+ ■■ ■ f: iT MlNERiS’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAL.. A’ li NTEI) AND I*UBLISlii:n KVEllY MONDAY, RV N6BLE IfOLTON CIIAULOTI'K, MIX KLENllURG COUNTY, NORTH-CAROLINA. ^0. 1, TEIUMS. TIIE MINERS' AHD FAHMERS* JOUHNAL Is printed and publivhrd ercry Moitday morning, at Two Dollart and Fifty CenU |u;r uuiuni, ii' paid in advance; Three Dollars a year, if not paid until after the expiration of six month?. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at Fifty conts per aquare (iiotcxceedin;' UO line*,) !br tlio first iiifK-rtion, and 25 cents for each socceeding week—or #1 for Ihree weeks, for one square.— A liberal diacount will be made to those who advcrtiM by the year. (LTOn all udvtrtisenienl.s rommunicatcd for publieatiun, the nu.’nberol' in.sertions must be noted on the margin of tlie mawnscript, or they will bo continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. BIT All communicationii to the Editors niubt come free of postage, or tliey may not be attended to. THK GOU> KBt;iON. ObscrciUion* on the pold region ami gold mines of yorth-Can lina. The hilly part of Xortli-Caroliiia, which runs through the l^tatc Ix twccn the moun tains and the alluviul land on the sea nwst drcd inilos ap;irt, and found at a consiIoru-1 b?on furiixd by Ihc Lva wit atthn j niorioa. ’i'iin ncctmnts friven of them on l)lc (leptli; and they Ik ur a great Hiiiiilar-' busf* of (he bills, am in tho viciiiity dftliU j (he western lands of thf .Mis.siHsii)i>i, which ity und np|Kjaranct! to bo a.spt-cios of ^n’en- place. 'I'hcsc latter nui.O'tcoruMjiund pro- j \\as itcrhnps nearer tlieir centre »>f action otonc slalo of a blui.'h color, considorably | isely «itJi t!ie t'oM niiw.s ui (lio vallies j (haa any other place, from which correct mixed withqniirtz, which was somcdiiHS amuii'i the llonkadoo hills in (ho iiitericy ! inforitiniion could IjfMjLtaincd, rejjresent (he in chrystals. The water of nearly all tha of Airier, (k'ociibcfl by Mungo Park. At terrible hoavinjjs of the eai tli (o have c(p!ul- \vell.'«, as well od that w hich rises in the gold thiw pl'icr, (li" lavn likewise srcms lo have | k d any thing which lui'^ ever been rcconxd. mine.s isi nioro or less iinprcgna(ed vith minerals, and i.s geneiuily of a chalybeate na(ure. The lower part of (his crus( may pcrhups bo considered a.s compot^ed of a firm and solid rock ; and from (he chanicteris- tics of this whole formation it may be pccted to abound in veias and l)ci'.s of dif- bei,‘ii long'.T in cix>ling, aiitl pri)babiy from | 'I’heir march extended from the St. I'raiici.s the eommotioas of the earth, to havo un-1 to t!ie mouth »>f the Ohio, making a point dcrgone Poine degree of a^;itation, while in ' of at iea>t three huiul.v;d miles. During u placid state, favorable to the n;igre;fation Uhelr awful connnotion the undulations of of the gold into larger particles. ln.«omejthc earth rc;cmblc.l waves, ir.rrta-iing as in'itances, and ef'fiecialiy iit tliO dciXK^ite , tliey a«lvanced; and when they arrived r.t mines, which nmy be co.feudered as tin* [a ccrtain foarfnl l)"ight, they would hnrrt icient kinds of valuuble minerals. Dul at longes-t in cooling, thn q {-ulz is almt>t.t and vomit for*h iiiimensti volumes*of water, a period much inor.i ucent tiian its origi-. wholly separated from (iie iv.'t »il' the lava, .sitnd und pitccal. 'i he chasm;! thus made nal formation, and |H.Thaps contem|M>raiie- und ap|)cars in coinj.act aid homogei.e.iu.s ; wore always in a direction iVom «'>uthwesl ous with the alluvial part of (he Stale, from ma'i^e.s rarely containing u*,\ gold or oilier ; northeast, and they fn‘juently occurrct! th'^ watei’s, wiiich evidently covered it at | sutstnnccs. I’a.'-'sing fr-iii liiiji (dace to the ' witliin half a mile if each other ai.d were no very remote [jeriotl, tlio whole of this , eahtivard, or rather iicrth- a'^tv.ard, n > de-' of a size suHicient to swallow up a liouw counfry S'Tmslo have nndergi.ne airemcii. |)osile mines have y* t Le-'n disc«,veifii, and , bu( in the intervals ( ftli'sc commolion«,ai:d dous revolution, (roin the rage of suhterra- the vein iiihies ap|X’:ir }es- numerous, ai;d , on *’i.- s;imo rii^ht in which the fital OiUtl n^ous liri’s, which brought into exisleucc i to havo dii;;org-d le-j ol’tlieir eont.-iit.s its richcst und most valuable miiM rala’. j upon the Miifitie. 'I hu Itsa is likewis * Appcannccs seoni to justify the .sup;>a'«i. |Hir..ti-, and its ingrf4 i ts more inti- lion, (hut an iminenso torn;nt of uuriterous i iiiixed togrth'T, ui.l the gold is in Ia\a, at a great degncof heat, was ,no-r ally dis.-emi- jecU'd from th; bowels of (he euKh towards ' among th‘ whole muis, all of which ■eiii to indii'utr that »h • coiunution*!« hich inncarlyaiM)r(Iiea'(direc(ioii,compreheiids I the western, cr southwestern part of (hi , , a iaj'ge aiul interesting [lortion of countiy. | region, and ni'jetmg n-sistance from the 1’*'*^^'(li'wii wcro h'-s yioleii It has long received much celebrity fi>r its I stnicture of rock, com[)o^ing the lower part '■I*'’***'*' ciMiiiiai.ii.cc, ur.J t!; lava mild and healthful climale and the fertility of its lorinatioii, pa-sstul along imd'-r it in an I •'* co.ding. ^ of itM soil, which is jn'rhnps ada[>ted to a leaslern oi nilher northeast ilireclion. rais- ‘ *'• nv.•i^llbMl,ll>Ol! of f,; ic \ — gretiter variety of agricultural stujdes, than . mg it up to a coasid*-rubU- degre.-, and send- f^iu''(mits at a coiiHid* raid© di t ircu (l om i;i this p.ii I (.( (hecoiuitiy, did uc(uully (ake any }K>rtion of the I iiion. l$ul, b!.'idci, ing up streams through (h; li«sin'"s a'ui " fjny ha\‘ iie-i n di-.'o\ n’d, I have he-, pluco in iln- nci;^ht) irlio^ul of llie 0;’.aikc these inestimable advan(ages, which it is | reiit.s made m the rock by ils her.Miigs, w.lh ob-j'r\ d vol a-iic -lug-, und .-^->me- mouniain.s, and liiut an in!?n--n'- column of iss^s-s, recent discoverii'h have |.'uHK ient f..rce to reach the suif-.re, awl •'!"''J’tof-‘iJ';r''blepoiti'iiSor. 4:Ia.awljiLli !ti\;i was thi n pur.-uing'il : su!i(*rranr!an (piake took jila.-e at Carraccus, there v. nsa brilliant and clc uilrss evening, in which t!ie [H^ople of (hi:* vicinity '.v.fni i>ed (he we: - (ern sky (o lx‘ aeoniinued glare of*ho nifi' t vivid flashes of ligli(ning, which s»'eniod to prtK'ced fnim th''grou:id b«-l'jw the hori/.oii and w re f .llowed by |K'a!.; of lubtrTranean violent and ofjlhundir. 'I’o account for ihc phenomena more ra-1 of this evening, miny r a-.ons might be ' given lo indiii-e a U lief, thni ‘»ueh nn cvei;t xv! of f,; ic \rii;s, and ;:ii has bi n Mq>p..‘XHl once to have existed of Saxc-Mcmingen; by whom he had Iv/o daughters, who both died in infai^y. In iy::i7, upon a change of Mihistrj-, th« oftico of Lord High Admiral was revivcu, and the Duke ofC'larcnce was appointed to fill i(; coii(rary it is rejwrted to the of his brother, the King, who said, “ As sur-T us you give William an office under liia con- troul, ho will make some terrible blundf r.” Sure enough, “ William” did not bf;lic t!io prophecy, ho made a series of “ prof«,-hs;cfi» al visits” to the various ports, and as his expenditure w as mo« profu-sO, ho soon cazn.j .sainetimes throwing up ccoidiTablo |>or- **■"*'* l^x ir i-stlaled sftit ; s«c...'-d t ) ha\ lions of the rock il.-ielf, in (he form of hili;*, 'hrown (li?.jiii;h (if airi T h.ivt* never and gushing tnit in burning torr at^; at their any oi tliecc, w hic!i I did not fuid base. Tlie former of t!ic.s- sl.-^ am v l»"‘"lost connntn ; they wcn march,aiwl coiitmualiy tlirowing up >|ro«n.s I') tl;c liuiliice, and voiuitiii" 4ortlr iuto tiie •iir masses of liquid fire. 'I'ht :-’ brii foliscivationsare ,!ul>niittcd ti admitted to posst'ss. already dcmonstraled, that it may vie, jn'r- haps with any portion of the known workl, in the richness aini c.itent of its miiK‘s ui.so. Oresof ir«»n, copj)or, silver ainl mercurv’, T.hicli have the appt aranoe «>f bi'iiig vi-ry rich and alnmdant, are frequently nit t with, almost every where, but at present, cluini little attention on account of (he-rich and! . cx(en9ive mines of gol.l, which havo Uv depdi, iK;rhai>s b\ (he wa.-h:ng of (he car(h idimi.mtiirti of th. ir I to me at least probable. not from the hills ujion them. i pr..j''ctile ter nnght Ik; favorable to the,ri supfK-itcd by all the Cuts which I athwart lh^I)ukc of Wellington’a ha^^s., r ho havii^jp opinion of this Royal Mnn.- mery, refused “ to pay the bill.” Tho ij^ • Lord High Admiral was obliged to backi;.' ^oppuil, nor did he stop till ho backed oi-. of tho scrape ;md the office together—a-M it was oiK'g^orc abolished. T.ike allWc rest of the Roj'al family, l! - DuIvO of Clarenco has indulged in dive^ mor»T or le.ss discreditable liasoms. 'I !.*• principal, how'cvcr, was tho ojie w ith Ih; ceiebrutcd actruBS -Mrs. Jord-f^; his condu. 1 'o h' r, after years of iirtmiifey, .was pr^ nounced cru;I and ftnfwdin^.and the accou;,r of .Mrs. Jordun’.s Ka.Tcrifigs at the abrui^t st^jiaralion and the manner of it, as pubk:.ti »>d at the time, waR in u high ^'grce touc. - ing.—Of her daughters, one inarricd aid-de-camp to th- King,and as late as ^1 -, Sophia, Mar) , ElizalKth, Augustu', jud. mclia Fit/ C'lurcnce, were pcn^i«'iMci'S on ih' ci\ il list for y.500 pounds each ; vt thistiin>» tlie Diike's own allowance.was soincthi.P;^ l"t, [lerhaiiw be coiisidenMl as comp Ksmg the , *•l“-‘ gold in ’cry fun; parti- the puLli • wiili diinjenre, and more Witii vein mines, a!«l the latti r, whut are culle;! j ‘ R-ein^ prob ibl‘, that, during t!u !^ 1 a view of proiaoliiw cnquirj-, (hfui as cm;- Ihc ik'jysite muse 1 of gold, fotmd ut ihc , coi s derablf qumtilK s of ihiid j taini'iganv thin*-saiisfuctory on tiie.“al>jccts foot of the hill mid cwered to .‘;ome hitle i " sonn titm s tiir. wn intotha air,; they In at. '1 he th'*ory I ha\e ven^an“d to come almost inntinicrulile, and ap|H'ur It have Kkely to be cxhuiisted by (he skill und in- tlus(r> of man. The sands of ncrj-ly all (he rivers and wa(er courses an; auril'erous; and tl.c pf>orest mine.s, which aro at pi-csent Mnjught, are said by conipc(en( judg;s to rival tho gold mines in South .Vmerica both in the richneKi and abundsmce of ore, while tlie richest of them certainly cxcecd those 'vhich have been described in any other part of the w.trld: and should a jud;;inent obetniction in (lu ir |Mi.:sag*-. Only u snji?;!; | fornied iix>u> Xha of .it iw» «> i^—r.i^wrgftfn- The vtiij miu'-s conim-mlv apixiar in ob- j "fTgrcgiHi'-ii i.f the i>rmri;i;il past i f the cimi w Jli.nmy knrmk'.lgnaiidob.-Tvatioii; long siiiis, tiioir longiiudinardin.ction bear-1 co;.tain'.-l mto n«i ;-is of c.)ii:.id- ; indc. dit w;cii'xrhisnt!yb’ugg-^tedby lliem; i:.g to the oust of nortli, luid corre.sjxmding ' siz;'; and Ibis m ij j^;ih tps no,mint n'ld us yet I have found none to inililaU; a- with the dinH.iion of the veias of rxk •“‘•‘I ’• confos my ojifiortunitics seems to lie t)M*ir nalural course, by .‘>onic i delcjnunat;; fvriiis, and njipe im a.-» il it hncl ; U'cn (hro'vn ii.lo ; «liich liO-s c^cr exist^’J. ^ uMZiJU L pir*. of the rarlli wcs roTc'p.1 u i>’i t»-». and»»ii!t.)aroi>' ii!crct!!i' hri"ht, rnti the clmr- fcr wvoral \vars pn!>t and which is alm»s( |el (he .surfiicfl ; but wIwn cnh.-one ha.s doiy } 1 he siiniUr.Jy of (4ic lava comj.»s;n;3 ?’i- diidv advancing, it must be concedcd, that Iso, a consi«’'ruble number of ether? ma , gf*ld tr -in ad tlic mines in this n>gi.n, Iv.th i, r the richest and most abundant minesofthi*! generally be found near it, uldjfi^'mittk'. th'', in p^‘iit imd com|)osi:ion. ulKniIs a l ?«■ made in its ap;« aranco arc almott increditlc. preciou-s metal within our roach, arc yet as if th** fis.«jures Ihrciigh which (hey burt’t -;^;ri.iig c^!-nc • that (hey were nil br.*>*'ht l.i ■■ \udinown. | v.crc made at diff.rcnt jtcrioil.^ of tliis great' exiTl'ni rat one time' .xid by one gi^ai From the geological features of ihispor- ‘!‘C latascnt up with diirer-1 cor.i.-n tion of nuturo. I h- d. ;w siti- m tion of country, it mav be consitl* red of sc-1 ent degrees i-f lor^c. | nn;. «.• ubtli- - ly be trat d I > in;mens! I .•.>ndary,ai»d perhaps of volcanic formation. | The c .nlonts of all llic -.e.-'.nis or r. J un.l. rir .iln tli- a.!jico|il lulls .-xllhi.u • The rocks are near 1 :il»,000 dollars per ai&nf n ; thcr* . ^ also a son in tho armv'. I.^hoso w ho so uiuicccssar% clamor s- boutTTk‘ expenditures of otir homely guvcn;- inont, think for an instant how iinn.ea.s-u| far behind our mother ocuntrj' we arc i r''S|)ect. M 0 now conclude our brief sketch of t!i" new nionan 11 of Gi-cat Britain. The iir.- prc«i(Ui.sof him arc .unfavoruble both t t homo and abniod, and the IJritish nuti -a havo a great deal to dretid should he I.-? prompted by e» il advisors. I n this c unt'T , we ur;; apt to consider the theory of goveni-* meiit by whidi the rcigniiigfjinilies of Eu rope are Rtstained “ as the.medncsa of thn many for the gain^&the few.” M hociJi tfll what frightful tl^wT.siaas may not occur lietween tho accession of William IV^. ari-l the majonlv^of^tlusJPrmc^ a\egcacy (or the latter, whut avt'nucs may not t)Ooj)cnedtr>uncha>toned.nnbilioi!? Th • present rnyal family is unpopulai as well as incapable, and who can tell whether, in a f:t of imivcrsal wrath at govemmenud abu.st -. and m s[,iiir at oj pressive taxatin, these di me.-1;caled lluno\crians mav not bo drive principally, silicioiLs fIuIc, ' ap;)car to be fifthe same a^e ; and, althou'tli miy !>■ evlrni"ly probulil • Ih.'.t uimhi the | W'iPiam liiiirj, Duke i f Ciarence.— It is greenstone, quartz, feld-spar, honiblenil,j»e-'at a distance Irom each ,l!ier, they otVa '''"’I'l'n; ^f b-ds und the pr -_ lIlUt^K APillL Al. SKI:TI II Ol- 'I'h'- d> ;>i siti’ min^s 1 wii.i.iam iv. kiv. or encland. bids j Till' tlir.ine of the I'niled Kingdom is J '» a storm of jjopular tumu;: h h ;occu;.i.>d by \Villi,i:a the IVlh, la(c I’riisre a:*'l indign.Kion. Hy oflen conteinplallng the spcctack's t' royal di geni'racy as well a.s niyal K[>le!ul«)of, •Si.ui-e t ; Ixtldlv a-*'rti'«l dial hi' niea>uivs will Ik- hkrr tiijsilex, basalt and wacke, in diffJ-rfrnt icxhibit some sliaJes of ditl.-n-iicc, jx rhaps Uie hills, ih.‘ ci.niieclioii l elwecii them and | those of his bn ther, y> t there nre certain "‘I* vu r.e more highly r»*pub! nr accidental causes; tli»'y ! the ilcpi.site n.,i_\ be i.tarlv f-r qinic ilc'-lroy- Wiublxni f-xlvremaimng in ihe public mem- ri'l'nblican v varieties and moditkation;;; Imt nearly all from chemical or of them exhibit a tamish and otiH'i cvidi n-; are ncverltieless i*H*w?ntiail\ of (hr suine ed, und (he iipjx r surfai e i.| iln' IkvIs in ^ . ... ... irtue. Mav which h.'ivc' so w'rioudv ulR'cled hi I ^ Us I'rom (heellbri white, or a gray appcaranc ' de ' and are cvi- coaled round wilh what is called talc or! |«rt of (hi- vrr.t of formation, r hicli In I . 1... . I... I d(-Ciilx'd. That liiis hir.ilu ii i> i ik'H S'* and I \!eiit, and li :i of ;.>'ii;'e in.,and was l>orn in August, f II.’rti'.s ri,“*inisl a'? the futun: com- :itly formed by decomposition ; tiic fonrvr •soaji:-(oiV;; but this ••nfr tatice seems to ba , >^en d( ■ ^ princqKdly of iron pyrites, the sH'Cftid of piini|Killy com;>'>s«-d i f ahmiinc and silcx, i at tltnKHs- and iMei.t, ai:d li^rw i«w n :rulrr • f the Navy ; (his lin.iher of York the )i;»ftcr»jiocios of slate, anil the latter of, and to U'ar‘'orne analogy .'o volcanic ashe?. vcrj'rich iii ihis pi-'cii.its ine!r>>, is rnrvir-Mi'id aln ady mon >]M>h/ed the Army) and sulphurated iron .and quartz, and ofli ii c>^>;i. I All of tlkifl li*vaappear> to Ir've cjoli.d wiM enl Irom the gie.it e>l-i.t ol rout. in l uriyin lit - h • was coinmi! ^ioned a Miid- tf’iUiles a daik ferruginous Kind, uni\er 1 ei nsidrr*able rapidity, nnd ih" top of th' 'vhu.h (In sc veins nb.rtmd, (he qiuu;lity of >!.i| in;in, a-il pi iced under lii'’s>i;K>rvi-inn ruMv aihnidedas thecatiguc of thi'prcc- U' vciiLs to have cool* d liist, and in such a iniitlcr iht y c .ntain, and t^ ir iiR'reuM‘d j.of .\dmiral J).gby metals and precious stones. 11: anncr na (o have a!rrdeil a iw-ssiige for richness ih' dii jK'r lliey are !■>!!: w- d. Tlie “;.'i In- lii d." Tho whole of this f.rniaJion seems both exhalations from the lower pail-, tntil (heir Ihii I.')- s f the en-t of f ri.-ni c,,v.I j . c.-ipacily he wa« C - in analysis mwl ap[K*aranrc to rrfcinlilc nu fii vtiiis in :ary ' 1 c.ii-*: , Hodnry in 17^0. 'I’wo aiul anciciit la\a, the up;»«r jinrt of linsUli'‘»r fho top or iliat |a;f iiM nl phr* ■, niid likt-A i r t i r.iorf ; sail (‘t'Spnnir-h ships wrrr raptunMl, lycon^o innaMira!>iy dcconiiM x cl liy l!i'', n^rxr::-1 t!i^* nirriic(», is al’.vHva tlip iiv xt hnnl * .. lo h\A itr nvt rn?,c , 1 !'u:»^wiisro-rii!i'-t/'no(.!**l’rin('o 'I hc' riH-ks whi !j have !.■ i :i' iml fiirn, an.l coi,t;:in.s i!k« mo«.l qmH/, and thie!.... •- ;-.r.y be 1 i. t i.nirh lo e\- ,• iiit'rp.ii'..-d with the v,hi‘n ar-' 'C(d the he-gl.t if l.ie hills idjaiuing the jrably riecomp* lapse of time enumerated, have Ix-cii el:i«;ed among l!i ingredients of coinpacf In va, and tlie a,>[M ar- ances they exhiiiit of having lici n tubj*'C- tfid to intcn.“o h«;jt, and thf existence of other substances which are fmnd among them, such as pliimljago, the sj'^ctilar a id micacious oxides of iron and |iutnice '■lone, ftrc too strong evidences of volcanic ucli>n 1) I).; disputed. \huiidan'''e of iron and cop|)cr p} rites are f und liotli in th'- soil and in tlio roc its; and native sulphur is .-^in.e- ti.nic.'i I'ound sublimated in (!i'’ cavilii sof thi- r>ck«. .Miner.il spring.s are vi.ry ubiindaiil, u:>il in dry ^ea.»ons the waters almost every exhibit traces of iron and cc'p|K r. That the iipp^'r part of this crust or forii.a- Willi im lleiii_\,” in ci^.si'quenee i.f his !»'- ii g ]in*s*Mt cl (he faptun*. Siil,^ci;iiui.ll_\ he visili'd New Yoik, ami (iksofnld new.-.- i^ frf-e,tifntlv s. iii.xte of iivn a.id ealphurilc of dilll n iil d-pot-ite mines in Iho county c.f llurke. api>earanc(s. It is so piwr in gold that it 'rii.it sii -li an immen.se hxly of heated j pnprr- published in lint city b.'ar I -liinony is'^'■M'*'n if ever wrought. \ I i\-a or.ee cvi^ti d, at no % cry great deplh j to the-freut s;i(isja lii.n his \i-il ulliiid.d Owing (o Ihc variety of mini nils, and fioni llie •Jiirlae'', i« nirthercorro^.rated, by of the l)cll-s of tlmt diiv. Munv nn- c.-iKTiilly 11 the qu intily of sulphur con- the apjK'arairi s i.f tin- |edge.» and quarries I pcihites have alic u'v f nnd ih'eir wnv I > the tain' ll in ihis lavii,il is constanlly uudjrgj- of rm k m many parts of (his country. I j puhlic eye iji re lation lo his manners, ap ing a decom|Ki«iliin. The black Fuliihu- ha'o fiequinllv f und ihc ve;;is nnd ti.'>tircs I and puruils while in |Kirt. rile of iron Ix coni"') con;erted into (he red ufthi'S" to exhibit I races of healed vu|K)Urs I |„ sensou the midshipman liecame a i.Mile, anil even l!ie quarl/, it« lf bcar.s evi- and exhalationi h n ;n'T]wssed lliroug’i linn I heu(enan(, nr.d as mval roan-- (o promotion deiit marks oi' c'.iri’si‘>n and ilci'uy. 'I'his fr ’in nndi'niealii, and (o bo or«(ed i ver, in |;irc geiKTal'v shoit cuts, h'' was soon Irans- priK i'Sfi is, howi VI I , r.ivoiablr lo the devcl-, (he aiie’ nnm.fr nnd with the s.ime .sub-j loimpd into a captain. \\ ■ iieiieve h'“ coni- ep-'mentof till' gold whii li, fioni ils piiri'v, .'•lance, as llie smaller masrf’fi of Java in (he Liai (led a friga(e ; but under whut Ibgofli- i, o\f>:j‘pl from any rhimica! aeti ni, and tipfx'r pari of (h'' M-in min>-s. In !»onie eer is not remcmtiered. only become? lil/ r il'-d from its gangiie. j in-liui' i-s, 1 have I.muhI this coaling tof >rni ' In 17'^*) he was created Duke of Clarence At w!i:il place ihi so streamsor veins (irst a blaek pi r>»us riplii^ot .M.vcral inches in j n;irl f!t. .\ndrews in (•n'ut llritain, and I'arl tion h.as liceii the mf>.‘-( subjeclca lo '-vctmi- imake tlicir apix-nraiiee nl the surf.ice, and (hickne‘ s jmrlially decomi>o:K'il and consid- ,,f Munster in Indand, and had sixty Ihou- r.o.’jtion, i^ proved hy the digging of well-, j how f.ir to the ca-.t, or raiher lo (he ni>ilh- crably uiiriferous, but (lie gold in very fine sand d'dlars p-r annum s«'!llcd u|M>n him ; in which the earth is g«-iierally fniind to hi - iiu,t, they may l)C (rnii;il, is at pres;nl un- J^nrtii lc». Near the top ol a considiTnble | |mx k»'t money lor “(he third calender, the c/jn.e more firm until it assuines tlie idiar- known, but it is eert iiji that Ihi'v aU'imd numljer »>f large liiils or niontit.iins, us they | son of a King,” as th' vtory Ixxik says, acter of a dccompos'-d rock, whid'. inerea- from South ('arolina (o V iri;ini:i ihroiigli-' are sometimes c;alled,^ whi(di I have e\:ini- | | |o was frequently adeiulaiit al the Hoiuie Kcs in hardness until i( ImconwH firm and ou( llie whole region, which has iK cn de. im d, I have never (ailed (o lind volranic i ,.(• |,„rds, and gained some r -i-Ututioii by his conuMU’t. Sonielirnes (Iiis rock is found I s rilx-d, and an- |;» rlaqis of mu-h gr.'aler seorive, and >(her e\ al'-iieoM ol Iheir . |'n( j|jty in s;>eaking, and from advo- within u few fei-tof the sin-fie*’. nnd can l:c jexti-i:'. F.nt, at t!ie p!ui;o win re 1 snppo',;; having oik *• iiiheriied all the phenomena of!,.„(j|,p ||„. raiis.' of Wist India Colonials, trali-d lo considerabl'* d«'pth wilhonl j theni t> c:)inmcn'-e, tho i-onirnotion of liie voIc.aiKs ; and the age ol these appi-aniiic i Up-,»aa i n e in fivor of the (.'atholic claims, ' but found it conv. iiient to c’.iang''his opin ion on di'’ 'ulijei-t. »n the i!ea(ii of I.ord IIo’.v'’, he was np- |x inti-d Admiral, und in hoisted his ll.ig >ii board the Re.v.d ( I'nrlcttc yateh, and t-iok Li uis XVllf. to I'rance. In .Inly, h! innrr.ed Her Rere;'.^ .... , much dilfii uKy, whil.- il is Mitlieiently fii in j oerlh which fK-e-isioned Iheir .•xi-lenc, nmfonuly Ix-ur a great corre;--iHjiidcnc-with not to need a rtirb or w:.ll loprevr nt il>l:r[ prar to have ii; en mo l viol'-nl : nnd tho age of the gold mini s, l aving in. Jsirni!ar ifsnhs l.avc; ix-cn ex-1 (lie slreaiiis coi;'-“(]u:’nlly inure frei|n-ul, 'I'liat thir-part of Ihc world is Komelimiw and disg ir;:ed a grcaler (x>rtion of I'l'-ir :i;;il,ile I by ci*irini lioi;s snlliei'nt to | r.iilui e contents iijxjii llie Hiirf.iee, wlni-!i, in S'>m- nil tiv I sriible phenomena, whi'-li ha\ebri-n places, by sulS‘'i|iif-ht d''conipo-ilton, has «Ir-s-i ilM-il. i-> aliuna'anlly proved by li.e e-irlh- f.riiied a rh li and lluril^roll• tioil of c'in-1 qniikes, within l!u; nieinory of cvi ry i ne, ;-iile'u''!e -\|isit. 'I'll-' depo.-iii- iiiiu' s, us, and wliich K--cni to have Ix-tn li-l( liiron.'t'i- IM'rienced in digging lor gold; und soin mines have l^'en ubandr>i;':d at no very con- Hiderable depth on acfi iinl of the dillicidty of pcnctratnnf the rock, t!iron~ii which lln* vein of ore has l.m-r-t. I l-ave -n s[x‘ci of this rock ut jiluce;, s -',cr.d hu’;-1 ihey an-c-all> ■!, :uid v.hi'-h :i]«jt"ar t-) have j out llie coi:tmciit.-j f North tuic' S i;*h A- i:UIK CANAL. T!ie wholi-. length of the I>ie Canal, fiom La’a- Frie (o the Uin!.-on river, is 3fi3 inilcv. It is forty feet wide on the r.urfac'-, and 'our ir i!r;.th. 1.,-iUc r.ric ixrfC5 feet above tholevil of the Tliii'- B'n at Albany. Tin re are from one extremity c tix" O-.al lo the oilier, 61 loek;-, and tlie total ri'i snd !ill is 6^8 feet ; of wliich about 6.V) arc fall. Thf entire cost of the I-'ric and Ch.-\mplain Ca nils, arct.rdinc to the Cannl ('oinnii!';iioni’rR’ Es! mate, i»$7,.'>lti,‘>9,‘», or 817,3C7 IJ per mile; innK- ing t'.io tijt.-il co«t oi tlie Erie Canal, includin;; tin.* for loek“. fiiiler*, bridges, and all appeudajri I !(7. .\rcorrtin(? tn an. thrr e^liiuat, til;.! coiitainid in the report of .'Ir. S. Wripht, to tl'.e SV-natr, !'••?). I'i. I ••07, the eoit of tlie Krie t Y- inl Ii r mill-WHS I!ut in this i stimcti v. e.-r ineliidrd l.-irge sums pnid for rep?.irs, and fur wrrli? not slriell^ ni>pi mlajr.i to thei'anal. 'I'lic t ime rcunirrd inr pa^sin; the locks, is varii .1 aeeordin;; to cireiimKlaaceii. Wo .ire not able l > the averaae di tc niion. The pi'iieral rate pi r hour of travi-llini;, is about four iiiiUsj of traiu.- jjortiition fttK>iit threi^. Till amount ot loll eo'li etuton the Trie Canal in one year, iP'tZ", was 9"!i7,1.50 ViO. W ehaveiiodM- iiiin iit ut hand to whioh vvec.-in reler for the rate of tr". There are no mran.'f of ascertaining the nuuiU r of paKS nijers who pas.ied alonr the canal since it eoinpli-ti'm. The nuiiilu r of lioutij tliat arrived end departed from All>.inv durinir the season o eanal na\ i>r«lion, in ItCiit, was !‘J,33.t. The whole quantity of ilo.vn frei^hlon which toll is charged by the ton, was Tlie quantity of mer ehandiie, A;e. conveyed up tlie canal was .1.1,00(1 tnns. Tm-re were oilier arliclcs of freight botli v.-.iv«, for exanipir, down It^.niW cords of wood: 3i,\.‘)f> ft-el of limber; as^ljin,eij'.l fctl of luinbtt; and 17,KI t li-el of shin;rles. The n'lnilxT of passnje nnd transportitio.i Imats is cpiitinual'.y varyiaff. They all belong to ir.iiivitin-ds. Two horses are generally used lo dra w the bontH, nnd JOiiH times three. They are usually cl.ant;( iilout every twelve iiiiles. The net iiiemne from the Rfie and Chnmplaiv Canals Irom 1"17 to Jan. IKill, wa.-$r«,'ly7,71‘J 11 Tl;e net profits for the ye.-ir Iftit*, applied towanl the payment o*' tlio canal debt, amounted t ';-l71,;V.‘'i ‘J-;?.—XnitI.irn paper. " .Mry you live in lf,d ci)"ipaiiy,'’ wis co '.^iier IlighncHs, Ami'lia-Ade!ai>lc.Lour-Ti-( 'itha- eU by tlio.".nricnt Creel-; one of th" biUercrt impre. lino, cld;-«t daughter of n''- r;’-i'. ' ite I'm'.-'' ..y uttereH Rfr;nr-'. n.n

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