THE JVflNKHS’ AND FARMRMS’ JOtlUXAT.. TIIK MUSK. How tiislclcSM wo are ill wir choic*'of llio neoH. Morulify i» tuuiuled U|x_m iiaturo ^ Monti rondiu t spriims iVoiu (ho niu)u:il niggod, iiniiiiriiioiiioUR Jewinli itainM, wlillo | „,„j ex|>«Mii*tic(i. , uaiits nnd iiitcrcKlH of iiiaiikiiil. It is nacli we resoivj. tlic MUUnifed iip|H llationi* oil m^i-c .siiniile, clftar, nnd ciisy : iniin's iiiti^rost tliat his nei/rlilKir shoidd be heroes aii:l g(Kln, lor iK'piocs mid cvpii dii«fn. i» i*. • m » n Tli«i l-’reiirlmnd llalina.s liavo u k'ttfr tiistc to Iis''ovi>r uiid tico^'iiisc tli;iii duly, triilli, | virJiioiis; ln;iict; eacli man krunvH tliiit the —it is a real plca.'^uic to |iri)noiiii y flu'ir | virliio; and ev^»v tliiiia; tlmt iKolKsciiu and imia.-s. All Italiaa in this cily, hud lo'*r | Cl whi»,li btaiuls in iioed «.f doj^s ot n very sii|x'rior hrwd; 1ip called ‘ tiicni Uugf, Anger, Fury, and Doixiir; u vcrj- |KK^tical and rn‘ta|)liysiral Kidectioii. J'hiluditfhia Album. niiishrs.—\Vliat a inysterioiis tiling is a hhisli! thiit a siiifjlc word, a liKik or tli >uj;lit, should send that iiiiinitalile carnation over tho rluH-k, like the soft tints of n stimiiier siiii-set ! t'iruiige, (k>, that it is only tho Jtit'C, the hninan face, that is ca|mhle of blnihiii" ! hand or the flx)t ckics not turn red with iiKKlesty or shame, any moif* than the f{lo\c or the so» k which coders it. It is the face that is (he heaven of the soul ! There iiiuy l»c tnii ed the intellectual phe- noiiit iia with a cniiti(k>nee luiioiintiii^ to a iiionil certainty. A •>iii;li; lilusli ohiHild put the intidel to shame and pro^c to him (he abbuniily of his Itlind din tilric of elu.nre. y, y. ('onstilf)iiiim. TIIK ALIST. THK UOVKR’S SONG. Onr aaiU to tlic wind—and our prow to tliv sea! To-n)orrow the occan l>eiit.atli ua ahall U\ My Ha|{ to the breeze and niy liark on thr lidr, How proudly our veiw«l the biUowii shall tide. Our rails to tlie wind and our jirow to the wa! And occan nhall wTer my falic love and iiu-. Tlie «'owi that you brcatJiud and the words that you s|Kikc, As brcfic* fi'U Boft and as lifrlitly wore broke: Tlie U»v« tliat I bore yon I Hing to the tidr. I've trampled tlie wreath I dcaigncd for my bride. To-inorrow, to-iiiorrow an ocean ahall be The barrier that severs my false love and me. To-morrow the conflict!—for sorrow or fear Ne’er dwelt in tlic j>lanks of the staanch privateer. Ilis flay to tilt- breeze and his gun to the Icx', No feiir or reluclancc the rover may kiune. My love thou;,'hti> will vanish, iny sotil will be fre' Wlien ocean siiail sever ray false love and uie. Tlien round pans the ran—I will (tledfrr it to t(iee-~ Tlie tlK>ii|(ht is the lost thonj'lit of love that may be. My bodoiii nor sn{(er iK>r paKsion may swell, And I tcarlessiy bid tliec forever—farewell! To-morrnw—tfio waste of tli*DOfan shall be Tlie barrier that severs my false love and inc. My £un to tJie foe, and my ship to the wave, The lightning may glitter, the tJiuiider may rave— And blithely tl«e hours of calm shall be paKt, And fearless we'U tly from tlie w rath of the bla»l. So joyouM the iK'art of the rover shall lie When far from his love on the waves of iJic sea. Tlie tropic’s tornado mar rush from the sky, .MltRAF.I'rY The sUjrm.«:l'iiid may burst, the foernsn b nigh, | Mankind have Isit one comct guide hv But lightly I’ll laugh as we fly wiUi Oie breeze. | ac(i..|l inux U- ri-hiK steer.-d. At sigI.lM, tliat the blood of acoward would frvcie— Tlie wiiind of tlie gun shall sweet melody lie \^'h'n ocean kh.UI se ver iny false love and me. A day—and my laugh willi the breeze may have flown— In place of my gla ,ne«s tlie dcath-throe and groan. The roar of the cannon shall fall on niy ear, A gn'at ur^uiiH iit! to su .(iiin it, i* pure false- hfxjd, as is tliq lalf at loast of the truths rt;- c( ived li\ tho ^uid, :uid which iiu one that rtjfli cis Ix'lievty. Tiie ne;-p.s.Mt’ of justice to the su;»i>ort of society, is thr; |44‘foundation of that virtue; airl since no tuiral cxcelle:n!e is iiioio high ly cstr^mei), \fi4nay cotH-lude that (his cir- cinustanco of i|K)fuliiess has, in {reiiei-al, the Nti'oni;nst cii'T^' and most entire coiiimaiid o\er our HeiiliiH-nts. It must, therelijrc, 1«‘ the SDurcc o’a cotuiderahle pait of (1h.' merit iiscrilieiito huniaiiily, Is-iievolence, friendship, [nibtc spirit, and other sricial piihli'. opinion will npprovo his conduct, if viilCMiiv—reprohiile it, ifvicii^us. Nothing can presetvc uiilaiiited the geii- iiiiio princ iples of morals in our j'ldginent of hiimna conduct, l,ut the uliholuio necessity of tlion'- principles to the oxisfencc ofsociey. 'rri.tli and virtue alone can Ik- the Ijoiids of iinioii, on which niiii can r !y WA^TKI>, coRy, tallow, OA TS, LAUD, IVHEA T, HEKSWAX, R\K, PEAS, Cm whirh the higliest pricc in c.isli will be jiaid, on delivery at St. Cutliarinc’s Mills. T. L. BI&SEL. IKIO. 3tf FIVK CKNTS HKWARI),—,-lnrftmc JViitt of old Crvfibles, KAN.WV \Y from tlie subecriber, on the 3d iiifct. Jamr» M. I'routr, an indented npprrn- lice to the Hlvcr-sniilh businctis. As tiiis boy ha« run awny without eauM', 1 will put the law in force .So far are ndvenfiliolis svstemr:, or tho ! "Kainit uny persmi who flurliorK or employs him. , , ! Till' nlKive reward will h! (jiven, but no thanks Cot dojunniw of i:uiX!rsfi(ion, Iroin assist mf us to I.j, Jelivery to me in Charlotte. eiiilirace friMid and rejci t evil, that they I IIIOS. TROTTER. ..... , ^ must ii.aterially injure the cause of virtue. | I.y renderin. ,|.o dinracl. r.-. of r«xl »''1 f " . II- fiM SuhffcrilM r Will thank whoever maj b« ’Vil Ir.sH |K’i>pi*irniH nod J in* ■ | in of the above work, with hiii moral ohljnatious 'lave their foundation i„ n.imc printed ..n the bark, to r. turn it to the own- , ,1 er, a-t it is a book lur which he has almost dail/ the iialiire of things—tho preservation of K L. SMITH. virtiicd of tlia^ «tamp; iuhI it is the sol.-1 lif , and tlw relative interest of mini in .soc-ie- ‘SV. 2J. I-^10. s,.iirre of (liri^oral approbation paid to fi-, ty. '1’in' nili s of m"n's condui f flow from delity, veruiity, ini ^;rity, and th»M? other their own i.alurr', which they are able to TROTTER iff HUNTINGTON, cstim.ible, useful rjuahii' M and iiriiii i;ili!s. know. 'I’hese rnirs ohligf! us—that is, wc t ^ R.VTEFl'L for A.s much as wo \alue our hap[niv;>s and ' render oui>«'lve.-,e-,iimable, or contnnptiblc, 8 ‘ 7V; tSc EJUor, of the M.ner,' IWme,.' Joun.ul. .....j,,,,.,. d.t-stable, hnppy or— UZZn thcin tJmt t”^ I lax ms noticed with, e of sati.- ,i,.c of ju-tico and humainlv, !.% whi. h a-^i^’coidilhj iH u e co.donn to oi d-vi;itc ficm K \ have still on hand a very fnrtimi to my fcrlinjrn, Ihtti V‘>'i it Vote n iwjrtioii 1, . ,, * * ! , , \ csflortmcnl of of i«iK.rlo I o=IVr yon mv a.ii U- n.aii.- rulr.s. aU I help to supply ,nur lutrUig. nl p ri.Klieai; for a j“'• rv man reap (!.• fru.ts of, NMienev. r men dy perceive, a-ii ^^^, liilc, with sketehrs lUi Uie aliove nu-tilioiK'd 'rijiic, j mutual protection and assi-itaiH'e. ■ " hi'ii! \, r h aislnt.irs act n])o:i the [)ercej>- and (hey li.ivc no hesitation in saying tliat they WATt'lJKS & JEWELRY. emanating from liie pen of an unjirejudit-nl wri- ter. .SliHuld yon think fuvorubly of tlie im lo'-ed stM'ciiiien, its ins, rtion in }imr pajx r I sluiJ cchi- nidi-r 4 !u!Tioirnt approliatiiNi of llie nnd. rtaking, and an iiivil.-uion to furnish you witli siilwcipii-i.t euinniuniealiunv of IIh-liiiid. Vours, tmii s. l»'« "f ... ...,K , .i .1... n,„,r r,-e ,.rU I, .M. ; a desire atcid injuslite toward-s tliem- rif.nntv to tht nature f /i-iMtu buni^.i— W \Ti ll KEPAnjING will receive punctnal ” "1“" "■ ’l-S lio iiu»rr »*«' hrihittiiit** to an in li' Wuiltl. Icaclu'J* "oiUrd into any artidcii that m*y be ordtred. ncciiratr Hf'nUiiiv of tl|f* iiiiinil sy4'ri‘*4, t!i(* tin* raliiiuifiiM of inantiiiuJ Imvc I \ a'^^unu FtiU remain nn- , , ^ r .i • I- • • I wtUtd, areaflraiii requi«ted to call on or iMJIore the iu(»n: ikUrurp do wv ar(|inn' »t lli‘ llK’tr '•f'lipiouM r*^nninn^. NnvriiilKT (\mrtii and wttlc Uic nanjc, either by liKV.t minute di.sti.K;li.HW b.-lween v lec an.l ' " ^ particularly tlio,vof a long sUnding virtiH-. If ther*r>re tinfulnetis be a wmrcn of- now scMui.AK.'' Aitr: \iAi»r.. ('o'lly npj.araliiH and ip!‘itiiid al>iiK'ts A m:\v Fiii.n. and that is MumlUy, or the riiU- o| action | «p,,„.,„.nt, and if this us4-Jiilii.!SH Ix- i'“ m ijiic il j. xm rs to liiak" -vliolars. 6 parIllrrlhV"nl'lhI■'^ner"canll\'^^^^^^^ ton n of ( linrlotte, undiT the firm of WATSOW U GIl^ESPIE, ully inli.rm tho citizens of M> eklcnlnirj Tijjacen! connlit-s that they will o|>cn ■* and Splendid xturk of frOODS, It burrts from the poru of the proud iTivaUir. j happiness, w lule the firiii.r is tlw; r»->uh of' port, for tho origin of moralit\ ; and whv in an mn.'.rta-it -u-e' eil.ieate hini^df ■‘o nccive Uieir I!, math tliu blue billow my slumber shall be. nnri fr , li. i. f. rn... I b. - ' I 1. i' i . i . ’ „ , ? t . . , i’•"'’f'"’*«^*t. Iiat>it and example, ol'en lornied «e kiiot» wed we *e*-k tor aUtniM- aiwl reiuote sy.s- llis an.l tnacli. r nn> but h( lp«; tiie ' v hirh will in- o|« T..-d in the store room formerly , not how, and as oli«-ii iiiiw holcsome n/«. tcins, when tlicro occurs one ho oIa ii-us aiKl i " A ina-i i'^ not edurated until "•■'‘upi' d l>y .Mr. Waifcon, U'ing an adjoining mom ' ho ha.s the abililv l > ^-irninon, m nti a t of They intend to that at .HK-c rcsiH cts iKUh s..|f and others. |dwaj s with refer, ik c-to self, it fiillo-.vs J" »ll ‘ i>* mn-taiicos, as a man i.-, ,,i d r to„„ o: I^K:ke says. ‘‘ 1 lie seance is cafw- every (liuiK which .•ontrilKite^ to the ,|'i'.. milker 17h\ mv'i?mhld.' ''iv'cVc‘ator ‘ >■ [wble ol Ik iii^ ik'moiwtrated. | hnj»|»iness of m»ciety, rteonnin nds itself has .so coiisfitut-d ih.'hum ir. ii.t. lied, flrit "“*J .Morals dilfcr from customs, in so far as | Ntridly to ournpprobatioji iuid j;iMjd wiil. '• {{row h_\ it- i«n action, and by ^ And ocean >.till sever my false loxe and me. r. A. n. .>IIKCELLAY. j l’> oplc shoiilti n'tnin the pn-juihei I nalurd ? i»f ; Tho roii>i»te:it moralist dictates to I eii;eri^.i,cy, ail his meirt.l iv w. vi-,,r- fs •!>0 M1S .-M r. is- t., IV t he. pr. pavd c!.j . t. i.’KH'U. (;il.LK.Sl*IE. T» • '' 'U~t.Hn, tlrit tlH‘y limy III I lik'i iiK-ii; but dictates of iiiUural pi iiK ij'I.'s, and coiiiplies. 11 is not (he ii.aT that has m ; n tlie ino.«t, or ' IS ( at I in La|.land to marry n maid i sli.Mild ftvt rnl of the pn judices of the- iiii- »,th the deii,;uiit.. of roi;.M |, I bn. n-a I m,i*l, v, ho can do tiiio; mi?Ii a om- N- I*. J siiall bo ab,s nt for six or ei^hl me,,. ; u-ii. „n, ^ ^ maid, upon breaking thereof to lier fncrulg, I I se only n nJori atMise tamiliar; aiHl puri»i«e, imlew it can slmw , all :hc du- rrfhc.'m-. n'ri th u-ii! . Nor i.s ii the V ' •‘"'nip«on. and sett'c tluir a/ comiis. ludul- ’ —, • « . 1 . • I ^4. ll^’C be f’C JK IM' (I I). ;i[.i,nsriF,. • - iii'.'n's thi.u^li!-I. -Nor i.s it tlie m tlie tashion is, that a day i* for , thus evil, smictioncd l»> custom, is tlie nion- ue.^ which it rw iMiiiiieinls, ai: also tlie (rue • wh > f jui U a. t i..e;( Iv of native v i .or and 'niCre.stsofcverj indl^:dual' | capa. ity; tli. ..vat,'-t of a!i th.. w^iniorsl , theadvanta^/inMartin;iora7hird I J»*‘'Tininations of tiKwality, this | Th.-y who deny utiliiy to Ir-th-b.Tsis of •V|/C. I«r/. of Whrclrr if Cilletpir. r'.-tir, .ff/rf.iJ, l s;j(|._l|f jiart of the ~> 'hs' |f •« |...n.«,,l.|c, ; circumsiiui>-e id'piiWic ntihly is evt r prin- 'i^'rals, 1«mvi1* r th. ins. U«> in nielaphv ^irul 'itn.til'thr ni)V'he^«rrn-!niu* ' 11 A M I I fiOTKL except sIk! will ot heiwlf, that blie should 'cipalh in view; anl, whateur .lispiit.3a n- Or nliKi.sis n-liiicinents, win. h the\ faiic\ ' hut liHcau-,.' had l.mnht hinl ' ^ OTA TV, X. C ..•.au.. tm, a. ^^ have her; it l,eing |.eiMl for (he nun to re- !‘‘''^s.uihIs ot dul> . the quesli-Hi iclh;;ii)|.—uecoixlin« (.. (he old m:i\im of' \\ l.rn aM-r thrills in every nerve, if I 2^ Ol'rt Til I ,[.V ni!ori;.s hi., fri.ndi ww the olfi-r of mamaije. Hut if th.’vir-,‘-aniirt k-d>cidc«l with ^n-ater certauity. (imh, (lie /?/»•» C'n/fro/Mjr/,/-d‘ih.- Komaii h-'k on th i.itsia I f.rjjet iv>«mi;j.'—how XJ) I-'«rr('Til I ,[.V iiiioriiis Ihe i„,|.lie II;.-.I he . ii nds and )|'ni'.l tl:e aLovo eth to make an ewl ot the nu:o. J hus n»iio priiieiplis. w bn h adiint of not Iwmi; lif»-(han it h nl with a-wtst one ■ men nri i- are compelled to marn,’ai; their own ' ‘ • ni l.ofi \rio\ is n coiniMinion wliieli no mis- wilLs ; aiMl this is (Ik* eairne that in (Ins [MKir ' ""I'" ^ nia\im, to lie corr«- t. m-ldom in fh' comiin n concenis of iSe f .ritiii.'i an d pn -'—no crime can destro\ Tlie proprii lor pl. dgcs himself lo use i very cf- lurl to reiiiier p. r-oiis eoiiilbrlnlile. an.l iinri initteii I I r .1 1 , ■ I . , • • extrli.iiis iimili' to pive entire wilisfatlion to all world, from the of a di.stant an.l iin- ~en.-iny . an alienate.—n.i di sjhdi.sui en- « ho nmy lu.nor liim «illi tlieir custom. The b. st certain rew«rd-~*tlK‘v f.-fl imis-lli'd b\ w.nie- home a triend^.«ibroad an intro- l'-\lil.E and H.'.U wliieh the market in tlie tjek , " I .luclion—in so!i(nde a i-ol:ic—and in ho-, not U-wanting. UK1)H thin« more m.mediat.- an.l f .i-iUJ... , ! an.l nin.lUN,; are m.irior tonono. I he law. wh,ch must ever ...v.-rii human ^ui.i.« pves a. oik.- frraee and ' nntun-, exist in that iiatun' i(.s If. Man lx>.' t;»ven,i,i,.„( to nius;—uitln.ul il, nl;;it is rWo.'/^, .VC.,, Ih.W.—!tf Ilian? A s|>l.'ii.lid sliM'e, a r. asininf s iva'nv fVHintrv the marn.-d ()eo|>le arc richer m *'•' found, when analysed, to U> dcriv- llieir own contentment than in othr-r lands, j ed t’roiu some simple truths, w hich truth.* where 80 iimiiy force,I innt.di.** loak.- feigii- I N- pali«ible. eu love, and cause rvni unhapniiie»s. i i i . lo tlio incnl or I**uuTit »l Kiiiuan If nfttiiro’H np|»an*ul laws HluHjId Im* ro. j iJdiimH, ih to judge o* tln‘ir teiuluir\ t«» pro- versvd an.l the ne^ro 8«ir into the |sK-t and l.luce «.«kJ or evil—to excite'm« what he i.s, his nature d.-(ermiiies his sT\Tr OP \(iU TH t' M/tii artist, his first step must Ix* the cnation ofI.,,i. • i i . ‘ Jl-i AH(}LL\ A, a n.-w c.Hje tor the tine arts, ainl tli.' erasun- i ‘ ‘>ur«tKcs or otiu rs. nionihty ; iimmmch ns it d. tennines („e |, j, mk. Ktr.NarKd cot vrv. of all those char1cn*d aniUofc'ies lx>(ween i Take ucccHtii( ol (he s.K-iiil prin. ii.I.w as e(li*c( which cfa-y external or int. rnal in-. |)*'opl-. that Isna.-, when he was aiwml r',. Iw Ter^^ Hciitieiit and iimmmalj: lieauty, coosecnited ; they exist in (he 1k>soiii of man : yoji (Imtc thieinx* shall prmhice for pMnl or fore\il. "|> by .\brahani, was a in n'child, Wl! J. Wil.on. adm’r. of in th»> “far times,’ when taste and >r-' litni coiniiassion for th! untl.rtuiiate ; (hc,lflbr L’ood, that inlJuen. mils tunwl the (■r»>cian Ivre—ilark will In* | , .• i . . . the hour when jet and cliarcml s,„K*rsede "* '‘"V »• , ‘ ' ‘ llie ros»* afKl lily, and nibies anil conil an* i‘*‘•‘'^'■'“'*^*"1 > the desire ot standing well in ' iiii|ii'~-i.fii uniiiii iiiiii u in-au.i |HTina- ";i>'in mi i.micr prooi.i.jv c,.iiilil not have W t appenring to the satisfaction of the Court bini«Jicd as imi(>i»ropriute einbl. ins—a wi- i the opinions «d’ otln-rs ; the kmdlr r chari- | n iit epjoyiiH nt, and w hat iii.*.laiK es occa-' «ilhout his ow n |ii(,us a. ijui s en, c ’ I Ihal .':irali H. nl.m and Jeii!e"R'iiton tw"?^ hi.. Pojk; will not siriKof nibv hp-snor a,t„., H,,ichsh.slamildi ‘ ’ ' Ihi.-lHX* shall prmliice for pMnl or fore\il. ""'■''-■'1 "p Abrahain, was a in t:'child, >' l!liain .1. WiI.on, adin’r.. ,lff..r c*ol, that inliuen. eis virtuous; .f ! »'d li d. n!ll>ou-h call.*d a la.I,: -br.miah I),ntoa, dec’d. .. I .• ,, .. ,.Vi.iinx'man ol at lea.-l (hiitv, able to carry ... '"*• (..rcvil. It i»Mci.Mis. [hiMiij; ii-* "vereil ih. siiciili. ial w.xhI lip (.,i|,; „„,uiit,.i!i, and I •■""">rKdid 'what iinpres»ion him true and |K nna. «hoin Ins father pr.ib; |.!y c.^iild not li.w WT .npp'»I7ng‘io the sati Petition fiir Pale of Laud. »abl- |{;i|ihael paint th'*in. I and ipiii't lustre over : sioti to lum painful .s‘nsatims—(hence lc( rim* (o (he varied hues ^ mankind. Some |Mis.seNs If feminine l>r.aii{y w-ere blotted from the ^ | “f ‘-"i"!". t. rrention, luvl man, retnminjr hi* flognneo pniKMples of palriotisni iuk‘ - ■' ' ' »it . ... of form and lustre of complexion, Is'held • n*'s. ’I'hes*' are the |>rinci every female transfijiiiK-d into the likenes.s of air iK*j;res,sos, w.mld the (Kwition of wo men continue exactly tho huiik* in ses iety ? I nn>«n when the disjjusi of the first shock Biili«iilel, or the pr«!s nt generati.wi having |Msw*d away, and femah; lienuty Ix corne aa a tnuiitioii of the giant.s—would •ome tiin- tastic image, with proportions not founded in riatuni, Ik; the Ix'aii ideal of imagination tlt*ii, andtiK- marbU* g.Mldr-sses, solo records *d’ .lepartfsl beiuity, be r.'ganled as memo rials of u false and unnatural ta*>te f 1‘ltu'adel/i/iia Album. ~ • **'e III irs at liiw ol the sai.lJen iiiiali, are rej'idents / niifi i-x.— In I’latco.irt’shistorvof Mail- I’"''''? nnhnown: Ord. r.-d, that piiblirnlioii Is- A Skilful Poliiirian.—A hkilfiil (M.liti- rian is like a ; if he c:ui only lix the minds of the multitude iipon some (»|(| r„„. ceil, he can always play «>(?' his tricks |k- foretheireyes with complete siKO-ss. When n political juggler telUyou what you should keep your eyes iijxhi, always walcli him, and we whnt his eye is ii|i,ii. Few mi*ti bli! degrfv, and they are [s.iiited at with (lilli'n tit from those which are funii.shed by >fa\e. () Oninist ioiit! Im*. j ’ ' l.s.^\i’''AlfEX.\Vr)W,' abhorn^nce, as the most monstrous and do-| n-lWl ions on common life. No new fa t*'•[»'" ^•>l•‘nc^,■. .) AII-lKimitcous ! | finf>—pr. adv. »:!S I r , , , , ' . . Isxause 1 am ixHir. O .\11-Mitlicieiit' be- ~ u ; prayed of the siwcies ; others take their ^ can be inltrred from th! n hgious hyjiothe. I cause I am nothing.” I tehjws. ’ * ['liamc-1 bis; no IK W fa:t fon*seen or foretohl; no j ^ AM) FAKMER.S’JorRXAf, ■ theHi- n*ward or pum^llmellt ex|)Octed or dn*a.led ' ■ , * Ik* difTiciiKv of apply- ■ is printed nnd pul.lishe.l r»,-ry .MontJny n.oruinff I ,'| . I . I , , 1 I "•« rules to tho prolllincnitloll ot our Ian- "t 7Vo /W.Vi* um/F;/>v Crn/* n,.r .nnV.m. h pright,, lx*yond what ,s kiiow,» by practice ' g„„^. ,„ay he illustrated in two lines, whore i" "•‘-neo, Thrr/llZy, a station among the iitidistingiiished charac*, sis; no ucw fii:t fon-seen or foretold ; no tern of society; nnd olliem display s*lve« the kiml, the amiable, the upright whoso hearts swell with honorable ftHiling, j and obnervation. j the combiimtiiHi of the l.^tters ovirh, i; pin- and whose pulses beat high in the pride of The law ofniliiro is a supreme, invnria-' in no less than seven dillercnt ways, l-RTIM.ME.XTS will be in« rtcd at Fiftf inteirritv 'ii j . iii i r i '>'•= “s "i w/",oir, m), and ocA— I (»«• excediiig i») Iuk-h.) fortiio ini«j,rity. | hie, and nncotilrolable rule of cmiduct to , /' ,iii(I(«a ^ hrst nisei ti.m, and a.i»enlH for e.ich mi. (•e.din» Morality, liaving only for its obj.K-t. the ' all tho vWation of which is avenged i .'hrouS','' paid until alter the expiriiti.m of six luoiiths. s«*lf-preser\ ation of man and his welfare in by natural |nini.-hnients iv'cessarily flowing WK’iety, has nothing to do with religious ' from (he very constitution j1' things, and systems. .^lan, from liii^ own ex|H;rience, fituls motives for iiKHlera(iiig his passions. equally fixwl nnd invariable with the order of nstiirr itself. It is enforced by shame. and rfnis(ing his vicious inclinations, anil ; remorse, iiifamv, misery, &c. &ic. pn timl to s. ne otiicrs, wlu n they do not nnidi rin^^ himself us ful nnd estimable O'er life's dork kmgli my rourse I still pursue. M’hatever is worth .ioiiignt all, is w orth ! doing well; but it is iinjK)«sibk> to do any I thing well without attejition. ! sueeeediiij week—or 91 Ibr three weel;f, lor one sipiare.— A liberal dix .Miul h ill lie tiiiule lo those wli.i adv«*iti»e l.yllii'jcor. II 'On allabi-erlin ineuls coiiniiunieali.l Ihr publication, the niiiiibrr o ' inserlioii'. iinmt Ik- noted on the inar;:in of tho niHniiKcripl, or Ih.y will be continued until (iirliid. uiid charged aeeordinglv- All C.imiiiunieation* lo tho lOditnr.s muni oome I).i not l.rnv.. >l.« i- .1 , , r ‘•"nnnunjeath.n* lo tho iCditnr.s muni oofr l»o tirav. the o|*nion of the world. ^ fr.^ they may Iioi 1«, attended I., , . . . I It must 1x5 bv jiaiiiful experience tliat i "* yHi care not for tlu* i i » xMr- * aim, m the lir.t place, to bc-rvc themselves, j to those of whom he constantly JtaiuU iti i moral error con be corrected. Sle “ ! nr ■ , • / ^ * ’ ' fff ranoua kinth. for mtc of this Offer.

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