i WIT J YATGSf Editor and Proprietor. ' ) - . eS.titmTnm Doxaa, in adTanee. T H E-J AVestern Democrat YATES, Editor and Proprietor. WILLIAM -j- Tcrv Three I ; Dollars per annum in adrance. I ' I 0 ' J t will be inserted, at reasonable ! a? jjimitttil 1 ; accordance with contract. i Obituary ajtiees of orer uTeMinc. in length will v. -.r,rreI for auTernsiug v. - c? T?nbert Gibbon, M. D.t r j.nsiCIAN AND SURGEON, Trvon Street. CJiarhtte, Lr. . n - i A unih aI,1 Rt. TlanV Usee formerly N m. v .i : i . y . J. P. McCombs, M. D.f i,;. Tr.fVsinn.l services to the citizens of riirldttf ul surrounding country. : All call, both . n.l ilar. r.ria niDtlr attended to. : ;. o5ee in Brown's building, up stairs, opposite the Cbarlone lioteu i 7 A; W. ALEXANDER, I Surgeon ,Dentist, ... i ' CHARLOTTE, A. C. In L Me BraurUy Building, opposite the CkarlotU 1 ' . - j .) , ' ( - pCan he consulted on Tuesdays, . Wednesdays, March -lo lSO&i '' r' Dr. JOHN H, McADEN, ' Wholesale ! and I Retail Druggist, W cn hand a large and wvll f elected stock of rDRE T,rLG Chemicals. 1'atcnt Medicine?, Family Medi ,;.c Oil. Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and - . .:,t. -wKVrlj h ia deteriuineU to sen ai lue JViift-l'"1"'' " . . ,er Vrsl prices." Maj 20. 137. T dentistry! " l" ' 1 " - ck & Bland, Haw ,Vn,e ta ro:partrer,hip . tender .. - f m ta 0 .,. and either of hem f !.v;r rrVidences when called. i uMurr:iv. Davis & Co'b Store, Dryce s ; WM- SHIPP, i ATT-OUN E' a X L A TV 1 Hhfirlotte. N. C OrncE iv Dewev'." IUxk r i Kcv.9, 1SS , BtitDixa. The Corner House, ( l'p f burs' i: Springs Building ;) F now open for the accommodation of transient and permanent 15 jarJcrs. The undersigned have had Hotel, and threfirc feel :uisned that they can pive ati?fction. , Tfr::.s w derate. X. L. KITCli & liuu. rhV.r!. tte. Jajt. iJrv. 100.. , New Firm and NEWn GOODS . Tie uiulerj.ened having formed a Partnership uicr tte st vie. of s J. S. PUIIal-IPS & CO. r.r ih n.imoje of conducting the j .llcrchant Tailoring' R?.nts .Furnishina: Goods Business, WouM respectfully inform their friends and I the pulj .. .L r nnnr recelTinZ tneir SIOCK it est: 7 :: c., i i- Knwlikh and American i!loth Cassimcres & VcftlinfiTSt 1 n gTeat variety of. makes and colors. TuVnishine Goods . . r . .iTnairv. Merino Under wear. Tie oi an mus, . VTRoT i . t.:i.. . PataKlislitnent. all oi I xns Aicrcuant , rBiea i ci t ivh.t.vv e i pive Miisfaction. ; . .nccil attention will be given io the T WI ORIXG di:pautmknt, L , . '. j i.i m-ill be made up in the very best RJJ i ll g'7ivrj .n i . fit fruarantecu. r, , 1V, . - --- c . .... 1. 1 t TlUHV" o tic ade at wholesale miii At a ' l kinii.4. kn'i vuu tanuy on buu'i, "v , it ' - .prtTivr. AND REPAIRINO Of all ainas, rtly attended lo and satisfaction given, pwropuy - nrsent occupied by Wewti occupy inci-.w r-- " irnl1.p ''ocTtOS. JAS..H.OBB. J.v llb We re no in. Ihe Store next lo the r..n;.l.inir Goods. J. S. PHILLII h tu. lie in v i 0 & o Watch and Clock jMiksr, ASD PEAtER IJt JSWELRY, FIXE WATCHES, CLOCKS, Watch Materials, Spectacles, Aug 10, 1SG7. CHARLOTTE, QU E R Y I? rcccivine. daily, his Fall Stock of Jlillhiery, -Triiiiniiiis, &c. &c, VTLich he aks the Ladies and the public generally, to can ami examine. i ! . ' ! ' - fcaT MRS. QUEIIY is prepared to serve her lnenus witu ine ! . -LATEST STYLES . irj Bonnets, Hats, Dress making, &c. oct 5, 18G3. " ; ! 1 MATTHEWS' HOUSE- (Formerly Klrrs Hotel, Charlotte, ff. (7.) . This well known House is now under the control and management of ia unacrsiirneu. -wno souch a mure ui libtic- i- urouarc The House has recently been S rSACTICAt -thoroughly repaired and refurnished, jtnd no exer Aion will be snared to make patrons corofartaAile. I THE -TABLE will be furnished with the best the coarket affords. Refreshments of all sorts can always be found at the Bar. THE STABLES attached to this House will be found sufficient to accommodate the - Horses of our .Country friends who may prefer a safe place and oodfeed. W. M j MATTHEWS, Jr., J- L. ST E AG ALL. ' yCLsrlotte X- 10t 108 - ;SmpJ I - - 11 1 - - ' - w i i Newspaper Pttffo' That tww of nraise to haaetivM from Di?i j-- - j- , . - j has become a mere emptyfculogy, 1 obtainable by any wnose preauiuptiuy prumpu mm lo expeci itT or whose brass may" induce Jhim to ask l for it Viir(niTur minAnnri)IfiA xpVi pn t.hpv ihrmlrl 1 V T B m W.M f vmmwj ....w.-w censure, that a critical public pays no attention ... ftief;. T,KmAnfH hrA nn tin. worthy subject, j ;! '. -.'j j. .. '.-I -'-'j 'Sale I of Real ! Estate. ;f Hn Mnnrfa lb 1.1th dr of Febmarr. 1869. by i-itA nf . Hwr nf th Kunprior Court of Mecklen burg county, I will sell at the Court House door in Charlotte, to the highest bidder; at public auction, that yaluable tract of Land lately owned by James B. Wallace, deceased, 'containing 330 acres, on the waters of VIcMichael Creek, adjoining tne Unas 01 John Walker,.MJ B. Wallace and others. . I Terms, nine months credit;; bond and approved security required. 'i t . j Jan 11, 1869 ! ' 4w Clerk Superior Court- Salo of Real 1 Estate.! I I n vv..r nth T869. br virtu of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, I will sell at the late residence or iaDan xaiue, aec a, uigu est bidder, at public auction, the following j realty, viz: The Home Tract of said Laban Little, deceased, containing 164 acres, situated in Mecklenburg couh- tv: also two small traets situated in eianij cwumjr, seven miles from said nome xraci, on me wi v Rocky River and Camb Creek, containing m acres each. : l M "! M. J :-J ": Terms, nine months credit; bond and approved security required, j jf . !" Jan 11, 18C9 j 4w Clerk Superior Court. Removal of Drug- Store. . j KILGORE k CURETON'S Drug Store has been ,wi r-nm r.rmlio Tlnw to the Corner Store in ICUUIW -- - - . Springs' Building, formerly occupied by A. Sinclair. ..They have in store a large ana generw i .- mint of ' 1 It " Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, &c., Which will be sold at wholesale or retail on reason able terms. :.'! . ' I 1" t - t J I ' ,! J Country Merchants are requested to call and ex amine this stock of Drugs. ' Ml : I Physician's prescriptions prepared accurate- Iy, day-ana nigui, ujr au pcuci.bvi - - Jan II, ItviV. j . iwii.uwn.xi a. vujiviu i The .City Book Store, f ZTa tcm Iienioved. to P. Lotcrie'$ Old Stand, One door below its former location. J Vr-wiA U invited la .call and examine our li'vij n - Stock, which consists in part of a large assortment of School, Religious and Miscellaneous jBooks, Blank and Pass Books, Wallpaper, liianx ana Printing Paper, and all articles usually Kept in a first-class Book btore. , i .: r- Our arraneemects with Publishers are sucn inai reeee alUhe KEW WORKS .of popular authors as soon as published. f. ' , ' J Our prices are as low as anj uiuw tbc ataie. .L . ....... . I I- !, i Jan 4, 1869. FUESH ABBIVALS. W. Ili H. GREGORY;, f 4lV. r. i?rye X Co1 $ Old Stand, unarioue, u.,; Ta nA r.Tinr another supply or ouuJ.ix3, suitable io mc somuu t . ..n.l KtncV of EATABLES, he has a fine assortment of ' j in auuiuuu w fs " - DrinKames, c.,-n Snnerior Rum. Brandy, Whiskey, Wines, &c, all Of the best brands, anJ at moderate prices.. : If you want something good to eat or drink, give rue a can. - Ur.-i Dec 14, 1568. W. H. II. GREGORY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! TViltkoirsky Sc Rintcls' tr.,n now in store one of the largest Stocks of Goods 1 V i l.Sa nnArVflt' I I 't CTer orougu. , . . . rni1. They keep a run t? sonmeui i .4uo . , :n -i i romrlrWr low rates. 1 I . r... M orrhtnl ana wngietwo uJV eenerally, as well as retail purchasers, are-requcs.- ed to examine this magnificent sioca 01 uwu. 1 ivrniiTifirv and Dress-maKing. . . j.,.,mnt iii devoted to Millinery and A scpurmc .-- - hmakiair. where the Ladies can nTew. uuc 1 1 mil in the latest styles. pruiYj"y -- -ottv t, TJTVTPT9 i 18G8. Between me two irug owns. - 1 . T" I O . w - i A. HALES, f Watchmaker ;and Jeweler, Xezt Dor to the Democrat Office, Chaklottb, . v. . if your Watch needs Repairing, , j rnt .t mad and ro to swearing; ! - : Just take it into HALES' shop,. M - He will fix it so it will not stop. He warrants his work all for a year, When it is used with proper care. , He will do it as low as it can be done, And do it so well it's sure to run. I '; January.!, 18C9 " 7 ' GET THE I BEST! r THE VERT BEST SXUFF XOJr jX USE IS CELEBRATED . ! Manufactured in Baltimore, Md Do TMtfaxL to try it, for you viUMe it, ; Fob Sale in vCiiarlotti bt -wcanlar & Co.,1 . M D L Moody, QlCuuvus l! - -t. ; . r Hammond & MeLaughUni Carson k Grier, ,: ; 1 ' Duls .& Hilker, ! J Dr J 5 jButt, i Haltom k Qtj, fraaiar, Scarlett ft Ca., DrJHMcAden, S Grose k Co., W Richards Co. J.mim 4. BG9 r?oflites of Deposit iHineate.ee 'T 'dS eeeiTectte heck at ght, U ji OF CHiRU)TTE. CHARLOTTE, N; C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ! : j; Love at Sight j A romantic story is coins the rounds of the English jwpers. A well known lady photograph er met some time ago a very beautiful girl of the lower classes.' The lady asked her to become a servant, promising good wages on the! condition that she would sit as a model whenever required. The girl made a charming study, - so charming that a Kentleman who saw her likeness in the shop wiujdows was at once pierced jby one ol Uupid s darts. The gentleman vowea inai ne would noi rest until he discovered the owner of thu Ykoint .ifnl fa or nA mnce. her his wife. IThe first step mas to discover the photographer--the met with'a difficulty. Mrs. C would not at once give him the required information, but, being persuaded, she mentioned the girl's naine. Then the tnamort'ta declared that he intended ta make hex his wife. 'You cannot do so, Mrs. C ' replied "for she is only a servant." He vowed that this should make no difference. I At last it was agreed that ", the gentleman should dine'at Mrs. G -'s that the girl should wait upon hinf, and that he should thus have an op portunity1 of seeing whether his devotion was deep eno lgh to stand the sight of his; goddess in cap anil apron. It stood that test, and very soon; thi servant goddess became his wife. Worship er and worshipped have now wisely be taken th smselves to the Continent, where there will be au opportunity of acquiring those graces which th e world deems essential even in beauty. "One thing I know, and another thing 1 aon t know " said an irate countryman to a mmer, yneu he thought the weight.ofhis meal fell suspicious ly shor i ' ! j M 1' 'Wha ; are they V sharply asked the miller. I kn6w," said the countryman, "whose hogs get fat; but I don't know whose corn feeds them."" " . ' ' 1 i ' 1 j .. " . p j "Frier d Mallaby, I am pleased that thee has got 6uch a fine' organ in thy church." "But," :j u. iA.nnmqn 'T thnncht -von were strone- ly opposed to having organs in churches. ., bo; d Obadiah: vbut then if thee th Trd with machinery. 1 wouia mu nuiij".' tt like thed to have a nrst-rate lnstrumeuu The o business, idest business in the world: :he nursery M. I. WBISTOLN & UU., i Auctioneers f ! And tleneral Commission mercnanis, For the Sale and Purchase of Tobacco, C6tton, Grain Flourl Produce and Mercnanaixe oi su ."uB, Mansion , House uuiiaing, ! CHARLOTTE, N- C. I I i . ... Y-l ..' i MfL.WWlSTOK, . H. C. ECCLKS, X.iU VAlTn, Late of I. :i- G. of Iredell co. of Mocksville. B.iic.s-TW Dewey Co.. Bankers v MT Editor Western Democrat; Hutchison, Burroughs & Co, General insurancts .-vgcuvo, -..w.r, - - - Wm iJ Jones & Co, Raleigh, N. C; Geo S Palmer, of Palmar. Hartsoqk & Co, .ff Taos E Bond, Editor or uaiumore x.p. (i Baltimore, Md.; Worth & Daniel, Wilmington. N. C.: Jordan L Brother, Philadelphia. Pa.; E S J affray i ! Co., andfll B Claflin 4 Co , New arkj Geo W Wil liams & Co., CharlesUn, B. U.; Js mmer, Osley & Wilson, Augusta,Ga.; Meador Brothers, Atlanta, Ua.: ooarun a. i j Jan 1L 1869. ; ' ! -; I ! V I- Important to the Public. CO 1 , RICHARDS & no USE OF ALL NATIOXS,") (Charlotte,. C, one door from Democrat Ojlee,) Offer their whole and extensive stoca 01 yrj Clothing, Hats, Boots, s Shoes,; ; ouona, x.uvy -"-t Family groceries, ConfecUonenes, Hardware, feta- tionervl &c. &c, at Cost. t ! K ' retail p urchasers, offers their whole and well selected stock aiCost. One call will suffice. , . r ! HOUSE OF ALL Ji ATlun a-one.. uer stock tof retail buyers at wholesale priees. j -1 ... . 1 i Vnm 1 unci ranev To families me Dest wui - - flrAfteries. Suears. Wines, &c, &c. ' H!J i i. " T ' '..yvTdii ITT W1TH1NS ! Charlotte, N. C, one door from Democrat Office. Jan 8, 1869. TVTiitilated Currency. PefJe-t-u and torn shinplasters, "shpH halres and AllAFTPra 1 II t'l IbUCU. AiaV - - Greenbacks, bought ata yerv deradeducU.n, nt the r ; til l JJAWiy vr ; vuv" SDecie , , J j o:i v.,tK anrl r1d on a small marjrin uoiu auvi om "w"t , ... j Ai.ft , 1 1 a tko mA when desired. Also ana money toaucu - " , thA hiifheKt market raiea pm ' at the I wii ft ---r o ,mtr x XT t' fV PH A KIJITTK Jan fl8, 1869. Poreien Drafts. lJ .mnnt rirwn directly on the ; oralis io ojr , . t-v cinal bities in the following , coun.r.co. r-:7 c-U Korwav. Italv. Spain, tne uneni, Ind IhC Argentine Republic at the-Tl 1 Rf r i CITY BANK OF CHARLOTTE. m. l lur i Jan 18, 1869. j KNOX & GILL, Mm . "en . a 4- A.ttci - I o ti I UOtton rauwio hhu m GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; Ao. IZb Btnimt nnurj, j.,. Baltimore. Consignments of f 7 -f 1 and Uberal Mncw n f Orders wiU receiTe pnrap; - - Octdber.O, 1000. ; j: - . j 1 Km I , T 4rr rnTriTTiTssioners. i W o? Commissi for ! -tjeUyjjj, will meet at tneir - on Monday tne in aay . "y "be brought h transaction of such business as rore inem. . ... , on fit It is ordered mj - Board furnish a copy 01 V ....mu u the same. withJ refiuesu -J f- -i- chaill,n. 1 1st v , i M. Boss, Clerk. j Jan! 11, 1869. ,.; 1 v.v.v.r, v : iV.ai'1 11 IKRI. General Comsion ELercnanu. of Produce. CottonTcco. c rkrucuuu . i i m Highest caau ' j ;tAiaee promptly attended will be promptly auenaeu All order, from a distance VJV j , of distance. ! AU order, t T V. TsRiCJS.! to. 3V. M. BHICE. March6,i88. JM MM . , ,i Heaven and the Other Place a Seen by a ' , Spiritualist The folbwing vbion was recently given by a spiritualist in this city :. . i - .!,;(. - i J I "With the blessing of God and the inspiration of the prophet I will now attempt Jto depict to ?ou mortals ine iraneceuueui. ueauijr w w k1" i .ni1 where it hnVhl inhabitants never thirst: '-b -j r . , v I inA their Rnnwv winffS are) bnlv BOlled When I darkened with the stainful tears tor man a i fallen ff The'trlAnmv Palace of Disnair stands con- I snicuous, bearing on its froifct jthe frowning An- gel of Wrath, who, vrith stony countenance and face fuliof anguished solicitude well denotes the tar a of the inhabitants. Within tne naric an- i wailing and gnashing of ai1 rrh' ann never nenetrates i its dismal. recces. In its chambers are found gjviinii . - , Kfrvntian darkness and never endiDg anguish, j The thunders booming sound and hghtningj weird play furnish tne oniy gnasuy gn. wucu iuuuu weiB. -.iusuvo .uTi -i " mnf ; s! Where the clear tenrinsrs of crystal waters flowj the voices of the zephyrs, thrilling ana saa, peanng uu iuc r14 fe""J,JV' ' trancing melody, are heard There in that gar den too, stands the forbidden tree, and the pun ishment tor! transgression is even more tearful than, when lion earth. Amid) Jgleabing j foliage the bird of jParadise flaunts its brilliant plumage, t plumage, evergreen are found. nnrl the hahes (? nort on the bright - .J s -t . j ,t ji . , I swards, where only nopes i ana joys are iuuuU. ; . Ohl what. a ligUbreakjfromyonder lolty eminence. na .iuf uu r"lue 7 r viuiatiu """'"o , v M 7 T . i ;rr;Q J ones, the abode of everlasting happiness, .lis the Castle of Paradise; within its million rooms saints in spotless ruues wuu f," theileecy, ciouas anu giuukji.uo.guiu-u , There the1 Lord each, day is seen and blesses His chosen ones; where upon poors of pearl and silver, with walls of gold and precious stones, the cherubs sport, adorned 1 tnrtnnsl1 ! omi3 fllpir WftVinf roses snowy! white. There pain and suffering: are never found : there the -bora aweiis. Now descend we to helL See what a great bridge of treble-clasped iron is lowered to admit ; au wno enter, uara. mussc bumcm maddenins despair. Oh ! litis so horrible. (See yon man wth arouna mm. u.ui pi ipw. - euish. He curses God tor a mis-spent jlite; Look ye mortals upon this picture. Such will be the fate of all who do not repent on this prison earth. Strive ye to watcn, for ye sduw uy what hour the Lord cometh." A. O. Time. i t-'i Cure Burns. The best remedy for FOR burns, in any stage, isastrpflgsoltjition of i,psom s.ifa n iri.br ! The annlicaiion at once relieves pain,aud j healing takes place with marvelous ' -vL nnnT ikTTn'nlnA furnished A Western ment : "Wants HUUiovvi."T : o ! . meat in a! printing oFBubJishing house meat. iu . , , j . accept a professorship in any of the academies.. Has no objection to teach j orcntPa Jnf ana Deumausuiu. , twuiv. y other sciences. Is Particularly; ,suiiea to omoll F.vancftlieal church. Or nianyvuici dvw t -y ii , act as a pastor to a small Evangelical church, or aa a inrai Tireacner. 110 hn't sftlfict class Of interesting iou Mi iuiw """ -r v . 4 , it ' v. 1 x : 4.-.. ;w V.o hiyhpr! hrancnes. young laaiesw mswui. " T& ,Vi . 1 I and LKreetors uinave ni ,wwuwi wa.w.,.T To adent;ist, or chiropodist! he wbuldbe inva.ua- touses coyeredynth maxims and mottoes, witn aiamuyi uwvj r. j - r- - t a- a m m 1 w 1 1 iiiitii ifii w li au nail -i v a t " 1 i 1 . j.jimi j-vv ct m nw in ri.iir"! Willi t JOkUHT - - j . . . . , nUrk innnire of CoLA Buffalo, at Brown s 5WT,'if i -.' i ll I i . ! . Ji. What part ofaguu is fi for wearing apparel, tho breech is. Mi I : 1 ! Administrator's Sale. v i'sJL,l. r Tti' Wj D. Caldwell, t will f r.Ljn..ui. a.,... rharlhtteJ on Tuesday and otner personal ruy V w n1 Talrl- ... l; :Ufl tn'ih Heceased. W. V, Caltt- fv A. 1,. attlemen . Springs' Cor- iteele. j ) rapA--v.,r: - will pe soiu-j rf and-'Tjan 11, - TIDDY k BRO. .aiiu : 1 H.ia a ALLEN & ( GBEGORYj JAMES. E. ALLEN, Contractorjana jjunucr. RICHARD Ki GREGORYS Arctiiteci, ouf"f.7 Ciru JSngineer. ; M ; . ' ! We announce to the public that we haT opened an office inlCharlotte, N. C, and are preparea 10 iux- Drawings for InTentorsj r7n.,uv., r inordance with legal requirements Contract, and 5M": bunding, esweesMiw- v Cities and xowns, f map. made. . ; m 1 . : , . A-- er We guarantee an wr 1 l rmuixkcss r y cA?,f Arrv: Bank'- 5ov. Z B Vaace, flmn ye. 'B7 riwi.vr newer, ur. juo iiiuuv,.-. - r V t ! Tavlor. Hon.l-S lA'Sarris, Judge James Osborne, Majcr.CDowdj WmiJ Yatea. Jan 11, io. i -, 1 JOHH E. WATT. 1 . . . . - 1 DB. Surgeon Dentist.. . Office for thti year, at: ku Mendence. .. PaUent. in tne CiW or Country f ; resideBC.; Orders sent himj Orders sent him through the Pos Offic. no extra irfc Jan 11. 186y 1869: Sensibl PracticaL We have! read vi article in the Philadelphia Ledger with which jjwe are so much pleased that we reproduce a portion. I After ftatmg that in -- -j-JL:-i ru- - M11r which appeared in1 that paper, there were four hundred peared in that paper, tnere were iour nunareu d eighteen applicants within twenty-four hours; and eighteen applicant ihe Lieager aaas : i i f i j I ,fr,, v'lJ L -t -Jlri.il . 'Jil--:ii " xnese are nos vjery vuccnui .wr cuv-uufogmii .. mui i -C t.--. . f pvtj.hia should crive atten , i T. WMLM mAi . Kfmno aversion to fevery kind of . business; calling or 1 occupation that r4 -1 an equally strong ten. . : y i i dency towards some so-called j genteel"! ,employft nient or profession, The result is seen in such abundance of elegant penmen jlbook-keepers ana ... V- x ; and & aUing ff- lives ;in the Tain pursuit of what is noe to and a terrible overstock or i.-raro wifhnnt. rnt.iee finely doctors Wlinouc 'V I . i'.. : . . . on on Jthe part ot jpoys ana lerks, office attendants; mes- ,o that iil is not work of the kind 'that will make them mechanics oif trades- J O' . . . mentis a depioraDJS sight y tnose wno nave iuu opportunities to e the distressing effects of it in the struggle tor Bucn employments y tnosp unfortunates who ave pu jit out of their power to do anything elsejiby neglecting to leara some & trarle n hnsine.SS 1V which trained The ap gk;j1 . ajways he lurned ib account. jJ fo cierkships and similar pot F t i,-L Al I--. w ,pUvdllUU3 lUf : tJClftBUlUO OUU lUlllttl ugivu u positions in hlishmenfa are numerous beyond any- thing .thaUould be thought of by those who have no chance toi wHness it. Farents, and relatives, as well , as tne Doys ana young men r 1v JH . J h& afflicted with the same infataatidn. To ji 8ach We say, that ithe most unw!se advice you ban give tor your toy; is to en courage b!im" to bea clerk br a "book-keeper." At the least t is not s well paid bceapation ! Very frequently it is ampng the very pooresL ,p This fearful s x " ' ;t i - - - L Lf! : fhat mnTrea ihA heart - . r, , .. . a, lJrtv. thfr humiliations . u i l vvnfr. sr the nonr souis. I . .!,... i .,;-. f ,1, whodcoend npof hU earniog,! aid who have no jresonrc ; Mmfnr nnthmor. JNO latner, no " T0 Jnn uHonld wish to see their boys wastiDc their young lives in striving greatestfpositioi thai bring such trials after the greatest positions- that bring such trials nniTMitratirma ntmn tnem in alter me, Ca uA j aa a y . 'r 11 i ' a lA . ; Howjdo these j deplorably false notions as to choice of occupation get into the heads of boys 7 TtruL a hoTf rr their narehts consider it mare "genteel'' or desirable tojrun errands, sweep out offices, Wake firesf copy letters, &c, than to make hats of shoes, or lay gneiss, r wieia ina rafter rnr r t,r s nie, or me . .1,1 heard that fLnfiifitvJ and not useless droes and drones." cjnouia is ue bu, w.wi eJei.ation 0f bovl get it into their heads that. thev hav more school learning and bdok rt-t- rvrvvrc rror. ir. 1 11 1.11 - iiiru ucauo wv use they havjj more schel learo , . Sxf-i it!::- b.A A(ririiisnmenD iiiiau luun 1 mwcio n" t mxt 1 lok jdowhl pon tha trades that I ! ijii 1 nA vIiwa t nrnnhc 2, : - - Evangelical church, or J ygjjg gtill andlhandcrSftj and whose produc would have no object- tldft vast I mass ef the 1 wealth of I ,.jJ. JL t.hfVntrollers I everywjuuuj, p" i a; - , r I 4 JiJ nf Anr i s . .1 , r : 1 r- - - I : I f '. .. , I - . I . I j. 1 : r - t I Wni-r Aftic IWm Tending ? rThe 1 LL0ac ftfthftWar 'with the apparent but pc- titlous abundane of money, have bred a natidn- V to recklessnesi and extravagance of ..Oifma llrnm the town and ward to the ..11 number and salaries of our officials, until we ire devoured as by fan army of leeches, and yet ire not so well served as in -days gone .by, when! we were better represented by fewer men at much lft exnense. IVe wear nner cioines, anu inwrc 1 ; I HamMnmc ourselves Iiae TT ' JM Urindinfr the1 nrOceeds M "rl - tpa which our successors 1 one brief word,; f hat h we are tending as ' - . . . IS : exactly ' uiu w. . -- - i- tas his Sainic Majesty and our own reck ess- Tv t A ft na the deluee." has become our nWto; and though. we see plainly t?l - . , , nii1f th. we the tide coming wuiv- w -v-, -7; feontinue to trundle our nooi "f.", . r ISbregarSing thd refu of firm Und: which II' -IV' ' ; , SuGAB riiOM Sokghum. wfl made m vjreeuTrui, 1 Korffhum. which U qual :V, mnnixl 8ix to nine pounds ot sugar, Desiura rf .iXt ,nal to the noted Golden Syrup, P per -. , - j I i : l It is proposed to rrm a. Comranv in Ban rvLXTfci. the manufacture! of this Sugar andSyrup. i . vr iiif: rive your cows, three times day, water. shghUy tV-l J rvrvitinn to our farmets that , ..1, : rhoh hran has been flow, neijs i rr-., . v v. mi warm ana aiiguwy : . T theV cak understand, and which will 1 at tht rate of one quart to two gallon, of to turn to plofitable account ft production of their T B tt; dailr practice ft cow wiU gala uX anduiriag no other outy th the JjJ, utclj VVht Sortlkmiato:t--r:-V--' M jJ , andshe wiU becoxneso attached to the TL'nonW expended in every family for eugar cle4lr water, unless very itaty, MX t!g is a heavy bx uoii our people, j This tax can "Ih6 wiU drink almost any; time and ask for not oblmeAut ! ie4eUer can kaise a ount of thii drink is an ordinary ..X;iihTinJh!m f;.,M:ifniT each xnoininff, noon and bight. W t : 2t of money, which is noweentNorth JXpdB hundrod pou of butter jre of- among us, pui n r.fi IZA JL . :ii .1.. h.inr. mnnev into SrX;. ..nd that is iustl what we , - JL' flbft f ' . 4 j h mm mm rfllf p IJIJI BitwUli w - m i kow. AshnilU JSeics. , SEVENTEENTD TOtUIIE U II D E B. 850. grioultural How to prepare Land fop Orchardi til Garacsa. j . -; . We are often asked how to prepare ,tht Uad for this tre or that one, for strawberries, lor crapes. an4 H kinds of orchard and garaea planU. : Lit us once for all give, explicit cirto tions for each and all. If the ground is not en derdrainedJ the best and only good preparation is to plough as deeply as a gooa the ploughl and folbw with a subsoil lifter, jua J 1. Jl nAh 0m en Tiull it. Add tO this a eoodi coat! of stable manure, if it can be J v- kv roT-fKvwr thai can be procured, always remembering that the beat cr these'last are but a. moderate substitute for the r 1 thiaifl done, there ' Is CO necee- sity for digging brge holes; or for putting man ure in the holes; and if a careful estimate is maae oi me cosb oi vuim v t"-r . t J compared (with the expense of digging larsj holes, it wi 1 be found to be as economical and vastly mor beneficial But when time and labor are wanting, as is sometimes me cao a orchards aiid vineyards, to prepare the entire land in thi manner, it is muca oeuw w and subsoil strips of land; about five foet wide, where the rows of trees and vines are lo be planted, than to depend upon digging large holes, We are opposed to putting any manures or atim ulants in the holes with the roots, 1 Let the fer-, tilizers be incorporated in the soil, where the- kA t.am ai lhe CTOW. bet do BO stimulate them to a luxuriant growth at the out- i. - 4m ik Bff set. that thev mav be starved as soon reach the Jsidesf the hole. We have never known thii method of preparation to IaU wnaa followed with proper cuitiyauoH. Hiring Labor. t 4 hands 'for a part of the crop is mlnouf in its effects uponhoth -proprietor and laborer, and oughtjto be discontinued at once, for the fol- lowing reasons : proper on accouni of his interest in the crop he should have a,"8ay-so ' in tne manner, vim?, yw, , ofplantiag, cultivating, gathering, selling and dividing the crops. ! .'. ' - ; " 2d.! It generates a spirit of thrlftleasness la both proprietor and laborer, which soon becomes manifest ib rotten fences, gates, buildings. ete.t . and in illpd-up ditches and -a large and thrifty growth ofpine bushes, briars and broomsedge. 3d. It i Jmost precludes the use of manures of all kinds.' j. ' ! .. . 4th. Itauses the farmer to pawn his mwee, crops, etc , and to spend half his time with law vers and sheriffs. , ! 5th. Because there is not a vestige of progrew or common sense in it. When a hand hires htm- ( ill ; with minT mental reserTa1 I ei u lua ,T.,, " " 7 7. J. A j t . i ' :i.U k. J ttmrf. nnrferatand -73 " ' . i- :. tn j r.f mneh tmnn ana aiwavs nuu u - m? Pa"' Vl" " " and the- iarmer ieew same mi never appearing to remember that be . . - .i.: l,:.t. Ii 1ai tint is paying dearly iorsomexuiug l 1 3 ni. MtAt nit wnnue ffnnt h a failure.1 This is the mnst u a failarej Thi, b the liaruiiuK F'J''- ' . 7. . 0 r a am iL. nri ih truo rum 01 secret ofl the matter, and the tin. quo rum 01 farming. It does not matter what Urms ne makes with his hireling, it is certain, absolutely, that if he does not get faithful labor out of him,' that he badly bitten. J When, ion the other, hand, the laborer is hired for stated wac.s, no. matter whether to be paid daily, monthly, or he feels at once that faithful . I 1:. IA f him - and he Will 46 ttOte and Detter wneu ao What Crops Pay. We are frequently asked what ' crop, pay best; The Pixie Jfarmer, good aumorwy, answers t Big crops. It doew't matter what it is if you I grow bid crops it will pay. And unless von raise l ' ,m Wyri nmr. nothinff Will TAV. kM ua vaa wu n1 ; Ten bushels to the acre will a I vv hnt thn it ta not a verv Die crop. of I t..: :oa 1, -mn to 20 bushel., and at the 1 J.A -A have 830 an acre, while the cost 1 wanip aa aw - ' -w . a I of th tte game, leaving aprofit of ilo sn 1 h:.h lnnka considerably better than S3 lavio, .1 ' i aa. '.. 1 t.. lmA tra ftare is taken end the crop br0UJht op 30 bushels. In the nature cf I .. . 7u - fh wheat wiU be imrjrov ad. tniuga u nrT that It and the .price wi " .Va bri 2 Vr bushel, whic will give us ECO ao as tonSethemeaaDa-w. u have a profit-I wo.- vr, m w woruL 1 i.fl yri u treDieo. tne proat u inoww . t . . ;. I .. ..!.'... Similar results will anse frora any otner cropi, considered in the same way. Therefore we my big crcje payi and only big crops do pay? To lUsi Cows Om Milb-A writer, w do save his cow gives all the milk that is rtouiroa in a family ox eight persons, ana irvu wi, made 260 pound of butter in one rear,- savi vnas if you desire to get a large yteia ox ricn , uui i . i f . ... atrwr. ana iqiuuvu m want I ten ohuinea rv - meotiancd wh,rc the yield w t clarr er.. Jan 18, i V