& FAR9IERIS’ JOIIR^TAIi. -I I . ^ . ■ . - ■ ' PRINTED ANI» l>irBiJMll'a> KVKHY U KDM>iDAY, BY NOBLE Jlc HOf/rON«..l IIAKMXITI-^ MKrKLKNIIUKG C«UJNTY» NORTII-CAROUJfA. VOL. I. I WIIX teach you to riBRl'l: this W>WKI> ok THR HARTH ANU RKINU OVT IHOM THK OAVFKNH or TIIK MDI'NTAINM, HF.TAL* H’lllOII WIU, T.IVK ^nR^.WiTII T« Ol'R HAMM AM> BUBJBC-T ALL NATURB TO OUR US* AND rLKAIM/Ri.—DR. JOHNSON.- ■ ^ * —r=—-J ; - UEI>!SES!>AY, MAY 23, IHUI. NO. 35. THE MINERS’ AND FAJJMKRS’ JOURX.\I. I» printed and publisbcd every Wednc»day niorn- inj at Two ihUmri and Fifty Crntt per animm, if paid in advancr; Tkm PoUam a year, it' not paid until aAer the expiration of nix inontiifi. ADVERT1SKMENT8 will be inserted at Fifty oenlfl per w^uare (notexrecdinn iO lim-»,; for tiu' firrt insertion, and SJ5 cent* for cach Bucctt'ding week—or 91 for three wreka, for one nqimrr.— A liberal dinnount will be made to thotc who ■dverti»e by the year. O’ On all advert im^nivntH communicatrd fl>i* publicatiofi, tlie niiintx'r o.' insertioiK niu»t be noted on Uie iiiarfifin of llic manuscript, or they will be continued lUitil forbid, and charged accordingly. ID' AU eoinmunicationii to the Editors nnnt ronie free of postasf, or they may not l>e atU. nic(l to. AXD CilEAl* FOR CASH. M .H. NMITIl it II. B. WIJ.MAMS Having araociati-d theni!M‘lves in the Mer cantile Business, under the tirni of SMITH fc WIULXAMS, rui|>ectfully intbrm their friends and the public that they are now reccivinf; from New-York and Philadel|ihui a beautiful afsortinent of »1>R1.\U AND Kl’.MMEIl cossisTiwi or DRY GtK)I>S, Hardware, Cutlery, Qaeentinire, GRK EUIKS AC. I Also, a good oasortuient of CarptvUer't 'I'ooU. SMITH ii WILLIAMS. CharlutU, May IQ. 33* I’ATAWBA SPR1>C;S KE-Ot*E.EI). 11HE Subscriber having recently pure(»a*fd from Mr. CKtrlr* JugnU, the atKMe-iianiud liSTABLlSHMLNi’, respecUully inlorui* tiie public that be bas fitted it up in a hauOimme stvlc. Olid is now prepared to rcccive company; and from the libe ral arrangements he has imiile, i> detcrmiued to promote the comfort of all tlione persons who may visit his i:)«tabli8lmi('iit, and tlatters himself to be able to give satistactioii.— The charges will bo proportioned to the jireti«,un; of the times. I’he properties of these Waters bare lat«-l_v been analuvd by l*rolt*aor Olmsted, who lughly rec«Mii- birnds tlieir use fur all conjplamUs ol tlie Itvtr, de bility, &.C.&C. The CATAW BA Sl’RINGS arc situated ui Liuculn CuuHtif, itroltua, near Beatties’ Ford, on tlie C'ataw ba river, on tlit main stage-route from W ashinptun to l»»-or;,Ma, via S«lii>bury and Lincolnton, and within U miles ot the latter place; are distant from i'liarlr'Jton, KC. 'iVO mile*; lU.i miles from Cblambia; 1 ID miles irom Ureenville; auU the same distance from Cwoilcn and Clieraw. The main Northern Line of Stages, tojeflter with the vroM titare fh>m C^uinbia, 'atudi u a«d I'hejaw, win fmsif.c Sph'fiSTfHluTIrly hrinm-m Tvoekj and go west as lar as .\shviile, N.C. 'I'he road:! leading Irom ail these plac« to tlie .''priiigs, are gcntr:illv t'ood for private emi\iyanrt». W. S. SIMU.VTO.V. Catairba Sprinpt, A'. C. f _ AprU a-i, H3L ^ ►'HO r \ni.\ET 4- wiMJsoK ciimr M TOUY. JOHN' M. .lARROT A Co. b«g l. jvc rr-|K.-l- tttlly tu inlurni Iheu frK iids and tiie piiiilie in g'jiieral, that they have comnunt cd llie manufac turing ol’ Furnilurc, Wintlscr Chairs, >ffe. >\'r. From the New York Journal ol'Coininercc. LIROS-EYE VIEW’OF LUROPE. cea ttK.alculably inoineiitous (]e|ieii(i uikjii i fiARDHXi*. the rosult. A lew dav» will iiilimn un. | 7\i kill tiro hirds u:ith one utone—Was nelgiimand //«/W—ll.«re i.s nnothor ' n>smallachi.^ve.netji in the days - '■* ’ to induce such doineHtic am- grow up for f'lod, to ai«4iKt in the perBon he salutes and ties it round him self, su as to leave hi» friend quite naked. The Japanese take off their slippers, and the [leople of Astracan their sandds, when they arc in the street; at home they take 1 Hse strictly analogous.— | both their shoes and stockings. Two cdg.,, V,:.- the strat^nilat.... of i*evvn con- ^ ‘''7 stit.it.umli.t.>., and ih^ Umishiiieut of seven “« lof xd.ide Iron, olbwr^, on a cliarg against the ex mentioned us a Miguel was not prtsent on this occasion, uiu me wji iwuiieni oi sc^en iVovim-c ,A' I.uxcnibotirc. 'i'lii^. tliev f .harg« ol having conso rt,I e.x.,-.rd into a Onmd I V„ hv, do,H.,;.:P**'”. us ing governnK.af. i IS accordJnc. ii,|,, »-tr..y t lou^nds of irijH-c rcinarkaoie luct, that Dun , , • .* .3 . . (»( which we take . * #1 • their ilensioii, Kmc M ilnain ban ai>pi»i!»tel 1 .vt.guci woaiiut prt'jK'nt on tht:^ occasion, IhAi^ H.^n.-^rrKsi’S .v,.' }Ci\rH ugn, 1 encKwea my and that the heads oi* the Mctnns, instead 11,. |i« ’ • nm ar« \a t \ ' t ' il n, and the p4»Mllrv urre enlircjlv exc!ud«^d. of lK.ing .stuck tti.Hi ,k.!.s as usual, w.n.- j " ^ ’ 'H.e inert-;, Jof inVts wa.s so;n very per- u™. theirWic. hog and the gcjose w ar uncorisci«iUkly on the cnrculio w hich is enca*cd in the fall en fruit: liiit the turkfv, the duck, an«i the ithout gilding ami de- in^M'cts nmnd our (Uvell- iio account. Aliout six years ago, 1 enclosed my gar tiom-r, alter ,h,ruling his v.^utioii ut.til j - II..- IVoni .IS juMipinp) ^camc so nutne^us he l)cca>nc weaned vutit he ellor ,s said toe.laUlsli tho a.-.thoniy T'*'' black kings of the African coast greet each other, by squeezing the middle of the finger three times. 'I’he inhabitant j of Camenia, in proof of a particular attachment, open a vein, and offi?r their friends the blood which flows, by way ol’ a drink. When the Chinese meet each other af ter a long separation, they throw themselves u|ion their knees, incline their faces two or llf«! from its jumping) beratnc so numerous | |(,rec timei to the earth, and exhibit wver- toluivesoatoil him.H'lf coolly u(k«i tl.o plat-1)” were'gcnenilly for th' further duties of his olKcc, by qual- I while the same ! its l>f*|ttities in this briUimit exploit wa^ iMlnwed by an il luiiiinaliua and a display of rockets. SfMin.—'I'lie revoltjlii in Cadiz has mi.scarried. cHi cts was the a.«ci^siiiati' eruiir, .Antonio de Hierro .«! account of th^ matter or manner of the j ipVnir^^"’I'hal'l’ never l»e vit iated. “ W e imdertakmg, the insurants I.mjikI U’--* «•>-1 revolution,” he “in b|.ttf couragomeiit tiun tliey antict|«ited, and on | 'I’n-atios .,1 I'l.-^; «»• w ill li usi. it in tiie ni^ht the -llh Marcli, h’tl ( adiz fi‘f oi’tlie PmtticolH »!’ I^mdcn.** Nor I'anfa. They wore [Hin^ued hy the n>yal-1 Kuig i-t' MolLiivl nn miri^ ISI tr«>p.t, and 41 ol tlieni talan pns..iiers , ,,• It ,.s u.-.seited in lf. the same nurht or the ik.-xI day, aii.i ««/« • , >jps«gfr des ( hnii.hn-., liiat I..- Ims di- ihnUIlf put to death. The mum b-nly wa.s ! ,^nni-.sion to m-i.l It),MX) i.h'ii al other marks of aflection. They have also a kind of ritual, or academy of cere monies, where they regulate the number of . . . reverences, of genuflexions and words pro- tc rritf.rv is r |.r»^-ntf.M;v |ciil.l^ages were Ler to mtr»Juce on any occasion. Tho the ('Jn.'>n.-i of M. kiuiii d( stnirtion. 'iowards the L„,i)a,aydor8 practice these ceremonicsUnir . . . . ^ t i«L^A tA' Ul k «st (IKk W nil. I I . _ ‘ ^ lu iui> V wnitni iiiinm.'ii i. uuu> u fuij iiiu iimi- ,, ,, , r I 1 /al *• I I ot tlie Kill!: ol Ifoilund as «i x.fuun . i . . . * form, sn.okei a .segar, mid tl.rn n-livshed %rrl.orv, ngrtvahlv to th.- pro- i '^'•-‘•-'Ve.! a.s soon as the yi^ng ;,s of the Loiuiou iTot.^^ol^. .M.'an- J «"'* “ '^"'y »>y ''“''y Sion of the c.iven-d bonlers; and to their I to all ranks, “Smaakelyk eeten?” Hava n-peaied irriialiont, I ascribe the lotw ofi you got a good dinner? They likewise ^'' nil ran plants. « floe vaartawe 1” Howdoyourow. I nas a.lvix.-.! to linn in my jMKiltrv : Imt, Xhis form doubtless originated in the early 1 t'linid tlitit itiiLcN s at** the giii|Hm; aiMl the lintes of the republic, when they were near- iieiis wfr»‘ tiM l>iii| of sf-nitctiihg to l>e trus. ft fl. At U . II. A. ot' l.yons, tpive nil- a |ilui uhicli bus pr.»vi-d rmineutly sue ly all skippers or fishermen. At Cairo, they ask each other: How do you sweat ?—because the consider a dry skin as a symptom of tho epheuieral fever. msurrec'ti.Hi of Cadii or the Isle cle l-eon. j t*nd tlu'ir activity «t.rpriH, d ami delighted Thoi-e are otlier n^v Jntnmary parti. s •» Jon I Ws ob, tlio war .if IVLnan lndc[« n- ‘‘'•^ry phint w.tlun ^vcrnl, ro«ls of dilli-rent parts of th.- king.loin, particularly !,ie,^c vet is iHit end«d i‘‘‘’"I’ «'’tamm«d iuid n;-e\aifiiia‘d; in Catai.iiiia, and the m.Kintam.sol H(Mida'; ^ , xv . «ml tiot a bsig nor a lly, nor a w..rm, nor a but altlu^yh tliey may occasion some an- ■, j o/an'f. \f iwv> v. i^r.-nt-: ,.ould sh.iw it-i lf with imiHJiiity. . to the g.nemment, they hnve little . 'y ^, I a-nns-d .nvs..If with calc.ilattng the a- (Maas.) Monitor. 'hief.—On Wednesday last there was f.Htiul washed out of a sand bank, in thes.xithea.rt |»artof this village,tho r-maiiiii of a human being, suppled to Lj an In.lian Chief. The chest, which was (nirroundod by a Ijelt of brass tubes, was in a state of re markable preservation. There were also him several pieces of brass plate, containing half a dozen brass lu iiK. fl I.UIOQ., I..1 •> 1’■’'. H(,i„ctinn-ri mi.sMii;:, tlie tlontnh tion niut.t': i I .K /4. t'l L ' eonc»‘ale«l that {iitJen* luitiofi*. art-l.K'kinj;' I,. . \u^.„ I,.mi ili« rv Milt ' m mats of finely braided bark, ami enclosed zart notbine m the ause. (“their necks j . .... v ih-.ii gnat—ai nasi me rvMtti m »K. i«irt« that ' !..« with very ditl.-n*. U-lmi:>*,_l'iTi^.a ral.bt.g,>s stcvxl nearlv iindis-1^ fd . 1 r... ,1... .I..,-, Icame in contact with the metal and wettj no appearances of decay. muscles and bones of tho arms which restMlupiMi It, as wel! as the barRthat enveloped them, aro lutioii whu-Ji broke out in .Mmleun al>>ut i tin; U'guiriingof Kohruary, wos ^^pjeadrnf jarr^^ prUc^j-Muii*, »hih :n ,V„,„the lx>nler^. ' , j i ' . i ,are‘^1o^ly^ie.] v.ah jurrmg preserved and reniam st.-ong and ju.....;; J#it.ul.l tliiH liaoLtcn to meet the eve ol ■ « fmmcity fr.«n livvitK^e f. I ,y.„„ .vpn tiing th ms. lv.-s in W. H. A. I.\ wl.o.sea.lvic I have lKt.n Mir-|, •r.,v,nce-.had .-M.-.k .-.I to | mor,- vi^oruu. tliuii wo.d.: ami, ^ I be ,Jace den •.iil»j«?« ts of till L. tales ot the ( hunh, ,| micr!erence is k‘j;un, it it iin-1 ,i,a||i^ | ihank him. 1). T. ■ and i.ade fair to overrun the whole of Italy, | ,^1,,.^,. „ uill . nd, l.v wliat —vvh. ii an AuNtrian army pn -scnf.il it.---ll i ^ ^i|| bounded. •>n 111. fnmliep., cro«^"d iIh* 1*0 .»n the •'ith . . ■ i i i whence these remains were Ithin the Pocasset (/urchase, near its northern boundary, and within a field that has been cultivated nearly a century. lri.l,-.-.trurtih,lit,, of- Matter.—The de-1 probable they were interred |i eentury ■ ■ I „,r.Li..n • I and a hall [x?rha|i8 longer. 1 hat the of Cl ncter Fenner. t^unlotnmhlef;.rh.stem,K.t^^ U Uther will soc 1 the b.irmng b.Hl> vvri.t.-. ^ While Its move.iH Ills were ronluied t.. the ^ o«.tin-' «hile iMhing «eems to Is- pr.Khicod but »t, the rest having disap,>eared. whirh n.-ith. r she u..r w«- m;iv ' warintliunil lirht, which w.- are not in the •“ and disappears,' found in connection with and near lo Dnchi.-s of rw ami I'arma, F'nuK-e I •• I - 1^ IVII 1*^5 "M r^a diHi I i»iii 141 , Ui a superior style of wotkmansliip, and on tcriiiB; . . u . i i.i .._i I j;f.‘iM ies ol _ . , more m.idrrate than usual,to itirre..i.ond with tliif f It hcrsell l«it |wrtially jutra;;«-d, ilthough pro.s. nt dn-iini. Kur..ii«-is doulitless on habit of cn^i.k•^lng as Mili6tances; and, she knew It W!U virtually an c.ttack up«>n , . • . • times. Tli.ir establishment will be tbind on tlio raain-street, a few hundred yards north-east ot'th*- Court-llcmse, and on tlie premmea at prenul uc' u- pitd by Mr. Brown. All kinds of Turning an.l ({. pairing xecut.'.! on »hort notice. alnut ami eficrry plank will b*- taken in exchange ft>r work in their line. A share ot public patffiiiagc i.- re— p» clfull>' sohcited, w hich tliey liope lo merit l>_v strict attenticn to hiuines*. .lOII.N M. J.VRROT4 r»1. ChnthHf, JIIl* _ t’OltX FOR SALK. rj^lIK SuUcribiT has lor sale (at his planta tion II nvile* south of Charlotte,) s.vcn nr • ijjhl hundred hn'h. Is of CORN, lie has albo n few l>u.--hcls of i t'tt tor salt , which may U, iiad lai'klliiwh in tlie viUaire, by applicaUnn. STK’N. I OX. _ May C, If;^. .Iu'15 _ f '%w\ norsK. 1.1m on till- t roM. street, a lew ysrds iioiih-w.Mtol theConrt-Mouse, in l^nugt>iii,SA’. is attain op«-ned t.>r tli»' reee|ilio!i of 'I'ravellers \ IJoiird. r». The stables are extensivi, roomy and dry; gr:iin and provender .f ti.e bist, pli ntifu), »nd served by ffofxl hostler". The hou!i: hai. ma ny eomf.trtablc rooms, s« rM;s a jjofxl table and re freshments; and tho proi>rietjr und his (.miily will omit luUliinK in their jMwer to make it most .juirt and agrteai»li The Illind.—\ gentleman of Na-shvillo the't v- of "n-ut . \cnls, 'nml v»>- mnv well' when all has disii|>praeed, except, |M-rhaps, has, according to the Banner (Mjblished at ■ that place, made a valuable discovery with regard to the instruction of the blind. The editor of the lianiier describes the plan as 11 .• I a irreut inea^ure from its i»*j\vor. : t.-.-t, m ir.r invi.-fiiiie stream ol heaieti air j entirely novel, and says it will not only en- the.K; ca»es Austria was able to Iranir a ^ 1 which aM-eiids from the jil.jwiiig coal or I able th.3«.- deprived of sight to enjoy the pre-text for her con.luct, on the i;rou:rtl oil • r / ; m-i , i _ i flaming uax, the whole iHdulerable matter, 1 benefit of rfwliug, Imt to record their own lamily alhaii. ei and the riecci;.iTy ol 'up-1 "''p I onlv muted in a new combination with the 1 idea.« bv a m.ide of writing adaptwl t.) tho IM.rting the di-mty ul A.istrian I’nnces. MbiomA Marcli Jotli, conIain>. an acc-.unt - ^ f. from I sense of touctu Among the other contn- Hut \V* '* --- - -- > - •» aI-. . I .»! thrt iil n h,^u Mrnn'tlu t H'hftt n . ’ . ^ . the A ill til): - • nh,. , v- ol nn-ut . \cnis, anl v»«- mnv well o.is ,uiu, . \tepi, |k iou|>9, th« principles ol her late rev..ht|..n, m^^^ U m.d us he has I‘-••me triHmg ash.-s, ue lutiirally svip[H>se 1* I I I II T r i|>l:ice.l a mijihlv tK ean, wlm h will jiin-v. r it is i;onc, lo-t, destroved. Hut, when the had declare! that .he ‘ w. nl.i nev. r ^e |,roils, and sha-ld us in quesli.-n .sevammod more exactly, we .le- 1Z. I • I— : ntf n l>. ROI'XSAVlf.I.F,. gt-es^ . man felt hmis>elf lasiilted, and a N-ns;Uii>n - ,1,. > II • ti . I r-1 f • ni I fi’'md, as cin-iiii;.>t.iiices may determine; i to some useful mechanical occii|)ation, to a was pr.Kluced, .>1 the iiiDst exciting and ^ ' ' ;'V\ ’ so that, liir uiight we can s»>«: to t!ie contra-! prticess of alphalietical instruction, and to thrilling character. “'Var! war! xs | a norn . >v isownsn>j.c> i*,i. *^,*i I rv, the same idenli.al at.mi may lie con-1 the pniduction of harmonious sounds. The the sf.-ntimi-nt .il tlK.ii-'-and-., we mav s;iy the ^ sp«insi i.e t.i le ■*"’* " ' " *'*'* );,r thoii-iands of centuruv in a lime-1 inventor is about to obtain a patent for his general sentim. nt; and even ... ft,.- Chain. | d.-.secrated ; hut vvhat shall we ol ^ design. b.-rof l)e|H.ti. s, wh.-re tin- l. eling ol tli.-| murder ol a >..nlli—a ^ fr,.e in the Im.ckiln, imx with the air, be | —^ m.iment would nan.rally be che. k.-.l in its | ol his .-.Mi.itrv, lor .l.-stro\ in>, a l a ^ pl;in(s, and, in succcs- expre-sion l;y olficial .station, every word | ri.'k ' I he Album wi>s—'• I he « b..rorne a |>art ..f t!ic IVhiii.-s of mv- ultcred by the I'remi.-r which might U-j.-ulprit vviis staU-.J in llie cal.-mkr lo Ui 1 t.ll liome cncurreii.-e ’’J "'II , 1 ...Inans Ol hviiii; lM.'ini;s, iio ;»«im; uniituii«-ii »T construed in fivor of war, was sure to U- years ot age, but we In li.-ve h- had n .t . • ^ eimsigns it once mon* to |..ng n;- • II I I .t .. .* _ I .. tk.it it trt' Ihti •t\m4 tniMiiha * und aliMO . . . ^ ... The circumlocutionanddifTuseness of law pa|>ers—the ap|>arent redundancy of terms, and imilliplicity of sjnonymes, which may he foimd in all judicial proceedings, are ijHoO Iti:\VAKI). t ANAWA V tioni IIh- snlweri- ber on the ijtitli inst. a ni ;iro fellow nain.d STtU Hi'.N. fjiiid negro is U twe. n -D and .'’1) yeuri, nid, very black and thin vi»ujfe; he is rather (orward and inipnilent, Jand has a plea«ui(; eountcnance wbtn he sjKiaks; he ha* lon({ black whiskers, and i« alx,ut G feet in ht ijrht. A sure mark by whieli Mid felViw may b.- know n, is the loss ol the third finirer on th.- riRht hand. lU had a blue br.«.l- . Inlh roat ; the remnin.ler of his cl.ilhinK was priii- cipallv homcpun, with a wliiU: fur hat. It is thoimhl tlie Kaid nCKto is piowlmp about in the l'r.,v>.li nce neiKhlnirl.iKMl, but it is feared he w ill n.ui.i his w»y ort’, as he hai run away b.,lorc. Jt is prohnl'le he will elianse his name. A reward of 7>n MU,r$ will lie p-ml to any I««r«.ii takiuff np said negro in this county, and tVHi Dullard 1. taken out of the county or htatc, and I.Hlred in any jail no ll.at I may C ‘l»»f •- sion of him airnin. JOFIN W. POll!-'. • Cliarlottfy iV. Apiil lt3l. .U.l.> VVAKH A\ I'I'.K 1) 1':HUS r'»i: KAi.i: at fiiis oi fii j;. UUI1.-.11 u.-.i III w. ...... ..cT ,11 (/ . . .nl-iltlir’ Ot events eoiisigiis II once- iiiorf lo imi^ r«:- oo loimil in an juoicini piiicvv,-uiiij;!i, aru iipplui.ded, while that ol an op|i.)site tenden- **’,i ^ V * txttie, •.vhich, however, no way uiifits it fnjin I happilv hit olf in the following, from tluj cy was ree.-ived either insileiueor i""^>‘l'F""»>yot«c.rf- ' . .. t. evident marks of disapprolMtion. On the ry .stnmf: inteili rt, his conduct was that Ix;. day that this news was received in I’ari^, | eom.ng his l.-arful situation. *t.od |.Ki ( March “-'.'ith) a law was ));is«ed aiitlion/.m« j eat. this In.- read without a shnd.ler—a h cl- al.ianof (r.i'»,(l()0,0()0franc.s)-s^.'’v',.j00,0(i(t,! mg of iinmi.ii>h-d horror aiul abhornnet! and a further Iwin of‘JO,(100,000, if neccs- !Tl'; smi"' |«M"‘'' sarv. Jt was al-.o report. d (..n the :.-inh,)' "f the crime” for which this In.y wus mad.^ that a lull was ab..ut to Isi iire.sented to the : «o snlfi-r .leath ! II.- for^arc, we are tohl. Chamber, for call.ntr into actual yervi. e | the wonum wIk.m- pr.m.-ciition l.-d to l.w .^>''0,000 ftieii of the National (iiianls. On : murder—may ihe lorgiveness ol ihis |MH,r the ether hand it .s known that Austria ha.l i mi>C'nd.'.l >.'«th, awaken .^me pangs o a jii.st contricled a h.an .d'■?il«.t00,000, and l >»lntary remorse within her bn ast; In.f accounts from Vienna state that iireparntions | her l.-gnl aU-ltors, thos«* w hn c.m.IIv Irati.cd that caniUil with i the laws which d.-str.>ye.l tins boy—«.re!s for war wen; going on in .. the utmost activity. If, as is av.-rred m ' then- must lie in sloit- lor Ih. in u i. vers.on jrp-et. r ..It a... 4.1 .....Mtliltf (ftwtiit u liii'M . K» again resuming its lor.ner activity [Hfrtclifl't l>i»ruur$r on /’Ail»*»/Ay. — [From I.e Courier dcs I’tats I'nis.] Monr.' OK s M.i TATH1.V. 'I'he (iriM'.ilanders have no outward de- in.mstrutions.'f resjH*cl. 'rotliem, the id.*a is ridiculous that one m.ui in interior to another. 'I'he natives of the islands adjacent to New York Kvening Journal:— .4 latrpcr'n Story.—'Foin strikes Dick over tho shmilders with a rattan as big as y.sir little lingt^r. A lawyer would tell you the story something in this way: “ And that, whereas, the said 'I’homas, at the said Providence, in the year and day afoi-esaid, in and up.>n the body of the said Kichard, in the |)eace of (Jod and the State, till- n.ihpp.nes take the tlnit or the hand of j being, did make a most vio- a iK-rson, an.l rnh it against their face!.. | lf>nt as.sault, and inflicted a great many and The Luplaiid.-rs press their iios. s lirmlv jkicks, cufls, thumps, bumps, airaiust tiiose of the iH-rsons whom theV Contusions, gashes, wounds, hurts, damages ^ * .1 I.. I.. ^-.-1 *1.^ I and i..juries, in and upon the head, neck, private letters, and inon^han m‘tni'.al.'-d by i bitterer than the earthly d-.n.i wlm h th.-y , " At New ( Juiti.-i thev place leaves upon , - - - rs, the I'rench .Min-1 bave thus delils'ialeiy awunled t.i.iiH-who, the head ol him they .silute. j heels of the said R.chanl, with divirs sticks, some of the Pa. is K.litors. ister at Vienna has ln-en instri.ctctd by his government to reqiiin; ax an ultimatum, that the Austrian troopssliall lie immediate- lof th«! act lor w hich he was Iv with.Irawn fmn. the Koman States, af- j yiel.l his life! i.hax. ( ourier^ lairs will s.joti lie brought to a crisis Ix'-i •" from his youth and iimit.^d int.-ll.-. t, must I„ the straits of Sun.la, they take h.ild I staves, ca..es, p.)les, clubs, logs of wood, 1)0 admitted to have Is-eii hariHv responsihle | „f the l. ft fcM.t .if the |M'rsoi. siiluted : pass , stont-s, guns, dirks, svvonls, daggers, pistols, IS r.-imre.l to j,, ,„.„Hy over the right leg and then back I eutlass.-s, bludgeons, blunderbusses, and ' j lioanling pikes, then nnd there held m the "'TI..- inhahitants of th.- Philippine isles ! clutdies of him, the tween th(! two nations, and the qu.'stion of | TIio Im-kI thins; to Ih^ done wl.en evil eom.s ni-on Uiw very low, niisc a foot into tiit> air, an.l i Thomas. ^ Peace or U'ar, as ir.dwinsout of the; aftairs | us, is not lument.iiion, but aetion; not to «i* and . hi-ndaknee. of Italy, will bo !i:ia!ly.Jc;idcd. Con,-^c.iuen-1 Huffor, but to ri»t-and se-k the remedy ' The I’thiopim fale« ..(T the siarment of| Imitation is the Mincen.-st flattery.

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