mMERS’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAL. rni?Tt,i> ANi> PC BMsiiMu i;vi;Kv Tin iisuay, by nobmc Si iu)Mw..„h.\i{|,o-]-.| i;^ mi; Ki.i::\iti k(; hh'nty, kortii-carol.ii«a. I WILL TEACH YOU TO PIKIICIS THK DOWEIJi OK TUB EARTH AM. BBl^; 0( T FflO.M TMK CAVHRX* OK TIIK MCI NTAI.VS, MrTAI.S Will. 1! VVII.I. tIVK HI r.r.V.TM Vn ora !• A.NP SVBJIX'T AU. XATCRfi TO OUR WSS AND fLEABURS.—DR. JOHNSON. YdL- 1. TUI R.SI>AV, MARC:H *>|, 1831. NO. 26. ^ • TER1K8. flffc MINERS’AND FAR.MCHS’JOJ'RN.M. 1* j>rintcd an] pubUuhod vvcrjr Tliutbday u>oriiin;, at T»o Dollar$ and Fifl^ Cenli per aiiiiiini, if paid tu advance; Thrrr Dollart a ycur, if not paid uutil aAcr Uie expirnlion of bix iiioiitliF. ADVERTISEMEN'I’S will be insortcd at Fifty «ccnts per aquarr (not cxct'cdin? 3(* lines,) for tlio first insertion, and '2ii ct'ntii for nirh siK'cicdiiin; Af^ CULAP .l.V ,4.\1 OTJIEII. Ifl'NTl'.R &. (JO. huvf just reefivcd » w from Chill le.^toii a Irosli aujiply of new arliilcs, among which arc— C’fifTeo, Hii^ar, ami 'l’( a ; Krerch Hr.iiidy, (iin, Kiim, and Wine; l*oiidon I'ortiT, in iMltlea ; iii«)ien Ch'-cse, first quility; Nortlicni 'I'n ifit 'J'oImcco. \!ir>, 11 \VI.NK; an asrorlmcnt of I'rcnrli Cordial.j; I>eiiion *>ynip; week—or 81 (or three weeki>, fiir one mjuare.— i I{,, I i;rs, aiiij .\linond«; IJed nerringu; A lilH-ral discount will b.. mad- 1o (hose who | cfk'c & ’ a ( On all adv.rli«nien(«j y Fi.OHa, put up in v^liole anU half barrels, rominunicated Ibr publiralion, the nntnhrrofj fii>( >;ii:ili(y, (or t^nlc. ioDertiona must be noted on tlii' margin of llic , Mnrh ‘.llli, l“-ti. niaiiwioript, or tliiy will be coiiliiiui.d mitil i \ I it, H I ti'ijso, li>r (lie ( ibrbid, aud charf^od acoordin;;ly. • HjT'All coiiimumcationN to tlio I'^lilorw lllll^( eome IVeeof po*tagt, or they may not Ix' at(i-ndrd In. yfjtiS^yiibsvrilK-'rs who coMinicnufil uidi llie firkt No. of the Jvuniul, .ire inforiir- •d taat the first G mouths have rxpirt d, and those vIki liavc not [laid fur tliuir subcerij'tion, w iil be expected to eomplj' witli our terms, (hat in, il not paid within six miMitiis fiom So. I llic (bllow iny arc our autliorincd .\!>etitii to re ceive subscription niuncy and grant ritoipti-, vii:; D.Slorkr, I’. .M. CuncarU; J.C. iilum, SaUm; B. I). Kouiisavi'le, /arin/itun ; JaiiieH .Mllliir, /i/y. tUtrille. The followinir genlltnien ill conii r a ' favor by aetinjr ai .Agents at their rei'juTiive l.>ea- ' lioiM—C^ol. A. Alexander, Sit. tiiii ; J. Dauiusc, , I'. .M. Hickory O'ruce; !S. Cox, I’. M. U/nVr II,h. • llOl !>K, AM> iMlN 1 %t. , PAI.VTKNtJ, PuiHr-lfnnt;iiig, ilazing ami (iihtliip. ATIIAN U. I'AKKKl. ttndem his tiiaiiAi; to his Iriendu (or the very libt ral encourage- meiit Kiey have given him in his line ol' l>m«iii>'t>s since he eamc to this place, and rey(M i t;ully in. fornu tlKin and the public, lhu( he h:n> enniiei (i-tl iiiiiinelf III buHiiufs with his hrotlicr. 'I'lie bu~inc.4!i til luture will be earned on by A. I{. II. t'uini, who tinder tlieir sirviees in the abovi' braiM'iiCii oi buniiiess to the citiuns o( fliarlolli- and (hr Mir- rounding country and villa;^K. 'I'hey (lutli r thnn- iselvrs, tVom their lung e«|ierienee in I .iiiiiic!)t>, thn( Uiey will lie itik' to give general ratiKiai.tion to all those who may enoHirage them. 'I'hey have iu their employ reveral hands, uhiih will nahie fhrm to dispatch larye Jolw ol I’atiiliiig at i-hort notice, 'i’heir prie»n ai*- as low a>' any iidier pro. (eased workmen ol the llrusli. 'I'hey will furnish PaiiiUs Uil, .Vc. and Ho work as low as tin y eaii piMMibly ali'ord, if re|Uir d to do so by llu ir em ployers. As (hey have d t> rmined (nlix ale thnii- mIvcs ill Churlode, they resiM^et'olly solieit a aliarc of public patronage. N. II & very eorn.'brtablo term of si.\ or neven ■hr, !.ilii„:ei( at the lower and soutli end of Muiii-silrcel. 'I lu'ic is an e.\ci lleiit garden sp il, part of it :.ii,vi'd and planted. )'>r terms, up|ily (-> JOHN IIAY1>. Jo//nrco ff,/wk(rs. flcat'cs Irom the j Colinnbus.—A ('orn'.'-potidciit of the !Vla-1 A lYial of Memory.—Aperson was crown of liuuiria Im-j rocintly issiirdicon ’J’elepiapli, ho writes from Havana, boasting, in Foote’s presence, of the extra- *'* , ® *^h».‘iiiMi btalC'-', for ilio [Hirfiosc >f tlius tioscribcs lh‘ tomb >f Columbus: I onhnarv facihty with which he could com- pnJhiLiliny the sniukiii'r of toi'iicco l,v ' . .. J>uiir ix^rsfiiisi aiitl hoy.-:. 'I'he e.xcftwive us; of toiiacoo is u;n’vors- i\[y first nilirriniagc hns hppn made to memory, when the modom I !lio'I oiiih of 'olun.lMix. 1 nci'd not )*av it Aristophanc.s said he would write down a , 1 i is tl,c mo.,t ,,p|..Klil \ huvo ever «eon,Yor ‘I""" i" pro«e which he would Dot bo 1.!.^ . I‘' ■ • n»v l!iin>; wliich ran l>o repeat, from memory, in as many ‘ ‘ ■ ..... she loaf pillars niake an apolo pie ; and at trie aume tinio ,1 I ij .• I • , r • *’*" *■* I Kf!ni(Jiii" on a n;n«ive ba.soiiient or iiodesta!, ■ **hc bear coming lip the atn.'et, thoHO wi.o vvonid eiitin ly in((;nii.- t '1=* tiw, |,-,.onf of whirli there i* a sinoll ij-irtal be-' head into the shop. W hat no bcrniis.'It may in sumi; l. w ir>; tai.iTs 1»« i (worn four iiiinijitmt'columns, witliin which *'»« iuipru- l-JiMiod to e\ces«. A Iiik> l.av.niic.l sr;riir, contaitiiiii; !,i.s remains i.s 3-id to bo , »'a»-ried the barl*r; and there were ueeiii i* criminal to snioK) tit particular tiiinv!, is a and satis, factory (■ratificatinn, and one whicli v»e .'‘liould b(! iinwilli"!:r to jtive np. 01.1 hachclors, too, arc tfneniliy fiiiil of sinokiii;;. One h;ilf of i.ll tho siilistatilia! of tobarco ! I’lKir souls ! it wi.uld ho un unpardonable otll-nre to diminish tlio liuli- comfort w hich I’allstollicirslmrc. We trii:>t our goVfiDiiiei.t will never enact iinv law ^J hereby give no- 1 « lice, (hit Will, ('unningham, !.»;. lioj [Kjsled on n-.y Si ray Book 3 roan .V ‘WK, aliout 1) years f-!d, n or It hands high, with a nhilo j fiei , two wnilc logs, widi a long (ail. Tlie said ('uniiii gham living west of Providence .Mtetiiig- House, on the watei j of Sugar {'re^k. JNO. I).\V1.S, Ha:igei. ShrklrnI.ins Co. I'rh. 1, IH.'tl. i>i k O'i'IC'i’j.—1 \V.\N’r to purih:;fc t'orn, » ^ 1 i.dii r, I lay, (>at.«, Sweet l’o(atoo.s, 'I'lirkey I Onions, I)i:(l' r, »\ ■.\r. .1. D. llOVI). ■ I'l, lK:il. 17 siwn: nr ?>,oa’i ii.c\roll\a, ! .':i.(.Ki.i:.Hiii ii; coLwrv. !I’ii.f, aiidotlurj, \ n. f C ‘iirt of .V«. TIios. (i'ri-er‘i> In irs. A L rimUr Hiaah n, l^JO. I ivoli; r( Irw in’s heirs. ' K s this case il is oriI>r«il lliat puMi: .ition lie j| made »i\ wei ks in the .Miners' and I'arnu rs' Joiiiiial. ijiving notice to .lames Cireci, Ale.xander (•rrer, .Vndrew llerion, Saimiel lioaeli and .Mary his V iie, .la.iies .\Ix>re, IJoU. .Moori', Juhn .Moore, 1 W:!!i im .Moore, .lollies .Moore, jr. (iravcj .Moore, Kvith fa ility. it i.s an iiiili-sp«Misnl.l(; nc- — I)ick».n and Jane his wi.e, John AmlcrH..M. U.^!inred into ; Aiiucrhoil, KoU. Irv^ in, Jrwiii, tuf ‘ 111 ir.' o( law and repre^rnlalives of Thomas (n i r Colii|taii\ . ! ur.d l!ol» rt Invii, who are made parti, s to this Wc believe that the most SCricllS CCll- . sui(, and who reside Is yi.nd (lie limits ol this .'^tute, [ .sequences iiiav and do ari«!‘, from lxt\ s thiisi ; —(l.a( they come Jorw.nd and ap;»ar a( oar next j ^.,^1^. „„(,ibin’.r this licmiriuns habit. l:i I ('ourt of l.Muitv, to Ik-h'-d It the t.ourt-House in I i.'.- . • ■ • i i.' •, i ' - ’ I ailoition to iiij.iring tnfir li ultii, it lends ■ hnrloUe, on the 7th .X^oiiday atlt r tl... ! i- i ilav in .March, I). Ir31, and then and there au-|lo liiaKO them di!wil.'(m'j s«i r, pleail or ileimir, olherwise jiidgiiient will b« t.iUe:i [iro cciiietio, \c. Hv ord- r, li;-,' »r l>. K. Ul’M.Ar, C. M. E. deposited—within the is a statue n- prcsciil the Pickiminiiios, and the Jobilhes, Uut three fed in hci-flit. 'I’he material of ‘•"‘I •’>« ^“ryulies, and the grand I’aiijan- tlie whole tempic is of the most boautiful '‘’•'I'” “‘® *'“*« round button Indian mat hie; ani is wi'l, hv travellers'*** *‘*P ’ playms the , . ... . .. «ho have visited Italv, that they have ne- a* catch can, till the sun- comforts hey eiijo_v,i:i tins mis. ral.le world i |,caMtifur a .li.-ce of' sculpture •I sin and .sorrow, is derned Ir. or it was nade entirely in unconnected nonsense defi- ^ ll.ily, and lii'oiylif ready to b'> s>'’t up here. memory, and the w'it won his wager. I'I'hc inonuri^r I altond* (1 at Ihf C'utlip-1 , dral, lii(‘toiiih of (’olHiiihiis u as fiiinounclcd ' follow mg is copied from the Port- I I,land Courier, w here It IS published as ori- o prev.-i.t tmchrlors fioi.i pwlhng j tun e foot in h.-i;;ht, of inas.-^ive goM, while =- their troiili es in smoke and .nihes. | corrcspon.leJ in stv le i since a farmer, not a thous- l>ut, to Ik‘ 8(!riiuis—smokm:; is earned j,u,| riflm.-ss of ornnc-.nnt. " * ‘his place, was applied to by to e.xtess in our eountry, niid m ..iir own j „ ('utli;,-dral iti^'lf sin passes any ' “ purchase a cow. It city. Not p?n rally by young and middle ; | wa.s agreed that the lawyer should have the aijed men, but by e iildn n mk. ( .o 1 ,p arrhitecture choice of .ill the farmer’s cows for twenty wlii'ie you Will, in almost any fitrcct in the ^ j- icunii,, I.riadth. wiillh or heirlit, ‘l”'l>‘rs. On the day apjKiinted, the lawyer city, especially on c vcnii.jrs you will see I, ..'I'ui. HakV to form w!ut I would came to make a selection ; and, entering H-fiars in the •»"'itlis ol cliildren perliaps i oi.inion; for the eve an.l mind “'C '«"-n yard, began to e.xamine his cows not ten vears old. I h. y piiil and ^pit, and , ^ '„.ssed w itli "«"• '^«®l’'y '’"“'•'I smoke, like o d veler.iiis .Sw itz.-rland, i ^ of’such n scene, as Acsli. Ilis cogitations were soon intemip- and emp.oyall tlii ir si«ie money for !*i'; to !k,‘wholly uni.-roparod to make estimates “‘J >*y the entry ol Jlodge’s wife, ‘ U hat no.Moiis v.ved. ( iiewing tobacco, . y*" Jethro? says she. ‘ H hy, i.'^ 1 ursiied by fjoys; iintl the ejerjion ol a ; I've agreed to let Sqiiiro Milvus have one s;i(,f‘rai.t.|.ted stigar, g.xes placc to a 1'*^ i tiful ytatnarv and paintii.os nil strike the of our cows for 20 dollars, and he’s to take el /i--./cw/.-hmokmg is iHsI.ionable au.on-' ; his choice.’ ‘ That s a g.^ one now ! do boys, and no one pn lends to lay any rlain. ;• ,},ouoht. Add to this the impressive so- • V^u '«can ‘o «>ll that bnndle cow for twen- to l« a ,«,/« who cannot smoke and chew , „( ,j,o n,e:i and cei-einoiiies, which [>' ^ y®u were eon-taiidv «oin- ..n at the shrines and '•'> f"*- butter and cheese 1 W hy you re the w!,i. h were so distant, that greatest fool I ever knew sell tha cow lor the prie.sJ^ w.^rc oi:t of reach of each other’s twenty dollars? no, no! Old Bnndle shan voici^s, von will not Ik- ^^nrprised that 1 was K" "P '"y au‘l'onty against that, mipnssedwithfeelin-^i^.vond.leKcription.” «ame time driving into the barn an Inniinai apparently of Pharaoh s Iran kine. From thfi .\bhe .laynal. I ‘ Jethro,’ sdid the good dame, as she Prirndiii mimilionn J'or America.—Poo-1 retired to the house, ‘ don t you offi'r to take I’hysi- cians s;iy that a large (Kiriion of miliru is nece.isary for the proper dig s(ion of iikkI, N. n. All LiniL. of Jot, /■« ted, and at uhort noliec. ('hutiuUc^ i'tfi. lo, |H31. 1:. fAKUKI- ttiuf* n« ul!y rx(M pin of .\m«‘rica ! let t!ie example of all the ‘ out that cow, or sell her to any body ; do nations w hich have precedf’d you, and es|ie-1 you mind me noyv. 1 expect you II wll and ;ciallv that of the mother countrv, instruct yourself for a niiiepence, ii you go on at V llOl'Sr. ,(ii-I’o-t.or;. ■ on till) C ross Str«t, a (ew j.>rd e.slol il.i t'onrt-llous*', iu. Lrj-tiis(«n, is again o|H’nd lor the rei-cp(ioii of 'i ra\i IU rs iV Board* ri*. 'I'he siablrs are en(ensi\c, roe‘my « ;d drv ; grain cml provcuh r of ti'e Us(, pl-iitiri.!, and M'rved by good hostler*. 'I'll'' lio’jte it.a. ny comfor(able rooinr, lervcs a good (alile m d re- fr«shinrnts: and the propriet. r and Ins t.’'.niily \mI1 omit nothing in tlicir |«mei loiiiuk. it>l •iiiiet and a;;re. siile. I'ltf I!. 1). KOI A\ IM.i:. liAifiiAii miuy/iij t'AKKl Ais fO MAKI.ii. ■ i;(iS It ave r: p' (t. and a whole.some stuto of the biHly that where it is wasted, a injibid stale of j j„ui IV' afiaiil of the iniluonce of gold, i thia rale.’ the xyHiem, dyt^pejmiK, Ato. «*•. wfU | w\,ich Virinjrn wH5i hiMiry'the cernij'tion of | Milvus’ thoughts now turned wholly to» riably be the con.s*i|Utiic.''. ra.-onts and ^ .„ai!ners, and contempt cV laws I I’.e afraid ; wards the cow in the barn. ‘Well, sir, iiinsiors by exercising th'-ir «iUthorily, ^ ,,f too t;neqiml a distrihiition of riches which what are you going to do?’ ‘ M hy, S|uire, might prevent much evil by interJictitig J shows a small mimlK’r of citizens iu wealth, I don't know ; I didn't think you'd find that the use of tobacco. If ntirig it is att*-ii;!*d : mu) ^ gr*ut niiniljer in misery, whencc a- 'cow out; I wish iny wife had been in Jeri- witli no iiijnrions consc ijujmj es to childn n, j risi's the indolence of the one, and servili- j cho ; I expcct she'll make a if Hrin- it is wroii", tor it soon hocom* s a habit | ty of the other. (lU.trd a;"ainst t'.iO spirit die goes away.* ‘ There was a fair bargain ofconqiic-st. The tranquility of'the eni-, l>ct\v ixt us, I believe, sir, alx.ut the cow.’ pire docrea.^e.s as it is ext’ende!. {lave | ‘ • suppose there was, but it seems as tho' arm.? for your dcfeiico, Imt none for ('flence. I ought to have rather more than twenty S«' -k ease and healtli in labor.', prosjierity | dollars.’ ‘ I here were w itnesses to the in agricnltiire and nmnnfactnrrs; strenglh ' hurgain, sir; 1 believe you will be holden I'ost. HV .1^ fully to inlorni liis Iriends and (iie p iii-ie i( l.irge, (hnl hid iriugc .VuHi'fiKlury, on Ihe main str' i 1, a le« hiindied y.irds norih n -l of liie I’ourl-llmiso, is now in eoniph le operiitioii; his Sliops arc fi(l d up eonvi ni. nl «>r (In piir|K>-.', and Iw is prepared to e.xeciin' new work ol all de- M'riplHin, lo order, on sliort non»;e, nnil at Ihe nt^^-^l reasonable priets,—willi L-onn’;;ree at l'’a*.l ol bcaiil}', ecrtaiii dtirabilly and des|'ati !i. He has in his employ fT‘s’«l "oikimn, (ogelher »ilh his own unr* mit(in(r, asudiioiis olid mnst strict attention (o ImsiTu’ss, lie llaUers hiiiisi'll lha( he will Ik.’enahlid t*i ri inler gein'tal i»tttihU.elii»n to all those tlia( may favor liim with pulrun- Bge. Orilers lioni a iliblance «ill be tiisiikluliy received ond prompdy e.vei iilid Tl :s. ■riiE muf ATioN or tiiz NuUTii-C.VKULlNA .lOLUNAL, I'm I'Htiia (t /.fffiliuf, I- \iioi r JO m; loNTi.M.ri) nv L. ii\l)Air A. >V. I'. VI’KAXiE. 1( IS ( xjx i lrd tl.'‘Joi.RNAl. will be nia!e avehi- eli ofn^i.'ul in‘>ri!u;li m 01 every deserii'lion, iii- I !i:Jin; t;ie polities of the day, and in jKiiilies, ai!- \iK i(i!i'.; S') lar us (hey arc separai'le, measures not nil 1!. TJif Joi R-.-.t lins hilherto l.ccn a wnrni sii.i-, .. ^ . 1 » 1 1 • . .u • ixirti r o; (il ifTiii J.iei».~'in’s .\dii.iiiiii(raiion, anu j that y«.ur cliildi-en liavc made soniu h gie«-{in knowle Ige and virtue. Make sciences j to let inn^ have iny choice at tlie price a- II is iioi tlie iniiniion 01 tlie Kditors to uCiMiri liom (or piogress ill their learning and know 1-| iuid erl.s prosiicr, whicli distinaiiish the ci-! Rreed on.’ ‘ U ell, I supp^ise you must; but ii..-.! eonr-u-. 1 edge of the world than mine? Tlicy at- viii/.?d man I'rom the .«ivaje. llspecially it seems hard.’ (■‘•.MUri"N-.—Tlie Joi'RNvi. v.ill be pubii'-hed | |in,| f,)|-mi^t^t 1 know ! natch over the edncalii n of vnur clii'dren. ' MiKus’mind was so bewildered by tlio tlicv e:ij >> the same ad\iiiitag's. j It is iViiin public rcIiooN, be a.ssiir‘d, visiiiiis of butter and cheese, that he entii’e- Do von taketheiK-v^i.aocr'-- nei 'h. '■“it skilful iimKi.streJr'.s di.-^dplincd and ly disregarded the testimony of his senses A ? ■ 1 . > o I e„iirnge„ns soldiers, goml fathers, gotnl re.«ip'cling his purchase, and drove off Brin- ^j,.^ [ ,1,, „(,( take them myself; ; iiusband.->, gooil brothers, goxl friends, and file w ith all the^ pleasure attendant on the but now and then bo, row oie', ju.-t to’read! i c'"!'' '-'"I'- 'W herever we see consciousness of having made a good Uir- \dv.r(vrmentsin«rrted H.r a square, i l*niv, sir, what have news|Ki|*is to do with ' Vouth depraved, the iiution is on the decline, pm. As the farmer returned to the house, or Ihe (i-,(, ■Ju-rni.j-jirr f . «f» !or cvuy sub. 1 the eiluct.lioii of cliikli-cii! i l^''t I'H'i «• V havc all immovable foiinda- I'c w as nccwted by his wife, W ell, wjiich 111 iio'Tiioii. i jf ..-I , ■ .1 1 ..11. Uioninthe wi:-doin of vonr constitution; cow did the iSquirc take . which is not oa^iily broken. [I'la'.dtltlj^liiit S,it. Kt — ■9-.~ DIAl.OCn; ON NKW.'^PAPEilH. .4.—How does it luipiM'ii neighlx'r H. with giKiil ty|u; nil ail iiiijs'nul tlite!, al 'i'n II ii.i.,!!:.' [« r niiinaii, p.iyalile in advaiie*', or t-ors l»oi i.Mts u( (!u- I lid Ol tin- year. No subiicriptiuii « ill U ri eeivi d :or a les.s tone than one vear.— .\nd i.o sul>5.'. rij'tion will tx? disconliniied mi(il all .iri . r.o'is J'lod uji, unless at (l.e option ol tlie l.dll. se«|t, Ji \i'l ‘ I * 1 1 f ‘ ooii 111 tin: «iM»*.-iii i»i vinn voimtiiui■•vii, i— O hetfxik Brin a;I I. It...sand Communiea(ions addressed to | "•.'7" ‘'"7 ““'C a 'ast (lent to ; cement whieli unites vour ilc-’ ‘ I-ack a day; I guess he’ll have to tl.e on i:.e biisiivss o( tlie oiiice must bt , iio w.(li lt, 1 assure you. I should as siKin i wliich cannot lie destroyed. Ksta- buy butter now, for that cow hasn't uflbrd •it paid, or tl.i y will iu.( he aMeiided to. • •' > - e >- i .. . I ■ • • > The lorim r siib'crib' lo thr Joe rnai. will be • oiindered as ontinuing (heir Mibscrip(ions, witJi- out a lorinul ii'>tiee of (in ir u ilhdrawal. self. B*‘ing new e\i ry week, it attracts The ridiculous fi^Jiion of wearing mus- i their attention, and they aie sure to i>,-nise la.liios, whi.h .|uile latoly »eem-d to Ik-1't- 1 while they aiesioi mg (Ik irmuidr. 'onfiiied to a few boy sand daixlies, is „n | w ith'fiil know led.»e, 111 arc at the same tie' inci. as.>"in rhircilVy'and' onriiow in I ''"‘C a'-quiring the ait ofj roadio.r, ic. I fJKI’AIKlNtJ of every kinil done on (he iOior(- (|„> ,.(,ui-s,- of a walk ill HroJidway of a pica- i I'ave ollen iR’en surprised that mt n ol un- cst notice, and on the most nioilerate (i mil . The Htufkainilhin^ iseariied fin by .Mfied IlHliier, on the most e.x(ensive se.ih', in all its various branches, anil on ti nils as i.un.i iiile ns any .Smith in the place. Uy (he piililie s Iminlili servant. N.VI'IMN IIUOW.X. incii servant, (’hnrlotic, March I, 1 '.11 Horsr. At oii.NAAn:xTAii ra^llK subscribers respei'tiiilly iiitorm the pub. M. lie, that tliey havc eonneetnl theins-Ke.s ns (lartiiers in the above line of hiisini ss, and phd^'e fheni-elves (o exi ciit' all kinds of work in tiieir line ill » hindsonn! style, e pial if not sii|'erior (o any licrctolbre execnti-d in (his pl.iec. Their pri- will Ik* inoilerate, and their a((enli('ii proiiip(, to all who may (itvor them nilh lln ir cn-lom. XJ”.A11 kinds of Jajipiiiiiiig mauc and rejiaired on short notice. ( and fhina Wnrc reimired in a dnrabli man-i-r. IIKNUY i:. S1‘KNT,K, NIAVKI, ItVlth. t'l.arlottr, Sftireh H, l^.'ll. .'{(^! ^ i»osT-»rri(’i: xotic’i:. OWI.Nt; to present diifclioiiK of the I’ost-inas- ler IJeneral, rei>|iecling iiews|)ai)er pos(a; e, lUid the general n. gleet of Ihe eoinmniiity in pay ing the same, I am eoinpi lied to avail inyscll ol (he law ill resiH e( to have the jnigtii^r in nili'iiiifr; and the prencnt ragged stale of small eliange in cireiilalion, makes i( ncceusary for me 111 r.iiuire all sums under one dollar (o be paid in s|scie. W.M. SMI'HI, V. \V A H \l A NTKl: IiT.Kl)S I'on sAi.i: A T riiia ori'ici:. sant aft. ni.«.n, w ill in. et .pute a‘ lumiU-r if' 'lerstanding should oyerl.a.k tiie importejice voiinir lui'w who, inil for tiie hairv urj/u-1 * ment m th.' ne.oative upon their npi^-r bps, 1 -•—1|‘ I.., 1 fre.pirnlly might be mistaken for rather spnsible I.Kik- 1 ‘hmk I «lumUl like to take them, but 1 can ing pers'ins. NV cannot account for thin i uet well aflord the e.x|)ense. ■'low mt, iinles.s the dandies, tired if: ^ t allonl the exiK'iise . la , i;.,,-ch.'eke.landetU>minate, ht me ask, is three or even ta, do.lars a in coii.pliaiice with llain- are (ietr'rmine h't's a.hii e, to Slime a \ii(tie iftli'y have it no!," ii!id put •(1 a the goosel.-'ok” v. hi. Il w aslati ly th! ni.Mle Tin-- is an .ild _/’ '’/), and was w.'Il under stood ill Shak>i«’.s day, who tells us, “ 'I'ln re is no M. e so simple, hut a .■>uines Some mark of virlui’ .'ii his onhviird pails. !Iow ninny eowar.l-', w lioe he:ir1.s an^ all n« \s h(i;irs of H!ind, w. ar je( iijMiii (In ir ehiiis Ihe iK'ord o( ller.iilc ., and liinvninr .\!:irs; \\ ho inward s. arelied li.i\e li\ers while as :nilk : ; \nd (hi se as: umc *)ii( v.ilor'.s eyertr.n nt. To ri nd; r (hem redoiib(id." ' It would not perhap's 1h' fair lo in.iiiire how I many of tlii! y. iiiig.-r eii. s of tli.'so who di.s- I piny their whisker.s ,i:id miiitaciiios in ; IJroadway, wear ! “'I'he dowry of a ..ce head, I The h'.iuH (!iu( bre d liiem in l!,i sepi.U hrt." ! K. \. i:. I U.-7. In (I’." nioniing, ihiiik on what yeti are to do ill the day, and at night think on what you have lione. , , I slates, wliich cannot lie destroyed. ^ ihmk o kwping them troin sih.K.l as | ^f;ur dillerent, ed a pound this whole summer.’ to withhold li-oin tluMii the news,Ki,K-r^.—yu,K^rMiti.m is every | Indeed anew.-I'.iper is a little m nool ol it- | innocent, where it is neillier protec- A writer in tho United States Gazette, led nor |iersecutcd. .\ui\ innii i/twr thiratiou gives an account of a sect of Christians in bc,ifjnmibh,eqv!lfo//i(it )flki worh/. I’hiladelphia who allow themselves to eat —— * no animal food. He says;— i;xTi!,\cT. I “ They are denominated Binr.E Ciikio. M'ere 1 to firni a picture of happy so-, and have a church in North-Third ciety, it would l>o a town consisting of a st. near its juncti.iii with the Germant.jii due inixtnre d'hills, valleys and streams of Road, where they meet for public worship, water : 'I'he land well f.Mice.l niid cultivat-1 morning and evening, every Subbath day, ed ; tiie rcnd.s and bridges in good repair;, at (he usual hours. a decent inn lor liie r. freshineiit of travel- “'I'he ojiinion that ‘the soul’ suflers a lers, and for public c iitertaiinnents: 'I'he partial annihilation by the repudiation of inhabitants mostly husbandmen; their wives any member of the body, is incorrectly at- and daughters domestic iiiinufactr.rers; a tributed to them; they hold no such opin- suilable proporlion (f lau.'dieridt workmen, ions; neither do they believe in the Me- and two or (hn.'e traders; a physician and tenipsycosls of the Pythagoreans. They lawyer, eacli t.fwlioni s!i'iuid ii:ne a farm | have h glier and more rational motives for lor his siippi rt. ,\ eh i';:vinan of any de- a.bpting the system of abstinence, 'fhey noinina(ion, wliich bhould be a'reeah'e (o derive their views on the subject from the , the majoritv,a inr\n of{j«x>d niideritanding, testimony of the Bible ; and fromcompara- lU men tlie tive anatomy, and they find in the organi- g up iiit.'l- niotaphysical nor a pol. ini.', but zation of man a corrolwration of their views Hence from year, in comparison w ith the advanlagi's to iHMlerived from a well coiulucted news|vx- iK'r! As poor as 1 um, I would not i.jr ' ^ )ift„ dollars a x car, d. prive my.self of the soi.v.' ol mnuh.xid, instea.l of ‘|n,pi,im ks I enj y in reu.hng, an.l hearing ' children read, mid talk alx.ut what they have road in the pa|>er«. And then the rellection that they are growin O rc of it. ■ 11 i> ! A social libra. V, annually incivaslng, and iiigon butchered animals,anil have confined ,1.—I *>'1''*' y^’U are rignt, neighlHir 1). ; I ,\ didi of 'nsi- themselves wholly to vegetable priKluctions. ...v iK'giii to si'c my tolly. I will go ■ ^ seeking iniiirovement. A Nor do fhey stop here. 'J’hey have also ligent and us. lid m. nilKir.s .if society. i „ serious nndpr.iclieal pn\ieher. A school- of the scripture testimony, don t niention tl'.e e\|K'iise. l ay it '.n ""• | ^|„),.j,i ,|.)j,.r,s|aiid lii.s bnsinCKs conscientious motives they have long dis- rii/icc every year, and you w ill think I and teach his niitiils to govern t’liemselves. continued the very prevalent habit of feetl- inore of i(. ' ‘ ‘ .1.—I 1 no ,1,1^ hiiiiie aud onler (he printer to send me his j „j,,sicu! s.jciety. No intriguing poli- dicarded the allurements of the inloxicalin^ pap.'r imnii'.liately. j ti ian, hors'’j'H-kev. gambler or sot; but /mir/, and have Iki'ii contented to satisfy — all sueli cliara. trr.s tl•oat^'d with cmtemiit. tneir thirst from the limiiiil strtam ; in oth- AVhr-n von meet with great and unexprct- Such a rlfuation may be considered the er wonis, they an'water-drinkers. These ed oilers of friendship, n-ceiveth-mr s|K>et-1 (ay ri'iile t.i s-icial happine.-.-; of any habits of temperance seeurt* to them the fully, but with a iiioilratedegreeofcautiin;j whi.h this worhl can afU-rd. fl’.lUnap’s enjoyment of general good health. History of Ni'v. Ihiinps'iire, v. l. -'t, page 71icMn"nolia.—This pride of the A mer- ii'aii for«‘s(s was named in honor of I’lerrc, IVof.'ssur of .Medicine, an 1 Prefect of *hi' H "(auie ti:in!ea a* 'lontpelier. endea\t>nr to discover whcthiT they flow iVinn a warm heart and a silly head, orj'Jol. a designing li.'ad and a cold heart : knavery and folly arc often hardly to l»e distin'tuished. Hear r.rid hlnin" not «!in( you ehaujro.

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