THE MINERS' AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. 1 ^^HARLOTl’K: MONDAY, Stm'EJlBKJl 27, 1S30. fart, and it is tlie ciniy notice of tlio circumstaiicc in any hiHtory of orr country, 'nii.4 account Iidk been cxtractcd from Juripc Maitin’a work, and ]>ubli;ihrd in tho Nc'Abtrn Kprctalor, acconivixicd by a ktlLf (Vom Mr. Jcflor«ion to the el(l.?r Mr. Adams, di-'crcditing the c ircumflancc altcgttlii-r, mid throwing an air of lijr hlncss on the Eflair. ^Vu iiiiicrt tlic letter in a precrdin;; column, tc" thcr with rcmariiu from the Rakish UrglKtcr, and in our next we shall publish the cxtract from Mar'in'* History, (for the 2d vol. of which wc aro indfbted GEVf.RAt. Mr. Jcfibia^n, in hw icUcr coT;cr;iiiing Iho Wockiciilurg Dcc'.nration, o!>.i^fve3 tiuil \Vi!!:um?on, in his IJihtojyoC Norlli Curo- 1 ilia, tl. CM not moiition the tra:;snrtion. Jt is UKufllcict.t iip.swcr tothii objcftion, liarnsin’s ili.sloiy dt>C!» rxv cm.i.t down to tlie (li’.to cl’ liiul cvriit, but witii lliO year 1773.—Acu Urn Tlic riiib(k‘l|.5ia (j\'iar;llef.l.i(cf:—“That to a friend,) rclatinnrtho particulars of tho meeting ’ a collectcr oi militia (inc.-', rott ivcd on \t cd- We have tiio pleasure tliis week of prcucntinT our pe.trona with tlic fir?t number of the Jouiinal. Tlie patronafrc extended to un thus far in renpcct- able, but not lo e.iten.'iivp a? we could wisli, to render our future prt»j>rcts clicttinj. It in jK>Hsi. blc, if the common oxcrtiani of thu day had been Blade use of to obtain the namei df BulwcribcrR, lo nolicit every one, pertinaeiouMly, to honor us with their names, that our subscription liiit would have been extended to a larger number; bm wc do not wish any man to subscribe. contrary to his inrlinatioDs, or who doe* notexpcct to receive iJie full value for his moDoy. Tlio attempt is now mode, whether Charlottr, and the intelU^-nt coun. fy of Meek Jen bnrjT, can mpport a Press or not. That a public paper is needed in this plaw, no one will doubt: and that a well conducted one will have a beneficial influence ou socioty, is etjually true. To pahlish a useful p»p«r, w« shall use our humble exertions; wlwtlier we may fulfil oar in tentions, is (or the public to dceidc. It very far fVoui our expectations to be a!! to please or mett the approltation of all j to make tho effort, the re sult would be similar to the man in the fable, with his uon and boast, who in cndia^'oriiig to pleane all, plrasrd no one, and lest his wordly grjods iu the trial. To thorn who have encouraged us in the com- mtncement of our prcsont undcrtaltinj', we tender r>ur rincere thanks. And if sufficient (latrona^e is hrrcafti'r extended, (which we have some rea. •OQ lo expect,) th’Tc in no douU but this will come a perniaiK'nt establi>hnui.t; and we hopv meaiii may be had, tliat as it increakcs iu ag^' nny likrwi:^ increase in utility, (L'/Tlie eonrtesy of editors of papers to whom ! of new cotton in thut niark t, at ll‘a 11 j | wasfo i:i this Hcction, imd iiaS conscqiKUllly we may send, is respi-clfull} aoliciUd in exeliang- { sellijig rt adily at thow,' rates. j 1>CC[1 rfi-cr.llod. Hhould cirramsttinced .sfltl of the citizens and Uio promulgation of r. deelcra- tion of inde|iendence, which is similar to cn ac count published iu this town about pix y'ar« past, accompanying an Audrc?e dtltvereil at Hojicwrll Ciiurch, in this county, by M. WinthU’ At'ejrander, July 5.182'!, wl.ieh j-i-blicaticn is no doubt recol- Icrled by many of our readers. It of hnporltnte to tho crcdit and honor of our County, that all facts relating lo the atTiiir should be niadfl public, ar.d wo bht!l chcarfuily re ceive and publi»h any stateuiei.ti t;i»t may "o fur ther lo substaiiliate its truth, which may be in the jiosicst'ion of any of our citizen:-. iirivi.iy n seveic Lcaliiig a ycting inc.n, on wh(/in he attoin]>tcd to ciiforce a di iiiiind, not by prcsoi ting a «urrai;t, hy pnsin- ling a jiietol Noiit.—Unrt«'(i Statc.q Rank notes (f tiic (Ieuoi!;ina»iott of iivo dollarr, payui le at the Branrh iiouk at York, to tiie order of .M. Rchinsoni Ciisliipr, datr-d July 1, tir.d .Vo. h: circula tion in I’hiladcipiiia. 'i'lic paper is ligiif and I'iinw. 'I'iic .^IgnalurA ct’ IS'. l!i;lale and Win. Mcllvaino aro ^pod iniitutiMw. TIm; ^•ignctte anrl tho entis ol' the notes aro badly cn^Tuvrd, and the cn'icrM'iiirnf on the Lack of Kobinson is not writ iinitatod. I’ai t of the fiDing up and the nuiiibtrittg are Cciicril James iRCbr/.r., oneofonr Scnafors in Coi>2re?:s V. ho: e ti'rni of m,r\ iee exjiires on the 1th of March jii’xl, Iiuh annoiiiic d lh»t he dcelinoa . . - btinp a eclididale for rc-election. fSever.nI gentle-1 a good imitation cf the notes, men haic becu named a» i-robable candidutcs. - * Occrfia and ht:r (iohl tli'gian.—The ^ .Sautljcm Recorder th.M tiirce vvtll ( hurdi, in tl;is coui'.ty, on the liitJi of Oito. u * i rr- •. jA. ^ Ikt next. 'I'hc I’resbyterv ol'Oranqr will uiwt »t i auiiitionalCompanies cf tryoj>s tJretnnborough, in tLu Sta’te, on the M of October. —''^nc of artillery from ChariTbtMl, the ctii- —•— rr two of infantry, one Auguita, rjid A>icr«/on.—Two hundred and fiAyljales of the ; the other from Koit Mitchell—uiidor tlie new crop ha»e l.’een bo!d at Augusta, lur 11^ a 11^. | coirniandof Maj. NV'ager, have bt-c.’a crder- iug wiifa us. T:. rh: raw Rcpiibhcan. of tlic Ot!i in !. }iiotc.s' prevent inUikion axid great ; — I- 1 .L . . . I i;, jjjj,, goj;tion, and has conscquoniiy I been re-callod. Hhould cirramsttinced .still ! npi^^ar to render it tn; i s.-tiryf th* Recorder „ *' I. ® li"/P" , “1 tliiiiks it may be foun.icxj)OiUc:it to convt-nc Tlio»e wIk? have subscribed for llie Joitts*!-, are : l'”bhihed in La‘“'“‘''*, : . j . . tliothir-l , . . , , 4*'. ( . oti Lie iStli ni3l.-i-J. I). Cot K»;, iilitor. W e i o* *a.Uro oil tUC tlliru -UcTIUuy in Uc- tware that it is to be no parly p«,wr In our and t. nder him our con- tober—IttgUUr. pro*-peclu», we endeavored lo lay down, in a brief i gralulations on the fiuc appcaroncc of his slieet. maiincr, the course we intend to pur*ue,—not to | V.'e |r»rn from the U aron, that the eiiizms of Ik' influ«’neod, as joamalisLs, by party or sectional | I'aneaslerville gave a dinner to (itii. J.\.upji I^i.air I . • 1-II .1 I- . . • 1 .ion the l.>th initaiit, at wiiieh tiov. Alnjjji was poliuer, but to follow the diclatcs of nrinople, in . ■ . i . ... . , 1 .w,i , ... I pri-mj.t, as an iiiviled guetJ. V»a sliouU notice • hatever, iu our humble judgment, may advance 1 iIk‘ jir ici'edings mor:' |iarticii!ar!y, but inust piead the glory and welfare of our happy country u a die want of rooui. great nation, lo be rcspectcd abroad ;ind muiiit^in- rd at home. It is the of this country, that the Press is /rrr ; tJiis is true, but it will lie con- ci'df«l by many, that it? freedom, in a number cf iir-^ances, itos descended to liernlioutncst. Tins tr.ul of iharaeter «e wi»h Uj avoid, in liowever re mote a degree, as it has a trni'cn y to bring into action Ibt worst }MLS>ions of oar nature, through ^'agency o~ *. JifHUfi >p». on iocMy. Mie elisteucn of parties lias b en ennsiderad by many as having a favurabk' in"ueoce on our institutinn.", I.y preventing cor- lupliuri, ard as liolding a kind of salutary chock LATEST rOREl(;N IN'TCI.LhJENCF. Wc .-ijiw anicrchaiit llicc.'.ifrday *««////?» lii:j pa[)cr witli L'oltl Dunt ! l>o(‘s this look like dull times? Vet ov'i-y b>x!y is crjinu out dull times. Wo mu .t jj.iiviii the * h ir’j-.. Indeed n >fhit;i; k-.'tps u.'t alive Lut the Kul- iijiirt. ^Ve hoj.e t.i livr l-,:i^c'.i;.u«;h to see tiiem all extinct. “ Stapitiaj'” i • jjciiorully -A latr arrival at New-York, on t.Se 13tJi inst. "^V* Hilt from I.iverpool, bring*additional iaitl'igencefrom j La earllc^t; wlmt thuil we do 1 he I'ranoc. Wc have only space for tlie following bri f i K'dd dui-t might bi ij^htc-u cur pr.^c.'S, but v. e particulars, relating lo ti»e Ften'h Rctulutnn. | had rutiier havj it iii c ur pocjtetr;. A iVieud TIk: King end hi» Iwuseiiold, flfTl from Kt.Cloud j tnat we bliould do as a lircitlitr •o Hambouillet ofi the 1st ot .\cguri. Hero lie Kdltor did befbrt’ iia in tbc wiinn oi)icc— r-imU-red a eniuiideriiik' niiliUry (brcf. Com-1 ^»bich 18 I'MKUiiarlv 1V“lt lili Mh'ii Ifl PT'Tityi muit kiim. »ii TtwWBWeWTCT ntMii, *oir»>nirr With > hbrral aflnwiinee, was ■- i . n •§ > . . gre«^ upon. Thrrrc commissions had tlie gencr. I our room, and telUd w no waiit laom y thut (»ity to eausc a niilticn to bo delivered immediate-1 •' C have yA tuO Ito(n UiiCif. ly lo tlir f x-roral tainily, m ho wanted money, and I /Courier. hid aikcd t millions tor it.-^ journey. 'I'lte Ihrt e I .Ihtr iiiilli.itiM were gt>ing lo h.'> wnt to '!iarlc!!, ' over those in power and administering the aSairs • and ti-c eoniaiii'.icners de\oted tliemselves to es-1 yjturt.- -V gold mine has l^ccn (.i.s- covered, in this coimty, a!i*.u! t\vciity-tw.i of governnuiit. This we cousidcr lo be true in ! tile abktractbut its agrney in tlicac mcdeni day.n Suk.i'quciiiiy, It. the kin;: had rcc.ived an accos- ‘ mil>'8 v,'C-;t ol' this place, w'lich promiws to fion of troop> niin.ln tm^ I,V.«IU, who «M,„rd in-1 yui v prodai;IiVO. ^Ve have rwil a bar «i‘h lobe iiuitrunienlal in warping the judgment •f our rtadurs l>y prcMnling a C’te-sided and con- tractc-d view of great leading questions: the prop er fibjrct of a public paper is lo difTii-'e infi.ruialioii and inli'Iiigrnn , end of such a nature lliat can l>c dfiMndflon for correctness; otlierwim’, itsu'efVi!- nc:is is visionary. bsK been more directed to the elevation u.''Mtrn, ra- (lined to adiier-'to hi;r, hr ntii^ d to cotiiply » ith I "i" . i . ij n •• i i j tin r than the eleval..^ of fr^ncijUe. 0.i ,u. .I..:;,. !.•- he had« Ifd-.ta.ed, and alUe.-u*-1 1 ii U'l lo rr«)orc ihf crown I hr lx^^’ of pioci*rod hi a lew ua\s^ith vcrv i!Ti- o. Hiry, U m,«>rktc and rrai«n»We artrunKi.l «iil | and a pPrfo. t nuichillOiy. Wo haVc been told P») Itrlher than violent parly spirit. U’e do not Irrge niil’l^rv iiiree set out imniedict.dy lo nitrcli ; tJjat as much airtil'tCCll dielan* Worth td" "old K«nU,uiUet. On receiving news of t!.e ap- ^ proaen orih'se lorcer, tlic tror.pK ot the Uitg de- ... . • _ - f’r(ed Ihe Iloynl cause. The cx-King thereupon iibdicst'd Uif llirone in favor of the young Duke of Jtiurdriiux, spiHiinling the Dul.o of Drlenjis I.ieiit. iH ucriil ar.d Keg ut of tiie Kingdom, dur ing the miuoiity of th.- I’riiice. On cur firri will be f;uiul cn artiele on tJie «;uUl Region. V,’e accidentally saw it a few months iMht, ax an original coiiiiiiunieatioii in t!ic tireiluiboro' PatriM, and i* conldinin^ soni'thing new on an engroixing subjeet in llii-t s.etioii, v.' Bi i;y .‘•.ab.ioiiiirijliy infi»rnied that 40,000 tf Che >«atiiiial (luards, headed by two comaii.'wicn-'ra wli.) had l»oen v.itli kim, ('liarle.s can.e to an iniwJiato dcciiitun, and gave lip evcay thiii". -At tho lalOjt adviros, tiie c\-kinq and iiiti family had li'i\ Uanib^ailiot, for ClierlKJiirp, lU'coiHpanied by the commissioners. ’I'he were induied lo prrsi nt it tocur recdi r?. \>l«th-; iinpn.s»i«in was, that it wft-s (lit' ih(jiili(>n C'f er the inferrnrrs and conclusions are correct, we ' the nn a! exiles to Cmkirk for thn T. i^tates. ar- not qualified to say, but no doubt they are of ,p,.; „f ()r|,.a,„ had .suhscnbod tlic sutnei-nt in.i»rlanee lo elicit iii,mry. Any spec- I , f ,,o,) p„n,j tha re- uhlions on the sub,ect of the uilide alluded to. t|,o.,o v.iTJ wmii;dl'I oritho‘.JTlli, will be Ihankftilly rec. ived by ger.tlemi n di.-po.«d 2^til a!ld of Jul\ , tuid to tllO fomilioj to cnuti st the theory advanced by .Mr. Strong, o.' t) advocate it, if his arguuieiitn arc considered tenable. NVc fhall consider it as a favor lo revive any original communications on the uiibjeel of mining, cr facts eonnerted with our gold region, in what ever fijrm; and no doubt sueli writings would be acceptable to the puiij'f. To present a ditaib d account of our iiiiniu,j op- crati.-}nF, cannot be c.vpwled, no farther tlmn a snrimary vicnv of the works, whieh we nliall ;iub- li. h hcrearter. If not bolii iling too nuich, we sliould wish to be tavorcd with rrrnkr statcnK :it:i of the produeU of each mine, or principal ones, where t.'ie operations aro c;iti'UHive, tiir piililicn- tion. Thi.4 would atford a UMtcr eiiterion of Ihc productiveness of our minep, tliiiii any other mcw v.'c oulil take of llw Hubjeet. 'I'he presi nt ojKr- ot.ona in tlii.s n. ighlKirhi'od in marliini ry, Ac. are extensive, more no, iKrhiips, than is lonceivc d of atadi-'ance; and we shall our*i lvesof a We hftvc seen seine !e|K‘t:in!ens cf tli" ore, V. hich cxhihili'd abar.d ir.t cvi;i.nre of value. Kxpcriment.s l;;i\r taada wh;ch nliow that al I'inst oitfiit d«l!ai^ can bo prr. ured fr.>m a Lushe! cf erf*, 'i'hrt -rein wliere it has been opened i.> about ei^ntera in'!i''ti wide, and aj it dcG.'U?;id5,,iucrea?‘S in «idlli and in the richn?s« of t^c or*. Thn l.iiui has recently iM-cornc ths proix'rly of.Meisrs. \arlirnii{li iV Himtin^n cf thiii place,and we understand they are nialting a. Mnge- ni'’iitci for imintidiately prr)«!pcittin'; to some extent the works at the-jnine, and \’V ho|)o it will jirove a .scurco f we.illh lo th?m, 33 well a.s of benefit to tlie c«Hiiity "Oiierallv. Hi'lfborovgh RrconU r. T!.e editcr cf the Uielim-wid rox.piler say.s that tiio search I'lr pdd sti!! cf nlin'ios in Virjfinia, and that iIk* p;ol4 tout'd in t!iat State is cf the j.ureft quality. He achl-i:— *• Some ;?eallc!ni'n who have oonsultej the nriiricralo^iy cf t’.ie .State, haw r.rmn^d it into vnrious strata—the re^ica of lime n>ar- f the »!ain. Uevolufion'5 >f a simiiar cliarac’cr were ai;tici|i;'.t"d in Sjviin and I’orliijtal. IVr- hap tir' fire v.ill spn>ad into Italy. 'I'he King of Naples i^s dead. llv one of tlie Havix- pae:v-fts which ar- i 'noimtains, then a tatich narrower rived at New.York on the 13th, it was sta-f''' t. d that tiie AM’criean sliips (In'at Britain I diMni.i-.tion he correct, we , and ( harlesC.m.ll, had l^en ciiartered on ' ^™'’y * ‘ I the moi nino ,.f the {tii -f Vi.gust to r.aivev i 7 .V ? iKin-CharPcs and :n.ite to a p-rt in t,’,:‘ 'P '•« mu-v.sUnd, I’niled States. It was re.K^rfed tliat it wa.s i rich vein of pold has bo-n d,.-.- at the King’, orders that s!ups had 1 '""VC o. ki'ii ciiartered. ! It 13 said that in that portion of tho couiitry, the metal is fi>ua«l imbedded in a airt of po ll wa.s reported tiiat th^re wu:i n serious misiinderstandin'' iHtwein (Jen. IJounnont and .'Vdmiral Ihipre, at .\lj;iers, n's|K'ctin^ the great tn'asiireu loiind there. The lat ter complained that tho former .seemed de- rous qiiaj iz rex'k—ar.d lov.'er down, as in the Spottsyivania mines, it is rni.xed witli th> sand, as if tho re.rks had been worn anl waslicd away, so as to throw (ho sands and particles of f^ld to a lower space. It in snipposi'd that tho belt of gold is from sirous to c.vcludo tho navy oflicers. Oy .an arrival one day later at jV. \ork,! five to tw.''ivi'> miles wide'—:uid extending, futurr cpportnnily to publish «,me of i in addition to t!ie 1 as far ij.yve have a.scertained, rroni t^ \rrtil \fsscls, Anicncaa as wril! ty o( I mifjurir fo the county of Muvanna. ^ Kn;;li8h, are alxmt proceeding from I.iv-1 \'V o understand that indications of it liav.’' Persons holding Bul>scri|>tion wCSB^ Papers for tlie Journiu., with names on tiiem, are requested to return them as wcui as liOHcible, that may Icrward on ths f:rji num- b( r- of ll.u p:jx;r. *Wc have taken ths liberty to aend f.everiil papers to gent>'-!nen wlio have not subseri- tcd. It tiiey nre w illing lo becomc subscrilK'rri, they crin rii.miiy tho same by rc tiinii'g tlie paper sent; ifotlierwiv, they will have the g-.xidnogs lo ri turn it by t};c mail,a.i atokenof nonacqnieacc^nc;'. We V. !. h tho bI'c.v'- to bo ui;der«'.ood, at tJio Jour nal will i:ot be forced on any one who is not will- ing to jKilrotii.v! it. MAEErrn, I:i this county, on the I’d in.stant, by Andrew Iri: r, f^sq. Mr. Allrn lioLisrm, of Y'ork Oistiiet, S. C. to Mi«» A'utfihriu licyil, daughter of Col. 'i'hcins.T Ikiyd. In lhi^ county, on the 21st in'tant, by tlic I>ev. Waiter t^. Pharr, Mr. llwtl, lo Miss Elizalfth Or.alry, In tliis cotinly, on the Ifith inKlani, by ll.'c Rev. R. i!. Morrise’ii, .Mr. Thajnas Thrmpton, to Mi:is Mahahj CarMne Cttth-.:ri:ie Katy t'is'icr \'alcr.:inr (•'ray. mzD, I:i town, on Iho 15th inftant, Mrs. Diity HutchUon, in the T.'illi year of her age. In Iredi II ccenty, on tlic 13th in«t. ^Ir. Thonittn Ailifjn, P;r many years a im'rehant in Sali^-bjry. O.i *!:o T1 iu»day prtvioui, while in oneol'the pits at his r.ild iiiine, the rnjic attached to ti:c tub in v.’l.iih the dirt i. drawn up, broke while the tub was afccndiiig, and preeijiitated it, v. illi its con tents, u|.f n his head. 'Hie ’.veij;ht e>f llie loaded tub W.1S al«e)Ut 2(.HJ pounds, and it U11 a eli-tlaucc of .'to fcei. Hi« spine was broken by the blow, and his body otherwise mangled ; but he lingered, in cxcruci iting cgony, until the !\Iond,ijr following, v.-hen dea;!i re lieved l.ini froiii liis suiieriiig. Air. A. was universally esteemed by his ac luaintancjs, and his death will 1>« fiiicerely regre-tli-d. [ia.'ts^jury Jnurval. In nahiffli, ct the reric’cncc of his tlithcr, l>d. Wihiam l\^h, on llie (• 'h ini^tanl, of a pcdnioinry aireetimi, Mr. AlejanUcr UamiUon I'oik, in tlie 'ilst yi ar of his »ge. At the residence of her felhcr, nrr;r Mcnchcyter, S. on Ihc rttJi iiu;t. .Mrs. Mary Kcliecra iF th.f'r, ea)n;ort of the IKm.Ueorge .M’Uallic, and daugh ter of Kichard Singloton, Esq- On the 11 III int^t.inl, at the jail in Raleigh, of hvniorrhaa^’ of tlic bowels, IJavid L. Fields, of »uilibrd ci.unty. Tha di.cca!«.d was coiivieted at the l,v.lNuvc)id>erTi r:nof Ihc, of having ps5r.ed counterfeit cheeks of tlie bank of the I’ni'ej Stotef, uid was i;eiite::ccd to 3 ycaru impriaon’.yeut. 'J m; JJAKKli l-S. Mr. Jrrn:R,=»o! se-ems lo liavi' doubted the fact of the MfcUnihurg lUclnraliini of Imhprnilrnrc on the 2itth of iMaj", I77.'i, whirh ij generally known and believed in tliis se ctlon of country, as It is within the memory of many of our most agi'd ritizeiiK. Judge Martin, in his History of Nort’i- •’.irolinn. published aye"ror tv. c r.olic'"- tl'.' c,r|KH>l to jKirt.s in I'.’ance, fm- the' br en traced on a tract c'f lat^tl lielonoinjr to ol ceinyeyino troiii that ciui:;tiy persons whi a worthy citize-.n eif e.ur iwn town, in whi si tnay wish tei emignite to tho western world in eoniMMjiiencc of recent evei;ts. 'I'h.j I.ndon iio!>e sfiy.'",—'I'iie ex-kincf 'i' i'ranee and hi.s sun, are f aid to l»e goinj; ;!> S’.vilzer’u!i(!, anil t!te l>ulce de !?or;leau.*;, h'- nil th>'r, to .Nai'i. -;, f;e>«l fortuiie, if it conlil Ic ecnfirmed by actual exis'rienee, wh aro sure that iiis nu- nii'rnus nnpi.iintance we.ulet most cordially n*joice. 'I'heso (sifcTis havo hecn veiv rj- coiitly trated, and tlie tmct of land is in Iho very ncighbcrliood of the Janies river." ( HAi{i.h>;'i().v, ;sKrrEMni:u i.r Ci>:ton, Si a- i: I’lid. 21 a ‘i'i CerTnrc Lrar.dy, 1?0 a 130 upl.ind. It) all Uin, '..O a 115 Ri'fy p. ime, a 3; iii-i .Von, Kus.^ia &-, ferior togoeid, e j a 4 5d per IDUlbi. Flour, sujK rfine, 6j a 11^1 SW.% I.ivcrpool, in •>rfs Cart), •:;» a l^'i | of 1 bei.'-h. 5>1 7.» a 1 M7; tjfiti, 3.2 n .'i 1 j in bulls, ;i7.i cts. none. Vi'iiiakiy, 30 a 3i? I T. 1-land, -ii) a 11 ■V F. Kum, go-xt, .10 a 31 j'Jureir, Havana whit.', 1” A pl\' lSio,\ily,'iV, searci ■ a I i; l>rown, 8 a 8^, Ih cents | .Musecvadr, 8 a ifj li Jii ?5 per l»H. Ni W-Hrlcan ;, 2J a .10 Ha'::;, 0 a j ct?. r'o."rr, prime gwn, IS* H-ims, 8 1-;J a IU 1-2 j i.-.rt.-. to go!, 11 a l:i //e'jiA iH a ^‘) iUijsjn Tea, a 100 ct.;. iiuf/rc, ^ a 1'1 Cut ( tf. per Hi. X. C?rolina nionc'v, 1 J a /Vrpnr, 13.. iL'j 'i per cent, discount. titii- Afi.y-, 0 a !i ct". 1 Georgia money, 1 pr. ct. CAMDf .N, .^KIT. If'. fV)t'ir, 10 1-0 a 11 1-2; I'l.'nr, SG 50a7, onto! ihi' wagr.n.j—I’air.ilin ir.iil.-", 87 a S'; Whenf, 01 a 1 I I'ecr., f>ats, 32; Coin, 7.5; fViIt, f'tl a 3 pe'r sack, or (i'2 1-2 per bu.dicl; Cacon, Sal-2 1-2; Whiskey, .l.'i a 40. rAYinTi:v!i.i.K, sEri'. i.i. (\ tti.n, vl>2 a n i ; lla""ing, yatd, Iu a •20; IJaeon, 9 a 10; Tandles, m^niii, 14; 'efb.s j rinie preen, ISJ a 11—‘id and .T 1 qutdity, lOi a 12' ; (,'rn>, i10 a 7d; I'Lur, 1 a Ii-nn, .O h 0 ; I'laxt i'd, U5 a Si ; Lard, (>; I.ead, 0 a Uj ; Sliot, Ixi", a a Nail;, cut, 7— wrou^Iit, 1 a yt1; Oat.-;, 3e) a 11.5; Sa^ar, eyiinnion, a !»—prime, 10 a 11 ; i.-alt, hiverjHvil, 70 a 75; Ste^l, German, 1 "i a 17—blii'tcred. IT) a IG; Tolwcco, leaf, 82 a 4; A;;|i!i’ Kraarlv, 40; Whiskev, 40; Whi'at, 75 a. SO. ' A NEW FIRM. The undersigned hiving enfc^red into co. partnership in tho nrorcantile busicess in tho town of C:harlotto, under the firm of WATSON li (HXaXSPXC, resiwctftilly inform the citircns of Mecklenburff Olid the adjacent counties, that they will open a Frcuh ar.d Splendid gfx-k of GOODS, such as are usually kept in back country Storcp, whic'i will be |>urchasrd in New-York and Phila delphia, thr cash. They exfiect to receive their supplies by the Superior Court iu November ne^ -, H hich v.'ill l>e opened in the store room formerly cceupied by Mr. Watson, being an adjoining to his Mouse of Enteitainment. They intend tu ■•e!! as lew as any n.crchant in the place, for cash. liOBT. WATW.N, lUCIPD. GILLESPIE. N. B. I shall be absent fe>r six or oipht \ver:![s: n'lioso who tre in arrears tot he firm of W hffkr ^ arc requested to call on Mr, P. Th(.mn«on, and K'ttle iheir accounts. Indul- pence caiiiiot be exp cted. RR'll’D. GILLESPIE, Siir, pnrt. of Whrrler * Gilltfric. Chnrlsltr, Sept. 23,1H30.—Itf tlYuYlAO'FrE IIOTKL, MF.CKLEXnVIlO COUM'Y, \. C. SION or THE BI8IKG 3UK. J. D. BOYI> RE.^rniTFl’LLY intbrms his friends anel Ihc public that he has opened the above JiOTKL, formerly kept by Mr. R. I. DiiilJn-, whic.'i by ronic recent iinprove inrnts is rendercil more conifortablc. Considerable additions aro now making, which will be coinpleli'd in a sKort lime, tliereby rendering llie Ettabli^hmeiit moro spacious and coininodiuus than it has bc-cn here- tofori'. 'J'he proprie tor pledges himse If to use every cf. fort to render pe rsons comfortable, and unrc'iiiitti el e’.'cer'iun^ made to give entire batislaclion to a’.l who may honor him v.'ith their custexu. I'he' best T.\IiLE and I{.\R which the marke-t in tlie back country alford, shall not be wanting. BEDS and nti^T'DIXG aro inferior to none. Attentive and trusty 0.‘:tlers are employed, and Stablefl abiuidttiitly furnished. Charlotir, A". C. Srpl. 25, 183n._Uf \\ A^IIES «fc JEWELRY. TROTTER 4* HUNTIXGTON, C i RATEFl'L for i>ajt FT encouragement, from a generous public, beg leavo to iiilbrm them that the" have still on hand a very hanelsoine assortineut o' G(X)DS in their line, all of which have lieen of a rr- cent purcha-'W' in Now-York and Philadelphia , and they have no hesit.ition in s.iying that they will di«i>ofie of wticles as low a.s con tc ol.taincU in any of the nciifbboring mirketn, for cash. W.XTCH REPAilMNU will reccive punr.tuf l attirntion, and the inanufuc-turing of silver Tubji' nd Tea SPOOXS, and Ncrth-Carolina Gokl worked into any articles that may be ordered. N. n. Persons wlioec accounts still rc^iain uii- sottled, arc rgain reejae-ste'd to call on or before Ih't Xovembcr C-ourts and settle the same, eillwr by * In—y Aiwiff I FK-1IAL13 -VCAl)K31Y. raii;i' ixerci.-ics will be rosunud on the cf .B. O-. tob'T. 'D.e course of iiistructie>ii i:i- rhides K^/' jU ig, ncAding, \Vriting, .^rit'iMUtie, i;iig!is!i (Jrainiiijr, Geeigrapby, with the use ot the Clobes; A.^troaoniy, N’ Pbibwophy, Chvmi.'^fry, lli;tory, Kbetoric, I.ogic cud Lthi.x->; Drawing, Pairiting, and N e-dlv-work. Till- pricc of tuiiion pe r Scssi.ia, (five; niontl.s,' will l>e jflO 00 Hrawing and Pninling, . . JO Miisie, . - . . . Of) Contiiigenev'S OJ o3 Pryable in advanre. COTTRELL, I' _ I'nncipcl. H i n» ooirs M.\.\ ui:l. Pub^cribrr will thank wl.oever may l>e -H, in |>o-;session of the above work, witii liis name priiite-d on the kick, to return it te the envn- cr, as it is a book tor v.hicli he has almost daily use. r. L. sMi rn.' Kept. 24. 1P.30. PL.i'\T.iTIoy TO RJL\T. ON Weih'.esday, tlic 20th Oeto- bcr, tl;i' Hub> rili. r n iil n on the premise :-, to tin- highcft i iii- dcr, for t.'se en’-'ii-.i" y.-ar, the Pia::- tation on wl.ieh the fbniierly resided. A l.irge and pleasant dwe.-Iliag-houte', e-it-. n: ivo o'at buiM- iiigs, a young and fieurifhin.-j orebr.rd, and good me adows, all r.mspirc fo render a dusiiable reKidencc tor one or owe faniilir-. For the c-onvenienee- of tiio?..- who may wi^h to rent, t!ic phii'.tation v. i;'l Lc e’ivided in'io two lo*s, which may lieni.ted by one or tv»o ;wTjc^u-, t.- may be prelcried. At the same time and pl«c-', 1 v-ill erpo'e fo sale a lar^e* q' e>t’ Corn, Cotton, I'netdjr, Wiicat, ami other prirfliiclious e.imc;c’i to a u;rm. Terms will be ruaue l:no-,-.’n i ii the il.iv of sa!.'. J.VNK H. .\Lr.V\Vl‘!'?r, NOTICE—TO THOSE CONCERNED. rg^IIR Rabscribcr is alioiittoquit his present S- iHiidnecf, and not having made his fi>rtmu', he i-i very desirous that those indebted fo him •iboi'bi se ttle their ncconnts, as some ar** ehie or r-jniiing on bett.-r than tlirec year?. I slinll shew no indulgence, and this -.nay bo contidi red a fair warning. V/.M. HUNTER. .S,'/ttnnler 2.7, 1S30.—.3l3 BOOT A-M> SHOE SHOP, CHARLOTTE, A. C. W.1I. CAROLAN & CO. ryPirTR I.LY ir- fevin the public tliiit [♦3 they cnivj on the above bii- siness in its various braneh- fheir Shop tho Court-1 louse-, and op|;osite the Pi iiiLinr-oltice, wlrerethiy will exceuto their work in the fin't style, a^ the!y employ goexi we-.rknicn and make use of the best noi-L'iern iimteriaLs, they workiiif nothing They will also ke’ep c-ii hsnd, (■.' their own make, ar assortment of liocts and .S'kurt. Orde rs for work will 1-e thankfully received, ami they will eiideaver to give gencial .latisfaction i;i t!ic;r oxe-viiiion. Si'jilrmhrr 32, l.^vIO, 1 COTTl^ TIIF, subscriber has fcr r^alo several COTTON .'M.U'Hl VEi', of forty and fifty Sav.-s, of sr. I'criar eiuality, mannfactarcd by the laic Samm I Porter. Tliey will be .sold reasonable, cither ;; ca^!l or approved paper. \VM. DAA llX^ON. *?, IMO.—;ii4 1 Petiiio .S TA TE OF yOR TJU AROLL\ A, ML'v KLEN nt r.O c-oi \TY. Cou:i itf Fleas Qiiartrr Si rfi'ji:t....Auc'.!Sl Tenti, i^;n). William J. V»'iI.«on, .idm’r. ol'l Jeremiah Benton, dec’d. tiiion (t^r sale c. Ti:c ile irs at Law of said j Land. decear.»:e!. I ‘g'T app.->nrin;x to the satisfaction of the Court, SL that Surali Benton and Je-sse Benton, two o. the he ir.i at law of l.‘»c said Jeremiah, are resident t in parts unknown : Ordered, that puliiication b- iiKielc for six weH'ks in the Miners’ and FBrmerb’ Jouni.-.l, tor sai.l d >rendant« to a'pjx-ar at our rie> Ceiurf of PK'bs and Quarter .S-stiioiis, to be heU! tiir saiJ county o;i the 4th Munelay in NoveinlM iie.xl, to sn'wer. plead or ileiiiur, or judgment will be ente're-d .lofainst them. Wilncrts, I'-^ac .M'Tandcr, Clerk of enid Co-af at o:Tiee, the lih Monday in Aun-iist, ItClO. I ?\AC .\?‘,EX.\NDL'R, C. f.I. C. CitG—pr. a:’\. $2 f.2i AX Ari»3JE-vnci ILL be taken at this Oi' V V fi.;o to I'-nrn tl-.e Printin-, business, if nnpli'-.Tlion he iniile iniinediati ly.- To .I smart relive lad, 1 1 or Ij years of age, uit a tf.Iirablo Knglisli cduer^tion, sui'able encoiirag■■ merit w ill Ik’ i;iv;-n. !^ pi. 27,1 tl'. iOJiAa2.3;, r.RXnR \.T. \'--:ortn>prt nf HL VXKS, ser-i ts are r d by C ; 'k.; of (I'o'irt-’, "Ma" I conitaii'ly be kep’. iid at thi c): iT-.'t-d ff-ocd sr.'i

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