'IS&e&levn emocrai, (Stkarloif -8L(&:.: Tiik Western Democrat W. J- VAT US. Kditoi: and Piioimm i.tou. C H A BLOT T E , N . C December 22, 1868. Murder of Mr Jas. A. Gleason. On Fri?y evening last, Mr .uines A. Gleason, of this City, was shot and killed by a negro man named ! "cr in which the General Assembly had already is j v0 Dunhip. We !4VC heard various reports about !,UCl, ari,t wore now trying to issue bonds, with such Ihc unfortunate occurrence, but deem it unnecessary n"!' VT?1' "0t V,,en'? ' me ti attempt a full account. ... , . - - I veiu:nK tlic facts are , a"""1" difficulty occurred in the street bet ween a coun- ; ,-rv -mail and a negro; tin? countryman was arrested ' J; ,he Police and carried to the "Mayor s office for j i - i . - , , .examination; during the trial some words passed be- tween -Mr Gleason and the negro Dunlap, MrGleason . 1 ,,t til IIH1 ! usierting that Dunlap had called him or some else a "'lamn son of a bitch;" when the negro drew ! . , , , t a piMi mi- i brc:if. causing death in 10 or 15 minutes. It was reported that Mr Gleason fired at the ! egro first, but it is said that he was unarmed and I I ,1M not fire at all. Vc think all agree that there j were "' i"" j jir-iui, imu jim .n r viivuxiu i i . :.. : !... i i . c i Wl; .Ws ..rll'a.uncofl'is companions tired the j rc.ii:J -hut. . -r,.-,, - ... ; ,lf curse, our c.t uens peelnTTT tke white For- , ....... I I ..... I . rr , . ti..n were grean iA.ifl.iiimn auoui me nnair, out thev suffered the murderer to be conveyed to Jail by i . el ;(v ,,:!.,., t ; i. t : k,.i. i,.. fl4 lllil. l I'Miuriiiuixil llJitll IK'l 1111. IllliUl.t , i .. :. 4i:... ... ;. 1. i .1 r ... :. i- .: ' i . l ,o it. Tli re i no community in the country thatlias i:cn i.'ioie quiet, peaceabl? and l iw-abidincr since rtf war than 'his one, and our white population i.ivc ex-'i-eii-cd great forbearance and charity t- wanN the colored people, but good feeling cannot be continued unless the law promptly executes such! offni'li-rs a the neero JJunlap. Vr;i a-.n was a native of Xorfolk or Portsmouth, V-, but ha.l been a resident of this City for a num- Ur ,.fi.-ars. He leaves a family and "many friends ... ,.,Hrn his sad death. His remains were 'follow ed to the grave on Sunday evening by the largest pro riMn we ever saw iu Charlotte coinpossed of Kirciii' n. Masons, and citizens generally. I. S. Since writing the above we learn that the ti'.-iiiiviiiy before the Coroner's inquest shows the ui;ir l r to have been unprovoked aud n:ost brutal nri.I j'ffnf'lilnr;!. Xut a partielu f evidence was j.iip.lit'-vl t" how that Mrtlleason assaulted thene- ro ia any way wha'ever ndorod Policeman and nvii or three other cob red nu n In.ve been eo;:.init tcl to .Jail as accomplices in the nuidcr. CrJT The rumors which excited our citizens on Saii'l.ty night, atid which caused the congrcg.it ions at the different Churches to be lutslity dismissed, were f:ilsi and without good fwundatin. Nn distur- baiii'e ni'tuM ed, mid we thiiilc there is a dctct initia tion that ih'UC shall occur. Let the law lake its i-narse. and let everybody Leep cmj1. fi We return thanks to B D Whitley, and W W (!rir, lisiS. for their kind attention in furnishing us with public documents during the essioii of the legislature. . " m i rnT , " - Trad3 Cl CliarxOtte. i One of our oldest, merchants told us that the 1 wholesale trade of this City, last wefk. was larger than lis4 had ever before known. Goods were sold to country merc'.iants from Montgomery. Bandolph, Anson. Forsyih and other counties Lasl of this, be- ' sides to Western merchants from McDowell, Burke, Caldwell, Iredell, Catawba, Lincoln, Gaston, &c 1 Tiie enterprising spirit ofoor business men t'ot ton buyers and dealers in Dry -Goods, Groceries, ' IlardrtHie, &c. is attrycting general attention, and eoiiseiiuently an 'increased trade. There are two! large Hardware establishments in the City that can : matters hereafter. Let there be no concealments or j ancxt'r.lct f the -s,atesville American" in refer Mil ldv anvthiiiff wanted in that line from a small dodging in these times, for a day of judgment will ! once 1o ..Kgvptiaii Wheat." By request, I drop you (crew to the machinery for a Steam Mill ' ... " ', , Not loii'' M"0 coniitrv niet'i-iiii nt lo'il in lb-it be ' " - 1 a 1 mi i nam u.u us ui.u m. bought his stock of goods in Charlotte on as favorable terms, and at as low rates, as he coitl 1 in New ork. In a.ldit'on to this, our mcrchauts pay nearly as much for Produce as is paid in cities and tow ns ' iieiirer the seulto.ird. j From resent indications it will not belong before ' ( harloite will become a City of t wenty or thirty ' tbiuisn ti'l in ha bit a uts. t-j) In the obituary column will be found a notice of the der.th in Baltimore of cur esteemed felloiv eifizen. Di John II. Gdibon. Iu the Baltimore Sun of tin- 17th in.-t., w e find the following notice of the I'octor's deal!; : -'t .'A , f Jr. J. If. Gii,lu. Dr. J. II. Gibbon of Charlotte. North Carolina, who delivered the open- iS b cture of the Maryland Institute course, on the n:glu of the l!."th of November, di d yesterday morn- ! j)f fho ij0ojsiature and public officer.". Let it stop i '-In the United States Circuit Court, Judge Under 'Jtat U.ii uum s Hotel. The Doctor complained of ; iUveti-ition ! w ool presiding, the case of Sallie Anderson, colored, iadipos,tiii upon the occasion of the lecture, and ; eeinig at thos who .lemand ms tstigation. ; j ,o dBth . & Couuf Court fw arson wag the next day confined in his room. lie sufiered , 1 he people behove that gross corritj.tion prevails broHg,t p on haLfOS corjus on tlic ground that one first with erysipelas, which, being subsequently tol-: t Baleigh. and whether the evidence can he pro-; 0f the magistrates composing the Court which tried i ii ..i-i-i. i ii 1 I .... we-l hy i.mumoina. resnlled in Ins death. He was , ot WH I"?'? ,jis.;.!.1,,t::r J; l i 't -Noith t aiohsia. Ihe deceased, w oo was about! m en. y-i.iur year? olt!. was t lie lataeroi iiciirrai '".en. ii. s. a H:s remains were yesterday sent " -'v express to liisi.iie resi-iouce. j;r. ii louon was j ucgiU nuvciuaii:' highly e.-tecmed iu the vicinity in w hich he lived, j, jH a matter of some surprise to us that the press hii I :is well known there a a prominent lecturer, j f ,ie s;t:lte have not noticed the fact that in nearly Arrangements had been made by the lecture com- , ove,.v other State the Sheriffs. Constable's, and other nuttee of the .Maryland Institute by which the de- Sale's under process of law, arc required to be ad reased was to deliver three lectures in succession j Vertised in some paper in the county, or when no Ti the Antiquities of America, but his sudden ill- ; 1(..,p,,r js issued in the county, then iti the one pub ,'ics, prevented the delivery of but one. j ; ,,,rest to it. I'nder'the present laws of thi .. j ;t..t0t ajj (.., ;s ;i..t-cssary is for the officer to write The Carolina Farmer. B " 'hn-e slips of paper and post it up in some con- i i.i i i- i i- .i ii . i snicuou" place, where it seldom remains for more Mr I.ernard. the publisher of this excellent Agri- : I 1 , , , ; than two r three days, aud perhaps not noticed by .cultural woi-k. at Wilmington, announces that ne has j :l (I()ZOI1 j.r,on Wfore the Sale. This does great secured the services of lloht. K. Bryan. K-i-, as As- ' iuinstice to both the debtors aud creditors. Ahe- ....1. .1... -1 it .i-ii 1 r'oins Kditor, and that he will have entire control j .-I ...e .igricuiiurai ucj.anuuiit. . We know Mr Bryan to bo one of the best w riters : the Sinte he has no superior as a good man or . ""i wnur. anil will no (b-ut.t make tae ( arol.na : "r"'f" one of the best, if not the best. Agricultural piijiers in the country We heartily recommend it. Those desiring to sub-scribe will address W. II. Bernar.l, Wilmington, X. C. "Tr. Daily Cakolixa Uusckvek" is the name. of a "f iaj.er which Messrs. Smith, Watson & Co., I,,,, i , ,n ,U:S 1 """""S a"OUi " IIll'Klle Ol .1 .nii.ii-i- Teiii- S.i! l.i-r 'inliliTil. iirotwwi. i i - . . . . .. , . ; M osrs. Smith & Wits0ii are practical printers, and I . ' 1 l Q " ive no doubt they will make a good newspaper. e hnpe they will meet with abundant success. New Advertisements. Administrator's Sale A A Alexander, Adm'r. Scaool Notice John Wilson, Jr. Notice to the Commissioners of Mecklenburg. Dwelling for Bent Dr J M Miller, ''ugnr, Molasses, &c Stenhousc, Macaulay & Co. hnstmas I'lesents Tiddy & Bro Confectioneries, Fancy Goods. &c Xisbet & Maxwell, rhe Time to Compromise Osborne & Ban inger. I'issolutiou Ibirringer, Wolfe & Co Attachment Notice J N Hunter, J P Announcement of Municipal Ticket fo Cases of Assorted floods for Sale Wm M Mar fin, City Constable. The Railroad Schemes. The schemes which have pa3ed the State Senate, appropriating large sums to Railroads, was checked in the House last week by the passage of a resolution to postpone the whole subject until the 2d Monday in January. Among others who opposed hasty action on ex travagant appropriation.-, was a talented Republican member from Johnston county, Mr Pou. We give the substance of his timely and truthful remarks: 'Mr Pou argued against the unconstitutional man i thorn. nd tliouo -! i .W u 1 " ..-1. ... ... i... ...1. : . i J .. rt, WCIC UUHklllg I II t 1 i I about the markets and stretchintr out thdr II 1... .1 . " . . " . i . ... .. . . . . '.J nanus io grasp omers, liau better take warning. They might call this repudiation or not just as the v l,u':,se,I but he would tell them that the people dill l Vi bc an enorn.ous load of taxation. He would lifloi in the House that, unless they took warning, in less than four years the bonds "f the State would not buy a bag of guano. He was "ol FPOS!l to Jiailroads, but he did object to the iL" ","t . me iiate "Sponsible lor them. Mr I continued in opposition ..,...,. ....... : i . ... ... , . i ... . io uiesc appropriations, saying it was a system of piling up enormous debts for the people to pay in ,axts- iIe was opposed upon principle to building I'lTr'V 'TV'0",, "T illI,Ian?.cf' V from one man to build up another. He did not oppose lending the credit of the Slate to build up a ...v. uiim.i luiiru ucuun, uin jie uuiu ic iiim Mtre frt i.u.. o.i, t I . . IO IIH 0 SUCH KOCIiritV il U'OliliI rrpviiit finn itnrl nn vf tho Pc?n being greivously oppressed by ,ax:,,'n in building iliat roid. in order to bolster j up another. He bejicved that the course c f the Lie- ' i.,,!ltlirr Wf)llM re,liU lllt;ni!lUlv in ,llc S;IltC lJ h j . . . . . . . I coining utterly bankrupt, it lie did not feel sure that j 'he people would repudiate the tremendous j-'uuee of ' tasalum. ' i mi "T j . j . . are gratified to sol that the Senate, 011 Tuesday lat, repudiated the action of the Committee in pur- ' chasing 8, (tf.K) acres .of land in Chathum county for a j Penitentiary. The Public Treasurer was instructed ! nc,t to issue Bonds to pay for the land at present. j One of the Senators, Mr Harrington, who is 1 I IIH fRTlir.P.TlT.iarV tannbar with the laud bargained for by the com-j m.ttee at ovir $1-' per acre, stated that it had pre- viously been bought by n Northern company nt 05 j ceiitM or acre. It will thus be sein .hat the North- company w ill make a big pile out of it, if the Legislature confirms the action of the committee in iimns, fh.hi vote in tue .Municipal elections, ana, 1 lurtiier, providing that ten days residence rhall en purchasing it at over f 2 per acre. j ti(,e nny tQ Rote, The resolution refusing to confirm such a bare- W(? Jo no, licsit.ltc to denonnce pueh a hU as an faced scheme was adopted by the following vote: j outrage on lhe rtgll,s of tax.paje,.s a,,d property - ' Bellamy, Brogden. Eihcridge. (iinhant. Ihurington, Legg. Lindsay. Long. Love, Maioii, Jlelehor. Moore if Carteret. Moore of Vaneey, McLaughlin, Purdie, Bi'spass, Bnbbiiss. Scott, Shofi'ner, Sniitli, Stephens, Weiker, White and Wilson JS. Nays Messrs. Burns. Bhthe, Colgrove. Cook, i Davis, Laves, Ljj s colored, Galjoway colored, Mar ; tin dale. Osborne. Kich and 1'ichardsoti. So that swindle is killed for the present, and we 1 hope othirs before the Legislature may share the' saiue fate. The Homestead Law. We publish iu another column the law passed by J the Legislature for lhe purpose of securing to per- j sons the Exemptions provided in the State Const i- ,,,t,on- It should be borne in mind that although the Con- stitut:on provuiea for exempting from execution and ; sale Si. (H) worth of real estate ami $.j(X worta of j personal property, these exemptions cannot heal-' 1)UVll(, inlesS!, tlic in,lividllJll ou acr C0J 1Illios with the I l.uv and has the property laid off and sei apart by 1 ihrce freeludderH appmuUul by s MaUr4o lor tbo I purpose. j If care is not taken by those interested, some one will find himself badly mistaken about exemptions when it is too late to remedy the difficulty. LVi" Why dovs not the Baleigh Standard give the ! yeas and nays on every important Hailroad appro- iit'iritioii TA-.'.jl tw r)j I .rrr:stl;i I ur Wo keeiiii file ' i j-... . j o" ... w . . . i of the Standard, and we may want to refer to such j certainly come, and we intend to be on hand and , j,. . -,.,. tn tlm votes. ,,r 11. nmhfM j i oadv to answ ei as to II1C votes oi meiuocis. . . . . , . . . i t In v .1 i- Ilninr nv it irinir T 1'Alti 1 H V f 1-1 f i ., , , .. . . . . . i . . t... i raiiroa'i w ar ami outer corruju scnemes ior piunuer- i Urr the people, the age of bribery has conic. Raleigh S:un(;r l. j Yes. and we fear it has coTne to many members of ,iu. voriJi Carolina Legislature. Senator Sweet says i h. can prove that votes were bought for dollars and j cents. Lvery honest man in the State ought to help ! " " to expose the scoundrels who are cheating and swin- I J6ST It appears -hat the U. S. Circuit Court of dling the State. Attempts were made to injure Mr Virginia, in session at Richmond, has been dclivcr Swtvt on account of his bold stand against corrup- ! ,hc S"U f Criminals on habeas corpus writs, on tion, and even the Standard, we regret to say, tried j ,!,c ground that some of the Judges or Magistrates to ridicule that gentleman and lower him in'the es- j ho tried the. prisoners were banned by the Howard timation of his oarty. Put we hope the Standard : amendment, and therefore were not constitutional has d s.-overcd its error, and will now co-operate in 1 officers. Several persons sentenced to death have iVn ettin- out the . ideality practiced by members i ....,.,,,1 .. .,, ,,. ..finv;,.t ,i10 ,rll;iv. the imnresr-ion ! will remain that appropriation schemes have been j - - t I n I n ri ,Trt-w.-i o -i r n. I '"''' A .. e Have heretotorc callcl attention to tins matter, not because we .ksired to make money by the pub- ; lication of such advertisements, but because we be- j hevid the interests ot tb-btor ami creituor woul.l be ! dvanced by giving publicity iu the public papers of j sales under execution. We know of a case where a man's property was sold under execution, and but few of his immediate neighbors knew of it until the sale was over. The present law on the subject ( passed Augtist 24, i lSiW i !--. I i follows-: ' Section 1. The General .Usrmlh, cf Xorth Carolina .7.. ... . Tl,... ..11 .-....i-u .. i. !!...- 7... 1 lv- a ..11 .turiK.li. 111.11 .in .......... ..v.. .v ; lauds iu ibis Stale under execution shall be, and they , 1 - . 1 - - 1 : . j are iiereoy empowercu. wiicn, in uieir juoguieni, ii i would not lie clearly injurious to the rights and in- teres! or the defendant in execution, to so divide till tracts of land containing one hundred acres or .more J as to enable bidders of small or limited means to 1 purchase. Sec. that tue brst Saturday in cacn ana every month, and the first Monday of the regular terms of the Superior Courts in each county respectively, shall hereafter be sale days, and on these days only shull lands be sold under execution, and such sales shall take place at the Court House door in each county respectively, forty days' advertisement there of being given by the respective sheriff. The lay should be amended 0 as to require the notice of sale under execution tp be inserted ia one or more newspaper. The Chatham Railroad Bonds. B. F. Moore, Esq., an eminent lawyer of Raleigh, has given the Hon. R. R. Bridgers, President of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, a written opinion that the Bill passed at the lact session of the Legis lature, appropriating $3,000,000 to the Chatham Railroad, is unconstitutional, and therefore the Bonds are unlawful. We see that the "Ring" in the Legislature has rushed a bill through for the purpose of remedying the defects of the previous bill making the appro priation; but everybody ought to understand now that thousands of true North Carolinians will not quietly submit to such -iniquitous schemes, and if nothing else can be done to stop dishonest appro priations, repudiation of the Bonds issued will be advocated and carried. The rogues and speculators who are pocketing State Bonds by bribery and corruption will find, after awhile, that their ill-gotten gains can do them no good. - " j ing his paper the Courier-Bulietin the first num- i xe Vf V II !..:.... I. . -..! t.i;.-1. ber of w hich we received this morning. We hope he may be successful and receive a liberal patronage. Kxtravaciaxce. Kach day's session of the Legis lature costs the State about $1,J00, being pay for memuers, ciciks, &c. e merely can tne attention J of people to the matter. If they can stand it. we will try to do so, though we protest aeainst the whole concern. a Worthy of Attention. We hope all our readers will read the able speech J of Senator Bobbins, delivered in the State Senate on .1... 1..1. :.. j - n . . j,u nisi,, ui oiUPMiiun 10 111c exiravaguni ap- propriations of money and Bonds by the Legislature. It is a subject worthy the serious attention of every tax-payer, and Mr Bobbins thoroughly exposes the dishonest combinations entered into to get appro- priations, and shows what will be the final result of such schemes. Bead the speech and think about it. McMcir.ii. Elections. The Legislature has PlMml h'A iu rc'-'1 Municipal elections, providing that no one living outside of the corporate tS y own large property within noliloi-s It teinl li 1 111 1-0 ivirv nnfmiiipnt i-i nun ---j"" " J 1' of a city or tow n, whether he owns properly or not. 2F Atlantic & X. C. Railroad stock sold in New bern recently at $". per harc. fiig yxe State of North Carolina has been paying three gentlemen $200 per month, each, to prepare a rivI1 (v,ie wJl;ch tli0V Ufivc airca,iy r,inied, at considerable expense: but the Legislature is making efforts to uudo what said Code Commission did! Thus expenses arc multiplied. The Code Commission ought to be dispensed w ith. The Grand Jury of the I. S. Circuit Court, at Baleigh, have found a true bill of indictment against Hon. J. T. Deweese, member of Congress f f, EalciU TtHcf. for abuse of the franking privilege. " ST.lf anyone thinks that so-called "Carpet- Baggers" and '-Scallawags" arc alone to blame for llie extravagant appropriations of the Legislature, hc wiH 6,1,1 himself very much mistaken by looking over i nc proceedings oi ire i-egisiaiiwe. ii win no seen that '-carpet-baggers" like Sweet aud Welker .1 1 -.l . T. ' T . t. Ml t . in the Senate, and Seymour in the House, have re cently opposed these appropriations as unfair and I ruinous, while professed Conservatives favor them. Let every man receive censure or praise as he may deserve, without regard to party. m Nkwtox, N. C, Dec. Io, 18C8. Afi Vitto- Tn -x-rni v ijcnn rvf rlirt 1 ci" inattint f cork this for the purpose of getting, through the "Demo-J crat, f u il h er i uforuia t ion abou t-1 h is Wheat, If you , ..... , , .. .1 can g;vc its history ami the name of some gentleman who has cultivated it, this information will be thank- . fully received Very respectfully, M. F. We are unable to furnish the desired information, but hope some one will see this who can do so. The article we published stated that the Wheat was cul- tivated by some one in Gaston county. ,mls releascu. AUispatcn irom ivicnmonu says: her had held the office of contlable before the war. nd, being thereby disqualified under the 14th amendment, the whole Court was illegal, and its pro- ecedings vitiated. I nderwood tustamed the prison- CT, Die.. nn,l discharged her from custody. In the . . delivery of his opinion he said : ''If even the Clerk of the Court was disqualified, it vitiated the pro ceedings " There are one hundred and fifty-nine convicts iu the State Drison, sentenced wnce the adoption of the amendment, who may now be released by habeas corpus and turned loose under this decision ! . A QrESTios. How can persons who do not sub scribe for the Democrat" expect us to stop work and ransack our files to find some law or other pub lication for their benefit ? It is impudence to ask or expect it. j&wf- correspondent of the Newbcrn Journal of; ,..,. wt.;iU!r fr0m Stockton. California, says that Dr K p AguCf formeriy 0f Wilmington, X. C, thj 9econ& iargest farmer in California. It ia es- ,., i, make seventy thousand btuhels 0f gr.-th, this year. j How can individuals be expected to take stock in Bailroads when it is certain that tlie Legis lature, judging from the past, will legielate so a? to deprive individual stockholders of their rights? Gov. 1 1 olden has issued his order to the S,ff Mecklenburg lor the delivery to the order .. .. ... .1 j-, r . o I - v 1 if tue Governor ot oouin caroims, oicpncu nuju, now confined in the jail at Charlotte on a charge of Grand Larceny. Ral. Standard. Late advices from Mexico mention thearrival at VcrA Cruz of .General Bosecrans, the American Minister, and the fact that he was received with dis tinguished honors. The General started for the capita! on the 2Sth of November in a special coach guarded by sixty men. ' t. Hog Cholera. We learn that our farming friends in tUc squtliern part of the j?oupty .have lost quite a number .cf ogs from the cholera. Tar is said to be a sure cure, but we do not vouch for it. The tar should be mixed with corn and fed to the hogs. It costs nothing to maLc the trial. Rutherford Vindicator. The Homestead Law. An Act to provide for laying off the Homestead and setting apart the Personal Property ex empted in Juror of resident of this State by Article X. 0 the State Constitution. Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact. That whenever aoy , resident of this State may desire to take the benefit of the Homestead and Personal Property Exemption, as guaranteed by Article X. of the Constitution of this State, such resident (or his airent or at torney) shall apply to any Justice of the Peace of the County in which he resides, and said Jus- tice of the Peace shall appoint three disinterest ed freeholders of the County, not connected wkh said applicant, who shall, on notice. by or- J ! . .- ) uer 01 saw justice, meet at tlie applicant s rest .1 .t ... . ... ueuce, anu auer rating an oath to do impartial justice in the case, before some officer authorized by law to administer an oath, lay off and allot w..v njrjuivauna uuuicticuu uy ujuicsuuu ouuuus, according to the applicant's direction, not to ex ceed one thousands dollars ($1000) in value, and make a descriptive account of the same under their hand and seal, and return it to the office of the Register of Deeds. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said free holders shall assess of the personal proncrtvof be the duty ol the Kegister ol lJeeds to endorse on each of said returns, the date when received lor registration, and to cause the same to be rcg- j istered without unnecessary delay. The said ' Jlcfi-ister shall receive for rcKisterinr the said re- ' turns the saute fees that may be allowed him by law for other similar or equivalent services, which fees shall be paid by said resident applicant (or his agent or attorney) upon the reception of said returns by the liegister. hec. 4 He it lurther enacted, That at any tune within twelve months after the reception of siid returns for registration, (and not after,) any creditor of said applicant, may, upon suggestion of fraud, move iu the Superior Court of the said applicant's County, to set aside and annul such laying off of a homestead and setting apart of personalty. The issue of fraud or no fraud shall be tried by a jury at the same term of the Court, unless the motion is continued for legal cause. If the is.sue be determined in favor of the credi tor, he shall recover of the said annlieant, his saiu applicant, to be by htm selected, articles oi , limbs. A squad from the Independent Fire personality not exceeding in value the sum of ! Company, assisted by several citizens, were en live hundred dollars, and make a descriptive list deavoring to get a stream in the rear of thebum of the same, and return it under their hand and ! ing building, when the South wall of Wearo c seal to the office of the Register of Deeds. ' . j Hix's picture gallery fell, cxuupletely crushing Sec 3. Doit further enacted, That it shall ; the life out of two men. and severely, if not fa" Court qosts, and all the proceedings lor laying j Just received the sum ot in currency, off said homestead and sotting ap u t said person- which was deposited in one of the upper rooms alty shall be null and void. If the issue be ; ot' liis residence, aud which was entirely con decided in favor of the applicant aforesaid, the j sucd. together with all his household furniture said applicant shall recover of the creditor his ! aild faunby apparel. His private papers being Court costs, and the setting off of personalty, and ! 111 a Iower room, wcresaved. The lire originated the laying off of the homestead shall stand for- ! h' accident, Enqninr. ever confirmed. I T T , See. G. lie it further enacted. That this act i shall be in force from and after its ratification, j Ratified the 22nd dav of August, A. 1). 1SG8. j !Li j Meeting .of the Bench and Bar of Norton j Carolina. lii accordance with previous notice a consid erable number of the J.udgcs and Attorneys of North Carolina met in the Senate Chamber at Raleigh on Wednesday last. On motion of Jas. .M JlcCorkle, Esrp, the Hon T R Caldwell was railed to the Chair, and on motion of Judge .J 31 Cloud, J .31 MeCorkle, Ksp". was appointed Secretary. Judge Cloud stated that the object of the mtcting was to interchange views with the Code Commissioners, and to make such suggestions iu regard to changing the Code of Civil 1'roccdure asweie deemed necessary. He also called the attention of the meeting to several sections of the Code, which in .his opinion, required amend ment, aud concluded by oficring the following resolution : iieoh-ed, That when the meeting adjourn, it j will adjourn to meet on the 7th of January next, i and that the Chairman appoint eight members : of the Rench and Rar of the State, who are re- j quested to report to said adjourned meeting what bciu'licial amendments, not inconsistent witli the Constitution, cau be made to the Code of Civil Procedure. An interesting discussion followed, which was participated in by Hons. W R Rodman, J W Osborne, and J 31 Cloud, and V C Rarringer, W M Robbins and J 31 MeCorkle, Esquires. 'jfhe resolution was uuauimously adopted, when the Chairman appointed the foi'owing gentle men as members of said Committee, to wit : Chief Justice R 31 Pearson. Justices Reade and Dick, Hons. W 11 Rattle,' R F 31 core, A S 310111111011 aud S F Phillips, aud W II Railey. An interesting aud able communication was real from Chief Justice Pearson, which, on mo tion of Hon. Anderson Mitchell, was referred to the above Committee. W 31 Robbins, pjsq., introduced the follow ing resolutiou, which was adapted, to wit : liesoh ed, That the members of the Leg-al Pro fession of Xorth Carolina be - requested to com- j muuicatc such views as they think useful, iu j reference to the amendment of the Code of Civil j Procedure, to the Chairman of the Committee on that subject, appointed by this meeting. Foreign News. London, Dec. 17. There has been a san guinary battle iu the Pass of Domian, Afghani- AVIS. 1 . f 11 . 1 fetan. Mierc AH deicatcu tne rei with ffreat loss. Famine nsrain threatens central India. Earthquakes are reported at various places. j Prussia, in the interest of European peace, en- j deavored to induce Greece to comply with the j Sultau'd demr.ud'S. j On the 10th instant., a fight took place in the streets of Cadiz, Cuba, between the Govern ment troops and the citizens. The troops were badly beaten in tne ngiit. jJunng tne fight Captain Farrall, American Consul, in his tdficial uniform, mounted the barricade with the American flag, aud stopped the fight ing. The City Hall was shattered by the artil lery. The troops pluudered some of the de serted houses. Killed. An thou j Whitice colored, was kil led by Alfred Ozuient, white, in the bar-room of .Messes. Short & llees. Lkjuor is said to have been the cause. Whitice was stabbed iu the neck aud oulj lived a few minutes. Ozuieut was arrested aud committed to jail. Greensboro Patriot. Valuable Property Sold. We are glad to announce that the firm of Buck, Graham & Co., of Philadelphia, have purchased the valuable Friendship iron banks and foundry. This inex haustible deposit of tlie finest iron ore in the world is within 8 njilea of Greensboro, and we learn the purchasers intend, at once, to erect suitable buildings and put up all the machinery, necessary for working this ore "successfully. Greensboro Patrisit. JksT" The Legislature has adjourned until the 4th of January. On Saturday there was no quorum and nothing of importance was transacted. Washington, Dec. 18. A bill was intro duced in the Senate, to-day, forbidding civil officers from holding military commissions. This will preveut the appointment of officers to the Cabinet. New York Market, Dec. IS. Cotton ' closed a shade lower, , 25(;251. Sales of 2,900 bales at oith Carolina Bonds 01 J. Gold 1,35$. Fire in Columbia and Loss of Life. On Mondav morning last n hi mt "1 o'clock, fire . . e ' was discovered in Mr Clendening s restaurant, on Taylor street rear of Gregg's Hall, which in a short time communicated to the main building, ana in a lew minutes the entire structure was wrapped in flames. The fire had obtained such headway before the alarm was given, that the firemen were unable to save the immense build ing; but by almost superhuman exertions, pre vented communication with Mai. Thos. Davis' splcuded row of houses, adjacent but, mournful to relate, not without a terrible loss of life and : tally, injuring several others. The fullowin ' a list of the casualties: is Killed D A Carringtou, Frascr 1J Squier. Severely Wounded F 1J Deckham legs bro ken and badly cut in head and body. Charles F F Ryan compound fracture of left leg and cut and bruised in body. Richard Tozer right leg dislocated, and severely cut in hei'd and ! body. Columbia Phoenix j Kecapturkd Deter Rlaekmon, (colored) a ! thief and jail-breaker was recommitted to prison ! on last Friday, lie had in his possession wlu-n ! captured a dark bay Mare, about VI or lo years j old, blind in one eye, which he says came from the neighborhood of Charlotte, N. C. Lanrai- ter Ledger Dec. 17. Loss by FlitE. We regret to learn that the residence of Mr L. 11. Massey, of this County, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 4tli j instant, 'involving a heavy loss Mr Massey had r.ir.iii x t.Kiv luauivM. 1 ne puih. market ot Indiana and other cstcrn states liat opened at reduced prices, (if cents being the rul ing figure for large pork, at which price sales are j generally and freely made. The stock ofhogs is j reported large. A Stimulus to Farm inc. Twelve farm ers of this section have formed a society and each member has deposited the sum of 25 into j the Treasury. At the end of a year, a commit- j tee appointed by the Hyco & County Line Agri- j cultural Society will examine the farms of these j 12 gentlemen, and the one found to excel in the; i different hranches of r arming sweeps tli 300. Milton Chronicle. T&gT We learn from the Knoxville Times that 31ses W. kelson has sold his hinds, lying in Carter and Johnson counties, Tenn., to a compa ny of English capitalists for themtgsum of ten millions of dollars. The following Ticket for Mayor and Alderinqj; of Charlotte at tlie next ensuiii; election is announced l.y MANY ClTIZliNS. lur Mayor F. W. Annex 8. For Aldertitcn 1st Waud W It Myers, James Karnshaw, Chas. A Frazer. j 2t Ward Win Sloan. II (I Springs. SC Alexander, i 3d W.vitu Allan Macauhiy, Thos W Dewey, Jas i II Carson. 4th Wakij Daniel C Barnhardt, l N Sherwood Ilufus Barringer. DISSOLUTION. The firm of BAIlBiNfflill, WOLFE & CO.. has been this day dissolved by mutual consent M. Ii. Alexander retiring. The business will be continued by M. L. Barringer end S. C. Wolfe, under the name and style of Barringer & Wolfo. Any member of tlie old firm is authorized to settle up the claims due the firm, and some member of it may always be found at the counting room of Bar ringer & Wolfe for thai purpose. M. L. BAKBIX.i:n, S. C. WOLFE. Dec I'.i, 1S0S. M. E. ALEXANDER. tjQrx. The undersigned in retiring would take this method of returning his grateful acknowledgments to his friends nnl former patron; and takes pleas ure in commending the new firm as in every respect worthy of their confidence and support. Dee21, 1SGH. M. E. ALEXANDER. Attachment. State of Xorth Carolina, Mecklenburg County. . John W. Wa lsworth vs. W. W. Gage. W. W, flage, the defendant iu this case, will here by take notice that an attachment was this day re turned before me against him, and a Oarnisheemcnt was also returnel against 1 I). Barnhart, on which judgment was entered for the sum of seventy-one dollars ($71): all of which ia condemned to the use of the plaintiff, which will be made final and absolute at the cad of 5)0 dnys from the date hereof, unless the defendant appears and answers the plaintiff ac cording to law. This ll'th day of December, 1 S8. Dec 21, 18GS 4w J. X. IILXTEIl, J. P. 11 III! I IW II P'H Hill I Wm I II I II i I I III I M ! M I ill CHARLOTTE MARKET, Corrected et Stexhoi se, Dec. 21, Macailay 1SG8. Si Co. Cotton There has been a good demand all wetk, and the market steady on the basis of 22 cents for middling. A few bales, strict middling, changed hands at 22 cents, closing rpiiet on Saturday at 22 to 22 cents. Sales for the week bales. Flour The market is well supplied at !?..7"to $0 per sack from wagons. Corn 7o cents per bushel. Wheat $1.75 to $2 per bushel. Teas 70 to 7-" cents per bushel. Oats SO to -V cts. l'ork 101 to 12 conts, according to size. Baltimore Bacon from stores 20 to 20J cents; Lard 21 cents. Fresh Butter SO to 3- cents; Chickens 15 to 20 nts Eces 20 cents. cents ; Irish Potatoes 75 cents per bushel ; Sweet Potatoes $1 per bushel. Liverpool Salt $3 per sack. ' Bagging 21 to 27 cents ; Cotton Ties 10 to 10J cts. X. C. Corn Whiskey and Apple Brandy $2.25 to $2.50 per gallon by the barrel. Molasses 75 cents to $1 per gallon by retail. Manufactured Tobacco doll at 40 cents to $1. Dry Hides 14 to 15 cents per pound; Green Hides 6 to cents. . J)ried Apple? 4 to h cents ; Juried Peach 6J to 7. Near Charlotte, n the loth Dec , 18Cfl, by RT. It. Z. Johnston, assisted by the Rev. John Hunter, Mr James H. Stewart' of York.countynS. C, to Mis. A. Jennie Johnston. In StatesTille, on the 8th Inst., by the Rev. Walter W. Tharr, Mr A. Scroggs to Miss M. E. Boger. In Iredell county, on the 81st ult., Rev. R- W. , Tarks to Mrs. Sarah Smith. In York District, on the 9th Inst., Mr B. R. T. Bowen of Mcklenburg. to Miss Emma J., daughter of G. F Wallace, Esq. Also, on the 10th inat,, Mr T. B. Baruett to Miss Margaret A FcweU In Incastcr District, on the 8th inst., Mr N. P. Robinson to Miss Z. A. Lnthcn, daughter of C. If. I.nthcn. In this city on the 10th inst., Mrs Kistltr, wif of Mr David Kistler. In this county, on the If.th inst., al th residence of her brother, J. I Sifl'ord, Miss Harriet Sifford, aged 4S years, 2 months and 18 day. , In Baltimore, on the lGth inst., Dr. John II. Oib bon, of Charlotte, N. C, aged 71 years. Dr. Gibbon had been a resident of this vicinity since 1837, at' which time he came here to takethe position of.A sayer at the U. S. Mint. His. kind-heartedness and genial manners made him many friends, aud his death is luouiiici by the community at large. Ho was a nian of extra scientific attainments, and es- teemed a good and valuable citizen NOTICE. The Conimi.-stoaers of Mecklenburg county will meet on t he first Saturday of January next, for th : purpose of attenJiug tc the poor of th county, rersons lntta-vd iuul meet IheBtiardat that Unit. The last Overseevj of the different sections of the Public Lends of the County that have not been ap poin'ed by the Hoard of Commissioners, will report to the Hoard on the fust Mondav of January, 1809. S. WATSON UE1D, Dec 21, 1 SOS 2w Chairman pro tern. FOR RENT, The Dwelling recently occupied by Dr. Brat ton, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church, for the year ISf.li." .pply to Dec 21. 1MJS 2w Dr. J. M. M1LLE1L NOTICE. I expect to open my School on the 8th of January, ISt.O, on the premises South of tlie Bailroad, at the corner next the resiliences of Mr Brewer and Mr Chas. Kims. Dec 21, 1808 2w JXO. WILSON, Jk. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Iu accordance with a decree obtained at Fall Term of Mecklenburg Superior Court, I will nell at Ihe Public Square in Charlotte, On Saturday the If.th d.-ty of J.i ii tuny. lSG'J, One Tract ol Land on Ihe Catiiwhu HIver, contain ing 2 10 acres, joining A.B.Davidson and Andrew Henderson. One Tract known as the Jane Barry place, con taining S2! acres, joining .. B. Davidson, Andrew Barry and others. fine Tract continuing S3 acres, joining David Allen and Dr. Vim. Davidson. Ofie Tract known as B. B. Monticth'n home place, containing 3(J0 ac res, joining J. N. Patterson, Dr. 1. tVilson and other:). One Tract known as the Montgomery place, con taining '.2 acres, joining Dr. 1. Wilson, Mrs Auten and otliers. Oiio TrnH known as the Lowe place, containing 100 acres, joining Mrs Auten, Mrs Kwert and others. One Tract known as the Kellough place, containing V4 acres, joining Joseph Woodside, Mrs Kwert and ot hers. One Tract know n as the (iibbs place, containing 17 acres, joining T(.hn Morris, Mrs (Joodrum and Joseph Woodside. Chic Tract known as the (Joodrum place, contain in g )' acres, with the w idow (loo li uiii's encumbrance on 18 acres; joining JoscjOi Woodid? iuil HolhtAokd. J One Tract knov. u am. ihe John Meniieih place, con taining 2is acres, joining Miss .Minty Maxwell, Mrs Jano Montieth and others The Mill Tr.vt, continuing 1LM acres, joining J. N. Patlvrsoii and A. A. Alexander." l'K'ing the Ileal KMlfe of the late U. B. Montieth, deceased. T-Mn. 12 months credit, iiitcrent from date with approved security. A. A. ALBXANDKB, Adm'r. Dec 21. lSiX 4ivpd. NOTICE. Si IMF. Or JNultTif t A l!OI,l A. .M F.CKI.E.X H IBfl CO.. I City of Charlotte, Dec. loth, 1808. j I will rxpn-se to public sale, nt the Public Square in this City, on Saturday the 2ith day of December, JM.H, lv Cii-cs of Assorted Oood?, the jiroperty .of Jos. Buxbyiini iS: Co., to satisfy an execution in m V hands in favor d' the ( v of ( liarlotte. WM. M. MABTIN. 1 . 1 ', 1 w City Const able.. D'-c FOR CHRISTMAS. We are receiving, iu addition to our immense stock of tJP.OCEKII.S aud CONFECTIONEKIKH, a largi and varied ftock of Christmas Notions, FAXCY (iOOUS, TOYS, dr., Of t!io !nief ti'.velty. to w hich we invite the atten- lion of V iioles."l and Bctnil buyers. We also have a fresh supply of fell kinds of Confectionorics Fsually found in a firs'.-clnss house. Call and ex .u::inc our stock for yoniM lvcs we take pleasure in showing our goods.. Dec 21. lS'-s. NISBET & MAXWELL. t . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. The best and largest assortment of Holiday Good over brought to this nuirket, at TIDDY'S, consisting in part of ilt Books, Juvenile Books, Toy Hooka, Ladies' Work Boxes. Companions, Writing Desks, &c, at: 1 many articles too numerous to mention, which we offer at extremely low prices Give us a call and we w ill try and show you some tiling you want. Dc21, lPf.8. TIDDT BRO. Genuine N. O. Sugar & Molasses. fi Ilhd. gtiiuiric new crop X. O. Sugar, 2t 'Barrels new crop X. O. .Molasses, For sale by S TLX HOUSE, M ACAULAY 4 CO. ." Birds. Demerara and English Ihland Molasses, .') Bbls. brown .Sugar, different grades, l"j Bbls. clarifw-d Sugars, A, Band C, For sala by STCNKOl'tfE, MACALLAV & CO. 200 Sacks X C. extra and family Flour, 100 Barrel j doable extra Ohio Flour, -Vi Boses English Dairy and State Cheese, 7-" Drums Seedier! Kai:dus, 7" Boxes Layer Raisins, For sale b JSTEXI'OCSE, MACACLAY & CO. 120 Boxes extra Xo. 1 Boston Family Soap, S3 Coils Rope suitable for baling Cotton, On consignment and for sale low by STEXIIOUSE, MACAUXAY & CO. rcc 2i, ike The Time to Compromise. Wc hold for collection a large number of W Debts. Most. of our clients have authorized us to offer on these debts fair compromises before suing upon them. which we will soon begin to do if not adjusted. t Debtors concerned would do well to consider this offer. Under the Code" and "Sta JLwbv costs are obliged to be heavy. OSBORNE k BARRIXQEB, Dec 21, 18C3 2wpd Attorneys. ELECTION NOTICE. An election for Mayor and Twelve Aldermen for the City of Charlotte will be held at the Courf House on the first Monday in January next, in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly entitled "An act in relation to Provisional and Municipal Officers,"' ratified 21th day of Julr, 1808. yt. m. white, Dec 14, 1868. Fhcriff Mecklenburg county.