TIIK MINERS’ AND FARRIERS’ JOURNAL. frara are entertained for the cattle of our Prairies, there being little, if any shelter for thorn. Sugar Crops.—On this subject, the \ew- Orleana Mercantile Advvrtisir of 20th ult. remarks—“ It is a nriattcr of some conse quence that our commercial community should be made acquainted witli every change in the prosperity of the crops. From a source of information in which we have as yet never been deceived, we iiuve learnt, that in consequcnce of the severity of the present season, the failure of the Su gar crops will be alMiut 2(»,(K)0 hhds., equal to about |!l,‘200,000. It is now nearly one month since this severe weather has set in ; and although we have (jccasionally on for mer seasons, had some short jKT'ods of cold weather, yet it is not in the menujry of the oldest inhabitant, the equalled pri)tracti(;n of the cold weather we now experience.” CON(;resh. VV’aj^iiincton, Jan. 20.—In tiie Staute yesterday, the bill for amending the law re quiring Copy Rights, and the bill for ex tending the tinie for completing the I’iftli CeiLsus, were passed to n third reading ; and the bills for the construction of three Scliuon- ers fur the Naval s(?rvice,and to amend the uct for the appropriation of public lands for the cultivation of the vine and olive, were severally read a third time and finally pass ed. Mr. Buchanan commeiK-ed liis n'jily in the case of Judge I'etk. lie procetd.s in continuation to-duy. A resolution was ollered yesterday in the lli>us«: of Representatives, by Mr. Lecoiiiiite, to liiiiit the term of wrvice of the Judge.-, but the House refused to coiwid« r the reso lution by a Vote of 115 to (ii. 'I’Ik; llimse, in (’oiiimittee of the Whole on the State of the rnion, passed ujnm the bill from the S«'nate to authorise the |)aymeiit of tin; wit- ness!s III attendance here on the trial of Judge Peck, which was ordered to Ix- n'ud a ihinl time to-day. A n'soliition was laid on the table by Mr. Kll^‘wort!l, calling jn the Secretary of War tor informatinn as to the mode m w hich the annuities an' imul to the Cheroket! nation. Waxhington, Fi b. 1.—The High ( ourt of Impvuchiiient yesterday prououm eiljudg ment upon the article of liiqM'aclimeiit ex hibited In' the House of KepreM'nlutives a- griinst Jamks H. I'i.c K, district Juiige of the I'nited >tates for the District of Mi-^soiiri. We have never witnessed a more dignilied prs-ecding m any public IxMly than that by which tins (|uestion '.vas decided, 'i'he ar ticle of liii|i‘a('liineiit l»emg first read, and the assembled inultiiude on the door and in the galleries hushed to the profouiidest si-1 lence, the Senattjrs were called ii|Kin in suc cession, anil the question, put distinctly to ciicli S'(iator, by the presiding othcvr, each S'liator using in his place, as called, and answering “ (iuilty” or “Not (Jiiilty M’licn every S'liator pn‘s«’ni hail snlcinnlv aitswercfl, the I’n'sidriit of the Scnat«‘ rose and aimouiK ed that Senators had pronounced the res|K)iident Not (iuiltv, and twrnly-oni' had pronounced him (iuilty. Two-thirds of the Senators not having af firmed the iiresentiiK nt of the House of Represeiitatnes, Judge I*i;t k wils of coiirsc deelannl to Is- Ao«rirri;i> of the article ol' lni|)eachment preferred against him by the j House of R«-pn'?ieiitatives: and then the Court was adjourned by |)roclaiiiatioii, .v/m die.—.\'«/. hitil. I Janizary 2's.—In order that our readers may have soniethiiit; like ii corn-«'t id»‘a of the vast amount of private business whirh has iiceumulati'd, and is constantly aceuniu- lating in'fore Congr«‘ss, we stale, that then’* wen' ()n‘ Hundn'd an»l 'I'hirteen distinct' and sc(>arat! menn)rials ami |M‘titions pre sented to the Hoiiw- of Representatives a- lone, on Monday, the 2-ith inst. Of this V. hole nunilx'r, it is quite ixwsible, nay even proUible, that the object of not on‘, e\en though und'iiiiibly just and ex|H'!ient, will' be accomplished at the present Session. | Nt.w-Oklkans, J A.\. 21.—In the Hoiisf'' of Representatives, yesterday, the ('oiiiniit- of five, to wlu»m was refc^n^l so much ' of the Governor’s Message, as related to the pnihibition of the introduction of slaves into the State, made two reports; Mr. Moon* lor himself, and Messrs. I^eeonipt and Sloan op|H»ning, and Mr. Niehi>las for himsel! and j Mr. Doiimeing, approving of the recoin-1 mendation of the (iovernor. It is doubttiil; Iiow the Legislatiin* will decide th(' ini|s>r- ] taut question ; an inten-siing delmte is an-1 ti'i|mted when it shall be presented liir dis cussion. I I Tlir: ART OF ri NMNc;— The l‘trk Mannirv has Im'cii dis|Mi.sed ol'. Judge Pi'ck has not In'eii hrokr, but only markid. His hiuUsn proceedings have made him a “ Pvck of troiihlc.i." If his minmirc of jiistirc 1m; not full, we trust he has enough to catitKJii him against mttiiig it out to otIuTs by a false uttuidard. lint we question, whether the jx'ople ol Missou ri will bi‘ content, that justice shall still Is; nunmirtd to them by this /VrA', so markid by the Senate. A lairliii.s spirit will still prevail, and Judge 1‘crk will l»e prckid at for every iHciadillo. Rut should grievan ces Im' heaped iijMin them iiy Pcrku, Uiinh- and Hiirnh, wo Ix-g that they will not them to thin markti ; for to attempt to break a Julge by ini|H'uchment, is but a pi culation IIJ.OU tlie Trciuury - CIIAULOTTK: Till KM)AV, FKinH'AHV IT, IH3I. The Eclipse.—Wa had lavorablc weatJier on Saturday last to view tltia interesting ]iheiioineiion. At the moment of viHiblc conjunctiuii, a biautiful luniinuux ring wasforiiii'd, wliicli wan |«.TCfi)tibli; bttweta one ui;d two niinutcH. During tlie great- est olwruralioii, a very senaiUc change in the at- iiio:i|)liero was observed, fro’n wanatli to cold. Kxtract of a letter from u gcntleinen re«iding in i.aiicaHter Diet. S. C. dated Feb. S, ls31. “ A Biiiall tied of very rich ore lias been recent ly diucuvcred sonu' tew niiien I'roin Hrewer’s mine. No doiilit otiicr de|>08ils of thu |>rieiuUH natal will be found ill Uiut section orccuiitr|.” The rumofB respecting I lurris' Mine, it apiiearn, were mere exaggerations; but the niost authentic account proven the vein to be unconmionly aurifu- rouK, rendering it nccessary to place a guard over it niijht and day. Too much caution ca.iiiot bo cxtrcised in placing contidence in the iiuiniTous account; of rich vein.«, as rumors increase with their speod, and iu proiwrtion to the novelty of the subject. Tiio following law was enacted at the rccent stssion of the I^eginlature of .\orth-('arolina : An act to exempt lessors of gold mines in certain casts from liability as eojiartncrs of lessees. Hr It enacUd by the General Ansemhly of the Stale III .Sorth-t 'iirolina, and it i« hereby eitacleil by the tiiUhorUy of the game, 'i'liat any ieswr or lissorsof projKjity real or i> r»oual, lor mining puri»o.io8, aitnougii sueh lessor or lessors may re ceive a sum uiicertiiiii of the proceed;) or nett pro- fit.M, or any olln r t on>mier.ilion, wiiicli, though un certain at first, n.ay alterwards btcome certain, shall not Ije held as a jiurtner or partners ol the lessee; nor sliail any ol tlie legal or eiuit«blc re lations or liabilities of co[iartiiers txi»l between them, unless it b' *o stipnlated in the contract be- twetn such lessors and lessees. T/ii I’ictiiienry.—On Uie authority of “ The t;lobe," an administratiuii pajier recently entab- lishrd at Washingtmi City, there geems to Ik- no doubt but I’residei.t J vcKsos will be a candidate for re-election to hii present station. Trttisury \i,lc3.—A nieeUng of the merchants and traders of Wadeslwro’ was held on the 'Jlst ultimo, to eri'ect means to abolish tJie circulation of the Treasury Notes of this and otlmr States. Ucsolutions were adopted and jKissed, that alter the 1st of .March tJie nierehants would not reccive or (lay out the small notes of other States; and til at alter the Istol Aj>ril next, they would n«t pay out in tlic way of trade, or otlierwi.4c, any of the 'I'reasury Notes of tins .State. A comiiiittec was apfKiintud tii procurc from tlif* .Mint, or tlse- utieru, such amount of small silver change as may lie necessary. It wa.s further resolved, that the proeo dings of the iiii eting lit published at threi public places within the county; ojid tiiut all in: rt hauls and diaii rs t'lruugliuut liic county be re|ui'st'd lo co-o|M rate in the salutary measures for eorficting the evil of a liad currency. 'J'hf proetediiigs of a meetinn held in t'liarlotte ;:onie time past, having a similar object to til ■ a- lit)\e in »icw, we jiresume were still-born, d Connrnii—Thu bill for the relief of J\MEs MoNRof , has |«a»i« d iLi .'Id reading in the House ol Keprtsentativi's—jeas lUt, iiH)sec. A resolution ottered in tliK Senate, by .Mr. Ben- ton, “Uiat the charter ol the Hank oi tlie I'nited Stiiics ought not to U- renewed,” was rejected by a \ote ol \!',i to :.*((. Uoth the .Senators irom this .''late voted lur the adoption of the resolution. (Jen. Dutt'tireiii, the editor of Ihe I'nited Stales Teb grapli, has hten re-elected i‘iinter lo the H. of Kepresentatives. 'I'he votes were, lor Cireeii Itisi, i„r (;ulis,!k, .Siatun 7b, Icr Win. Liretr lU, Bcattermg (i. Some idea of the rxjHnsn which Judge Peck's trial will l*e to the governiiient, may Is? Ibrnied from the fact that tlie S iiate, on the'^lst uitinjo, l>ass«d a bill appropriating S1‘J,UU0 tor the pay- ineiit ol witness iiituit’y. ■MI.NT I'. .S.—Ol-KKAl'lONS, ls30. Mint of the I 'uiteil titiUrs, f t /(l/u(/7/y/iiii, Is/ Jan. 1S3I. ^ Silt; I have the honor to sutiiiiit a rejxirt on the general transactions ot' the Mint witliin the last year. The coinage ellected w ithin that [n'ritsl amounts to !p;i, 1 (>20, comprising !jiti4H,- lO.'") Ill gold coins, $;(2,in silver, .'Sl‘I’,11’> incop|KT, and consisting of pieces of coin, \ iz: weurrcnco of golil having Ix-en ree-:ived at I the mint from Virginia and Simtli-Carolina, I about S»2,.'i00 having been niceived from ! the lijrmer, and 3,.500 from the latter. The ! past jear e.xhibits, in ndutioii to ail tlios- I States, a conspicuous increase in the pro duction of gold, and |»iesents iiiso the re. 'I'ha scat of (Joveriiment of I^ouisiana, has I’.een removed from Donaldsonvillc to N. Orleans, by act of the I.egislature now sotting.—The Hon. Josiah S. Johnson has been re-clectcd I’nited States Senator. It is .said a mechanic of New York ha-s markable fiict of $i212,0110 in (r,,ld received | gone to Washington fora ['atent, to submit from (ieorgia, from wliicli ytute no sjieei- men thereof had U.'uii pre.s;.‘nted .-.t the mint in any pn^vious year. 'I'he coinagt; above e.vhiliited exceeds the amount of any foriniT year. 'I'he demand to the Navy Hoard, a |xu'cussion lock for cannon, as durable and certain as tliowe for small arms, 'i'he locks heretofore used for cannon would scarcely stand 3 or 4 rounds, the force exerted against any thing covering remains, neverlheiess, unabated; and the the vent of a 32 [lounder being estimated mass of bullion now in the vaults of the ! at nearly half a ton. mint is large beyond any previous example. 1 'I'he “ Old Dominion,” of Peter«hurg,Vir- The following arrangement cf Ihe cir-' g'*'i‘'i'> has Ix-en discontinued—the F.ditor, cuits, we copy from the Star. It is li;ihle j 'Ir. Pesciid, having l>een appointed by the to alteration; should any be n.aJe, it will ! I’resideiit to the olHce of Surveyor of the be noticed. Kdrnton, Ncwbern, Kaleigh, IlillsliorougJi, Fayetteville, .Morganton, SpBisn. Judge Donnell. Martin. jNorw'Ood. Swain. I>!iniel. Stransre. Fa 1,1. .Tudge .Martin. I >iiniel. Suuln. -NorwwKl. Straii'Tf. Doi.ntll. ! [lort of Petersburg and City Point, j National hiltUigcnccr. I 'rii(! Pl'.iladelp'iiia papers say, the present I snow storm excecds any the\ had had since ' ntil, in that city. j 'I'he following just and lianiNome tribute to our State, is copied I'roin tlie Itoston Pat riot :— If the I'nion be worth nuiiniainitig, it appears to us, there Ls a manile!;t propriety rounty. UTARniEO, In this county, on the l;>tli inst. Mr. John V. H'o//.fr, to .Miss X»i«A Htmhrsoti. Ill Lincoln eountv, on tl e 10th inst., by John Mieliael, Mr. Ji.n/en ,\J. Leonnnl, of l.incolii- ton, to Mr.^. KUza (J'l',iiiell, formerly of this in the State Legislatures, w here it is re gard"d of value, I'ollftwing at once the hon orable exanqile of North-* 'aroiina, and pro ceeding “constitutionally to nullify nullifi cation.” North-Carolin I has in this in stance, as in her declaration of Indepen- (k'lice, at the times “ that tried ini’n’s .souls,” Ix'cn prompt, decisive and foremost in a good work. We should Ite |)roud to .see .M.issa- chusotts imitate her gs>tl example.” In Salisliury, on the lOlh insl. by tlie Rev. .Mr. Robison, W illittin //. Af’Coi/', IOs|. of Yoruville, S. ('. to .Miss ICtizahelh H. daughter of Win. 11. Slaughter, Ks*;. DIED, On the r.2tli inst. nt St. ('atharines Mill.s, near t'harlotle, .Mrs. Muitiii, a native of Kngland, and wile of Win. .'Marti!!. Tiit; .nA It KIM'S. Dll'J)—In this county, on the 13th inst. .Mr. Hamdtun ag'd'J 1 vi ars. 1)1 Ki)—On Ihe ttli in.stant, at his residence in I 'I’he follow ing extract from an editorial | -ilrwid Hull, l)si|. j article in the I p[>er ('anada Patriot will I show' w hat impression is made upon the : minds of I’oreigners by recent ev« nts and ' demonstrations in this Hejinhlic. 'i'he ed- ' itor is s|K'akmg of the recent delianee of a ! writ of error to the Supreme Court by one jof the States, wlien he siiys: “ I*', bow ever,there is nothing later from Europe, there has transpired a fact in the I'liili d Slates, I w hich i.-. an overt ste|i towards a coiisuiiiiiiation I we have long foreseen and Oilen predicted—the ; di'.i:,olution of the I'nion. This is not far distant. I It is not u]»jii this, that, or the other fact, that v.p I ground our opinion ; we may indecil say, that we have derived our eunrictiun but from lli.: iiiicrriiig nature of things.” Halfeagbs, 12G,:C.I niuliing $(j3I,755 (Quarter cables. ■l,.')40 Il,3.i0 Hall dollars. •l,7lll,H)0 2.3SO HKI 1 lisines. 5IO,tllM Sl.tMIO Hall disines. 1.210,1100 tl2,t)00 ('ents, 1,711 .'■>1)0 17,115 b,3.'.7,l:il ¥3,155,1.20 j Of the amount of };old coiticd w ithin the , last year, about Sl2.'>,00t> v\ere derived I from Mexico, Suutii-.\inerica, and the \V'est Indies; !li!l",0M» frotM Africa; 8l»j0,000 ' I'rom the gold regiuii of the I nited States, and about .'i;j.t,000 I'rom sources not ascer tained. Of the gold of tiie I nited States »Ih>vc nientioneil, .'®i2 1,000 may Ih- stated to have Ix'cii n ceived from \ irginia, $>201,t>00 from North-(-arolina, !i!2l),tKiO t'roni Smtli Caroliim, and .*(212,000 from (ieorgia. Ill the last annual rejHirt, the progi(!ssive developenient of the gold region of the I'lii- ted St.ites was illii.strated by referring to increase of the annual rciieipts from NoilU , Carolinii, which, previously./ViJit year to | Ik-cii inconsiden\jtla advance;! from $5,tKMt j Ij^i^iv-^'.OOO ; and, also, to the then novel' Illinois.—Sound priuciphti.—'Plie fob lowing evtract from (lov. Hevnold’s mes- |Sage to the Legislature of Illinois, is wor- j til) the head of an independent state :uid a i re|>ubhcan people, and it is sincer*'ly hoped ! he will practim what he pri f-sses. j “ .My olHcial care and jiatronage sliall not lie bestowed iijioii a I Ew m n,ainl a partic ular si'ctiou of the State, and I'Kost kihe the rest. Proscription "■for npiiiiv.-i's sukt" is, . in my opinion. Tin: woksT KNr.:-iv or a he- ! ri HLif. It IS the birthrigiit of iriry free man to express his |Kilitical suiitiiiients ' riiWKLV aad rKi:t;LV at the pells of an e- lection, or elsewhere, without the iiorn of rarard, or the flak of j.imi'ihmnit.— Therelore, all those who honoi~ab!y and lioii- ! estiv Mip|HTted my res|K-ctable opiKjiient in the late election for go\eriiOr, shall exjicri- ] ence from mo no inconvenience on that ac- I count. I will sn_\ in the language of t!ie ; patriotic Jetlerson, that “ the right of tipin- I ion shall sutler no ir.vasion from me.” .\nd 1 1 confidently hope, that tiie |K!ople cd' llli- i nois will unite and huniionizc together in a ] sjiirit of gi^nl |ieace and good w ill to on“ tuioiher, lo promote the w olfart? of our com- I mon country, and to b.mish fori'ver that monster, party s|)irit, which diK's not s|»are the re|)utation of either the living or the deail.” (ieorgia Hold—Again.—\ gentleman from alton county, has furnished us w ith the following flattering statement of the richness of a !oId .Mine in Hall county, to which he was an eye witness.—Atliihian. “ .\t a mine called ,Vt(f Poto.'ii, ten miles M'est of (■iiinesville. Hall county, now own ed and worked by Harris, .M'Laughliii tV. Co. thirty-four jiouiids of rock was pound ed in a common iron mortar, and yielded mpinty-om fionnyvveiglits of pure gold. 1 have the gold now in iny jwssessitni. 'I'he hands employed are making by washing dirt, from four to seven dw ts. per day each. It is altogether gtild dust, no coarse gold; w'c think the vein inexhaustible.'’ 'I'he New York Journal of Commerce sa\s, that the new counterfeit o/ic hundred dollar iiolc.i on the Ignited St;ites Rank are •so well done that one of the brokers in U'all street, after having made a remittance in I’nited Siites bills, which he hud collected from Kcvenil lianks iu the city, had the inor- titieation to receive back two of these notes and lose the ainoimt, as it was impossible for him to determine from w liicli bank they came. Counterfeits of various sorts are now un- i usually plenty and of iiitire skilful evecution than heretofore. —— .wKicks, are White stockii^^ v- i^'“>e belles in New said to wTuflr the pant.dette-hosc, a uVw article, on vhii ha silk fringe hangs I’rom the top of ihe stm-kmg nearly to tlie ankle. It is coieidenvl plebian in these days to wear a l>m; dr*s=!.— J*roridrnr>' Patriot. C IIARI.KS'I’O.V, FKRRL'ARV 7. Cotton, sea-isl’iid, Itfa '1 Cognac l.rnni/y, lT.>a2 upl iiid, .sj a \il.yHollanit (Hn, !M) a l:iO A’lff, prime, a .'J ; i i.7ro», Russia A Swedes, lerior to good, i \ a ^ j i Iffl •J.5 a pi r ItW lbs. /■'/uur, superfine, lit:* \Salt, LiverpK>l, in hags Corn, 5S a ti.'J of 4 bush. SI 50 a 1 ti^J; Oiil.^, tin a li.'i , in hidk, 3G ets. Whi.'.liey, 31 els. i T. Island, 50 a ;>.5 -V. y-.'. Rum, grKid, 3fi a 37 .Nw^ar, Havana white 11 Ajiji'i Hraniiy,'M a 3,i a U’i; brown, a Gj Hiemcajr, lb a 111 cents [ .'Muscovado, t>i a 8^ ■yi(//cir, Carolina, 7 c ts. ' New-Orleans, IjJ a 7} Miirl.rrel, No. 1 i-lij; No.V .MsUtsnen, Cuba,I a S.'>i per bbl. liucou, 7 a 7J cts. Hams, lU a It /.irrf, a M Uiiltrr, 8 a 12J Cat yailn, 5i ets. [M-r lb liii'Tffinp, fi! ini h, 13 a 11 ffiih liujie, t! a ‘J ets. New-Orleaiis, iiti a 'iH Cojiee, p’me g’n, 11 a 11J inler. to good, l).i a lO.J Hyson Tea, '.>{) a 100 ctx. mil tainii PLAyTATlON FOR HALE. lli£ Subsrril>er has fbr iinta PLANT.VnON, about miles east from (.'liarlottr, con taining between 75 and lUU acre:, 'rhc l.and la of good quality, well watered, and the prospcct of its containing gold very gool.— Ik'tween 25 and 30 acres are improved, on which is a |rood Owelling-Ilouse and other neccMary buildings Ibr a family. For teriiiB, ic. apply la the subscriber. ISAAC F. ALEXANDKR. reh.^5, 1831. 3t23 IIOLSJi,VniN AND ORMAMK-XTAL PAINTING, Paper-Hanging, Glazing aiul Gildingt T^ATIIAN U. CARRICL tenders his thanks tu 1^ his friends for the very liberal encouragc* inent they have given him in his line of business since he came to this place, and respectfully in forms them and the public, that he has connected himself in business w ith his brother. 'Fhe businesa in future will be carried on by N. H. E. Cartel, who tender their services in the above branches of business to the citizens of Charlotte and the sur- roimding country and villages. They flatter them selves, from their lung exjieriencc in business, that they w ill be able to give general satisfaction to all those who may encourage them. 'I'hcy have in their employ several hands, which will enable them to disjiatch large Jobs of I'ainting at short notice. Their prices are as low as any other pro- lossed workmen of the Hrush. They vvill furnibh Taints,‘Oil, \c. and do work as low as they can [lossibly atTord, if n-quired to do so by their eiii- ployers. As tliey have determined to locate them selves in CharlotU-, they res|)cct'ully solicit a share of public patronage. N. B. &. E. CARRF.L. N. n. All kinds of Job I'ainting neatly e.xecu- ted, and at short notice. Charlotte, Fih. 15, 1H31. 21 MONEY! MONKV! MONKVI Iu uliunitanee in Market. TO OWNKRS OF ;oLl) MINF.S, I'l.ANT.V- TIONS, AND OTIIKR PROl'KR'I Y. f HI 11K subscrilier liegs leave to inlbrni his friends and the public that he is daily visited by cap italists, whose funds are great, and who are desir ous and anxious of purchasing wholes or shares of pro|M i ties—iniproxed or unimproved—who w ish to beitoinc proprietors or partners of (Mild-inining coi!ij>anics, or would loan or invest money at rea sonable interest satisi'actorily secured—would in vest and advance their money in any way, provi ded they were secured and satisfied of realizing a fair and reasonable interest for the same; Iherc- I'ore, those who w ish to sell or mortgage property, or get cash partners, would do well to apply to thu subscriber, p’r mail, forwarding evi ry necessary information and instruction, accompanied w ith an advance retaining otVice fee, of five or ten dollars— [M>stage in every instance to be paid. t^KO. W. EVKRirr, Real Estate, lirokers', Atlurneys' ^ (iini ral Apent, A'u. 33, iSou/A I'ourth-st. i hilailelpliia. O'Thc South and North-Carolina and Georgia pa|K‘rs will pubUsh the above one month, and s« iid in their hills. Feb. 17.—J^i N. Carolina money, IJ a 2 per cent, discount, liea money, 1 pr. ct. I'AYKTTFAILLE, 11 ;U. p. I^^F.BRl’AKY 7th, Is31.-This day a yellow lioy, alH)iit filtti u years of age, was committed to llie Jail of this county, who says his name is Mone, and that he belmigs to a man by Ihe name of John (JimiIcIi, /• c-wl „ w:i i> • I iri ■ "-uMi living in Chester District, South- ' ’ ’ ^^‘•>ftmg, \ai(l, ^ ( aroiina, on the Catawba river, at M’Donald’s a ~1 ; Hacoji, (i a 7 ; (,'andles, mould, 14 ; j Ferry. 'Fhe owner is rec|ucsted to eoine tbrwaiil, Coliec, prime green, 11 a |.‘—2d and 3J [irovc property, pay charges, and take him away, (piality, lOA al2.» ;C..rn,70a7.); Flour,4i I al^lron,4ia.5i;riaxseed,Sl 10al20;i Mecklenhurg i ounty. Lard, 7 a H ; Leail, 0 7; Shot, bag, *li a2 ; Molas.ses, 30 a .‘!2.i ; Nails,cut, 0 a CA— wrought, 1“^ a 2t>; Outs, 3.') a 37 J ; Sugar, common, !» a ti.J—prime, 10 a II; Suit, LiverptMil, 70 a 75 ; Sle?l, .\merican, ^ a 0; 'I'obacco, leaf, S" a 4; Ajiple I’randy, 40 a 45; Whi-key, 10 a 45 ; Wheat, >iO a !ttl; Beeswax, 1 a 20 ce;its. w i:i:i.ly almana'. ■•U!l i SiMl ; -■MOOX’S rilASFS. 1 i:HRI Al{'» , I8:m. 17 'I'hnr.Mliiv, '*> --Mi ,, ,71 , 1 Friday, ’ lli 3.-,I.-. -J.V ' IsJl. i:i Sntiir(l>iy, jii St'.') itij ii. ii. ,m. ■JO Sundav, 'li 33 .1 127 I.ast, 4 2 ,j2 alVn. 21 .Mon.lay, jll 31 Ij 2:f\ew, 1> II 3s niorn 22 Tue.'day, It! 3nji 3Ull’irst, 1!( !) 38 morn 23 W eihiesday|li 2:' i 31!Full, 2H 11 2;i morn. 21tf WAM'KI) IMMEDIATELY, tllO'Y ol good character and steady habit?, for the Watchmaker’s Uusiness exelusin ly. TROTTER & Hl’NTINtiTON. Feb. 1631. 4il23 %OTICK.-T hose indebted to the firm of H'Arr.cr ililUspie, are again retjuesled to make payment against our next Court, as the bu siness must lie closed. Those who do not attend to this notice, must ex|>ect to pay cost. Rl( irU. tJlLLESriK, Aurnrirtg I’artner of Wheeler t.illespie. 1«3I. 3f>-> SALIO, NOTK K. IN pursuance of the last Will and Testament ol' Dr. A. U'. .i/fxuni/rr, dec’d., 1 will jiroeeed to St II on Tl.ursday and Friday, the 10th \ llth • 1 days of March ensuing, at the late residence of ■ I said deeca.scd, six miles south of Charlotte, thu following pro|)crty, viz: A .MlM.-Slv\T, including the Dwelling and thirty acres of I.and. On the premises are—a A NEtiKt) \\ t ).MAN, almut 32 or 33 years ol i Dwelling-House, a good Haru, and other ne- l1» age, and a male child IG months. The j tessary buildings; a good Saw-.Mill, which does excellent business. woman hr.s been aeeuslomed, all her !ile, to house work. For particulars, ap|4y to the edito.-s. /Vfc. 10, ls3l. 3t24 f'Blll(.)SE Persons indebted to William Carson, -I who do not fhiil it eoavciiicnl to make pay ment 111 the pre.snt tune, aro repiested to call and renew their note.'. 3l23r C ASII-T vvcniy or thirty wagon loaili of I lay. Fodder, Straw, llu.sks;—also. Seed Oits, lUrh y, Corn, t 'otton Seed, and a small quantity ofihe best ipiality of Whiat—all of which can be had of the suliscriin'r. ISAAC CAMPIiEM, re/. 7, l'3I. 3!C3 1 NKtiRO UOY and WOMAN, if not sold privately. A large and elegant stock of Shop Furniture, with some Meilicincs; a good Library of-Medical and other HOOKS. A gotxl assortment of SI IWICAL ISS I'R l .ME\TS, consisting in part of—1 case Trepanning Instru ments, 1 ease Dentist’s do., several do. Scal|iel do. 1 elegant family Carriage and Harness; I goo«l Silver Watch; Horses, Coivs and Hogs; and oth er articlis not mentioned. ROHKRT .M. AIJ;.\.VNDER, Executor. Feb. 7, 4123 N. H. .\ll persona indebted to the estate by note, are reijuested to make immediate payment, or they will )>a.ss into other hands; and those who are in debted by account, to settle with cash or by gis- ing their notes. All [M'rsons having claims a- gainst said e.'tatc, arc requested to present them, legally authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, for settlement. R. .M. A. i’x’r. STA TE OF Non T/I CAIIOLI\ I, ■MEl KLI.MU HU tOl \TY. Superior Court of Ltiic—Fall Term Jane Whitley f Jonathan I' ^ , -...S ease It ap|H-aring to the satisfaction of -■. the Court, !lmt the d. timdant is not a resident ol the Slate, thereibre order. d, that pi.blicatiou be made for three moiillis in the W estern Carolinian and .Mini rs’»V Farmers’Journal, tbr tlie defend- 1^'^(>UM)-A TEI.I.SCOPE, which the owni r can have by df scribing the properly and paying lor this advertisement. 3t23 _ _ Jil]' ‘ f H IS is to certify, that my wi:e Mary /’. Unyts -M- has left me witliout any just causi ; and 1 take this Oi>ix>rtunity lo Ibrbid all persons from having any dealings w ith her, as I will not b.' re- s|x)nsible for any of her acts; ami also from har boring her, under tlie iH iially ol' the law. This the lllli duy of February, |s.'l|. WM. P^HAVES^ %^^AI. Ill .NTER t*LCO. have just rnonnry I V V Hiiii are rt-ct'iv iiijf, al !tit.“drticli.'»i in their | and (trortTV, a fresh a**®'* r . .» it. rixl.tj* - uiiu .liijirr.H iv i'uriiicrs «foui T ;’vM i' ‘■'‘'”“'0' ant to ai.jK’ar at our ncM SuiH'rior Court, to be held lorlheeounty ol .Meeklenburg, at theCourl-IIouso OianceK, me ApjiUg I a'x, liui^tns anil ,\iit.i ; i in CliarU)lle, on the Gth .Monday alter the 4th Mon AnasMirtmentoit ORDI AI,.;^: I.emon SV la’P ; j .i^v m March next, and pl-ad, answer or derliuS said Petition, or the same wiil be token pro con. li’sso and heard ex parte. Water and Hiitter Cl{.\('KEIJS ; Large R.d HERIilNtiiS; ANHIOVVS; Dl Tl'H ( lIEESi;, a new arlieie; Philadelphia IlEER and .Nevv.irit * I|)I’R ; India Crackers, and Phi>s|dn.rns Match l .i;^ht' Young lly«on 'I'i:\: l arthein W Mji:; Reailv made PA\T \I,OOX C'in 1' ^ 1 -'U I W itness, Sami. Henderson, Clerli of our said ’ 'ourt, lit oiric", the tith Moiuljy at>er the 4th Mon. : day mSepleinb r, \ I). In'IiI, .md in the 6."ith year *tl' t'Ur IndejH-Tidence. SW’.I., il!:.M>l'|!-: i\ (\ V .9 C /, I

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