r i Si FARlIi:Rl§i’ JOURNAL. l*ItlNTKI> A.MU rriil.ISIIlvI) i:\rJ2V TIU KSIMV, by ^^^KI,K A( 1I()LT)\..„ IIAHI-»TTI'^ MWIil-KMIirmi coi >tv, >0KTII-'AH0M?IA. I WILL TKAfll YOU TO PIKRCE THK BiHVH.8 W THE EARTH AND BRING OliT FROM TtIK CAVtllNB OK THE JIOLM AIN.», MKTALS HllKII WILL «MVK HTliUXfiTlI T» OfR IHMIS ANU KIJllJKUT Al.L NATURE TO OUR US1£ ANU DR. JOHNSON, VOL. I. Till RSI>AV, rEHRrAUV 17, 18:*!. NO. ‘il. TERMS. THE MINERS’ AND FAR.MERS’ JOl’RNAL Is printed and published rvcry Thumduy inorniii", at Two Dtllars and Fifty Centt prr uiinuin, it' paid in advance; Three Dullart u year, if not paid until after the expiration of kI\ iiiontliH. AUyEaTISEMENTS will be ins. rted at Fi/ti/ cents per B]uare (not exceeding lineit,) lur the first insertion, atid So ci uIb tor each Huccccilinj:' Week—or ^ll for threo w euks, for one K(|uarc.— A liberal diBcount will be niadu to tliosu w ho Advertise by the year. IL/'On all adverli.st ineuttt communicated tor puldication, thu number oi inscrtionii muxt be noted on the margin of the manuscript, or tliey will be rontinucd until forbid, and ehargi-d accordingly. ET’.'VII conunuiiicutiuns to the lOditors must roiiie free of gutliigr, or they may not 1k' atteiidi d lo. CIIEIIAW. T^IIE SubiicriberH inform their friendB and the public, that they have eornmeiired buainctiH in C'HEKAW, S. ('. under the firm of WILSON it. JOHHSTON, and arc now receiving from Ncw.Vork, I’hiladrl- phia and Charleston, on extt nsi\c oHsortiiiciit of IJry GixxUt, HdrJirarr (Srorerun, which they offer for nale low for cash or priKhice. The higli^t price will he paid tor Cotton and other pptxliire, and every laeility alFordrd in re. ceivin;; and forwarding ('ottun and (■'oods, to and from Charleston. Sijjaed, l UANCI.s U 1I-.«».V, JA.S. A. JOHNSTON. Snr. 10, IWO lOtf TTiTkLoi^j] lfi> MEChLENBlUO ('Ol'.\TY, A. / SIQir OF THE RISINO SUN. J. I>. UOVI> KESi‘EC*ri L LL Y intbriuB IiIh fiieiidn and tile public that he haB ojHiied the nlwiti' Hi>rEL, toriuerl) kept by .Mr. |{. I. lliiikins, wniuli by Home recent iinprovementH iMnndirt d lU'jre comiiirtuble. Cotmiderable adfiitions are now luakiiig, which will be eoiiipUled in a short ti .le, thereby riiideriii); the Establiohmeiit more sjiaeiouH and eomnioOioUB than it lius U.'en lu re- toiore. The proprietor phdpps hiinxelf to iimo every ef fort to render (M roouH coialtjrtable, ami unu iiiitted tixertioiiii made tu gix- entire MitiMl'aetinn to all who luur Itoiior him willi their cjiBtom. The best TAHI.K and BAR which the market in the hat h country ran atTnrd, shall not lie wanting. UEDS and HKHDl.Nt; are in:eri(jr to none. Att ntivo and truHty (Kth rs are employed, and StablcK abundantly turnished. Vharlottr, A. C. Hijtt. 'i~>, 1^30.—Ilf MRS. INFORMS the public that she h.is latily riiiio. ved til the new hiiildiiift, nt arly opjiosite Iniyil's Hotel, wliere she still coiitinucH hi r tOSFlA TU).WH\ f^r. on a larjfer scale, and respi'ettully boIk it.i a klinre ut public (Nitronaj^e. Aiiioni,' her ai^sortnitnt oi artieleit are tlie lollowing, and tri rh Hupplicx will be reci ived a.^ ot)en as neees.sary, to meet the di. Viunds of eustoiiii rs : .1 gnu ml iiKSortmcnt of CAJ\J) V; Vliiio(iil», ISruzil Niiis, I’coan Nut-, I'ljTS, (inipc.s, Oriinf'cs, \c:. SK(i \I{S\ i\'a raritty of t'ttUIH \ LS ; iMiii.Ai>Ki.i‘iii \ iii:i:K, A.NI) LOMHIN Ho'l”ri,|:it |‘JH'li:i[. OVSTi:ifS and CRACK KlfS. ilh n variety of othe r arti cle*, amoiijr wliieli are fhilHron's ^r. lyr. M.U'KEIilU., run n Ai.SAI.T, byrrtail. Charlotte, I hr. 17, 1nH». KS A I.. K X A > l> It It A11A 37, \KI')S tliiN iiietiioo ot returiiiiij' his sincere I. thanks lor the patronn;,"' he Iibb heretofore Iteen favored with, and would now intbrm his friends and tiie public in f.'eiieral, that he contiii. nes to carry on the abo\e lhisiiiei>s with uiirrinit- tiii({ assiduity; that he receives the Fa^hions semi-annually, from the liest rejwrters in the Cni- ti'd Stati'H, {uhii'h is as far as any 'I'ailor in this country can siiy with truth,) that hu will spare no pains to make them up in a style to com|M te with the original; that he uill use every exertion to Im' pnnetual tu all his ciiga^enients in his line of bu siness ; that his prices will be no hi;her tlian those of his neighbors; that he solicits a contiiiiianee ol patronage on the ground and by dint ot real merit in every particular. (’hailutte, Jan IH, IKSI. lltf N. H, One or two Journeymen, of steady hab its, will iiic( t with a steady scut and lib ral wa- (fes, hy applying sHm. A. (i. I have ftir salo a f»-w patterns of Su|M'rline ItM'E CL»)Til,of the nirt lashionable shade. A. >. n IIOUSI-l, (the I’ost-olttce) on the Cross street, a few yar*!s iioi in-west of the C'ourt-House, in Lexinglon, A'. ( is again oi)cned for the reception of Travillera llo'irdcrs. 'I’ho stables are extensive, roomy and dry; grain and provender of the iRst, plentiful, and served by good Uostlfrs. 'I'he houi-e has ma ny comfortable rooms, serves a good table and re freshments; and the proprietor and his liiiiiily «ill omit nothing in their power to make it inoft quiet and agreeable. Httf B. I). ROrXSAVHJ.i;. /’/»/; (;i:.\TS kkw ajuk RANAW.AY from tlie subscriber, about the !tth iiiat. an apprentice boy by the name of Canitthatj Junct. Any pt rwm who will appr lieiiil said apprentice, and deliver him lo me in Contoid, shall have the abovfc reward. JOHN CLARKE. Concord, Jun. 2!>, 1831. ytJI O'l’IC’l''*—J l*e Co-partnership of ISistell »y lluiker has expired this day. J. II. ms.sEi.i,, S. ti. HARKEIf. t’hiululft, January 21, lf*31. O’I'ICFi.— I \V.\.NT to puridiase t orn, J.^ Fodder, Hay,Oats, Sweet Potatoes, Turkeys. Onions, Itnlter, Ac.&c. J. I). UOYl*. t'hailotti', Jan. I'.t, l^JI. 17 CEM'I'.S Cash in tlie Hollar will be paid for all the (.'heraw Hank HilU, if pre- s. iited by or betore the tirst day of .March inxt, at tJie llrick .Stori , by J. I). IllI.I.INti.SJlY'. ('hrrinr^ Jun. 1*^, I^tl 'I OH I .\i to pres( nt diiections ol tlic I’ost-iims- t. r tJeneral, rtspietiug newspaper postage, I and llie g neral in gleet of llic coniinuiiity in pay- ‘ ing tie’ sani*, 1 a:ii compelled to avail niysell of i thu law ill that resjK ct to have tlir pustii^r in ' itiltancf; and tin present ragged state sdiall eliaiigc in eirculatiuii, makes it necessary for me to reipiire all sums under one dollar to be puiil in i sjHeii. ,M. S.MI I II, r. V. FKKSII C.AKDFLV SIOKDS. • «>l. Ill .N’IFK A: CO. j H AVn Just received a general assortiiu nt of j UAHUhS sLLDs, of the growth ol warranted genuine, \iz : /■K.i.v. K.^nmsH. \\ lute Marrowlilt IV.-is, l.img Searlot Radish, Kurly June do. Salmon do. do. Lawn of ^orth-f’arulinti, ixisxnl in .‘H. | |)iirsuiiiic‘ of an c.xecutioii issued by ajustice ot" the p«uce, no ut* AN ACT ti.xing the lies of the Clciks of the County and SiijHTior Courts toriu’v’.*! (t'C sliail be taved, nor any Other fees tor clerks or Hhofa and silt rill's’li es. ' ■ /fe it tnndvd by ih Carolina, and it i* h I u . iitrm.s I. cs . , /. .T I i ilis tiiaii tliosc prt'.scritwd by this act. (M-mral 4.v.wv«Wi/ oj the Slate of ^ort^. ' y,_ ^ enacted, I'hat no dork of any County or Su- ... If. ^ mimr, Court siiall l)c entitled to charge iiny feo tor any capias ul i.i loiii an u er ic |ki.skiii; (. thib act the clerks ot the seve- i-cypondi ndtiin, issued during term time, returnable instunter, un- ral ( out.ty ( ourtH ui tins .State shall receive ti.e toilow.ng lees, J eapiJs be executed. an noo i«r, \tz. . , ,,i 'II* lie it fvrthcr ennvtcd. That in all State cases, wherf thera or t\( r_\ f u( ing prmt ss rr iiinod to din fust court, incluihng all j^jmH jj udUe prosequi entere»l, or the dctendaiit shall be acquit* H nices, iig« icr wi .1 (isiinsMcin or final judgment, w here ci- ,.,,nv^,.ted, and l)c unable to pay coats, and the court sliull not order the prosecutor to pay the costs, the counties shall pay *1 tlier happiMis at tlie return coiii t. For fveiy iiKliciiiKuil, 60 For each recogiiizanee, .... !i() For every relcr. iu e or ronliiitiancp of any cause, For every jiidgmeiit entered after the return niurt, 7'> For every Nuli|Hrnu, provided the party insert no more than f.tnr witnesses ill the same, .... 1.5 cts. For every t \ect:lioi) or ordt r of sale, . . ;i"> « ts. F: tireen «/;.tAX White Kitlney Ikans, hjirly China do. c.iHuAiii:. F.arly York Cabbagu, K.riy Dutch do. I.ate Dutch Ri d Dutch (ireen til.iied Drum Had Sa\ oy S i)lch Kalo do. do. do. do. lo. do. Early Caulitlower, hale ilo. TI UMI'. Early Spring 'I'urnip, l.argi Nuriijik do. il.uiover do. Kuta !>.ga do. OA/O.V. Red Onion, White d.i. ! Yellow i!o. i l.KTiKi:. - iiarly Curled l^-tluee, ; Maijiiuiti Uonuni do. Head do. : lee do. 1‘. (>|H-r ira^s. i'hatlottr, Jtin. *J I, l^'JI. niiET. l^.irly Turnip Butt, lilood do. Red do, ' CARROT. ' Hiood Red Carrot, Uraiigc do. i AliasII'. towelling Farsnip, liuernst v doi Cl't l MHER. Early Cncunil>or, I’rii Kly (itwrKins, (for I’iokIcs^ •New Ze Uand Spinnagr, I’ricsly do. Ruund do. .slWDRIE.s. Summer Hush Sjiiasli, \\ lute ,M ustard N'ed, l.oiig W hiti Uelirc, Solid •'(111 ry. Curled I’arsleV, .Summer Savoiy, Cay> nne IVj'jh r, Sjiia.'h do. .Mainiiioth .'Njnush, l.nr!,-e .Musk .^Icllon. liie clerks and sherills half the fees allowed by this act, except lu capital or clercyable felonies, or prosecutions for Ibrgerj-, i>crjury and c«)iis]»inicy. Vlll. lie it fi.rtfier enacted, 'liiat in all civil suits and indict* iiients, hereafter tried or dis|)ost>d of, either in tiic County i>r h*u- [M'rior ('ouits, the | arty or parties cast or convicted, shall pay u .... , . , ... Ma.x lee of one dollar: which several sums the resp«!tive clerks -or every scirn lacias, (proMdo.l nothing herein c.mtamod sha l ,hrce montlis after be cotHlrued to re,H-al anv part of the act ol 1-,'^ allowing hall . /Vor,neteethele.s, the tef's in 01 scire InciHM,) - fio cts. i • * .r • i . i n *i j* * r * ^ 1 , ... pluintiil.s III civil siiitssliall not Ik* required to iMiv a tn.\ fre on writs r or evorv copy ol rccord, 5 cents for each com » t of ninctv i * *• / • ^ i .u * *L r *i I • '* , .11 ^ |M oil I iiuiv.iv ms lierctt»lt re: and nrovuua furmr^ that the provisiuns ot thi^j words, not excee(Jinir 5 coov s u ets;: aiu tliree ccr/i.s dr eac i * i w . * j . .i . v i n i* * i I * .• ® ‘ • 1 , , . . * ‘ i st'ction si.all not extend to the county ot Nusli or Heautort: and in copy sheet alter live: Prortat fL that thf* tola amount ol tees *i . . .i * * i . . i n . I .1 vai «iii nil I IIK,. the c.Hint\ ot lieaulurt, no other tax or suits or indictiii(*nts shall charged‘or aity one rec«»rd shul not exceed &•) ()0 n * i . .i i- i i .i * r*i i * ® ' 1 • , I , . ' Ix’ collected, e.xcej>t those fixed hv trie act of the last scssk»ii, pro- l or every order or rule toreign to the cause, with a copy ot the compensation for ti.e juror's of sa.d county. same 1 ncpim*, ... . . cts. | jf^. farther enacted. That the .several Sherilfs in this r or copy of a will, tive criits (or each eonv sheet of ninety words, o. . i n • .1 r n *• i »i '• 1 Mate shall receive the following tees, and no other, VIZ: not e.\ceedmg hve copy sheets, and three cenis tor each copy I'or evrrv nrn-st ... sheet aller liv.;: Prorided that the total aiii.nmt of fee.s cliarg^ 'd ^ *, ] 35 ots! for the co,.y ol any vnll >l.:iI 11. no ca.e CNceed .So 00 declaration in ejectment, 60 cts. l or proving and recon.flngat le.igth in bomul bo. ks kept tor that ^ ^ ofVtition, (iO cts. ptirpr s.- and lihng an inv.-ntnry, ac-oiint of sales or accouti! j ^ current, exh.bited by an executor, administrator or giianlian, or for search and cei 1 heate of the ainouiit thereof, if tlie estate Is- i ^,-t of allow" under two liundix.l dollar.*, the clerk sli.'ill be entitled to receive „ tor Ills t?c twenty cents; ii atiove two hundred do ars and un- i' • i* .• * t •* * r i , . . 1'or service r! notice to ar!)itraturs, relertM's or coninussioiiers lo •ter one thou-^and, foity cents ; if above one thousjind, .s!venty. ,^j.„ five cerits and no nioie. ^ I'or everv attachineijt levied, seventv-five cents; and if further 1 or entering on the iiiniute.s the proiiate of nil s, .pia lU mg ever- „f goo,ls, to lx,> taxed by the curt. uto^ nmking certideales and recording tlie will m a houn.l ho,„|",,H,n such attachment, - 25 c(s. MKi ep or la [uirpose, . ‘ , ^0 ct.'. ,.\erv subpa:iia served, lor each [XTson named therein, DO cts. ror ^rantiuif adnanihtration, taking: bond r.nn a 1 i>lher sOi\i«'es n .*• . i n ri* . ® ^ ’ *o i.III ail ioi-putting a i)crs(Hi 111 tlic stK:ks or pi orv, • »>(» cfs. thereon, h{) cts. r ' . . i . 1,1 ror everv coniinitinent, ..... cts. lor ever>* inarriafre license and bond, - - 7o ct. p ' oi . i.r ... luir everv rele;ue, ...... ct.s, ror everv srarcii (»i record out of court, - . 10 cfs. * • * i -1 i * * ^ r t • ,, 11.. ... rorsuniin»ninijconunissionerstodividerealestate,A;forf|uahlvinir ror iirovinjx or enteniiu the acknow rdL^ment ol the convevanct* * u i* i ♦ i *i i • * *u\ i I ” , ii«> V , ihcin to be paid in equal portions by Die clauiiants, .0 r. ‘arh. ot lamis or .dher estate, and cert, ying the .same with or.ler ot j j^v, to 1« allow-d reg.stnition and examination ot a lome covert w ithout coinnus. ^y law. 30 cts. s;o cts. , For everv notice to take dejKisitions, For everv imlentur* for bindin** apprentices, . fiO cts. For every sp'cial verdict or demurer or motion in arrest of judg ment, 3(1 ts. I’or every writ of error or ap[M?ul, w ith a transcript of record, f'l I'or every certili-ate of w itness’nr jurors’ attendance, 10 cts. I'or atlixing the seal of olHce and w riting tlie necessarv certificate on any instniinent of w riting requiring the tame, cts. For every certilieale without the seal of oHire, and when the same IS not otherwise; directed to Ik- pai.l, twenty cents: ProM, ,.-„Veverv writ of po.sse.-.sion that tins shall not authorise the clerk i,! th.' ( ouit o! Ple.is and „ecution. For selling the estat* of an intestate, to lie allowAl by the court, not exceedina two ani a half per cent. I'or e.xeeuting a warrant of di.stress, or an execution against the Udy. two and a half |)er cent. I'or all tuonies collected by him by virtue of any levy, two and a half per centum, and the like commissions fi>r all monies that II av be paid th.e plaintitrbv th! defendant while such precept is ill the hands of said shentf. 81 (to “.■) cts. Uuarter .S ssions in Craven c unty to charge any lee lor a e. p,„. ,„.d decent bni ial of anv criminal, «10 00 tilicate given according to the provisions of an act to re^iilut the tliianccs of Craven county, p:iscd ,\. I). 1'':^''. Forivcordmgamarkor brand,givingcei lilii atolhei->.;f, 10 ct,- For i.v'uing warnmt on entry ol'iaml by order of court, -U) I:- For enrolling divisions of e>^f,ilc,!, fur each lot - L’!! ct- I'or taking anti rt-cordiiig ev»-r\ jiroseciition bund, 10 cts For si;rvii’es of eipiity priKX'.ss and incidental thenito, the same ' fees as lor tin- like services at law. I'or maintai;iing any slave or other property, or any criminal seiz. ed by > irtii.' of any legal precept, .sueh sum us may l>e fixed by — the Comity Cmirt in each county in this State. I'or appn'hendiiig any criminal, ■ * . 81 00 NcrruK rM^JIR Subscrilirr will sell, at public sale, on .1. Tuestlay ol February t oiirt, it not dis|>osed of at privttle snic previous to that time, (hie I'ront and Piiek lAH', on the main street, south of the Courl-I louse, in the town of Charlotte. The lots are pleasantly sitiiali’d, i^ontnining all the back buildings nee N- snry tor a I'amilv, with a natural grove on the iViint. Those wishing to piirehase would do well lo call and view the proiierly. 'I’erms—a nego tiable note to the liank of ,N( h hi rn will be taken in payment. J.XMMS T. ASllt'ftY'. January 19, It'SI. 17tf 4(iK.N’KR.\r, Assortment of HI.AN'K.'', sueli as are rtsjuired by Cl( rks of l^onrls. Mag istrates, niid Constables, will constantly Ih- kepi on hand st this Ollice, neatly prmU'd on >•••" ’ sub!>tanlial SAI>I)H:S iV IIAliM-ISS. f||^l!l'. Subsciiber, at his li>r- nicr stand, south Iroiii the oiirt-l huHc, Jiaviiig bought l.ea- iier in Sal III,N.» . iV >icw-Y ork, 111.I >.>19 Cat ink on the above busine.ss oi SatlUle uud Huriif$» 111 Its dillerent iiranehes, iuid having eiigagid the best oJ workmen in the Saddlery .Ma king, pleilircs hiiiist If to lurnish i very article in his line ot the Ix-'st ijuality, and on reasonable terms, to u it: .Saddles, - - • 10 to IH dolls. ^'adllle NVullet.s - - - I to a “ Valiei s and I’ortmaiiteaus, - 3 to 4 “ Horseman's Caps, - - 4 to .'i “ Huldsters, - - - - .T lo HJ “ (iig and Sulkey Hiirncss, . l.>to3.> “ ( arriuge Harness, - - In t.i hi) “ Small Wagon Har..ess, I horse, |i) to 1.5 “ Stage Harness, . - . iiU to 10 “ \\ agon Harness, lour horses, yo to M " Collars, SI—Blind Hriilles, «l ; Cireingles, ei'iits; (iiilhs, 37j cents; Wagon and Ci.itiam Wliips. Saddles and Harness repaired on reasonable terms. Coarse «ool laKcii, and a reasonable jiriei- givin. N. H. Those indebli-d to the subscriber will please eall on or by the 1\ bruary C.'ourt, and make payment, as I am in great neitl ni cash at this time. .Vnd those wishing f.o purchase articles in my line, would do well to call ami viiw tlir work and niiHerials. J.V.Mt'.S 't'. ASIil KY. Charlottr, A’. C. Jan. !:il, Is.'ll. 4ii:’l A ti:ac'iii:i« WA vri:i>r~ t(iKN*rijK.MAN qiialilk'd to tern Ii tht; Knjj- iisli l)ninc’Ju‘2« i>t cdiU'iitiun, aiul Uh* lian^uu- in wanted to ins-tnu l the rliildrtn ol two or tlirco raiiiilii’H, at lloprwcH At utlciny^ .M‘uklcii. burif ctnuily* Apphra!i»)Ms uill lu* rcccivnl by the Hlv. Jolin \N iliiuiiiHoii and Jun. r. 'I'orrtiu c, i‘«pq. atidreHMcii (o Uirkory GnHc 1*. (). i)rtohn- If-.'ilt.—(jlT V’A’ V DtH.LAllS nPA\ AHD. KAiN.VW A Y from the subserils'r, under sus- pleiiius eireumstiinees, an imli iiti-d uppren tiei Isiy, by the name of A(//mon Wire, iHtvvcen in and I I years old, well trrowii and lle..liy ; when S|Siken to lias a down look with a bad eouuttiitviwe I do liin-warn all pi rsons from said ing with, or hnrlHiring l ing the law 'I', ASUl’UY. For every certificate of tavern ho nse and bon.l, v.ith copy of l^.ri.oavevu g anv criminal to the jail where such criminal ought r*itcs •• *^100 ‘ ■ ■ ' * I to be convex ed, ten cents |>er mile, and five cents lor each iK-r- I-or taking an aecuint, .nc!i stmi as the cuurt may ullov.-, i.:.t cx- compo.-ing th.,- guard, pnnidml the nunil,er shall not c.xct-ed ceediii;! tillv dollars. ; ‘ ■ V- .1 ,• 1 11 1 1 . 1 frur I'ersons; and it more than four shall Ik* alwolutely iiecessu- ly, two cents |-.er iiiih- for each of said guard. 7’ I'or each day the sherifl' shall maintain said prisoner, he shall re ceive ........ .50 cts. Foreveiy suli|Ni iia founded on {M-tition, . ."lO ct I'or every iK lition, by the copy sheet, - - 10 ct For every writ other than leading proce.?s or Ettbpn-na ad t(-.-iliti- candtiin, ...... 7,5 For every order of court authorising the sherilT to issue a liccnse to retailers, ...... yo cts. For correcting an error in patent, . . 40 cts. For recording proession(-r's certificate, . i>0 cts. For every .search of entm taker’s latoks, . 10 cts. For every copy of liK-atioii from cntiy taker's hooks, 10 cts. For docketing constables' lev ic!», including all services in court, 1 For filing schedule bond, and all other services in court witiiout trial by jury, §!l (i(l I'or trial of issue on ichediile bond, TTi (’ents; rmd the creditor at whose instance the issiu; is made up, shall 1>* bound to pa\ the tax- 'I'he cxi)ense shall be paid by the respective coimties, if such pris. oner shall not l>e liable or able to pay the same. X. lie it fiirtlu r enacted, 'i'hat no sherilf of any county in this State shall chargti a commission on any monies coHected on an execution issued by a justice of the |»eac.e, nor any other fees than tlio.se allowed by law to constables for similar services. XI. He it further enacted. That sheritls of the resiK'ctive conn, ties in this State shall hereafter collect and receive all fines, a- mi'rcements, forleited recogiiiz nict-s and f'orfeitures on |K-nal stat utes, imposed, adjudgc-d or decid»-il by any of the courts in this Slate; and all sumsofmoiK-y by them so collected and received, shall pay over lo the res|M.-clive county trustei-s or wardens enti- cd costs of the is^ue if th»- defendant Ik« d.sr harg.-d by the court.: .vitl.in three months arter such monies l or declaralion ot a loreign(-r wishing naturalization,^ copy ami collected and received. w-al, 81 oO For linalentry ot‘natiirali/.ation,^opy ol'thesame,\ .seal. '^1 .‘>0 For dcckctiiig appi-alsaud entry of plciior default, t-'O cts. For every guardian notice tor renewal of bonds or .'■•cttleiiient of accounts, ...... )it) cts. II. He it further enacted, 'Pliat the clerks of the Su|>erior (^)nl•ts of Law in this Stale shall, for like services, receive the XII. I'r it fnrthrr rn'irt'tl, 'I’hat the said sheriffs shall return a transcript at l!ie time of settlement with the truslee'», which shall contain the names ofajl persons I’roiii whom fines, ti.rfriliires and ainereements shall have been eollertvd, and the amount from the |s rsons so received. XIII. H. it f.irlhrr (iiarlcJ, That the clerks of the several courts within ihii Slate shall immially, on or iM'fore the tirst day of January in each and everv year, make a tiiM and eoinplele return to the resiH-ctive eoupty trus tees ot'all tax fees, fni''., forfeitures and ainereements which shall have lieen same fees as are b\ thisagt allowed the clerks of the 1'ouillv ( 'ourts, imposed, adjMilired or decreed in the preceding year, as well as the names and no other. ' 1 rsons who shall have paid fees, as of all those who have been tiiied, ■ II J 1 a'l . I 1 , 11 • -1 ainereed or adjudged to have lorfeited their reeoguiiances. III. Hi It fvrthrr vmctal, 1 hat any clerk, wlin shall tail or xiv. That the shcritr.hull .vci-ive Hi.Uy n'*ilect tf> record, in a well hound lKX»li, or hooks to Im- k*]*t l'*r Fiinunnniii^ carl: irunrdian to rt'iu w hih bond or to settle liiii ntrounls ; that purpose, all last w ills and festnmetits, im eiitoriesaiid accounts whieh sum shall be |>aid hy said guardian. of sales, and accouiiLs current of executors, arliiiitiislrators and ■ tm/AT i/^wrfrr riKirjri/, 1 hat it shall hr the duty of tii^'-^ ales, and accounts current of executors, arliiiiuislratois and y'"'"wa up Ciardians, within six months from the time of their probute, shall ‘H r I- . . • 1 . • . , . . res M ctivr nthrcR and mtUu Court lioudc, io.tiitv dollars, tn fw. . . Im* liiihlc to an indictment in anj court t»t n'cord w itlun the cou?if\ ot'rirh court, under I'^ison suin^ Ji»r the Ranie wherein he held the ollice of clerk ; and U|Mjn conviction, siiall Ik- betore anv ju. tiee of proviMons"of this act i fined at the di.screlion of the court. IV. lie it further enacted, 'I hat at encli te ('•nirts in this State, which shall Ik* held afu ■May in each year, it shall Im- the duty of the “I the acc hi minst a con'ialil iioihiii^ herein con “ ;i t. pnMscd I