5 A Winter Thought - They were bright and green in summer, These naked, leafless trees, They tossed their branches gaily, To meet the laughing breeze. But the winter's breath hath blighted, Full many a happy thing, "Whose lamp of joy was lighted, At the golden fire of spring. The summer loaves have faded, The summer flowers are dead, And the nooks are dark and shadeil Where once their breath was Still underneath our footsteps, The grass is fresh and green, But the verdure once above us, Jib longer may be seen. We found, in life's sweet spring time, Fair blossoms 'ueath our feet, Thronging in wondrous beauty, Our loving looks to greet, . As the years went on, the flowers - Took on a richer hue, Bat they faded far more quickly, Tban when our life was new. There will come another summer, And zephyrs fresh and free, Will kiss the leaves, returning To the reft and naked tree. But for us we wait the harvest, And the Angel Ileaper's time, Ere hills of summer beauty, Shall rice for us sublime. In the land to which we're going, No autumn wand hath power, To blight the leaf immortal, Or dim the Amaranth flower. Thither our steps are tending, For this our dim eyes strain, The home that knows no parting, : Nor sbadott of a pain. Produce and Commission MERCHANT, W. W. KETCIIIN, Winnsboro, S. C, Will give prompt attention to the sale of Corn, Flour, Seed Oats, Ac , &e. Consignments solicited. February 3, 18G8 lmpd THOMAS W. DEWEY & CO. Bankers and Exchange Brokers Tii yon Street, CHARLOTTE, X. C, negotiate Loans ana jjiseount uusiness Taper, rur chase and Sell Government and other Securities on Commission, receive Money on Deposite, Buy Gold and Silver Coin and bullion and bank Notes, make Collections and remit on day of payment, and trans Act General Banking Business. December 2, 18t7. A. W. SHAFFER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AXI Register in Bankruptcy, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Will hold Courts in Bankruptcy in any County in wmcn liankrupts reside JSay Office at the residence of Mr E. Fullings. February 8, 1808 3m a Herrings, Mackerel and Cheese. Tl Hhtth ii0X1;s SMOKED HERRINGS, JL HjrHJr 10 Barrels No. 1 Boston Mackerel, 50 Boxes Cheese, for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. Bagging, Cotton Ties and Rope. Tl ft BALES HEAVY GUNNY BAGGING, JLUr 2,000 Lbs. Iron Cotton Ties, various patents, -0 Coils Hope, Manilla and Hemp, For sale by STEXIIOUSE, J1ACAULAY & CO. January 27, 18C.8. Dissolution Notice. Tie co-partnership heretofore existing between Drs. GIBBON & MtCOMBS was dissolved by mu tual consent on the 1st of January, 1808. "fgyAll persons indebted to the late firm of Gibbon & MCombs, by note or book account, are expected to come forward and settle with as little delay as possible. ROBERT GIBBON, M. D. J. P. McCOMBS, M D. Jan 27, 18G8. lm Robert Gibbon, M. D., rilYSICIAN AND SU11GEOX, Tryon $trect, Charlotte, N. C, Office and Residence, one door south old State Bank, (formerly ffm. Johnston's residence). Jan 1, 1868. y J. P. McCombs, M. D., Offers his professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. All calls, both night and day, promptly attended to. Office No. 5 Granite Row, up stairs, opposite the Mansion House. January 27, 1803. Mantua-Making and Millinery. JUks. l. a. nokryce Gratefully thanks the Ladies of Charlotte for the kindness, generosity and liberality extended to her. She will inform them thiitshe is ready, willuitr and awaiting their orders at any moment Cutting and Fitting at short est notice. ' Patterns sold very law to her friends in the country. My house is near ilr Alien Cruse's residence, on Tryon Street. January 27, 1868. NISBET & MAXWELL, 24 Tnjon Street, Parks' JiuiMinj, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Confectioners, .And dealers in Toys, Musical Instruments, Notions, Also, Bakers and Manufacturers of Tlain and Fancy Candies. January 27, 1808. GREAT BARGAINS. j-iiiy uvercoais ai nity per cent below cost! Just to think that BLXBAUM & LANG are selline superb wivutoij ai un; j-ci vriu oeiow COSl. And 88 tills js cold veather, why of coarse, every one will get a Moreover, they have twenty-five pair of blankets. A no. t, which they otter at cost, from fire to ten dollars! ltem.irkably cheap. They are the larireKt pue swu uesi quamy. uooti ior me cold weather. Agaia, they hav one of the largest stocks of Ready rnade clotaing, which they ofier to close out at less prices than tnc same can be purchased elsewhere. U Ms is lor thirty days only, remember. Now. don't forget their Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes JIats, &e., &c. The only place to get good and cheap Bargains is at Buxbaum it Lang s. Go and examine their stock and try them. Jan. 20.1808. BCXBAUM & LANG. GROCERIES. BOXES FINE CHEESE, Coffee, all grades and quality. 5 Sugar, Molasses and Salt. fLjur, Meal and Raoon, An excellent article ( Rje FWu, And many other articles in the Grcerj lie, juet received and for sale by Dec 23, 1867. . . J. RUCK & CO. : HIDES WANTED. I will pay the highest market cash price for Green and Dry HIDES. w. A. COOK, 13j 18C8 tf ? car corner Drug Store Advertising a Success in Business. The New York Tribune hag the - following upon the value of advertising, and every practical bus iness man will confirm what it says of the present state of business : "Prudence and economy, of course, are the two great lessons to be learned; but there is one part, of these lessons which in dull times is especially apt to be forgotten. ; He sure of one things whatever yqu have to sell there are many people ready to buy, even in the most depressed seasons. Find them out; show them your wares; persuade them to buy you rather than another. When buyers are reluctant sellers must be active. It is neither cheap d or sensible to sit still behind your counter and, wait for the bustle of trade to revive. When business is dull that is the very time to advertise.. In the first place that is when you most need to advertise, and in the second, that is when people devote most time to reading the. newspapers, and when your advertisement consequently is most generally seen. A few dollars thus invested will do more to revive a sluggish business thaa any thing else in the world. H. M. PHELPS. 'Home, Sweet Home ! There's no place like Home !" I am liappy to inform my old friends of Charlotte and the surrounding country, that I have again re turned and resumed my old business among them, and am fully prepared to offer them the Cheapest Stock of Goods To be found at any other establishment in the City. Having recently lived in the Northern States, and with my old experience in the purchase of Goods, I am not prepared to say I will sell "below cost," or at a reduction on the original cost, or 4iat and below New York prices," but that I will sell as Cheap, if not Cheaper, than any other House, and at a small profit. As my stock was purchased for Cash, conse quently I can afford to dispose of articles at a slight advance. 1 have now in Store, and am constantly receiving, a choice assortment of Dry Goods, Ladies' Trimmings of the latest styles, Linen Table Damask, Linen Diaper, and all kinds of Flannels, Calicoes, brown and bleached Sheetings, black and colored Alpaccas, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods, Sc., &c. II. M. PJJELrS, March 11, 1807. Opposite the Court House. JOSIMA LINDLEY. J. V. LINDLEY NURSERY. NEW GARDEN The Old rioneer Nursery-man is once more before the public with 25,000 Fruit Trees & Grape Vines For Winter and Spring sales of 1808. Our stock has been raised since the war ssnd is young and thritty. l'ersons wishing to plant Orchards will do well to give U3 a call, as the Senior Proprietor has over 40 years experience in the business, and knows what to cultivate to suit the country and please the people. Prices to suit the times. Semi for Circular con taining Price List, &c. Nursery located 0 iui!es West of Greensboro, N. C. Address, J. LINDLEY & RON, New Garden, Guilford Co., N. C. January 13, 1808 8w REMOVAL. C. M. Query Has removed his Stock of Goods from Dills' Store, (opposite the Court House,) to McLeod& Steele's old stand, next door to Butler s Jewelry Establishment, Tryon street, where he expects to continue to keej his large Stock of Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Of evcrystylc and variety, and the conduction of MILLINERY AND MANTUA-MAKING In all its branches. Do not forget the place, MeLeod & Steele's old stand, where all kinds of Ladies' Goods are kept. .Tan 13, 1808. C M QUE II Y. IMMENSE REDUCTION In Prices ! I am now making extensive changes in the con struction of my Store, and being desirous as far as possible to reduce my present Stock of Goods, 1 offer my large and well selected Stock at GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES. iiauies , .Hisses , iem s ana noy s noes are now being sold REGARDLESS OF COST. Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls REGARDLESS OF COST. UNPARALLELED REDUCTION in Dry Goods of every description. Men's Clothing at Heavy Reduction. I am determined to reduce my Stock before enter ing the New Store, and offer tor the next THIRTY DAYS such inducements as cannot fail to satisfy aU. A. SINCLAIR, Nov 180; Springs Corner, Catawba English and Classical JIIGH SCHOOL, NEWTON, N. C. The next Session will commence the 1st Monday in January next. No pains are spared in fittmi? upils thoroughly for the best Colleges in the country. and in giving them a thorough business education Special attention gien to Mathematical Traixixu. Tuition per Session of 20 Weeks from $9 to 22.00 in currency. Board m families from ?8 to 12 per month : in clubs at about half these prices. For Circulars ami particulars, address J. C. Clapn, Newton. N. C. J. C. CLAl'P, A. 15. Dec. y, 18G7. S. M. FINGER, A. B. Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Soap, Candles, Table Salt, Mustard, &c, cheap for cash, next door to the Court House. . Nov. 11, 18G7. JAMES II ARTY & CO. House Furnishing Articles. Chamber Setts, Japaned some very handsome; all kinds of House Furnishing Articles, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Castors, Ciindlc-sticks, &c., next door to the Court House. - . Nov. 11, 18157. JAMES HARTY & CO. JUST RECEIVED, At the Corner of Trade and College Streets, a fresh supply of the very best KEROSENE. We are selling large quantities of this Oil. It will burn longer aud is much safer than a more volatile Oil. Dr. JAS. N. BUTT. " Just received at the Drug Store of Jae.-N. Butt, a fresh supply of Linseed and Machine Oil. Also. Spirits Turpentine. Jan. 13, 18U8. Dr. JAS. N. EUTT. Concord Mills. opened a House in Charlotte, neur 1.a Havina Lst OfBce, for the sale of our own manuf:iMn,l goods, wc invite the attention of merchants and others to our. YARNS. SHEETINGS. SHIRTINGS C?i?E5GSV eAUPET CHAIN, STOCKING ARNS, &c, &o. Cotton taken in exchange for Goods. We sell low for Cash. J. Mcdonald & sons, August 12. 1S67. Concord, N, C. TAILORING. John VogeL, Practical Tailor, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothine in the latest stvl ml at short notice. His best exertions will be given to reader satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shon opposite old ChaiJotte Hotel, next door tp Brcm's Hardware Store. - ; January 1, 1 8f.?; . : , .. . , Important Case.; An important case is before the United States Supreme tourt, the discussion pf which will settle other similar cases. The ship Golden Rociet was destroyed by Ad miral Senirues the first capture which is said to have gone down under the battery of the famous Alabama. The owners sued those insurance companies cf New York which , they h-?ld liable grounding their claires upon the piratical char acter of the captor. The 3Iaiue Court held that Scmmes was acting by authority of a government recognized by the United States as a belligerent. This is the decision from which the owners ap peal to the Supreme Court." " Dr. JOHN H. lie ADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, . CHARLOTTE, X. C, Has on hnnd a large aid well selected stock of PURE DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Mdicines, Family Medi cines, Taints, QUj, Varnishes, Dyv Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles, which he is determined to sell at the yery lowest prices. May 20, 1807. Pictures at 50 cents Ana upwaras, at tne i'Jiotorapinc uaiery . over. Jas. Ilarty & Co's Store, next to the Court " House. Call and get a superb likeness of yourself and family, at low rates according to style and f.nisii. Copies taken ot old 1'ictures in a superior manner. Satis faction guarantied at the Gallery of ' " , - H. BAUMGARTEN, V May 6, 1807. Next to Court House Z. B. VANCE. VANCE & IX) WD, Attorneys at Law, Cnarlotte, N. C, (Office is the.Cvukt House,) Having associated themselves together, will practice in the Courts of Mecklenburg, IredelJ, Catawba, Da vidson, Rowan, Cabarrus and Union, and in the Fed- tral and Supreme Courts. Claims collected anywhere in the State. April 2, 18C0. tf " Fall and Winter Stock -1867. FOR Tllli WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE. WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS, Have now in store one of the largest stocks of Goods ever brought to this market. It consists in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, READY-MADE CLOTHING, They invite particular attention to their elegant assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, and feel confident that they can give satisfaction in price and quality . Their stock of Ready-made Clothing and Gentle men's Furnishing Goous is complete aud embraces everything in that line. Boots and Shoes In large quantities and at the lowest cash prices. Their stock of Groceries and Hardware is suffi cient to supply the demands of their customers and friends. In fact, everything and anything can be found in their Store, from the smallest needle to a "cross-cut"'. Saw. trar Ane atienuon or country 3iercnants is re quested, and they are respectfully invited to call and examine this stock of Goods. Returning thanks for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed, they promise to do all iu their power 10 give sauMatuon to customers nercaltcr. Millinery and Dress-Making. A separate department is devoted to Millinery, and Dress-making, w here the Ladies can have work doue promptly and in the latent styles. WITTKCIWSKY & RINTELS, between the two Drug Stores. Oct. 14, 18(57. Grocery and Provision Store. ALEXANDER BEKRYIIILL, At the centre Store under the Mansion House, has for sale a good assortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Flour, Meal, Bacon, and anything usually kept in a Family Gro cery Store. P ersors wiio buy at retail will find mv nrieos as low as any in this city. October 28. 18fi7 Cm A. BERRTIIILL. HOME PRODUCTION. North State Washing Machine Best in Use. Patented October Ibth, 18G7, hy the Subscribers anil Manufacturers, at Charlotte, X. C. If you need anything courage home industry of by the kind, yon will purchasing one of en our iuacnuies. It is easy to operate, occupies a small ?nacc and does not injure articles to be washed. It is strong and substantial, and does its work in a ;.lim-f timo It is an actual improvement on others of similar out side appearance. In the North State Washing Machine the Clothes are placed' in hot suds and while thus immersed with the air excluded, the Macliine is operated, eivine-the Garments a rolling, rubbing pressure, 'and at" the same time they receive the solvent power of the soup. lue Clothes arc not 'Mrmired bv the use of this .i.ivmiit;. j ou Mil i money iy raviiiff the wear vr.. v.. - i and tear which yo i Clothes are subjected toby washing and beating in the old way. Ihi3 Machine g.'-.'s the advantage of usinn-boilino- suds and of contining the steam. It can be worked sitting or standing. It. is cheap. The price of it puts it within reach of nearly every family, and pays lis cost back in the saving of garments. Tey it! Try it!! Rut It!!! Manufactured end sold by EARNHARDT & HOUSTON, Nov 25, 18G7. Charlotte, N. C. Certificate. - - : Charlotte, N. C, Not. 22d, 1867. Messrs. Earnhardt & Houston -After a fair trial of your Machine, I feel fully -convinced that it is the best. I have ever seen. I have had five or six different Machines since I have been a housekeeper, but always found the servants averse to use them, both on ac count of the labor and as they say the failure to get the "streaks of dirt"' out of the clothes. This Ma chine is so easy in its operation and so perfectly cleans the clothes that I find no difficulty in getting them to use it. No family ought to be-without one. Sincere wishes for your success. Yours respectfully, Mrs. M. A. BfnwEii, Charlotte Female Institute. Charlotte, N. C, Nov,. SO, 1867. Messrs. Barnhardt & Houston: Sirs I have tried your Washing Machine, and fully concur in every thing that Mrs. Burwell says in regard to it. Yours Truly, : Mrs. Dr. J. 11. Miller. Charlotte, N. C , Nov. SO, 1807. Messrs. Barnhardt & Houston: Sirs: The North State Washing Machine is really more than I expected, and can with candor say that there is no humbug about it. My servants say that it does its work as well as can be done by hand. . And I tak pleasure in recommending your Machine to my friends, and all who desire a labor-saving machine. Best wishes for your success. Respectfully yours, Mrs. Davh Pajiks.. COOPER SHOP. 1 nave removal my .cooper .shop to the one formerly occupied by Mr Creswell as a wapm shop, near Mr jaimsoii b uigsiunu euop, on ine street leading by J the Court House, where I would be pleased to see all j those who desire work done in.aiy line New work ! or repairing done at short notice , Give me a call and your work shall badone satisfactorily, a c - : j House keepers who want water conveyed through j- their houses by Mpes, will applv 1o the onderiniH 1 , U lift?.-,.- ; t,m..r, P. COOXAN. - " - . E W. GROOT . COON AN? GROOT, Commission Merchants LIQUORS, FLOUR, CORN, GRAIN, die CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. -. nichest Cash Price raid for Produce, opposite T W. Dewey & Co.'sBank, (old National Express build iDg,) lryon Street, Liiarlotte, JN. C, ..... : v ' i January 27, 18G3. Davenport Female College. .... The Spring Sessiau, J868,.willi begin -February od, and continue 20 weeks, Board, exclusive of Washing and Lights, $55; Tuition," $10 to $20 Piano Lessons, "$20; Incidental Fee, $2;. Latin and Sine-in? free. Location beautiful, retired, healthful. Buildings ample and convenient. Boarding unusually erood. Teachers experienced, competent, faithful. Kates rery low. Come to Icard's Station. "For fuller information, address" . . , . Rev. SAMUEL LANDER, A. M., Dee 24, 1867 - 2m " President English Blue Stone. A fresh supply of this tine article for sale low at . SOARR S DRUG STORE. Congress and. For sale at - j Kissingen ; Waters, SCAUR S DRUG STORE. 'ST Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs and various articles of Perfumery, fresh supply, just're- CtttTea at ' "OtAUU o VLiVKi S'lUUJS. ' September 9. 1867. ' . - NEW. STORE. ; ; l die Stand formerly : oixnj)ifti by SteiJiouse, , . . .Macauuty , & Co. ; ,;; :,, v-: The subscribers inform the public , that they have just opened a large stock or - Groceries, 1 ,; Consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Bagging, Rope, Iron Cotton Ties,. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, and everv other jirticle in the Grocery line, which they offer at as low prices for cash as can be obtaino in this city. ; J. KUCK & CO. Nov. 11, 18C7. " - : ' ' ' ' " ' Crockery, Glass Ware and China: - Beautiful Gold Band Tea Setts, Cut Glass Goblets, Wine Glasses, Bohemian Glass . Toilet Setts, in great variety, next door to the Court House. ; Nov. 11, 18G7. , JAMES JIARTY & ,CO. , rBACTICAL Watch and Clock Maker, AX l HEALER - IN 1 ' - ' JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, Watch Material, Spectacles, $c. Aug 19,1807. CHARLOTTE,- N. C. A. W. ALEXANDER, Surgeon Dentist, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ojfl.ce in the lirawley Building,') C"n b consulted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, liiursdays and rnuays. March 25, 18(57. J. A. WILL KH. A. A. WILLARIJ Willard Brothers, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Agents for the Hazard Powder Co., and Marvin Co. s tafes. Also, Emery's Cotton Gin and Con denser, and Foster's Cotton Planter. Nos. 29, 80 and 31 North Water Stbket, WILMINGTON, N. C. September 2, 1807 fim THE NEW BOOK STORE, CHARLOTTE,' H. C. ' TIDDY & BRO., Has just received a largo addition to their Stock of New Books, Stationery and Fancy Articles. The public arc invited to call and ' examine their stock. They are prepared to furnish Wholesale Customers on as good terms, or .probably better,, with anything in their line, than any other house in the City. SCHOOL BOOKS. Da vies. Bowdon, Primary Cti and New Arithme tics; Also. Keys to the same: Pike's, Fowler's, Oreen leaf's, Applcton's and Smiley's Arithmetics; Bul lion's Greek, Latin and English 'Grammars and Readers; Bingham's Latin and English Grammars : full series of McGuiTey's, Sterling's, Goodrich's, Wil son's, Sargcnts and N. C. Readers: lull series of Mitchell's and Cornell's Geographies; Copy Books ; Qiiiickcnbo's and Bi ookfield's Composition; all classes cf Speakers; Williard's and Titter's Universal History; Quackeubo's History of the United States:- Sewell's History of Dome; Comstock's a-nd Parker's Philoso phy; Webster's and Walker's ScL.ool.and Unabridged Dictionary. NEW PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BOOST, .lust ut;'R!io, an extensive supply of Methodist. Hymn Looks; Bibles; Thornton's and Jay's Family x i uy ers, .e. . i ' : historical.: ; , . Annals of Tennessee ; History of the Late War, by Pollard; Abbot's Histories; Democracy in America; NOVELS. ' " - v - -' ; A large selection of the latest and best: Also chean STATIONERY. The largest and cheapest ever offered in this market, comprising Note, Letter, Foolscap, Blotting and Tis sue 1'apcr, Irom the cheapest to the finest American German and French; Envelopes, , all sizes, from the smallest to me large omcial plain and colored border, L.ca, &iate and lndellible Pencils: Arnold's T-Tturlish Writing Fluid; Moore's Writing-Iak in bottles for School use; Indian Ink ;. French Paints in hoips. all sizes; Camel Hair Pencils; Cohen's, Commercial, Washington, Medallion and Gillot's Nos. 170, 303 and 404 Stoel Pens. . t, 1 ; - . - - FANCY ARTICLES. Beehives, Vases, Wallets, Cabas, Ladies Companion, Card Receivers, Glass Paper Weights, Ladies Work uu-vi-o, oiu f nofograpn Albums. NOTE BOOKS. ; Southern Harmony, Christian Minstrels. Timbrel of Zion, Christian Harmony, Presbyterian Psaimodist, Carmina Sacra. Sonss ot Praise. S-nhtl, S. l.1 Bell, Happy Voices. . . ' x Pockd Diaries for 18C8. . !f ' ; ALMANACS FOR 1868. Blum's, ; Housekeepers and Builders, Dentscher Kalendcr ' The above is now offered to the pnblic for their inspection-. Wc sell for Cash, and by to tfoW we arc a oie to sell low.' December 2. 1807, :TIDD.Y & BRO. State of Nortn Carolina, Mecklenburg county. Superior Court of Laic Special Term, Dec, 1867. j Robert Gaston and S. A, Sowell vs. S. M Blair, , Leave to take the deposit ionsjrf Robert Gaston, S. A, Sowell. and others, 'upon giving six week's notice to the defendant, i-- i - i . r It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that tne ueiena&nr. State weeks lished notice that on the 4th day of February 18C8 at tl office of J. B. Nones, in the City of New York the d the positions of Kobcrt Gaston. S. A. Sowell and others will be taken before said J. B. Nones, that the said defendant, S. M. Blair, may be present to hear such questions a may be asked and to cross-question said parties. . s. 4 , , . Issued, 1st day of January. iSCS. --t . U , . , , , -j . ... K; a a nKnnnvv u - . '- . -yu,-a r. 11. Kl:i ! la iiii..uiI..i nf . k.J '! . L " ! ' ' I . - mm . m3mm.mM .UV I 111 . - TTW mm m . . . I . . I . W . . . I - . I U . . . . - unM wivstMMi jc uinut:. nix t ' v va, aw -w i a a m 2a ... -" v. i-rf i in rmiie me ueicnaini 1 .owuctr n.m mre unwinn wi i nm tri-WM't t vi'ro -i i v .t t f pr. adv. $J0J S. GROSE , & CO., " Wholesale And '' Retail Dealer- in, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS & FAMILY SUPPLIES, Consisting of Coffee Rio, Laguayra and Java; Su gars all grades ; Teas Black. and Green ; Buck wheat, Oat-meal, Molasses, Syrups, Bacon, Salt, Crackers, Cheese, Candles, Soaps; Yarns Lineber ger and Concord MiUs. . ... :..l ': i ; Call and see us before buying elsewhefe. . Rags taken in exchange for. Goods. The highest market prices paid for Corn," Flour? Peas, Me4l. anI xthQr country Produce by i -5 ' v'; ' ' ' , 4.i;r;'. r- .v0 S. OROSE & CO., - - ui - i Vf : ri . . Nearly opposite the Post Offioe. "January 13, I868L... j7 f..s,'..i-. .v. - ,,.. SADDLES, ARNESS, &a. f -1 ' L.f W. Osborne',,' .. 'u' . , (Opposite tl Old CJiarlotle ItoteQ t Manufactures Saddles, Collars, Bridles, and Har ness of all sorts to order, at fhort notice. - ; :. i - He keeps on hand, and for sale, at reasonable price. " ' ' " ...- BUGGY, CARRIAGE & WAGON HARNESS, . - - HlDLNd SADDLES, And everything that may be needed1 in that line. Being a practical mechanic,' he thinks that he can give entire satisfaction to those who patronize h jn. His prices will be found as low as any in this city, and the workmanship as good as the best. , :. 'He respectfully asks a fair trial and a share of public patronage." IMPAIRING dono in the best rtnnner with promptneta. uv.'i..'. i Li- Wi-OSBORNE. ' Dec 2, 18G7. , ,. , Cm -?-, s ,:. GROCERIES. . ? Hammond & - McLaughlin Have just received a large assortment f Groceries, which they offer for sale at reduced prices. Their Stock. consists, in part, of the following articles: - ;, Iron Cotton Ties,-: . , t...- r . . 40 Sacks prime Rio Coffee, ' . ,Jf ... 80 Barrels Sugar alljjradei, ;" 5r Hogsheads Sugar yellow, 25 Barrel Molasseg ftssbrtetf grades, 5 Hogsheads Molasses Cuba, . k 10 B arrels Potomac. Shad, 10 Half Barrels Potomac Shad, " ' 10 Quarter Barrels Potomac Shad, ' ' 10 Half , Family Mackerel, ! , 10 Quarter " . . 40 Kits, No. 1 and 2, " , 100 Sacks Liverpool Salt, . ) Boxes fine English I)air Cheese, W) ' Adamantine Candles, 50 "; assorted Stick Candy, V 23 t Layer Raisins, ' Fine-Lot of Bacon N. C. and Western, " " Flour, Corn and Corn Meal, " Codfish and Irish Potatoes, "' Hemlock Leather, Iron and Nails all sizes, - Bale Yarn and Shirting, Sauces, Flavoring Extracts Soda Crackers, &c And every other article usually found in a Grocery and Provision Store. r We invite the attention of country merchants and others to our stock, and solicit an examination. hammond & Mclaughlin. October 14, 1SG7. tf , B. KOOPMANN. Having completed my Winter Stock, I now offer to my friends and patrons in Charlotte and. surrounding country, as handsome and cheap an assortment of Fall and Winter Goods . as can be bought in or out of the city. As usual my stock comprises everything kept in a first class mercantile house. Of Dress Goods, a full and complete stock; Calicoes in every variety-and pattern ; Shirting, bleached and unbleached ', Sheet ings and Pillow casing of all widths; Ticking, &c. Special attention is called to my extraordiuarv fine and extensive stock of - . Millinery and Ladies' Goods, Such as Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Balmorals, Hoop skirts, English Hosiery, Vcets,&c, Shawls iu every Variety : a lot of French Embroideries; Laces, thread and cluny ; Edgings 'Inserting; Collars; Handker chiefs altogether embracing an assortment such as is only seldom offered in" this city. Cloaks and Furs. Latest Stvles. Furnishing. Goods,Trimmiii2S, Fancy Goods and Notions in endless variety.. - Cloths, , Doeskins, , Cassimeres, Satinets. . Jeans. Tweeds, Kerseys, in , shades, patterns and qualities to suit any aud everybody. Also, a heavy stock of liock Island ( assimeres ami Jeans at Factory prices CLOTHING! CLOTHING I ! CLOTHING 1 ! ! a better stock than ever. , . Boots and Shoes For Ladies' 4.nd Misses', Men's and Bov's wear. T bought and had manufactured for my use such arti cles only as l can nonestly reeommend. ' 11AKDU AHh in all its branches, including w f double and single barreled Shot Guns. Wittemore's Cards, Ames' Shovels, Collins' Axes, &c, &c. Groceries, Drugs, Notions, &c. ; The old and numerous friends of mv house know of course their interest demands them to give me a call efore purchasing, whilst the public generally can rest assured that a trial at my store will leave them fully satisfied that I can and will sell at least as low as the lowest. . - WJluiALKlS,- who do not wish to be under sold, will do well to look through my stock. : Oct. 21, 18G7. . B. K00PMJ Y. BRYCE & CO., Commission Merchants. General I j.... - CHARLOTTE, N. C. ;. . ' Particular attention paid to the gelling of all kinds of Preduee, Cotton und Tobacco. : -" t B Highest cash price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptly attended fp.m.,., J. Y. BRVCR. March 5, 18CG. . - ' W. II. BRYCE. J. E. STENI10CSE, ' 1 ALLAN MACAULAY, " ! - - New ork. J Ciuni.oTTE, N. C. Stenhouse & Macanlay, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - 5 : t 42 Stone Street, NEW YiJRK.- ' j - ) i rompt -personal attention given to- the sale of t. otton, Cotton 1 arn, Naval Stores, kc, ' and the purchase of Merchandise gencnUly. - ' , '" Consignments solicited. . ' " June. 10, 18G7. - " -" North Carolina Railroad. ' '"" ' Comfaky Shops, N. C.,.NdT.23:J8G7. On tind after this date the following will be the ccueuuic ior rassenger Trams over this Road : Leave Charlotte, , , ,V , .Salisbury, daily, 9.40 P. M. A. M. . . ' P M. 12.ZU 3J8 9.J0" ,12.43 1.00 4.00 H.15 12.24 . 2.M f Greensboro, " . .'A? Raleigh, ., ; . s Arrive at Goldtsboro, Leave Goldsboro, . ; .'" Raleigh, , "r ".' ."Greensboro. , . " ' Salisbury, V . 12.24 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte, Through passengers by thia -line have choice of routes via Greensboro and Dnnville to Richmond, or via Raleigh Rani Wcldon to Richmond or Portsmouth, arriving at all points north of Richmond at the' same time by either route.,. Connection i made at finbt. boro with Passenecr. trains on W'ilm. and Wldn- Hoad to and from Milmineton and br FrWh to Weldon.: ... '. , ..s - r - :-. :i v.; u, rrti J AMES. ANDERSON, Superintendent. ' on Tnesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.' ' ' - GOING WEST r ' Leare Charlotte, , ; , Lincolnton, Arrive at Cherry ville, r r ' . J GOING EAST : - Leave Chcrryville, 1 ' ; ' " " ... . Linelnton, ' 1 ? Arrive at Charlotte, 8:00 a, m, 10:40 " I1;S0 " 1:30 : " f t .i i'i i i . -" ""-VMiWi" jiiiv, wurrc eru . . JNewrouiidry and TATEMj ROOKE & CULPEPPER r. - Practical Mechanics, Have opened Foundry, Machine ami Blacksmia Shop, at the old stand fJ M. Howie, where tli vill execute, in the Very test style and Tinigi, I work in thefrifci. . ti. V MJ I C ' sIejL-? prepared to make all wrta of CASTlKca forSteamEngincs, JMUs, . Factories, Watcr-wheei Cane mills, Farming Implements; and, in fact, ctcA thing ertajnisg to their business. - - '7 Particular attention will be paid to the REPAjs IXG of" all kinds of machinery. ... All work shall be done in the'tery best style, ;tv the best material, and jit living' prices.' ' .i AH kind jof work for GOLD MINES executed wltk skill and, dispatch. j Repiember, we are practical workmen, mj triir warrant all our work. Give us a' call. t ' - TATEM, ROOKE & CULPEPPER. .. October. 14, lb7. r Fall Stock. J. BUXBAUM & CO., Trade Street, Charlotte, X. c. . , Dry Goods, &c, Arriving- daily, all to be sold Cheap for Cak To our old customers, and friends we return our thanks for 'their past liberal 'patronage, and tat pleasure in announcing to them ' that we are daily receiving a full and complete stock of ' . Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing every article kept in a first class cettb- lishment - . . . . r ," r Hats, Ronnets and. Ribbons, in great variety, to suit the most fastidious lady. .' '. READY-MADE CLOTHING-, :: ,,',!,,;,, !, , BOOTS AND, SHOES, ;..,;r...,-., , . , groceries, , Bt- Give tis n call and judge for yourself. "TiJ ' October 7,' 1867 J ' ' I ' ' ''' Important to " Carolina Shippers. J - TnE NEW ' ' Bait. & Carolina Grand "Trunk "FREIGHT LINE, V ' VIA PETERSBURG, VA Comprising the following great Freight Routes: THE POWHATAN STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S FREIGHT LINE OF STEAMERS, PETERSBURG AND WELDON, RALEIGH AND GASTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON AND WELDON, ATLANTIC & NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER, CHARLOTTE & SOUTH CAROLINA RAILWAYS, ' And their connections. Time Quick and Rates Low. This new trunk line forms a Great Freight Knute between Baltimore and Weldon, Warrenton, Ilaleigh, Hillsboro', Lexington, Salisbury, Morganton, Char lotte, Lincolnton, Goldsboro', Kewbern, Beaufort, Wilmington, Chesterville, Winnsboro', Columlia, Sumterville, Manchester, and All internicdiatcpointi on and near these great Railways and their connec tions. The Towhatan Steamers connect at Petershurg with Petersburg Railway for all points in the Caro linas. Cars are run alongside of Steamers' Wharf, and goods transferred With careful handling." CARS' ARE RUN THROUGH WITHOUT BREAK ING BULK Between Petersburg and Raleigh, Charlotte, Golds boro, Wilmington, &c, &c. This Inland Line pos sesses many advantages over a Sea Route. Marine risk is small and insurance is comparatively nothing. The Wharf of Powhatan Steamers being situated in the very centre of the great Shipping District of Baltimore, renders it convenient to shippers, and drayagc is very small. ' Great attention paid to consignments of Cotton, Corn, Wheat; Rosin, &c, &c. All produce for arded at the lowest possible rates. JCStf" To insure transportation over this Inland Fast Line, mark all goods, whether Northward or Southward bound, 'Via Pcterfburg." JG2F" Freight landed in Baltimore day following delivery to the Steamers. Through Receipts are given and fixed rate per ICO pounds guaranteed both ways. ifi!? Rates in every ease as low as via Ray Line and Portsmouth to and from Baltimore, Philudeljdiia und New York. N. B. With regard to last named points, freight is forwarded to and from Petersburg by rhiladclj hi ana Aow lork Steamers. For rates and all further information, apply to any Freight Agent ou the Line, or at the Office of the Powhatan Steamboat Co., ' ' DO Light St. Wharf, Baltimore. J. BRANDT, Jr., President Powhatan Steamboat Co- R. B. PEGRAM, Sup't Petersburg Railroad. A. B. ANDREWS, Kup't Ralcizh & Gaston Railroad. JAMES ANDERSON, Sup't North Carolina Railroad. C. BOUKNiGHT Sup't C. &. S. C. Railroad. S. L. F P.EM ON T, Sup't Wilm'n &, Weldon Railroad. J. Y. JORDAN, Acting Master Trans. Atlantic and N. C. Railroad. WM.- M'RAE, Sup't Wilmington and Manchester Jlailroad. September 30, 1807. ...... ROBERT P. WARING, Attorney and Counsellor at Lav, ' CHARLOTTE. N. C. Office, 8 doors West of Dewey's Bank, and opposite Carson's new store. ' September 2, 1807. New Foundry and Machine Shop AT CHARLOTTE, X. C. M. MARTIN & CO., Having remove! "their Works from Stowesville, Gallon county, to Charlotte,' respectfully inform-their old patrons ' and the publie generally that they bmrt opened a Foundry and. Machine Shop at the oW Nary Yard Lot, in the city of Charlotte, where they ar prepared to make all sort of CASTINGS for Steaia Engines, Mills. pActorieft, Water Wheels, Cane Mill, Farming Implements, &c., &e. -- REPAIRING Particular attention will be paid ta repairing of all kinds. . All work shall be done In the very nicest rlyl and the best material used. " , M. MARTIN, - , .. - - , . JOHN WILKES. June 2-, , , ... . Charlotte, N. C. Fresh Drugs, A general assortment, always en Land, at August 20, 18(57. , SCAUR'S DRUG STORE. Southern Express Company. The Southern Express Company has eiroplcte com munication with all Northern and Western Stales, and is prepared to forward Freight, Money and val uable Packages safely And nremntlr.- Mes?engern leave Charlotte daily, connecting at Raleigh with Adains Express Company, and at Richmond with Adams and Harnden's Express Companies. ';" Letters will be forwardcl by this Company to aU points South and North having no mail facilitiex. ; i. r . . . i , r W. P. HILL, Agent. 1 Charlotte,' Jan. 1, 1868. i ( . v - The Southern Express Company, .For the transportation of. merchandise. Talu'le packages, specie, bank notes, bonds, &c, for all parti in connection with RESS COMPANY. ey at 9 liROADWAV. ers . to call for roods to be forwarded Sooth, will receive prompt attention. -Merchandise and valuables delivered ta Ilarndens Kinsley's, American and Uniicd Sta.tes Express Com panies, for the Southern Express Company, will re ceive prompt dispatch iV , , r ! - JFor particulars, rates of freight, kc. &e., applr t the office. of -thesi Southern Express Company, 59 Broadway, r at any other office of the Company. ,it ! bi'-a ... JL B. PLANTt President, .... January 1, IPC?. " . .. .mf.X-V,

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