Tlll: AIIXKKS AND TAllMiaiS JOtUXAL. PROPOSALS I ATK1XS»\S C'ASIkKT, For building a JAIL Charlotte, gems of T«IIC u -Z 1. , UTI:R\TI 1U-, «1T A.\I> SFNTIIIKVr. ^HE »ulwcnbcr» will reciive sealed Proposals I for hamngi JAIL in tliUi place, until the oflluN .wi.ular monlhlv ncrlotliial i anth day of February iitfxt, at which timr Uicv i „.jn conlniii •I'' nr mort rovnl f*vi>. will closc the contract. I he bmWing u t« b- ol . „fh tier I'risc, clotcly print. .1 i.n liiii' Ivr, brick, on a stone loundatiOT, 45 Icct lony, ?.j broad, | j forming at llic rnU of the v* ir a and ^ree stories hig’h. Ihe walls to Ik- put up . „f about WO nages. Pricc f ^ 50 a vcar and the huildm|r covered in bv tiic luth NovcmUr | mjvauce next, and tjic contract coini’.letcd by the J5th of j j., ^ fn.iK llishcd with one rlejrnnt . . . /• 1 Coiiporiilatc ami several lianili^oinc \Voo»l Knvra- The Contractor can rcceive the procc.-.Is of tlie iu,„t,.,^„on« of liotunv ; bMdos Tax for ««n after the contract ih ^ L i^,iuliful ’I'llU’ Pago nnd a p jioral imi. x for the which aii.ounts to about 9:2,000, and a similar a- 1 «Tll embrace Portraits Mount annually, mitil the «hole oiir nio^l diaiiisruished men, the , ifcnd with approved security, will be re,,uircd , . of the Contractor. ' •'i we i.ontractor. \ ,^,io,t,ral in tht Vnited HlaU,-. Those «isliinjf ta olW proposals, can see the / . r..l hiimt will bi JOHN lUWlN, Charlotte, January :i6, ls31 5ifiJ *,♦ The Yadkrn & Catawba Journal and Wes- tern i'arolinian will please imii-rt tiiix ■') times, and forward their afcount* to this office for jKivinent. trait of \Vashiii({ton. An elo^ant Scripture Piece tor March, i.. in the Innds of the I'.tiirruvi r. The subseijumt Kn^ra\ inijs w ill b' of the lx\ t i|iiatity. Liberal Preiiiimns have l» eii oll'en d I’or choice, original contributloDS. And esi«.eial rare will be Ittki n to have the selections of Ihe most iutcrestiiij; and instructive malter, rmisisting of mural tales, Hioeraphy, lliatorical S(i,etehes, Poetry, lii,ht HE Sub.>icriber wishing to remove from this ’ r.u i . r i x->- J. part of the countrv, oilers tor sale the vahi- 1^-, able PLANTAl'IO.N- on uhich he now resides, i ' ^ conlaininK th.^e hundred acre, of I.,mi. on thi f %!". f ‘ waters ol Supar Creek, iunnediately in the (iold ^ '"••'y «. -non. On the premises are, an excellent Mill i oblain.nL' complete sets. Hut » small mmi- .S at, (rood Saw.niill and Cotton (iiii. Gold has I Ih t'n discov( rt(J in dititTcnl places oi\ tins rUiita- '' *** NOTICE. SACIM^l) .MI'XODY—Ity J.imes Ayloii. O f!od ! though ill haunts of the thoujflitUss, di ]iart All sense of devotion awhile from my heart. Vet still its warm incense, pure, sjiolless and free, •\riscs, forever, in silence to thee. When jjnzing alone, in the calm eveninj; shade, On the glories aliovc me, t!iy wisdom has made ; Whilst gditly the moon, sinilinij sweetly and bright, Is walking, in beauty through i'laiids ofli^ht; And nature is sliiinberin^r as eahn as a child. And hush'd iseachniurimir sr>l\, |ieaet ful and mild; So still, it would seem all the world were ut rest, •\nd time had rcjjoscd on eternity’s! Oh I deep from my innermost soul will arise •Adoration to thec—thou wilt never despise; \Vith a feeling all Inav’nly, a [H'ace, and a joy, Which tlic world may enervate, butciumot destroy. tiOi.,—no (larticular March lias been made to as- Cl "tain tlie extent, but from all appearances there can Ik- no douut that it is rich with that precious tnetal. one other Trart i-f Ijond, immediately ou the stai.1 ro:id Iron Charlotte to Mason's I'eiry, 1_ inile fro:n Cnai totte, containing one huiidrrd •IHit fifty Item, v.'tll improved. liitlier o! tlic alx-'vs tracts, or txjtli, will be sold priv itely; or il'uot sold priv..tely, will be oll'ereil at PnUic ."'.lit, on Tuesday, the .''th day of March next, at my house, .» miles south-wi st Irom Cliar- lotti, and i miles v\c.«t of St. Catharine's Mills. Al.aiO—on the same day will be otfered tor sale, Smrnl likrlif .\K(ilittKS, a larc>’ stock of (’nlllr, Hurses. Ho/rt and Sheep; lloU'cliold and Kitchen FCKNni’KK; S or yOO bus^iiels of CORX ; Address (orders [w^t paid) SAMI i;!, ('. ATKIVSOX, ll'J t hetnut i'hiladiljikiii. Mist V. X i: W KSTA ItLISIIM K\T. rOMl'KTITION H TIIK I.ITK Of TRADE. sPi;\Rsi «(M-ri\;TO\ I.N'I'ENI) opening a new COACH and (Jfr; M.inniaetory in Chariotte, end for that pur- I |io*e have l»*»fd the old iitjnd of Air. Mil's Hill, a Itw hundred yards noith-( from the Coiirt- , „ , ,, . Ilniisc, and will soon be prepared to carry into a .,nanI.tyol / Wrfrr //a, and an excellen | ...aUfaeture of ' tuttun flin. anu work*; 1/irethDin Mac/iiiie luid j works; :t ot MeiiJenJiatl'i I'alt,it MilU and a : CotK/tLS, Charinfun. fh iirhuns, Oigs, number of other articles too tedious to mention. | i'i.7/.lV.?, i^r. It is presuined any person wishinir to [.nr- I „f all descriptions and qualitii s, ami on terms as rhn«', would like to view the premises U fore the ^ infxlorate as at anv nianufaetory in the Southern day O' sale; they can have an opportunity by a|>- , States. The l« >t'of timl>e r »iil U' made use of ph iiig ti, myself on the premis. s. any time pre- | all articles niauufaetured by them ; the paint- viosis to tlie day of salt-. Any [icrson or iicrsons | inj and triming department will receive luirticu- wihinir to embark in llie t»old Mining business, | |ar attention, and executed in a workmanlike man- w 'uld do weli to view the premises : a bargain ‘ i„.r, a,,,) thcv will u.«e everv endeavoi' to give dur- wiii lie L’lven to the purchaser or purchasers, and ; abilitv and beauty to tin ir’work. ni’ide easy. 1-ts JOSEPH SMPFH. CA KUI A(i JiC.SLyK.SS. r I^HP^subscrilierhav- ing purchased the House, Shop and Lot ol Mr.Oavid Kistb r, in the '■ •T-g 11^1 town of Charlolt., N. ( on the main street, north- cast of the l’ourt-1 louse, o;>|K,-iIe Mr. liulton’s shoji, respectfully inibrms the citi/.ens of Charlotte anl the adjacent counties, tiiat hi' is preparmg I.) coninience the C VltltiAt;!:: .M \M r.Vt TOflV, in all Us various branches. Hopairing of all kinds executed with punctual. I ity and despatch, and on reasonable terms, i 'i'he advertisers resjH ctiiilly s/ilicit a share of ' public imtronagc, hoping that by a strict attention I to business they will lie entitled to rcceivc and j merit the same. I -N. U. The ninrk.imilhini; Buitine>s will k'car- ' ried on by S. \ W. on an extensive scale, in all its various branches. t'hrirtulle, A. C Jan. ^, 1'31. IGtf A CO.NVKMKNT I’AMPllI.KT Kill KLri;iu;.NcE. frST nccived, and for s:ili' at tlii^ OiTice, a small J’amphlit containing the t'oimtilutioii Ilf the I iiilid Slutrs. the t'uiistitiitinu iif ^tnlh. i'aruhnu, and tlie Dfclarntiun nf Indejjuidiiice. He will be prepared in a Priee, c» ills, hort time to make to or- der, on sho.-t notice, such 1,'a^kft of lemons w ;ts V'V'l'"'’ ' at -mr oliicf vestcid.iv, tli« larg.'st U Iiajiiicl A. Slick, i S^ I.Ki.^S, Xc. Lc. j III sizo that ive t‘V«‘r siiw. 1 hey wen* rais- All of winch will iK.- oc.^oted ir the ni.^t recent : .Noitl,c rn j.Ian and st>!eof woi k.nanship, on th. i r.s']. alx.ut -'.J miles aUn»* _.Ncw OrleatiN. i:.o-t riasonai.le trrriis, to corrcsjioiul willi th- Olio nieiuilireil leiigtlnvux s liltofli and a half li;iie^. II.- will Ijc able in a short time to pro»-ur. mfliHs, aruiuid the cflitrt.- twelve and a half the MTVic'ts of fir-urate workmen ; his materials ' tjve otliices. iilf ot lilt U.>t nualitv, and ins tiiuUr will ut all , i i » i ! i i i .i ii.iM sclcacd -A nil particular can-. incuriun.‘.l U' aiu! 1 1 inches in From an ex,iriene. ofat least twelve years m ' 1-^ '>round the ceiitrf,-, Iro.r, hi- line, and iu-«t stru t alt. iition to business, he to I'* OilllcCS. I he smalll*>t out ot U» (Itttli rs hniist If he V, ill Is- I'liabli d to give entire , meysiired 11 lIK'hcs long Ulld 9^ rouild, satislu' tion to tliost' wlio may patronise him. ' Wei'rlnng 11 ounce.s. K. pair* of every description will bedoneonthc \ [*YtJf York Ecttung Post. shorkSt notice, and most moderate li riiis. I N.\1H.\.N KKOWN. I Iltpnxcntulircs.—Kvcrv thin^ a X H. Will be taken to Uie above Hu-mess. an , ({......esi-iitative savs or d.K'S m li.'s ro,,r.'sei.- A/ Ii.iiilier /;»/y, one tliat ean come well rerom- ' • ‘ li,' udi'd til be of.'teady and industrious habits;— rtiieti attln'sj/eoi L>orl6 j-ears, may meet with g •«! eiicourairemi'iit. .V. liKOWN. ( urfHte, Oec.-2i,]'3(). It \VATflU:s > U i:>IOVAI.. TRorrEii A III >Ti>;Tr>.\ n'Ol T.I) inform the Public, t’lat thy havi rtmneed their .Shoji to the house formerly occupied by H. (iilU^jne, HW yards north-east frwni the Court-House. 'I 'l' 'i*ve jniit rr>c«ivpd Kome elegant (i(K)I)S in Ili'-tr which, with iheif tormcr ."lock, th. ir j^tc. Also, Mll.n hueh a“ elegant .S’iror(/«, ri i and white, \.e. Ac.c. Mi ol whi’ h witr to-, .j !W low as can U- purehas d in any of the Sjiith- ein inarkits, for ca>h only. WAT( H RKPAiaiNi; will receive punniial utten'ion, and tlie iiiamifaeturiii;; of siUer T^iiiU- iind I'l-a sl’OONS, and .Nortli-t'aroliiia t.obl work» d into aiiv artu les that may tie ord' red. CltarhAle, A. C. 0‘r. I K.'iO. ^ J'iiiiJU'iilil. tative ca|)acity, ought to 1m; known to his f onstitueiits; and it should U- repjrted in the words until hi) him on the ocf-usion, aixl _ ' nut hy his icritttn sjnech, corrected for tlic •I I'l W jt]L it V ' I”’®’''"'" ' If Editors would re]iort preri.soly what a ! membf;r sayx, wc should ha\e fewer s|)»'ech- les in our state legislatures and in congress, I and w hat icuxiiaid, would genenillj l>e short, I and more to tlie |)iir[K;se than the long-wind- ] « d s|ieeche:i now made, to the presiuiiig of- i ticer, to a lew memljerH who arc rc'adiiig, I talking, or thinking of other things—ami I to tlie hou»r (literally sjM'aking.) 'I'hese I lenjitliy .sjx.'eclies are ofti;n written t«j pro- , iliic-e an ert;f't in another quarter tlian tlie I a».s;ml)ly Ijefore whom tliry ought to have I Ijeen K{>oken, and to w hoiii they are prolijas- I ediv addres.-icd. lirnu-dy for the Lockjaw.—We are inliir- ifK'd l»y a friend that ii sure pre\eiiti\e a- gaiii'4t this terrihle rlisea^.- is, to take m>nie "♦rc*K b'jlt -ioap aitil mix it with a siillicieiit (iiiann.. » , I ,1 . I It of tiiC (•r.i?l*i **’ "I'lko i -put ,t into a ; it to tlie wound—keep the ‘ w ith a fresii supply of soap until Ihe Ix'ijins to diM;e, and ttie patient riTeives relii'f. (hir friend st!il-d to us, and impli- they ktinw ('It ('iiiifideiK'e iiiiiv \i>: placed in what lie ':i\ s, tliat 111' lias known i-ral ras«'S w li»re ^HM Oflici b III" fiirnivh'd with a n- «• and |),|, ri-in>'>ly liHS liceii sii;«: ssfully applied. rw H haiidsfiiiK ari en'ibli d to «;'>! iieaUiess ai a-•oitm. nl of Ji (It 'n PK. w. . sililpli- and valuahle a remedy within the id d-'spalch. .and^’,n\-'aLaM-’‘ ‘•'''■'•-•ry sJilK known.—X . Lnntng riml. NVo finislKMl last evening the penisal of Moore's w.'coifd volume of Soticcn of Hy- roii'n Lift—having irad the whole with great attention. NVe have lotind no cause to qualify the general and sincere opinions 1 of the book, which we expressed _\estei'day. ''I’lie last third is certaiiilv more woriliv of interest than the others; but the essi lu'o and impress ore the sume. IS_\ roii's-seiiti- nients coiicermiig the pi'ctry of the prestnt a^e, compared with that of i’o|>c and his : era and selifM>l—in reUitimi to the chanicti r of the lt:ilmns and their soc iety—and ujhui the ini.deru (Jreeks, |»ossess mon- value tliaii any thing else in the ma.ssivc? tH;tavu. As a niorulist, and interpreter of human nature, the biographer is Oelicieiit in moral seiikC, true principle, and strength or depth of juilgineiit. lie loses hiniself in a maze of glosses and sophistical ajM>l >gies. If we should take as a criterion for the character of the giipj>ris!std [»iLs.sages in the corres- ptindepce, that of the printed contevi, they must be iiifuiitely repreliensibie. .V nevvs- |)a|ier, however, is not the vehic le for a par ticular criticism Ol such a work and life ;— we shall, therefore, rrierely note some of 1»_\ roll’s ■•sentences as curious. .i\Htiortal (ittziile. “ In Arcadia, I saw the pastors with a long musket, instead of a crook, and pistols in theirgirdles.”—“ The Knglislican't w altz —never could—never will.'—“ I should, tn.iny a good day, have blow n my brains out, but for the recoltectiiin that it would ha>i- gi\en |»leaiiure to my mother-in-law; ami even then, if 1 could have been certain to haunt her, and liiiig the shattered s-al[) of my sinciput and occijmt in her frightful face.’’ “ With regard to |kk try in g( nenil, I am convinced, the more i think of it, that he- and all of us—.Scott, iSouthey, U’ordswortli, Aloore, C'amplK'll, 1—are all in Ihe wroii;:, one as much as a’lother; that we are uimii a wrong revolutionarv |M»etical system, or .Systems, not w»rth a ilamii in itself, and I’rom which none hut iiogens and i'rablie are free ; and that the pn s«;iit and next gen erations w ill finally Ix- of tliis opinion. I am the more coiitirined in tiii.s In ha\iiig lately gone over some of our clas.sics, par ticularly I*o|«-, whom 1 tried in this way. I took Mojr;’s |toems and iny own, and some others, and went over them, side by side, with I'ojieV, and I was reallv aston ished (I ought not to have been so) and mor- titied ut tiie ineliiible distam o iii point of sMisc, li-'arning, ellcct, aiul even imagina tion, passion, imil inrention, ixlwcen the little (jueeii Anne’s man, and us of the Iaiw- er Kiiipire. J)(!|>end uixm it, it is all Hor ace then, and C'iaudian now, among u.s; and if I had to Ix-giii again I wimld mould my self accordingly, t'rabbe’s the man, hut lie has got a coars- and impracticable .sub ject, and * * ‘ is retired ii[jon half-pay, and lia.s done enough, unless he were to do as he did formerly.” “ 1 havi: had some curious masking ad ventures (lo\e) at Venice this carnival. I will work the mine of my youlh to the last veins of the ore, and then—gisxl night. 1 have lived, and am content.” “ I am sure iny bf)iie.s would not rest in an I'liighsh grave, or my clay mix with the earth of Kiigland. I Uditive the thought Would drive me mad on my death Im'iI, could I su[)|H)se that any of my frii*iids would lie ' bas(! enough to convey my carcass back to that sod. I would not even feed its worms, ] if 1 could help It.” i At a soiree of the learned madam .V's. (at \ eiiice) the conversation ha|i|M'ning to turn, one evening, U|m>ii the statue of Wasii- iiigtou by ( ano\a, which had Ix-en just ship- |K'd rid'fur the I nited .States, .Madame ,\. who was then engaged in compiling a />•- iirrijtlion llai.ionni >• lA Cuiiumi'h works, and wiw anxious for information res|KTting the of'i'5t?t,J'* statuo, rcfpie.sted that some they kiii!w“d^!p*t» would detail to her all (author ol 'a u Signor -tatisti*'-) iiiidertfiok to t» rtofrii"‘.r.r.*'v_ani| some other «:qiiiilly ssige t»id nMthentir; de'l (ails, concluded by inlorminl her that Wash-' inilton was killed 111 a due! by Burke. ‘What,’. s:ud I, ‘ in the liaiiie of fJ^ , are you all thinking of’—I recollected tiie fumoustiuel iM-tween Hamilton and Colonel llurr, wiioiir, it w as evident, this learned worthy had con founded w itii Washington niid lJurkc !” “ Leghorn, —Since I came liere, I have iH'eii invited on iMiard the .Vinerican squadron, and treated with all possible hon or and ceiemony. 'I'liey liave asked me to sit for luy picture; and as 1 was going a- way, an American lady took a rose from iiK', (which had lieeti given to me that very morning by a very pretty Italian lady) be- caiis;, s!ie said, she was determined to send or take siinetliing >vliich I had about me to America ! However, all tiieso American [)erhap8,not somucti from their enthusiasm ll>r my “|KH‘shie,” as their Ix?- lief ill my dislike to the I'^nglish—in wiiich I have ilie Kitisfaction to coincide with tlieiii. I w ould rather, how ever, have a nod from an .\merican, than a snuli' bo.x from nn l'lni|>eror. 1 found the .\nieric:in ships fin er tlian the I’ritisli of the same class; well manned and oflicered. Captain Chauncey shewed me an American and very pretty edition of my |>ot>iiis, and otfered me a pas sage to the I nited States, if I would go there. Com. Jonc's was also not kind and attentive. 1 went over Ihe Constitu tion ^tlie CoiiimiHlore’s Hag shi|>) and saw', ani'ing othi'r things wurtiiy of remark, a little Imy horn on lioard of Irjr by a sailor’s wile. 'I'hey had christened him tion Jones. I, of course, approved the name; and the w adderl—• Ah, sir, if lie turns out but h.ilf a^ good as his name.’” Cl Ulors Pact i.\ na'H ral hlstoUY. \Vit.i> (!o«»sk (.l/«/« ('anitilerioii.) The Canada ild (i»H>se (says Wilson) is now doiiK'sticaled in luiiiierous (piarters of the eomitrv, and it is lemarkable lor being ex tremely watchful, and more .sensible of a|>- proaeliin:; cfianges in the atmosphere than the common gru) goos‘, with which they reahly pair, the lemaleahvnys seeking out tiie most solitary jilace for her Inst not fur from the water. On th‘apjiroach of every spring, however, these birds discover s\ mp- toiii.s of gri'at uneasiness, fiequenlly looking u[i into the air, anil atteinptmg to go oil'. .Sinu; whose w iiigs have U en cut, liaxe tra velled on foot 111 a northern direction sj'ver- al miles Irom home. 'I'liey hail everv Hock that pa.sses overhead, and the salute is sure to lie returned by the voyagers, w ho are on ly preverited from alighting b_\ the presence and habitations ot' man. 'I'he strong dis- |K>sitioii i.f wounded wild geese to migrate to tlie north in spring, wh' ti their wounds have healed, imliices them sometimes to mount into the higher regions of the air and |iin Ihe passing {uirties to the north, and extraordinary a.s it may a|)[« ar, to return agai'i the xiireieiUng .tjiring. Ill eorrobiiration of the .iImivc, the follow- luji cireimistaiiee was related to me, by an old gentleman, belonging to the family of Sh.ikers at Alfred. lie oijserved, that a iieiirhbor of his a few years since, havmu iil».in his larm a female wild tooise, which he hail kept s uik- tm.e, .set ing iii the sprmg a tliK'k taking their ai'cuslonn'd flight to the north, and, aetiiati^d by that htron^ instinct of migratory birds, imm duitely joined his old ass.'K'iates and dis;ip|Kar'l. I'he fiill follow mg, as the geev were leturiiing to their winti'r ijiiai ters, h' was siirpristjd to find one iiioimny, that the identical goose whirl) left him 111 the spring had n turiied with threr othirx. which In- pres'imed were her yAiiig.—Snii in Ohxtrrer. r iii;i{ in:.s. '/iiirehrs ill I’liilaitrlphia^ i'hurehet in A'-if- Vorit. Uoi.ian 'atholic, I I’resbyleriiin in coiinec’n Prot'stunt Lpisi'upal, I . w ith ien. Assembly,'Jl Presbyterian, I ' l>>. not m cunniK Xion, .‘I Scot.'* Prcsbyti riaii, 11Kelijrmed Oiitch, It Ijt'rui Itelorm’d Dutch I I I, ‘Jl 111 Ifciptist, l.'J ti|lio. nol in connexion II w itli the alx/ve, 1 l; MetlKHlist, III iJ; Xs'ociated Methodist, t! .'MiidejH'fiilent 'J J 1 ;t :t 2 ('o\enantei, 'letliodiit. Friends, t ree (Quakers, (icrmaii l.iithern, liennan Kelbrmed, lielbrnied Dutch, I'niiersalist, Swedenliorgian, Mornv lan, Swedish I.iithern, Christian, Menonists, ISihle Chrintiaiis, •Mariners, Jew s, I 'iiitarian. Komaii ( atholic, 1 l- ri nd«, I ‘ l.iitlierian, 1, lew s, 1 liidc|H'ndent, I ('nivcrsalist, 'J I Cnitarian, a Moravian, 1 I Slarinirs, 1 I'SHedeiilMirgian, I PriniiliYc .Methodists, 1 (■crmaii Keliirined, I African, 10 Total, 11.'. Total, ifj Of lilt alMAc, C are exehi- sively for colored p'rsmis. 'I'he largest Church in >ew -\'ork is the ftoman Catholic Cuthtdral— area, H.liUO fe. I. have not yet seen statements of the number of deaths in tiie cities of New>Yurk and Philadelpliia, but the Ia»t annual Report of the nealtii Oflicer of Baltimore states, that “ the mortality in Baltimore in the year 1830, has been less in proportion to popul«> tiou, than cither at 1‘hiladelphia or New. York.” If this be correct, Charleston ig the second healthiest among the great cit-' ies of tlie rnion, being next to Boston, and mure healthy than either Baltimore, I’hiladelphia, orNew-York. It ia believed that Boston, the last year, was much more healthy than during any of the preceding five or six years, whereas Charleston, du ring the last summer, suffered by an epi demic know n among us as the Stranger’s Fever. In addition to this it is a well known fact, that many (lersons of the North, la bouring under pulmonary or otlier disorders, seek our city during the winter, with a hope of benefit from our milder climate, and that many of them are included in our bills of mortality. It it! bolievtHl that if a statement could be mado of the number of deatlis by diseases contract;d in the city, the exhibit for Charleston would be quite a.s creditable to its reputation for health, as that of any one of the large cities of the United States. (\nirtiihip.—I consider courtship a s|)e- cies of deception, in which either |Mirly feels at lil)*‘rty to practise u|M»n the other, know ing that the same is done towards himsc'lf. Were lovers to meet on more o|)cn ground —frankly reveal their faults of mind, jier- son and disposition—or ut least iiot»os*'du- lously conceal them—there would be fewer unhappy marria*;es by liir than at present. As It is, each party exorcises a svsteni of espionage over the other, w ithout Ix ing any the wiser for it. Does not the marriage- ritual seem to recognize something of this dccejition, w hen it savs “ for better or ^vorse We arc sorry to sec pretty young mai dens imitating old bachelors and advertis ing for husliaud:.. From the Miihile Patriot. dere mr edditiir, iine a plane gal, but I wanta to be mar- lid iiotw ithstandiii and line |ioon' an havint enny muiiny to dn-s owl fine like yiHir tip top ladees, and tliof I l)«* a giKMid siibstanshil wel maid wuman I huviiit cmiy fine dres to show my figger. now the graiie of these fine lades an the lite step they wiilk with, is all owm to there dres, thrir dishup sieves an pufls an? jc*st like balliines they are so ful of wind they lirt iim rite up on their lose, thats what give um sich an ain. apiK-anmce, and there Imii- iK'ts l(M>k jest reddy, to fly away with um ; which they wockI do if it wasnt for the hef\ of there ere rings. did you ever see such little shti«p, aa they kintrive to put theer feet inter, s«ime on um! There shuse |Mik as if they wair full and running *>ver ; now i re'k(‘ii there tose qwar- rel like pigs ill cole weather. now these ere line p'jile what dress tip 90 smart, aint haf on um hut skin and Iwnes, but pufed out with dishup slevt's, and caw- w.'ts an their uther kintrivances, aiil jest like hollor nuts with plump shel; if you |Hip iiiii you di'nt find meet aiiuf to pay for the tnible of crack in. now i hop.; the jentlemin wil take thes thing ill coiisidurashim and i shal stun sum cliaii'-e to get marrid. rispictivciv viirrs i’l'I.I.Y PI.I'MP. //oir tof/nirken a dullapprihen,iion.—It is said that in Ibrmer da_\ s, ;ui eminent coun sellor wa.s called on b\ a countrvinan for his professional advice, who entered on the consultation thus;—“,Mr. A. my Father died, and made his will’’—'I'he lawyer pro- 1'jssf‘d hiniself utterly unable to understand him ; the iroiiiitrvman m vain endeavored to make himself uiwlerstoKl, ancl took his ile[Mirturc, Mirpris;d at the dulness of one reputed to Ik; singularly acute.—.Meeting w ith a friend, he expre.ssf;d to him liis dis- ap|K.intment ; he, more knowing, at onci; inquired whether he had given a retaining lee to the lawyer; “No,” was the reply, “ I left that for another opfwrtunify.”— Ills friend advised him to return, ami by no means to |)ost|)one that [treliininary step. He did si; placed a shining guinea in the learned gentleman’s hand, and l>egan otice more, ‘ .Sly father died uiid made his will.’ —'I'he lawyer stop|»ed him saying, ‘ Oh ! I understand you now, you iiieaii, your father made his w ill and then died.’—From that time forward, the client fiHind no cause to complain that his counsel was either dull of apprehension, or negligent of his interest?. —Hmts should not Ik: thrown away. Marriage Cert many in Penntyhania.— You bromish (says Squire Caliel to lha I'roni Ihe ( hurlcston Cimrier. Jluilth af the. Ci'y of Charleston.—In another part of this morning’s Coiiriir, will iNH'oiind the Official Report of till! Hoard of I i -i \ ■ r ‘i . , i Health, of the .nortality in the city ^^.Kmi ) y^ Charleston .luring the year I^IUK It will , Ik-seen that the nuinber of deaths ('(iH) to . the |)opulatioii in 1 ►'.'tH (flll,‘.i.S!)) is one in' a little less than every of the whoh' (M>p- | Illation. In the city of Hoston, the deaths in the ] year I “.‘10, were The pi.pulation, ; at the last censu.o, lunng til ,0111), m:ikes the ratio of deaths in Ihe >* ar, one to a little ; more than c've.-y .5H. bromish to hab dis man for your husband.’ ‘ es.’ ‘ Veil I broiioiince you to jie one flesh lint one |K‘ef. I'nt now I |KMiblish de bawns of dis matrimony [lefore mine frow Dolly, Harry, unt de rest of da shilders. I’nt ash de scripture says, vof ish [loot to- geddcr, let no iiiaii |Kiot asiMinder. I'nt now, (giving the bridegnxim a jxike in the ribs,) vere ish mine tollar(the fee of mar riage ill reiinsylvaiiia.) If a man stand .astride over the coiintj or state line, in theory, can a sheriff of ei. jhor county or state take him ? I suppose * ’••“lit to divide him.