Great" Eaterer Great caters ncrer lmjcmg.A Toraciaus ap petite, so far from being a ign of health, is a certain. iiidicatiou of disease. 1 Some dyspeptics are always hungry- feel best when they are eat ing, but as soon as they hare eaten they endure torments so distressing in their .nature as to mate their unhappy victims wish for death. The appetite of health is that rhich inclines to eat moderately, when eating time comes, and which when satisfied leaves no unpleasant re minders. Multitudes measure their health by the amount they can eat; and of any ten persons, nine are gratified at an increase of weight, as if mere bulk were an increase of health; when in reality, any excess of fatness is, in proportion, decisive proof of existing disease, showing that the absorbents of the system are too Weak to dis charge their duty; and the tendency to fatness, to obesity, increases until existence is a burden, and sudden death closes the history. Particular inquiry willalmcst invariably elicit the fact that fat persons however rubicund and jolly, are never well, and yet they are envied. While great eaters never live to an old age, and are never without some "symptom," some feelings sufficiently disagreeable to attract the mind's attention unpleasantly, small eaters, those who eat regularly of plain food, usually have no "spare flesh," are wiry and enduring, and live to an active old age. Kemarkablc exemplifications of these statements are found in the lives of the centenarians of a past age. Galen, one of the most distinguished physicians of the ancients, lived very "sparingly a Her the age of twenty ciht and died in his one hundred and fortieth D year. Kentigcrn, who never tasted spirits of wine, and had worked hard all his life, reached 185 years. Jenkins, a poor Yorkshire fisherman, who lived on the coarsest diet, was 1G9 years old when he died. Old Parr lived to be 153; his diet being milk, cheese, whey, small beer and course bread. The liivorite food of Henry Fran cisco, who lived to be 1-10, wi:s tea, bread and butter, and baked apples. Kphraim Pratt, of Shutesburg, Mass., who died aged 117, lived chiefly on milk and even that in small quantity; his son Michael by similar means, lived to be 104 years old. Father Cull, a Methodist clergyman, died last year at the- ac of one hundred and five, the main diet of his life having been snlted swine's flesh (bacon) and bread made of Indian meal. From these statements, nine general readers out often, will jump at the conclusion that milk is healthy as are baked apples and bacon. These conclu sions do not legitimately follow. The only in ference that can be safely drawn is from the only fact running through all these cases that plain food and a life of steady labor tend to a great age. We must not expect to live long by doing any one thing which an old man did, and omit all others, but by doing all he did, that is, work steadily as well as cat mainly a particular dish. "NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ! Our Stock of Good. is now complete ! We have a superior article of Rio Cofi'oe, Drown ami White Sugars, Molasses, Rice. Cheese, Cracker?. Bacon, Lard, Chewing Tobacco, Durham's Smoking Tobacco, Soaps, Vinegar, Starch, Ragging, Iron Tics, Nails, assorted, of superior quality. Boots and Shoes, Hemlock Sole Leather, Kip Skins, French Calf Skins, Saddles, Bridles, Buggy and "Wagon Whips. Cheap Clothing, Hats, Lorillard Snuff, best quality. Axes, Shovels, Spades, I'adlocks, Powder, Shot, Remission Caps. With various other articles too numerous to mention. Our Goods have been purchased with great care. Call and Buy your Supplies. For you may be assured that you cannot do better elsewhere. All Goodd warranted as represented. Our Motto is "Quick Sales and Short Profits." No objection to all Goods being re-weighed that goes from this Establishment. BOYD & MOODY, Springs' Building, Charlotte, N. C. November 18. 1807. WANTED, For the ensuing year, a comfortable House, for a small family. Prefer to pav rent monthly. Applv t the Post Office. November 18, 1867. PIANO FOR SALE. A fine 6 octave Rosewood Piano, Stool and Cover, is offered for sale. This Piano is comparatively new and in good order. Address me at Kirkland P. O., Cabarrus county, or inquire of Miss Penick at the Charlotte Female Institute. J. M. W. ALEXANDER. November 11, 1807 Impd FARMER'S HOTEL, I have opened a BOARDING HOUSE in Springs' corner building, over Mr Sinclair's Store. Board and lodging by the month or day furnished at rea sonable rates. Single meals can be had at any time. Give me a trial. S. A. STUART. Sept. 0, 1S07. 4m B. KOOPMANN, Having completed my Winter Stock, I now offer to my frieudsand patrons in Charlotti and surrounding country, as handsome and cheap an assortment of Fall and Winter Goods as can be bought in or out of the city. As usual my stock comprises everything kept in a first class mercantile house. Of Dress Goods, a full an J compute stock; ( ahcoes in every Variety and pattern; Shirting, bleached and unbleached; Sheet ings and Pillow casing of all widths; Ticking. &c. Special attention is called to my extraordinary fine and extensive stock of Millinery and Ladies' Goods, Buch as Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Balmorals, IIoop ekirts, English Hosiery, Vests, &c. Shawls in every variety ; a lot of French Embroideries; Laces, thread and cluny ; Edgings; Inserting; Collars; Handker chiefs altogether embracing an assortment such as is Bly seldom offered in this city. Cloaks and Furs, Latest Styles, Furnishing Goods, Trimmings. Fancy Goods and Notions in endless variety. Cloths. Doeskins, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, Kerseys, in shades, patterns and qualities Jo suit Any and-everybody. Also, a heavy stock of Rock Island Cassimeres and Jeans at Factory prices. CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! ! CLOTHING . ! ! a better stock than ever. Boots and Shoes For Ladies' and Misses', Men's and Boy's wear. I bought and had manufactured for my use such arti cles only as I can honestly recommend. HARDWARE in all its branches, including a lot of double and single barreled Shot Guns, Wittemorc's Cards, Ames Shovels, Collins' Axes, ie., &c Groceries, Drugs, Notions, &c. r ' The old and numerous friends of my house know of course- their interest demands them to give me a call before purchasing," whilst the public generally can rest assured that a trial at roy store will leave them fully satisfied that ; I can and will sell at least as low as th lowest,"". - t i . . .' . WHOLESALERS, who do not wish t a be under sold, will do well to look through my stock. Oct. 21 , 1867. - B. KOOPMANNl GROVER.& BAKER'S -Premiiim Sewing Machines,- 495 Broadway, NEW YORK. " For sale bj - BREM, : BROWN & CO,', ' . jStpU'&V-J Wlsi - ,HWfd ti Charlotte. "X Beggar Babyicr Pale and weary, strangely, ola 'Wan with hanger; parched, with cold, " LJothed in rags around it roiiea, r ff " Was this poor beggar baby. Careless travelers going by r Walked around lest,' coming nigh; - -They might hear the hungry cry Of this poor beggar baby. Rich men passed, and thought within, "'Twere well that life had never been, As though misfortune were a sin For a poor beggar baby. J Only the pauper mother smiled, Only the mother blessed the child, And murmured love in accents mild To that poor beggar baby. But by and by that baby died, And they buried it (on the pauper's side Of the yard) only the mother cried For that poor beggar baby; Who used to cling to her lonely breast, And kiss her cheek ere it sunk to rest, Like a little bird in a happy nest Poor little beggar baby ! But lo! beyond the pauper tomb. A wondrous light stole through the gloom, And voices sang, "In heaven there's room For that pooT beggar baby." . And then in garments white and new, Upward the rank of angels through, The radiant, ransomed spirit flew Of that poor beggar baby. Notice to Debtors. Persons indebted to me for Professional services are earnestly requested to settle. Many of these debts are of long standing, am! 1 am compelled, by circumstances, to require immediate settlement of all. E. D. WILLIAMSON, M. D. Morrow's Turnout, Nov. 18, 18C7 3wpd FAMILY GROCERY STORE, (Next Door to Brem, Brown $ Co's Dry Good Store,) CHARLOTTE, N. C, Where will Te kept constantly on hand a full supply of choice Family Groceries, consisting in part of Sugar and Coffee, of all grades ; fine Alolasses and Syrups; fresh shore Mackerel, Rice, Tea, Crackers, Soda, Spice, Pepper, Ginger. 51 ace, llaccaroni, Pickles, Catsups, Candles, Candies, Powder and Shot, Percussion Caps, Wooden Ware of every description, Nails of all sizes, &c , &c. FINE FAMILY FLOUR, CORN, MEAL, Peas and fresh Butter constantly on hand. Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. We respectfully solicit a share of the public patron age. Give us a trial. W. W. GRTER & CO. W. W. GKIEH. J. J. SIMS. C. W. ALEXANDER. October 28, 18G7. NEW STORE. At the Stand forvxerly occupied by Stcnliouse, Macauhiy & Co. The subscribers inform the public that they have opened a largo stock of Groceries, Consisting in part of Sugar, Cofi'ec, Cheese, Bagging, Rope, Iron Cotton Ties, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, and every other article in the Grocery line, which they offer at as low prices for cash as can be obtained in this city. J. KUCK CO. Nov. 11, 18G7. lm LAND FOR SALE. I want to sell one hundred and fifty acres of Land on the West side of the Char. & S. C. Railroad one mile from Morrow's Turnout. One third of said laud is wooded, and the balance is adapted to culti vating Grain and Cotton, with two good meadows on it. Said Tract is without buildings. Call and see me and I will show you the land. Oct. 21, 1867. tf M. L. WALLIS. J. H. CARSON". THOMAS CRIER. NEW FIRM! NEW STORE!! AND NEW GOODS. CARSON & GRIER, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Commission Merchants, Charlotte, N. C. We are now receiving in our new Store, our first stock of Goods, which were carefully selected, and bought for CASH exclusively, to which we invite the inspection of all, as it is part of our business to show them. Wre have no Remnants, and not a dollar's worth of Old Stock. We have a full supply of Family Groceries, Bagging, Rope and Iron Ties, Shoes and Leather, Fish, Cheese, Nails, Glass, Buckets, Brooms, and a general assortment of Wooden Ware, Powder, Shot and Caps, Cigars, Snuff and Tobacco, Soap, Soda, &c. To those wishing to buy for Cash, we can offer such inducements as will make it their interest to give us their trade. Wholesale and retail denier are invited to give us n call. Our store is on Tryon Street, nearly oppo site the old Bank of North Carolina now T. Y. iewey & Co. fcfef Highest prices paid for Flour, Corn, Peas, Oats, Beeswax, and other country produce. Jpigr Strict attention given to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Tobacco. Grain. Flour, &e. References : Gov. Z. B. Vance, lion. J. H. Wilson, Gen. D. H. Hill andT. W. Dewey, Esq., Charlotte, N. C. : Williams, Black & Co., New York. October 21, 1807. Fall and Winter Stock 1867. FOR THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS, Have now in store one of the largest stocks of Goods ever brought to this market. It consists in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. They invite particular attention to their elegant assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, and feci confident tkatthey can give satisfaction in price and quality. Their stock of Ready-made Clothing and Gentle men's F urnishing Goods is complete and embraces everythiug in that line. Boots and Shoes In large quantities and at the lowest catdi prices. Their stock of Groceries and Hardware is suffi cient to supply the demands of their customers and friends. In fact, everything and anything can be found in their Store, from the smallest needie to a "cross-cut" Saw. The attention of countrv Mpr.Vh,,. ; quested, and they are respectfully invited to call and csaniiue mis siock 01 uoous. Returning thanks for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed, thev uroniise to do 11 ; to give satisfaction to customers hereafter. Millinery and Dress-Making. A separate dpntHmoAt i AavntaA is t;ii: i - x . .'uuiuery aim Dress-making, where the Ladies can have work done promptly hr-th latest-styles. WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS, Oct. H 18C7 between the two Drug Stores. A. W. ALEXANDER, r . ; Stirgeon Dentist, CHARLOTTE, N. C. : ' OJice t tk Bratclty Buildiny,) E3, Can be consulted on Tuesdays, Wednesday Thursdays and Fridays. ' y NOTICE, TO POSTMASTERS. i It bsle4n reported to m that in ; some eases In this State Postmasters alldtr newspaper" ad-! dressed to subscribers to be taken out "and read by persons ht subscribers. This, no mattef how well intended, !s in violation of the rules; and Postmasters are admonished not to permit this to be done. - The papers should be delivered to "the subscribers, or to persons authorized to take them out of the pffice for them.' .,., 1 A. JOBE. Special J gent. Kaleigh.Oct. 8. 1867. McLEOD & STEELE Have now in Store a , handsome - stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, &a, Which thej offer to bujers at low rates for Cash. " They are prepared to furnish anything in their line that may be called for. , . ... Third door from Springs' Corner, Tryon street. Oct. 14, 18G7. - McLEOD k STEELE. NOTICE. Drafts on New York Without Charge. . Parties, whether regular customers or not, wish ing to send money to New York, Baltimore, and other Northern Cities, will be supplied with Drafts for any amount, at City Bank of Charlotte, without charge. ' Also, for sale, Drafts Li amounts to suit purchasers, on England, Ireland, Fiance, and all parts of Ger many. A. ' G. BRENIZER, Cashier. November 4, 1867. GREAT ATTRACTION, Under the Sign of the Elephant. PRESSON & GRAY Would respectfully invite their friends and acquain tances and the rest of mankind to call and examine their Stock of Goods before purchasing elsewhere. GROCERIES, Embracing everything in that line. Also a well se lected Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, CUT LERY, CROCKERY, &c, Also a small and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, And Notions. All of which we will sell as Cheap, if not. Cheaper, than the Cheapest our motto being Quick Sales and small Profits. PRESSON & GRAY. Charlotte, Oct. 14, 18G7. Pictures at . 50 cents And upwards, at the Photographic Galery over Jas. Ilarty & Co's Store, next to the Court House. Call and get a superb likeness of yourself and family, at low rates according to style and finish. Copies taken of old Pictures in a superior manner. Satis faction guarantied at the Gallery of II. BAUMGARTEN, May G, 18G7. Next to Court House FERTILIZERS FOR WHEAT. We have now received our supplies of Guano and Phosphates for Wheat,- consisting in part of Pure Peruvian Guano, Soluablc Pacific Guano, Baugh's Phosphato of Lime, Zell's Phosphate of Lime, all in sound packages and "warranted free from adultera tion. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. 150 Barrels of Rockport Lime. f00 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 1,000 Gallons Cardenas Molasses, in barrels and hogsheads, 250 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO., Commission Merchants. FIRE INSURANCE. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO- Agents. Policies written on Storehouses, Dwellings and all kinds of Merchandise in Store or Transitu." Ag gregate Capital represented, Twelve Million Dollars. E. X. HUTCHISON'. J. C. BURROUGHS. K. A. SPRINGS. Plaster of Paris, Rosendale Cement, Rockport Lime, Land Plaster and Clover Seed, just received. HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. October 14, 1867. A. HALES, Watchmaker and Jeweler, One door South of the Mansion Iloust, Charlotte, N.C. If your Watch needs Repairing, Don't get mad and go to swearing ; Just take it into HALES' shop, He will fix it so it will not stop. He warrants his work all for a year, When it is used with proper care. -He will do it as low as it done, And do it so well it's sure to run. June 24, 1867 6m Health for the Southern Invalid, Found in the use of KAY'S WORDSELL'S Vege table Restorative Pills, imported by A. II. ERWIN & CO. These Pills supercede the use of Blue Mass, Calo mel and all dangerous medicines ; are most effective in Chills and Fever, and will renew and invigorate the body. As we have been disfranchised by the Yankees let us in turn disfranchise all Yankee trash medicines and Yankee nostrums. This Medicine can be had at Dr. Scarr's and Wal ker & Brother's, Charlotte, and at Dr. G. B. Fowl son's, Salisbury, and of A. II. ERWIN, Sept, 30, 1867. Lmcolnton, N. C. Charlotte, Oct, 21, 1867. I hftVG used some of tha !inv mtmtinnerl PilW fKflV S WordsPll's Vporptnhln R9(nrr.ivn Villa nnfl can cheerfullv sav that I regard thorn n. cnfA unA efficient remedy for many disorders incident to our uouuu-y. i,. j. JOXES, M. V. New Foundry and MACHINE SHOP TATEM, R00KE & CULPEPPER, Practical Mechanics, Have opened a Foundry, Machine and Blacksmith Shop, at the old stand of J. M. Howie, where thev will execute, in the very best style and finish, all worK in ineir une. They are prepared to make all sorts of CASTINGS for Steam Engines, Mills, Factories, Water-wheels, Cane mills, Farming Implements, and, in fact, every thing pertaining to their business. Particular attention will be paid to the JREPAtR- T SI .11 ! J. 1 iit tr oi an kiuu.-i oi inacninery. All work shall be done in the very best etyle, with the best material, and at living prices. , All kinds of work for GOLD MINES executed with skill ami dispatch. JSST Remember, we are practical workmen, and will warrant all our workl Give us a call. TATEM, ROOKE & CULPEPPER October 14, 1807. J. E. STENHOUSE, j ALLAN MACAULAY, New Yobk. j : , Charlotte, N. C. Stenhouse, & Macaulay, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .. . 43 Stone Street, NEW YORK. : Prompt personal attention " given to the Rale of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, . Naval Stores, &c and the purchase of Merchandise generally. ' - , Consignments solicited. June 10, 1867. -' Z. B. VASCE. C. DOWD. VANCE & J)OWT) Attorneys at Law, Charlotte, N. C Having associated themselves together, will practice in the Courts of Mecdenburg, Iredell, .Catawba, Da vidson, Rowan, Cabarrus and Union, and in the Fed eral nd Supreme Courts. I Claims collected anywhere in the State. Aril2, U. . . jX ; i, mCt NEW .FALL : AN L WINTEB-STOCK. . - Buxbaum "Lang, At the Corner Store ' under Mansion "House, " ; Are now receiving their Fall, Stock,' which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Our stock of DRY GOODS is complete, and consists in part of ; the fol lowing articles : . CAICOES, DELAINES POPLINS, Reps, Empress Cloths, bleached and unbleached Domestics ; Table Linen, Damask Towels, &c. A full assortment of Ladies' Cloaks, of the latest styles. Also a full line of Furs, Yictorines and Muffs. , We keep a full line of Miles & Son's Shoes; Trunks, for Ladies and Gentlemen ; latest styles of Ladies'. HATS. Our Clothing Department is complete. A full line of Business Suits, black Cloth Suits, and every thing pertaining to Gentlemen's wear. ; Furnishing Goods Of every variety. Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Neck Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also a full line of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. We have constantly on hand a full line of Rock Island Goods. Call early no trouble to show Goods. tPn, Remember the Stobb BUXBAUM & LANG, Corner Store under Mansion House. October 7, 1807. Smith's BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CHARLOTTE, N. C, next door to Dewey's Bank. B. R. SMITH & CO. will furnish Merchants their Fall and Winter stock of BOOTS and SHOES At New York Wholesale Prices. One of the firm has visited the Factories North, and had a large stock of Goods made to order, with a view of supplying Merchants in Western North Carolina and upper Districts of South Carolina. ,. Having devoted our entire attention for many years to the SHOE TRADE, we claim advantages in it, and will deal as liberally as possible with all. 8,Call soon or send in your orders early. Every article warranted as represented. We have also a large stock of SHOE FINDINGS, LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING. B. R. SMITH & CO. Sept. 9, 18G7 PRACTICAL Watch and Clock Maker, AND DEALER IN JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, Watch Materials, Spectacles, c. Aug. 19, 1867. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Dentistry. Dr. WM. E. CARR, late of Wilmington, having located in Charlotte, is prepared to attend promptly to all calls relating to his profession. 'Having had seventeen years experience in the practice of Dentis try, he is satisfied that he can please all who may give him a call. ' All work done with reference to neatness, durabil ity and dispatch. Office over Barringer, Wolfe & Co's Store, where he can be found at all hours of the day. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. Teeth filled and extracted without pain. June 10, 1807. Lime, Plaster, Cement and Hair. A large supply always on hand, and for sale on most favorable terms, by WORTH & DANIEL, Wilmington, N. C. Monthly receipts of fresh Lime from Maine. July 15, 18(57 6m J. A. W1LLABI). A. A. WILLABD. Willard Brothers, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Agents for the Hazard Powder Co., and Marvin & Co.'s Safes. Also, Emery's Cotton Gin and Con denser, and roster h Cotton Planter. Noa. 29, 30 and 31 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. September 2, 1866 6m Concord Mills. Having opened a House in Charlotte, near the Post Office, for the sale of our own manufactured goods, we invite the attention of merchants and others to our YARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, 0SNABERGS, CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARNS, &c, &c. Jg Cotton taken in exchange for Goods. We sell low for Cash. ' J. Mcdonald & sons, August 12, 1867. Concord, N. C. Co wand & Harriss, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 26 Commerce Street, NORFOLK, VA., Will attend promptlv to sales of Cotton, Grain, Lum ber, Tobacco, Naval Stores, &c, and purchase of Supplies. Will forward Cotton to Europe FREE of forwarding CHARGE. D. G. Cowani, R. J. Harriss, Washington co., N. C. Late of Halifax, N. C. Refers to Capt, W. E. Stitt and Hon. Z. B. Vance, of Charlotte; and Hon. W. N. II. Smith of Hertford county. August 26, 1867 Cm TAILORING. John Vogel, Practical Tailor, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shop opposite old Charlotte Hotel, next door to Brem's Hardware Store. January 1, 1867. CHARLOTTE MARBLE YARD. I have this day sold the Stock of the Charlotte Marble Yard to JAMES TIDDY, who will in the future conduct the business, and is cordially recom mended to my customers of the Last ten years. RICHARD N. TIDDY. Charlotte, N. C, July 1st, 1867. James Tiddy, Dealer in Marble and Manufacturer of Monuments, Slabs, Headstones, &c, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Orders will receive prompt attention. All persons indebted to the Charlotte Marble Yard will please come forward and make immediate pay ment, as further indulgence cannot be given. July 22, 1867. Bones Wanted. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. The subscriber will purchase HONES at cO cents per hundred, delivered at Concord Factory, or at any Railroad Depot between Charlotte and Greensboro. Casli paid on delivery. Those who will eccumulate Bones in any point on the Railroad lines, and inform the sub- scrioer, arrangements will De made for their pur chase , - i r. e. Mcdonald. April 1, 1867 ' tf Concord, N. C. : cdbraisHOP.. : I have removed mv CooDer Shon to th on fnrniorl occupied br Mr Creswell aa a wner.n chnn Jamison's Blacksmith shop on the street leading by the Court House, where I would be mt-.aAH those who desire work done in my line. New work or repairinc done at short notice. Giv m .oil ani your work shall be done satisfactorily. . nouse Keepers wno want water conveyed through their houses by pipes, will apply to the undersigned. A .i?.?, . .; .. j. s . yp State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg county. Court of Fleas 4" Quarter, Sessions OcU Term, 18G7. AWiel & Co. va- M. Sutton - '- ; , -Attachment -A..M. Kee gammoned as Garnishee. . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that W. M. Sutton, the defendant in this case, is a non resident of this State, it ia therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks, in the Western Democrat,- notifying said defendant to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the ConntyNof Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 2d Monday in January next, then and there to answer, plead or replevy, or judgment final will be entered against him, and the effects in the hands of Garnishee con demned to plaintiffs use. Witness, Wm. Maxwell, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 2d Monday in October, A. D. 1867. 95-6w WM. MAXWELL, Clerk. State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg county. Court of Fleas d Quarter Sessions Oct, Term, 18G7. C. J. Fox vs. E. A. Thompson. . Original Attachment Levied by summoning as Gar ' nishees W W Hart, Wm Maxwell, C W Alexander, C Dowd and J B Stewart. It appearing to. the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, E. A. Thompson resides beyond the limits of this State, i( is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks, in the Western Democrat, notifying the said defendant to be and ap pear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to bo held for the County of Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 2d Monday in January next, 18C8, then and thereto answer, plead or re plevy, or judgment final will be taken against him, and the above persons garnisheed, levied upon, the amount in their hands due to said defendant will be condemned to plaintiff's use. Witness, Wm. Maxwell, Clerk of ur said Court at office, the 2d Monday in October, A. D. 1867. 95-6w WM. MAXWELL, Clerk. State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg county. Court of Fleas d" Quarter Sessions Oct. Term, 1867. Thomas W. Dewey, Cashier, vs. E. S. Wright. Attachment levied on 15 pieces and 26 boxes of Ma chinery, 1 Steam Engine, Pictures and Milk , It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant resides beyond the limits of this State, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks, in the Western Democrat, notifying the said defendant to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte on the 2d Monday in January next, then and there to answer, plead or replevy, or judgment final will be taken against him, and the property levied on con demned to plaintiff's use. Witness, Wm. Maxwell, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 2d Monday in October, A. D. 1867. 9o-6w WM. MAXWELL, Clerk. State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg county. Court of Flea f$ Quarter Sessions Oct. Term, 1867. Joseph H. Irwin vs. John L. Harkey. Justices' Judgment levied on Thirty Acres of Land belonging to Defendant. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, John L. Harkey, resides beyond the limits of this State, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks, in the Western Democrat, notifying said defendant to be and appear at the next Courtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 2d Monday in January next, to show cause why the Land levied upon should not "be ordered to bo sold. Witness, Wm. Maxwell, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the 2d Monday in October, A. D. 18(7. 95-6v WM. MAXWELL, Clerk. GROCERIES. Hammond & McLaughlin Have just received a large assortment of Groceries, which they offer for sale at reduced prices. Their Stock consists, in part, of the following articles: Iron Cotton Ties, 40 Sacks prime Rio Coffee, SO Barrels Sugar all grades, 5 Hogsheads Sugar yellow, 25 Barrels Molasses assorted grades, 5 Hogsheads Molasses Cuba, 10 Barrels Potomac Shad, 10 Half Barrels Potomac Shad, . 10 Quarter Barrels Potomac Shad, 10 Half " Family Mackerel, 10 Quarter " " " 40 Kits, No. 1 and 2, " 100 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 50 Boxes fine English Dairy Cheese,. 50 " Adamantine Candles, 50 " assorted Stick Candy, 25 ' " Layer Raisins, Fine Lot of Bacon N. C. and Western, " " Flour, Corn and Corn Meal, Codfish and Irish Potatoes, Hemlock Leather, Iron and Nails all sizes, Bale Yarn and Shirting, Sauces, Flavoring Extracts, Soda Crackers, &c And every other article usually found in a Grocery and Provision Store. We invite the attention of country merchants and others to Our stock, and solicit an examination. iiammond & Mclaughlin. . October 14, 1867. tf COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Co-Partnership Notice. The undersigned have this day formed a Copnrt nership, under the name of R. II. COWAN & CO., for the purpose of carrying on a General Commis sion, Shipping and Supply Business in the City of Wilmington, JN. C. Their office, for the present, is on the Corner of Chesnut and V ater Streets, up stairs, where they will be happy to hear from and serve their friends, By the 1st of October next, they will be fully pre pared to furnish supplies of all kinds. ROBT. H. COWAN. JNO. W. CAMERON, . JAMES II. HILL, Wilmington, N. C, July 29, 1867. tf Benjamin Robinson, . (Late of North Carolina,) ATTORNEY AND - COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 37 Nassau Street, NEW YORK. Associated with Roger A. Prvor, Esq!, formerly of ... , ... . . Virginia, win aiiena promptly ana tnorougnly to all business committed to his management. August 2G, 1867. ly J. Y. BRYCET& CO., General Commission Merchants. CHARLOTTETN. C. Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds oi I'roauce, t otton and 1 obacco. B3 Highest cash price paid for Cotton. BgL, AH orders from a ditace promptly attended o- J. Y. BRYCE. J March 5, 18C6. W. II. BRYCE. FANCY GROCERIES. Pickles, Preserves, Jellies. Mustard. Horse Radish. Powdered Ginger and Cinnamon, Ginger Preserves, Macaroni, Hermetrically sealed Meats and Fruits, Salmon, Lobsters, Oysters, Clams, Sardines, Pine Apples, Peaches, Strawberries, Salad Oil, Catsups, Soda Powders, Vinegar, KuTtklnlck Smoking Tobac co, Havana Segars, Tobacco and Snuff. Chestnuts, Green- and Dried Apples, Raisins, Fishing Hooks and Tackle, 'Violin and Guitar Strings, wines and brandies. Champaine, Pcmartin Sherry, old Newton Ma: deira, old Port, Catawba, Rhine, Jas. Hennessee Cognac Brandy, vintage of 1858, Marc Renault double refined -rectified Whiskeys, old Bourbon, Rye, Wheat., pure Corn and Monoogahcla Whiskeys, Hol land Gin aid Schiedam Schnapps, Bitters, St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and Lemon, and other Syrups, London Porter, A, Guiness & Sons' xxx Brown Stout, Dublin,. Muir & Son's eparklin Edin burgh Ale, Glass, Bottles, , Flasks and Demijohns of all sizes to the Trade. . .-. ... Old Corn and Rye Whiskey by the barrel, to the trade at small profit. , , r. Visitors and residents in Charlotte purchasing any of the above for medical purposes, can get. a pure article by calling on " . - . - " , , -Feb. 18yi8T ' iD. PALMSB? r ; M. Query's New; Store. PALL r AND - WINTER GOODS. - A ttew stock of Fall and Winter Goods Is now in fitorexbr-aale aLreasonabla prices, Ladies, Dres Goods,, Bonnets, Trimming, &C of all descriptions, in large quantities. Shoes, Hoop Skirts, Gloves," Yankee Notions, and Fancy Goods, in great varietyj U MUlinery. , MRS.1 QUERY would Inform her friends that has spared no pains in selecting her stock of Milline ry and Trimmings; and having had a long experience in the business feels satisfied that she can please all who will favor her with a caJL . Bonnets and Hats made and trimmed to order, on the most reasonable terras and shortest notice. Dresses Cut, Fitted, Trimmed and made on reason able terms and at short notice. ' Our terms-are strictly Cash. Our motto is, smU profit, "and just dealing to all. October 14, 1807. . Fall Stock. J. BUXBAUM & CO.. Trade Street, Charlotte, N. Cf, Dry Goods, &c, Arriving daily, all to be sold Cheap for Caih. To our old customers and friends we return our thanks for their past liberal patronage, and take pleasure in announcing to them that we are daily receiving a full and complete stock of . Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing every article kept in a first class estab lishment. Hats, Bonnets and Ribbons, in great variety, to suit the most fastidious lady. READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, kc. Bt, Give us a call and judge for yourself. October 7, 1&67. Important to Carolina Shippers. THE NEW Bait. & Carolina "Grand Trunk FREIGHT LINE, VIA PETERSBURG, VA., Comprising the following great Freight Routes: THE POWHATAN STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S FREIGHT LINE OF STEAMERS, PETERSBURG AND WELDON, RALEIGH AND GASTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON AND WELDON, ATLANTIC & NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER, CHARLOTTE & SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAYS, And their connections. Time Quick . and Rates Low. This new trunk line. forms a Great Freight Route between Baltimore and Weldon, Warrenton, Raleigh, Hillsboro', Lexington, Salisbury, Morganton, Char lotte, Lincolnton, Goldtboro', Newbern, Beaufort, Wilmington, Chesterville, Winnsboro', Columbia, Sumterville, Manchester, and all intermediate points on and near these great Railways and their connec tions. The Towhatan Stenmers connect at Petersburg with Petersburg Railway for all points in the Caro liuas. - Cars are run alongside of Steamers' Wharf, and goods transferred with careful handling. CARS ARE RUN THROUGH WITHOUT BREAK ING BULK Between Petersburg and Raleigh, Charlotte, Gohln boro, Wilmington, &c, &c. This Inland Line pos sesses many advantages over a Sea Route. Marine risk is small and insurance is comparatively nothing. The Wharf of Powhatan Steamers being situated in the very centre of the great Shipping District of Baltimore, renders it convenient to shippers, and dray age is very small. Great attention paid to consignments of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Rosin, &.c, &c. All produce forwarded at the lowest possible rates. rT" To insure transportation over this Inland Fast Line, mark all goods, whether Northward or Southward bound, "Via Petersburg." Freight landed in Baltimore day following delivery to the Steamers. Through Receipts are given and fixed rate per 100 pounds guaranteed both ways. JGST" Rates in every case as low as via Bay Line and Portsmouth to and from Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. N. B. With regard to last named points, freight is forwarded to and from Petersburg by Philadelphia and New York Steamers. For rates and all further information, apply to any Freight Agent on the Line, or at the OmCE OF THE POWHATAH STEAMBOAT Co., 90 Light St. Wharf, Baltimore. J. BRANDT, Jr., President Powhatan Steamboat Co. R. B. PEGRAM, Sup't Petersburg Railroad. A. B. ANDREWS, Sup't Raleigh & Gaston Railroad. JAMES ANDERSON, Sup't North Carolina Railroad. C. BOUKN1GI1T, Sup't C. & S. C. Railroad. S. L. FREMONT, Sup't Wilm'n & Weldon Railroad. J. V. JORDAN, Acting Master Trans. -Atlantic and N. C. Railroad. WM. M'RAE, Sup't Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. September 30, 18G7. H. HI. PHELPS. "H;me, Sweet Home ! There's no place like Home!" I am happy t(5 inform my old friends of Charlotte and the surrounding country, that I have again re turned and resumed my ?old business among them, and am fully prepared to offer them the Cheapest Stock of Goods To be found at any other establishment in the City. Having recently lived in the Northern States, and with my old experience in the purchase of Goods, I am not prepared to say I will sell "below cont," or at a reduction on the original cost, or "at and below New York prices," but that I will sell as Cheap, if not Cheaper, than any other House, and at a small profit. As my stock was purchased for Cash, conne qutntly I can afford to dispose of articles at a slight advance. I have now in Store, and am constantly receiving, a choice assortment of Dry Goods, Ladies' Trimmings of the latest styles, Linen Table Damask, Linen Diaper, and all kinds of Flannels, Calicoes, brown and bleached Sheetings, black and colored Ahmccas, Ladies' and Gentlemen s r urniau- ing Goods, &c, &c. . M. 1 11JSL18, Mareh 11, 1807. Opposite the Court House. ROBERT P. WARING, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office, 3 doors West of Dewey Bank, and opposite Carson's new store. September 2, 18G7. New Foundry and Machine Shop AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. W. MARTIN & CO., HoTrlnn- jkf- Vnr1itfrnm KtoweSvUle. GStoD county, to Charlotte, respectfully inform their old atron and the public , generally tnai iney un opened a f oundry and Macnine eaopai v Yard Lot, in the city of Charlotte, where they r prepared to make all sorts of CASTINGS for btw" Engines, Milb, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane Ai Farming Implements, kc, kc - . . . , t0 ."REPAIRING Particular attention repairing of all kinds. . . - All KOrk shall be done in the very niceat siy, and the best material used. . . ., . JOHN WILKES, June 23, 1866: " Charlotte, X. C.

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