.......-.-.......l , ,",...,.-. TTTr-rr-j?.'. 1 "' J r.....; .... WJff J YATES Editor and Profreitor'. Terms of Subscription Tiibee , Doixars, in advance. ; CHARLOTTE, r V C. T tl KSDAV. DECF.MBER .10, -1867.: V) : yripgfta ; ; - THE "Western D emocrat PCBL1SUED BT WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor and Terms Three Dollars per o Proprieior. annum in advance. Apvertisemexts. For one square of ten lines or less $1 will be charged for each insertion, unless kept in for over one month. Notices of marriages and de:itli3 published gratis. . Oh'tuary notices of over five lines in length charged for at advertising rates. Important Public Notice. MUST BE SOLD.r "We offer our immense Stock of few Goods at less than cost priees. We invite the attention of .. WlioleM.1 le fc -Retail Buyers. Special attention is called to our immense Stock of Boots and Shoes, The largest, best selected and cheapest in North Caro lina A splendid assortment of DKESS GOODS, CALICOES, &c. AN IMMENSE"" AND ELEGANT Variety of" Delaines, all grades; Shawls, Blankets, Nubias,, Hoods, Gloves, Hosiery, Notions, And everything in our line. Gents and Boys Clothing, all grades and all prices jeans, Satinets, Oassimeres, Broad Cloths, Boots and Shoes, Under Shirts, Hosiery, &c. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BAGGING And ROPE, &c., &c., at prices that defy competition. Wholesale and Retail dealers will nnd our Stock the cheapest and largest in Charlotte. II. & B. EMANUEL. Tryon Street, next door to Mansion House October 28, 1867. 3m A. A. A. Afloat all Alone. Niivinnr purchased the interest of J. M. Sanders in the GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINESS, T would respectfully ask the custom of my friends and the public generally. And if fair dealing be worth anything in the party with whom you do busi ness, all I ask is a showing. My stock consists of euch eoods as arc usually found in the provision line. S. F. HOUSTON. April 22, 1867. Next door to Charlotte Hotel. One Hundred Years to Come.' Who'll press for gold this crowded street A hundred years to come ? Who'll tread yon church with willing feet A hundred years to come? ; , . . Pale, trembling age and fiery youth, And childhood with his brow of truth, The rich and poor on land and sea Where will the mighty millions be A hundred years to come? v, ,' . We all within our graves shall sleep A hundred years to come; t No living" soul for us will weep A hundred years to come ; -But other men our land will till, And others then our streets will fill, And other birds will sing as gay, . . , . And bright the sun shine as to-day, A" hundred years to come. r ' NEW DRUG STORE, Krnrhi nrmaxilf. the Mansion House. 6d door above -if ii . Dewey" Bank, Charlotte, X. C. KILGORE & CURETON, Wholesalk and Retail Dealers is Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Surgical Instruments, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffsj- To bacco, Segars, Stationery, &c, &c. . B. F. KILGORE, M. D. Nov. 11, 1867. T. K. CURETON, M. D. FOX THI WK8TEBS liociAT. ' i , Cryolite.- : Tli is is a remarkable minerals discovered Greenland not many years ago, and which takes its name from its resemblance to tcef and it can, like ice, be melted in the flame of a candle. 1. It is not said to be found any where else in the world, but there is there an immense vein of it, from which It is said that 160,000 tons can be obtained. In fact, as it is believed to be a volcanic product, and the vein goes down' to the center of tne eartn, tne supply is lnexnauswuic, though the expense of working beyond a certain depth would be too great, lue mine is owneu, and the mineral is quarried out by a firm in Philadelphia, ' c ' " ; ? ; We saw a notice, a short time ago, of a ship lost at sea with a careo of this on hoard, and also having the crew of another .vessel that had been previously lost on the way w rnuaaeipnia. 2, It is known in Chemistry as the Huenae of Sodium and Aluminum, and from it different products are obtained by different processes. For instance, great quantities oi caustic ooaa. The mineral is said to contain 44 per cent ot hydrated Soda, the manufacture of which from this mineral is much more rapid and profitable than from common salt as formerly. Alumina is an incidental product in this manufacture. Wearing Hoirrniiig 1 It i not the custom of our' people to symbo lize their 1 feelings by a change of dress, with this solitary xception " If a man becomes bank rupt, or his home burned down, or loses heavily in commercial operations, or has a son in dis- grace, or a ohild misled by evil company, or any other griefful experience,' he does not4 change his garb. The one solitary and exreptionaTcaBe is bereavement ' But there is in domestic sor row a delicacy, or ought to be, which should shrink from an ostentatiousness such as mourn in annarel cannot fail ' to have. . No One" has a right sor to'express his sorrows as to intrude them upoid every eye wherever he goes., ? Custom has long justified it, 'Otherwise it would be esteemed an indelicacy for one to be a walking ? advertisement .of one's; own private griefs. But, even if one were . permitted to, an nounce .this one 'side of domestic "experience by change " of garb, the question still remains, whether expression should be given to the weak ness of natural feeling, or the triumph of Chris tian faith ? WThether we should symbolize the darkness of the grave as unenlightened nature shows it, or the grave made luminous by the triumph of our Saviour and the giones oi im mortality beyond it? We may be sure there is something wrong in a Christian community dpath is surrounded with associations ot .'w, t uonxsea. jo , wo.,-- t TK fnTlA4n "MmnmU11 were erven tY the A mow thin niual niiniber ' eding tounwa late Rev. Dr. Peahody.of SpringfieYd, tohis son, are noUcM bj.Uaveli anii when the latter was gingirom .home Ureside, different rdroads. . xj. withtherequestthafhelouldreadthemdaily: XSL 1. Never ; forget that youhave s Heavenly tteir eitaation, hut simply to stwI being critici sed and remarked upon, by, proiana , strangers. Thus they lay the ; fond unction to mw ou that thev are travelinic in Off. But good gra- I eious. how badlv . fooled they ' are It i ooe.oT- fhe easiest thinss la the iworld, to the ' caretul eye Father- Snear to him everr dav. v. It ; is ; un grateful to neglect him ;. and if you do neglect Mat; you will repent it bitterly forever. 2., Remember your friends at home, and how; anxious they are for your welfare and improve ment. If you will not take the trouble to write to them, they can have no confidence in your ' 3. Be affectionate and faithful to the friends around you. Give . up your , own inclinations when they interfere with theirs.: r -wf -uri-. 4. G overn your passions firmly. You can be their master; do not be their slave. " ! ' ' i v 5. Always attend to duties first, and after wards to pleasures, hinish your studies Delore tncre'iano guadiness about Ihcir attire. , AU vou allow your amusements to begin. v ; vltt. -n(i UnlaV' are . thrown aside." - and the 6. Do not read much fiction. It is to the appears like more a Quakeress in her mind like drinking to the body: it intoxicates J&;nr Aro f drah or mouse color." ' and destroys the power of the mind for. any . Amtlmf the vouthful culprits ' engage in stronjr and useful exertion. ; ..; ni,r;n nvm or effect a flirtation but it is 7. Ask or tempted to tell precisely how many Jdaycr ft etea. hours they have ko "spliced- Jhey cntomeUmes be detected by the great pains they ' take to ap pear either Jike old' married people or cousins, as they promenade the; dcck'of a., steamer, or sit I so demurely in the cars; , In 4, many , , cases their dress, in part, exposes, thenw Jt is . so appropos to the occasion being neat, symmetrical and bran new. In cases where tnc parties nave gwu " i ..U.U ttr AU 3. A new metal was discovered a lew years te or wnere tne y0ung are reared to a horror of ago, callea iviummum. -lus caony ucnCv. tne 8epUicftre, where present griei rises up ii.e Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hnt nnd fans, for sale at low prices, next door to JAMES HARTY & CO. the Court House Nov. 11, 1867 from this mineral. 1 1t is singular m several re spects. It is a white metal with a bluish tiuge. It resists oxidation, or rusting. It has a low specific gravity. While iron is about 8 times as heavv as the same volume oi water, uu u nine copper a little more, saver more man iu, Charlotte Female CHARLOTTE, N. House Furnishing Articles. Chamber Setts. JaDaned some very handsome all kinds of House Furnishing Articles, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Castors, Candle-sticks, &c., next door to the Court House. Nov. 11, 18G7. JAMES II ARTY & CO. Groceries. Sujrar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Soap, Candles, Table Salt, Mustard, &c, cheap for cash, next uoor 10 i Court House. Nov. 11. 18G7 JAMES II ARTY & CO. a dark cloud and shuts out the heaven; where in sermon, services, conversation and dress everything conspires to shroud death and the grave with darkness has sorrow a right to be selfish? May it bear false witness against im- moralitv? Has a Christian under bereavement less. and lead more than 11, gold more than 19, and a rignt to declare by his conduct, "There is no platinum more than 21 times as heavy as water, tne CTave none beyond it, and no com r. . . . At , : i o 1 tAniVo . o ' , , . , ii .l vi-.i this metal, Aiuuuuuiu io vmj auu Di-vcui,, i jort for tne bereavea put oniy duick, uiac. ewr- otr fan in Knpr.ififl ffraVltV r q. 4. But by another process anoiner meuu, L - i l Sodium, can be made trom this mineral, wnicn is lighter even than water and floats on it. It is vellowish white and soft like wax row!" I never met one muflled in black: irom head to foot, without a certain horror, lhe smell of crape is to me like the smell of a char- nrA hnusn I Did it ever occur to mourners to ask, what, ii This metal has been very costly, but it is said tnoge for wnom i grieve were to speak to me out Institute, c. The present session opened on Tuesday the 1st of October, and will continue until 30th June, 1808. OFFICERS AND INSTRUCTORS: Rev. R. Burwcll, Principal and Instructor in Men ial iind Moral Philosophy and Mathematics. Jno. B. Burwcll, A. M., Chemestry, Natural Phi losophy and Ancient Languages. Mil M. A. Burwcll, English branches and Super intendent Social duties. Pi.f A. Baumaun, Vocal and Instrumental Music. Prof. 11. E. Piguet, Drawing, Painting and Modern Languages. - J Miss Mary Dattc, l.ngusn urancues mm jtichvu. Mrs Sally C. White, English Branches. Miss Mary F. Penick. Music on Piano and Guitar. Miss Ella R. Carson, Music on Piano. Terms as heretofore. For Circular and Catalogue containing full particulars address. Rev. R. BURWELL & SON, Charlotte, N. C. September 23, 18j7. Medical Card. DRS. GIBBON & McCOMBS, having associated themselves in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, respectfully tender their professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. From a large experience in private as well as 1 Hosnital practice, they feel justified in proposing to pay special attention to the practice of Surgerv in all its branches. . Office in Granite Row, up stairs, opposite Mansion House. ROBERT GIBBON. M. D. Dec 11, 1865 J. V. McCOMBS, M. D. BAKERY. Havine secured the services of an experienced BAKER, we will keep constantly on hand a fresh supply of Bread and Cakes, inrl .rA rpTm-cd to furnish Families ami Tarties, at short notice, with PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL CAKES, Cake Trimmings, &c, at moderate prices jT" Satisfaction guaranteed. given to all orders. Nov 18, 18G7. tnmifrli it waa once sold bv the arain, works are erected in New York to manufacture tons of it, so that it can be sold for $4 a pound, and as its specific gravity is so low, a pound will be a large bulk. . 5. This mineral from Greenland is interesting from the number of ores that are found with it iron-stone, lead ore, copperas, sulphur, arsenic, tin-stone, tantalite, columbite, zinc, blende, &c. of the blissful rest in heaven, would be their choice that I should be shrouded like one in rlpsnnir or robed as one who mourns, but with Christian hope? if. Ward BeecJter. An Inexplicable Mystery, Within the walls of the Bastile, during the reim of Louis the XIV, was enacted the inex- te nTT Wnnv rmrioaitv to see a specimen of plicable mystery, which has continued mystery this rare -mineral, one lurnisnea vy wie oiniiu- Personal attention NISBET & MAXWELL. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. S. B.JdEACHAM, Xcar the First National Bank of Charlotte. the I am now receiving from the Manufacturers North the most complete assortment ever offered in this market of Boots and Shoes. I will sell by the case to Merchants at Iew lor i . a, 1 ' 1 rii.l T ...111 cull a a lrv ;1 S prices, ana io me xvciaii nauc x n any one. w i r .1 I keep Miles' best Shoes tor i,auies, hisses auu Children, and Gentlemen's Boots of all kinds French Calf Skins, American (. alt, Aip Kins anu Sole Leather of nil kinds. I feel thankful for the liberal patronage ncreioiore bestowed on me. tT- Be sure and look for the green .Sign-board. " S. B. MEACIIAM, Near the First National Bank October 14, 18G7. MILLER & BLACK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries, Provisions & Produce, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, X. C, Have now in Store and will keep constantly on hand n D,l iWt stock of the above articles for sale; ctfullv invite the attention of their friends and the public generally. R. M. MILLER. W. J. BLACK. September 23, 1807. English Blue Stone. & fW, ,Mnlv of this fine article for sale low at SCAUR'S DRUG STORE. Six per cent Interest. Deposits received subject to signi cnecits au per cent interest allowed at JCl. 4, 100(. v.- Notary Public. Notary Tublic for the City of Charlotte and Meck lenburg county, apply at the till ii.v. rv yjc viiAiiiiuii-i November 4, 1867. Trade Street Ragged Money. Torn and defaced Shinplasters, Greenbacks, and X'atinniil Bank Notes, bought at a very reaeonaDie discount at the CITY BANK OF CHARLOTTE, November 4, 1807. Trade Street. sonian Institution will be left for a time at the Democrat Oftice. E. F. K. Davidson College, N. C. Never Invited IIim. "Why is it you never trade with me ?" said a tradesman to a friend from the country; the other day. The rerlv was characteristic : "You have never in vited me, sir. I am a reader of our county paper, and never fail to search the advertising columns. I have seen no invitation from you, and I make it a rule never to go , where I am not invited.? EXECUTOR'S SALE. As Executors of B R Smith, dee'd, we will sea at his late residence, 4 miles South ol Charlotte, on me C & S C Railroad, on Tuesday the 17th day of December next, all the personal property of said de ceased, consisting of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Sheep, 1 Road Wagon and Harness, 1 Carriage and Harness, Farming Implements, Blacksmith Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, 1 Silver Watch, 1 Pistol (re peater), &c , &c. " Terms made known on day of sale. 15. It. SMUU, JUNIUS M. SMITH, Nov 25, 1867 3w ' Executors - I NOTICE. CITY PROPERTY FOR BAu. By virtue of a Deed of Trust made by David and Daniel Kahnweiler to Isaac Loewenstein, and duly nannrArA And llpiristercd. I shall sell at public auc tion, FOR CASH, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 23d day of December, 18C7, the two STORE BUILDINGS, with theground upon which they stand and attached thereto, located upon Trade street m said city, one of which is now occupied by A. Weil & Co., and the other by W.'W Grier & Co ISAAC LOEWENSTEIN, Trustee. ' By Jos. II. Wilsok, Attorney . Nov. 23, 18C7. 5w to this dav. of the man in the Iron Mask. When first heard of he was confined in the Marguerite Islands, in the Mediteranean, whence he was removed bv De Saint Mars, who was his private governor, and answerable, it is believed, for his safety with his own life, to the Bastile, where he died on November 19, 1703, and was buried on the 20th. in the cemetery of St. Paul, under the name of 3Iachiati. ' No man, except the governor, so far as is known, ever saw ,liis face or heard his voice. Two persons, to whom he had conveyed wtton urnrda in nnft ease marked upon a linen shirt, in the other encrraved on a silver plate died, without apparent cause immediately after wards. During his conveyance irom tne iuax guerite Isles, De Saint Mars dined at the same table and slept in the same chamber with him, with pistols ever at hand ready to destroy him in of an attempt on nis part to reveai uiiu- sclf. In the Bastle he was waited upon, at the table and toilet by the governor, who took charge of and destroyed all the linen he once used. He was never seen but with a mask of black velvet fastened behind his head with steel springs; and wbon np vpnt, to hear mass, the invalides, who VV UVU " ;. jjo mo jiunw ,uw j - sometimes tne youtmni "cuipnw useful exertion. ; , . playing at lovers or effect a flirtation,' but it is of every thing which you are disposed 6tupena0us failure. Their t eyes betray I to do, Is this right? If it is, do it, Q iiappinesa for wit and repartee ; there however much it costs you: if it is not, let noth ing induce you to do it. Every time you obey your conscience, you increase its power within you. Each time you act against it, you do some thing to destroy its power. 8. Never forget that you are on the way to S world where you must answer for every thing that you have aone. iive so lust yuu my ... , j in your account with joy, ana not witn areau. A Young Girl in Wisconsin Indians. Abdncted by is such a peculiar softness and tenderness in their confidential whispers, and such a pride in the possession of each other, that none of them are deceived. It is generally : that the bride groom makes the discovery first, and throws his arm cerelessly around the shoulders of his wife, as much as to say, defiantly to the envious, "Who's afraid 1 ' Who knows but that we hate been married many years Y ., Not know ? . The guilty slyness in the wsy ; that arm steals nrftimd first on the ton of the seat back and then ortuWllv closer, while the bride evinces silent 11- A week or two since, says the La Crosse (Wis.) pleasuro as she acquiesces in s very unpercciying Democrat, a young man, well known to many of way. Indeed, it is she who. "Jets the cat out oi our citizens, Mr Charles .Benton, oi unaiasxa, tne Dag most, quiciy. i &"PW in company with Miss . Jennie Oulds, yisited are preferable to the broad guage, and Hyusit some friends near Chippewa Falls, : Wisconsin, on the seat back of them you wiU; observe at first vi,;u onmnta tn tht n aftfl in a nrivate convev- that tne lady s snouiaera arc J onAA ttar nocf1 on Tndimi encamnment. and I cline iust a little to her partner, IkkI Limn nVrno- omversation with them. in the I line in this position a few hours, course of which some of the Indians said Miss Oulds would make their chief a splendid squaw. They passed on and no notice was taken of what the Indians said. After having seen their friends, and while After trave ler neck gets as limber as a washed paper collar and her head gravitates to the broad shoulders of her husband and there it nestles innocently, and confidingly in the repose of honest, tare and truthful love. At times in spite ot all precautions, a uw w 7 I 1 1 Ml A I A A n An1 tSV coming back, about nine miles this side of Chip- two ot her golden iocxb win get ivu uu on ner snouiaer. -iub ib there is order and neatness in their very disorder pewa Falls, the young lady was taken suddenly ill, and bota stopped at a iarm nouse near ai knurl Th trv was better in the eveuinsr. and all retired, Miss Oulds in a room on the ground floor, and Mr Benton in a room up stairs. About an hour after going to bed some twenty Indians came into the house and tried to force the door of Mr B.'s room, and while doing so he shot two with his revolver, and then jumped out of the window and ran behind a shed and reloaded his revolver and came back to defend the girl's room; but in the meanwhile - the Indians had disap peared in the dark and the girl also. The country in that vicinity is being searched closely by parties who went out for the purpose. - Teach Yonr Children Industry. A nnrfoin bietnn'nn remarks : "One laW amOHff the ancient Lydions deserves to be mentioned, and to be cherished in the memory. : This was the punishment of idleness as a crime, and their inuring their children to narosnips. in tne former clause of this law. they deserve to be im itated even by a christian people.' If the youth on1 KonIfn So they go, fineying' themselves lost in the crowd unnoticed, unknown, with their secret locked up in their own -palpitating bosoms. Happy young people! i v ' What the -Kills ' Said. I have been watching the littlo""' rilW jumping and skipping merrily ..along, and.it made me think of the talk a good doctor once , had wita some of them as he was traveling over tho Alle gany Mountains.' , i. ) "What was it ? . , , , . 1 . Well, he asked them where they .were going SO fast. t. !,,;; : - ' ' M "Oh," they said, "just down the mountain. "And what are you going to do as' yoti'go down the mountain r he asked. . -. 0,' we shall make , friends with . other little rills, and grow bigger," said they., . t! :,h "And what will you do when jxu: grow big ger?" " - '" " ' "'" "'' ' "' :' ' " "O, we shall turn saw-mills and grist-mills; and when we get uowu wiuBu . were in charge ot him wi n "S" are in too many instances, they become the prey matches, were instructed to fire on him instantly , ... ' . n tifa;r nnA of our country were generally brought up to napns oi inuubiry, uuw n,. rvlIns wa Kh:dlset some creat iron lactones tney I r- . - would be avoided. Suffered to he idle, as Congress and For sale at Kissingen Waters, SCAR R'S DRUG STORE. ttfSf- Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs and various articles of Perfumery, fresh supply, just re ceived at SCARE'S DRUG STORE. September 9. 18G7 COOKING STOVES, OF THE NEATEST AND MOST SITEBIOR PATTEES. D. II. BYERLY, Springs' Building, Charlotte, N. C, has for sale "Spear s Anti-Dust cooKing oioes, Wh for verv variety of cooking and great econ- nt ha surnassed bv any Stove here- Rvsrvho.lv who has used one of these Stoves testify that, for convenience in cooking, durability and clean- liness, they are far preferable to an omer panerus. Call and see them. it ti TtvpriT.V W nlso on hand a eood assort- d Sheet-Iron Ware such arti . , --i - cles as are necessary for house-keeping. friS- T1X-WAKK in:id to order at short notice on reasonable terms. REPAIRING promptly executed.' 1 ' D. II. BYERLY, Springs' Building, Charlotte, X. C. March 2o, 1S07. , . - SADDLES AND HARNESS. Robert Shaw & Son, Third Door from the Mansion House, li E S 1 xi U x x t liUl in fL form the public that they fS B. KO OPM ANN. TTav;nrr ronuletcd mv Winter Stock, I now offer to my friends and patrons in Charlotti and surrounding country, as handsome and cheap an assortment of Fall and Winter Goods as can be bought in or out of the city. As usual my stock comprises everymmg Kept iu first class mercantile House, ui xress uoous, and complete stock; Calicoes in every variety anu pattern; Shirting, bleached and unbleached ; Sheet- ins and 1'iUow casing oi an wiams; -iicniug, av. Special attention 14 called to my extraordinary fine and extensive stock of Millinery and Ladies' Goods, Such as Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Balmorals, Hoop skirts, English Hosiery, Vests, &c, Shawls in every variety ; a lot of French. Embroideries; iaces, mreau and cluny ; Edgings; Iusertings; Collars; Handker chiefs altogether embracing an assortment euch as is only seldom offered in this. city. : ; Cloaks and Furs, Latest Styles, r.,,;,;nT finnds. Tnmmines. rancy uoous anu A. Ul 1 o - w Notions in endless variety. . . . Cloths, Doeskins, Cassimeres, batincts, Jeans, Tweeds, Kerseys, in shades, patterns ana qualities to suit any and everybody. Also, a heavy stock of Rock Island Cassimeres and Jeans at factory prices. CLOTHING ! CLOTU1NU : I ui.uxm.NU : : : a better stock than ever. Boots and Shoes For Ladies and Misses', Men 8 and I5oy s wear, i bought and had manufactured tor my use sucn arti cles only as I can honestly recommend. HARDWARE in all its branches, including r. lot of double and single barreled Shot Cuns, Wittemore's Cards, Ames' Shovel., CoIlinsAxcs, &c, &c. - Groseries, Drugs, Notions, &c LAND FOR RENT, And Stock for Sale. I offer mv Plantations for Rent for the year 1868. There are three Farms in good state of cultivation, situated ten miles south of Charlotte, in Providence neighborhood. The place known as "Mile Branch' mio-fct h divided into three farms the other two places are moderate sized farms. Any person renting either of these Farms, can al so purchase from me, on favorable terms, Stock, Fanning Implements, aad Provisions, , ... Sufficient to work the place. These farms will be rented and stock sold private ly. For further particulars call at my residence on Providence Road, or address me through Providence P O. Applicants must give good reference as to character. - JAS. A. CALDWELL. Nov. 18, 1867. Im . Concord Female College. Tl nvt Session will commence on the first Mpn- lv of January 1868. It will coi of five months. Tuition and board, will be $135, half in advance. Each boarder will furnish her own lights towels and a pair of sheets and pillow cases. , Music, Drawing, French and Latin are extra. Addrcssf J. M. M. CALDWELL, StatcsviUe, N. November 18, 1867. 2m . ' i six instead with washing. and C. m rase of his 8teakine or showing his face. A hundred conjectures have been risked as to who this mysterious person was who was treated with such respect, yet with such jealous rigor, whose ll a-ternA amjinst, taking off. vet made lup' naa aaaa ov,v. o ' of incessant mystery. The absence of any person of sufficient note from the stage of history to account lor sucn preca.ui.iuua awuc baffles all inquiry. 7. The general idea seems to t.r. 'kot. ia was an elder brother of Louis the VTV the fruit of an adulterous intrigue be- fxpAAn Annie of Austria and the Duke of Buck- ino-ham. or some other lover, who, Deing oorn in wedlock, could not have been dispossessed of his flaim to the throne had his existence Dcen aa- mitted. : . , .. , SniMwrT. Aw air. correspondent of the Portland (Me.,) Argus, writing from Sweden, j ; W. Sttp tella the lollowms disgraceiui storv : " , A man living in this town has just committed ah act that deserves the censure of the public, as it. W alreadv received that of his neighbors. Wo fnrmallv contracted with his brother to take out of his way his aged and invalid wife, f.nrl nnnort. clothe and bury her for $1,000. b W KfAn a hard workincr and faithful wife, BnA V,oa niuxl a l;irre family of children, who have never felt what it was to be disgraced tui On, of them, a man of twenty years and upward, cried like a child when he heard of the affair. He had offered to support her himself if tun a n.fin wnnld onvp him the iarm to ao it ui. wna Tofnf And now this man sends his wife from home, where "she has out lived her usefulness," .to die among strangers. He has not even the excuse of poverty to pieaa, for he is accounted the richest man in town. of the desismine. a curse to their parents, and a v . m. . . - " .ii : J pest to society, mis is a cryiug evu iu uw uay and demands correction, xtestraint over our uu spring is required at our hands, and the parent who neglects it innicts a morai injury un mo child and his country, while he exposes himself to the wrath of his maker. If heathen parents appreciated the results of industrious habits, surely Christian parents ought not to under- value them, leey should xeep tneir uueprnig employed in their learning and other occupa tions, Buited to their tender age, that they may be preserved from temptation and ruin. All . ..1 P t 1 x nature teaches tne lesson oi lnumsuy iuo nun, moon and stars are constant -in the performance of their Creator's will. The earth also, on which we live.unweariedly travels onward m its course, - m . . 3 a. and cotton-mills in motion. "And what will you do then ?" "Then? Why, we shall make tho Alleghany, and Monongahela rivers, and when we are big enough we shall make the great Ohio. "And what then?" W! ' ; i- "What then ? Why, we shall unite our for- ce8-for wc do not mean to live by ourselves--with the great Missouri and .Mississippi, and, help them carry, a thousand ships, to the ocean. " W bat t are you going to do this," you little rills?'--'?.' ' -c "f V ;',9' 7.," "Yes sir, we are; and if youT doVtbeliere us, we can't stop to convince jou of it, for we are in: a hurry' and off they ran oft a jump. U: - If the little rills are going to do so much, what will not the children do, the boys and girls who TV 114 UVV V j j . nnrmtrUiTMr and ' stronger every day. ana ai i. c:iun ivi, . - cj ; . m w - m ma io u wurc, -iSvJi.-fcu' fnrrr or evU intlui ' - - m m J I will ii w uiiu mj w t - and the very insecte teach us a lesson oi inautry. - - . , brignt and eparkling Shall we disregard the lesson ?' wilL I am afraid, run into -, . olfi lifp.'blcasinir nobody. shrinks to nothing. Others who are promising am; afraid, , by and by e aiyerwx QOWft the first 1 snug and ' until they dry up- at last will I 1 -KI" Th old and numerous friends of my house know of coarse their miere?iRemuu ' " 5" - " n,1M.h&inr. W&lUt tno puouc Efnermiy cu reft assured that a trial t my store wi.l leave them fully satisfied that I twa and will sell at least as low as th lowest.- ' . WHnt.lfl AT.E11S. who do not wish to be under- have a large stock of Sad dies and Harness on hand,' iwtiicu tncy oner to tne public at low prices SI Anything in the way of SADDLES. HARNESS, Bridles, Martingales, 1 sola, win do well toioot through my stock. . COLL iRS. &c. will be furnished or made to order, 1 . , Oct. 21, 1867. . , ma. As we are regular mechanics, we think it will be j - . .. n. THnrPT)q to the advantace of all to buy from us. We warrant L GRO VES & - our work. j Premiiim Sewing : Machines,' gcQ, REPAIRING neat- executed at tnori notice i i : 495 Broadway, " NET? TORE. and oh'rcasonable terms. S'cttTxv "! i 'For sale by; . BREM 71 BR0 Si CO. Charlotte State of North Carolina, Union County. Court of Pleas $ Quarter Sessions Oct. Term, 867. Green B Rushing and wife ; Fenny et al vs. Joel Rushing and wife Zilpha, Green Deese, Alien xieese, James II orne and wife Mary. Tetition for Partition of the real estate of Edmund t - Decse, deceasad. ' ' . a a a It appearing to the satisfaci ion of the Lourt mat the defendants Joel Rushing and Zilpha his wife. Green Deese, James Home and Mary his wife, nd AUen Deese, reside beyond the limits of this it is ordered by tho Court that publication be made for six guaeessire weeks in the Western Dencocmt, a n,,i.liMhed ia the city .f Charlotte, notifying said absent defendants to be and appear at the next t. fhu flniirl- to be held for the county of Union, . rm.t limine in Monroe, on the 1st Monday in J&nuarv next.- then and there te swer, plead or j tK Pllpirationa of said petition, or judgment .in h iakfv and the case stand for Fv vvwvu ' " . , . -r t c,iri,Tr .raorkefonr ttid Court; at office, in Mmroe, tke 1st Monday in OcUbe rl S67. -t fit adT. S10. , J. B. IBBr, Clrk No Good Deed Lost. Philosophers tell us that since the creation of the world, notone single particle has ever been lost. It may have ?r.tr new snapes it may navo uw t. aVq Vanov but it is not lost. It . . .1 1 .1 4Ka will come back again in tne uewurup w -Lit Will snrine up in the fibre of the plant itself, ... - a " i3 -i - - t- r. : or the rose leat. inrougn au, iw iwiumwh, Prov idence watches over and directs it win.- Even so it is with every holy thought or heavenly a,'.a .rw hnmWo amlration. or cenerous .and self denying effort. It may escape ourobscrva tIonwe may be unable to follow it, but it is an element of the moral world, and it is not lost; i NatioNai" 3 AK8.-The, Comptroller of the Ieasury'ff report jshWthatten National Banks have failed since tneiri organixauon. xueir ag- 7- SMA A. A Dors tt Pay to Advertise ?--A gentleman lmnr business in Boston, while traveling in the or... .i . t 1 irs a vear or two since, tooic a copy oi tne xm- don jf uncn wun wmcu w reuevc - -jirht wav. and turn off into dark chan- of a tedious journey; and-riaving.nnisnea tw; 't;,- u !ogt. atd others, a wreat ing its well stocked columns ot yact, inn anu i "-f fco,. and glrKW God,; n,MA-,nf, m .IvArtWmftnts. At number oi ouruear iwjb u 6 , r j i, iaucy , vw-. . r ; strong and good, to unite tneir w lat, in a remote . corner, he discovered an lan- ZJlZJd nobTworks, to blea. the nouncement, about nail an men in ieugiu, nuiw told him where an article he dealt largely in could be procured in England; and being one of the shrewd, sharp kind of men, he' wrote the parties for a price list, the result, of which was that he sent them an order amounting to several hundred pounds sterling, and during the year his partner, visiting Jiiurope, lelt another large orur, and thev still remain good' customers." All this - " .. a. , io 1 - aZ I wio v 1 . .".rt .1 - -ITTL . was the result or tne nan , incn uvu- M ,.1 to the less fortunate contnu . it new , Who will say that it does not pay to advertise? iowever, is' selTing at nearly nothing a - ,m ' ' ; ;V . ' pound, wel don't see .how our 8ratlvCaroliu Th Earthquakk at Kinostox. A letter J.riend3 can . manage to raise the eauiralent U fl from Kingston, Jamaica, dated the 15th ultimo, for these fin e porkers.' One4 of the , says: "I , , secrets of the easy' independence of the Two frightful shocks of earthquake were ex- Wciitncs in the facithat it alway raises iU owm- perienced here a little before and about midnight 4og and hominy," and our Southern States on the 12th instant. The shocks, which were j , . ns u0 wcu to try 'and follow i ,.nWfif nd nnRsed over the 1 - rJtv tn the north. The second shock produced a great panic, and we are to offer op a thanksgiving ! in the churches for our escape from very fatal damage. ,! V1 ; ' " : ' ' :" 7., V.? places where they live, ana mase vnc nauvu ter for their having lived in Hi 1 , ' i J ! - Hogs. During the past week we have noticed j a large increase in the numDer oi,noga tpeis driven Southward tor maraeto y ao , ally of good size and m very fine condition, i is strongevidence oi tne pTUBperM-j v v i bors of East Tennessee that they1 can i eontributa xv .linV ill oiiv Itvaonle'- would do well to raise more "hog and -honuny' and .devote lesa 1. ' '.' iL 'a lA..n mwA Aftttn , - attention to vuua Vissl- ri hfiha. novelties of 'Parisian enter- ifctewem Fiis Affi regret to rtafi t IfUmiit toge wahdu, io JJ ' ttS' awelliBg of our t4rLl friend, Mr Ul, 'Jt : Daniel Blake, with irettly .ll its content., .tKrat .TTnillTtli' 3 .Cause a uuk i mvu y .-. ' i ' : legate Capital .-$1870,000. rErery :ftare ; a gpark nmej. ZtvTl ""711 Sini. ' u traceable5 to dishonest , ...... .., . .; v ... . t.: t 4

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