- - A PROCLAMATION, By Win. W. Holden, Governor of N. Carolina Executive Department, 1 Raleigh, October 12th, 18G8. j Information has been received at this department that military weapons, such as repeating rifles of various kinds, Lave been imported into this State, and have been distributed with ammunition and equipments to citizens in several localities. It is believed that boxes containing arms, ammunition and equipments, aro concealed in divers places, ready to be distributed as opportunity may offer. The object of the persons thus engaged must be, either to subvert the government, to resist the con stituted authorities, or to prevent a free election in this State on the third day of next month. The government of North Carolina has been law fully and constitutionally established. This govern ment has been freely and voluntarily formed by a majority of the citizens, in pursuance of acts consti tutionally passed by the Congress, under which my immediate predecessor held office from the 2d day of March, 18(57, to the 1st day of July, 1868. The con stitutionality of these acts, if questioned during this period, were nevertheless subscribed to and main tained by him, and by every department of the gov ernment, from the said 2d day of March, 18C7, to the said 1st day of July, 18G8; and now, that they have been executed, by the common consent of the whole people voting under them at the polls for members of a Convention, for the new Constitution, and for members of Congress and State ofliccrs, the result which has been effected closes the discussion in re lation to them, and renders the present Constitution of Government as valid and binding as were the Con stitutions of 177G and 183-i. This government will be maintained for the fol lowing, among other reasons: 1st It has been lawfully and constitutionally es tablished by the whole people oF the State. It is operating smoothly and harmoniously. Under it the people are quiet and peaceable, and are just entering anew on a career of prosperity. It must not be up set, or even assailed, because the colored people have been allowed to vote; or because they will vote with s certain party ; or because a few public men are out of office and a few arc in. 2d. Senators and Representatives have been ad mitted by the Congress to seats in that body. The State is, therefore, of 3 well as t the Union. It is as much of the Union as New York or any other State. No State can eeeede, nor can Congress push a State oat, or sever its relations with the common government. If Congress should, therefore, do what is exceedingly improbable, repeal the reconstruction acts, such repeal would have no more effect than a repeal of the act admitting Texas or Kansas to rep resentation. The reconstruction acts have been exe cuted, and arc, therefore, beyond the reach of Con gress. 3d. The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction of the subject. Its powers are expressly defined by the Constitution to he 'Judicial." and not jliical. It has already decided that the question of admission to representation is a political question, and that when determined by Congress, as it basbeen in rela tion to North Carolina, the Court will not interfere. 4th. The President would have no more pow er to declare the reconstruction acts null and void, with a iew to the extinguishment of the government of this State, than I would have to declare that a certain County or Counties in this State should cease to exist. The government of North Carolina is, therefore, as firmly established as that of any other State. It lias the same control of the right of suffrage, and of its own internal affairs, as the other States have; and it possesses equal power with the other States lo pro tect and perpetuate itself. The right of the people to have arms in their houses, and to '-bear' them under the authority of law, is not questioned. On the contrary, it is claimed as a constitutional right sacred to freemen. The use of arms by the male population, for peaceable and lawful purposes, should rather be encouraged than otherwise; but when, in time of peace, weapons of an extraordinary character are imported into the State by political organizations, and deposited and distributed in a secret manner among persons whose spokesmen deny the authority of the existing govern ment, and who publicly declare that all government, to be authoritative and binding, must proceed alone from one race of our people, a state of affairs is at once constituted which renders it the duty of every officer and every c'tizen to be more than usually vigilant. It can not be pretended that these arms are intended for hunting or sporting purposes. It ean not be justly assumed that they are necessary for the protection of tlio?e who have them, since the whole power of the State and general governments is pledged to protect the peaceable and the law abid ing, whoever and wherever they may be. If it be the purpose of any portion of the people in any event to resist the laws or to subvert the gov ernment they should bear in mind that treason is the highest crime that can be committed; that they are liable to arrest and punishment under the "Act to punish conspiracy, sedition and rebellion," w hich will be enforced, if necessary, with a firm hand; and they should reflect that the magnanimity of the gov ernment, which spared the lives and the estates of those who engaged in the late rebellion, may not be extended a second time to save them from the conse quences of their crimes. If it be the purpose of any portion of the people, j the use of arms, or by threats or intimidation, to prevent the people from going to the polls and voting as tney may ciioose to vote on the third day of next month, it is my duty to inform them that force will be met with force, and that every person who may thus violate the law will be punished. Every race of men in this State is free. The colored citizen is equally entitled with the white citizen to the right of suffrage. The poor and the humble must be protected in this right equally with the affluent and the exalted The election must be absolutely free. In view, therefore, of this condition of affairs, 1 have deemed it my duty to issue this Proclamation, admonishing the people to avoid undue excitement, to be peacable and orderly, and to exercise the right of suffrage firmly and calmly, without violence or force of any kind. Every good citizen is gratified that North Carolina is at present as quiet and peace able as any State of the Union. Let us maintain this good name for our State. Let us frown indig nantly on the use of brute force, or bribes, orthreats, to control the election; and let every officer of the State, civil and military, be prepared to cheek in stantly any incipient step to sedition, rebellion or treason. The flag of the United States waves for the pro tection of all. Every star upon it shines down with vital fire into every spot, howsoever remote or soli tary, to consume those who may resist the authority of the government, or who oppress the defenceless and the innocent. The State government will be maintained; the laws will be enforced; every, citizen, whatever his political scutiments, will Im protected in his rights; the unlawful use of arms will be pre vented, if posssible, and if not prevented, will bo punished; and couspiracy, sedition and treason will raise their heads onlj- to be immediately subdued by the strong hand of military power. The ('eueral commanding this department has instructed the dis trict nnd post commanders to "act in aid and co operation, and in subordination to the civil authori ties," in maintaining the peace and insecuringa free election. The power of both governments is thus pledged to peace, order and tranquility. It is specially enjoined on all officers of the De tailed Militia to observe the "act to organize a militia of North Carolina," and to act in strict subordination to the civil power. And all Magistrates, Sheriffs and ther peace officers arc also specially enjoined to be vigilant, impartial, faithful and firm in the discharg of their duties, magnifying and enforceing the law, ferreting out offenders, protecting the weak against the strong who may attempt to deprive them ot their rights; to the end that the wicked may be restrain ed, the peace of society preserved, the good name of the State maintained, and the. government per petuated on the basis of Freedom and Justice to alL Done at our City of Raleigh, on the 12th day of October, in the year of our Lord one l J thousand eight hundred aird sixty-eight, and in the ninety-third of our Independence. By tha Governor: W. W. HOLDEN, Governor. Robt. M. Douglas, Private Secretary. Oct. 19, 1868 3w Seed Wheat We have a lot of fine SEED WHEAT for sale. MdMURRAY, DAVIS k CO. August 24, 1868. The City Bank of Charlotte Solicits the Accounts of business men and others, and promises satisfaction. ' UFalf , l8. W. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier. The World. . Love built a etately house; where Fortune came; And spinning fancies eh was heard to say, That her fine cobwebs did support the frame, Whereas they were supported by the same; Hut Wisdom quickly swept tbenx all away. Then Pleasure came, who, liking not the fashion, Began to make balconies, terraces, -Till she had weaken'd all by alteration; But reverend laws and many a proclamation Reformed all at length with menaces. Then enter'd Sin, and with that Sycamore Whose leaves first sheltered man from drought and dew, . Workiug and winding sHly evermore, The inward walls and summers cleft aad tore; But Grace shored these, and cut that as it grew. Then Sin combined with Death in a firm band, To raze the building to the very floor; Which they effected, none could them withstand, But Love and Grace took Glory by the hand, And built a braver pallace than before. New Store and NEW GOODS. J. ROESSLER & CO., (At Kahmc filer sold ttand, 2d door from B rem, Brown j Co Store,) Have just received u large and general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, Which they offer to the public at fair and reasonable prices. The Stock of Dry Goods, for Fall and Winter Wear, Will be found to be one of the best ever brought to this market. The ladies are particularly invited to call and examine goods and prices. Ready-Made Clothing, Of every description, for men and boys, is being of fered at remarkably low rates. CAPT. J. ROESSLER respectfully requests his old friends to give him a call this Fall and Winter, and he assures them that he will continue to exert himself to please them in the future as he hopes he has done in the past. Sept 21, 18G8. J. ROESSLER & CO. CITY BANK OF CHARLOTTE, TRADE ST., SPRlXGS' BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. W. A. WILLIAMS, "Cashier. C. N. G. BUTT, Teller. Office Hours from 8 a. m. till 6 p. m. This Bank has enlarged and refitted its Banking House, nnd with a large, modern improved Fire and Burglar Proof Safe, offers superior inducements to Depositors. Receives Deposits on Interest or other wise, buys and sells Coin, Bullion, Exchange and old Bank Notes, and draws directly on all principal places in the world at New York rates. July 6, I8G8. Agricultural Implements. COOK & ELLYSON, Manufacturers of The Watt Plough, "And Dealers in all kinds of AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, Offers the latest and best Implements at Factory prices, freight added. Call and see for yourself. Factory in the Navy Yard, Charlotte, N. C. W. F. COOK, T. II. ELLYSON, Sept 28. 1P.G8 tf of Richmond, Va. Fine Store and Elegant Goods. BUXBAUM & LANG Have removed from the corner store under the Man sion House to the newly fitted up store of Hammond & McLaughlin near Oates1 corner, where they have A Splendid Assortment Of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and every other article usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store. To those who may patronize them they will say that they .guarantee satisfaction in Prices and Quality. Call at the New Store, 3d door from Oates corner, and see for yourselves. CAPT. C. II. ELMS is with Buxbaum & Lang, and will be pleased to sec bis acquaintances and friends and assist them in making purchases. Sept. 28, 18G8. . A. R. NISBET. I. O. MAXWELL. NISBET & MAXWELL, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Candy Manufacturers and Bakers. Also, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries, Confectioneries, Pipes, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Toys, Musical Instruments, Notions, &c. Park Building, No. 24, Tryon Street. July 27, 18(38. CHILLS CURED! No Cure no Fay.!!- I have obtained a remedy that I think cannot be surpassed. If you have little or much money it is well to spend it where there is no risk to run. The ingredients are innocent, and the price only 50 cents a box. If the directions given are strictly followed, and the first box docs not cure, a second will be given gratuitously; and if that docs not have the desired effect the half dollar paid will be refunded. We have not yet heard of one single failuro since we commenced to sell their.. JOHN F. BCTT, at his New Store, on Church St., near the Statesvillc R. R. Bridge. Sept 21, 1808. REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! ! Important Notice. II. 31 . PHELPS Has the honor to inform his friends and the public that on account of an enlargement in his business, he has found it necessary to remove from his old stand, opposite the Court House, and that he can now be found at the handsome and commodious STOREROOM OX TRADE STREET, Next to STENHOl'SE, M ACAULAY & CO.. where he will be pleased to receive his old friends, ensuring them the same attention and treatment they have always received at his old quarters. His siock of SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS now in store will compare favorably with any in this or nny Southern City, and will be sold at Considerably Reduced Figures In order to make room for his Fall stock. A full assortment of Dry Goods and Domestics, Dress Goods and White Goods, Clothing, Cassimeres and Jeans. A well assorted stock of MILLINERY in all its branches. Groceries, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Notions. Hardware, &c , &c. ' - B, Remember, the place. - II. M. rilELPS, next to Stenbouse, Macaulay & Co" a, At the stand formerly occupied by the Farmers & , Mechanics" Association. Wall Papering. Jnst received 1,000 pieces of Wall Papering. Also, 100 pieces Bordering Paper, 200 pair Window Cur tains. 100 Fire Screens, Ire , ' for tale at New York prices. H, M. PHELPS August 10, The following squib, which appeared in the London Magazine for 1777, does not come very wide of the mark at the present day: v Give Chloe a bushel of horsehair and woo! ' ' Of paste and pomatum a pound; : Ten yards of gray-ribbon to deck her sweet skull, And gause to encompass it round. A pupil in one of our publicschools was asked the other day why ono was carried for every ten! The answer was, because ten wanted it.: That's the way of the world. The more it carries the more it wants. Bank Money. ": The highest market price paid for old Bank Notes, and orders for the same solicited, at the City Bank of Charlotte. W. A.' WILLIAMS, July G, 18G8, - Cashier. EXECUTOR'S SALE. As Executor of the last Will and Testament of Silas Caldwell, deceased, I shall sell at public auc tion on the 27th instant, at the late residence of said Testator, all the property directed by the Will to be sold, consisting of a Tract of Land, upon which said Testator lived, containing about one hundred and sixty acres, subject to the Dower of the Widow. It is a good tract of Land, well improved. At the same time, 1 will sell all the Personal Pro pel ty, consisting of three Horses, one good four horse Wagon, Buggy and Harness, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Farming Tools, Corn, Cotton, Wheat, House hold and Kitchen Furniture, &c. A eredit will be given. Terms made known on the day of Sale. E. P. COCHRAN, Exr. Oct. 5, 18G8. FURTHER NOTICE. All persons having claims against the Estate of Silas Caldwell arc hereby required to present them within the time prescribed by'Law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all per sons indebted to the Estate are required to pay, or their debts will be put in suit. Oct. 5, 18G8. 4w E P. COCHRAN, Extr. Receiving daily at S. Grose & Co's, A select stock of Groceries recently purchased, which we offer very Low. Call and examine our Goods be fore you purchase. S. GROSE & CO., Trade Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Hams and Syrup. A choice lot of Sugar Cured Hams, and Maryland Golden Syrup and New Orleans (new crop) Syrup, at S. GROSE &' CO S. Wanted, 500 Bushels of ONIONS, at Sept. 7, 18G8. S. GROSE & CO S. Peruvian Guano, In Store and for sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. PACIFIC GUANO, Call on HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. ODER'S GUANO, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. - B AUG IPS SUPERPHOSPHATE, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. Z ELL'S SU PERPH OSP H ATE, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. LIME, PLASTER AN I) CEMENT, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. Farmers can save money by calling on HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO., to buy Cot ton Ties. Hutchison, Burroughs & Co., General L'e and Fire Insurance Agents, Office on Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. Sept. 7, 1808. McLEOD & STEELE, Have just received the handsomest stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Hosiery, Gloves, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Ladies' and Misses' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and untrim med; Bonnet Ribbon, French Flowers, Dress Trim mings, &.c, &c, they have ever offered in this market. Dress Goods. We have a beautiful assortment many of the most desirable styles of the season. We feel assured in saying they are not excelled either in style or price by any in the market. White Goods. We have a full line. Marseilles and Alandale Quilts, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Pillow Caseings, Piques, Pereals, Linen Duck, &c, French Cloths aud Cassi ineres, Marseilles and Silk Vesting, Rock Island Cas simercs and Jeans at Factory price's. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, A general assortment. Wc respectfully ask our friends and customers to call and examine our stock, hear prices, &c.', before buying. Many thanks to our friends and customers for the liberal patronage bestowed on us heretofore, and we ask the continuance of the same. April 27, 18C8. McLEOD & STEELE. Mutilated Currency. Ragged and defaced Greenbacks, National Bank Curreucy ami Shinplasters bought at a small discount, at the City Bank of Charlotte. - July 0, 1808. W. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier. ' ARROW TIES. 1 Cfc dfcdMfe r0UX1)S 0F THE ABOVE -5f HF approved pattern, made of the best quality of English Iron, for sale by STENHOUiSE, MACAU LAY & CO. Gunny Bagging. . 72 Bales India and Borneo Gunuy Cloth, for sale by STENHOL'SE. MACAU LAY & CO. Coffee, Sugar, &e. ) Sacks Rio Coffee, 10 Chests Green Teas, oO Barrels Sugar various grades, 15 Hogsheads of Molasses. For sale by STENHOUSE, M ACAULAY & CO. A Full Supply Of Bacon, Lard. Cheese, Flour, Rice, Starch, Can dles, Soaps, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Nails and Iron, tec, &c. for sale by STENHOUSE, M ACAULAY & CO. September 21, 1808. Stoves, Tin-Ware, &c. D. H. BYERLY, (In the Basement Store muter Mansion House,) Keeps for tale . full assortment of Stoves of every description, Hollow-Ware, Tin-Ware, Japan-Ware, &C.Jic. Spears' Anti-Dust Cooking Stove is a superior arti cle,' and has given general satisfaction. 1 have sold a large umler within the past year. Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron work executed at short notiee. Repairing promptly attended to. . I return my thanks for the liberal share of patronage Heretofore received. D. II. BYERLY, . March 10, 1808. Under Mansion House. Deposits. Deposits of Coin and Currency received in .any amount and .interest allowed per agreement, nnd if preferred certificates of deposit issued bearing in terest at rates stipulated, at the City Bank of Char lotte. , tW. .. WILLIAMS, Cashier. '. Jaly 4 U&' - - - SMITH'S Boot,, Shoo and Leather Store, ' Xez't door to Dewey" a Bank, Charlotte, N. C, Is the largest Wholesale and Retail Shoe Establish ment in North Carolina. The quality of their Stock is superior in every re spect, and unequaled in style, finish, and workman ship. The prices are .as low as can be afforded. They buy their Goods exclusively, from Manufac turers, or have them made to order. They pay no rent and do the business themselves, and-can, there fore, and will sell all styles and qualities of Boots and Shoes at lower priees - than can be found else where in this market. Every pair of Boots and Shoes is warranted as represented. "One price to all," and "fair dealing," is their motto. Leather, Shoe Findings & Belting. Their stoclrof Leather and Shoe Findings' is most complete, embracing every grade of Hemlock and Oak Sole Leather, Upper Leather, French and Amer ican CalfSkins, Kip, Lasts, &c. .They. also furnish all widths of Rubber and Leather Belting at Manu facturers'1 prices. - - Ask for SMITH'S SHOE STORE, the oldest es tablished Shoe House in the State. Their Wholesale Department. . They are now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock, the largest and most complete ever brought td this market, and propose to sell to merchants at NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES. Their expenses being much less, and as they buy" exclusively from manufacturers, there is no reason why they cannot sell at as low prices as the New York Jobber. All they ask is a fair triaL Remem ber and ask for - SMITH'S SHOE STORE, Next Door to Dewey's Bank, Charlotte, N. C. August 31, 1868, . . . . . . Fresh Drugs, A general assortment, always on hand, at August 20, 1808. SCARR'S DRUG STORE. Beef Cattle and Milch Cows WANTED. - I want to buy good Milch Cows Cows either with young Calves - or Springers ; also, good fat Beef Cattle, for which I will pay a fair cash price, for J expect to be in want of this kind of Stock at least, for some months. - I also want to buy Dry end Green Hides. - W. A. COOK. ; April 27, 13G8. . . Town Bntcher. NEW BOOKS! GOOD BOOKS!! and Cheap Books!!! Just received at Tiddy's "New Book Store," Bibles of all sizes, from the largest' to the smallest. All prices, to suit everybody. Prayer Books, A handsome assortment, some really elegant, which cannot fail to please the most fastidious, both in style and price. Hymn Books Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Lutheran, all the different sizes pub lished, can be found at our store. - Albums, We have the handsomest, and most complete assort ment ever offered in this market, which we offer at remarkably low prices. They arc Lippincott's make, and have the patent hinge, which, with ordinary use will last always, and a little longer. Catholic Books. Mission Eookt Flowers of Piety, Christian Guide (3 styles). Key of Heaven, Path to. Paradise, &c. Our Miscellaneous stock is large, every one can find something to read, for a small sum. We charge nothiug for showing our goods call and examine whether you want to buy or not. ' Our stock of School Books is now complete. Wholesale buyers and Teachers buying for Schools will certainly find it to their advantage to call and see us before buying elsewhere. Stationery. Something nice just received in the Stationery Line. Stamped initial paper with envelopes to match, put up in neat one quire Boxes. A full line of fancy and plain Paper and Envelopes. We have a full stock of Job Office Material, such as Bristol Board, Printer's Blanks and China Cards, all sizes and qualities. Paper, Flatcap, Foolscap, Letter and Note, Tlafn. Book, News and Wrapping Paper at Manufacturers prices. ' All we ask is an inspection of stock and prices, as we will not be undersold. TIDDY & BRO. Rags! Rags!! 1 The highest price paid in Money for clean Cotton and Linen Rags at the New Book Store. June 15,1808, . TIDDY & BRO. P. P. MEDLIN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Offers his professional services to the people of Charlotte, N. C, and surrounding country. Having had experience Tn the practice of his profession, he hopes to be liberally patronized. Residence on Col lege Street, rear of .Mansion House. August 31, 1808. R. H. COWAN & CO, General Commission and Shipping Merchants, AND - Wholesale Grocers. Agents for M. Davis & Son's (Liberty, Va.,) celebra ted Virginia Chewing Tobacco. Agents for Lister Bros Superphosphate of Lime. Agents for Vulcan iron Works, Richmond, Va. VILni!YGTO!f , !. C, Ko. 32 North Water Street. E. II. COWAN, JXO. W. CAMEKOX, June 20, 18G8 ly JAS. II. HILL. Coffee. We have just received a lot of Coffee which will compare favorably, both as to price and quality, with any in the city. July 27, 18C8. NISBET & MAXWELL. Catawba English and Classical HIGH SCHOOL, KEWTOX, AU The next Session will commence the 1st Monday in JULY. next. . No pains are spared, in titling pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges in the country, and in giving them a thorough business education. Special attention given to Mathkmaticai. Tp.Umm;. Tuition per Session. f 20 Weeks J rum $d to S22uO in currency. .. Board in families from $8 to $12 per month ; in clubs at about half these pi ict-fi. For Circulars and particulars, address J. C. Clapp, Newton, N. C. J. C. CLAPP, A. B. June 8, 18G8. S.- M. FINGER, A. B. State of North Carolina, atawba comity. - Superior Court of Law Fall Term, 18C8; -Peter Mosteller, tt. aL, rs. William Mull, et. al. Petition for Partition. . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Eli Mull, one of the defendants in this case, res.ides beyond the limits of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Wtfer Democrat," (a weekly paper published in theCHy of Charlotte, N. C.,) notifying said defendant to be and appear at our next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Catawba, at the Court House in Newton, on the first Monday in March next, then and there to answer or demur to plaintiff's petition, otherwise the same will be heard and granted. Witness, Miles O. SherriU, Clerk of our said Su perior Court, at office the lt Monday in September, A. D., 1808. MILES O. "fiHKRRILL, Clerk. 37-Gw pr. adv. $10. ' , Concord Mills. Having opened a House in Charlotte, near the Post Office, for the sale of our - own manufactured goods, we i invite the attention of merchants and ethers to our YARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTISGti, OSNABERGS, CARPET CHAIN, . STOCKING YARNS, ., &e. -- Cotton taken in exchange for Goods. We sell low for Cash. " 5 J. Mcdonald a sons, : , Aflgurt 12.18fiSL Omcxrd, N. C ... WANTED, ; By the undersigned, all the new work that may be needed in the Saddle and Harness line. Also, all the Repairing that- may be necessary about your premises. Work warranted and perfect satisfaction guaranteed.' . t Next door to J. T. Bryce ft Col,'" Trade, Street, Charlotte, N. C. - r ' ' Sept. 7, )8G8. ' ; U W. OSBORNE. " WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! -Dr. Byrn's Magic Pain Cure. This is a new and wonderful Medicine.. It is used for the various forms of Headache, which, in ordin ary cases it cures in a few minutes time? also, Neuralgia, Nervousness, 'Cold in Ihe Head, and Weakness of the Nerves, is speedily- brought'under its influence. Ordinary or mild cases of Catarrh in the Head, can also be checked by its use, and pre vented from going further, which is f r great impor tance, and even cases of long standing can be cured by persevering in the use of the medicine. It is per fectly harmless, and is warranted to give satisfaction. : People" often express wonder and astonishment to find themselves so suddenly relieved from all pain ' yet the remedy contains no Opium, . no Chloroform,' no Ether, nor any thing of a narcotic nature. It is prepared from roots, barks, leaves, gums and flowers, and is absolutely harmless, even for ah infant. This remedy is a nervine, and is used as a liqnid, and this is one reason why it cures so quickly There are no diseases more common than those for which it is re commended. Millions of suffering mortals would be willing to pay almost any price to secure a few' hoars relief and rest, if they knew of a remedy that would give immediate ease.- Then by all means be cured permanently by using the Magic Pain Cure.. ' - ' Price 60 eents. r . . - - . . E. L.- SHERRELL, P.M. at Sherrell's Ford, Ca tawba county, N. C, is agent for the counties 'of Ca tawba, Lincoln, Iredell, Gaston, Rowan and Meck lenburg, n. c. ' , . For sale by Druggists in Charlotte and by Drug gists generally. - Sept 21, 1808" 3mpd - .... . - . . . Tobacco, : , Smoking and Chewing, which, we are offering at prices which defy competition. July. 27, 1868.V NISBET & MAXWELL"" FAMILY GROCERIES. I i.avt: oa hand, and - am-constantly receiving, u general u ssorUueru yt Groceries, such as .Sugars-i'er, Cotlff , Midsses" Cheese,' Flour. Bacon, Corn, Meal, nnd v?rytl:i;; 'Ke in the Grocery line I i will .-.ew .vf ciafstp tut any h-oust in-' Charlotte, and I . :"t L-iict:? i t I.v r;''.u.'rt Dersuus u-ishmr n.. 1 -.,?..; a tn iuc .i cail. ... A . c - - c ' " I deliver, wit hi:, ihe limit?. -f tiro Ci;y. all Gro ceries bought h' r-v '.oro - A good lot of uiiffs and iloliow-iir for sale. a. bkruvhill: Feb 17, 18o8. " Under Mansion House. FREIGHT NOTICE. Prom Portsmouth to Charlotte, via Lohliboru' (on Vil. & Wthfon Jl R.) - - An arrangement hs just been perfected by which freight can be transported from Portsmouth" to Charlotte in ' Forty Hours, At as low rates ns on any other Road, J. A. SADLER,; ' April 13, 1868. General Agent First National Bank of Charlotte, Office in Granite Row, 4fh door from the corner, Offices s. " R. Y. McAden, President. -M. I Pegram, Cashier S. L. Kiddle, Teller. . Board of Directors. RYMcAdcn, T II Brem, Wm R Myers, R M Oates, Wm Johnston, . S A Cohen, John Wilkes. Deals in Bills of Exchange, Sight Drafts, Gold and Sirver lorn, and Government and other Securities. : March 23, 18G8 . NEW ARRIVALS At J. Kuck & Co's Grocery Store. 5,000 r0l'-Nl,s K0U-NTu:i ' 1,000 Pounds Baltimore Bacon, 1 2-3 Sacks of Rio Coffee, ,:' - 50 Sacks Salt, common to fine, 50 Boxes of superior Star Caudles, 5 25 10 10 Tierces of Sugar Cured Hams, Barrels of Sugar, all grades, ., Hogsheads of Molasses, ' Barrels of Syrup,' : " ' At - J. KCCK & CO S. March SO, 18G8, THE CITY DRUG STORE OF , . Kilgore & Cur e ton. No 2, Granite Row, next to the Express Office and opposite the Mansion" House. A large assortment of Fresh Drugs,' Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Perfumery &c.-, will be found at this new establishment, and will be seld at as low priees as any other house. ... - B. F. KILGORE, M. D. June 15, 18G8. T. K. CCRETON, M. D. TAILORING. -John Vogel, Practical Tailor, r Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding" country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen s clothing in the latest style and at short notice. ' His best exertions will , be given to rentier satisfaction to those who patronize him. fcbop opposite old Charlotte Hotel, next door to Brem's Hardware Store. . - - ' ' .January 1, 18C8. . ( . , . , SADDLES AND HARNESS. ROBERT SHAW & SOX, Third Door from the Mansion Home,') RESPECTFULLY inform sm - iUf mihlin thnt thn liitu .&8Eg&ZSs. and HARNESS on hand. yMftt3&& wMch ihy offer to the II g'fyfSiS-. puhlic at low prtees. -. . ''i-fQ Anything in the way of v efer Saddles. Harness, "V---'" JlruUfS, Ji'irtili'frrlrg.:- Co'lrs. a.JLile Trees " Harness Mounting of .til desv vriptiom, w ill he furni.-hed or mriJe 'o orde r. t A-' we arc regtilf mechanic, wo think it will be to tii advantage (A :d to' buy from ur." We War rant our work. . " ' ' ' " JCS?" REPAI'UNu 1 i..lb'AX'.cued at iKort notice and on reason itl r'u4. R. SJIaW. Aug 10, i sr,3 y . , j V.; 1.2 SHAW. . - irr.. t notice: ;y The partnership ''heiciolorfe' existing between J Buxbuum, S. Aiiatban and J. Roessler,' known as the firm of J BCXBAU ii CO'- was dissolved by mutual consent oa the Sd iust. J. Reeg&ler with drawing from the said firm. . Claims dueto and "by the late firm at Charlotte will be settled by J. Buxbaum. ." , - : . . - J. BUXBATJM, . ' ASATHAN, Jo6 29. 188. : . : it PvOESSLER. E. STENHOUSE, ALLAN. MACAULAY, Chakuottk. N. C. New Yobk. Stenhouse & Macaulay, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AijQ Pearl Street, XEW YORK. . ' . - . a - - Prompt personal attention riven to the sale, of Cotton, , Cotton Yarn, Naral jStores, and. the purchase of Merchandise generally". 4 . Consignments soUeifed. " - . " " ' Jane 10, 1867. , t . .. 71 ; ; - ....... ' 2 Superior Starch. ; f , v - -Jttet -received, in pound papers,' a lot ef Superior Search.- v - NISBET k 'MAXWELL.' July 27. I6ML : . , ; J. -BRYCE & , CO., . General Commission Merchants CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to the seUing of all kind, of Produce, Cotton and Txbaeco. , Highest cash price paid for Cotton. - AU orders from a distance promptly attended to. . ; - i ; . .-.-I . J. Y. BRYCE. . March 518C8. W. II. BRYCE. WILLIAM BRYCE & COT" Cotton Factors, 29 Chamber end 5 Jieade Streets, NEW, YORK) Devote special attention to the sale of Cotton in New York. All consignments to their address arc covered by insurance from points of shipment, with or with out advice. ." Shipments solicited through their correspondents in Charlotte. Messrs. J. Y. BRYCE & CO., who will make liberal advances on same. June 8, 1808 . ly . - China,. Crockery and Glass Ware. JAMES H ART Y, (Xext Door " to the Court House,) Has just received a. very large stock of CHINA. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, Together with a good assortment of House-keeping articles, consisting of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Castors, Butter Prints Ladles, Tubs, Churns, Buck ets,. Bread Trays, Rolling Pins, Steak Beaters, Tea Kettles, Stew Pans, Gridirons, &e. . I have a)so connected ,with my Stock a good as sortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ac. I have the most complete assortment of Ladies' Baskets To be found in the City Market, Traveling, Key and Pic Nic Baskets in every variety. Call and examine my Stock. Julyf., 18G8. ' JAMES nARTY. Gold, J Silver and Bullion Bought and sold at a small margin, and advances made on Bullion when desired, at the City Bank of Charlotte. " W. A. WILLIAMS, July , 1868. - - - . Cashier. J. D. PALMER Family Grocer & Wine Merchant, And dealer in all kinds of imported Wines and Spirits. Old Rye, Mouongahela Bourbon and Cabinet Double Dietilkd Whiskey ; Domestic Corn and Rye WhUkey; Teach und Apple Brandy. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY; " 2 Barrels Sacrament Wine, " C 44 Superior Kentucky Cider, - 1 . - 44 Old Nash county Brandy, .3 Casks India Ale, . - 2 Barrels London Porter,, 15 Crates of Bottles, Flasks, pemyohus and Jiigu, Wood Kegs from 2 to 10 pillions. I also invite the psrticulnr atttni'oi) of t'r'irxi- to my stock of Port, Kherry - and Mudrrn: V tn Brandy and Whiskey, botib J ( . iu.i ivi .:i: einal purposes. All ordtv. v. !,.: .-.tie or ?.. n!, solicited and punctually atrc ivloi to. i' v.-i; ii y hand all kinds of Donstic Spirits n -jr - j iu t 1 A specialty made to old N. . Cor:' W !iii.-Y, January 27, 1.808. 40 Years before the Public. V, O vs PJ o pj 'A r -t 'A W pi o M H o en W a' 5 3 GO The Southern Hepatic Pills, That old long known and well tried remedy for all BUlious diseases, caused by a DISEASED LIVER. - Jig-Read the following CERTIFICATES from persons of the highest respectability .g ; LIVER COMPLAINT. Rev, Db. C, F., Deems, (August 23d, 18H2.) sajnj "I have derived great benefit from those Pills, aud have known many families and individuals who have found them very beneficial, and I have also known physicians in excellent standing to recommend tlieiu to their patients For all discuses arising from Un orders of the liver, I believe they are the best medi cine offered te the public." - - Rev. Joint V. Pottek, Snow Hill, N C, (January 6th, 18G3.) says: "For twelve years I was a great sufferer. My liver was diseased. ' I lost' my fleh and strength, , and my skin seemed changed in its color by the bile with which iny system was over charged. I became subjccTtd frequent and violent attacks of billions cholio, every attack leaving me weaker than its predecessor. The physicians had been aide to patch me np a little, but my health wast in a deplorable state. I had taken patent mcdiciuM 'until I was tired of them.. , Without energy or com fort, I was barely abU to go about a little. Atlcngth I yielded to the earnest persuasion of a friend and commenced taking the HEPATIC PILLS, with no confidence in them. They acted like a charm on me. From that hour I have improved. I have persevered in their use, until now, by God'a blessing, I am well and hearty. I had a negro man, who, as I believe, was saved from death by a dose of these Pills. My Doctor's bill was annually from $100 lo $200, but I have had no use for a physician since. 1 can confi dently recommend them as a superior family medicine. ttSSP- ThA Pill ! niftlf hv fl. W. DEEMS. No. 28 South Calhoun Street,: Baltimore, Md. They can be scut to any point in the United States by Mail or Express. Pbice For one Box, 'Za cents. 5 F. SCARR, Druggist, - - - Special Agent at Charlotte; N. C. Aug. 24, 1.868 . ly 4Jmpd - Purifies the Blood. Fr Sal4 by DrnpsiMfa Everywhere. . August 24. '18t ' ' r ly Cmpd - A HALES, Watchmaker J&v and Jeweler, Se.zt Door 14 the Mannion House, Charlotte, N. C. ' If yonr Watch needs Repairing, Don't get mad and go to swearing; Jut take it'Into HALES ehop, . lie will fix it no it. will not stop. He warrants hi work all for a ycar ' When it is used with proper care. He ivill do if as low as it can be done. And do it so well it's sure lo run. January 1. 18W. 7 NEW STOUv OF GkOCKHiK.. -i. . . - Hammond & McLaughlin, (At O'Ues Ctaner.) t. . nave received a full stock of new Groceries, consist ing in part of ; i" - . , A , A arge jot 1 lingging. Iron Cotton Ties and Rope, Sugar, Coffee and Tea ' , ,;; ,-v Midasaes. Iron- and Nails, Salt. Leather of all orl. ; ' Anything aad everything in the Grocery line may be found at their Stove. HAMMOND & MeLAlUHia. Fresh " Raisins, Jest receive!, in quarter, half and wiiole Boxes July 27, JSCS.,.. AMliJjr jw.iAftr.i.- ; -

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