vessels of any Jtze, and of using them at long intervals when Opened. .It saves sugar. It will preserve nii!k '.sweet from 12 to 3i hours longer than it will naturally keep causing it to f'uraish more and .better cream, and make more butter in warm feather. One bottle w ill preserve 128 pounds of fruit, or 48 gallons of cider, or 128 gallons of milk. Price, $1. Full directions for using with each .bottle. Sold by all merchants; ask lor a circular vwith,full particulais. For sale in Charlotte bv :' ' - - Da. JOHN n. McADEN, May 27, 18G7. -2m Corner Drug Store. DK. JNO. II. Die A DEN, WHOLESALE ANI RKTAIt, J R u a G I s CI.IAKLOTTE, N. C-, ;IIa3 on .hand n large and well selected stock cf TUBE DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Fami ly Medicines, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, which he is determined ,lo sell at the very lowest prices. May 20, 1867. LBS. WHITE LEAD, at Mcidcu's Corner Drug Store. 300 Gallons Linseed Oil, at McAden's Coiner Prug Store. 3 Barrels Spirits Turpentine, at McAden's Drug Store. NO. 1 Coach and Copal Varnishes, cheap, at McAden's Drug Store. i FINE Lubricating, Lard aud Sperm Oil, at M. Aden's Corner Drug Store Bright Illuminating Kerosene Oil, cheap, at Mc Aden's Corner Drug Store. Tanner3 Strait's and Banks' Oil, tit the lowest tniarket price, at McAden's Corner Drug Store. May 20, 1807. B0XKS MAN U F A 0 T U U E D TOBACCO, VMlMj' for sale at the Corner Drug Store. Juue 3, 18U7. J. II. McADKN. AT 11 c L E O D STEELE'S. We aro receiving a general stock of all grades of -Seasonable Goods. We have now in store uiauy desirable styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as black and colored Silks, black and colored Silk Grenadine?; black, vl.ite and colored S." Warp Shallies, Bareges, Tissues, 'Vamartine, ('rapt- Moretts. Shawl Crape 8-1, black English Cassimeros, hhu-k, white and colored Alpacca, Lustres, Poplins, Ac. A beautiful line of French Orgjndies, i ititt d; linen and cotton Lawns, Table Linen, Napkins. Doylies, Damask Merino, cotton and linen Sheetings, brown and bleached Domestic, black French (.Moths and Cassimeres, French Drab d-- rtt, Linen Drills and Ducks, Perchals Solid aud Printed Marseilles and Alend&io Quilts, - Prints ail grades ; Alamance Plaids, Rock Island Cassimeres, at Factory prces. Bradley's Duplex Hoopshirts, Summer Balmoral Skirts a.bcaui iiiil article. A full line of Notion.-, Hosiery, G loves. Straw Goods, Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbons, French Flow ers, Hals and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Croceries, &nd a general stock of Hardware. Our entire stock was selected with much care, an l we feel confident will compare favorably with any in he city, in.stjlend price. We are anxious to seil, and respectfully ask an examination of our Stock, hear our prices, kc, as we are determined, not to be undersold. April 22, 1SU7. McLEOD k STEELE. Teeth Extracted Without Pain, BY A NEW REMEDY. DR. JNO. II. -WAYT is prepared to administer .the "mYilrous Oxide Cr'as' in extracting Teeth. This agent has been successfully used iu thousands of cases in the principal cities, without the slightest danger. Freedom from pain or danger guaranteed. Office No. 5, Granite Row. Charlotte, June 17, lfc67. 3m Rock Island Manufacturing Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. TO'. SOUTIIEK. MK21CII.1XTS, Jf you desire to supply j-ourselves for the Fall and Vinter trade, with the very best descriptions and j .styles oti ALL-WOOL C ASI.HCR ES, . AND WITH THE MOST DURABLE Jcaiis and Kersey Fabrics, All free from Shoddy suid other impurities, order sam4es from the subscriber, and they will be for warded, with. prices attached, during the mouths of July and.August. Fronj these samples you can make j onr selections, and return jonr orders, and the goods will be for warded direct from the manufactory. ' ' '' - JOHN A. YOUNG, President." Charlotte, June 10, 1SG7 4m A Charge as is a . Cu a eg e. Judge Jole-V a Western judicial .tHjtiitry, recenily delivered the following charge-to the jury in the case -of one Flim Crouch, on trial for -sfealing : . '"Jury; yea ikia.go ouV-Ank'don't ihow yojir ugly mugs here till you f can find a verdict. cIf you can't find one of your 5wn gU "rie"" ohe the last jury ued. ... ' The jury retired, and, after an absence of fif teen minutes, returned with a verdict , of 'suicide in the ninth degree and fuurlh verse. , -. Then Judge Joseph Jules pronounced upon Crouch the sentence: "Flim Crouch, stan'- Tight up , and fade the muM2- You are found guilty of suicide for steal ing. Now, this court sentences you to pay a fine of two shillings, to bhave- your head with a bag ganetin the barracks, and if you try to cave in the heads of any of the jury, you'll catch thun der, that's all. Your fate will be a warning to others; and, in conclusion, may the Lord have mercy on yoursoul." Cleaveland Mineral Springs, (FORMERLY VILSOirs.) These celebrated SPRINGS are situated in Cleave land county, North Carolina,- near the line of the Wilmington, Charlotte & liutheiford Railroad, 65 miles West of Charlotte, aud will be open by the 15th of June for the accommodation of visitors The waters consist of White and Red Sulphur and Chfll.ybeaie, and are pronounced by competent judges to be unsurpassed by any of the kind upon this Continent. Ample accommodations have been urovided for a Iarffe number of quests. I Doctor Taylor (one of the Proprietor?) ha3 had a l larp;e experience in the treatment of diseases inci dent to our Souiliern cJimate, (especially mose oi women and children,) and will take pleasure in ad vising invalids in the use of the waters. Vehicles will be at' the Depot on arrival of the trains to take visitors to the Springs at moderate charges. Tor other particulars, address the Pro prietors, at Shelby, Cleaveland county, N. C. C. E S Pit ATT, M. B. TAYLOR, JNO. J. BLACKWOOD, May 27, 18C7 tf IVopriefors. fti. ICKS!' 12 11 3 c 1 1 a : : Important to Builders. The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Charlotte ami surrounding country", that he has completed his arrangements for man ufacturing and supplying totais market BRICKS of a superior quality, -for building purposes. Orders will be filled at moderate prices, and a liberal dis count made to those contracting for a large quan tity. For further particulars call on Capt. Asa George, or Messrs. Hutchison, Burroughs & Co., at whose store samples will be V 'ut. E. P. GEORGE. May 20, 18C7. tf thl: latest, Tin: pijcttiest, ! T LI B3 C 11 E-i APEiS T A. SINCLAIR is daily icceiving ad opening his second stock of Dry Goods, bought at the very low est price during the recent heavy decline in goods. (Splendid Calicoes from 10 to 12A cents. Yard, wide bleached Shirting at 12 cents. Splendid printed Muslins, tast colors at 23 cents. All goods on hand reduced in proportion to the decline. French Organdie Muslin, former price 80 cts., now selling tor GO cts. Challie irt Laiues reduced from 40 to 30 Cts. Elegant Poplins reduced from 15 to 35 cts. Leuos, Beieges. Challies, Crcphcrnar.ies, &c, re duced or being sold at extraordinary low juices. As Goods are constantly declining, and as my purchases have- been of the very latest, I can afford to SELL LOWER than those who profess to sell at Cost. An examination of my Stock will satisfy both Wholesale and Retail Dealers that it is to their in terest to buy at Springs' Corner, from June 10, 107. A. SINCLAIR. . u Ta iTcea Arc i$7 PRODUCE AND PROVISION D3ALTJR. The highest cah prices paid for all kiads of Produce. Always on hand at cvno the lowest prices all kinds of and Taniily Supplies. I have recenrly resumed business in my own proper name and shall be thankful to friends and the public for patronage. OLD STAND OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. II. M. PRITCI1ARD. Charlotte, N. C, April 15, 1807 3m WU3TE2 a sail YELLOW COIS.Y. For Sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. ROCKFORT LIME, 100 Barrels, for .-aie bv IlUrCIIIHON, BURROUGHS k CO. CATAWBA LIMB, For Sale by HUTCIIISON, BURROUGHS . May 13, 18G7. i ts ro i:t a ivr Stm7b 20.000 Summnr Goorlsj at Cocr. ! ! The undersigned contemplate remodeling and en- j iargiiig their Store, iMinmenciiig by the middle of; -Iiiue next, and which will necc-sitate a suspension I of busings lor a lime, aul theretre oflVr their bin- tire S:ck, cutirisiing of f ry Ooods, Tloihi:g, Boots and Shoes, Hats an I Cajs, Hardware, Groceries Leather, &c. at cost Pi ice.- ! Now is your time to 10 to 20 cents 20 to 35 44 10 to 30 " - $1.25 to 2 50 1 40 to 1 80 get something for your money ! Calicoes, from -Muslins, - Shirtings, bleached and unb'd -Sh.ivs. Ladies and Gents, Linen Coats, - And everything else in proportion 1 Wholesale Dealers Joshing to replenish their Stock, have a good opportunity offered them now. Our Store is the tir;t Dry Goods Store on the right hand side cf the strei t leading from the Public Sqn.-i.re to the Court House, next to the Corner Drug Store. W1TTKOWSEY RINTELS. May 20. TS "7. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO., GENERAL AGENTS OF THE 2H3 "O X 2? Jh. 23L,23 LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. J. jr.- ' The Policy Holder shares in the profits of the .Company. The CASH dividend for 1 860 is Thirty (:;0) per cent. Now is the time to secure a Policy and thereby make a sure and certain provision for your family. Cull for Circulars and Policies. ACCIDENTAL, POLICIES, in tbeTravel- lusuiance Company of Haitford, issued. FIRE Insurance (tympanies of hnwn and indis putable responsibility represented by us. E; XiK IILTCHISOX. J. C. BL'KKOCGHS. Slarch 25 lb;7 , K. A. SPRI.VG3. t t t 'The highest CASH PRICE paid for RAGS at June 3. J 867. B. , KQOPMAXN S. -X. r ? : i -::iF O R EI G N: EXCHANGE.- : We are- bo prepared to ' draw -directly on Eng land, Ireland -od Scotland ; ;oa aM the principal cities jo France Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russi at'd Poland;1 and on the proirinent places in the Orjeattand, South America f . .Cj . . : Jt . NORTHERN EXCHANGE-;" : Exchange 6a the North furnished at par. 3 5 - ;t DEPOSITS, "J ''- ' "" Specie and Currency received on. deposit, and six and eight per cent interest allowed.. --11 Gold and Silver' Coin, Bullion " and Southern Bank Notes bought and sola at a very small margin. Refer.to Brem, Brown k Co, Dr. E. Nje Hutchi son, Ex-Gov. Z. B. Vance, Charlotte, and Jesse II. Lindsay, Esq., Greensboro, N. C. BRENIZER, KELLOGG k PETERS, : Trade Street, Springs' Building, . irny 27, 1867. ' ' ' ' - Charlotte, "tt. C. ' ., CATAWBA English and Classical fligh "School, newton, ..c;.t i The next Session of this Institution will com mence the 1st of : July next. The School- is ia a flourishing condition. Ample provision made to , accommodate a large number of boys, and young men, both in rooms, boarding and .instruction. No pains are spared in fitting pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges of the country, and in giving them a thorough' and practical business education. Pupils have access to, valuable Libraries, and enjoy the advantages of a vell regulated Literary Society. ' ' Toition per Session of 20 Weeks from $9 to $22.50 in currency. . ; ' ' Board in families from S8 to $1Z per month; in clubs at rbout. half these prices. . . .: For Circulars and particulars, address J. C Clapp, Newton, N. C. J. 0." CLAPP, A.-B. June 3, 1867. ' S. M. FINGER, A. B. ; - : . ELLLCr AT COST. " Next Door to the Court House, Charlotte, Ar. C. -With a view of changing our business "we now ofFer to sell our entire Slock of Goods at Cost. .There is a general assortment consisting of Dry GooJa, Boots and Shoes, Hals and Cap3, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, Looking G.lAsjea, Wood and Willow Ware, &c, Lc. Now is the lime to buy good bargains. Remem ber the place, next door to the Court House. May 13, 1SU7. - JAMES II A UT Y & CO. .E L.1AS & VOU EIV - Invite the attention of Wholesale and Retail buyers to their extensive and magnificent stock of Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Foreign and Domestic ' X3y C3r OCc3LSJ, Boots and Shoes, ' Hats and Cap?, Hardware, Cuttlery, NOTIONS, - - 2r X O O O X O EJ And a geueral assortment of Merchandize- suitable for the Trade, all of which has been carefully se lected: and will be sold, '-not less than cost," but truly at VERY SMALL PROFITS. An examination of our Goods and Prices will satisfy our old customers and the general public that they can SAVE JIONEV by calling to see ELI AS &: COHEN. EDWARD FILLLGS Is now offering his fine Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING Below. New- York cost. I am compelled to sacrifice my Goods to raise funds. Persons de5irous of ob taining good Clothing at remarkably low figures, will fi ail it to their advantage to. cull before pur chasing and be convinced. I am prepared to make up to order my superior stock of Cloths and Cassimeres in the latest style, and at greatly reduced prices: and to offer my line assortment of Hats and Famishing Goods At and below cost. N. B. All persons indebted, cither by note or ac count, to "Fulliiis & Co.," "Fullings, Springs k Co.," or "Fullings k Springs," will please come for ward and settle. fig Don't mistake the place, Nor 4, Granite Row, one door below theSouthern Express Oflice, and directly opposite the Mansion House. January 21, 18G7. iT3cdscal IVoticc. Dr. II. C. WALKUP has commenced the practice of Medicine in Sharon neighborhood, Mecklenburg county. He can be found, when not professionally engaged, at the residence of Mr Hugh Kirkpatrick. April 22, lbC7 3m - GOODS, T2 F T F! ft FT T. 1W n & J. S. Jim X. illl A ill 1 . Are now receiving their SPRING STOCK, " Which will be sold at a small advance op. New York Prices. Their stock consists of everything belong ing to Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. Our Stock of DRY GOODS censists in part of Calicoes, Delaines, Foulards, Challies, Poplins, Bleached and Us. bleached Domestics, Irish Linens, Table Linen, full stock of Jaconet Edging, Cambrics and Inserting?, together with a large lot of Hosiery, &c , &e. ! Buttons, Fringes, Tassels and Bugle Trimmings, j Ladies' and Gentlemen's HATS, of the most im i proved styles. j Clothing, for Men and Boys, of the latest Paris I Styles. None ke:t but of the best n;i:ilitir- nn,l ivc car, guarantee satisfaction to all that are willing to srive us a trial. . . - . Boots and Shoes for Both Sexes. In this line we cannot be undersold. We kpep only those made of the best material, and for neat ness or nt cannot be surpassed, u e invite Use citi zens of Charlotte and surroundingcouutry to give us a call; Vc are positive you will not go away dis satisfied. Our establishment is easily to be found it is the Corner Store .under Mansion House. . March 25, 1807. BUXBAUM & L-ANG. .STORES Has just received a large ?nvp!y nf Standard, Mis cellaneous and School Books, of which the follow ing forms a purt : SCHOOL BOOKS. Davies' Piin.-uy, oil and New, University Legend re Arithmetic: Divie;.' New' Eicmeatarv Algebra; Bullion's Ca.--ar and ' English Grammar'; Emerson's Arithmetic, 1st and 2d part ; McGufi'ey's Reader, ll and 2d. . miscz;llanbou3. Surry cf Eagle's Nest ; Four Years in the Saddle: The McDonald's, or The Ashes of S.tHthein lhm.ie?; Every .Man Ins own Law; er, (New Edition) ; Fred-, erick the Great and his Family ; Frederick the Great and his Couri ; Frederick the Great and his Friends; Merchants of Berlin; Freemason s Mouitor?. ' HISTORICAL; A ChiUV History of Rome. ;. Child's HiMory of Greece; Justory of Heniy tiie i-u urlji, cf Pynhu, of Richard the First, of Richard the Second of Queen Elizabeth of England ; LiLiary of Famous GeneralsJackson, -Taylor, Lafayette, Napolcfrn and Marion j; Library of Eminent Statesmen lrhrr;:n Franklin, Henry CI;, Daniel Webster and WiHium Pt-no ; Last Ninety Days of the Wiir (by Sjjemer) Last Year of the War (by Jubal Early)': The Sfo-r ! of the Great March ; Rebel Rhymes ; Life of Georc'e i Washington: Noble Deeds of Women. ' POETIC At: Campbell's, Crabbes, Goldsmith's. Pope'?, Mont gomery's, Mary Ho witi's and Eliza Cook s Poetical Works. , . ' HUGH ' MILLER'S WORKS. Cruise of she Betsey; Taks and Sketc hes; Miscel laneous Essays; Schools aud Schoolmasters; Head ship of Christ. -- NOVELS, - A large and wel selected supply. -. Miss Austen'i Novels : the Arabian Nights : the Wml; r . ; A. Poe," Afso, Godeyrs Ladies' Boijk fvr June! -'gar i BOH .May 27, IS6T.- - " .' . TjDDY & B AFLOAT Having parchased the interest of J. II. Sanders ia the i Grocery, ana ProThion -Business, Li would - respectfully ,ask tbe custom of ray friends and the. public j. generally. Aad -if fairdealieg be worth any thiug In1" the party viih' whom you do business, aHl:Rjk"is"a showing, My stock cOh siais pfuch goo.d as are usually found in -the -provision line. ,.- S.. F- HOUSTON, April 22, 18BY. Next door to Charlotte Hotel. Groceries and Confectioneries N IS BET & H A X WELL" i n.WE JUST RECEIVED, AND HAVE. IN ST0EE; : 50 Slacks LiverpooFSalt; ' ; 1 ; .4 Sacks Old Java Coffee, j , - ; - . 2 Boxes Choice Green Tea,, ..... . : . V; - . ' ' ? 4 Barrels Choice Molasses, t ', " 1 Barrel Cider Vinegar, " ' ' ' 10 Barrels Cofi'ee Sugar,. ; v Rio Coffee, Crushed and Pulverised Ssgar, Rice, English Dairy aud New Yoik State Cheese, . 10 Gross Carolina Belle and 3 Boh. L'orlllard Snuff. Also, .a large and assorted Stock of PTekies, Jellies, Prunes, Dates. Giuger Preserves apd fresh Fruits, Flavoring ExtractSjOlive Oil, Lemon Syrup, Ground Cinnamon and Pepper, ' Tomato Catsup, pepper SauCer- Mustard, Sardinee, Lobsters and Oysters, a superior lot of . . ; . . . Raisins and French Candy, , J ,000 ponnd3 assorted Candy ia boxes, 5 barrels as sorted Nuts, Citron, Cocoa-nuts and Figs, 250 pounds fresh Currant3,-TabJe Salt", Duryeas' superior Starch, Parlor and Telegraph Matches, superior lot of Toilet Soap and Perfumery, Casteel and Turpentine Soap; Anderson's Solace, Leak's and other choice brands of Chewing Tobacco, Durham's and Virginia Smok ing Tobacco, choice Uavana and American Segars, Violins Banjos, and a large assortment of Toys, Notions, &c.. .. t ! i .-'- In fact everything u?ually found in a first, class Confectionery aud Family. Grocery. Persons wish ing, to purchase any of the above articles will find it to their advantage to give us a call and examine our .Goods before b lying elsewhere. We propose to sell cheap for cash or barter. rAll orders attended to with promptness. ' , ... .. April 15, 18G7. NISBET & MAXWELL. The long established reputation and popularity of the genuine , ; . '; - - Durham Emoliing Tobacco," having induced the manufactuie and .-ale of a epijri-. oos and inferior article by irresponsible parties, the public is hereby notified that- the only genuine arti cle of DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO is manufac tured solely by the undersigned, the original manu facturer, and exclusive proprietor, thereof. 3Icssfs" Senhdnse, Bacaiilay & o., CHARLOTTF, IT. C., are sole agents for Western North Carolina, and will be kept- supplied w'itVa full stock,. which will be sold at Factory cash pricos.'- . .-: . J. R.. GREEN, .May C, 18GY. , ; ' Durham's, N. C. WANTED, WHITE we will jiay the highest. market price. May G, 18G7. . J. Y. BRYCE k CO. D. G. WQKTfl.-., N. G. DANIEL. ....WORTSa Sfiippinsr $i Commission JSercluinls, WILMINGTON, N. 0. Dealers in Bagging,- Rope, Ties, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Genuine Peruvian Guana direct from Government Agents. Salt, Hay and all kinds of Coal. Agents lor Baugh'd Raw Bone Super Phosphate of Lime Agents for the Philadelphia Southern Mail Steam ship line. Agents for Goodspeed's weekly Steamship line from New York. . Agents for Jonas Smith k Co's line of New York sail packets. Feb IS, 18G7 Cm. ... FSIBH ' SUSS, A general assortment, always on hand, at Feb 1807 SCAUR'S DRUG STORE I have opened a BAKERY at my old Stand, op posite t he Presbyterian Church, where will be kept constantly on hand fresh 'BREAD, CAKES, kc. Families supplied at all hours, and on reasonable terms. -. - - . . I also, keep a full supply. of . - . FAMILY GROCERIES and supplies consisting of Bacon, Flour, Lard, S it- gar, Coffee. Teas, Cheese, Fish, Sardines, Tobacco, Cigars, and all fine .Groceries. . A share of the public patronage solicited.' I have been long in bu.-iness here, and am determined to keep up my reputation for selling good articles at fair prices. , M. D. L. MOODY. Sept 24, 1?C(. ' ' ' tf R2SMOVE3D. We take tiji? me thod of informing our friends and the public, . that we have - moved- to the lurge and commodious. Store Room formrrly occupied by KAHNWLILEll k liliU., where we will coBtinn-e to carry on the 'General Mercantile Business, in ail its various branches, and would respect fully Call atir-n-tion to our vani ty arid styles id Gods. un'surpassed by any -other House in the Slate, which we cffer.at exceedingly low price's. CLOAKS! CLOAKS'! ! French black arid colorpd Cloth Sacques, Basques and Circulars, Siik Sacques and Basques. RICH DRESS " GOODS. We have nw in store one of the largest Stocks of fine Dtess Goods ever offered in Charlotte. Our Stock consists in jiart if all. Wool DeLaines,' Em Iress Clotlis, Poplins, Poplinettes, Alp.icctis,. Lns-. .ties, together with , a genera I assortment of all the low priced Domestics, DeLaines, Prints, &c , kc. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. , . Best Kid Gloves in all .colors, Ladies' fleeced lined Silk, Lisde,' Bulir an J Woolen Gloves, .Merino tl loves. Superior English Hosiery for Ladies' and Misses', all of which are equal to any ever ctil red ia this city. . WHITS GOODS Of every description Tiuble Cloths nnl Table Lin nen, Towels, Toweling. Knapkitis, kc, Jtc-'-. CLOTHING. Of every des.cr iptioa; Frock -iirid nck Coafs, Cassi tuerq JSui;s, Coata, Pants and Vests, atij a complete line of . - . ...... GENTS' FTJUNISHING GOODS. Boots. Miocs and Hat?, Cf whi.-h we offer, at fcnormoutly low prices at Wholesale and Retail. KBV- AND CHOICE GOODS f Of every description received every week, and sold at prices warranted to prove, satisfactory; tupuri. chafers. We take great pleasure In slxowjag .our. Goods to those who will favor u? with a call.' -.:- A. WEILL & CO., Kahuwtikr.& Bco'd Uldtitaud, Trade.St. ..." NOTICE. , We lake pleasure in announcing . to the , Ladies, that we will aiUiitoour House early fn the Spring, a first class French Millinery Establishment, of which due notice will be given. A., WEILL & CO. - Nov 2o,'lSGi.; . . . , JOHN VOGEL, . . . : P R A C TI C A LT 'JAILOE,,;. tt Respectfully informs the - citizens jjf, Charlotte aad j surrounding ebuntry, that Le is prepared to, iaani-.. facturc ge.iflerneti's cotlrini in the latent stvle aud i ai short aotice. , Ht$ best exeriions wiir be given to re:nder Salfactjoji tol tnoee .who". pat ronize'' him'.'1 Shon onoasite . Kerr's Hottl. next -door to f.ran n Stitt s store. "Jastart'r t?'.. Uailroad Schedule. - , , Mail TaAis-rGoing ITasU . Lea vi Charlotte, ' ' , . 12.19 A M. . . . -ti Salisbury,7 v ' 2 20 ;' - Mr.t t-, Greensboro,- - " ' - 4.56 - ,r ': " - l. V, ?Rale4gh, .- !:, -f v -9.281 i ; Arrive at Goldsboro, - : l2-.!. P M. , ',; "'")-1. y. rit' ;t ' fining TCnet 1 ' f Iat-VnoldsbbrO. ' ' 1 or pm: " - Greensboro, . 8.03 " . ' ' " Salisbury, -, " . . 10.2G . Arrive at Charlotte, " ' 12.19 A 51. - Accommodation Trais Going East ' ' ; Leave Charlotte, ' " 50 A M. - " Salisbury, , 9JJ3 , " ' o " ' Greensboro, , 2 30 PM. - Raleigh, ' 11.20 ; . Arrive at Goldsboro, 3.08 A M. Aecomnjodalion .Leave Goldsboro, . ' Raleigh, " ' Greensboro," Traia GoiDg West. ? 1.30 AM, ; 6.00 " ; : ' 2.40 ' M. . - 7.10 " TI113 Schedule w ent into effect the 5th of May. - - - ' i - ; ' Wi I ei i ri i o iix & , Weldori Railroad. Office Cuikf Exg. & Supt., Wilmington, April 26. 33 AAGt: OF SCI2 i;ilT LC : On "and after . Sunday, May 5th, the passenger trains will' fun over this Road as follows :. , " GOING NORTH. v. Leae Wilmington,' . . ti:40 A M and . 4:00 P M. Arrive at Wilmington, 7:30 P M and 7;i5 .A.M. " ' ; GOING. SOUTH. Leave -Weldon ' . , 10:30 A M and 8:15 P M, Arrive at Weldon, .' ' 3:00 P M and 3:00 A M. Traina.will pass Goldsboro', going North, at 10:55 A M and 10:50 ? M ; going South, at 1:25 A M and 3:00 P M. . , - The night train each way is an accommodation train, and will run da'ily, and connects all the way to New York via Richmond. The day train will . not rnn on Sundays.' It' connects by all the routes North, by Richmond, Old Bay Line and Anfieraessic Line. , ' - - Trains connect closely with trains to Raleigh and Newbern. . S. L. FREMONT, June. 10.: Chief Engineer and Supt. Wllm'toa, Cliar. RntiT. liailroado WL'STKSSX IJB VISION. On and after Saturday the Bth of dune, the pas senger train on this Road will run as follows : " GOING WEST, On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Leave Charlotte at -" liineojntou, -Arrive at ' Cherry ville, GOING EAST, Oil Mondays and Saturdays, Leave Cherryville at - ' Lincolnton. -Arrive at Charlotte, - On Wednesdays and Fridays, Leave Cherryviile at - " . Lincolnton, - - - Arrive at Charlotte, - - 7:30 a. m. 10:15 " 11:00 " 12:00 m.' "1:00 p. m. 3;45 44 - "7:45 a. m. - - 8.45 " - - 11:30 " B. S. GCfON, Engineer k Superintendent. By order of June 10, 1867. SURGEON DENTIST, OmCK IN TUB UKAWLEY BUILDING,) ' CHARLOTTE, C . CfS Cn be consulted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. March 25, 18(7. JSDWARD .1. ESAS.E & SOs WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOKS ASf STATIONERY, Have removed to No. 16, Murray street, a few doors from Broadway, wheie they are prepared to supply their Southern fiiends and the public Booksellers, Merchants. Teachers, Professional Geullemen, and others with all articles in their line, at the most reasonable cash price3. Address E. J. HALE k SON, May 6, -1867. 16 Murray street, New York". UILISERY ! MIUNERY JUST REESyCO The following choice assortment of MILINERY GOODS, which will be sold at remarkably low prices, for cash, at I. . ,S 1?I I T H: , TRYON STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C, Consisting of Silks, for Bonnets, assorted colors, Fringes, crystal, pearl arid amber; amber and crystal Drops, Ornaments, straw and ..peat I; Flowers, new assortment; Wreaths, Ribbon aud Dress Trimmiugs of everv kind. BONNETS AND II ATS : Infants Florets, Infants Restora. ladies and misses white Glossa Florets, split straw Stelia,. white Mar seilles Verino, white Glassa Patties, white Glassa Almas, Canton Almas, Pedal Almas, Florence Almas, black and white Glassa Seasides, Coberg Pomrinade, Pedal Shade Hats, Coberg Sunbeams, fancy chipped Perepsco, fancy hair and edged Glassa Verginnas, Glassa Morning Glory, black and white Morning Clory, Neapolitan Beaded. Neapolitan Trimmed Beaded, broad Cobergs, edged C. L. Pedal. Also, Bonnet Frames, assorted. Also,. Iry .'.G-obasi' . ot all 'kind-!,. and ;52f S52acsy nsstf Dress 'II nil ins T expect, in a few days, to have a first class Mantua Maker, from New York. Call and examine. . L. II. SMITH, April 22, -1867. ' Ti von Street. R.. SHAW W. E. SHAW. OPARTtfERSE21Iff. I have taken into Copartnership, my son W. E. Slmw, and will enlarge and extend my business. We will keep constant jy on hand. Harness, Collar's, Saddles, Eridlcs, Martingales, And everything kept in a complete Saddle and Har ness Establishment. We shall continue to Manufac ture our own Goods.out of the very best Material, and warrent the qualfty. All orders promptly filled. REjPAiRisu.done at the shortest notice aud satis- I factitm guaranteed. j Three: doors South of Mansion House, Char- lotte, N. C. . : f Ja " 2 ' ' I8G7- 6,11 - AX!)-'3nn2KC SHOP, Clidrlotto, . XT- O. JTI. & CO., Having removed th(ir Works from 'Sto wesville", Gas tMi. comity, to CharJotfe, respectfully infot-m their j old patrons and. the public geueraliy that they have j vpeiieu m . , i S-oiindry & Jrlachinc Shop Z' at the old Navy Yard lotin the city of Charlotte, I I -untie iney are prepared to make all. sorts oi J: - ;castin'gs'- For Steam Engines, Mills, Factories, WV.er Wheels, Cane Mills, Farming Implements, kc. kc. Paiticular attention will j e p.fid to repairing ot all kinds. -! All work shall be done in the very nicest style, auu iuc ueii maieriaii uteu. ; ; . - " M. MARTIN, "" " JOHN WILKES, . ' Jone 25, isee "v ' .. Charlotte, N. C. J. V. BRVCU'& CO., - General A7ommimicn' Merchants,; ; . .. CilAULOTliS, N C. v Particular . atteation paid to the selliDg- of all ktn.Upf Produce. Ccttoa and Tobacco H5ghe.-t cah price paid for Cotton. ' All orders rom a distance prompilr attend- d to. : . . . , J. V. liRyCE. March s t se? 7. II. BRVCE.' 3... 3LJtDEtJESIJXa3 t 'tipmei isweei Home ! t There's no place like Some f" ' -' I am happy to inform my old friends of Cbarlott and tbe snrrounding country, that I have again r turned and resnmed my old business atnonE thim" and a.m fully prepared ib offef them the. CHEAPEST STOCK OF GOODS To be found.at any otber.estaolishneat in the t Having recently lived in the Northern States Ji with my old experience in the PUUCIUSE GOODS, I am not prepared toay I Wji 8tu nUe," ccst,''. or at a reduction on the original cost, or 'Z and below New Y ork prices," but ibat I will sell CHEAP, IF NOT CHEAPER Than any other. House, and at a SMALL PROFIT As my stock was purchased for Cash, consequen u I can afford to dispose of articles at a slight advane I have now in. Store, and am constantly reirinf a choice assortment of - . Ladies' Trimmings of Ihe Latest Styles, Liueo Table Damask, Linen Diaper, aid all kinda'af Flannels, Calicoes, brown and bleached Sheetings, , black and colori-J Alpaccas, Ladies' aud Gentleman's FURNISHING GOODS, &o..W Call and secure Bargains. II. M. PHELPS ' March .11, 1867. - Opposite the Court Hou'st. dry goods, clo fnTNcT BOOTS,. SHOES, &c, Ac Respectfully informs the public that he has a Ure stock of Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots and Shoes ia great variety, whch he will sell on reasonable terms RAGS WANTED. "I want to purchase 200,000 pounds of clean cotton and linen Rags. Highest cash price oaid. price paid. D JiLEM,' Opposite Court House. April 8, 18C7 3ra . FAiVCY Pickles. Preserves, Jellies, .Mustard, Horse Radish Ginger aud Cinnamon, Ginger Preserve rowuereu uinger ana cinnamon, Uinger .Macaroni, Hermetically sealed Meats and Fruits Sal mon,. Lobsters, Oysters, Clams. .Sardines, l'ind Apples, Peaches, Strawberries, b'alad Oil, Cuisupji Soda Powders," Vinegar, Killikinick Sraokir.g To-' bacco. Havana Segars, Tobacco and Smilf, Chest nuts, Green ani Dried Apples, Rairng, Fi hinir IlOoks and Tackle, Violin and Guitar Strings. WINES AND BRANDIES. Champaine, Pemartin Sherry, old Newton Ma deira, old Port, Catawba, Rhine. Jas. He nnes.ee Cognac Rrandy, vintage of 158, Marc Renault double refined rectified Whiskeys, old Bouiboo. Iljp, Wheat, pure Corn and Monongahela Wliiske)s Holland Gin and Schiedam Schnapps, Hitters, St. Crotx and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and Lemon nnd other Syrups,. Loudon Porter, A. Uuioess k Suns' xxx Drown Stout, Dublin, Muir k Son's sparkling Edinburgh Ale, Glass Rotlles, Plasks and Demijohns of all sizes to the Trade. Old Corn and Rye Whiskey by the barrel, to th trade at small profit. Visitors and residents in Charlotte purchasing any of the above for medical purposes, can get a pure article by calling ou Feb 18, 18G7. J. D. PALMER. B. VAXCK. C D0WD. VANCE & DOWD, A VH) It N K Y S AT L A V, Charlotte, N. C , Having associated themselves together, will prac tice in the-Court of Mecklenburg. Iredell, Catawla, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus aud Union, and iu tie Federal and Siipreme Courts. Clatn? collected anywhere In the State. April i, iot tf IRON MANUFACTURING Gaston County, N. C. CO., KEEP TO UR 3IOXE V A T HOME. The Company have, been at a consideruhlf ex pense in fitting up their ROLLING MILL and JfAlL FACTORY. They ape-now prepared to execute all order, in the beift style, they may be favored with in t heir line of business. Having secured the services of the best workmen in the Iron business, that can be procured in tlio' South, they feel confident ihey can give full talis faction. The following articles are enumerated, viz: Rolled Iron, iu flat Ear, round and square all sizes. Tire, Hoops and Scollops all sizes. Ali kind of Iron used for Farming purposes. "Machinery and Hollow-ware of all description. Also, Tacks, Nails and Brads of all sizes. The iron i3 .manufactured exclusively with char coal and wood, and out of Magnetic Ores. The Iron nnd Nails are eqnal to any in the United States or Europe, either for welding or toughness. They art also prepared to make and "fit up" "J kind of Casting at short notice. All orders will b promptly executed by B. B. BARING TO. V, Sup't. High Shoal?, Dec 3, 18CJ. W. GOO DM AN, of Mississippi, A. P. MERRILL, Jr., of New York, (,'en(T;iI Commission Merchants, LMi Nkw SruKfcT, NEW VOliK. We have made an arrangement by which Mr D W COURTS, late Public Treasurer of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the busi&ess sent us from that State. He is not associated now with tbe firm of Bennett, Van Pelt k Co, New York. We hope his friends will patronize us. Dec 25, 1865 tf ' SonlhcB'ffi fixprcft Company. The Southern Express Company has opvncd com munication with ill Northern and Wctern State, and is now prepared to forward Freight, Money and valuable Packages safely and promptly. Messen gers leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adams' Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams' and Ilarndwi's Express Companies. Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all points South ar.d North having no mail fuciliu'ei. T. D. GILLESPIE, Agent, Oh-ulofte, Jun U, tC5 tf The Southern Express Company, For. the transportation of merchandise, ralunble packages, specie, brink notes, bonds, Ac, for all parts of the South and .S..n:hest, in connection with "..- ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANV. J have established thi-ir agency at 5 U.UAUnAT, I NEW VORIC, where orders to call fur goods to la forwarded South will receive prompt attention. Merchandise and vaium-ies oem trea to narnuen , Kinsley's, American and United States Express Com panie?, for the Southern Express Company, will re; ceive prompt dupatrh. - i For prcul,ars, rates of. freight, 4c. 4c, apply the ofScc of the Southern Express Company, 55 Broadway. - If. B. PLANT, . Dec 18, 18C5. , . President. MEDICAL CARD. DBS. GIBBON' & McCOMBS, having associated themselves iu th practice of Medicine and Surgery, respectfully tender their professional services lo tbt citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. From a large experience in private as well l Field and Hospital practice, they feel justified in proposing to pay special at'tntion to the practice of Surgery in all its branches Otfic in Granite How, np etair, opposite tb Mansion House. - . ." - ROBERT GIBBON. I B. Dec 11, 18G5 J. P. McCOMBS, M. D. At the Oil! Kslahlislicrf IItl STOKE Of F. SCARR, may be found everything in he Drue line, of genuine quality. I February 26, 1$C. - "