(&h a US e&ievn lb era o cr cti, : har toiler i.. m 1" w : t r t ? r 1 i t ,j ' ! fl 1 ' 5 Siiii t If, ! ! n ."i1 ri; i fit is i MS Better Late than Never. Life is like a race where some succeed "While others are beginning; Tis luck in some, iu others speed, That gives an early winning; But if you chance to fall behind, .Ne'er slacken jour endeavor; Just keep this wholesome truth in mind M'Ti better late than ueverl" And if you keep ahead 'tis well, But never trip your neighbor; Tis noble when you can excel By honest, patient labor; But if you are outstripped at last, Press on as bold as ever; Remember, though you are surpassed, "'Tis better late than neverl" Ne'er labor for an idle boast Or victory o'er another; But while you 'strive uppermost, Deal fairly with a brother; Whate'er your station, do your best, And hold your purpose ever; And if you fail to do tho rest, Tis better late than never!" Choose well the path in which you run Succeed by noble daring, Then, though the last, when once 'tis won, Your crown is worth the wearing, Then never fret if left behind, Nor slacken your endeavor. But ever keep this truth in mind "'Tis better late than never!" The poorest classes of the Chinese people are reduced to the necessity of eating almost every thing that can be masticated and swallowed. Among the edibles with which their destitute condition has made them acquainted are earth worms and caterpillars. By eating the latter one would suppose they would be able to make the butter fly. The Louisville Journal ungallantly says that woman, with all her beauty and worth, should remember that man was the chief matter con sidered at the creation. She was only issue. side Blue Stone For sals at the City Drug Storo. KILGORE & CURETON. CLOVER SEED, Orchard Grass 6od, Kentucky Blue Grass Seed, Herds Grass Seed, just received and for sale at the Qt Drug Stcre. KlLGORE & CURETO COLORED PAINTS. Another suppTy of "Trippe'e Colored Paints,' re ceived and for sale at the City Drug Store. Oct 19, 18oS KILGORE & CURETON. WHO WILL BE ELECTED? This is a question we cannot answer, but we can tell you where you can buy good Goods, fine Goods and cheap Goods, such as people need in the way of Hardware, Dry Ooods, Boots, Shoes, liata, Umbrellas, Fancy Notions, &c, it is at BARRI5GER, WOLFE & CO S. Dress Goods, &c. The nicest Dress Goods we have ever had to offer to the public. The finest stack of Bleached Domestics which can befound in this mtrket, and any one wanting them right had better examine our Meek. Fancy Delaines, Poplins, Glaca Mixtures, Japanese Claths. Armours of all styles. Hoop Skirts, Balmorals Skirts at all prices, Nett Shawls; also a large stock of all kinds of Shawls and Blankets. Flannels, Opera Flannels white and colored, com mas and extra fine. Ginghams. Ginghams, Alamance Plaids, Linsey, and other kinds of Plaids, all of which we offer cheap. Fine Cloaks. Don't buy a Cloak until you see ours, as we think you will saTe money. We have almost an Noah's Ark in the way of variety. We only ask a fair show and a look with an unprejudiced eye, and then if we den't sell it it our fault Call and gee BARRING ER, WOLFE k CO., Opposite the Cbarlotto Hotel. Look to Your Interest. Come and pay us up. Don't bo forgetful cf the kind indulgence we hare given you, and if you don't intend to pay please come and spend your money with us who have favored you. You can find us op posite Maj. J. B. Kerr's old Hotel. Don't fortretthe place. A man that can pay an4 won't pay us after our kind treatment deserves to settle with some one lae. BARRING ER, WOLFE t CO. October 12, 1S68. NOTICE. In eonsequence of frequent depredations on my Lands in Gaston and Mecklenburg counties, situated en the Catawba River, I am obliged to forbid per sons from hunting or fishing either night or day on the same, or otherwise trespassing .on my premises. The law will be enforced against all persons who may offend in that way hereafter. A. VT. ALEXANDER. Oet 19. 1855 Zw 1869 ALMANACS 1869- 10,000 Blum's Farmers and Planters Almanacs for I8bi), just received at the New Book Store. For sale by the single copy, dozen, hundred or thousand. Country merchants will do well to give us a call be fore supplying themselrea for next season. Oct 1, 1668. TIDDY & BRO. Pictures! Pictures!! The undersigned Photographic Artist, of Baltimore, Md , calls the attention of his friends, and the public in general, to his newlv opened PHOTOGRAPH and AMBROTYPE GALLERY, where he is now pre pared to take A No. 1 Pictures of each and of every tvle and fiuish. Satisfaction guaranteed in every Picture. Copie taken froai the unallcst intc the largest portrait Also pictures neatly titled in Rings, Breastpins and Lockets. All I ask i -rive me a trial " N. B. Parties desiring to learn the trade, and art f taking Pictures can do o by applving to HENRY BAUMGARIEN, Charlotte, N. C. Photograph Gallery over James Harty's Store, Feb 24, 1858. Next door to Court-house. JUST RECEIVED, A splendid let of Bagging, Roping and Tiee, at B. M. PRESSOR'S. AJeo, splendid lot of Country Bacon. S. M. PRESSON. ' Also, a lot of Cietse, at B. M. PRESSORS, gy Farmer can came and get their Bagging and loping, to be paaj for ia Cotton. Pept 21r 1868. "B. M. PRESSON. BOOTS AND SHOES. ri t Tr i a. jd. -Ui.cuujua.LLi, I TLm imtt CI1 " Tt kTsM.m il. IX . J r L ! Has just received one of the largest stocks of Boots and Shoes, Leather. SHOE-FINDINGS, BELTING, sc.. Ever brought to this market, and which will be sold as low as at any house iu the South. His goods are warranted as represented. Prices will be mack to suit purchasers. gy Call at Meacham'e Shoe Store, just below the new Bank Building and examine goods and prices. A Total Eclipse op thz Scn in 1869. Prof. S. N. White writes to. a New York paper of a total eelipse of the sun ; which is to occur in August, 1869. His notes of the track of the totality, calculated fifteen years sgo, are as fol lows : The sun will rise eclipsed in the interior of Siberia, on the morning of August 7th, 18G9, when the shadow will move in a north-easterly direction ; then, turning eastwardly and south wardly, will pass over Bearing's Straits and Northern Alaska about noon, local time. Thence, moving across part of British North America, it will re-enter the United States in Montana, be tween 2 and 3 P. M., local time. Moving thence across Western Nebraska, it will pass diagonally through Iowa, passing over . Sioux City, Pes Moines and Keokuk about 5 o'clock. . Thence it will move to the southeast, over Jacksonville, Illinois, across southern Indiana, Central Ken tucky, Eastern Tennessee, iuto and across North Carolina, and will touch the sea coast in Pamlico sound; and it will finally leave the earth not far from the Bermudas. It will be visible in all parts of the United States, and tutal over a belt of 100 miles wide along the line just indicated, the sun being hid more than four minutes. Remember the CITY BOOK STORE, Whore i3 constantly being received BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, Memorandums, Diaries for 1869, Wall Taper, Tissue Paper, in fact everything that you may find in a first class Book Store. Remember I am Agent for the Wilcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine, the most complete and best on cx hibition. See Circular. Farmers! I am Agent for the Maryland Farmer Magazine, printed in Baltimore. Hand in your subscription only 51. Last but not least, remember my terms are Cash. S R. JOHNSTON, Next door to McAden's new building Oct 10, 18C8. To Teachers I would say, to avoid confusion and delay, you can be furnished at shortest notice any and all Books by leaving your orders at the City Book a tore Oct 2G, 1868. S. RUFUS JOHNSTON. Bank Money. The highest market price paid for old Bank Notes, and orders for the same solicited, at the City Bank of Charlotte. W. A. WILLIAMS, July 6, 18C8. Cabhier KNOX & GILL, Cotton Factors and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Xo. VZb Smith's Wharf, laukence l. prince. Baltimore. Consignments of Cotton respectfully solicited, and liberal advances made thereon. Orders will receive prompt attention, October 5, 1S68. 6m Seed Wheat- We have a lot of fine SEED WHEAT for sale. Mc MURRAY, DAVIS & CO. August 21, ISC8. The City Bank of Charlotte Solicits the Accounts of business men and others, and promises satisfaction. July 6. 1868. W. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier. NEW FALL GOODS A. SINCLAIR, at Springs' Corner, Would respectfully inform his friends and customers that ho is now receiving his NEW STOCK of Fall Goods. He is offering a full supply of everything found in a first class Dry Goods House At as REASONABLE RATES as they can be pur. chased in any house in the city. Remember the House, the Old Stand at Springs' Corner. A. SING LAIR. October 5, 1868 Pine Storo and Elegant Goods. BUXBAUM & LANG Have removed from the corner store under the Man sion House to the newly fitted up store of Hammond & McLaughlin near Ontcs' corner, where they have A Splendid Assortment Of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and every other article usually sept in a nrst class Dry uoods store. To those who may patrouize them they will say that they guarantee satisfaction iu Prices and Quality. Call at the New Store, Cd door from Oates' corner, and see for yourselves. CAPT. C. H. ELMS is with Buxbaum & Lang, and will be pleased to sec his acquaintances and friends and assist them in making purchases. Sept. 28, 18G8. REMOVAL! REMOVAL!! Important Notice. II. M. PHELPS nas the honor to inform his friends and the public that on account of an enlargement ia his business, he has found it necessary to remove from his old stand, opposite the Court House, and that he can now be fouud at the handsome and commodious STOREROOM OX TRADE STREET, Next to STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO., where he will be pleased to receive hia old friends, ensuring them the same attention and treatment they have always received at his old quarters. Hia stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS now in store will compare favorably with any ia this or any Southern City, and will be sold at Considerably Reduced Figures In order to make room for his Fall stock. A full assortment of Dry Goods and Domestics. Dress Goods and White Goods, Clothing, Caasimerea and Jeans. . A well assorted stock of MILLINERY in all its branches. Groceries, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Hardware, &c , &c. SjJI. Reuiciabcr the place. II. M. PnELPS, next to Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co's, At the stand formerly occupied by tho Farmers & Mechanics' Association. Wall Papering. Just received 1,000 pieces of Wall Papering. Alo, 100 pieces Bordering Paper, 200 pair Window Cur tains, 100 Fire Screens, &c , for sale at New York prices. H. M. THELPS. August 10, 18C8. GROCERIES. Hiller & Black IIaT received a large Stock of Groceries, consisting in part of Cotton Ties, Bagging and Rop?, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses and Salt. Irou, Nails, Leather, &c. . .! c-uv v j ou- aujvuu Kef xu ufsi" i class Grocery Store. I inanKiui lor pasi putironage, we mTMe our inends and the public generally to gire us a call before purohasingelsewher , Out. fi 1888. MILLER k BLACK. . It is stated that rags, asVniaterial for paper making, have been so far superceded by Esparto grass that seven-tenths of British paper is now wade from it. The London Times is printed on paper made of this material. . Already fifty thousand tons are annually exported from Spain and Portugal to England, at a cost of about thirty five dollars a ton. r PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. I wish to sell my Plantation in Iredell county, 1 2 miles South-east of Statesville. on the Mocksville and Georgia Road. There are about 500 Acres of first rate Laud 100 of which is in cultivation, and the balance wood-land. On the premises is a Dwelling House with all necessary out-houses, cotton gin, screw, Ac. The place is within 4 miles of the West ern N. C. Railroad surrounded by Churches and a good neighborhood. The tract of Land will be divi ded if desired by a purchaser. The neighborhood is as healthy as any in the country. Also, I will sell a Tract of Land containing 140 acres, lying on the line of Railroad from Charlotte to Statesville about 8 miles South of Statesville. It is all wood-land, and of pretty good quality. Call and see me on the premises, or address me at Amity Hill P. O., Iredell county, N. C. GEO. F. SHEPHERD. Oct 19, 1868 lmpd New Store and NEW GOODS. J. ROESSLER & CO., (At Kahnw tiler's old stand, 2d door from Brem, Brown $ Co's Store,) Have just received a large and general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c, Which they offer to the public at fair and reasonable prices. The Stock of Dry Goods, for Fall and Winter Wear, Will be found to be one of the best ever brought to this market. The ladies are particularly invited to call and examine goods and prices. Ready-Made Clothing, Of every description, for men and boy3, is being of fered at remarkably low rates. CAPT. J. ROESSLER respectfully requests his old friends to give him a call this Fall and Winter, and he assures them that he will continue to exert himself to please them in the future as he hopes he has done in the past. Sept 21, 18G8. ' J. ROESSLER k CO. Fresh Drugs, A general assortment, always on hand, at August 29, 18C8. SCARR'S DRUG STORE. Peruvian Guano, In Siore and for sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. PACIFIC GUANO, HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS k CO. Call on OBER'S GUANO, HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. For sale by BAUGH'S SUPERPHOSPHATE, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. ZELL'S SUPERPHOSPHATE, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. LIME, PLASTER AND CEMENT, For sale by HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO. MS Farmers can save money by v calling on HUTCHISON, BURROUGHS & CO., to buy Cot ton Ties. Hutchison, Burroughs & Co., General hJe and I'ire Insurance Agents, Office on Trade Street, Chaslotte. N. C. Sept. 7, 18H8. McLEOD & STEELE, Have just received the handsomest stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Hosiery, Gloves, Gent's Furnis'hin'r Goods, Ladies' and Misses' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and untrim med; Bouuet Ribbon, French Flowers, Dress. Trim mings, &o., &c, they have ever offered in this market. Dress Goods. We have a beautiful assortment many of the most desirable styles of the season. We feel assured in saying they are not excelled either in style or price by any in the market. White Goods. We have a full line. Marseilles and Alandale Guilts. Linen and Cotton Sheetings' Pillow Caseings, Piques, Percals, Linen Duck, &c. French Cloths and Cassi- mcres, Marseilles and Silk Vesting, Rock Island Cas- simercs and Jeans at Factory prices. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY, A general assortment. . n e respectfully ask our friends and customers to call and examine our stock, hear prices, &c, before buying. Many thanks to our friends and customers for the liberal patronage bestowed on us heretofore. and wc ask the continuance of the same. April 27, 18G8. McLEOD & STEELE. Mutilated Currency. Ragged and defaced Greenbacks. National Bank Curreucy and Shinplasters bought at a small discount. at the City Bank of Charlotte. July 6, 1868. W. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DR. JAS. N. BUTT, Druggist and Chemist, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER in Drugs and Medicines of every discription and kind, Corner Trade and Collcae Streets. CHARLOTTE, X, C. Pure No. 1 KEROSENE it is safe and non-explo- Bive. It a lighted torch be plunged in it, it will ex tinguish it as quick as water. It is from six to eight times as cheap as candles,' and from four to six times as brilliant. Buy a Lamp, which I can sell for 50 c6nts, and if it does not give perfect satisfaction you may return it. I have just received a splendid lot of new Lamps. Call and see them. Chills and Fever. I am treating numbers of persons successful! v for Chills and Fever. If you are suffering this way I think I can assure you of a successful treatment, having practiced for over twelvo years in a fever and ague district. Preserve this. Notice. You can get at Dr. Jas. N Butt's Drug Store the following sizes of WINDOW GLASS: Glass SxlO, 10x12, 10x14, 10x15, 10x16, 10x18. 12x20, 10x23, 10x24, 12x14, 12x15, 12xlG, 12x18, 14x20, 12x22, 12x24, 14x18, 14x22, 14x24, 10x18, 16x20, 1Cx24, 18x20, 18x22, 18x24, 20x24, 20x30. Attention! You can get Medicines and Prescriptions at all nours or tne day and night, and on Sundav. at JAS. N BUTT'S Charlotte, N. C, Oet 12, 18G8. Drug Store, DeDOSitS. ircpsii3 pi oiu auu currency rcceiveo m anv amount and interest allowed per agreement, and if preterred certificates of deposit issued bearing in trest at rates stipulated, at the City Bank of Char lotte. W.. A. WILLIAMS Caahisr. Jafy , 8tt, THE LATEST NOVELTY. Now arriving daily, and on inspection at the Cor ner Store, GRAY'S BLOCK, (nearly opposite tho Court House,) a large and carefully selected Stock of choice. . .. , - - Family Groceries, Which we propose to sell low down for the Cash either at wholesale or retail. We intend to keep good Goods, and sell them as cheap as any other House in the city. '. . t - - We have Bagging, Beards' Patent Buckle Tie, a good assortment of Hardware, and Wooden Ware; in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. Try us before purchasing. Oct. 5, 1868 W. W. GRIER & CO. Receiving daily at S. Grose & Co's, A select tock of Groceries recently purchased, whieh we offer very low. Call and examine our Goods be fore you purchase. S. GROSE & CO., Trade Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Hams and Syrup. A choice lot of Sugar Cured Hams, and Maryland Golden Syrup and Isew Orleans (new crop) yrup, at o. tiKUSii & IU . Wanted, 500 Bushels of ONIONS, at Sept. 7, 18G8. S. GROSE & CO'S. SMITH'S Boot, Shoe and Leather Store, Next door to Dewey's Bank, Charlotte, Ar. C, Is the largest Wholesale and Retail Shoe Establish ment in North Carolina. The quality of their Stock ia-superior in every re spect, and unequaled in style, finish and workman ship. The prices are as low as can be afforded They buy their Goods exclusively from Manufac turers, or have them made to order. They pay no rent and do the business themselves, and can, there fore, and will sell all styles and qualities of Boots and Shoes at lower prices than can be found el.se where in this market. Every pair of Boots and Shoes is warranted as represented. "One price to all," and "fair dealing," is their motto. Leather, Shoe Findings & Belting. Their stock of Leather and Shoe Findings is most complete, embracing every grade of Hemlock and Oak Sole Leather, Upper Leather, French and Amer ican CalfSkin?, Kip, .Lasts, &c. They also furnish all widths of Rubber and Leather Belting at Manu facturers' prices. Ask for SMITH'S SHOE STORE, the oldest es tablished Shoe House in the State. Their Wholesale Department. They arc now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock, the largest and most complete ever brought to this market, and propose to sell to merchants at NEW YORK .WHOLESALE PRICES. Their expenses being much less, and as they buy exclusively from manufacturers, there is no reason why they cannot sell at as low prices as the New York Jobber. All they aai is a fair trial. Remem ber and ask for SMITH'S SHOE STORE; Next Door to Dewev's Bank, Charlotte, N. C. August 31, 18G8. Beef Cattle and Milch Cows WANTED. I want to buy good Milch Cows Cows either with young Calves or- Springers ; also, good fat Beef Cattle, for which I will pay a fair cash price, fori expect, to be in want of this kind of Stock at least for some months. I also want to buy Dry and Green Hides. W. A. COOK. April 27, 13C8. Town Butcher. NEW BOOKS! GOOD BOOKS!! and Cheap Books!!! Just received at Tiddy's "New Book Store," Bibles of all sizeS, from the largest to the smallest. All prices, to suit everybody. Prayer Books, A handsome assortment, some really elegant, which cannot, fail to please the most fastidious, both in style and price. Hymn Books Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Lutheran, all the different sizes pub lished, can be found at our store. Albums, We have the handsomest and most complete assort ment ever offered in this market, which we offer at remarkably low prices. They are Lippincott s make, and have the patent hinge, which, with ordinary use will last always, and a little longer. Catholic Books. Mission Book, Flowers of Piety, Christian Guide (3 styles), Key of Heaven, Path to Paradise, &c. Our Miscellaneous stock is large, every one can find something to read, for a small sum. We charge nothing for showing our goods call and examine whether you want to buy or not. Our stock of School Books is now complete. Wholesale buyers and Teachers buying for Schools will certainly find it to their advantage to call and see us before buying elsewhere. ' Stationery. Something nice just received in the Stationery Line. Stamped initial paper with envelopes to match, put up in neat one quire Boxes. A full line of fancy and plain Paper and Euvclopcs. We have a full slock of Job Office Material, such as Bristol Board, Printer's Blanks and China Cards, all sizes and qualities. Paper, Flatcap, Foolscap, Letter and Note, Plain. Book, News and Wrapping Paper at Manufacturers prices. All we ak is an inspection of stock and prices, as wc will not bo undersold. TIDDY & BRO. Rags! Rags!! The highest price paid in Money for clean Cotton and Linen Rags at the New Book Store. June 15. 18G8, TIDDY & BRO. ' R. H. COWAN & CO., General Commission and Shipping Merchants, AND . Wholesale Grocers. Agents for M. Davis & Son's (Liberty, Va.,) celebra ted Virginia Chewing Tobacco. Agents for Lister Iiro's Superphosphate of Lime. Agents for Vulcan Iron Works, Richmond, Va. WILMINGTON, nr. c, Xo. 32 Xorth Water Street. K. II. COWAN, JXO. June 20, 18G8 w. CAMERON," JAS. II. HILL. Coffee. We have just received a lot of Coffee which will compare favorably, both aa to price and quality, with any in the city. July 27, 1E68. N1SBET k MAXWELL. Catawba English and Classical HIGH SCHOOL, XEwrvx, x. c. The next Session will commence the 1st Monday in JULY next.1 No pains are spared in fitting pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges in the country, and in giving them a thorough business education. Special attention given to Mathematical Tcaimxg. Tuition per Session of 20 Weeks from 9 to $22.&0 in currency. Board in families from $8 to $12 per month ; in clubs at about half these prices. For Circulars and particulars, address J. C. Clapp, Newton, N. C. J. C. CLAPP, A. B. June 8, 18ti$. S. M. FINGER, A. B. Concord Hills. Having opened a House in Charlotte, near the Post Office, for the sale of our own manufactured goods, we invite the attention of merchants and others to our YARNS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, OSNABERGS, CARPET CHAIN, - STOCKING YARNS, 4c, &c. Cotton taken ia exchange for Goods. We sell low for Cash. j. Mcdonald & sons, Anguet 12, 1PC8. CeueOTtf, N. D. O. MAXWELL. NISBET & MAXWEU, : CHARLOTTE, N. C, Candy Manufacturers and Bakers. Also, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries, Confectioneries, Pipes, Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Toys, Musical Instruments, Notions, &c. . Parks' Building, Xo. 24, Tryon Street. July 27, 18G8. . - - ... NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES. Hammond & McLaughlin, At Oatesy Corner.') nave received a full stock of new Groceries, consist ing in part of A large lot of Bagging; Iron Cotton Ties and Rope, '- Sugar, Coffee and Tea, . j Molasses, Iron and Nails, Salt, Leather of all sorts. Anything and everything in the Grocery line may be found at their Store. hammond & Mclaughlin. Sept 14. 188. WANTED, By the undersigned, all the new work that may be needed in the Saddle and Harness line. Also,, all the Repairing that maybe necessary about your premises. Work warranted and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Next door to J l. Bryce & Co. e, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. . Sept. 7, 18G8. L. W. OSBORNE. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! Dr. Byrn's Magic Pain Cure. This is a new and wonderful Medicine. It is used for the various forms of Headache, which, in ordin ary cases, it cures in a few minutes time; also, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Cold in the Head, and Weakness of the Nerves, is speedily brought under its influence. Ordinary. or mild cases of Catarrh in the Head, can also be checked by its use, and pre vented from going further, which is of great impor tance, and even cases of long standing can bo cured by persevering in the use of the medicine. It is per fectly harmless, and is warranted to give satisfaction. People often express wonder and astonishment to find themselves so suddenly relieved from all pain ; yet the remedy contains no Opium, no Chloroform, no Ether, nor any thing of a narcotic nature. It is prepared from roots, barks, leaves, gums and flowers, and is absolutely harmless, even for an infant. This remedy is a nervine, and is used as a liquid, and this is one reason why it cures so quickly. There are no diseases more common than those for which it is re commended. Millions of suffering mortals would be willing to pay almost any price to secure a few hours relief and rest, if they knew of a remedy that would give immediate ease. Then by all means be cured permanently by using the Magic Paiu Cure. Price 50 cents. E. L. SIIERRELL, P. M. at Shorrell's Ford, Ca tawba couuty, N. C, is agent for the counties of Ca tawba, Lincoln, Iredell, Gaston, Rowan and Meck lenburg, N. C. For sale by Druggists in Charlotte and by Drug gists generally. Sept 21,. 1808 3mpd Tobacco, Smoking and Chewing, which wc are offering at prices which defy competition. July 27, 18(58. NISBET & MAXWELL. FAMILY GROCERIES. I have on hand, and am constantly receiving, a general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Flour, Bacon, Corn, Meal, and everything else in the Grocery line I will sell as cheap as any house in Charlotte, and respectfully request persons wishing to buy to give me a call. I deliver, within tho limiia of the City, all Gro ceries bought at my More. A good lot of Castings and Hollow-Ware for sale. A. BERRYIIILL, Feb 17, 18(58. Under Mansion House. Stoves, Tin-Ware, &c. D. H. BYERLY, (In the Basement Store under Mansion House,) Keeps for sale a full assortment of Stoves of every description, Hollow-Ware, Tin-Ware, Japan-Ware, &.C., iVC Spears' Anti-Dust Cooking Stove is a superior arti cle, and has giveu general satisfaction. 1 have sold a large number within the past year. Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron work executed at short notice. Repairing promptly attended to. I return my thanks for the liberal share of patronage heretofore received. ' D. II. BYERLY, March 16, 1808. Under Mansion House. THE CITY DRUG STORE or Kilgore & Cureton, No 2, Granite Row, next to the Express Office and opposite the Mansion House. A large assortment of Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, &c, will be found at this new establishment, and will be sold at as low prices as any other house. B. F. KILGORE, M. D. June 15, 18C8. T. K. CURETON, M. D. "tailoring. "" John Vogel, Practical Tailor, Respectfully Jnforms the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shop opposite old Charlotte Hotel, next door to Brem's Hardware Store. January 1, 18G8. SADDLES AND HARNESS. ROBERT SHAW & SON, (Third Door from the Mansion Home,) -rr -k-3-J. ItdOl JAtr Ulilil lllltrrm tu piiic. mar iney nave n 1avr.- stnr-k of SADDLES iand HARNESS on hand. whieh they offer to the il: public at low prices. ii" S A nvtK:n(T 1,1 lllA MA.r ff Bridles, Martiini'des, Collars, Saddle Trees, Harness Mounting of all des criptions, &.e., will be furnished or made to order. As we are regular mechanic?, we think it will be to the advantage of all to buy from us. We warrant our work. C5iF" REPAIRING neatly executed at short notice and on reasonable terms. R. SHAW, Aug 10, 18C8 y W. E. SHAW. NOTICE. . . " The partnership heretofore existing between J Buxbaum, S. Anathan and J. Roes-eler, known as the firm of "J. BCXBAUM & CO," was dissolved by mutual consent on the 23d inst J. Iloesslcr with drawing from the said firm. Claims due to and by the late firm at Charlotte will be settled by J. Buxbaum. J. BUXBAUM, S ANATHAN, June 20, 1868. J. ROESSLER. J. E. STENHOUSE, 1 ALLAN MACAULAY, New Yokk. 1 ClIABLOTTE, N. Stenhouso & Macaulay, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 109 Pearl Street, XEW YORK. Trompt personal attention given to the aale of Cotton, Coiton Yar.is, Naval Stores, &.c, and tha purchase of Merchandise generally. Consignments solicited. June 10. 1867. Snperior Starch. Just received, in pound papers, a lot of Superior Starch - NISBET & MAXWELL. Jury 57, JSCS, A. B. KI8BETV : - .T'B M.-Z. ' ARROW TIES. 11 (ft flbfl DtfD polJN?? or T abov JL HJ'jMJ'H-r HJr approved pattern, mad , the best Quality of English Iron, for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY k CO. Gunny Bagging. 72 Bales India and -Borneo Gunny Cloth, for n1 by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. Coffee, Sugar, &c. 60 Sacks Rio Coffee, 10 Chests Green Teas, 50 Barrels Sugar various grades, 15 Hogsheads of Molasses, For sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. A Full -Supply Of Bacon, Lard. Cheese, Flour, Rice, Starch, Can dles, Soaps, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Nii and Iron, Ac, Ac., for sale by -.V. STENHOUSE, MACAULAY k CO. September 21, 18G8. J. Y. BRYCE & CO., General Commission Merchants. CHARLOTTE, X. V. Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce, Cotton and T obi ceo. Highest cash price paid for Cotton. BQk- All orders iioiu t distance promptly st(P ndcd to. J. Y. BRYCE. March 6, 18G8. v, Um hrycE. WILLIAMBRYCE & CO., Cotton Factors, 29 Chamber tnul 5 Jieude Sirttts, NEW YORK, Devote special attention to the sale of Cotter in .v York. AH consignments to thrir addre.t art vitc by insurance from points of shipment, with ir v itl out advice. Shipments solicited through their eorreprndints in Charlotte, Messrs. J. y. BRYCE &. CO., who nili make liberal advances on same. .Tune S, 18G8 ly Gold, Silver and Bullion Bought and sold at a small margin, and advances made on Bullion when desired, at the City l'kuk of Charlotte. W. A. WILLIAMS, July 6, 18C8. Cashier. J. P. PALMER Family Grocer & Wine Merchant, And dealer in all kinds of imported Wints and Spirits. Old Rye, Monongahela, Bourbon and Cabinet Bouble Distilled Whiskey ; Domestic Corn and Rye WhUkej; Peach and Apple Brandy. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY: 2 Barrels Sacrament Wine, 6 " Superior Kentucky Cider, 1 " Old Nash county Brandy, 3 Casks India Ale, 2 Barrels London Porter, 15 Crates of Bottles, Flasks, Demijohns and Jugs, Wood Kegs from 2 to JO gallons. I also invite the particular attention of Drugguus to my stock of Port,. Sherry and Maderia Wine, Brandy and Whiskey, bottled especially for Medi cinal purposes. All orders, Wholesale or Retail, solicited and punctually attended to. Constantly- on hand all kinds of Domestic Spirits on consignment. A specialty made to. old N. C. Corn Whiskey. January 27, 1808. First National Bank of Charlotte. CHARLOTTE, x. a Office in Granite Jioic, 4th door frtnn the corner. Offices s. R. Y. McAdcn, President. M. P. regram, Cashier S. L. Riddle, Teller. Board or Dibectomh.. RVUi-lJ.., T If Rr WmRMjrern, R M Oates, Wm Johnston, S A Cohen, John Wilkes. Deals in Bills of Exchange, Sight Drafts, Gold and Silver Coin, and Government and other Securities. March 23, 18C8 40 Years before the Public. O w a pi v. ri V. M PJ n w a H OS W ri CO pa CO o CO pa 5 pa c 53 The Southern Hepatic Pills, TJiaf old, long known and tee friW remedy for nil BUliout diseases 3 caused ly a DISEASED LIVER. gy Read the following CERTIFICATES from persons of the highest respectability Tj8 LIVER CO MELA IX T. Rev. Dr. C. F. Deems, (August 23d, 18C2,) ssj: "I have derived great benefit from these Pilli", and have known many families and individuals who bate found them very beneficial, and I have also known physicians in excellent standing to recommend tbetn to their patients For all diseaaes arising from dis orders of the liver, I believe they are the best medi cine offered to the public." Rev. Joh.v W. Pottir, Snow Hill, N C, (Jannsry 5th, 18G3.) says: "For twelve years 1 was a grent sufferer. My liver was diseased. I IobI my flefh and strength, and my skin seemed changed ia ; color by the bile with which my system was over charged.' I became subject to ' lrequent and violent attacks of billious cholic, every attack leaving me weaker than its predecessor. The physicians bad been able to patch me up a little, but my health was in a deplorable state. I had taken patent medicines until I was tired of them. Without energy or coa fort, I was barely able to go about a little. At length I yielded to the earnest persuasion of a friend and commenced taking the HEPATIC PILLS, Willi bo confidence in them. They acted like a cbarm on me. From that hour I have improved". I have pereevcrtd in their use, uutil now, by God's blessing, I in well and hearty. I bad a negro man, who, as I believe, was saved from death by a dose of these Pills. My Doctor's bill was annually from $100 to $200, but I have had no use for a physician since. I can confi dently recommends hem as a snperior family medicine. fiT These Pills are made by O. W. DEEMS. No. 28 South Calhoun 8treet, Baitimobb, Md. They can be sent to any point in the United States by Mail or Express. Price For one Box, 25 cents. - F. SCARR, Druggist, Special Agent at Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 24, 18G8 ly 6mpd "kosad a tl I s Purifies the Blood. Tor Sal? by Drii?8Jt Every where. August 24, 1808 - ly Cmpd A. HAT.ES, Watchmaker Gk. and Jeweler, Xezt Door to the Mansion House, Chaelottb, N. If your Watch needs Repairing, Don't get mad and go to swearing; Just take it into HALES shop, He will fix it so it will not stop. He warrants his work all for a year. When it is used with proper care. He will do it as low as it can be done, And do it so well it's sure to run. . January 1. 1868. J .. Fresh Raisins, - Just received, in quarter, half and mhU Boxes July 27, 18. XIFFEX A M-'--