-j-'l - T. . :-:i,.:tl.-:;.-i!-'J:"i--.:'--J ; i, M ' " . r r j K j' 1 I 1 . 1 - -. v-."-'" CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, JUNE 28, Xtjl J ATIiJ Editor stud Pkopbictor. Term of Suhieription Thkee Dollars, in advance. EIGOTEENTD VOLEHEK C II B E B 828. t THE I "Western Deinocxat WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. 9 ' - Tebs TLrec annum in adr&nee. Irertiscments mill be inserted at reasonable yaie?, or in accordance 'with contract. f OSiiunry notices of orer fire lines in length will K-ebrzel for at adrerlUing rates. ; Dr. W. H. HofEman, DENTIST, (Late fj 1 Lineolnton, -V. C.,) r..rwrtfir!!r informs the citizens of Charlotte and the public jrnerkllj. that be has permanently loca tcJ iu CUartotte. He is fullj j.rerard to attend ncceful pructicrf fr nior than 10 years 10 years In tli sitiion ofciHiutry and in the Couft-dorate army ' c Vir-rln.A ilunu? the late war. warrants biia in Jt;re bis ferTices. : ZsfiV&ce over Finith & Hainmoal's Drug Store. OfSc hours from H A. M. to 5 P. M. 1 IS ci'CaExK9 M. P. I'eguui. CHshier 1ft National I'.tuic of Charlotte: Dr. Hiu .Sloan. Dr. J. 11. Mc Vleu. and W.J. VaLcJ, E-litor Cburiotte Democrat. si. lo - ; ' ly . . DENTISTRY. i Tlieol l Qrm of ALIIXAXDEU & PLAND U i bere I ? revived.- it the U ttwr s-tniid in llrown's bu'!iliti7, p-;'e !ie Ciab'e Hottl. Entire fatisfaiciivn is ,!iiranTd. and teeth can he xtrncfei without p;.in. '1 !i" Iu rosiH?- oi vur o.'i cu-ioniers i rcfpccnuny. f -- ISTt). Robert iGibljcii," II. .D., riivsioiAN'-j and sukg::on. (i!3c over Smith & Hammond's Drug Store i:eidfin.e on Colltgt; Street. Jan 21, 1870. ! !.' ' J. P. He Combs, II. D., OJVri'his profeshiounl tervieet to the citizens cf (,'h.trlotte u.l surrouiidin conutry. All caiU, both nlgnt and day, promptly atleu itd to.. Oifice iu Drowu's luIdii:g, up btuiif, oppefcite the Charlotte Hotel. j Oct 20, ISt'.S. ! . Dr.?.JOHN H. KcADEN, Wliolesalo and Retail Druggist, i CllAULOTlW, A'. C, ; His on hand al.nge und will select cdjjtocl: of PURE MSUGS. Chemicals. Patent Modiciiu-K, ramily Medi cines, Paints. Oilsi, Vrn;dieC Dye t' tuffs, Fancy and Toilet ArticU-H, wh.ch is doteriuiued to sell at the erv lowest prices, t j . j Jnn 1, 1870. t i W. DAVIDSON, A T T i X K V A T t. A Charlotte. N. C.,' Ofaee over Ik Kooim.nxs Store. 'I'c-P!. lM'ii' ly , - DR. E. C. ALSIIAIJDER, i i Charlotte, II. C, J 1Vr his services as 'Phvician to the cilizen'fi of t'li4r!tte and xui roi:idin cmuitry. s . (KSre nearly oppo-ite Charlotte Hotel, i ( rir Dr. Ahirider iiinkrs a pood Conph 3Iixture, bcifr than -any Patcal-Medicine. Try it. : .O. PPACTICAt Watch-and Clock Hi'isr, JEWKLRV, FIX'S WATCHES, CLOCKS li'.i.vA Hc'trt'ttf, SplaelrM, r. Aug. 10, 1S.7. CHARLOTTE, N. C. '.II AN 51 ON- HOUSE, ! C harlot tc, N. C. Tit" well-known House hsving heen newly fnr- I and.rehr:-I in evt-rv utj iii tiaoiit, is now open r t!ie uci r.ii:rif:itniti i :ue i . . . -. tua viJLixt: rrr.Lic. Tr"Oninilti?.-e at ti.e Depot on arrival of Trains. In 21. 1870. II . C. ECCLE-i. R. SMITH & CO , General Commission Merchants, Co Kiily .V.'rr'w, 'Boston, .Mass., For the sale of Cotton, Cotton Yarn, Naval Stores, &C, and the purchas ofliunny Cloths and MtrcLuu di generally. j j Liberal Cah advanees-mnde on consignments to us. and all usual facilities offered. We hope Ly fair and Lou't dealing, and cur bent efforts to i lr me, to receive from our friends that cu couragement wh.ch it shall be our aim to merit, j Orders sulicited an 1 promptly tilled for Gunny Ragging, Fish, Roots and Locs. &C j ' l'.i.rvu nr I'kb vtsis to j John lcmf ritt. E.-.p, Pres. J.liotNat. lanh, Doston. Loringx Reynolds. I IU Pearl St., PoMou. " i MurcAifon .V Co., 2(17 Pearl St.. New York. j J Y Rrrcc Co.. Charlotte. N C. R Y MrAd-ti. E.-.i . Pies. 1st Nat. Rank. Charlotte.' T W Dewey &. Co., l!iikers, Ciiarlottc, N C. U M O.UM Ci Co.. I'hkiSotte. N C. WiUums AiMiirrlilvni, v iiniintoTi' C. Col Wiu Jn'.i;i-;ori. lr-. Charlotte uud Augiu-ta Rail road, t'nat iotte, 11 C -Sep I 0. I80J. , Charlotte Feraalo Institute, N C II A U I.OTTII, N. (.'. j The next Session of this Institution will commence on the Ct. day of 'OOTOREK, lbJ'., and continue uatil 3'Wh cf Jun following. . ! A lii'.l corps of Teii!iers in all branches imiaKy tan'it in fir-t c!a." Female Schools, Las been kiu pi.y -d fr the enuing Session. S ' For Citi.'.rgue containing" full particulars to expenses, course of siuly, regulations, &c, apply to . IUv. R. ECU WELL A SON. July 19, ISC'J - Charlotte, N". C. j LARGE STOCK- Wittkowsky & Rintels IITe recetTe I oneoflhc largest Stocks of Goods eer uSVred in this market, aud are receiving week ly addition so that they are prepared to mij ply any amount of patronise tjiey may ha favored with du ring the Fail and Winter ' t tf Country Mercliant are especially inTittnl to eU and examine this I Stock of Goods, as they can find anything wanted for stocking a country Stor.e and at very reasonable wholesale prices. dive una call and see our Goods aud hear our ' ffices before making your purchases. WirTKOWSKV & RINTELS o v Mwh 1 1S70. xuce. iiic ican tnat- wiuj taicea newspaper lor a lcntb ol tiiue. and then scod it back "re fused," and unpaid for, would swallow a blind dog s dinner, aud then stqne a he dog for bein band. .x. ' He would do worse than ' fthat. He would marry a pirl on trial, and send her back with the L words "don't sait" chalked oh her back, after the honey-Djoon. Iron Ody. Woree than that. lie would steal the chalk to write it with, aud afterwards use it on his shirts, to eave the expeuse of washing, and then sue his wife s lather lor a month s boarding. -111. Standard. , j City Property for Salo. Py virtue of a Deed of Trust to me erecuted by" Hewitt & Lawrence, I shall acll at public auction, at the Court House iu Charlotte, on the 2d day of July next, at 11 o'clock, LOTS No3 133 and 1732 on C and lltb Street!, 'with the Dwelling and out-buildings hereon, uow occupied! by T. R. Hewitt Terms ca.-h. 1 0. DOWD,-Trustee. June 13, 18T0 Sw ; Railroad Stock. As Almini(.trator of ; Dorcas AV. Lee, dee'd, I will sell at the Court House door in Charlotte, on catur- uny, July I'tb, four shares of Consolidated Stock in the Chai Ioite, Columbia & Augusta Railroad sold for partition am6ng the heirs of said deceased. Terms cash. i JOIiX ' WOLFE, Adm'r. June IS, 1870 Sw Administrator's Sale. On Tuesday, the.&th'of July next, I will expose at public sale, at the Ime residence of Jno. 1 Koss, E.-ci., deo'd, in the City of Charlotte, the following property: A lot of Household ami Kitchen Furni ture, 1 large Fitld Thresher, 1 Iioue Thresher, W heat raus. Cotton (Jin. Road W agon, 1 tine youag Jack, 1 Jeunett, anil other articles not here men tioned. 1 The above property will be sold n a credit of 6 mouths, with interest iom ute purcnaser giving bond with approved security. June 13, 170 4v K. ?J. MILLER, Adm'r. Valuable Real Estate for Sale. Will be bold, tt the Court House door in the City of Charlotte, on Thursday the 14th of July next, one- half interest in the STORE HOUSE and LOT, now occupied by Erem, Prown & Co. as a Dry Good Store; tixte n acres of LAND, on the Lawyers' Road, near the corporate limits of the City, adjoining Dr. M. M. Orr ami Capt. Eaxter Aloore : also, the Homestead of the lute A. C. Steele, subject tolbe widow's dower. Terms Six months credit with'interest from date, noic and approved security Title held uutil paid. 1 J. AI. WHITE, Executor, 1 S. J. WHITE, Executrix, i f A- C. Steele, dee'd. June 13, 1870 . 5w s ? Land j for Sale, Ey virtue of a Decree of , the (Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, I will sell, at public-auction to the hirliet bidder, at the Court House door in the Cify of Charlotte, on SatOrdny the Oth day of July, lU.Mlf-t valuable Iract cf EAISD belonging to Win. Wallace; deceased, lying on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, about $ miles from Charlotte, con taining about lt; .Acres. About one-half of the Land is under cultivation. I The above Land will be sold subject to the widow's dower; Tfit?t"i Nine-mouths credit with interest from date, with Loud and good security. : j JANE WALLACE, Administratrix .of Wm.l Wallace,' dee'd. May Zr 1870 tnvpd Save two big EroHtsi LEATHER! LEATHER!! Duy-your Leather from tlie manufactory at Teter Drown s Tan lard on Trale Street, Charlotte, IN. C. just below the N. C. Railroad. j j . JnrHcs Leather at 40 edits per jwnnd ; Llnr Leather at Oft " j" 44 K and Calf Skint rqvaUy'Joic. ; tS& Tan Bark and Hides wanted. May 23, 1S70. Sm .VcALPINE & CO. Sparkling Cataiwba; Springs,- . CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. This celebrated Watering Place, formerly called North. Carolina White Sulphur Springs, will be open for visitors on Wednesday, the 1st day of June. Rcing situated in the Northwestern part of the. Stjttc. in a section remarkable for its delightful clliiLitC, bttrttity and healthiness, these, together with the virtu-. of waters, make it "one of the most de bit-able Watering Places to be fouud. Tiie Mineral Waters of these Springs are, the White and lilue Sulphur, jutid Chalyebeate or Iron, and tht-y possess ail the finest Qualities of these waters, and are sovereign 'remeflies for all Female Diseases, diseases of long standing, diseases of .the liver, bowels, &;omach, kidneys, Pulmonary diseases, Lrupuous of the skin, Sorotnla, Weakuess, Debility, Dvspcj.sia. Rheumatism, ic., ic. From the numerous wonderful ; cures that have come immediately iiiier my own .observation within the lust four years (by the use of these waters) 1 am satiiied that this is the place for all whose condition can be iwprove.1 by the salubrious character of any water that lions' from the earth, and the medicinal qu.tlitit-s of the t-ame are not. excelled. Our1 rooins, in both cottages aud other buildings, are larffo aud pleasant; collates i containing from two to six rooms each, suitable for large or small families.- Many rooms having been already applied for, arrangements will be rnade-fo -accommodate a large cumber of visitors, and it is" to be Loped that our Southern people will patronise the Sparkling Catawba, which ought to be the pride of North Caro lina, as well as the South, for no watering place can, oiler greater iuduceuiems for eilher health or pleasuiV. I The iar wiiLbe supplied, with, choice liquors and srjrars. Oood Ten I'm Allevs Billiard Tables, one j of which wiTT be of the most approved style. ' Good Bath Houses, for Fool,, Plunge or Shower Baths, and Sulphur .Raths, hot or cold. A good Baud of plusic, , six or more performers, has been, engaged fcr the season, and a good Physi cian permanently located for the benefit of iuvaiids, who willliave good 1, Mention. - l The Sparkling Ca awba this season "will be under the management of Mr John L. Eubank, (who. Cor the last three years, has been manager of the Heal ing Springs in Virginia) assisted by Mrs. M. A. Wrenu, and Tisitor: may rely upon 'finding. a good table. ; I ' - , ' ! . The cr$, en the I'estern and Morganton Railroad, leave Salisbury eve ry morning, Sundays excepted, lor Hickory St.ttioa, the Springs Depot, where hacks with good drivers vrill be ready to take passengers to the Springs, a distance of six tulles, over a beau tiful, well shaded road. 1 A goo-1 Lauudry connected with ihp Springs, and washing doue at reasonable rates, i 1 -.-..! . ? ' B.o A Illy. ' : 1 For four weeks, r43. Per week, $15. '. Per day. $3 Children undek- ten years oC age and colored servants half puce. o cuarge for infants, or children under I wo 31 jears of age. F.easonable.dcduc- tion maCe for large faniilies wbo ?pend the season. 1 ickets at had on the reduced rates.' or retnrn tickets, ca be different Railroads to the Sparkling Catawba J. GOLDEN WTATT & CO., I Sparkling CaUba Springs, Catawba Co., N. C. Sliarp Sparrir in CoEgress. j Butler reyiewed the report of Mr Banks on Cuban atTairs, and compared iti statement with that gentleman's speech. ne argued that ithe gove'rnment had shown Cuba the same chance it had shown Spain. i' i ' i ! At this point Sam Kandall of Pennsylvania, shouted ; from the democratic side, 'AVh'ej'e? When ? Name the time and place, won't yott?" As "Butler was going! on, to speak without noticing the interruption, llandall renewed ihe question with' greater vehemence and in afar more excited manner. At last Butler, stretch ing his short, thick neck out towards the demo cratic side of the House, said, "In the neutrality laws. ; , ! ' .'. ' ' : i ' 1 ic7..i. i 9 tT'i y tt Kr''tiri and place:"' shouted llauall. Butler seemed a little embarrassed, but after a pause repeated, In the neutrality laws." ; 'i hat s no answer, cried llandall. "I want the i gentleman to name the time and place, Give us some instance." Butler declined to yield further and the Speaker ordered Kandall to take his seat. That gentleman had scarcely finished muttering some- thinj: about ''You can't doit " when Butler said, "Fools as well as sonje gentlemen on the other side of the House can often ask Questions which even wise men couldn't answer." This aroused llaudall, who cried out so that he could be heard above the rapping of the Speaker's gavel,' "Some of us on this side of the house are honest, and that's more than can be said of you, and vbu know it. - i - i . ' .: ' "f ' i f Thi3 created an uproar of laughter and ap plause, which for a time drowned Butler's voice and the hammering of the Speaker's gavel upon his' desk. Having made a hit llandall seemed satisfied, and allowed Butler to iro on without further interruption. A French surgeon has discovered a process of I performing operations without puiu. lie uses instruments ; heated to white heathy meansof electricity. ; lie was lea to the discovery by o- iserviu tnat Durns caused oy jutense neat pro duced no pain.j The absence of pain is owing to the destruction ox the nerves .by the . great heat. i j ; - ' iV writer! in I the Macon Telegraph demon strates that the . Southern pine forests are slowly disappearing, j j , ! Thirty Millions of Dollars. T Fully appreciating the necessity for RELIABLE lAouiiAAUL Aii,i.M;iJio to tins community, ! we have, during the past three years, secured the agency of several of the ! i i Safest and I Strongest Companies In the World.i The combined assets of the Compa nies we represent! make up the grand total of Thirty Millions. .Nine Hundred and Fifty-Eight Thousand Dollars.- ( t . I i ... - i ;.! j : Having been engaged in the Insurance business for several years,) we feel competent to judge of the standing of Insurance Companies, and only repre sent such as we can safely recommend to our friends. Ave have paid losses since the war amounting to nearly 1 j J ; I . . '! '" Seventy Thousand Douars And have never appealed to the law to make settle ment for -us. I i ! ' 1 Policies written on all classes of Merchandise, Storehouses, Dwellings, Churches, Farm Houses, Barns and Manufacturing Establishments of allfkinds at fair rates. , Office Corner of College and rourth Streets. BURROUGHS & SPRINGS. J. C. BTEKOrGHS. -It. A. Sl'UISGS. Juno 13, 1S70. 1870. HARRIS & PHARR, Old China Hall, 187D. Between Tute Jr Deiceyt and First Aatiouul Bank, CIUULOTTE,. W. C Wholesale and Retail dealers in China, Glass. Crock ery and all other House Furnishing Goods to be found in any first-class Crockery House. . . Our Goods having been selected with care and with the intention on our part of meeting, to the fullest extent, the wants of Merchants making purchases for retailing:, and also for the wants of families, a of which we offer fori Cash. We solicit orders by mail or otherwise, and a cal' from buyers, when they vit-it our City, before making their Spring purchases. '' -. 1 1 Jan 31, 1870. HARRIS & .PUARK. Wilmington N. C. Life Insurance ! company . i r' JOHN DAWbON, President. : Authorized Capital $1,00().000 Guaranteed Capital $300,000. Having accepted the General Agency for the Ninth Judicial District of the Wilmington Life Insuranee Company, I am desirous of appointing an Agent in each county. References ircquiredof applicants. Address me at UliarlotteJ iN. O S.i RCSS, June 13, 1870 3m Office at Charlotte Hotel Corn, Flour and Bacon- A large lot in store and for sale at May 2, 1870. : . W. J. BLACK'S. .Woman's j BEST FRIEND. To relieve the aching heart of woman and bring joy where sorrow reigned supreme, is a mission be fore which the smiles of Kings dwindle into utter insignificance. To do this is the peculiar province of DR. J. BRADFIELD S FEMALE liEUL'LATUK; which, from the numberless cures it has accomplished is appropriately styled WO.UAA S UKSX .FUiEaw. It Durines the nlooa ana nraces me nervous sysieni. It cures Constipation and clarifies the skin. It never fails as thousands of ladies testify. It is used by the most eminent! Physicians in Georgia in their private practice. ' , i i For full particulars, history of diseases, and cer tificates of its wonderful cures, the reader is referred to the wrapper around each bottle. r or saie ny w. u- aaiaiii. iuu an iruggicio . t ,i m.ii.i'V 1 .it it . ;n Charlotte,. - 1 V I Principal Depot, BRADFIELD & CO.. Atlanta, Ua- June lo0. Tutt's Vegetable Liver Fills, Cures Diseases of tbe Liver and Stomach.! ! Tutt's Expectorant, ; " A pleasant cure for Coughs, Colds, ete. ible Tntt s Saiarmrma 'ana vween's Deiigni,! The great Alterative ana iiooa l'uriner. - Tutt's 'Improved Hair Dye, W arranted tbe beet JJye in 'use. i These valuable preparations are for sale by T)riirfMsls evervwncre. 6m Imprisomseat for Debt in South Carolina. ; The Greenville Enterprise, in an article touch ingupon jthej condition jof affairs in that State, thus unfolds one of the mysteries of the new. vode, now pejrplcxing lawyers, clients, and erec) judges r , ; --; ;:? v:j -r , "It was! a matter of rejoicing 1 that .imprison ment for debii was aboli&lred by the new Consti tution.but the Code restores it in an aggravated Jway after judgment is obtained. No poor man with a iaifiily can live who has the tfiislortune td have judgment go against him for debt ; he may oe arrested lor contempt ot court ana ,aept l lail his life time if his health holds out, un.ei he satisfied his creditors ty citing up every cen of his money and provisions for his! family, and every little sum owing to him upon '.which his' familv otherwise subsist and this too. whether, he makes a fraudulent use of his means to avoid! paying hisl debts, ' or honestly appW all he can spare front a bare sufficiency for actual subsis- j euce. Ihe new law of ithe State is far worse than the o3d insolvent laws under which an un - 1 fortunate debtor miht discharge himself of alii suciog creditors when arrested, ' by ca'sa, byi hiaking anj assignment of his property an means! once for all. 1 iBut now Lawver Corbinhas fixed it so that a debtor, much involved, never can be1 discharged" from; sueing creditors, but will be! liable all his life to imprisonment in the iail un-i less he surrenders, when called on; every five cents of -hs money, every" debt, great or small, and every peck of meal aud piece of meat, to his, creditors. Early . Breakfast. A bad custom is prevalent in j manv farfiilies. v . I . : i especially Among farmers, of working an hour or two be fore ( break fast, hoeing in the garden, cut ting wood, jmoing, etc. ;! This is convenient on many accounts', but it is not conducive to health. The prevalent jopinion is that the morning air is the purest and! most healthful and bracing, but the contrary is! the tact.;. At no hour of the day is the air iqrie filled with dampacss. fogs and miasmas than j about sunrise. Tile heat of the sun gradually dissipates the miasinatic influences as the dayjadvances. An!early j mer.l braces up the system against these external influences. Every onejkuows the languor and faintness often experienced for the first hours in tfye morning, and thU isj increased by exercise and want of food. -jWe do not agree with 1 the boarding school regime Which prescribes a long walk be fore brjeakfastj as a means 'of promoting health. i Probably the best custom would be to furnish every member jof the family, especially those who labor out of doors, with a single "cup of warm coffee, well milked, immediately after 'rising from the bed. hoeing, i&c Thfen let them attend to mowing, I folr au hour or two, while the teams , atjdjhebreakfast prepkring.- They are feedinp will feel bette! and do more worki-fmerictm .: -n ! . !!!!!- :!-!-V Agriculturist A more important truth than the above, so far as regards health, was never uttered. All hope is goue;, we apprehend, of the safety of tie famous explorer of the wilds of. Africa, Di. Livingstone, It hasJ been a long time since We have had any tidings of himjand he has doubtless fallen a victim at I last to the climate or the negro savages of the ;Savage dis tricts he was exploring when last, heard from. It is to be hoped; that the British i relief expedi tion from Zanzibar will not only find him, living or dead, but will-also settle the -important ques tion which !he thought he had solvcd-ithe oues- f tion of the! !i ' 'i " -1' il. in:. uiuiusi buurct's oi ine-i- m. 11 uia supposition lis correct ithe length or "the won drous Nileh in' a! straight line exceeds half the distance Pole, between the equator and the North Died ENSiBLT. ivq see where an old man 'consciously", remarked tp his wife who died just before he drew his hist breath : "Be sure now, honey and leave the?house earlyj so as to time to milk the chw for her morn And then the old man died. He get back jin ing 8 milk. was one of the best farmers in his neighborhood. Confectioneries and Groceries- O. G. NI8BET calls tlje attention of !the citijens of Charlotte j and surrounding country jto the Ifact that he is located next dor to Dr. MfcAden s Drug Store, on Tron iitreet, where he has jn hand aud is constantly receiving, a well selected stock of Family Groceries Tobacco, Cigars, Confectioneries, Fruits, Toys, Fancy Goods, &c, which he will tcll cheap; jeithtr whole sale or retail. . ".' !"!''! - " In connection with the above he has 'a first elass ICE CREAM SALOON and is prepared to furnish Parties and Families at short notice. He has'the services of the well-known iJJ NICK ENTER, who will take treat, pleasure in waiting upon his old friends and Acquaintances, and the public generally I ! r 1 v. u. moui, June 13, i, 1870, 6m iNext to Parks Building. t i : . , 1 . .. j : Examination of Teachers- ! Notice is Jiereby given that the School Examiner of Mecklenburg county will hold an examination; of Candidates for Teachers of iCommon Schools in said county, at tlje Court House ln Charlotte, on 'Monday the 4th of July next Each applicant for a certifi cate of qualmcaticm is requested to be present C. !W. BRADS HAW, County Examiner June 6, 1870 Hardware. The largest stock of Table andl Pocket Cntl ery in North Carolina. I Brades1 Rivet-Eye Hoe, Griffin's Grass and Grain.Blades, Scythe-Stones and fcnaths. Glass, at Puttyl, and a general assortment of Hardware Mclaughlin & I WALTER BREM'S. June 6, 1870. The Greatest invention of the Age. Great Victory Obtained in SPINNING WHEELS. Havine obtained the exclusive Agenry to manu facture and Ml the justly celebrated KELLER IM PROVED PATENT SPINNING WHEEL in the State of North Carolina. 1 propose to sell a limited number of County Rights to manufacture and selL Persons. desiring to embara in a light, Honorable and profilabJe business, by which tbiey kaay be able to realize from $5 to $20 per day, ilear of ill ex-: penses, would do well to communicate wun me at ouce. ( I .- ' " '1 1--' ' ' " I f;- -. Any pet son setling r using the above WTheel, un less obtained from me or my authorized agents, will he prosecuted to the full extent of the law. U N: bJalllf,: Agent, June 13, 870 I "I Charlotte, S. Matrimony. 4 BY MOSE SKIN NEB. 1 Most everybody falls in love in conrse of life- time. .Some make apretty jbad fall of it, and are jlamed for lifej add others have a soft and j ' ' - , - C3 j- falling iu farther am fartheri, ti J '"" iiuii.u iras !H) guuu luat mcj t;cp 1 they get mar- ried. then they beginto fall out. Ijove is catching, ltice the measles or chicken- pox and usaally tick Ifes you undr.the fifth rib.' It firstjHakes itself :nown by a sort of a han ker ijng" and your hea t flutters, like a June bug for its mate, after wh ch you jcecp on hankering more and more, and you finally top off with a little more hankering. When a fellow, gets in love he " begins to look siekj and feels kind of loose geoeraJly f he hia a weakness for lavender kiasl and his beans ddu t agree with him. He writes barrels of verses, all about 'heavcnlv eves and gentle si-rht,"; and hi3 beer hath no longer nourishment for him. I lie mopes sadly around the j house a changed! being,"Wd if relief does not. come speedily , h soon becomes, , alas 1 an amiaciated skeleton. , i i J ! ! I have heard it said that a tnan can love but once, but this is a niiake. Sortie men are fall ing in . love continually, and j their life seems filled witlr swarms of llnpid's-pitfalls, which lure them on with sweet affection's honeyed shares. Of This class the ElderMormouTBrigham Young, is'a shining; exauiplej .Ahl-jhow touching, it must be to. Mr Young U feel the sweet buds of a new born affection springing modestly into life, which budsjlirighani never; allows to go to seed, but lets 'em sprout in rapid succession. - Love but! once indeed ! It is true I have out lived but orie.wife, but I hope; to be called upon to outlive the present! Mrs.-Skinner, though I must say that at' present she displays an anatomy so fearfully robust that, as 1 gaze upon her wal loping the children.'qr abusing the neighbors from the back doorstc), iny hopes are crushed, Stijll, in ase she should die, who! shall say that roy love for a third wife would not be as pure and guileless, as; whc,n I;courted my first love. Tabitha llipley, and tlie sw'eet consciousness of her money in the batik thrilled through my sen sitive frame? Let such an one speak now, or ; forever after put a jawi tackle ?n his peace. '- The second step on ihe road to matrimony is courting; Provided Ithe old tolks are willing (and they generally are,) the lovers get together ! and court with a zeal that is most commendable. They go on the principle that if a thing is worth doing at alii it js worta doing jwell, so they rally round each other seven nights in a week, and feef bad because there pin't eight. If the fellow tries to tear himself away about one A. M., the gill clings convulsively to ! him,; aud next day writes him ar tear stalled note, paving: "Dear Claude I shall die if ytlu don't como and see me, during your dinner Isour, lor 1 know you ard mad, or you wouldn t' Jiave gone home so early lastj mght. But courting: is a pretty slick thing, after all,' and'there seems to be k constant demand for it in the market. :Like everything else, though, it is influenced a grealt deal- by gold, only in courting you generally; ask ra aud iu'go'd you ask! more than par. ! I i -l , , Courting was in veqtfed a great many years ngo by: bne A. Dam, who inimediaiely got it patented, and his children have Boue a payitig, business at it ever since. It is carried 'on. most successfully in the other room, andfthe old folks are expected to retire-early, which they do by Ipoking their heads into the- room land saying : IIow'd do John ? Quite a spell of weather, ain't it? IIul dy, I when you go to be, don't j forget to put the milk-pail out, and be sure to lock the cat in the woodsned, lor last mant sue was trampoosin over the whole hous ii ; -) --j . But courting in the! country and courtifig in the! city, are two dinerept things. In the coun try! the girl .'passes' for just what she is,' and doesn't put onny "FrtiCh airs, and 'the fellow, though; he may have r(ugli hands and a red face, is honest; and his elotles, if they don t fit him like! a fashion-plate, arc generally 1 paid for. In thelcity'theylcourt mo.- tly through a magnifying glass ot' double-distilleq power, f The young man is gojt up for -the ocoasipn, perfectly regardless of his Creditors, and tbe.jouog wpnian looks, U, so charmiug, in her oldersister's jewelry and her mother's embroidered handkerchief. He thinks he is courting'the nicest thing out and she be lieves that her young man 18 just about right, he eets seven dollars a Shei. don't know ; that week and rooms in an attic -with four others. and he would laugh in lyour face if tou told him that" her mother did me sewinz to her music-teacher. Well, well, let 'em court, ill's their best hold, and the longer they kejcp it up the more happi ness they can look back to. Who would think, looking at.niy wife as she brandishes the slop paif around my headf that there was a time when she coyly; feat upn my knee, smoothed my hair, and called me "hr own precious Mosey, so he was ?" j - 'f :;; .- " ' Excuse me if I;betry emotion. :, J often give way to my fcciingSjV btit I uever gire way any thing 'else.-' : I 1-!J- Vy";;-. i The next 1 step is'gejuiog engaged. -When a couple becomes. engaged they sptiru all the vani ties of this world, andj associate with -heads of families. They don't indulge in anything heavier than a tewing circleo- possibly i select reading from a cookery book!" The young lady puts on a very austere look, an has great compassion for all her acquaintances who aiti't , got any beau ; but still she feels that life is earnest, life is real, and it won't do for hei to show any wknesa. ite thinks bow su ely he must have pined away and died it she hadn t turned up jast as she did,'and she indulges1 ini, tidrrible reflections as to what must have been her fate if he had never been born. 1 1 I j ! ''''..- You can 'generally tiU .by seeing a coople to gether about bow they f standi j If they walk arm in arm, looking unutterable , things into each other's eyes, and with pi sortjof partnership air," they are engaged.; i If! the man looks a little in different, aid the woman .clings eagerly to him, andjwatches him jealon&ly, they have been mar ried about six weeks.: j ... .. ' 1 4 'I '!.'!;'";!,''' ;,-!.-- If the man walks along scowling . furiously, and 'dragging hia,wifabmt. -three feet behind hint; thev have been married from four to eight J. years After that you don it see ranch of them, "for Love and they are at home, busi iy engaged in colring the conundrum,- 4,,How in thunder did you and I over come together ?M . - After all, the principal diflerence between courtship and matrimony is, that during court-, ship you ride in a hack, and after marriage you , ride in a horse car. A great many get married 'for worse or better, till a divorce dona up;" but happily there are those who realize it is for ' life, and not a limited copartnership. There is some true lore left yet, and the man or woman Who don't get a little of it is a poor stick. It i natural for us all to love something, and some- -'V, body has Baid that a woman must love something. I soberly and sincerely believe that to be so, and I know of no sight more harrowing tbau a true and loving woman, who bas outgrown the giddi ness of 'youth, lavishing her. wealth of untold affection uiron one solitary and unfortunate torn- . cat, simply because there isn't any man around who will take it Old maids may die of unre- quited love, but their cats never do. " ' . -- ; ' f Valuable Recipes. . ' Mr. Epitor : ' As the season will soon be at ' hand in which the ladies will be making all such good things, I do- not know that I could do yonr '. many readers a more acceptable service than by , publishing the accompanying Recipe for mak ing a first rate article of. Tomato, Catsup. It beats' iutcrnal evidence of its value, and I can add my testimony to its superior excellence. " ! Tntnato CJativn. -h : : . Tomatoes, carefully selected, Salt, G oz., ground Allspice, Mustard, ground of best quality,, Ground Black Pepper,- Ground Cloves, Mace, Ground, . I bushel. C drachms. I I ounces. 3 4, I 3 drachma. Ground Caveone Pepner. African.. - 2 Best Apple or White Wine Vinegar, 1 gallon. Cut the Tomatoes to pieces, boil and stew In their own liquor, nntil quite soft ; take from the fire, strain, and rub through a middling fine hair sieve, so as to get tho seeds and the skin separ ated. .Boil down the pulp and juice to the con sistency of pplb butter (very thick), stirring all the time. When thick enough, add the spioes. stirred up with the vinegar; boil np twice, re- move lroui tho lire. Jet cool and bottle. English " Ginger Pbp As this is the season for using this pleasant and wholesome popular beverage, permit me to give your readers one of the best and cheapest, recipes for making it, Tho whole cost docs not . exceed 25 or 30 cents. I know it to be fiue, ', because j have often made it. One aud a half ounces best ground Jamaica Ginger, j one ounce Cream Tartar, one pound 4 brown sugar, two sliced lemons, or, instead; two oudccs fresh lemon juice, to which add 4 quarts boiling water, aud half pint yeast;" let it stand for 24 hours, strain and bottle. In ti fw days it will be ready for use. Correjotidi:Ht of SaU't bury North State. The Neglect of the Bible. It is a melancholy fact that now-a-davs the Bl. ble is but little read. We hear u great deal about the squabbles in the larger cities in regard to ' the enforcement of its reading 4n the publio schools j but the zeal for this measure is, .to a great extent, but u trick of politicians, as far as we can'sce. - ' If parents would make their children read the Bible ct home, aud explain it to them, there would be no necessity for shoving that duty off upon teachers. The plain truth is that parents too 1 fietnever opeu the Book of Books. The conscqucuces of this is that such people feel but littleeneral interest in a book, of which they know but little themselves, and never take the -trouble to -read and to expLiu it to their children. Accordingly, the e arc but few of tbe young that can answer the plainest question about even' the historical portions of the Bible. Yet, asa general rule, these children are all sent to Sun day hchool, and there they a re. s opposed to bo . well drilled, but with what effect la becu if you try to find out what they know. There is tomething .radically wrong In the way in which the young are taught if they are so little benefitted We think that we are not far out of the wy when we attribute their ignor ance of the Bible to the system of question and answer, by which they receive nearly all their instruction. Moreover, the parts of the Bible selected to be questioned on are often not. those portions which most interest children.' Tbe Word of God contains many books and parts of books that should rivet the attention of children. We refer to the narrative portions of the Old Testament as well as of the new yet we fear i that these aro leas read in Funday nchool than are any others. There is, also, we fear, too much of mere doctrinal theology at tempted to be taught. Little of this is compre hended by too many grown people ; and even if it is, it is not attractive in itself to the average mind, and to the little boy or girl i of ten years of age, or even of fiftueu, too much dwelling upon obscute points of theology j is sometimes quite repulsive. - - 1 . We think that the best nystem of instruction in Sunday schools shonld be to interest ihe child iu the historical portions of the Bible, as well as the others, and while giving proper attention to doctrinal points, not to make them too engroov ing a pait of their instruction. 1 Teaching hr question out of a book is especially objectiooable. it is wonuenui to see now quicciy a cniia learns how to j mark off with a pencil the answers to the questions : these he gets by heart and forgets the context. .The consequence is thaf '. be may make a remarkable recitation, and jet know absolutely nothing about the subject of his scripture lesson. When snch a boy crows up. he has but little acquaintance with the Bible.' and tbe result is that knowing hardly anything abont it he cares less. Tbe men of the genera tion that is at present passing off the stage were not taught by questions and answers; but most of those who are now the active members of society were instructed, by this ruethod alone. and we have often thought that the little bencSt they received from it, i one of the1 chief , rea sons why the Bible is in these degenerate times' so "much neglected. Norfolk JoyrnaL ' 'f' j, ;.' t ' mi ' ii,- The fish-oil mills of Connecticut are an impor tant branch of business. It is said that 1,000 men depend on them for their living, and that . 10,000 tons of fish guano are furmahed to the farmers, and 00,000 gallons of 01J to the trade '1 June C, 170 -tu Jb 14, 1&70 0t