i THE. W.E1S,T(jJliNA np9iWfLtX : v I! -5 i p- . J i: I; v. a r i , i ft From tbe New York Observer A STORM IN THE MOUNTAINS- BY F. WOODWARD EARL. i. See ! mark it rise I The expanding sties Are covering wiih the heavy mist, ... That now in sheets, aod now io mass Is drawing o'er the mountain side, - Aod filling up tbe pass. , Hush ! hark ! a sound, As from the ground, In low, but humming, deep-toned notes Now 6trong, now faint, now full, now weak; A moment heard, then lobt; and now The very hill-tops speak. The 6tcrm lias burst ! So slow, at first, . That ecarce the ear could tell if true The sounds that moaned above, around : And now the leaden clouds, like night, The whole horizon bound. And, wild as bell, With fearful yell, The winds tear up the noble trees : The thunders peal the lightnings flj-sh. : And all the world seems wrapped in flame, 'Mid many an awful crash. Tis past 'tis gone ! And peace alone Lies softly on the sunny cliff, And every vale and dell will smile Amid the rain drops as through tears Laughs out a merry child. Magnificent City Properly for Sale. That valuable property known as tbe Fair Grounds, located in the South-western part of the city, containing Twelve acres of Land, with many beautiful sites for building lots, in a pleasant part of the city, and two frame buildings upon the prem ises, will positively, be sold to the highest bidder, lit public auction, on the public square, in this city, between tbe hours of 12 M. and 1 o'clock, P. M., on Tuesday, 15th October, the second day of the next County Court. The Executive Committee of the Mecklenbnrg Agricultural Society to whom this property belongs, are forced to make this sale in order to discharge the liabilities of the Society. Its creditors are poor men, aud cannot wait . longer. October 7, 1807. NEW FALL STOCK. At the Corner Store under Mansion House, Are now receiving their Fall Stock, which will be Fold at prices lo suit the times Our stock of Dry Goods is complete, and consists in part of the fallow ing articles : Calicoes, Delaines, Poplins, Heps, EMPUESS CLOTHS, Bleached and Unbleached Domestics; Table Linen, Damask Towels, kc. A full assortment of Ladies' CIoak, of the latest styles. Also a full line cf Furs, Victoiiues and Muffs. We keep a full line of Miles & Son's Shoes, Trunks, for Ladies and Gentlemen ; latest style of Ladies' HATS. Our Clothing Department is complete. A full line of Business Suits, black Cloth Suits, and every thing pertaining to Gentlemen's wear. Fiuiii!iiiiqr Goods Of every variety. Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Necji Ties, Suspenders, kc. Also a full line of Hats, Cap3, Boots, Shoes, &c. We have constantly on hand a full line of Rock Islaud Goods. Mr R. E. COCHRANE informs his former friends and customers that he is with the above house, and a patronage from his friends will ie kindly received. Call early no trouble to show Goods. JPajT' Remkmbbk the Stoke l&J BUXBAUM k LANG, Corner Stoic under Mansion House. October 7. 1807. Important to Carolina Shippers THE NEW Baltimore and Carolina Grand Trunk F K K I G II T I, I IV K , VIA PETERSBURG, .VA , Comprising the following great Freight Routes : THE POWHATAN STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S FREIGHT LINE OF STEAMERS, PETERSBURG AND WELD ON, RALEIGH AND GASTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON AND WELDOX, ATLANTIC A NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER, CHARLOTTE k SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAYS, And their connections. Time Quick and Rates Low. This new trunk line forms a Great Frieght Route between Baltimore and Weldon, Warreuton, Raleigh, Hillsboro', Lexington, Salisbury, Morganton, Char lotte, Lincolnton, Gold.-boro', Xewbern, Beaufort, Wilmington, Chesterville, Wi.insboro', Columbia,' Suinterville, Manchester, and all intermedial points on and near these great Railways and their connec tions. The Powhatan Steamers connect at Petersburg with Petersburg Railway for all points in the Caro Unas. Cars are run alongside of Steamers' Wharf and goods transferred with careful handling. Cars are run tlirongli wltlioitt break ing Hulk Between Petersburg and Raleigh, Charlotte. Gohls boro, Wilmington, Ac, Ac. This Inland Line pos sesses many advantages over a Sea Route. Marine risk is small and insurance is comparatively noth ing. Tbe Wharf of Powhatan Steamers being sit uated in tbe very centre of the great Shipping Dis trict of Baltimore, renders it convenient to shippers, and drayage is very small. - Great attention paid to consignments of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Rosin, Ac., Ac. All produce fur warded at the lowest possible rates. 665"" To insure transportation over this Inland Fast Line, mark all goods, whether Northward or Soulhwark bound, "Via Petersburg.'' BaT Freight landed in Baltimore day following delivery to the Steamers. Through Receipts are given and fixed rate per 100 pounds guaranteed both ways. is Rates in every case'as low as via Bay Line and Portsmouth to and from Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. N. P. With regard to last nnmed points, freight is forwarded to and froa Petersburg by Philadelphia and New York Steamers. . For , rates and all further information, apply to any Freight Agent on the Liue, or at the , . , OFFJCK OF THB PoWHATAS STEAMB04T Cn art l : .1. . f . . .. ! w i-igm ci unarr, Baltimore. I J. BRANDT, Jr., President Powhatan Steamboit Co ; R. B. PEG RAM. Sup't Petersburg Railroad j A. B. ANDREWS. Sup't Raleigh A Guston R -til road JAMES ANDERSON, Sup't Noith Carolina Railroad' ! C. BOUKNIGHT, Sup't C A S CRailroad. S. L. FREMONT, Sup't Wilm'n A Weldon Railroad. : J. V. JORDAN, Acting Master Trans. Atlantic and N. C. Railroad. . : - WM. M'RAE, Sup't . Wilmington and Manchester i . Railroad. . , September 30, 1867. ... "WILM. CHAR. & . RUTH. RAILROAD. " Office Wi!m. Char, k Ruth. R. R. Co , Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 4th, 1867.- )' The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders cftbe above Company will be held at Lincolnton, on Wednesay, ihe 23d instant. . - :.. ; .li T. ALDERMAN. Secretarr. October 7, 1 Set. ' Self Made 31en. We do not wonder that great men bare been born -mechanics;! for those who have been brought up exclusWeJy in draw ing rooms, intelligence is a gaoie, a recreation; for those who haTe held tbe sword or the helm, who have driven the plough or worked with the chisel, intelligence becomes a passion, a force, a branty, a worship, and a love divine. It is from the stall, the shop, the work-room, that the most powerful minds have issued: Moliere from the upholster's, Barns from the farmer's, ShakgDeare from the hosier's shop, Rosseau 1 from the wheelwright's. Loh engaged in a struggle with physical nature, they all took re fuge in the free doraaio of thought. Even an inferior mind would become tempered to strength in these mechanical apprenticeships; and if ever tbe spirit of reform which is seizing on tho world should extend to the act of creating citi Eene, we doubt not that good sense will gain a victory over custom, and that one of the most important parts of every education will be hence forth the due ad mix t Ere of the developement of the mind and its action on nature. Health for the Southern Invalid, Found in the use of KAY'S WORDSELL'S Vege table Restorutive Pills, imported by A. H. ERWIN & CO. These Pills supercede tbe use of Blue Mass, Calo mel and all dangerous medicines ; are most effective in Chills and Fever, and will renew and invigorate the body. As we have been disfranchised by the Yankees let us in torn disfranchise all Yankee trash medicines and Yankee nostrums. This Medicine can be Lad" at Dr. Scarr's and Walker k Brother's, Charlotte, and hi Dr. G. B. Powlson's, Salisbury, and of A. II. KRV IX, Sept. 30, ISG7. Lincolnton. FARMER'S HOTEL. I have opened a BOARDING HOUSE in Springs' corner building, over Mr Sinclair's S.ore. Board and lodjring by tbe month or d:y furnished at reasonable rates. Single meali can be had at any time. Give me a trial. Sept. 9, 1807 4ra S.A.STUART. CHARLOTTE FEHAIE INSTITUTE, CIJAULOITE, N. C. The nest session will commence on Tuesday the 1st of October, and continue until 30th June, ISO'S. Offickrs and Isstkuctous. Rev. R. Burwell, Principal and Instructor in Men tal and Mora! Philosophy and Mathematics. Jno. B. Burwell, A. M Chemistry, Natural Phi losophy and Ancient Lauruag..-s. Mrs M. A. Burwell, English branches and Super intendent Social duties. Prof A. Baumann, Vocal and Instrumental Music. Prof. R E. Piguet, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages. Mis Mary B.Wtr, English Dranches and French. Mrs Sally U. White, English Branches. Miss Mary V. Penick, Music on Piano and Guitar. MirS Ella R. Carson, Music 011 Piano. Terms as heretofore. For Circular and Cata logue containing fall particulars address Rev. R. BCRWELL & SON, Charlotte, X. C. FeptemVr 23, 1807. MILLER & BLACK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gr X O O O X- O , ProTlsioos and Produce Generally, AND CO y MISSION M KRCIIA NTS, TRADE STREET, CilAKLOTTC, JX. C. Have now in Store and will keep oonstautly on hand a lull and ei-k-ct stock of the above articles tor sale; to which they respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the public generally R. M. MILLER. W. J. BLACK. September 23, 18G7. . ' . Carolina Female College, ANSON VILLE, N. 0. This Institution is now open for the reception of pupils. Complete arrangements have been made for a thorough course of instruction, both literary and ornamental. Terms Board, washing, fuel and tuition in Eng lish branches. $02.50, payable one half in advance, the remainder at the end of the session of twenty weeks. If paid all in advance Pupils furnish lights, sheets, towels, pillow cases, and counterpane By giving timely notice, pupils will be met at Monroe, Concord, Salisbury, Cheraw or the head of the Wil Char. & Ruth. Railroad, and conveyed to the College free of charge. J. E. BLANKENSIIIP. Sept 23, 1861. lm - - English Rluc Stosic. A fresh supply of this fine article for sale low at SCAUR'S DRUG STORE. Congress and Kissingen Waters, For sale at SCAUR'S DRUG STORE. r5T Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs and various articles of Perfumcrv, fresh supplv. just re ceived at SCAUR'S DUUG STOIIE. Sept. 9, 1F07. Coffee, Sugar and Jfoiaefc, A full stock of all grades, for sa!e at N IS BET & MAXWELL'S. Sole Leaf her. IjOOO pounds good Sole" Leather for s-tle at NiSBET & MAXWELL'S. G!as Jars, Gallons and Half Gallons, for sale at NISBET MAXWELL'S. Tobacco, Snuff and Cigar., Of the bet brands, for sale at NISBET & MAXWELL'S. Pipes. A large assortment of common and fancy Pipes, for sale at NISBET & MAXWELL'S. Soap. A large lot of Toilet and Bar Soan. for sale at NISBET k MAXWELL'S. Toys and Yankee Notions, A large assortment, fr sale at Sept. 23, 1-07. NISBET & MAXWELL'S. ROBERT P. WARING, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, CHAULOTIK, N C. OfS-e, 3 doors West of the National Bank, and opposite Carson's new building. ' September 2, 1S-37. MEDICAL CARD. DRS. GIBBON k McCOMBS, having associated themselves iu the practice of Medjcine aud urgvry, respectfully tender their professional service? to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding countrr. From a large experience in private as well as Field and Hospital practice, they feel justified in proposing to pay special atntion to the practiceof Surgery in alt its branches OfKce in (JrlnilA ft ,- n- tin ctolro . Mansion House. " " ROBERT GIBBON, 31. D. Dec 11, 1865 J. p. McCOMBS, M. D. BENJAMIN ROBINSON. (Late of North Carolina.) ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW, 37 iVuwa Street NEW YORK. Associated with Roger A. Phtor, E?q . formerly of Virginia, will attend promptly and thoroughly to all business committed to his management. August 2, lt67 l" JST" On a"bearitiful Sabbath mornfng last month; an accomplished joaog ladj of ihid city remarked ta'her friends bow sweet it would be to die aod go to heaven 6o each a day. Nature was lovely, earth was quiet and the early church tells were calling . creatures to the worship of the Creator." We do not know that the words were premonitory of tbe sequel but : on the following Sabbath morn her wish was grati5ed. The Anpel of Death knocked at the door and io triumph ehe yielded bersoul to the keeping nf her fiod -iAnd the day was as lovely and the I earth as quiet as before,; and the early church i bells called the peoplc'to His praise. Peters burg Judex. A HALES, Walch-Maker and Jenelcr, (One Door South of the Mansion House) CIMULOTTC, ft . C If your Watch 3hould need Repairing, Don't get mad anJ go to swearing ; Just take it into Hales' Shop, ' He will fix it so it will not stop. He warrants his work all for a year, When it is used with proper care. He will do it as low as it can be donej : And do it so well its sure to run. June 24, 18f7 6m 'land foi: sale. By virtus of a decree of the Court of Equity, I will "sell at public auction at the Court House door in Charlotte, on Tuesday of October Term of tbe County Court, (being the I5tb day of Oct next.) One Hundred acres ol LAND, adjoining B. Morrow, Rev. Mr Bronson, T. II. Brem and the City of Char lotte some of it Creel: Bottom valuable for farming purposes, wood, proximity to town, Ac Terms 3, 12 and 18 months, interest from date, purchasers giving bond and security. C. DOWD, C. M. E. August5, 1867. 10 llw. adv. $'l. LAND FOR SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity, I will sell at Auction, at tbe Court House iu Charlotte, on Tuesday of October term of the County Court, (be ing the 15th day of October next,) One Hundred acres of LAND "ou West side of Sugar Crt-ek, ad joining B F. Morrow, T. H. Brem and others, an. I about two miles from Charlotte The tract contains considerable quantity of bottom land, well tim bered, &c. Terms 3,: 15 and 27 months, interest from date, purchasers giving bond and security. C. DOWD, C. M. E. August 5,1807 79 llw adv. $10 A Fresh supply of Quinine, for sale at SCAUR'S DRUG STORE. September 23. 1807. V o - r 1 11 c r s it i p iVo t i c e COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Tbe undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership, under the name of R. II. COWAN & CO., for the purpose of carrying on a General Com naiiou, Shipping and Supply Business in the City of Wilmington, N. C. Their ollice, for the present, is on the Corner of Che-nutanl Water Streets, upstairs, where they will be happy to hear from and serve their friends By the 1st of October next, they will be fully pre pared to furnish supplies of all kinds. ROBT. II. COWAN, JNO. W. CAMERON, JAMES II. HILL. Wilmington, N. C, July 29, 1807. Ai:g. 5 tf IY;ii!$ and Iron. Having accepted the Agency for the sale of the High Shoals IRON and NAILS, we are prepared to ; fill orders at short notice and on terms that cannot fail to prove satisfactory. '.'These worka have the latest improved machinery, and are turning out Nails and Iron that will compare favorably with Northern Manufactories. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. Lime! Lime!! Liiuc!!! We are Agents for the sale of Powell & Wilson's Catawba Lime. Orders will receive our prompt attention- Farmers look to your interest and send vour ordei-3 in at an early day. PLASTER and CEMENT always on hand HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. To the Farmers of Mecklenburg and Adjoining Counties In calling vour attention to our large 'and varied stock of FERTILIZERS intended for the Wheat to be sow n this Fall, we refer you to our Circulars now in Store for distribution. Certificates as to the genuiueness of these articles can he seen bv calling on : ; HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. Remit of Pacific Guano and Bone Flour as a Fer tilizer for Wheat. This is to certify that I applied the Bone Flour and Pacific Guano purchased of Hutchison, Bur roughs & Co. one hundred pounds of the former and one hundred and twenty-five pounds of the latter to three-quarters of an acre of land. The land would have produced, without manure, seven bushels of Wheat. About one-fifth of the Wheat was lost by lodging. The yield was sixteen bushels f Wheat. U tho Wheat had all been saved the yield would have been probably twenty five bushels per acre I expect to apply it this season. Signed Da. J. M. STRONG. Sept. y, 1807. DR. JN07 "STmcTde! ft WHOLESALE AXD KETAIL X JEL XT Gr G- 1ST, CIIAHLOTTE. N. C, Ha? on hand a large and well seiec.'ed stock of rUKE DRUGS, '.hemicals, Patent Medicines, Fami ly Medicines. Paints, Oils, Varnishes,-Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, which he is determined to sell at the very lowest prices. M3' 20. 1867. The Southern Fertilizing Company, RICHMOND, VA., Arc now receiving aud preparing their Tall stock of FERTILIZERS, and offer for sale in unlimited quantities - - :. Crushed Peruvian Guano, selected fr oru the purest cargoes imported, war ranted pure and of the highest standard; PhopIio Peruvian & Old Dominion prepared under the supervision of Professor William (ilLHAM for the Wheat crop, combining a lar.re per centageof the Phosphates, with an adequate amount of Ammonia ; TRESH GROUND PLASTER. " Orders solicited. JOHN ENDERS, President. , Office No. 104 Fourteenth street, Richmond. jg-JOHN A. YOUNG, Agent, Charlotte, N, 0. Rock Island Mam-Factliuxg Co., V Charlotte, N C , Aug, 15, 1867 f 1 have been using the most approved Fertilizers upon my Farm for many ypars. Upon my Wheat, Cim and Cotton crop this year, 1 used the "Uld Dominion Fertilizer," ami theerfnlly les ily to its merits, by asserting that I have never used any tlut gave as much satisfaction. . .. . . 4 JOHN A. YOUNG. Aug. 10,-1867. 2Jm J. A. WILLIARD. ! A. A, WILLI ARD. WILLIARD BROTHERS, W II O L. E S A X, E O R O C E tl S COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Agents for the Hazard Powder Co., and Marvin k Co.'s Safes. Also, Eicetr'f Cothm'Gin and Con denser, and Foster's Cotton Planter, Nos. 29, 30 and 31 North Water . Street,' September 3, ISti";- " yt Cva ' ' "i Groceries and Confectioneries N I S B E Tr& 311 X WE L L Are now receding ad haTe In well selected stock of . .-? .1 store alarge ad " ,.L -. ..'; ' V v . .i ,he publiagenerally- Thanking tbem for their xery.i liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, we bope by j striik personal attention to business to merit a continued share of the same. ' - . ' Call and examine-our gooda and prices "before purchasing elsewhere, a3 we .are determined to sell goods in ourline as' cheap as any other house in the city. ' .-V-t ; . -. 4 J - Country Merchants will find it to their interest to examine our Stock. . ' ' Sept. 16, 1867. " NISBET k MAXWELL. ; . CATAliWA ... 7 English and Classical High School, NEWTON, N. C. : The next Session of this Institution will com mence the 1st of July next. Th6 School is in a flourishing condition. Ample provision i$ made to accommodate a large number of boys and young men, both in rooms, boarding and instruction. ' No pains are spared in fitting pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges of the country, and in giving them a thorough and practical business education. . . Pupils have access to; valuable Libraries, and enjoy the advantages of a well regulated Literary Society. Tuition per Session of 20 Weeks from $9 to $22.50 in currency. . .: . Board in families from S8 to $12 per month; in clubs at about half these.; prices. For Circulars and particulars, address J. C Clapp, Newton; N. C. J. C. CLAPP, A. B. S. M.. FINGER, A. B. June 3, 1867. A. W. A LEX A IT B K H SURGEON DENTIST, (OFFICE IN THE BRAU'LEY' UUlLDINOj CHARLOTTE, i 3 . ; " Can be consulted on Tuesdays, Wedh'tsdays, Thursdays and Fridays. March 25, 1867.' AM) IA(IIiiE SHOP, Charlotte, INT- O. n. nxtrrix & co., : Having removed their Works from Stowesville.'Gas ton county, to Charlotte, respectfully inform their old patrons and the public generally that they have opened a , , ., .... , E'o.mdry & Machine Shoj) . at the old Navy Yard lot, iiwtbe ci ty of Charlotte, where they are piepaied to make all sorts of O ASTING-S For Steam Engines, Mills, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane Mills. Farming Implements, &c. &c. HEPstIMtrJir(m. Particular attention will be paid to repairing. of all kinds. All work shall be done in the very nicest style, and the best material used. M. MARTIN, JOHN WILKES, June 25, 1866 Charlotte, N. C. J. Y. BRI CK fc CO., General Commission Merchants, 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce Cotton and Tobacco. gy Highest cayh price paid for Cotton; jfcaf All orders Irom a distance promptlv attend ed to. ' J. Y. BRYCE. Marc!' . 18fi6 V. H. BRYCE. JOHN VOGKL, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothin in the latest style and at short notice.. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those .who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next door to Brown & Stitt's store. January 1 I86P. ' Police to Shippers of Freight. THE SEABOARD TkUXD AIR LIXE, YlX TOUTS MOUTH, VA , T the only direct line between Boston,- New York," Philadelphia, Baltimore and the Carolina?. It is express in point of speed and safety of freights, be ing from 40 to 70 hours iu advance of all other lines, and at as low rates. It uft'ers daily communication with Baltimore. daily communication -with Philadelphia. Five times each week to New York. ' Twice each week to Boston;':. It is the only line having these advantages and by. which there is but one handling of freight. Cars are loaded at the wharves in Portsmouth and are run through to destination. Be careful to direct your consignors to ship only From Baltimore by the Norfolk or Bay Line Steamers, Foot of Union Dock. r . ' " Philadelphia by the Annamessic Line, Phila delphia. Wiimi glon k Baltimore Depot or by Clyde's Steamers, 14 South Delaware' Avenue. - . ' v' - " New York by the Obi Dominion , Steamship Line, Pier 31 North River. . ' 11 Boston by the Norfolk Steamship Line, end of Centiiil Wharf. ' All losses, damages, or overcharges, promptly ad justed n application to JAS Mc''ARl!lrK, : ' Trace Agent, Portsmouth, Va. Have your freight marked "via Portsmouth " and in shipping 10 Philadelphia marked "via Clvde'd Line," or 4-via Annamessic.'' ; E G fill 10. Aug. 2G, 1867 2m Supt. Transportation" DR. WTti: E. CARR,-laie of Wilmington, having located in Charlotte, is prepared to attend promptly to all eall.-i relating to his profession. Having had seventeen years experience in the practice of Den tistry, he is satisfied that he can please all who may give him a call. . -.i All woik done with reference to neatness, dura bility and dispatch. Office over -Bat ringer Wolfe k Co'?, where ' he can, be found at all hours of Hie day. All work warranted t giv entire satisfac faction Teeth filled aud extracted without pain. June 10, IKtiT. Cm Gunny Raiiig" and t'oc. 4M BALES Gunny. Btging,.2." Coils Rope, in i?!OiP and for sale .bv, ST EN II O Crf E, . M AC A U LAY k CO. August 12, 18G7. ' J.m Jn JS-m AFLOAT ALL ALO.G. Having purchased the interest of J M. Sanders in the Grocery and Provision Buims, I wonl respectfully "ask the custom of ray friends and the public generally. AnJ if fuir dealing be worth any , tbiftg in the party 'wiih whom you do Inisioess, all I ask is a showing. ' Aly stock con sists of such goods t s are usually found in the pro vision line. S. F. IIOlrSTON, April 22. 1807. . Next door to Cbarlo.tte.Uotel. J. E. STENHOUSE. . . -r - - New York ALLAN MA CAUL AY, 'ClIARLOTTr, N. C. STENHOUSE & MACAULAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - 42 Stone Stieci, 1cw rk- Prompt personal 'attention given to' tbe-sale - of Cottpn, Cmton Yarns, Naval Stores, &e.:, and the purchase of Merchandise general ly," . ; isju Consignments solicitetL: : t ;. A ' June id. SC7. ' --.I.r . .s ,..;.; :- r .WANTED, OV AA-RILSUELS CHOICE WHITE I pay the highest market price; " Majr 61867. J. 1. UKltii as Stip'ts Office IV - C. IT; K. Co.? ) t i r 0O3IPA&Y bHOPs,Aug. 9, lbG7 ; ftnd;after Sunday. September: 1st, trains will " North. Carolina Ratlroad as follow.,; , Mail Traih. LeaVe Charlotte, j Arrive at Charlotte, 5 p. m. . I v. 10.a. m. ... - Freight Thais. Leave Charlotte, I ' Arrive at Charlotte, 4:11 p. m. I 7 P- ra' The mail train will connect at -Greensboro', Ral eigh and Goldrboro' Time the same to all points:Ndrtfc by either route. Also makes daily connection with trains" for Wil mington and Newbern. - Sept. 21867,' JAS. ANDERSON, Sup't, YiIminr(on & Weldon Railroad Co. Office Chief Enginkek k Ges. Srp'T, Wilmingtun, N. C., Sept 1, lt?67 UrCl LAIl SCURDUm. : . On and after this date,, the, following ; Schedule will be run by the Passenger trains over this Rail road : . ; - . " " ; . DAY TRAINS, ,, . , .'; Will leave Wilmington every morning (except Sqn days at 6 o'clock, A. M., and Weldon , every morn ing except Sundays) at 10:40 A.M.; arrivingat WilminstOB at 8 o'clock? P. M., and 'at W.eldon at 3 o'clock, P. M. " ; . ; NIGHT EXPRESS . TRAINS, , ;j Will leave Wilmington at 9:30 P. M., daily, and Weldon at 6:25 P. M., daily: arriviug .at Wilming ton at 2:20 A. M., and at Weldon at 6 A. M. . Thitty three' hours to New York: "' Trains pass Goldsboro'; at 1:57 A 1, and 10:35 A M, going North, and at 3:05 P J, and 10:11 PM, going South; S L" FREMONT, Supt. . HOT FOR THE WEST! , VIA THE Oreat National Double Track Route Baltimore 6l Ohio aud North Caro lina Railroads and Connections. Arrangements have been made by which passen gers can purchase through tickets at Charlotte, N. C , for . St. Louis, Mo., Louisville, Ky., . Cincinnati, Ohio, Milwaukie, Wis., ' Chicago, Illinois, , , Cairo, Illinois, Pittsburg, Pa , Indianapolis, Ind., and all Western Cities. Persons wishing to emigrate West, can, by petting up a party of 10 or more luJI passengers, purchase Tickets at greatly reduced rates by making early application to C.'SCOTT, Esq , Agent North Caro lina Railroad at Charlotte. Every passenger is al lowed 100 pounds of baggage free. All over- 12 vears pay lull tare; between 4 and 12 years pay half tare; all under 4 are free. Three Daily Express Trains are run through from Baltimore aud Wash ington to all points West all makiug close connec tions with Southern Railroads and Steamers From $5 to S10 will be saved by purchasing through Tickets, besides then the Companies assum ing all transfers of Passengers and Baggage without extra expense to the Passenger. Splendid Palace Sleeping Cars are run thorough on all night trains, and wiih only one rha.ige of Cars between Baltimore and Cincinnati or Iudianapolis, and but two between Baltimore and St. Louis or Chicago, combine to render this the mot pleasant and desirable route for Families and Ladies travel ing alone. For Through Tickets, and all other information, apply to 0. SCOTT, Esq, Agent N. C. Railroad, Charlotte, N. C, or address LOUIS ZIMMERGen'l Southern Agt., " Baltimore k Uhio R. R , Greensboro, N. C. J. L. WILSON, Master of Transportation, B k O. R. R , Baltimore. L M. Cole, General Ticket Agt., B & 0. R. R, Baltimore. " ' July 20, 18G7. GUILF0HD LAND AGENCY OF NORTH; CAROLINA. PRINCIPAL OFFICE GRFKNSBOIIO, N. C. Persons having Agricultural and" Mineral Lands. Water Powers, Ac, for sale, are respectfully invited to place them in our hands for that purpose, as our facilities for bringing purchasers from Northern States and placing property prominently before the public, through our ndvti tisements, and also through our agencies and correspondents in the North and West, are unsurpassed. We are now waiting for Lands to be placed Hi our hands for sale for the purpose of making sales to Northern pat ties, . Persons at a distance wishing to place property in our hands should give us an accurate description of the same. If Agricultural Lands, they should specify the 6oiI, number of acres of cleared and timbered lands, the. kind of timber, what is raised on the land, what kind of improvements are on the premises, how far from Railroad and Couuty-seat ; whether it is well watered, &c. If Mineral Lands, they shohld state what kind of Minerals, the indica tions, kc, always sending a good fair specimen ot the ore. It would also be advisable tosend a sketch of the land to us and an abstract of title. JOHN B GRETTER, General Agent, Guilford Land Agency, reen.-boro, N. C Or apply t Gen. R D JOHNSTON, Attorney al La Charlotte, N. C. -July 8, 167. ': v iflUSKJCJUIfl VALLEY PORTABLE ENGINE WORKS, ZANGVILLC, OHIO. DUVALIAS IMPROVED POUTABLI5. H I'EAM EN GINES AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. D WALL'S PREMIUM CORN MILLS AXD IM PROVED FLOURING MILLS. .Tlicse- Engine-and Mills have received the firt premium over alKcmnpethnrs. They nffoid the bet, cheapest, and .-most economical power in use and excel iu power any Engines made in the Union. These Engines are ji red anil thoroughly tested before leaving the work, and are warranted in all respects perfect and ready fur immediate use. They are warranted to enr more lumber with less hand and at less expense than any other in the Union For descriptions, pticc'Iists and other information address, JOUN Bl GRETTFR. . ; , . Guilford Land Agency; Greensboro, N C, July 8, 1807. ; Sole Agents for N. C. Itag I B5a?s ! ! Raff ! I The hi-hest CASH PRICE paid for RAGS at June 3, 1867. . ,3. KOOPMANN S. 'fx ,11GCKLEBUR MOUSE, T11K .EUKOPKAN PLAN, Is now open, as heretofore, for the reception and ac commodation of Permanent and Transient Board rs. Tls XuMc is 5ujj'.Ijed wiib 1 he best the mar ket 'affords. Cl'eau Rooins and Bed3. ileals at all Tile Bar i? supplied with the best cf Foreign aud Dme.iic Liq'rw?.PtoiIad Iphi Ale on di aught. Free Lncli daily,, fom ll.to 1 o'tlock.j i r, ' Mr 'j AMES 0, CRAIG is. connoted, with the House and , will be happy to serve his friends r A EBare of public7 patronage Is solicited. ' ' ' EDWARD W. GROOT Proprietor. T Jun2i;TSSJ . iJxu " JUIL1NERY ! MILINERY ! ! ? f.-YV t8? - RECEIVED . A choice assortment of MILINERY'GOODS will be sold at remarkably low prices, for cash, at It B O A Rl. H. SMITH'S, fRYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C., Consisting of. Silks, for Bonnts,. assorted colors, Fringe, crystal, pearl and amber: amber and crystal Drops, Urnaments, straw ana peuri; r lowers, new assortment; Wjathsv Ribbon aad; Dress Trimmings of every kind. BONNETS AND HATS. Dry Goods of all Kinds. Millinery and Dress IVlaking By Miss J II. FLYN, ot New York, who i well re commended' Having made three trips to Europe and Paris she is posted up on all tbe latest styles of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Presses. All work done as - j , - ALSO. I cheap as elsewhere in. the very best style, at thort notice. A share or public patronage is solicited. July 29.T86T. rf !v ' L. II. SMITH. Home, Sweet Home! There's no place like Home !" I am happy to inform my old friends of Charlotte And Ihe surrounding country, that 1 have again re turned and resumed ray old business aniODg the 21 and am full? prepared to offer them the CHEAPEST STOCK OF GOODS To be found at any other estaolishment io tbe city. Having recently 'lived In the Northern States, nod with my old experience in ibe PCRCIIASE OF GOODS, 1 am not prepared to say L will sell below cost," or at a reduction on the original com, or "at and below New York prices." but thai I will fellas CHEAP, IF NOT CHEATER, Than any other llouee, aud at a SMALL PROFIT. As ojy stock was purchased for Cash, consequently I can afford to-disposv of articles at n slight adrnnce. I have now iu Sf pre, and am constantly receiving, a choice assortment of Ladies' Trimmings oHbr Latest Styles, Linen Table Damask, Linen Diaper, and all kinds of Flannels, Calicoes, . brown and bleached Sheetings, black and colon it Alpaccap, Ladies' and Gentleman's FURNISHING GOODS, &c, &c ' 11 H. M. PIIELIV. March 1 1, 1 867 Opposite tbe Court Hons cooler; mtovi:.s OF THE NEATEST AS I) MOST SITEUIOK PATTEUX. Springs' Building", Charlotte. N. C, Has for sale "Sptiir tnti-tMnst Cooking STOIS" w hich, for ewiy tai nl Cooking and great economy in fuel, caunot be surpassed by any Stove heretofore used.' Everybody ' who ha. used one of these Stoves tetify that, for convenience in cooking, durability and cleanliness, they afe far preferable to all othr patterns. Call and see them. J TJ. BYJERLY has also on hand a good as sortment of Tin, Japan and Sheet-Iron Ware such articles as are necessary for house-keeping. y TIN-WARE made to order at short notice on reasonable terms. Jfe5" KUPAlltlSG promptly executed. D II. HYERLY, Springs' Building, Charlottr, X. C. March 25, 18G7. ia.cy ciz:oc:i:i2:s. - Pickles. Preserves, Jellies, Mustard, Horse Il uli.-h, Powdered Ginger and Cinnamon, Ginger Preserves, Macaroni, -Hermetically sealed Meats and Fruits, Salmon, Lobsters, Oysters, Clams. Sardines, Pine Applet, Peaches, Strawberries, Salad Oil, Culsups, Suda Powders, Vinegar, Kiilikinick Smoking To bacco, Havana Segars, Tobacco and Snuff, Chest nuts, Green nni Dried Apples, Raisins, Fiihittg Hooks and Tackle, Violin and Guitar Strings. WINES AND BRANDIES. Champaiue, Pemartio Sherry, old Newton Ma deira, old Pott, Catawba, llhine. Js Heunes-te Cognac Ilfandy, vintage of lsE8, Mate lUii.nilt double refined rectified Whiskeys, old Pouibou Ihe, Wheat, pure Corn and- Monongnhela -Whiskej", Holland Gin and Schiedam Schnapps, Rilteis, M. Croix and Jamaica Rum, Coidials and Li-nn-ii and other Syrups, Iion'don Porter,' A. (ininess k Soi..-' xxx Brown Siout, Dublin, Mnir k Son's spnrkling Edinburgh Ale, Glass Bottles, r'lajki and Demijolms of nil sizes' to the Trade. Old Corn and Rye Whiskey bj the barrel, to the trade at small profit. ; Visitors and resident? in Charlotte purchasing any of Ihe above for medical puiposfs, can get a pure arliclc hv . calling on Feb 18,1807.- J. D. PALMER. Z. B. VAN'CE. C. DOWD. VANCE &. DOWD, ATTOHNKYS "AT LAW, Charlotte, N C , Having nspociated themselves together, will prnc tice in the Court of Meeklenburcr, Iredell, Ca'nwKa, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus and Union, and in tbe Federal and Supreme Courts. Claims collected anywhere in the State. , April 2, 18U6 . ' tf W GOODMAN, of Mia s i s si ppi. A. P. MERRILL. Jr.. of New York. General Commission Merchants, 36 Nkw Strekt, NKW YOliK We have made an arrangement by which Mr I) W COURTS, late Public Tieasurer of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business tent us fioin that State. ' He is not n?ociated now with the fimj of. Bennett, Van Pelt k Co, New York. We hope his friends will patronize us. Dec 25. 1G5 tf the iiv , R o Ii vi' 0 15 K Has jnst received n large ?nppl,v of Standard, Mi-cellnneo-us and School Booki, of which the follow ing forms a part : , ...-v ... SCHOOL . BOOKS. Davies' Primary, OIJ and New, UniveriitT Legendre Arithmetic: I) tries' New Elementary Algebra; Bullion')! Ca?ar and English OiauMiiar ; Emerson's Arithmetic, 1st and 2d parti McGuflt)' Reader, tl and I'd MIS CELL ANEOTTS. Surry of Eagle' Neil ; Four Vmi in the Sad.llr; The MfDo'iiuI'd'H, or The Ashe of Southern IJorM-; Every Man his own Lawyer, (New Edition); Fred erick the Great nnd his Family; Frederick the Great and hi Court; Frederick the Great and his Friends; Merchants of Berlin; Freeuiaaoo's Uouiiors. HISTORICAL. A Child's Hitory of Horn ; a ChildV History r.f Greece; History of Ilmry ihf Fouri h , of Pynhui, of Richard ihe First, o4 Richard the Second, of Queen Elizabeth of England ; Library of Fanio'n Generals Jackson. Taylor, Lafayette, Napoleon ar.d Marion; Library of Eminent Sfntt-sme n B'nj''in Frank jin, Henry CU) , D.iiii-i Welter and W illmra Penn ; Last Ninety Dayi of the War (by Sprmer;; Last Year of the War by Jubwl Ei.tIv)': Th S'o of the Great ilareh j-Rebel Rhymes ; Life of George Washington: Noble Deed of Women. ; POETICAL. CampbeH'f;Crabbe'; Goldsmith'?. Pope's. Mont gomery's, Mary Hewitt's aod Eliza Cook's Poetical Woiks. " HUGH MILLER'S WORKS. Cruise of the' Betsey; Tales a'nd Sketches; Mi?c'j laneous Essayr; Schools and Schoolmasters; Ht"J ship of Christ. ' NOVELS. A large and well selected sapplv Miss -A"-Novels; the Arabian Night ; the Works nf bb-,r A. P.e AUo, Godey's Ladie' Book Tr TIDPV A BR0 May 27. 1867. . ' - Police. ; I respectfully inform my friends ,be generally,1 that I have engaged tbe services ot ir T. W. SPARROW, rho will lake pleasure in serv ing his mends at mv store. ' Sept 9. 167. " ; ' r' B K00P.VANN-

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