he Eastern 3cauocral, KairXoil :3X Condition of English Laborers. The New York World has a correspondent at New Castle-upon-Tyne, in England, who gives an interesting account of life and labor among the lowest of the lower classes, of Great Britain, which is only another and fresh illustration of the oftjrepcated statement that one half the world does not know how the other half lives. The condition of the farm laborers in England is such as to wake that of our own Southern negroes, in the days of slavery, seem fairly en viable in comparison. The English laborer stands with his family in the market place or street, to be examined, inspected and handled Jy his hirer, and if his "points" are satisfactory, if he sho.T ability for the endurance of a .deal of hard labor, he may sell hiiiisf for a given number of bushels '6f wheat, barley, oats and peas, or $25 in money for the whole year, and a jent free, one-roomed, earthen floored shan-iy for his family. The bushels of peas, barley, and so on, are barely sufficient to support life; he must furnish a woman assistant known asa,bond--ager" to help Liu ii tlie field or barn, and she receives for her services twenty cents a day. working therefor from G A. M. to G 1 M,. while the less happy man is expected to labor from 5 M. to 8 P. M. In winter they work while it is light; and in La-rvot-time the boiidager's wages are augmented to thirty-seven cents a day She, as well as the man, must go into the fields jn all weathers, and when they return to their miserable hovel they sup an oat meal porridge, barley and pea meal cake, with sometimes a show .of TXtatoCj3. and "a faint sensation of bacon." It id possible that a wider diffusion of education, will do something to ameliorate, if not greatly improve, the condition of this class of laborers in England; but it i3 certain that thousands of white men and women thus live, or try to live in Great Britain to-day, with no movement for their relief and apparently no public concern for their con dition. HIDES WANTED. I will pay the highest market cash price for Green nndDry HlpES. AV. A. COOK, an 13, 18i8 tf Near corner Drug Store THOMAS W. DEWEY & CO. Bankers and Exchange Brokers Tii yon Stkf.et, CHARLOTTE, X. C, Negotiate Loaus and Discount Business i'apcr. Pur chase and Sell Government ami other Securities on Commission, receive Money on Deposit e, Buy GoM ami Silver Coin ami bullion anl Dank Notes, make Collections and remit on day of payment, ami trans act General banking Business. December '2. 1J-if',7. IMMENSE REDUCTION In Prices! I am now making extensive changes in the con struction of my Store, ami being desirous as far as possible to reduce my present Stock of Goods, 1 offer my large and well selected Stock at. GREATLY DE DUCED prices. Ladies', Misses', Gent's ami boy's cdi.oes are now being sold REGARDLESS OF COST. Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls REGARDLESS OF COST. UNPARALLELED REDUCTION in Dry Goods of every dcscrij.it umi. jfen's Clothing at Heavy Reduction. I am determined to reduce my Stock before enter ing the New Store, and offer for the next THIRTY" DAYS such inducements as cannot fail to sati.-fy all. A. SINCLAIR, Nov 23, 1807. firings' Corner. Pictures at 50 cent3 And upwards, nt the Photographic Galery over Jas. Harty & Go's Store, next to the Court House. .Call and get a superb likeness of yourself and family, at lpw rates according to style ami finish. Copies taken of old Pictures in a superior manner. Satis faction guarantied at the Gallery of II. b A U M G A RT EN, May G, 1807. Next to Court House Jfesbit & Maxwell's Store. We are now receiving a large and choice selection of New Toys, Christmas Presents, Notions, &c, and Confectioneries generally, to which we invite the attention of the public, THE LITTLE FOLKS ESPECIALLY. Jjigy Wholesale buyers will find it to their interest to give us a call and examine our goods and prices, as we have the largest stock of the kiud in the City and cnngt e jijidersjjld by any one. Ouitars, Violins, Banjos, Flutes, Accordians, Fifes, Drums, TambA,rinc, Sugar Boxes, Piuckets, Tubs, Travelling and Market Raskets. NESB1T & MAXWELL. Photographic Albums, Very fine and Cheap, at Dec 16, 1807. NESBIT & MAXWELL'S. House Furnishing Articles. Chamber Setts, Japaned some very handsome ; all kinds of House Furnishing Articles, Knives and Forke, Spoons, Castors, Candle-sticks, &c, next door o the Court House. 'KoT. il, 18f7. JAMES HARTY & CO. Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co. The undersigned having lately moved to their new Store, corner Trade and College Streets, offer at wholesale and retail all the leading articles usually kept' in a well conducted Grocery Store; pricis that cannot Le un Jeroli- STENHOUSE, MACAULAY k CO. VfX SACKS RIO COFFEE, RPhV 50 Barrels Drown Sugar, 20 Barrels "B and C" Soft Coffee Sugar, ... ' ,10 Tierces and Boxes Havana Sugar, For sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. T! &h BARRELS CARDENAS MOLASSES, JL V 10 Tierces Demcara Molasses, 5 Barrels "Bee "Hive" Syrup, 5 IJhds. genuine New Orleans Molasses. The latter for retaH only at' STESnOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. fl iftffh PACKAGES RAISiNS IN WHOLE JL QJrr Boxes, Halves and Quarters, 12 Bc.es ''English Dairy" Cheese, 10 Barrels r resh Soda Crackers, 200 Roses No 1 and Scaled Herrings, 75 Packages Mackerel in EMs, $ fills, and Kits, for sale bv " STENHOUSE, MACAULAY k CO. 4000 T,ES '"T ' 25 Coils Rope, " 200 Lbs. Hemp Twine, 500 Yards Dundee Bagging, 3000 Yards Gunny lagging, slightly damaged, forsake low by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY k CO. 2' BOXMANUFACTUTIED TOBACCO, m 13 Brcels Corn Whiskey, 5 Barrels Kentucky Bourbon Whisker, 2 Barrels Holland Gin, Pn consignment and for sale by ' ' STENHQpP?, MACAULAY & CO. THE highest market price paid for Wheat, Corn, Pea9, Flour, and other Country Produce by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY k CO. TT IBERAL Cash advances made on Consignments JJ-J of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Domestics, kc. kc. to bur Branch House in' New York by 1 '"' ' STENHOUSE, MACAULAY k CO. December 9, 1867. - KifiiiTixo A Wrong.-Ip 18G1 Hon. James GuCbrie, as President of the Louisville aDl Nash ville fcailroad Company, brought a suit in the, courts of Kentucky against General S. B. Buck ner, of the Confederate army, for having destroy ed the "bridge of that railroad over Green River. Gen. Buckner of course did not appear to defend the suit, and it pent against him. The judge-, nient for soiiie SC0.0Q0, under which Gen. Buck ner's fine house in Louisville, as also his paternal mansiou, library, and a large farm in Hart coun ty, were sold, and bought in by the Company. A few months ago he sued for the recovery of this property, on the ground, first, that he had no part in the destruction of the bridge; and second, if he had destroyed it, the act would have been justifiable under -the laws of war. With out waiting for a final decision, the Company have concluded that their case was not aood one, and have made an amicable settlement with Gen. Buckncr, to whom the real estate has been restored. For the rents and personal property he is to be paid in money. GREAT INDUCEMENTS, At the New Boot and hoe Store. S. B MEACIIAM is now North buying his second Stock of Boot s and Shoe?, and will be pleased to have his friends call and get suiplied in the above goods, at great redaction of prices. We are now receiving a large supply of City made Boots and Shoes, new styles, for Ladies and Gentle men. S. B. MEACIIAM. December 23, 1807. Catawba English and Classical HIGH SCHOOL, XEh'TOX, A'. C. The next Session will commence the 1st Monday in January next. No pains are spared in fitting pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges in the country, and in giving them a thorough business education. Special attention given to M tmkmati.caj. Traixix. Tuition per Session .of liO Weeks fr.oin i?'J to $22.50 in currency. Hoard in families from $8 t,o $1 2 per month ; in clubs at about half these prices. For Circulars ajid particulars, address J. C. Clapp, Newton, N. C! J. C. ('LAPP, A. H. Dec. 1, 18C7. S. M. F INGE 11, A. H. Great Reduction in Prices at BUXBAUM & LANG'S, At Corner Store utttli r Munition House, Charlotte, Are now offering great bargains preparatory to closing their Fall Stock. Our Stock of Dry Goods is large and consists of Calicoes, DcLaines, Worsteds, Heps, Poplins, Meri- noes, flannels, Domestics, Sha.iv is, ( loaks, and all other goods in the Dry Goods line too numerous to mention. Give us a call and we will givethebencfitpf thelate declines. Our stock of Piece Goods ij complete, such as Jeans, Kerseys, Satthiets, French Cassimeres, Broad Cloths, &c. We call rite attention of the Ladies, to our fine as sortment of Cloaks, of the Newest Styles, Which will be sold at prices to suit the times. Also a tine stock of Ladies Hats. Hock Island Cassimeres and Jeans. Our stock of Clothing and Gents furnishing Goods cannot be excelled in regard to Fit, Quality aud Trice. A full line of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. "We have alvajs on hand a full line of MILES & SONS" Shoes tor Ladies and Gentlemen. Also, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Hags, &c, &.c. A full line of Hlankets at greatly reduced prices. Our friends and the public generally arc invited to give us a call, Dec. 5, lMy. BUXRAUM & LANG. Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Soap, Candles. Table Salt, Mustard, &c, cheap for cash, next door to the Court House. Nov. 11, 1807. JAMES IIAftTY & CO. Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, CHARLOTTE, X. C, Has on hand a large and well selected stock of TUHE DUUGS, Chemicals. Patent Medicines, Family Medi cines, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, which he is determined to sell at the very lowest prices. May 20, 1SC7. HOME PRODUCTION. North State Washing Machine Best in Use. Ptttintitl Ocfoher 15th, 1807, ft the iSitfsiriftcrx aii'f Iana ft irt re rn, tit C'tttrfttfr V. (J. If you need anything of the kind, you will en courage home industry by purchasing one of our Machines. It is easy to operate, occupies a small space and does not injure articles to be washed. It is strong and substantial, and does its work in a short time. It. is an actual improvement on others of similar out side appearance. In the North State Washing Machine the Clothes are placed in hot suds and while thus immersed with the air excluded, the Machine is operated, giving the Garments a rolling, rubbing pressure, and ut the same time they receive the solvent power of the soap. The Clothes are not impaired by the use of this Machine. You can make money by saving the wear an. I tear which your Clothes are subjected to by washing and beating in the old way. This Machine gives the advantage of using boiling suds and of cuiitiuing the steam, it can be worked sitting or . standing. It is cheap. The price of it puts it within reach of nearly every family, and pays its cost back in the saving of garments. Thy it! Thy "it ! ! Hi y It!!! Manufactured and sold bv hahniia'rdt & Houston, Nov 2 1S07. Charlotte, N. C. Ckktificatk. Charlottk, N. C, Nov. 22d. 1807. Messrs. Burnhurdt & Houston: After .1 fair trial of your Machine, 1 feel fully convinced that it is the, best 1 have ever seen. I have had five or six different Machines since I have been a housekeeper, but always found the servants averse to use. them, both on ac count of the labor and as they say the failure to get the '-streaks of dirt" out of the clothes. This Ma chine is so easy in its operation and so perfectly cleans the clotl es that I find no difficulty in jretting them to use it. No family ought to be without one. Sincere vishes for your success. Yours respectfully, Mrs. M. A. HrRWEi.i Charlotte Female Institute. Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 00, 1807. Messrs. Earnhardt & Houston: Sirs: 1 have tried your Washing Machine, and fully concur in every thing that Mrs. Hurwell says in regard to it. Yours Truly, Mas. Dr. J. M. Miller. Chaklottc, N. C, Nov. "0, 1807. Messrs. Harnhardt &' Houston: Sirs: The North State Washing Machine is really more than 1 expected, and can with candor say that there is no humbug about it. My servants say that it does its work as well as can be done by baud. And 1 take pleasure in recommending your Machine to my friends, and all who desire a labor-saving machine. Hest wishes for your success. Respectfully yours, Mks. Davii Paisks. Western Division, W., C. & Rutherford R. R On and after Thursday. 01st of October, 1S07, the Passenger Train on this Division will run tri-weekly, on Tuesdays, Thursdays ami Saturda vs. '" GOING WEST: Leave Charlotte, 8:00 a. m, Lincolnton, lfh4"i ' Arrive at Cherryville, 11:30 " GOING EAST : Leave Cherryville, ' 12:30 p.m. '" Lincolnton, 1:30 Arrive at Charlotte, 4:00 Oct. 28, 18G7. V.. S. GUION, Eng. & Supt. The Freed yBN it seems, fcpni what we can learn, are .beginning to realize the important truth of the.aacient proverb, "that a rolling stone gatbers no moss." We are glad to liear of but little changing about a decided improViement upon the last year. The good conduct of the majority strengthens tbe hope, that a more suc cessful and systematic plan to the farming in terests may be permanently .established, whereby all classes may .be .benefitted. The lazy set who lounge around our town in .search of ''small jobs" would do much better to imitate .the example pf the more industrious of their aAor. -r-r Lancaster ( S. C.) Lrtlgcr. Z. B. VASUE. HOWD. VANCE & DOWD, Attorneys at Law, Charlotte, N. C, (Office is tjie .Cojjkt House,) Having associated themselves together, will practice in the Courts of Mecklenburg, Iredell, Catawba, Da vidson, Rowan, Cabarrus and Union, and in the Fed eral and Supreme Courts. Claims collected anywhere in the State. April 2, ISoU. tf Pall and Winter Stock--1867. FOIl THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS, Have now in store one of the largest stocks of Goods ever brought to this market. It consists in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, KJiADi-MADK CLOTHING, &e. They invite particular attention to thei elegant assortment .of Ladies Dress Goods, and feel confident that they can give satisfaction in price and quality. Their stock of Ready-made Clothing and flentlc rnen"s Furnishing Goods is complete and embraces everything in that line. Boots and Shoes In large quantities and at the lowest cash prices. Their stock of Groceries and Hardware is suffi cient to supply the demands of -their customers and friends. In fact, everything and anything can be found in their Store, from the smallest' needle to a "cross-cut" Saw. pi)'" The attention of country Merchants is re quested, and they are respectfully invited t.o call and examine this stock of Goods. Returning thanks for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed, they promise to do all in their pov. er to &Ue satisfaction to customers hereafter. Millinery and Dress-Making. A separate department is devoted to Millinery and Dress-making, where the Ladies can have work done promptly and in the latest styles. V1TTK0WKY S RINTELS, Jetveen the two Drug Stores. Oct. 14, 1SG7. Grocery and Provision Store. ALEX AN! )Kll KK1JRYIIILL, At the ceutre Store glider the Mansion House, has for sale a good assortment of G'iOCERfES A XI) MtOVISIOXS, Such as Sus?ar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Flour, Meal, Bacon, and anything usually kept in a Family Gro cery Store. Persons who buy at retail will find my prices as low as any in this city. A. BERRYIIILL. October 28, 1807 Cm ooopeii shop. I have removed my Cooper Shop to the one formerly occupied by Mr Crcswcll as a wagon shop, near Mr Jamison's Blacksmith shop, on the street leading by the Court House, where I would be pleased to see all those who lesire work done in my line. Acw work or repairing done at short notice. Give me a call and your work shall be done satisfactorily. House keepers who want water conveyed through their houses bv pipes, will apply to the undersigned. Oct. 14, 18G7. y GUS SCHNIDER. THE NSW BOOK STORE, CHARLOTTE, Rf. C. TIDDY & BRO., Has just received a large addition to their Stock of New Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles. The public are invited to call and examine their stock. They are prepared to furnish "Wholesale Customers on as good terms, or probably better, with anything in their line, than any other house in the City. SCHOOL BOOKS. Davies, Bowdon, Primary Old and New Arithme tics; Also, Keys to the same; Pike's. Fowler's, Green leaf's, Appleton's and Smiley's Arithmetics; Bul lion's Greek, Latin and English Grammars and Readers; Bingham's Latin and English Grammars ; full series of McGuffey's, Sterling's, Goodrich's, Wil son's, Sargents ami N. C. Readers; full series of Mitchell's and Cornell's Geographies; Copy Books ; (juackenbo's and Brookfield's Composition; all classes of Speakers; Williard'sand Titter's Universal History; Quackcnbo's History of the United States; Scwell s History of Rome; Comstock's and Parker's Philoso phy; WcbsterVand Walker's School and Unabridged Dictionary. NEW PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BGQK, Just out ; also, an extensive supply of Methodist Hymn Books; Bibles; Thornton's and Jay's Family Prayers, &c. HISTORICAL. Annals of Tennessee; History of'the Late AVar, by Pollard; Abbot's Histories; Democracy in America; Troudcs" History of England. NOVELS. A large selection of the latest and best; Also cheap Novels Dime Novels. STATIONERY. The largest and cheapest ever offered in this market, comprising Note, Letter, Foolscap, Blotting and Tis sue Paper, from the cheapest to the finest American, German and French; Envelopes, all sires, from the smallest to the large official plain and colored border; Lead, Slate and Indellible Pencils; Arnold's English Writing Fluid; Moore's Writing Ink in bottles for School use; Indian Ink; French Paints in boxes all sizes; Camel Hair Pencils; Cohen's, Commercial, Washington, Medallion and Gillot's Nos. 170, 303 and 404 Steel Pens. FANCY ARTICLES. Beehives, Vases. Wallets, Cabas, Ladies Companion, Card Receivers, Glass Paper Weights, Ladies Work Boxes, Watch Stands, Photograph Albums. NOTE EOQKS. Southern Harmony, Christian Minstrels. Timbrel of Zion, Christian Harmony, Presbyterian Psalmodist, Carmina Sacra, Songs of Praise, Sabbath School Bell, Happy Voices. Pocket Diaries for 18G8. ALMANACS FOR 1868. Blum's, Housekeepers and Builders, Dentscher Kalender. The above isnowpffeicd tp the public for their inspection. We sell for Cash, and by so. doin- we arc able to sell lo-.v. December 2, 1S07. TIDDY & BRO. State of North Carolina, Cleaveland county. Superior Court of Law,- Eall Term, A 1). 18G7, Wiu. Falls and Nancy Dickson, Administrators, vs. Robert Falls and others. Petition to make Real Estate Assets. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that ! v 1 n i .. . a.ney xiuk.-ou, niiciiei iatieree, JNoali rails, and Parks and wife Amanda, are not inhabitants of'the State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made, in the Charlotte Democrat, for six weeks, for said de fendants to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the county of Cleaveland, at the Court House in Shelby, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in February next, and answer their petition, of judgment will be taken prp confesso as to them and heard exparte. Witness. J. JENKINS. TWl- ect r , .... .-. - .'(vuw 1 nr. nuv. 1 T L Dayenport Female College. lexoir, x. a The Spring Session, 18G8, will begin February 3d, and continue 20 -weeks. Roard, exclusive of Washing and Lights, $-35; Tuition, .$10 to $20; Piano Lessons, $20; Incidental Fee, $2; -Latin and Singing free. Location beautiful, retired, healthful. Buildings ample and convenient. Boarding unusually good. Teachers experienced, competent, faithful. Rates very low. Come to Icard's Station. For fuller information, address Rev. SAMUEL LANDER, A. M., Dec 24, 1867 2m president. Concord Female College. The next Session will commence on the first Mon day of January 18G8. It will continue 8ix instead of five months. Tuition and board, with washing, will be 13-3, half in advance. Each boarder will furnish her .own lights and towels and a pair of sheets and pillow ca-es. Music, Drawing, French and Latin are extra. Address, J. M. M. CALDWELL, Statesville, N. C. Noverafoe 16, 18G7. 2m NEW DRUG STORE, Oiyosite the Mansion lIou&, pert duor to the Exprex Office, Charlotte, N. C. KILGORE & CURETON, Wjjlolesle and Retail Dkalees is Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Surgical Instruments, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, To bacco, Segars, Stationery, &c, &c. B. F. KlLGOItE, m. D. Nov. 11, 18G7. T. K. CUR ETON, M, D. NEW STORE. At the Stvnd formerly orciiptetl by Stenhouse, Macaithiy X Co. The subscribers inform the public that they have just opened a large stock of Groceries, Consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Bagging, Rope, Iron Cotton Ties, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, and every other article in the Grocery line, which they offer at as low prices for cash as can be obtained in this city. J. KUCK & CO. Nov. 11, 18G7. Fresk Arrivals at the Elephant Store of PRESSON & GRAY. By arrivals to-day, we are now supplied with every article in the line of Family Supplies that may be called for such as Bacon Sides, Hams and Shoulders, fine Buckwheat Flour; a large lot of Coffee, which we sell cheaper than before; Sugars of all grades; some splendid Dairy Cheese; Mackerel, N,g. J and 2,. We have on hand a general assortment of Tin and Crockery Ware. Also, just received, a fine lot of Sole and Upper Leather. We have now, arid expect to keep, Com, ?deal. Peas, Flour, Potatoes, and every thing pro duced in the country. Also, a fine lot of Syrups the Golden Syrup and Maiden's Choice. A small, but well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, among which arc a lot of Cedar Falls Sheetings. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, among them Thomasville manufactured Shoes, all of which we will sell as low, if not lower, than any house in the city. Dec. U, 1SG7. PRESSON & GRAY. Crockery, Glass Ware and China. Beautiful Gold Band Tea Setts, Cut Glass Goblets, Wine Glasses, Bohemian Glass Toilet Setts, in great variety, next door to the Court House. Nov. 11, 1807. JAMES HARTY & CO. rEAOTICAL Watch and Clock Maker, AM DE.M.Klt IX JEWELRY, EIXI-: WATCHES, CLOCKS, Wttch Materials, Spectacles, tj r. Aug. 1, 18G7. CHARLOTTE, N. C. TAILORING. John Vogel, Practical Tailor, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shop opposite old Charlotte Hotel, next door to Brcm's Hardware Store. January 1, 18G7. A. W. ALEXANDER, Surgeon Dentist, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office in the Hrairley Euildiij,') BFfU Can be consulted 011 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. March 25, 1807. J. A. WILLABO. A. A. Wl LLACT). Willard Brothers, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Agents for the Hazard Powder Co.. and Marvin & Co.'s Safes. Also, Emery's Cotton Gin and Con denser, and Foster's Cotton Planter. Nos. 20, 30 and 31 Nokth Water Street, WILMIXGTOX, X. C. September 2, 18GG , Gm Concord Mills. Having opened a House in Charlotte, near the Post Office, for the sale of our own manufactured goods, we invite the attention of merchants and others to our YARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, OSXABERGS, CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARNS. &c, &c. li-it'" Cotton taken in exchange for Goods. We sell low for Cash. J. Mcdonald & sons, August 12, 1807. Concord, N. C. State of North Carolina, Gaston comity. Court 0 I 'lean Quarter Session, Xov. Session, 18C7. James Ferguson, Adm'r, vs. John Ferguson and Gracy J. Adams. Petition for Partition. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case reside beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore, on motiou. ordered by the Court that publication be made, for six weeks successively, in the Western Democrat, a newspaper published in the city of Charlotte, notifying said de fendants of the filing of this petition, and that unless they appear at the next Court to be held for the county of Gaston, at the Court House in D-iilas, 011 the 4th Monday hi February next, and answer the petition, the same will be taken pro confesso as to them, and an order for partition granted. ltness. ,mzi l-onl. Clerk of. nnr siil Cnnrt nt OfKce in Dallas, the 4th Monday in November, A. D. 1Hr'7- ,AMZI FORD, Clerk. 8-0w pr. adv. $10. State of North Carolina, Gaston county. Court o f Pleas ,j Quarter Sessions. Xoe. Session, 18G7. Sarah Ferguson, Adm'r, vs. John Ferguson and Gracy J. Adams. Petition for Dower. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case reside beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court that advertisement be made, for six weeks successively, in the Western Democrat, notifying the defendants, John Ferguson and Gracy J. Adams, of the filing of this petition, and that unless they ap pear at the next Court to be held for the' county of Gaston, at the Court House in Dallas, on the 4th Monday in February next, and answer the petition, the same will be taken pro confesso as to them and a writ of dower ordered to be issued. Witness, Amzi Ford, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Dallas, the 4th Monday in November, A D. 1817. - AMZI FORD, Clerk. - itS-Cw pr. adv. $10. ... o r SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. L. W. Osborne, (Opposite the Old Charlotte Hotel,) Manufactures Saddles, Collars, Bridles, and Har ness of all sorts to .order, at short notice. He keeps on hand, .-and for sale at reasonable prices, , BUGGJ, CARRIAGE & WAGON HARNESS, lUDLNCr SADDLES, And everything that may be needed in that line. Beings practical mechanic, he thinks that he can give entire tiifaction to those jvho patronize hira. His prices will be found as lows any in this city, and the workmanship as good as the best. He respectfully asks a fair trial .and share of public patronage. Jggg- REPAIRING done in the best manner with promptness. L. W. OSBORNE. Dec 2, 1867. 6m GROCERIES. Hammond & McLaughlin Have just received a large assortment of Groceries, which they offer for sale at redueed prices. Their Stock consists, in part, of the following articles: Iron Cotton Ties, 40 Sacks prime Rio Coffee, SO Barrels Sugar all grades, 5 Hogsheads Sugar yellow, . 25 Barrels Molasses assorted grades, 5 Hogsheads Molasses Cuba, 10 Barrels Potomac Shad, ' 10 Half Barrels Potomac Shad, .10 Quarter Barrels Potomac Shad, 10 Half " Family Mackerel, 10 Quarter " " " 40 Kits, No. 1 and 2, 100 Sacks Liverpool Salt, ")0 Btoxes fine English Dairy Cheese, 50 " Adamantine Candles, oO " assorted Stick Candy, 25 " Layer Raisins, Fine Lot of Bacon N. C. and Wrestcrn, " " Flour, Corn ami Corn Meal, Codfish and Irish potatoes, Hemlock Leather, Iron and Nails -all sies, Bale Yarn and Shirting, Sauces, Flavoring Extracts, Soda Crackers, &c. And every other article usually found 'in a Grocery and Provision Store. We invite the attention of country merchants and others to our stock, and solicit an examination. Hammond & Mclaughlin. October 14, 1867, tf B. KOOPMANN. Having completed my W inter Stock, I now offer to my friends and patrons in Charlotte ami surrounding country, as handsome and cheap an assortment of Fall and Winter Goods .as can be bought in or out of the city. As usual my stock comprises everything kept in a first class mercantile house. Of Dress Goods, a full and complete stock; Calicoes in every variety and pattern; Shirting, bleached and unbleached; Sheet ings and Pillow casing ,of all widths; Ticking, &c. Special attention is called to my extraordinary tine and extensive stock of Millinery and Ladies' Goods, Such as Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Balmorals, Hoop skirts, English Hosiery, Vests, &c, Shawls in every variety; a lot of French Embroideries; Laces, thread and cluny ; Edgings; Insertings; Collars; Handker chiefs altogether embracing tin assortment such as is only seldom offered in this city. Cloaks and Furs, Latest Styles, Furnishing Goods, Trimmings, Fancy Goods and Notions in endless variety. Cloths. Doeskins, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds. Kerseys, iiy shades, patterns and qualities to suit any and everybody. Also, a heavy stock ot Rock Island ( assimeres ami Jeans at lactorv prices CLOTHING! CLOTHING I ! CLOTHING!!: a better stock than ever. Boots and Shoes For Ladies' and Misses', .Men's and Boy's wear. 1 bought and had manufactured tor my use such arti clcs only as I can honestly recommend. HARDWARE in all its branches, including a lot of double and single barreled Shot Guns, Wittemore's Cards, Ames' Shovels, Collins' Axes, &c, &c. Groceries, Drugs, Notions, &c. The old and numerous friends of my house know of course their interest demands them to give me a call before purchasing, whilst the public generally can rest assured that a trial at my store will leave them fully satisfied that 1 can and will sell at least tis low as the lowest. WHOLESALERS, who do not wish to be under sold, will do well to look through my stock. Oct. 21, 1867. B. KOOPMANN. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Co-Partnership Notice. The undersigned have this day formed a Copart nership, under the name of K. It. COWAN & CO., for the purpose of carrying on a General Commis sion, Shipping and Supply Business in the City of limington, . V. Their otlice, for the present, is on the Corner of ( Ijesnut and V ater Streets, upstairs, where they will he nappy to hear troui and serve their friends. By the 1st of October next, they will be fully pre pared to furnish supplies of all kinds. ROBT. II. COWAN. JNO. W. CAMERON, JAMES II. HILL, Wilmington, N. C, July 20, 1867. tf J. Y. BRYCE & CO., General Commission Merchants. CHARLOTTE, X. C. Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Bl Highest cash price paid for Cotton. BjjU All orders from a distance promptly attended to. J. Y. BRYCE. March 5, 1866. . W. H. BRYCE. FANCY GROCERIES. Pickles, Preserves, Jellies, Mustard, Horse Radish, Powdered Ginger and Cinnamon, Ginger Preserves, Macaroni, Hei metrically sealed Meats and Fruits, Salmon, Lobsters, Oysters, Clams, Sardines, Pine Apples, Peaches, Strawberries, Salad Oil, Catsups, Soda Powders, Vinegar, Killikinick Smoking Tobac co, Havana Segars, Tobacco and Snuff. , Chestnuts. Green and Dried Apples, Raisins, Fishing Hooks and Tackle, Violin and Guitar Strings. wines and brandies. Champaine, Pemartiu Sherry, old Newton Ma deira, old Port, Catawba, Rhine, Jus. Hennessee Cognac Brandy, vintage of liv.8, Marc Renault double refined rectified Whiskeys, old Bourbon, Rye, Wheat, pure Corn and Monongahela Whiskeys, Hol land Gin and Schiedam Schnapps, Bitters, St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, Cordials and Lemon and other Syrups, London Porter, A. Guiitcss & Sons' xxx Brown Stout, Dublin, Muir & Son's snarklin Edin burgh Ale, Glass, Bottles, Flasks and Demijohns of all sizes to the Trade. Old Corn and Rye Whiskey by the ' barrel, to the trade at small profit. Visitors and residents in Charlotte purchasing any of the above for medical purposes, can get a pure article by calling on c Feb. 18, 1807. f J. P. PALMER. J. E. STENHOUSE, 1 ALLAN MACAULAY, New Yobk. Chaklotte, N. C. Stenhouse z Macaulay, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 42 Stone Street, XEW YORK. Prompt personal attention given to the pale of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Naval Stores, &c, and the purchase of Merchandise generally. Consignments solicited. June 10, 1867. ; Benjamin . Robinson, (Late of North Carolina,) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ZT Xassau Street, XEW VORI-f Associated with Rooku . Prto, Fq. formerly of Virginia, will attend promptly and thoroughly fy all business committed to his management. - i " Augnst 26,18'.7. ly , , . , New f Foundry and ' MACHINE SHOP. ; TATEM, JRQ0KE ft CULPEPPER Practical Mechanics, Have opened a Foundry r Machine and Black,,,;,! Shop, at the old etand of J. M. Howie, where tUe will execute, i the very best style and finish, X work iaj their line. ' ' ' They are prepared to make all sorts of -CASTINGS for Steam Lngmes, 3IiR. Factories, Water-wheek Cane mills, Farming Implements, and, in fact, tverr thing pertaining to their business. 7 Particular attention will be paid to the REPAIR IX G of all kinds of machinery. All work shall be done in the very best style, the best material, and at living prices. All kinds of work for GOLD MINES executed with skill and dispatch. jigs Remember, we are practical workmen, anj will warrant all our work. Give us a call. TATEM, ROOKE & CULPEPPER, Qctoher U, 1807. " Fall Stock. " J. BUXBAUM & CO., Trade Street, Charlotte, X. C. Dry Goods, &c.f Arriving daily, all to be sold Cheap for CY To our old customers and friends we return onr thanks for their past liberal patronage, n ml tVt pleasure in announcing to them tlyit e are daily receiving a fViR Wid complete tUwk -of Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing every article kept in a first clusn CHtmy. lishment. - --- Hats, Ronncts and Ribbons, in great variety, t4 suit the most fastidious lady. READY-MADE OLOTI1IN43, ROOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, XST, Give us a. call and judge for yourself, "gj Odober 7, 1857. Important to Carolina Shippers, THE NEW Bait. & Carolina Grand Trunk FREIGHT LINE, . VIA PETERSBURG, VA., Comprising the following great Freight Routes; THE POWHATAN STEAMROAT COMP. PANT'S FREIGHT LINE OF STEAMERS. rETERSRURG AND WELDOX, R. LETCH AND GASTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON AND WELDO.V. ATLANTIC, & NOIiTII CAROLINA, WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER, CHARLOTTE &' SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAYS, And their connections. Time Quick and Rates Low. This new trunk line forms a Great Freight Routg between Raltimorc and Wcldon, Warreiiton, Raleigh, Hillsboro', Lexington, Salisbury, Morganton, Clmr lotte, Lincolnton, (loldsboro', Newbern, licauf'ort, Wilmington, Chest erville, Winnsboro', Columbia, Sumterville, Manchester, and all intermediate points on and near these great Railways and their conueo tions. The Powhatan Steamers connect at Petersburg with Petersburg Railway for nil points in the Fur?), linas. Cars are run alongside of Steamers' . luyf, and goods transferred with careful handling. CARS ARE HUN THROUGH WITHOUT RREAK. 1NG HULK. Retween Petersburg and Raleigh, Charlotte, fiolita boro, Wilmington, &c, &c. This Inland Line j sesses many advantages over a Sea Route. Marine risk is small and insurance is comparatively nothing. The Wharf of Powhatan Steamers being silimted ii) t lie very centre of the great Shipping District of Raltimorc, renders it convenient to sli'innerc, ami draynge is very small. Great attention paid to consignments of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Rosin, &c, &c. All produce forwanh'4 at the lowest possible rates. JCf-jy To insure transportation over this InhinJ Fast Line, mark all goods, whether Northward or Southward bound, "Via Petersburg." Freight landed in Baltimore dy folhiwinj delivery to the Steamers. Through Receipts are given and fixed rate Jcr 100 pounds guaranteed both ways. i&sf Rates in every case as low as via Ihiy I.ino and Portsmouth to ami from Ealtimore, IMiiludclpliin and New York. N. 15. AVith regard to last named points, freight is forwarded to and from Petersburg by Phihulfljiliill and New York Steamers. For rates ami nil further inforniatinn, n 1 ply to any Freight Agent on the Line, orut the Office of tiik Powhatan Stkamuoat Co,, 10 Light St. AVharf, Haltimoui!. J. BRANDT, Jr., President Powhatan Steamhoatl'o. R. B. PEG RAM, Sup't Petersburg Railroad. A. B. ANDREAVS, Supt Raleigh & Gaston R nil rami JAMES ANDERSON, Sup't North Caroliu Railroad. C. BOUKNIGIIT, Sup t C. & S. C. Railroad. S. L. FREMONT, Supt AVilmn & AVeldon Rail road. J. V. JORDAN, Acting Master Trans. Atlantic and N. C. Railroad. WM. M'RAE, Sifp't AVilmington and Manchester Railroad. . September 80, 18G7. H. M. PHELPS. "Home, Sweet Home ! There's no place like UomcJ" T n m linrtn-ir 1 infntn, ... .1.1 r.tj,n.1.j nf f'Vinrlrtfta and the surrounding country, that I have again re turned and resumed my old business among them, and am fully prepared to offer them the Cheapest Stock of Goods To be found at any other establishment in the Citj. Having recently lived in the Northern States, and with my old experience in the purchase of fiond, J am not prepared to say 1 will sell "below cost," or J a reduction on the original cost, or "at and below New York prices," but that 1 will kcII as Cheap, if not Cheaper, than any other House, and at a small profit. As my stock was purchased for Cadi, const'. nueiitly I can afford to dispose of articles at a slight advance. I have now in Store, and am constantly receiving, a choice assortment of Drv Goods. Ladies' Trimmings of the latest styleo. Linen ThMo Damask, Linen Diaper, and all kind of Flannels Calicoes, brown and bleached Sheeting, black mid colored AlpRccas, Ladies' and Gentlemen' Furniidj- ing Good. &C, &c. H. 31. I'M ELI'S. March 11, 1807. Opposite the Court HoiifC. ROBERT P. WARING, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ClIAUI.Ol 1 1., . V. Office, 3 doors West of Dewey's Bank, and opposito Carson's new store. September 2, I80T. New Foundry and Machine Shop AT CHARLOTTE, X. C. M. MARTIN& CO., Having removed their Works from Stowefville, Gash county, to Charlotte, respectfully inform their M patrons and the public generally that they have opened a Foundry mid Machine Shop nt the old SJ Yard Lot, in the city of .Charlotte, wbere they prepared tp piake all sorts of CASTINGS for Steam Engines, .Mills, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane MilK Farming Implements, &c, kc REPAIRING Particular attention will be paid to repairing of all kinds. All work Phall be done in the very nicest lylc, and the best material used. M. MARTIN. JOHN WILKES. June 2"), 1RCC. Charlotte, X. C Fresh Drugs, A general assortment, always on hand, nt : August.), 167. SCARR'S DRUG STORE. i fr J

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