' " ':. i '!'' : ' ! . ". J: '.-Vf:v'- i!' w'-j i :-'::VjH. : .-. , ',' : ..." ::"v:-:; 1 - ' - ; ":'''-;- r-rr i' '-: -1 . i. if- 4' i -r 11rj;!M;4 -r-M -. r -p W - . , -V,.-. ,..! ,.i ; r:j.. ; - : ;! . . r ll- ..:-; - . r f;: f " -N :. ; ? : -M i'-Hnri r..ir-rf rr r-f r r -rP'.rl: V ; . .r j-:;..,- K j r-.. -I : ":' 1 ri ; rr: i .- i - :'!.j-r-riM;,. ' Jrrjkr ;f::r.r rlrt-!4i4j:: i-:V--rf-;jirr1 ; .: :; : " 'B 1 -Kr ' i i i n 5 1 - - isrsjjTT-r ." i -., . i1 ; !, - - - -, j . i . . ' '(. -'. (fell 11 ' ) i iTOren :fjSSftrJ: t-IIT-W l r-f. n T J Y ATESf Editor and Propbuctob. I 'Term f Snltcriptiontxiiizi: Pollaks, indrance. V CHARLOTTE' N. C MNARiX" P19I 1869 cnrrvrnimTn r'n? rrfin 1 wrttnrn o T 4 ;1; '-'r.'. f ! x ' T" I 1 1 , " .'! 1 ! ! ; I 1 " . ! 1 1 i TT i ; i i ----- - - ......... . ! - -1 . ! I rCRLISHSD BT WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor.; i iTs -TTiree Dollars per annum - in advance. .... ; '; v .) : . o .-. AdrerlijcraeBl frill be inserted, fates. r in accordance with contract at reasonable Obituarr notices of fer fire lines in length .will -beeaargediar at advertising rates. ' Robert Gibbon, M. Di, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Tryon Street, Charlotte, J. C, - OSce and HaaidencaAa dorouUit1d State Bank, (formerlj ni, Joanalon s residence).- 4 " - J. P. ilcCoinbs, M. D., . Offers hi prqfeiional eertice to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. All calls, both Eight and dii? promptly attended tp ; Office in Brown's building, up t-tnir, opposite the Charlotte HoteL Oct lfrj. ' : A. W. ALEXANDER, ! Surgeon Dentist, i ! CHARLOTTE, K. C. ( QJZ.ee in tke Bravley Building, oyjtoiite tkt Charlotte f .Houl.) ' : . ; 1 t3U.Can be consulted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday anl rria.iya. March-2-V 13. . Dr. JOHJft H. McADEN Wholesale and Retail Druggist, - . CnAllLOTTE, Ki C., ! . Has on hand a large and well selected stock, of PURE DRUG?, Ciicniicalf, Patent Medicines. Family ledi- eincf. Paints, Oun, varnishes, Dye StuffW, rjtncyand Toib't Article., which he is determined to acil at the very lowest prices. ' - May 20, 1VJ7. -i DENTISTRY Tray wick & Bland FlkTing formed a cu-partnership, tender their profes- hioual services to the public iit large. .Theirofiice will be oien fro'n S a m. to G P- m., and either of them will Ti?it patients at their residences when called. ..Office; over McMurray, DavU & CaTs Store, Bryce -: WE M- SHIPP, ; A T T O U XE Y AT LAW, . Charlotte, N. -C., i Dewet's tf Bask IHildixg. 9, l.S 0 WALKER. & BRO., .. Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, Gray' JiuiLling, Trade Street -Vo. G. rronirt and Mrict i rrsn.il attention civen to the a? of .Merchandise, Suck aud Prduce generally-, and t ail buslne entrusted to their care. f.4)tt4innie&t Solicited'. . Dec I I, 1CS. itf , : x .New .Firm and NEW GOODS ? The .lrigned having formed a Partnership under the style of J. PIIIM.IPS 1 & CO., ; furthe purpose of condncting the . ( .TXcrcIiaiit Tailoring And Gents Furnishing Goods Business, ; Would respectfully infJrni their friends and fhb piib i jjc Renerxlly. than hey are iow recviving their stock ; vf Fa.U f"d Wioter GoJds, conjiirtting of all grades ' of Proiirt h, English an i American i Cloths, CnssifiicreM fc Vcslihffx, ' -lu great variety of makes and colors. . Gents' Furnishing Goods : - Shirts. Collars, Cravats, Hosiery. Merino Under wear, Ties of all kinds, Umbrellas. ! , In fact everything usually- found in a FIRST li.iMt Tailorimr Establishment, all of which were selected with'great care and warranted give satisfaction. Special attention will be given to the TAILOUIXa DEPAKTMKXT, and all goods sold will be made up in the very best style, and a fit guaranteed. f - ' ' i TAILORS TUIM MIMGSi of all kindsk kept con stantly ou hankl,and sold to the Trade at wholesale . prices. " : ' ' ..." r j ' . , r f ts-t CUTTING AND REPAIRING if all kinds, promptly attended to and satisfaction given. We will be found at present iu the room over the Expr Office, where our friends are invited toive us 'a call. - 'i ) I '.', 'I We will occupy the Store at present occupied by First National Bank, as subn as their Banking House 'is euiubleU-J. J.S.PHILLIPS, . JAO. it . Watch and Clock . Mikar,- AMI DEALKS ' I!C ' FIXE WATCHES, CLOCKS, . JEWELRY . ; Wateh MaleriaW, Sped 'ae.lt $, AfC. ,Aug. 10, 1S07. CHARLOTTE, N C. Q U E R Y. . " Is receiving, daily, his Fall Stock of !tlil!iiicry, Trimming, fcc. A.C., Which he asks the Ladies an 1 the public generally 1t call an i eintnine.. . ' 5 li.MRS OTTER V is nrpnarcd to serve her rneiils itu tho . ! f ; . LATEST STYLES . t ia Uuunels. lints. Drns umkinir. oct , 1S08. CITYfc BANK OP CHARLOTTE, TRADE ST., SPRTXGST BUILDIXQ, CniRLOTTK, If. c. W. A. WfLLIAMS, Casiiibk. C.tt. G. liUTT .Teller.. OJlce1 Hours from 8 a. m. tdl Q p. w. ( This Rank has enlaged and refitted its Banking nous;, and with a hyge modem improved. Fire and Furg!r Proof Safe,., offers superior inducements to D-poVuors. Receive Deposits on Interest or othcr- vi,e, buys and sells Coin,, IhillioiL, Exchange and old A.aii. oics, ani urawa directly on 11 U principal pUrss in the world at .Vcr York rates. Julv rt, 1808. iW"estern 33 erdocrat Oct. o. IMS ' The Cotton Crop. j- I According to the ptiblished '' statements, less than one million bales of cotton! of j the 'crop of aooo, iiau ueeu receivea, at me various ;unitea States ports up to January 1st. . . It is very clear. therefore, that considerably more than one-half the crop is still m the hands of the'planters; and as a consequence, that .'the Southern people 1 : 1 - . ' . I are iu uu uanger oi eiarration. j jr j. We believe jhe determination 'Of the planters nas Deen general to hold as much of, their cotton as their necessities would permit ' .Only enough has beeu Bold to supply; pressing wants,. while the remainder is' being 'held for j higher price. We know personally that in some portions of our own tata and South Carolina the bulk !ofthe crop of 18C3 is still ia tho hands; of the -planters. j Considering the . bountiful crops of last year,' we think, even judging ironi the t quantity of cotton onhand alone, that ; we may safely con clude that trade will be better idurins: the pre sent year than its present condition Warrants. RfeMOVALi B- II- PRESSON has removed this stock of Groceries from the Mansion House ' building- to the Store. neat Joor ea6t of ; Bryce's! Brck Building, where he will be glad to see his friends ahd customers. He has in store a full stock of Goods in his line. sueh as ! ;- i ;.; . - Sugar, X'offee, Molasses, Salt,' "Flour, Meal, Bacon and Lard, Cotton Ties, Rope and BaggingJ Fish, Cheese, Rice, Liquors, ; Dry Goods and Fancy Articles, Crockery, Tin Ware, &c. j ! In fact anvthins? usually kent in a first class .Grocery Stove, which he will sell at moderate rates in ex- change for Produce, or for. Cash. - I H He. asks a call from those desiring to purchase, as he feels satisfied that he can please jmialitv. . -4 ! ) ' - f j in price anu I PRESSON. Jan 4. 18G0. - j B. M WET GREEN i NURSERY. . - - - 4 1 ! j I'i Fruit and Ornamental Trees. 10,000 Apple, lO.OOO; Peach, 10,000 Straw-berry, -Currants,' Ooosebemes and Orcen House Plants, Catalogues sent on application. CP. MENDENIIAL Proprietor. i Sam'l J. Thiuley, Superintendent. Greensboro, N. ., Deo 7, 1858 Stoves, Tin-Waro, &ci t D. HJIBYEEIiY, (Li the Basement Store under j Mansion. House, !Keeps for.sale a full assortment of jStovcs of every description,' Jlouow-n.are, Jun-Mare, Japau-axe, ie.,i&c. f " . ... f , ' I i r . Spears Anti-Dust Cooking. Stove ;is a superior arti cle, and has given general satisfaction. I have sold , a large numlcrwit Jiin the past y'ea. . Tin, C opper ana bheet-lron work executed at snort notice. Repairing proicptly attended to. . 'L Cr I retifrti my thanks for thef liberal' share of' I D H BYEItLY, March 1G, 188 Under Mansion House FRESH ARRIVALS' j OF China, Crockery; and Glass Ware- JAMES HARTY.J i (Next Dook to the i Court Hocsb.) . I tiurtnnt - a very large stock of -T t '"" " ' China t, Crockery, and Glass Ware, r whh . a good assortment of House-Jkeeping Together articles, consisting of; Knives and, Forksj Spoons, Castors, Better Prints Ladles, Tubs, Churns, Buck' ets. Bread Trays, Rolling Pins,' Stjeak Beaters, Jea Kettles, Stew Pans, Gridirons, &c. I; House Furnishing Goods i Of every description. i I have the most complete assortment of j LADIES' BASKETS to be found in the City4-Market, Travel- .:ng. Key ana 1 ic .Nic isasacts in every variety ana W illow are generally, i ' Cnll anfl "examine my Stock. Oct 2-1808. M f JAMES II ARTY. THE CELEBRATED CHEAP STORE,, j IX COTTdX-TOlVX, CHARLOTTE, (X(rt Door to Sfthhousf, Macavlay ; tt Co.,) ' Wpt by; the Celebrated i I Orderly Sprgeantr, H. M". PHELPS, Company IS. list K. C. Regiment, Who has in Store a full and complete stock of For eign and Domestic ( Dry Goods hjch will be bom as ow as oy any oiuer man in Charlotte. Come and try me before you buy aily where else. Itychewiug the bsgyou can tell tne taste of the nuddie."i That is to say. by. coming to my Store first where everything kept in a First Class Dry Goods Store can be had yoq ! "will find every thingr with prices to suit your purpose. 1 - ! . - M : - 7, ' '' Save . Your Haes. ; Save the pennies and the dollars will take caret .. 1 ... ' :' tf themselves."-, (.(; r 1 . : f " ', . RAGS--Cotton, land Woollen Rags hoiightl Beeswax. Dried Fruit, Old: C Goose Feat hers; Chicken Feathers, Drv Ilvdes. and ' Rusty Five orj ppper ana urass, 1 urkey r eathers, Ten Dollar Gold Pieces, at full price.': : n. M. PHELPS. 1 ! V Walli PaDerine. Just received 1.000 pieces; of Wall Papering. Also, 100 pieces Porderiijg Paper, 200 pair Window Cur tains, 100 Fire Screens, &c , fori sale at; Jfew York NoTember.23, iSGS; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WitlliowsIiVrA:: Riiitel V Have now in store one or tne largest fctocKs ever brought to this market." j; . i . .' . I : of Goods. They keep a full assortment of all kinds of Goods, and win sell at remarkably low rates.' Jj . rs C n-ATtttv Iprchanta and I wholesale huvers generally4 as tvcll as retail purchasers, are request-, ed to examine this magnificent stock of Goods. Millinery and DressT Making. A separate department is devoted tO-Millincry and Drcs-making, where: the Ladies can have wrk done promptly and jn the latest stylesj V C',.i)lZ ; WITTKOWSKY & RIXTELS; ' Oct' 5, IPCS. , Bctwcea the two Drug Stores : r:A. fHiLLEk ;3 lyatchmaker and Jeweler, Xext Door to the Dmoerat Ojjict, Chikiottb, C. If your Watch'necds Repairing, 1 - Don't: get inad and go to" sweariug; . . Jut take it into HALES' shop, j : He will fix it so it will notjstop.- j -' JIc warrants his work all for a year, When it is used wilh proper car.c.1 . ' 1I& will do it. as low as'it can be done, And do it so well it s sure jto run j ; iPoor.Ec(m6myi't. (j An! illustration of the policy of trying to save tvru uuiiara anu inereDy losing nunareus wcurreu nojt many hundred" miles from Goldsboro, N.: C.:, during the past season; A man whose name we will withhold at present; was too penurious to take his county paper!. He held a mortgage of some 451,9.00 agajnsta cert;iin parcel of : real es tate, the owner of whch was otherwise involved, and aeuit in the District Court .was commenced by his creditors, and; the .aforesaid mortgagee was made a nominal party to the suit, as he had an . interest in the real estate. He being absent from home temporarily, service could not be had at the proper time, and hence the notice fjthe suit was published, as required by law in such cas.oa inade arid . provided. He never hajd - the; P?Per and, consequently, knew nothing of the. suit, i Ihe case went to Court, and was decided in favpr of the plaintiffs.' The above defendant failing to appear as per notice, ' default 1 was en-' tered .against him, and '.by order of the Judgo the mortgage was canceled upon the county re cords and the land sold by the Sheriff to satisfy said judgment. Some time afterwards, the man holding the mortgage, went to look after his in terest, and found that his claim to the land had been canceled, and that he was $1,900 out of pock et. G oldsboro Messenger. ' f- ; We suppose the man who held the mortgage was a' subscriber to the " LaCrosse Democrat," or i i i i . - , J i : . some other Northern paper, instead of taking his hornet paper. He .was; no doubt, one faf f the word patriots who curse the North and at. the same time patronize Northern papers. ; Protection. : The Wilmington Journal very properly re marks that New Engaud has always demanded "protlpction" for its'uianufactories from the Gen eral . trovcrnmen't, and has always recejved t. The Northwest and the South have been robbed for years. for the benefit of New England nabobs, and although the stock of their leading; manu facturing companies has advanced to ten'aud twenty times their par values, they aire as lusty in their cries as'everj. How ingura : it'is that three-fourthsof the Union 'will '.voluntarily sub mit tOjbe robbed to) make rich the remaining fourthi To be sure ihey base their appeals upon the grounds of national pride and welfare but it amounts to mostlucrative and oppressive mon-opol-.c$.; .j;:- .- ..-. . i:;..- . J- - ." I JJelpw we subiuit,!in proof of our position, a table showing the par showing the par value and the market value of a few of the New England manufacture ing companies r -'1 I '. $185 1105 2,015 Androseoesin Mills (v&r valne $1001 Peppcrcll Manuf 'turing Co (par value $100) PaciQC Mills (par value 100) Nashua Company (par valiie 100) i Stark ;Milli (par value $f00) ' "t Chicopee Manuf'ing Co. (liar value $100) SalisUiny Manuf'ing Co (par value $100) Boot Cotton Mills (par vauic -$100) -Lacohia Manuf'ing Co.s (par value $100) . 755 1T275 275 : 270J 1,080 1,200 3,3121 215 Amoikeag Manuf'ing po. (par value $100) I GrcalFalls Manuf'ing Co. (par value $100)j j Attachment Notice. $(ate of Xorth Carolina., Lincoln Cotu&y. T Joseph MJ St evens, James Wr. -Pegram,;:TtlomaS X. iMor. vs. John W. Grady. James P Iloycar ihivid i O.j Hawthorn, James RahnUtcr, Sarah A Elford,, ! Executrix! - j: j j': ,: ' j..--: '. j; The defendants above: .named are notified that a; warrant of Attachment, has been obtained against, them by the plaintiffs in this case. r.The complaint! is filed and summons returnable on the lst'day o February, I8G9, and .demands judgment oh award for $788.93. " J " . : j i The defendants are notified to appear on tho 1st or February, 18G9, to answer the complaint, f - 'I hi. - : t I- ;U .r S. P. SHERRILL, '-. ' - Clerk of Superior Court of Lincoln eounty January 4, 18CJ ivr pr adv.$6. i Attachment Notice. State of Xorth Carolina, Lincoln County J. M. Stevens and James W. Pegram, vs. Johh W : urauy, jsmes v. ivoyce, waiu u. uniuiu, i Bannist cQ Sarah'A'. Elford,' Executrix, r f ' J ! The defendants above named are notified that a warra int. of .Attachment has been .obtained against by the plaintiffs in this case. The complaint them bv the pi is filed and summons: Ireturnable on the 1st day .'of FebruarvJ 1860. and demands judgment on an award for the sum of $1,221. r 1 The defendants are; notified to appear, on February 18G9. to answer the complaint. he 1st of ! I ! S P. SHERR JAj1, - l.ierK oi superior tuuri ui uumj. January 4, 18G9 i 4w pr. adv $6.-: f GET- THE BEST! -1-. THE VER Y, BEST, SXUFF .XO IF, IX USE IS ... . '. I CELEBRATED Manufactured in Baltimore, Md Do not fait to try if, for you icdi Hce it. For Sale! in Charlotte by. s StcnhOuse, Macaulay & Co.; j U . f -- . - ' '-5 : Hammond & McLau ;hlin, M D L Moody, Caieon JtMjricr, Frazicr, Scurlett & Co., Duls & Hi ker, .- H i ' '- Dr'j HMcAden, Pr J N Butt, i-.; ',-.,:.)-.; iisi.i Haltoni.A .Gray, j - -;Jtrr- D M Rigler. S Grosa Si Co., V .Richards & Co.; r , ..'I ' . . '. .-I i ''-'' - January 4, 18C9 . ;,Gm ( MATTHEWS' HOUSE,. . (Formerly Kerr's Hotel, (Jharlottef i, C. V This: well known House is III I l now under the control and jrianigemeni f I'll lithe undersigned, rho solicit La share jof public patronage - j The Ilbusa has recentlyheen 4 thoroughly repaired and refurnished,' and no cxer- tidns will bo spared to make patrons comfiartahld. fl t THE TABLE will be furnished wifhrthetbest the market afTords.f . Refreshments of ajl uijetifiaa always be found at the Bar, -UwJ5 THE STABLES, attached to this House will ,.be ound suiBcient to accommodate the Horses of our nnntj friends who may prefer a . arfel place and raid feed. 1 : W.' M MATTHEWS, JaTl . v. ; l-J T ill L. -STE-iGALr. Smpd HighU of Married Women in the Heal Estate of- their. T71. 1 T The followingiis the law securing the rights of married women in Ihe real-state of their hus bands, passed by the NP C. Legislature on March 2, 1867 irry ;--f r;; y "(j; j , Section 1. Be it.enacted by the Genetal ! As sembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the ' same, That every, married woman .saU be i entitled to one-third interest of iH the; lands, tenements and hereditaments of which her husband is Or.may be seized and possessed at any time daring covertufe in which third part, shall be compre hended the. dwelling house in which her husband and iami!y; tisuaffy repldiaM&iBobfy k kdwn and called the mansion house; together with the" omces, ouu nouses, Duuuings ana otner improve-, ments ihereunto beloncincr or annerfainin'r: which third interest shall nt be subject to seizure on execution for the .payment of j any clebt of her husband, during the term of her me: ,t I 'ravuxcdt That said interest shall not attach ? to any- lands that may have been tona fide conveyed by the husband previous to jthe passage of this act. .; Sec. 2. Be-it further. enacted 1 That no aliena tion by.thahusband jwith or without the cove nants of warranty, : under the provisions of this act, shall have any other, or further effect, than to pass his two-thirdf interest in the same. Pro- ; viaea. xnat upon tne wire joining witn ner nus- band in the deed, anjd acknowledging , the same,, according to the provisions of existing: laws, being privately examined touching her free con sent in the execution of said conveyances, h iany or all of said land may be sold and conveyed; and that the Chairmen of the Courts of j Pleas and Quarter Sessions, as to the lands located in their respective coxinties, shall; have , the! same power to conduct such examination f as is now riven byi law to the Judges of the bupreme and Superior Courts, and the certificate j of such Utiairmcn, toucning lands in their respective counties, shall havfe the same torce and if jjgned by a Judge. ; : . - 'l . j---- effect as I ! -J The 1 vdte for President I Subjoined are the official returns of j the vote in "the late Presidential election in thirty-two of the th irty-three States participating, t In, a total of 5.G22,138,5 it Will be seen that Grant's ma jority is but 343,G8, and how even i that! meagre" result was ootainea win appear, Dy a giance at. Tennessee' and M ssouri. wncre wnite men were; disfraqchiscd-by wholesale, and a look reconstructed States, wherS the Grant made up byrno ant negies who were butiy terday yi all the "barbarism of slavery. UVnd also let It be remlmbered that the white1 mn of Virginia, Mississippi and Texas had 'no jrbicennj tho election. ; r - - ' .JA! Grand j; 1 m. r. '( 1 1 State. ' .. Alabama, j Ajkansas, i California, , Connecticut Seymour 0,280 19,9951 - .54,077 47,844 ' 10.957 I 101,767 199,141 ' 16G.980 - 74,040 13,620 115,888V 43,189 43,497 62,356 59,103 82,331 r 28,030 - 58,905. 5,439 30,571 . 82,7GG 429,883 ' 84.031 239,032 ; ,11,125 313,382 . -6,548 ; 45,237 . ? .36,311 12,309 20,305 'i 4,695 2,643,635 22,1 5 5.1,583 50.780 Delaware. . ! 7,609 Georgia, Illinois, ;,f ,159 550.293 176,552 TndlaTm, - Iowa, ? Kansas, i ij - . Kentucky, ; Louisiana ; 3Iaine, M Maryland, 120,399 30,028 39,566 127.911 70,486 30,442 31assachusetts, 13,6,3971 Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,; 113,229 43,413 83.887 9,729 New Hampshire, 38,218 N ew Jersey, -New York, j j North Carolina," Ohio, Oregon, ; v. i Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, , Vermont,! j West Virginia, Wisconsin. ; i . r9,882 419,883 I 92,293 280,222 110,960. 342,280 .12,993 , 62)16 56v757 .44,086 29,007 108,844 Total, ';2,9S7,503 2,643,635.! Grant's majority. 343,868 Tub ; Siamese .Twins. The ; Liverpool Daners of the 21st ultimo announce tho arrival r a t ., ... .i . trievinjr their fortunes, having lost all their prop- erly through the late American war' and - will then proceed to Paris to have af surgical opera- tion perfonnedf which they have at last!, made up! thbir minds to submit to.'",;' b-.M. f, . The City Book Store, Has leen Removed to P, Dowries Qui. - - One door below its former locationJ" i at- Evcrvbbdvi is invited to call, and examine ,our Stock, which consists in part of alarge" a'ssrUrtentpf School, Religious and . JsiiscellaiieousiJooKs, Clank and 'pass rUobks, W1I 'Paper,! iJlani rand, Printing Taper, - and all articles usually , kept in. a first-class 'Book Stored . il- ".:. -!fV: Out arrangements with Puuhshers'arersuCh that wti receive alt the NEW. WORKS pf popular authors as sobn as published i -,hiuA.i:i lr .t.m'; Our prices are as low as any other Booksellers in the State.'4 ". h ' r ' .' .4 I l 'jail '4, 186 ia. k r WADE & GUKKELS.jV, Dissolution- 'Irii v The firm of MILLER h BLACK is. tbu daj dis-i sojved, hj mutual consent AUtbose; having claims against the same will present them for pajraent abd those'" indebted, either by Note or Account, kre! re queued to'eosse forward and settle? up without. de lay. : $ettlcmc.pts . can he nade , with either of ths firm'at the eld stand, j: !- . R."M.;,ilILLER. Vj ; iW J.'ULACK j willi continuW: tha bfiBiaessttHhe ier atrana and old aUnd icd alJiotirf ag partaer laclic Uheral sharef pa friends. j, V-!l' ;? f. 1 iJan l.- 'rt ' ! r K. SIILjLEE, r i there of the Siamese twins. '1 he Liverpool 'ost or the largest real estate agencies oi the city ot says; I ?yl f f i i u'i Hr-'t. ll:i?ilh .'Nevri YoVk," dated iBeoember 21st,rin;trhich; is rnsulting wit geodsWiiatotrthey puroose making a tour ment of men amlmontytoicorfoGevrgia kind of the. United Kingdom for the purpose of re- the South generally in aj fry; ; non' This t Geih WasUngton's -Wife: V ' 5 ' . a - .in ..iif-t'-.;! 'i I? iris.' 71) I " 2 Ah enirravei fac-timile letter - of . Martha 4 Washington' among the historical curiosities of tne capitavaoes -not: spealc very f well tor, ,Jier literary cttlture-ralbit Bhel was one'of theinost eiegant jaaies ; oi tnej jia rjuominiqn. 11 was written to an intimate friend during her husband's x jcDiucouy , suu hucu ;kw iurk was me ten of government, v? -Mosi of the - peculiarities;' are uue,;u is true, to oia-iasuionea spelling ana cus Ht U New York October the 22d, 1789 My dear Fanny "v j j; ij i I. I Haver by mrs Sims sent you a watch it as one or thecargoo that I have so Jons mentioned ta you thatwa expected, "'1 hope is such one if that hat any influence on your-tast the f chain is of mrLeafs oboosing and such as mrs sA,doms the vice-presiedents lady arid those in the "polite circle wear. - I -j : I I'.j' -' ' - . - -M1' :;" i ' - mrs Sims will give ydu a better account of the fashions thanI can--Ii liya ver dulFlife hear and know; nothing that passes j in the town-I never goejto any public placeindeed I think! I am more like a state prisoner than anything else there is certain bounds set for me which I miist not depart from---and as I j cannot doe as J like I am obstinate and stay at , home a great deal. I ; f. - the President set out this ;day week , on a tour to the eastward inr Lear and major Jackson At tended hjm-my dear children has had very bad colds but thank god they; are getting better my love and good wishes attend -you and 'all with you rememDer metoimr; & mrsliU n Jbow is the poor 'child kiss marie I send ,her too little handkercheefs to wipe her-nose .-j -:V adue X am my dear Fanny yours '-' ; j". j.most effectionateiy J-.x. t T -;j -r.'-a' r.r y M" WAsnixoTox Cheating -tho Government. : r Since .the frauds and abuses of .the Franki privilegd have beguh to be agitated, it turns t ut that moe rascalityrlias beeu' going on in this de partment than mostipeople supposed. - Members have no only been frankiug -alniOst everything with their own ;writtenr manuscript, but have got fuc simile stamps of their j autographs made to distribute among their frlendsi tQ help expedite matters,? and the way in . which mail matter has been going through the: countryman V this waj is fearful. j.: The worst case "jyet : brought to public notice, is that of John Lynch, member of Con cress from Porjtland, Maine, who has used Siis !at' the i'rant l(j pass mail bag? of newspapers toCincin L,J,;af uati. 'What he did in! this way in one da', :-Ff ."r 1- " abolition of the privile is a ioreuone conclusion. 'Ml Cold Victuals. 1 It is . not long ago since, in this country: qold meat was looked on asjthe symbol of everything impovenshbdl and stingy and squalid. " In miny parts of .N ewiEngland the fame predjudico( exists yet, and ."mean as cold victuals" is quite a com- , mon expression to aeno?e 1 anyunng or any Doay thai is beneath contempt. ! In large cities like New.ork;inaoy.j;thpusa!hds of meople live more upon cold meats than upejn hotv and the food seems to asree with them.! G ermans live half the tune upon cold ham I and sausajre; fandiare 1 much given also ip .salad 'and uncooked . vegeta-tric-rrfy-raxa.kjnds. . Cold veal is always to be found pu the counters in ! German TcstimraDt. EoUo.ing the IviiglishJ fashion, many restaurants in New York make a specialty of cofd' meats4, and there s a 'great demand ' forthem in general, nany persons considering them more wholesome, as well as mo.ro palatable,' than' hot meats. J h Cold joa&t pork jis infinitely better than hot, as wei as more digestible: - In certain villages of 'France where the culture of the 6ilk-wrm giyes!eujpIoyment to imost of the. inhabitants, while the season isjat its height the women lare all too busy to prepare hot food regularly, and so the ppople dine -pcrpendicularlyy on sdeh poA victuals as joray be a hand. They "ar reported as being very healt hy vahd; , robust under; this jegimen. It is a question i x)pcn for 'discussion whylood and drink should be taken hot -under any 9ircumstahces.l r Sonie physiciins'think that the premature; decay of . teeth is owipg to jthe , constant habit of'hbt nieats-and driuts with the .frequent 'antithesis: of iced ; water. rMan being the only animal, that cooks, is the only one that cats hot food, and he is more Diablo Jo disorders of all sorts than the lower creature. ? ; ii .! Coming At !Last.Vo have before" us, says the Augusta Cbnstitutionalist a letter from one opinion is I rom men who como mdaijy" contact witn tne largest capua ists oi tne ortn aua are thus fwell prepared to draw general conclusions as 4o their future intentions and moyembnt I" view of these iactsjcomes question of iQarolfha receives .her fuirprbrtiohbf the'iuien and money now so sadly1 heeded in every portion bf our StateV-' jAhd Jet lis lakb thesofivcii by - the hand instead of turning our . backsfon ! them and 4hhs7driyrng them tq other, localities.;' To the 2tfbrtheramerfhb rttf capital' b'ut fait of piir people have iefer shbw any ahtipathyl .We have only dehbiinbed thqse Vho Kae' conic jhere to carry aifay the little that WCT have becn'iible ;to make since the close of the4 war.lTl7mm'- a lAiifr.-.- r?X'l -4.Tf. !' fT; I.- .41 fly- r t ' j5'Peo)le ) -will fin d ; dii t inr t f me that 'the South has no woTsecberirynnr the United Sjtates than that low, -vile-talking inan, BnckfPomeroy; of tho La Crosse democrat aad IS ewii or t-JJemor erat, If a man ift a democrat at hedrtand ffully believes the principles of' the party are just and rightrbe.is,to be jrespected ibr.adheariug' to his purpose. InweRt nlassea of JdcooIb ill thai country with- his' ,vUp;6oerxpous r.mjuf ti . partr no es rT , f r --j1 at a - - JLu -A ; r .:ivf !' -U?t"'1lrti'Tf ?J'tWl?lll-. itfx':h-'XVx ';T ' '!'"": '! rnly deceives and mieads the people, ; ; : : into tha bubiness Jorthe sake of making mone'v.' f3 . i. n i r.-A 1..- -tc i tv : .jtnev w ana ior iiuiv ixurpose.-cairsxo xne iasr& oi me i region than-stretches from Flaiuftfld, N". J., W Easton ' Ta. r Farms are worth f rom $ 1 25j to S200 per acre, and aro constantly mcrcasingjio;. value. It is true that some of th is rise is aua to railroads, which affords better marketing,, 'but the most of it is facilities for ' owing tp (h bettermanagement of the land, more of clover than in tho regular rotation, as it comes in olteuer. They m&U Pennsylvania The routlou is: . i, corn upon a clover sou, limcu; z, oatsj j, wheat, with the manura of - tho farm: 4, cloter, to be cut jor pastured. The farmers in all this - region attribute the great change ID the varus of The Clover . and . Lime Theory la P.octl. j .- . We hate, had much to say upon tho bcata of using lime and clover upon worn-out soils, to give them a start. , And yet we are apprehensive that many of- our readers have regarded ths matter as mainly theoretical, and will not b In duced to try it. " Although agriculture b ad mitted to bo a tentative art, some things are set tled as Bellas they ever can' be by any amount of experiment! ' . Among them is- the utility; of applying ilime to soils that have cot already enough of it, and - cropping with clover to ! add vegetable matter and ammonia to thin, liht soils, or those- that do not i?e remunerativs crops. In a recent trip ver the line of tho New Jersey Central Railroad, we saw abundant, evi dence of j the renovation of , wctti-out farms. Thirty years ago these arms were d productive, and many of their owners were anxious to sell out at thirty dollars an acre and emigrate, jll was difficult to sell at any price. jNow one trill have to go far to find a' more beautiful farming their lands to this rotation. Tho crops sre luxu-., riant,' and the wheat fielda arc as promising as ia any part of the West In all the better farming ', districts of Pennsylvania, 'similar results aro manifest. ! Clover and lime, in 'connection With (' the manure made upon the place keep tho farms ' ; in pood heart, and constantly improving. ! The' j average production of wheat and qf corn in thcvs iiisiriuis in mum iiiiicr iiiuii iiii iiiu n vcnu :- States, which '.had a richer virgin soil. When" 1 -eyer thistreatmcnt of the , soil has been ! idtro, duced, it secures the- most satisfactory results. ' We do not see how this management of the soil can be considered as pcrtairving merely to jtha theory of agriculture. Yet the mass of our farm? ers in thtj Eastern States continue to raiso clover - in small paicnes, as a lorage crop,! wunoui. toi crencc to its value as a renovator of the soil. If they woild travel moro aud eee- what is accom' plished in the line of their art, they would form better views, both of theory and practico jof sg- riculturo;. American Agriculturalist i Three Classes of Hearers. a Many thousands, attend .Church ovcry pabj bath, in every city, vilhitrc and 4 hamlet or our a ml I m . .1 noDulous country.. ! The motive which actuates their bodily, presence in the house of God should bo to hear the word of God, whic i is "tho savor of life unto- life' as it falls from tho lips bthe . living minister. But of the thousands who cover ,the pews how, many hear profitably. There is the mandevotcd to the pursuit of wbrldly husi- -uess, all the week, night and day, concentrating . all his naturo u'pou tho object of gain. IJo is sorry that Sunday coipcs one day n 60vcnJ vJThe stillness j that Surrounds him is :pprcssiyel, sod ' he Ion g$ for the bupy, ACtivo Mc nday. Yet he has his seat in tho Church, and jt is quite !a re- lief to escape ffum his ennui for an hour ; besides it is a very respectable way to fpona ineioao bath, e.'nd h( would not be a faiionable citireu did he riot attend. ,Tho uinL.tcr commences . . and so does he, but commcticcf to not j Tbo ' minister. warms. with his theme, ho nods assent, j. llic minister Concludes, ho nod on, and wakes ; up in time to kneel down or s and up for th j prayer. Not a word of life incssago has he .-. heard, and yet he 'will compliment the discourse. Fine sermon, sir ; our minister, : lmost surpassed hi wisely to-qgy. Jiis Lnurcn ia minister arc his only weaknes. His minister, sir.' ,A sound hiap,"sir; a profound theologian, very orthbdor, sir: souna in an aocirine : no says noiaioz m regard to"the' somw,m of the sleepers. A,nd there is the faahionablo ehM, gotten , up at grjeat5 expense to attecd the service, low graceful every movement as she floats doTtl.the ! broad, aisle jto hcr accustomed scat. - With what j revcreuce ana propriery sno Dcnas ner quceniy ,i head in her'sccmintr devotion, flhe text is sn-! oounccd and the scrnjon' proceeds, and sol doef j she;, but not to h car, but to take an inventory 4 of every bonnet I hat, cloak and shawl,) with j jewelry hymn-book, powder, paint and fhair. , gloves, furSj muflisj curls and all the articles of j women'? apparel, "ot a word of Heaven's inel ' sago ha 1 'she beard. fSha votes jthe' scrmoa dull and tho preacher a . boro. Sbo cannot teljl tha text,; or a single prtposition in j the discourse ; and yet she can te'l what a dear little bpnoct - Miss A had, arid how frightful Mrs. 13 looked iu that horrid eld hat. and 31 its C has worn lh samc'fujrs three winters. ,1 . . , There is another cla;s who don't elecj, nor gaze abj ut; but rcatch every wiord and jefcdo not heat Tina cLufs ajo, CQDsidered mteJUctual i j d thVir.criticj5ii!f the ministers talect uch to do with his- niefulnMsrro th ty he serves. They listen, but net for ds of Jesus, but for entioiog -wordl of isdoin. Tbev have the. most elcgsnk taste,' a o4 ULT sounds hash, Sad. prodcecs 8 i dissonance in their complacent souls. The ser mon n ustbe; elegantly finished, . the v diction chaste ind choice, and be thought bfty aid io spiriug . Tte'vpice must be well cultlvstedt Sod at ever y. sentence , exqui&itely modulated, j Thft, life wotds of Jesus may not bp used) bii th ; philosophy of, Cousin or I!cii w the appropriate themo. The oul-enlarging gospel niustlbls sup- , plantec by. those subtle distwetions whickxaver. ; saved a soul from perdition or lifted thfl4weary load?, .ironi the , heart of the 'penitent j ttnd yet , ; hey gb.tofchurch .aad ; they. kea, but ; not tha 1 wo;ds full of, Gpd's etprnal love to mao,. j J- - - Thel throe classes form, perhaps, tho mijdrity - 01 lue nearcrs oi -oou a i ,wu( , , w awful and fearful their responsibilv-4 , j Hi dqi near iu mo mwq vm f appbinled, when every circumstance and Gprorv , tunityfeonspires to mako them wv2evand they I '1- totha.Ws. - -Well for then in- deed if they :,- ' it v never hear top Eoand of ecu litusa-4 festructioncf every clibdDg: hers, When (he ftodge shall.ssy ..Depart y cur?vtLiut5 everlasting fire. 0 I men. an have M commuui the wot mans '-Jw 3 - -4 i' Jannary 1, 1C0; f. y- i : ; ' I " : i l : 1: 1 L r