TIIK MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. MECHLfeNBVRG COUNTY. FKOU THE RALClGll AEGiSTCT. I It !i( w it »i>n. The Kin» hnil (k'd to Nautps, nccoinpa- . 1 iln m it to It' a very i;nh»!>ti!inl'!c r.nii, i,y Pukc dc Boixiejldx, ((he yoiUlj; Limt ot Uii- vokario,^^ mim ,.,pti;c,) Olid ithcr lllCmJx'I-S of aslmviinrlirokcnout itiN.Caroliiia.iomr l;e!l'ilo. ‘ I* ,, i ■ i ,V;,u zrn yiars n-,'0, in iJiat |«rt of the roimlry, and j ri>jnl tanilly. They hll>e c.irucu you «vm 10 it grnuinc, rioH liku tiitU tion, copicd, \vc boliovo, nliiiost litcri!!y trom the original article which ap{>oarcd the subject, in this pajicr on the 30th Ap 1S19; which extract is'accoinpanied by the copy of a letter from Mr. Jrjfcrxr.n to thi; cider Mr. Adamx, dfitcd July lUth, pxprcssing his disbelief of the truth and re ality of this d?clarati(>n. A copy t'f this lotter we ai>pond to these remarks for the information of our readers. We da not wonder that Mr. Jefferson should have doubted thi truth of this IW- laration of Intlepondence (jiBK made in itcnllv,' -'■t iti'*’ tint the rcjal lii^ht was to 'arcd oil' ■J' •“ i Ulieims. ( Tliusit \vouldapi>oartliat (’hailes h i»« crown uiMin a cast—luis stood . . I . ’ I I'iud to have fclkn. I?jt i: nally tal.cn iroin tin . , ■ i * i i , Kali ij;li Ktpistrr, wlio is the narrator—and is thi ^ hazaid ot ti.e die aiul lo!>t it. name subiiciitM d real, or is it aa iictitioiis ts thr | \ lottor fnini an Kn^lish gentleman in anothir :=oiit to Puctor W illiainson, now prol>nl)ly ilond, wluw memory lid not rccoIlcct, in the las. tory lie lion writt. a !l' North-Ciiroiina, thii gigan tic ^^.'p ofit.^rr.njity orMi rklcntmr”. Hcrrr, too, is tikiit i;i liii l.istcry of Marion, v.hoso scciic o! r.tliou vva« tin- country bord- riiip on M»i.’!.Ii.nl)ur;:. Mecklenljurc, havinjr neverWifrt- heard of, Kamwy, MarsiuU, Jonts. t.irardin, Wirt Uist..ri- if^and for the other rea.^ns which he as- e”" -^Jr- y , 1, 1 1* 1 IK-nry a rt’s«liitif>n9, tar sl.oit ol iiidi’m iidincc, Rigns. Indeed considerable doubt was pub-, t[irci;p!i every pn|itT, and kiu- Hcly CXprc-^d at the time this Document |,iud lioth kiJi» of iliu Atiamie, i:i»« ilaminjr dtc- was first published in the Ko-ystcr, iwt only | l^iration of i!-.c same date, of tlie tndnKr.dmcc ot in the Eastern IWIKrs, but t l-^t-re. Wc, i M -ckknljurj countv, of No; th-Carolinn, =1 ioh in- ^ ‘ .. j ,1 „ r _ I it tr->m tlic l!ri!:ah 3lif"ianeo, and aiMuriii;; iiU w>- thereforo, thou^rlu it our duty to nvike lur-; v.iththu nation, iltlK.«„i, uu tuor ent^uiries on the subject, and tor this Itijiiotknown purpose applied to our neiphbor Col, IV//.'. : even a twelM* nunith a*ter, wlien a ►iaiilur pro[»^ PolL-, of thisfiitv, (s >n of ('ol. Thomas Polk,! >« fir-l •■«!}•. Armed with tliis wW ».,k . Z,;p,ou„u, ,,aH m pr.Ko.d.; ''^no, though but a jr.uth of 17 or lo | ? Would not eviry ailv.icato ot indepcndi'nec at the time, was present at the meeting which have runq; tlic "loriei of Mecklenburg oouuty, in ^nadc the Declaration. He assured us, that I N, Carolina, in tlic ears of tliu doubtii;; DicUinron thS facts which wo had published, were in j ''’’"S ? Vet the C^asral cc*cct, though he thousjl.t Uirro ! M.ckUnburg county, .« . '/• haa triiiin;>li- tlny liavc neliievtd a niijhty action. Tor tlirce days lia* Pa ris bt in a KOf lie ot' wcrfaro. ISIood haa fiowcd in torrc^lt^; at K'ai4 31*00 men have fallen on Iwth pitK-s; romc say 5iHK); Lnt the miiitary are the jirincjpal (>uSeivr!t. 'I’li* ^firit ot tho |>i o]>Ii: w.v* iiK-onreiv»bk*t tucocsisivcly carried « very j drove tlie s^diois be ere tliem, to:>k the Ti ili'iivv, ti;o I.mrrc, and all tlie public buildiujp by assault. Yt^rdny, »t »ix o'clock, all I’uiii wna ill the hnncR of tile eitizinsi. To their lionor be it faid, uropt'VIr, public or private, are ev?ry where rexpecttel. Tile pates ot the city waf 0',>cn, and the n'reit-*, vliich had been torn up by tlic |iopu!acc, with t};c intrntion of thron ing tlie stones from the tojw of ti;0 houses ui>ou tho military, are rcimiring-.” ]Much blood has doubtless lieen sheJ. In exiiibiiion of another deweriiition took place ahnoHt immediately aftcTwardn.on thcap|:i aran«! of Mar- chid Marniont, whom the Dauphin overwhelmed with repoaches, and accused of betrayinjf tlieni, “ Hit he tiid otlicrr,” thr.s added hij authority to that of all Frani:e, that Marnioiit had betrayed Paria to tho Allies, and ohowinir, nt the fame tinu*, how frail conventional dipnity is,-when cs;i03cd to the rude hhock of calamity. The present duke of OrU an*, v.'ho has tluis nad- denly been called to the heqdof the provincial po- X'l rument, is the son of the well known I’ngalite, who suft’eri'd durinjr the French Revolution, by the fruillotinc, and wa» cousin to tlic cx-kiiij;. lie n as levercl years himself a colonel in tlie Repub- litiin cavalry, and fought various battlej under the tii-eoloiired tlajr. He was alltrwards obliged to tly to Switieiland, wl'.cre he was a profes-w of inntiieniatics, ar.d. fomc time alter, over to Kiitj- land, and took up his residence ot t'hisu ick. Ou tho restoniticn of tlie Umirbon?, ho returned to I'rance, and had the whole of hiu imnv iisc proji- erty restored to him. He ij next of the I'rinces of the DIood to t!io deke of IJordeau.r, a posthu mous son of the lati! duke of Uerri, next brother to Uie iXiuphin, the duke d'Anffoulenie, and consc- HUently the third in sucewioii. He will be 67 Veats lid on the flt!i of October next. C'harlcs the Y nth is nhout IH. Soni*' nay that tlie crown will l)C piven to the younif diihe do liordeau.x, ami that the l)uk** ot’Or- kms will N' ap;x)ir.tod Kegei.t. OUu rs, that the dynanty »ill be clmr.jred, and that the duke of Or- leans v.ii! b:'apjv intid Kinj;- A tew thinh tliat yxu'ir Naj-o!*’')!! « iil avecnd tlic throne; and tJiesc |>eriiniis say that the l»rti>e of Austria will not oJi- jcet to such appointinent, on the crouiid Uiat it wi)l enable tlieiil to U’sr up against tlie overwln hii- ■•'S p'lwcr of Uiisi-ia. It is, however, premature to i nter upon sach spceulatioiis. the Fauxliourg of St. IK'tiis it was report- ^ ed from one-«o two th-usaiid persons hud | If is a quet-tion of high importance, whe- l)cen sacrificed, 7.’hcn the puards tmd the itn.'rthj lloly Allini;ce will inter|H)se inbc- artillerj', sill-eked at wt niucli e.tma;;e, rnd j halt i‘l the fu|itive King. I he peneml .'jceinw the detcmiitU!.lion ol (he jioopl?, had i opinion abroi.d, is, tl.at thcv will mvt, njion refused to fire. i jrround that tho French King hud \ iola- Thceventsconnecte.l with this revolution, I iod the charier, under which, lilono, they It has been our under no other ^ _ I -rolii'.a, wa-s iHMrcnce (juutid. The i>a was an error as lo the name of the Socre- U., spi aks, :x>. ofthe eoi.tmucJ-x.rtioasof thiir ^ t Ir tarv of the meeting, as well as others ol a drlej^tion, (Caswell, Hooper, IfuirheM,! ‘in t!ig. ha\e pasaedbj^re us with Sitcliunexan.pled : J • mmopkind, but that he would make it his cause of liberty and iude,Kndiuce.’ iVow, you' rapiihty that tTiey float haT.iiy in the miml like inipres^nn, tx.wevcr--t.>r iirulei business tb obtain from some of the old in- remember a. will a. I that we had not agrea- U dream rather thzui fu'ts otlicially nutheji- view of the ca-» cou.d we acc«mt for the hab.tant.s of Mecklenburg, further part.cu- I;r.i w 1 In '"'T on this subject. • r,*d. r w.th .^.inelhtnfr hkc an thut .h-y must h«v.- > ti>.nr. •Col. Polk a^cordiniilv made the necessa-! that ('a..«el', imlr.d, wa* i e.»>d whij. and k. jrt | iiitelhgiblohisttirv^ofthe wef :idi.nn;;wh!. h awei d osMsiunrc TV enquiries, and in Febniary, muiiicatod to us tor publication, ('onB' Geo. Gruh-.'.m, ITm. lit, Clark, and Robert Rohiiixon I » l.f »> u *» •••*« 1 3 ,• .zi com-' jrentli iiifn to the notoli, while he was pres-1 they «KCurrel. 1 lie Roy»l OrdowiiUirts pHfii'h vsl yesterday, and which tcl,in^or 'j,y.' umytain until lYim caxc, who j j ,he exp!;«0!i, “I ti'tcd lliichef^, end Uic vole ot the Male. 1 i . i ,i i- ? i i i 0.1, all old in-1 must nit l'' u:Kler>tri>d as s'UfEostinjf auy doui-t-1 ilatotl on the »..5th ot Julj , ami pul>- crisisarrue. And this opiiiiiiii is atrrnglh- cn^d by the f.^»ll»wing panigniph front the Liver]K»l (’otirier, f August 4th :— It has I'ern reported to I’.s from a ;uartor on 1it;mtS of Mcck'.eilburil CcuntV, st,ltina^, ^ f^ln•'^•i in the State of XorthJ irolir.a. No StaU-' lishcd on the WCth, which was .'VlolKlay.— 1 wl'i,''!* ‘I"' JH ricet rcli.incc can^bo placid, liiat . t*. ' ^11 ^ - * * * .t they were present in the town ot Lhar- lutte, in Mecklt'IlDUrg CoU'.ltj, otl the 19th „ ncirative can only Iw presumntive laat they were present inthe town of Chari: «•=-- »>-->re " fo.-ward. N.,r do I affir.n, ,-o^-1 Simultaueously with the issuing of these , d’Aff^r« • " • I iccn-os, Marshal Mari.K>nt, (Duke of Ra- ;ri"il^;iat eoui.fry, was hear.l to di'we to ompany : ttiat the meeting took |daco the Jourt.housc,Ht Charlotte; that Ahrahnm Alcxctr.der wan chosen Chairman, and Dr. Upftraim Drftartl, 9|^rtary; that th-? Do- l^gtties contintaed in session that day and the nexl; when Resolutions were brougJit fsnrard and adnr.t‘-d, which dednrr d the • "ittzrres tt mrmnrnmrg VtJftrtr ittc tmt FUJIKu;.N INti. Witiiin tlie laj-t few niont^lis t'te ntws from Eu rope liai b‘Ciiof a very important and inoincntoD* cfiaractcr,—the deii.Ltc of lieorge IV. Kii>» of of indepemfent of tho Kirigaud ParJiafiient ofi ‘ * Groat Britain; and from that day forth, all;„ f ailegiance and p'jUtic d relation with them j ^*dy, 1-y llie Iicnch,—and utlly. t!i«! Jieroiutiim vas a!>s.'>lved ; which declaration was si)cned ' in F.-aare, on the uTl’i, 2Mh anu ',’jth of July,—has by everj' member of the del-?gation, amidst | rendered the lt:t.j fonij-i iutelligL ncc unuiually the sh^Hits and huzzas of a large assctnhly 1 iiiti7CEtinir- Although the latter news may be of the people of flic County. TIk'SO old j generally know n to tlic majority of our reader*, a? ITl'*n al'.v.tvs lieHe\ cd that the Resolutions 1 frtrrivrd lierc nearly two wc l;s past, we presume fit?claring tho Independence of the C itizena ; a-p «on;c who have not seen tJic paitieulars; of ^fecklenliurg, v.xre drawii up by I to ccpmencc with the news of the day, we oc- lircrard, Inc Secretary of the meeting, ai;d ! ^^p.. ^ considerable rorlion of our fir it number r.itli that the whole w;is c/jnrcive l and broiight 1 iiWit thrmich the instnimcr.talilv Juid [iop-| ‘ . ...i i- i i I /• rv 1 TL „ II ‘ L Tlic i.Timeuwtc C30JC PI ihe I rcnch revolution ularitv of Col. 1 homas Polk, Abrauam A- , , „ l.-X'u>d.-'r, John McKnit Alex.v>drr, Adam j Aiesond* r, Ephrai-ii Hrevanl, J«»hn Phifer, i >!“ Clmmber of Dei.utics by tin: IL'Zikiah Alexander and a few oth-n\—j •'‘‘•’J-“ Tiicy also state, that Captain 3m k, of Char- [ had b cn returned a^inst the !Hmisteri«l p«rty. li It?, war. etnployed to carry copies of these . Btlow wc have made citract« f/om tlic Ncw-Vork lievdutif^ts to tho Pn*sident of Congi'e*, i C’omciercial Ad\frti;-^r, c -ntaimng a* iu«ny ofthe and to the Repr^^ont.•ltives of this State in ) particiJari m we can Snd r«-om &t. that Ix.dv: thut he executed that tru.-t, and i — xrtumed with aaswcrs, both from the Pte.i-i RIAOI.LTION IN Ul.VXf E! d.vut and the Repre*ntativ.s, approving ofl I f tuo course th.-vt had b«en taken, edding, that | ’ annou:‘ced as b^:,g m the cfl|ng yes- tho ti:.KJ would sixin conn whvii tiio v. hole Contment would follow the example which -4«/rA't.rr the,r London pa,^rs to l:adUeu.e( bytheC.ti^-nsof Mccklputrorg.j V‘ l^verj>«ol to t4w 4th A letter was also received and tnibiiViicd, i>oth intjus.ve. , ■ r from a Uev..luti «nr% nulitiaiuan, aged ^1,' “ 'v.«cv..knt from t.ic coinpiextonof the of the s-tme Ciuniv', dated Jan. 20, t*-reign advtce... ye.^cnhy , that acr.sis wa^ stttiagtliat he was present at th--' meeting j in I 'hiirlotto, when tlie UesolutiMis dtciar-1 i.ng I.idcix>rKience w-ere read. | ‘■‘’'l.'lf«« If« I >urren.>rH will observe, that "P'"“ t-'C started car qutfk as IIm; ..3ft’* letter to Mr. Adarnt, was written Ix:-! tliiuider-craih follows the. b!a7.e of the hght- fire tho publicatK»n r»f these Coitificatf*?^.f, ** U^un* Flie Had ho sctu this ,'ulditional tctim-nv, it is “♦n^ets of the i rcnc i *-r^)Hiil have again [.roLiWe, rnipht liave hi.j ouin- with ^ r t? X. nae - . • ' J ren-?piJ to Fnc n'lu^fhtv IJourbf LA FAVirriE ready produced: “ \Vr, Po.'ccTof Po'I.’v', Sic. seeing the or-Motnce r Iof October, ISll, ie. wt have ordamoU and ordain ii:r of Aliiu-Tsou Uic oLi 01 /• •• “ as fullowt I '.r. ux to credibility of this well attested n;;gii. The hiughty Wourbf-ns are aauiti I’uffitive.s, uary ^tate t-f things. Cn tlio tvming of the same day, tho fel low ing orditonco was ported up ia Pnri^, whivli sciv^mI to increaiK} the agitution al- Art. 1. Kvcry individua! v.lio shall distribute printed writi.if-s, on w hich t'icrc i littll not lie tho true indication of tho name^, pro'i and reri- deucc of tiic cntbor and of the printer,4r who shall (five to tl;c public the *01110 writings to rend, r hall be brought befbre the Conin.ifsary of Police of the qu-'-rter, and the writinc* shall tie wiz''d. “ 2. Every individnsl krepioff a ii adinc-re.om, eojlec-houio, X.e. who sliaJI ^ive to be read, jour nal* or other vritinj^s, printeil contrary to the or- dir.arce of the Kin" of t'lc 25tli inst. nhtivo to the prc*.i, shiH be proBcciitrd as pitilty of th? nit»- demeanors which thc!«e jo\irnal, or writings, imy constitute, atiil liis citkblishir.ei.t shall be prov:. (ioually closed. T uesday, llie 27 th, was ea rly a diiy i.f gret-t cxcitraicnt aiid agitation. 'I'iie Police were basy in atU'oipting to pre\«*iit the pnnplc from viwiting the usual places of res-rt ar |.:Lpers and ^ws. Tiie Journal of Copi- mcrce ap;)caj^ by p>rmisei'm, and a royal ordinance v.’w iseaed, requiring the printer to proceed vrilh its coin[iositiiin the fullow- in,^ day. A «ii'ailar order was issued for the publicatkui of //« Frar.cr Natitdlr, bjt it was dis«|cycd. 'I’he slud»-ii«s of the gi III rally reporu d that the Htjitc ot ^dverhi.* It iliojf prevailinj a^*iiist the govcrnniint in France lies born a subjrit of di^ru."^ion kt Jo*niii'.li rjf, but thatnod.:fiiiitiv.' n.nfurcKhadbccnn fcIvi dtijxin.” It i»al*o'!aiit that Pruwia nnJ Au‘tiii proiniNrd toa>>fiii)t nir.rirs X. in cnse h'fchoidd cflir.e i{i con- tart with his [Kople, witli troops. It i> arfd.'d tliat, ivlic!! till* w(,» u'.t icli'Uvd to tlic L>u!;e mi)^-' ever maiV" this olic rraiiin, v:v fin cdy *ay that he enlt itaiii*: a jitit opiriicn upoii ih*' sub;, cl. In ea!^- of a torei,:n inva.' i' n, Fr;.ncJ mijlit, in tJiree nio:.t'i»—naj, ia ll.r* ».\'«ks—have at la t a ii.il- lion of men !;i trim'. Min ar'1-i..iy trar.vformed into •oldicrj whi-rc tlii re i.s no want ol' poou olVi- et-rs. F’rincc at thi n.i;.»ci.t pom ta-" m abun dance tlie ab'.'.t orTi . ra in Kuropi'. TJic grand ir.iiy ill Hieri'ly ucall' rcd, iKt diatroycd. T' npU' ii.-.vc no ne. d l-t be a'anued let t a clianjjr of lli^v- err.mcnt i.i Frr.nf« ::h.ald It ird by *urri(fn in- terf>T»>nce. Irft Frane*' I.e uiiiNd, and tl*e Oit.!:- ncntal .M'’.narf.l.« dnre iK.t attiicU her. As !cr Fn- gkind—she it- out of tlic question. “ r liOil I.A’.IATION Adiirrtitd t« thf Fn nrh h’Jlhf Prpul.rtnf Drpsit- meitt! at I ati:. “ FrencJxuen!—Fraho«. is free. Al’olutr povr- rr raised iti jtandard—t'lc heroic pnpulatiuii of Paris has overthrown it. I’atis, alt..cl(cl, has mnde the sacrcfl cauru triaiii|Ji by arm* whicli had triumphed in vain in the eluetion;. A power which u^urprd our righta anddisturbed our repf>w, thnat- ciiKj at cnee lil*rTty and order. Wc return to tho po»sr*rian of onlcr and l.berty. There is no more liar ft>r acfji-.irc d rli{!.t -—r.o i.ir.rc bi-'riir U Ixei n u aiid the rights t^lii> h v. " - till ivnpt. A t *M rn- :i.ent hieh iray v i'hoiit d- lny t,ciifc U> u-* tlicHi: sdiaiila^'':! i(! no-.v t':'- firtt wjntof «ur cmintry. Mnro you ft’om the calainitiei of civil war and of anarchy. “On returning to tlio city of Pariii, I woro with pride those );loriims colours which you have re- suiiii'd, and which I myself lon(; wore. *‘ Tho ('hanibera arc goin^ lo assemble, they will consider of tlie means 01 aocurinr the reign of the law*, and the maintenance of Inc nation. “ 'I’hfl ('barter will hraeetbrtli be a truth. “LOUl.S PinLlPPE D’ORLEANS." The following is from a City Cbrrcapondrnt:— “The accounts frona Paris jnst received by ex- prcBA, are dated Saturday nif^ht. The following la an cxtract from a private letter: “ The Provisional (.•overnment has Just txMin in stalled. It w ill be a moderate one, and oompoacd of moderate men. “ The Dulio of Orleans, w!h> has been appointed Lieutonant--tencral, will be piven a crown, which he will wear willi more moderation than that which has Ju.-.t been last. " riie Crown has p>ne for ever IVom diaries X. and his dcHcendants. Charles is at Chartres, and has about ^tHIO troops with him. “ All Paris is now tranquil, and tlie people, who two days spo v.'crc fi^tin;' (or liberty and their country, have returni5 lo their Work. “ The Dank* have recommenecd payments, and the discoimt olHeoa are afrain open. “Thus has a revolution been accomplished, which will prove an onmple to thost; who would w ish to truiplc 00 the ri^nts of tlie people. “ Other letters Bpcak ot Nornuindy as the rally- inj; point of Charira the Tcntli, and that there a civil war w ill be projected. It was stated on Sat- uriJay tlist tlic Provisional (Jovernment were dis posed to treat with tlie Court if the .Ministers were dismis!'ed. This is not true. “ The cates of the Louvre were opened to die people by a youn;; man, aifrd about %). lie was conveyed amid chccrs to the Motel Dieii. “ 'nil' dead bodies of the men, women and chil dren had bcin removed from the public strccta with all ponsiblc rerpect. “The two Chaiiit^rs are to meet and commik- nientr with each other by means of Comniittcer. “Tlie accounts from ,Mar>u.illes state that in- termation had arrived there of there having arisen discontent:! among the Frmrh troops at Algiers. It iji said 10,000 have been ord'red home. “The convicts at Toul.m had attempted lo es cape, but wcn> prevented. “ In Mar!»cille« great c.xcitcment prcvaik-d, and the lMara'ilIoi-4 Hymn had been sung in tlie o|K.a ftrccts, with erics of ‘ Down with the Bourbons— I.onp live Liberty;’ and at Lisle, NisnH-s, Avif- mm, and at other ulace.s, the National Guard haid taken up arms in mvor of tho p«oj>le." STAFF OF THE NATIONAL GU.\RD omcut. Srnt It (Ae MmHieipa'itf of Petit. General I.alayel*c announces to the Mayor* and Memix-r* of dw different errondiisemeiits, that ho hss accepted the command in chicfof the National (iuard, which has been offtred to him by the voico of the public, aiul which has been nnanimously conferred upon him by the Ilrputies now afiH-in- bled at the house of .M. Ij»f«ye;tr. He invites the .Msynr and Municipal C.oiiiinittces nf each atron- disacincnt lo st nd an officer lo rcetive the orders of the General at the town hctcl, to which he in now fTOi'i odinjr, ar.d lo wail tor hiui there. I'y order of 3en. (.AP.VYirPFK, MemU r of the Coinilitutior.al M iiuii. i iwl Conuaiuce of the I ily of Pari/. I KOCJ.AM.iTiOy. “ r#lJ*ir.'.Ct!!an»»—You hare bj unsnimone »«- Isn-.atinn clcctid me your Gcneri I «h*ll provn ni«ini mniHjmwir al Giurd. We flight for oar lar/s and our litvrtie*. “ IVllow-CitiMr.r—Our trittin|>>i is certain. 1 i:!s-urrecti"n had conunencc.l. A letter friim Pari.--, July, .IKt, Evetiinjj, tsys : —“ I think bminess will l>>'pin c^iin jji nernfly 0:1 Monday : ti-day a pjod deal has been d»ne in bill:!, 'llie Kchnnse and ISank are not f t npi-n. The Ri ntrs will probably opm this day ; bm there u IVJ saying Haran l^iin is a very clever fuian- eier, and B.« al^ Che Ministe.rs Itave been In oilier Iieibre, and arcwmsidered able and nioderatf nii ii, iM'o;.!" of r/talth h«.' ;;rc.-il ronfid. nc;! in thi 111. —the I)uk» of *rleua%—toev rcis*' the funetions of L;c:ilcn3nt-t» r.^ ral of the kln^dnin. Thia i" ill th'ir opinion the S'lrtrl meaii' proii [-tly to pe. co:{i|.Ush by p«-2C0 the »!i:-c».ts of ih'; Msoit legiti mate deinre. “ The Duke of Oilc.ms is dcrn^rd tu the nation al and eonjililutti.nsl cause, lie has always de li tided iti intiTestji, and f.rorea.-cl it: prireipU :. Ill will ri pect our TKrhts, fr.r he w ill di ri»e hi- own frr.m lu". VVe fhall secure to oi!ti.elvfs by Jiwtoncal fact. The National Guards I’.'enng ^dicalions that were made to ’ol. IVik in relation to it at tho time, was piihiibhed at his expeiise. And if, after reading tiiis Pamphlet, any fartlicr ex;Manation be d.- Birod, we liavp no dHi'»l, that Col. Polk will, at any lime, be rejdy lo gl\.; it. The fdlrAving is ih’ l';!t''r of Mr. Jef- FEKS'JN to Mr. A« VJTS, :jl!uded to :— evoiits will lie fiund Indow. : ;le ex«s, w.sr^imitte.t. . , 7, ^ ,» 1 * 1 I I ,T it - cn? partdinzaB the pnbhr pkrur. Somcoftiiem A IctUr from V.. IS, dated Ju yi.^tK the •I'vd. i.nasinable, but all eon- “ n.e ni^! horrii.lo earn.7,e hr--, taken phre m 1 a- ,|„,„H«lve, as wi ll as possible, 'fhc ban- ri*—ycs'u trfuy till H o clock in the eie.-iiiKr, and j ,k,. n,.. i.. li!. l.:.v« i«in«! to-d.ny till noon. I'he n'imberot khled end woiiti- d'jd IS coii^id'-'ralilc >.n Imth siJis, hut t.'ie Royal Gnard was at luncfth n piilned o*i all point*, and the tri-eoloured tlat; i- hoisted nr. the Tuilcries. It r^juld nevi r have been Hu;>po»;ed tli.it there wns such iniin'iSlv e.tii-.rajre in the j>opul>>ion of the Kviry one t!cw lo nrnif, and this inori!. Mo.tficcih, July !i, li^P. of M. deliv*red ■Bcilion oilack thi:. iii:rht. it always is, to be made acqnaintJ d wttli cenlle. men ot candor, worth, and in'ormation, as I (onnd •M/. Greenwood toIx'. Tli.n1,on thesubjtclof Mr.; was f'.itircly fr(!0 froni the troojis who ad- S-.n'ielAdi.'n«\V(.ll»,t.halIiio*berorj:o*Uninlime! horcd to the kin f ; ail was trauquil in Pu- «nd place, wl«n it ean l,r used to hi, advantage. ■ OrU ans had, Rt t)i.' re. nat what ntii) aUract'.d rny rcciU*Ar ii ih'j , I’ai *• * i. * pnper 'rowi M. ckl-nhur» county, of n! C. p iblish-1 "'I, ‘ C-rflH-Mit/ d to act pro. in t*i#* K. yvx wliU'h you w»t*- ho kinrJ ' ^ iCnt-'rul 01 tho SI to «a*l03e j-cur Ijst, of th‘j 5r^d- Ai;d j 1'Wji'-’-'ill. Bixidiis. it uilfbc to t'leir inti re-1 lo keep up ti.e ! I»ws all the guarantees n'eesxary to Iil* rty, siron;; pricc of the fiiBd;;, hi they are all implicated in “iKi durmble. , . . the Ittc tlitt Thv streets f.re tiOW erowded “'1 lie rp-es-aWi.-hment of t::i National l.iu-rd, with pcrKut l-Wfiliinj end as gay as it they had »'*Ji Ihc intcrventicn oi' the Nati-.nDl t:uards in ° • ' ■ ■ the choice of oHiei i “The ir.ti-rventi'in of tiiv citizens in the »,riiin- li'-a of Ui'; d'j>:irti!:it tul ui d niunii ipal adn.inis- tr •.tiops. “The jury for the trir.'j;’!"* i.inn of the pri'ss ; the regally origan:/. il re-'ffnisihihty of the .'(inis- l rs, and the »i u.i.dary n^-jviits of the ada.iiiislra- tion. “Tlie re-Ifrtion of Diputies apjointed to pub lic oirici.s we shall give at l''i!};th to our institutions, in concert wiUi tlie hcr.d of tho State, the devcl- opeinents of whieh tiiey have need. “ Frenchmen—the I>uke ofOrliann liiiriHelflns already spoken, nnd hiii language iii tiiiit which is siiitnblc to a IVi"*' country. “‘The CiinmlxTs,’ rnjH h«', ‘arc poinj to as semble ; tliry w ill eoiiKi Jer of nieaiis to insure the rei?n of Um hiK's .'nd tiic maiiiteiiuiiceuf the ri;,'lit: of the natir.n.' “ The ’barter will hcncfPjrth be a triitli.”—Im- primrrie du / mpe. “ PARI!', .Iiily noon. rrom tJif Jf'itniil du f'nminrrrc. “ Iiihabitui.tj) of Pari s—Th«' Pepiitii ;iof I 'rnncc at this i!iom> iit a’j'.f’niKh'd at Paris, have I'Tjiref'ed to me the desire lh»t I should re’iair to this ( «[iit;il to cxerci ic the f.iiicti-jni! of Lieute’uint-t;'."- ral of the hiiiq;Jo.ii. “ I have not he itiiti-d to come nr.'l ;;hare your dangers, t'l pl.ieu m;,siU'iii t!i.’ ii.l'M of yo ir he- rrir m.viit n'-.il i > ’ i' n'v '•'’m;' ■ lo pri'- j kiTs and the i»t people in Uk^ plicc liave joined ‘ the Nation::l guards. All Paris is now armed. 'Hie united I'rwicli arni^’ would not bo able to put down the r|.i.-it now existing!" The Mrtiugtr dt» Chamhrtt vindicates tlir pro priety of rsifing tlic Diikeof Orleans'lo the throne, as the bent iisf^e of derivyig tlic utmort po:ifihle advantage tront'iis frcat triiiinjih. A few »oic«s say* the Joiir^l, were heard in favor of the ri’puh- lic: hut it nl^snys'that they met with very little eneoursKeiii 1^ A* iiKO.t I'aici/ial exhibition was takinj: place jout the same time outulde the walls, Ol . I 1 .1 •. ,! in which theSpfis^-d Monarch was the chicfaetor. Oil , utiird:iy, tiio .list July, liie c.ipital | a( |j,|^ that the motion was net to hi• put ... _ ,j._. I., e I , 1... . „ 1 1 ' |,y himsi If, as he travem- fd tJie ranks of his imffled mynnidions to cry out lustily “ I iue V f-'Aartc.'" To tl.i.i cry, as well as to a dceiaratio;^ thut he hid siKliealed in favor of his sen, who by his sid.’, the Itoynl (Vuard made no rci^[iciUMi, but observ-.1, a;i the Mfssaart dr-; fVii7’"')rrJ «iys, “an e»p" ;rtr? An besecch ;j'oii to obey the orders of lh'‘ Chic.'j that «itl be Rivra yeu. bnd that cordii’ly. The trec)ia of the line hare already given way. i he (iuardii ar.’ rca.ly to d.i tho loipe. The traitors wHio hava excited IIh- civil r. ai,and who thought to masHcro tha people with iinpunii''. will cooa be forced to a-'couiil before the tribunals for their viulilion of the 1.1 ws and ihtir saiij;uin»ry p!ot>. ‘•.^ij'fncd at Grn'.ral (juartrr«, “ Le (I'encial du nourr, “ Paris, Jn!y 3J. “ LAFA\ KTTr.- Ninc-VoKK, Sci-T. 4.—The iiiierohi uni- ve.'^ally excited by the laiu important news I'roni Fnttice is ci’ a character n*it rc.idily sulxlucd. The stirring events i:i tlial coud- try ere at present the all-aKvirbirig tojiic f>f coiiven>aliun ; and so far from losing by re- l>otiiii)n, tiieirdi-H;iissi(>n boeiiw still touwa- kcii a thrill in every bosiom. \ srer.e of pnth•lsia^ticp\citeIncnt occurred at t!ir Park Theatre la.-^t evening—such as is rarely w itnr -ed among our.-laid uikI s'diercitizons. I’ho Mars; iliis Hyiim l)cing sang by thn Company lo a crowded iictro, attracted thi* tli' r by y uiig Kc.in, the audienre joined ' iiiliusi.'i.'-.tically in the chorus, nrnl when tho tri-colourcil llag w.xs advatio-d ujxm ll»« stage, haiidken-hiels and hats wer*> wuvel from the Pitt and lloxea, wliile “ bravot;” and deaf'ning plaudits rt-Knuiwled from eve ry corner of the house. NV hen the applauw Kubsided, ri tri-coloured cockade was seen waving here and there nm'ing ihe j»ett ef Iliads by the gratified Frenchnmn, who, eager to reciprixate the Natiotud C'.inplt- ineiii, calkil U.udly for “ lluil Columbia.’’ The Mam-illes liymn was t.unc in iK.tii i'ngliuh niirl Frem h, .and was n'pentedly eiK-ored.—Amtficun. It ii f.(a;ed in the New York Herald, that tlio I hike of OrkuHis, now appointed l.u'u- tenant (lenern! of France, during his ban- ii-hmeiit, fii d to this country and Intight •«chool in New-Jcrs'y. It b added that ho evinced tho ba.ser;! iiigrutitude to s ime of Iiik .‘.mcrjcaii P.wtons afte r he w;is rc.-itored tu iifllttencc on the return of tlie I’ourboti*. Horrors of IViir.—letter fn-m Sidi Ferrui'h says, “ the dead eoqiw.s of tiie Al- gtriiws cover“d a v.hoh; river; and to avoid 1 t!ie |.d;igue hr: alatig out, Ihe I’n'nch wern oblif"'‘d to burn lliem all. In the cvoniij^r when tvt! arrived, we snvlt ill'' fd>ur of burnt fli'sh nt adistan';e (d'alwut two le.iguca and II half.” 'I'lie inventoried trea'^ures of the Di'V of -Mgiers tire .'nid to tiinniint to 0> inillioiiM oi ! frnnes in i:ion"y,aiid 10 millions in uo!d and rilvcr liiiliio:i and phite. 'I'hcre \m'i■ ■ U ^ide- 20 or !10 trillions not iiiveiitoried. fie v.ji a!lo,vr«l to rrt.Ti-i lor hi; e,-.-. n ns' 0 e' :md hi- e-'i;t' --.