1 . i N f r "'jlli-'iz-J-'! 1 ' - -, . ' 17Tr ;l .;j rt vVf -V--. 'I. ".'':!. m: i "- i i - -'. N J i ,' t : .! ' .:' ' . it i - . r - i -a 'ra1 - Dnnnntdwni r.-crynoii - THE r i -Western Democrat ! WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor !! and rroprictor. ; , . o ! I , TTSlM? Three Dullars per annum in adtznce. inserted at reasonable ,v v - with contract. T Obituary notices of crer fire lines in length will v. Parted for at aaTerxiFing rates. Robert CiiDDon, jh. 1'ilYSICIAN AND SUROEOXr - j ' Tryon Strert, Charfottc; N (Uce and Residence, one door sfciith old Stare Bnk, ifnucrly Vm. Johttons reMdence). -J Janl, 1S08.; ; 7 -r-t ! ... -mm T-V J. P. McCombs,; M. D.,' u:. nMr..?.ftnal Kcrices' to the citizens of i-i i ...1 siirMuadinl cenntry All calls, both '131 1' - V- JJ - . umce in uru u 3 r I ; Charlutte Hotel- I ' j I jOct 20. .1 I j.. , ' : " v " ; jSurgeon I Dentist, ; J CtlAKLOTTK, fOnu in Ut Bratcky Duihlg, ejjoUe ite Chariots 1 Can bo consulted on Tuesdays, Wcducsdays, - Tb unJayf and Friday. j. j t , : i Dr. JOHN H. ! McADEN, - Wholesale and Betail Druggist, CJIAKLOTTK, X. C, ira- on baud "a birpe and well elected stock of PURE - nnUGS, Cbeu,ical,,ra;ent Medicine.- lr aniily Medi lim VnM. O.K'Ves. Dye Stuflv Fancy and roilct Article, vli:cunc is ueicrtiiiit " - rery lowest prices, i May 10, 1 g'7. ' - DENTISTRY. 1- ! I ! Trnvwick! & Bland, IHvW formed a fto-partncrBhip,! ten.l their profes Knllf errie to the public at larger - TUcir ofcee vvil be oven from 8 a m- t O p. m and e.thcr of them ... r. t thoir roKulttiices wliencalieu. - UoVer McMurrar. Uia & CVs Store, liryce s Anting 10. 1 SOS. -1 ; ATTORXBY! AIT . L:A If.,' .Charlotte, ; OrnfK is . Not. 9, 103 Ue wet's 1 v tf ' I . i The Comer House, ,now open fo the uccommodalion of transient and A.. r.i , Tii "iiiulprHimcil have had fls: t prm -neiM.i V'" T . r ,.,,,1 1 .. ii Jt, l-tMTi-- a Iloiel. anu S COSliUlrraOlC rj-n-:in.i j... 1 ---tr - . - "j therefore fd satUfied hat tbeycan p.ve saMsfUon. I Tt-ri" n.o-leratc. " i ' T. L., 1U1CH it lb0..x I t;h irlotte. Jan. IS, lSGt), j j ' - !' New Firm 1 1 and f NEW GOODS The nndcrwgncd' haviii formed a; Partnership iua ler the style of I j ! I 1 - j. ;s: pun-raps Sfc :o ffor'thc purpose of conducting the j - Tlcrcliant j'l niiorms ; ! And ' Gaats Funiisliing Goods Business, i L .i- .it.. ..... ,i,oir frio nds and the pub- iWouM repecxiuuj 7- - ! IlicRcnemUy. that they uro ow;recoiTn,p -'itFanand WinlerGocis, consting of all grade. of French, English au-l American - a . ? ! Cloths, Casiincre VeMm, : In great variety or makes and colors-' : - . nontW' "Furnishing Goods : tiiris, ii-a" ' !.. ' . t n i-'t., I- t ImlirWas. ! .1 11 "....., ii-wiov. Merino Lnucr- ; voar, lies ur n F v , ; ptp?T . ' :. "...!.? imii ilH- found in a rllM :IU: .r.r7"":i ..V-tMishnent. all of' . : rrc.iLc.tn'. and-warranted io'ffive !ati: faction. . j i ! Social attention will Ik- given to the ; .TAILOKIXO toKl'AHTMKXT i , 11 ivi.i ir.ll ! uiadd ud in the , very best ana in b"" ... -, - - etvle, ana &t puarauiuw. j TV1LOUS' TUlMMlMGS, of a'l rade at wholesale ! fdantlv on nanu, auu ; prices. " ' i ' . --v rrrriNG AND lll'.rAiniNG f all kinds, ! rvronn,tly attended to and . satiifaelk i P We will occupy the Store at; pre on eivcn. ent occupicl by will ' r n lianking llou.e First National bar-, as oon , vmLLiVH9 iscou.plet ed x J AS. I!. OKU.' t)ct. O. lO-.O. 1 . I jr . ; 5 V - ... ' x. ; iu fiinrft next to the t,v lMih. e are , - r, J ; "-I. here ve have a full .-tock of Gcn- tlfUKll u" , - Watch .and Clock 31 ikar, 1 aso heaif.bIis . yrir.A'r, fixe watcuks, clocks, j , ! ti air A Materials, Spectacles, d"C. QTjE K T ' ; I Ia receiving, daily, his Fall Stock of i.- Jtliliihery, TrituniinA:c. &c., Which he a?k$ the Ladies and the public gcuer .illy, to call and examine, .f - I 1 MttS. QUERY is'prepared U crre her friends with the . - ' ' ' ' i LATEST STYLES - . in Bonnets, Hats, Dress making. &c. oct 5. 1808. - I: " MATTHEWS'! I HOUSE, j , (Formerly Kkur's Hotel, Charlotte, A.. C.) J. " This well known House' is 1 1 i now under the confrol and management of j 111.' the uadersignett. who solicit a share of rubitc i-atronace The House has recently Dccn . A A X. 1 pat ronace ine nmif naa reccnuy uevu , thoronghly repaired d refurnished, and no f xer- t; will ii. nrr1 to make ratrons comfortable. THE T.VoLK will t iurti wn,i mc uwt c market affords Refreshments of all sorts 'can always . ... m m. :.l..l-.l. . 1. - V i 11. . Ti rnim.l t 1i Ttiir 1 ' I 1 TUP RTT1T.V? Hfinll tO.tLlS lUMlse Whl 00 found auScicnt to accooimolatc tha Ibsrse of our nnnfrvYplarild irlin ntlT I VP 1 11 a ife place and wMMftav k x. iiuo v m w - N.j C, ! j . . I - : r - ":-- .!: . " PEACTICVIV , ; j ' , ; j - ' ' ' 11 ..... 1 1 1 11 - i. i .. -f ,, ', it-si- ? 1:.' :('. : I' f"- Ij ' .1 1 :f G II ATlt. . : : -1 Chief Jusi.ee Chssc appeared in a new role 5 Ikfote ft unmercms and fashionable coBjrrcgatioa at one of the Episcopal Churches in Washington he delivered an address on the subject of -'Christian JUissions," which he stated were destined to effect iwhat all the con querors f the world from Nimrod to Napoleon had failed to aclotnplish the feubjngation of the whole world. ' Though there were bat 34D,00(V 000 Christians against CCO,pqO,000 antk-Chris-tianson tho glbeand though, eorararativety speaking, but few were engaged in disseminating the doctrine of Christianity, still he believed the time not far distent when the world would be subjugated by the power of illhn who said, HJo ye and teach all nations' He saw all the signs of the coming religious unity f ' r." ji , 4 ib ;t-1!1 Kotice. i I Oar facilities for .attending! t customers, arc as cood as those of any similar inst itution in the country, and having for our motto -'politeness and attention to business," wo respectfully solicit a portion, of the 11!. - 4 n rra . t 4 t - t li V ,-- iA: W1LLlAMS,!Cashicr. City Hank of Charlotte, Araue oirWv Jnn.18. 18CII. J , ' !i The City Book! Store, IkisLren U moved to pur n?, One door below its former location. r..A,if invUwl tn call aad cxamineour Stock, which 'consists in part of a large assortment of nanus "Rfflr Wank and l'ass Books, Wall Paper, lilauk and l nit nrtii-lfk usually kept in a i riming i "i i -. w iih Publishers aresnch.tnat we receive aU the NEW WOUKS of popular authors as soon as publisbed. . - $ V ' Our prices are as low as any other Booksellers in the State. - X , 'n i J,...Jl,.T c ' Tm a WADE & GU.NSKLS. I " r ' . ! FRESH; j ARRIVALS, W. III.- Hi GllEGOhY (At J. Is now Y.. liryce & Cos' Old Slanil, VharloUflX. C.) receiving anotner suppij mi km.j-', suitable to the season- In addition to a general Stock1 of EATABLES, he 1..... aisciirtmrDl' fvf ' Drinkables, Sucb ha Superior lliun; Brnudy, Whiskey, Wines, &.C., all of tbeiest brands, and at moderate prices If you want something good to eat or drink, give Dcaili;"isk, r! t w-f iiJgregoiiv. '! ' 1 ': ' I 1 f - WHOLESALE JlND RETAIL. Witlkowsky & Rintels Ilsve now.in store one of the largest Stocks of Goods ever brought to this market. j ! They keep'a full assortment of all kinds of Goods, and will sell at remarkably low fates.! , J - rmintrv Merchants! and wholcsald buyers ceneraUr. as well as retail purchasers, are . rlrtMiuest- .1 tn examine tn macnmcciu s,iuwn. ui Millinery and Dress-mairing. -nurate departroent 1 devoted to Millinery and DreKs-nuiking. whcrel the Ladiei can have wrk done .promptly and in the latest Ptylep. . " j. WITIKUbM k ivuir.iiO, Oct. 0, 1SG8. Between the two Drug Stores. 7. . TTAT.TT.S. : : Watchmaker. Cg and ; Jeweler, If vour Watch" needs llcpairing, Don't get mad and go, tolswcsiring; n-t Like it into" II ALE3' shop, - He will fix it io it will not ptop. j lie warrants his work nl for a year, When it is used with proper care. j lie will do it as low as it can be done, And do it so well it's sue to run. i Jannary 1, 1.8i9 y .. : . j- - 1 1 . Attachment jNotice. J. zti, f Xorlh Carolina, Lincoln County. ToseTh M. Stevens, James Vregram, Thomas L . .josepn.'.'- ,V .tmpsl. liovce. David Moore, ts. .ioihi ' Vlfr.l .1 iomM Ttjinnistcr. Sarah A. hlford, The defendants above named are notified that j warrant of Attachment has been obtained a gain warrni" - . .. . .. . an The fconiDlainfc them by the P'"V- - ,w Ut dav ot? w' filed and juraniniis riuim "v , t February, 18C9, and ucraanusjuugu.. v f--:-. w.- ...... i. ' i . : : ! ! I The defendants are notified jto appear on, the 1st of Februry18Ga, .0 pn,wer .no -av Clerk of Superior Court of Linctln county January, 1Q'9 4 w r. Attachment I Notice. cv,w, r f .Vhrri CaroliuaJ Lincoln County. . J t - " 1 . i Tallies W. Pcirram. V9 John W. J. M. Citrti.-? . - - r.-c - n-...l.- Inrnes lMUoVCe. David U. 11 Haw thorn,, Jasi. T? or Sarah A. ElfbrdJ Executrix. ' The defendants above' named aro. notified that a warrant of Attachment has been obtained againsj . x .x. i..;4.iTa in thicrtse. The complaint returnable on the st day of Febmarr, 18i!, and dcroands;udgment on, an award .i . .. r ei .! I ' ! ! 1 ! 1 'I The defendants arc notitieti to appear u, ,uc February, 1809, --cr tCpTSnERmLt Clerk 'of Superior Court of Lincoln CountjJ ; January 4, 1809 ! 4w I 1 , pr. adirJO ; ' ' ' j ' -''" T : M J J - GET 1 THE I BEST ! THE YEHY ZEST7SXUFF XOV JJi I : ' is & CELEBRA TED Manufactured in Baltimore; Hd Don'4 fZ irJ ('r yfu ici n t&c it. I i t FOR ;SAtE IN ClIARLOTTE BY , Stcnhou, ilacjkulay & Co., M D L Moody, - ! il lllrl.T. - iaroB10Tjd & McMughlin, Carson A drier, -..V - - i' - -DuU & Hilker, -if-- - I i- ; JDr J N Blrlt. Jlaltcax fGrJ, .- i - ' Dill Eigler. , rm;er ; i Scarleit.,Co. r 1 1 DrJ IIMcAdeg, S Grose & Cp., j. O T T E , N.. C, T UESDAY, Life Lengthened. 1 r-.-r- 1. Cultivate an coual temper: manys a man - 't I. 'II ! - has fallen dead in a fit of passion j f ; i dftv. and nothing! between nieals. j! 1 ' " I 3. Goto: bed at regular hours. Get upas soon as you wake of yourself, and do not sleep in the daytime, at least not longer than teri minutes before noon. . 1,1.1 . ., 4. ""Work always by the day, and not Dy tne job. . j k v;; ii-iikir-- 5. Stop working before you are -laggeu uuv. , C. Cultivate a generous and an accmniodatiDg temper ; , ; . . - I..;...-;' . 7. liever eat wnen you are not uuuij, v .1 i-in It urliti Vftll r DOt thirStV. i ' ! UUU. v j-mm 7 J J - . . 1 i- , -i a i T 8. .Never cross a Dnage Deioreyoucure . t.;!w;il va Imirt.fiA trouble of lile. ilLJI via T a DM W w- w i; . - ! t).; Let your appetite 1 alway3 come uiauvited. Il 0 Hholoffina nkee ereatlv warmer than the one in which you have, been exercising? this simple rule wouiu prevent caicuiauiu eitauwa ! v f' 1 - 'Li' 'I - - t savc.milliuns oi lives a year.) 11. Never resist a call of nature for :..t.ff I ;" t . '. .! : (Sit: -I ! - a single 112. Never allow yourselfto be chilled 'througn arid through;" it is this which destroys so many, every year, iu a few days' sickness, from pneu monia, called by some luug fever, j'r inflamatipn of the lungs. . ( -: ' "I". 'J; . yi 13. Whoever drinks-no liquids at lis meals will add years of pleasurable existence1 to his life. Ofcold orjwarm drinks ij the former lire most pernicious; drinking at meals induces persons to. eat more than they otherwise would, as any one can verify by experiment, and it is excess of cat in" which 'devastates the land with sickness, suf for ing and! death: , ji) , j - L , i 14. After fifty years of age, if not a day labor er, and Isedentary persons alter forty, should eat but twice a day in the morning and about lour : in' the "afternoon; persons: can soon jaceixstoni themselves to seven hours interval dcy ecu caw ing, thus giviiig the stomach rest; for every or jmn without adequate test must give out pre maturely. ! i J ;i J . . i 15. Uegin early to live, under the benign m flpnf.Anf ilifi (niristian relidon, for ii 'has the promise of Jile that now is, and of that which is to come."-! Halts Journal of Health. , Notice. The Notes due T. Jlj Brem & Co., and Brem & Steele: also the Notes! and Accounts une Stilt & Co. j and Brown, iats to., are m oui i We are authorised .to make a liberal compromise with the debtors of these firms, and ask that all per sons indebted to them will call and see us in regard to a settlement. I i' M -'''ji. .,, i niTRWKLL A GRIEIt. Attorneys,' Jan. 18, 18CJ: 2w t ! Ufficeinunnui : : - , 1 ' . i - - ; I Sale of Real Estate. -tLl... ir.th lnv nf Februarv. 18C9, .by ...- - f ti,o Simnof Court of JlocKien- V,rr.imfv. I waiscll at the Court House door in I Charlotte; to the highest bidder, at public auction, that valuable tract 01 winu iuicij, Kvallace, ' deceased, containing 330 acres, on the waters of McMichael Creek; adjoining the lands of John Walker, M. 15. Wallace and others, j TprmsJ nine months credit; Douu auu acu.c- security required, j.. T! - A. . OSBORNE, 1 Jan 11, 1869 4w Clerk Superior Court. Rain of 1 Heal Estate. ! "oi, iK;;a v.-' Tirtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenbnrg county, I will sell at the late residence of Laban Little, dec d, oth,e high est bidder, at public fuction, the following realty, . it Uf T.ahan Little, deceased, VIZ I AQC I1UU1C x i a v. v containing 14 acres, Situated in Mecklenburg conn- . - -ii . n . n ho n-nfprft OI. soven uiina iikjm .... ' -too llocky Uiver and Camb;rcelc, coniaininS each.. " . - i ... Terms, nine months credit; Dona auu ; security required. E- A. .OSBORNE, Clerk Suppior Court. Jan 11, 18G9 4w State of North Carolina, Lineolnj county. Superior Court Fall Term, 18bb. JohnBarnhill vs.?Jho. W. Grady, Jamcf r. Aoyce David O. Hawthorn and James dmbi-., ine Partners of Grady. JJannisier v.o. . . . j : ( - iHnelltnnnt. ' f- I . In this case it appearing tothe satisfaction of the Court that the rtctcnaatus, ju ... wi, f P. liovce, David O Hawthorn ana james absent themselves from; this State so tnax iiie oru nary iifwtvia i ....w. . , motionj it is ordered that publication be -made, onccj , iirvta in Hie Western nrkvfinnn tw servea upon iuciu, aweeK lor six " ft' T- Unu Democrat, a newspaper puDiisaeu .:m." "J next Superior. Court; to; be held at the Court House .!.. owl rtnfenrtfintB SHOW .cause Hi uio, T 1 .....nlilt ln r Tl I I v n IX .1111 ilAla V a-fcx - 1 day in !March, ltJOlVwnyjuagraeni . t A J iprrti a-'aiiio- lAax, - , j. red ainst them for tUQ satisiaction oi iui AVUnP. S. P. ShCrnll, Cierxoi our itu fiir. in Liaeolnton, th-8th 3 P. SIIEPkRlLL, ClerKV.Crei State of. North; Carolina, Lin corns :- I - I j Superior Court Fall. Term J. M. Smith ts. Thos ;: ; Thos, Robison atisfaction of the Court that f?B;'";S?f that publication rn lA . -"ti Attachment Tt nn&arine.to toe 8 he defendant- T; JL Robis . . . r . - a : x-a, I 1 hot defendant to appear at the nM! :VurV li VAtorn Democrat, Sor PiX vvceia, uV'"Jl"6 f- to be held at rns l oan uouc ..vw.-.r, T - -4 Monday after tbo Sd Monday in .Maif h; next and jn. ;u.1m,nt Will replevy and answer tne compiaiiH . J,-'y..-v DR. .; ! "I Siirgoon Dentist. f Office or VJs year jU liesidene. r j.f 1 Tatients in the City oronntry waitedon erf riiideacew Orderaient him through the 1'ost, Office ,k!"1Sv, attended to. So extra charge on acccunt of distance 4 . Jan II, itfwi '-Bernbvail; of" Drug StjoreCf KILGORE & CCEETON S Dmg Store has been iSSlW Granite Row t9 e Corner orc m . , .-i i: f.ma, vr: lined otaA. tsinciair. tlTand general assort. jacntof i v ' .;; "i. -- -'-i-.Jlv. -rpiit ni;;- rAYTiinftls. Paints, Oils, &c Whici wlll b ildt wholesale or et on reason. uM-erchantsa red aH VTWon prepared ..curat. JANUARY - , . , , - " How Girls sliould'be. Educated; lrtrA ivltUwLr.- AYtipit 1 from -Dr. Bvford's Philosophy of Domestic Life," is worthy of the leonsideration of all parents: - " 1 j ) jof all parents : 'The education 1 of " the women should fbel ' H.rT . - V , vA rtViiWnW r , k , 1 r -h .,ntr rxf Anmr. of . the home ctrclend the tic afiairs. Her education ?X not be whollylnegleted; incV ness education she has tHtoore SWy-TO she be prepared to eonduci tho .relations, of hi family tothebommity.1 But, I th more exalted her domestic virtues. x may pot be understood, in that expresswn.. Lao not mean by domestic .virtues .mereiy ,Luwv wifery, but al the intelligence, goodness of heart. u"t - r P ". ' , .ti.i -cntleness, .rat.hfulness, patience, and loeable-1 'tjtlenesSj.tr 'tos. lh.-it enc ness; that endear her to : themiiy, an d; sanctity iioV ;nflnonPilimnri?th6 -htisband ahc ana pniiartH. . i QKn cTriill Hnnpd ostwciallv with tenderness and unselfishness. Her home duties should be paramount iuall her education; and should be ua o ,.nnttr n nncUilo in her nature. I I i Unfortunately, the education, or rather tcachj ings, of the ' females of our times : ignores the domestic qualities of her nature -almost wholly) ic n bA nUnwpil tff know anvthing about business; her! whole infancy, childhood and ancy, childhood and ith social acquire-. 1 aaolescence are ,iaK.eu - up m nnto TboUronnmlishmentS ts are the. onlv es- Mrta'Af bpr education i as demanded oy demanded hy earns to snow societv as now constituted" fche learns to snow p herself off to the tnta?e1 thing oi ner uupor.nuu. . .vr p--?irTr young lady and to some Extent the. matron;io oooa socieru. are taujiui, w o virr.r j useful occupations! : 'several seasons has failed HiiTh is fact cannoVbe r'rom tne time UUJ"7 ,r"r . . ; : --i k. ir iaibWlppto.il .in 1 bngtit ornamcutiiic u"b,f o" , , . 1 . - -l n 1 : UiilAfU.-M. mkA hot vain. I sucn apparei -as. i pfp?",T T t ,T V i She soon learns to esteem ! her personal 1 beauty as the means of secuing the desirable objects j. nave meniioneu. cyaiiuwiiu.wuv..ry r to shun everything menial, or, in other words ..Af., fm. if is s Kinorn nr lact tnat tue ujeuiAi- cnfnl 5irts of 1 life -as. if not beneath hir at least irksome. ; She learns to rega rlntina with contemnt. i. -" Very many young laaies ;ieci uumuivu u. 0. ,!.r - , 0 i 1 " the Jutchenl ana apologize , Jor. the ..uucom y POSIl-itfii; I'iU-tCVi, J- ill V "V" , . 1 . f V 7 . . - . . ... .t. l.,:.of T.if hr I nJtA T li.nrfl h'Mtrrl tiipm iioaSL oi nut 1 knnivinir now. to oreparu iuvj y amvo" t"". .r A' ; rri, AkoiU np.nfi tne most.iaujuiivi iv ll- "rr " If nniloratood that- they, were V,M,1 Inrlifts.- arid brought up m idleness or leisure. ' T Ttiw Tvmiv AV Ait. General Sherman I tele St Tenuis, that a letter froin Sheri- dan representing the destruction of the Caman-cha-Villaae! on Christmas day, as breaking the back-bone of the Indians. Eight Chiets pame t ..,vl V.o-ino- fnr ineace and permission! tor the people to come in, asking no terms beyond a paper protecting them from the troops while coining. They report the people starving a 1 their dogs! are eaten as no buffaloes can be found. iSS- Fifteen jrold miners from England passed through Richmond last Friday tor inanoue, . G.llvchivac. rAn ins ( exneked bridosrbUat'an appointed wed, ding cWmony in IndianapolU,; instead ot put- ting m a pe-yonal appearance sc ting in a personal appearance, s.iv'mH "that! he was: only; iu fu see how the lady would take a joke. ,ee hoV the lady woutd ta a jote A Detroit paper tens us nw y- "-7 ir deserted a woman lie wa engaged to, to marryjan ehtird6tranger, Carbline!Fish, withwh r i fi. ciobf Charles i evidently had other !Fish to Fry. i ; J It is cstio.ated. that not -"-eighth ofthe i 1 - : i - -a pie of the United'Statcs attend public ; worship on c uuday Important to the Public. PTOHARDS & CO ("1IOUSK OF ALL NATIONS," ' (Charlotte, X. C, one door from Democrat OJice,) Offer , their-whole and extensive Cloth hffj - Hats 'Boots, Shoes, wonons, i aiuy; ;f- Family Groceries, -Confectioneries, Hardware, trt a- tiory, &c., &c., at Cost, i J - ! HOUSE OF A LL . ; N A A 1 ujn p, to -.wnoicsaie-aiuM i-ofniiinnrchaBcrB. offers their whole and well seiecteu "JSSigor "le.h.irWoI, stocluo retail buyers at wholesale lrief 'J j J- J Jan .18, 18G9. davofjanalm i8;i -certincaxes :oiomu . ' . -m 'A i j r"F am 4- eVtifica.es of Deposit-issued from; one oitwee W5ww-Mr - -A . . . 4 .L i n....n nt.Md tiwii -ttAifi ns DerBErec . went .Deposit84 intjtny aniouni, recenwjaWjv if SO SKi'Siffht, at the ,1 -i &i r flf J -fc?. I S-CtTrBX2fiiOP- CHARLOTTE. ; 18,r :,-V ;; :V, , v Mutilated ' Currency. De faced ndlohinplaster -short hi ind Cum halves and Quarters incluaed,;' Bationai! iian. v,urr-rj Greenbacks,; -boughtata y ery mod atthe, 4 UM.1: . li - , . Specie r ..i- ' . . f...,T i i i.i n .! nns emu niariu Mold ana &i ' vfr o".--1'- t i :.iT ndmonerJoane.ron tnesame; . ihe highest mar .ta nli1 Trtr Oia IMint suont-v, atltheH-'- cixr iusk:;of riiaelotte. . f Jan ?8,n869.j 6 a" Draft for any amount drawn directly on the prra ?n tir fnllowinir countries t Denmark, CH cVits 10 l" V-1 xCltn" Orient Braiil :.qipr1'n? Norwav. Italv,.?pain, tne uneni, irazii, r.ftfW.Wentine Republic, ath- rr: , i PiTV UAN'rT OF CirARLOTTK. Jan8, 18C0. Iriipbrtant Drug j loticg . I take pleasure iu nunuu-v..- well as thafriends and conaectiona of F-1I. Glover, of Charlotte, aud adjacent; counties, that I haveper i -.rVaRt Af the Charleston College of Pharmacy: rT,t1 enured tlie porvicet oi air .A 1 .... . . . 1 ...r.. i .AmiiAtKitt and exoenencedi Dm? Ssti lurving been connected with . that business m So City of Charleston, and elsewhere, for a, period ornearlyLtevyetrs. li - i4M i i Hrr GloTcr's room bemg over; tbe tor, presenp tioSe had at all hours ofhe Kgsf delay to the customers f : nfj ; OTT. ? --: Corner Trade and College iarlottrN. C, Streets- . V.,- . 26, Tmproyed ! Wheats GultnreJ There is no sufficient reason why the cultivable by; an jOLDc PARMER lilUU U i v, .1 j- . - I i ' a -e . ' i !n B vwvin a I ,an1 ot AmerKSa, wnicn ouce yiciu crops, ot ane wneat, snomu uuv un i'--;Ar; heavy I yields ot grkin ;as is 1 grown in the O d WorH. Our climate is well adapted to the pro- duction of Iwhiat the seasons are feminently favorable j and !the soil; wherever it has not been . . I , Unlaid ilsvstem of manage- irram. f 6 f f V ! ! I . Thn nrrvlnr-tton of a cronof fine wheat on most , g 6f n depend almost entirely on the ahm . it of the tiller-of. thcsoil. With, baa management, auuu o n , .ij.ij. rJive J the culture of this cereal wUlacarcelr;rJlirn thexrWnse incurred in put- .-j . . --i bWAsttno-the croo.T ! I Among other causes for the ;: alarming decline j in the wheat acreage, the imperfection of 8eoa- B . .-w .. - O ' , jrraiii may - be mentions ;ionea. it nas wuu uuunyw i 11 IX I a.A a A1ITA1 1 v ie tne J,d has SOOn jdegenerated to such .. : f.- 1 i - .tllfti ;PT1fitv of the lanre and u Mu Wn. h rficomzed after a Ui;: ; f he best sort have -been allowed K j ii- ;vliVW!i niana?crncnt. until X :ri ' rvu bvA .Wn allowed , jnprnfcc Uv iniudiciousj management, until e IbSlief hasiecome prevabnUhat whmttst nece$sinly degenerate pecausu c,y variewliich flnd which was cumvatea witn uuea . debMi Theqxceiient) ireaawen wuw, mv ; A .t .-L- Lii:.TtrAi.0 I lamed tisou e3 wneat tne prouuu . .1 , T J .f u t.l -..1 oW rvthor 1 in lumen vrsouies wueat. tuc " x.v tliftlnli lle-d-chaff bald, whiatt and many other varieties that were once highly esteemed- as the VariCtlCS liiat were uliv "'g"1; v-v. most desirable kinds of grain that could : j MJfn1 caretul tivated, have wolully dcterwratea. , 1 Tl.; niJsfhifcf can be 1 removed by a ..o.,.,-i' " tbArinrr sned-DTain. 1 The -laii Weil l mi ni,i;iii 1 ii ctx - n valuable varieties must'be kept .u; bixst sf Ipaeh field trathefed for LUi thfi ftillowiiiff ! vearil IThe choice varieties rn'i ofiginited in tins way ana tuey niuaiu ,kjmilar emh : ! S i 7 L ! i i i r. 4 i. 1 iK JM larniers ros u. w i-v- ;r farmei WWirift rfiaracter ot the soil, me iretiuicuv . r . S r" iT .i. . i J i it;, i A xv. k,.J plea is, "My fiou is no aaaptea w uic iuuuvu nf ilii kind off irram. wnetner.ine-seeu m fv" ih autumn or m mc fprng. i o ,v. tends that itfwiU he of no avail to ;attcmpt to raise! fwheat fivHhoutl a calcareous clay: soil. Another must have a'n 'aTpllaeeous ; eoil.. ;And still another, trho prbpef Aanagfe ner acfre, has ho confidence in any eftprts: to pro "V"fj 't" "r"'-i"" r ! r .- . ..... .. p otherjeonsidekts a tivinta inn sf n i is mil, an iu duuuiu wheat unfavorably., one! o namely, the I prevalence wheatj-plants are togrpwi: iTL j T .IfbA of weeds, . where! die flrowin?? wheat-plants carniot cope iith hairdjiand noxious ceds of t nd. Gfras wliep; o .WLja - Lfc. tho .CiSi & leavk androoft extend. . Every other plant Ihafc' sepds out its roots anc S j Inehes 1 near i the wheat-pian Vis a irmiua cupu UU obtain a foothold! The; thousand mouths, fhat filA Wmts send out will subsist on any coarse. and - r?iw material that may be found in I "n 1 - 4 . . i 1 ' i. i i-. 1. : . i.nnfn inr S' dainiy Si f ts fastidious'roots search 'for. the 't.ncv.tinrin lirf ! nirrofrAnotis matter. paVtielos, rid silicate of potash that exist, m very limi rtiTftririt es. in most kinds of land. ,lf tknoA nnt. n:hfi found i the root! ;t3 will nf t tTio'irinnhiilnm frotn the oarsc inaterial uA niflwrn th rtentuckv blue-crass are both such gross folders thitt their roots will plough. T,.?;7! . it,Tl., wnicnj is e" ."r" V"" J the wheaplant must: have its nourishment pro- vided in proper abunaanceanaTn me raaciwu- . ' Jpr1 u 'iforaotsJr There IS not. SO inuchjdependlni ejW of .he foil as - l upon e inanagen,eu 7- ; dominhtes inlthe soil f A!heayy clay soil is bet i irboofjflum ft litrWt sandv loam J or .a mucky soil.! Wheats requires ja liberal -proportion ot f IJ aiUUlinOUS UlillCry ; i 11CU, u . - reduiruiuuiitsEi- .uc .ivn'n r-- j - 1 1 1 tttj 1:45. r.r-RMii anchor . pe suppueu win wiu:wuaiuii. V " ' of silicate c4 potash in the soil, the stems of grow- l IVII iivv:- .-- r - A I ' J i . i 1 I l. J: L 4, nrlAW irijr'Wbcat. w Hbe coyereq . wiina vrigui., gia film Ihirh 4rill not 'only ! stiffen the1 straw; but 'will fortify tfe grain against the pernicious ejects 1 ! of wet and niiidew r ... ' v.. . i 1 f I Thd ouest oil, th i,n buj recurs, how m3y a: tiller nr a eood crop ot this f The first itnportasit step win, pc .?.- t s t- j I i ,i J - r- lmaimadft anmlcl .- .. -ii , A 1 ACTA T r 1 I provision -foil the dxtoxWgc.pt wmo Bcw,.iun o. v f Li." i...Kt ra trn hpr country; wni e iu fl.A land is the land is cultivate jfrora year to year, the soil is iuitb too wet: fJr tWheaVvi Anotner f requusive of prime xmportank ii the improvement of the see 1 The farmed jrfttruBtrt W.,never raise gobd'efpp of khls of any Other cereal, until the seed has been fsayedwit!i:! great care, from - ;year,!fbr nkny.iuccessxr?. sea&dna, jasfc aa b"7l - -.1, ,i;;-.nAf .mrn . With, ttie im- tpcave the Iced of Indian-corn. , With the im ptfi-fect tjultiyation that OTr.jwhea now receives, if t.ho. sftpd 'wera ininroved asseecUwheit way be; fnr a few successive seasons. Fthe! wxieat crop : wduld 1 be- increased , full t on - Anotner consiueraiivu ia, iui .1- ! . .1. : Qnn.a I inlI nf-l TJikfi will iloririh luKurlantlv. tiud frhctifv ture ana nrenaratienoi iw .i SEVENTEENTH VOLCHEB Oil 0 E R 855 bountifully, where the plant-food its rougn the culture of the soil rud. But . abundant crops of wheat cannot be grown unucr cumstancci. AVheat, n.,?Tr .1 v nw.mMcivA agriculture, P wt1.nt.anlt ;s a delicate and dainty feeder; .th . roota j0t leea on coarwj uwuu.r ' rouUJ WUI.IIUV. , ' , . , a : 1 that ri riron Cre - the hne ana deiicaic papuiuui r- - f , d by tL growth and decay of the roots nd - J f tdlover. The whcat-plant must U 6 r Lth siich fertilizing matenaU 1 f ,ar JL headsand plump kernelsof gtain, i?rJ'f will not make craini Th.e wheat- after aheakv cronof red cloverhasbecn plougnea n roknftficr a heavy dressing oi j ncu 'ardUnanurchas been appliedand acrop j r.A:anln nved.1 The barn-yard manure i I I1IU k - r mdst be iucu as is nirui; uy v--r, j 1fcfl.il ,vn4iin. finch manure wilt yield a rincral crain, producing materia such . .iT Km slants must have, of tore - an(H)lump heads of graui can be developed. optir,g a sjgtem of mixed fiusuanury r a a 1 nTixi minn feedino - out . 1 , M(1 tl I. TT1 f 71 I M f 1. knMA rrrnin and Oll-mCal, ISO SS to make r ch manuro-by proper cuiuvauun i .7tJ: .n1 fniWIpmt be TOUT f Oil. Ve 01 ght to blame the culture not . 1 An TTnforttinatfl MlSULKQ. .. rU . . .llJ4k -i.. -Wlac recentlr t iu Chicag0J placed :n r00y go hich up that water Doiiea incro ot HC; and although it i was destitute of i- iia i11nr t of a comlortaDW Dearooni, nJt Q fc wa, sent there, M it cniblcd tue following story, tola oy ono mill to near mc viv l.xr. j 'n!..,nhni in n uriininintr ruuui " i . , n, ' - Yoti wore misinformed!; .1 k - " : ax No,. , r ftn j ja ; the oddest w. - J was not ih the leastHo blame, upon my word snd honor, Ulouga neither the girl nor her fatheir, the "u ' n, .Vpr foryavte me. deacon, ever ucuwt v. - -0 , . . w.tu,n mnvnM. When bi lfrtin canvass, when It was d Liucoln i '.. ran tue urst uuio. imnH i' - i .r - rrnli,iriii F. tin honcst' souV wiis in religion, nod. jne ii. lit;e l.iucolu mau 1 never, wna i ceitior nr. renoiou iu v- it f i ..... 1.4V. lint ln blf . .v. :!i UV1I ihf.n waslolen r-Jiwl . 1p 5o. v illago church where ho i t ncvcr thouKht auytning aoou.,iu umi i i . j ' unA .ftmnon. oflcred wo a uuaiuq uiuw . , 4. i h f ft ,, Q iuto town, some aevuiaa thought , o hcad thafc u voul heJp m aG llong jf T-nmchcd into church with a j ahonldcr. secinz that the deacon aud making a grfat t. naLw. A went hv the church Win- UOWS 1 CUUIlW gi'V ------ r - other Dctnneis, auu a was 'tv " . L .TU houseful of mn and woihen were all quiet and tne oia ucacon wa. in tho ilUr sayio , somcth bg . 1 . v ,.1 . r . .4. ,0T r th m .;. w and whooping: "UcoraTf ; :V!"".ar?1f,ott.T.T. . ..S XnVor CmV. XUThWonl. llMtirf to "'SftCo u n,y li(b John; I never -folt ao much like takins a Walki ,aik UMyou know, 3 Itood up th?ro before thatcgrega. . a .. of j, foLBOnid. .,. ,. x i.tV.-. :i .. aa T had L.' iMt oufc wIthlt myself. I threw ii down Zy k- H u. ...k . '.1 .t,.; ' . ! uf U1, I rrTr i Ashamod to toil, art thou: Aenamca f rllnW wnrLahon and dustv labor-field; of." thv; harl hands, scarred with service mor hotw . . ' . r it. . ...nl.T ii. I orable than those crwarj oiniy , aw.. ...v . 1 . - . 1.1. .1. I.Aa weathertaioeu prmenwf on wi iu i-tuiu i . ' 'it j .:.t 1 ic.i!nif riTn mm firft and J eniDroioeruu, uuuu "". , ; Eteam, her own heraldic, honorsf Ashamed of , the whiins and.triflci, nnt cnywus of tnenaunt ing robls of imbecile idleness and vanity ? H js treasdn to Nature; it is iotpiety to heaven; is breaking God's great ordinance! . Twlj I toj peat it-hloil cither of the lrain of the heart, or; of the head, is the ; only trueK Dfflnnodd-rthfl , -only trite nobiVity. AVe?. O. Dtwy. ; J i , . 1 , BST American hrcTarms are xn grgir ucuuu rond i v. f . i . i & A i..nniaprnnni . Tf iarnrinrtiHl thai one. iDanufacturiQC firm ha i just delivered 40,000 repeating riflca to : the Dai ish govcinmcnt and ,30,000 to l&e.bwe-,. - nnn uan : ,71 I U-isft; lia di.sn: Having sui a wuuayr -..-.-.- , ' I - ic same sort to the Greeks. 0 rifles to inst tho in contracted t ,nuk( ie llussians Gamdlkr $Wtlr:k n amed Woman, ajred lorty-uye ypn, , nujv.iii'fc j -r " . .7" i residing at the corner 6f tf ixty-scyenth stf cct and ut-hi . r IJ LU VVftJ v- x x x- . UAO latwchca tplicrtbTcIlingshc having bung. her self wit-h a ropc. : The body was taken aown ana coroneif. .7 i i t a J- - i,.wi nrrnstomed to irambhncrata neignoor- ing pol?ey shop, and it is saMl that he reason. tor her com milling sen-ueaiutiiuu , had re3entlyrlo-hcaviIy while ff "d: L feared the consequences that wduld. beIikcly to , foUdw When he,r, husband had been apprized of her singular ejnilatlon--JV5tg lork llir. Uovr to.- Writ 'V ;BucESsrt4rJ-K-1 pater Abticx,e. In a-rMperon hjes for Ocaaional (ntributort,0 published tho "Round Table," the author wys: Tho ;gmt secret bf successful newspaper writing consists largely Tin .the mastery of tho difficult arti of bcghxPg and leaving off 3 excel, yoa mmrt , J:-i-. ,rn .t-P a Tilnuire bath ia winterr-jump in; all over instantly, kind.. out .Jn Ud off. without wasting a sentenca or a physician Bumtnoned, but lite was entirely tinct,aud thofact ofhef dcathwasnotjfi(.toiho . ' 'i ' n'L- j.M.t va ATiAtira of German v. ' U c c f -r J . good feed. K&RE tGURETON. Jan IP,' 1 ; J. STE-GALL. W Richard & .Co; j Cl.rlnttc. X- 'fi, IPS " ...j January 4. lFr,f k If -1 , , - j ' i M ATT n EM'S. Jb.

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