'4. : -.Hi ill ' 7 ' M! s- w : ; . I' ! 1 III ill . ; i: ! I 9. r it i A Good SpeedL -While there it a great deal of fanaticism in the U. S. Senate, there are some of the Eeub lican Senators who seem to be superior to party feeling and low party malice. ; I Sco a tor Ferry of Connecticut, ia a Republi can, bat he -made a noble speech the otberiday gainst test oaths and in favor of removing the Editical disunities of every man in thecountry. elow is a synopsis of the epeech : j The bill to enforce the 15th anienlnKntjwas taken up. The question bciu on the motion 'of Mr Ferry to strike out that part of Mr Stewari'a amendment providing fines aud imprisonment for persons holding office in violation of the 14th amendment, 31 r Ferry then defended his posi tion from the stricture of. Mr Morton, and c Limed that he spoke for the Union men of the South in advocating a general removal of politi cal disabilities, lie alluded to the platforms jof the Republicans in several of the States aud tie utterances of the Republican candidates in sup port if this. He said in reference to the State of Georgia,1 which the fc'enator (Morton) was ronstanllv luldin? co as the model State lof crime aud disorder, .-Why was this? he was sure tliat it the destinies oi Georgia had been in the handgof men of high patriotism acd not men who had dragged the honor of the Republican rartv down to the du-stJand w-hose only aim wi;s their own pecuniary advancement, her affaip would have been' very different: but he denied thefetories these telegrams, manufactured to or- der aud which were et-nt here to the press of thjis city. -Mr F. read from a letter of Titos. R. Jek- .tin wl... lio ci'ifl mrum'n !! known ,.A t,nLt merchant of New York, to the effect that he had trareled all over lJetrgia and saw nothing but an earnest desire to accet-t the Situation and (o let bygones be bygone, and characterizing s years of agejiaonc of ithe most estimable citi- j addresses the Senate while seated ir his chair, eotiroly faUe the trlegrau.s front Brunswick, rens of the coiuity ; he is particularly courteous I Although a paralvfie there is no lack of energy Turning to the North, Mr F. claimed in tht i and kind to white and black. No one supposed1! ;a his ianner. and his voice reaches every por section aliMt a majority of the Republican prea : he had an enemy so measo cowardly, as to per- : tion of the spacious chamber and galleries.:' j were in favor cl the two bills for tLis rjurrx3e I rKrate such a fietidih act. It is reported thac I i: l I which he had introduced, as also the great profs r.f New York, which had exerted such a mighty iuSuence and circulated frour oue end of tlH country to the other aud he now at-scTtcd that to continue longer thpso disabilities was in viola- tion of all the rrcat principles of the Republican party. He had bevn iu '1'avor of the rights of Joues! resigned as magistrate sonie , two weeks .the black ciati, not be-aue ha was black, but J since and lctt the county two or three dajs be becausc he was a than ; andnow that the rights j fore the first fire occurred, io the Township.-; It - of the black uiau had hecnired he feared that J is supposed the baru burning is in retaliation for the right of man hi it.se If were in danger. Ithe interviews held wiih.Joiies by unknown Your fifteenth amendment 'is a delusion .and ' persons. What's to be the result of all this re itare wbilts! these; uirabilitus rcmaiu on your ' wains jto be seen." I .m tt.ntute book; The black "man in not tnfranchis- j '.. I , .,fwhen he is not permrttcl to vote fur at least ! ,a,IE Exopus e learn that djjt two .ne half of h friends aud neighbors. He vmU?0"" :' men, employed ou. toe cstein :r:..: i - . . n ir onicui it iud out a iiicnsure ot justice, lie - i i .1-1 f.t . ? . i ,u .j j . were not designed as measures ot puuishi..cnt but as measures of great public policy. Iruhuid tell the ttiry to day of the eflfct of dbabiSiiics j and tct cat ns. lias hve imudred j cars of this ajstem raited up a hnnl gcuenaion in Ireland? N' sir. . What dijl Austria d with herdisabili-1.011 ties nd her teit acts ? In Hungary were fires 1 i t rebellion every quenched ; JSuv vheu fli 11 t-he ? has given her a free constitution aud the riht to representation peace every where prevails Mr Morton, in replying, said Mr Ferry's was a Democratic speech. 1 He should taken seat 011 tht i.! 1I Mr VorwV nmrxwiiinn t to sweep away all i-olitieal disabilities and plac4 ! . the rebels io power and give them an oppnrtu! i nily to renew their p:t misi-hief" without afford icg any protection to lval meui Mr Sawyer (republican i f I?. (G ) eulogirod Mr rerry g ppceeh an iur,d h.-publican doctrine and he thought to read that Senator out of the Republican party would require more than mero assertion and denunciation. He added that un der the political disability scheme two inuoCenta FufTered fur one guilty. No mere blunderii ing schenie thn 'the test oath could Jave! i been devised. In Ilia Fouth under its orwratir.ii l they were. com pel led to take incompetent p..-rsona or rascals b omce beareia Towrship Meeting: ia Lincoln County. Ameetiugof the Conservatives of Catawba Springs Township was held at Goodaon & Payne meeting wan organized by calling William H. Howard to the Chair, aud appoiutiug Hubert s Nixon Secretary. . ii On motion of Thomas Thoiuppon, the follow -1 ing pent It men were appointed a committee to;' draw up and submit retulutiotiM for the consid-ij crut ion of the meet ing: Cd. DA Lowe, 11 E: iurcn j,.. ui.u..y ana 10 oeuou. 1 i- t t- ii- n m 1 , . . , . i iU u.hi i.rru, i.eii; j.r. i .uc-, Lean and Capt. 1 U mc add,esSc.l the meeting. J a lie- coiiiiuiiiLe iceii reiuriiea nna in.irtPii r the fallowing rtolutious, vthich were uuammuus- ly adopted: j ; , j Ri!rd. 1st. Tht th people of North Carol'n hae giea to the Republican party fml Mini fair trial, and it ha failed in every depnriuit-nt of, the - government, more for the want of integrity than, ability. I ! " ' " I fietoietd. 2J. That the Revised Coda with County Courts ia cheaper and belter for the pre pie than the ! New Code with Cuuuty Coujiui.-siviivia io couuli - PJ-" ' i ' Htld, ."!. That tbeco! and charges nlloweil Io Clerk t, SherisT. Magistrates and t'custablef, un.hr the pfeent ajteai. wil! oppress and keep peer any 1 people wlio will rubmit t it. 1 . . Rtlvd, 4th. That we a:.approve of all lawte5S neM anl mob law. Rtoltd 6lh. That we shall endeavor to cultivate kindly reUtiona between th black !.nJ while rucea. HttolttJ, Cth. That in our opinUm there ran be no material or amoral improvement iu the Siafe. uivii r tha preaent incompetent and corrupt a..rninilrnlioii, and we are determined to use all proper and lawful means to riJ t nrMrUes of it. JirBoltfi, 7th. That; we believe it to be to tho in terest of the State to cull a l'utitititioitl Convention at an early dy fr tl.e pnrpo.19 ut remodeling tLe . CattifutHa. ' j ; On motion of George Littlc, thc Chairman waa requested to appoint delegate to the Count ,ty CouvcDtioo to be held iu Liuctduton ou some " future day. ' ! " ! . i r : ! .The Chair appointed ?Ie5?rs. J M Smith, R E Burch, W V Jlunday. D A Ie.we. Thoinaa Thompson, Sherrod Little, J II Mclntobh Thomas Caldwell John Abury. FJ Jetton. J W Lowe, David Lock man. X A W'ingntc, Wm J Nantz and J F Goodsou. (On motion of J II Mcintosh, tho Chairman . and Secretary were added to the list. On motion -of John Little, RrroJced, That the proceeding of this meeting be furniehed for publication in the Southern Home and Western '-Democrat ' " : if- On motion of Lv. A. KaW, , the meeting then adjourned. '". !" j WM. II. IIOWARD, Chm'n. .ROBXST NlXOK, Secretary. New York, May 18The State has gone democratic by 75,000 majority. ! The 8th ward, ?where the greatest proportion of negroes live, 'gave nearly 8,0011 democratic, majority. ! - North Carolina News.- . -!,.; Discharges in BAKKKUPTCY.-rThe follow ing discharges in Bankruptcy were made on the. Hih inst: ' if J. .'.'! V j Cabarrus J aeWb House. ! Iredell Richard Wi 31iiler. Davie Arthur Neely. r Rowan T Scott Wood and J Martin Jones. "Wake John W AVilliams. John Devereaur. Franklin Thos Speed, Paul Jenkins aud James It Bell. 1 '..t : . '. . r Granville John L Hunt. Ilartwell Height, II II Height and Weldon E Bullock. , ; I WarreaJohn A Williams, jr. ; '. i .. . I .'J 1 1 f ' ;, " ' ' j 1xesdiaryism in Casvtelu: County. A correspondent writes from Yapceyyille, Caswell county, to the llillsboro.itecorder as lollows "a here has recently been considerable excite- tiieut in Dan River Township caused by the prtv pertyof old and inoffensive citizens being burned by some scoundrels instigated by men who are as mean and devilish as the devil would have them be. On Sunday night before last two Tobacco barns containing tobacco belonging to Mr Samuel Hiuton, aired about 70 years, living in the afore mentioned township wer set on fire; fortunately .t. I" 1. . ' X. 1 t II". I the light was seen early enough by Mr II in ton's rmnd.i to enable them to teach the scene in time to save oue of the barn's: the other, however.' with its contents was copsumed. Mr Hintou is a quiet, peaceable citizen anq we can imagine no J reusou why his property4 should have been thus ruthlessly destroyed, i 0n Monday night after j the above mentioned buning, 3 Tobacco Barns-! : (under one roof) con'taiuing four tlioiwuid j pounds fine tobacco.' the property of Gen. Win.' I.m fkne Towrnchin Wm ROt nn nWnnd .vntirTr 'I consumed : loss estimated between three .aud j four thousand dollars. fGen.l Wm. Lea (well 1 known to the Senior Editor) is probably seventy I some weeks sine some unknown persons went ! to the house of James M, Joues. Eq., living in I Ban River Township, aod we understand, he savs thev. tok huii out. used him I roughly, and rave him notice th; at his conduct as mairistrate 1 was such that he had better quit the business. u. ivauroiid, nave goue oouin.i ! j nerc is a scarcity ol labor iu that regiou of tins btate. i , , , ,,, f , i more laborers should leave Aorth baroaua. No Wei ued all that we have here auionir us. Jiutenin , " " . . v - i 1 -FiBE ix Hexdeusoxj N. C. A destructive - tire occurred in Jleuut-rgou, urauvule county, j on Tuesday morning last j An idu slure house 3iain street was discorcred to be im fire, aud 1 I i s bellrc.u' means. could be cmployrd to 6upprt8 the flamed, it had gamed jbuch headway as iu be bevoud control. Both ndas of the Street crc j consumed with other buildings and private rcsi- ! deuces, iu the immediate! neighborhood. The ls is roughly estimated at about SlU0.UU0;about one third lUbured. 1 he tiro ftas tho work t a i"cendiary. Every placeof business hi the vil- J-i?e Xcept the Kailroad . arehouse, is iu aohes. United States Census Takers. We again Call to the attention of our friends that I'i.I I'iri'nui I! S Aitiruhfill li'ia ilrA:nlv ihmi'ii appointments to collect the census for tins cUite, aud the list for publication is now being . pre- pared and will be published as soon as possible. lie requests us to say that while he wishes to treat all with proper courtesy, it is simply im- ..aJ .;ti i ..fl-,......i 'rj ; ; : KSnThe Commencement Exercises of Kit trclls Springs Female College will take place on Tuesday the 17th of" Juiiel The address will be delivered by Sealoii Gales, Eso. ay, The Commencemeut Exercises of Trinity ! : -.1.1 7T .... College will take place June lGth. " txF Yesterday -morn ing, Capt. Geo. Wait, one of the most efficient Railroad conductors in the State, met with su accident of beimr shot through bin right hand. fThc particulars, as tar j as we were able to learu jtheni, are as follows : j Capt. Wait was in charge of the d-.wn train- from the u tC. Arriving at IJoon Ilill Arrivinj; at IJoon 11 ill he was ...1 1 . .. 1 .. . .1 s -1 J " ,1."",w '"-j v- " " "i ..v , P " oeitncr a i" iu y. iic ms um that he could not ride on the train without one or the other and would certainly be put off were he to attempt it. Boasting that the train was j ; jSiilv bmitb s ' t the neirro rot ou hoard ( .: ine car,s out was soon aiscoverea Dy tjapt. wait- who then stopped the -tram to eject liitu. in j this the uegro showed ;fihf. flourished a p'stol ' and lired several shots, oncf of them taking effect in ("apt. Wait's band, inflicting a very painful wound.! I I, f , ' , ,. f ,, . . , received a ball from the ptd of Mr hu.ith, thej ijc 1 Lit it Kill 111c kicijii alitor 1 ;ii i r - . - .- 1 ba-' gage mastcr.- Gohhlxtto AIcsstKyer, 17 ih. t .j cyiunjor iiepnen a. jjiugias lias ncen ap- J pointeil Brigadier Genera) of the 17th brijjradel a.llt.! O. 1 .- !T1 t '- ' " 1 of the f North Carolina j Mjlitia, -comprising the counties t i orsythe, truiliord aud fiockinghatu. littfet'nh Standard I I "' . "j J U. Suppen Peatii. It is, with a sad; heart we , . , i , , rjgyn, Mr Alviu O. Hunt, which occurred Mombiy list. . Up to a bite hour 011 Sunday evening, he jPPrea to be u theenjment .vU exceUent """"i uut .sninifsiic wuipiaiiieu oi an : uuusu il throbbing in thei region of tl and during the greater poition of the night he i, 1 te neart. 1 was rentiers and uneasy. ; Toward morning, however, he grew calm and fell into" a gentTe elumbt-r. About 71 ocloc we went to hu place of business and found hira in bed ! He arose upon our cutrance, put on his clothes and started to breakfast, and when bear the store of . .Mr E. J. Aston, he was observed to place his hand to his head and exclaiming, fOh. Lord T pitched forward a few paces and fell upon hii face dead. Mr Iluut w8 born at Chapel Hill, in this State, aud was about 21 years: of age.- Jsicc.'w Pioneer. , I j ; ' .. 1 1 " IS" The Conductors on j the North ('arolina Kail Iload will be required to wear uniforms while on duty after the first of next mouth I - ' I ; : i " The ' Crops. Everything looks well. God certainly promises to bless 119 in thia section from the present appearance. The wheat is as all as a walking cane and rich and wavy free of auaut, Aa for fruit the trees are heavy ladeued; you never saw the like of plums3 and there are peaches in profusion. HilLboro 'ReccSter. . Congressional and Washington Items. The Banking and Currency Committee have agreed to report a bill providing for 895,00(1,000 additional National Bank circulation and for the cancellation of $45,000:000 of 3 per cent -blonds and $40,000 ,000j of greenbacks; and providing for a free baukiug system on a gold basis. Among "the petitions presented was one by Seuator Abbott, from a North Carolina ladyjwho after a careful reading of the path cannot qualify as a 1. Mj jSbe wants the ' Postmaster General to modify the oath or Congress to relieve her from political disabilities The House bill bolihins: the Congressional franking -privilege has evidently been - given an in the Senate, and (will over dose of paregoric i probably "sleep on" to the end of the sessiop. j '' r ' , - -M; . :"4', '-j-, ''flM'l It is now believed by those eugoered in Con j press upon the Utah bill that the ;.. summary abolition of polygamy and the consequent brcak- "ig up ol all the state ot society louuded opon that hornble institution would cause uiuchjeui fering to "innocent parties.' . The innocent?par ties are the children f.rft, and next, no doubt, the wives that ' 1 .mrthnn will be left without support or ; social position when every man is .restrict edito a single spouse. It would be strange if considera- tion! for the innocent victims of polygamy should prolong its! life. Congress must nojtib&l overf nice nere wun me men it nnas in a nsigraui. wrong. It n.ustj! provide for the support ot these women and these children by devoting to that special purpose so much of the property of 'e Saints as may be necessary. The wjiole Mormon society and capital is before world responsible for the SUt port of these widuWsiacd orphans. Senator Morton, of Indiana, is a permanent invalid. He walks with a en ne in each hand. i The reconstruction committee has agreed! upon ! a bill re-admitting Georgia on the terms applied jj to T irgima, Mississippi and Texas, with aUttsc i authorizing. I he Mates uameU to organize a i ii ui f of the service of their respective piilitia forces. . J lie army mil, as it pnssed the ;&enate, pro vidcslorthe reduction ot our military loices to!30,000 in' theCourse of the present lyeaf. The proposals to'kpep it up to its present jjiBut, over 40.000, was rejected by a vote of 31 to 21. The bill prohibits any army offieer,;either oiVjthe j active or retired list, from holding a civil onice. This will bring Sickles home .fi orri -Spain. " jc-je'et Col. Eli Parker froiii the .Indian Bureau,! dis charge President ! Grant V private" Secret a raes, and oust all the military officers who are acting ' as Iuuiuu audits ou the frontiers. i -4-.- A! Ketiodist Episcopal General Confyrecce, South ; This body, which is now in session at Mni phis, jTrnn., appointed a cotnuiittee to'whourvas referred the papers! . relating to the proposal Ifor re-union ion made by the 3iethodist Episcrjjjwl ;h, North, which" committee 'recouinrelUod , Churtl the adaption of the1 ''follow io'jf resolutions it ! 1 1 1 evolved, 1st. That, we gratefully recognize i the: Providence whch h:is guided us. inultip j us, strengthened our homes and preserved lied 0ur 4 i inlegrity as a (.'Lurch of Jeus Christ, under .no -.ry.ug.cocamooaoi ouin r an . . pcua. e. jV e. earnestly oee to cultivate trne thnstai. i fellowship with every other branch or the Lhntch "and csoeciallv . . ., ' , . i. t i l ! v.nrt i . 1 I f. Ami lki..-if ! rnn T t t i t col)-Vkl I bmnthes of the Methodist Episcopal ChurcibJof y U'll im.llin.il t?i.it..p(a ( ,. , j r ti.is country ana otj r.urcps. , n h. Eesn ved, 2d. That the action .of our L.sMps "l V, - spouse to the njess;ire trom the i .shops or the Methodist ICpisc -p.-tl Church," has the full en Chicajro.-Way. lou.'s, -'appointed hy it tor tlie specific purpose expressed iu the following reso lution, to wit: j - '. .;. ' j I '; . ltcsplved, 3d.' That the conimission. orderpd by the General Conference to confer with a Hike commission of the frican JMethodist Episcopal Zion Chunji, t(K arrange a union of that Ijody with our own, be empowered' to treat wiilij a ' . .. i .!.. j:. . -r-. . ' .1 t v nurcu mat n:ay uesue a iik union. Caiinor, an .1, - ... i'r , our itiuineut, wuuoui great, violence a . const riu- J, ' .j , . t, 1 ,s , ) 1 .... x : 1 i r. .1 , ii ....... ' 1" j.. -i. M .o.u.tu 1 l.,uc!,.u yT- ... c . v . V r -" "V" 4 ;to tne; uei.erai i onierence or t.ie leuioa jhm;uhui vuuicii otnnu. rc 1 .oiu 1. ,.1. . . L I . i lb. Moreover, if thw d.stnignished rcre fully clothed with authqrdy Resolved, 4th t.ommissiou were to treat with us for Union, it is the judgment of! this Conference that the true interest or the ! Lhurcii or thnst .requires and demands' 1 I tit: inaintenance ol a beparute and zationJ ! , i a.&tincc -organi- Kesl-lved, 5th. Tliat we tenderthe Rev. Bi.hfip j 11. S. Janes and llev. W. L. Harris, meuibers kfi liitf t iiiiiiii in ftf in., t in r i frH iuifkii.t;iiii'ii! - r . - . ; 1 , - 1 - , , . beloved m tne .Lj.rd. and express our sincere, 4e- , .1 . . . 1 . : V".J ttuc Mrv ' ' " v V Tr;. i.nrisiian henun cms aua irnrernn, reiaiu.ua p . luatwo- greai. tiranciift. .oirxae .""Ucrn ana .Nniunni ii ,l hiuiicr h n'snmia I litirMi c n 1 i I Pi permanently 'established. 1" f Ihc resolut ions were ad(pted. i ; . I : ! . - ' 1 f MEMrniS. 31a v 17. The General Conference e ! V r.f ,.-. A! V fU.iU Cnn.U I...- I-.l.-rt ptf - .ued the question of Iiiueraucy, thus leav 1 L.'.,r..M J , i I. f" m ' " ''" i f I j CqLukeo Voters THETi-v j : ; is Til K Sou nvu.Un (Miss.)" Gazette iu an . 1 ,i,: ..!.: u..,! i. A.m un. ca liner mf nirfv I'liiit.Jiiiliiio' f. r I Km I control of the government, can ignore the color eid j TOtebouth, and adds: f J J '"The interests of both races in the South arp identical, and wisdom and sound 'policy alikfe demand that we should make them our friends cud thus subserve their interest, and consequent- j iy the interest ot the entire couth. 1 - j j I This is a sensible view to take of this qusl tin, and the sooner our Southern friends, na tive and to the n.anuer born, realize its impne. ttance the better for the 8cuth and all who dwell upon its luxuriant soil wlte and black. . j , .... , n , - Hildebrand. the Missouri outlaw, is on his way to the lied River ciSuutry to join thet forcvp of ltiel. ; ,When he 'passed through Sioux City last week he exhibited four hundred and seventy- six notches on his rme, each, he says, represent- ins a life which he has taken. 1 i j A man in Rhode Island has been sent to jap for ten days for sleeping in church, j Nptbin was dune to the clergyman who put him to deep. ! , i ..f .1.:.. f 1 f . i a. : , , 1 . . . .. ' t: i . who as ucsintvcu 111 aiu;uii)uu'r iu save ; iss curatcly defines ou.rpns.liou in reference to apy ConyeU -..Rijhuidnd w,s shrouded in mourning: overtures which m;tv pwiceed fioui that Ch'urih, I i.jiU . -iL i. 'i j..- . :i ji. .1 ' 1 . uoiseiueiu- 01 mis ui'iierai v.ouieiuiiee. sun ie- . IB having in then, the ;!lEcial ; recognition, of jtis i e, fand tnan,iad ost ;8everal oved body and the disturbed commission Mm; cncs j Aud tlJe 8troke was' not Mt onjy t home, present of lho Oenerul Conference whifeh met in lt M inkn,. 'hk.,r Vn f,...'n. !,!.. ?,.., Burning of the Richmond Theatre. . In connection with the late awful accident in Richmond, the following account'of the burning of the Theatre of that city, in December 1811, taken ; fromj Howison's I History i, of Virginia, will, we trusty provei of interest to our readers : ha(; AltAVi that n 4 am 1 A sVnlnmrTf M A mortal in itsi character, aud so wide spread in its influence, aa to merit a place in general history; bat one now presents itself which has formed an era in!thelile of Virginaj never to be forgotten. (18111) l)uring the winjler of thisAear, unwon- ted gaietyi prevailed m iuclimoud: brilliant as- peakeys emotion Iwell nigh overcame his phjsi t,en,blittollowed each other in quick succession; cal er anJ his ueg died m in jow trokeil iuc y vi cuatuiui-vi j mou bisti-ouic talent; 'the' fascinations of the sea son had drawn together,; form every part of the State, Ithe .joong;: the- beautiful, the gay. Ou Thursday eight,! the 2Cth of December, the theatre was; crowded to j excess. -Six hundred persons hadi assembled j in; it, embracing the fashion, thetwealth and jthe houor iof the State. A new arama was to De presented, tor the bene .. , , r. "V"""- iy l auxL l iouowed by: tne pantomime ot V J he Jileedmg xun."; 114 wild, legened on which the spec taeie jomuucu, .mu iu&v uuue ui us power jj l,.. j ii' p ' under the pen of Monk Lewis, and, even in pan- tomiuie, it una awakened .great interest. I he regular piece had been played; the pantomime j caa commenccu; aireaay i me curiam iaa riseu upon Us second act, when sparks ,ot hre were seen to fall from the scenery, on the back part of the stage. A momeut after, Mr Robertson, one oi ine actors, xun iorwara, anat wavmjr his hand towar4 the jeeiiing', calling aloud. "The house is'on fire!' I His voice carried a thrill of horror i through the ; assembly. ! All arose and pressed for the doors of the building. . -'Jhe speptatcrsin the pit escaped without diffieuuy; tip puwpc leadmg fron. it to the outer exit, was oroaa. at.iu nau those in the ooxes descended. by the pillars, many would have been saved, j Some, who were! thrown; down bv vio lence, were ithus preserved. But! the crowd j Irom thebi.XCjS pressed into the lobbies, and it was j here, aniongithe refined audj the lovely, that the -i - . .. r j. i i ... scene bWamcj mfsttapj.-allibgi The building was soon wrapped in. names; ...volumes of thickj black vapor peuetrlted everv run tj aud produced sufTo- cation; tiie nre approached, .caught those nearest to it; piercing shrieks rose above the! sound of a mass or uiiman' Demgs struggling itor me. ine weak were trpnipleld under foot, and istrong -men frantic with jfeur, passed 6ver the hieads i of all before them, jin thtir wayi towards the doors or windoppof tjio theatre. The windows even of the upper lol,by were sought; waii who sprang from, them . porishcd by the fall; many were neen .r,A i,Ln .J.... J,. (w. ! ' i. v, M ho weie "Bayed by .this mean's escaped entirely i - UUIIUIV,; . .. - : ' f ..H i i 'Buti, in the midst of terrors which roused the selfishness of human naturetoits utmost strength, there ; were displays of love iu death, which Uiakeslthe heart bleed with pity. (Fathers were seen rushing back into the flames to jsave their children; mothers were calling 111 Ireuzied tones ; for their daughters, audi wire with; difficulty i dragged frqni the building; husbands and wives j refused jto leaye each other,! and met ; death to-- gether; j er.en friends lost life in eiid-ivoiing to 8ave thoe. under their care. ueorge iomiiii. the Governor of Virginia, had brought with him to the theatre a Young h;dT lunder his jprotection. d I cached , a ja(Je 6f lQt il)tautIv turning back, i hi;usef Bnd hls'ydung ward both became victims ! if ,1 kI i l i.. ' r . " nio i. i c. iuii HiiMiii a laiuci vi cat. i . -I i - ; i : li . c . ; ; , ; , distinction; aiid lather of ! John- M. Botts, had ir:tli,iil t'Ki. fliiii" Imf Ilia wild van a r'i't Vi.liirw r.,Ui. V ...l-I V.I.I. cIJ a W. V MI.III1JU. f, ,e(1 fo ,lVfl ,ipr hilth npr;hpfl j ,.uty ,ons worc:tbe Ujartv'r8l of thh ity per: us honiblei 'niglilt.- Besides those al night." ready named. 1 : ; there pejri&hed Abrau'i Venable, the it Brvsidcnt of the iBank of Yiigiuia, and Ivieutciiant (J ibbon. diate scene of jdisaster ' Oti the 30h December, intelligence of this calamity! -was cbmmunieatud to the Senate of the li.uitea grates j; aua on iiiouon or iiirijjraajy, ' a resolutiob wasjadopted that! the Senators would v t i ii-i . 5 1 . 1 j m. : t - 11.: wear crape -on jtne leit arm for a month. -On the same u day a Sinii Jar resolution jwas adopted by the House' of -Representatives, having) been iutro- t ..1 nf;,.,,- r . 1 ton 01 1 Vi nginw. - : ' 1 irt,- , - . - 1 ji any years passed before t he impression of this ! 1'ICIM HUa VTXcirMCU lit LI It3 U latD iirjiv? l K J IA I 1 Via . Jt wiri nfever 1 forjrt,tlen. Some wlio escaped. yet survive to tell. of -the scne. The ldav alter -,e --fire u th , :oUiO10n; C(iunciI tlf 1it:hmo,ld passed an 01 diiianc'e forbiddinir anv public show tiU 0f al, 0 d;incin 'Umbly, for fuJ ut!)S. A iJOimnenta chlircM has-ri-cn on the verv srWit whero the! ill-fated thttiitra onet .... .1 i . i," 'i . . " 1 i . .r . i!'.. -: sioou ana its monument, uearing ine names 01 - - -11 11 . ' ntnv virrmia .it tho : nnvlir will' vnrtil. tn . .ha . 1, , . e' j i i. u -l, j .i, iiej 1 1 1 111.111 1111110 11 l 111 iirrii 11 alii iii 1 11 r 11 ir v iiiiii Staryino iIUAELJTKSr-Nine ori ten thou- 's.and'.Jews in ibe city' of Jerusalem are perishing it t i n- t -ww nil T u.iri 1 5 .i 1 .Aniiiiii n . t j n r.ii i . . . . "Kill 1UIIIIUC. Ill inllUUU a Lt UO'VLIILIUII liJ? bmn fiirLloA fL t!ie mrHL otrvr nrnt distress 4ud for establishing permanent indus . : - 1 , . r r r r ire r trja,. iusiitutioiiS among them. Perhaps among f-je re the poor and dabled of off class of -people are : the poor and their bwjn kind better cared for ithan by the Hebrews,. From this couulry, therefore, we do not doubt that a large sum will be sent 'to Jerusa- lent, and that measures will bet taken to bo operate witfc ithe jLoudu society. i ; Fashion's JLast Edict.4 Faehinn this sea- son; decrees that hotel life at the watering places hanj goue' out of vogue, aud ithat everybody who is anylnrdy must have a cottage at the seaside or hprtngs. J lnisjis pernaps put a natnnil result ol !! m I !''! . the! o:gn prices cnargea at tne Hotels uurms the I111? w )KlimQJerf v net ner cottage me win j reduce expenses is a question. 1 A Fusnt Affair. Two vounjj women in Chattanooga fought a duel with case knives about a Juver. One of them' received! a painful wound in the waterfall, while the other got a tlii&h across the pannier which will 1 disable her until slielgets anew dress, i The lover sat ou a ffcnce aud laughed. Respoksibiuty op; Bank Castiiehs; At the time of then State-streetj irreghlaj-ities" iu Boston, the Cashier of the State National Bank of that cify certified a check of 125,000 for Pitt Coke. I 4rterwn the Bank discovered that the drawer did not have sufficient deposits to balance any such check, and couteFted its! liability for the payment. i Jndge Uradyj decides that the act iof the agentj is the act of the principal, that ine uasnier 01 j.ue nunit is virtually tne iiank:, and that iconsequently the latter is responsible tor tne certiucaiiou 01 me lormer. J. jf. Vom- niercial. ikhe Prevention of Crnelty to Animals. . ? , From ibi New York Herald. : s A select kroup lof tinj(-heartedvcitizens"assen. bled las evening fr the lecture room of Associar tion HaD, to listed to tbe annual report of the ly -r J . f ill. l ,fO' ) 4Vw ti a VrdTanlhi President I . Lri Mr i President Bergh delivered the opeuing address, and referred to. eloquent terms to the work accomplished by the Bociety in the prventipn1 of cruelty to fishes. birds and four-fotfted beasts in the past yean At times during te delivery;of the address the iB0UI1(fS. lie said that during tne year tnetrans4 roortation of cattle i had occupied uiuoh ot the socK tv's time, but with little result. The bleed ing of calves he described s Ian act of wanton; barbarity, but they! met with much opposition inj endeavoring to suppress! this wrong. He; was! reioiced that cock iind dos s fiikhtinK had been) nearly stopped, although some important con - l-taBta i,i .ai8n' Ttnltlen 11 " com plained m feeling language ot the savage prac ti.PA if Mltt:nu. ' anJ Knnarinrhorses1 - fal-,, Rnni har(1 hTtU 'n(r .ngn resend i . " i r j -to i - i ,.A .... Ut r ia .! U..a t.AAi . . Lilanthrorflc ' president, althou-li they u' !,,,.,.. nf fi.iinw iliiurr ht to r mn of, nunc mum u was reajiyrpueous iu iisieu 10 uis accounts of the suffering oi noble horses couuo edon tliirdand fourth storiesof buildinjsthiouih lout tho city and ofjjthe self sacrifice of an officer of thtj society, whojt theirisk of his life, rescued !a sick cat that was flriven to seek shelter on the top of a teuemeut h6use to1 W'alker street. Mr Bergh stated that branches of the society had been established ia twelve ofthe States, and that alihouo-h insidious ' efforts were made to i tteirenctiou hy ' A&hih,of nothing : ;beeu eCteti to that end j as they had fought had they had fought the ground with the eumy inch by inch.-. f h Mr John B. Murray, the treasurer, read his report 'for the year Suding. !day 1, 1870, which showed that during the year they had received jfroru memberships, ffiues,!! donations, and other sources, the sum of $5,623. Buring. the, same period they paid ou for salaries, rewards,' priut- iner. traveliinjr aud office expenses, counsel fees, balance in the Union Trust Company on Vlay 1 was 3, 113.92. Since theii they have been notified of i'i : 1 : i I. Ti ' , , ' - !' -- , . legacies oeoueai hea to', tnem amounting: to 87,000, and they have also received the sum of 88,000 towards tlu purchase j kf a building for the purposes of the svreiety. j - r.. . . . ti. -L. ' vil rK ui..M:&t.-j. iieru is no Question that habitual cheerfulucsl is a great blessitur. But when cheerful people are landed, let it be remem i a. - j . i a. vs. . . Wlr ab a . iu,.g tiitctii iiicj aiu uu lijuie io ucvuiuuieuueci iox io i it than a person for the possession of a pair df'beautiful eyes. Cheerful ness is a matter of health and constitution. An invalid or a nervous j)ersoh a very sensitive per son, easily affected, b7 atnlospheric and other in fluences cannot bt uniformly 1 cheerful. lie may do much toward' cnideavoring'to be so, it is true, but it must e a ihingjof effort. Many people are cheerful because they are '.apathetic. The sorrows of otliei. no; being their own, are easy to bear. We flo not i wish to ; decry 'this social sunshine ; bufcjlet us not forget that there are very sweet fiowrs t that flourish and give out perfume in the sjju.do,j and lat intervals. A Cincinnati druggist tlecTa'res tlmfTther nre no less than a tlrjuiand arsenic eiiters in that city and immediiite vic'init)r, inst!v young wo men, who take the poison for the complexion. i'.--'. ' ' : ' I : ' ! At a trial in an Alabama town not lonir since, one 01 tne witnesses! an old :1a ay or some .eighty years, was close -'questioned ioy the opposing counsel relative 'tocher eye-sightki -Can you see me V" sa id he !was answered How well cau vou see md mrfV Well enough. re sponded the ludyi'-tp see that you're neither a njegro. an Indian, ner - a gentleman." The an swer brought" down he house and silenced the cjounsel. JMore troopf should be sent to Alabama. To ! Sceptics. Thc almost daily receipt of voluntary testimoninls from every: part of th country, from 'Physicians, Cilergymen; old and yofiDg, iiiale and female, is suf ficient to convince the most sceptical that DR. TUTT'S EXPiX'TORAJfT is the most valuable LUNG riirsiM f h.a fl. . i-n.ani ,,i-,i cures have been performed by it, Its mhy be seen 1 by hundreds of certificates in the Lands of the proprietor. Try it and you will doubt no Jonger. 1 ij Medical Society of he tateiof .N. Carolina. JThe 17lhvnnual Metinff of the' Medical Society of North Carolina will be lield ' ill ilxninirtou on Wednesday the 2-th of lMy,H870 jti Aocord.ng to tue usual pustoni,. ueiecatee, members. and applicants for uicnSbership, will be passed over .roads and rivers for enl-half Faro. ' j CHAS. JS. (J'HAGAN, M. D., Tres't. Tiros F. Wooo, M. 1)., Secretary. . May.ieisjo --.':,i p Ifii'i--.-J ir--. . Books, , Statioriery, Music, and TIOLE&, ng.atljt . ' . - j ' ;; . . ' Kow ppen TIDDY'S BOOK STORE . ; Sch.oa'1 Books "lOrammars, Geograples, Spelling Dooks, Dofinfers, bpeakers. Histories, Arithmetics, 1 &c. L. . Miscellaneous Works. iPoctry, History, Cioferapliy; Tales, Dictionaries, Scientific and Religious H'oriks; New Novels by Vie tor Hugo, j Charles lllade, lAIarkt Lemon, .Annie Thomaes, Amelia B. ISdvlards, jAhthpny Trollope and other popular writers. ;.' ! 1 11 lij : New music, &C. A good assortment o& Uihles, Prayer and Ilyhin JLooK9, ia costly and cheap styles;., ij i V Stationery,; In good variety, a full lOie, from satin finish writing paper, down to paperi or. the old Confederate times. I'eus, Ink, Pencils and fancy Article a. iThe latest and moat popular . ii s Nowspapers land Magazines Are daily received, aufl will be delivered at resi dences, offices, or maileri to order: 1 DAVIDSON MONTHLY (for. April) and XIX CENTURY for May) afe now ready and for sale at ' .i-i'- f 1 1 xixtvt o juivu a Charlotte N. C, Mayie, 1,87a SECOND JUND CALIFORNIA Grain Sacks at 1 1 tL ill MILLER & SONS. Yarn ant Domestic- 5 Bales Cotton Yarn, tU-4 and S-4! Domestic. . juelr in at M MILLER & aosa. 4- - i j;-xour: j 60 Barrels Extra Family iFlour,! jaal received at May 1C, 1870. K. Mi MILLER 4 SONS. SES5 Half a ! JozJn bottles of Dr. TCTTS Saraaparilla anil Quen' Delight will eradi cate all imtoure .and poisonous nxattr from tha system. . . 3 The Society for April 25, I87U lm Magnetic Traveling Stones. hey have walking stones io Australia anA i asjore are intormed tuey have trayclinjr gtmwJ inraevada. Here is a description : They are almost perfectly round, the majority of them at large as a walnnt, and of an irony nature When distributed about upon the floor, table or ! other level surface, within two or-three feet of each other, they immediately begin traveline toward a common centre, and there huddle up iq a bunch, like a lot of eggs in a nest A aine ! f tone. removed to a distance of, three and a half 1 feet, tipon being released, at once started off1 with wonderful and somewhat comical celerity to jokt its fellows ; taken away four or five feet it remained motionless, hey are found in I region that, auuougn comparatively level nothing but barren rocks. Scattered overthia barren region are little basins, from a few feet ' to a rod in diameter, and it is in the bottom of these that the rolling stones are j found. They are from the size of a pea to five or aix inches ia diameter. The cause of these stones rolling: to gether is doubtless to be found in the material of which they kre composed, vwhtch appears to be loadstone or magnetic iron orei $314 Lost. ) On Friday last, I lost In Charlotte, on Collere oV Trade street, a roll of money wrapped up in a tiieca of brown paper, amounting to about 314, in til la of various denominations. 1 will give liberal reward for its recovery. ! Mr. Post Office is Wolfeville, Union county, N. C. Any information may be left at the Democrat Office in Charlotte. i I . i May 16, 1870. J. ADAMS. ! D. M. RIGLER'S j I c o C r o am Sal o o n I Will be opened on this day, and during the eeaioa. for Ladies and Gentlemen. The; best Cream and Cake will be served to his patrons. Partiei aod families supplied at short notice. Way 9,li70. ; R. H. MILLER & SONS, r Wholesale Grocers, GENERAL PR OI) I CE ! DEALERS ADO Coram issicn Merchants, VVltC 'O vjt &t-l V. aiaUA4 A A va May 16, 1870. j Dros3 Goods. Fresh arrival of Ladies' Dress Goods of all kind, sucli as Silk Poplins, Colored Silks, , A lurgo stock af Gents' Cussimcrcs,' fine ClotLi, Vestinjrs, &c. . ,; ' " I -1 ' ' Ln'dies Tucked jSk.rts.pew stylo Hoop Skirts, and I BARKIMUER' & WOLFE'S, Hardwaro. Corn Shellers,1 Straw Cutters, Grain Crsdle. SboveM, Scythe Blades of the best quality J Aiuch' Ames' Steel Spades,-and uiuny" other Hardware line, at: I May 16, 187a i- BARRINGER , articles in lb ; AVOLFE'S. GASTON & MOORE, Dealers n STOVES of all kiiids, Ziuc, Sheet-iron, felove Pipes, Tinware, o. ! Ilepaniiig and all work in their line done at abort notice'. . Give them a call beforo bnyine elsewhere. Next door to. Brcru, Brown & Go's Dry Good Store.' fioupparnong jind other Wines- A full stock oft ScupperBong, Madeira. Tort ana Sherry Wines i Corn and Hye Whiskies, P.rnndien, iiuni. Uins and Tobacco, Flunr. Corn; Eucon. Lard ana Aloiaes iu large quautities. i M ay it,, 1870. )v. J. I1LACIL SPRING TRADE 1870. Look out for NEW BOOT AND Sll6ESTORE At S. p. Mcacham'sold stand, bet"reen ho twol5Dkn, Where you will find everything that is usually kert an a Urst class IJoot and M100 Store. My friends and the public enernllv are respect- fully invited to give me a cull and jtbey will not i- Kret it, - - SCOTT. formerly Agent at the N.X Railroad Depot. ApriJ 25, 1870. lm I I CHEAP GOODS, are now receiving and Opening our We Spring Stock. ;i It ia a known fact that cooda for eoma lima rasi have been steadily declining in tho Northern market, iind having just bought we received the benefit of the very latest decline. " j j Ve call particular attention to our large aupply of Family Groceries. ; ii Only give u a call and we are sura you will buy from us, as uo oua can undertx-ll uaj - I " CVLV, CONXOE k CO. j Deatlie'a Ford, April 25, lfe70 fw WiL, Char, fic Ruth. Railroad, Secretary and TreusHrer' Ojfu-c, Charlotte, N. C., April 22, J87U. 1 j Notice is hereby .eiven that a eeneral meetiiur o the Stockholders of this Road is called to aaetnble in the City of Charlotte on Wetluerrfnv. the 1st dav of jlune next, to cousidcr a proposed amendment to tha Charter of the Company. . r : jj By order.of the Board of Dircstora. CALVIN J. COWLEfl, ! April 25, 1870 ; Secretary. ; State of North Carolina, Catawba comity. I JuBlicet Court. ', j. iCfjaitber, Plaintiff, r. J. J. Cahill, Defendant.. i Summons returnnblo before Eli A. Warlick, a Jus tice f the Peace for sard county, on the 1Mb day of une, 1870, when aud where the Defendant will ap pearand unswer Plaintiff's complaint, or judgnitut tt ill be rendered against him. ! This the 10th day of May, 1870. ! "4 - E A. WARLICK, XT. J. IlrssET, Plaintiff's Attorney. j f22-6w. Notice. Ii Notice ii hereby given, that at tb expiration of ninety days application will be made Icr adup!icato of Certificate No. 19:. dated September 2-ltfa, 18(2, for 7 ha res of stock iu the Charlotte A Mouth Caro- t Una Railroad Company in favor of Moses li. Taylor, the original having been lout. ,.j , ay 9. 1870 Sin J. IL McADEN. Attachment, Notice: r State of AVrM Carolina, Cabamt County. John C. Angell, Plaintiff, agnintt tha Cabarrus Cop per and Uoia Mining Uouipany, Derrndant, (a foreign corporation.) To the above bamed de fendant; . : ...-."' ; .. s i You are hereby notified that the abova named Plaintiff has obtained a warrant of attachment agaiust your property, returnable to the next Term of the Court of Cabarrus couuly, to be held on the ' tenth Monday after the fourth Monday io March, 1$70. The demand is for Six Thousand Two Hun dred and Fifteen 1-100 Dollars, with! interest oa $fi,198 l-lOO from Ibe 22d day of June, 1867, due by a judgment rendered in the Supreme Court for tke city and county of New York. You are further notified to appear at the time abd place aforesaid and answer the complaint which waa filled on the Cth day of Way, 1869, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cabarrua county. 'Atteet. JOHN A. -Mc DONALD, 2lGw pr. adv. $10J Clerk Superior Coui i

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